THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA.' - WBDHUDAT M0HN1N0 JCNK2J.187I. r hi " " "' ' JJ j." ' ,. 1 orms oi Subscription.. , I,L.Idtano,or within three month -.H 00 ir mUd efter three and before six meolh.,.,.. 1 0 'paid efwr the eaplrallon of til months... I 00 BELICilOVa NOTICES. 'Metbodlat Epleeopal fhtrch R. A. D. p.itof. PuMle Soreie every Sabbath Im'A M,endT,P.M.- Belibetb Scbool at 0 A. M. ' ' Proysr Meting every, at 71 P. M. Comniunl.n Sorrlce, urst Sabbath of every taontb, t ' A. M. t. Andrew' C:lmrctlEplcopl R.r. pgl lUli Public ooreio Sunday morning rt It o'clock, end lit J F. M Sunday Bchool at 7 P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednesday venlng a. f o'clock. Presbyterian Chnrrti Rev. It. S. Butlir. brtt'k sreloe naming and erenlng Sab. balk School at I P. M. Prayr Meeting Wednei- it'vnitit Church Catholic Bar. P. T.Siii. Ma.i at 101 o'olook A. M., on th Moood and fourth Sunday, of each month. Lutheran Church. Rev. A. J. llanTioea rmcbing av.ry Sabbath, morning and evening. Sabbath School at a. m. Prayer mectlrjg every Wednesday evening. , Our neighbor, T. II. Murray, Esq., wa'l mftleating at WilHsmaport the pan week, in tktea'ptcity or Called Slate. Juror. , U'Tbo Huntingdon Globe says over $150,000 bare been expended by the AIL" Union Iron Company, to pat .Matilda Furnaee hi good aetuUllon.. ...... , , ' r The West Branch Campmooting will eoamenee on tbe 19th of Augn.U Tbe draw, lag af teutltakes place at Lock Haven on the i-j8t of July."- . '"flo learn by the Clinton Democrat met Judge.Mayer and family hare lift lor Philn detphle, where tbe Judge will eeek (and Had, we hop.,) medical aid that will rc.toro him to fall health.' ' 1 ' : ' i ' The reader no doubt discovered tbe email error of 1,000 made by tbe competitor in lubtrecling Mr. Kramer's rote from Mr. Fielding., in mi tabular itatemeat of the primany election. These .light mistake the printer, oeeailonally Stake, bat they never, defeat anybody. Tub Kntebtainmet to be givou in (be Ceart Ilouae, on Tbanday and Friday en inc. n'f it i. the general lubjeet of cenrertatlen. It will no doubt be a rich treat. Prof. flarrison, hi. aul.tant. and the pupil, bare been laboring lodu.trltmjly 1n the Court Room every day thi. week in order that nothing will be left undone to hire everything1 In readinc.1 to Inaure the entire . suesesi at the entertainment. t Ticket, are for .ale I the Peat OOce and will alio bo aold at too aeor. In the Field Again. We notice that oar former towotmaa, Frank Barrett, Eiq be. again embarked in the newipaper told. Tbe Fall, pity (Nebraska) Tim. Is. the iUe of the Jearnal which beara his name aa editor and put) '.. Uiher. ' Suceess, Frank. - , " ' ' , To ot KxcnANOts. Tbe sultry thiero having .0 manipulated tbe Foatoffioe law a. to oonipel printers te pay portage an their ex ' change., we bortby giro notico that wo will pre- pay the poitage Tor Hz monthe on all copiea vi th. Rri;uciJI .cut to our oxekangea., . ' Dr. Ellin Green, wbo or over thirty Jaart praoticcd In Centre coanty, and the invent or or eompoaaojer at tao weu anown oecmicai ana ecientilo Dr. Elli. Creel)'. "Red and Brown Pill.," died at the realdenoi of bis io, la lleatou, on th. ;tth of May. , Dr Qraen, mi well kuown to many af our eitiewa. . lie waa married to a aia ter of KxTrea.urer Flcgal, of thi. place. f "' l mm, i. , , - , Deep Disraae Our onloorued fcl- . atw atuaeo Major il. r w i.e, ol oruaa wwn- tbe hit few Weekl death hat carried oft bl. wife and three children, nbilo two more and a brother ' are .till very tick.. Ua of eouree aaa the aa.i.U anea and ajmpalky of aU bil aaigbbon and rrltada In ki alBlctlon.,' , , ; ... t , ; ; . Tbe Bellefonto Republican of last ' week lay! : We learn that a man waa found, one evening but week, a, ahort distance tbl. side of Tyrone, on the railroad traek with hi. throat out aid bl. peeketl rilled. ' Krery evidence of fonl piaf.. lie bad erid.ntly been murdered for hi. meaey, and planed upoa Uio track, io that the world might record another maa killed by the railroad. TnB Ke-yabd. The Modoo Chief, Falford, li Jnat now tnreatlgatlng the political lava Beda, in aearch of eandidatea. With Dem aerata ha poreeaaUe the Devil oa a oertaia oeea ien. Re aaaamea that be uaa all power and own. the' whole world, and If they will fall down and worship him he wijl give them office, money and iajlaeaoa. Wa are glad to know that ap ta the ke aaa been aa aue.ei.full rebuked aa hia TniUF IN Trouble -Tho Tyrone Bmrmld aayti Oa Saturday laat the team, two hortea, af Thilip Dotta, of Glen Idope, Clearfield etronty, were frightened by a pai.lng train at up per and of warehouse, and baoked a loadod wagon, te which tbey were hitched, down toe emuanameni leaard.therlrer,adiataneeof fifteen or twenty feet. A large ipruca treo atopped the rekicle, or. tbe aimala may have laatained asrioa. injuries, Petti mod aaolker aaaa baring leaped from the wagon while puling down the hillside. Two horeel and two mulea hauled tbe wagon to Its place again. ad Philip's heart was gladdened on learning that ' aethlag wai lajered. ' , (!.. Rim ra Tha Ph'.lndnlnliia ' la alluding to the eouree of our fellow olllten ta tka CoaatilaUoaal tonvanuon, aayii ..... 9overaor Bigler hai brought into tho Cov.o- tloa the sagacious, iraetloal judgment that has always dtstiagdlabed him in public life. Ilia view, on lb proposed alUratkoa In the Trial by Jary ware ea.iacntly sound, and wa are perhaps more Inclined ta think so became they aoaordad with the view, lit the Ai; and what la The anaalatitr - of the Jury Is lt eaacstlalithar. aeterlitia feature, Imposing aa krery Jure the full remon.lbiliiT for the rerdlet, and compelling ' oaslderatfn f the aase, Instead af a hasty vote decided by aosjoflly, under flr.timpreitlona 'ana a dealra to go borne to dinner." . .,, . . I . . I. I .. . t iM.nnr VVIJllv i;uuilly IH nv w - " in e.o.1 wonuy OlllllUl. Hmi. uji vm Reynold of Hcuor.barg, who formerly reprenont ed that county in the Legiilature, pat.ed away '1a his Stitk year. , Hon. VVIttiara tlnrebteld, af - Boeliburg, breathed his tail vd tlis Ulh, In lh ?ld year of hi. age. Ue ha4 a leg broken about tee mouths pravteua, from wliicU ka .uffttcd gresily, and a days befeim bis death bis phy-tr-iaaa ampuiateel tha limb, whiek Iris physical fruar proved Ion weak to eudere. . Jndga Bdreli tcld wu tko father of Dr. Dnreblleld and Mrs. JriJg., of tbi. place. Ho lmd semd hi. fellow Itiicoi in rh.T.pnaity of Aasooiste Judge, Jury CiBnlieloiierud a number uf wlkef publio po itlees wilk heaar aad ability, aad leai se'aa w. Iimiibnl publia- aad private Irputatlon to bl. Filtlty, . 2lr ' '7 Odb lUanOAi). -At tho annual wf.g of tbe itoeklioMer. of tho I.ewlrburg, (tre aad Speaae Creek railroad, held la l'kila lphlai, en Tuesday, June lOOi, efler tho reading r "f Iks innual aoport, Iks folio ing penous were Mel elTiceri for the mrnhig yean Prt.ldent, F. Millet) Director., Kdward F. (lay, George ReUrta, Wa. J. Howard, Itrlrklaad Kuea.., ai p, Cobum, Hubert II. Duncan, William "lllpii Secretary aad Treasurer, Joseph Lesley. Tbe new board at tmm amniard. and amona M'l bnili.u trtnor,, (be prasidint led chief I'eeer were authorised to makf arrangements Xaedistely fur the ballasting, laying of tier, . '""""I f Iron and karlng the traek laid from "'irg if UurH linn, a dlataaiear about ' aatlaa ; and en tbe We.tcrti end, from the tor. " 11 Penn'a railroad uear Tyrone to I'enn.vl .Ik Pamaee, a diet. etc of about elfhlck aiiki, Sabbath Soboul Convention. The, Altoona Dlitriot annual Sunday Bobool Conven Hon mot In the M, E. Church, at Bellefonto, on Tueadajr, June 10, J,Ml.k ; ,( ' ' Opening exerolMS were oondueted by Iter. T. U. Bwitser, whreh ooaalsled in the reading of the thirtieth Psalm, tbe singing of a hymn and prayer. Aa address of wsleowa was (Iran by Rev, At. L. Smywr And A response by Rev. T. M. Reese, Pre siding Elder of tbe District. Tbe Secretary of tbe last oonraatloh sailed the aaans of charges In th. dl.trlet, aad eighteen mlnl.tera and sixty del egate) reported preeraO Oa motion, Rer. T, M. ileeie vial elected Frciidenl) J. A. Dlattenberg.r, Era., Vice Pre.ldent, and Rer. J. W. Cleaver re-elected rWetar, with Her; . Fester BtU aa atalitant.' Reports were then heard from pastors and delegates in which the schools, with but few exceptions were represented aa being In a uourlab ing condition. The choir Bang "Ood bleaa our Scbool." Adjourned Benediction by Rer. T. II. Swltser. skcomd axsaion iraxixa. Convention met at 71 p. a. Singing, and prayer by Rer. J. Lloyd. Revs..J. Lloyd, F. B. Kiddle aad J, Gray were appointed by the chair as a committee to fix the ratio of rapresenteUoa at future convention.. Oa motion the following resolution wa. passed t JreMlesa!, That ministers of the Gomel nf dl ent denomination, and all Sunday School workers that may be present, bo invited to scat, in the coarentlon and to participate ta its proceeding.. rtcr. air. itylie and Rer. Mr. Crittenden, of tha Preebyterian ohurcb, were introduced. Topi tlementi of luooeaaful teaching. Discussed by Iter. W . H. Noroross. Reficotlons oa subject also made by Rev's F. B. Riddle and J. Lloyd. Ele- menu set forth by speakers earnestness, lors for work, prayer, pereeveraaee aad faith. Tbe annual sermon was preaobed by Rer. A. D. Tecum. Text Proverbs, nil chapter, t'rerae "Traia ap a child ta the way ha should go, and when he is eld h will not depart from it." In a happy manner tha peaker'.et forth th work and wages of ths Sunday School teaoher. Adjourned with benediction by Rer. Mr. Crittenden, ratlin ssnsion wsrjjasnir aoaxixe. Coareation mot at 9 o'clook. Religious service, were eoadueted by Rer. J. II. McCord. Mioute. read and approved. Report of oommittoe oa repreeenlatloa made, and tho fol rowing adopted : Xwlfd, That In future eaeh circuit and sta tion baring but one Sunday Scbool, bo entitled to two delegatce. Where there are more than one obool, to one delegate from each school. Mission Schools their Importance and results, was discuued by Rot's R. E. Wilton and T. M. Reese. Tbia was followed by a report en tbe re lation of tbe Sunday School to tbe mliaionary work of the church, by Rer. J. W. Clearer, which elicited some warm speeches -oa the subjeot by Bros. Gwynn, Hopkins, Reese, Steward, Gray, Wilson and othera. Singing "There li a foun tain filled with blood." Addre.a by Rer. J. 11. McCord. Subject Ckrlat tbe Model Teacher. Singing, "Go work In my vineyard." Ditcuaalon, "Should tbe a.e of our church catecbl.m be super seded by the Herein Lessons ?" Opened by Rer. F. B. Kiddle, who thought the teaching of the catechism was sadly negleoted In our schools. Subjeot farther discussed by several of 'lb broth ren, when the following wss adopted : Jteeoftwf, That tha as of tbe eateohi.m should uadcr no eiream.tanees bo superseded by tho lie reaa Lessons. .... , . A report on normal classes their proper or gsnitation and design, waa read by Rer. W. II. Dill, when, on motion adjourned Benedictioa by Rer. Tho.. Barnhart. ' roumn session arTER.ioo!i. DcrotioUal exercise, were conducted by Rot. Wa. Gvyna Dison.sioa, Tbe Iteration of the Pulpit to the Sunday School, by Rer. W. M. KaaiCtar. .i , ,. . .. Wlliiamsr!! waa aelected as tha place for hold Irg the oet Convention, on th fourth Tuesday in May, ld4. I,'ia. Conrention wa. rery Inter- eitlngly entertained In as tfisstrated Ideal Suaday School, eondueted by D. li. Mayings, la which singing and responses by the eblijren formed an important part. Thi. exercise was foowej by aa earnest diicunlou' aa "Tbs duty of enlirch members to tbe Sunday School and how to secure their hearty co-operation," by Rer. T. Barnbart aad Rer. T. II. Ewitaer. Adjourned. Bcnedie. tioa by Rer. J. Gray, r ,'. 7 '.: ' jf ' rtrra sci.iox tra.iiso. Coareation met at I p. m. Opened with sing ing. Prayer by Rer. J. D. Suwnrd. Sunday Sobool Officers, their qualifications and reapousl. biliti.s, was takoa np aad by R.v. A W. Gibson, after which Ror. W. M. Frycinger, of Tork Conference, agent of Sundey Scbool Tract Society, was introdueed and In a delightful way entertained th audience with a lecture oa the great Importance of Bible study by tbe teacher, la order to he prepared to ancoeesfallr tsuwh. 1 A committee oa elruular and programme wa. ap pointed for next coorenlioo. On motion, ad journed, with benedictioa by J. Poller Bell. 1IT .S.SIOK TUl AT UOimSO. Conrention commenced at ( o'clock. Religious serrices eondueted by Rer. M. L. Qanoe. Tbe following was adopted : Waaaaae, The sermon of Bro. A. D. Yocnm was a source of intereet and proSt to th conven tion, therefore, freeeecf, That weteaderbimoarheartythanks and request a eopy for publication. J. B. Salvia, J. F. BaiA. Also, tbe following by a ri.lng votei Jfeofecd, That the sincore thank, of thi. eon rention are extended to the eitiaen. of Bellefonto for the kind boapitality which baa been bestowed upon ua, and that wa will carry away with ui grateful recollections of our stay among tbem. T. DlHSUART, . ' M. L. Uisos. "Th primary objeot In Sunday School lostrus- tioa," was spoke! upon by Rer. J. Gray, who wa. followed with an essay by Rer. J. Guss, on the Relation of the Sunday School to Borne. Singing, "Home of tha Soul." "The relation of th Sunday School te the reg ular church .err Ice of the Sabbath," we. sd by Bros. J. Lloyd and A. P. Moors, followed by leroral others, when the folloatng retolutlcn wis offered by J. W. Matters and adopted : ofnd. That It I tha sense of this conven tion that tbe services of the otiurch and Sabbath School are identieal, and therefore we recommend that an effort be made to baro the children attend tbe public worship and the service be oonductvd so that tbey (ins ouiidrcnj no reoognneu, , A resolution was rafted raqaestlng the Seen- tary to prepare an abstriet of prooeedinge af con rention for publication In tbe AVrocnt, and all papere pukli.bed la tbe dl.trleU The following was adopted by a rleing rota : It.ilr.d, That the pretence of lira. W. M. Fry sinter bai afforded ui mnch nlearure, and bil lee ture much of profit, aod that we gratefully recog nise the fact that be bas oonlribuu-d greatly to the aueiasi orvar aoaveotlou. 4 . . J. H. Stiwaud, J. Unar. Tbe financial support of the Sunday School was discussed by Rev. J. Sharer, who urged that funds for tba school should be raised by thp .shoo!. The quostlen drawer wai epensd and several questions appertaining to Sunday Sohool work were answered, when, oa mollou, adjourned; Ben diotiou by Rer. Iter. W. II. llincroai. , . ... cloiiio lassioa jurtnnsooji. .. . Conrention mot at 21 p. m. This soi.lon was devoted to cliU'lreu'. meeting, and wu a season of Jy to old and Venn. Armroprlste and Inter esting edilrcrie. wen made by Rer. It. E. Wilson, of Altoona, aad Iter. W. M. Fryslnger, or lor Tbe were Inter.perred with tinging by tbe children, and all felt hippy. Thank, wore extended to the Tutor of the M. K. cbureh at Bcllcfonte, tho Presiding Elder of-tba District, snd tba Perrotartel for tbeir faithfal aerie. The following wa. adopted by a vote; t ( llwlttit, TJiat -w bkpresl Our tbanka to tba Pcun.ylraaia Railroad Company for ordera fur exeur.ion ticket furnished ler aea of delrgntes. Ae.efr.if, That tbo Heerelsry Ipo requeued to send a eopy of this rcaululioa to l. M. Uoyu. After a few very forcible and appropriate re marks by Rer. t. M. Reese, tha Coateetiea ad jourued with singing, and benodlollun by Rev. A, W. Gibson. Thus closed loo nun annual eon rcatioa held ta tbe di.ulot, proving a aourco of Inlere.l and profit to all who attended. Uoju and Is.ting ImpreaaloBi wer made, aid all returned t tbclr homei with itrong Ueilr to teach the enilJrca of Je.u.. ' ' J. F. BtLt, A..L Soerclary, A purty of over 100 excursionists tear CoHt llarea and llenora to-morrow for SI- arara Fall., rla th. new railroad from tmponum io" Ilof.le. Tb. pny retara es Saturdey via !L!j!'lll.JlP.lla!sa TlO NlO AT 1'lCNNVIl.l.R. A irrau.l Ple-MIs aud Hep wlU be held in the grove, near Ponnrille, oa Thursday, July fid, H', under the autplco Of the Oatkolio coagregaUen ofthalplaoa. rntuas auaio will ka ta atteadanea, and splat form erected auffloieat to accommodate all who may wish to engage la daaelng. An elegant dinner will be served tha (round. Dinner ticket., 50 cents. Feed will be provided for tho of p.r.on. oomtng in earrisges or on borse back. A geneool Invitation la extended to all per son, who may wl.h to bar a good Urn aad Spend a day pleasantly. Batueu - iliLKYj-riTbe Urookvillo ITepaWiaaa sajsi "We are Informed that a blood ed eow, owned by Mr. K. L. Blood of this place, gave at two milkinga in lb same day, tbe enor mous amount of (fly-aaven pounds of milk, or about ten gallons, the quality of the milk being rick and good. Tho now weighs 1,170 pounds, and is believed to be tbe largest and best mUkor In th aosnty," That', murk milk, and a lofty eon. Another Bridge. An advortiso- ment In thi. i.aue lets forth the fact that another free bride; Is to be put aorosa the river at McGhee's, In B'.ll township. The oltitens in tho Immediate Vicinity and the townahlp hare subscribed liber ally toward ro-bnllding this bridge, whieh was carried away by the Ice flood, last spring. Fostponcd. We have boon request ed to annouao that the Festival at Woodland, for the benefit of the new M. E. Church, bas been postponed until after barrest. Tho Supervisors of Lawronco and Bogga townships an Inviting proposals for tho ereotlon of a bridge across the mouth of Little Clearfield Creek. Prof. Packard, of Birmingham, bas orgiLlied t Tootvl muilo lui, In ib U-ptiit eborch, la this pUot. Specials, Roelv4 thi 1 week, ftt Kerr A Co.'i, aiplendld lot of Tie. ' An Ihvitatios, Kratier. Lytlearenow onen- infc the fl net t eiiortmeot of new goods ever brought to den-field, koU thej iurlte all to call at their i to re on iMarkot itrcet and examioe tbeir goudi and learn of the low price at wbicb tar are be ing aold. Ureal bargain are offered. Cblldren'i Linen Fuiti a larire Invoice received thii week at Ibt Centennial Clothing liouie of Kerr t o. Tbe lateat, the beet and of oonrn the moat fashionable Clothing, juit reoeired. at Kerr A Co.'i Centennial Clothing more. w Mr. Tackard will begin hia Vocal Claiaei on Monday, tbe 30tb. at the Uiiitiit tburcb. to con tinue eight weeks. The Juvenile Class meeta at 4 o'clock. P. Id., and the Adult Clasa at ft o'clock, P.M. Term a of tuition i For Juvcotlra, $J.Wj for Adulta, $AM. Mr. P. will also receive a limited number of pupila on the Piano, Voioo and Organ. Apply to him or at tho Hhaw House. 2-t; AiroTtiKR On so Orasixo. K ratter A Lytle have again filled their store from cellar to garret with new good. It does brat all how many goods they do sell. We ean only account for it in one way that they sell at prioca that make it an objeot for people to deal Wltu teem ; lor people win ouy wbcro tbeyean tbeoheapest. Oo and aoefbr yonr sclroa ; we don't want you to take onr word for it. A first claea Family Carriago for sale cheap by St Pit. T. J. Bonn. The best Clothing ever offered to the trade In Clrarllald at Kerr A Co'a. B. W. Fpcnoer, at Lumber City, naajuat opened a new stock of (iroceriot aad Provisions, which he is selling wonderfully cheap. He is prepared to aupply tbe whole upper end of tbe county with goods in his line at prices that will aatoniih every- A. t. Shaw has a large stock of Paints and Oils, and ho tells then at rigUt prices. Uo and see. A full stock of Furnishing Good at Kerr A Co's New fitore By 1 voi ler' a Improved Uorsa a nT Cattle Yoke warranted tostup jumpingfor sale by 2t M. O. fiftown A Dao. StoT keepera, saloon keepers, and partiea eon Uattp.'Mit. oelebrMing the fourth of Jaly, ean be with LemoDi Strawberry, hapberry, Pineapple aiA.1 otbrr the bottle or gallon, at A. 1. tfbaw'l Clearfield, Pa. St. ta.- a arr, Diinvi' FlOU-fil. OUT ttook of Paints and Painters' Material complete, In eluding J. T. Lewie' Pare White id. ',wbnL,V cat A Co's Pure White Lead, P. It. CoV Buck Lead, and a number of cheaper brands ot v Lead; also, Limited Oil, Turpentine, VarniiliC. of all kind., a full line of, and a full line of colore, dry and in Oil. myiU'li . .. is. I. iiisi.ii a i. Montour Slat Paint., for painting houses in- lido and ontsids Cottages. Farm Buildings, Ac Beautiful, durable aad economicaL Urouud in pur Linseed Oil. uyo it li. r. IIIOLKB .o. R. B. Wheclbarrowt, Itaby Carriages, Toy Ex press Wagons and Wheelbarrows, at tuyio 19 li. r. oiulcb .o e. HEraioaaAroRa. About June 6, 1873, If. P. Bigler A Co. will hare aa attorlmeat of Refrig erators. my28 li Plows. Firmer, will tnd It to their advantage to call in and examine our .took of Plow., Culti- ratora, Ac., among which will be found Hingte and Double Iron and Wood shovel rlewi, Irun and Wood Cultirators, Ths Oowanda Iroa Plow, The Pittsburgh Steel Plow, Tbe Haunt llellefonte Flew, and o ber pattern.. my28io 11. r. biolbb u vo . Rain Tat. ! Ieron whoeoutemplate building will do will to call and examine our itock of BLILDINO MATERIALS. We hire In stork a full line of Builders' Hardware, Nlils, Paints, Oiw, Ulan, Putty, Calcined Plaster, Ac. my2s 7. li. r. oibi... a 1.0. Farmers In want of Uraln Drills for Spring aeediag, and Corn Planters, will do woll to order at once, bampl merhincs only on band at M. U. Buowa A Bao.'i, April 2S, 19T8. ClearSeld, Pa. Fnai.o Ticili. The liblng icason baring oommeneed, loren of thil elegant tport will be oatting about to tnd where to purchase tbe neeet sary requirements ia order to enjory tbe sport To all such wa will .ay, go to the Hardware Store of II. F. Bigler A Co., a. they bare the nne.t lot of Trout Hod., Lines, Hooka, Basketa, Balt Boiet, Iteela, rnood, Flict, etc., erer brought to ttiiacouuty. Thulr Trout Boda are really ele. gent, andorery ponon eipectlng to fo trout-bib-tag tbia summer should her on. 4-9 Just received, a large lot of ooa-exploslrs L.tnp. and Lanterns at ,.25-72 Tl. T. Biman A Co's. II. F. Bigler A Co. bar. been making extenatre addition, to their .took of Hardware the hut few da;.. F.rerything new In hhrlf Hardware, Sad dler.' Hardware, Farmer.' Hardware, Builder.' Hardware, and Il.rdw.r.of all kinds, can be seen at their stur. ' - May il. Wood and Willow Ware of all descriptions for sals by II. f. Bigler A Co. Bare Time! Sar Labor! Sato Honey I Rare Clothe.l The" Novelty W ringer" is tbe bsl In the market. Buy It j try it. For .ale by t II. P. Biota A Co. Faxan (Jrockd Plltkr. necclvcd at Corner Store by oar load and for sal by - P.. A. A W. D. Inwia. Cnrwensrllle, March It, 1x72. , . -i !' ' lar-oRTAKr! luronriKT ! Below plnane Bnd a li.t of price, of Boon aad Sheet, f which Flc gal is now celling euormou. lolt: W.mien't lull trimmed Italian Uaitrrs, 12.00, ntFI.KOAL' rTomen's oommon Moroaco tUltert,, . at FLKGAI. Women's Kersoc hid Oslters, t4., at FI.CI1AL B. Women's Congru. luting Ualtert, II. 2i. at FI.EUAI.'8. Womcn'l plain luting Oaitort, l .00, - a a? I tfn I I 'O Men's common kip Boole, fJ.PO, at ri eOAL'S. at FLKUAL'S. at FLEtlAL S. Men'l nna ktp tooli, tl., Men's French kip Boota, fi.OO, Moa'a common calf Boots, eVI.OO, at FLKUAL'S, Who Is deternilned to sell at the above prices at hia store, on Second Itrrct, oppollte tx-Uor. Big- ler's rcsidsnce, Clenrtlciu, ra. i A full line of tlonwhold Ooods, Japanaod Ware, Ac., for Sale by It. P. Digier to. NoTtra to Wiaos n Oinaiioi Minn.. Wa hat lust vroeirrd a general auonueni i n agon and Carriage Woods, also a full line of Spltug. A ilc. which ws olir ohosp for oa.b. II, F. Biol an A Co. Asa. Sevsnlr r loMn ClearSeld Wood choppers Ate. t II. f.BIQLER I Cos. I RKCAPITVLAIIODI . Bird Cages. Wood aud Willow Wan. Household floods. All kinds of Hardware. .,(.,' J.uanued Wan. I'llnts, Oil., Varnl.hes. I Calcined Plaster. Wagon and Carriage Makeri supplies. All of the abore for .lie at tbe mammoth Hard ware Store of U. V. Bigler A Co., Second street, Clearfield, Pa. it j Calcined Plaster for sale by It. V. Bigler Co. ' Bird Cages a large at.ortnient at U. F. Big ler I.'. r 'in 1 Ba wu. Dlit.n't Croii-eut Bw. Gro-t Amcrlc-i fiftw, Unyntoa'i LltlitDiDjr Htw, ml l -55-73 11. V. k Ct'i. Paints. Oils and Varnlihes for sate by H. niRlrr A Oo. At the Pre.bvterlan Pareonaxe. Trrone. June 17th. 1873. br Iter. 8. M. Moore, Mr J A KKU 1RV1.N, of Houudala, to Miss i.LI-t.N HIMH, ot Altoona, , , 1 , : i.J . . On June 2d, 1873, by Rer. W. It. Hsutauaa, Mr. Cl'KTIS H. SlltlWALTBR.of Ureokrille, to Miss .MULLIE S. ClliiKKY, or llellcrouts. On June SI tit. 1873, br Iter. D. B. llcCt-oaxr, Mr. FHA.NKI.1N H. MiLOSKY, of Cook. Kun, to Miss h. JENNIE PULL'N, of Driftwood. On June 17, 1873, hy Ber. M L. Omoa, Mr. JOHN COOZKIt to Mi.a LIZ.1B J. LANSBKK RY, both of Qoahen town.hip. On June 10, 1873, by Rer. T. Van Scoroc, Mr. ZACHAItY T. McCRAt'KKN to MiH 11ARUA- RET CltUVLE, both of Btooaria town.bip. On June 19th, 1873, br Rer. W. M. Btiarnnr.LO, Mr. JOHN MoTAVlrill, of Smith's mills, to Miss MATILDA KOUT, or Madera. sua. At the rett dance of his son. Mr. Jonathan Hur ley, In Tyrone, on June I7th, 1873, Mr. JOSEPH UCKLM, m tbe J tun year or nis ago. In Clearfield, on June lAth, 1873, Mrs. ELIZA FLAMUAN, aged about oo years. On June d, 1873, MARY ALICE, daughter of V . tr. and 1. J. Buaw, agca 2 years, ju montna and 0 days. Oij May 30th, 1873, KDMOND U. W1B, aged 7 years, 7 months and 20 diivi. Also, on June 2d, 1873, II ATT IK L. WISE, aved about 13 rears. Also, on Jane 11, 1878, MART 0, WISE, In the 47th vear of ber aire. Also, on Juno 18, 1H73, MART C. WISE, aged lb vrars. 0 moot be "d 20 day. Wife, ton and daughters of David Wih, of Jordan townsuip, uiearUutu oounty. iney an died of typhoid fever. A brother of Mr. ise, res idiot with tbe family, and a son are just re covering from the same disease, while another sod bee In a critical condition with the same malady. Jt Is seldom we are called to witaess a aoene so toucbingly aad. Vonr loved onos taken from one happy hose In throa abort weeks, by the relentless band of death. And yet there are many drops of comfort in this cup of woe. Tbore is a halo of light thrown over the dark shadow of death for we trust they all sleep in Jeeus. Mrs, WUewaaa christian woman, for many vrars a consistent and worthy member of the Zion baptist eburoh. Uor Christianity took practical shape, as many to whom she ministered In times ol cistresa and need eaa testify, tibe ft ill be missed, sadly missed, in the family, In the chuich and in the community, but our loss il her everlastinr tain. Katie, Rattle and Eduond were good and faithful members of tbe Bible sobool of the church of wnieh tbeir motn er was a member. Having early learned of J aaaa tbey oould eaeh say when about to diet, "I love Him who loved me."- Thry have met beyond the river, in that land where aorrow and death are un known. Happy meeting I may wo all meet them there. Brother Wise and tbe remaining; members of tbe family have the heartfelt ol the entire community. JfasTon. ; ' ' Clearfield Markets. Corrected weekly by lttcnAnn MnMop, 'Wboleaale and Kotail Dealer in Dry Gooat, Urocerlee.r'ro' viaiona, Ac, Markst street, Clearfield, Pa. CLunniiLD, Ta., Juno 21, 1173. Apples, green, 0 cO'lloj., dressed Driod, at tb 10 Hide., green... Annlebulter.Wzal, 7i ll.rn.. ...... O0(d 17 Butter- ullto) 20 ohouldtr..-...C0(n 10 !7i(s Sides CO (a) 12, Buckwheat. 1 tin Lard 1H4 Buckwheat dour lb, . a Mess bbl,..20 00 Beef. dried. 22 r)ats 60 Beef. freth... lm 111 Onions I 40 Boards, M 13 OOigU 00 l'otttocs 0" Corn. shelled- 1 00 Peachel. driod. lb.. Corn, ear Otird) 60 Platter, V bbl i 00 Corn meal, tack, 1 3" Ry 1 10 Chnr, M tl IHIfat 1 If aa B Clorertced. OH Salt, y eack.J50( I Chces 0Sblnglas,lin.4f35 00 Cherries, lb. 10(r 15 Shingle.,2 Inl0l 00 Chlckeni, dr.d, lb, leTimothy leed... t 00 12 J 00 40 a Eere io Tallow., Flaxseed J 00 Wheat.. .0 OOfnjlO 00 W.ol ,. it.r ,.00 00($2t 00 Wood, y eord.. Pen n5 1 vu ia Ha 1 1 road TYKOSX 4 CLEt;RK'-';LI BIUNCtl 0 V nA .fl.r Mondar. MkT I Petscnger Trains will run dsii Wf1 B"" days) between Tyrone and CleerBeld, CLBABFIELD MAIL. LEAVE SOl'Iil. LEAVE K011TII. CU.rlleld.. 1.40, r. . Tyrone 0.25, A. a. UMeola-. 10.35," Pbilip.bur(...10 60, " Cleartleld U.4J, " Pbilip.burg....4.&, Oioeola 4.40, Tyrone 1.00, CLEARFIELD EXPRESS. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Clearlleld...... 1.40 A. Phlllp.burg... M " Oicoole O l" " tntorseotion. 7.4a " Tyrone 8.00 " Tyron ,..7.00 r.. Intersection ...7.1! " Oweola 6.10 l'hllip.l.arg...8.2S " Cleartleld, ar....0 FARE FROM C'LEARFIKLD, TO Bellefonte, Pa.... Lock Haven Willlamtport Huntingdon m.... LewiitownM Mary.vllle tl or. Middletown (5 00 , 70 i too , 1 80 Mri.tta..M..... 6 .0 Lenna.ter I 8a PU1LAUKLPHIA 7 Altoona 1 66 Joliaitown I 00 I 00 4 60 a 7o HAHRISUIRH.. PITTHBURCJ....... t 14 Moee oonneotioal made by all traint at Tyrone and Lock llaton. UEORUB C. Vt 1LKINM, myl7-tf. Soperiatendent. -" . 1 .... - . ti- FARMING IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE BT II. F. Bigler A Co.' IBOX DOLBIB-SUOVKL PLOWS. WOOD JJOfBLE-SHOVEL PLOWS. WOOD BIKOLE-SIIOVEL PLOWS. IRON CULTIVATORS. WOOD CULTIVATORS. OOWAJfDA Aiao-H 11BAM FLOWS.! PITTSBL'RO STEEL PLOWS. HAUPT'S BELLEFONTE PLOWS. ROBESON'S and THOMPSON'S PLOWS. -Shares for all ol lb abors Plowa eon. ttauUy on band. uijJS-71 TOTICK. The undoraiKtied hftvipg X 1 been appoiotrd Auditor bylboCourtof Com mon Plrst of Olrnrfioitl county, to settle the so eountsoftli 1'rite afattars appointed by said Court and to make distribution of Ihe fundi in tbeir band ariting from tb sales of Timber an der the previ.ion of sn Aat of Assembly ap prore.l Fcl. 11th, 1873, notice it hereby given, Io til person, who lost unmarked Sunaro Timber in tbe ice frethett of 1871, to file their claim for .ur-h low with tho Auditor. The claim mutt be mail, out under oath bef.ire a Ju.tlce of tbe Peace of the county where the claimant raelJoi, and mu.t i.t fonb s follows i Itt. Tbe kind and amount of timber so lott. 9d. That the said timber wa unmarked and wb. carried away by the Io frethete of 1871. 84. Whether any portion of said timber was recovered by the claimant. Tbe claimant mu.t alto .tato nndrr oslh wheth er he or hi. agent, have taken up and rafted any drift Square Timber, marked or unmarked, fixat ing or Mgd along the rlrrr, and If ao, th kind end .mount of timber ao taken, aud lb maike, if any, thereon. liistrihutiun will be mada after the lit of Au gust, 1878, and all rlaiml mntt be Aled with the Auditor before that lime. No dittribution of the marked limber will be made until alter August Itt, at tin timber, by that time, will be rafted oil of tb buumi. . C. W. Smm. Clearfield, Pa., June 6, 1873. TOSKl'U II. 1.0VLKJ, Jualico of tf the Psaee and Perirener la th npner en ol Lawrence towuiblp. CollMtiont made ana moaey promptly paid orer. feb.Vly rtmttmn hf wmwa ar.mtwt .1873. 1873. m . i NSW SPRING GOODS ! i AT WM. REEIVS. PARCALb'8, dlNQUAMS, . TICK1NU3, mUSLINS, ' ' BIlEBTimiS,' - ' ' COTTONAIIKS, BOY'S CASSIMERB, HEN'S CASSIMERB. LINENS. DRESS GOODS, la great rarlety and all lac newst abides. Jopaucto PopUns, Japanese Bllka, Btrlped Poplin. Milk Poplins, French Mohair. '- f Hernaaic, . Cranadluo, i Jawna. SPECIAL BAR8AINS IX Colored Silks! Black Silks I Colored Silks! Black Silks I Shawls! Shawls! Shawls! Carpet, Carpets, Carpet sold at the lowest eash prle at WM. REEFS, 1:28 Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. May 14, 187J. PI IX - - - A- 1 pLOUK, FEED, AC. TUB DGCCARIA FLOURING MILLS. Th. andr.ignd would retpeetfully give no tice to of Beccaria towntblp and aur ronndiu oountry, that h has pUHbaMd th. Bscoarla Flouring Willi and put everything In complete order, and Is manufacturing a first-claai quality1 of Flour '"" CUSTOM WORK DONE, and Plour la quantity eonstantly oa hand for .ale. CLIO?, CORN MEAL, BRAN, AC, AC. always oa hand and for sal wholssal or retail. 6 Tkcii sHisci.rat wanteo. i4UI Will exchange Flour and Chop for St itch Shingles, or will pay part moaey, il de.iied. . lOXtf BARNABAS ARMSTRONG. SAWS! SAWS! . SAWS! DISTAN'B CROSS-CUT, MILL, DRAQ AND CIRCULAR SAWS. ; Boynton's Lightning Cross-cut Saw, ALSO, PATENT PERFORATED A ELECTRIC SAWS, For sale by " orll7.70 II. F. BIOLER A CO. C D. WATSON, DEALER IN DEIGS & PATEXT MEDICIMS, COKFCTIONERIES, TOYS AND YANKBR NOTIONK, FINE TEAS A ROAaTtD COFFEE, BEST BRANDS TOBACCO A SHOALS.,, ' SCHOOL BOOKS A BTATlt- kERl, llaionii Building, Second Street, d4 -7My CLBARFIRLD, PA 1" ViNkTwHITB t ROAN LININ9 SKIN8 Jntl received and for sale by Anrll 80. If JO. U. F. BHILEK A CO, , Wo doeira to call Uio attention of the citizens of Clearfield T . . ..: liavo opened a ..MUSIC Wlicro wo intend to constantly PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Our slock of riANOS will consist' of .. RAVEN 6i COMPANY'S PIANOS, ' ' : STEIN WAY & SONS' NANOS, HAINES BROTHERS' 1'IANOS. Wo are prepared at all times to furnish any of tho cheaper makes of Tianos to order on tho most favorablo terms as to prices and terms or payment. " ' " Our stock of ORGANS will consist of the new aud populur IIYNDER ORGAN, (with Ryntler's Knco Ticmolo and downward Octave Coupler,) i Tho SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S ORGANS, MASON & HAMLIN'S ORGANS, and the NEW HAVEN MELODEON CO.'S JUBILEE, TEMPLE and CHURCH ORGANS. Beside llicso wo furnieh to order Organs from any factory desired. . Wo sell on every plan kuown to tho trade, cither CHEAP FOR CASH, ON" NO TES, or on the POl'L'LAR AND CAST LEASE PLAN. ' . - , . , . I On our easy terms every ono can havo a good instrument, and no other investment of hko amount will (cud so much to MAKE HOME HAPPY. LtZTWo shall bo glut! to lia vb .'U Call and see us,' whether you desiro to purchaso or not. oct23-'7'J.Fy ' -ii;RKT WtWIC NTOttK: f ClOOtlJ. 1873, 1873. NLWSUIIIIER,G00DS! AT BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! i ' i ;.'. At le, Brown atu.lln. . At 10o, Brown Mutlin, real good. At 12)c, Brown Mo.lla, yard wide. 1 At 12,o, Splendid Bleached Muslin, yd wide. At 18e, Handsom Poplin Plaids. At 15c, Japaaesa Poplin. At 35c, Black and Colored Alpaca, At 80c, Japanese Silk, worth 7 Jo. At 81.00, Elegant Silk Poplin. At II. IB, 0 ood Black Silk. At $1.60, Splendid Black Silk, wide. At $2.00, Black Silk, worth $1.80. At tOe, Oood White Pique, or P. K. At $1.14, Oood lionoy-oomb Quilts. At 11.71, $2.00, $2.50, Splendid Marselllss Quilts. SATCHELS, TRUNKS, OIL CLOTU, 0ENT8" UNDERWEAR, NECK TIES, SHIRTS, SUSPENDERS, IIANDKERCII'JS fJLOVES, COLLARS, CUFFS, aad a full iloek of 11111.1 aliases' and Children's BllOES, at prices t suit tb times. CALL AD III VOI TOOasILV, AT WM. REED'S, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. May 14, 1878. O. . I. c. 'ITTBBRB to buy my DRY GOODS, ono- v oeries, Queensware, Ulae.ware, Druei and Notions, Confectioneries, Ac, .heap for cash. The subscriber begs leav to Inform his old aad new eustomors that be bas ojianod A VARIETY STORK IN GLEN HOPE, TA. And will sell foods at nrlces to suit the times. liberal reduction will be mad to ea.tomers buy ing at wholesale. , . Call and examine my stock befor purchasing elHwbere. A, liberal .bar or puuie patronage is soliolteu. C. J. EEAOY. (Ilea ITope, P., June 14, 1871. D. J. CROWELL, Manufacturer of the D. II. Ball Bolting Machine and th SIDE-CUT SNINULB MACHINE, to out froia 18 to 20 inches, aad lioro.ed under Everat's patent. Jointers, Drag Saw JUarhines and Ueneral Mill Work, Sianamaboning, earner on oountv. Pa. Repairing of Machines and general Cavtem Work dono to order. augitye Itivcry Hlablo. TflE underilgned begl inform tho pub lie that be il now fully prepared to aeeommo. date all ia the way of furaieklng Horses, Buggies, Saddles and Harness, oa tbe shortest notioe and on reasonable terme. Residence on Locust stmt, between Third and Fourth. OKO. W. OEARIIART. Ol.aroeld, April 11, 1M7. H. F. BIGLER A CO. hart for lalt CARRIAGE & Wim WOODS, SHAFTS AND POLES, HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, 4o Crr!g and Wagon Maktri should mak a note of thi. and call and examine them. Tbey will be sold it fair prices. maj2I 71 Q.DXSMITUINQ. Q. W.WOLFE, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH. Shop on Third street, over Riley's blacksmith tho.,' lt.e"nrini.u, i n. aii indt ot Birleo and Shot Ounl oa band Repairing don in t trel-elau manner and at fair, " MARKET STREET, CLEAKFIEIB, P E STORE keep on hand a IN CLEARFIELD, full supply of rtlUtttfrsf. 1873. 1873. FANCY GOODS. ; ' WHITE GOODS, AT HCW HATw and UOBNUTH, rtOWKRS aud BinBOMIt, NECKTIES ud FICHUS. COtlARS and CCI'FB. COHBFTa aud IIOOI'aKIRTS. , MLSTI.r.H and othor I'lXIN'at, UNDEBWEAR of all kind, HOSIERY aud GLOVIiH, HANDKEItCIIIEFtt, WHITE.THIMMIJIOai, EMBROIDERY, TOWELH, NAPKINS. STANDARD TRIMMINGS. A Fill LIXE OF PARASOLS AND FANS. NEW WHITE GOODS. PIQCA, STRIPED MTSLINS, PLAID MUSLINS, SATIN STRIPES. MARAPOSA STRIPES, AO, AC, AO. ' All will bo Mid at th. low..t prloM at WM. REEDS, Market Street, CI. ar Held, Pa. May 14. 1878. R BAD TUI81 FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I Tba atleitlon of the oitieen. of Clearlleld and vicinity is directed te the fact that Goudfrllow A Son are the arente of M. Niece A Co., and hav. just reeel red a half dose ear loads of Flcnr and reed, wnien tney oner at ins lowcti pooaiuie ug -ores. A urge stock of FLOUR,' CORN 4LEAL, CUOr, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, BRAN, Fotatoos, Shelled Cora, Cora la ear, Ac, Ao. Particular attention Is eallrd Io M. Kiee A Co.'s brand of Family Floar, which is the best ia th market. Flour and Food ean and will be old cheaper than it eaa be obtained elsewhere ia Clearfield county. . 4r-Elon on Market street, next door to Iloa. Alexander Irvin's re.idouoe. UOODFELLOW A SON, janlOtf '' AgentsforM. NleoACo. or sale: A large and well-Anlihed Biick Dwelling, situ ate on the rirer hank, in the borough of Clear field, oontainlng eleven rooms, with good cellar, water in tho kitchen, and all tbo modern oonre nlencea. Pantriea, Balb-reom,, Ac Lot .illy fret front and two hundred and thirty feel bark, with a twrnty foot alley on Ihe east Ide. Said bnilding, with all tha appurtenances, will ke .old cheap, with payment. to suit purcha ser. Application ean be made to tbe under signed, or to A. C. Tate, Esq., who will give all atoeatary information to those who desire to in spect th. property. Tn.OS. J. McCCLLOUOH. May Hit, 1973, If. Beale's Embrocation, (LATE POWELL'S,) For ill dlieasei Incident to lionet, Cattl, aad Human, r-rlng tb an el aa xwrnal application. Thii Embrocation wai xMn.lrely Bled by iha (lorernment during th war. For ..I by Hartawick A Irwin, Clearlleld Joaenk R. Irwin. Curw.n.rlll.. Daaiai Uood- andar. Luth.raburg. ll Attention, Lumbermen ! T.TTK ar now mannlactnrlng our IMPROVED STEEL SOCKET DltlVINl) CANT HOOKS, suptrlor to any other in nit, W hare alto in stork a targs quantity of Canlbook. .uita bl for rafting purpose., which w. are telling obetp foreath. AMOS A II. Kb.VIAItU. Clearlleld, Pa., March 18. 1871. sir; N IV'Ai county to tho fact that wo ANNoiNCBMalKT t A i- lirfr r. Il 9' 'trf Of THi't - I a XrXAl. - REDUCTION OF PRICES I BY . PORTER in AW. D.D.atf, IMPORTANT IRUrnsi. ' 'j' -' Having succeeded in getUng a lighter tariff aa material, bene the low aud nedsnit. aharg , ttriiol and full sU of Teeth. , I aa tba ' , . . . 1. -. 1 I r i . I II aianniaciuro oi imu wh . s perattons regltteiod and warranted to glr rice and eatWection. ' 1 Friends, relleet tb.t any char go for th. Ir tlon of arlidoial and th saving; of th eataral teeth are now tbe most reasonahld m Cenniyleeaia. Preurr e your teeth and yoa preierre your health. Putting of the natural teeth in a healthy, pre serratirs and uteful condition is made a specialty. Diseasei and malformation. .ouunon to th. mQUik aw and associate parts, are treated and corrected with fair success. Examination! and coniulta tloni rnr.aj. . - . . o It would be well for patienli from a distant let ms know by mall a few days befor wmiaf t. tb. oflje. . It is very important that oh lid ren between ah agee of ill and twelr year should bar their teeth examined. ' " ! Anresthetios ar. administered and Teeth re moved without pain. ' . ' . Ditpoaltioni and eharactar ar Judgsd by all th world by the oxprettieni of the face, hen how very ditiitroui may it therefor b for p. eoni to indulge an axpreisioa of distorted flevt even apart from a hygienic view, Now, lu cnjoff natural (not artificial) comforts and pleasure reapeet and obey natural simplicities aad iastiaU. 8. PORTER 8U AW, I). D. OBe ia New Matouie Building, Seooad Jtr, Clear&eld, Pa, aylV7 . DENTALCAKD. Db. A. M. HILLS Would say to bil patients and ths fab. lie generally, that, karlng di. sol red partoarshia with Dr. ebaw, he is now doing th entire work of his office himself, so that patients need not fear being put under tbe handt of any other operator. Cleerucld, marca zu, iBix-pazvmcu J. M. STEWAET, D. D. S.,' OISm orcr Irwin's Drug Store, CCRWENSriLttr, PA. - All dental operations, either ia th mechanical or operative branch, premity attended to aad eatl.factiou guaranteed. Special attentioa paid to the treatment of diseases of tbe natural teeth, gums aad mouth. Irregularity of tbo teeth ee ees.Iully corrected. Teeth extracted without pi by the ute of Klber, and arUBcial teeth insertee of the best material and warranted to render sat Isfaotlon. aprlBa'Tl;!' t a. l - a a- TeEACB IK EUROPE! SRBAT EXCITEMENT ' ' IN FRENCH VILLEf ' Th bloody contest between Franc aad Pneeta is at aa nd for tl. present, sa far as th smug, taring of men aad tba d.etrueiioa of property Id eoucerned. Th Royal Jugglerl no doabt. prida thrmtrfre ant rejoice orer the remit, but bow ineignlloaat ia their work whea romparad will tha huniaa and chriatiaa effurts of L. M. COUDRIET,;;, ; who baa undertaken to supply all the eitlaeni 1st th. lower end of Ibe county with food and raimeol at .acceding low rate, from hit mammoth store ta MULSONllUBl, where be ean always be feaad ready to wait upon callers and aupply teem with Dry Goods of all Kind!; Such as Cloths, patlnettl, fai'lniVfra, Maaliaa, . Delaines, Line, DriUing.,-CaJio, , Trimmingt, itibkeai, Lace, .. , ; Ready-made Clothing, Ilooli and Shoe, Bata.aad Caps all of the best material and made to ord.t-j Hose, Socka, Olovei, Mjttent, Laces, Ribbons, A. GROCERIES OF ALL rflSfij". '; Coffee, Tea, Sugar,' Rice, Molatiei, Flik, Salt, Pork, Limned Oil, Vitk Oil, Carbon Oil, tlardwara, Queenswara, Tin war., Cat tlngt, Ptoir and Plow Castings, Neile, Spikes, Cor 0 olti ra ta rl, Cider l'reaaee, and all kind, of Axes. v -Perfumery, PalnU, Varoith, O lots, aad a ar asiortment of Stationery, OOOD! FL OUR, Of different brands, always en kand, aad will we lold at tbe lowest possible figurea,. . LIQUORS, snch as Braady, Wiae, Oin, Whisky, Jayne's Medieinct, llottetler's and . llooflmd's Rlttere. .. -, tide pounds f Wool wanted for wblth -It higneet price will paio. iioeera ra aaa and for sale at the lowest market prio. Also, Agent for StrattoavUlc aid CarweasrlUs Threshing Machines. . A -UCall and see for youreelrea. Yea everything nsually kept ta a retail store. L. M. COUDRIIl1. Frencbiille P. 0., March 1, 1811. r. eALLAeaaa. lacatl aoit. IVew Firm at lloatzdal' GALLAGHER k HOLT , , . . . . . Hera Just returned from the Euter cities with a large and well selected stork of Foreign aad Domostis goods, eonsisting of DRY GOODS Si MOTIONS, KEADT-MADE CLOTU1KC,' BOOTS & SHOES', IIAT3 i CW, IlAKDWAItE, QUEENSWARE; wood & willow ware, carppits oil clotit?,' ' groceries; ' FLOUIU FEED, (by Wr isitd.) i! Ac, 4o , io., , ' ; ' Which thry will exebang at a vary kiw prle far Lumber, 6bioglt, Ca.b ar Country Prodao. Uoutadalo, Pa, May 21, 1871. LK0? ut'HAs count ba J VALVAUI.B TIMBER LASDS.-ln a- ruane. of an order of the Orphans' Coirrt ofClear geld eountr, th wadereigaed guardian f Em. i, Kloit, miner heir of Juh Slot., ileceaved, will tell at public sale, at tbe Court lioua, in lbs bor e;tt of ClMrteld, on Saturday, July 5th, U',i, at 2 o'clock p. m., tbe following detoribeni vlca- ki real atai, .iiuato ta huax uwn.nip, i teur field county, Pa.t Beginning at post omr A line of W. tilosl Itloom ; tbence by land .of X. 4. Into A Co. perth 401 d.grr.1 loT netrbea to' poet 1 tboao. by loadaf J arena Haley north , degress wsat 10u 8-H percb.i I poatf Ua.aee by land of George Slott, late deeeated, aouth .i d greee weet 160 perches to pott; tbenee by fand of it', rtlon Itlomn eouth 41 degree ean lot (-19, porches to plac of beginning t enntaining Out Hundred Aeres. mors or Uts, aud belug all waif timhered with good pine, hemlock, Ae. 1 rem ar ;n.a. Miieea per cent, et ta nia t tlei of tl and balance of one-third at Mt ormalien of sale j one-third in on. year and oa third at the dvalh of th widow of decdrnt, and tntere.t to bo paid semi-annually the wbol wit, internet from dot of sale aad te b Moored oa th premisr with olliteral loeurlty, te b ap. proved by the Court or a Judr;e thereof. , 1 A.V, JAI.fOBnr.11a. ' . Jun Id, lsrj. Jt- i ' 1 : 11 III IK. K Mum ISa-Tli. .loclboia.r.' II of tbe OlearBeld Creek BriJre Compaay ar h.reby wotibed that a uieeling Will bold t the office of Vi caver A Rett., ia I'lcarftoid, ou, the lUUi day of July neat, at I v cloak p. m. A run attrndanee 1. reoue.ii'ti. jei 0 11 jb , e 1 a.i in, rwiwiry. r r . . r 'r rpt ninnuB nuii.i)i:n.-?esi.d pr. I for the erection of a Iron Bridg auroaa the river, at Ciirwcntrille, will be rMeivml by the uaderaicned llild-. rommittea, anlil tb. 12th day ol duly aexfa i'ra)ieaaie will eow-, tldrrvd f.r taking down and removing tbe old bridge and for repairing and raiting the abut., meat, to a proper height, aa well a for thpr. etrietnr. Aiapl security will be repaired from, bidder fur tb cvmpivliou of tbe woik they an dertak. K. A. IRVIN, SAM'L AKMiLD, JU1IN 111 V IN, IHAAC CALbWKLt.. ' ' ' W. n. HARTS IIOKN,' ' HAN'L t'AI T, JAMES A. 1KV1S, . ... Juu II, imi.-ld CoMuilllwr. JtfTlt KH V COXttTAliLElf FKHN W bav prialed a large aaateor af tb. new t fcxS fiU.Iuud will 0 lb reootpt I tw.iitr. li. .' fTi.'.l cepf 10 ear HoV.'. m'-TV E:le, Wjrrw, t'r.