JHE REPUBLICAN. CLKAUFIELD, PA. trttDHHSPAV MORNINQ AUQPST.187. . . Term of Subscription. t,.ij la edvenoe.or within three month! .f.l 'lid after three Bad before eiimonthe..... I 0 pfurth..xplr.Hon of .1. mentha... I 0 BELIUIOUa NOTICES. rvLiniinien Bervloe, lint Sabbath of every "."V.Hrew'i Chrh Episcopal Re Vi..... lUtt. Public Servlo. Sunday morning 5 o'clock, and ' ' M.-S.nday School at , p u.PrTor Mooting Wednesday arming '.!fkv'erlan Church Rot. II. B. Botlbb, g.bbnth sewlcee morale, an evening 8ab- bub School at . r. -"""a ."afr."!.' ChuThCtholl Rot. P J 8.iaiDt!i.-Ma.i at 10, c'clock A. M., n the nd and fourth Bondnyi of oach month, tutlieraa Church Rev. A. J. IUrvsocb: f reaching ovary (Sabbath, morning and evening. ..bath Sohool at t a. m. l'rnjer meeting every Wednesday evoning. lfo Exchanges. We bve prepaid ihepostsgeon alt soplesof the lUrt.Bi.iCAK ecnt to oer exchanges, until tte lit of J anuary next. and er poitmaitor hai io Informod tho poitmai- ler at each office towbloB It it eent.-; Therefore none of onr brethren need pay portage on our pa per, an we hope tboy will reeiprooele. Over twe-thirds ef the exohiegrs we reeelve eome to nnprepaid, or, 1 paid, no such, evidence hai been ifnralsbcd oar postmaster, ai the PoitoAoe Uw contemplates. . - iM Tho Lowistown hotolinU wore raid d by the looal optlonlita laat woek and bound over to court. . , - ' ' - " Osceola had a social sensation last week. Tbey have had no fun over there anyhow, laoe the 4th of Jely. i ' - I Philinsbnrcom are putting on aris- toeratie aire. A driving park li nor the town, talk, In ordor to become rivali of Clearfield and Osceola. ' ' ' -' ' ' ' . ' Tho Fall Term of Miss II. S. Swan' School tor Girls oommenoM on Monday, Septem ber lit. Parents ean find no better school at which to educate their daught -ri:' ' '' Tho Credit MobiKer county conven tion hai been poitponod. The ebief Modoe hai lone to llarrliburg to aeo what the ft innebago caiof will pay him for throwing Henry and voting fur Mickey. ''.'"'"" ...... We understand that the Coloman Bitten propose to fulfill an engagement in the Court llonae on the Bin and Vln or beptember. It will be reeollaeted that ilokneii prevented them from fllling'an engagement lait Mareh. Williura Zelt was triod at Ridgway, Jait week, for the murder of, John liorack, at St. Jfaryi, In June lest, lie war found' guilty ef manslaughter. A new trial waa granted by the court and Zelt hold In $2,000 bail.1 Repealed. The Act of Assembly, approved Mareh 9th, 1905, autboriting the Town Ceenell of the borough of New Washington to uen a ipeelal toad tax, waa repealed laat winter .and approved by the.Goveroor on the 8th day of April, 1873. : ' . : Gas is BAENEsT.Oor biar neitrh- bon need not be poking fun at ui any longer for citing In darknew and danger. We are going to have gal worki and the town lit up netore tne holiday!. Tho company .ta now fully organiaed and at work, The worka are. being created on the .bank of the river, a little below the freight depot Cool. We notice that the Losisla- -tare lait winter passed an act allowing onr Conn. ty Auditors fir dollar! per day. Time not to ex- eeed twenty dayi. Who petitioned the Legisla- Jure to pail thil act we know not, but It t limply an outrage on a email aeale. We prerume arise, from the faet that Oongruimen doubled their pay, and demonstrates the greed pervading every official ehannel. The Fhilipsbarg Journal and Rafts- t Journal have entered into a nistorieai iteem. boat diaeuiiion. The gravity of the question will ae doubt be amply Uluatrated. The former Journal and the Osceola RtmUi are trying to aiccrtain the dlitanoe to Arch Spring! from Tyrone and Mount Union. It loeki now ai thoogh a foot rase between Ellsworth and Xrlsbia would alone utile the diiput. Unseated Poor Tax. We notioe that Oot. Bartranft approved sn'aot If Atiembly oa the Uth of March,' 1873, authoriilng the Oreneen of the Poor of Beccaria townihip to assess Poor tax upon unseated landi. If thil law it right, why not extend It to the whole county t Thli we ihould lay li eipeolally ipeelal legula tion. The act reouirei the Overseen to furnlib the County Commiuioneri with a certified Hit of the landi upon whmh the taxei are unpaid, to gether with the number of niilli aiaeued for poor ratea.1,,.-:" . I ' ' - ' ; FE8 Raisbd. We notioe by an Act f Aiiemhly, approved the 8th day ef April, 1873, tbit Snrveyon attending court at witoenei are allowed fire dollar! per day and the uiual mileage (three eeati circular) allowed ether wilnenoa. Go ahead. Everybody will got $i per day after awhile, and will only be required to work ilx fcoun for a day. Kigbtccn houri to loaf and ileep and only ill for work. What "bully timee" we'll have. Why, we'll he rich In lrn than five yeara or In a poor hrtuic or prison. v m TtatmnNiNn Tho Mountain Citv Altoana li to have a balloon sensation. Prof. John A. Light, the ruaowned and scientific mro- naut, who has already made one hundred and twenty-eight ascensloni In varloul part! of the I'nlted States, la to nuke his leoond asecniion from that city on Saturday, the ltth, betweon the boon of 1 and 4 p. m., In hi! koautiful new bal Jpon Celeita. ' On thil oceaston Mr. Light will Cake a paiaenger up with him. , IS case of rain or blgh wind, the ascension will take place on Mon day, or tho next anoeeedlng fair day. Another Gour Ouo moro of tho ''otdeat sottlen" haa been conveyed across the elver. Benjamin Balrd breathed his last at his tome la Bell township, hear the Indiana county line, en the d Inst., In ble 80th year. He wai born In Clinton county, and remorccj to thli comity In 1829. He wai the father of thirteen ehildron, ten of whom Survive him, the grand father of thirty-eight children and the groat- grandfather ef four children.' He was an Indus trious, upright cltisrn, and by his death bii neighborhood loses good counselor and the relatives a dear friend. Postponed. Through iho action of the council the water works elaetiua haa been postponed until Friday, the 18th ef Beptember, The poitponement wai hlghlv politic, because It aow gircc all fall time to giro thli highly impor tant and neeescary public Improvement a thor eih examination as to Its necessity and probable est. This is a question that will lose no sup porters among intelligent moa by undergoing diieuiilon and Investigation, and being of prime utility, we do not wish to see It submitted for ul decision until after It Is fully disouised and naderitood by our oitlaeni. Hucklkjierry Party. One day last eek W. Ana SwarUell, aged 87 years, and 1. Caleb Straley, aged 80 yean, both residing llh George Swartsrll, near Locke's Mills, took I Into their heads to go hueklekerrying, a sport bicb they doubtless .many a time enjoyed In wis yeunrer davi. Oh Ihev went- huekoU la '"d, to the foot or Jack's mountain, a mile or more 'litant, aed after gathering all the berries they Wanted about three quarts, we believe they re "nd henje In flrit.raU spirits. We'll hat tint ld Udlee are the ohimploa hueklekerrylsU VI the Slate. i(ifc,ie iHwucrfl, In Earnsst, We bbtioe by a print ed circular before us that the "Local Optlonlsts" have fully organised la Ibis county and are going to wage a iigoroai war against Captain Wbisky. The "headeentres ' teem to be i President Zaeharlah MoNaul, Ourwensvllu, Treasurer Samuel Arnold, Curwensvllle. Secretary Luclen Bird, PeunAeld. In addition there la a detective in each borough and township in the county, who Is to appoint a rigilanoe committee of from two to six members. The circular goes on to state that "they are ex pected to lake aotlve steps to seoare the proieou- tlcn Of violators of the laws against lrauor lelllnf by Constables' returns, or otherwise) also may osll jaoeUngi in Ihob; QlltrloU, solicit fundi and ihould endeavof to tceur aid uded operallan frem all friendl of the cauie. The funds railed arc to be forwarded to th Treasurer for local dls tributloa by the Executive Committee, on recom mendation of the looal meat bar where the prose. outlons originate. The funds are to bo used In meeting such expenses of prosecution as arc not provided for by legal fees. It is earnestly hoped that each looal member will endeavor to work up the subjeot carefully and promptly. Ton take advlae of th District Attorney, A. W. Wal ters, when you contemplate legal action, without oharge, I If this committee suooeeds In Its undertaking! it will aoooinpllsh something that has never been accomplished before Drunkonness,like adultery, and some other social evils, always has existed and always will exist. And If the formor vice oaa be regulated by vigilance committees, the latter ean. If this be so, what a huge under taking these gentlemen will have on hand. We are no experimentalist In matters that have pus- sled and defeated th wisest and heat of men fur thousands of yean. If others have the time and Inclination to practle something of the kind, we hall not object. ' ' ' ' We are pained to hear of tho doath of Charlei liorton, Esq., at hli bom In North East, on Tuesday of this week. He had long been afllioted with a pulmonary affeotion, aud some two or three months ago was compelled to gtve up aotlve nnsinesa. mr. Norton waa a prom inent itemocrat, and waa our nominoe for Assem bly In 1S70. when he oame within a fow hundred votes of being elooted. For a year or two past he haa been oashier of a hank In the oil regions, lie waa- a man of much intelligence, firm in his convictions, a shrewd politician and possessed of large influence ine Vbttrvtr, Mr. liorton was for a number of years a rest dent of this oounty, and was well known by many of our eltiseus. lie was tbe son of Isaae llortou, Sr., one of our earliest pioneers, who died in April last, and a brother of. our fellow-cittaens, Isaac and iiesekiah liorton. He was twelve years prothonotary, Ac, and commanded the re epect of all parties for his efheieney and urbanity. lie waa indeed a good eltisen, whose loss will be eeverely felt Elk iemoerul. ; ..... . , Charley, as he was familiarly oalled, was well knows to many of the oitisens of this county, who will regret to lean of his rather premature death. r; ! t -1 ' . Instructions to Druooists. The last term of the lilalr oounty eonrt was eonsumed by the "local optlonlsts" and the liquor dealers. The llollidaysburg Standard sayst In sentencing the Tyrone druggists, his Honor Judge Bean took occasion to lay substantially this! Druggitts are authorised to sell liquor for medicinal purposes, subject, however, to the risk of indictment. A phyaioian's prescription is not of itself a safe guard for the druggist. If the latter, even en the prescription of a regular physician, Belli li quor to persons of known intemperate habits, or to those who are known to use liquor as a bever age, he is liable to indictment, and if found guil ty, will be punished to the extent of the law. In short. In the opinion of the court, a druggist who sells liquor fur any purpose whatever, or upon the prescription of the most eminent physician in the county, does so at his own risk. Turnpikk Tolls The Legislatare last winter passed and the Governor approved, on the 18th of March last, the following Act 1 Sac. 1. St il tnacled, de., That no incorporated tnrnpike company within the county of Clearfield, nor their vendees, lessees or successors, shall have the right to taka or demand tolls for passing upon their said roads, or ANY PART THEREOF, in any ease in which they have permitted ANY PART of their said road or roads within the said oounty to become condemned, or a obarge upen the townships through which the same pass. It appear! to Us that if this act were pat in force, that the infernal fitt tent mnitantt, on the public road about half mile east of Curwensvllle, would be wiped out and the public allowed to pass over the road without being molested, while the parties engaged In thil precarioui meaner of socuring a livelihood allowed to follow some le gitimate buiinees in the future- i ' List of letters remaining unclaimod in the Postofflce at Clearfield, for the week ending August ntn, 187:i: Corliss, Barid M. O'Mally, John. Coffroo, Freeman. Prootor, T. J. liixon, Miss Annie. Rogers, Susan. Halford, Mr. C. ' Shire, Samuel 8. Hrlth, Andrew. : Smith, Geo. W. Klelnman, M. Htowell, II. F. Michael, Miss Emma P. Willie, Willie E. , , Netr. Klino. P. A. GAULIN, P. M Not in the Book. Some of our fol io elttiena having on several eceailoni during the summer worked themselrei up Into a fever heat over tho ihecp-dog-tax law, they will now please quiet their nerves and let the fover pass off, as the laws for 1873 contain no such enactment. Each family oan still keep half a doien or more degi If they like, and have no tax to pay for them. A dog is a dog still. The rosidenco of Mr. 3S. E. Arnold, Curwensvllle, was the scene of a coal oil explosion some ten days ago. The servant girl wickedly and foolishly took the oil can tti poured some oil into the 000k store to hurry up the fire. An explosion wai the remit, the girl being pretty well roasted and that portion ef th town saved from destruction by a miracle, . Woodland M. K. Church Festival, This Festival, asanuounced last week, will be held on Wednesday, August 17th. Thomas II Murray, Esq., of Clearfield, will deliver an ad- dreii. His well known ability and eloquence will net fall to attract a large audlcnoe. The pro ceeds are for the new M. E. Church now building at Woodland.; Bptcialt, IIircncoRB's Couri.KTa Axxlvsis or)rns til blb Arranged according to subjects, In twenty- seven books. Illustrated with steel engravings. Publish by A. 1. Joh.son, New York, and W. I). Cummings, Pittsburgh. Complimentary notioesof even humbugs can be secured in our day, but a man must fuel quite dif ferently In girtng his approbation to such a work as this Analysis of the Holy Scriptures by the ac complished llr. Hitchcock. It seems to us tbst Sabbath school teachers, Sabbath school scholars, heads of families, In a word, any one who loves and studies tbe snored Scriptures, would be will ing to make almost any saoriSoe to get this great bolp in undentanding them. The Bible here Is its own interpreter. What we need to know on any subject is tbe mind, the will, tbe declaration of Uod. In this book you ean find at once what God says on any subject or any duty, aloary spent in purobasiog it will be well invested. We wish there might be a eony to every family, Tbe unlettered layman will find It quite as useful as the scholar. And we believe it is more valuable and will bo found more useful then a score of commentaries. The supplemented mitter or tru den'i Concordance, Pronouncing and interpreting Diotionariol, Jjielionary of Uellgioul Dcunniina tlonl and a luecinct history of the Bible, makes the entire bonk a manual for the Hjble reader of the greatest convenience, and worth to htm many timee its cost, Mr, Weir, the agent for this county, intends to exhibit this work la every family. PitTei;ajt! Fxut.i Con.Bon. Thorn wo are seeking a really first class school for their daugh ten will do well tc send to Rev. I. C. Perilling. I). D., PIIKburgh, Pa., for a catalogue of the I'lttsburgh Female Oollnge. It ia just such an Institution as an intelligent man desires for his daughter. The buildings are large, well lighted and ventilated, and fitted up In excellent style. Tbe eeurse of study Is well selected. The method of instruction thorough. The discipline mild, and yet firm and Judicious. Tbe fsculty, one of tbe largest In the Lnlte't states, numbers twenty live chosen learners. The location is on a beau tiful, shaded street, eentral, easy accessible and as quiet as a country village. There ere eight departments, with special teachers. There are nre learners in the music aeperwttu, an Here after dinlomas will be granted In music and naUillna as well as la the literary source. Added to all thil the charge! are loss than any school af fording enual advantage! and accommodations, We heartily commend it to our readrre. The Fall Term eummiuoss September 10.ViisourA t'tl tffrapk. Feints, Oils and Varnishes for sal by II. F. Bigler Co. . FACTS FOR TI1H l'EOPLK. ta. Flegal has disposed of bis Furnlihlnr Hoods for the punmse of making room for Hats, Caps, Boot and Hboea, and has just returned from the eastern citius with th largest stock ever brodght to the Oiinnty which he mil fit, mmil ssU and ii oVisnaimd to sell at prices whloh will astonish everybouy. lie naa on Band a very large assort ment of tho Baltimore hand-made Uaitera, for kadies' wear. Lames, to see Umm is to be con vinced that tbey ar the shoes to buy Also, a full line of the Kiohardson and Atwaler Elmira Hoots, whloh need no recommendation to the nub ile, Also, a large link of Rasterb Hoots abd Shoes. On all of which he can defy competition In prices. aiso, a compiet assortment el Trunks and Va lises. P. 8. Fletral lava roods are ehean. that he bought them en trust, and will sell them at prises inu win asionisn everyoouy veil anu see. viearneiu, July j, 1079. Montour Slate Paints, for painting houies in side and outside Cottagoa, Farm Buildings, o. Beautiful, durable aud economical. Uround in pure Linseed OIL myJS'73 H.F. Bioub a Co. R. R. Wheelbarrowi, Baby Carriages: toy tx- press Wigons ani d Wheelbarrows, at ' ' v II. V. Biolbb 4 Co's. RBraiQKRAToRB. About Juns 6, 1873, H, F. Bigler a Co. will have an assortment of Befrlg eraton. my29'79 Tlows. Farmer! Will find it to their advantage to eall in and examine our stonk of rlowiCulil. vaton,.do., among which will be found Bingli and Iiuuble Iron and Wood Shovel Plows, Irui and Wood Cultivators, The tlowanda Iron Beam Plow, The Pittsburgh Steel Plow, The llaupt Dellcloute l'lew, and 0 ber pattern!. . iiiyJ8'73 j ' II. F. Biohb A Co1, Raxo Tms ! Penens whocontemplate building will do well to rail and exsmine our stuck of BUILDING MATERIALS. We have io stock a full line of Builders' Hardware, Nails, Faults, Oils, Ulass, 1'ulty, Calcined 1'laster, do. 0ij28'73 II. F. Bioi.br 4 Co.,, Just received, a large lot of non-explosive Lamps ana Lanterns at S-J5-7J H. F. Biotxa 4 Co's. IT. F. Bigler 4 Co. have been making extensive additions to their stock of Hardware the last few days. Everything new in Shelf Hardware, Sad- dlera' Hardware. Farmen' Hardware, Builders1 Hardware, and Hardware of. all kinds, oan be seen at their store. May 21. Wood and Willow Ware of all descriptions for sale by 11. r. Bigler a uo. Pave Time! Save Labor! Save Money I Save Clothes! The" Novelty Wringer" Is the best in the market. Buy It 1 try It. For sale by II. F. niol.ia 4 Co, Fbimbj Gnoran Plarvsb. Received at Corner Store by oar load and for sale by K. A. n. v. inwur. Curwensvllle, Mareh 18, 187. - - " Axes. Seventy-five doion Clearfield Wood- choppers Axel at V:ao.-7J. II, r. UlULEH wo s. RECAPITULATION, Bird Cages. Wood aud Willow Ware. '' Household Goods. J ; All kinds of Hardware. , , Japanned Ware. Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Calcined Plaster. Wagon and Carriage Makers' supplies. All of the above for sale at the mammoth Hard ware Store of 11. F. Bigler 4 Co., Second street, Clearfield, Pa. .. , . St, Calcined Plaster for sale by 11. F. Bigler 4 Co. Bird Cages- i large assortment at H. F. Big- ler Co. s. Ba wa. Dlstan's Cross-out Saw, Groat American Saw, Boynton's Lightuiog Snw, at V 2b-71 It. t . JIIQLER LI I. Kotiob to Waqon A!d Cakriaoi M A US 11 We bare just receired a general assortment of Wagon and Camera Woods, also a full line of Bpiiuii and Alios, which we offer ehcnp for eash. 11. r. UIQLEB K9t 1 Pauim Ain Paintkhs' Kixmxos. Our stock of Taints and Painters' Materials Is complete, in cluding J. T. Lewin' Pure White Lead. John Lu cas A Co s 1'ore Site Lead, r. tt. uos uck Lead, and a number of cheaper brands of White Lead; also, Liniieed Oil, Turpentine, Vernishesof all kinds, a full line of Bnuhes. and a fulllineof colors, dry and in OiL my2S73 ; 11. f. HIOLKB to. Fin hi no Tack li. The flihlag season havlag ODrnmenoed, lovers of this elegant sport will be easting about to flod where to purchase tbe neces sary requirements in order to enjoyy the sport, To an such we will say, go to tne iierawareoiore of H. F. Bigler A Co., as they hare the finest lot of front Hods, Lines, Hooka, Baskets, Bait- Boxes, Keels, (Snoods, cues, etc., erer brought to this oounty. Their Trout Rods are really ele gant, and every person ei pec ting to go troat-flsh-Uig this summer should have one. 4-9 A full line of Household Uoods, Japanned Ware, Ac, for sale by 11. P. Bigler A Co. On July 25th, 187. at Latmhe, Pa., by Father KRAanar, Air. w, w. lilULf.U to Hits m. n. LEti, both of Clearfield. Sit A. Tn Brll township, on August 2d, 17S. BKNJA- Ml.N I1A111U, aged 7 rears, 7 moutlis, 7 Usys. In Lawrenee township, on August Mb, 1873, Mrs. txmsTA.Vi' hl.l.A, wile ot rriLLun n. Lanu'R, aged about 22 years. Clearfield Markets, Corrected weekly by Bicharo Mossop, Wholesale and ttetaii iieator in ury uooo:s, uroeeries, ri visions, do., Market street, Clearfield, Pa. CuiAnriBMi, Pa., August 12, IS73. Ajtples, green, 00( Dried, ft " Apple butur,Vgsl, Butter 110(4 CO1 Hogs, dressed 10 Hides, green.- . T6 IIsju W(a) 19 12, 12, is Shoulder, Beans tt 7K t 00 Sides.. 00(.i Buckwheat. IV bard i Buekwhcat dour lb, 6 Mess pork,U bill... 20 00 Beef, dried 2o Oats 00 Beer, rreeh 7(rr 10 Onions 1 to Boards, M 12 00(14 00 Potatoes 0tl( to Corn, shelled. 1 00 Peaches, dried, lb,. 10 Corn, ear 0(d) M Plaster, bbl t 00 Corn meal, sack, 1 SO Hy 1 10 Chon. W owtl 110 (is 3 40 Hags. M lb Cloversoed.. 8 0(1 Hnlt, 8 mok.Jill( H Cheese- H Hhingles.18 In.l(i4 00 Cherries, lb. 10($ 10 Hhinle,,2 lnltl(a,15 00 Chiokens, drsd, lb, 16 Timothy ieed...M. 0 00 T.nti iOTsllow 121 Plaiseed 1 0(1 Wheat J 00 Flour. 70(a10 00 Wool 10 Hav 00 00(0,20 B0 Wood, H cord 40 1'eiiiiHyl villain Hall road TYRONE C1.EAKFIELP BRANCH. ON nad after Monday, MAY 26th, 1873, the Passenger Trains will run daily (cieent Sun days) between Tyrone and Clearfield, as iollowst CLEARFIELD MAIL. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Clearfield 1. 40, r.. Tyrone ...... Osooola....... Philipshurg. ClearBcId .... . 015.a u ,.10.i," ..10.40," ,.U.4, " Philipsburg-...4.-ld, Osceola 4.(0, Tyrone M..0.00, CLBARFIKLD EXI'RF.88. LEAVE 60LT1I. LEAVE NORTH. Clearfield 6.40 A. . Tyrone 7.00 r. Pliillpsburg.. .H " lntersectton.,.7.12 " Oscoola. fUO ' Orceola 8.10 " Intersection.. 7.48 " Phillpsbnrg .... " Tyrone. 8.00 " Clearfield, ar....20 " FARK FJtOM CLEAKFIKLD, TO Bellefnnte. Pa 1 5 01 Mlddletcwn tb 00 Lock llaven I 70 Williamsnort. t " HunlingJun M 1 10 Uwistnwn. t lit Marysvill 4 til Marietta I (0 Lancaster A 85 PHILADELPHIA 7 95 Altpona .... 1 65 Jnhnstnwn 10 11AHHIKBIJKU... 4 1 riTTSSl HU t 15 Close eonneetiens made by all trains at Tyrone and lioek Haven. GHORUH 0. WILKIN8, myl7-tf. Buperintendent. "I)RIIK;i: MCTTINn. Th. undersigned J Ciimmlttee will receive pmpoaals, at Uur weniville, until Thnreday.the Uth day of August next, for taking down the wooden bridge across Ihe river at that piece aad putting it on the lhle llloom abutments, two miles above, in the piece of the bridg. carried off by the ioe flood lait spring. Oood security will be required for the completion of th. Job in a workmanlike manner. r y.AC. Mc-NAI'L, HENRY llll.K, July 11, 1873-td. WM. CALDWELL. WIJXIAM M. HEXKY, Johtice or rax Pbacb ian Si sivissa, LtlilUKK OITT. Collecthine made and money promptly paid over. Article! of agreement and deeds of eonveyauoe neatly exoented and warranted cor rect or no oharge. Jy33'7l TOSF.rU H. IIOWLES, Justico of tt tits' Peace and Scrivener In th. upper cud of Lawrence township. Collections made end money i PttniptlJ peid ever. Feb.A-ly I Hew dmtistmcut;i. . rpKACHEKS' EXAMINATIONS. X An examination for toaehers, for the school year of 187.1, will be held for each of the several districts In Clearfield county as follows I Bradford and ilradlord Independent, at rr if llamsgrore, Monday, August li. Hoggs and Wallacslon, at waitaceton, luesuay, August 20, Bcoatur and Osceola, at Osceola, Wednesday, August 27. 'Woo. I ward and Ilculidale, at Tuomai Hinder loa'i, Thursday, August 28. Wulich, at janesvine, rrtday, August iv. Bectaria, at tsien Hope, Saturday, August 80. Jordon, it Aasenvllle, Monday, September!, Knox, at Now Millport, Tuesday, September). Ponn. Ferguson and Lumber City, at Lumber Cilr. Wodnneday, September 3. Pike, Bridgnort Independent end Curwensvllle, at Curwensvllle, Thunday, September 4. Lawrence, Lawrence Independent and Clear field, at Clearfield, Salurdsy, Scpteinbor 0. 1 nlan. at KockloA. Monday. Bentemuer 8. Brady and Bloom, at Lathcrsburg, Tuesday, Mobtember V. j Bell, at Bower, Thunday, September 11. Burnsldc, at Burnslde, Friday, September 12, Chest and New Washington, at Na WasbihaJ toa, Saturday, September IIM- '-" Karthaus, at Bait l.lok, Tuesday, HeptemDer 10. Covington, at Mulsonbnrg, Wednesday, Sep tember 17. Illrard, at Congress Hill, Thursday, Sept. 18. floshen, at Shawsvtlle. Friday, September 10. Huston, at Pennfleld, Saturday, September 20. Morris, Kylerlown, Tuesday, September 211. ' Graham, at Grehnmton, Wednesday, Sept, 24. Examiuations to beirin at 8 o'clock, a. in. Teachers are expected to be examined only In the district where they iutend teaching. An ed ucational meeting will be held after each exaral Bation ; when the subjeats of school and dlstrlot reports, district and oounty institutes, andmeth- oiss for improving our schools, will be discussed. The presence of the dirootors, at these meetings, ii iadiiponiabldt GREGORY, Cu. Hup'i. Aug. 6, W3-3t. T)UUL1C SALE. By virtue ol hii .L order of the Orphans' Court of ('InHUId count t, the undertiffniid. admin Intra 11 of thee, tate of John Orr, doo'd., late of Lawranafl town ihip, will tell at public i-la, at th Court liouw, at 10 o clock, a. m., on i.J TUUKSDAT, ACGtTST 2sXD, IP73, $ l tha follow In k real estate;- All that -ttoriato piece or lot of ground, lituato in Lawrence towmhip, county aforesaid and State of I'ennij.Tani, bounded and described a followi, rti : liegin nine at a post oa bank of Montgomery crook theuot up eaid stream north 117 degrees trust 9 T-10 ptroboi, north 28 degrees east 11 perches, north 234 degrees west 8 Duroncs. north 40 de grees west 4 perches, north 62 degrees west 4 porches to a post on line of land of McPherwn lirotnori j l hence tjr lanus or siernenoq uroio era south 34 dr Biros west 01 porches to a post thenoe br lands formerly of (I. l. (Joodfollow south 8A$ degrees east 16 1-10 perches to a post, north 3ft degrees oust T 0-10 pereheo to a pest an a road, tbenoo hy ronu norm it negroes west 12 8-10 perches to dead white plnoi thence by land formerly of U. 1. Uoedlellow north 6ft de grees east H perches to post and plaoo of begin ning! oon training three aeres and one hundred and one and asvoa-ientns peso nee ana allowance, nearly all elrared aad ander a eood state of cul- titation, and hsring thereon erected a one and a naif story plank noune and small Maine. Taa. One-half aast. and balanoe la six months, to be secured by bond and mortgage oa the premises. August 6, lS73-3t. Administrator A N OI.DINAKCE. Do it ordainod by the Burgess and Town Council of the Borouirh of Clearlield: That from and after the passage of this ordinance, it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to place any sticks, pa cer, coal aibes. cinder, tin eans, manure or any kind of offals or debris, whatsoever, in any of the streets or nuMlo alleys in said bornngn, and eve ry person so offending snail luridi ana pay mio tbe borouirh treasury, for the first offence, tho sum of fire dollars, aud for the second and each and eery subsequent offence, the sum ot tea dollars, and to bo personally liable for any and all dsm agvsdone to persons or property, tbe consequence ot any such obstructions so placed In said streets and alleys as aforesaid. I a. v. iAifi, uurgess. Aug. $, 18T3-3t E. C. JOHNSON, Kec'j. I7KEDOXIA WAGONS k BUG UIKS. I'trson, wanting llrst-elass Wsrnns and Buggies should call on J. KHAW BON, Ulcarfleld, J'a., wno nave a largo number Ol rre donia Wagone and Buggies constantly on band. They are tbe best manufactured. augd-ls LltiT OP JUKOHH drawn for Kept. Term, A. it. 117a, commencing on the fourth Mon day, 22d day, , j i ; .nARD 4t'Bsaa. Levi Sunderland... ..Bell D. W. l'biliou....llloom A. B. Bbaw.....,(Ioihen ,lacob Wilhelm-Uraham Henry llagerty...tiulieh J. L. Ehw...Uoutidsls D. W. Wise. Jordan 1). 8. M-.kel Knot W. P. Tate Lawrence Jas. L. Stewart. ..Morris I. 8avage..N.Wabingtn James B.Clark Peon Johnston lloldcn...i'ike J. H Arnold Union Jos. li. Turner Bnggs Mark Kyler-... Bradford O. M. ThompsonBrady James Irrin " W. J. Kime.... Burnside L. J. llurd Chest L. Flood Covington Wm. Porter-.. .Clearfield A. M. Hills ' K. L. llughel.... Decatur! tt U OtarliarU., 1. C. Johnson.,Clcrlfld L.M.Coudriet,Cov.Dtton Ira tibaflar.t'urwcnsville Jioob liana; " Uriah Litse John LHs Heoearin James AlWrt,.., Decatur D. Moh-fT"T.....l!urnndc A brum Huorsr..Uraham H. li, Murrow.eUoshen R. K. Y iliyn. Jsi. MCreerj .orgt Stanley... (iu)icb William lirgcny " T. W. kilehoo. Jm. H. EiJinftor, Juob C. HDiitb.t ,.Brdy lleo. Un(terty..UuulsilAle Tbomas iStnDS.,.Jurdao (.Miriro Horn James MciNvai... M A. A. lUa4...Lawntio T. Siiavktnan. " Wm. 0. Duff... ' " Jos. II. Howies ' '' 3. H. ghaffnif. w Frauiplop Boll... ... Bell Ilrbrv Aiurri.e.iirsuiuru Uaoicl Stw-rt, Daniel Orftbam. John Back N. P. Wilson... n. Ptj auk man.. " John 6mrrJ.... Cbeit John Csnibell...Osc)la Toltinl Wcstovcr, jos. it,. iii)nuni....renn James Arthurs " Kdward Wood,... 4.M'UiiKlilio..Cltiarfield Win. II. Frocitian...Pik A 'ex. Irrlo-... W. H. BrnJlry Cornel. Owens, loba A r dorr Jamae AlnorA ' Hobt.Carsun, Woodward JJ F. B1GLKK 4 CO.'S -SPECIALTIES- BUILDERS' JIARDWARR, MK0I1ANIC8' HAHDWARR, LUMBERMEN'S HARDWAHR, FARMING t'lENSILS, MILL SUPPLIES, IRON at NAILS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, , . PAINTEIIS FINDINGS, . CALCINED PLASTER - May M, 1873. . . KBATZER & LYTLE Turpentlno, ntlno,1 f N i, , V WILL BELL YOU I Kails, . disss, rainu. Uila, French, Richards & Co.'s Buck Lead - - ' ; AND i Calcined Plaster VERY CHEAP. Immense stook on band. Clearfield, Pa., June' 4, 187.1. FARMING IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE Dt . F. IliRlcr A Co. IRON DOIIBI.B SHOVEL TtOWS. WOOD DODDLE-SHOVEL PLOWrl. WOOD SINGLE SHOVEL PJ.0WS. IRON CULTIVATORS. : WOOD CULTIVATORS. ' QOWANDA t IRON BEAM PLOWS. riTTrtlU'RO STEEL PL0W8. HAITI'S BELLEFONTB PLOWS. B0UKSON 8 aad THOMPSON'S PLOWS. avSharca for all of the above Plows con stantly on hand. -' myJH 78 s TONE'S SAW GUMMERS AND SAW.UPSBTS. We have rerelred the ajrmry for (heahnreatid will nr thrm at miiiitswinrfir'i prioei. Call end e latnlne tbem Tbe are the bnt. Jel9-73 U. V. L1GLKR k CO. 1873, ,1 . 1873, . '; : .'i -! :' NEW. SPRING GOODS ! WM. DEED'S, ' 1 '. 5' ' .11 ,1 'I ' 11 PRINTS, ' r. t PARCALKS, 01N0I1AM8, v - ,, XICglNOB, t - - MUBLINfl, BUKKTrNUBf"" : ,f C0TI0NAPE8, DOY'3 CABHIMERI, MEN'S CABS1MERE. T .f i LINENS. ,; DRESS - GOODS, in great variety hod all the news! shades, ') Japaueee Popllua, dapauese Ullks, " 'Btrlpael PopUtwl, ' v -- Milk Poplins, - ;-- frilfh lrloUalra,J .' ' 1 ''. ' Ileriiautea, ' . UreuBdlues, " 'lAWJie. 1 -erf 1 PECIAI. DAK0AIN8 IN Colored Silks! Colored Silks! i". . Black Silks! Black Silks I I ' - tals! Shawls! Shawls! Carpet, Carpets, Carpet j . ; sold at tha lowest eash price at WM. HEED'S, i - .... - i 1:28 Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. i , ', ' " May 14, 1878. JfLOUR, FEED, i.i ' ' &C. ) THE BECCARIA FLO U1 RING M I LLS. The undersigned would respectfully give no tice tc the eltiseus of Beooaria township and sur rounding country, Ihat h. has purchased th' Beccerla Flouring Mills and put everything in eemplete order, and il manufacturing a firit-clan qnaltty of Flour. CUSTOM WORK DONE, and Flour in quantity constantly on hand for sale. CHOP, CORN MEAL, BRAN, AC., C. alwayi on hand and for sale wholesale or retail Of TNC" WIIWGLES WASTED. wll- I Willeichanzc Hour and Chop for 2(1- inck Shingles, or will pay part money, it desiied. 10 J tf BARNABAS ARMSTRONG. SAWS! SAWS I SAWS DISTAN'B CROSS CUT, MILL, DRAQ AND , CIRCULAR SAWS. Boynton's Lightning Cross-cut Saw ALSO, PATENT PERFORATED ILECTRtC IAWS, For sale by ' - It. F. BKILER A CO. oelli.r C. D. WATSON, ,; '. ',.. ; i DEALER IS . : : :" DRKJS & PATEM MEDICHES, CONFECTIONERIES, TOYS. AND YANKEE NOTIONS. - FISH IKAS A JIOASTKU I'Ur-riSri, IlKKT BBANPS TOBACCO A 8KOARS, SUUOOL BOOKH A STATIOKEK1 Masonic Building, Second Street, deo4-T2-ly FLEAIIFIEI.D, PA T)INK, WHITE A ROAN LtNINO 8KIN8- , jusi receivoa ... i"r uj April 10. M. II. F. BIHI.KK CO. Ii E "- We desira to call the attention of tho citizens of acarficltl county to the fact that wo ' . r , , , . liavo opened a ' " ' ii! 1" M TT S T f! STORE TN CL E A RFIELD, Where we intend to constantly keep on hand a full supply of ! PIANOS, OllGANS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, j Our stock ofTIANOS will consist of J , RAVEN & COMPANY'S riANOS, ' &TEINWAY & SONS' HANOS, ; . : HAINES BROTHERS'. PIANOS. ! '....,;' ; r Wo are prcpnrcd at all times to furnish any of tho cheaper makes of Tianos to order on tho most favorablo terms as to prices and terms or payment. ' Our stock of ORGANS will consist of tho new and popular . RYNDER ORGAN, f with Ryntlcr's Knco Ticmolo nnd downward y AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S .. MASON it NEW HAVEN MELODEON CO.'S JUR1LEE, TEMPLE and CHURCH ORGANS. Ircsides theso wo furnish to order Organs from any factory desired. Wo sell on every plan known to tho trado, cither CHEAP FOR CASH, ON NOTES, or on tho porutiB np east LEASE TLAN. On our easy terms every one can have a good instrument, ana no omor mvcsimeiii 01 imo amount will tend bo much to MAKE HOME HAPPY. H7Wc aliall bo glad to hove .u call and sco us, whether you dnsiro to purchaso or not. oct23-'72-ly , . JlYIDir jlUI NTOKI3, 1873. I ,1873. NEW SUIIIIER GOODS I ; at f.I'l Mi . WM. BARGAINS! BARGAINS) BARGAINSI I ,"i nit iii'tn At to, Br.wa Muslin..,.,)( .,. . . (,. At 10c, Brown Muslin, real good.'' ' ) At lSle, Brew Muslin, yiard wide, j ' " ' " AI lite, Splendid Bleached Muslin, yd widl. I , :) ;.l' At lie, Handsema Poplin Plaids. . " ,, , I . -. ' ' ' " ' ; ..I r M-- i fr'' i r.K .' At lie, Japanese Poplin. .... At 25c, Black and Colored Alpaca. At lOe, Jap At $1.00, E panose Silk, worth T&o.' ! '"' ; Elegant Silk Poplin. : V it $1-18, flood Black Silk. 4 .. .... .. At 11.10, Bplendld BiacK bub, wiae. it 2.00, Black lllk, worth tl-60. : -. 1 0c, Qeed White Piqua, er P, K. At $1.16, Oeod nonoy-eoab Quilts. i i.t, di.ee, s.ie, a.uaiu Uituiiiu (Juilts. ." .' SATCHELS, TRUNKS, OIL CLOTII, CENTS' ! UNDERWEAR NECK TIES, 8II1BT8, . 1 . . , SUSPENDERS, HANDKBRCU'FS OLOVES, COLLARS,' CUFFS, 1 ' and a full stock of Lsdlee' Misses' and Children's at prices to suit the times. : ; Ci.Lt, An til roa ToiniiLr, AT WM. REED'S, Market Street, Clearfield, May 14, 1rS.' Pa. O. I. c. TTTI1KRE t. bur mr DRT OOODS, ORO- T f cerles, Queeusware, Glassware, Drugs and Notions, Confectioneries, ae, eneap lor easts. fflie subscriber begs leave to inform hii old and new customers that be hai opened , A VARIETY STORE ! , in olen nors, PA And will sell roods et nrlcel tc nit the times. liberal reduction will be made to ousUmi buy ing at wholesale. ... ' f Call and eiamine my stack before purchulng ehewhere. A liberal ahare or public patronage is solicited. C. J. KKAGY Qlen Hope, Pa, June 14, 1871. D. J. CROWELL, Manufacturer of the D. It. Ball Bolting Machine and the RIDE-CUT S1UNULB MACHINE, te eat from 1ft to Id inches, and lioeoeed nnder Brent's patent. Jointers, Drag Saw Machines and Ueneral Mdl Work, Binnemeaouiug, Lamer- oa aountv. Pa. Repairing at Machines and general Custom Work done to eruer. eugi.y- i Ialvcry Ntnble. THE undersigned begs leave to Inform the pub lie that he is now fully prepared te accommo date all in tbe way of furnishing Horses, Buggies, Saddles and Harness, on the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. Residence on Locust street, between Third and Fourth. '.,, I GEO. W. OEARDART. rneeri.ld,Aprllll,ls7. , II. F. BIGLEK & CO. bars for sal. CARRIAGE & WAGON WOODS, J ' SHAFTS ANDTOLE8, , ' j HUBS, SPORES, FELLOES, Ao. i C.rrtara and We roa Makers should make note of this and call and examine them. They will be sold at fair prices. may: 71 QUNSMITIIINO. ' ; G. W.WOLFE, i PKACTICAL GUNSMITH. ' Shop on Third street, over Kiley'l blacksmith Shop, t ItHAKt 1 r.i.n, j-a. All kinds of Kites and Shot Onns on band. Repairing done In a Arsl-class manner and at fair prices. " mm M A R K E T . STR.EE T, A It F I E L D, V 13 N N 'A. THiUtorry. 1873. I ' 1873. 1 'ANCY GOODS. , . WHITE GOODS, AT MEW HATS and BONNETS, FtOWERU and BinnoNf), " ' HECKTIErl and FICHUH,' COLLARS and CUFFS, ' , CORaliTf and HtM)PttKIBT8, ; BCalXEIs and ether FIXIN'rJ, UNDERWEAR of aU kinds, HtrKIERY and CLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, W1HTE;TRIMMIJI08, EHDROIDERV, . I ! Y t - 'A '. ' i t ; O ; ) TOWELS, v NAPKINS. ' '. ' ' " STANDARD TRIMMINGS. FILL LHE OF PARASOLS ' w.i AND FANS. '"'' ' .!-- NEW WHITE GOODS. riQCA, STHIPKD MUSLINS, -PLAID MUSLINS. i i SATIN STRIPES, - MARAPOSA STRIPES, .. -' AC, AC, AC. ' - ' All will b. sold at tha lowest prices at WM. HEED'S Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. . . ' Mar lil 1873. " It BAD . TIIISI FLOUR & FEED DEPOT 1 Tfin ftttentlnn of thn olHwnt of ClrtrHoM and rldnfty fi directed to the tot that Uoodfellow A Hun are the tffftitt 'of M. Nieoe k Co., nnd bT jaet rreeired ft bmlf doien cr londi of Flour nd tved. w tit en inj nrr h tM www powiutv m urei. A Urge itock of FLOUE, CORK MEAL, CHOI, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, BRAN, Potatoes, Shelled Corn, Cora In ear, Ac., Ac. Particular attention Is called to M. Nice" A Co.'s brand ef family Flour, which is the beat in the market. , , Flour and reed ean ana win oe soiu eueaper than it oan be attained elsewhere in Clearheld county. ' -.. . . SNBr-Btore on ataran strees, neii woor se nvu. Alexander Irvin's residenee. I . QOOUFRLLOW A SON, JanlOtf Agents for M. Niece A Ce. SALE! i . v r - ! A large and well-lnlshed Drlrk Dwelling, slln ata oa the river hank, in the borough of Clear ield, containing eleven rooms, with good .elrar, Water In tbe kitcb.ro, and all the modera conve niences. Pantriee, Bath-room, Clothes-presses, Ae. Lot sixty feet front end two hundred, and thirty (ret back, with a twenty fool alley on the east ide. Said building, with all the eipurtenances, will be seld cheap, with payments to suit purcha ser. Applieatinn can be made to the under stood, or to A. C. Tate, Esq., who will give all necessary Information te those wh. doeire to in spect tbe properly. . 1 r r ... c u-reTTAnnu 1 11 VO. LUUUl .1,1 May Slit, 1873, tf. Bealo's Embrocation, j , , , (LATE POWELL'S,) , , for all diseases Ineideit to Horses, Cattle, aid i Human flesh, retiring tne uss et aa external annlieation. i This Embrocation waa extensively nsed by the Government during the war. j For sale by llartswlck A Irwli, ClcarUeld Josenk H. Irwin, Curwensvllle. Daniel Uood- ander. Luthersburg. tJ I Attention, Lumbermen! WE are now mnnnfiu-turlng emr 1MPBOVPD STKKL-HOt'KET DRlVINli CANT- i100K8. sunerior to env other In use. We have also In stiK-k a lartre ousntltv of Canthooka lulta- kle for rafting purposes, whleh we ere selling oheap for onsh. AM8 A B. KKNNAHU. Clearnrld, Pa., March 11. IS71. - Octavo Coupler,) OKGANS, Mra , HAMLIN'S ORGANS, nnd the OP THE GREAT? : REDUCTION ' OF PRICES I fiv A: PORTER BHJW, D.D.$3.- " " A - ..ri-;.-i)I -.11 iMBORTASl TiuTflj5l,.,'r rtt..:.. B,,M,..1u4 in Bnntn. . lighter tariff od . . material, bence the lea and siooVram charge foi partial ana lull sou ieetn. i as. uie mannfactar. ef Math and other material. All i , e peraiions registered and warranted to give ser vioe and satisfaction. i friends, retleot that my charges for the Inserv ' tloa of artileial and the -e.viea of the natural , teetharenowthemostreaaonableinl'ennsylvanla,. Preserve your teetn and you preserve your ueaiui. P.illln. .f the -natural U.Lh in a keallby, pre- I srrvativs and sefnl aundition is reads a Scialtj. . , . DIaeaaesaadmallormstlonscommontolBe mown, aw and aesoclste parti,' are treated and Corrected with fair euooess. - Kiaafiriatldna atid ooh.ulta tione rnaa. i. ' -; 'I t .t-l It would be well for patients from a distance to, ,r let me know by mail a fow days before coming to the ease,. ' . i w. (. n It Is very important that children between the, ' ' ages of sia and twelve years should have their .- teeth eiamlnea. '-.., ! ! ( Annsthetics are aaminiitcrea ana loe'u oved wlthoat pain. - - . i- " Jtlann.itinn. aad aharaoUr are judged by all . th. world by the expressions of the face, hence) . how very disastrous may it therefore be for per- . eena to indulge an einreesien of distorted feature, - even apart from a nygienie view. Now, to enjoy; , , natural tuot aruuciaij comion. u. im-Tt. respect and obey natural simplicities and instlnoU 8. PORTKB SUA W, D. D. 8. Ofic. la N.w Masvnie Building, Second street, . t Clearield, Pa. I , .'. ... mayl4 74,., .PEOTACAED.', ', ; , '"'D.,A.'ll. HtLUS ' rTdrild aaV to hi, patients and tbe pubi ' lie generally, that, hatdng dissolved partsiarsblsi with Dr. Shaw, he Is now doing the eoUre -work of his eCce himself, so that patients need net fear being put under the bands of any otner operator. Cleared., araren iv, lora-puwmon,. .J. M. STEW AST, D. D..S,, Office aver Irwin's Drug Store, i CURWENSVILLE, PA, All tatl onersiions. either In the mechanical ' or operatlr. branch, promptly attended te asul aatisfaction guaranlerd. Fpceial attention paid to the treatment of diseases of the natural teelh' gums and mouth. Irregularity of til. teeth suc cessfully corrected. Teeth extracted without paiq by the use of Jvltjer, and artificial leem maoriou. of the best material aad warranted to render sut IsfaHira. aprliwriily - iBACE IN EUROPE! , ' '. t , . . . . , ,i ' " GREAT EXCITEMENT "' . r " IN FRENCHYILLE I The he blocdy contest between France and Prussia I an end for the present, so far as the alaugh-. litti ter.DK flf mwn nl dcftrvetioti nropertj if eonoeropd. Tbe RotsI Juglen do doubt pride tbenifelvei and rejoice orer tbe remit, but how intiffni float.. I their work wbtm vtmfvmd with' too bumane and ebriftiaa eubruot : - L. M. COUDRIET. ' ! who hai undrrtakon to luppty all the cltiteDi !t the lower end of the eotmtf with food and raiment at irwJinjr, low rate from hii mmau)U) iture In, ' Mt'lUNLll Bii, whert he eao alwayi be ruuntt -readj to t upun eall ore and supply them with Dry Goods of all Kinds,- Such ai Cloth. Ratlnette, CasMmfrft, Bltunnfl, Pelainei. Linen, IHIMnfrfl, CaliooM, - - Trimniingi. Kibbeni Lace. -,. : . - Readj-made Cloth inn, Boots and Shoei. 11 nU and Capr, all of lb belt material and made to order- lioie. Sock i, UIotoi, Mitteni. Laoei, Kibbone.efcc. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. , Coffee, Tea, Rnfrar, Ittrt. Mntaiiei, Fi-h, Salt, Pork, Linieed Oil, Kub Oil. Carbon Uil., . Hardware, Queemware. Tinware. Caitingn, plow and Plow Caitlngi, Naile, Rpikc, Corn Cuttiva- ton. Micr aTmi'atoJsi, nu mn tiuui i . . PerlNitaory, Talnti, YarnUh, Olaei, and jUvivfil aaeortaoitt el Dtauonery, 7 t ,. : : OOOD FLOUR. : Of different brands, always on hand, and will be ' . sold at the lowest possible figures. .. ; LIQUORS, inch at Brandy, Wine,' Ola, Whisky,' Jayne l Medleinre, Hottrtler l anl - lloonand'i Bitten, .-. , -6000 pound! of Wool wanted for which tho highest price will be paid. Clnverseed en hand ! and for sale at the lowest market price. " . Also, Agent for Etrattonville aad CnrwensvOl. Threshing Machines. v -h ' 1t.CalI and see for ycBrsolrM. Ton will Sod everything nfuaily kept ia a retail stores.--.- . , L. M. CyUDlllKT. , : Frenchvllle P.O., Mareh 1,171.' 1- tfauratioaa!."' T UMBER CITY UNION MALE Ji AND FEMALE ACADF.MV. ,, , . , i The 6rst tern ef this school will cosarnenee on the First Monday ef Her, IH7I, coder th. super. Inte.deacv of th. ltcv. J. 0. liner, a gradual, of Jeft'ersnn Collego, who is now permanently located" In Lnniber City, and haa oensented re tesoh the school. ' Ue Is a av-atleman ef merit, nnd has had several years experience in toauhinf.- . n . . . Tuititin pajahle one-half in advance the nal enee at the middle of the term. -, Common English branchea.. ...... ....... ft tO Iligber ' , ; " - ... Ml Clssiee.... Id CD - Lenf(tb of term eigdteen weeks. No dednctlon for absence nnlese in case of protracted illness. Books nsed are Mitohell's Ueographv, Brooks's Intellectual and Written Arithmctice, Durtl's En-n iti.h Orammar, Paries' Elementary Algebra, Hellion's Latin and Greek. Readers, fleometry, Davice' Legeader Soiene. ol Thinew, Familiar Brewer. --., . , ' . .' Tho Lumber City Academy I, located In torn-' ber City, Clearfield connly, Pa., tnx miles weet of Carwentrille, the terminus of the Tyrone A Clear, eld Kailroad, and is remote from the dissipation, and demoralising influences which abmind in many -larger places. A prudent patronage is solicited.' Uourd can be had at M.SII per week, for further particulars address tho Pprlnclpal, er en. of the ilirectors. r , ; . .. cintcvcns. i 1. n. I.vtK Wn. M. Henry,' ' Martin Watta, . II. W. Iloyt, . . t K. C. Hamilton, II. L. Ferguson, Wm. I,. Moore, Alex. Ferguson, II. W. Spencer, "-' '' Dr. I). O. Orowohv Lumber City, April 0, 1813. , I,-. -,' . The Hell's RanWoolen Factory Pcnn township, Clearfield Co.,' Pa. '' BCltSliD OUT! ' tn or BURNED U PI The nihMr.bfri hr, At (treat xpfnle, trViiltt m, neighborhood ntccujitj, ia tbt crrotinn of flnt, eUM Wookitr Mnnnfrtory, with all the modern ImpiNiTimirMii uttaw hod, and art p wfuired to nwik ll kindi of CUithfi rifiimerei, 8t in (,(, Ulu kebi, V'lannclfl, Ao. Plrnty of Roy.li on hand to iupl1y all our old and a Ihiunund new onitomortf whora we auk to vme and examine or Aoek'. The boiinfin of ., CARDING AN1 FtaUNG .i will rtxielra onr expeolal attention. PrepfC arranjrrmeiiU will be nadr to irraire and deliver Wool, to init euitomrrt. All work warranted end, doofl npi) the ehAHmt entire, and hy ttriot etten- tioo to baiinrn we hope to reaj.ee liberal iharej ot public palropafxe. i , IO,(MNI rot NDS WOOL WASTED! .. We will paj the hi ft he ft market price for Wool end irtl our m.imifftMurrd good aa low an ilmllai iroodt ean be bought tn the oounty, and wheneTO we fall to render reMoeeble latiifaotiea we e&q elweyi be found at home read; ta mnk proper explanation, eithrr In pornnn or lefter- . JAML3 JOHNSON k 80X9, eprlltf ' Bower P. O. B OOT ANDSIIOB MAKING. JO?EPIl I?. flEERINil. on Market st reef, (a Shaw's Row, Clearssld, P.., has jest received a fine lt ef French Calf Skins and Kips, th. best In tbe saarket, and is now prep. red te man nfaetnre everything in his line, lie will war. rant his work to he ae represented. The elllscne of t'learteld and vldslty are respectfully Invited te give hint a eall. Work done at short notice. MfPy CAUTIONAH persons ar. hereby cannoned against purchasing er In any way medtlllns; with the following properly, now ir, nnf'csstea of Jacob Shearer, nf (trabsm town.blp. ae the same belong, to mr an I Is left with htm sonfect Io my order i One bv Bsre, 1 irs)r maie, 4 eews, I 7Su '""'aVaMHOTEB, BR.