GEORGK B. COOD LANDER, - RDtTuR AND PaOPallTOa. i CLUAKFIELD, I"a. SDNESDAT MOHJiIXO. JULY It, 1JJ. Democratic County Ticket. ASSEMM.Y, UR. T. i. UO 1 11, or cLmnLB. ' .' SHERIFF. " W, ROM Me I II liltIO M, . or CLCAnpifiji.D. ... TREASURER, WILLIAM W. H o R n A 1. 1., or cicmriKi-ii. ' : COMJUKSIiWER, :' CLARK BROW), ' i ... r uwimi. i , ' DISTRICT ATTORNEY, FRANK PI El. Ill N O, W CLMMFIBLD. AUDITOR, I. E W I H C. II L O O II, OB UOIWI. ' JVRY COMMISSIONER, ' t a ii si w. h ii u cs a k T, or CLCAHI-IBLO. COHONFR, 1 " ' ' (iEORr.K THORN,' ' ' or CLrAnriELn. LOOK Hi Hi.' . lly an act of a corrupt Congress our . subscribers are all blackmailed 20 cents a year, in the shape of postage, to swell the purse of a Department which paid Chorpcning $150,000 when his claim was less than 875,000. We expect the, next Congress to undo much of the bad legislation of the last; and to partially remedy the outrage or embargo placed vpon intcllgcnce, we propose to pay the I'ostaok on all copies of the Republican, within the county, vpon which the sub scriber DAS PAID I'S SIX" MONTHS OR more in advance, and ire do not want rost Masters to annoy our advance paying subscribers for postage, because we will pay the same before the quarter fj-pires. The postage will also be paid for all persons becoming advance-paying subscribers on or before the first day of Ortuber next. M- J- , . f Ureal Failure. Croat men, liko insignificant ones, often commit blunders. Of tho form er, Grant is establishing a nallopul reputation for himself. llo is llio greatest fuiluro of tlio ago. Ho is a disgrace to llio Sin to if Dot to his par ty. Cases in point! Hut recently tlio General Assembly of tho Presby terian Church was in session at liolti inoro. As usual, with all lurgo bod ies, the Assembly contained a number of men who wors more concerned about going to Washington to sec Grant than to labor in a direct lino of their calling and duty. After a three days' effort the domagoguo provailcd over the Christian, and nrrangomonts vrcro entered into beforo adjourning to proceed to Washington to see "tho best Government tho world ever saw." The body repaired thither, but did notsoo tho 8100,000 President. He was loo drunk for exhibition. Cut Secretary of Stato Fish received tho body. Tho reception w-as thus very fishy. ' Shortly after retiring to Long Branch ho was telegraphed from Cov ington, Ky., to tho. effect that his father was at tho point of death. But a number ono horso raco was on hand at Long Branch, and four days elapsed beforo "tho Govornraont" was in te'm to repair where duty culled it. tirant reached tho bedside of his fath er just eight hours aftor ho expired. Next ho was to bo In Philadelphia on tbo Fourth of July to hand the Fawmount Tark ovor to tho Ccr.ton nial Commissioners. That loyal city was literally "on end" to witness the Uoyal delivery. But, after a long wait, Secretary of War, Belknap, ap peared on tho stago as a substitute and announced tbo dolivory. The dodo 'was "loo thin." Loyalty ro ceivod o chill, hot as tho day was. The nowspnpers announced thai tho President was at Long Branch mourn ing for his biographor. On the other hand wo bavo it from tho Branch that "tho Government" won on tho raco couino half the day, and was carried homo in tho owning on a Btretchor, DRUNK. : Is It not a disgraco that the pooplo of tho Unilod Stales aro oompcllvd to puya man f 100,000 a your furdis-j gi'uolngthcm? He cheated tho preach ers, was dead to filial affections, pre ferred to attoi.d a borso raco rather tthan-ltejp -"My Dear Mr. Jlorio" (who -roado ,liim a present of 85,000,) and other eminent loyal Philadelpbians to celebntto our National Birthday. Ufr.sai. Judgo Pearson has had hiniHolijtcot by tho Supremo Court. In the tritl of tbo notorious Stato robbor, Goorgo O. Evans, his rulings woro wholly In favor of tho robber and ngn'mat tho Stato, and tho result was that.lustcad of being ordered to (my into the Stato Treasury the sum of .'1UO,000 and undergo imprison ment, lit) was clonrcd and allowed to pocket all Iho money ho had Btolcn from tho pocplo. llio caso was so bold and ftuch an oulrsgo upon law and public deconry Ihut tho Attorney General look tho caso Up to tho Su. promo Court, and that tribunal has reversed Judgo Pearson's liioiU'itbte and pnninl ruling, and Evans .m:mt he tried again. Wo would advise that ho bo triod lel'oro avmo other J udii, who cares more for tho JnUioaU jf the FUale and tho pooplo than for Evans and Qotiry.- 1 ' ; Referring lo Senator Matt. Carpon tor's Janosvillo hack-nav snooch. the Chicago TVifcuiM ays the audionco, half ot whom wore ladies, "noted jw if they were altonding a funoral." The Mllmannerea Shah, ' For two wooks past Europe has beoo convulsed by tho presonce of a live Shah the Emperor of the Per sian Empire lo whom the crowned beads of Europo havo extended thoir hospitalities. The rcfinod Europoans soon learned after tho arrival of tho Shah and his suite that good manners wore not extensively cultivated In Persia. A correspondent of tho New York Herald arrived at Berlin, tho capital of Prussia, just aftor tbo For sians had left. Wo will lot him tell what ho loarnod aftor his arrival. Tho killing of King William's pet lambs by tho Shah's Borvants and wipin thoir bloody bands on tho curtains wag not tho only unoivilincd freak they indulged in. The correspondent gays: - Whet ihall T my of Berlin, now I hot tlie Rhah of Portia hal left and tbo Kmperor hitaiolf ii at Hoblora Uabcliberg, reuliperaliuff Irom tha exer tion ana unpicaMulnon couneolcU Willi tho visit of tbo great Poriian t I arrive juft in tiuio to noar all too lieruo goMip about tbo event. Th (incral belief btro ii that tbe Kaiier'a lickutu aa feigned In order to iimiio I be annovunoci oaniea nnj ine lireacbn or etiquette cmumillcil br tbe t-liah. "It ia a ouriow laet," auri the win portler or ml Hotel, "that tbo Kalaor wai better on tho very dar et'tor tbo Sbab left Ul." Well, wlint did tbe Hh.ib do then t Hal he not left a good.lupreuinn behind 1" "Hal Hal" be lauirbod. "good Improsaion t Ye, on Ihotabloee witidow eurlaiur, tbe oarpeti of tbe roval apart- menu ana in ino nance nans, n Hat uo you think be or bil underiiDci did ru don't know." "Woll, he never eauie up to lime. Jlo made the Court wait for him on levcral occaaiona. When ha went to l'otrdaiu bo kept it wailing limit an hour while he wai driven about tbo town looklne- at the aighte. Then at dinnei, when thediihot trawberrieo wai bauded round, he kept tboen lire diili to hi raid f inrtead of allowing it to be pailed on. When he went away he Jum)'l Into the oarriego witbrut making any adieu. Anoth er time, when he wajat tho opera, tho Kuiprej woj reateu wiwi nun. hboaroie from ber leat to oonverie with mine one. hut the Kheh. think ing that iho wai about to leave him, took her bv tho arm and pulled her to her lent ainin. Then that lnmb buiiacM. Tbe lervanti had already killod one in the beautiful apartment! of the oai- tlo beforo the royal aerranta atonped them, but sot before tbo fellowi bad wiped their blood lin ger! on tho laeecurtaioi ol the window!. The Court felt greatly relieved when he dcparlod. liny llii Imperial Mojeity never lend hi! dirty warriora to thii hotol again. Did not pay ul a groeehen Trinkgold. bid not even pay for their baromi. b'aid the Kaiier would foot tbe billi." Ttta Bc: Pr Donoe The Hon. Willi. Willintai, of Indiana, baa diinoaed of hii "liaok pay in a Itadieal manner, ile hai been board ing wnn a may lor K me tinny yean, and hal turned over the whole amount to her. The ladv'a nam ii Mri. William Williami, The ooinoldenoe I namoe ii not at all remarkable, nor ii the faol tliat the honorable gentleman will eontlnuo to board" with the lady. .'io. Why growl about thatr . Tho"Chris- tiun statesman" Henry Wilson, now ice President, sot the examplo for this dodge. His Credit Mobilier prof- ts wero all transferred to his wife. What ia thero in tho moral code to prevent tho loyal Billy Williams from following Wilson' oxnmplof Ilis robberies woro ondured by Iho "loyal millions." .' Economy. The death of the Presi dent's ftilhor stops a 82,000 loak in tho United States Treasury. Ulyssos, five yoars ago, appointod his father Postmaster at Covington, Ky., at a salary of 82,500. Two yoars ago tho old gonlloman beta mo too frail to dis charge tho duties of tho office, where upon tho Poslmaslcr General mng nanimously sent a $2,000 clerk to pluy P. M. at Covington, whilo Jesso drow 82,500. A nice family arrange ment, without tho shadow of law. Any olbcr old man would havo re signed. Rkfuskd. Jinlgo Woodward last week tendered his resignation as a member of tho Constitutional Con venlion, but tho members refused lo accept it but granted him an indefi nite furlough. A Fatal Hurt. New Om.tANS, July 1. A privato dispatch from Buy St. Louis rttties thul a duel was fought near Montgomery station this morning between ex Judgo Wm. ll.Cooley and U.B. Rhott, Jr., of tho Picayune, in which Cooley was killed at tho second shot. The difficuly grew out of an articlo pub- iihiicu in mo t icayune ucnuod "Haw kins t'J Picauune." anil thn rnnltr fi Am Juclgo Cooley published in tho Times of tho 27th. Col. Kliett was not touch ed. It is understood Kbolt was the challenging party. Thoy fought with doublo-baiTelcd obot guns loaded with ball; distanco forty paces. A Times spocial says : In Iho Rhott and Cooley duel Judgo GVolcy was killed at tbo second Cro. The parlies arrived at tho place on thosnmo train, at 10 o'clock Ihioauortiing. Mr. Rhott was accompanied 4y Uossrs. (,'lias. Roman and Dr. Burns, and Judtre Cooley was atlendud iy Col. G. W. Carter and Major M'ltuczlpli. The weapons were doiioic-Oarrcled shot uns, one larrcl loaueu witb single all, distance forty yards. The Ground was promptly selected, Iho dislnncc measured, and tbe parties placed in position. At the first fire UlioU't shot ranged high and Cooley's to tho right. Cooloy delivered his fire first. At the econd flra both firod simultaneously, and Cooley full, mortally wounded by a shot otiloring his left sido and pass- tog apparently mrougli his heart. Uo expired tn six minutes, without apparent su(Torint, only spnuking the words to Dr. Ilolliduy, "I am sUot through tho breast. Tho gentlemen ongaged in Iho affair arranged the usual civilities alter llio secontl tiro, and separated with cxprosniuns of mu tual repectan(J consideration. Stii.i, I.iNtir.iiisti; Tho New York Commerciei Advertiser, a newspaper Ihut is, nt times, both witty und wise, thus comments on the statement that many "relics iff barbarism" aro still lingering in soeioty. "We ought to bo thankful," say our wido-awake cotcmporary, "for tho variety they afford us. Tho ago is euflocutod with civilisation. It lias unsettled the "sweet contentment" of married lifo hy the blandishments of divorce laws; it has robbed honesty of its manly port, and sent it crippled and limping throughout the land ; it bus tlulle. the prido of public virtue, and made all men slaves to tho lust of riches; it has raised false standards in society, religion and polities, ittid it has Jut led justico lo llio brink of croation, and dropped it over into Now Jersey, i.' rolics of barbarism aro selling cheap, givo us more of them.". The editor of the Huntingdon dole 4ta returnod Irom bit trip to the far wet, bringing with him a Oouplo ot prairie wolves, two rod birds, two prairta iogs, end a Modoo scalping knife. Ti-o latter will bo used in lilt ing tho political "bar" of Lho frrsat v . in. ' Ti i ..i.cj .. B tail-ILIUA UlUSLtri , ilUIIQ CCOll. Mhortnr Treasury Steeds. In 1810 the entire expenditures of the xroasury Ueparltnonl on aooouiit of tho salaries of the Seoretary, Comp trollers, Auditors, Rogistor, Troasaror, Commissioners of Kevonuo and Gen eral Land Olllue, all their olorks and mesHongors, watebmon, und laborers wero only 6116,820.08. .Tho amount of business transacted then was by no moans Inuignillcaut. J no Ueneral Land OOleo and tho Indian olllco wero at that tlmo included in this dejuirt monl. Nearly fifty millions of dollars were annually collected and disbursed. The nunuul contingent expenses of llio department, including tho public print ing fur nil tho tlopurtmonts of the Uovornmotit, were less than live thous and dollars I It is true that tlio growth of tho Country sinco the closo ot tho last British war Is unexampled in tho his tory of the world. Butunfortiinaloly, Willi our Increase or wouitu and reve nue there has boon a corresponding decrease oi otnciui morality, uno oi tho results of this inverse progross ol natloDiil wealth and official morality is witnessed in lho immense Increase of the contingent expenses of tho Treasury Department during Grant's administration, i or tho corning lineal year tzzifiw havo been appropriated tor tlio contingent fund of that depart ment. This is noarly twice the amount required to defray tbo onliro expenses of tho Troasury during its administra tion by William U. Urawford orltich- ard Rush. But it was not customary tn former yoars tor heads ot bureaus to havo two or three cnrriagos. or for chiof clerks and other lavontes to indulge in similar luxuries at tho people s ex pense. With what magnificent wrath Androw Jackson would havo kicked an ofllccr out of lho civil sorvico who bad approved an account for annual repairs to two ordinary wnors which amounted to S'i.GM.DU I What would ho havo said if thero had been paid out of lho contingent fund of his day lor "repairs ot harness," $1,131 BS; and for "repairs of cariages," 81,17(5 70, thoro being only two wagons in use by tho department nulhomed by lawf Tbe venerable William M. Meredith who presides with so mnch dienity and impartiality over tho delibera tions ot tho 1'ennsylvania Constitu tional Convention, was Secretary of tho .treasury in 174'J-oU. Imaginohis indignation had ono of his subordi nates approved and paid out of the contingent fund an account similar to tho following: ' ' im - Jnly IS, J. F. Iioran. (hoeing honea...... $17 00 Aug. V, 1. V. Doran, honeshoelng .. 2i li Aug. SI, J. V. lorao, hurieihooiug M, 4 00 Oct. 1(1, J. K. Doran, horie'hoeing 0 25 Nut. 6, J. F. lloran, honeihoeing Si 00 Ilea, t, J. i', lloran, honeihoeing , 28 00 1873. Jan. 2, J. F. Doran, honeilioelng 1 ti reo. I, J. r. lloran, honeihoeing S.l It Feb. S, J. F. Doran, honeihoeing 8 60 March 6, J. F. Doran, honeihoeing 21 26 Mareh22, T. W. .F. Murphv.boricthoeing ( 00 Arpil 2, T. W. k J. Mnrphy, horecilioelng SI 10 April 4, J. F. Doran, boneeboeing. ........ T 26 May 2, T. W. k J. Alurphy, boneihoeing 23 13 May S, J. F. Dorau, horio'hoeing 2 00 Muy 31, T. W.A.J. Murt.hy, borieahoelna- 27 It June 7, J. F. Doran, horeibooinf. 8 13 June 20, T. Vi.kJ. Murphy, hoiM-iboruig 2J. ii Tolal.... 333 3 Throe hundred and thlrty-thrco dol lars in ono year for shoeing lho borsos used to draw ono single and ono double wagon ! It is evident that the hcrsoB used for theso wagons oithor passed nearly all tho year in tho blacksmith shops, or elso that illegal expenditures lave been concealed under tho pro- tunco of horseshoeing. This is com paratively a trivial item, but it is sig nificant as an indication ot tho man ner of keeping accounts in the depart- uiuiib vtiuvu icuuivuB iinu uisnurses lho onliro rovenues of tbo Unitod States. jV. I'. Sun. ' ningham's Intemperance. Tho painful nows reaches us from Washington that lho most serious re monstrances havo been niado airainsl tho appointment of John A Bingham, of Ohio, as Minister to Japan, not on account of his connection with tho Credit Mobilor scandal, but because of his intompcralo habits. Ever sinco tho hanging ot Mrs. Surratt,' this vice ms boen irrowinit npon Inm, nnttl it has now bocoino opon and notorious. ttoiuscd a rcnominallon lust summer by tho nooplo of his Congressional dis trict, Mr. Bingham has been promoted to tho higher dignity of representing this nation at the capital of Japan's thirty millions of population. In view of lho fact that Mr. (o Long owed his removal to charges similar to thoso now mado against bis succcussor, it is mpossililo to account for the appoint ment. It would scorn as if wo woro anxious to reveal our worst vices to a pconlo unxiotis to study American civilization. It is singularly improp er tli a', a man who is constantly under tho influence ol liquor should bo com missioned to disgust, by his habits, tho kocnost ftnd most progressive pco ploofAsia. If Japan reirnrds it as an usult, lho blame must rest upon tho power that commHsionod lho now ambassador. A'. Y. Graphic. Nkw Route and Rapid Transit. Tho new "Pennsylvania airline" from JNew 1 ork to Washington opened yostcrduy wilh a full oquipmont of engines and now Pullman parlor and aince cars, iho trains run Irom iow York to Mantua junction over tho Now Jersey roads, thence west over the Pennsylvania Conlral through Columbia to lork and thonco south over tho Northern Contrnl railroad to Baltimore, passing through tho new Baltimore and Putomao tunnol and proceeding to Washington by way of mo jiauimoro onij l oiomao railroad. An express train leaves Now York duily except Sunday at 8:50 a. ni. and Philadelphia at 11:20, arriving at Washington at 5:45 p. m. eight hours and uiiy-nvo minutes alter starting. The nic'ht express leaves Now Yotic at 8:20 p.'m.mid Philadelphia at 1 1:05, reaching ils destination at 0 a. in. The new routo is 281 mi Jos long 03 miles in excess of tho old ono but according to tho abovo scliodulo lho distance will bo traveled in the samo timo. Tho now line traversos a oountry rich in natural cennry,atid the entire road is subslanliul, smooth and sale. Tho faro is tho same as over lho Wil mington and Delaware. Palrwt,'d0th The Fiiist Gun or Tim Rhiiki.uon TImj Wur Department will send to Wost Point for tho ordnance Bureau, oaa trnphy of the luto war, tho first i f e I fun urcu in ino cnusooi ino rebellion, l was fired at tbe steamer Vlcksburir. bound fur Now Orleans, and supposed to have arms and ammunition on board belonging to lho United States. Tho firing took place several days boforo any guns woro fired at the Unitod Stales troops, oithvr at Charleston or PansapoJa. It is a smull four-pound cannon, fonnorly tbe nrouortv of lho city of Yicksburj;. Worse than the Uutllo, A vast deal of cheap morality has been ox ponded over tho death of Judgo Uooley, who lull uy mo nana oi tol Barnwell Rhell In a dhol which grew out of tho base election. frauds in Lou isiana. Thore may be no loglu in tho duello, but thero aro niter nil worse things. ;Por Instance,' it is worse to rob lho pooplo of a whole Statu of their freedom, than it is to kill ono of tho accessories to tho robbery In a fairly conducted duel. If. not, thon was tho war of tho Revolution a deadlr sin, and no ono of Washington's sol diers drow his trigger upon ihoenomy without being a murderer. - - Tho old Jnird of Auchtiiloch, tbo futhor of tho famous biographorof Dr. Johnson, when united by ihut groat man what good bud resulted from the execution of ICing Charles of Knglund, replied, "It gar kings ken thero was acrick In their nocks." Possibly tho death of Cooley will lot tho carpet baggers of Louisiuna know that the liborty of Ibo press will bo defended at every cost. If tlia death of Judge Cooley produces u disposition in the mind of Kolloirg and of his master to call off their docs and permit lho Loulsianians to bo thoir own rulers, it win oo a niodurato price lor a creat jjuuij , nut it ii, utuy wuuis mo appe tites of the blood hounds of Radicalism ...I . I.... it- I. I.. i. . . i "V for lho blood of Rhott, ai scorns to bo indicated by lho recent news from lho south west, wo nppri)hcnd Ihut oven still tbo Picayune will not bo tuurrlod without a struggio. In tact tho causo of that paper is tho causo of every newsnaner in tho country which is not run by an oillcor of tho government, or filled to the very lips witb government advertis ing; let theso pooplo triumph ovor tho Press In Now Orleans, and succeed in dragging tbo editor of tboN. Y.Sun to Washington to bo tried by ono of urani s ponco justices, and hard times will have como to the proprietor of every uomocmio paper in lho country. Things aro progressing pretty livoly just now; theso alTuira aro nicro feel ers ol tho publio pulso; if tho govern ment is successful another victim will follow, until lho only newspapers left in existence will bo those in tlio pav of, and who aro content to be tho sup ..t r . i. , i ... t ' . , . nu dvi Yuma ui hiiu Huuiiiiiniraiion. Pittsburgh Post. Jesse, Root tirant. Jesso Root Grant, tho father of President Grant, who died at Covino-- too, Ky , on June SUtli, was a nalivo of Pennsylvania, born in Wcstmoie lnnd county, January 23d, 1784. lie was seventh in lineal descent from Matthew Grant, who emigrated to this country in 1630, from Devonshiro, Knglund, and settled first at Dorches ter, Mass., and in 10U5 removed there from to Windsor, Conn. His grand father, Capt. Noah Grant, was a sol dier in tho "Old French War." and was killed in the battlo September 20th, 1750. Ilis father, also named rioah Grant, served through the Rev olutionary War, and roBo lo the grade of captain. Noah Grant (second,) af tor tho closo of lho war, removed from alow JiOndon, Conn., to Western Peun- sylvania, whore ho took a second wile. Or this marriaee Josse Root Grant was tho issuo, horn January 2.1d, 1704, In Westmoreland county, at that timo an Immense tract of wild land. In 1700 tho family romovod to Ohio, whero Jesso followed the ordi nary pursuits of a frontier youth, re ceiving only a fow months education. On arriving at the aire of eleven, ho was, by tho death of bis father, thrown upon his own resources, ana was obliged to endure a harder for tune than usually fulls to lho lot of a pioneer. Ilo becamo an apprentice to his half brother, living at Mayficld, Ky., and from him learned the trade of tanning. Removing from placo to placo, in search of employment, ho went in 1820 to Point Pleasant. Ohio. a small village on tho Ohio river, 25 miles a novo l mcinnati. Hero ho becamo occinaintcd with Miss Hannah Simpson, a native of stonlgomory county, l'a., who. with hor falhor, John Simpson, had re moved lo Clermont county in 1813. On June 24th, 1821, Jesso R.Grant and Hannah Simpson were married and scttlod til Point Pleasant. Of this lcly tho following description has been givon by her vcncrnblo husband. just decoascd: At the timo of our mnrriago Mrs. Grunt wos an unpro tonding country girl, handsome, but not vain. Sho had previously joined tho Methodist Church, and I can truthfully say thnt it has never had a more devoted and consistont member. Her steadiness, firmness and Btrenirth of character has been tlio stay of the family throngh lifo. Sho wns always earoiiil and most watchful over hor children, but never nustero and not opposed to their froo anticipation in nnuccni amusement. Meaner than tuh Back Pay Srr.AL- A Washington dispatch to lho Now VorK limes says: 'lhcro has been a great deal of indignation privately ex pressed by persons interested at tho manner in winch tho volumes of tho Medical and Suraical History of the War havo been disposed of by somo members of Congress. Thero wero from nine to eleven sets printod lor each Senator or mombcr of tho House. One would suppose that ovory mom- Dor would have, at least, that small number Of physicians ia hie district to whom ho would esteem it a privilege to send the sot ; but mysteriously, a largo number found their way into lho hands of dealers in second-hand books and dooitmoiit brokers, and at ono time thoy woro Belling for 69 to 810 a sot. Tho prico has sinco in creased somewhat, but thore aro still sets to bo hud at a vory modoralo prico compared with the cost to the government. Thoro Is no doubt that several members sold tboir sots out right, or allowed persons connected wilu or donondent upon them to make sales and pocket the prico. The Champion Ji iivman. lie has been found in Now lork. -Beine im- pnnoled in lho Woodhull and Clailiu case, he was asked whothor bo know Henry WardUeochcr. "I never heard of him 1" be replied. He was accept ed without further nueslion. Tli man in this country who novor "board of Honry Ward Beechor" is certnlnlv ignorant enough to ait on anybody a turner vriai, arm now, in ineao news paper limes, when It is such hnrd work to got murder jurors who don't know anything, he Will be Invaluable) it ha an bo transported for uso to different jiarta of the country.. Grant-i.i Kg. Hon. Lemuel Todd, of , Ctutislo, a Coiigressruiin-nt largo lor tins Jstaio, Jiaving lho privtlerjo of appointing a Cudet to iho Naval Academy at Annapolis, named his youngest eon, W. L. Todd, for tho position. . - ". r,. Coupon JTetrs. Throo members elect to the Forty. third ConirresB are doadJamos Brooks. William Whitirg und J. U. Wilson, of uregon. . Professor Joseph Panooast has re alL'iicd the chair of A natomy of J effor son Collrgo, Philadelphia, which bo has occupied lor thirty-tour yeai-s. i A Aro at Lilohfleld, Illinois, do stroyod the foundry, mooblno shop, blacksmith shop and erecting shop of ino ajiicnnoiu cur works. A soon as the Administration Is through wilh Captain Jack, of Oregon wo hopo it will find timo to give a lit llo nl tonlion to tho Washington Cap tain Jack of lho Frecdmon's Bureau. Cars are now running through the tunnel, under the Oily ot JJnlliinoro, Passengers going to Washington by tho way ol that city do not now have to chango cars lliuro. The murderor of his futhor, Frank Walworth, was, on Saturday, son toncod lo Sing Sing, at hard labor for lilo. Ho lias good reasons for con gralulaling himself that it was do worso. N. Rufus Gill, Prosidont of Hi Common Council of Baltimore, was arrested in Ihut oily on Monday, and fined by Justico Hugorly, "for dis playing fireworks and shooting firo craukera on lho streets," on tbe Fourth oi July. . , ' Georgo E. Swoopo, Esq., a brother of eilon. Jl. Bucher Swoopo, died at Pittsburgh on the 1st. Deceased was a young la wyor, not qtiito twenty-four roars oi ago, and save promise ot a lifo of usefulness and high atluinmeuts in ms choson prolcssion. Grant is showing a disposition to rtrovido for tho family connections of his friond, lho rebel Col. Mosby Whose smior was recently appointed to a clerkship in the dead letter olllco at Washington and over tho heads of a number of widows of Union soldiers To glvo somo'idoa of the immense trado over tho main lino of tho Penn sylvania Railroad, it may bo staled that thore were passed over the rond during April 58,400 loadod olght-whool cars, and during tho month of May over 59,000. Tbo avorugo mimbor of cars passing duily, through tho entire year, is oslimalod at 2,2U0. Tho Erio Observer says : A parly of Pennsylvania capitalists, including Milton Courtright and Wm. L. Scott, Esris , of thia city aro building a now railroad from St. Louis, Mo., to Liltle Rock, Arkansas, fifty-four miles oi which aro nearly complotod. It will open op n vast mining region, rich with iron, load and other minerals. We but speak tbo common aenti mcnt of newspaper men when wo say that the New York TVrtKite, under Wbituluw Reid's management, is a bettor journal than it ovor was, and lho ablest, most independent and re liable paper in the country. The manly course of tbo Tribune since it broke looso from party shackles, and doclarcd its freedom from all political oliqucs and combinations, is an ample amend for its sini of the past. Tho Shah of Persia, now on a visit to Enropo, confers gifts in a truly ori enlul stylo of munificence, llo wns particularly liberal to tho imperial servants both at Potsdam and Berlin, bestowing the sum ol 8-1,800 in cash, besides gold waichos, shawls, brooches, and the liko, in abundance. Tho Kin- peror jjOt a very costly snuff-box, sot with diamonds; the Empress a ncek laco of rich brilliants whilo minor dig nitaries received tlio Grand Cross of tho order of the Sun and Lion. How wclcomo this freehanded Shah would ho made In Washington, (now Long Branch I) , L .4 .Melancholy t'.rtnt. On Saturday night Inst lho wife of Theodore Whitmore, of this borough, received tho sad intelligence that her husband had boon drowned that day in Clearfield Creek, and on Sunday morning the intelligence wos fully oorroboratod by tho arrival of the re mains. Dccoasod had bcon arcsidont of this borough lor a number of yoars, and was by occupation a stone cutter. At the timo of his doath ho was work ing at his trado at some point in Cam bria county on the headquarters of Clearfield Creek. On Saturday ho and a companion named Edward Ru der, a resident of Alloonn, wont to tho crock for llio pnrpOBO of bathing. Whilmoro had left tho wator and was resuming his clothing, according lo our information, whon ho discovered that Ruder had got beyond his depth and was in a drowning condition. Ho dunged into tho stream, was caught y lho drowning man and was draggod down lo death. Radcrwas a young man about eighteen years of age. Whilmoro was thirty and loaves a wife and throo little children. Tho sympathy of tlio community is with them in tho terrible calamity which has befallen thorn, and we hopo to re cord that that sympathy has assumod a substantial form. Jlollidaysburg Standard, A Snrr-KKCKitD Gknkiutio!. Sen ator Carpon tor is afflicted about tho "morbid publio morality," which has caused tho pooplo to donounco the Credit Mobilier imbroglio und tho "back snlnry grab" of tlioir congress, men.' Wo suspect, bowover, that in ftpilo Of tho eloquent, speech ol the gonlloman from Wisconsin In defence of his fellow-congretwmoa and grab bers, lho pooplo will bo obstinate enough to stick to their "morbid mor ulity," which singular coincidonco they learned from another Carpcntor who was hot indeed a Senator, but who is reported to have spoken as novor Senator spako. They will bo liovo, with the Carpenter of Bcthlo hom, that it is wrong to stool, wheth er tbe theft bo of publio or of privato money, rather than with the Carpea tor ofT Milwaukoo that the Mobilier business was a "legitimate operation," and the back pay resolution a "con stitutional measuro," which it would be sinful to resist and "illegal" not to avail ono's self of. - Thoy will bolicve thus porvorsoly, and we ronlly don't aeo what is to bo done aboot it. Railroad Lost. A dispatch from Lawrence, Kansas, on the f th, aays that half a mile of the Missouri I'a oifio Railroad track near ICickupoo station dropped Into tho Missouri riv er this evening. It sunk out of sight In the flooded stream i one lurch and without uny warning. Tho woler where the track Is situnlod is now forty foet dsop.- -Tho ruilroad men any It ie lho most fearful vent ever nuide. The oscape of tho trains was almost miraculous. ' At New York, on Saturday, tho Supreme Court in general term af firmed ' IIki' jiitlgine nt against tho Hroadwoy itailwuy Company, award ing $5,ut to the widow of Avory 1). Piuiinm, ihp victim of tho tar-bopk muider." ' : ' Down on tue Snows. Tho New Hampshire Legislature has passed a law prohibiting tho ontrance into that Slate, or exhibiting thoroin, of any oiroQs,under penalty of 81000. Hence forth the citizens of that State are to bo deprived of tho pleasure and privi lege of witnessing tho performances of tlio thrilling oquostrians and tho "daring young man on the flying . ,i - i i , .i " i . irupur.u. no more bhuii ms apngui- ly jokos of lho clown tickle their ears, or tho side-tulilting porformancos of tho Dufloon delight the oyes or citizons of the Granite Stato. Henceforth, shull the wonderful Bentral Tiger and the Unicorn of Holy Writ keep aloof irom the junc'ies and thlckots of JNew Hampshiro. The olophont shall not troad tho mazes of hor provincial towns, nor shall tho camol boar his burden on bor highways. ' CoNDUCTons Abkehted. It is re ported that tho Pennsylvania Rail road .Company has caused the arrest of lour conductors on the Philadel phia and Now York division, and also agnio keeper ot Jersey City Ferry, lor swindling tho Company in coupon tickots. Tho peculations uro said to have been going on lor a longtime. $fu; Qdvtttitmtwti. VroTICF.. The luhiorlben of i took to the It Clearfield Ual Company will mart at tbe of- Oee of Weaver k Helta, at S o'clock, F. M., July 30, to organiie laid Company and eloet a lloard oi umoera. w. rt. isaaiB, July IS, 'Jl, St. TyCKINSON SEMINARY, If WILLIAIH8POKT, PA. r or both aaiei. Kitabliibed 26 yeara. Supe rior auraniagei in every oepartmanl ol oullure. Send for Catalogue. Arrange early for rooma. rail term begin! Augnit zstb. W. I, KB BFOTTUWOOD, D. D., JyH-St Freaident. tO A UTIO N. AH parnoni nn hereby Cautioned j afftinit jinrckaMirir or In ny way nicddlitiftT with on rrel llorre and una gray Mare, now In poiicitioD of ayid Collar, of Morris town- hip, u the lame belong! to m and are fuh)ot to mj order. T. H. FOKCEY. Orahamton, JulT 16, 187-1. Jt. . 'STRAY Strayed away from the promiiei J ot tha UQderfigned.rojidinjrnearlloriefllioa Ifend, Karthaui pott office. ClcarflcM oounty. about tn iat or Alay, a uiiAl'K MAKE, about l yean old, weldntr on right bind lee. Any person fnrniihinf lnlurutatioa leading to tha re coyer of tbs said to are will be libermlly re warded. JKKhMIAH McOAKTMCY. July I, '73, St. DIKWOI.UT10N. Theeo partnership hero to for xiilinr between William V. and J. W, Wright, under the firm name of Wright A Uro., In the merchandising bmiuc,oai this day been dissolved by matnal contont. Tbe basinet's will U oon tinned by J. W. Wright. The books will bo at tbe stora for settlement. WM. V. WRTflHT. J. W. WHIG11T. Juno 2, IA7S. 7-lfl-St B OOT ASD SHOE MAKING. J OP K HI II, PEKRINO, on Marktt street, tn Shaw's How, Clearfield, Pe., he jut received a lae lot of French CaJf bains and Kips, tha beet in the msrket, and ts now prepared to man ofaeture everything in hii line, ile will war rant his work to be aa represented. Tha eitiitoi of Clearfield and vklnltT are respectfully Invited to give him a call. uora done at snort notice. 7:ln 73y PAY VOI R 8CIIOOL TAX. Tha tax. payers of Lawrence townibip will take no tice that the School tax Duplicate for the pres ent school year has been placed in my hands for collection. Ob all taxes paid en or before Satur day, August Idih, reduction of five percent, will be made, and on all tatei not ptid by that time fire percent, will be addedmaking a dif reranee of ten per eenr. to prompt tas payers. Will meet the tax-payrs In the Arbitration Room, Clearfield, every Saturday afternoon, and at my residence during the wwk. W B. I.UAU, July 16,31. . Collector. IN TMKtOURTOF COMMON Pl.CAS of Clear fir Id county. Uualino, Watehd A Co. ) . V AO. 10 March T., 1S7S. T. M. Alexander. j Tbe underfill)), appointed by the Court to distribute the money aruing from the sale of the Defendant s personal property among creditor legally entitled to receive the same, will hear claimants and make dixtribution, at the Sheriff's off re, Clearfirld, on Tuesday, tha 6th day of Au gust, at 10 o'clock a. m. Jv; fl .lt- ihKAl-.L TEST, Auditor. 17INANCIAL STATEMENT of! 1 Lawrence Tp. tiohool Fund, fur tla year ending Jane lit, 1873: rntr-rg. To bi.l. uncollected at lint seitlemenlu $1,149 14 To amount assented fr 1373- 3,6.7 40 Toeiut. raceirrd from unseitel lands.. 1M1 31 To amount tf State appropriation. .., ' Jit 0 Kxrr.iafTCRRfl. By .mount of orderi retlcetned itnee larl irlllrmfiit.a... f 4.114 l By amount of interoit paid 32 14 Py amount el ptr ceuU on duplirale... 119 01 fly int of per cent on umet'd lanj.... a 64 By ainl. of per oenU o. Ktate appro'n. 4 So Hy amount of exoneration!, 1h;3, , 90 la i'J ju'lgmeot agaioit W. 1'. Head, late collector ol4 By einoout uneolloctcd... H7 ft fi.Sjl it Atnonnt of outitandlor ortlere, 9.909.13 Arra.t: TIIO.M AM Mcl'll H KSON, ' W. f. Tata, Seo'y. l'reiident. June2r, 113. jj 16 31 UDITOKS' STATKMENT! JV. JOHN W. TCRSKR, Treararcr, In ac oount with tlrcham School Iliitrict, for tbe year ending the Irrt of Juno, 1H73 1 iiKBron. To oash of Jacob WilUelm, tho ontjo- Inn Treanorer of ISV1... $100 0 To amount of duplimt.. T4T 40 To tilate apprnpriutionH.M..H...,.., . 94 00 To uurealcd tax fid 10 To J. Waple't lax t 13 To error in duplicate- 10 00 Total . rltRnlTOU. - Ity nor omtare .n daplloate...-M lly .xoneralionl Hy amount of rouchen , By percentage on ronchen To balance Tolal.-... fl.lHI 18 97 5 19 10 1,141 43 4 K - tt.O 01 1.9H4 1 T. balaaoe at entllimeat.-.- tilt 0! e. Hie niidrnlsned Andflorithavlnf exaioin- ed tlie acueuuli of John W. Turner, Trca.urer .f (Iraham Hehool Piitrlot.flnd a halaooo In faror of tho Oiitriot of two hundred and lixty dollar! and rixtT-two oenle, (ifl'im 0 ) wii.i.iam vr. hoover, John McDowell, AtlMt: Auilllorl. L. Hi ii.ra, Clerk. July I, !8;o-3t JAMES MITCH KLIj, ta m Siuftro Timber & Timber Lands, JeI173 CLKARFIEI.D, PA. I N TIIEltU'RTOI'COMWOJI PI.KAM of tlearlleld County, ra. John McDowell 1 No. 185, Jan. Term, 1 S73. Belieoca Mrtlowelt. I Sub. tmr Otrtrtt. Tlie nndei.-iiKned barlhft hern appo'btcd hy tbe eouot to take toelimnny in the nliovii oaae hereby fivoi notioe that he will attend to the duliri of bil appointment on Tlturerinv, July !4th, l.7S, al t o'elnek p. m., at hie oOlee In the borouah of Clnarfleld, where all perrons intereeud may attend. JjJiS T. II. M IB HAY, CoroiuiMloner. IN TUB IHHTMCT C1JHT OP TUX United Slatei, V oiler a Iliitrict of I'enn'ai In K: 1 T. M. Ai.RTARMiit, No. 1,0J. Bankrupt. ' T hereby (Ire notion to all whom It may con cern that 1 wai, on the 3 1 at day of June, A. II. 1H7.1, by tbe Rertar In Rinhrnptoy appointed AHlcnee ol lhetele of T. M. Alexander, bank upt. (Jj I . dOUM Jl. AHA1U4, AIMINI8TBAT)rll1 N4mCIV-ytloe la hereby given that letter! nf admlnlltratlon on aba .Mate of WM. II. HOBIHON, late of lloaa tvwaililp Clear-void county, Pa., deeeaeed, baring aeea duly ftrantcd to (he undoriijrned, all rterrnne inilebtrd lo aald .Mate wilt pleaae make inmcdiale payment, and tlioae baring atalnia or demand! wiil pn'ornt tbera ptpperly aailbeotieatad ir MHieaicut nuliwit 4ela. )Avr. nonisor, . JuliJ 01 Admluiatraliix, 187G CEsmsiAL! 1876 The New "CENTENNIAL'? 1 CL0TIIING STORt: Sltn'i Sail, of Firmcri' Canliaere, odI.... $5.00 at KE It 11 CO.'S. Men 'a Sultl of Cberlot, onlr (.00 - at KbllK k CO.'H. Meu't SutU of Sootrti Olierlot. onlr...'. 16.00 at KKltlt a t'O.U Hes'l BalU of KniHIih alollon, obIt 11.00 at KEKtt a C'O. tf. Men' Sultl of Fine Blue Diagonal.. 20.00 at K Kit It a CO.Hi Vouth't Bulla fretai 7.(10 io... .,.... , 15.00 at KKltlt k CO.'H. Childreo'l fanrT Buin, from f 2 10 to i,i 10.00 at KfcltR 4 CO.U Gent's Furnishing: Goods, twit anil largeit itook In town, at ' KEIUl k CO.'S Nr.w Centennial Clothing House Corner Seiond and Market Streeti. JtfOo and lee for younotrel. Tkt eiM( fink ionabtt CVofAia, foaee im Vltarfitld. t-H-tl T. M. ROBINSON & CO., Dealer! la V ' Harness, Saddles and Bridles, BLANKBTS, BRUSHES, Fly NoU, Collars, Wbips, ko. A larite itock of TROTTIXO OOOHS of all reripliom. Alio, . larri itock of II. Itl.MMlXOS. 43rRepairlng promptly nttondod to. Bhop on Market itreel, Oraham'a Row, in abou formerly occupied by Jamoa Alexander. Clearfield, Pa., Jan. ii, 1873. SIDDLE&IIAMESiS MAKIG! JOHN C. HAEWICK, Market St., CLEARFIELD, Pa., Ii tba man I. no to if yon want act of new 1IAHNK88 or a new BAUDLB, or anything elie in that line. He tumi out aa good work ai ia done in any ibop In Penneylvania, and bil prioea are rery reaionable. Conitantly on band a full line of TROTTING GOODS, ' such at Trotting Faddln, Quarter and Shin Boots, Trotting Rollers. Wbips. Fine Urnsheeand Combs, Ac. A fine MRortment of Nets, Hurt CeTcrs, Knee Blinkers, buffalo Kobe, tie., Ac, kept la season, in fact an rt bins; tbal horsemen stand in need of Is always on Itaud. All of wbicli will be sold at wholesale or retail at tha rery fairest rates. Repairing iirowptlr attended to. All work fuaranteed. shop ia room formerly occupied as ost Ofice. , April . 1&73. The Bell's Run Woolen Factory, Pena townihip, ClearSeld Co., Pa. ItUR N ED UUTI it not BURNED' UPI The sabrwrilcrt bare, at jrrcat expense, rclnUt a neighborhood fitresxitr, in the erection of a flrst clsts Woolen Mannfaftory, with all the modern improvements at tec bed, aud are prepared to snake all kinds of Cloths, Cassiineres, Js.itinctts, Blan kets, Flannels, Ac Plenty of ((tods od hsnd to snpply all onrald and a thonsand new enstomcrs, whom we ask to oouie and examine our stock. The business of CARDFVO AND FULLING will reeelre onr efpeelat attention. Proper arrongrments will be made to receive and deliver Wool, to suit customers. All work warranted and dune unon the shortest not toe, and by strint atten tion to business we hopo to reullse a liberal share of public patronage. KM KM) POUNDS WOOL WANTED! We) will pay the highest raarkt price for Wool and sell our manufactured goodr as low as similar foods can be bought in the county, and whenever we fail to rennr reasonable sntisfsetion we ean always be foand at homo ready to make proper explanation, either in person or by letter. JAMES JOUK60N t-uNfl, ' aprilMtf . Bower P. O. F It O N T ! C.RUAT HXCITF.MF.NT - AT TUB CLEARFIELD BAKERY ASD , ICE CEEAM SALOON! ' Tha nndertiiined baring jmt Sited up new, laijre and comfortable roomn nn Market llreet, near Third, rripectfully inform! the pnblicthat he now drepared to accommodate them with irerylhinK in hi! line on abort notice and at all hour! of tha day.' ile kcain on band EltESU DREAD, : KUSKS, BOLI, PIES, CAKES, til klndi. -ICE "Clt JS AM. i . and a genera aciortmcnt of CONfKCTiONKRIES, FRUITS, NITS, Ac, A II of which w 111 be drllrcred to euilomera at their reaidenoca, trhan raqneit.d to do ao. i ICR CRRAM, by the dbh, eerve4 in a neatly fur. ,'. i', '. . alaked rooa. T!vnkful for the generona patronage bellowed In the pact, be bopea to merit and receive a con . Uuueuoe of the lame from bit old etuto- roerr, and otbrra. ' 1 ' JOHN STADLER. JuaeH.T3.if. I.AXK.CUTWK'M NtTIC I'.. Notice libera. J by giren that Lellera Teetamenlary on tbe Klale of Annie U. cliape, dee d., bare been grant ed to the undenigned. All peraoni Indebted to aid Eatale are reijeired to make immediate pay ment, and rbnee having claima againal It are re. quire I to prerent them, duly authenticaled, wilh. out delay, to the undcriigncd. O. R. BARRETT, Eiecnlor of Annie O. Hhope. Clcarneld, May S8, 1871, et. lXKC 11 WfVH NOTiri-Notrce t here". 1 J by giren that lellera teitamemarr having liei n rrauled lo tbe mbxrilwr on the date ol SOPlflA K. WATSON, dee'd, l.le of Cle.rt.eld borough, Clearfield county, Penniylvanla, all pcreom,. te uid eelat. are reiiaertcd lo . .. f.Tmrni, ana inoee Bering olaiun agalnit the will pment them dulr aulhrniitetl fn eai,l..K. ' - ,A , SKORUE L. REED, ?;L..!d Jo1 l"-t. Executor. NEW LIME KILN f " NEAR Cl' The nnderiigned would rcupeelfully nolif, all peraoni inlereMcd thai be hai Jnrt enda new I.ima Kiln, l Piia townihip, aal pill keep .a ,n LVr,, H" 1"-")'f Clrayl.inie, which will be rurntahed to feoneri, builden and olbera at 6 oenU per buihel, rejb, at the kiln. JeSa ouiO ii, rj, CALDWELL. 4 TT E N T fn iT" T APA Tr KR si rNotToe ii J. hereby given to thoie taxpayer! in law- .r1" kmom 'bemwIVMimbLled to we for lieueiy, 8tu and ttchool Tax foH?l, iili i .1 lhM "aU" u",r "d Z m l i "k' rro,n ,h,, y dupltoau Will CM lefl 1b IU. 1 i. -e . ----- HI JJiniCUI I lhO J 'HOC oolleelioa togMker wilh Mia neeenery nana. , . iiiiiMi miw i, km. l.awrct p., Jun, j ,( . i-.Hreu.r, , (tisrrUniifou3. ; SAtlattT & SCIiRttER, . ? .; .1 : . . . r.aaCaai U hardwakk, and aiaauraclaren of TIn.Coppcr & Sheet Iron Vare, ' Beeond direct ClIUKPICLD, Pi. Having largely Inoreaied our itock of Bird ware, we Inrite the publio to examine oar Hoelr and prloel. ' Carpenter! and peraoni who oontemplale ballei log will do well to examine onr TOOLS & BUILDING HARDWAEK, which ii nei will be aold NAILS, which ia new and of tha beat Manufacture, an will be aold low for aeh. ' r GLASS, rum, glue; LOCKS, LATCHES. HINGES. fcCKEfrtf All kindi of Deneh Planet, Rawi, Chlicli, Rquant. . Hammer!, Ilatrbeta, Plumb! and Lareli, Mnrtieid i Thumb Guagei, Derail, -. . Ilracei k llilta. Wood and Iron Ucnob Screwi, and the bait Boring Machine in the market. Doutle and Single Bitt Axes, POCKET CUTLERY, da. Agents for BurneU's Iron Corn ShelUr, warranted. Alio, agenti for Blchardi' GOTHIC FLUB TOP8, . . which eiroctuallj cure Smoky Plaei. Fannera Implement! and Oardea Tooli of ewe . detcriptlon. A Urge variety of . . . COOK STOVES, wblck we warrant to give aatiifaetion. ' Portable Ranges ttni Furnaces. feS.Roonog, flponllng and Job Work done on reaiunable teruil. All order will receive proapt allention. JUD n, lo7J. EDr. GHAHAM, DEALER IX GENEEAL MERCHANDISE, SQIAIIE TIMBER & LIMBEB, CLEARFIELD, PA., Hai jait opened, at tha KEVSTONB STOKB, I oomplete nook of .r e ir goods, of iveTy deaarlptioa. DRV GOOD8. GROCERIES, . HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES. CLOTHIJ.O,trx.,f., IN GREAT VARIETY. FLOUn. ' - , MEAT, SALT, EYE, OATS, v L . CORX, ALVA YS OX II ASD ASD FOR SALE AT A SMALL ADVAXCS. -.FLOUR Received ky the ear load, and aold at a imal e' ad r aooe. A aopply of BOPB eoniUntly on band. Special imiuoemenl! offered to Ihoee gelling eat Square Timber and Logo, al we deal largely ' in Lnmbcneen'a Suppliei, and are pre pared at all timci to purehaae Ilia- t 1 ' ' bcr and lumber. " e d. vr. a h a n a ti, "KEYSTONE STORE," ... , in - - Second Street, . . . CLEARFIELD, PA. Oct, 13, 1871. BARGAINS IN MUSICAL IN BTRl'MENTS ! Orrans. ftoth new sert second hand, at the Musio Store, opposite Ualich'i Kami tare Store. All persons interested are inri ted to eall and examine a new. style of Ore an now on exhibition, fcheei Musie and Uosio itooki constantly on hand. spl24-7Stf HOUSE ft LOT FOlt 8ALF.! Situate In PENS FIELD. A well-daliked liouie, Rarn, OfUce, and other necenary buileS ingl. Will haloid cheep at private aala. For prico, teruil aud other information, apply to VI, J U ll.X II. IV 1,1 A h, Jnly 1, 18TJ. . ' Pnaneld, l'a. J. W. BANTZ, - - ATTORN KY-AT-L AW, - ' . ll.artield. Pa. ' ' 1.0rrtce an itairi te Weatara Hole) building. AH legal bniineia Btmit4 ta kn care promptly attended lo. July I, tSTl. . I EON ARD HOUSE, ' A Onpoilte Railroad Depot. CLlUKtililll. PA. Pleaaantly hcate4 and a unt-elaee bote! ia all rrapeeti. Rreakraat for paeaeuere lvie aa aoraing train. WiL 8. BHADLKY, June II, IK;t. Proprietor. D" if. rVAN VALZAH. OIHoa next door lo llartiwick A Iraia'i Drug Store, up ilaira. t:1 CLEARFIELD, PA. ' l Rtrxnaartn. Dr. R. V. Wlleoa, Dr. J. 0. Ilarliwick. Paculty of Jeffmon Medical Collff TM. R. MORGAN, CLEARFIELD, FA. Agent for the ATWOOD PLOWS. Fanner! la need of Plowi will do well to aalt at my farm tn I .a. rein, townihip, and exaaiiae the improved Atiroud right and left handed aa lide hill Plewa, which J aa Idling very cheap tr eaib. aplMlo JSAAC JOHNSON & SONS, Mapafaelnren and Doalen la Hoots until Nli oe! Ladlei', Mltwi' and Children'! Oilier!, Uen'a, Royi' and Women'l Heavy BooU, aad Brogana, Ao-, Ac , Ptore and ihop an ecnd iteeel, nearly epf alta 1, P. Dijlor 4 Co.'! bardwar ttore, , Feb. t, lKTI-ly iiKAJWEbDH T7LF.CTION NOTICE.- J Wanaaii. The petition of twelve ''' eletrtora of the Lrough .f t'learlleld, hll be proernied to the Burgeea and Towa Council, i liig them lo Order aa election to determine or not water -worite ihall le creeled for raid bor ough tn noroplUnce wilh aa act of aeeeKkl'. 'F proved the lulk dar .f fehraarr, A. K. Iatl. tilled "An Ao aulhorlilng Ike .onmrh of lear deld to erect water warki," and a repp"' thprel., approved lb. ink day f Mar, A.". IR! I, entllM "Aa Aot autorlilng Ike aoreas" Clearlleld to erect water worki," therefore, V. ii ovVoS-n, Thai raid rbvilea e held tbe borough nf Clearfield, on Frid.y, day of Augurt. A. D. l7, by tbe eleeiieu olnrera choten to hold the g.-awal ilcolioa la natd r orgh. la eompllane. wilh all tie provliicai or Mid ;l of a.iimihly relatlnj ia aald eleeteaa. lly order of tha Iiwo Counelt. Arrmi , A.S.TATb.- S-C. Jrw. S 'T''