THE ltEPUBLICAN. ! C . VkU&.llt UiljV, A'A.S ... - U WEDNESDAY HO RHINO ABGCSTH.1S7I. Ioa Cream in Papor. Tha Danbory man tny that Mr. Rogers, of Winchester atroet, thought he would aiirprise his w ife nnd low of hor frionds with tin ico fteam treat, uomo timo ago, as the woutuor was dreadi'ully hot. So ho wont into tho confectionery, and ordorcd a quart, and had it put up in Bovcral thick nosBoa of paper, supar loaf style. Tho confectioner told Dim how to carry it, and Mr. Itogora gripped it, and has tened toward homo. About threo blocks from the houso be root a noigb bor that was going home on the anmo mission, and Loth of thoru Btoppod to romark on tho coincidence. Thon thoy foil to talking about "Hotsy and I are Out," and trying to compromise on the authorship, but didn t mako ranch headway. Rogers, who was a porsonal friend of Miss Emerson, claimod tbut she did not writo the po em, and triod to throw tho odium of tho authorship upon Carlton. Tho neighbor was indignant at this, as he tavorcd Carlton, and niado the rather strong asnortion that Miss E. was not too good to, writo it., Hero Itogors lost his tompor, and tho neighbor minsod his, and both of them oiiro laying thotusolvcs out for ooo of the grandest intolloctual tusscls ever scon in that ward, when a sudden and so voro chill along his loft leg startled Kogors into a recollection of his er rand, and looking down the unbuppy friond of Miss Emerson was shocked boyond description to soo a pair of doeskin pants blightod in the bud, and to find that tho entire conlonts of tho papor package, with tho exception of a trine cangbt in one snoo, had noieo losaly disappeared. "Godfornitusl" said Mr. Kogors, nnd immediately started for home. The neighbor was appropriately pained by the accident, but was of the privato opinion that it was a sort of judgment from hoaven on Kogors, but whether for stopping to talk wbon carrying tee cream, or for bis litorary viows bo could not tell When ho got homo he told his wifo nbout it, and eat down to pull off his boots. Then he bounded up and shot ono hand behind bim, ana howled ; and shot the othor bnnd back there and howled again. Then bo jumpod urouuu uau turo away ui ma cuut. which was a new dress pattern, an hurled in romnrks about religion and business, and all tho whilo that coat went ereat tenrs of vanilla, and dtoo pod them oa tho furnituro and wall paper, and buriod thorn in the carpot, and dashed them against the bluncued checks of the astonished wifo. It was some fifteon minutes before she found out that in soul for Carlton ho had jammod bis pnekngo of ico cream into one of his coat tail pockoU. The next morning ha hunted up ivocors and di vided with bim the ejqirosi charge on a packago of clothing to tbo Howard juissiun. Western Common Sense, Tho editor of tho Bureau, III., Re publican, writes in rcfuronco to tho hard timet that are complained of at tho West. Tbo editor thinks that there aro othor causes for general complaint than the exactions of the railway monopolists, and tbcro is too much scheming to got a living with out rendering an equivalent in honor able labor. Our boys are not learning usoful trades j our farmers' sons aro crowding into tho small towns and citicB eeekine alter positions as clorks: our girls rofuso to do housowork, and bo wo aro sending to r.urope for wort mon, and buying of their artisans mil lions worth of products and manufac lures mat we ought to mako tor our solves. Though our crop of rascals is heavy, wo do not crow our hoinrt though wo aro overrun with lads who doservo flagellation, wo import our willows. Our womon (unless greatly doceivod) thine in foroign fabrics, and our men are dressod in foroign clothes v e aro iiko tno turmor who hires hi noigbbors' sons to cut bis wood, food his stock, and run his errands, whilo ins own boys loal around saloons and spend their timo in playing billiards ami gamming, and then wonders why in spite of his best efforts, ho sinki annually docpor and doopor into debt. till the sherilf deans him out, and ho starts West to begin again. The timo has come for ns to turn over a now loaf. Our boys and girls mutt be taught to lovo labor by qualifying momscivos 10 do it Clileionlly. w must turn out fewer professionals, and more stciiiea artisans ana produoers. . we must grow and fabricate tho im monBe quantity 01 articles that wo now annually import, and so reduce the foroign dobt that we have so long and so successfully augmonted year by year. Wo must qualify our clover uoys to erect and run lactones, saw. mills, rolling-mills, machino-sbops, tan nor i os, to open and work mines, im prove and fashion Implements, and doublo tbo products of tbo farm. If wo shall adopt this policy , and thon take such measures as will corroct tho abusos growing out of our mammoth railway privileges, wo shall witnoss true development of national prospor- iy vum will uo u mm as mo over- lasting hill. Blunders of Basufulsess. If tbcro is any defect more striking than on othor in American character, it Is bash fulness. Young Amorica, in parlicu lar, is painfully affected by it. An in cidont is mentioned by a correspond ent, who was dosirod by his aunt to go over to neighbor Shaw's and sco ho had any straw for sale for filling beds. "Mr. Shaw," snid our infor mant, "was blessed with a goodly 'number of Misses Shaw, und I there fore felt a little timid at encountoring them. To make the matter worso, 1 arrived just as tho family wore seated atdinnor. Stopping at the doorway, ' hat in hand, I stamrnoicd out : 'Mr. Straw can you spare mo enough sbaw to fill a couple of bods V " "Woll," ropliod tbo old gontlomnn, glancing around at his largo family, and enjoying my mistake, 'l don't know but I can : how many will you Jiood r -"Jloforo I could recover, those hate ful girls burst into a chorus of laugh tor, and I broke for homo in a cold sweat." A Bftltimoropnpcr notices oanomo thing remarkable that Scotchman ha died In that city who was 111 years old, and was wounded in the battle of Waterloo. We should think it time that ho died. Quiln aruoe that Grant should bo loctcd nguin, bocnuso ho is a third-rate map. GMt,&MttUs, U. Down I Down 1 1 THE , LAST " ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE TUB CHEAPEST I A Proclamation against High Prlcesl WE ere aow encnlog up ft lot of the tat and mult seasonable Moods end Wares vsr oM In this market, end at prion thai remind one of the Rood old days of ohcnp things Thorn wno look uiiln upon mis point, or doom oar alle gation! superfluous, nood hut CALL AT OVR STORE, Corner Front and Market streets, ' Where they ean seo, feel, hear and know for them selves. To fully understand what are cheap goods, thii muit he done. Wa do not deem it noeossary to enumerate and Itemise our Hock. It li enough for ua to itate that - . - - . We have Everything that is Needed and consumed In this market, and at prloei that ealonish both aid and young. deoil) JOSEPH BIIAW 4 BON. JTJANIEL GOODLANDER, ( LUTIIEttSDUna, FA., Dealer In DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY & GLOVES, , , :i, HATS A CAVS and BOOTS A SHOES, Tobaoon, Groceries and FUh, Nails, Hardware, yuoonsware and Ularaware, Muni ana lloyi Clothing, Drugs, Paints, Oils, Bobool Hooka, a largo lot of Patent Medicines, Caadlee, Null A Dried Fmlti, Cheese and Crack ers, noo enu nine i owuer, Flour, Grain end i'otatoos, Clorer and Timothy Seed, Sole Leather, Morocco, Llningt, Bindings and Thread, Bhooinakerr '.tools and Ehoa Findings. No greater varloty of goods In any itore In th eonnty. All for lala Tory low for eaf h or country produoe at the Cheap Corner. April 10, 1S7S. J. M. KRATZER. DF.SIhAnLE8TVLEorCaitlmr, AcM for Men and Boys, at J. M. KHATZKlt'd. THRKE-PtY, BrniMli, Ingrain and other Carpets, also, floor Oil Clothl, at minted frioel, it J. M. KKATZEBU TJF.8T ASSonTMT.NT of Wall Papor ever U olTored In this w One gilt paper, ete., at lj offered In this vicinity. 10c to $1 per piece, J. M. KKArZHK B. mil B MOST popular makes of Muslim, Fheet- X lugit Pillow Mualios, Ac, at aiinall ndvanee aoorecoit,by tho piece, at J. 51. kbatzkb h, XTEW fiOOUH, NEW STYLUS, LARGE 1 AS80HTMKNT, LOW PlllCKH.all to be lound at J. 01. atuiitn i, L A DIES' DRESS COOUM, In the groatcst Tarloty-new spring shades nrwon and most deiirabto itylea at J. A VARIETY of Dress Goods, sulubl for mourning also crap veils, oollars, Ao oonstautly on band, at J. M. h KA IY.I.K S. 1 F.CEIVING a large aupply of Ladies' and 1 tbiidren s buoes, inaiio to oruer anil war ranted. A handsome Uaitrr for S2.00 at , mchS J.M. KHATZER'S. BVMT Uranit ware Tea Sets and Chamber Bets, Knives and Forks, ilvr-platcil Porks and Spoons, Table Linen, Nrpkine. very chwip, at menw j, u, huuciln, CHI AW LI, Scarfs, Neckties, Collars, Veils, O Hair Ooodt, Ulovct, Ac Kid Uloves at Joo, also the Joiepbin Beanlleii Kid (Horn, at monzo tf. at. &K&ir.r.n o. CHEAP GROCEIUKSt LUMBER CITT, PA, Th noderilentd mdoodow to fail old friend" and nutrorfi that ho hni opened good lint of UnULoUlcia) A rnUVlnlurio at th old itanl of Kirk A Bpcacofj fur wliicU he lolicitn a lilicrai Luniuar mhj, ra.. maron iu-u. . 1373. 1873. GOOD NEWS! Te Farmers all, both great and imall, Come listen to our song j We'll tell yon how w do intend To help you all along. When haying tomes, with intnmer boat, And grass grows strong and tall, And heads grow yellow oa the wheat. And you want a afaohiae to cut them all Then just call at out Market, In Clearfleld, and w will sell you WOOD MOWER OR SUPERIOR, the bet and ehoaptt MteblnM In tha market and which we frnaranteo to giro perfect satlirao tion in atl kindt of grata. Light runntri, and loa mod durable Mactunei builu UAYItAKES! We also' tell thnw dirterrnl kinds of HAT RAKES. The COM LEY, MfdUrharging Rke, iiAtibitsxuwn ana i.Ai AeiK, ham which wo say aro three of the boat Rakes in tbo world without fear of sucoeiifnl oontradietfon.-. Bo sura and so them before buying any other. TURK S II E R 81 When yon are ready for threshing we will sell yon Ellis A Hoffman's On-bork Throsber, which needs no roeominenilation, for one hundred of them ar in as in tha aounty, aad no farmer will exchange them lor any other niachin tn market Don't overlook our Hay Forks Sprout's Phcar and tne tiarpoon,witn puinoa drain mills, ran nine Mills, reed Cutters. Dof Powers for churn- ing, Ac. New Dt!U(JIE3 always on baud and at prices to suit tho times. All of the above Machines warranted to do all thoy ar advertised to do, or no sals. M. O. BUOWN A BRO. CtearDcM, Pan June 11, 187. HAYES, COULTER & CO., to W. A. Arnold, MillliPAtTTVItKM or Heaters, Ranges, Low Grates and MAtlBKMZED SLATE MANTELS. Sol agents for the celebrated CDILSON COOKING RANGE. iT'Scnd for Catalogue. No. I -ICt Chestnut Street, JuasIS-6ra FniLADRLrillA. JSAAC JOHNSON k SONS, Manufacturers and Dealers la Boots and NIiocm! Mies', Mines' and ChlMrsn's llalten, Moa't, Beys' and Women's niavy Boots, and iirngana, ac, Ac. -Slot and shop on Second stroct, nearly oppo site U. V. Biglor A Ca.'s hardware store, iW ., 1613 ly CLEAHKItLD, PA. 1 l-LiniMrniiT -j4 $0tfl,1. SHAW HOUSE, , (Cur. or Market A Frout Itrootf.) , ... ! CLKAlll'Iiai), I'A Thlt magnilloaut Hotel 1 Mitirely new, om plete in all ill appolutiuoutii, and eonvonicnt to tho Court Homo. A Ireo Oniulbut rum to and from the Depot on the arrival and doimrture of aaoh train. MRS. K. 0. t'LHMUNTH, . April 10, Wi. Prnprielrem. WASHINGTON IIOUSR, .w- NSW WArllIINOTO(f, PA. Thli naw and wi'll furnirhrd houe hit boon taken by the uuderniftned. Jlo fee ! eontldont of hrinn able to render latiefaotion to Iboaa who way favor biui with a oall. May 8, 1S7J. 0. W. DAVIH, Prop'r. THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of Sooond and Market Stroota, CLEAKHMI, PA. TniJ old and eommodloue Hotel hat. during the patt year, bean anlarged to double ill former eapaolty for the entertainment of itran gen and gueiU. The whole building bat ban refurniihed, and tha proprietor wm spar no palm to render kil gueiU toaloitablt wblll taylng with him. dr-Th 'Maniloa Honia" Omnlbm rum la and from the Depot oa th arrival and departure of eaeh train. JOHN D0UUHBHTY, tpr-70 tf Proprietor. JIJ U N T O V H II O V E, . , , , Oppoilte the Court Uouie, . LOCK HAVEN, PB.NN'A. jeU'TI IIAUSBAL A KHOM, Prop's. TknocKcniiOFi' house, BKLLEFONTB, PA, D. JOHNSTON SONS, Pruprletori. etJSTl RAILKOAD HOUSE, Mnln Btreet, PIIILirrlllUBO, PRNN'A. The underilgnod keeps oonstantly on hand th belt of Liquors. His table la alwaya supplied with th bait th market affordi. Th traveling public will do well to give him a eall noTl,'S. KOltKItT LLOYD. ALLEGHENY HOTEL, (Market 8t, bet Rccond and Third,) CLEARFIELD. PA. Tha subscriber bavinr boooni proprietor of this hotel, would reipeetlully ask a liberal inar of public patronage. apiz 7a usunus i.r.irui.i'i. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, CimWENSVILLE, Clearfleld eonntv, 1 enn a. This old and well aatahlilhed Hotel, beautifully situated on th banks of the tiusquehauna, in the borough of Gurwensville, has boon luased tor a term ot years by th undersigned. It has bern entirely refilled, and la now ope to th public ffenorallr and tha traveling community in par ticular, no pnina will oe iparca w rcnuer guests comfortable while tarrying at this house. Ample (tabling room for th uoommodation of loams. Charges mouermt. bept. 2, 1870-tr. 1.1 i . T $U$ccUautou:s. JRATZER Si LYTLE, MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. Dealers in DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, Hardware and Quecnsware, Boole, Sboos, Hats, Cops, &C. S-Sbomakn supplied with LEATHER and BIIOB FINDINGS at reduced ratas. SALT I SALT I SALT I at wholoiel and retail Tory cheap. .: , PAINTS, OILS, CALCINED PLASTER, Ai. A liberal discount to bnlldore. .. . ' IIOOSEUOLD GOODS, CARPETS, WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTIIS-ln larg quantities. FISH, FLOUR, BACON, CORN MEAL and CHOP, always n hand. . r-Allofthe above goodi an purchased liolutlvely for cash, and therefor ea and mill be sold as cheap as lb cheapest. f.bll 71 Brarybodj wantfl to know which ll th beit Uacuiua. The Light-Running Domestic answers this question. Call at th store of J. Shaw A Boa and see the H whins. B. NEWTON BHAW, May II, lflTS-Sra Agent. BRICK I BRICK! BRICKI A XEW BRICK YARD. C, f 8. PLUMMET! A CO., hsvlng started ST a a now and cxloniiv Uru-k laril In CloarllfM, are preparod (o inake contracts for first olaes Jtwl Hrtck, lu large or small quantities. Onlors and oom-spoodeoco solieitcd. Informa tion can b obtain.-d by calling at Ilyndt--r's Ma sic etorc, or ny adorcseins; . H, ft. UM.MER A CO., myT-tf Cloarheld, Pa. MARBLE AM) ST()E YARD U u . a S. LIDDELL, Ilavlng engaged In Hm Marble bnilness, desires to inform her friends and the puWIe that she has now and will kcop oonitanllyon hand a large an well selected stock of ITALIAM AKD VKItMONT MARBLE, and la prepared lo furaith to order TOMBSTONES, . . BOX AND CRABUE TOMBS, " ' MONUMENTS, Curbs and Posts for Cemetery Lots, Window - Sills and Caps, also, BUHEAU, TABLE AND WASH STAND TOPS, Ac, Ac V.Yani oa Hood stmt, near tbs R, R. Brpot, vit-nrnriu, ra, J07,7I I. SNYDER. PRACTICAI, WATCHMAKER D paLR u Watortos, Clook vnd Jowolry Oppoill Court Houw, Sacand 8lrcil. rl.KAUPII'l.ll PA All klndi of repairing la aiy line promptly at- 8. "t April x.i, 187J, "gariluiaw, '.Itia'vww, iStt. II. F. BIGLER & CO., II "A It DWA It ir, I Alio, Manufacturer! of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, FA. 7 ARM IN Q IMPLEMENTS of all kinds for sale by II. F. BIOLEIt ft CO. 7 AILROAD WHEELDARROWS for sale by H. F. BIGLER ft CO. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, Halls, etc., for sal by 11. T, BIGLER ft CO, H ARNESS TRIM MINGS' & SHOE Findings, for sal by ' ni V. BIGLER ft CO. Q.UNS, PISTOLS, SWORADCNES lot sal b U. F. BlGLER'ft CO. gTOVES, OP ALL SORTS AND laas, sale It. F. BIOLER ft CO, RON ! IRON1 IRON1 IRON1 , For sal by ( , II. F. BIGLER ft CO. II ORSE SUOES & HORSE SHOE NAILS, for sal by ' II. F. BIGLER ft CO. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And best Manufacture, for sal by II. F. BIGLER ft CO. MUMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, for sal by H. F. BIGLER ft CO. JfODDER CUTTERS for salo by kcu-3070 II. F. BIGLER ft CO. THE IH02TSIDE3 TIN AND STOVE STORE I G. S. FLEGAL, rhilipslurf;, Contro County, la, rfnB andenlgnsd respectfully announces to 1 the pabli that be has en hand a niliy-solocted and well assorted slock of STOVES, IIEATERS, RANGES, HOLLOW WARE I TIN, COrrER AND SUEET-IllON WARE1 WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! Hit stock of Cooking Storei coniiits of ... THE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Which har nsvr failed to bring pac and proeavtrtty into umiuea wnew it taoaM, Diamond 8tat, Farmer, Herald. Charm, Spun' California Cook nuve, tl pears' Antl-Uuit, Uai'Iluming Cooking Btovei, Victor, Reliance and Union Ranges, ' ' Bpar'Cooking Kanges, kTbs Tin and Sheet Iron war siren with th Htovil Is made of th heaviest and bsst material, aad warrant t glv perfect calls. faction. His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves Is larger, bettor and cbaaper than ever fcefcr ibiblU 10 th panu camming of Speari' Revolving tight Illuminating Slovt, Bvars Anu-irusi vst-aurnm, rarior ntov, Bpeara' Orbicular Oai-Uurnlng Parlor Btv, Spears' Oaa-Burning Parlor . Btve, ttooiKt, rrt, um, Ida, Bun, iropio, . Nevada. A. Ac Valcan, Elia and Victor Tleatera, Bpeara' Re volving bigai ucatara. , H Is alia prepared to furnish a somplote anortmsnt or Tin, Copper, Sboot-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, dec, Wholcsal or retail, manufactured aaatly and with tba id view to lervloo, from th boil ma terial in th market. FLOWS A PLOW POINTS, COPPER, BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN-LINED, SPUR A COMMON IRON KITTLES, Of every descrlptloa constantly oo hand, OHDERS FOR SrOUTIKO, ROOFINQ And other work belonging lo hli business will b promptly filled by eiperlsneed and killfal workmen. BRASS, COrrER, OLD METAL, RAGS - AND CASH Takan In eiobang for goodi. ' ir-llo tsnerlally Invites th attention of atoronants wisuing so purooase Jhcy will and It to their advantage I examine his stock bolur purcnasing eisiwnire. Look oat for th Big Sign oppoilu th rut. done ot sirs. Dr. roster. . All Goons WainanraD ll Rarassxario. 3. ft. PUIIpiburg, Jnn , 1SJ0. Ft EG At, autltl Lime for Sale I TUB nnderflfrntid, rildin(r near tht depot hu ntavit eotnpletft rrn((tnnU with Lira Humeri rut of Ui mountnin, whorshy b U n ta bled l keep eonitanlly on hand a Urjo qnutil o( PURE LIME1 which be offers lo fnnners and builders at a trill abov colt. Tboeo In need of th article would do well to glv in a eall, or address m by tetter, bo fur negotiating their lime. UKO. C. PABSMORI. ClearDeld, Pa., Jnn t, I86. J, 11, MMUR11AY WILL PITPrt VMf WITH ANY ARTICLE OF WRHCIIANDISK .T THII VERX LOWKHT 1'lUlJB, COMB AND BEE. (I::71:y) NEW WASHINGTON. $ni)3 aufl rtcilUinra.' 11 HE LATEII MOVUI THE LATEST MOVE! HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S DRUG STORE, To their new building on Second Street, nearly opposite lb slur 01 nearer ileus, CLEARFIELD, PA., When they wilt continue to supply their old and as many new austouers aa may oome, wita PURE DRUGS! CHEMICALS! PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, (Indadlng all new remedies,) Patent Medicines, Paints and Oils, Olass and 1'alty, School llooka, htationery, I'apar, A4 a'". fu" "ue of Brag gilts' Sundries, Hair Toaios, Cosmetics, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Bruibca, Toilet Soaps, Pocket Books, Ac, all of th r-rrt quality. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, for medical A sacramental purpose only, a Pure Whit Load. Colors of all kinds, Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil, Varnltnes, Turpea . Una, Coal Oil, Paint A Varnish Brashes, Flavoring Kttractl, Confectioneries, Bird Seed, Fnlce, ground and nngrouod, of all kinds. SMOKERS AND CIIEWERS Will And our slock of Chewing and Ruiiibin Tobacco. Iinoortr-d and P- moati Cigars, Souff and Fine-cut to be of the very bet I brands in th market. LAMPS AND CHIMNETS, All kinds of OLASS WARE, GARDEN 6EED8, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and Musical Trimmings of aviry variety. navlng a long einerlene In th Vuilncis, and an eltenilre and well sohKtod stock of medicine. wa are enabled lo III Fhvslclans' prescriptions at tha shortest aotic and on th most reasonable loruu, day and nighu HARTSWICK A IRWIN, Clearfleld, Pa., Mar II, 1871 -If. $Usrfllanfcui$. QLEARFIELD PLANING MILL COMPANY. rjAnE nndenigned, inocessors lo REKD t I run ki,u, nave vurciiasea id ii.sah- F1ELU PLANINU MILL, and redtted It for doing an xtcnsiv business. All the machinery will be added necessary to make It one of the most oomplcts estab lihments of tha kind In the State. Thoy are now prepared to receive orders for any work in that line. Tbay will give special attention to ail materials for house building. FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, U RACKETS,, tie, OF ALL STYLES, always oa haad. WORKED BOARDS, and all articles necesra- ry for kuildlag, will b exchanged for DRY 1.1, Nil Kit, so that persona at a distance may bring their lumber, exchaage It for, aad return horn with th manufactured articles. Tha Comnan will always hava on hand a large took of dry lumber, ao as to b able to 911 a order on luc shortest notice Only the beet and most skillful bands will Ira employed, that the public may rely upon good work. Lumber will b worked or sold as low as It ean be purchased anywhere, and warranted to give .' r . : 1 i 111 I-. .. ...... the cash principle w can afford to work for small prouu. DRY LUMBER WANTED ! Eapeclstly one aad-a-half aad tw Inch panel tUt bailness will be conducted under tho nam of tbo "CIcarAcld Naning Mill Co.' 0. B. Merrill will personally' luparintend tha bunnis. Orders respMtfull; solicited. 0. n. MERRKLL. R. B. TAYLUR. DAVID MMIAIiflllET. M. 0. llltOWN A UHO, Clearndd, Pa., January S, 1873. The Lightning Tamer. mllE anderslaaed are th sol Agents In thli J. eonntv for the "North American UalvanUed LlilUTNINO RODS." Thee ar Ik oaly safe rods now In mi, and ar ndond by all th riontfoo awn In Hi entry. We h.r.hv aotifr tha ottiacnl of th conn that w will put them up a better rod. and lor lis money, thaa Is charged by tha foreign gents who annnally traveri th county and eairy off oar little caih, never to return. ENCOURAGE HOME LABOR. Those wishing Lightning Rods erected en Ibiir buildings need butaddreii as by Istter, or eall In parsoa. W will put lb em ap anywhere In thacounty,nd warrant Ibsra. The Kodiaad Flituree ean b sssa at any tlms by calling oar stor. U. F. UlULhrt A D Clears. Id, March S(, 1M If TUB CLEARFIELD WOOD'CHQPPERS' AXE Manufactured eipocllly for TUB CLEARFIELD TRADE, ton tit ti avg'H Tf. f. milLER A CO. jbrjj (Goods, (5wr5fiJ, SU. i.A.&W.D.IIlYIN .DEALERS IX GENERAL JIfillClIANUISIV SQUARE TIMBER, LOGS & LUMBER CUHWEM8VII.I.E, FA., A RE ejircrln. at their new Store Hoaso, J. oomplcla itock of NEW O00P3, of all dworiptiona. Dry 'Goods and Groceries, HARD WARE, . BOOTS A STTOKS, CLOTIIINO, &c. IN LARQE VARIETY. Flour, JHeat, Rye, Oats, Corn, Always on hand and for sal at a small adrano. ROPE, la larg ouantltlei, sold low by coil ; alio, PULLEY BLOCKS, SMALL HOPE and CANTIIOOKS. On hundred easot of ATWATER'S ELMIRA BOOTS, for aula by th ease at wholeaal ratoa. Received by ear load : HUNTINGDON FLOUR, and sold at small adrane. HARNESS, of aH kinds, IIORSB COLLARS and II AMES, IIORPK BLANKETS, BUFFALO ROBES, Ac. Also, oa sal two-bora WAOONS, TWIN SLEDS, LOG SLEDS, and " SLEIGHS. Special Inducements offered t tbos getting out Eqaar Timber and Logs, as we deal largely in Luarbannea's Bupplie, and aro prepared at all times to purchase Timber, Logs and Lumbar. Curwenivllle, July 1, 1873. j, r. WSATEU... ,.W. W. SETTS. WEAYEIt A BETT.S CLEARFIELD, PA., Are offering, at tha old itaud of 0. L. Reed A C(k, their stock of goods, consisting of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS A CATS, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARB, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &o., &o. At th moil reasonahn rates for CASH or I axchang for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. r-Advene mad to those engaged In get ting out arjuara timber on the most advantageoas leruis. pdtljariTS g L. KIRK, BON & CO., No. ISO North Third St-eet, oornar of Clkorry, Philadelphia, nve In store and offer for sale at th lowest market prices, nnd on the most reasonable terms, a larg an, well selected Sloea oi urneeries. leas, Pnicea. Kith. Cheese, Ac., selectod In tbii, New York and Baltimore markets, to which altontion of country dcalcra Is particularly rcquestod. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD H A Xl la H, r ALL (IMK1I Baggago Barrows, Warchoasa Trucks, Copytn rrosies, Improvod Money Drawor, Ae. II. F. BIGLER. & CO., Healer In Hardware, jnchMrf:tf Second Street, Clearfleld, Pa. JERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, IIAJNUIMU VAS1SS, Slovo Lining nnd Firo Brick, kept ccnttanlly on hand. STOVE AND EARTHENWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION I CROCKS! TOTS! CROCKS dtaher'a Patent Alrtlffhl Bclf Kfalliig Finn I ana I BIITTKR CROCKS, wllh lids. CREAM CHOCKS, MILK CROCKS, Ari'i.n-nun km t kulhs, PICKLE CHOCKS, FLOWER TOTS, . 1'IB DIBIIES, BTEW TOTB. And a great many other things to numerous to meniion, to ue iu at . FRED'K. LEITZJNCES'S STONE r WARE TOTTERY, jTomer ol Cherry and Third Stratls, co;AKKii;i,n, fa. Ug3 BIGLER, YOUNG LU., (RueocMors to Bcynton A Yonng,) FOUNDERS & MACUINISTS Manufacturers of PORTABLE & STATIONAEY STEAM ENGINES Conor of Fourth and Find Stroote, CLEAHf IELI), pA. HAVINQ engaged In the manufacture of Irst claai MACHINERY, wa respectfully Inform th public that w ar now prepared to 111 all orders as cheaply and as promptly as oaa bo don la any of th oitiea. W naaufaetur and deal In Malay and Circular Saw-Mills Head Blocks, Water Wheels, Shafting Pulleys, Oiflord's Injector, Bleaia Gauges, Steam WbiiUos, Oilers, Tallow Cups, Oil Cops, Qaoge Cocks, Air Cocks, Glob Valve!, Check Valves, wrought Iron Pipes, Bloam Pumps, Boiler Feed ramps, Antl- Friction Metres, Soap Stone Packing, (lam Pack ing, and all kinds of MILL WORK) together with Plows, Sled Soles, COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, and other CASTINOS of art kinds. r-8-Orderl solicited and 8 lied at oity prlou. All letter ef Inquiry with refereue to machinery of our manufacture promptly answered, by addres- Ing ni at Clearfleld, Pa. dectno-tf BIOLER, YOUNO A CO. RECONSTRUCTED. DANIEL STEWART & SON IUvlnjr pBrehid tb Chep Clothlnjf Hnan ot Iim L. Kitnitein, bT tb lrirft uid hti u tort incut of Muatatoreii Uuotlj in tbeoou&ty, aud out Kit tboii READY MADE CLOTIIINO, for Mod, Boji and Children, n- 80 Pen CENT. CHEAPER thnn any other lioaM In tb ooooty. I tiny will tiwtri ktKp uua urco ana cl eg ant aumrlmtni of OENTS" FURNISHING GOODS, COLLARS, . ; ' ' TIES, TRUNKS, VALISES, Ac, Ao. OF THE LATEST STYLES AND PATTERNS. If yon want to get good and stylish Clothing, at tow figures do not tail to oall at their etttab-lir-hmeat beforo spending yuur money eleewbere, Remember the place. augT'7I DANIEL 6 TEW ART A BON. LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF STOVES ! STOVES ! ever brought to the county, are being received at the Hardware Establishment of II. f. llltil.tli ek CO., comprising the Mlowing Cuok Stoves srEAn'8 CALonmc. SUtiUEHANNA, HLGUI.ATOa, NOBLE, EXCELSIOn, . . TiauMni. GOV. TENN. ItEADIKO, NATIONAL RANGE, AC. AC. Alio, th following lloallng Stores 1 SrEAR'8 ANTI CLINKEIl, SPEAIt'S ANTI DUST, STEAR'S ORBICULAR, Sr EAR'S FAKLOR COOK, MORNING LIGHT, KON TON, GIPSEY, VULCAN, -. SUNBEAM, RUDY PAUPDINEGO, CHESTER EGG, VOLCANO, TUOENIX, HEAVY BAR ROOM AND STORE ROOM B10VE3, AC. Clearfleld, Sept. 16, I Ml. LIIHHERNBNI rBRFECTIOR IN CANTHOORSI The Clearfleld Eacelslor Canthook will not wear out or break, being eonalnicled with on solid band from clip to point. It Is pronounoed by ail practical lumbermen who har eiamlned It to be th moat perfect Canthook ever Invented. Amos Kcnnard, Patentee. Manufactured by Auo Knxxino A Co., at . CLEARFIELD, TA. WTAH orders promptly attended to. nl'70 jJOSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS, MRttrAcrnaie LUMUEIl, LATH, AND TICKETS Sawed rnlcnt Ribbed Shingles. II. II. S11I1.LIN0F0RD, Preildenl, OBco-Forest Place, No. I2S 8. dlh st, Phll'a. JOIIN LAWSlin, Qaneral Sup't, Osceola Mills, Clearfleld county, Pa. Auo TOWN LOTS for sale of tlsoeola. In the borough Auo Keep th LARtlKHT ASSORTMENT of (lods la nM.a.l.i .1 Ke I Store In OiceoU. " " ,Uautouj, rjpilE AUTOlt Kiilillng; , nilne! Thli Knitting Maohln : t" of Uw ful Inventions of th g. V. " rti aml tugenlo) iiHriioonl T '" '!, k" aiihlev.d what tbouwndi I kSIiiiI, tried to attala. That is, a "lJ 'IKU ui milk. .1... .Ill L-ll . m.-i. MVSB teU-. CHINK, that will knit a sock " "isst. heel and toe, oemplet. Narroa V"1!"". all rredeeo I vara. Nubia .' ' ""w, HoM. Men'i Knit JaokeU, Uuiiery of a nut an eudleaa variety of Usoful i DNl ,1 Goodi. It will knit from a WaU -""tii, Hleigh Job, and does It with neati '"a das. patch. Persons Ibat are Incapeciateu '"said work, caa earn from 8a TO $H DOLLA2 Per Day with th Knitter. Thi. Miutklna baa taJteO lb highest F.-t Kei t the Principal Expositions, State an I Cc .fy u..-.. It 1. almnla and durabl in cout.rujL1 w, .,l w.''l wear a lito-tlme. A It Is eoi itruuf with the Jineet meenanlcal wzaeiueas, a;n wi - Joneral ran,' -' , fUH and Is only l!n"ed in beanty anvl styk I, Oj Imagination an J Ingenuity of tha oiw.;.-. RET AM L PRICE, ttOJU, For reference th pull; "an address 0rcUliv on the following rcildentiof llcarneld cuui.t. Josiah Thompaon, Jonathan i.'rtihero, Ji(t Norrii, D. D. Bitter, John r. Mtuli, fitrw ssr.ik, Lewis J. Ilurd and John Orr, Ilard P. O.f ilrt Johnston, Abraham Hpeneer, Elliba lm.n,' Oramplan Hills P. 0. J Joseph Kirk, Jots i,. am, James Curry, LumC?or City. ' Hamuel Jenkins, Esq, a Curwcnivillo, i, General Agont for Clearfleld Mid JerTert'.) e()IlQ. Ilea. All ueeeiaary iafurraatlou can be oLiucl by oalling upon him. April 10, 1!" READING FOR ALL II SOOKS 4 STATIONERY. Market ait., Clearfleld, (at th Poat OZc fTIIIB nadrslged bgi leave I aancnrftii X Ibecltlieni f Clarlld aad vlciaiij, : 4 be hai fluid np a room aad has just re.u:-, -j from th city with a larg amount of matter, coniisting ia part of Bibles and Miscellaneous EoaL, Blank, Account and Pass Books of sverr . 1. seription j Papar and Envelopes, French pr . i and plain 1 Pens and Pencils; Blank, I. rapera, ueeas, atortgageit Judgment, En; : tlon and Prominory notes White and Par; , meat Brief, Legal Cap, Record Cap, and Bill ( Sheet, Muai for ellh.r Piano, flute ar VI ; oniuatly oa head. Any booki or itatlor deiired that I may not hava oa hand, will be c' ordered by flrst express, and sold at kolnr . rr.uilto aolt eaitomen. I will also tt p periodical liMratare, sach as Magatinei.K- paperi, Ae. r. A. UAULJ Ulearaeld Hay T, UoJ-tf TEW STORE AND NEW GOOD.S JOS. SHAW & SON Have jasl epwned a Niw Stobi, oaMainSt.,CLiAtruLo, lately occupied by Wm. F. IBfli.V. Their atock eoniiiti o( mm? cocDCDiD.:? Gaocicu of the beat quality, QuEENSWARC, Roots and SLc;. and erery article rjoceiaafT for ooe'i comfort. Call and eiamine onr (lock before ; chulng elsswhere. May 0, 1866-li. DAVID YOUNG, Stonc-Culter and Stone-Mas w ILL eieeuU all work tn bis lins at a rat prices and In FIRST-CLASS si Architectural Ornaments In ALL STYLES. Ston Brassing ef n -1 descrlpllon, aad all kiad of masoa wsrk ' traelod for la oreatof lhoounty. Any per wishing to have rtspecubla mase ork r. stono-calting done, will And it to their Intr - to call upon ma a woaia eiro miorra u. . -lie that I ean deliver any quantity or elan stone desired, as I am the owner of a FI GST-CLASS STOSE QUAEI.V Orders for work ean b addressed lo DAVIO VOl'KO, maris,'! Clearfleld, Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE nOME IHDUSTlrt, TDK undesigned, having aiUbllihed a Sf sery on the 'Pike, about half way betMe Clearfield and Carwensrllle, is prepared le fi nish ell kiedaef FRUIT TREES, (standard:;." dwarf,) Evergreens, Shrubbery, Orsp Vini, Gooseberri, Lawton Illaekberry, 8trawbr-?T and Rasberry Vines. Als. Hlberlaa Crab IV, guinea, and early ecarlet Rhabarh, A. Ore n promptly attended to. Address, ' ' - J, D. WRIOIIT. septt-flfl-F CerweasvUll, S5 tOn P uy I A tent wantoJ! TO All alauee of working prof. of either sex, young or old, make more monev work for as in their pere moments, r all the tlr.;. than at aaythlng el.. Particular free. Aden., ti. b tin sua A Co., Portland, Maine. octSO'TSyl Mattes. Clearfield County Bank, TUB Clearfleld County Bank as aa iaeorpria led Institution has goa oat of eilitenet by tha surrender of It eharter, on May IS, IH. All its stock Is owned by the snbscribcri, ls will continue th Banking business at tbs place, as private Bankera, under tbs Ann suss of the "Clearflsld County Bank." W art re sponsible for th debts al tb Bank, and will pay lta notes on demand at th counter, vifcim received and interest paid when money is lefl far a flid lime. Paper discounted at ill pertisl. as haretofor. Our personal wpoBiibiliiv It pledged for all Deposit received end buiism transacted. A continuance of tb liberal pat ronage of the business men of the cooat; spectfully solicited. As President, Ciihlitssi offoersof th lata Clearfleld County Esi, require th notes of laid Sank to b preiiswa for redemption. JAS. T. LKONARD, RICBARII SHAW, WM. rORTKR, JAS. B. OBUAM, 0. L. RERD, WM. A. WALLACK- Th bnslaau of th Bank will b. '',",' John M- Adlal., Iiq., aa Caihlsr. t ' Counly National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, TA. ROOM In Masonic Building, en door aorls ef , C. 1). VYation'l Drug 8lore. I'aisngo Tickets to and frota Liverpool, Qaw-. town, Ulasgow, London, Paris and CopeeM-. Also, Drafts for sal oa tuo Royal Bank of IreUsa, and Imperial Bank of London. JAM KB T. iifiUnAni', W. M. SHAW, Caihler. J. D.M Uirk. Edward Part BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE or McGirk & perks. MuoooKors to Foster, Perks, A Co.. Phlllp.liurK, Centre Counly. P- W11KHB all tha business of a Banking will oe transacted promptly and most favoraole terma mart- DREXEL & CO., No. 31 Boullt Tlilrd Street, l'lilladilf"" ERS, And Dealors in Government Securities. Application by mail will rceeiv proal "r; .n. and all Information cbeorfull.r a'""T -1 Al.cit ll-U- lion Orders silieted. 1 Al'TION All nerw.ns are her. J "'"". I . ... .. ,.,..: nrcl'e V 001 to tueauie Willi 110 1 it II f ' (In Cook 8tove, en Heating Clove, tic"1 "j. one Cow, one yearling Heifer, trlvV, , 'isd .eooing, in uie t'nion iioti-i, in - ',4 all tha eanicU and furnitur in sain o.. now In poasesrlon of Mra. M " -"i.. at same belongs to m au'l la aul W..Wu.'lDb. ... at asni any time. (lien Hope, July Pj 17J DismoLirr ,nn ri.. eo-p.ri;'; r lofor e ,!,,;., between 'lll,n' , r,M W. WrigM -"ZL flnn .".' ,,,l,di Uro, !" fhc rnarchin.liiing ou-i"- bMi0(. ' jijeolved by mutual eoaeeal. i.U been wl' j.W, WW1"" Jon. t, H7S.-t-l-