THE KEPU13LICAN. CLKAUFI-KLD, PA. WEDNESDAY MORNINO AITQUSTM. WS. MacMahon'a Leap for Life, In 1831 MttoMalion, tlion a young lieutenant aorving with the jTonoli army in Algeria, undor the command or .Marshal Ilugeaud, was stationod with a small company of moa at an outlying eoltlument, forty milos from hoaunuurtors. Tlio Arabs, thou biU torly uoHtilo to tho colonist), boaicged tho nrnall f'irt, dluughturcd all tho set tlors tbey could catch, intorcoptod all rtupplios, and brought tho liltlo garri son to tho very vorgo of starvation. Cnpilulation was not to bo thought of, for that m cunt immodiale slaughter. Help from tho Marshal was not to bo thought of, for bo was nuito unawaro of tboir danger ; in fact all liopo Boom ed lost, when MucMahon volunloored to bo tho benror of dispatches an nouncing their prodicamont. Tho tomiDunJor thought the vonluro per fectly osoloss, as tho intorroning coun try was absolutely nlivo with infuvi ntod Arabs, but being aware that holp must como in that manner, if it oamo nt all, ho reluctantly couscntod to what ho considered at the timo was tho dosperato sacrifice of a valuablo lifo. MnoMahon, perfectly overjoyed at gaining consent to his enterprise, epont tho short timo Intervening boforo his start in looking carefully to tho equip ments of bis borso and to bis own ao coutromenls, and in tho first hour of dnrknoss ho sot out, brisk, blitbo and debonnaire, as otor guy young soldior on parudo, with bright eyes gazing on his splendor. The wily Arabs, sol Join caught unawaro, soon noted his do parturo, and followed hard and fast in Lis roar; but Boeing that bis course lay toward a broad and doop ravine, some five milos from tho post, they spread out widely, hoping to outflank him whon ho should be compelled to turn at tho brink, and so, socuring him nlivo, loam from him undor torture all tho particulars concorning tho French forces which thoy wan tod to obtain. llacMulion, who had in tho first milo or two easily diHlaneed them, under stood their plan thoroughly, and was prepared to moot It. llo looked buck and saw in the moonlight the constant ly increasing crowd of whitc-clad war riors sproading out in a wide semi circle behind him. llo knew well how thoy would exult in tho thought that they would wring from bis tor tured framo all the socrets they want ed to know, and bo quickly slackonod a little tbo hoadlong speed of bis borso, in ordor to rosorve bis strength for the effort ho bad determined upon, tbat should he hoped save lifo and liber ty. Tbo Arabs, thinking that bis bcrso was already failing, renowed their efforts to ovortako and surround him, nnd by tbo timo he had rcacbod within a low hundred yards of tho brink, tboir shout of triumph was clearly audiblo. But Arabs, as well as other men, sometimes count their chickens before tbey nre hatched, and so it proved they bad dono In this caso. They had headed him to tbo brink of tho dreadful chasm, and followed bard behind, certain of an easy capture, when all of a euddon, obedient to the mastor's resolute hand upon the rein, tbo horse broke into a swift gallop, and With a touch from tha spur, a flioU from the glove and an encouraging word from tho well-known voice, tho gallant steed and gallant rider cleared tho yawning gulf, and landed safe- on tho other sido, nnd wore out of sight of tho enraged Arabs before thoy could get tbo Elightest chanco of tak ing even a deliberate aim. In two hours more AlacMahon stood befure Lis astounded chief, and two hours af ter that, refusing rest and rcliof, ho accompanied tbo aid ho had risked his life to procut'o on it 3 way to bis bo longucred comrades. The Mmderod Engineer, Of Jack Itaflerty, who wasmurdor ed by tho mashed railway robbers in Iowa, the Dos Moines Ilcgistcr thus rpoaks : " 'Shot dead on bis engine,' whoro the cruel words, and then, a little lator, the noblo cbaractor of tho man was rovcalod in tho Btatcmont that ho bad soon tho danger ahead, and was about to apply tho air-brakes and save tho lives of bis passongors, wben ho foil by tho assassin's bullot. Truo to the death, ho hooded not the poril to bimsclt, but stood at his post and died thore. Not many Ues Moines travelers but have known andostcem cd him. denial, hearty, bravo and skillful, his prosonco In tbo cab has boon a prophecy of safety. Jack Haf- forty was about thirty-five yours of ago, ana naa boon with toe ltock isl and Company Cvo years. He leaves a wifo and tbroo children, to whsro came tho fearful midnight to toll of murder. God help thorn In the bit torncss of tboir anguish. Thore re mains to them but the memory that tho husband and father diod at his post a horo in life, a martyr in doatb." A novol power has boon invontcd, according to a correspondent of tho Chicago Tribune, who thus sola forth its naluro and merits in that paper : "I have been shown the elements and drawings of nn nnirlnsi n K f-r-.n.a by the combination of oxygen and bydrogon in the presonco of flamo, producing expansion, ana ot courso, explosion, ii not nndor control. This power can bo generated at a trifling exponse nottoexcood one-fourth that of steam. And by saving tho weight of fuel, and much of tbo woight of machinery, with greatly increased ac tivity of enginery, tho rosultis a great gain. Tho momontum acquirable in this way is balieved to bo such that ships may cross (ho Atlantic in throe days or evon in loss timo. The pad dle applianco Is also a novolty sim plo, but efficient. This powor is ap plicable oqunlly itithstoam or water to any kind of machinery." Tho reputation of members of the Lcgislatui'0 for sobrioty scorns to be rathor baa. lwo ot thorn wero noisi ly drunk on a railroad train recently, ond whon the conductor romonstratod one of them pompously asked : "Do yon know, sir, that I am a mom ber of the Lotrislaturof" The conduotor quietly repliod, "You uv got mo symptoms. ' Crawford claims to bo tho champion tinirv cnnnl.v .r o.-i. t . , vll cullo, iI)e growth of that branch of Industry biiiuu io u nriu unr no nA W said to La aamrtliinrr marAl Thore aro 83 choose factorios in the county, tho total oost of whioh Is Sl&O.OGO. Tim mimhor nrn .!,,.. i ....... WVB va vw npjn mvpv milk goes to thoso factorios, is nearly to,vw, me mock oeing worm ball Billion of dollars. Sry &oo&), Gwatitt, (Etc. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COl'RBB TUB CHEAPEST I A Proclamation against High Prices XYTH art now ononlne: uu a lot of the but and VT most seasonable Ooods anil Wares ever offered in thli inarkot, anil at price, that remind ono of tho jrnod old duys of oheap thingi. Thus, who lack fnith upon Ihii point, or doaui our alle gations superfluous, need but VtLL jr ovn STORE, Corner Front and Market streets, When thev pan lee. fool, hear and know for them selves. To folly uudcrsland what arc cheap goods, thil mult bo dono. n do not cloeuj it necoesary to enumerate and itemiae our stock. It li enough for ui to state that We have Everything that is Needod and ooniurocd In this market, and at prlooa that astuuisn bum old aud young. doi)20 JUbl'.l'll H1IAW BU.H, JANIEL COODLANDEK, LUTJIERSBUna, pa., Dealer In DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, nOSIEKY Si GLOVES, 1IAT3 A CAPS and DOOTS A SHOES, Tobacco, Qroeerlca and Flih, N.lle, Hardware, O,uocnsware ana Ulassware, Men s and . Boys' Clothing, Drat; Paints, Oils, School Bonks, a largo lot of Patent Medicines, Candies, Nuts A Dried Fruits, Cheesa and Crook ers, ltock and Hillo Powder, Flour, Grain and Potatoes, Clover and Timothy Seed, Solo Loathort Morocoos, Linings, Bindings and Thread, Shoemakers loots ana Shoe Findings. No groaler variety of goods In anj store in th county. All for salt very low for caeh or country produce at tho L'neap Uorner. April iu, 10a. J. M. KRATZER. D EHI H A11LE ST YI.F.S of (Vsslmerce. Ac, for Men and Boys, at J. M. KHATZfK'S. milRF.E-PLY, Bruiiels, Ingrain and other I Carpets, alio, floor Oil Clothi, at roduecd prices, at J. M. KRATZEU'S. TnST ASSORTMENT of Wall Paper aver J I ofTorud in thil vicinity. lOo to $1 per piece, flue gilt pnper, etc., at J. M. KKA12HK S. TH E MOST popular makes of Musllni, Sheet ings, Pillow Muslim, Ac, at a small advance abort ooat,by the piooe, at J. M. KRATZEK'8. New noons, nkw btyles, larok ASSOHINENT, LOW 1'1UCKS,.II to be found at 4. M. KKAXZLK S. I A DIES' DRESS GOODS, In tha greatest J variety new spring shades newest and most desirable styles at J. M. KKATZEU'S. A VARIETY of Dross Goods, anltabla for mourning also orapo voile, collars, Ac,, constantly on hand, at J. M. kRATZER'8. RECEIVING a large supply of Ladies' and Children's Shoes, made to ordor and war ranted. A handsome Gaiter for it.UO at mch2 J. M. KRATZER'8. (Irenite ware Tea Scti and Chamber Bets, Knives and Forks, Silver-plated Forks and Spoons, Tablo Linen, Napkins, very ehcap, at mchl't J. M. KRATZEH'8. SHAH 1.8, Scarfs, Neckties, Collars, Veils) Hair Uoods. Gloves, Ac Kid Qloves at 7oc also the Josophinc Soainless Kid Oloves. at m.CD20 J. M. MlAli&tl S. CHEAP GHOCEIUESI LUMBRR CITT, PA. The nndersigned announces to his old friends and patrons that he has opened a good line of GROCERIES A PR0VIHI0N8 at the old stand of Kirk A Spencer, for which he solleits a liWal patronage. 11. W. SPENCER. uaiMT vny, fa., asaren u-u. rjpo THE FRONT! GREAT EXCITEMENT AT T1TB CLEARFIELD BAKERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON! The undcrnlgnfl. hTlng JuH IKtod ap new, Irg and comforUiblo rooms on Market itrwt, near Third, rcipectiulljr infurmi the poblio thai h now droparvd to aceommodatB tbont with ovory thing in liti line on Khort notice aud at ail houn of the daj. Jle kacpt on hand EUESU UUKAD, . RUSKS, ROLLS, PIKS. CAKES, all klndi. ICE CltEAM, and ft general asortnient of CONFECTIONERIES, FRUITS, KUTS, Ao.f All of which will be delivered to euitomori at thofr reildeneci, wben requeitod to do 10. rCB CREAM, bj tbedlih.terTedlnaneatlj fur nlihed room. Thankful for tho genorou patronage beitowod In tho pait, ho fcopea to merit and receive a ton tinoenoo of the tame from hU old omto men, and othew, JOHN STADLEB. June ia.'rs-tr. HAYES, COULTEB & CO., Successors to W. A. Arnold, staxiiracTitnufts or Hcators, Ranscs, Low Crates and MAIIDEI.IZKD SLATE MANTKLS. Sole agonts for tho celebrated CII1LS0N COOKING RANGE. .IrSni for Catalogues. No. 1305 Chestnut Street, Jans Ji dm PHILADELPHIA. JSAAC JOUNSON k SONS, Manufaotumi and Doaleri la IlootH anil fthocft! Ladlof', MImoi' and Chtldrtn'i fltitem, Men'i, Boyi and Women's Iloavy BooU and Urogani, c.t te. Rtoro and nhnp on fltwond itreeL nearly opdo- lite 1'. F. ItlKlT A Co.'i lurdwara Hon, Feb. IS 1872 j CLEARFIELD. PA. TAIiaAINfl IN MUSICAL IN- X9 8TRUWLNTP I Organi, both new and recond band, at the Rluilo Hlure, opposite Oulioli'i rami tare More. Alt person InUreited are inri ted to eall and el amine a new ilyle of Oran now on oxhiMtlon. HUevt Utuio and Monio Hnottg eottMintfy ri hand. apl24-7iif HOUSE k LOT FOIl SALE 1 Situate la PENM'IELD. A well Inlshed House, Barn, OnW and etlirr necenarv build. Inps. Will be sold cheap at private sale, for frige, lerns ana otner lniortnstion, epptv to 1)R. JOUM U. VUINE, JuJ1, 18M. l'cuaaUd, 1'a. SHAW HOUSE, ' (Cor. of Market A Front streets,) CLKAHV1KLD, PA. This msfolfloenl Hotel Is entirely new, eom plete In all Its appointments, and eonvenlsnt to the Court House. A free Omnibus ruus to and from the Depot on the arrival and departure of each train. URN. K. 0. CLKMKNTS, April 10, 1BT1. Proprietress. WASHINGTON HOUSE, NKW WASIIINUTON, PA. This new and well furnished house has been taken b.v the undersigned. He feels eoulWent of being able to render satisfaction to those who ma J favor him with a oall. MayS, 1871. 0. W. DAVIS, Trop'r. THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of Hocond and Market Streets, CLUAHriLD. PA. rpniJ old aud commodloui Hotel baa. during I the past yoar, boon cnlargod to donble Its former capacity for the entertainment or stran ffors snd auoits. The whole building has beea refurnished, and the proprietor will spare no pains to render his guesli oomlortanle while stayiog with him. jrfr-The 'Mansion ITonse" Cmnlhns rum to and from the Depot on the arrival and departure ol eaon train. jvua nuuunauii, apro-70 tf Proprietor. jyj O N T O U It HOU8K, Opposite tho Court House, LOOK HAVEN, PE.NN'A. Jol4'7t IIAUSEAL A KIIOM, Prop's. E ltCKEnil01lP HOUSE, BELLEFONTK, PA., D. JOHNSTON A SONS, Proprietors. octis'n RAILROAD HOUSE, Main Street, PHILU'rillUltO, PKNS'A. Table always supplied with th best the market affords. The traveling public Is invited tocalL novi, oo. jiuis&ni iiiiUiir. ALLEGHENY HOTEL, (Market L, beL 8eeond and Third,) tLKiAItriKsLUt r Tho lubioriber ha? in beoomo proprietor of thli hotel, would reepuetfullj ih ft liberal thare of puHlio patronage. api2 7fl uisuttUH sUfciruiiUi. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, CUHWENSVILLK, Clearfield eoonty, Fenn a, Thil old and well eitablilbed Hotel, beautifully situated on tbo bank of the Huiquehanna, In the borough of Curweniirille, hai been leaied for tern of yean by tbe nndenignod. It hai been entirely refitted and li now open to the public generally end tho trareting oommnnlty In par ticular. No palm will be ipared to render gueiti oonifortablo whilo tarrying at thli home. Ample tabling room for tho aooommodation of teaina. Charge! moderate. Bupt. I3(U-tr. KIjI IlliUUa. $U5Uaurou3. K HATZEB & LYTLE, MASKKT 8TBEET, CLEARFIELD, PA. Dealers In DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, Hardware and Queensware, -Boot, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c, r-Ehoemaker. supplied with LEATHER and 8I10K FINDmtJS at r.duc.d rat.s. . SALT 1 SALT I BALTI nt wholesale and retail Terj cheap. PAINTS, OILS, CALCINED PLASTER, As. A liberal discount to builder. UOUSEUOLD GOODS, CARPETS, WINDOW SUADE3, OIL CL0TU8 in large quantities. FISn, FLOUR, BACON, CORN MEAL and CI10P, slwaji en hand, jtVAW of the above goods ars purchased exclusively for cash, and threforoaeend Ul be sold as ehsap as the eheapeet. f.bl3-73 K very body wanll to know which la tho boit Machine. The Llght-Rnnnlng Domestic answers this question. Call at th store of J. Shaw A Son and see tho Machine. R. NEWTON 6 II AW, Maj 21, 1873-3m Agent. BRICK I BRICK! BRICK! A W MICK YARD. WS. PLUMMER A CO., b.vlnf started a new and extensive Brick Yard In Clearfield, are prepared to make contracts for first olass lied Brick, in larfre or small quantities. Orders and correspondence aollcitnd. Informa tion oan bo obtained bv calling at ltjnder's Mu sic olo re, or bj ao'iressins; W. S. PLUMMER A CO., Clearfield, Pa. myT-tf MARBLE AXD STOE YARD! Mrs. S. S. LIDDELL, Having engaged In the Marble business, desires to Inform her friends and lb. public that she has now and will keep constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE, and Is prepared to furnish to order TOMBSTONES, . BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, MONUMENTS, Curbs and Posts for Cemetery Lots, Window Fills and Caps, also, BUREAU, TABLE AND WASH STAND TOPS, Ac, Ae. V.rd on Reed street, near the B, R. Depot, Clearfield, Pa. JoT,7l S, I. SNYDER, i) PRACTICAL WATCTIMAKER l Watohca, Clocks nti Jewolry, Opposite Court House, Peeond Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. All kinds ol repairing In njy listen nrnmpllf at- umdut praaj,u7, ' ''y. II. F. BIOLER & CO., II Alt 1 W Alt K, Also, Manufacturer! of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CI.EAUrilLD, PA. F ARMING IMPLEMENTS of all kinds for sale by II. F. BIQI.EII A CO. 1 AILItOAD W1IEICL11ARR0WS for sale by n. F. B10I.EK A CO, QIL, TAINT, rUTTY, GLASS, Nails, etc, for sale by II. F. BIOLEH A CO. TTARNESS TRIMMINGS k SHOE Findings, for sale by H. F. MOLEI. A CO. QUNS,riSTOLS,SWORAl)CNES For sal by n. F. BIGLER A CO. gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS Aty) Sises, for wale iy II. F. BIOLER A CO. JR0N1 IRON I IRON! IRON I For sale by II. F. HIGLER A CO. JJ0R9E SHOES k HORSE SHOE NAILS, for sals by II. F. lUGLER A CO. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And best Manufacture, for sal. by H. F. BIOLER A CO. THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, for sal by' H. F. BIOLER A CO. RODDER CUTTERS for salo by cn30-70 H. F. BIOLER A CO. TEE ISONSIDES TIN AND STOVE STORE! G. S. FLEGAL, Till undersigned respectfully announces to the publlo that h has on hand a ears- fully-sclccted and well assorted stock of STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, HOLLOW WARE I TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IRON WARE! WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! Bis stock of Cooking Stoves eonslst of TUB CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Which havs never failed to bring peace and prosperity Into taullles where it Is ased, Diamond State, Farmer, Ilpralil. Charm, Spears' t'sliiomia uooa move, opears' jlntl-uust, Oas-Burning Cooking Stoves, Victor, Relianee end tnion Uanites, Spears' Cooking Ranges, Ao., 4e. fa,Th Tin nnd Sheet Iron ware riven with the Ktovos Is made of the heaviest and best material, and warranted to give perf.ot satis faction. Bis Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves It larger, better and cheaper than ever before ihlblted to tn putjllo consisting of Spears' Revolving Light Illuminating Steve, Bpeerr Anti-irnsi uasnnrning rarlor Stove, Dpoer.' Orbloular Oas-Hurning Parlor Btov., Spears' Gas-Burning Parlor Btove, Boquet, Pearl, O.m, Ids, Bun, Troplo, Nevada, Ao Ac. Vulcan, Kla and Victor Tleaters, Spears' Re- voiviog bigni Heaters, lie Is also prepared to furnish a, eomnlete assortment ot Tin, Coppor, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, &o., WholesaU or retail, manufactured neatly and with the sole view t service, from th best ma terial In the market. PLOWS A PLOW POINTS, COPPER, BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN-LINED, SPUN A COMMON IRON KETTLES, Of every description constantly en hand. ORDERS FOR SPOUTING, ROOFING And other work belonging t his bnatnsss will be promptly filled by and skillful workmen. BRASS, COPPER, OLD METAL, RAGS AND CASH Taken In exchange for goods. -IIe especially Invites th attention of Merchants wiebing to puroneae they will find It to their advantage ta eiamia his stock before puronasing Look tut for th Big Sign opposite th rssl dsno of Mrs. Dr. Poster. An doom WaananvBD as Rsraasaarno. CI. 8. frXEGAL. PblUpsWg, June ft, 1A70. augo;8 Lime for Sale I TIIR nntleriilffnfvd, ffwltling nrr lh rtrpnt hni nxU owiloU rmc;eweiiti with Mint Uumcn tut of lh moontnin, whfirh ha Ik ent to kcjj coflftentl on hand ft Urg quantity of PURE L I M K.I which he offers to farmers and builders at a trifle ahnve en.t. Thna Ih n.l .r ll.a ,t..l. i. . . vl i. nuiiinug well to give me a call, or address me by Uil.r, ba- kfiv uujuiiiing loeir lime. tlKO. C. PASSMOBK. Clearfield, Pa., June , I. til. J. It. M'MUIUtAY WILL KHPri.Y VOII WITH AW Or- MKRl'IUNIMSR AT Tll VKKV LOW BUT PRICE. COMH AND KKal. (S:t:TB:y) NEW WASHINGTON, Jintrja ana Irdidurj. T HE LATEST MOV El THE LATEST MOVE! HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S DRUG STORE, To tlielr new building on Second Street, nearly opposite the store of Wearer A Uetts, CLEARFIELD, PA., Where they will continue to loppljr their old and & man j new ouitomori m mft ont, witk PURE. DRUGS! CHEMICALS! PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, (Including all n.w remedies,) Patent Medicines, Paints and Otis, Olass and Putty, Hchool Bonks, Stationery, Paper, Ao.) also, a full line of Drug gists' Sundries, llair Tonios, Cosmetics, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Brushes, 'ioiioi soaps, rocket xiooks, ae., all or the best quality. rUSE WINES AND LIQUORS, for medical A sacramental purposes only, Pure Whit Lead, Colors of all kinds. Raw and Dolled Linseed Oil, Varnishes, Turpen tine, Coal Oil, Paint A Varnish Brashes, Flavoring Eitracts, Confectioneries, Bird Seed, Bniee, ground and ugrviuiu, ui mu aiuue. SMOKERS AND CIIEWERS Will find our stock of Chewing and Smoking Tnhaoeo, Imported and Do mestic Cigars, ttnufr and Fine-out to be of tbe very best brands in the market. LAMPS AND CHIMNEYS, All kinds of OLASS WARE, GARDEN SEEDS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and Musical Trimmings of every variety. Jlavlng a long experience In tbe business, and an eitensive and well seloeted stook of medieines. wo are enabled to fill Physioians prescriptions at th. shortest aotloe and on th most reasonable torms, day nnd night. HARTSWICK A IRWIN. Clearfield, Pa, May 1, Wl-tf. $Usrrt!atirtiu$. c LEARFIELD PLANING MILL COMPANY. rpiiR tinrtrntfrncd, fuceeitor to RKKD A J rOW KLli, litre parvhtwd tho CKKAR FIELD 1'LANINU MILL, nnd refitted it fur doing nn exteniite baiinem. Alt tho mnobinerjr will bo ndded leooMnrj to nnko it ono of tho molt com pie to ottsb iihrncnti of tlio hind In tho Muto. Xhej nre now prepared to rceiro orders fur ht work In that lino. ThrT will xivoapocinl attention to nil mnterinli for houoo bnildiog. FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, BltJCKKTS, J90l'Lttijra,t(e. Ot ALL STYLES, always on band. WORKED BOARDS, and all articles noccssa ry for building, will be exohanged for DRY LUMI1KR, so that persons at a distance may bring their lumber, exchange it for, and return home with the manufactured artiolcs. The Company will always have on hand a large stock ef dry lumber, so as to be able to fill an order oa the shortest notice. Only the best and most skillful hands will be employod, se that the public may rely upon good work. Lumber will be worked or sold as low as It can be purchased anywhere, and warranted to give satisfaction.' As the business will he done upon tbe cash principle we can afford to work for small profits. DRY LUMBER WANTED I PP--l-1T -.4 - V . a .... 1 . r . stuff, for which liberal price will be paid. The builness will be conducted under the name of the "tlcarllcld Tluning Mill Co." 0. B. Merrell will personally superintend the business Orders respectfully solicited. 0. B. MERRELL. R. R. TAYLOH. DAVID MMIAIMIIIKY. M. (I. P.KOWN A liRO. Clearfield, Pa., Janaary S, 1871. The Lightning Tamer. 1M1I underlined are th. sol Agents In this eountv for the "North American (ialvanieed Ll'fllTNINQ RODS." Those aro the only safe rodi now In nse, and are eadoraed by all the solrotifle moa in the oeantry. Me hereby notify tbe eitlien ef th county that we will put them up a better rod. and for less money, than Is eharged by tha foreign agents who annnally traverse tbe eounty nnd carrj off eur little cash, never to return. INCOURAGE HOME LABOR. Tiose wishing Lightning Rods erected their buildings need but address Ul by letter, or eal) in person. We will put thenji un auywher in tleoounty, and warrant them. The Hods and Fiirarss ean b sen at any tlm by oalllng nt our nose. II. V. B1ULHR A CO. Clurfield, March U, U7u-U THE CLEARFIELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! Manufactured .specially for TUS CLEARFIELD TKAPH, yoa ta it ...'Hf , ' .H.T.BI9U.IUCQ. Snrfltwf, JCiniviir, tit. SACKGTT & SCIIRYYER, HARDWARE, and manufacturers of Tln,Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, Second Street, CLEAHP1ULD, PA. Having largoly Incrcmcd our stock of Uard wnro, we Invito tbe public to examine our stock anu prices. Carpenters nnd pcreoni who eontemplaU build ing will do well to examine our TOOLS ft BUILDWG HAEDWAEE, wliloh li new nnd of th but manufacture, and wiu uo auict low Kironm. NAILS, CLASS, PUTTY, GLUE, LATCHES, HINGES, KCBEW8 All kinds of Bench Planes, Saws, Chisels, Squares, Hammers, Hatchets, Plumbs and Levels, Mortised A Thumb Guages, Bevels, Braces A Bitte, Wood and Iron Bench Screws, and ths best Boring Machine In th inarkot. Double and Single Bitt Axes, POCKET CUTLERY, As. Agents for Burnell'i Iron Corn Shelter, warranted. Also, agents for Richards' GOTHIC FLUE TOPS, which effectually cur Smoky Flue. Farmers' Implements and Garden Tools of every description. A large variety of COOK STOVES, which w warrant to give satisfaction. Portable Ranges and Furnactn. V Roofing. Spouting and Job Work don on reasonable terms. AU orders will receive prompt atlontion. June II, 1879. ED. W. GRAHAM, DEALBR IN GENEEA1 MERCHANDISE. SQUARE TIMBER & LIMBER, CLEARFIELD, l'A., lias Just opened, at tho KEYSTONE STORE, a complete slock of TEH V O O U 8, of every desorlptlon. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES. CLOTHING, ifo.. rf-o., IN GREAT VARIETY. FLOUR, MEAT, SALT, RYE, OATS, CORN, ALWAYS ON IUXD AND FOR SALE ATA SMALL ADVA SCR FLOUR nooelred ! Uu car load, nnd sold nt n onmU advance. A luj'ply of ROrB eoniUnlljr on hand Special Inducement offered to thon setting out Square Timber nnd Log, ni wo dual largel In Lumbermen'! Supplios, nnd are pre pared nt all tiinoc to purcUw Utn bor nnd lumber. CI), W, GRAHAM "KEYSTONE STORE," Beooad Street, CLEARFIELD, TA. ' Oct JJ, 1372. j. r. waives... WEAVElt A BETTS CLEARFIELD, VA., An offering, at th aid stand of Q. L. Reed A Co., their stock of goods, consisting ef DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES, BATS A CAPS, HARDWARE, cjuaauiovr Ann, FLOUE, FEED, SALT, &o., &o., At th most reasonable rates for CASH or In exchange for Square Timber. Boards, Shingles, ;,V OR COUNTRY FRODUCB. "Advances made to those engajod In get ting eat square timber on the most advantageous terms. pdtljanTS s L. KIRK, SON k CO., WIIOI.I.SAI.I3 (.itocr.R, No. 1.10 North Third Street, corner of Cherry, Fhiladulphia. Have In store and odor lor ssl M th lowest market prices, end an the most reasonable terms, a large and well selected slock of Uroeerirs, I'eas, Spices, Fish, Cheese, Ac, selected In this. New Vork apd llaltlmore marhets, to which ailenllon of oountry dealers Is particularly requested. aavU-ly FAIRBANKS' STANDARD ,S& atL nans, Baggage Barrows, Waronouse Trucks, Cirylng Frssses, Improved Money Drawer, Ao. ron lit. t IJ. F. DIGLER k CO.; Dealer In llardwart, cU30; Ewe"! Wv'i C'4" f. BIGLER, YOUNG & CO., (Successors to Boyntoa A Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacture n of PORTABLE & STATIONAEY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth and Pine Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. til HAYING engaged In the manufacture of Irst class MACHINERY, we respectfully Inform th publlo that we are now prepared to till all orders a cheaply and as promptly as can be done ta any of the cities. We manufacture and deal In Malay and Cironkr Saw-Mills Head Blocks, Water Wheels, Shafting Pulleys, Qilford's Injeotor, Steam Gauges, Steam Whistles, Oilers, Tallow Cups, Oil Cups, Uauge Cocks, Air Cooks, Glob Valves, Check Valves, wrought Iron Pipes, Steam Pumps, Boiler Food Pumps, Anti Friction Metres, Soap Stone Packing, Quia Pack ing, and all kinds of MILL WORK J togother with Plows, Sled Soles, COOK AND PAULOIt STOVES, and other CASTINGS of all kinds. Mr-Orders solicited and filled at elty prims. All lotters of inquiry with reforenoo to machinery of our manufacture promptly answered, by addres- Ing ns at Clearfield, Pa. decllTO-tf BIGLER, TOUNO A CO. JECOUSTRUCTED. DANIEL STEWART 4 SON ITarlnr rnnhnfed tbe Cheap CMhlfir Hoaee of Inaae 1. Roiienntein, havo tho forfeit nnd best aavortmrnt of Manufactured Clooda in theoountv, nnd oan fell iheif READY MALE CLOTHIXG, for Men, Boys and Children, SO PEIl CENT. CHEAPER Than any other house In the oouoty. They will always keep on hand a large and el egant assortment of GENTS' FURNISI1ING GOODS, COLLARS, TIES, TRUNKS, VALISES, Ac- Ao. OP TDK.LATEST STYLES AND PATTERNS. If yoa want to get good and stylish Clothing, at low figures, do not fail to eal 1 at their estab lishment before spending your money elsewhere. Remember tbe place. augT'73 1MNIBL STEWART A SON. rjIIE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OP STOVES ! 1ST VET ! ever brought to the coontv, are being received at the llardaare Establishment of II- K. ItW.l.CH As CO., comprising the following Cook 6toves : SPEAR'S CALORIFIC. SUSQUEHANNA, KEG U LATOR, NOBLE. EXCELSIOR. TEIUlirH. GOV. TENN. READING, NATIONAL RANGE, iC. iC. Also, the following li eating Stoves : BPEAR'8 ANTI CLINKER, SPEAR'S ANTI DOST, SPEAR'S ORBICULAR, SPEAR'S FA BLOB COOK, MORNING LIGHT, HON TON, GIFSET, VULCAN, SUNBEAM, RUBY' DAUPHIN EGG, CHESTER EGG, VOLCANO, PHOENIX, HEAVY BAB ROOM AND STORE ROOM 8T0VKS, AC. Clearfield, Sept .', 1PTJ. IO LUMBERMEN! r ana aVTrore sri CANTHOOKSI The Clearfield Eicelsior Canlhook will not wear out or break, being constructed with one solid band from elip to point It Is pronounced by all practical lumbermen who bare examined it to bo the Bust perfect Cantbook ever Invented. , Amos Kennard, Patentee. Manufactured by Auos Kaaaann A Co., at CLEARFIELD, PA. T-AII orders promptly attended to. nlVTO JOSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER COMPANY, OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS, KintirAcToitt LUMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS mo SuimJ rulcnl JiiLleJ Shingles. II. II. SIULLINGPORD, President,' Offioo-Puw.t Place, No. 135 S. 4lb .1., Phll'a. JOHN LAWSnN, General Sup'L, Oioeola Mills, CleasAeld county, Pa. Auo-TOWK f.nTa r... ..u in n.. i,n..i. of Oaeeola. Aua-Keen the LARGEST AUROS" MRNT of lleod. In l1ml.u i n..... Li .1. Store ta QsoeuU, ' jaul-T? Usftllatuouj. T M1K AUTOMATIC Knitting Mnclilne! This Knitting Machine Is one of il. 1 ful Inventions of tbe age. Jiy nntirin. JZ and Ingeotuas eaperiments the invento, vj! achieved what thousand, have eosoeeMrf.,!? tried to atlain. That is, a KNIHINu vt? CHINK, that will knltaaoek in sev.a Zttiil heel and toe, eemplele. Narrow, and widmrZl Knits all gradrsnf yarn. Nubies,TidiM He7 Men's Knit Jackets, Hosiery of all sites, us!' most an endless variety of llitful and Oraaaeni2 al Goods. It will knit from a Watch Guard un, rilclgh llobe, and does it with neatncii tQa jJJ palt:h. Persons that are incapacialed frwaawA work, oan earn from 89 TO 8-l DOLLAllS 1 Per Day with tho Knitter. 1 Thli Machine bu taken the hijtheit Pnmtni nt tho .Vrinaipel fitponltium. Butt and Co a ml Fain. It it i iii pie and durablo In oontorwtiorj and will wear a lire-time. Al it it oonitrnctei with the Cntft mcobaniral exaottMu. mi r general range of work. "IX HAtS NU EgL'AL,'1 uiu wiiij in vui tuiti iijm Of tM lataginativn nnd iugenuitof tho operator For rtferenoe tho putlio eaa nddreti oreaJlnaJ rsti lh fnllnmin ..;,.,.( Af riea...l.l . sJoiinh TLomnion, Jonathan Uartihorn, Joho' urn u. i, n aver, onn r. oiuii.fjtiTWeBirilUn Uwig J. Uard nod John Orr, liard P. O.i KUlv, Jobnftonf Ahrnham bpeneer, Ifliihn FentowJ tirampian llilli P. 0. j Joiepn Kirk. John Ow-i co 8, Jamei Curry, Lumber City. Hanmel Jenkini. Esq., at Corwenffrille, li tW General Agont fur Clearfield nnd Jefferson oonn'l tie. All nooetaary informntion can bo obUined ny onuiof nou niu. April 10, 167I-tf. READING FOR ALL II BOOKS t STATIONERY. Market St., Clearfield, (at the Poet OS.ce.) riHB undersigned begs leav Uaanoaaeot. X. theeitisena ef Clearleld and vicinity, that be has Itted np a room and has Just rsturaea' from the elty with a large amount ef reading isiwi, cuu,i,uu in pan wt Bibles and Miscellaneous Eoob, Blank, Amount and Pass Books of even de soription Paper and Envelopes, Frsneh pressed and plain I Pans aad Peaeila Blank, Ucii Pipers, Deeds, Mortgages Judgment, demo tion and Promissory note f Whit and Parch; ment Brief, Legal Can, Record Cap. and BUI Can. Sheet, Music for either Piano, Flute or Vlelia constantly on hand. Any book or stationery desired that I may not have on hand, will be or. ordered by Brst eipress, and aold at wholesale or mail to suit eustomors. I will also k.p periodical literature, saoa as Magaslnes, New,. papers, c r. a. eJAULIN. ui.arieid May T, taoi-tr JkTEW BTOIIE AND NEW GO0D3 JOS. SHAW & SON LTave just opened a Nit Broti, on Main St.,Cunr;iu), Pa, lately occupied by Win. F. IIlrVlH. Tbelr stock oonaiati of Oaoctaita of tbo beat quality, Queensware, Boots and Shoes, and every article necessary for one' comfort. Call and examine our clock before pnf chasing elsewhere. May 9, 18G6-tf. DAVID YOUNG, Stone-Cutler and Stone-Mason, WILt eieeote nil work In hii line at mode rate prleci nnd In FIUST-CLASS itU Architectural Oraaments T ALL fiTYI.Kfl, Rimi Dr.rt.B w orory deaription, and nil klndi of anion work een- traeted for In orontof tbe eonnty. Any peraont wtihing to bare rtvpootablo maion work nnd ttonc-enttinf done, will find it to tboir Intent ta eall upon no. I wonld nlro Inform the pnb lie tbat I can deliver nny quantity or clan of. itone doiired, aa I tun tbo owner of a FIKST-CLASS STONE QUJURY, Orders for work can be addressed to DAVID Y0LN0, arts, 70 Clearueld, Pa. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOUIUGE 1I01IK INDUSTKY. TUB underelgnd, having established a 5r eery on the 'Pike, about halfway between Clearfield and Curwensvlll., Is prepared to fur nl.h all kinds of PHI IT TRKKd, (suadard aad dwarf,) Evergreens, Bhrabbary, Orape Vines Qooseberiies, Lawtoa Blaokberry, Btrawberry, and Rasberry Vines. Also, Biberian Crab Trees, Quince, and early searlet Rhubarb, Ac Orders, promptly attended to. Address, J. I). WRIGHT. seplM9-y CnrwaasviUe, Pa rERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept constantly on band. STOXE AXD EARTHEX-WABK Of EVERY DESCRIPTION I CHOCKS! POTS! CROCKS! Fisher's Patent Alrtlfrht Self. Sealing Fruit tanel BUTTKR CROCKS, with lids, CREAM CROCKrl, MILK CROCKS, APPLE BfTTKR CROCKS, PICKLK CROCKS, FLOWER POTS, PIS DISHES, STEW TOTS, And a great many other things too numerous ta, mention, to be had at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE TOTTERY, Corner of Cherrv and Third Streets, C1.KARF1KI.D, PA. aofS Clearfield County Bank. rilHB Clearfield County Dank as an Ineorpora. X ted institatlon baa gone out of existence by IK. Mtvn4er f It eherter, ea May 12, 16c,. All Ho atoek la owned by the subscribers, who. will continue the Banking busineas al tha sasie. place, as private Bankers, under the fine nam of the "CI.arB.ld County Bank." We aro re., spenslblefer the debts ol the Bank, and will pay Its notes en demand at tbe counter. Deposits, received and lntoroat paid when money Is lait h a lied lime. Paper discounted at six per eeK, as heretofore. Our personal responsibility i pUdjed for all received snd bu-lmie transacted. A eontlnnance of th liberal ps4 ronafte of the business msn of the oeunty is rs speelfully solicited. As President, Cashier an; offloers of the late Clearfield Coanty Bank, w requlr th. notes of sa.i Dauk to b prwealcl, for redemption. JAR. T. LKONABP, RICHARD BnAW, WM. PORTER, JAS. B. GRAHAM, 0. L. RRKD, WM. A. WALLACE- Ths business of tbe Bank will be conducted by John M' Adams., Keo,., as Cashlsr. tl-l County National Bank, OK CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM In Masonic Building, one door north ef C. 1). Watson's Drug ftoro. I'.ssnec Tickets to and from Liverpool, Queens town, tllasirow, London, Paris and t'oponhnirea. Also, I) ml I. for salo un lbs Ruyal Bank of IrrlanA aud Iuipcrial B lak of London. JAMK8 T. LEONARD, Prest W. M. SHAW. Cashier. !iljIL J. D. M'llirk. Klrd Terks. BAUKIKQ& COLLECTION HOUSE OF WcClRK & PERKS. Eueocstmrs to Foilor, Perki, A Co., liliitt.hui-r. vtir fount t Pn. WIIKT1R all tbe bnalnwR of n Banking lion wi! m Iran -act exj promptly and oin ton st ravomole lrmv Bl" hRPYFT" CO.. Ktk at South TliliU Hlrvftti PhUdelphl RpcnrittftS. rtllU flHUVieiU wufuniiimiis ww...- ; Application bv mail will receive prompt stten- ) tb.n, and all Information eUeerfully furnisheds. ' Orders olwt. l'r" U !