She UjniWuan. GEOKGK B. GOODLANDEK, IDITlilt AD fllOrHIHTul. CLEARFIELD, Ta. ' WEIiNBSDAY MOllNINfl.PF.PT. S, 187.1. ' Democratio State Tickets supreme judge, JAMES B. LUDLOW, Philadelphia. ' , STATE TREASURER, F. M. HUTCHINSON, Allegheny. Democratio County Ticket. AMRMBI.r, : ' HI, Ti J. II II Y E II Or OI.UAnriKI.D. fUfKMPF. . W. HIIIH MclMIRHSON, or cLunrmiu, TR-BArU'RKR, WILIIAM W. IV II II R A 1 1., Or CLIAartaLD. . . rOMMIsinyKR. ClAIIK iiHinrx, Or lAWaEXCU. DISTRICT ATTOHNKV. FRANK I'llUIIING, 1 Or CLaArtriBLD. AIDITOR, I. E W I tt f. DIOOM, OK UOOI I. JI'RY rriMMISSIOXER, JOHN Y. H II V ti A H T, Or CLSA n.'IKI.n. CORONER, ' OEOIKiH TIIORX, or ci.KARrtri.n. ' Organization or IHxorganl xeition. ' In our paper of tin's week will be ' found two documents of importances to the- Ihimpcracy ol Clearfield coun ty. Ono is a cull for a Democratic Convention, issued outside- of tlio or ' ganirntion, accompanied by the pro , feedings of a meeting, hold at Cur ' wcnsvillo, in pursuunco of itiitt cull, nt wliitu mealing resolutions Lavo ; boon passed and a call for a Primary ; Kloction of Delegates and a County Convention to nominuto a ticket is mado. Tlio oilier document is a let tor from a number of Democrats, (o tho Cbairman of tlio County Cointiiil- too, asking bim to call togelhor his Committeo to take into consideration tlio propriety of a cliango of tho sys tem of nominating candidntos, and this loiter is acquiesced in by the Chairman muking I lie call desired and a mooting of tho Committeo appoint cd to bo held on September 9th, 1873 . Wo thus bavo a distinct ixsue uiudo belweon action within tho organiza ' tion and palpablo and avowed disor ganization. Those who havo attend od and are acting with the Curwcns--, villo mooting scora to forget that the Democratio party has a recognized system of discipline and action ; they have attempted to correct their griev ' ances, if such they have, by striking a blow at their party and giving aid and comfort to tho liepublicans. Those who sign the lottor to tho Clmir- . man, recognizo a system of organizn lion, claim that wrongs oxittt and ask that tboBe wrongs bo corrected within, not outsido of that organization. The griovanccs, detailed in tho resolutions of tho Curwensvillo mooting, may or . may not exist ; if they do, they are but a repetition of what has osourrcd ot every Primary Election fur years, and they can and should be corrected by the Democracy themselves, with out the aid of Mr. Fulford or of Cur wensvillo Republicans. It seems to bo admitted on both sides that tho system of nominating needs amend . mont or change, and it is tho plain duty of ovary one who loves bis pur ' ty or socks its purity to aid In mak ing that umondmcnt or cliango; but it is equally his duty to act in doing to within tho organization and not outsido of it. Iloro is tho line of dis tinction to which wo call tho atten tion of all right minded Democrats. Tho question is simply ono of organi zation or of disorganization. Will yon aid the liepublicans or sustain your own friends? For -those who are in this movomont for pomonal ends, whoso motto is "rulo or ruin," wo havo no tolerance. They know belter and they havo, by falsehood and douhlO'dculing, deluded lionost men to their own undoing. Their Oily Gammon wiles nnd bold asser tions are powerless In the light of right and truth. ' Mo havo had this game altomptcd beforo and it hns found merited failure as it certainly will now. ; To combino with Itepubli enns and out tho ticket may bo all vory well to thoso n ho havo again and again been defeated at tho polls, tut to thoso who lovo thoir party and its principles, who seek no office and novo no personal ends to attain, the plain path of action within tho organ ization and tho support of tho ticket seems to bo the right ono. If, in this Primary Election, wrongs have boon perpetrated, it is but fair, to ask have not ull boon guilty of the same wrongs in a greater or less degrcof It is just, loo, to remember thut every sys tem of nominating become, in a pe riod of yoars, subject to abuso, nnd its amendmont or correction becomes a necessity, whilst to Democrats It is conclusive to suy that the wrongs com plained ol must bo righted In the Con tention of Return Judges or within the pale of parly organization. Tho gentlemen who engineer tho Curwens villo movement are not snitcd with action vitkit tho pnrty. They have keen disappointed in a pet candidalo, nd they 1iot attempted to break up tho Democratio organization lo attain theirowa ends. Have they ever sought and action f Havo tho defeated can didates appealed from tlio decrco of tho J let urn Judges, declaring who woro nominntod, to tho recognized tribunals of tho parly f Why is the Republican Convention postponed and n tickot to bo formed for them and the Curwensvillo meeting f Why is It understood that a full Democratic ticket Is to ho put in 4he field und Re publicans aro to havo no part or lot in itf 1 How patient nnd long-suffer ing our Republican bruthron aro, that they cun lido their timo nnd meekly volo for tho ' Democratio ticket that tho Curwensvillo meeting dictates. Why is this Democratic meeting hold at Curwcnsville J ' It is idlo to pursue this snhjert further. , Tho wrongs, If wrongs ihero bo, can be and are to be corrected within the Democratio or ganieulion and not outsido of it. Tho remedy for the shortcomings thut have been universally prevalent in tho ad ministrations of tho Crawford Coun ty System is not to be found in cut ting tho regular ticket and sustaining Republican and boiling combinations, but it is to to found in tho purifica tion of our own household under the control and direction of our rocognized tribunals and in tho support of tho regular ticket, which is binding upon all, bocauso it has been so duclurod by tho only power Democrats can recog nizo. Tho wholo issuo presented is that of organization or of disorgani zation, of a! J to Republicans or tup port to your own household. , The Stale Contention, This body met nt Wilkos Burro on Wednesday, the 27th of August, nnd nominated James R. Ludlow, of Phil- odelphia, for Supreme Judgo, and ! rank Jl. Uitchinhon, of Pittsburg, fur Stnlo Treasurer. They were both nominated on the second ballot. Mr. Ludlow is ono of tho Common Pleas Judges iu Philadelphia and Mr. Hutch inson is tho Treasurer of tho Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad Tho nominations aro politic und the very beet thut could have been mado. As cvidenco of litis wo quoto from Forney's Press, tho vory highest Radi cal authority in the Stale In allud ing to tho nominees the editor says: To the nominees ol the convention no olgcctlon CM be made, esoepl that thoy ire Democrats who have followed the fortune, of Iheir part; through all Ma tortuom windiugs, end parlivip ated In all ill cri-nri. For Supreme Judge James R. Lud low, Esq., jndge of tho Court ot Common I'lcea of riiiladclpbia county, waa nominated. The oon veutioo oould sot have chosen a gentleman of I rratcr abilities fur the head of tho Ikkel. or one who enratn&nda In a higher degree tho re.pict ef uia i.iiow-cmsens in ooin psrtlce. tor man; years he haw been an ornament lo the henoh ami bar of this c ty a- judge upright and impartial, who hal never allowed political Mm to warp hi. decisions, nnd a an advocate and author able and erudite. Mr. f rank Al. lluchinson. of Aileehanv. a bn.incss man of high character, waa nominated tor ine Btaie Treasurorship. Our townsman, Judge Barrett, ro- ceived 11 volos on the first ballot for Supremo Judgo, and our Philipsburg neighbor, Ex-Sheriff Perks, received 33 votes in tho first ballot for Stato Treasurer. A. W". Leo was our Rep rosentutivo Delegate, and Jtinics P Halo, of Osceola, was our Senatorial Delegalo. ' The proceedings of tho Convention were eminently proper and tho reso lutions adopted excellent. The Dele gates discharged thoir wholo duty ex cept in ono, particular. Sam. Josephs should havo been expelled. It is true ho kcjit his scat by hut ono Volo, nnd it may prove a warning to him never to show his faco in n Duraocrnlio con vention again.' .:- We aro ploa9od at the treatment llio Congressional bnck-pay grabbers re ceived. At least half a dozen of those follows bad themselves manufactured nto delegates and hovcrod around tho Convention for tho purposo of over nwuing tho body, but they wcro hissed, kicked out and condemned in a very decided manner. Tho Convention was evidently not a machine moved and controlled Ly one man, Ilko tho lato Radical Convention, but each member declared his indepondonce, assorted bis manhood, demanded his rights nnd denounced wrong cvery- wnero. u was a real Democratic body. Wo will publish tho proceed ings in full next week. The Call. Tho circular addressed by a number of Democrats to tho Chairman of tho County Committee, and found clscwhcro, although only in circnlntion for about ono day, con tains over 1200 signatures. Wo would ko to publish all tho names, but that id impossible. Wo however give Hie names of somo of tho citiwuiH who re side in tho vicinity of tho Lava lieds, to show that nil aro hut Modocs who reside in the disa.Teetcd dihti itU. Wo havo no doubt Lul that within three days 2500 Democrats would sign tho call, woro it necessary, for thu, over throw of the reul "ring" or "cliniio'' employed by tho Rudit-als. If there s a "ring" or "clique ' in this borough il does not cohabit with thu enemy. Wc have called at Ihe H'pMirttn office fre- incnlly nn otir trip to liitt.l.l, and ttiion la- ntlirliig fur the editor, have bi-cft Invariulilv In formed that ho waa at tho eomt Route in Ihe ( nera ofilee ; and wo have hrard il Intl. muled that II would be much better fur all. lat- arori and the lleinocratle purly particularly, if caere liketheeditorl of the 77mr and RkvkiLm. attending to hia own hu.ineaa. UrtriUt, That wo should bo put out of tho Commissioner's offlco, is tho opinion of every Radical politician, and a few liavo boon manly enough to toll ns so. Hut then they feel the snme way to ward Mr, Tuto, Mr. Pio, Mr. Lee, Mr. Wilson, and in fuct every Democratic oHlocr about tho Court House. Wo are thoreforo in good company, any how. Again, when wo are found gad- dingorloafingaround over tho county, t will be lime onough for tho "inde pendent" iribunnl to reproach as for not attending to our own business. And more, some men hud bolter pay taxes before thoy begin lo grumble. ' rile Ittformnu' I) .T-frrfiiif A Cow porsons, over sinco our Pri mary Election, havo done their vory best to rniso a disturbance in our par ly organization, just because "their man was noli nominuttd. 'Alter a two month's tramp ovar the county by about a dozen of these would-be reformers, soliciting signatures to a printed petition found below, Cupl. Jack and his bund of Mudocs, to the number of from thirty lo forty, met in tho public School House, in Cur wonsvillc, on Thursday, Ihe 28lh ol August, fur llio purposo of rectifying all party wrongs in thiscosnty. Liko the old Jews, they want somobody stoned to death, fordoing just what they Ituvo probably ofton dono thom- selvcs. - These men csluom. it a crime for a Republican to. vote at our Pri mary Election, yet it is notorious that these- sumo individuals havo entered into n bargain and rale with a portion of tho Republican leaders to carry their point, mid aro holding daily cau cuses with thorn. If thoso men aro honost in thoir movement, thoy are wonderfully impolitic at all ovenls ; because, who ever heard of reforming a party by going outsido ot tliut or ganization and coquetting with its enemies f This nlono is enough to shako tho confidence of thoughtful men who lovo and revcro tho princi ples of tho Democratio partv. Thoso relormors say that "thoy will not submit to a cliquo in the borougli of I Icaifiold and the wiro-workcrs in their employ." We know nothing of the "ring," although wo have resided bore for fourteen yeurs. But, suppose wo concedo that thoro" fs a '"clique" hero, how much bolter is tho ono at Now Washington, for it is said there is ono doing business thoro t To this we prcsumo ihero will bo but little objection so long as it does not enter into partnership with the Radicals for the purpose pf defeating our nominees. It is the right and duty of ovcry Demoerut to denounce wrongs within tho purly, If ho hits just grounds for his belief that they oxist, and to ad vocate and suggost reforms, but to go outsido of the party organization is rebellion, and never corrects evils or strongthons tho party. Tho move ment under consideration would bo right if inudo at the right timo and within the party organization. Hut, under thd circumstances, it can do tho party no good, and if tho move-! nient is mado for tho purposo of slrik- ing at a low individual members of tho party, then this is still A biggor "cliquo" than wo havo in Clearfield, and if ono "cliquo" is wrong all aro wrong and descrvo to bo denounced by the parly organization. Upon this point wo may have something to say oeioro ino election comes around. The following aro tho proceedings ol the t urwenBvillo meeting : DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION.; The undersigned members of tho Democratic party of Clearfield coun ty, believing that the rouctil Primarv Election, held for tho nomination of candidates to bo supported at the Oc tober Election, was unfairly conduct ed, are not satisfied to bo bound by it. Having heretofore supported every tickot pluccd in tho field, and having stood by the party and its organiza tions under good and evil report, wo fool it to be our duty to-sco that fair nominations are made. At tho re cent election Republicans were allow ed to vote in most of the townships, minors and persons not citizens, voted wnorevor they bolonicj to "tie rina." and would promiso to vote in tho right way. Tho result was that nil tho candidates for tho important offices were selected from the borough of anco of the express wishes of hun drrili who havo signed a paper au thorising Il and who dosiro to stand by the party whenever Democratio nominations aro mnile, but. who be hove Hint honesty and fairness in pol itics should prevail fend that fruud vi tiates cvory contrnct. And wiimiKAs, This meeting Is sat isfied Ihat tho Primary Election, held for tho nomination of a Democratic ticket, was conducted in open viola tion of tlio rules of the purly and in so fraudulent manner 'as hot. to bo binding on any Democrat; tho nomi nees In many instances procuring their votes by tho most uufuir and Improp er meuiis. " i ' ( , ' , ( ' "And wiikrias, This meeting has met to douluro Hint while they stand firmly by tho principles of the Demo cratio party, and U'lend lo do so as members of that party, thoy will not submit to a cliquo in the borough of Clearfield in dictating lo the party who Biinu nnu wno Bitaii not manage the affairs of tho county, As tax payers thoy foul il thoir boti n Jen du ty to speuk out. With a bopo of pu rifying tlio channels through which nominations are effected this mcolinc has been convened. Therefore Resolved, That in the ouinion of this mooting llio nominations Dublisli- ed, as boing mado by tho Democratic party of Clout Held county, are not valid or binding upon tho members of ino pariy, tor mo roason thut iu maK- ingsaid nominations nil rules of the parly wcro disregarded. Jiesolved, That beiitif satisfied that Republicans woro allowed to vote al llio miliary Election in uuiny in stances is sullieient in itself to render tho nominations void; wo cunnot agree thut tho Republican party shall make tho nominations for the Democratic parly, lest they might aid in making such as would bo most easily beaten. Jlejolved, Thut wo cannot agreo as Democrats to be bound by nomina tions mado on tho fuilh of returns from townships where fraudulent re turns wore figured up by a few wiro workcrs in thoir employ and doing the bidding of a combination of can didates. Jtesolvrd, That this meeting recom mend to the honost and fearless Dem ocrats of tho different townshins and boroughs In tho county the holding of u iuuiiijr vunveimoii io muKe uemo crulic nominations to be supported by tho parly at tho ensuing election for county olflcos, and that tlio represen tation bo upon the basis of the Statos represented in tho U. S. Senato by on equal number of delegatos from each township and borough. ' , Resolved, That this meeting ap rirovo and endorse tho old and time honored principles of tho Democratic party : that they are in favor of so administering every branch of tho government as to confer the greatest good upon tho greatest number; thut they are opposed to tho loitislutivo corruption thut bus rendered the name ol our goou old commonwoulth a by word nnd a reproach at homo and anroatj ; that they aro opposed to im plicating tiicmselvcs in lruuds by on Lay on, Macduff. We have drawn tho fir of tho "indepondont" organs, ami they are flailing us most hand somely. Well, whilo they nro abusing llio County Committee or if power' us ihey will let our nominees. atoiio. Clearfield. In somo of tho townships more votes wore pollod at tho Primary Kloction than cun be polled at tho (ieneral Election, and ought, ntidor tho rulos of the party, to havo been rejected by tho Return Judges. 'J'ho undcrsii'nod are in favor of a Convention of Delegates, from tho difi'uront Election Districts, for tho purposo of plncinc on the tickot can didntos who are llio choico of tho people. ... Ihoy are suhsfiod that tho election wus unfairly hold nnd conductod, and thoreforo recpeelfully ask thut a Con vention of Doh'unlus, representing ovory Election District, assemble nl the Court House, in Clearfield, and then und thoro nominato candidates for the several oflioes to bo supported uj- um I'emooriHio pariy at, mo com ing October Election, and of which Clearfield borough will only be enti tied to her share. , , . And we do hereby appoint and au thorize any twenty or moro porsons whoso tiumcs appear hereunto to oall a Convention ue aforesaid, and to name tho lima of holding ; also tlio number of Delegatus from each Election Dis trict. , . , .1 . . 1 All persons signing this paper show their willingness to have nnother ef fort mndo lo nominate candidates and their dosiro to harmonize tho action of the Democratio purly in Clearfield county. , ' . . r. . The present preliminary mooting bos assembled in pursuance of the ox prces wish of hundreds, who hove signed a paper authorizing it for tho purposo of considering what is best to be done for tho success and harmony of the Domocra'uio party ot Clearfield county. . i , , The meeting was organized by elect ing Ex Sheriff J. R. Reod, President, Adam Ilrclh and A. L. Hickock, Sec retaries, und H. IveriiH, Tivusurcr. On motion, the President was au thorised to appoint a committee of niiio, lo draft a preamble and resolu tions, and lo fix llio number of Dole gutos eaoh Election District will bo entitled to und to appoint tho timo fur holding a Convention. Tho fol lowing are tho coininitleo : II. Kerns, Curwensvillo J. M. Ross, Hell town ship j AiiHtiu Curry, Chest j Jonas Snyder, llurnsido; Anthony Llilo, Lumber City ; A. L. Hickock, Knox j Isaac Caldwell, Pike; James Moli hee ltap, and Reuben iilraw, Jordan. After an hour's recoss the commit teo reported tho following, which was resd and approved : Wiir.Rr.As, The prcsont preliminary meeting has assembled tor tho pur poso of considering what is best to bo dono nt this timo for the success and harmony of the Democratio riorir. and with no purpose of discord ordis. traclioiij il has assembled in pursu-j dorsing any candidate al tho noil tainted with corruption or frauds of ny Kina ; mat tliey demand of can didates for public olllco a clean record for honosly and capability, and of tho party organization honesty and fair ness in making nominations any- intng eise is not j'omocratio and can not command our support. ' - . Resolved, That aclinir nndor tbofn struction of o circular signed by1 hun dreds of Democrats in tho county, uuinortztng nny twenty ol tho per sons who signed it to cull a Conven tion for the nomination of candidates, and there being moro than that ram- c-er here, wo do npproveof tho follow ing call and authorizo il to bo uiudo DEMOCRATIO CONVENTION. A Convention, consisting of three uoiegaics irom each borougli and township in the county, will be held at tho Court House, in tho borough of i. icariioiu, on iuosijay, tlio lolls day of September. 187S. at i n'nloek. P. at., mo purpose ot placing in nom ination canuinales to bo sunnorted bv tho Democratic party at the October Election. A muelinir will be bold in each borough and township ou Katur- oay, iuo utii uay ol September, 173, for the purposo of oleuting delegates. Mono but Democrats, competent to vote st tho general election, will bo allowed lo vole in thosoloclion of said delegatos. Tho dulegales so elected will meet in Clearfield for ihe pur poso of making nominations, and with the hope of plaeiug bvforo the pooplo a ticket worthy of their support, fair ly selected and which may bring har mony to the Democratio party and purity in the iiiunngotucut of tho af fairs in tho county. ,: , On motion, tho proceedings of this mooting bo published in Hie Cloarfleld Republican, Curwcusvillo -Timet and Osceola Reocillt. On motion, adjourned. J. R RKAD, President. : Apam Breth, . ) , A. Id. Hickock., j Secretaries. . Harmony. j On Friday, August 22d, wo wroto an nrticlo which appeared in tho Re publican of the 27th, headed, Why not Arbitrate." To show tbat som-i body clso was thinking about tho same subject about the same time, wo clip from tli l'ituburgh I'vst of tho'j Zii llio lollowmg I ' An Evil. Thoro Is an evil nnddr thn sun whioh should be remedied. nd which could be remodiod by the Hiato Covcntlon anon to assemble H Js Hint which occutb in districts composil of moro than ono country, when as pirants for nomination and thoir con ferees stubbornly koop op the fiirht and refuso to give way tor the auko of peaoo. ' Thero have boon somo instances of that in our Stnlo Politics, and as in law there is said to bo no wrong with out a remedy, why cannot so sound a principlo bo inudo practical in our party conventions and 1 Wo thoreforo throw out the sugges tion that Home dulognto to the Stato Contention offer a rosolulion embody ing tho idea following) linolml, Thai la all oaaei in which tht eon fercea in a diitriol conference ihall, after aatd oon ferenoe baa been In ar.iion for oneday, bare failed lo make s nomination, II ihall he the duly of the Hlate Committee lo decide who ball be lilt candi date is thai dialriot. All disputes of this nature tond to woakon the efficiency of the party, as an organization; and it is always of vastly more importance Ihat sound Dcmoorat should bo chosen, than It Is which Democrat nmonir the asnirunlji shall obtain the nomination. We do not know who ponncd that article, but we do know that this writer's mind was drifting in tho richl direction, and tho rule, if applied to county nominations, would work just as woll as if applied lo Dialrict nomi nations, jtcau our article of last week. Count u Committee Jtltttlng. To Tim Democratic Co. Committee or Clrarfiei.u County t Gentlemen : I bavo received the following communication :(. To the Chairman of the Democratic Co. Committee of Clearfield Co.i , Sibi Wo address you in the Inter ests of harmony in the organization of which you aro tho official head. . We obsorvo with regrot that soms gentle mon, whose honesty of purposo and party fealty wo cannot quoslion, aro restless at the results of tho late Pri mary Kloction, and that tho loadorsof tho Republican party and a fow fac tious .Democrats me .combining to bring disorganization to iho Democ racy and defoat to Us tickot. We fear no danger from such an alliance. It has boon tried beforo and rosqltod in failure. Whilst many of ds have not obtained tho candidates of our choico wo are satisfied with tho ticket prosontod and will support It, yot we foci that the present system of noml nating cundidntos has outgrown its usefulness in this county andhns come to be unjust in Us application to tho smaller districts and unsatisfactory In its results. ' Its faults and weakness have bocome apparent to nil well wishers of tho Democratio party, and we think it timo that the organiza tion, as such, should, through its Co. Committee, take into consideration tho proprloty of a change of system. We beliovo that tho remedy for the ilia that have been dovoloped is to Lo found in sustaining the Democratio Uckol and correcting the faults nit weakness of tho system by tho action of tho organization itself, and is not to be found In cutting the tickot or combining with Republicans outsido oi tlio organization, lor these re a sons we ask that you will call togelhor tlio uemocralio County Committee, to take soon action as their judgmen anu exponenco may aciviso. Respectfully Yours, CLlABtltLD BOUOUOU. - Jus. T. Leonard. William Pnrtnr ! It. V. Wilson. Israel Test. J. F. Weaver. Cyronius Howe. Wm. A. Wallace. W M.McCullough y. vt. Jieiis. vt uiinm Hurler. J. Blake Walters. I. G. Harder. T. J. McCullough. Lever Plcgal. - bell township. Robert Mohaffey. Jacob C. KefT. Honry Hreth, Jr. Jas. Hockenbcry, L. L. McCheo. T. A. Mctihoe. James Mcfiboo. Levi Sundcrlin. Goo. Llndley. And 88 others. BURNS1DI TOWNSHIP. Danl Gormun. ' ' Robort Connor. Wm. King. - A. H. Shaffer. John H. Reed. John Kime. . J. S. Wolzol. And 28 othors. NEW WASHINGTON. Thos. Mehsffy. Jamos Innoa lr. A. I. Honnotl.C hnst Estricker. X. A. Arnold. Reubor Xeimau. John 11. Hycrs. And 10 othors. CIIF.8T township. John D. Miller. Jonathan Bloom. C. S. Worrull. , Eli It. Clomson. R. M. Rainoy. And 12 others. LUMI1ER CITV. J. A. McDivctt. Levi Jordan. W. W. Kolly. John Sterling. J. D. Hepburn, tw fJvrrtiUfraftttj. E1 ELEVENTH ANNUAL PAIR - or tns - " : CLEARFIELD COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, - - To fco held l CLEARFIELD, -- - On TUESDAY, WEDNE8DAY, THURSDAY and MUHAY, September 30th, and Oct. lat, id A 3d, 1S7S. , . , rnrainsxT II. II. MORROW. EiicttTiri Cohmittri N. RISIIRL, (Chair, man,) KRAHTl'S LLTI1KR, E. K. SII1REY and i. K. JILOOM. . , TaKAit ana RKI'IIKM MrPIIKHHO.S. , , - SursiTAnr T. M. ROIlI.NKON. AaaiiTAHT BicniTAKT (J. W. KLBERTT. Joseph Cuilra. Gcorgo Spade. J. D. Guppy. Jamos L. Curry, And rocognrzing those gontlcmcn as Democrats ol good standing in tho organization, I cheerfully acquiesce in liioir request, and do hereby c-ail i meeting of tho Democratio Co. Com mitleo, to be hold at my office, in Clearfield, on Tuesdat. tho th of Sfpteiirer, 1873, at 2 o'clock P. M., oi said day, to take Into consideiation tbe proprioty of holding a convention at September Court for the purposo of amending or changing tho system oi nominating candidates. Notice of tho mcoting is font by mail to each member ot the committeo. D. L. KREHS, Chairman. Must de Short. Tbe editor of the Reveille, although he slicks very close to his business, seems lo be short of copy, from the fnct that ho has taken to discussing privato business and pub lishing extracts from privato letters. Wo surrender. We cannot compete with him in that line, although we havo lots of such lotlcrs on Land, Resides, we prefer not to discuss pri vato affairs in our columns, but would rather fill the space In our humblo way, from now until October, in de fending the Democratio party and lis candidates against tbe assaults of ils enemies. We believe that is our duly, and wa will discharge it as best we can, If wo aro scalped by tho Modocs. Well Answered. Somo Chestor county loyalist addressed a nolo to llie editor of tlio w est Chestor Repub lican, the organ of Chester county Radicalism, inquiring: 'Who is Gor don 1" The editor answers bis inter rogator thus: "An hninblo exponent of iilnckstone, residing at the Capital of Jefferson connly." That should certainly bo very satisfactory to any noi ovoriy captious. SIIOKMAkRR VT ATI:'.l.Tb. order If aed, riaiillnf at Hew Waehlnaton, will alio ueriuauoot employment loa sood workmen. Ap ply or addreai. JOHN P, 1KAIU. ecpl.Mt. 1 T OHT Thi tubicriher let hia Pocket-book J J en Thar. lay, Aitroat ih, on puMio road leading front Anninvllle to Hcgerty'i X Rnada. The Poeket-book la a block one, nnd oontoiaed $7,0II In billa, aa Lilluwi : Throe t:t bills j one $i bill ! one t'i bill, and two 2J cent niece.. Al. eo, one Promietory Note, drawn to my order, of rorty-ofe aottara, signed by Joaepn Amen a erridit on eald note for S-0, paid by John With crow. The note waa due in April, 1NTS. A lib eral reward will he paid lo the finder by leaving tbe nine with mo or st Johniton'e Store, at An oneille. ; HtMlV WlIHLKoW. HejJJ n-3t. ' flMt M:1K OK lKlrT MlUAHi; X TIM HKR. Notice li hereby given Ihat ihe tune for Sling claim! for nnmarkid timber hea own etleaded lo hKI'TKMUKR let, ISIS. All nereonl loalnr unmarked tinitwr, eilbor by Ire Iran,,., or uin waier oi April, are requeftod lo preeent their clulint properly anlhenllcalcd by u. w. SMI that dale. (Id) ITII, Auditor. COURT PROCLAMATION. WIIRIIKAH, Una. 0. A. MATER, President Judga of tho Coert of Common Pleae of Ihe Twenty-ink Judicial Dl.lrlct, aomposed of the errantica of Clearlald, Centre and Clinton aid Hon. Wauaw 0. f-itur and Hon. Joan J. Hsad, Aaaoeialo Jwdgao of Clearn.ld eeanly, hare looad their precept, lo me directed, for Ihe holding of a Court of Common Pica, Orpbaai' OooH, Coirrl of (Joarter He. .lone, Oonrt of Oyer and Toralner.snd Court of Ueaeral Jell Delir. err, at the Court llouae al Clearteld, In and for Ihe eountv of Clearfield, enmmenelng on the fburlh Mouday, Jd day ol Hfpt., 1(413, aid I eon tlnne one weak. KOTICR 13, therefore, hereby aires, lo the Coroner, Jollce of tho I'eace, and Oonatablea, la and for aaid eounly of ClearBeld, to oppear lo thetr proper pereene, with their Reeorda, Holla, Inqoliiuona, Kiamlnatloni, sad other llemen. braneea, to do thoae things which lo Ifeetr oOoea, and la their behalf, perUia lo ho done. 01VBN ander my hand al Olearleld, (hit Sd day ef Replemher, ta Ihe year of our Lord oao IhouMBd fit at hnadred and eeeeaty-lbree. JVSTIN J. I'JU, rhttif. Bulei and Segulations. ' Family tickaU ..$! SO Bingle ttcketi, during JairMnn.M.,v.H.,.t 1 00 Day ticket! ........;....... i M Single adioli.loo tlokcU.. ' - 14 Cbildrea under ten yeara old, whoa eeeompaa led by their parents or guardians, free. Cbildrea under tea years of age aol admitted unless aeeompanled by thetr porente or guardians. Bvery person wishing to he enrolled as o mem ber of Ihia Soolrly mutt apply on or befi re lbs J" Hi day of Ihe Sept., 187-1, and on the payment of ooo dollar lo the Treasurer .ball reeeiro a eer llBoalo of membership, oontalatof Iho aout of the appllanai. ... Kvery persoa so enrolled as a member shall, on' the presentation of each eertiSoule and Ibe pay ment of one dollar ta addition, receive a ticket which will admit himself, wife and children un der eighteen years of ogs during Iho Fair. Lire members ol Ihe society will rewire a similar ticket. All persons must bo provide! with ticksU either signed uy Ibe President or Cbairman of tbe . ooulire Committee to obtain admissioa, and whioh eaa be had from the Executive Committee, Treasurer or beeretary, or at the oflioe oa tbe ground. Persona acting ae Judges are expected tu teoouo members of the Society. Persons from other counties can beooroe members by comply ing with tho above rules. i,adics ean become members by making application as above, and paying into tbe treasury fifty eeots, aod the additional sum of ooo dollar for a ticket during the Fair. - Exhibitors mo. there their animate and articles entered oa the Sco'ys. books on or before the first day of the Fair) acd all animals and articles, eioept horses for pleaauro aod for Ihe trotting prisea, moat be brought within tho enclosure as early aa twelve e olook on r edneaday moraing, and all persons entering animals and artioles for exhibition mast procure cards from the Secretary, with the elaee aod Domberof entry of said arti oles, previous to placing aaid article oa the ground. Day and atraw wilt be furnished gratis lor all animals entered lor premiums, and gram will bo furnished at Mil for those that deeire lo purchase. : Ko horse shall bo entered or allowed a prcml- am unices he la free from disease. Horses will bo reeeived until Wednesday noon, hot must be entered previously. All persons who intend to exhibit horses, eattls, sheep or iwiae, or who intend to offer stock or any otLor article for sale, should notify tbe beeretary of such Intention, oa or before the 1st of Oetober, aod here with hi a li't aod full description of tbe some. Ino number aad olass. and Ihe uuicber la the tlass. with tho name of the article, will appeal on tlio card aitacuedf but the aauia ol the ex hibitor will aot appear. Premiuma and dirlomaa will bo paid oo aod after tho Arst Mondey after Ihe lair, but none until then, aoa until tbe 1st oi Pec-ember, le-73, alter which all money premiums unclaimed will be considered as a donation tc tbe bociety. Tbe officers of the bociety and members of the Com mitteo of Arrangements must wear a badge des ignating tbeir oSice. A select t oiiso fvree will be la coosunt attendance for tbe preiervetioa ef order and protecuon of properly. Ibe trotting eouroo is well areded. and one- nalf of a mile In cirouit. Ample arrangements will be mado lor Ilia oonveaieaoe asid couilort of visitors. luatrurtluns to Juriireo. Ko animal or ar ticle oo exbibitioa for a premium to receive aa award in more tbea one eiasa. Tbia dues not embrace horses entered for the trottiog premiums. Judges are expressly required aot to award premiums to over-led animals. No premiums ere lo ho awarded to bulls, cows or heiffers whieb shall appear to have beeo fattened, oslt in Ihe class of fat cattle, tho ohieel of the Society being to hare superior animals of this descrlntlea for breeding. r at I. attic Ibe lodges oa fat cattle will g've particular attention to the aoimals submit ted lor examination. It is believed, all other being equal, those aro Ibe best collie thai have the greatest weight ovir the smalle.t super Sees, i The Judges will require all in this class to bo weighed, aod will take measures to give the supsrficee of each, and publiah Ihe result with their reports. Tbey will also, before award ing any premiums, require of Ihe competitors full statemeota as to tbe manner and eost of feeding as required by tho regulations of the premium UST, If there Is but ono eihlbitor, nnd he may shew several animals in one elaea, premiums will be awarded la accordance with the merits of Iho animal. The supsrlntendcnt will take every ereeautlon la hie power for tbe ssfety of stock and articles ou exhibition alter their arrival, and arranre ment on tbe grounds, but will aot be responsible lor any lose or damage tbat may oceoi. The So ciety desiree exhibitors to give personal attention to their aoimals and i rticleo, aad al the oloee ef Ibe r lr lo attenn lo their removal, as the Society oonnoi use lurtner euro oi tnem Any article natennmerated in Iheabore classes and placed upon exbibitioa, If worthy of notice, win ee saimoii awaross. All articles may be entered free of charge, except horses for pleasure, and for the trolling premiums. -. i Any information desired eaa bo obtained by auoressiag aoy of tae omoors. ,- - , , . LIST OF PREMIUMS. Clam 1 0xm to all brttdt ed nmpetiitr: Il-tt ball .! 00 lUil nw.,h U 00 Id bfMvt kbt.ll a 00 M tent 00 All brMilf cume U'tttthtr is Uin elaw ftDilooi ) With mm'Ii mbtr, to I Judftrl bj thtir (ckkI jioiuti. symmetrj of frfciii, abttit to Uiltu and to atvett mj will produca. Clam t-UrJi 9m til ottmtd in On mmty, Bt cow Tut mfllr 00 Id bcPt cow for milk t 10 I.t briftr, 3 reara old.... 1 00 Best calf under 8 monllii old.. I 0 Clam 3Fat Mli't. Beat hi bnllook. oow or baifvr railed aodfai- tMiad to iba ountj.-.... riA..W 10 CLAaa lTlfrHgkhrtd kortttepm a mil. Bet Wailira, any bread...... flO 00 belt mara and colt, any broad, uwnad in Co. 10 90 Class V -Fmmilg, drmmqkt mud farm korf. Bat tiaiila fbmiljr bom.... Ht,,; 2 Itest ma to bd earnaga bura?tw S Baal ipan of draojtb borraa or mt ajaldmi; or wara tot work ............ 2 Tua axbilntor will ba rfnutrcd ta nrodnoa a tatemftit irom at iraat thrra rponiibla ntmh bora aa ta working of draafht boraea, to cnutia Ditn to the premium- in ton clati. lkat two years ohl colt , lint tiirv VMrs old eolt.... 4 Daat eolt under twa year old.... ... 1 CLAaa tTroUrf kor--fn tmmtL Porta ?()0. Brat a n 6, nila heats In i Ingle arncss. tirst Imrso, $126; Sd boma, f 0 1 3d nr'o, $2i. Kntranea fa tan par eant. or the pur if), ana niuii aeonmpany ma namiuations in srrry eme. Thsra mail be five rntriai and tart to start, or no premium, will b awarded. Class lTrtHttt koratt vntd im tk tommif ml im$t iMirra Unut sVora th fair. Pursa 9)00, Beat I In , nil head, in singlr barnms. rirn Tmr, w, 2d horni-, f id : m hors.20. oproiu will be awarded in Ibis elasa unless there are nre nihes and three to start. Knlmnoe fee to be ten percent, of the perse and moil eeouo.panjr (be noiniDation. Class for Aarte lAnl ara arrer trotted tttfr I A a a 2:60 ;.. e mil. Purs $t?5. Bert I in 6, (wile heats. In slfiff' harness, rirst hone, 170, Zd. ttorm, 0.1a ; Sd horse. $30, There must be six entries and foar to start, or no premiums will be awnrded In this cians. irs ten per rem. or pars and must accompany the nominations. Clars 9 Cilittn$' punt Jut Xorsei nitrd ana etriirif ta lfi roMUfy. Parse IU nt 8 Iu S, mile heuts In tiarnrss. First hors. 1(0 : Sd hurse, ; Zi horse. 1 10. There must be ill entries and four to ft art, or no premiums will ba awnrdrd In this elan. Kn tranoe fa $7.00. to accompany tbe nomination. CLAM 1hCitift' pnr ortnllion rmitfd aatt eHNed is fas eounty Parse $70. Vest 8 in I. utile beats in harness. First horse. $40t 2d boree. $W ( d horse, $10. There must be Are enlriea and thrr to start, or no premium will be awarded. Kntranea fa $H.0l), to accompany tha nomination. Clam 11 Imnif rme tpn t mil. Pane $Ufl. Best S In .1, mile htstt First horse, $7&) Sd horse. $50 1 Sd horse, 12. Kn. tranae ff ten per cent, uf purse, to aoeompsny nominations. There must be serea aatrlet aad three to start, or no premium will be awarded. Clam II 8ky d W. . Bast book, any beftrd it 00 Hast ewe. any broad I 00 Bast lamb 1 0$ Clam IS Sm ; fa mil, Rest boar, any breed M 00 Best hreedlnv sow, any breed 8 00 lleat plf under $ months old S 00 Class 14 romtlrf, Ct.ASI Ifl Agricutfarat impttmtmh, j Best ploW fur stubble or iward.- i $3 09 BeStuh-BOtl p)0WH ..4..eyeee t 00 Best ali'd crOrher nd roller eomliined... 4 f Best rraln drilU 4 00 Best threshing machine, diploma and........ 0 OO llt-st corn planter, diploma and....y J 00 Ufst hors rake, dipluiua andM. $ 00 Best bay pitching machine..... ... .diploma Bst boras power, diploma and. .w.... $ 09 Best original invenlluuvt agricultural tmpl't $ 09 Best harrow.M.... .. 1 99 Best fanning mill 4 09 Bast eultifolur .ww.M..r...w.ri 3 09 Brit turn sbellr...M.....d.M.M....H. S 00 All artioles in this clan nut manufactured In tba aounly will b awarded ne moated premium, but may receir a diploma. Clans 1 (iiasfiaaaviM armUy imptimmiif Best bee blM......i. .W.....,.$J 00 Best stump machine $ 09 fmt ym.ti ortitlla rT r ..r... ... 00 Best lot of garden tools S 00 Best display of garden .teals owned by tha exhibitor. 10 09 This olass subject to the rule In elass li, V f CClam 17 Cer7 grmin, Best 8 acres of winter wheat.,.. ,.M.......$10 00 Beat bushel of winter wheat t 00 Bast J acres of rye., 0 09 Best bushel of rye 8 00 Best 8 acrrs of oats 8 99 Bert 8 acres of book wheat, I 09 Best 2 acres of corn , S 09 Best sttreofelurer teed.... 0 09 Beatl bushel of potatoes... 1 09 Best i bushel of timothy seed...... 8 09 Crops being equal preference wllla b gives, to thos tbat yield the largest nt pros' t. Statements to b furnished by the exhibitors. They must be meat a red or weighed nod a sample furnished at tha Fair. Applicants for premiums must furnish tha com rait tee with a statement signed by them Mires, under pledre of veracity, of tbe quantity of grain raised on the ground entered for a pre mium, and mut state as correct I r as they cao tha kind and euodiiioa of th previous crops and tht kind and quantity of seed sown and the tin and mode ef putting it in the ground. Perrons en. taring field crops for exhibition, or intending le do so, may give notice to tb txeeutire Commit tee at any time, and have the field measured and examined, by tha committee while growing. . Clabi 18 JJreasf oatf cereal food. Best loaf of whoat breed... ..... (0 Best loaf of rr bread.w..M..mH.....M.HH 60 Best loaf ef eorw bred.. tO Best sponge cake.. . diploma Best jelly cake r.....i..t..u....,....diploma Hrst pound cake diploma Best fruit take dif lotna Best eoflee csk..w diploma Best lady cake di.lom Best cake of any kind, diploma and 1 09 Best preserves, diploma and 69 Rest Jelly, diploma and 60 Best display of preserves and jelly 1 09 Best let cream. ,H ,..,. "1 00 Clam 9 Butter mmd aires. Best 10 poinds or ovire'of Brain bat lee, at least three months old ..$5 09 Best A poinds or moro of hotter .M...H,., 8 00 Best cheese, made by exhibitor. 2 00 The exhibitor to make a statement of tbe man ner of preserving tbe irkin batter aad ef making the ehecaa. Clasj iO--W. -r Best 30 pounds wheat Hour .,'.. ..$1 00 L'Sit 0 poaads ry flosr. . T 00 Best 50 pounds buckwheat flour ... 1 DO 1 Best 40 pounds torn meaJ... 1 00 ,f . Clam 81 Dumeme mrticlte. Rest box or jar ef hooeyHH..MMV.HM)M..Hs..$l 00 nest 10 pounds maple sagiiT.-,, ...,,,...., 8 (0 Best peacaas, put up air tight..... 1 00 Keit tomatoes, put up air tisjbt.......H..diploma first blaekberriea, air t;gbC...M....H.,Hdiploma nen raney jar oi pwatce. diploma Best cored hair, diploma and 1 00 Best dried beef, with mode of earing 1 00 . , Clam 22 Ihwmtie wtmnmocrurm, Best 10 yards flnnel...M,M..,M..M..M $3 00 llest 10 yards satinet 2 00 Best 15 yards won len carpet, J jp Beat 10 yards cloth 8 00 Best 15 yards rag earpet (wool chain)- 3 09 Bert parr blankets f 09 Bert wool fringed mitts, diploma and it Hfst woolen cavrlets 8 00 Bsst specimen of k nutting, knitting, or no. die work by Miss under II Tears old 1 09 Bert pound linen sewing thread 1 09 nest pound storking yarn 1 00 Best foot mat a Best tidy mat.... M M AO Clam 23 AVeoVs, tketi mnd ax work, etc. Beat specimen of needlework, diploma and. 60 Beat specimen of machine attwing, dip. and, AO Best specimen flower in worsted, dip and.. ; 50 Best specimen embrotd'y in worsted, dip and AO llest specimen emhroid y In laae, dtp and... $9 Best specimen embroid y to muslin, dip and AO nest specimen leather work, din and...HHH AO Beat speeieaea wax flowers, dip and,, AO lies, specimen real nor worn, dip aad A9 AO $w dvrrtisrnunts. , ClI. 35,,ca, and CkcrrJXiT Ileal avallnua raanuro at auularVe u,t ., Hesl available uiuuie for t.rui Lroilucis"" " ailaUa lluay. u .i...... .1,1. j- . '""'" ..... ........ oiuwdoi Uiaau,...,. ilest specimen of snap Ci.a 86-M'uoJaml 6(i. Best dressed slone, (lent butter bowl Hoot lot shinties aot less than to.'.'.""'"" Best turned erttole. Uist floor boards worked. " Best washing luacbine Ilest butler la-He Beit wsallier rrJ. worked "."!!""" v Clam 37 Kutyral Mineral,. Dost suit of aseful minerals of Clearlald eeuufy, ineiuiliug eoal. Best putter's elsy Best oollootiva of fvieils.... ,"'" II..I n.r. ft ....I Best robioet of miner.", of cuirisla au'j ' ..j.M.,IUa cv.Hi,. u, oe tua pruiiertv ! Ihe Sooietv , ,. Beet limestone "'" ? " Best Ire oley CLia 3H fruit. Best dirplay and irrealo.l vsrlety of grafted I Oil 1 bO ... 1 og -ti lg ... u t to ... 1 og ... 1 e, ... 1 00 ... it - I 09 Il 00 M I M 1 to -- Dl, Ki. Best cmip 11 sirln( ehlokens.,, M ot Best t turkeys, under I )ear i I OS Ileal dl.nlav of eliirkens. nut less than 12... I SO Bui trio of cbiikm , ..: I t j Btil assortaieal aad Ti.llir,.,,. sueeinien ornanieotal work, din aad... Best shirt by Miss ander l years, dip and 1 Oil nest nog qunt Mtioiaiea lor work, aip and 1 09 Cues 24 Millinery and Dnumaking. Beet ssillinery wurk, diploma anLM..H..M...S 00 Best dross making, diploma and S 00 Claa. 25 Artitlic Work. Best photograph taken oa the ground.. ..diploma Best lanit.eape painting diploma Best penmanship diploma .....diploma diploma .....diploma diploma .diploma diploma diploma Best architoetural drawiaa nesi on paiattng Best portrait paintiogH.M..M.. ....,..,..., Best eatMe painting.. ..M,M..MS.,MM, Beet painting in water colors Best ornsmeoul painting of aoy kind... Best farming acw........ - Ciaa 20 Duitrnt. r Best deeita for farm keae. and stablsk.. tS 00 Best design for dairy house. s 00 i Best detign for Iran house S 00 Clam ZlMetalie fabriet and Machinery, Best Booking store.... ...... ....$4 00 Best parlor stove. 1 00 Best speeimen Iron fenee. 00 Best display of tinware , I 00 Best sp.i-.ioeo Uaekmiihlng, dipl.raaand I 00 Best speeimen guQ.mithing, diploma and... i 00 Best specimen iron turning , S 00 Best plate easting, diploma or oo Best shower batb S 00 Best original InventiiHS la eouoty... t 00 Best dinplay Ameriean poeket and table eullery J no Best dl.plsy of edge tools t 00 Best display ef farming and Jeld tools t 00 Obiaa 28 VtAicla of all limit. Best family carriage.., ..v.,,.. ,.4 00 lleet bufB.V... ....t. . i.. . j . . 4 00 Ilest farm wagon ....,.,,..,....,... 4 00 Hesl sleigh.. 4 00 ilest lumber sled... .,. . oo Best hors. eart....v ,. M 1 00 Best wheelbarrow.. .' 00 ' The premiums la this erase are Intended only ivr amciev mnnoiaeittreu iu tae 00 only. Dipl.- dss may t. .warjed to anlelet not made la the Bounty, If deserving of nollee, Tbla rule applies also to cl.M J7. ' r ' 20 CtlmH-vm in wwsfv, I Best dressing bureau ..., 15 SO Best extension table. I 00 Beat variety of ebaira I 00 Best bedstead. ... t 00 Best washsland J (hi Best display of eabinet ware, diploma and. 6 00 Ilest Ml of parlor furnitur..,., ft 00 Best set of ohairs...,, , I 00 Best sofa. 4 r Best eentre Inble.....!....,....,.,,.., $ oo Best loonire, diploma and I 00 ll..t offlee ehair 1 .Ml Best rustle ehair ,..,...,...... 3 00 Class 30 Vwpermg and Carpentering, man- iiociurra ta me craiiy. Best pine ware, tubs, stands, e.. J 00 Ilest set of grain measures .., wi lle.1 window blind u J m Best l.t of baeksts... ,.. ,'' j oo Best speeimen of sath. 1 on Best panel donrw , .'.,.!!!'. 1 00 Best pump of any kind !.".'.'.'."!!.".'.." I 00 tLta. 31 Hoots and Garden Yeiittablri, Ursl i bliihel rulahagas (to nn.. , earrots... no Best 4 stalks celery 0 Best i bushel sweet polaloes I 00 Best i bushel tabls heels I n., Best heads cabha:e, diploma and SO llest 1 heals cauliflower, diploma end '.' to Best variety of melons, diploma and ' b Best squashes, diploma and to nesi pumnain. ainioma and so egg plant M- M It must bo abown that all vegetables hare been raised by the exhibitor. Cum 32-Cwnisn, SatUUr, aa. SAoeWm. Best gentlemen.' boots and shoes,..., 13 00 rail, eno snoee,. ..,,... Ilssl display of boots aad shoes. . Best riding saddle for lady. llest riding bridle and martlagal..... Best side Onlshed harness leather...,, Best sleigh robe mad. by .aliibilor... Heel earriage harness.... ... Beat sinrle harness Beet display of ssdiilery Beet side kip leather ,., Host side sole leather Best lug harness Best gentlemen's saddle Beet traveling trunk.. Bestoair.kln Be sid. upper leather....'.. .'".',"'."!" Cuia 33-Tailors' amf VvkoUters' Work. Be.i ,u 0s ,othM -1)U kt ni fi Ileal pante and rest made by a ladr.A I to Bert by . .dy.......... ro Beet kusk matiree. , , Best hair,. t0 Beet straw mattress I no CtASa 34-,iia Wars. Beet display of pears, aot e ,a , JJ Best speeimen of apples, ous peek!!!."'."." ! n Best spectniea of Aiuehcan grapes !"" i IT Best natural grapts raised in county.. " i 1 Best domestic grape wiue..... , ?: K..I ........ .... ' II... LI..LI ""' " " 1 00 Cbtaa 3'J -General Litt. Bert display and greatest variety of deweri Die Best display and greatest variety of plants. b,t' v. no,., oraainenu Best basket boquet with handle. wn BHtt MMUet It Clas40. Best essay on the eulture of cere. I grains.. J oo Best essay on ebeap aad available fertiliiers and ttieil adapution to the SOU of Clearlud county. j These lo be the property of the Boeieii with tbe privilege of publiLmg them. Clak 41. Be.t band of ua.le, diploma and jj (0 Bsads may siinuar on e.hii,itin. j of tbe Feir, when thoy will be juJged by a . mitlee. Discretionary premiums will be r..i. articles of merit not embraced in Ihe ak..v. ... eaoioiieu oy mechanics in all the rarioui brssth ee, and It is hopej that a general axhibiti.. wssll be made. For all improvtoients useful to lb. farmer, and having valuable pn-pertiea. althoagh not male in the couot.r, premiums mav be award, ed by Ihe Eitcotive Committee. In all too .f merit, dlplomus will b. awarded to eiliibiUri rs siding out of Ihe eouutr, and such sr. eordially Inrired to alttntl the I'iran4 exhibit any artieles tliey may eboote. Tbey will meirs every attention at the ban-Is of tho oltirers. An earnest appeal is msde to oir owe peool. to make this the bet fair we ever baj. L-t tbe exhibiij.,. be worthy of our people and credit able to the county. Il is peealiarly a eimnty is. emotion. It should bo a Iwuitr, Bociety and from them sbould recoil e the most alUi-tLa and .uwuragcmeuL Its good effeats hire lecn fclc aod much more good may be di-ue. luwnship orgauiiatiorjs are very deiirslle ltd would do much to alienee Ihe interest'of IbeSo. eiety aod promote tfcccju.-c of asrUulttra. llsy wehupetliat beforclhe net exhibition each town ship will liaie termed, societies and that ws u,sy have rsperts I row them. Surely there sr. a few gentlemen ia caeh townA'p wbo will lend tbeir mlluenee to sohrrf .nant a work. rkm one must make the move. C'ouwiTTa or sisiioisisn-. Sioet. D. W. t'hil.on, Ilavid tires. !er, Kdward tiayes. iMigs. Walter ehirev, M. Nieholi, Miss Math'., llrs. E. II. Hartm.n, Mrs. Mart Kultoo, ttrs. M. F. Wallace, Mrs. John Norris. Mrs. 11. VI'. Klberty, Mrs. Klsoi Brown, Mrs. I'. (islla.Th-r. I 00 k a no .... I 00 ... I 00 .... S 00 .... I 00 .... a .... 00 ... t 0 .... to .. to ... I 00 .... t to .... 1 00 to to ti III KKCilXTKK'H M)TK si-.te.,.by given that the following aeeounts bars bsea examined and passed by me, and remain filed f record Jn this oliiM fbf th. inspection ef heirs, legatees, creditors, nnd all others lo any other wsy interested, and will be presented to the aext Or phans' Court ol Cleairicld county, to bshrld at tbs Court House, in the borongh of ClrarHeM, com mencing on tha 4th Monday (being Ibe :2ddsTi ef September, A. 11. 1873. Account of A-lam Breth and Joseph L. Csmp liell, cxeoutorsof the .slat, of Mary F. Campbell, late of Bell townshfp, d ceased. Final aeeoaat of John Witherow, eiecator ef Tsabella Thomas, late of Woodward town. hie. deceased. Fiaal amount of W. D. Shirev and William V. Irvin, administrators of Marlha F. Irria, Isle of Lawronce township, deceased. Final aoeouat of John Holt, sole surviving si- reater of Ueorge U. BmesJ, late ef Bradford town ship, dreeascd. Final aocount of H. L. Edmunds. exseut.jr .f John A. Edmunds, late ef tbe borough of Clear field, deceased. - r ; , Aoooont of James Flcwart. guardian of Amu. da J. Kyler, raiorer child of tie.. J. K ler, dee'4. Final aoooont of Joseph I'attereon, adeiinistrt tor of Juba MeCully, late of Chest tp., dee d. Fartial aoeount of Faaiacl Brett, exeeslor of Samuel Brilbarl, late of IiurneiUe tp, deed. Fiual account of Amos Ilubler. aJmiaistrstor of riraoB Cathenaaa. laUos llrabam tp., dee d. Final account of Samuel Farbcr, exeselorof Susannah Farber, late ef Chest tp.. deeeaied. ria.1 aeeount oi vohn 1. Mraw, exeeuior or Elite I. Wood, hue of Ferrueoa In., deceased. Aeeount of Adam Bretb, survivina admiBistra- tor of William llartlcrode, late of Bell Ip, deed. I'artlal aeeount of Adea Breth, administrator of Urmia llartlerodo, late ol lietl tp. dec d. Keoiaxaa a Orrica, I A. W. LLK. ClearOeld, Pa., rjept. , n;l-to. , Kegister. ArVHDIN 4.M'K.-Be it ordained by the Bar- V geee and Town Coansil of Ihe Borough of Clearfield, aud it ia hereby ordained by tuihortty of the same: 1st, That any person permitting any lumber, wood, coal, wagons or olbcr articles or property of any kind or nature, lo stand, lay or remain oa the streets, either inside or outside of tbe psre ments, shall forfeit tbe same to t he boroogb. The btreel Commissioner is authorised and required ta ssi so nay lumber, wuod, cue!, wsgoni or other artieles or property of aoy kiad or nature so lying or being on tb. street, and expire the ssrae to publis sales, giving at least twenty-four hours notice by not less than fivo written or printed head bills, posted ia Ihe vosl publis places in soul borough, and pay tbe proeeerls Unroof into tbs Borough Treasury after deducting therefrom the espouses attcuding said Beiutreaud sale, chouid tbe proceeds arising from said sale n it be sufficient lo pay the etpens--s sif ttte preveedia;, then tha owner of Ihe lot In front ot Which said before wiealioacd artieles were found Bbll iBT the re maining cost, and in aililitioa thereto tbs .sm ef re dollars, t. be collected as provided for by law. eorieieel, 1 hat no tenure shall takeplsce un til twenty -four hours' have been gireu by tbe f Irect Commissioner to the owner or oeea pant of Ihe pfeaiieea to reaiovo the earns. This rdiuasico not te apply to persons tiigaged in building. lly oiib-r of Ihe Town Cuiml. A. C. TATE, Uurv(. E. C. Jonxaoa, Clerk. . sei t.3 .li. . .,. -r-. !-. . ORIl!sANCH.-Be it ordained by tbs Hur ge and Town Couneil of tbe Boroiipii ef t 'iearri.-ld, and it is hsreby ordained by llie author ity of the same: Tbat the street eomiuitte. forth, wilb prwoeed to build an underground sewer eu Soooiid street aod Market street as fallows: coa aenoiiig on Ihe eost sidool rieeond street, In tbs centre ot Market street, six feet below, and oontinuiug at an even grade to thr river, na iler the eentre of Market street, so as to intersect the river at low water aiark ; and commencing at a point apposite Ihe alley between th. lot. of ti. K- Barroll aud Jonaibaa Boyutun on Second street, four feet belowa Ihe surface, in tha eentre of tbe street, and derooudiog at an even grade to interoeot the Market street sewer j also eotuinenc iug at a point oo rn-coud street, ot.poeile the alley k.l...n .1.. I.I. .S U... TI. .1 1 I .1.- V IV... .... mi " "i . uij;ic ui..v.r- vcr, lour reel berew the surlaoeia tlioceulrecf the 'street, and descending at an wa grade to inter, act the eew. r oa Market streat. To have built alt aveeesary eonduils from the street gutters to load the water of Ibe above named street, intn the sewer. 2d. The sewer to bo built of two inch oak plank, at least ouo fiot clear in diameter. All to 1. done under the direction of the llorodgh Engineer. By order ef the Town Council. - A. C. TATE, liurress. I, 0. Johnsos, Clerk. srpl..l:3l- O 111)1 N A Net-'.--lie it Ordained. e, Tbat from and after the passage of this eniinanoe every person found driving or rldingen the streets at . faster rata ol speed than fire miles a. hear Shall liay a An. of not more than ten dollars. It shall he the duty of the High Constable to seise any hors. that may b. driven at a rate ef speed faster than five miles an hour and bold the same nntil said fine be paid, and if said fine lie not peid within four days, together with eo.t of k'pir and other fees and expenses. Mid horse shall be sold and tbe proceeds paid into tbe Borough Treasurer. By order of the Town Council. A. 0. TATK. Burgr.s. E. C. Joavsne, Clerk. eepU:Jt. Fall directions sent with ea -h chart. Any per son csa use them. Kent post paid on reeeipt ef price, els i l.snrs Dnrss Cnisir, eats Jl isr'. llota' Stia Cor Catnr, II .is-s, Vast Cntar, ruts il siscs and five si vies, ll.i'O each. Fairs CaAnt.euls Jl sites, all styles, MxVsf Ai X Coar Cmaot, cut. II sises. f I Ml en. h, er, full sal, e chart", IJ. AUKMd WANIKP, lulon Iban Co., 11 murllle, I'a. Mrs, J. E. Hamilton, agent for Cleartlew. en- Ire and Clinton counties. I1. 0. address, l.ulliers- barg, l,irlkld Co., I'v I I i