Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 20, 1873, Image 2

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    She vCiuMintn.
l- i w. ima iHD riuipiiiKTuit. " -
, ' Democratio County Ticketi
'' ! ASH KM III. Y,
. 1)B. T. J. IHIVEH,
, v or euutvutLt, . "
: PIIKRIFP. ' ' " !
tv. rush mciii Hit a on, :
t or ruftAurncLU. ...
trbashrrh; ' f :
C I. A It K 11 H II ff I,
; ! LtWIItHC.
AOl'MIt, '
M LAwam.-.'
. coronkh,
Tba "govornmont," Oca. Bubcoclt,
its secretary, and Simon Cameron were
tramping through Maino and .Now
Humpsliiro last week. Something
wrong down thoio, or that trio would
not bo mouBing among tlioto barren
hills. '
The "Addition, Division and SI
lonoo" Convention fovgot to montion
the Credit Jlobilior fraad, by which a
ring of rascals robbed Iho Treasury
of forty-four millions of dollars. Tho
wickedest fraud of all passed Id si
lence is tndeod ominous of guilt.
Very Consistent. Tho editor of
tho Timet is desporatoly opposed to
Court ilouso cliques anu rings smuu
rings but ho can swallow a State
Jlouso, or mio uouso, or uongrcs-
sional ring with ease. He is ono of
tho brood which rtrain at gnats but
can swallow a camel or two at oni)
Dead. lion. Win, Al. Meredith,
Presidont of tho Constitutional Con
vention, died at bis homo in Philadel
phia, on Hundav. tbe 17th. in bis 77th
year. His death has beon expected
forsomo timo. Tho Convention has
lost one of its ablest members and
tho Stato an eminent, upright states
man. In this latter ho has few imita
tors. ...
Mrs. Kllen McKenny, of Chicago,
on Sunday lit her firo with coal oil.
Tho firemen wcro first sent lor, thon
tho Doctor, but Ellen and a four year
old boy preceded a funeral procession
next day to tho' cemctory. a pity
tho children murdered in this way,
but wo have no sympathy for tho adult
fools who roast thomselvos alivo.
Tho contract for tho erection of a
now court house in MiQlintown, Juni-
atta countr. has been awarded to
Messrs. Ilctrick & l'lcisher, of Now-
port for tho sum of f 12,300 the
County Commissioners to furnish tho
brick. . The Comruibsioncrs will dis
cover by the timo tho building is com-
I' T "
Vi unuu uyuro uou0.
Assistant KouBtas. Wo notice
that tho publishers of quilo a number
of oor exchanges persist in advertising
the Kentucky Publio Library Lottery,
Thin concern has nlrondv robbed the
public of thousands of dollars without
nu equivalent, and tho publisher of a
nowsnnncr who advertises tho schemes
of the concern is simply an assistant
i-r.l.wnn iiMr.r nml niw-finr in riliin.
dering his readers in a way as unlaw
ful as horeo stealing.
"A Democrat" has furnished tho
Times with another editorial, nearly
11 euiuiilil 111 juiikmi. juio nun uu
dono to assail Mr. Krobs, who is fully
compotont to defend himself. Wo
doubt tho Domocracy of nny man
who seeks to distract the party in or
der to gratify pcrsoual snluon. His
disingenuous method of dragging in
party anairs is anu i.iuo -
. . . . -
letiB.uio, nnu inue.umy Bvu...,m "
writer as nu euuiiijr ui mu puj, v
difleronco how much be advertises
himself to bo a Domocrat. It is just
such copy as tho editor of tho Times
or any othor Eadical organ Is looking
1WMnrnTin TicKfcTH. The Domo -
crats of Mother Centre havo put the
r..lln.Mno tw.lrot in tho finld 1 For Son-
mv"" a
ntor, P. Gray Meek; Assembly, John
It r)r9i- Treflsnrer. Jo in B. Mitch-
nl f'fimmiBftlnnf'P. Jfilina R:inkcv:
v' ' "
Juri.- rVimtniuHmnrr. M ichuol drove :
Auditor, A. J. Greist, 3 years, Samuel
Krnnk. 2 vear. If tho rent of tho
, . .
li:icci is composed 01 ns gooc maioriai
M tho two first nntnes, the Domocrals
may well bo proud of their ticket.
Tho Clinton Democrats havo also
an excellent tickot. Assembly, A. C.
Noycs; rrolhonolary, William II.
Brown : Beuistcr. Samuel B. bnook
Commissioner, Wm. A. Puckor j Cor
onor, A. Pricson ; Jury Commission-
or, 11- H. Enron ; Auditor, J. 11. Chat-
ham. Jr. Wo bcliovo it is the fourth
nomination for Messrs. Noycs and wt'n under discussion, is Doing cir
Brown. Thero is really no uso for ulalod gralutiously all over tho county
any bolter mon than tbo two who
bead this ticket.
Gen, A. B. Warlord, prominont
HarriBburgor and Civil Engineer, died
in that cily on Sunday. Ho was at
one lime President of tho North Cen
tral liai'rond.
Starttlnr information.
The editor of tho Timet, nllhough
but a few months in tho Stato, has
already made tho following difioovory:
Ho far M wo n learn, both Deniooratt ml Ke-
publicana in all eot-tlona or the oounty will nee
iboir Inrluoaoe (nil withhold their voti-t from Hit
proacnt Ditnoorutio tufpirauta fur oflloo.
This nllcgotion is hull truo., 'Hint
tho lladiculs in this Stuto always with
held thoir votos from Domocrntio aspi
rants for olllco, is truo, and every
school boy knows It. In Michigan it
may bo othorwiso. That tho Demo
crats will withhold thuir votoi Is not
truo. ' ':-('"
. Next his independence isdevclopod.
11 o says:
' We molt certainly will net our Influence, In the
rllit way, to defeat Iho nouiiuatluui of tbe Dem
ocratic tk-kut. ...
That is just what tho editor of tho
Journal is doing, but he does it like a
man, squarely and honostly. We hope
Democrats will now understand tho
position of tho Times editor.' His
indupondenco is a bold fraud, and ho
intends to use his position to defeat
the Domocralio nomineos, boonuso
thoy are such, just liko any othor
Radical editor. And tho Democrats
who a io iiroon enouirh to aid hitn in
doing so will bo sold. Again, be says:'
Ilro. Uoodlnndcr le probably not aware tbat our
Lawreooe towuahip oorrcapondcnl ta one of kit
best Democrat. ,
Wo deny it. lie may hnvo beon,
but not now.- If be intends to ro-
main, or improve bis nomocracy, he
has gono to the wrong placo. Men
who do not mako a profession of Do-
oiocracy seldom touch it. Besides,
tho editor of the Times is not a com-
notcnt witoesB. Not bavin? beon in
tho Stato over three months, It is im
possible for him to say who are and
who are not Democrats. Wo know
men who call themselves Democrats
who have not voted tho Democratic
ticket for fifteen years; but knowing
them personally, they cannot decoivo
U on tbat point.
The Mtadlcal A'omlnees.
Tho Kadical Stato Convention,
which mot at Ilitrr'mburg, last Wednes
day, ronominatod Iiobert W. Mackcy,
of Pittsburg, for Slate Treasurer, and
Isaac J. (iordoa, of Brookvillo, for
juj,r8 o the Supremo Court.' Mack
ey wog nominated on tho first ballot
ft vot0 0f 115 t0 13 for Samuol Hon-
rv n0 rcnominution of Mackcy
demonstrates the grasping power of
tue treasury ring, as woll as the so
Lrem..v ()f Cameron in tho counsels
of tho .Radical party in this Stato.-
Mr. llonry has now loarnud what he
ought to have known long ago, Hint
no Kadieal hoed acpiro to a nomina
tion for ft Stato office nnless bo has
the countenance and support of Cam-
eron ana liis corrupt anu onscrupu
lous ring, llio candidates lorjuage
were Paxon of Philadelphia, Butler
ofChcalor, and Gordon of Brookville,
who ouoooadod on thn sixth hollut,.
Paxon, tho Cameron ring candidate,
roso to fifty-four, within twolvo votes,
whon tho Bailor and Gordonitcs com
bined and defeated l'uxon. Wo havo
known Mr. Gordon personally for
many years. Die is an esteemed cili
ton, un excellent, safe country lawyer,
but in ouc OKtimation a very ''light
weight" for Supremo Judgo.
Covering the Whole Territory,
Tho greed and ambition of tho Kadi
cnl leaders to livo by publio plunder
Iuj became- a fixed principlo in thci
crcod. The National and State treas
uries do not suflico. They now stop
to plunder municipalities. Outside of
Pbiludolphia, Washington, tho Capitol
of tho Nation, is their "richest placer
The Washington Sunday Chronicle re-
itcrateg lU of
tho District of Columbia is 117,000,000,
nnJ shows that tho statement recently
issued from the comptroller's oco
was prepared for tho purpose of aiding
the authorities to sell their bonds.
Tho Chronicle shows that tho money
hns boon fquandcrcd, and adds tba
"other millions of dollars besides th
seventeen million dollars which wi
havo been spent at the end of th
working bcason of 1873, will bo wan
ed to complete a systematic and ooin
prclionsivo plan of improvements for
tho cities of tho district." It is also
Lhftrgod lllftt eccarWct w,ih two or
threo yenrs ago sold for DO cents, to
day under the present regime, are
hawked about tho district at a di
count of from 20 to 80 per cent. I
oxchango for groceries, und in some
cases 1110 even refused nt that, besides
. lll0 cily U8 80Curiiy foV tho advanco
of C01lt8 on U, dur.
I The Otiikr Inpepenpent. Thood-
I jt0P 0f n,0 Reveille and his man Frl
day "Democrat," seem to bo fund
0f mHi,. The editor dufends his cor-
rosnondont manfully. Their disor
1 ganiz'ttion viows barmoniw wondcr-
'. lruln unl(;lu 0,lon
answers as wen u u niuuiu ..u. a.uu
.1 1.... ! .: ...ti .1..
coire-puiiucui, .....uuruu.. v.
wuoiu truu., is u......ui..uU.. Uu.u
nvo iveu no uno,
' .1 U TU
1 editor, after flailing us most complete-
UBrilrllllllUU Ul V1IU UUIIUI 111 IHUT. Jiiw
'71 per peuuvi. u. iUimwiii(j u,iuuu
1 1 "Th tommunlsalioa rffi-rrfj to oan ba an
,w(ir(.j ,n lh ,ilroogh cur ,!,, i,r
y iii'p""ii n if n" li n t.ffrt
mado to VXfMnin wny mo in.iir 01 it.a c.u..-
orntte parly hnva oonnlvoU at thttir frauutlff.wlilfib
all admit to bava boon praolioej at ttte primary
elfctiunit. thre fl a great manf lifo-lonff Il.-mo-
tiii who vllltnao no part whairvrr In mit run
oampaiirn, ot thai Ihrjr liars aujht agalnat the
oamlidntua, udit mo liiannrr in wnicn luo pri-
: roarim have txn oomluoioJ.
- Any Domocrat can understand this
'" bakmco 01 "llie muic in
tho coooaout" is that the Jlcveille,
containing the incondiary communl-
purpose ot croating party ois-
What imtnacuiaie inuopon-
donee I
A son of Mrs. O'lveary, the lady
whoso cow onoe upon a time causod
so much troublo In Chicago, Is now in
jail iu thut city for stealing old iron.
Terrible Storms.
Last wotk.was a dooidodly stormy
wook. Tho farmers In some parts ot
our county havo sustained serious
loses, and tho publio has sulrorod Heav
ily In the loss of bridges across email
trcams, which havo boon swopt away.
radlord township has porhaps suf
fered the most In this purtioulur.
Millstono run and Its tributorcs, which
woro almost dry, bocntno so swollor In
au hour that wholo troos wore washod
nut of root and driflod down tho chan
nels, carry Ing along fences and bridgos.
Tho atorin was howovor moro distruo-
tivo north and south of us. The rain
and wind was occompnined by tre-
mondouB bail stonos. - In and In-
iana counties tho inhabitants suffered
10 samo loasos we did in this county,
ut the destruction of window glass
and property was far worse. Tho
ndiantt Democrat, in alluding to luo
storm, says :
"A torrlblo itorm of wind and bail
passed over this place on Monday
ovonniB last, at Pt O oiock. aiiu
amount of damuco done is almost in-
calculable The storm oppoared to
ooine from the wost, and extendoa
ovor sevoral miles oast and west, and
about one milo in wiutn. Almost an
tho glass in tho houscH on tho wost
ido woro Drouon. me nau-sionos
varied in sire from that ot a largo
hazle nut to a walnut. Somo wore
picked up at least two and a halt
inches in diamoter. Tho torror and
alarm of tho pooplo cannot be describ
ed. The storm raged lor about filtoon
minutes. Larxe as was tho damage
in the destruction of glass and othor
injuries to - buildings, it is small as
compared to the destruction of crow-
inir crops, fruits and gardons. Tho
country hereabouts presents a sad ap
pearance mi its anil truit trees uo
slrovtd. oorn, oats and vegetables gen-
erallr beaten to the ground, and the
shrubbery entirely deslroyod. Ho
Such storm has ever visited this boo
tion of tho country within tho rccol
lection of tho "oldest inhabitant."
The greatest loss we havo to record is
in the partial aostruction 01 vna
rant school building in West Indi
Tho building was completed last year
at an exponso of ovor 81u,0l)0.- Tho
storm raised tho western portion ot
tho roof from the walls and dushed 11
to tbo ground, a portion of it consist
ing of tbe tin sheeting, weighing over
two nuntlrou pounds, Doing carried 1
distanco of near ono hundred yards.
A portion of tbe roof full npon tbe
out-building and made a complete
wrock of it. 1 lie westorn gauio 01 me
building was completely demolished
and loll in on the ceiling of tbo uppoi
story, destroying the plastering and
a portion CI the limoers. ido loss 10
West Indiana borougu win loot nn
82,000 at the loust. All the promi
nent building were more or less dam
aged. The Publio School llouto in
Indiana boroui! 11. the "inuianaiiouso,
"Continental Hotel," "Formers' and
Drovers' Hotel," "harhart llouao,"
Christy s building," the "Messenger
office, aud, indeed, all the buildings
fronting tho wost u Herod 111 DroKen
windows. Tbe dwelling bouso 01 1100-
ortSanford, south of town, was moved
from tbo loundution ol oonaulorariiy
shattered. -
11 Wo cannot specify individual losses
but the damage to tho buildings and
crops will aggvogato ?o0,000 at the
lowest calculation.
"The m noise t in glass and putty is
quite active in this placo. Many per
sons are compelled to send to Pitts
burg for glass of suitable size.
"The stained glass on the west sido
of tho Methodist E. Church is com-
plotely demolished not a pano is left
to toll the talo.
Over two hundred liirhls of glass
were broken out ot the "Indiana
House," and over ono hundred out of
Mr. Swoeny Hovel. 1 -
The A'orth- Western Hospital.
Govornor lUrlranft, after giving
the friends of tho North-Western Hos
pital every reason to boliove that he
would Sign mo uui lor iUBb prujuci.,
now goes back on his assurance and
rolusos to attach his signature. It is
moro than hinted in lact, pluinly
charged tbat the Governor's doublo-
dcaling in this matter is duo to the
influence of the Maekoy King, to whom
it is generally supposed bo owes his
nomination and eleotion. Tho King
have no idea of allowing some eJOO,
000 or moro to slip out oi their clutches
especially when, by tho provision of
the bill, thoy will have no share in
disbursing it. llio course ot Mover-
nor Hartranft in Ibis mutter has rondo
him many bitter enemies in this sec
tion among the Republicans of energy
and high standing in the party.
When tbo entire medical profession
of tho Slate anile in the request lor
another hospital, on the ground of its
urirent necessity, It is ratuor a pro-
sumptuous pioco of businoss for iho
Governor to set up bis weak opinions
or Bclbsb personal interests in hostility
to tho projoct. The northwest loav
ing tho abortive Marine Hospital out
ot siirht has novcr boon honored with
a single one ot the many uonovoiont
or rnl(irmlor ntrnrinos which the
oiaio nas osuiunsnou. is ii. nut um
that she should demand with a unitod
voice that at least one of those worthy
institutions must bo located in this
section, where every year thoy be-
oome more ncodful tfirie Observer.
Whitman, don't you aoe that the
Hospital was to havo been built out
of the fl,300,000 baluuoe in the State
Treasury and would therefore reduce
the ring banking capital to only one
million of dollars! Why, If State
Treasurer Mackcy was compelled to
pay out this sum for this humane pur
poso, at least half a dozon banks
would be left without any capital
Let tho orar.y fools run at largo. Loy
al ring bankers must havo tho Stato
funds for banking purposes. Drown
your imbeciles in the lake rather than
"disturb capital."
Tux Disuuisi JUmovid. Tho
Independents pitched into us quite
smartly last week. But, after all,
thoy only provo that thoy aro both
opposed to the Domocralio tiukol aud
intend to dofeat it, if tbey can. This
is just what the replies of the Reveille
and the Times amount to. Wo re
spect an opon opponent, but we de
npise bushwhackers. As the masks
have beon rornoved, Democrats will
know bow to credit indopondonls
boreaftor. No eood Domoorat can
oousistently oppose and voto against
our oounty tickot, boeause no bettor
tickot was ever presented for tba suf.
lragos ol luo people, . . i ,
Sudden lteath or a learneld
County Man in l or launiy. j
Ahnnr. flvn wueks sl'O. stranccr
giving his namo as Samuol Taylor,
says the Hanover Spectator, mado his
appearance in our town, in avuruu 01
lovmont. and sucoeoded in obtain-
7 ' . . ' . 1 . r u. a
ing worn uuring nrvom ui mi. u
drow B. Itudesill, farmor, at Plum
Crock, with whom ho worked about
threo woeks. Upon leaving thoro, ho
came to town on Monday, July 28th,
lor tbo purposo of working lor the
Water Company, ana visnou mu rem.
denco of Mr. Michaol G. Lawronco, on
Carlisle stroot, to arrango about board
inn thoro. While thoro ho complained
of feeling uhwoll, suffering from pain
in tho bowels, and was suddenly sincK
011 down with .ovoro illness. Upon
Drs. Smith and Hico Doing callod in,
thoy at onco pronounced tbo man to
bo in a critical condition from Inflam
mation of the bowels. : Notwithstand
ing every effort was mado to savo him,
be linucrcd until Saturday morning
lust, when be expired about half past
seven o'clock. . .
The deceased was S feet 7 inchoi in
height; dark complexion; blaok hair,
tinged with gray ; sandy moustache,
and was d rested in a white linen suit.
In conversation with Mr. iu be in
formed him that ho was 34 years old
on the 9th of July last, and atatod
that ho camo horn (Jloarltcld county,
whore ho has a stop mother and two
sisters residing; nlso, a sister rosident
at Bt. Mary's, I'.ik county, i'a. 1110
remains were iutcrred at the burial
ground of Conowngo Chapel on Sun
day morning, (tho docoasod claimed to
bo a niomber 01 the uatnono uourcu.j
If this may reach tho notice of any of
tho friends of the deceased, tbey con
obtain further information as to his
effects, oto., by addrossing Mr. Michaol
U. Lawronco, llanovor, xortt county,
Pennsylvania. - , -
The JMurderer Wade.
The Williainsport Sun says: "Hand
cuffs have proved of no service on
Wade tho murderor, be having suc
ceeded in breaking or removing every
pair used. It was found neceossary
to adopt a now dovico and ho is now
socured wilb collar and chain. The
collur goos around tho neck and fas
tons with a lock, and tho chain, seven
feet in length, extends from the collar
to a ring in tho floor, giving tho pris
oner the privilego of bis coll. Tho
Bulletin of Saturday say : Yostorday
a visitor to tho jail, iu passing along
from coll to cell, was startled by a man
loaning from bis bed. It was Wade,
and as bo struck on his lect he seized
tho chain, dashed it upon the floor
and gave a yell that mado tho situa
tion ruthcr an unpleasant ono for a
person looking upon tho criminal for
the first time. In conversation Wade
said bo bad gold enough to make a
longor and heavier chain than the ono
be was drairif ins around. Ho is rather
severe upon the sheriff for thus iron
inn him, yet ho prefers the collur and
chain to handcuffs tbo latlor being
too li resume. Ho has linod tho inside
of bis iron collar with cloth ; tbo iron
being rough, ho says it hurt bis neck.
hilo our inlormant was conversing
with Wade, the latter pulled from bis
pocket a roll or bills, and boaalingiy
stutod that they had searched bim for
money but could una nono, yet lie
bad plonty, and know where to keep
it. H Und oignra nnil other Invnrios
in his cell, and invilod tbe visiting
arty to partake ot the hospitably 01
is dunircon. Whon asked bow be
paesod his nights, Wado replied." Jolly
luut niiht I bad McUrido s cuost in
boro. and I mado it lively for tho ap
parition." When tbe party retired it
was with tho turn conviction mat
Wade's equal was not to bo found iu
this country."
Cut im Twain. The Klmira 6'u.ef
says tbat on ibursday allernonn
man named lampimw, ompiopon in
the saw mill of Alva Carpenter, in
Thurston, Stouben county, wbiletcnd
ing the slubbing saw, noticed that tho
iron "dog," holding tho end of tho log
in position, had brokoo out, and the
log was rolling; and springing ovor
tho log, caught tho slab being cut anu
threw it to one side. When turning
to got back, bo slipped and toll back
ward against the saw, wblob out
through flosh and bone in a borriblo
manner, nearly aovonng Ins body in
twain. Death was instantaneous.
Ho leaves a wife and ono child.
Suspknped Livks. Tho Philadel
phia Press says: In Moyamensing
Prison aro two mon, ono of whom has
not soon tbe light of the sun fort won
ty-three years, and tbo other for ten
years, and over boll) during all this
- T . .....
time havo bung sentonoos ot death.
Whon those men wore oonvlcled there
woro circumstances surrounding their
cases that miligated thoir crimes and
restrained the humano and just Opv-
crnors of the period Irom signing their
death warrants. If ever there were
cases that deserved Executive clam
ency, thoso aro of Hint charao'.er. I If
these men have not ntlonod thoir
crimes, thon human Buffering
alouoinont lor human errors. i
Tbe New York JWi'on.ln discussing
tho Drew lottor about Collax s con
noclion with the Credit Mobiliorswlo
dlo. savs: "Wo think Mr. Colfax may
rout assured thut tno puuiiu na lw
mind made op about this businoss, and
tho Nesbilt business also, and thut bo
will do as well to loavo both of them
alono. His private standing among
bis frionds would scorn to be satinuo
lory enough to him and them, at any
rate; and, as we suspect, his publio
reputation and political future are ill
worth tbe labor and pains be is be
stowing npon them. -
Too Tui.i. Uonernl Duller snys l
voted for the forward and back pay
bocauso his soul wns distressed within
him al seeing members ol Congress
obliged to borrow money in order to
pay their way and support their laoii-
lios. This is really distressing, but
tho distress Is wonderlully alleviate
whon one roflocls that not one of llieto
imnccunious members was nrcssod in
to Uongrcssional service, but doubles
. . . . . . . .
had labored and toiled, and orawlou
in the dirt beforo political manipula
tors id order to uuiain a seal in uoa
The rittsburg rout remarks : Mr
District Allornoy Swoopo doclaros
emphatically that ho will not bo a
candidate for Congress ; Hint ho will
not support lirrott for the I nltcd
States Senate, and that Krrolt will not
bo a caudidato lor tbat position, lie
appears to know, and now we would
liko to know whether "the. lion and
the lamb," Ac, and bow it was brought
about. Will Mr. Swoopo support
Maekoy J
That was very mean thing of a
man in Chicago, who borrowed $-00
from his wilo and used tbo money in
obluiuing a divorce,
Coupon JTewt.
An exchaiico says i At the dopot,
on Monday evoning, an eager-looking
man jumped Irom the truiu and clasp
ed a waiting woman in his arms,
"Hoavons, my wife I" said he. "Mor
oy, my ruflles I" which showed what
both were tuiiiKing oi. , ,
Kight oonviets, working In a stone
Sfrturry near tho penitentiary at Jef
erson City, Missouri, broko from the
guard on Tuesday wook. One was
shot and captured, and tho others are
still at largo.
A nogro stolo the carpet ' from a
Toiinossoo church, and cut it up into
horse-blankets, and tho congregation
all wont over to Broad Rivet4 to boo
hita immersed. From somo unac
countablo accident he was bold undor
the water just ono minute too long.
George N. Sanders, wbo twonty-fivo
years ugo was ono of tho most promi
nent politicians in the country, and
tho loador of tho Young American
i)omocraoy, died on Tuesday morning
woett very euuooniy irom noart uis
ease, at his rosidonee In New York.
Sanders was Unitod States Consul at
London undor President Pierce, and
Navy agoot at Now York under Bu
At Mansfield, Ohio. Tuesday, wook
i man on whom the U. S. Marshal
as ondoavoring to serve a writ oi
ejootmout, noBuulied li 1 in with an a.
The Marshal's deputy shot the man
and it is feared both will dio. -
Tho population of Iowa ia 249,418.
In the assessment of cities, Dubuque
ranks first in amount, Des Moines soo-
ond, Burlington third, and Davenport
fourth. This is the result ol the la
bors of tbo Stato Board of Kqualiza
tion. ,
Tho Walsontown Record says: John
II. Goodman, of this place, purchased
of Hon. Goorge C. Welker, of Sun
bury, and Mr. Calvin, of Hollidays
burg, 300,000 acres of timbor and ore
lands, lying in Bnyder, Union and
Milllin counties, paying tbercfor iu
CftBb. tbe aura of 80,000. !
The only newspaper in tbe country
which defends und iilslifios the base
attempt to kidnap Dana, of tho Sun,
and drag him to Washington for tri
al, ia tho" Washington Chronicle, edited
by Parson Harlan, a renogado -Methodist
minister. What better could
wo expoct from a court toady f
Schuylor Colfax addrossod a Sunday
school at Evanstoh, Michigan, on nun-
ay week, and loft next day for a
summer tour in Minnesota, lie still
kocps up the pious dodgo, from forco
of babit, no doubt
Another smart woman has recently
camo to the surtuce a jnrs. x. n.
Horeland. of Texas. This lady, who
is now in St. Louis, owns about 1,000
boad of cattlo, and accompanied tho
hord all tho way from its starting
point to tho latter cily, doing at least
two men's work In tho way of man
aging and driving.
A prisonor oonnued in the ayno
county (I'a.) juil for some offense, be
en mo a lavorite wilb the Mioriir, wlio
Mowed him the freedom of tbe jail
ard. On Saturday week be took
advantage of an opiiorlanity to lock
bis benelactor op id a cell, and loavo
tho country tor parts unknown. Tho
Sheriff remained in confinomont sev-
crul hours beforo lie oould attract
any one's uttention, and the door had
to oo broken opon wilb a aledge.
Tho Democratio Stato Convention
moots at Wilkesbarre, on the 27 Ui of
August, and wo hope thoro will bo
backbone cnoiiiili in tbo Convention
to speak very plain In reference to
tbo various mailers now agitating tbe
country, and particularly tho "back
pay" and "Iront pay ' steal.
m m
IUir, HonitoR. Chicago, August IT
A torriblo accident occurred at half
past ton o'clock lust night near Le
mont. on t lie Lliieairo and Alton rail
road, an incoming freight train collid-
ng witn the soutn bound express pas
scngcr train, almost entirely wrecking
too latter, killing cloven persons out
right and fearfully injuring somo thirty
so von others, somo of whom it is said
will die. Iho cars caught Gro and a
number of the injured . were badly
burned, whilo others wero scalded by
hot water Irom the locomotives boilers.
Although Lcmont is only about twen-
milcs south ot this city, tho acci
dent was not known hero, except to
the ruilroad ollleiuls, until belwoen
twclvo and ono o'clock this morning,
and then only to ptrticg who happen
ed to ascertain thut tho aurgoons bore
had bocn sent for to go to tho wreck
It is impossible to givo full particulars
at present, but they will bo sent litter.
Among tliOKO dangerously injured is
1 1 r lir C!.:.i. . I.... -r t. rti:
tiuii.i. ii . tannin, ti ui uvii vi iiiu Illi
nois stato penitentiary. John ,uou-
gur, onginocr of tbo liahitnoro and
III' Ti I f f I. ill. ..I
uuiu runrouu, is uuu ui inu kimuu.
(.'apt. Waream and Col. Selhcimer
were both candidates Dclore the Mil-
Am Homocralio County Convention
last wock. ' I he l;ewislown Democrat
says t Alter the announcement was
mado on Monday afternoon thut Cap
tain Waream had beon noininatod for
Senator, ninonght tho first to call up
on and congratulato him was his com
pelltor, I oi. soihehner, who, in shnk
ing hands, said, "Joe, I am now ready
V ""- mm Hnln IT. II tn lpnM
tho nomination of tho Conforonco, for
I consider Mifllin county is entitled
to Iho candidulo." That sentenco had
the "ring of lite truo metal" in it, and
was honorablo aliko to tho head and
tho heart of tho gallant Colonel.
Such Democrats as Col Selhoimcr are
tho cemont which BOlidiflos tho party
ana enumes a io secure lis triumphs,
Goon roa Kentucky. Gallant old
Kontncky loads off in this ycor's clee
tion will) a splendid victory for the
Domocracy. At the election in that
Stato on Monday last, James W. Tale,
Democrat, was elected Stato Trrasu
rorby an overwhelming majority over
Mckoo. Independent. Tho hitler re-
coivod but a fow t hound ml votes a
told. Not a half dor.on Kadioals ar
oluctcd to tho Legislature. Louisvill
sends a united Democratio delegation
The Kudienl psrfy is so utterly domor-
ahr.ed in Konlucky llinl il nas anau
donoa its orgnnir.alion. I. ant year
urnnt came within n low thousand
votes of carrying tbo State. Tho
change has boon wrought by the con
viction thut if tho country is to be
resuuod from tho clutches of iho thioves
who now control it, tho Democratio
parly must be restored to power.
Jost A wa Kxfkoted. Tbo first
items at tho head of tho oolumn in
the Marrisburg Journal, tbo day aflor
the mooting ot the Hadioal Conven
tion were I
Thore was a great deal of drunkon
noss in the streets, last night.
Horse thioves are operating through
out the eountv.
Bevcrnl of tbe snouldcr-bittoni havo
left tbo city.
An custom ponor arttuos throiitrh a
wholo oolumn says the Pittsburg 1'ost,
to susluln tho position that a Demo
cratio form of govornmont Is tho bout.
This would bava boon regarded on an
hands, somo rears ago, us a work ol
supererogation a pioao of unnecsosary
labor a moro onort ni an amuiuoun
writer to show his ability in setting
up a thoory, in order to exhibit bis
skill in knocking it over.
But ron v in this our day and gen
eration, tho signs of tho times are full
of omens, going to show thai even in
our own boasted lund of froomcn, it is
nooessury to broasO tho influences ol
and resist tho tendencies towards Im
perialism. Superficial thinkers and
caroloss obsorvera are too busy, each
one with bis pwn selfish plans for tho
accumulation of wonltn, to nood ino
indications of tho day, and dorido inoso
who would warn tho people of tbe ap
proaching dangor; while others care
naught lor llio principles mat no ov
theloundution of our systom, and bug
to Iboir boson.8 tbo flattering idea
thut all things will move along hii ugly
aud Bafely without any effort on thuir
part to koop tno macninory on toe
propor track. Others, again, havo no
hesitation in saying that so thoy aro
prosperous in their efforts to gather
pilos of wealth, thoy don't care w hat
is dono at Washington. All these
folks ore iu dorp error. Tba Indian,
tions point with unerring certainty
to the rapid growth of usurped power
on the part of tbo Gonerul Govern
ment; of a serious purpose to blot
Statu lines and Slate govornmont out
of existonce in short, to divort our
govornmont from what it was whon
it camo from tho bands of the mon
who formed it, and who so fur as
political wisdom is concerned may
truly bo said to havo boon undor tho
inlluonce ot inspiration ; and to maxe
it an Kmpiro, composed of provinces
which onco woro Slalos.
This would bo no new thing In tbo
world's history. It bus been doue,
and it may bo done again. Spain
once was composod ol sundry indo-
fiendont kingdoms, each possessed of
egislolive bodies," beforo whom her
kings woro compelled to yield, liui
Castile and Arragou wero melted
down Into Spain tho two limited
monarchies woro converted Into ono
consolidated Absolutism, and tho pco-
ilo became sluves, and havo so re
mained even until this day. No peo
ple ever yet permanently preserved
their freedom through centuries with
out watchfulness without a jealousy
of thuir rulers.
The tHU'erence.
The New York Hcrmld, in contrast
ing tho difference in the prominm on
cold between f ranco and luo united
States, makes tbe following wbolo6omo
remarks :
Franco, It is said, will soon resume
specie payments, though, in fact, sas-
lansion bus boon lilllo moro man nom-
nul in tbat country. - The pooplo thore
havo hardly known that specie pay
ments wire suspended, so small bus
boon tho premium on specio and so
lilllo the dill'ureiioe between gold and
paper. 1 hruuini all the terrible di
aiders and enormous cost of tbe war
wilb Germany and of the Commune
with the thousand million dollars of
ndcmniiy to pay Germany, and huv
ni; bsforo all this a national debt
nearly equal to thut of tho United
Slates at prosent, tbo premium on gold
novcr went up much, aud lo-duy is
only a fraction of ono por cent. The
tinted stales tins beon eight years al
peace, bus paid off all the floating in
dubtednces of the war and live bond
red millions of debt besidee, and is be
yond all question tho richest country
T . -.i !.!.... : .1 i.i
in resourvus auu uiuuniry m tua vvvriu,
and yet the premuim remains at nt-
tocn per cent, and abovo. Why this
dilTerouce between tho two countries?
Would specio in tho Treasury hi ing
us to or near specie payments f Wo
have known the Treasury to have
as much, surplus gold as ino nniin oi
England in its vaults, and yet the gold
iireinium remained high, iho truth
is we are largely a debtor nation ; we
buy and borrow to a muoh greater
amount than we soli., franco, on the
contrary, soils moro than sho buys,
exports moro than she imports. As
a cousoquenco both the specio on hand
and all we can raiso from the mines is
mortiracod abroad. Hero is tho sccrot
oi the wholo mailer.
A Dallas (Texas) nowspapor pays
thore ia room between plow handles
in that county for twenty thouennd
young men, and not a sou aro foot be
hind a counter or in an omce lor ihoso
wbo want clorkahips or other soil
places. J here aro many other conn
lios liko Dallas, Texas, and "Dial's
what's the matter."
r Another ropo wnlkor, Rignor liulll-
ni. is come to cross tno .MiiLrnra do
low tho fulls on a cable, and will eclipse
Hlondin by finally jumping into tho
river beneath, a distanco of one bun
drcd and fifty feet. '
Urur gillmtisruifutj.
J A I.E. The underlined offcra for
aale a valuable town properly in tbe borough
ol rioarneid. iit hiiiid teet, witn a irona two-
etory plank bouaa tnereoa erected, with th
AIro, aewine room and bath room on aoot.n.l floor.
Ilouae flnlohed eomplete front oollar to attics
Uood doul.le poreb and good water. Trite roa
aonabln and paynienta enjy,
SOaugT.v WM. M. McCt'I.I.OVJQIl.
X KKNCK TOWNSIIU Notion ia hereby
given IhM tbe duplicate for tho "enih road tax
anenacd for the purpnie of payina? the debt
Biralont the townahip incurred hy the bulldint;
aud improveuiont of roaui, baa been planed in
my hanila Tor eolleotlon. l wilt moot tho tai
payera at the Arbitration Room, In Court llonae,
on TiieulnT. Wodneidny and Tbure.loy of Hfp-
temlier aoort, and ean be found at my rrxideuoo
at any other lima. JUSIil'll OWE.SH,
Aug. 201 m Di trlct Treanurer.
NOT! Ui All pareonawill lake notice thai
I have nurrhaiu'd at Sheriff 'e aitle the fol
lowinf artlrlca of itprponal property, via i 1 oonk-
injt loro and furniture, I largo kettle, t llinlr
elcd, 1 plow, 1 frrlmUtono, I oow, lot of hay, eom
and buckwliit in the ground, and all the timber
made in the wood an the farm now oocuplcd by
Pavid Crowell bavlnn hern aold aa the property
of the aaid Crowell and tbat I bare lei) tbe aald
Srlielea wilb aaid Crowell tuhjoot to my order.
All pereone are warned nt to mtdtllo wflh aald
proporty, aa It bolongi to me.
Fronrhvllle, Aujcuat SO, 1K7J St
X TIMBKR. Notloe la hereby nlven that the
time for filing olaime for unmarked timber bat
been extended Io FKI'TKMIIKH let, 1.-IT.1. All
pertona lorlng unmarked timber, either by Ice
freabot or high water of April, are requeeted to
prneent their elaima proi.erly authenticated by
tbat data. (UI) C. W. SMITH, Auditor.
riLLIAM M. 1IENUV, JusTirm
y or vna l' an g. aivanaa, 1,1. M IIKH
CITY. Collootlont liiade and money promollr
paid nver. Artielra of aftreeinent and deoda of
conveyance neatly oxaeulcd and warranted cop.
not or no charge. lya.v 7a
I 1 8'tnate In PENNKIE1.D. A well flnlihcd
Houaa, narn, Ofttpa, and other neoeaaary build
inga. Will baaold eheap at private tale, For
prion, tar nil and gther Information, anply to
Pa. JOHN II. k'r.l'NR,
July 1, IIT-t. ' Tennteld, Ti
Spokes, Rims & now Handles.
8. W. Oor. LKOPAKD OTTEIt Blneta,
w-gn4fiir FilaaLlat.V- 1st
The nnilorilg-nail would roipoolfully tlfjr H
peraum Intercut"! that ha hai Ju'l ericletl a new
Lime Kiln. In Pike tnwnbip, unJ will keep n
hand a IW.l elaae aualily ut lira? Lime, which
will be fnrulilied to larmen, bnildere and olbera
at J5 orele per tuakfl, ooili, al the aim
l-'ur both eoxea. EilablilhoS 25 Toara. Supe
rior advantairna in every department of eullura.
Send for CatalogiM, Arranira earl (or rouiua.
Fall term beglna August Ssth. -
, JyH M preaidmt.
187C lEXTEXXlAL! 1876
sr.Kt st: vi
Mcn'l Sultl of Farmera' Canimere, only... a co8. .
Mrn'i Built of Cbftvlnt, onlv.
at KhliK (O.'ri.
Uen'l SulU of HootJ-h Cheviot, only..
at kh'ltll t CO.'B.
Men't Sniti of Knarliah Moltun, only
ai Kl.KIt A CO.'rJ.
Men'i Saitief Pine Pine Diagonal...
at KKKK A CO.'S. -Youlh'a
SulU from S7.00 Io
. 16.00
at KKKK t'O.'B.
ChilJren'a Famy fuiw. fn.m t.M Io
. IO.0D
at kt.UK a to. a. . .
Gent's FurnLsliing Goods,
bait and larfcut Hock in town, at
New Centennial Clotiiino House,
Corner Seeood and Market Streoti.
e-ff-Oe and nee for ronr'elvet. Tit Mat fn.k-
loNufcfe Clotkin'j llvu in i'lrarjttld. 6 15-78
Ilevlni- recently Sited Bakery, and
Procured the aorvtoea s nrst-eiaaa iiaaor, wa
are prepared to furuiah
verv (Ut. Wa will deliver Bread. Kell. Cakei
of all linda, frcrh every noroini;, at the doore of
oar auatouicre, if demred. We roepeotrully eo
licit lhara of puhlia patronare, and feel aure
that we oan eHve entire Mtivfaetion.
Wo alro keep on hand a choice atrortment of
t AWUlfc.-1. nun, unA.iULa, i.L..-uu.vrj, iu
Frcnh FRI'IT.S and VEOKTABLES received
daily and void al rreona!i)e prieel.
rrah dim r.iln, in leuioti, t.j-inceanorqaart.
It hi tllf-iH ainaya on naaj. ,
(lire ue a call. We atrire to i.N-ao.
Aug. 8. 1374 If. HTEVIiJirioN CO,
Farm, Freight and Plantation Use.
' Tnlrertally known at th '
Made by exncrieAccl workmen out of at piod
material aa money ean buy. Wo do not claim to
build the lowoat priced Wag-oat, but oar aim n to
build n well nroi.ortioncd in all itt porta,
and eaeol in durability and light draft. For the
iatt quarter of a century the Mitchell Wagon haa
tuceetafully maintained II recitation of being
Iht beat wagon In uae. The rapidly inereaaing
demand for tbcm provoa their tui.criorlty overall
other wegone.
M itch. lt, J.ewlt a Co., M-inuraoturert, Kaclne,
Witronalu. For aala by
An. S, 1ST! Clcarbold, I'a.
Full dlreetlont tctil with each obart Any icf-
enn eon otc them. P-nt poet paid on receipt oi
trleot, vii i I.tntna llHKa CnnT, cult SI altea,
ova' FAra- Coi-r CnAv, II eiaee, Vrar Cnanv,
cula tl aiica and fire ttylea, JI.II0 each, l'lira
Cnanv, cula 21 titet, all atylua, Max a Ktrit Coat
Cnanr, eutt 1 1 aitea, 1 .''0 each, or, full act, lit
charti, ti. AGENTS WANTED, Union Chart
Co., Ilreenville, I'a.
Mra. i. K. Uamiltna, ag. nt rer tloarnoia, cen
tre and Clinton eountiea. V. O. addreaa, I.uthcra
bnrg, Clcarticld Co., I'a. auKe-SinO
The Most Attnictive Subsci iiition
Book ruLliblicd tins lear.
A Uonantio Nnrratlve of the Lose of Capt. (.rant
of the Itrift "Hrittnnma, or t Adven
ture of hti Children and Krindi in bit
IU ico very and Jtcecne. Kia bracing
tbe l'CMiriptitin of a Voyage
Round the Werld.
llv iULED vnnNC
Author ot "Twenty Thvuwid Lt-aguua under the
rk-a," ete.
170 Flno KiiKrTin(ti; C2M I'avrei. Prioe, $1i0.
A UK NTS WANTKl). For dor,pliv circu
lar, tennj, torrttory. etc., addrrst
i. Jt. lit r I I. t. U i r u.,
aug!3-3t rubliwbcra, rbilndvlpbia.
Oi p'ifttf Rxilr-ind lfpot,
C 1' I- A It V I li I.I). I A.
ly lorated ami a tim-ciMi itotci in an
rvpeeu. Hreakrait for paKvmr Irnving on
J una 1 1 , I n73. Prtprietor,
f AMES MITCHELL, ' - 5 '
ctAiaa in
Sijuare Timber & Timber LniiJs,
Jell'7S ' CI.KAHFIEI.1, PA. '
wlolenale dealer Io
Have removed to IHT Chnrcn atreet, between
Franklin and White alt.,' New York. IJy'U'Il
la hereby liven thai h Mere of a.lminialratinn
on the ealnle of PKThll M. PMITII, dceeaard,
late of Ilcll tnwn.hin. CIcarlieM annntv. Prin t..
having been duly granti-d to tho nnderainned, all
peraona tnilel.ted to aaid aatnta will pleaae make imjmeni., ana moto nnvtng eiaima or
demand will proacnt Ihcm properly authenticated
for ecttlt-mcnt without dclav.
JuilN C. CONVnrt,
aug-(lt- Adminiatrator.
IaaTRAV.Canie treapaaalnt: on the proper
i ty of tilt anbanriber, In Covlntton townahip,
on or about tho lat of June, lnr;i, throe Sheep.
The owner it reuealfd to ooine lorward, prove
property and pay charge and toko them away,
or thi'V will be diapoaad of accrdioe to law.
augl.1 J.e 11AVI1I ASKkV.
0i)A ear day I Aatnta wanled I
V'J 1V CU All olMPi of wurking pcopln,
or either lex. yonri ar old, make more money at
work Tor na Iu their npare momenti, or all tho lime,
than at anything eUe. I'atlioulare free, Addrvae
O. Ktiiioi A Cue, l'ortlan.i, Alain. ot::0',yl
Wa hare printtsl a lerte number of the new
l-tH II ILL, and will on tba receipt of twenty.
We eente, mail a eoay to an addreet. nyii
"JOSEl'II II. ROWLEH, JoAtico of
f t Ilia I'eaoe and "erlvener In the upper en.', al
.n-(.., lu.nMiip, oiiecin.pi uiaejo w oioney
r. pniu 1.T.M TrO.O If
i til
Jr T Ol' JUIMMtH drawn for Trrrf
J A. P. IHIil, eouiiuoooiugoa Ike fuuittt j,,,'
y, 23d dejr I
no jrnnin.
Lerl flnndrlaod..,..Hjll A. II. thaw IoiUm
I). W. t'lnleon llliKimiJooob Wilbrlui..(lrabai
Jul. II. Turner Uur IKnry ll(!cirt...(;u,l,l
Mark K,tler..llridlonl J. I.. riliaw...ilouli.U!e
U. M. Tlioniion..Ur.l) D. W. Viae JorJ,,
Janira Irrin " I'. K. Mokol Koo
W.J. Kline llurniido W. P. Talt.....aI(,lw
I,. J. Kurd l'Un Jul. L. btuart...Muriu
L. Flood Ci.riiiKli.ii J. H.iirnge..N.tVuhiaa
Win. Porlrr.....l'ltarCeld Jiunn 11, Chrk '
A. M. Hill-... " .I'.Uilun lluUrn...!',k,
KL. Purlin. ...Picaiur J. It. Arnold Vu'm
Tiuvr. it auaa.
J. L. Oiarhart...l)ugla
Jacob INney "
Uriah Lite "
John I.lia Baccaria
U. Mvban'ryM...Jurutide
II. E. Wilton... "
Jaa. McCroery.
T. W. Kilchen, "
Jat. II. Edingir...1Itady
Jaoob C. Hinilb.... "
Ueorge Horn "
Frami.ion Hull Hell
K. C. JubnannCloaii(,
Ira Bliaffor.Curwrnitiiu
J ainea A Iberl.... lleeatu,
Alirnm ll(jurr..Unlilia
II. II. M"rr'jr....(.k,
Owrge tIlanli-j....Uu;t,
vv ijiiuin iiugortj.. k
Ilro. llancrty..llouti lla
Thoma Htronir...Jor(lKa
Jatoei MuNcal... "
A. A. Ileal Lawrrnee
T. Spacknian. "
Wm. C. Ilotr...
Joe. II. Hew lei
H. il. bbuBner,
11. tiakmiiD.. o
Jtibo Catiiibt-rr...O!rt.,lt
Joi.'K. lirpbara....Peui
Jatue Art riura "
Win. II.'
John Ardery
Jamuol Moore a
Bobt.Carioa, Wouilward
Henry Albert. ..Uradlord
paniel Htewail, "
Daniel tlrobam, M
John Buck "
N. V. Wilton... "
John riinevd ..Cbrll
Tobiaa Weatover.M
Edwurd Wood '
Alex. Irvio "
W. 8. Bradley "
Cornel Owesa, "
An fTumlnfitioB fur tetschrrt, for tb t;bool
ycur of 1K7.H, will be haJd for crfa of tbe MrenI
dlHtTIOUID ClCktrncltl uuuulj m Miaou
lirndford and U radlord Jmlppoaicat, tWil.
liainroTe, tiwlt-y, AaguM 25.
bogf tui WaHMiAuu.aU WdlaVMton, TucifiLjr,
A u rr nat 2A.
l)eca(ur and Oiccolj at Oiceola. VVedoBfi,
A up U it 27.
oo lwafd aud Houti Jale, at Tbumti Henlcr
lon'i, Tbimilvy, Aujruit '1.
Oulirh, at JnriMt illr, Fri'lar. Auf at 30.
: Ht-crarta, at (IImi Hope, Halurtlaj, Auytm 30.
. Jnrdon, at Annrlllc, Mod day, t?opttuilr I.
Knoi, at New Millport, Towday, 8i-trnler2.
Pvnn, For((mwD and Luiobtr Citj. ai Lawber
Lily. wctDciuay, Kcpteinber i.
i'lkte, itriuriiurt liidepvoilant and CarweaiTil!
at Curwtroivill. Tburtday, tSoituibar 4.
Lawrenoe, Lattrrnco iudeioDdcjit and Clear
field, at CUnrfltld, KaturdBy, 8ttember A.
ijnioB, at iwocmoit, aUonany, nchteinDer V.
llrdy and iJlwoin. at Laibcnburc. Tucidar,
if ci i, ai liower, itiunday, pteintrar 11.
lluroBtlv, at Jturnsidp, Friiy, Heptpmler 12.
Cbcet and Nc at New WasMnz-
ton. Halm day, Bcpicuiber 13.
KartbauM. at halt Lick,Tueidar,itemrterll.
Coviitirtun, at Alulionburc. Wcdntaday, t-Mi-
trtnbcr 17.
(iirard, at fonirreni ITill, Tharsdar, Frpt. If.
Oonhen, at ShawitriUa, Friday, Hoptcmbvr 19. 1'onnGfld, tiatBrdwy. t?'itjuber 20.
AlrrUt Kylrrtown, Tuewlay. September 23.
flrabatn, at tirahamUin. Wtdnraday, P-(L2. to bof(iD at 8 o'clock, m. ia.
Tetwhen are expeeU-ti to be exainiuad onlr 1b
tbe dintriflt where thy intend toai-hio. Au ed-
ocationai mmttiR will be bfia Biter mci rxanl
Bation; wh.a tbe aubjcetl of tchool and di$itict
rt.ortB, diitriet and cuyoty iotlituici, aMmtlb
oda fo iiuproviDj our acbuuli, will be dtMuvMHl.
The presH'Dee of tbe director!, at these mcetbga,
li iudiipL-u table.
Aug. 8,lS73-3t. . Co. Sup'U
1)UHIJC SALE. By virtue of an
order uf thn Orphani Court of Clearfield
county, the OTrderflaTttrd, adiDtniatrater of th fe
int of John Orr, rlw'd., late of Lawrence to
ehip, will trll at public lale. at tbe Court Uobm,
at IV o'clock, m., on
tbe following real estate: All that ocrtaio pieet
or lot of ground, lituaie in Lawrence towmbip,
oounty al'drevaid and btate of l'cnntiylriuia,
boundrd and dncrihrd ae follows, vii: Itcfin
ninf at a poit on batik of Wontg tmery ereck ;
tin-uce op raid itrt-arn north 37 dercci writ
9 7-10 ji.rclica, north 2$ drgtcea eat 11 j-crcbci,
north 11 dfgrcesi want 8 perebva, north 40 de
preet wrt 4 pcrehea, north 12 dow writ 4
pcrchei to a p'jat on line of land oi McPhcri a
llrotben ; thence by lu&di of MoHierson Broth
en eouth 3J degreee wcit CI perrhii to pft;
tbenee by lanie formerly of O. P. (ioUiellow
aoutb Bfi drprrct cat 14 1-10 prrchct to a port, '
north Si dt-frrort east 7 6-19 perciiet to a pon on
a (tart tbooo I-' dlt((,wet Wctt
12 iM'l pereben to dead a bit pine: thittce ky
land formerly of U. 1. Uoodftiluw north M de
rreci cait 14 Derchot to doH and ulaeo of bffTiB-
ningr -contaimnir tbrvw acre aud one kindred
and one and wrrn-tpnthf ptrrbM and allow-:,
marly all oJcurf-l and vuder a frool euteof cal
tWaliufi, and btiHuir thereon erwtrd a one ana a
italf etory plank but- and email etaMe.
Trrks. Une bair vnrH ano naianre in m
monthv, to be corurcd by bond and mortgnge oa
the pretutftei.
J una n. vi iw'u.r.i,
August If, 1AT3-3U Adui.uiitrator.
4 N
A i.
N ORDINANCE Bo it ordained
v tbe Ilurceaa and Town Council of the
Uorouch of ClearH. ld : That from sad aHer tbo
paaaaire of Ibia or li nance. II tball not be lawful
for any pereon or p.-reooa to place any aticka. pa
per, ooal tahee, cinder, tin cane, manure or any
kind of offalt or debria, whataocror. in noyof lee
atrecta or public allova In aaid borough, and eve
ry pereon ao uftVn.liiig ahall forfiit and pay into
the liartitiirh treaaurT. fur the fitet offence, the aura
ot' Bvodollara, nod for tbe aeoond sod aarb ana
evory tutrfK-fuent oa.-nea, tbe turn of t.-n dollara,
and to ba personally liable for any and all daa
agcadone to peraone or proportv, tho eonacqnenea
of any each obatruotiona to placed in aaid ttrm-U
and tlleva at aforcaaid.
A. C. TATK, Burgeaa.
Aug. , K. C. JOHNSON, Soc'y.
1 (1IES. Pcraont wanting nret-rlaaa War n"
and Ulrica thoiil.1 call on J. eSHAW k triX,
Clonrflrld, I'a., who have a larpe number of Fre-
dnnin Wogont and Bnitgiee eoualnntly on baed,
Thry aro the beat manufactured
1 PRIVATE SALE! Tlie subscriber
having made arrnngernenta to remove east
ward, will olT. r at private tole any or all of t''
followinn bouet-hold furniture, via : One CulUff
bed-room act, one dining-room act, one pwrlorrt,
ono J'iano, conk etovc, Stanley Air-tiiht
tlovo. No. II Morning tllory parlor itnve.torei"
er with a lol of other furniture eejlially valuaMa.
Tboae in net-d of Airailure will pleaea eall ana
etainine It between thia timo and tbe middle of
September. ' KKV. tiKOHUB UALb.
Clearfield, Pa., Jnly o-in.
FAI.l. Tklt nf fnnrteon WCeka. will
oouiuieuoa alunday, Septviulicr lat l"'
Reodlnir. nrtlio(!rapliy.ritln!.m
aona, Primary Arithmetic and Primary
tleoimphy....:. '
lllatnrr I nealand dcaeripllva tleorrni-bT
with Maw Bmwlnj, llmianar, Menial
and Written Arithnclic....v J'
Algebra aud the SeM-ncoa M H
Inatruotion in tnatriitaental tuoaic.n 1
Oil painting, II leaaent "
Waa work ,f
Fnr Tull narli..ulara aend for Circular.
Clcarfleld. An. , MS. ; : "'l1'!' '-
itberehv given that letter. of adrolnltlrali'
on theeatataof A1.KXANHFR BKATY. de'ce..
late of 11,11 townahip, Clearneld oounty, rent a.
having been duly granted to the un.ieraiteaa.
all peraona indebted to aaid eatate will I'1""
e?aae imuieuiata payment, ana tnoae
claiinl or dcuiaodt will prerent thcui prop"1)
authenticated for aetllement wilhout aciav.
jami;s ui:ai.
Augnal, 1.1, 18J3 lit. Adminltra
"I IXIU'IJTOKX' Mil ICIi Notice ia
1 J hy given thut Icltrra trilamonlary baiicj
m-oii grunt, it to llic un.lcr.lpnca on mc
Mra. l.l.U Fl.ANMllA.N, ileeeaai'd, im" 7
Clonrflrld, t'lcarlield rounl.v, IVnnaylvania,
peraona llidcbtcd to aaid aetata, are reauettc -I t"
make Immediate) payment, and Ihoao ban"k
elaima acninat the anme will prevent them JU
authentieatid for aelllenienr.
JAJltt.l u. UltAlta.n,
nugl.1 l i:eciil .
L Karthaua townahip School Fund, for !
yoM ending Junn lat, ISTSi
To balance in Trraun'i handt at laat
acttlctnentH .
To amount of duplicate for IrTS '
To amount reeeiveu Iron unaeaiou mono J(
To amount Stale appropriation J '
To amount from Cn. lolilooliun purpoaot j (
To amount from othor aourcct. '
nevvtilTi Una.
By amonnt of ordert lifted tincc laat " tiM a
tlemi-nt t T
Hy amount of pereenlago on duplicate... j( (
lty i reaaiirer'a percentage .
11 y aioncratlout , -
. . T'
Total -! i.
Ualanna on hand al laat acttlemcn ......
J V. I'DTTI It. rreao..-
.Tovr.i'D Hit til t"l. PfcrelatT.