GEORGE B. GOODLANDER, tnitua aid meruinToa. CLEARFIELD, Pa. WKDKEBDAT atOHStSO. JDLT 81, ISM. ; . Democratio County Ticket. " ' ASSEMBLY, ' DR. T. . BOYER, or OMMariiLD. ' " sheriff, W. ROaN McPHBRwON, i Or CMiiriKLD. ' 11 TREASURER, WILLIAM W. W I) I A LL , . or niiiriKLD. C0MMI8KI0NER, CLARK BROWN, or iAwtc. DISTRICT ATTORNEY, - CRAIIK VIULUUG, r i or CLURriRlD. AUDITOR, IBWD t. II LOOM, OK LIWIEXI, JURY COMMISSIONER, JOHN W, IIIVUART, or CMAnriKLB. CORONER, CEORUK THORN, Or CI.RlRriKLD. LOOK. IIEREt By an act of a corrupt Congrcst our subscribers are all blackmailed 20 cents a year, in the shape of postage, to swell the purse of a Department irhich paid Chorpening $450,000 when his claim was less than 875,000. IVe expect the next Congress to undo much of the bad legislation of the last ; and to partially remedy the outrage or embargo placed upon intelligence, we propose to pat the 1 i-owaok on all eojties of the Jlepublican, . within the county, upon which the sub scriber DAS TA1D US SIX MONTHS OR more in advance, and ir do not want Post Masters to annoy our advance paying subscribers for postage, because we will pay the same before the quarter expires. The postage will also be paid for all persons becomina advance-vauina subscribers on or before the first day of uctoocr next. When our friond, Senator Bruco Potriken, was so anxious to Lave pasted liis "Fish Bill" through tlio Legisla ture, wo told liim that bo wssprctiAt ' lug soft place for a lot of political dead brats. Tbo following, front the Lancaster (Hep.) Express, cxpluins how Ilia Fish Commissioners, appoint ed by Governor JIartranft, are using the sum appropriated for their ex pensoc It says : ' Although tbo law does got allow too Fish Com missioners uny salary, our legislators Tory gen erously allow a fum to pa; thtir neceesary el- fieoses. When these littlo bill! oomo to bo aud ted, It will bo (bond tbat they cover tbo major portion of Um appropriation. Neither of tbooo Commissioners has auv knowledge of tbo propa gation of flib, and at leait ooo of them la eearee- tv .hie ta wrlta, ivn ivm4 wb.4 havo written anon tbo sahjeet.. Every wook wo boar of spatial oar passing oror tbo road to Marlotta witb fcneoe gentlemen, neoompaoied, of oro, by balf a deeea from Laneaster, who aro fond of otlnmpsra nnd trout, both of whioharofnppliod lar-ejf taw Commissioners, la a delightful re tiree! Is tbo neighborhood of Marietta. No oae .auinoes that tbo Railroad Company farattb thoir ipalaoo earo for nothing, and It la generally sup poeed tbat the champagne will be iooluded among ibe etcetera, la a raw days theoo gentlemen of leUan intend to rUit the liberie, at Columbia . dam for obaerratloo end pleasure. The editors of the Dnovillo Intelli gencer and Lancaster Express bad bet ter take care bow they assail Presi dent Grant's guardian angel Jim Duffy. This man, who can neither read nor write, has more influence with tho President than any fivo men in the Union. Ho eats and sleeps : with liim ho nurses "tbo Govern ment" when drunk, and travels witb it, wbeo it leaves Long Branch to bury its relations, and kcops the Govern ment's tiino'at horse races, and baits its book on fluting excursions; be wit nesses Um title papors in the purchase of gold minos and other real estato, and uncorks its rum boltlos. Such, in short, is tho occupation of "Jim Duffy, of Marietta. Tho Senator from Montour has drawn this fishy debate nut of as and is therefore responsible. Another Great Robber. Ono of Henry Ward Bocchor's church mombers, named Mills, who was tho President of a Brooklyn sav ings bank, has dofrauded tho widows and orphans of that city out of near ly halt A million of dollars. Whoa he discovered that bis accounts wore to be exatninod by the directors of tho dank, knowing full well that hiscrimo would bo exposed, wont and drownod himself. No man in that city stood higher in a business and social capao ' ity than this man Mills. ' Tbe bank has suspended and depositors will fooso $150,000 and tho widows and oiphnus $450,000. It's tbo samo old lory fusliiomiblo and fast living. Later investigations develop tho fact that the book keeper is a defaulter, too, to nearly $10,000, and that Mills had negotiated $1100,000 worth of Georgia SUto Bonds, fraudulently is sued by lVa Bullock carpet-bag gov ernment of that State, which aro to tally worthless, and for which Mills' account is credited at 75 conts on tho dollar. It is no wonder tbo old vil lain drowned himself. Destructive Fire Baltiinoro was visited by a destructive fire on the -5th. It originated in a planing mill on Clay street, between Liberty and Park streets. The loss will be noar million, dollars. Among the proper- ties destroyed was tho Presbyterian church, in which tho Gonoral Synod set loot May, tbe Catholic Cathedral, Germ.u Catholic church, tbo first - tneusn iouierftn church i on Lex- infftoo street the Baltimore Colleim. Maryland Club Hon is, the elegant residence of A. 8. Abel, editor of the Sun, together with over a hundred ether fcuHdinir. Tbe fire rased from tea 0'elock nlil four before it was brought under subjection. Several lire companies came over from Wash inton and a'sislcd lurgoly in beading vn i near The Void lit the V. B, Treasury. Tbe Philadelphia Ledger, the pro prietor of which Is on very intimate tortus with "the Government," and thorcforo cannot be charged with mis representing affairs, In alluding to the llarrisburg plan of banking, says t Charge are persistently node thai tbo t'nllod Statei Treasury doee not bold Ibe amount of gold tbat tho Treasury dally statsmeets put forth, a charge tr suoieient taportenoo to OMrit the atten tion of the Secretary of tho Treaiury. It If prop er to lay that tno dally rrporti from wainingtoa of aula and earrenoy balaneea are not official, eo that oaloolalloae founded on then may be at fault. Wltbla tea daya tbe oSlelal itateajent of Ibe pub lie dob! will bo rendered, nod If tho Secretary dooi not ehooie before that tine to make an offi cial exhibit be wiU then hara tho opportunity to do to, when tho natlor will be diecuiaed more In telligently, lint Jml at proeeut the belief U abroad that certain largo banker! are permitted to depoclt their obeoke, in tbe place of the gold realised from the traaaaotloai, aJ roprtMntetlrei of tbe Oworoejent, and the public ie permitted by tbe Washington ofSoe to aooept tbe atateawot that Ihirty-iix ar Iblrty-alno Billions reproeeat actual gold, lastred of being partly made np of the due bills of laoso saerehaale who are trading on the public credit of the nallna. This, If un true, should be denied and set right, nod If true, oiposed, that It may bo properly reproved. This is precisely the plan of Cam eron, Mac key & Co., at llarrisburg The Stalo Treasurer annually reports a balnnco of about one million three hundred thousand dollars in the Treas ury, when there is not tbe ono-thir-tcenth part there In money. But in stead, there Is to be found in a pigeon bole a note of Don Cameron's for 200,000; J. K. Kidgway & Co., a rot ton banking conoorn in Philadelphia, have note thore for $100,000; a cashier's chock of the Middlotown bank for $50,000 ; tbe chock of a Lob anon and a Lewisburg bank for a sim ilar amount each, while Mackey'sown chock drawn on bis Pittsburg bank for $100,000, is in tbe same bole, be sides thoso of banks at Huntingdon, Altoona, Williamsport, Korristown, and Sunbury, ranging In sums from $20,000 to $50,000 each. Thus tho balance in our Slate Troasury has been used by these banks for years for speculative purposes, without paying any interest to the Stalo, while the tax-payors of the commonwealth are compollcd to pay interest on this samo money, used by those bankers to en rich themselves. Why do not our State, authorities take this money and redeom State so curilios and stop the interest f We again ask : Why not save tbe tax-payers of the State at least $00,000 annu ally, by using tbo balanco in a legiti mate way, instead of allowing these banks to use it, out of which they coin from 15 to 20 per eent. f How much is this motbodof doing Imninees above, that of tho common highwayman f Is it not simplo robbery, too 1 If the treasury affairs of Clearfield county wore managed in a similar way, what universal indignation would come from every loyal throat within its borders. And jot, what is to prevent it? . If it it endorsed as a christian and loyal virtuo, to rob tbe people at Washing ton and Llarrisburg, what is to pre vent that virtuo from spreading all over the country I ; ' j A burst of boly horror and indigna tion has gone forth because a band of freebooters upsot a train of cars on the Pacifio railroad last wock and robbed tho express of no loss than $-1,000. Yet this it but a little over balf tho sum which each member oi Congress stole from the United States Treasury in March last. What kind of morals and system of economy is the country being cursed with any how f It would indeed be Strange, and wo arc astonished ut tho verdancy of the Led.jcr man, if the robbers' game, practiced at Uarrisburg, is not also played at Washington. r Is any body green enough to suppose that a chango of locality would produce a revolution in Simon Cameron's system of robbery, which he has practiced for forty years, or improvo his mor als f No. Instead of there being from thirty to forty millions of dol lars in the United Stales Troasury, at tho end of each month, thcro are not five millions. Two hundred banks snd branchos uso no other capital but this, which coats tho lax-payers two million four hundred thousand dollars annually in the way of interest Such is the loyal modo of banking. Com pel tho tax payors to furnish tho capi tal ail muko thorn pay the interest, and if any of thoso boobies want to get a discount or loan then charge them from twelve to twenty per cent, for the ACCOMMODATION, and toll the customer that no other man could havo bcon accommodated at this time but him, as the bank is hard up, etc. If the people are foolish onough to al low this system of publio robbory to continuo for Ave years longor these banking freebooters will become as daring as the Iowa gang, and not on ly compel the owners of property to furnish thoir capital, but they will compel fui'Miers and lot ownors to pay them a rent for tho property they havo earned by (ho sweat of (heir brow. There are more public robbers honsod at llurrinbtirg and Washington and tho capitals of our southern stales than are to. bo found on our western plains, including Indian agents, Mo docs and all. ' And rot tbo soft, oily- tonguod patriot exclaims "don't dis turb capital ; don't kill the gooso that lays the goldon egg !" Hell must in deed bo a large place it it succeeds in holding all tho publio robbers, hypo crilcs and murderers. Too Turn. Some Credit Ifobilior- ito lust wook need tho. editorial col umns of Use) Timet to publish tome lltuiioal twaddle. Tbe writor is about as near boing a Democrat as the dovil ie as angot. No Democrat will even nibble at his bait. Nobody bat a Rad ical or fool would pen such stuff What others condom, (fraud and de ception) be practiced ia every line of bit communication, and must there- lore .uo ireatea as a demsgoguo or Radical, wlrich is about the same thing. The Cumberland Valley Railroad bat passed Into the handsof tho Penn. nylvania luilrosd Company. Murdered M'or Money. An And Lady Clubbed to tlnnth Her lluekaud Almost klllooWNIn Thoueaud llollara la Uold tttoleu Arroei of ttaa Hrvtal Murderer, In ono of our telogrsphlo dispatches yesterday morning brief reforenoo wat mado to the murder of Isabella Mo Bride, an aged lady, sevoral miles from Williamsport, and tho terrible beating of her husband. Sinee then we have obtainod the following particulars of the horrible Dutohery ana tee oniocl which Impollod its perpetration t In farm houso noar Linden, about four miles and a half from Williamsport. cqul-distant from the Philadelphia and Erie railroad and a publio road, resided a couple ugud about tovenly five year. The building Is located about 800 yards from the railroad and can be plainly teon by nasaengors on the various trains wbiob pass that point. The houss is reached from the publio road by a lane, and no habita tion is within 800 or -100 yards of the place. The oouple wore known as quiet and unobtrusive peoplo and pos sessed no social qualities. They had low visitors aua aostaineu irom can ing on others unless absolutely neces sary. Xboy bad lived at the spot lor many years and woro tho owners of two large farms In the neighborhood. Beside it was generally believed that they had socretod in the bouse a large quantity of gold some placing the figure as high as $25,000. it was known Inst two wealthy bachelor brothers of tbe wife had died at the place and bequoatbed their pos sessions to the acred couple winch ad ded to their frugality and other circum stances caused them to be regarded as among the most affluent residents of the country. The knowledge that tbe honso contained but two occupants, and they old and feeble, and that thousands of dollars of gold woro sup posed to be in their possession, was communicated to a brakoman on the Philadelphia and Erie Uuili-onrl, named Nelson Wado years ego. and on Tues day evening he carried into execution the diabolical dosign which bo had doubtless nourished for a long period. Tho man and wife were just making preparations to cnl thoir supper, tho edibles having already been plueud on tho table; when a visitor suduonly made his appearance. Mrs. MUrUa had cono toward tho cellar on the outside with a crock of milk, and the door leading to the base ment being closed sho placed the earthen vossel on tho doorstop. As sho prooeodod to open the cellar door she was violently assaulted with a club by tho strangor, and although pleading for morcy the monstor oon tinuod his brolul and cowardly attacks on tho unprotected woman until she lay wollorinL In her blood and death ensued. This fiondish act accom plished Wade took the club with whicb no- had murdered Mrs. M'Brido and with the blood dripping from it rushed into the houso and applied tt to the head of the husband until be bad sup posed he had killed him. Ho was now master of tbe terrible situation and commenced a search for tho gold winch be thought was In tho bouse. lie succeeded in obtaining, tt is said, about $0,000, when be quit tbe scone of bit terrible work. THE SITUATION DISCOVERED. Although tho murder was oommit- tod on Tuesday evening, it was not known by any person but the assassin and robber until near noon on Wed nesday, when soma one bad occasion to go to the house and found Mrs. Mo Bride covered witb gore, her skull fractured, her features generally dis torted sod ber inanimate form lying wbere she bad been stricken down by tbe murderer. Tbe crock of milk which she bod placed on the door step seemed to have been untouched. : The startled aod horrified discoverer of the woman's fate thon entered the house, where he found Mr. M'Brido still breathing but porfoctly uncon scious, llis hood bore abundant evi dence of having boon violently beaton, and his faco, hands and clothing wore stained with blood, while the floor contained considerable quantities of coagulated gore. , r TUE TERRIBLE NEWS SPREADING. . Soon after tbo nonror neighbors were informed of tbe trscrcdy, and by sftornoon hundreds of people on foot and in carriages wero hurrying to the tcono. Tbe most intense excilemont prevailed, and those who witnessed tho bloody corps of Mrs. M'Bride and hor almost dead husband were filled with indignation against tbe murderer and threats of lynching wore freely made. Tbe eountry for miles was scoured by parties in ecach of the as sassin. THE TELL-TALE GOLD THE MURDERER CAUGHT IN A TtROTIIKL. On Wednesday night a man-apparently intoxicutod and with a swagger ing air entered a house of prostitution in Williamsport and was very extrav agant In the cxpondituroof his money, lie exhibited moro gold coin than is ordinarily possoBsed by individuals, nnd the mistress of tho houso, having boon informed of tbe murder near Linden and Of tho supposed robbery of gold, began to suspect the visitor as the guilty party and slipped to the outside and communicated her suspic ions to tho police authorities of Wil liamport. Thoy soon made thoir np poaranee at tbe bouse and took the man into custody. Ho was examined, and in bis pockets woro found about $0,000 in gold. Ho offered no resist ance to the officers, and nflor a brlof interval confessed that ho had com milled the mnrder and stolen tbo gold after Iho pcrpotration of tbe crnno, besides making revolutions as to bow he had proceeded uboul tho bloody businoss. Tho fiond is now in irons in the Lycoming county prison, from which he will not cmergo until he Is brought ot for trial. TIIE CONDITION OF MR. M'nPIDB. Yesterday morning the condition of Mr. M'Brido, who rccoived tho brutal troatmont at tho hands of Wade, toomed to bo somowhat Improvod.but he bad not yot boon restored to sensl bility. The severe injuries eonipli ealod his enfoeblod constitution are al most certain to lead to bit death. llarrisburg Patriot. fiinco tho foregoing hat beea put in typo we have rcceivod what purports to be a eonfosslon of the murder, vis "I am American born, and have relatives living near here ; l was born out On tbe Blooming Grove road, be yond tho Poor House : tbe afternoon I committed the murder, I walked up the tow path from the oily ; woct to Mo Bride's bouse, and CAloulatod tbat it was about tbo Ume they had done their milking ; last winter when I was at Glossor's near by, Mrs. (I looser told me of tbe trunk up stairs ; and while I was there last. Winter I made it my business to find out bow much money theso old folks had. On reaohing the house on X'aosilay aitoruoun, Twits mot in tbe vard by one of Ihf, doss. which barked at me. I soon made np with him and walked into tbo bouse, when Mc Bride wantod to know wht I wanted thcro j I told him I wanttd a drink of milk, when he told me to go to tbo collar where the old lady was ; she asked me if I had money to pay for the milk j from the cellar I relumed to ask the old man for somo broad bat found bo had bolted tbe door; when ho unbollod it I shoved my foot in and tho old man struck at mo ; I then knocked him down witb my fist ; the dog tbon made at mo and I knocked him aown. "I tbon struck the old man with the slick threo times, when be criod mur der; I tbon bit him another rap witb the club ; I thon went to the cellar and struck the old woman ; but, as I have told yon toveral times, I did not shoot hor, as I bad no pistol, but bought one at Trout's yosterday. "When I came out ot the collar af ter killing the old woman, the old man was up and the dog was lioking the blood off bis bands; I thon hit him again. 1 tbon procured an axo, went up stairs and broke open a chest and found the trunk I bad beard Mrs. Glosscr talk about; it was too hoavy, and I made two trips that night car rying away tbo money. ; "The club I usod was cut in tbo woods noar by witb a small jack knifo. If tbey will look in tho corn Hold they will find whoro the crass ie trampled down, that is whoro 1 looliod nvnr (he money. 1 cot botweon lixly and sev enty thousand dollars. 1 will not tell where It is. Wbeo l come to uie, l will toll somo poor man wbere it ie ; but no rich man shall have it. There are two bags buried in tbe city two above, and two bolow. "I have bad fifty names in my life time, but Nelson E. Wade is my right namo ; were 1 to do this over 1 would exchange all tho silver for paper monoy; thal s what boincrod me, it was so hoavy." Sheriff Piatt then remarked to him, "you must have ncrvo to do this deed," when ho replied t xes, sir, 1 am bard- OLod. When a child I dreaded tho word murdor, but after going through tho robollloo, and on the frontier with lUt Carson and others, I shrink nat at any orime. Thoy may take me out and bang me tomorrow ; 1 have only once to dio; I have killed several wo men belore tins one; in rccard to the money I got exohanged one bnndred and eighty dollars in twonty dollar cold pieces at one of tbo banks in tho city, and got fifteen por cent, for It. Ibey asked mo where 1 got it. 1 told them I was a cattle speculator from Canada. i M'nre Water. : , . Nothing is so productive of good health n plenty ot puro water. An exchange, referring to this imports nt question, says: Dr. J. C. l'elors, an honorary momber of tbe Now lork Board of Health, has just returnod home from tho Southern and Wottern cities, whitber bo bad been sent tore- port upon tho nature of tbe cbolrraio disease which bas boon prevailing in loose sections, iuo doctor s report is rcry reassuring, and proves that the has obtained its strongest bold in cities supplied by wolls, cis terns and springs, whore the water was liable to bo contaminated and aot at an agent of diseaao. Tbe fact ap pear patent that water is tbo most dangerous channel for carrying the poison of cholera, and that the susest sanitary precaution is an inexhausti ble supply ot running fountains tbat cannot by any possibility be affected by the food on which this dreaded pestilence feeds. Dirt aod fear pre dispose the body to any disease, but of themselves thoy do not and cannot produce cholera, xboy make men more iiuoie to prostration ana leeoie in the ficht for life, tot that is tbe ex- tont of the injury. Tbe poison tbat produces cholera does not lie under ncath the markets or even in the filthy slums of back alloysi but infects food and drink and is conveyed in clothing. lid tbo timid be reassured, tbereioro, and exercise common sense in dealing witb a toe whose death grip ot Nash ville and Memphis was so readily loosened by sanitary enlightenment. Th FhiladtlphUs Vrnlenutat. Wo are pleased to read tbo follow ing in tho New York Herald of the 24tb ult: Tho idoa upon which tbe Contonnial Exhibition at Philadelphia in 1870 is baited a grand centenary colebration of tho Declaration of In dependence is in itself sufficient to sot at rest any quibbling about the pronriotv of selecting that cilv for boldinc a world's fair. Every part of tbe country recognizes this, so it can not bo a mutter of municipal jealousy. Now York, which has no occasion to bejoalousof Philadelphia in anything, would bo leant likely to bs jealous ie a mutter whero moro patriotism is suf ficient to decido in fuvor of our sister city's pretensions. . So far, indeed, is the metropolis from being jealous of Philadelphia that the best assistanoe Now York can givo towards making tho exhibition a great success will be cheerfully givon. Wo shall work as hard for that end as if tho exhibition wero to bo hold in this oily, that the contonnial anniversary of Amor icon Independence may show such an ex position of tho dovolopmont and pro gress of tbo country as will be worthy ot tno Kupuullu ana lb people. Kouou on Congress.--A farmers' convontion in Kansas last week adopt ed the following preamble and resolu tion, in reference to the Congressional "back pay grab ;" "Wheroas, D. P. Lowe, our Congressman, supported tho bill; resolved, that wo domand that he rosign hit sont in Congress, and that his place be filled by an hon est roan instead of a thief." Mr. Lowe Is tho Congressman from Kansas and now is entitled to tho floor. Wehopo ho will occupy it. ' . 0" Railroad DikKcroRY. In every cor on the Connecticut Uivoe tUiirosd thero is a box overhead at one cad in whiub is conlaiood tbe name of the next station, which it it the duty of toe oraketuan w onange at iney leave the stations. , It also slates where thoy couneot with other roads. As tho change is made a bell strikes twice, whiub attracts tho altontion of pas soncers, so that the box always ex hibit tbe name of the next elation, and so on. Thus passengers always know tbe name of the slopping place, and also if it connects with any other railroad. A fashion writor ssys auddon freshnose and simplicity base orcpt in to tho fashions. Pajniuors hue l,non abolished and tho enormous tosrnures havo disappeared. Already dresses look old which are ntilTnrl nn li. hm,. bunches, and tho straight redingoie Kilf1 SU VVIUIW b cdt Ifartnf Otttretft, Captaroof a Railroad Trala by Robbera-. . Tbo Kuaraaa L'aaapaur'e Hart Hided One Parana Killed, Chic aoo, July 22. A special dis patch from Dot Moines fives the fol lowing account of an attack on a train ofl the Chicaco. ' Hock Island and Pacifio railroad last night I Tho trtin loft Council Bluffs at five o'olock Itb four coaches and two sleepers in tho roar, tho slocpors being filled with a company of aristocratic Chinese on their way to the New. England col lege. Thero wore also two baggage cars, in which wat tbo through Cali fornia mail and express matter con sisting of nearly $2,000 in tbe express saft and throe ton of bullion.- When about sixty-five miles west of Des Moinos, about half past elebt p. m. at a tborp curve in tbe rood and In an Iso lated spot, witu no bouse tor several milos in any direction, tbe train mov ing at about twenty-five tnllos an hour, the enuinoor, John Bafforty, suddenly taw one rail moved from its place about tixty feet aboad of tbe engine. lie instantly reversed the engine and applied the air brako. -. While in the act the bullets came pelting into the engine like bail. Tbe engine ran into tbo bank, turning ovor and throwing out the engineer and the fireman, the lorracr tailing dead, it ie supposed Uufl'ertT was killed bv tbo concussion. as no bullet wounds were found on bis body. The fireman escaped un hurt. The train being very hoavy rau about a bundrod feet and stopped. Iho baggage oars doubled and were badly smashed. A soon as the train stopped soveral large, stblotla men, maskod in full ku klux stylo, appeared at tbe express car, in which were Conductor William Smith, Superintendent itoyee, Express Messenger John Burgess, and three otbor persons, aod oomnionced firing rapidly into the car, yelling "Get out of thero, damn ye, gut out of thore." 1 wo bullots passed throocb tbe clolliot of tho conductor, one graced the skull of a baggage man and tho sido of the boact ol an express messonger. lhe inmates jumped out to the roar under Uie cover of half a dozen navy revol vers, i i ' ' Two of the robbers marched up and down tho train, threatening to shoot any person wbo showed his bead, eay- inil, "Got down out ot sikht, d n ye, or we will sboot you." The rob bers then took about $2,000 from tho express safe and cut open the mail sacks, but took no letters, niouutod their horses aod rodo off across the prairie in a southerly direction, the wholo being dono in loss than ton minutes. : . Thoy fortunately did not cat the telegraph wires, and Superintendent Itoyee at once bastenod to the nosrost station and telegraphed in all direc tions, .ngmoe and a posse or men were sent out from Council Bluffs on tbe Burlington and other roads to in tercept the robbers. Their drees and voices indicated tbat they were recti lar bushwhackore. They evidently intended to got the usual valuable ex press matter sont by this roots on Monday, but which went throuch on an extra train Sunday night. ibe robbers, during the day, stole a spike bar and hammer from a band car bouse at tbe station. Tbey drow two spikes Irom one ond ol a rail, socreted themselves several rods away, and as the engine approached pulled the rail out of place. Tbe promptness of the engineer in reversing the en gine, and the use of tho air brakes avoided the passencers Irom beine in jured. . Ibe track was at once laid around tbe wreoked cars, and the train re sumed its trip, arriving hero at half past seven this morning, bringing tbe dead body of the engineer, wbo resided here and who loaves a wife and three children. , .. . Sr. Louis, July 25. Tbo police of tbis city, from facts which have come to their knowledge, beliove tbat the robbort of tbe Iowa railroad train are tbe same cane that robbed the bank of St. Goneviove, Missouri, last May, and the liusselsville, Ky., bank two years ago, and tbe Gait Bank, this Stale, and committed several bold rob beries. Thoir rondosvous is said to be in Jackson county, Mo., and that their homo are scattered around in that and Clay and Lafayette aod Bay countiet. Some of their natnoi are Jesse snd Frank James, Bill Sbepard, Cole Young, and McCoy. Their fami lies are said to cultivate small isrms in the counties named, and their homos are surrounded by their own relatives and mends, wbo would not themoelvot commit a crime, but would shiold those dospcradoes to the last. ' " An Old Dodo Ittmvrn. The Reading Eagle says I Threo or four weeks ago two men traveled through a neighboring county pretending that they wanted to establish township libraries, which wero to be kept at the furmor'a house, and the books loaned out free of cost. Culling upon a woallhy t'armor thoy would aals if he would take chargo of the library. If be would, they asked him to write bis namo on a pioco of paper, which was to'be sont to tho County Auditors." ine men then cut tho sheet into slips, turnod them over and wrote a noto of linnd on the other s!do, leaving the larmor t name tocark It. They served half a dozon or moro farmers this way, writing notes of $50 or $00, to run thirty days, and signing any name they ploased, so long as tlio noto bad a rood endorsement. The notes wero altorwards discounted at tho bank and the thieves fled, loavinc tbo farmers severely stuck. . ' ' ' , " " "Dry Up." Pauley Jr., of tho Waynosburg Messenger vrsitod a danc ing platform near hi a town, and ex presses his surpriso at the muscle dis played by the fair ones on a warm day like the Fourth of July. Ho says ! "Dancing is certainly invigorating and strengthening, as wo saw ladies, a lto aro totally unable to wield a mop, twing a broom or Hit a skillet, take their placet on the platform, and ap parently wi'Jiout an effort whirl through the intricate "mazes of tho danoe," for a half dozen consecutive tots, wilh scarcely a breathing spell." If some of the Sally Anns and Mary Janes that ongnged in that boo-down give Jim a funning witb a broomstiok, be will have a still more exalted opin ion of their physical force, Clarion Democrat. Horseback iixvuasioN. -Home dsys sipoe TlwMita K. Sherman, ton oft eoral Bberrnan, O. lire d ley, eon or Judge Joseph Ursdley, and wm. u. Doonis, of Washington, D. C, started gut from that city on a horseback ex pedition through the country. Last Katarday evitning they made thoir ap. poaranue in Williamsport, attracting considsraiie attention as they passed dowo Fourth alrcot. - ViUiamsfort Sun. of JVtMdSlel IA. Tbo Williamsport Bulletin says : A correspondent says that on the 17th instant a party of young women west out from Queen's run to tbemountnift just book of tbo settlement, grttbering liuckloberrlot. , One of them, Jerasha Bryan, advanced a littlo farther Into the woods than tbo others, when she wo tttackod by a bug panther.. Her companions, Bearing ine uruie scream, sought safety in flight, but Miss Dry. an. findinir escsno impossible, dotor- minod to stand her ground, nnd sola- inn a buce pine knot, cave her enemy battle. The contest was a close one fof a few minutes, but human cour ace, judgment and coolness soon trl- umphed over brute strength, and the horoio woman soon naa me satisiao- lion of layintr tbe blood-thirsty mon tor dead at hor foot. Her gar mon U were torn in shreds and ber laoe and and arms badly scratched, but the walked home with a firm ttep and tbe light of triumph in hor eye, and wat ablo to give a cood aooount of herself. Tho dead panther was soon afterwards loana oy uie people oi yueon s run and provod, on measurement, to be six foettnd ten Inchet long. Mits Brvon is the lion for lioness) of the neighborhood, a she well dosorvet to be. We doubt whether on Instanoo can be found on reoord of moro cool horoio bravery and wiso discretion, dovoloped by any woman, ovon in the most historio and perilous day of 1 onnsvlvama. Practical. Tho Indiana State Liquor Law toemt destioed to create an alarming incroaso of tbat pitiable class oi husbands unieoiiogiv styled "henpeckod." A provision of the law makes the liquor-sollors responsible for the damages caused by the purchaser. In order to escape these penalties the saioon-koopers oi liluntown have noli fiod all married womon tbat if thoy do not wish liquor sold to tboir bus- bands, all thoy have to do is to leave at the bars a wrilton notice to that effect. The samo privilege is extend. ed to unmtti'riud women wbo have lovors whom they wish to be kept from tho intoxicating cup. , But this is not nil. The sellers have issued a permit for the uso of wives who are willing their husbands shall drink when and whore they ploase, the wives waiving all claim to damages theroirom. it is a prelty dark out look for imbibing husbands and lovers in Blufftown. . lbs bachelors and the women will have a cloar field to them selves if the law is enforced Another Match Sticx Factory. Tho Watsonlown Record refer as follows to a new enterprise in tbat place; it may not be generally known that extensire buildings aro boing orocisd in this place in which match sticks will be manufactured. The buildings are boing put up by tbe firm in the vicinity of thoir limber mills, the main one ot which will be 40 by 80 feet in sice, and will be known as tbe "Keystone Match Slick Manufac tory." It is calculated to make tbe match sticks from tbo offals of tho mills and ship ibem to manufacturers in Giticreni parts ol tbe United States. Ten machines will be bere in a fow days, and operations oommonood in about throe week.. About twenty bands will be employed, and tbe fac tory operated under the supervision ol Maj. J. 11. Humes, assisted by a practical man in tbo business. The progress of this, to our town an im portant enterprise, will bo duly re corded irom time to time. : gnu gidt'frtisfmfnt. rpo CONTRACTORS ! Tho Town X Council of tbo boron rb of ClearSeld will re ceive, antil August tin. U71. bids for tbo Build ing of a wbarf along Ibe rt'or bank from n point opposite tbe Intersection of Second nnd front streets so n point opporlto the north-west corner of tot of A. W. Leo, Ken. further Information gireaby WALTER BARRKTT, JACOB A. FAUST, . ' A. I. BHAW, JnlytO-tt. ' Street Committee. AUDITOR'S KJmCB.-The undersigned, aa Aadilor appointed by tho Orphans' Court of Clearflold coonty, Pa., to make distribution of tho balance la tbo beads of Hear? I. Mead and Mary K. Looaard, administrators of the estate of John Lsooard, late of .awraoe township, ia said county, dee d, to and among the parsons legally entitled I hereto, gieos aetloe tbat be will attend to the dotiee ef his appointment on Taeeday, tbe IDlh day of September, l7, at 1 o'clock, P. it., at bis oAea In Ike borooirh of Clrarteld, Pa, when and where all persons Interested ewn attend. July 30 It. CYSTS UORDON, Auditor. V ENDUEI At the ClearSeld Academy, oa KATLRDAV. AUGUriT , IB7.1, Rot. P. L. Ilorrieon will sell his household and kitchen furniture, consisting ef one, organ, n arnrohe, two Doty s asbers and two Universal Wringers, Cook Htore, Parlor ana Dining room stoves, males, Tables, Wash Stands, llruteeds, Mattresses, Ao. f ,. The sale will commence at 10 A. M. . Trans t Cash for all amounts of ten dollars or lose nnd a ores' il of three mentho on note with avproved seourity for all amounts oror ben dollars, Cloarflold, Ps., July .Kit. ., i Spokes, Rims & Plow Bandies. lI0 STOKE ATOilKS, 8. W. Cor. LEOPARD OTTER Streets, j '., ' n v' PHILADELPHIA, JMr-Send for Price List. 1 'I"' T:3 "CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned j against porrhesiag or ia any way meddling wttn tit lie following property, now ia possession of Jacob roearrr, or iirahata townsnip, ns tbe belongs to mo ana te ten witb bim subject to my or'Un One hey oierc, I gray mart, 4 Sows, i wagon, and all tlio ft i mini uLnsils. ' AI)AM MOYBR, BR. I)RIVATK SALE l-The subscriber hvlng uiftd MmigfoieaU t rrnova out ward, will cffr t nrlratt. pl an or all of th following houicholc fttrnituro, U: On Cottago t til room itt, on aiainf-wmia int, mm parlor t, at .fiaoo, tonk flora, titanic AtrLlj(fa. woa-i atova, No. M Morning Ulorf ptwkir atova, logei li ar with a lof of nthtr fumltnra aqiialt rain able. TboM In aoed of ftirnltara will lat oallaMnrt axaiaina it batwaan thin .tail aoJ liu nj.tMW.uf Bci.ttrabor. . BKV. UJiOiUUi UAM Clearfield, P., Jul ZQ.lm, In THE I MKT Oft? COMMON PI.KAft f CtarAf- eoonty. ;., j - ,o Uuilina. Watehal Co. tw. llfo. II March T-, 17). T. M. AUiandrr. ) Taa aWeralgnail, appaintad f tha Court to dlitributa tha wnnnj ariitng froia tha aala of tha Dafendaot'i pertonal pnijurtj among credit or legally antil td to ritai'lra tha iataa, will hfnt al latin a aad ma ha dt-trlbutton, at tha Bbarlf'a oAoe, Clrarflfld, oa Tuaada, tha 6b daj of An guit, at 10 o'olock a. m. jyl3t IS RAM, TBAT. Auditor. TOSJ5W lh J20WLKR, -laitic of fj lb a iwa ana Bor.rrtr ia tut vppar ana oi JUawrvnati ton-nub I p. Colleotioni ntado and aionaj yromtlj paid over. , Feb.My jAEES MITCHELL, :' " ' annua in Square Timber & Timber Lands, J.U'U ' CLEARFIELD, ?A. " ADMINISTRATOR NIITUwir-Notlee Is hereby giver, that letters 0 administration on Iho estes. of WM. H. HOKN, rate of Unglts tearaihlp, ClearSna) aoanu, i'a., deceased, Jurioi bean duly graatod to lite undersigned, all nersone Indebted to sold sataU will please make I mi payment, and noes hariag claims or aVmaovla nlU preeaal them proyerly nuthantloatod tar soUlaiaanl without delay. JAJ-I? R0BIS0N. fill;! CI " Administratrix. NOTICKU The subserlben of stock to the ClearSeld Oae Company will meet nt tbeof too of Weorer Bells, at I n'oloek, P. U., Jaly IS, to organise euid Compear B,r,, of . ( "I HETTS. Jaly IS, '7, It.' if' 1 TMCKINSON SEJflNAKtv I II W1LLIAMHPOM. PA. for both seiea. ' Kitebhebed II years. Bopa. rlor adraatagos ia ewarjr department or culture. Read for Catalogue. Arrange early for rooms. fall term tieglna August Mtn. - W. LKK HPOTTHW00D, D. D., JyU Ot ... . . Preeldent CAUTION. AllMrsomen hereby cautioned V against parebasleg ar In nny way meddling with one eorrel Horse and oae gray Mare, ao In possssslon of llarld Collar, of Morris town- skip, as tbe same aajoagsuena ana are suojeei toiy order. - T; U. PORCtY. Orahamton, July It, 1173, tt. I TRTRAYe Strayed away from tbe preml I J of the undersigned, residing near Horseshoe Ueud, Karthaua post olRoe, ClearSeld county, about the last uf May, n BLACK MARB, about 11 yean aid, swell lag oa righl binding. Any person famishing Information leading bo tbe re covery of the said mar will be liberally re warded. JKRKMIAU McCARTNIY. July IS, TJ, St. TVIHHOLUTIOW. Th.eo-nertn.rsbla here- J toforo eilsting between William V, and J. W. Wright, under ike. trm aeua of Wright t Bra.. In the merchandising business, baa this day beea dissolved by mutnnl ooniecil. Tbo business will be continued by J. W. Wright. The books WiU be at the store for settlement. - WM. V. WRIOIIT. . i. W. WUIU11T. Janet, 1873. 7-U , , PAY YOlK PC IIOO I, TAX Tbe lax payers of Lawrence township will take ac tio, that tbe School tax Itunllcate for the pres ent school year has been placed In my heads for eoiiecuon. on an taxes pais on or be lure Satur day, August ISth, a reduction of Sr per eent. will bo made, and on all tasee not paia by tbat time Ire per cent. wiU b added making n dif. ferenca ol tea per eent, to prompt tax-payers. Will meet the tax-payers In tho Arbitration Room, Clearfield, erory Saturday afternoon, nnd at my real dene daring the neek. . , , . W. S. READ, July It, St. . Collector.. 1876 CEMEmU.! 1876 The New "CESTENUIAL" j ' CLOTHING STORE I 8EEI . BEEt i Mea'i SuiU of Farmers' Cassimere, only.... fS.OO nt KERR A CO.'B. Men's Suits of Cberlot, ooIr f .00 nt KERK d" CO.'B. ,. Mea'i Baits of Seotrb Cheviot, only-...., 14.00 at KERB A CO.'B. Mea'i Sails of English Mellon, 11.00 at KERR A t'O.'s. Mea'i Suits of Fins Blue Diagonal..... 10.00 at K Ell It A CQ.'S. . . Tooth's Bulla from t'M toM .. 14.00 at KERR A CO.'B. Children's Pnaey Heirs, from H.OO ta.... 10.00 . . at IKKR A CO.'B. . Cent's Furnishing Goods, a best and largest sfoeh la town, at v V ORR CO.'S - , New Centennial Clothing House, ' Corner Second and Market Streets. - rflo and see for yourselves. Tie wool be t'eaoefo CUtlkimg Hoft ia CltarfiM. I JS-T1 T. M. ROBINSON & CO., Doalen la Harness, Saddles and Bridles, BLANKETS, CRUSHES, Fly Nots, Collars, Whips, ke. A large stock of TROTTING GOODS or all descriptions. AIM, a large stock f JIARKEbS TR1MM1XUS. J& Repairing promptly attended to. ' Shop oa Market street, Orakam'e Row, ia sho formerly occupied ky Jameo Alexander, ; ; : ClearSeld, Pa, Jane 14, U73, ;"' OOK AND READ ! SADDLE & 1IARXESS MAkIG! JOHN 0. HA! WICK, Market St., CLEARFIELD, Pa., Ii tha maa to go to if you want a wt of new HAKNK88 or a aaw SADDLE, or anttbing alat In thai lino, lit turn, out aa good work ai It done la anjr abop ia Paaaajlraaia, and tuiprioai are very reasonable. Cottitantly on hand a nil Una or TKOTTING GOODS, 1 inch aa Trot lie f Saddle. Quarter aad Shin Boot a. Trotting Roller, Whfpi, Fine ttrnahriand Combi, to. A One aaaortnent 9f la liorva lovere, Knea Blanket I, Buffalo Rohea, Ao.t Aa,, kept In aeaaoa In faet anylhlag that horeetjaea atand in aad of ia alwaya cm aaai. u All of which will be aold at wholeeale ar retail at tha varj fairret ratee ; - i ; Repairing prawptly attended to. AH work ftamnteeda Shea ia room foraarrlr o)tnipied at PoatOffloe. ., April 9, 1ST3. F R( OiNi TM ; ; i . A.fJ t-- -4 K II BAT EXCITEMENT .. , ' ' ', AT TUB I ""...".' . CLEARFIELD BAKERY ,00 ASP JkJlU . ;:I0E0HLAM fJALOON ( Tha underslgard having )sl Ailed np hew, large and oomfortahle rooms oa Market street, near Third, resneetrnllv Informs the public that he now dreparvd to aoeommodate tbem witb everything la hia Una oa bort aoflco and at all hours of tbe day., 11a keep, oa hand - ERESH BREAD, '" - " 1 ' ' ... rusks, nous, pies, , i ;', CAKjy, all lilnds. ICE CttKAM,' '.' and a general assortment of CONFECTIONERIES, FRUITS, NUTS, Ao, All of whlek wIR bodrllrered te ouitomrrtnt their residences, when requested to do so. ICR CREAM, by the dish, served Ine neatly fur- Bl'bcd room. Thankful for the (enaroua patronage bestowed In the past, he h.pee i merit aad rem ire a ooa tlnuene of the same from bis old suit, mere, and others, JOHN STADLER. 1 ' Juaoll.7,.if. IXRCITTUMfi xOTlCIWN.iie.ltbre . i by given that bulara Ustanmntar havina n.vt4, vnvu, iaie oi viearneiu borough, I'laarteid aounly, Pennsylvnnia, nil persons Udobtad te said eclat are requested to make Inuuadlat perment, and tkoao having alaims ininit the - - tii . ,1. . .. ., . . : "KOROa L. REED, ClearSeld, Jaly I, Wl-Sl. Executor. N EW LIME KILN I " 11 Will) nirwVDTPT w w Tha andfrittned oifid aaaMir.,ii. ...uf a. . ' w wsav vuwguejHip. anal Wtwi W,WWV Vaa band Srst-olaas aunlitn of lirav 1- .Luk 1 a fnrmera, and others P bushel, onab, at tAe kiln. 1 BACKETT it SCnsv5r , t " "i i ' a-etstsws ia i'j - , i . I'-;' ' gad nanufaoturcn of ' r .'. .'!' ' ' al Tln,topiter A Sbee. iron War, Becond Street, ' CaVEARriELD. tA. Hating Isrgelr Increased oar slock of tw wore, we Invite tha nubllS to elamios ear Jv aad prices'. . .... . ' . a , i Carpenters nnd porsoas who contemplate belli lag will d well to examine our TOOLS BVILSnrff HARfiWAlt, which Is new aad of tha beet aaufacUrs seat will be cold law for cash . - ,w NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, CUE, LOCKS,'' LATCIIES. HINGES, ' - SCREWS All klads of Beneb Plan., Saws, Chlnli, qasrssu Hammers, Hatrhets, Plumbs aod LeTlC Mortised A Tbnmb Uueges, Revels, Braces A Bills, Wood aad Iroa ', Bench Screwa, aad tha best Boring Maebine ia the market. - - ' Double and Single Sitt 'Aiet, ' POCKET CUTLIKT, Ac. ' Agents for BurneU' Iron Corn Shtller. ' . warranted. . .. ' Also, agents for Richards' GOTHIC PLUG TUPS, ' ' ' which effectually cure Smoky Fines. ' Farmers' Implement, and Oar dm Tools of srerf i ' ' ' deseripttoa. A large variety of ,,,,, , . f COOK STOVES, " wbieh e werraat bo giro aaliifacllos. Portable Ran ret and Furnaett, e,Rofing, Spouting nnd Job Work deeesa reasooutil. lerina. All orders will receive p rswpt attention. ..... Jn, n( J,!fc ED.AY.GltAHA3I, DEALER IK - ; GENEEiL MZECHAITOISE, SQlAfiE TIXBES & LIMEI, ' ', CLEARFIELD, PA., Has Jast opened, at tb. KEYSTONE RT0EI, . eomplot. atok of f ;.r,e irj goods, f every description. - DRY OOODS. GROCERIES. ,'m',..'. .eUABDWARE, BOOTS AND 8HOF3. ;: T ' .,. i , CLOTHINO.tftk., , IN GREAT VARIETY. vLoun, MEAT, r "3 Z SALT, . i ... RYE, v - OATS, - CORN, ALWA TS O.V 11 A ND AXD FOR SALE ATA SMALL ADTAXCS, FLOUR Reoelvad by the ear load, and sold at a anal , . adraaeo. A supply of ROPI aoastantly a band. L Special Indaaementx offered to Ihoao gettlag sat Square Timber aad Loga, na wa deal Isrftlr ' ia Lumbermee's Suftpllea, and are pre pared at all times t pure baas Um- ,. - . . ber nnd lumber- , . , - , ..... , . ' ED. W, OlAI AM, "KEYSTONE STORE," . Reeomd Street, V.;. CLEARFIELD, PA. t . : i - vweta,un.! -..... BARGAINS"-IN KUSICAL IN STRUM KNTS ! Organs, both new sad second band, nt the Music Store, oppoeireUeliek's Furniture Store. All persons interested are invi ted to call and examine a new style of Orgsa sow on exhibition. Sheet Mneie aad Music Books eoastantlvoa land. - , apll4-Jltf HOUSE A LOT FOR SALE! Situate ht PKSNFIKl.D. A well Solshed House, Barn, OSre, and other neorssary boils' ings. Will be sold cheap at private ssls. T price, terms aad sthar Information, apply te . Pa. JOHN 11. KLINK, . July I, 1873. rcnnfleld, Pa. ' J, W, BANT Z, ! , ATTORN EY-AT-LA W, ClearSeld, Pa. V.OfJoa up stair ia Western Bote! building. All legal business entrusted t his care proiestly attended to... . , . , , . : Jaly I, !! T EON ARD ! HOUSE, t- ... j (ii'poclte Railroad Depot, CI,EABFIEI.i..PA. Fleaaastly located and a trst-elaas botal n ell' respeota. Breaknet for passenger, brerlai en, morning train. . Wil. S. BRAULKY, t Jon. II, isil. . rropriotor. tTil.lNLZAR. Y -' Office next daar U Uartswlak 1 Irwli'l. Urug Store, up stairs. ill CLEARFIELD,' PA. Itarrnitni'BS.-Dr. R. V. Wlleon, Dr. J. 0.. Hartswick, Faculty of JeRerson Medical ColUp.. WM. R. MOTHJAJJ, .t CLKARK1KI.D, bribe ATWOOD PLOWS. XT.-.... 1. KUJ af tsWenrm am II I Ja Mall la Mill at my tarta in Lavrnata townahip, ana i-"-'" lb.. 1 I A. I -le J I -et Lmnanei nnia- sssiir'v vi niainn) r p mi si ' side bill Plows, wbiob I am selling vrryrncsp " -cash. sflJO JSAAC JOUNSON A SONS, i Mxnufscloreri snd Dealen la oo ftud iSltof-l U4lu, Mlseaa' aad Children's flilleri, Kaa'a, Boys' and Women'i Heavy Boots, aaf Brogans, Ac, Ac. SiOM and (hop on Second street, nearly TP" u. li v iit-L- a r k.M on. - E LECTION NOTICE. Watnaii, Tnowetltlon of twelrr slllrias. elmrton of Ibe borons a ef Clearfleld, bsi een ireeented to tbe Burgees pad Tow Ceuut". n Ik.m Ia nrJee .. aUeilmi Ia itelAVmia Wbrtnsr or aot water asms shall be erected let said ber ugh la anaspliaao with aa set of '; proved the .1Mb day ef Fobrw.7, A. f"'"' titled "Aa iat ejtborlsieg the Wrn. 1 - ' eta to erect water woras," gaA ----thereto, npprored lie J dar ef - j ISTI, .milled "Aa Act SAtorUtM bor"! " ClearSeld to erect water works," thmfore. ... j n-i... ..-.A k. ale t om M eroaiaaa, a ,,h day ol Ang.1. A. . SN, by the boson to fcild la joneral rb-Mlen i rgb, la aompllana jritb all the provisions If id aot of asssmbv y-latlag t said slectlca. J uie onroago oi imiwwt.. . . , 1 ordjer tii "TfitF f ArrntTj A. t,. li ' J b. c. Jw vn ctk. (jj) f-r.-vT g, ji, CAJ.BWELL,