mSSgffSSSSfSlfSKff-- - -- i - - -' I " ilu... mi. I J1rt nnif 1AAtftt THE REPUBLICAN. CLKAIIFIELD, rA. WKDNKSDAT MOUNINO AUQCST t. 1SJ3. Extraordinary Physical Strength. Tho etrongth and doxtority of tlio "hatnals" ot ConB'.nntinople in carry ing enormous burdons aro, my tho Levant Herald, proverbial, and ll Is surprising to too ono of tlieso poor Kustorn portor quiutly plodding bis way up and down soma hilly stroot with a porfoct mouutiiin of matorial piled upon bis lack. Tho loads thoy carry are most miscellaneous, but ovon old residents, biases on that point, wore nstoniuliod rocontly to soo a hamal nUggoring along tho Grando Iluo do I'ora with a large fonr-whcolcd caiTiago nil comploto oxcopl tho li orsos loslicd on to his porter's knot. It would bo interesting to know what aro tbo luibits and diet of this power ful hamal. Is ho nn enrly risor F Is boa toetotalorf. Docs ho smoke? and how did bo bring himself ioto such condition that bo can curry a carriage instead of rooniring a car riago to carry him!1 ilis muscular power must fur exceed not only that of Milo, but oven that of tho famous English nth Ioto, Thomas Toplmm, of Islington, who on tho 21st of April, 1739, advertised bimsolf to pcrlorm eeTorul loots of Btrongtn ill tho Nag's Head, Gatoshoad, on tho 23d of that month, namely : "Ho bonds an iron pokor, three inches in cireumforonce, over bis arm, and ono ot two inches and a quarter round bis neck; be breaks a ropo that will bear 2,000 weight, and with his fingers rolls up a powtor dish of coven pounds bard motal ; he lays tbo back part of his head on oeo chair and his hcols on another, and, suffering four men to slnnd on his body, he moves thorn up and down qt pleasure ; ho lifts n tublo Eix foot in longtli by his teeth, with a 100 weight hanging at ihofurthorend of it, and lastly, lo obligo the publio, be will lift a butt full of water." Top hnm, liowovor, did not, likolhohimnl of Constant'moplOjCarry a four-wheeled carriago on his back, nor did his ex traordinary strength conduco to the equanimity of his temper or to his Doaoo of mind, if wo mav iutleo bv Lis end, for In tbo obituary uoticcs of last contury it is staled that on Aug ust 10. 1749. "died, Thomas Topham, known by tho namo of the Strong Man, muster of a publio houso in Shorcditcb, London. In a fit of jeal ousy bo stabbed his wife, thon cut his own throat and Btabbod himsolf, after wnicn no uvea two days. Lapis Lazuli. This minoral, which is callod azure Btono by the vulgar, is ot a magnifi cent bluo color, sometimes spanglod with beautiful gold spots, from flukes of sulphurct ot iron throughout its mass. It occurs in shapeless blocks, or ronnded pebbles, or, at times, in prismatic forms, having four sides, ob- Iiqnolysot. It is of a compact grain, cpaquo ana nara ; win cut glues and strike bro trom too stool. It is found principally in Persia and in tho neigh borhood of Lako Baikal, in Siboria, and is highly prized tor jowolry and ornamontal work. Tho purest encci- tnons are resorved to cut for corns, and to make those raro Florontioo mosaics, so much admired. A quality less rich goes to tho docoration ot the bousos of the wealthy. Tho halls of tbo Orloff Palaco, at St. Polersburc, are papered throughout with Lapis Lazuli from tho Grand Bankbarrie. Tho coloring matter of this stono gives that beautiful bluo which is callod ul tramarino, not becanso it is beyond a eky-bluo, but that it was brought from boyond tbo sea, namely, the Lovant. It is procurod in a sort of soap-malting process, by tho usoof chemical agonts. .LipoBod to a strong nre, the minoral mass molts to a vollowish-black pasto. Simply calcined, it is deprived of its color by strong chemicals, and loaves apotot jelly. There exist somo mass ive tragments ot lazulits, but the mm oral is usually combined with foreign matters, so that a spocimcn quite pure and bulky attains a high prico. The Fronoh treasury has a magnificent lozulilo cup, shaped liko a sca-sboll, and worth two hundred thousand francs, or forty thousand dollars. Xbore is also a bowl, or hand-dish, val nod atsixtocn thousand dollars, which was cheap if it gnvo I'ronch rulors clean bands; and Micro, too, yon may bee a sabre, with a lazulite hilt, worth twelve thousand dollars, tbo gift of xippoo oam 10 ijouis a v I ; and inroo chajlots, of a thousand francs oach, on whose beads of lazuli tho royal nobs said their prayers lazily whon tho lied -Republicans wore not after luein, Worked to Death, Wo do not rofor to moihanics, agri culturists and duy-luborors, who do what is callod tho "hard work" of the world. It is not often that they work themselves to death. Physical labor Is not apt to kill. An ovorstrainod rousclo docs not impair tho vital de mon t. An arm or a log can oven be cut oft" without injuring tbo health of tue body that it is cut irom. It is not so with tho brain. When that is overtasked the whole body tuf- fers. When the brain is cnfoohlud by the strain of ovorwork, tho vitul prin ciple is stopped. .Nor can n tprained brant bo reset, as a sprained auklo or A sprained wrist cun. And so it is the bruin-workers that work ihomsolvcs to denlh profession al men and business men who make basto to becomo famous or rich, or both, or who from shoor nncontrollo blo energy task themselves boyond thoir mental endurance. It is esti mated that over a thousand such havo been trdcrod to Europe this season by their physicians, whither they po, much nguinst their will, in quest ot Hint health which they havo rashly squiiiKlcrod. They buvo cxponded thoir heullli to get money, and now they snond their money to col health liut health, like timo, whon onco lost never returns at least not in its original fullness und powor. A roan may bo ill, Imro a run of fovcr, or even tho sniull-pux, without losing his health, in tho sense in which that cm. inous phraso is used. From such a tomporury illness ho mav perfectly recover. But when the man strikes at tho very coro of lit'u by straining his brain, it is doubtlul if ho ever again tuslos tho Joy and gladness of vigorous, elastic health, liy rest ond recreation ho may rociipcrnto and fool frosh and vigorous ; but ns soon m ho goes to woik again be will bo apt lo find how superficial his seeming hoallh is. And If ho docs not rest, ho will inevitably bo laid away with th countless thousands who have workod inc into! ret to death. Srj mood, tfrtarifj, 5tf. Down. I Down II THE LAST AlUUVAL AND OF C0UUBH TUB CHEAPEST I A Proclamation against High Prices WB aro now opening np a lot of tho boil ml moit seasonable Hoods and Wares over offered In tills market, and t prion that remind ono of the good old days of fdieop things. Thoee who lack faith upon tills point, or doeia our alle gations superfluous, need but C.ihl AT Ol'H BTOHB, Corner Front and Market llreoti, Where tlmy oao ie, feel, hear and know for thetu elvM. To fully understand what areohoap goods, thii must bo done. We do not doom it neoosiary to enumerate and itemiie our ito k. It li enough for ue to Hate thai We have Everything that is Neodod and eomumod In thli market, and at prlooa that astonlnh both old and young. dooJO josnrti hii aw sun. JANIKL GOUDLAKDJill, LUTiiEitsDuno, rA., Doslor In DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, IIOS1EI5Y & GLOVES, HATS A CAPS and BOOTS A SHOES, Tobacco, Groceries and Fish, N:ill, Hardware, (jueoneware anil Uinsswnre, men l anu Doyi' Clothing, Drugs, l'ainta, Olle, S hool Books, a large lot of l'ul nt Modioinra, Candloi, Null A Pried Fruits, Chorie and Crack- on, hock ana nine rowuor, Flour, Grain and Potatoes, Clover and Timothy Seed, Sole Leather, Morocco!, Linings, Din.H ga and Thread, Shocinakors lools and L'hoe Findings. No greater varioty of goods in any itore In th county. All for inlo very low for cash or country produoo at the t'bonp Corner, pnl iu, i;m j. J. M. KRATZER. Dr-Jl It A ni.K ST V of Cailm-rr t, Ac, for Men and Uoyi,at J. JI. KUATZEH'S. Tllnl'.n-PI.V, Brunei., Ingrain and o'h' r Carnetl. alio, floor Oil Cloth., at reduced pnocs, at J. M. KUATZEH'S. BUST ASWIHTMRKT of Wall Papor ever offered in Ibis vicinity. lOe to tl rr plena, ue gilt paper, etc., at J. M. KHATZEH'.- rpHE MOST popular makes of Murlins.Phect J. iogi, Pillow Muiline, Ao., at a unall advance above ooit, by the pie. e, at J. it. KUAIZEU'S. NEW ;o(ins, NDW STYLES. LAME ASSOIU'NE.M, LOW PRICES, all to be found at J. H. KllATZUIt'S. T AnilX' IIRF.M l;(H)l, In the rrcatc.t I i varlrtv new anrlnff ihadoi Ofwoit and luo.t desirable itylei ai J. Jl. KUATZKll'S. 4 VAHIl'.TV of Pith Good:', inltable for mournins alio trape vclli, collar!, do, eouitantly on hand, at J. !. KUATZKll'S. RFC! Coil r'CElVINO a larre ripply of Ladies' and runted. A hundioine Oaitcr for f 2.00 at mohJJ J. M. KKATZER'S. Hl'MV (Iranito ware Tea Krti od Chamlier BrU. Knivc! and For):?, bilvcr-nlatetl Fork! aud Spoona, Table Linen, Napkim.vcry chi-ap, at mcu20 J. ai. ivu.l.i.n s. QIIAM1.S, brarfi, Nrcktlri, Collar!, Vcili, VJ Ha air Ooodi, Ulovcs, Ao. Kid Hlovei at 7oo, alio the .Toicplitoo bcalulcie Kid tllores at CHEAP GKOCEKIESI Ll'MDErt CITT, P.V, The nndcrilirned annoumci to hi! old friends and patron that he ha! opened a good line of utfucr.illl'.ri I'lluviMUiNB at too oia nana of Kirk A tfpencer, for which he eolleiri a liberal patronage. ll. . 0l'iM.nn. Lumber v.i'7, re., marrn 1873. 1873. GOOD NEWS! Ye Farmer! all, both gn at and imall, Come listen to our !ong We'll tell you how we do intond To h.lp yon all along. When haying come', with lummer heat, And grail growi itrong and tall, And houdl grow yellow on the wheat, And you want a Machine to tut them all- Thi n juit eall at our Market, In Clourfitld, and we will 'il you WOOD MOWES OR SUPERIOR, th Ik- t nnd chenpert Machined In tb market and which we pnarnntce to giro perfect lutiffno (ion in all Itindi nf pr;ii. Liht runnori, and tba moat duraula MucuiDea built. HAY RAKES! We alio tell three dldcr.nt kinda of HAY BAKES. The COM LEY, iclf dlecharging Knko, HAflKHSTOWN and LANCA.TKH HAKU which tvo lay are three of tbo bc3t Huh''! in the world without fear of lurocsslul contradiction.--llo lure and ace them before buying any other. THRESHERS! Wh'n you are ready for threshing we will 111 yon Kiln A lloliinan i une-bono lurtiticr, wlurn nccdi no rreominotidntion, for one hundred of them are in ue in tho county, and no farmer will eiehango them for any other machine In mark t Don't overlook our Hny Forln Sprout'i Phoar and the Harpoon, with-pullici Oraio Drllle, Fun ning Iill, Feed CuttiTi, Dog l'owcrl for churn ing, A.. New UL'tlUlb'S always on hand and at price! to luit the timrl. . All of the ahoro Marhlnei warranted to do all they are advertised to do, or no mlc. . M n Known a dbo. Clearfield, fa., June II, 187 S. HAYES, COULTER & CO., Fuocoiiori to A. Arnold, M AWLTACTl IlKlll tit Heaters, Ranges, Low Grales and MAKDEUZED SLATE MANTELS. Solo agents fr tho cehlirated CHILSON COOKING RANGE. 8end for Citalojuos. No. 1 .1(15 Clictlnut 8trrel, June JS din MIILADr.LI'llIA. A IIMIMHTItAToll'l NOUCIvNotli ll her.hy given the! leltrr.of adminillration on the eitale of KUIVA ItU K 1NO, docoiiiod, tale llarmide townihip, Clearfield county, Pi nn'a. havinn been duly crnnled to the undonlaned. all persona Indohted to laid estate will please Bake Immediate payment, and those baTing claiioa or demands will preaent tbem properly authentlealsd lor sottlem.nt wiibont delay. JIUnK M. II AH 1 hit, June 13, 187.1 Adminlitrator. iimri(i:N' roftsTAiii.i: i-kij 9 We hnve printed a larfa number of tho new U K JllLI., and will on tlia nrcip t of twcnlv tvs oula, mail a .t to sor addteas. uy SHAW HOUSE, (Oor. of Market A Front itraeti,) i:i,b.AIU' lr,Ll, i'A. Thli nagniuoont Hotel li entirely new, eom- plcto In ill He appointments, and onnvcmoni u iho Court House. A free Omnibus runs to and Irom the Dopot on the arrival and departure of each train. Alltel. K. O. CLKMKNTfL A pril 10, 18T. rroprieire.i. "ttrASniNGTON HOUSE, NKW WAH1IINOTOU, PA. Thli new and well furniihod uou has been taken by the uuderilgned. lie foeli oonlidont of being able to render satiifaotion to those wno may favor him with a eall. May 8, 1371. o. w. ha vim, rropr. THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of Second nnd Markot Streets, ' t l.l'.AItl II.I, PA. TIIH old and eotnmodlons Hotel has. during the past year, been enlarged to do'ibla Iti former eapaolty for the entertainment of itran gen and guests. The whilo building has been refurnlihod, and tha proprietor will ipara no pains to rondor his guosts ooiufortubla while staying with him. cuflr-Tho 'Manilon Houso" Omnibus runs to and from tha Dopot on the arrival and departure of oach trim. juiiniiuuwnr.ini, apro-7H tf rroprioior. JJUSTIIUII HOUeJU. uppoaitc tue toun uo, 10CK 1IAVKN, PE.NN'A. JU'Tt JIAUSKAIi A KROM, Trop's. JHOCKIHII01-C HOUSE, D. JOHNSTON A SONS, Proprietor octJ5'7t RAILKOAD HOUSE, Mnln Htroct, PHtLir.SUUUU, I'KNN'A. Tho undersigned ko.pi ounstantljr on haml th t of Llquuri. Hii It-blc li alwayi Ruppllcd with th l nt tho mark t afTonli. The tr jling publio will do well to give hln a call A1 L LEG II 2. Y HOTEL, (Market St., tct. Pfond an Third,) Tho D .btoriber having become proprietor of thii bntel, wouM reipa tfully ak a liberal eharo vf public natron nge. 1 ntinnntt TKrnirv s USQUE1IANNA HOUSE, UUHWKNSVlLbi:, Clcarflrld ro intv. l'enn'a. Thli oU and well estMlilhrd Htrl. boa-it i fully lituated oa tha honk of tho Hinqu hanoa, in the borough of Curwensrille, baa boci. leased fur a Una ol jrnrs bj tha undor. Inrd. It baa Nd entire It rvllitcl, and U now o,icn to tho publio gone mil j and tho traveling community tn par ticular. No palm will bo dpartd ti render g icstt comfortable white tarryinn at thii home. Ample Stabling room fur lao acoummouation 01 teams. Chargci moderate btpL z, ln7w-tr. nut iiuuum. 'iWtsrrllaufouiS. JRATZEIt & LYTLE, MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD. PA. Dealers in DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, Hardware and Quf.ensware, Boots, Shoos, Hals, Cnps,&c. -6hoemkors supplied with LEATHER and 8II0K FINDINGS at r.daoed rates. SALT! SALT 1 EALT1 at wholciale and retail Tory cheap. PAINTS, OIL?, CALCINED PLASTER, Ao. A liberal dlioount to builders. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, CARPETS, WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTUS-ln large q lantltics. FISH, FLOUR, BACON, CORN WEAL and CHOP, always en hand. --All of ths nbora goods r purehesed oxcluslrely for cash, and therefore eaa anj will be sold as cheap as Ihe cheapest. fenlI-71 Evcrybodj wanti to know wblcb ll tbo bcrt jUocuinc. The Llght-Runiilng Domesllc sn-wcrs this queitlon. Cull at the store of J. Shaw a) Son and soo the Machino. R. KEWTON SHAW, Agent. May ji, isrs-nm BRICK I BRICK I BRICK1 A HEW BRICK YARD. S. PLUMMER A CO., bsvlnf slarlcd a new and ttlon'ive Brli k Vnnl l Clrarli Id, amprrpnrrd to mnko rnnl'sots for llr.l cln Rrd Drlrk, in laro or mnll quanlillel, Oi-ilc at.d corrcMwn'ieni'e solicited. In.orma- Ihm csn bo obisinrd lr cnlllnf at Kyndcr's Mu no btoir, or by aO'irss-.-ma; W.S. 1'L.u.m.mmi LI.I., mjT tf Clear nld, Pi MARBLE AXD ST0XE YARD Mrs. S. S. LIDDKLL, Having engngct In the larlile builnen, desires to Inform hrr fricndi and the pnhlie that she has now and will keep eonetantlyoa hand a large and well lelK-U d itock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARULE, and Is prepared te furniih to order TOMBSTONES, BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, M0NVMENT8, Curbs and Posts for Cemetery Lots, Window Sills ami Capi, alio, ' BUREAU, TABLE AND WA8U STAND TOPS, Ae., Aa. V-Vr'l on Reed linnet, near the R, H. Dep. Ctrerfiel.1, Pa, Jr?,7I I. 8NYDE R, i PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER awn malm iff Wolclici, Clocks and Jewelry Oppoilla Cnnrt Uoue, Peond Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. All kiud. of repairing in tny line promptly at- n iu. itpril js, IJ7il, .ysssa.- Si H. F. 13IGLER & CO., M1I.IRI III II Alt 1 WARE, Also, Manufacturers of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLKABMKLD, pa. P ARMING IMPLEMENTS of all kinds fur sale by U. F. BIQLEIt & CO. RAILROAD NV1IEELB ARROWS for sale by II. F. BIOLER ft CO. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, Nails, oto., for lale'hy II. F. BIOLEK ft CO. JJARNESS TRIMMINGS 4 SHOE Findings, for sals hj II. F. BIGbER A CO. ri UNS,PlSTOLS, S WORAD ONES For sals by . U. F. BIOLER ft CO. gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND (Jlies, for sale by II. F. BIOLER ft CO. UON! IfiONl 1RON1 IRON! For sale bj II. F. BIOLER 4 CO. JJORSE SHOES & HOUSE SHOE HAILS, for sale hy H. F. BIOLER 4 CO ULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And best Manufacture, for sale by II. F. BIOLER ft CO. T UIIMBLE SKEINS AND TIPF. BOXES, for salt by II. F. BIOLER ft CO. RODDER CUTTERS for Halo by cn30-70 U. F. BIOLER ft CO. THE ir.OlTSIDES TIN AND STOVE STORE I G. S. FLEGAL, rhilipsturg, Ccntro County, Tx "lHS ttndnIfcDid retpeotfully annoonooi to , tba pubin ibat na baa on nana a earl full-iolecld and wall aaiortatl ituok of STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, HOLLOW WARE ! TIN, COITER AND SHEET-IRON WAltKI WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! Ills lUck nf Cooking Stores ccniliU of 1UE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Which bar ncror failed to brlnn peaeo and prosporlty Inlo famtlloa wnora It is used, Diamond State, Parmer, Herald. Charm, Spoars1 California uooa niore, npcars' Aoii tioat, Una-Burning Cooklns; Stores, Viotor, Rolianee and Vnion ItanKCi, Spoars' Conking Ranges, Ac, do. .1 VThs Tin and Sheet Iron wars siren with the Stores Is bada of tha bearlosl and best material, and warranted to glr perfect satis faction. ... His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves Is larger, b-tler and cheaper than erer before xhlbitod to the punitc nonmtlng of Spears' Rerolrlnif Light rUnmlnatlne: Store, bpoars Anu-uusi uas-nroinir rarinr moto, bpears' Orbicular Oas-Ilurnlng Parlor btore, gpsars' (l.i-Biirr.lnn Parlor ttore, Uoin t, Pearl, Ui m, Ida, Sun, Troplo, Norada. Ao., Ao. Vulcan, Elm and VI r tor Heaters, Spears' Re roiring iii,at iirators. He Is also prepared to furniih eoniploU a.sortiaant or Tin, Copper, Shoot-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, (Sec, WKobialo or retail, manufactured neatly and with th j solo rlew to serrloo, fr ui the but u.a terlal in tho luarkob PLOWS A PLOW POINTS, COPPER, DilASS, PORCELAIN, TIN-LINED, Sl'UN A COMMON IHON KETTLES, Of orcry diorlftli n conitantly on hand. ORDERS FOR BrOUTINO, ROOFING And other work Monrlnc te his business will bo promptly tiled by siporlenced and skillful workmen. rcuss, cori'ER, OLD METAL, RAGS ASD CASH Taken In exchange tr g'.cdi. rr-IIs eimclillr lnrltcs tha attention nf Ms.-ohants wishlnl to purchase tbey will Und rt ta their adrantai;! to exsiulas hii stock before purcnasing eiscwncrs. Look out for tht Plx Slrjn nppoilts the reil denco of Mrs. Vt. roitir. All noons WiAran as RxriisiiiTin. 11. tf. Phlllpibnrit, Jnno 8, 1ST". FI.lidAI.. auslAI Lime lor Sale! fflHR 'indtrnl-nf.., renllinf tnar Iho Jrpnl haa X niada eotnplclr arTinimenta wttli Lime iJ.meri eat of Ilia w (tun tain, whrt hy ha U ena bled ta kerf eonilADtly on baoJ a lurga quantity of PURE LIME! whit h ho offer to farmer tn.l htilltl n at a triflo r.btn o ooot. Thtme in nrl of tha article wouM Jo wi 11 lo i;lvo mc a Mil, or addrcii m hy letter, ba- loro m'fouaiiBg uiatr itma. tiKO. C. PA6SM0UK, Clonrfield, Ta( Juoa I, IBt.iJ, J. It. M'MUllRAY will errrLr Yon wrrn a?iy AnTTn.B OK MRKCIIANIIIKE AT THE VERY LOWKHT PRICE. C0A1E AhU LEU. (.i:a) NEW WASHINGTON 1 11 B LATEST MOVE! THE LATEST MOVE I HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S DRUG STORE, To to'lr new baUdlng on Reoond Strtwt, noarljr uppoiita tha ilura of Wearer A Uettv, CLEARFIELD, PA., Whr they will eontln'ifl to unppl; their oM and aa many new ounluinori as may com, with PURE DRUGS! CHEMICALS! PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, (Including all new remedies,) Patent Midielnea, Paints and Oili, (llasa and Potty, Bcbool Ilooki, Wndonery, Taper, Ac; also, a full li- f Drug gists' Sundries, Hair Tonics, Cosmetics, Pflrfuroorlei, Toilrt Artlples, Bruihcs, Toilet Soap., Pockot Books, Ao., all or tha best quality. PURE WINES AXD LIQUORS, for medical A tacraiucntal purposes only, Pure While Lead, Colors of all kinds. Raw and Boiled LinEocd Oil, varnishes, Turpon tine, Coul Oil, Psint A Varnish Bruihoi. FlaTi.ring Extracts, Confectioneries, Bird Seel, Spies, ground and unfround, of all kinds. SMOKERS AND CHEWERS Will f nd onr stock of Chewing and Smokinir Tubaoco. Importrd and Do mestic Ciars, bauir and to ba of the very best nrandi In tne markot. LAMTS AND CHIMNEYS, All kinds of GLASS WARE, QARDEN SEEDS, lll'BICAL INSTRUMENTS and Musical Trimmings of erery variety. Harlnir a Vrt eTnerienoe In the builne.f, and an oxtrnbire ad well selecteit stock or mooiclnes, we are a- abled to fill Physicians' prescriptions at tne shortest notion and on tho uuit rcoooaoie terms, day and night. HARTSWICK A IRWIN Clea'teld, Pa., Mar 31, l7l-tf. Hlscrtlanfouj. QLEARFIELD PLANING MILL C O M V ANY. fTIlR wndriltrnetl, oereirt to llEED X rOWKLL, h'lva THtr-b.iMl tho CI.KAH K1KLD 1'IiAMNU MILL, an-1 rcRttcd It for d-DL' tin extrnive imineis, .MI the machnety will ha adtlrd tkwtfhry to maUa It otic uf the mo;t ootnplcto citi-b tih) icmU ol tha kind in the 'lata. Thej aro -iow prepared to rrccio orlm "orcnT work tn thit llna. Thorwill c'VpFpecial attaittion to U mutchalf for ao a Duiiain. FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, . r H K TS, .W O I'M. II iJTG, Kr, Ot ALL STYLES, always on hand. WORKED I10ARPS, and nil articles ntenr.. rr fur huildin , will be ichnnvd for llt LIIMRER, so that persons M a dlltnnra n.ay brine beir luinb r, xcl...nk-e It for, and reiuru ho- in with tho manufact .red arlicics ThcC imp-.ny will nlwuys hart on hnndn lunw itock of dry lumhc-, ao ns to be able to fill an ordiron the ihorteit notice. Only the bet r.tid n.o.t skillC il h indl will U emplojod, so that the publle i.iay Kly npon good work. L' .ralior will be worked or sold as low as It can be purehaied anywhere, and w.irrrjiled to iive allifactira. As Ihe buiincrs will be done upon the ea.h principle wo eaa auord ta work for si .all pruuis. DilY LUMBER WANTED! EwHHt on and-n hilf and two In H panel mu, lur wuiou iii'oiai iriuu fiii wo I'auue Tha Itaabria will bo tvmdu. ted under the name of tho "Clearfield rianlng Mill Co." 0. R. Morroll will personally superintend the huulnsss. Orders respectfully soliclled. 0. R. MKRRF.LL. 11. H. TAYLOR. liAVID M (MI)flllKY. M. 0. URiiWN A IIRO. ClearDchl, Pa., Jan'iary A, 1873. The Lightning Tamer. THE inderiljrncd arc tho sole Ar-eli In Ihi e. ntr for the "North American llslrsnli. . LHIIlTNlNtt RODS." Thou ire tbe only isfo rods now In nie, and aro endorsed Ly all the sclrntiflo men In Iho country. Wo ksreby onciff tha ellisens uf the exunty Ibat W3 will at thorn op b-llcr rod, and for less monjy, thai Is charge 1 by the forels; stents wlio nnnnally trarersc the county an carry of our llttls cash, noror t return. ENCOURAGE HOME LABOR. Those wlshlog LtghtnlnK Rods erected oa IhJir buildings need Cut addriu us by I. Her, or rill In porion. Wo will put them up aiywharo In tbooounty, aad warrant thon. 1 ao nous ana t lstor.s can bo soea at any time by calling al ,ur store. II. F. A CO., Clearrlel.l, March ii), THE CLEAIIFIULD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! Uanufaeturcd especially fur TUB CLEARFIELD TRADE, roaiALl IT u. f. siuLiin id. aus370 5ru tSooflis, Crortrim, &tt. E.A.&W.D.IRVIN DEALERS IN GENERAL SQUARE TIMBER, LOGS & LUMBER tuitur.NiVii.i.r., pa., A RE onWtnir, nt their new Ptore Ilooie, 2. eompl.ta stock of NEW UOOIJM, of all d sorijitions. Dry Goods and Groceries, II A R J) WAR 13, iiuurs siwes, CLOTIIIKG, do, IS LAR'JE VARIETY. flour, Oalt, Corn, Always on hand and f"r sale at a small ad anoo. POPB, In larjre ejuantllles,suld low by coil) alir, PULLEV 1IL0CK8, SMALL HOPE and CASTII00K8. Ono hnndre 1 cases of ATWATEU'S ELM IRA T.OOTS, for sale by the ease at wholesale rates. Rcoolrcd by car load : HUNTINGDON FLOUR, and a dd at small advance. TURNES.', of all kinds, HORSE COLLARS and TAMES, HORSE ELAXKETS, iiHFFALO r0Ci:S, Ac Also, on sale flrnt-eh'i two-horo WAOONS, TWIN SLEDS, LOO SLEDS, nnd ELEinilS. Fneelnl Indi.ecmenh olTcrc t ! thoro nrlllcp out Hanaro Timber and f, as we deal largely in Lumberman's Bupplios, and are prepared at all tiroes to pnrehn.0 Timber, Logs and Lumber. Curwenirillc, Notemlicr 15, 1871. J. r. wiiVB.. ,.W. W. BUTT! WEAVEIt Jb KETTS CLEABFIELP, PA., Are offering, at the old stand nf 0. L. Reed A Co. their it"ck of ipodi, oonclstlng of DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES BOOTS A EII0K3, iiats A CAra, IIAP.DWAHE, QIEESSWAIIE, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &c, &c. At tho most rcifomllo rtci I.r CASH cr I exchan0 for Square Timbor, Boards, Shingles or coc::tky produce. jt-Adraneo" ma lo to thoao ennireil In get ting out siuare timber oa tho xnont advantaccus ens. pdllJanT So L, KIKK, KON & CO., No. 130 North Third F-t t. corner of Cherry, Itfirfi Ih More nd olT'T for rle nt tho lweFt tnr.rkct irh:c. rni on I he inoft rt'i;t.?'i'lc Inu . lr.rire end well ielrrtrd utoelt of tincirir, Tea, Fplmi. Fi-h, Cheffr, Ae., IccUd lr Now Yrtrk und 1) iltltinra market!, tn wbleh eitrr.tion of co'.ntry dclrrt It prttoulyl rcquvitcd. Dov lit-ly FAIRBANKS' kTAXDAUD A Ta 1? S , or All KIW U'FPft nrrows, Varcliourc Tru.l.r, Copying Trcssc;, Impror:d Money Drawer, Ac. run a alb bt II. F. DIGLEU & CO Dealer In llnrilward mch.1ii;70 tf Second Stroet, Clcarfobl, Pa. COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Iliick, kept oontaAtly'va hand. STOXK k EAHTHE WARE OF EVKItY DESCRIPTION I chocks; roTsi cuocksi Kl.hcr'1 Pntnit AlrtlKlit Mtdf - Healing Krtilt 4'atiol lll'TTKH CHOCK.4, with lid., C It RAM CKiiCKH. MII.K CHOCKS, APPI.K.HPTTKR CHtlCKM, I'll hl.U CHOCKrt, ' FLOWER TOTfl, PIE P!nKH, btrvt- pots, And a great many other thing, loo nnmerous lo mention, to be had at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WAUE roTTEUY, Comer ol Cberrr snd Third Streets, CLEAItl'IKLP, PA. aiifl B1GLER, YOUNG & CO., (Fuoceison to Boynton A Toung,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturers of POETABLE & STA3T0NABY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fo.:rth and Pino Ptrcets, CI EABI'ir.LI), PA. HAVING engage-! In tho msnnfMturo of trst class M ACIIINEltY, wo reipoclfully Inform tl.e nubile thrA wo aro now prepared tn Sll all orders ns cheaply and as promptly aa eaa bo dono a any of tbo cities. Wo manufacture and deal in Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills Hca.1 Tlloeka, Water Wheels, Fhafllng Pulleys, fJiHunre Injector, Steam Okugei, Htoam Whittles, Oilers, Tallow Cnps, Oil Cups, Oau;c Cocks, Air Cocks, Olobo Valres, Chwk Valves, wrought Iron Pip-s, B'.eam Pumps, Bull r Feed Pumj i, Anti Frlotio'i Motrei.Sonp 3tone Packing, (luui Pack ing, and all kinds of MILL WORE; tngethcr with Plows, Bled Sol'i, COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, and uther CASTINtIS of all kinds. J4r0rdcrs solicited and llltd at city prices. All Ktters of Inquiry with ref.'r-fieo tn m-v hlnery of our manufacture promptly anrwercd, by addreo. ns us at Clearleld, Pa. deeirro-tf EioLEn, Yousn a co. I RECONSTRUCTED. DANIEL STEWART & SON H.wlnr pnrchtied th Cheap Clothing IIw of luaaa neuenstcin. nnv mo mriresi nu dobi M'ortmrnt of MftOufaotureu UuO'U in the count, and can ctl their READY MADE CLOTIIIXO, for Mon, Bojs an l Chil Ircn, 90 Pnt CENT. CHEAPER Than any otbar boute In the unnty. They will alwayi keep vo hand a large and el egi nt aMOrtDicot of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, COLLAUS, TIES, TKUKKS, VALISES, Ac, ic OF THE LATEST TYLE3 AXD PATTEENA If you want to get good nnd Ittlhh Clothing, nt low figures, do not fail to oall at their eatab- itibment bciore ipenumg your money eiscwncrc, ucmemlior the place. auu7 JJ UAMHL MhW ABI 6UJ. II K LAIJGEST ASSOltTME.VT OF STOYKS ! STOVES ! eve brought to Ihe c mnty, are Wing received at the Hardware KilaMMimenl of II. V. lll.l.i:K CO., tbo following Cuok btoros cTEAK'S CAT.OTlIFin. SUSQUEHANNA, UEUULATOR. KOPLK EXCELTIOn. ikiuMrir. GOV. TEN X. READING N.VTIOXAL RANGE, AC. iC. Alro, the fallowing Tfcntlng Stoves t srAU'S ANTI CLINKER, srEAU'fl ANTI DUST. STEAK'S OKftlCULAR, STEAK'S TARLOR COOK, MORNING LIGHT, UOX TON, UIWEY, VULCAN, SUNBEAM, RUBY' murniN, CHESTER EGG, VOLCANO, rilOENIX, HEAVY IIAR ROOM AND STORE ROOM ISIOVES, 4.U. Clcnrueld, Sept. 2i, ls;X LDHnEllMEXI PEr.FECTlO:f VA CANTHOOKSI The Clcarfiuld EiorlFior Canthook will not woar not nr brook, being constructed with one solid band from elip to point It Is pronounced l.y nil pn tl.-al lumbermen nil hat'o examined It lu bo the uw.t perfect Conthunk ovor Invented. Amos Kenmrd, Patentee. Minur.iclurcd by Anns Kr.ixAnn A Co., a I Cl.EM'.ri I'.I.D, PA. r-AII nrlers r.n.plly altendrl to. nl.t'70 OSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER COHPAN V, 0SCE01.A STEAM .MILLS, Sl'rCTI'RI!S LUMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS AMD SillccJ tt Patent RUM Shingles. II. II. FIIU.l.INOFOItn, President, Omco-rForcst nee. No. IIS 8. 4th sU, PbiPa. JOHN LAWSlin, fjenoral Sup't., Osoeola Mills, Clearfield counly, Pa. A mo TOW H LOTS for lalo In tho borough of, Ihe LAltUKST ASSHllTJlKNT of (looili In Clearfield euuuty al their Matmnoth More In O. ccola. jttUj 73 rjMIE AUTOMATIC Knitting Mnehine! Thli Knitting Machine li one of the ..i ful Inreiilleni of the age. Dy untiring eHum and Ingenious eperluinti tin Inventor tiu aeblerod what Ibou.andi bare onineemf.ii. tried to atlain. That ii, a KNITT1KU ll CHINK, that will knitaick in leren ml.ill heel and toe, eeuiplnte. Nsrrowi and widens Knits all grane. ol yarn, nunin, Tiillei, llo,, Men's Knit Jackets, lloilery of all sira, and all mo.t an en lleis tarielr of Useful and al Uoodi. Jt will knit from a Watch Uuardtea Sltlgh Holn, and docs 11 with aoatn.ii aad iu. palh. Persons Ibat aro Incapaclutcd from hard work, eon enrn irom m TO 64 DOLLARS Por Day with tho Knitter. Thli Marhlne has taken the highest Preml.m. at tha Principal Exiioillloni, Nuio and Coaat. Fairs. II is simple and durable in eontemetioa, and will wear a lllb-tiuie. As it Is eoBitruetid with tbo finest mcphanlenl riaetneii, and for gennrul rungo of work. "IT HAS NO KgUAL," and li only limited in beamy and style by ta. Imaclnutlon and lng nuily of the operator. MIKT.IIL i'HICE, 10.00. For n f renco the tiufdlo enn sddren orflsll Qp. i the following rend nts of Clearfield eoont. Josiah TliumpHon, Jonnthsn llart.born, Johtr Norrii, I). D. Kilter, John F. BtulLl'nrwensrlii,. Lcwii J. llurd nnd John Orr, Ilurd P. O.i El.k Johniton, Abraham Spenuor, Klisba Fenlos Urampinn llilli P. 0. ) Jor. ph Kirk, Joba Ow. cm, Jainci Curry, Lumber City. Hamuel Jenkini, V', at C irwenirllle, Is lir General Aent lor Cb ariield and JcfTerion eoen Ilea. All ueoc.iury informatlou oun be obtaiaed. by oalling .pon him. April 16, lell-tf. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS & STATIONERY. Market Pt., C'lenrflrld, (nt the PnstOHice.V rpilE undonii'ned bogs 1-aro to announce ta I the cltliens of ClearGold and riclnitr.tbit ho hss fitted op a room and haa Just reiurasd from the city with a laro a.uount of readiig matter, coaiisting in part of Eibles and Miscellaneous Boob, Dlank, Account and Pais Books of ererr 1.. scrlptlon Paper and Enrclops, Fronch relied aod plain f Pens and Pencils Elank, Lirsl Ptpjrs, Deeds, Mortgages) Jungment, Excap. tlon and Promissory notos Wbito and Parek; mont Brief, Leal Cap, U.oord Cap, an-l Bill Cst , 8boot, Music for either Piano, Flute or Viulia constantly on hand. Any books or stationery desire 1 that I may not haro on hand, will be nr. ordered by firit oxpreii, and sold at wh biiU or retail 1 1 suit customers. I will also kees periodical lltoratnro, sack as Magazines, N.wi. papers, Ac r. A. UAULtJI, l l.aruni i nay 7, n"a-tl jEV BTOKE AND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW & SON Have just oicn( J a Btori, od Main St.,CLi.niLD, Fa,' lately oooupicd 1 Wm. F. IR V. J.'. Their stock conruts ol GkocEtiis of tho ltt quality, Queenswahe, Cools nnd Shoes, ...t .,i;,U n..cnr. fnr ouc'i comfort. Cill and examine our ftocl: Lcfore pr- chft'inrf rhswboro. May 0. lM-tr. DAVID YOUNG, Stonc-Cutlcr and Stone-Mason, T ILL eieewto all work hi his lino at Beds orato prices an 1 ia FlHoI-CLASS slyla Architectural Ornaments ' In ALL STYLES, Btono Dressing of orcry deseriptlon, and all binds of mar -n work eeo- tr acted for in or out of tho county. Any perati wiihing tn have rorpcetabls mason work aid stone-rutting done, will lind It to their laterrit to eall upon me I would alro laforsa the pas lie that I can delivi any quantity vr clau of stone desired, as I am tho own'r of a FIRST-CLASd STONE QUAT.KI. Orders tt work utn bo addrrrsod lo KAVID TOl Na, msriS.TO Cl arfiold Pa. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOUItAGE UOME INDUSTET. TUE inderilgned, barlw citabliibed a Nai lery on Ihe Tiki, about half way kotweia Clearfield and Cnrwenirllle, Is prepared to fur nish atlkindiofFKUlT TlEKS,(itandardaad dwarf,) Erorgreena, bhrubbery, Grapo Vines. Goo.eberries, Lawten Blackberry, etrawberry, and Haiberry Vines. Alio, Ctlborlai Orab Trees, Quinee, and early scarlet Ithobarb, Ao. Orders promptly attended to. Address, t. D. WRIGHT. sep?0.3-y Carwoanillo, Pa ft ?C T0 COflP-Klaj-! Agents wanted I C'J 10 VU All lews of working people, of either sex, yo'trg or old, mnko more money at work for .is in th lr q.arc momenta, or all the time, than at an) thing cl.. Partie dare freo. Addreis U. brissox A Co., Portlaml, Main. oolA'7Iyl Clearfield Counly Bank. rpilK Clearfi. Id dunty Eank as an Incerfcra X tod institution has s;onoont of eiistenre by tho lurren '.or of Iti charter, oa May 12, lf. All lis slock Is owned by the suK'C'iberi, who will continue tho lisrkh boitncs. at lbs tame place, as prlrato Esnkcrs, onJor tbe firm asms of the "Clearfield County Lank." We sro re rponilblefor tho debts ol the Eank, and will psy its notes on demand at tho counn'. Prnoiiu rocelred and Interest pi ill when luotu) Is left for a fixed Papor uiseonnied at s:s per cent, as heretofore. Our porsonal rejpontihiliij ii pledged fur all I)' potlts rsccired snd bnslnei troniiettd. A continosnoo of the III oral pat ronage of the business men of tho coun:y U re. ipe tfully soliclto 1. As Preii lent, Caibiersnd efficenof tbo lata Clearfield County Cnk, ws require the notos ol said Dank to bo prsinled for rcdemptlen. ' . J AS. T. LEONARD, RnnARD HHAV7, WM. rOKTKll. JAS. It. OUAUAM, Q. L. KKED, VIM. A. WALLACE The business or tho JanV will bo conducted by John M- Adams., Kin,., as Caihier. ll " County National Bank, OK CLE Alt FIELD, PA. ROOM In Masonic H1M!nr, one door north at C. It. Watson's Dru ISI010. P.-iMnge Tiekot? to and . r .m Lircrpoot, Qneesl. town, Ol.iF''ow, London, P..ris and Copenhsres. AIo, Drafts for sale on ihe i,oral Dank of Irelan.4 and luiperiul Dsnk of Loud i.. JA.1.US 'i. LhONAIlP, Pres't. W'. M. PIIAW, Ca-bitr. H:l U J. P. M'llirk. Edward lerks. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE OF mcgirk & perks. tSucwwuni tn TotU t, Perki, A Co lM.UI..iur, Centre County. Pt. WIIKKU all tho tanltim of nnkinK H il ne InuiMctoti promptly nd oo DREXEL & CO., No. SI Suttlli Third Hlrovt, Philadelphia tt.l.VKHIlS, And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by miil will re ire prompt stt"0- , lion, and all Information . hccrfully fiir"l'l"dt Orders sulleted. April II KI..MOVAI.. REIZENSTEIN St'.BERLINER, wliokule tlonlcrft in GKMS' HKMSHIMi UOODS, Hare removed to I.T Church street. bel""t Frnnkli 1 and White its.,' NewTork. IS-"" Miss E. A. P. Rynder, aoanr son . Chl.kerln'. Klolnway 's and Knienon's Pli I tlinlth's. Mason Hamlin's and Peloubel s Organs and Melodeoui, and 0 rarer A Baker's Hewing Machines, a 1.10 ri nan or Piano, duller, Organ, Hsrraony and Vocal sta sia. No pupil taken for less than hslf a term. aXr-ltooini oppoiit Uullrh'i Furniture c""' Cloathcld, ay 5, ht, If.