GEORGE B. GOODLANDER, kditur axd rnorniBTuR. CLEARFIELD, Pa. WEDNESDAY MORNING, At'OTBT , I8T.1. Democratio County Ticket. ASS H SI II I, Y, IIR. Ti a. UOVEII, VF CLSARriKLU. fill Kll IFF. , W, HONK Mcl'll RR SON, or VLBaRriBLU. TRKAHURKR, WILLIAM W. WOK R A LI., OF CLBanNBLP. OOMMISSIOKRR, : ClAHk BRIIWI, Or LAWRKMCK. DISTRICT ATTORXKY. 1IUNK FIBLUI NO, ' Vt CfcCANriBLO. - Aus.l'eavv, I. K WIS I'. BLOOM. OB LAVBBJIca. ' JCRY COMMISSIONER," JOIIX W. 8 II U A H T, or ci.ArnLD. CORONER, OBORUES THORN, Or CMMnnBLO. Dr. Hoytr't letter. . As wo bavo since lcarncd,8omo timo after the Presidential olection, lust lull, a number of Domocrals in Beo caria townsliip addrcaaod a nolo to Dr. Borer, rcquoating him to givo thein bis viowa upon the Bituntiuu of ufluirs. The lottcr on our first page is hit answer to Ihoir request. Some timo in April these parlios mailod us tho letter and requested us to publish it. Wo informed the parlies that it would not bo in ordor to publinb it un til after the primary oloclion,as the motives of all might be misconntruoil, The following letter is in answer to our note : r Qi.bx HorB, May 13, 1873. O. B. Ooodiaidib, F.0. lhar Sir t Your explanation and refusal to pub. Hib br. Boyer's lettor Bt thii time is perfectly satisfactory to us. We did not think of the effect It might bar on the coming primary eleotion and toe feelings of rival candidate. We only raw io it a sernion, baaed on Round liomooratio doctrine, and wa felt aa though our friendi all over tb county viiould have the opportunity of reading It. 'Xhat wal our only motive. We respectfully re quest you to publish the lotter seen after the ph. luary election is over. Truly Tour friends, SAMUEL II. II IN DM AN, ct al. Hath. Wo notice that tho cdilbrt of those independent journals tho Times and tho Reveille have dedicated their re spective editoriul columns To tho pro fessional political liasli-doalera wri ters who have less regard for truth And (air dealing than falsehood and elrategy, and possess tho manly art of BuyUigoveryiuiiig unuoruu atwuuieu riauio. Kvory primoiy election in this or any other county annually broods a boBt of theso self-samo patriotio malcontents, who resort to tho meth od indicated to correct all wrongs, whether real or imaginary. As such those scribblers never woro a success. However, this class always did and always will exist, and the newspaper editor who assists them will not con trol tho columns of bis journal long if ho continues to bait thorn. Thoso hash-dealers gcnorally possess varied talents. They will not conGno thorn selves to political bash only, but they will soon losrn to prcparo social, and business, and even religious hash dishes. Tboy discover wrong overy wboro and make huge efforts to euro nd rectify evorytbing. Our twelve years' weponence toadies us that they do ft thousand fold rooro harm than good. Besides, the columns of newspaper are not tho proper chan nels through which to retail either re ligious, political, social or business bash. Such is our judgmont on that point nighty Proper. Tho editors of tho Norrislowp Reg ister and the Defender, tho two Dem ocratic organs ol Montgomery coun ty, have kept op family fight for aoveral years, and thereby groatly dis organized tbo party. Tho Democrat io Executive Committee took tho mat tor in hand lastspring and unanimous ly adopted a resolution denouncing the courso of the papers and called upon tbcra to chango their policy and etop tbo quarrol. The editor of tho Defender has obeyed like a man, but 4he editor of tho Register persists like o dog. Last wock tho county com miltoo mot ol paxsod tho following : Mtmlnt, That IheStanding Committee eeniure Dr. R. L. Acker far not complying with tin re questor the Kiecotive Conjiulttre, mad. undor the autbeaiby i the Standing Committee. t If A Doctor docs not stop now it lecomcs tho duty of every good Dem ocrntin Montgomery county to plump ly tell him to "dry up." Gov. Harlranft mado a raid into Centre county, last week, via Lowis town and Potter's Mills, to lako a look at tho Agricultural Collogo. Tho Wathchman says tho Radical (Junkies at tho Mills wero wonderfully olatod over tho fnev that they had the privi lege of groaning tho Governor's buggy, llis Excellency ecomi to bavo a good deal of leisure timo, from tho way bo is tramping over tbo Stato. llis pre decessors wcro always kept busy at tho Capital. Well, they wero "old fogies," anyhow. They nover know bow to "kill time" or exhibit them selves to tho public. Itgivos us pleasure to notice that tho Democrats of old Norlhu liave unanimously instructed for lion. A. II Dill, of Union county, for Stato Senator. It looks now as though Mr. .Dill would be the unanimous ehoioo of rr7. D,,,mot'r"cy of the XVJIlh district. Z f" lt:uliea district, but with nr. Dill as our candidate wo cau tally VUl' I II DUt N.Ji.., ' Hon. H"m. . Wallace, Ihe tc t'lte President of Ihe Texas . Vacltle Itailroud. Such is tbo caption of an article which wo And in a late number of the Dallas (Texas) Dally Herald. Tho writer says : The lion. William A. Wallace, of Pennsylvania baring recently been chosen Vice President ef tbelexai PaciDe Railroad, our citlicni wiH no doubt lie tnlerocteil in a more particular introduo tion. The writer hni enjotod the peraonal M- quainlanm of .Mr. Wallaee fur nearly twenty years, and having been railed In an ndjoiuing euuntv. ti fully acounlntcd with bit history. Mr. Wallaoe ta now about furty-flve yean of age, baring been born and brought up In the geo graphical orntcr of Iho Keystone Stato, under llic vigorous influenoea of the para atmosphere and romantic mountain ecenory of that beautiful re gion. Ai bil name would ludictle, be ii of Scotch descent, and po.scstes many of the marked ebar autcriitiol of that people. llls'koina U in CIcarQeld county, the home alio of cstlovcruor William Biglcr, with whom be baialwayi been on the molt Ultimate trrini,both loolally and politically. lly bia own energies Mr. Wallace bad, many yean ago, while 3 ot in early manhood, carved bia way to the hoad of Ihe bar In bil native State, and bat long enjoyed a large and lucrative prac tice. For eii yeare be waa a member of the State benate, where be exerted a controlling tulluenoe, and being elected Sneaker of that 1'edr, presided over Iti deliberation! with unuanal ability and uuivereal satisfaction. By nature and education, Mr. Wallace U a Doniocrat of the oldon achoul, and has alwaya been aetlva and carnrat in contending fora itriot construction of the Federal Compilation and the sovereignty of Ihe Statra over their local and do meitie afluirf. During all the ountenti of the ac tive period through which be baa lived, be hae never iwerved nor wavered, and the raaaeetof the Democratic party in hi native State louk to him In confidence aa their able, faithful and Ineor- rnntihln tnnitwr. Vnr mtrnt-MV rf mm ha waa vualruian 01 iu oikwi iAvwuki.o Committee of the Demoeratie parly, and did all that oould be done in tue lace 01 power, monoy and corruption to redeem the old commonwealth from Radical miirule. Kotwlthitandinf that the dutire of bia bmr life have brought biin in contact, one way or aootber, with moet of tho great financial cbemoa of the country, bia integrity aa a eitiion, lawyer and legislator la noiinpeacbed. For activity, energy aud peracverance, he done entire Justice to hie Mcoirb blood, and the eonitruction of our im portant highway to tbo Facifio eoart beiag to a great extent placed under bil personal manage ment, la an additional guarantee, coupled with the name of Tom Scott, of its early completion. Wallace, like Scott, never foils. Tho writer may bavo been "raised in an adjoining county," but ho has evidently forgotten much or states the facts vory oonfusodly, and we desire to correct him on some points, so tbal our follow citizen's public lifo may be correctly understood in tho far off southwest, whoro highly important business connections bavo drawn biin for tho present. Instead of serving six years in tho Stato Senate, bo bas served twolvo, and bas ouo year more of bis fourth tonn to servo. He was twiooournont ineo for United States Senator. Die was four years Chairman of the Dem ocratio Stato Exocutive Committee twice elected against bis will, On one of tho occasions wo were a dele gate to tho State Convention, and fur tbo purposo of indicating tho zeal of tho mombers of tho Convention for him for this position, we must be al lowed to relnlo the following incident: Shortly beforo tho Convention assem bled it leaked out that Mr. Wallace bad placed bisdoclinalion in our hands and authorized us to withdraw his narao should it be brought beforo the body. Boon we wcro bosot by at least a soora of delegates, importunirg us not to carry out bis roqnest. lie was uuiuiumcu. Am nvaiusowwiiuuran bis name two or three of the delegates Congressman-liko caught us and chucked us down behind tbo desk, and beforo wo could regain our fuel Mr. Wallaee was ro elected and wo wcro very properly ruled "out of ordor" for instating on our motion. Ho w.ts also Chairman of the Ponn- sylvamn delegation to tho lute Balti more Convention, and ut two different periods he was urged to accept the Gubernatorial nomination, and bad he consented be would have received it without difficulty. Wo are thus particular from the fact that Mr. Wallace has eotored ao eulire new field, and bo, no doubt, liko everybody else, would rather be roportod correctly than otherwise, if reportod at all. Quite A Puff. Nearly all our Rad ical exchanges oontain the following : William J. Ovens, who was triod for tho murder of Colonol Uiddlo. a few years ago, and who claimed to have bocn selected by tho Republicans in the Fourth District of Pliiladelpha, as thoir candidate for tho Legislature, has been declared not entitled to tho nomination, and tho satno litis been awarded to Mr. Harry O'ifcil, his competitor at tho primurios. Tho de cision of tho City Exocutivo Commit teo will givo to all all honest and law abiding nion la tbo State unbounded satisfaction. W3 happen to know Ovens. He was olocted Sergeant at Arms at Har- righurg two years ago, after he had murdorod Col. Riddlo, and bo is just osgood now as bo was then. Bosidcs, bo is a standard Philadelphia Hadical, and his loyal brothorn had to pay him 815,000 to got him off the tickot. Ovons had two votos to O'ISoil's ono, but he had to come off for fear that some of the refined members ol tho tini'iv 1 g would nut volo tho ticket while the ex-Sergeant-at-Arins wasn it. Texas. A number U fumed liter ary ogrlcultunnlH are now interview ing tlioNlatoof Texas. Chief iisaonc them me Brick 1'utiirroy, fullor of thoAow oi4c n, Williams of the Independent, Willaid of tU Rural yew Yorker, Clift of tho Country Gen tlema, and T. M. of the Philadelphia Pne. Thoso literary furmors will no doubt mako an impression upon the soil and products of that famed "Lono Star" Stato, which is now boingpopu lutod faster than any oilier Kiiito in tho Union and in ten years will con lain inhabitants enough to found an Empire Nearly oil tho intornal im provements within tho Stato oro now controlled hy Scott, Wallaco, Fremont and Grow, three of whom are Pcnn sylvaiiians, und within fivo yonrs will have a complolo nolwork of railroads span tho Slato, north, south, cast and west. Portland, Oregon, was vlsilcd by a disastrous flro on the 3d Inst. Twelvo blocks of buiitiings woro destroyod in Ihe principal part or the city. Tho loi is osiimaioel at near two million dulluis. j'be inauiaiitu is li-ht. "The Court Uoutt Illitg." This association only exists in the imagination of hypochondriacs and brainless politicians. , To us tbo or ganization is a myth, and woio it not for tbo fuot that wo occasionally bear a sonsible man deolulm against it, we fliould not notice tho cant and boldor ditsh put forth by the chief Modou who presides at all Radical feasts In this county, and tho political growlor who must have bis growl and tbo po litical bushwhacker bis occupation. For to spend time in producing proofs for the purposo of oonvinclngall I such, would bo as unprofitable and ridicu lous as lo cast peurln beforo swino. Howovor, if some ono not thus con slitulionnlly nOlicted will furnish us with the names of tho members of "tho ring," and at tho samo timo point out to us what lio considers a griev ance, wo will spend some timo in look ing up facts and lay them beforo our readors. And If we find the "ring sters" to be worso men than thoir ao cusors, and guilty of conduct unbe coming sound Democrats, wo will holp to thrash them "naked through tho world." - ' ' Wo dospise "rings," wholhor inpol- Ul, r,nalnaa ftr tha eril ral. They are anli-pemocratio and pro duativo oi evil only. We would be almost willing to break our nock, and become a martyr, providod we could assist in broaking a few of them lo pieces, should it bo established that any such exist In or about the Court House. Here is a raro chanco for soma en terprising individual to gather FACTS and we will publish them for tho beno- fit of tbo publio. The Carlisle, Herald estimates that ft. W. Mackey will have 100 votes In tho Kopublicaa Stato Convention on tho first ballot. Exchange. Tho editor of tho Herald, Weakly knows, hot a use ho is a roombor of Mackey 's family. It is announced that Prosidont Grant will pay another visit to Wash ington by Thursday or Friday, if there is no bono race on cither of theso days at Long Branch. "The .Itme of fraud. The N. Y. Sun of Saturday prinfs sovcral columns lroni its Washington correspondentexpluining how the Con tra! Pacifio King lias succeed in out' doing tho Credit Mobilior, and in gob ling 8211,209,328.17. Tho correanon. detit is ol the opinion that a thorough and uncompromising investigation into tho affairs of tho Central Pacific I'ailroad of California would disclose still more startling facts would rosull in the cxposuro of a still grander sliome of corruption, and bring to grief a still greater number of publio men who sold their souls (or a share in tho profits of tho Credit Mobilier of tho Pacifio coast. Tho Sun thus com ments editorially : , . Ain fmv.r. AKATncn I Wo prist to-day an acoount derived from tho most authontio sources of the operations of tbo Central Pauifio Ifintr a uia rereiunun cannoi lull 10 asiouim the publio oven In these days of widespread-corruption and wrong doing. If tho chargos mado by the Supervis ors of Placer county can be sustained, it is evident that tho gonllomon of the Urcdtt iuouilicr woro novlcos when compared with Stanford, Huntington, and thoir colleagues of lbs Contract and rinanoe Company 1 his company, indeed, seems to bo not the twin brother, but the elder, and much tho bigger brother of tho lrodit Mobilior. 'I liat tho allegations sot forth by the plaintiffs in the 1'ls-cor county suit can be to a vory groat ex tent oMaDitshed by legal ovidonce tboro can be nitio doubt, it is but a low days sinco "Mr. Huntington and bis associates" woro nosoliuiinc to sell four-fifths ol the groat Central Pacifio railroad, while the enormous wealth tboy bavo so suddonly and mysteri ously acquired affords other evidonco to support the chargos made against them. We bavo long been satisfied that the Contract and Finance Company was a groator fraud than tho Credit Mobi lier; and we have repeatedly callod tho attention of the Concrrosaiotinl Commit too charged with tho investi gation of Central Pacifio railroad af fairs to tho peculiar character of the company, anil of its operations. Hith erto littlo notice has boon taken of Central Pacific affairs, as tho company bus its agent in vory confidential re lations with tho Whilo House, and has powerful friends in both branches of Congress. Now, wo are under lh impression that tho institution will rcceivo the attention it dosorvos. It is charged that vast sums of money liave boon used by Huntington and bis confederates to influence leg islation. This will bo no surpriso to those who ore familiar with tho secret springs which too often are brought Into play la ordo to Bccuro Umlrad ends in Congress. No Oukos Amos has yet apponrod with a memorandum book to sbow.wlicro shares were plnoed to do tho most good; but thon wilii out such aid it may not be Impossible to follow the trail of the corruption isls. Indocd, It is not likely there will bo any difllcultv in the matter. H lint aro wo 00m ing to f Is thoro 0 longer any regard for tho princi ples ol honciefy and virtue in th island' It would n I most eeom that such was tho situation when we soo men who aro leaders in religious organizations and in honest business enlerpises la boring to uphold an Administration which Is permeated through and through with corruption as raolt as IhattUaclosod on unveiling tho secrets or H10 Credit Mobilier and Contract and Financo Couipany I Blooih.d Stock-. Business In somo or our border territories seems to bo oonductod by tbo oducaled and refined only. A Colorado corrospondonl or the St. Louis Globe writos : "Our butcher is a griiduato of Yalo j ono of tho gen tlemen working in Ihe printing otflco is a graduato of Cambndg and a win ner of tho Bitdiop's modal for profi ciency In the classics j a ranchman ncur hore Is the son of a Gonoral In tho British armv. and a nmir r,.l-itit of Goorgo Stevenson, of railroad famo. rour oilier raiu-lunon ore the four sons or a formor Governor of Bengal, who is still vory wealthy. Two aro the sons of an eminent London hnnb-Ar A graduato of ono of the Universities manages a dairy, mid utltmls to most ! I of ibu milking pueonully." Ooh'I Fay Tiuum. As tho Greensburg llcraUl Insists thut tho good pouplo ol V ostmorlund county pay no tuxes to the gonerul government suva upon whisky and tobacco, wo aro forced to tho conclu sion that tho fashions have changed somowbut in thut sound Domoeratio county ; for wo would not for a single moment suspect tho Herald lo bo Igno rant or to bo desirous of imposing upon its renders. As stockings aro taxed 00 per cent., and hats 100 per cont., wo uro compelled out 01 a siu ccro fuilh in tho Herald's accuracy, to beliovo that all Westmoreland abstains from induluinE in thoso useful article formerly regarded down thoro, as wo well Know, as manors oi prime nocossily. Has bis wife and all hor sex abandoned delaino and poplin f We prosumo so,for ono pays ti per oont. und 1110 ouior 01. jinvo Dai moral skirts been abaddoned for they ar taxed 03 nor cont. Thon can it bo possible thai carpets aro tabooed at ol per cont. and have all tho boys dispensed with pocket knives, which pay 40 per cont.r vo they tako thoir tea and coffo without tho sugar which pay 15 por cont.f And how about soap which pays 40 percent' Aro boos and sbovuls all out of fashion all over the country, so that no man pays his 83 por cont. tax upon thoso useful articles, and have tho ladios found a substitute for spool cotton and t linn avoided tho 75 per cont. tax r Aro neraiu rugs no mora paying 45 por cont.? And baa no fut uro Washington bis littlo hatchet, which pays ii per cont r Hi 00 per cont. for rico driven it from thoir ta bles, or is it tho 40 per celiJ. upon the dish in wbicb it is served ap ; or may bo it is on account of the 80 per cont. upon tho L'lass, which holds thu cream ready to bo poured uprn it. Do you dofv the rhoumitiism been u so flannol pays over AO per cunt., as also do blanket f You cannot bore a hole or morliso a piooe of wood without you uso a gimlet or a chisel, oiihcr ot which is taxed 40 per oont.; and evon if de laine and poplin 'bavo gone out of lashion the women cannot resort to calico without being taxed 61 per cent. Why the very shirt upon the back of tho editor waa paying 50 por cent, while ho wrote his jolification cvoran exclusive tax upon whisky and to bacco. Theso taxes are the why you pay so much for all the articles in. ques tion. 1110 government usei your storekeepers as collectors not to pay the government but to reimburse them selves. Undo Sam has takoti good caro to socuro bis per cenlago before the goods have got into tho bands of the country dealers, and the readors of the Herald aro uot taxed to pay tho govornmenl percentage but also the storekeepers' porcontage of profit upon the tax. Don't pay taxes, don't you, why the peoplo al Washington city look upon tho whole kit of us as only usofui iu so far as wo pay .taxes, and dont inquire into the way in which tbo high and mighty onus tuko thoso taxes to double their own salaries. Pittsburgh Pott. IrM Beltceen a Vas and Shark. Baltimore, July 30. Yesterday morning, whilo a party of fishermen wcro hauling in a scino in Chester river, just opposito tho mouth of Grav slnn's crock, they noticed that there was a number of monstrous fih in tho seine, and they at onco autricd to wards the shore for the purpose of se curing them, On roaring the land they found that the tea weeds were in such profusion that it would bo im possible to land the net, and as tho water whero they wero was only about waist deep, two of ihe party, James Green and James McCann, both of this city, jumpod overboard and bo gan taking up the seine, while tho rest of the iy nulled it inlo a yawl. Nearly ono half ot H. aoino had boon taken in, when suddonly tho wur was lashed to a foam hy what soemod to bo a school of largo lish. The nion bocame oxcitod, and Groon waded out several yards for the purposo of hold ing the net down to the bottom. Just as bo took hold or it, his left leg was seizod by a shark, and bo tvasdraggod ander the water, whoro a tornblo struggle ensued by the maa and the shark. Green's companions wero so frightened that tbey stood still for some lime, and gazed with horror on the tornblo sccno. In a fow moments Greon camo lo tho surface and uttered aery for kelp. This roused bis frionds, and they went to his assistance, when tho shark retreated (arlhcr into the depths of tho seine. Green was lakon inlo Hie boat, when he becamo insen sible, and roinainod so for somo time The shark had caught the calf of his lufl leg and completely stripped the flush from tho bones from above the knee down to tho foot. He was bleed ing profusely from sovcral of tbo lar- gor artories that had been savored. Mr. McCann know enough about sor gcry to bind a handkerchief tight around the mangled limb, and pro rented his bleoding to death. The wounded man waa brought to this city yesterday afternoon. j Drtum'B Triumph. I Tho Pittsburgh Leader is ono of tho few Kadieal journals which entortains corroct views in relation totholreodom of tho press. In olludine to Mr. Datta'a) triumph,- lie editor Of t&at journal enysi I Our foolish brethren oi the city press aro pretty much all growling be cau so Dana, of tho Sun, bus succeeded indofualingthocfforts of tho Washing ton city official "ring" to drag him over to tho District tor trial for libel. Cannot these foolish brotliron see that in this mat tor, however wicliod and unscrupulous ho has boon In other mnltors, Dana bas fought a good fight, and gained a good vicitory, not only for himself, but tho wbolo American press? If tho principle wore onco established that any editor in the United Stales could be hauled to Wash ington to bo tried by a Washington jury beforo a Washington court lor words spoken against Washington or government otllcials thon goodbye to tko freedom of tho press. For the pooplo, and court -and juries or Wash ington all line off the powers that bo thoro, and are subservient lo thoir in terests. Tboy would cerluinly cou rier: any editor brought before them from a distance, for words disrespect ful to thoir superiors. Though Dana, in writing up tho rocklcssness and corruption of llio "improvement" rings or WuHhington wlvitls no Washington papur tliuo write up, baa probably told lliu simjilu truth, bo would surely be convicted oi libel should ho bo forced to go them for trial. We clorv in his victory, and in Judgo Blutchford's de cision which gave it to bint. Hon. William Elwoll. of Col n m Ins counly, is spoken of in connection with thu Denim rulic lioinii,nuuu jur ku- Ipauie Judo. CJiOI aVstt'S. Hon. A.' G, Curtin and lady will spend some days at Sura toga springs. Tho Modoo murdororshavo boon found guilty, and sentenced to bo hanged, and tbo proceedings bavo been sent to Washington lor approval. , Very littlo difference bolweon a pen knife und a Congressman. Ono has a stool back and tbo other "a back steal," Hint s all. James Fisk, father of tho Into "Piince of Krio, is making a tour ol Yt iscon sin cities, enlaced in the salo ot a patent carpet tack. . , ' A Lawrence, Mo., girl was going to suo a fulso-huarlod lover for broach of promlso, but she ngroed to compro mise tbo matter lor 801 and a new switch. i .. It Is now claimed tbat tho procoss or mnnulucturing Kussiu shout iron was Invonted about throo years sinoo by ono Geo. Atkins, ut Sharon, Morcer county, I'a. . ' Judgo Hopkins, of Georgia, has de clared the pardon granted by Gov. Conhiy, '.o Vostor Blodgolt, null and void, becauso it wob issued boloro con viction. The Now York Tribune makes the rather sweeping statement that "in this country tho man who advertises fora wifo is always a thief, and the woman who answers is usually bis congenial mate itonntor Morton addressed tho ctli tens of Leavenworth on the evening oi tho zi st. ao novor roierrod to tho Credit Mobilior or back pay questions wbicb most interest the people at this timo. There is a complaint that thero aro a great many sharpers at Iong iiranch and visitors aro put on their guard against them. Wo always know lhat where so many politicians congrognto there would naturally bo a groat num ber oi sharpers. 'John M'Bride, the socond victim of Nolson K. Wado, the Lycoming coun ty assassin, died ou Sunday. On Sat urday Wade was informed that Me Brido was still nlivo, when be re marked, "Woll, bo's a good liver." ' Suys the Springfield Republican : "Tho omissions continue. Looking over tho resolutions of the Minnesota Hopublican Convention, we find that it lulled to "indorso Uencral Oram, or pay a single compliment to his ad ministration. Maino, Iowa, Minne sota what docs it mean V There is an old saying that misfor tune novor comes singly.' The Bo- publicans in the West are realizing this tact. 1 heir party is disrupted by the furmors' "grsniros," and now comes the report from Chicago that the Ger mans are rofuaing to support the party on account of its bigotry. Tho N. Y. Sun tolls us that "there issomoneedlossdiscussion as to wheth er tho back pay grab was a Ilepuhll- can or Domoeratio mensuro. It was neither. It was Grant's mcusure, ori ginated and fostered by him and car ried through by his tool, Bonjamin F. Butler." It could never have boon passod by Democrats they didn't Lave enough votos in cither House. And now lhat harmless and much abusod Radical Senator from Oregon, John Mitchell Jliiiplo, petitions an Oregon Court to chango bis name. His roasons given are remarkably thin, awt In all rtwirtnhilitsr - nnvstr wonld have scon daylight, if his pranks had remained undiscovered, jlo is anxious to bold on as Senator, and evi dently supposes that a certificate from Oregon to the effect that bo is a Mitch ell will assist him. Th Vic "t'om-Ptanlrr." That Senator Simon Cameron, of Pennsylvania, is what is generally known as a man of sense, shrewd, worldly calculating sense, wo tako for granted is tho truth. Ho has been a great stircess, and unless his friend Goncrnl Bullor should be mado Gov ernor of Massachusetts, enjoys tho distinction of being tho one man who governs, without a rival, a Common wealth by corruption. This is our tribute to tho Cnnieroniun intelligence, but until we read it in the Adininis tration Timet very kindly disposed to the Pennsylvania Senator we did not know that he was a man of senti ment. -Wo are, wo confess, a littlo of Sir Potcr Teazlo's opinion as to tho unctuous, oily sentimentality. But Cameronian "sentiments' are not of that nature. There is no Joseph Hur- fnco about it. Ho docs his scntimcn- tulism in a rough, masctilino, rut her brutal way. It is tho butcher who nuts flowers on tho stcor's horns just beforo slaughter. Tho facts whence wo make this deduction nro theso. It seems that Cameron, while ho was Mr. Lincoln s War Minister (which. hy tho way, was not vory long), mado a vow that be would, ono day plant oorn in tne streets ot Uharicston. Gonoral Halleck we know recommend ed "salt," but Cameron, baing of an agricultural and frugal naturo, vowed "corn," and it sooms he bas kept his vow, for we read lhat be lately told the reporter of a Lancaster ltadicsl newspaper "1 did dot forget lhat resolution, and when our troops gained possession of that seditious oily 1 wont thero, planted the corn with my own bands in ono of the slreots, engaged a man to attond to it and cultivate it, and to this day 1 prosorve the Iruitof that crop in my Cabinet at homo." There has boon a good deal of bad historical painting connected with Iho rebellion Mr. Lincoln's emancipation, proclamation, and T. B. Bead's snort ing stood of Sboridun, and liothcrinol's bcttyshurg which General Moado laughed at, and by which Philadel phia proposes to pnniah visitors to the i'onlonniul but what limner, what l rumuuii ol to-day, could tind a nohlcr or moro touching incident than Cam eron planting corn iu Charleston ? iV. 1'. World. Visxhwa Nominations. Tho Re publican Stale Convention of Virvginia met at Lynchburg on tho ROth ull. Col. It. W. Hughes, having no opposi tion? was nominatod for Governor, and, notwithstanding he is Iho favor ite ot brant, will bo budly tioalon, for tho I'onsorvnlivo -Democratic strength in tho Old Dominion cannot bo overcomo, even by official patron age. Jluglies was a btUcrand promt. niont Itebel ; but, thon, lio bud the sagacity lo turn over to Bepnblican- kiii somewhat earlier than Mosby and Wise did honce that branch of worth ies will hare to tnlto back seats in tho lladieal synagogue, at least for the present. Tlio important quostion now to bo determined by Virginia Itadi- ruls is, will Mosby nnd Wise support Hughes -bolt .Radicalism wholosalo, or will they turn tail upon their new negro Allies, and try to sneak back Into their old Democratic quarters f Wo don't think the Domoeratio Con servatives want them, lor lltcir leave I.liklli" Vite a gtioj llJJalHO, 3JM di'MiSfrnfintsi. AN OHPINANCE Be it ordolnod by the bargoss and Tow Council of the lloraugb of Clearfield i That from and after the fiaaaago of this ordinance, it shall not be lawful or aiiy ncraon or persons to praeo any sticks, pa per, ooal ashes, cluder, tin cans, snanura or any kind of ofTals or debris, whatsoever, in any of the streets or public alloys In said borough, aad eve ry porson so oftendiug shall forfeit and pay Into the borough treasury, for the first offence, the sum of five dollars, aad for the second and each aud ercry subsequent oftenoe, the sum of ten dollars, and lo be personally liable for any and all dam ages done to persons or properly, the eonsequonoo of any such obstructions sojileocd In said streets and alleys as aforesaid. A. C. TATB, Burgess. . Aug. 6, l7.1-3t E. C. JOHNSON, See'y. A DMINIHTHATOK'H KWTICC Notion j Jo. Is hereby given lhat lattera of administration on the estate of FKTfcR M. SMITH, deceased, late of Ucll township, Clearfield county, Fenn'a., having been duly granted to the undersigned, all persona Indebted to said estate will please mako Immediate payment, and thoso baring claims or demands will present tbem properly authenticated ror eetuemeni wituout neiey. JOHN C. CONNOn, ug6-6t- Administrator. I7UKDO! J OIE3. Pertwoi wanting firtt-elnM Wigonn (uij Buffit.M ihoalti coil on J. bil AW Huri, CUnrfleltl. 1'., who hva ft .tug nuibr of Fro tjonlt Wnffoni nd Dufrgiet eutuuntl on hnnd. Tbej art I bo but at qu fact tired. ugft-t r iE 4 CU E RS EXAM IN AT IONS. X An fixaniniition fur tcaelitrt, for tbt Mhool year of 17, will bo bold for oh of tbo MToral tliitrieU In Clcarftclil eoooty ao follows t Ilradford and Bradford Inrtopondont, at WIK liaioicrore, MmUr, Anxutt ti lloppM and Wallaotton, at Wallaocton, Tuotday f A nro it 7ft. iJftoatiir ana oowoia, at txroota, WedoMdaj, Aoruit27. Woo.lward and 11outtdal, at Thorn u Hoodor on'l, TburiiJoy, Auont 28. flulieh, at JanttTill. rriday, Aujuit 29. Hcecaria, at (Hon Ilopo, Katardaj, Aufuit 30. Jordon. at Aoconrillo, Monday. Heptambor 1. Knox, at New Millport, Tuoiclay, BrptmberS. Ponn, KerjfiiMo and Lumber City, at Lamber City, Wednrfday, September 3. Pike, Bridgport Independent and Curweairtlle, at Corwentvillf, Thuridey, September 4. ; Lawrence, I.awrmce Independent and CI ear -leld, at Clearfield, Maturday, (September 6. l;nion, at Koektoo, Mondty, Heptouber 8. ' Brady and Bloom, t LntheribuTf, Tueiday, Scptrmber 0. Bell, at Dower, Thurtday, September It. Burmide, at Bum tide, Friday, Heptember II. Cboit and Xcw Washington, at ow Washing ton, Hetuntey, September 13. Kartbaas, at Bait Lick, Tuesday, September 16. Covington, ai Uulionburg, Wodncid-iy, Sep tember 17. Olrard, at CongrePi nut, Tbnriday, Sept 19. OoibeD, al BhawcTlllo, Friday, fieptomber 19. Iluaton,at Penafield, Saturday, September 30. MorriK, Kylertown, Tuesday, September 33. Orabaia, at Orabamton, Wedneeday, Sept 24. Kxaminationi to begin at 8 o'clock, a. m. Teeahen aro expected to bo examined only In the district where tby intend teaching. Aa ed ucational meeting will be bold after each exami nation ( when tbo subjects of school and district reports, district and county institutes, and meth ods fur luiproring our schools, will be discowed The presence of tho directors, at theso meetings, is indispensable, J. A. GREGORY, Aug. ft, lfi:3-3t. Co. Sup't. gTKVENSON k CO'.S EXCELSIOR BAKERY, MARKET STREET, CLBARFIKLD, PA. Karlng recently lit ted np a new Bakery, and procured the servioes of a first class Baker, we are prepared to inraisa FRESH BREAD, ROLLS, CAKES, AC, every day. Wo wilt deliver Bread, Hollr, Cakes of all kinds, frsfb every morning, at tbo doors of oar customers, if desired. Wo rcspeeirally ao licit a share of publio patronage, aad feel sure that we esa givo eotiro satisfaction. We alfo keen on hand a choice assortment of lAMUM, M1H, UKAiNUr-S, LhMUMf, TU BACCO, CIUAUS. Ao. Fresh FRl'ITS and VEGETABLES received daily and sold at reasonable pneos. Fresh (Y.STKK3, io leaton, by thooanorqnari. Giro as a call. Wo strive to please. Aug. , lSJe-tf. FTKYHbtiOtf A CO. 1)UCLIC SALE. By virtus of order of the Orphans' Court of Clear a an ClearSeld county, the undersigned, administrator of tbees tate ot John Orr, deo'd., late of Lawrence town ship, will aell at publio sale, aa the, at ie o eioca, a. m, ea TIILKSDAY, AUGUST J8TU, 187J, ths following real eelatet All that cerlain piece or lot of ground, sitnate in Lawrenoe townsbin. county aforesaid and State of Pennsylrania, oonnaea and desrribcri as follows, rti: Jegia ning at a pool en lank of Montgomery ereek thence vn raid stream north ST decreoa woet I 7-10 p.rcbcs, north 28 degrees east 11 perches, north 2.1s degrees west S perches, north 40 de grees west 4 perches, north SI degrees west 4 prrceee t. a poet on Una ef land of MrPberana uruinere Ibenoe by lands of Mcrborson Broth ers south H dogrrea west 81 perches to sport; menee oy lanas lormerty or It. Ii. uoodlellow south So) drgreee east IS l-ltt lierehes la a Dost, north 3) degrees eest 7 0-10 perches to a post on a road Ibcnee by road north lv degreee west II 3-10 perches to dead white vine t thenea hy land formerly of O. U. Uoodfellow north i de grees east H perehoa to poet aad ptaee of befia niog; eontaiuiag three acret and one hundred and one and seven-tenths perebes nnd allowance. nearly au eleerou ana nnder a good state of out tivation, and having thereon erected a one and a nan story piauk house and small stable. Iran. una talr eab and balanoe is six Month., lo Le secured by bond and mortgag. on me premises. JOHS W., August , 1873-3). AdminlMrator. Full diroetioni sent with each chart. Anrrsr- soa oaa use them. Henl post paid on receipt ef pricsjp, rii i (.APIRH HBKsa l iAItT, OUtS It Sltee, lio to 8 Aral Coat Pa aut. II slies. Vrsr Crart. outs 21 siies and flee styles, $1,00 varh. Puts Chart, ents 31 siirs. all stylos, Max's Hue Coat Csmt, caU II slses. $1 60 eavb, or, full set, flro fr..rt, r. A U K T S WAN TED, Union Chart Co., Ureenvillo, l'a. Mrs. J. K. lUuiiltnn, agrnt for ClcarneM. Cen tre and Clinton enantles. P. U. address. Lathers, borg, Clearfleld Co., Ha. augO 3in rJUE illTCUELL WAGUX,T pon, Freight and Plantation Use, VaJvorvatty luiowo as the 6HHUNAL RACINB WAON. Made by erperienood workmen out of at good material as money can buy. Wo do not elaiia to build tho lowest jirtord Wagons, but our aim is to build a well proportioned wngnn in all its parts, and oieel in durability and litfht draft, for the put qnarter of a eentury the Mttrlivll Wagon hag suooessfully maintaiued the reputntion ot beiag the best wagoa in use. The rapidly Increasing deaaand for then pro too their superiority oror&ll other waguns. Mitchell, Lewis A Co., Mftnufsetueers, Itaelue. Viaoonsin. fur sale by TJIOS. RJ!LY, Aug. 0, 1H7.1. Clearfield, l'a. CAUTION All persrns aj-e Uureby Qfiittitincd agslnx purchasing or In any way meddling with the following pmpnrty, now lo posarisinn of Jaeob 8hearert of t.rahsm township, as the same belong to mu asid is lift wilb him subject lo my order: One buy uinre I gray mars, 4 oows 1 Wag.n, aad ati tho tanning utensil. July 1.-31. ADAM 110VKR, fill. MKS UltCU ELL, Sfjuaro Timber & Timber IiUiidH, Jcl 1T3 CLKAKFIEI.D, TA. CI AIJTIDrV, All persona are hereby eetutioned J not t. meddle with the following property! Oue Took Flovr, one llenting Vtote, eitht Hogs one Cow, one yearling lloifi-r, twelve llede and Ileddlng, In tho Union Hotel, is (lien llnpe, and all the earKits and furniture in aaid Hotel and new in possesion of Mra. M. N. Melua, as the same belongs to mo ad ia aubjeet to my order at any time. , W.M. KllDLK. (lien llnpe, July 2nd, IS73 .It. pvlSHUIJIITIOeJThe co-partnership here. LlLl tofore evlsting hatwern William V. and. iv. vt Mini, wauor me nrre name or wrignt a llro In the mMrrMWdislng bnsincea, has this day been fllseuired by mutual eon'vnt. The business will l.e continue d by J. W. Wright. The books will he al the store fur settlement. tv.M. V. ffltlullT. J. W. WlU'lIlt. Juua 2. leu). 7 If i Spokes. Rluis & Plow Handles. IM0 srOkE W0BKS 8. W. Cor. LKOPAItD A OTTKI Streets, ' ' " PHILADELPHIA. 0Sonil for Price List. 1IUVATE SALE ! Tho subscriber Sarins made arrauo;euionta to rosnor. east ward, will offer at priiolo sale anj or all of tho following household furniture, rial (Joe C..IUB. bod-roiiui aut, one Uiuing-room sot, one parlurset, one Piano, onok store, Stanley Air-light wood store, No. II Morning (I lory parlor stove, togeth er wilb a lot of other furniture equally raluable. Those in nerd of furniture will please eall and examine it between this time and the middle of September. IlKV. tiKUKQB 11 ALL. Clcarllelil, Pa., Jul, JO-Jin. AIM I N IliTH ATOH '8 KOTICENolloe is herelir given that letters of administration ou the estate of WM. JI. UUII1SUN, late or Hoggs township, Clearlield oount, Pa., dooeaied, having born duly granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to aaid estate will please make Imaediate payment, and those having claims or armanos win prrarm mrtn prupert auiuwiiiiwiin lor settlement without dele or. JANE ROIlISOK. July. St. Administratrix. AUDITOR!! NOTICKr The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of L'li-araold county, Pa., to make distribution of the balance in the haads of Henry I. Mead and Mary B. Leonard, adminiatratoni of the estate of John Leonard, late of Lawrenoo towoship, in said oounty, dre'd, to and among the peraons legally entitled thereto, gives notice that he will attend to the duties ef hie eppointinent on Tuesday, the loth day of September, IS73, at J o'clock, P. M., at bis oisee in the borough of Clearfield, Pa, when and where all parsons intererted oan attend. July 30-31. CYKL'S UOKDUN, Auditor. DICKINSON SEMINARY, WILLIAM ft POUT, PA. Por both sexes. Established 2o rcara. Hune- rior advantage. In every department of culture. Bend for Catalogue. Arrange early for rooms. rati term begins August zxth. W. LKti ttPOTItSWOOD. D. D, JyM St : . President. 1876 CEXTEXXIAL! 1876 The New "CENTENNIAL" CLOTHING STORE! 8KEI SEE I Uen's Snita of Farmers' Cassimcra, only.... $6.00 at hKHB aV CO.'r). Men's Snita of Cheviot, only 0.00 at Kr.ItH et CO. '8. Hen I SaiU ef Scotch Cheviot, only... 1J.00 at KKItK A CO.'S. Men t Suite of Knglirh Melton, only........ 18.00 at KKRR A CO.'S. Men l Suits of Fine Plue Diagonal.. 20.00 at K P. Kit CO.'rl. Youth's Suite from $7.00 to.. 11.00 at KK1IR A CO.'S. Children's Fancy 8oiu, from fl.OO to. 10.00 at KElia A CO.'S. Gent's Furnishing Goods, , beet and largest stock in town, at KEim & CO.'S New Ce.NTMNUL Clothini House Corner Second aad Market Streets. tr-Goand see for youreelrci. The mott W.A- teaoWsb'tetaiey nouee ia VlnrJieU. H 13 T. M. ROBINSON & CO., NAi)iiai:its, -' Dealers ia ..' Uttrnoflfj, Kaddlrs aud Bridles, BLANKETS, BRUSHES, t'y Jfots, Collars, Whips, ko. A large stock of TUOTTINO GOODS of all deecrlnlioos. Also, a large stock of UAKNK.SS THIMMI.NUS. flRep.iricg promptly attended to. T : Shop on Market struct, Graham's Row, la akop formerly occupied hy James Alexander. Clearfield, Pa., .one ii, 1S73. . L OOK AND READ! SADDLE & IIARMSS MAkIG! JOHN C. HAEWICK, Market St., CLEARFIELD, Ta., Is the man to go to if yon want sol of new lUHNKr-rt or a new hAltDI.K. or anvthina else In that line. He turns out as good work as is done In any shop in Pennsylvania, and his prices are very rvarooanie. lenstantly on head a full line of TROTTING GOODS, " neb aa Trotting Saddlea, Quarter and Shin Boots, Trotting Rollers, Whips, Fine Brushes and Combs, ao., A hoc assortment of Acts, Horse Covers. knee Blankets, ItulUlo Robee, Ao., Ac, kept in eeaeon. in net anytmng mat norootnen stand in need of Is alwaya on baud. Ait of which will bo sold at wholesale or retail at the very fairest ralra. Repairing promptly attended to. All work guaranteed, ghup is room formerly occupied as i usi uijm. April , mil. rjH) THE F It O N T ! tiHl'.AT Ii.t ITI..MKNT AT TUB CLEARFIELD BAKERY ' " ' ' AND ' ; " ICE CREAM SALOON I Th. wntlerei.ued havina Just Sited an new. large and comfortable rooms on Market street. near Third, respectfully Informs the public that he now drepartd to accommodate, them with everything in hit linn on short notice and at all hoare of the day. He keeps ou band fcRfctill UttEcD, RUSKS, ROLLS, PIKS, CAKKB, all kinds. ICE CREAM, aid h gtneral assortment of CONFECTION Kill K8, FRUITS, KITS, Ac, Allofwhiek will bo delivered lo customers at their residences, when rrquesled 10 down. ICK CKKAM, by in a neatly fur- siehod room. Thankful for the generous patronage bestowed in Hie past, ha hopes to merll and receive oon linuauao ef the same from his vld ul onsri, and oibcre. ' ; JOHN STADLIR. June U.'73-tf. -t? K I 1 Olt'W Koi'K T.-NoiU Is lure- J A hy giien that letters teslajnantarV bavin. been granlrd lo tho euhncriber on Ihe relate of SOPHIA H. WATSON, deo'd, late ef flearfleld ooiougu, l learriold eounly, Pennnvlvania, all perrons indebted t eaiil estate era requested lo make immediate payment. - aad thuee having claims against Ihe e.imo will prveont them duly aulhcntkalrd for seltlement. IKORUE L. nitnn, rjcarfield, July I, 17:1 at. Kieculor. NKW LIMK KILN! RKAU CURWKSSVILLB. The undersigned would respectfully aolify all lert..n inlaresled that he hat just erected a pew l.ima Kiln, I Pike township, an I will knrp on hand a Irst elans quality of Gray Lime, which will lie luiniilml lo lanners, hull lvrs nod olhers al l. rents pe, buihtl, cs-h, al the kiln. 0. 0. IALPWL'1.1,. SACKKTT & SCIIRYVErT II A It D WAKI, and manufacturers of Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, Bcoood Street, . CLEARFIELD, PA, Harlng largely increased our stock of Jlird ware, we Invite the pablis to examine ear skjek and prices. - Carpenters nnd peraons who contemplate belie, ing will do welt to aumina our . T00I8 & BUILDIHQ HAEDWAfij, which is sew and of the beet will be sold low for cash. anufKlorf.uf NAILS, GLASS, FUTTY, clve', LOCKS. , ' LATCHES, . HINGES, SOBERS All kinds of Bench Planes, Raws, Jlammars, Hatchets, Plombs and Lerrlft; Alortisrd A Thumb Uuegas, llevelo, Bracee A llitts, Wood and Iron Hencfa Screws, and the bast ' ... .. Boring Machine is th. .... market. Double and Single Bitt AxeE, POCKET CUTLERY, At. Agenttfor Rurnelt't Iron Corn Sw.V warranted. ' Also, agrnts for Richards' C.OTHIC FLUE TOPM, which effectually cur. Smoky Flues. iihc impiraicnia ana uaraea 1O01S or tlt'l A... ' A large variety of COOK STOVES, which wa warrant to give aalisfaetlcn. Portable itange aud t'mrmata. t-fi. Roofing, Spouting and Job tterk dens on reasonable terms. All order! will receive prompt "reu"' uoe ED. AV. GRAHAM, DEALER IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SQUARE TIMBER & LIMBEC, CLEARFIELD, PA., Has Jast opened, at the KET8T0KB lIOEK.t eomplete atock of .VIM' GOODS, of .rery dcaoription. - DRY GOODS, - . GEOCEUIIIS, HARDWARE, BOOTS AND 8HOES. ' CLOTUIJIO,c('c.)4v., IN GREAT VAH1ETV. FLOUR, MEAT. 1 SALT, HIE, '' OATS, COlt.V, ALVA YS ON 11 AND AND FOR SALE AT A SMALL ADTAXCB, FLOUR" Received by th. ear load, and acid at a small advance, A nj-ply of ROPI constantly on bead. Special inducements .Bared to Ihote getting eat Square Timber and Logs, aa w. deal largely in Lumbermen's Supplies, and are pre pared at all lints to purehaat Um ber aad lumber. EH. W. GRAHAM, "KEYSTONE STORE," Second Street, ' CLEARFIELD, TA. . . . Oct, 13, J87I. T) AUG A INS IN MUSICAL I.V- Xi STRUMKNTH! Organs, both new end eeeond hand, at the Music Store, opposite tlulicb's r urnitur. More. All persons interested ars invi ted to eall and eiamlne a new atyle of Organ bo on exhibition. Sheet Music and Music Books constantly on hand. ap!24-7M TTOUSE A LOT FOR SALE! 1 1 Situate in TENXFIELD. A ". IniikH lluuse, liarn, Oftioe, and other neceesarv bett ings. Will be sold cheap at private sale. Per price, terms and other information, applv to Ia. JOHN M. hLlVK, July I, 1171. Pcnnfield, Pa. J. W. B A N T 2, ATTORNEY-AT-1. AW, Clearfield, Pa. V. Office up stairs ! Weetern Hotel huiMisi All Ivge! business entrusted te hie care prwaellv attended to. i . July I, li'l- I EON A L J Or-i C 1, fc RI) 1IOUSJ-, poeite Railroad Iewt. as r i hlii, a- .a. Plraeanlly located and a tret-clasa sVtol la all respect., llreakfast for passengers i.vteg SB aorning train; June II, 1H73. W.M. H. UMAOLKl,. Proprietor. D!t. II. 1J. VAN VALZA11. OOice n.xt door t. ilartswicjt A Jtwrim t'rug blore, up stairs. 4:7 CLEARFIELD, TA. " ItBranmi.-iis. Dr. R. V. lr. I . Hartawick, Faculty of Jefferson MeJieiU Coll't". WM. R. MORGAN, CI.KARFIin.D, PA. Agent forth. ATWOOD PLOWS. l'ftrairr Id nrrd of IMowp will do wr 11 io t my lrra tn lrcDrt townrhip, and fxtni" th hnpruvcil Atiruud riht d left liaudvd id hill J'lowi, which 1 an tclliof Trychf cu I). api.iV JSAAC JOHNSON . SONS, MacuOwturaa and I.altrt in Hoot nud lSIioo! Ladle.', KissM' and Children's UallrrS, Men's, Beys and Women', lli-avy Roots, anl llregans, Ac, Ao. Store and shop en Second street, nearly oppo site I'. F. iligler A t'o.'s hardware store, F.h. t.LlN7My CLKARFIK''?!..'-- fLKCTION NOTICK.- Vj Whissis, Thenetition of twelve itiaone. doctors of Ihe borough of flearneld, hsl hea presented to the Uargcea and Town Council, ' ing them le order aa election to oWUijie whelk" or not water wores shall be SrUj Cr ' ongh in compliance with an act of aeserahlv, ap proved the min day or February, A. l. tilled "Aa Aot authorising the borough of CI'' eld to erect water works," and a suppld!' thereU). appiwed Ihe l.lh day of M.y, A- f- l7, entitled "Aa Act auturiaing the baroag' tUearUrM le erect water works" tkerefore, 7e il erWoiW. That eaid elerlion be hold the bornugh of Cleardeld, on Fridey, Ihe day of Aogu.t. A. D. Il, !r Ihe eleclien eli'" ehesn to hold the general eleelioa ia said eer ergh, in compliance o all lha proi i.""V said act of aarembiy relU'eg to mid flr.ll;"-. lly onler ul llie town i oouisj Ahi.t. Vf''U K. f. ,l .n.-ov, Clexi. If'? ':