Site lUpublian. GEORGE B. GOODLANDER, 1WTu an! rnomiTOn. ; ULBAKK1KL1), Ta. WEDNESDAY MORNING. AUUIST J7, 18TS. Deniocratio County Ticket. ASSEMBLY, I) R. T. l. HO Y E R i ,.. or ci.iarihi.d. R11KIIIFF. W ROB 8 Me I'll EM SOI, or cLBinriBLO. TREASURER, ' WILLIAM W. W O H B A I.L, , or ct.Eaftriian. i COMMISSIONER, CLAIIK IIHOWK, or iAViiicc. DISTRICT ATTORNEY, .FRANK I'lliLUINO, or cLiAiiruLP. AUDITOR. LEWI C.HLOOM, . OR LaWRaKCR. 3VVY COMMISSIONER, i O II N W. H II U J A R T, Or'i'LKAltriKLD. CORONER, ' O E O n (i K THORN, or ClBARrlKLD. Most IIano. Tlio l'reidont ap proved tho finding of tbo Court Mar tial, which sentenced tho eix Modoc Chiefs to bo bunged on tho 3d of Oc tober. . . A Miktakk. In our prcfaco to Col. Tuto's loiter, found on our fir-nt pngo, our compositor mulccg ns say "old friends and editors," while wo wrote relatives instead of "editors," Head Tuem. On oar first pngo will bo found a letter from Curwcnsvillo and Chest, respectively. The wrilors successfully controvert tho allegations of tho Modocs and their "independ ent" allies. ' ' Substantially Democratic. The editor of ; tho Lowiatown Democrat Buys ho bus nine brothers living, and all are Democrats, as is also tho fath er, making oloven Domocrntio votes in ono family. Mifllin county should have a few more such families. Mifilintown hud another big fire oh Saturday morning. Two newspnpor offices, the Sentinel nnd Independent, fivo dwellings and twonty-ono busi ness places wcro burned up. Loss from soventy to eighty thousand dol lars, principally insured sinco tho great firo of Pceombcr, 1870. Tho firo or iginated in tho Sentinel olflco, and was no doubt tho work of an incen diary, as no firo hnd boon kept In the oflico for a long time. Modern Loyalty. A western ex change says that tho negroos of Bour bon county, Ky., who voted tho Doin ocratio ticket at tho late election, ore persecuted and multroatod. Thoir houses have boon forcibly entered, and their dishes, stovos and other fur niture brokon and mudo usoless. Some of them bare been stoned at night and mobbed in tho d:iy. Tho arm of tho law ought to be strong enough in Kentucky to put down theso Grunt Ku Klux. How is this fob Iliaii ? It is an nounced that Stato printer Singorly presented a bill to the Constitutional Convention, for printing, of $21,835,' 00. . Tho committee cut it down to $9,338.27. Grabbors do not fare well in that body. The former $21,000 was a Radical bill, tho latter $9,000 was a Democratio bill. Singerly, we prcsumo, supposed that after the Pros idont, Congrcshinon and the Govornor had their bills doubled, he could go a liltlo hotter and seo ibom. Chance for Another M'ardon. A horrible- murdor was committed in Ilarrisburg, on last Sunday night a week, at 12 o'clock, at tho cornor of Short and South Btreots. Two no- groos, named Jonosand Williams, got into an altercation as to who was tho belter man. Jones drew a bowie- knife and stabbed Williams several timos in the stomach; Williams lived but a few minutes. The murdcror has bcon arrested and committed. This is tho third man Jones has ruur dcrod, and ho has twico boon sent to the Penitentiary and twice boon par doned out. Ho is an influential "col ored politician," and we presume what lias happened twice will happon again, and the safety of society jeopardized by this ungodly man. Can tho advo catos of capital punishment not cn forco the law, or if not, repeal it and havo a law enncted which will rondor society moro safe f tio Explain Senator Carponlor, of Wisconsin, Vico Prosident pro tern, and his lady (not his wife) were kicked 'out of a fashionable hotel at tho Long Branch scat of govcriimont, ono day lust week This affair causes somo few of tho "loyal millions" to turn uplhuir noses. Tha Daily Wisconsin, the organ of ro- finomont, loyalty and godliness in that Slato, says : The Ntw York TVteae nd Chicago Timnhtit made set-tout eharges against tho private oharao ter of Senator Carpenter. Thsao cbargee are too grave to pari annotioed. They ara written by journals of ample peonniarr rerponiiiriility, and they ean ba made suffer most seriously If they have given currency to report that ara falaa and libellous, and tba oonstitueats of Senator Car penter have a. right to know tba truth. If they ara falsa, personal malavolenno oould go no fur ther, and any jury would award eooh damage aa would be a Inaano to all future journalists. The people demand thai tho Scuetor of their ohuive ehould vindicate hie character. Curpontor cx plalnod tho salary grab svt Jaoosvillo, a short timo ago. Wi hop ho will toll his constituents all about his lady, and satisfy their mar Viu curhisit y, on Uiii puiut, loo. The IHtconttuttd, Tho world has bcon bloesod with a class of mon who are always unhappy and discontented, and complain of bo Ing rendorod so by thoir neighbors, when they in reality are tho designers and promoters of their imaginary dis tress.' No avocation or spliero oi life but what is moro or loss disturbed by this olemont of noddy. And ten mon of this class can produce moro conci sion and harm to the well being of society than throo tinios that number can successfully combat. Ono of theso mon can disturb and annoy a whole neighborhood by his plausible yot fal lacious representations. Tho church, the Stato, tbo social circle, businoss mon and politicians nro constantly tormented by this class of growlers. Our own experience is, that tho clans indicated always domand moro for themselves than they nro willing to concede- to others, and if their indi vidual demands aro not complied with, then a public wrong has bcon porpo- tralud. Oh I what ainrtyrs and put- riots they always aro in thoir. own estimation. Hut to tho question. Tho few dis contented spirits, who havo mined a howl over tho "Court House ring," and aro slandering our local nominees, and hobnobbing with tho lindical lead ers, for tho purposo of forming an in dependent ticket, (every one of whom wo could namo,) aro just such as wo have photographed. For years tho Chnirman of our County Committee has been importuned to do acts out tide of tho ordinary channels to ac commodate them or thoir especial frionds. They aro generully out of order, and retail their grievances bo- foro tho cnomy in as public a man ner as possible, instead of among tboir friends, who alone can givo thorn relief, providing thoir grievances aro real and not imaginary. Thoir personal hatred of ono or more of our nominees causes thorn to assail tho whole party machinery and all upon tho ticket, and they soon work tbomsclvcs op to tho position of reformers and public benofuctors in their own estimation and that of tho parly and becomo very noisy and enthusiastic in their work of regener ation. Theso men successfully accom plish two things. They succeed in annoying those who spend so mo timo and means for tho general good of tho party, and they become the confidents of tho enemy, and through thoir in strumentalities the wheol-horscBof the party are compelled to draw a boav ier load. Moro, they loudly proclaim their genuino democracy. This amounts to nothing whou done among their neighbors, where thoy are per sonally known, but thoy do mislead somo who are not pcreouully acquaint ed with thorn. , ' ; It is with very bad grace that some of tb oso individuals, who last year oritioisod their 'party frionds fur not slicking to "tho ticket," now aro ne gotiating with tho llndicals, to form a joint stock company, to defeat "tho ticket." Another illustration: Ills just as rcnsonablo for us to believe thut the frequenter of an assignation houeo is a virtuous man, as to have us believe that (hat individual is a truo Demo crat, who is always hnrping about tho great wrongs of his party friends. Wo writo this plainly, so that wo may not bo misunderstood, nnd havo mado a pair of shoes to fit soinobody, but wo adviso thoso to keep thoir toes out of them, who, upon trying them on, find thoy don't fit. Fraud t fraud t This is tho entire stock in trado of our political enomies and a few dis satisfied Democrats, when discussing our lute Primary Kloction. In sur voying tho Gold we cannot discover that any moro frauds were committed at tho lust Primary Kloction than on formor occasions, and wo would be very much obliged to those who dis cuss this question if they would put their charges in writing, and point out tho election poll at which the frauds wcro committed, namo the par ties engaged In it and then sign their proper names to tho charges. This would bo manly and dignified, and not mcro captiousness, of which there is loo much displayed in discussing tho quostinn; because, when these men nro asked wlicliior the nominees aro unworthy of their support or un qualified for tho positions thoy ore namod for, they invuriubly oxclnim : O, they aro competent," olo., follow. od bv. "but," "if," "nnd," olc. This is not nrgumont, and Democrats should nut resort to any other method when discussing facts. Won't Work. We aro credibly In formed that a few men who havo heretofore nctod wilh Iho Democratic part', aro negotiating a snlo of a por tion of tho party to John II. I'ulford Chairman of tho licdicul County Com mitteo, tho latter having informed thoso ho is coquotling wilh that ho has full authority in the premises, to buy and soil to suit purchasers. Wo hopo thoso who aro twitting thoir neighbors about frauds, will not turn around and perpotrato a more heinous fraud, and mako merchandise out of thoir political virtue Disastrous Flood. No sootion of tho country has boon so devastated by the late floods as the liltlo Stato of Dolawaro. Tho Chosapoako and Del aware canal, which crosses the Stato, has boon nearly ruined. The breaks in it aro so lnrgo that sooros of boats and vessels have boon swopt Into fields, whoro thoy are lying high and dry. It will lake two months to repair tho canal and make it passable again, Tho publio loss of bridgos and tho doslrue tiou of farm properties is very great. 1V Say Arbitrate. Wo notico that our Democratio Irionds, as woll as tho Itudicnls, in somo sections of tho Stato, nro budgor ini each other over some local nom-, (nations. Tho most sorious seems to bo In Fayolto aiid Grcon counties, ovor .President Judgo. Tho former county seems to bo prolific of groat mon. Thoy want all tho Judgos, Sen ators, and Indeod nearly ovorything. In Clarion and Forest, the fight is ovor Assombly, while tho Judgo question scorns also to disturb our frionds in Bucks and Montgomery. Why not adopt a common senso, business meth od to scttlo all such misunderstand ings f Why not arbitrulo T Let tho Chuirman of tho Stato Committoe, and the ' Chairmen in tho comities whoro a quarrol arises, each select a disinterested arbitrator, or allow the two contestants and tho Chairman of the Stale Committee to seloot throo arbitrators, fix a lime and plaoe for mooting tho parties, thoir friends and wilnosscs, and try the points at issuoj first, howevor, requiring the rcspoct ivo candidates to abido by tho deoiuion and judgment of tho arbitrators, and then "go for Uio sculp" of tho candi date who violates the agrcomcnt. Is not this plan feasible f If businoss and social affairs can bo adjusted in this manner, why cannot politics bo settled in' tho somo way. Let tho ap proaching State Convention tuko some action in tho matter. . Country Seat. Tho country seat of Juy Cook, the well known banker, in Cheltenham township, Montgomery county, contains, 200 acres of land,lo0 acres of which is cultivated. Tho namo is givon to tho place is "OgonU." The mansion is 190 by 157 foot, buili of stono, fivo stories high, including tho Mansard roof, and contains fifty- two rooms. Tho furnlluro is all of heavy walnut, elegantly carved, and tho rooms are covered with co.tly carpets, and lace curtains of tho finest tcxturo adorn tho. windows. The nniutings, tho deor park, the conserv atory, the aaiiuiium, tho rare trees and plants, tho walks, tho drives, the gas works, the green house, and ovory thing about the place, aro most olegant, costly and com pie to in their style On tho first floor of tho main tower of the dwelling is the private office of Mr. Cook, and in this is a battery by which bo can telcgruph to all parts of tho world. Aorrtstown Vejenaer. . Cook is the head of our American syndicate; in othor , words, Grant's bunkorand financial agent. Whenever there is a "fat take" on hands, "the government" informs Cook. Ho has mado fifteen million dollars out of our distress. Mitt a Slandrrl ' The Pittsburgh Evening Telegraphs edited by Presidont Grant's District Attorney for tho Western district of 1 onnsytvania, shows plucK in being tho vory first paper in this region, to come out and defend tho President's action in regard to tho back pay,front nav and increased par of government otlicials. This the Commercial and Gazette havo steadily refused to oarolully avoiding any allusion to the rjxecuiive wnon uuiiuunemg mu gmu bors. and although invited to do so by tho Post at least twonty times. Tho Telegraph pulls off its coat, rolls up its sleoves and makes tho loiiowing lor- midablc dash ! "Wo challenge the Post to produce a particle of proof that tho Prosidont "lobbied lor tho Concicssionul dock pay. That he signed ttio"J.cgislultvo, Executive, nnd Judicial Appropriation Bill," which contained tho provisions for Congrosssional back-pay, wo ad mit, liut it was un act which now oecupios twonty-five pages of the Statutes at Lnrgo, passed ut tho very closo of the session, and on which do- ponded tho support of all throo lo partments of tho Government. Ho could not havo withheld his signature without cullinir an extra session ot Congress, tho expenso of which would havo been greater than tho whole amount involved." W by not bo honost and sav that tbo bill provided an extra hundred thous and dollars for Grant himself? And here wo must take issue with tho Tel egraph, as it is woll understood that there was timo enough to pass another bill, had Gi ant seen fit to uso tho veto; but he was afraid to refuse members of Congress an increase lest they would havo refused him tho snug sum of one hundred thousand dollars; and thats why he did not withhold his signature. This is the view the country takes of tout transaction, nomattor how much whitewash may bo usod tooovcritup. Again says tho telegraph'. "The PreaMrnt got no 'bask pa' by tho bill." Wo admit it. And why didn't ho f Simply bocnuse there is a provision in tho Constitution thut would stop a litllo camo of that sort, and it tho President hnd triod it on ho might havo been impeached. And again : "The naponaihillly of that larceny oannot be ahiflod on the Prefldont." If it was a larcony wo contond the Prosident hud moro to do with it than any living man, and in this opinion we quote tho Kadicul Goneral Garfiold, whose renutulinn and standing we don't think tho Telegraph will attack Tho Gonoral says: "My votk hid not make it a law, IIlS SIGNATURE DID." Of course it did, and Grant gets tlio largest shuro, and ho will "draw it." If telling tho truth about tbo grabbing nronensitics of Mr. Grant is slnndcr, then wo must admit that wo havo most foully slandered him. If not not. Post. Miraculous Emcai'k. Tho Now Castle Gazette slates that on the tll; inst., a liltlo fivo year old daughter of Mrs. Cambridge, residing on Chestnut street, in thut city, while playing near a well, stepped on ono ol tho boards of tho oover, which suddenly gavo way, lotting hor full into tho woll, which was about twonty-ono foot deep nnd conlainod six foot of water. Her tnothor, who had witnessed her fall, raised an alarm, which soon brought a nombor of persons to tho well, ono of whom, a man named John Meaner, was lowered by the windlass, and wilh considerable difficulty recovered tho body, which had luin undor wator nearly fivo minutes and was appar ently lifeless. Vigorous measures for resuscitation woro however immoill atcly employed, and respiration at length rcstorod. She ii now sopming ly ns well as over. Hers was 'indeed a miraculous cscapo lrom A raos( u timely deulbi CoHutsttney. At tho luto Kadicul Ktuto Conven tion, tho chairman of tho committeo on resolutions, Mr. Win. B. Munn, offered tbo following, vhich was unan imously adopted ffMolmd, That aa retrenchment li required to UxliloD the bunteii of taxutloo, and to continue the reduction of tho pultlio dvbt, on Incroaie of ealarlae ta uowiee, and wo oundomn, without re- lervv, vellng fur or ruocivinjr luoreaied pay for i-rrlora already rondi-rcd, whother in Slate or Nation, and deuund, that tho .proviaiont of the lato ai-t of ConKreee by which the aalariea wore inort-aard ihuuld promptly aud unconditionally bo repealed. . . Now, Bays tho llarrisburg Patriot, tako notico that for inasmuch as Presi dent Grunt not only signed tho act of Congress which incroused the salaries of tho Prosidont, Supremo Judgos, and members of Conuross, but also active ly bored in tho Senato and IIouso of liopresentalivos for tho passago of the aforesaid bill, by which his annual salary was increased from Twenty-five Thousand to Fifty Thousand Dollars; and for inasmuch as Senator Cameron votod for tho bill aforesaid and pocket ed his lack pay, thnrt-foro it appears thut those two high iiopuoiicati digni taries ure denounced as increased sal ary and back pny crabbers by tho IU- publicans, through thcmodium or their oliloial organ, tho Kepublican blato Convention. Olt, Mann ! this is tho unkindest cut of nil that you should proclaim to tho astonished world tlJtt Ulyssos S. Grunt, President of tko United States, is ox-oflleio gcneral-in- chiuf of the U. S. grand army of tie Itepubliean grabbers, and that AC. . Uill be complotod early this full, tunt General Camoron is in acfuull A , ,, v;n ..i..i :. . oommuna oi ino nrsi urmy corps ui Pennsylvania ltupublicun grubbers I This scathing resolution but ill accords with tho second pluuK ol your plat form in which you so emphatically declare your continued confidence in tho - national administration 1 .Ob) Munn 1 thou art but a bungling car penter I The plunks in your platform don't fit. Carpel-bar financiering. South Carolina will begin tho fiscal ycur with a uoiictt oi about sovon hunurod thousand dollars. '1 bo iroas- ury is even now ompty. Inc appro- nriutions lor the year wore two nwi iion four hundrod thousand dollars, and tho receipts so fur. have reached ono million six hundred thousnnd dol lars. Of the accumulated debt under which the State i sluggoring and is practically bankrupt, suits have been ontcrcd to throw otr seven millions of conversion bonds, issued, us is claimed, without authority of luw. Tho Stuto TreuBurer of South Car olina publicly announces that he hopes tho courts will declure void and worth less seven millions of tbo conversion bonds of the commonwealth. This is a pluin acknowledgment thut those bonds wero illegally issued by tho Radical thieves who have ruled and plundered South Carolina. And yet they woro endorsed and upheld by General Grant and bis administra tion. M l'Bdir at Selinsoro vs. We loarn by tho Lewisburg Journal that Dr. P K. Wogonsellor, of Selinsgrovo, was so badly woundod with a knilo on Saturday evening that ho diod in 24) hours aflcrwurds. Tho statement of tho affair wo havo hoard is ss follows: Dr. Wagenseller employed a man who occasionally got drunk. On Satur day this man in company with a your.g man nnmed Wenrich, ninoloon years old, got on a snroo. In tho evening Dr. Wagonscller mot Wenrich ana charged him with gelling his hired man drunk, when Wenrich callod him a liar. Wagonsollor told Wenrich if bo would call him that again be would slriko him. Wenrich repeated the lio, and Wagonsoller struck him over the mouth; Wenrick immediately drew a knifo and cut Wagonsellor across the stomach, from which ho diod on Sun dny evening. Wenrich has boon ar rested. Dr. Wagonsoller was ono of the Republican candidates lor the Snyder county nomination for Sena tor: but his brother, Dr. il. r . wegen- seller, was tho successful candulnlo. Tho deceased was ono of the leading ing men of Snyder county, and the sympnlluos are with his lumily. An Amkrican Triumph. Tho Vi enna correspondent of tho Now York Tribune says that the tnui ot mowers and roapors, at tho Vienna Exposition, was acomiileto triumph lor the A men cans. At tho lust momont the English and French backed out, leaving only four European machines i from tier- many) on . tho ground. fourteen American reapers aud fifteen mowers competed, iietoro tho trial looK place, tho lorotgn exhibitors Iuughod at tno American machines, their lightness and apparent frailty being tho chid causo of their merriment; but before tho tnul was ended "the la-iuh was on tho other side." This liltlo affuir calls to mind tho different occasions when our English cousins laughed at oar light axes, pitch-forks, and a hundred and ono othor articles of Amoricun manufacture that nro now driving thoir clumsy, unwieldy tools out ol thoir own markets, pressing them so hard that, in tho mutter of axes at loust, they havo bcon compcllod to adopt Amorican models to keep lrom being ousted entirely. J-.ntrerichcu as they were in their own conceit and sonso of superiority, dire necossly bus compelled them to cnpiluluto to their youthful but active rival. IIatiikr a Good Law. Tho Ohio slock law is prolty rigid, making the owners of stock liable for all damage done by it. No person is required to leu co against stock, but it is a niultor of the utmost importance to owners that inoy Keep moir siocn on tuner pooplo's promisos. Under tho law trespassing slock can bo tukon in exe cution to puy costs and damages with out roforonco to homestead exemp tions. Tho law, bowover, does not authorize persons to kill or injuro am mals thut troublo thorn. On the con trary, porsons who kill or maim stock, evon when trespassing, subject thorn solvos to heavy ponulltcs. aa-..- "A Widow Piiovidkd For," This is a sterootyped loyal phraso. We have tho authority of the Bonding Kayle for stating that while Mrs. John I' rite, widow ot Major r ritr., an offi cer in the lulo civil war, has boon ap pointed postmistress nt Beading, it is on the understanding that sho is to havo but ll.UUU a your out of tho sal ary of the ofllco, which is 14,300, tho balance being paid to tho boud clerk. This is the way in which widows of bravo officers are taken care of by the present administration. Ono thous and for tho widow nnd four thousand for aomo political scalawag. a i aa ' Girard estate, In iho oily of Philadel phia, is appraised at $;i,7(Ji!,i)U0, nnd tbo valuation is qui to as high as, and higher than, tbo uverano of othor pro perty, Tho gioas nutal is 1320,800 annually, being nearly nine per cent. Tbo tax os paid amount lo f,,-7-. Coupon 3'rars. KcY. E. O. Forney, pnstor of the Church of the Ascension, Norristown, Pa., has renounced Protestantism and gono over to tho Catholio Chnrcb. Miss Jerusha Spitfire, of Nashvillo, Tenn., wilh tho aid of a marriage cer tificate and the parson, has becomo Mrs. Willio Moekfun. A chango Of name anyhow. Tho Ulica Observer says that sw'md lors havo coinmonccd operations upon railroad tickets. . Thoy buy a ticket to a station a few' miles off, cut out tho namo of the slution and insert that of anothor considerably further off. ' Win. P.' Miner, proprietor, of tho Record, wants to be postmaster at Wilkesbarro, and it has resulted in an onnlcasantnoss" wilh tho back-par- salary-grab Congressman Shoemaker and a low othor radioal politicians, even to tbo wringing of noses and otbor pugilistio demonstrations. At the sale of the personal effects of Jcsso Boot Grant, the bod in which tho grout Ulyssos was born brought $3.60. Tho manufacture of great men in this country is as cheap as dirt. The Cairo and Fulton JJnilroad, which is In rapid process of construc tion, will be finished to Fulton, Ark., by the first of September. This point wns tho original terminus of tho road, but it has been determined to extond it to Texarcuna, twenty miles be yond, whoro it will connoct with the Texas Pacific road. Iho entire lino rcBt Van Btiren is shown to bo cuilty, is discharged, and a new and effectivo commission is appointed in the plaoe of thut which, under him, brought dis- graco upon our nulionul honor, ibis is not a pleasant subject for Ameri cans to dwoll upon, and we cladly ismiss it, we hopo, to oblivion. Butler's campaign in Massachusetts is working liko a barrel of constabu lary boer. it is announcod thut "the Buy Slato will bo politically crazy next autumn, and that domaijoiuoisrii, chicanery, tempcranco and personal uggranuiEomoni win oo strangely in termixed "tbo devil taking tho hind ormost." Matthew Gaines, a colored State Senator in Texas, has boen sentenced to ponitcntiary for bigamy. Had he been a United States Senator ho could buvo choked off the first wife and got certificate of character lrom l rest- ont Grunt, liko any other morul statesman. Congress does not approvo of polyg amy, and yot Oregon now furnishes a Sonutor with two wivesund two names. lie left the one wife in Pennsylvania nd has another in bis now btate; and his name in Oregon is Mitchell, while in Pennsylvania it was Hippie. Tho United Slates Senate will bo a very honorable body of men in timo. Two sisters namod Elixaboth and Martha Mclnlyro were, as we loarn from the Grcensburg Democrat, brown from a horso which they wore con- ointly riding on their way to church at Lutrobo, and when within about two miles of that place, on lust Sun day woek. Martha sustained some slight injurios, but Elizabeth was so budly hurt that though medical aid wus called in thirty minutes, and everything possible done, sho expired at 2 o'clock on Tuesday morning fol lowing, llie principal injury seemed to bo in tho spine, Dour tho nock, and laiulysis lollowed soon alter the in jury. Lust woek one night,snys the Somer set Democrat, a young eirl living at Jonathan Cnnnighatn's about 13 years old, got up in her aloep, walked lo the open window in tho second story, and jumped or foil out 10 the ground bolow, a distance ot hlleon leet. Mr. 0. heard hor walking in the room abovo, when tho window fell nnd he heard hor striking the ground outside with a dull, heavy thud, lie run out, cxpocling to find her killed, when lo uta Hurpiisu, nu icuiiu ouu nus iiui- in Iho least hurt. Sbo got up and walk ed up stairs to bed again as though nothing had occurred. Govornor Dix, of Now York, has ust pardoned a burglar, scntencod to three years ul oing ising, on condition that he leavo tho Slate andslsy away for two years. This burglarious per son is thus forcod to seek somo other Stuto for his branch of industry, but wbcro tho justico of a pardon comes in that turns a criminal loose, and compels him to go to New Jersey, or somo othor runio, to roo, is neyonu our comprehension. . Wo object to Europe Bonding her criminals to our snores; wuai ngm nus wuw nr to exile her thieves, even to Ben But- or'a neighborhood f ' A hotel kcopcr at Long Branch ad Vortiscs his house ns being at the "Summer capital of the Nation." Just so; Washington is only the "Winter capital. Iho long iiiancu landlord will havo to pull in ins sign noxt sum mer, as tho capital is going to removo to Newport. fcnr.UOL'U and MiueounK will just nil out brunts term, and then tho people will permanently loouto it at Washington, and utilise tho fc'iO,- 000 stables they hnve built. Tho twenty horses of tho Trensury De partment could be nccommoaateu as woll aa not, AnothkrSoft Snap. It is said that the Byndloolo th lo lue oomblna tion of favored bankers and specula tors of tho Treasury Department who got tho privilcgo of manipulating tho funding loan will mnko two hundred nnd scvonty thousand dollars by hund- lina the fifleon million uonova award It is strango that there must bo a job in almost oTory thing tho United States Treasury Department has to do. Why, in the namo ot common senso, could not the British covernmont pay flftoon millions lo tho United States without the Syndicate's aid or tho Syndicato touching tbo monoy I A clerical gontloman, in examining a Sunday school, asked tho class bo lero him if any of thorn could toll him nvthin? about the apostio reior. n little girl raisod hor hand, much to tho gratification of the examiner. "Como up horo, my good liltlo girl," said ho, '-I nm glad you rcmombor vour Biblo losson so woll. Now, toll . . f ! I - ... L. n , L ib othor oovs anu Kins kiihv j know of St. Peter." The girl was nuiio willinir. and commoncod, loter, Tutor, nunuin-oiucr, unu a wuo mm X P; . i I - -:r- 1 couldn't keop hor in a," but bolore ho could get to "punkin boll" th school was in a roar. ' Anotmcr Government Fraud. It i,..,i,-,, uve a Washington dis patch lo tho St. Louis JfcpMWa'fl,that the patontoo of tho new cignr-box which it is proposed to loroo npon me trade Is a brother-in-law of the com missioner of internal rcvonno, Doug lass. Which tends still further to ,how that ours is not so much a gov prnmont pf lw ns pf brothor-ln liw. . Cone Hlla the Vuert. The latost evidonco of the polluted oondilion of Louisiuna politics is the stealing of 170,000 by Ex-Gov. War mouth. Tuesday's dispatch from thut hot bed of rogues and thloves gives us tho following information i Ex Oov. Wurmoulh luft bore sud denly, uftor remaining two days. The day he lull tho Attorney General com moncod a suit against bim and tho Slato Trcasuror who was olectod un dor Warmoulh's administration,, on facts which havo just transpired con corning tho sale ot tho Jackson rail road iu 1870. Wurmoulh sold the in terest of tho Stuto in thut road for four dollars a share, the State having originully in 1858 paid twenty-five dollars a Bbare in bonds. The amount receivod by Warmouth was (121,000, which was paid Into the treasury to tho account of the Attornoy Gonoral. On tho dav it was paid tho State Trcasuror returnod to Warmouth over $70,000, and took five per cent, of the mount himself. Tho proof is con clusive against both of thorn. This is only tho smallest outcrop ping of tho political rottenness of that nlortuiiulo Maio. utticr men aro opt in power eouully notorious for thoir rascality and villainy. Lasoy nd Kollogg uro tho direct agents ol ino uuiiiiiusiruuui, ouu inuir bjiiiijt hands of corruption hnve loft their mpnnts everywhere on tho Com monweallb. : Louisnna has becomo nroonynioue with plunuor- mtootoa by villains of the Budical administra tion as dungerous as the marauders and adventurers of Moxioo, or the Brigands and Frcebootors of Italy or spam. Iho Uilleronco between the two classes is vory small. . Lotal Bino Tho St Paul Dispatch and the St. Paul Pio neer assort that there is a gigantic t'ino Jand King in Minnesota, and that about 00,000,000 feet of timber from school university and internal mprovomcnt lands havo been sold tho lust year to privato parties, the state receiving no benout tnerclrom. bo are thegrubbors r . : Ex-President Mil lard Fillmoro is sov- only thrco years old. Fillmore and Andy Johnson aro tho only ex-l'rosl- dents living, and neither ot them was cctod to ollice. JUr. fillmoro, as Vice-President, succeeded President Taylor, who died a liltlo ovor a yoar flcr ho was inaugurated, and Andy ohuson succeeded Lincoln. Urn gttvrrtisrittents. i DMINIMTR ATOM'S NOTICED JMioe ' ie bereltr Riven that IMtereof adminietrativn no the eetate of IlKNJAMIN UAIKD, late of Hell towoehip, Clearfield ooonle, l'a., deocaeed. havini been duly granted to the UDdrrairned, all ereone iodebleS to eaid aetata will ileaaa eaaae mtnediate pajioeot, aod thoee having elairaa or for aettlcmcnt without dlaj. einanill will prrirui lupin pruuvrij auiuvuviuaiw JAMI-.M A. CAM Till-. 1,1., ftaic27-6t Administrator. "1 AI TION. All pern oi are herohr oantloord J ajcainet nrRottatinf for a prnmiaaorr note, iron or mt tojaoob r-mitu. or itra-ir lowoenip, calling for eeventjr dollara, (f70,00) dated the 39tb da or Julr, A. u. 117.1, paralile alter tn mnolhl at the Itenkiug Il'iueeof F. K.Arnold A Co., Lothernburft. Ae I never reeeived Taloo for aatd note, 1 aia determined sot to pa it un ion eompellcd bj law. aog2-3t" MchlHAM. QLEABiTELD ACADEMY. MALI? DKPAKT.HIS'iT. THE PAMi TRHM of foarteen weekf will eotnnienoo MONDAY, SKPTkMUEIt 8lh, 1873. Terma of Tuition. Heading, Writing, Mental and Written Arithmetic, Uramtnar, Ueograph and llietorr...... 00 Natural Hbtloeophr, Phreiologr, and Sin gle Entry llook-keeoing ... 11 00 For Inftrnctli-ni in Double Knlry llooa- keeping and Com inoreial Arithmetic, ipo. -Oial tcrinf to he arrangod. Tha nnderiigned having ohargo of thn Male Di-ttartment ie an experienced teacher, lie ie a graduate of Iron Cite Cummeroial College, aod hue had eoveral reara practical experience ae an areoantant. ' lie ii prepared, on moderate tenna, to give euch initruotions in 1'enmauihip anii unok-keeptng ai are nenellj obtained oolr at Commercial Colleei or in actual bu,ineia. 'or partioulari refpooting the arnool anplv to augJ7tf It. M. McKNAI.LT A. & W. D. IIIVIN, CORNER STORE, CURWENSVILLE, PA., PliCISIVE FLOUR AND SALT , BV CAU LOAD, And Bell at em till advance it o r k 11 Y THE COIL, AND .. -, PACKAGE GOODS . FOR LUMBERMEN'S SUPPLIES sold :.; .' CHEAP. Aogu.t IS, 1S7S :I:T . 11HTR AV-nam tee'paeelng on the propor her, in Covington townsnip. I'j t of the eubicriher, ? o ahoat the let of June. IHT.1. thro Sheep, Tha owner ll lequoetod lo oome forward, prove property and pay enargei and iao iiicio awa. or theT will oo aiapooau oi awroina aug'l-St DAV'10 ASKBV. S5 TO OA per day t Agrnla wanted t 1'J ut All elexel ol woraing peopn of cither aex. young or Dili, make wiore money work for ui in their eiaro moment, ar all the time, than at envthlng ele. l'artietilare free Addrene t), KvtKioii A Co., Portland, Maine. ootSO'TSyl fl We hava printed a largo nninhot of the new KKK DILI,, and will on tha receipt o( Hr'"lr lis aruti. mail oopy to air tildrtsi. myM Tim Spokes, Rims & Plow Handles. JOHN O. DAVIS & SON, nio sroKE YT0BKS, S. W. Cor. LEOPARD A 0TTKH Stroeti, . , i PHILADELPHIA. 9-8enil for frlca Lilt. . 0 NEW LIME KILN I NKAR CURW'ENSVIM.If. Tba andonlgned woaid rcrpwtloiiy ninv en oreuni Interentcd that he hae Juet erected a new .line Kiln, in Pike townehip, and will keep on land a firel-elaee quality of Orev Lime, which rill bo furnlihrd to farmera, builder! and othera at IS cent per buiuel, caeh, at tha kiln. Jt-Jl-tiai u. u. CiLi'ii ni.u. 87G IETE.XIAL! 1876 The New "CENTENNIAL" CLOTHING STORE! BEEt SEE I , Men'i Suits of Fanner1 Caeeimere, oolj.... 15.00 at KERR C0."S. Men'l Bbltw of Cheviot, only.. f.00 at KKltK CO.'ti. Men'l Suit ofRcot-h Cheviot, only...'. 15.00 at hfeBlt a t'U.'S. Men Suit of Kngliih Mellon, only 18.00 at KKKK lU.'B. Men'l Suit of Fine Bine Diagonal.. 90.00 at k'KUK A L'O 'M. Toulh'i Soite from tT.ov to .....,.. I J. 00 at KKKK a CO.'fl. Children Fancy goiie. from 12.00 to...... 10.00 at k bott 4 I U. S. Gent's Furnishing Goods, tat fcod large it flock In town, it KEUR & CO.'S New Centennial Clothing House, Cornor Second and Market Btroct. Go and lee for Tonrealvee. Tin aioet fntk- toaaoe Clothing iuuec im Vlrarfitld. S-2t-7! Full direction! tent with each ohart. Any iier- ton oan ue them. Kent pout-paid on receipt of rieef, rii: Ladim' Vr9 Chart, euti SI rite, on oavk Coat Chaiit, 11 mo. uttr C haut. iu SI litcf and firo itylii, $1.00 vach. I'aitb Cnaiit, outi 21 tiiei, all it v lei. Muni 8aci Coat C it art, cuti 11 ii.?, fl ;6 fitdh, or, fail tot, flvo hrts ty AGENTS WANTED, Vnion Chart Co.. iirernrillo, l'a. Mn. J. K. llftmilton, arnt fer Cloarlfold, Cen tre and Clinton eountiM 1. O.addrcu, Luthert barg, Clearfield Co., l'a. augO 3m he Most Attractive Subscription Book Published this Year. r - IN SEAKCII OF THE CASTAWAYS: A Itomantlo Num. tiro of the Lui of Ct. Grtvnt 1Mb Hrig ' Ilrittanni. and of tbo Adron turei of hU Chtllrwi nd Frfcndi fa bu Dlteorvry nd Kctcac. Ktnbrmeiiig tho lefriptton of a Voyago ituuud tbo World. Rv JVIiKH VKRNE, Author of "Twenty Thousand Lcaguei under the irO Fin Enf-mi-mrn; 02U Pattf, Priot,$3Mt. AUK NTS WA.V1KD. for doforiptiva circu lar, tormf, triritury, ato., adlrM J, It. JjLFFIiNtOrT CU., aufl3 .1t Publiibert, Philadelphia. ' EONARD HOUSE, : ' Oppoiite Iteilroad Prpot, ' ' CLrlABFIELU, PA. Pleaaaotiy located and a firat-claea hotel In all roepect. Ureakfait fr paieenrrTa leaving on morning train. VM. fl. BUADLKV, June II, 1073. proprietor. JAMES MITCHELL, DB1L1 IS Square Timber & Timber Lands, Jell'7S CLEARFIELD, PA. HEMOVAL. REIZENSTEIN & BERLINER, w hole m le dealers In GEMS' HKMMilMi (i0I)S, Hart nutovi1 to 17 Church itrtt, between Franklin and White tU.,'New York. jyUl'TJ VI)I ill her lt tivrn (hat Irlteri of ittminiitraiioa on tba ottt of PhTKK M. RMITU, dcccni, lata of Urll towuihtp, CloarficM oounty, l'eon'a.. bavins ,rn duly granted to tba noilerttKueti, all per tuna intk'MftI to aaid tto will pl-ace make imuadiate payment, and thuifl bartnic elaiint or demand will praicnt tbrm projicrlj autUantitottd for acttlumont without df Iny. ' " i JOUX C. CONNOIl.v .. augt-At T r 1 Adminiftrator. T. 1YI. ROBINSON & CO., c NAlHIdi:US,' , Coalers ( Harness, Saddles and Bridles, BLANKETS, BUUSI1ES, Fly XoU, Collars, Whips, ka. . A largo stork of TROTTING OOort". of all deecriptions. Alro, a large stock of HARNESS TBIMJUMJS. , , . i i ; JMrRrpalrlng promptly kttrnded lo. ' Shop on Market street, Graham's Row, In shop lurtncrlj occupied bj dome Alexander. Clearfield, fa., June 15, lSTS. JOOK AND HEAD ? SADDLE & HARESS MAKl.VG! JOHN 0. EAR WICK,' r . Markot St., CLEAEFIELD, Pa., Is tha man to fo to If mu want a sot of new HAHNKFS or a new SADDLE, or anything elue in that line. He turns out as eood work as is done In any nhop In Pennsylvania, aod bii prices are Tory reaponabie. Lunotantly un hand a full line of TKOTTING GOODS, snrh as Trot tins Faddlrs, Ourtrand Shin Boots, Trottinfr, Hollers, Vhipa, Kine ltmahes and Combs, ti. A flue aaeortmfiit of Nets, Mori Corern, Knee Slaiikvts, Ituffalo Itohra, Ac, Ao., kept In capon, In fat anythmir that horseman Hand tn need of la alwars on hand. All of which will h sold at wholesale or retail at the very fairest rates. Repairing promptly attended to. All work rnarsnteed. Hhop in room formerly occupied 1'uit OBtoa. April 9, 173, JJ F. BICJLEU & CO.'S -SPECIALTIES- BUILDERS' HARDWARE, MECHANICS' HARDWARE, LCMDERMED'S HARDWARE FARMINQ UTENSILS, MILL SCrrLIKS, IRON KAILS, PAINTS, OILS. VARNISHES, PAINTERS FINDINGS, CALCINED PLASTER May 1. 1A7S. "lOflElMI II. l.OWLES, Justico of t f the Praoe and 0orlTinnr In tha upper end of Liawrear t-Awnahlp. Collections made aod monev promptly paid orer, lfob.e-1 Ton KAi.nrn. .nd,,.,,,,,,, oirrr, . 1 al raluehle town properly in the bom..L id Clenrflcld. Lot 8il4 O flCt. Mlth fi r,, . atory plnnk houta tliererm trvated. iia u2l room a down atairi and four h4 roo mi on A lain .nl L.ll. .a P .V- " wui vu mcona Boon llouaa liniKbcd com pi eta from cellar ta att 11 Wood duuMc porch aud good water. Vic aonnble and pay man. cany. aoauK73 WJd. M. MoCULLOlQH, rpo tiik ta.payl:uh of law 1 HKNCK TOttaSIIIPNotio, u given that tbo duplicate for the "cmh ruad U) amcPBcd for (he purpova of paying ih nt. againut the townaliiji Inourrrd by the btii,itnt and Iinprorcmenl of roadi, hai beoa plaoad i my lianda fur eollreti.n. I will mrit tbt tAj. payor at tbo Arbitration Room, in Court Uuuw on Tumtiay, Wed n cad ay and Tburaday of h(-p! tcmber curl, and eao be found at mv rtideo a. an j uiucr vnne nunr,rii "flLAa Aug. 20-1m If 1 1 trio t Trtunnr. NOTICE. All poraona will Uka notice U;lt I bare pnrcbanod al sSberitT'a attle tb lowing artlclua of peraonal property, vii; l Cb(J iDg atoe tuid furniture, 1 large kettle, 1 timber led, I plow. 1 gritiditone, 1 oow, lot or bay, com and buckwheat in tha ground, aud all the tiaiUi made in the wooda oo ibe farm now ovvupicd by lurid Crowell having been io!J aa the proper, of tho laid Crowrll and that I have Irft iLai.jn) article! with aaid Crowell aubjeot to my order. AH prauita are warned not to meddle with uu property, a it baton gi to ot. L. M. COUDKIKT. FrtnchII!o. Auguft 20, U73 St THO OWM.HS W 1HIKT WtlUItT X Tl.VnKK. Notico la hereby girea that (be tiuie for filing olaimi for nnrnarkrd timber bu been extrnded to 8KPTKM It K ll 1st, WJ. All perfoni losing unmarked tnulrrr, either by it treMiut or bigu wator or April, are rLquected to preeonc ineir ciaiu claiiua properly authenticated by (td) C. VV. KM1TU, Auditor. tbat date. IIWT OP Jl ltOKS drawn for Bept Tfru. J A. D. 171. ogiuuiecciiig on tho fourth Moq ditjr. 2.M day : " oiuiri) Ji aoaa. I,erl FunderUnd.....Bcil It. W. Cbilion Illoom Jnf. II. Turner Bogie Mark KykT....Iradf(,r.l ii. M. Thoiupron..Urady Jamci Irvin...... M W. J, KitneH...llurneide L. J. llurd Cheat Id. Flood ...... Covington Win. l'rter... Clearfield A. M. Hilli E L. llughea.H,Iecatur A. I). Fbaw Ooahc: Jaeb Wilhelm..Urahaoi lii nry Hagerty...Gtiliph J. L. ffTtawM..Uoutt(izv U. W. Wtae Jor im 11. K. Mokel Knoi W. P. TateM,..Iawr:iiet Ja. L. Meart..Jdorri' J. STaitvN.Wjbnirto Jamea B. Clartt...Pprjft Johnatoa V 4dia...l'iU J. K. Aroolu-.e....l'iiiGL TRAvaRaa jrnoaa. J. i. a.-arhartH...lJogg8'R. C. JubnaonCleartd Jacob llanfjr Uriah Lita. John Lita Ueerarin L.M.Coedriet.Coriiigtji Ira Shaffir.CurweniTili. Jamoa Albert..l)Matnr D. Mrh(T'-y Burnide AKrnai HooTerUrahaa. 11. H. M'lrrow.H.Ooibca K. K. Wilaon... u Jan. McCreery- T. W. Kitr hen, " Ju. II. Kdingor.e.Biady Jaeob C. Kuiith.... " Ocorge Horn " Framptoo Boll Belt Henry Albert.. .Bradford Daniel Stewart, " Iauicl (iraham, " John Birrk N. P. Wilaon... John Smeod....J..Cbet Tobiaj VS eatuverM " Edward Wood - Hrorge Htanley...Uahfa Wiim Hag?rtyM (Jro. Hagerty..lJtJutiaal8 Thomai Ktrong...Jonlaa Jomrf McNcal... A. A. Read Lawrence T. Sparkman Wm. C. Iiaff... Joi. II. Howlei M H. H. ShftfliKT, R. Hpackuian Johu CamplK'llM0ceo Jui, E. llrpbura.l'ct Jatuei Anbura " Wm. H. Freeman. ..Fi John Ardcry ..., Jamue) Muure..... " Bobt.Canon, Woodwa-: J.M'Uughlio-Claarficld Alex, Irvin... W. B. Bradley Cornel. Owena I PRIVATE SALE I The sulscrit . having made arrangements to remove ea ward, will oiler at wrivato aaJe any or all of t - following household furniture, rit: On Cutu. bed -room let, one dining-room act, one parlor ft , on Piano, nook stove, Stanley Air-tight wot store, ISo. U Morning ( lory parlor stove, togfti or with a kl of other furniture equally vaiuab! Thon In ned of furniture will please call an examine it between thia time and tba middle g'Mctnbir. KKV, GEUKGK HALL. Clearfiuld, fa., July 30 ?ui. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRL: CLEARFIELD, PA. THE FALL TERM of rurtcen week., v oominenca Monday, September let, 1&7I. TERMS OF TUITION. Heading, Orlhographv, Writing, Ot-jeet Let eon. Primary Aritlitttio and I'rimar Geography $1 Iliatury, Local and deecriptiv Geography with Map Drawing, Uramaiar, Menial and Written Arithmetic f Algehra andtha oioieac 13 Instruction in inftramental mneio 1 . Oil painting, S4 leieun.. IS Wax work ' For full particular, eend for Circular. Clearfield, Aug. . IH7S. :1:1-J Vl)IIMTlt ATOK'H NOTH EUNut lehcreby giventhal letters of adroinlttn outbeesUteofALKXAMlKR BEATV, deeee late of Hell townthip, Clearfield eoanty, fee having been duly granted to toe unarmr el! pereona indehud to laid aetata will p. sake Immediate payment, and thoao hi-v. olaima or deutande will present them prvvt.' auibenticated for settlement without delay. JA.MKS BEATY, Aueuel, IS, 18T3 1. Adminlitral r 17X -'.Cr(l( NOTICE. Notice Is hr j by given that letter tcetamenUry havi liven gmntr-d to the undorvirned on. tho estate . Mrs. KL1.A FLANXK1A.N, deceaeed, late Clearfield, Clearfield county, Pennsylvania, ' persons iudehted to paid eetate arc requested make Immediate navment, and thua havh ' olaiuu agaiuet the atime will present them do ; autuentioattd or settlement. JAMES B. GRAHAM, augl3-6t Bxecator. MXAFCIAL STATEMENT of tl I Karthaua township Bchool fund, for t year enditig J una 1st, l7A; . amtinn. To halnnra in TreaMror's baarll at last Settlement - To amount of duplicate for 1H7S. To amount reeeirod from unseated lands lfio To amount fttate appropriation To amount from Co. fcr election purposot To amount from other aourto-...... Z ' Tota.H.., - 42361 RXl'K-niTrHRS. By amount of order lifted since la it set- tlcmaat.4 ..... ....? Lv,n Bv amount of uerosntan oa duuhcate... 3$ Wy Treasurer'i percentage. Uy exonerations SI 11 T4 Total. X Balance on, hand ai Inst settlemcat- f 3 J. W. PuTTEH, rreiidfot Josrph Q)LUi.i!iP, tfcorelary. gTKVENSON k CO'.S EXCELSIOR BAKER! MAHKKT STREET, CLRARF1ELD, PA Jlnvlnft reeeotly flttcd up a aaw Bakery, proourwl the serrlcaa of a. Srat-olafi baker, ' are prepared to fnrnish FRESH BREAD, ROLLS, CAKES, AC- evcrjr iny. Wt will deliver Ureal!, Rollr, l' of all kinds, freeh were naming, at tba denrs oar onptotuers, If desirod. VY respectfullv i licit a share of uMlc patronage, and feel ft ' that we een give entire sntlirnctiun. We also keep on bend a choice aMortment . CANDIES, Nl'TS, OIlANtJKS, LEMONS, T' IlACI'tl, ClUAKS, Ac. Fresh FRl IIS and VEOKTADLB3 reeelv. dailv and .Mil at rcaennahle prices. Fresh llYriTKIIS. In eeimn,bvthecanarque li Ii C'HKAM al"vi on hand. (live as a cell. We strive to t,leaee. Aug. 6, ISM tf. STEVEStl.V A Cf T niE MITCHELL WAGON, FOR Form, Freight 'aud Flantation Ue . t'nlreraallv kaowo as tha ORIOINAL RACINB WAiKIN. Wade by cpfrlcnccd srorkmen ot of as ( material aa money ean hoy. Wa do Rot alaiR. ' bnild the lowest priced Wagon, but oor ainiii ' build a woll proporttoaed wegun in all P' and eicel In durability and haht Heart. For paat quarter of R eenlorv the tl itohell " suoceesliilly malnUined the reputstlon ol M the best wagon In ne. Tim rapidly lnereati demand for them proves tli'jlr nierlotlly other wsgont. , Mitchell, Uwis A Cu., SJanufaolnreni, R" Wisconsin. For sl ty , Ang. , 173. , Oleartield, 1 ' gTOSF.-g HAW OU M ME US SAW Ul'Blilo t bave received tne aarnrj -tU Jell them at m.nufwlorer's frier. t . .. e... Ika Abev ...mlnetnem. i"7- ' " ,1111LKt, 4 CV I julv-TS We