She epMiatt, GEORGE B. GOODLANDER, '. " " ' BDITuB All rHOPRIlTOB. : CLKAKKIELD, Ta. WEDNESDAY MOKNINO. JISE 2, W. v - Democratio County Ticket.' ' V ' ' " ASSEMDLY, ' , I 1 .D. T. i. BOVIiR, or leauilp. i ; SHERIFF, Vf. IOII MCPHERSON, lit CLCiirilLI, TREASURER, WILLIAM W. tVOXIUt., or CLEianriD, COMMISSIONER, . CLARK BHOWIi " or uwtuu. DISTRICT ATTORNEY, PKANK F I i: L 1) I !K O . t or cLLinrim-D. . f- AUDITOR, L 1. WH Ci BLOOM, , '; OS LaWSMCS. ' ' JI'RY COMMISSIONER, j o it fi n. anuoART, ' ' ' or cliiRriilD. .' . COUOXKR, ,V , ... 1 UEUKUG T II O R X , or CLKARriCLfl. 1 .. . i i. ' : in flare. ? Our foreman last week omitted tho lin in o of our nominee for Coroner, 'Ccorge Thorn. It will bo found at our most head tbia week, with ids rest of the ticket. :' Fellow Democrat, tho flag is hoist vd, let us go to work. The freemen uf Clornild county hovo nerer had a i ticket compoaod of better men pro en ted to them for thoir suffrages. lho nominees nro all of tho young tnd middle agod cluseos, full of vigor (iid aound Democrats, and from our wt predict that they will fill their re spective positions with honor and Ability, alike croditublo to the party and themselves. . We also know that .men equally as competent and deserv ing wero defeated, bat the party hav ing spuken through its acknowledged forms and selected the gontlcmen ..whoso ii a in o are found at our mast bead, it becomes the duty of nil good Denioorttls to acquiesco in the verJiot v( the jury tho people''' ' ' Our ticket was not hatched in some Sawyer' or doctor's office, but the '.wholo 4,000 Democrats of Cloarfiold county were taken into council and Touna in tho laCIo puoniiliedTnst week. I , . - , . . . . . To say that tho result is the workings of lho fOldtown iting," or "tho Court Cliquo," is mere gibbcrnge, because, while tbo vote in one district is very decidedly in favor of one candiduto tho adjoining distriot doclaros in favor vf anothor, which is conclusive ovi deuce to every intelligent' mind that Ihe imaginary '-rings" and "cliques" wero very much broken and scattered, and rendered powerless fur cither good or ovil. Our old enemy, aerpent-liko, is crawling around in our political Eden seeking to beguile and dostroy the weak. Instead of furnishing palm Icavos ho is offering greenbacks and guaranteeing office, iiifloonco nnd riches. Democrats, don't nibble at his .hook, ulthonghjit may be richly baited. Tho enemy is sockingyour destruction. . Hunt Ins. Cndidalei. Tho JIudical wigwam in this county Is in grout distress about candidates for tho eoveral county offices. Tho lcadors are exhausting all their in genuity and making liberal offers in greenbacks for candidates for Aftcm bly, Sheriff, Treasurer and Commis sioner. . They wanted a volunlocr Democrat, with "local option" pro clivitios, for Assembly, and failing in Xhis thoy hnvo brought out Henry CLAY Wycoff, of Karthaus, suppos ing that the Democrats In Dr. Pottor's uuighborhood could bo inveigled into the support of a liadical against Dr. lloycr. These saino bravo Modocs arealso hunting a candidate for Sheriff, Treasurer and Commissioner in the up ymr nH at ih county.. ..Soma ono in JS'ew .Vanliington, Chest or Jordan proForrod. If volunteers cannot be got jut, money will bo offered to Domo crnts to take tho field, and if they fail in this puro Modocs will bo selected, and tbo gentlemen dofeated at our primary election, and thoir friends, will be invited to the IEadical feast. U..-1. I- . I- - . . , . emeu iii iuu programmo luia aown by the Chairman of lho Radical county Committee.. Wo are satisfied, that no Democrat w ho it fit to fill either of tho offices indicated will be foolish enough to nibble at this Kadical bait., 1 - i Read It. As Intimated on a form- AV ... a 1. . . I 1 : . I. ! ... Vww.n.wu rtw IUIB IU1IIIHII III full the greut speech of John II. Or is, Esq , delivered in tho House of HoprecntatiTfc s As Mr. Orvis douls with state-officials, and makes his '(stalcments from official dales, It bo purees tho duly, of tho taipayers to read and pondor over hit ttatomonta, and if they are not aitonUhed at the glganliofraodsperpptraUd upon them there la n6 nso In dwelling upon facte. Democrats, read this speech and th on hand it over to j our Rupuolicun noigh. tor, and if ha is opposed to bugo rob beries he will read it, too; and "go and si a ne nvoro" by votlng-tho Rad ical twket, ' Tha Pwhlcnt Ins ppolnld Geo. r. rujjur L't.iuJ Statcj iJitlritl At- wMy nr .Hawacliufiullej- Ifois. Ceo. .V. Dallm: Thit gontleman it tho ton of a noble tire, and merits the thanks of every journalist in Pennsylvania. While ho hat not pecoodod in incorporating into tho Constitution ' the doctrine of tbo. moat onllghtoned roodera Judges, English and American whioh he ex pressed in bit amendment at first of fered, yet hb has by bit "ability, learn ing and portinncity, fairly driven the Convention from its first resolve to adhcro to tho antiquated provisions of 1790. , lit has carried through enough of his original amendment to make a decided improvement ,iu .the present law, and to rescue tho State from the reproach whioh a refusal to raako any amendment would have brought upon her. For this the prost and tho poo pleowo their Ihanki to Ceorgu M. Dallas, of Philadelphia. Wo nro really astonibhed at tho ap parent tfowardice of the members of lho Constitutional Convention, in ap proaching tho libel question. The li bel clause- in the present Constitution is a disgrace to tho stato. The clause, as amonded through tho effoi tt of Mr. Dallas, rends as follows : . 8&c. 7. Ttiat tb prlmtug prtai ihH bo frw to ivtrT penon wbo uodcrlaUtl to XkDiiot th prootealtiKi of tho Iirlilluro or tny bniiieh of tbo ooTrruintnt, ood oo low ihitll ovtr bo undo to mtrain the ribt tliroof. Tbo frco fHionnunioa tion of thoogbti and opinion! li ono of tho Inval riablorirhtt of man, and ercrjr ehttpB nay n-tfoly apeak, write and print on anj aubject, beiug re- vponiibio lor tuo ui tnat liberty, no ooo viotlon khall bo had ill any prowcution for the publlration of naperf relntlns to the official oon- doet of etneer or ara In public capacity or to any other natter proper fur publio luvt-ilijcation or in formation, wliere tile lacl mat aucn puoilcatlon wal not inalicloutly of n-ltliiroutlT made iball to oitablUbed to tho oatltfaetion of the Jury. And In all indiotiaento for llbeli, tbo jury sball novo the right to determine the la and tho faoti, un der tho direotion ot the court, ae In othor caiti. Tho Now York Court of Appeals bus given Stokes, the murderer of Col. Fink, a new trial. This move will clear him. Wero he some "poor devil" he would hnvo been hung long At Work. Enterprising nowspa por men and tho highly scientific, are hard at work, as usual, to start either tho cholera or yollow fover, or both, in tbit country.' Me hope thoir enter priso and tbcorict will fall. ! , Con. Grant paid a visit to Washing. ton lust week. He remained nearly ibrco hours at the While House before returning to Long Branch, whero ho keeps his horses and dogs, etc. Ittal SlalMUt-.ntnlh Cenu$, Volume Second of the Ninth Census of the United Statos, containiuir near ly seven hundred pagos, quarto, is do voted to vital statistics. It contains maps and charts so tinted in different shades of. tho sn tuo color as to report to the eye. tne prcvaiouco ot certain prominent diseases in the various sec tions, of tho country. . According to tho m.ip the localities most lrco irom the ravajres of consumption are Florida, middle Georgia, a section in and near Uurko county, r. U., and the region cfn"T iFijfato.-' "rnhr Kgim? witi tho exception ol Florida, are not lho ones lavoreu by tho medical profession as sanitary' resorts for pulmonary patients. Tho reason why is perhaps lounu in mo lact that these healthy localities have not boen written up by intereslod parlies. Theso mans nnd charts are valuable to the physician, ana to the invalid who is seukinir a change of climate for lho benefit of bis health. Among tho interesting statistics in tho volume wo quote tho following : The total population of the country is about thirty-eight and a quurter millions. Tho total number of deaths in the current census year, 492,203, or about 1,3 19 per dim. March socms to bo the most fatal month, leading all others by about 1,000. March, April and Afar form tho most fatal quarter,excoeding any other throe consecutive months by over 13,- 000. The births numbor 1,100,475. or about a.uuu per diem. The blind numbor about 20,000. The deuf and dumb, about 1(1,000. Tho idiotio, about 24,000. Tho insane, about 37,000, nearly one third of whom aro of foreign birth. 1'orsons over 50 years ol ace num ber ubout 150,000. Persons ovor 90 ycart of tiro num ber about 7,000. . Persons over 100 yoarc of aco num ber nbout 3,500. Of thoso ovor 80 years, tho females outnumber tho males by about 12,000. UI thoso over i)v rears, tho lomulos are in excess by about 1,200. UI thoso ovor lUOyoars, tho females exceed tho males by about 1,000, xcnaiito upcciator. Thing to be llcmtmbered. Tho following chances will tako placo after June 30, 1873 : 1. rrniiKiiig privilege Boousnea. : 2. Postmasters suMilied with ofll- cinl stamps. , 3. Oflicial stamps mutt not be used except for oflicial business. . Mamps ol one department can not bo used for correspondence of anomer. 5 'o ronltor can pass tliroutrh the mails free. 6. Postage must be collected on nownpapcra published in tho county whoio delivered. 7. Exchangot not free. Publish ers must pay postage on each ex chango received. . , , 8. I'ostul cards ancalled for are not eent to the doad letter olllce. V. PoHtuI cards cannot be used a second time. 10. Ordinary cards can be trans mitted through the muils by affixing ono cent stamps, provided the entire mesange is printed. ; Tho address may bo written. , rotlage. Lottcrs-7-Thrco cents for each hitll'ounco or fraction thereof. Drop Loiters Whoro delivered by carriers, two cents for each half ounce or fiaoiiort thereof. At other ofliccs, one cent for each half ounco or frac tion thereof. Printed Mutter One cent for each two ounces or fraction thereof. Kccda, bulbs, cuttings, roots, scions, chromos, and engravings are classed with print ed matter; ' Merchandise Two ooiita for each two ounces or fi action thereof, limited to twelve ounces. Wheti any of lho above mutter is mailed wholly unpaid aod by inadvertence reucboa lit desti nation, double ratot should ba char-oil and cullccted.i-rc''r Curette. " otT fery Dtrly Senate. It it to seldom that we find a Kadi can nowspnper which tolls the truth partially, that we are compelled, to trantfer the following, from tho Miners Journal, to our columns, wbicb says: . It appear by the offlulul report of the Secretary of ,tbe . Senate, that, for the session ending in May, 1872, that each Senator cost tho people of the United Statoa about 120 to cleanse hit porsnn, all of wbicb was chargod to the United States. The cost embraces soap, towels, washing and cologno wa ter, bay rum, Fronoh cosmetics. If the people of the United States have to pay for kocping their Senators clhun, the butler plan would be to givo it out by contract, nod perhaps it could bo done cheaper. 1 hey might bo scrubbed every morning, which ought to bo sufficient, unless they aro unusually auiy. The people ure not awaro gcnorally that Ihcy aro taxed by their roprcson talivus for personal cloanliucss; but It is novcrtbclcss truo; thoy hud to pay upward ot 8-0 a head ut that ses sion for such a purposo. Independent of tho ubovo chunro, tbey also used durintj the session each 3 exponsivo Euchiib hair brushes, costing over tz each, besidos 80 pate brushos, no doubt lor the uso ot thoso who had bald boads, besidoa about 200 combs, all of which were charged to tho people of the United Mules. An .ni;lisu utur brush will laot ordinary persons for several years, but these dtrly (Senators use no less than tbreo each at a singlo session of about four months, or clso tlicv keen a stock for other Duroosos. and then make tho pcoplo pay for litem. '1 heir tobacco and snult Ihcy also chargod to lho people Thoy also used ad boxes ot lemons, costing upward of 8220 ; 00G pounds of granulated sugar about hall a ton, and 33 pounds ot 6- tea, all chargod to the United Statct. Why notchargo their board at onco to lho pooplealso It is such abuses at those practiced by mombers of Congress that leads to tho shameful stealing of tho people's mon ey, nnd it converting our legislative hulls into a den of thieves. So far no momber of Congress has raised his voice against these abuses, for fear of boing ostracised by those who practico thorn; and the press, with scarcely an oxccplion, is silent on tho subject, particularly at Wash ington, for tboy will lose somo patron- ago that tho members have in their power to bestow. Ainrri'ioiirnn. 1I .fffrr. ' We aro somewhat more than amnt ed at the speculations of our llcpubli can cotemporaries as to the health and vitality of the Domocralio parly. These pooplo may indulge to tho bont of their inclination their dreamt of tho downfall and death of tho Domo cralic parly, and pride themselves in tbo belief that it has passed out of ox istonco. Such visions may be grati fying to thorn, and we do not bugrudgo them tho momentary satisfaction they enjoy. But Ihcy will awake one of these days to lho lull realization of the fact that lho Democratic parly, in stead of being, at they flutter thorn- selves, a corpso, cold and inauimulo, is a living body, full of vitality, and able to copo wiih them in lho fiulii for vic tory and not only to cope with them, but to cope successfully, and bring into the state and National govern ments, men of mind, of vigorous intul-...-, j m M.urM, t anco of duty, show tho people tliaiTn the Democratic parly resides lho pow er of good government. And this power they intend,' when tbo sun of lortune shines on them, to exhibit to tho discomfiture of the party which now rules the land with an iron sceptre. Lot Mr. Governor Uartranft and Mr. Prcsldeuttirantosciliato between Uarrisburg, Washington and Long Branch, enjoying themselves at best thoy may and let their party organs herald their exits and their entrances tho time is not fur distant when the voico of the people will tuporcedo thorn and call to ir,e sorvicoof tho Stato and nation men moro competent to gov ern. Jlarrifbura ratnot. A Public Scandal. Tbo now states of ll.e West have not, perhaps, much latitude ot choice in the selection of men to fill offices of dignity and trust, but tboy seem for the most part pecu- mrly unlortunato in their tutted States Senators. The latest scandal is about lho new Senator, Mitchell, from Oregon, whoso roal nuiiio, it Is said, is Uippie. lie was an emigrant from Pennsylvania, and thore is now living in 1'i anklin, in that stnto, as a servant in a botol, a woman who olaitns to bo his wife. - He did not marry her till her own reputation made it necossary, and afler living with ber about a year he aesorlou her with another woman. Mr. Mittholl, alias Hipplo, has pub lished in the Oregon pupers an expla nation which we have not seen of lho circomstuncos of his early life, bul it is unfortunate thata man with such a record, which needs explaining, should besont to the United Elates Sonnto. If the elory was known to the people of Oregon buforo ho was cDosca benator. tbo disgrace in measure belongs to tho slate, and is an insult to the Senate ; if it was not known to them, thoy should requost tuo senator to return to private life. Keep the Uai.l in Motion. The United States, by its Atlornoy-Gener- al, has brought tuit against tbo Union and 1 ucilio ituilroad, and demands an account of tho sums which it obtainod from tho government. Tbo cily of Philadelphia, by its .loiicitor, has Drought suit aguinst Mr, Kcyscr, of tho Water Department, and demands an account of money in ado UJ- VIIU UDU VI IIIU jfllUIIU ItllJUS. Now, wbcro is tho Attorney-Gen oral of Pennsylvania, Mr. Dimmick? Lid in in bring suit and demand an ao count from the Treasury "liing" of uic proms ibey have mado by using tho publio monoy. If bo will rocover il, a million could bo easily spared from, it for lho Centennial. A Hard Wouker Tbo Now York W Bays lho lato Horace F. Clark, was undoubtedly a , victim ol over work, havingfor years borne a respon sible and activo part in many corpo rations. Althollmo of hia dcuth lio was president of the Luko Shoro and Michigan Southern Huilroad Company and Union Pacific Pailroad Company. He wat o dirottorln many companies. among which wo recall lho New York I on Ira! and Hudson, Aow York and Harlem, New York, Now Haven and Hartford, Toledo, Wabash and Wes tern,. Frio nnd Pittsburg, Dunkirk, Wnm-n and Piitsbon. Western Union Tolcgruph Company, and Union Trust Company, besides sovurat banks and insurance companies. Tbo steamer Mary McDonald wat bnrned at Gil ham's Landing, on tho Missouri river, wbilo en routo from ; Kansas Oily to St. Louis - MHMntuitmtd Httatrnition. A Washington telegram atatet that a delegation of colored men from Vir ginia recently called on Postmaster flnnanl Croaswoll tO reauest him to appoint one of tbeir comber at one of j the now tpooiat post owes agonit. "Tbo PotlmtiBtor Uenoral," tayt the telegram, 'recoivod them courteously, but exprcssod hit rogrett that be could not gratify thorn, at on the recom mendation of Colonel John S. Mosby bo bad Just appointed II. Clay Brad ley of Virginia." Tho Postmaster General bows grnoefully and extends his hand cordially to thocolorod folks, smiles blandly wbcu they prtl'ur their request, and then, with a most doleful and lugubrious countenance, the corn ers of bit mouth drawn downward, and tho salt tears welling up from his full heart, he "regrets" that ho has just handed over to a protego of Colo nel Mosby tho littlo "posish" which his visitors hovo como to look after. Wo imagioo thore was a rolling-tip of white cyohallr and an exhibition of f;rinning Ivory, when Crosswoll't po itcnoss was rounded off by this ao nouncomcnt. Tho Idea of Mosby, the rough rider of tho rebellion, the scourgo of loyally in Northurn Virgi nia, the blood-stained partisan of the lost cause, tbo red bunded sluvo-cutel or, controlling appointments undor Ibe suporiativoly and exquisitely loyal Mr. CreBSwell, must havo been enough to disturb even tho polito pqnipoiooof tbo dignibod colored persons wnose mission and deportment cxlructodsucli extroino courtesy trom the UhiPi l ost niastcr of the Unitod Slates. Wheth or or not their disappointment was much molificd by the fact that they were so "courteously received," tho tions as thoy left tho patriotic pros ence were perhaps not vory'r'oatant, and probably were mainly directed to invidious comparisons of tboir own claims witb those of Colonel Mosby upon tbo recognition and gratitude of the republican party. Hatford Utx lette. ' ' ' A Balloon Trip to Eimon. John Wise, lato of this city, and W. H Donaldson, both experienced aero nauts, propose to take a balloon voy age- of wbicb so much has boen said und so little done. The Boston Board of Aldormen have responded to a pe tition from them, and made an appro priation of $3,000 to aid llicm in fit- ling out their a-rial ship, in winch they will start from tho Common in that city on July 4th. lho gontlo men will tako two othor persons with them, and through the ci-opcration or tho Franklin Institute in Philadol phis cxpoct to accuro the services of two scientific men. f ror. n ise bases hit roason for undertaking this peril ousvoyago on the following theories : Atacurtuin height above the earth there is a continuous; air current, or tide selling from wost to east, mainly caused by lho revolution of the earth on its axis, and that this currant movos at the rate of from GO to 100 miles per hour. . Thus tbey' expect to reach Kngland in two days, at the most, from the timo of starting. Lancaster Intelligencer. - ' - Tu Now York Herald contains a detailed alatemontof the reported lob by plan for orl'ecling tho annexation of a largo slice of Mexican territory. It is to make tho balsnoo of claims by can raiders on the Texas frontier suf ficiently large to that Mexico cannot pay it. Our Government is to assnmo the pay mont of this money to our tlai mants, whilo Mexico it to sottlu the little bill wiib our Govornmenl In a cossion of territory. This magnificent project embraces the Mexican frontier stales of J amauliims, New Leon, Coa- bulia, Chihuahua, Honor, and Lower lalilorma, nnd tho arguments already thrown out in itsfavoraroplausibltand fascinating. Mexico will ba freo from tho embarrassments which the ioni liirt hat caused, whilo lho Unitod Statos will guin a largo and valuable tract ol land. 3ftt' (U'rHiSfinrntj. "VOTICE TO CUSTOMERS. Wo, ll the nndeniaoed. merchant! and nMhaioi of the borough of Clearfield, do airrea to cloee oor reineotloe place! of balloon on the Fourth dor of July. 1873 : J. M. Kralier. Jobs 0. Ilarwlek. noodfrllo A Son. T. M. Knblnwn Co. II. F. Nanxlf. Klobard Moaiop. II. F. liigli-r A Co. liackett eVbrrTor. I Jobmon A Soni. Wearer A Botti. R. W. Urabaro. . li. Miller. 1. Hlewart A Hon. J. W. Wright. F. bbort. - W ia. Heed. Jul. Kerr A Co. Kobt. .Milohell. Kiatier A l.Jtle. Famuel t. Hnjdrr. J. 8. tthoaeri. Later Filial. CleaaOald, Juno Si, ls;3.-!t T. M. ROBINSON & CO., A3lLi:itS, T)m!trf la Harness, Saddles and Bridles, BLANKETS, BRUSUE3, Fly Not, Collart, Whipt, io. : A large ataok of TROTTIXO OOOD." of all Jmiriu ,. i..,..fce, mi naaaasg TltlMMINUS. 0-Repairing promptly attended to. Shop os Market itreel. Oraliim'e Row, In ihop formerly ooeupiod by Jaraei Aleiander. , ClrarAald, Pa, June 15, 1S7J. . N EW L1MK KILN I NBA It CCKWRKSVTM.R The undcfuicDed would raxpoetfullr otif? till persuDS IntcrvHtrd that bt btu juit rectt-d tt nw Minti Htin, id rifce totrntbin, anj will ip et hand OrM olaM quaJltr of Oray Ltme. hih will b to farmart, builtiurt aad othars ai ib cent per buinel. oab at the kilu. jfl5-m (J. H. CALDWELL. IkKIDHK L KTTI Nil. Sealed pmpowli will Xj be rocelvod 'hjetbe undcrnignr-d for liulldiug a bridge aerona the mouil of Littlo Clearfield oreek, where the lawn. hip road emaaei, natil Ibarailey, July fid, la. J, at J a'olook p. m. of lain ay. llio llrldge to be or two oliaoi, wiib wooden abutments tilled with itone. Prono.ali tea k i..r. Mi,,. .. . il. a... i ' .. -- - -"" - i.h. . wi i - vuparfirnn. me. aiDoaliom aud plaaa may bo aeon by oalling upon John l'arki, at bii ri-eidenoa. The Buerisori will mod at the Court ll.iuar. is Clejrll.l.l ... ih. Sd, to deolatt the eentrnet, JOHN R. PARKS, -. 'ATIIANIKI, RlbUEI JOHN KI.INK, JAM1CH nilDWN, ! fnpei vlenre of Lawrese.. JOHN tOliL'lElt. ! bupcrvlmr of lioggi. Jena J5, U7.-td Aiir.anun, i jijiji kiih Notice li bcrel-y given lo thole tatnnvera In I ... n-iieo townihip, who know thenmeliea Indibled to mo for County, Ktela and H-liool Taioa for IM7I, t,l an I l;;l, that unleri their latra ara Milled wilhln three woeki from Ibis dute, my duplicate! will he left In the burnt! of a Ju.tlr of the Peace for oollerlioa lugetbor with the neeeirarv onita. Lawrence tp., June ia, UrJ.-.t Colleolor. B1.ACKMMITII W A NTKIJ, -Tbo nndc ngned wiihoa ta oumlov a 8r.i-.i... .-.a. nan at onea. Ironing wagna made s apecially. Liberal wegoa j-ald. Call on or addrr.i 3Jn Q&vtxiitmtnts. 1876 CEXTEXMAL! 1876 i The New J'CENTENHIAli" CLOTHING STORE! Mcn'i Bull of Farmera' Caiilmeri, onl'..., $1.00 at KERR A CO.'S. Mrn'i Suit! of Cheviot, onlj t.00 at jit: u u 4 co.'t. ' , Men'l BolU of Hootch Chcrlot, onlr... ........ 1J.M at KERR A CO.'S. Men'! Bull! of Kngllih Melton, only 18.00 , a a KERR A CO.'D. , - Mi-n'l Euillof Flm Blue Dlaxocal. 10.00 at KKHR A CO.'S. Youth's Bull! from $7.0U to 14.00 at KUItH A CO.'S Children'! Fane fniii, from tl.OO to....... 10.00 at KEKR A CO.'B. Gent's Furnishing Goods, t bwt u.d Urgvat ttock In town, tt - KERR ti CO.'S Nkw Cinixnmal House, Corner Second snd Market Blroeti. e-Ooand aee for jourielrol. Tkt oioij al ionaif. LMh Uoum in Cltarfl,U. t U-H piiOM THIS DATE, . . Jituo 25ih, until kng. int. I will nil anj Mlllinor or othor (oodi oa iiand at 3U per ttaU leas thaa coat, to make room for an entire aew Fall etock. June ti ll. MRS. T. If. WATBOK, The Bell's Bun Woolen Factory, Tenn towmhlp, Clearfield Co., Fa. UURilGD OUT! BURNED UPI - The lulierlben bare, at great eiprnii, rebuilt a neighborhood nfoeoeltr, In tbo ereotlon or a nret- olata Woolen Mannfaotorx, with all tbo modem improvement! attached, and are prepared to make all kind! of Clotbl, Caaiimeroa, gatinetta, Blan ket!, Flanneli, to. Plont of Rood! on bond te lupply all onrold and a taeoaaad now emtwmera, whom we aik to eouio and oaamiuo one itoen. Ibe ejiintii of CARDISO AND Fl'LLRO will reeelro our oipoclal attention. Froper arraniremeoti will bo made to receive and deliver Wool, te nit eutomera. All work warranted end done upoa tho ahortoet notioo, and bv Uriel alien tlon to buiinri! wo hope to realtio n liberal ahere of pnblie patronago. 10.IKK) POCXPS WOOL WAKTKD1 Wa will par the hlrheet market price for Wool and aell oar menafaetured noodi aa low aa ettallar good! oaa bo buugbt in tho eeaaiy, and wbaaover ae fail to render roaauaablo eatiilaction wa aan alwaya be found at homo road to make proper eaplanatioa, either in nereon or ny letter. . JAllbS JUU.NBO.N A SON 3, aprii:Clf llowor P. O ADMIMSTR ATOR'H NOTICED Notleo la bareb given that letter! of adminietratioo oa the eitateof EDWARD KINO, deoeaied, late llurniide townihip, Cleatfleld eounty, Feno a, having boon dale granted to tbo aoderalgned, all peraoon indebted to aaid aetata will pleaae rake Immediiie payment and tkoia having elaimi or demanaa win pre lent tnem propeif aatbeatiealed for tottloment withoa! delay. , JK&ejK M. UARTEH, Jnne Si, 1873-81. Admialetrator. I7ARM FOR SALE. The under slgaed offer! tot lalo bli Farm, lituate In tiirard townabin. . It ooataine about lot aorei, 60 of wbieh ara improvel. - Tho Improvement! ara a two-ilory Dwelling llouie, a large frame Barn, too Fruit Tree!, a good Spring of water, together He'wboVorwWwr'ft inft-iWHSS'liirt. luit purchaser!. Further ioforiaelioa can be eb teined by oalling oo the preniiies, or eddrciiiag tbo aubaoribar at Looonta'a Milli Poitofflro. Je24-t JOIIX J. HOVER. PROPOSALS FOR BRIDGE. The under algned eommittoo will raeelve aealed propo ala nntil Saturday noon, July It, 1773, for the ereotion of a wooded bridge, with tret-elaaa atone abutment!, aeroia the r-uequebaaaa River, near Tbotiwi A. UeUee'a, In llell towmhin. Ridden mult furnlih ample aeoarity for the completion of ino worm, nam ana ipeciaaaiioas can be eeea at T. A. Hcdce'e. liKOROE I). McCRACKKS, FHROERICK RUl'KRt, JOHN MECKLKV, Jv55-td Commltlre. BARGAINS IN MUSICAL 1N STRCVKNTSl Organi, both new and weond baud, at tho Mmie btora. opporile Qulicb'a Furniture .Store. All peraoni intereited ara invi ted to rail and egamlne a sew etylo of Organ now on eihibltion. Hheet Mane and Uuilo Booka oonitantlyoa hand. apl24-7Stf gTOXE'S SAW GUMMERS AND SAW UPSETS. We bare received the ea-enov for tbe above and win ii-ii tnem at aianulaelurer'i prtoel. Vail at eiamlne tbem. Ther are the bell. JelV -JJ U. r. 1IIULES A CO. HAYES, COULTER & CO., Baecoaaari to W. A. Arnold, OAnorim-niai or Heaters, Ilanges, Low Grates sad MARBELIZED SLATE MAHTELI. . .- Bole agenta for lha oel.bralid CUILHO COOKIIfCI RAKQX. bgr-Sead for Catalegoaa. Re. 1304 Cbeitnot Street, . Jane S3-6m FUILADELPBIA. KRATZER & LVTLE Turpentine, J WILL SRLL TOl Niill, (lieu, Patty, ratnti, Oila, French, Richards & Co.'i Buck Lead - AID .. Calcined Plaster VERY CHKAP. loimeuee Mock oa baud. , Ctcertrld, Pa., Jan. 4, 1871. VALUABLE FA KM AT PRIVATE SALE. The nnderoljrned alTera at private ile faia farm Is Cbeit townihip. aonilnina-of IO srrca, lot) aertiofwbleb aro oleaieMl, oad-r good fence and In a bigti atateof cultivation. Thr Improvement! are a goou nonee, new uarn anil otner neei-eiary awibwlldingi. Two aaoellent on-bardi on tbe pretaiwe. (lond walor oonvnolent to the hnnea. Abotrt 1,000,(IUO feel of excellent plne,beiide other timber! on tbe land. Alan, an al-andacoa of eoal and llmeetona. For Infnrniellon, roll os ora.ldre.i WM. ai.UiKlARVKY. J';' ! ' MoOoiray V. 0, Cleattcld Co., Ta. "? AECUTR'rl KOTICK Notion Ii hera- I J by gives that Letter! Teitamenlarr aa tba E.tnte of Annie U. dboDO. deo'd.. kavabee erant- ed lo the sndersigned. All periona indebted to raid Kitate ara rrrfwired to make Immediate pay nrenl, aad Ihoaa having .lalml again.! il are re quired lo preoent Ibem, duly autbeolloaled, witb out delay, to tbo nnderiignod. II, H. BAKU r.TT, Bieea'er of Annie Os fb"pe. Cl-littld May e;, t. J g $urrt.rmfttt. V) THE F It O; NT! 1 CiaBATIBXCITENEXT '' AT TBI CLEARFIEU) BAKERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON I j . , Tkt vnderilgned having Juit fitted up sow, largo aod aoulortabla roouii os Market el root, soar Third, reipeetfully inform! tho publio that ba now drrpered to aeovmmodate them with everything is hia lino on abort notion and al all bonri of the day, lie keep! os hand ERESH BREAD, " - RUSKS, ROLLS, PI8, ' CAKES, all kisda. ICE CREAM, and s general ,eiiortmmt of CONFECTIONERIES, FRUITS, NUTJ, Aa., All of which will be delivered to eaitomon at Ihelr raoideaaai, when requeilod lo do lo. ICB CREAM, by Ihedlah.eerrod Ins seally fur. nlihed room. Thankful for tbo feneroui patronage bcitowed Is the pait, ha kopn to merit and raeelve a oos tlnnenee of tho aame from hie old auito - mara. aod etsere. JOHN STADLEB. Jane lt.'73-lf. SACEETT & StHCYVEB, MILBRI IS HARDWARE, anj manufacturer! af Till. Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, Second Blrtot, CI.CAK.KIELD, PA ITuvioft lirffttW lnr-ied oar At f Hsrd war, w intHm tilt pabli txtnio our iUck and iricti. - i Cevrfintiri aad panobi wbo oattmpUto build tog will do well to txainin oar TOOLS ft BUILDIHO HABDWAEE, wbloo la sew and of Ibe beat maaufaiture, and will bo eold low for oaih. NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, GLUE, LOCKS, LATCHES. HINGES, SCREWS All klsda of Bench Pinnae. Sawa, Chleela, Siaarea, Hammer!, llairhele, Plambi and Lerela, Alurliied A Thumb Ouagee, Beveli, ' Bracci A Rut!, Waod and Iroa ' ' Beaeh Serwa,aad the boot -- fioririg Uaehina Is tbo r market. , Double and Single Bitt Aies, ' ' ' POCHET CUTLERY, At. Agentior urnelT$ Iron Corn Shelter, , warranlod. Aleo, agenta Ajr Riebarde' . UUTHIt; VLVK lOPt, which effectually cere Smoky Fhiee. Farmera' Iinplcuenta aod Uardca Toole of ovary deirfptlos. A large variety of ' ' ' COOK STOVES, which wo warrant to girt eattifaeUoa. Portable Range and rurnactt, VO-Roofing, Spooling and Job Work done oa reaaunable term!. All ordora will raooiva prompt ouoe it, jbij, PUBLIC SALK. By virtuo of an A order ar the Orphan!' Court of Clearfield ooosty, the andenigned admlniitrator of tho oi. tale of John Orr, lata of Lawrence lownebip, it. ecaeed, will lell al publio aale, on tho pretuiiei, on Wedneiday, the th day of July, ) 87.1, the fo'. lowing real eitita: All that aerial a lot ox piece of ground lituate in Lawrenoa lown,;p county aforoiaid, aud Htato of Penn-.j-ivacla, bonnded and dwrbod ai follow,!,, B,gi,nB(r , poet os bank of M;,0(euB,rJ iam aid Mream soi, Jf degree! weit 9 7-10 perchel, north J8 '.egreea wait 11 percbei, north 231 de gree! vr.t g perebee, north 40 degree! welt 4 nirchor, north ki d- grt.. weit 4 perohci to a poit oa line ol land of Mophr-reoa Brother! ; tbeoce by land! or Mcl'lioraon Brother! aoulh Jj degree! weet tl perchel ta a poll thenee by landa for merly of U. 1. Uoodfcllow toutb OKI drgreueart e i n perenea M a poit, sorts 3 degreoa oaal 7 0:10 perrbea lo puit os road ; tbenoe by road aorlk 101 degree! weet It t-10 perehei to dead white piaei thenoa by land formerly of O. D. Uoodfllow sorlh it ikgreca aaet 14 percbei to poet and place of beginning; containing three acrea and ono hundred and one and aeven-tenthi percsea and allowance, nearly all cleared aa.l under a gooda lato or cultivation, and bavlae Ibereoa erected a one and a half itory plank home eou email eiaoio. Taaiia One-half re.h and balance Is ill month, to bo aeeurod by bond aad mortgage on tba preuiioi. Sale toeoutmeooeat 10 o'clock. a.m. JNO. W. WRIULEY, Jan. H, 1873. Administrator. TeTOTICE. The andenigned having eold out X and retired from tbe moroantile buiincn, would reipeetrully requoit their former patrom, whoaa aecouuta ara nneettled, to oall and artlle within thirty daya. Tbe konki will ba foand during laid term with D. L. Kergueoo, at hii of bee, where ho will bo prepared lo giro the buii. aeaa nil ipecial attrntiea. altar which ell u-iuui. remaining sneeitled will be placed in Iba kandi ol toe proper emcera for oollretion. D. L. FERUCSON A CO. Tho aaderiliaed kavina sarebaied tbe eatlve itock of goodi or tbe late firm or 1). L. Ferguioo to., or Lumber City, and havlni Juit tiled un oar apaeioni etoro roomi wlthawellaaiorted (took frcih from the eaat of Dry Uoodl, Uroooriee, Hard ware, Uueemware, lloon and rihoea, llata and t'api, tlotnmg, Notion, Fancy Urcia tloodi, to gether with all articlea unialiy kept and In de mand, aad deeiring la "lire and let live," we would urge upon the former patroua of the houeo and ever) body elee to call and examine our .lock. We are determined lo nee ear atiauH effort! lo mako II the Internet af all logiveaiakberajibar. ef their patronage. J01IK ltrSBKLL A BOX. Lamber City, June II, 187I.-4I PROPOMAI.H FOR BH1DGI-Tb. aa diriigned committee will receive aealed pre poiall amil Saturday, July 12, for the erection of a woeden bridge, with flret clan itoneabutmenti, acroea Aadareos Crack, sear Araohl'c Milli, Is tuion townihip. llidderi will bereaiilrod to for- niih amide eccurlly for the eomplclloa .f tb. work, pepirata rroporall will be received for tbe uuue wera ho. wo lupereirueiurc. nana ana ipeoitoettona oas bo aera bv anolvine- lo tbo eommittee, at Rockloa or Arnold . Mill.. IIAVID WKLTT, l- : JOHN llHt IIAKKR, JOHN llliUsDLKK, Roekton, Juno S, Urj.-td DK II. U. VAN VALZAH. Omrc neTt door to liarliwlck A Irwla'i Iirug Store, on italra. :T CLEARFIBLn. PA.' ' tm Rtrnaiart!. Dr. R. V. Wilaon. Dr. J. O. Uartiwlok, l'acvlty af Jaffereoa Medioal College. I EON AUD HOUSE, . J Oppoalto Railroad Drpot, 1'i.utKri t;i,u, pa. Preaaanlly woatod and s tral-elaaa hotel la all reaped., llraakfaat for paeieogere leariog sn morning Ira.a. WM. 8. BRAULKV, June 11, 187J. Proprietor, J A1LK3 MITCH KLL, VB1I.SS IX Square Timber & Timber Lnmb, jii';j CLtAt riELP, r.v. 5rj) BMdf , Gtctttitt, 6tt. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND 01 OOURBB TflB CnBAPEITI A Proclamation against .High. rices Wl ara now opening op t tot or tfta tut and molt aeaeouable Uoodl and Ware! ovor offered Is Itali market, sad at price! thai remind ona of the good old davl of oheap thing!. Thoaa who lack faiib upon thii point, or doom our alla gatloui luporfluoui, seed bul CAVE. .4T, OVH MTORE, j 1 ' Corner Front anil Market etreetoj ; ' Where tBey can aee, feel, hear and know for them eeKroa. - To rally sndontnad what areikeap goodi, thii mint ba dona. We do not deem il nooeiaary to enumerate and itemiae our Hook. It ti enough for ui to !tsta thai We Hare Everrthing that is Needed and oonaamed la Ibla market, and at pricei thai aitoniih both old and young. dooM JOHKFU 811AW A F0. JANIEL GOODLANDER, . Li'TncnsBrRO, pa; Dealer In DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY 4 GLOVES, DATS A CAPS and BO0T3 A SUOBS, . Tolaooo, Orooerica and Fiali, Naili, Hardware, . G,ueenewere and Ulaeiwaro, Hun'a and lloyi' Clothing, lrog, Painta, Oila, ficbool booka, large lot of Patent Uodiclaea, Cendlei, Null A Dried Frolu, Cheeia and Craok ori, Rock and Rifle Powder, Floar, Grain and Totatoct, , Ciover and Timothy Seed, Solo Leather, Morocooa, Lining!, Binding! and Thread, Sboeuakera' Tool! and Choi Finding!. Ko greater variety of goodi In any atom In Ik eonnty. AH for aale eery low for calk or eountry produce at the Cheap Corner. April 10, li'l. J. M. KRATZER. DF.SI R A II I. E STY L r; of Callimerel. Ao. for Men and J. M. KIATZElt'S. r1IlHUE-rLy, Bruiaeli, lograls and 0.ber J. Carpeti, aleo, floor Oil Cloibi, at reduced ptiece, at J. M. KRATZEK'B. -' IUIT AHKORTMKNT ofWall Paper rror If offered is tbia vicinity. lOe te $1 per pleee, tuo gilt paper, ate., at J. M. KItATZElt'S. rpH K MOST popolar makei of Muilini, 8ht X Inge, Pillow Muiliue, Ac, at a imall advance aUivaooat, by the piece, al J. il. KRAIZEK'S. TEW C.OOIrw. HEW STYLES, LARGE 1 ASSORTNBNT, LOW PRICES, all la ba .. ., J. M. KRATZBH'8. I ADIEU' DRKMI COODH, la the grrateot J variety now iprinf akadae emit and uwit dsitrable atylee at J. M. KHATZKaVS. VVABIKTY af Dreea flooda, awitabla for aaowrning alio orapo veile, collar!, Ae, eouiuatly on band, at - J. U. KRATEER'S. RECEIVING a Urge uipply of Ladiu'aod Children'! rihoea, mado to order and war ranted. A bandioma Uaiter for $2.00 at moble - . . J. M. KRATZER'8. BVMT Uranita ware Tea Set! and Chamber Seti, Koiree aod Ferki, Silrer-plaled Fork! aud pooni, Table Lines, Napkim, very ebeip, at meat r J, H. UAIIlt H. QHAl, (earfa, Neokliei, Collar!. Veile, kj II air Uoodl, Ulovea, Ao. Kid Ulovea at Toe. aleo the Joiephiso Seawleil Eid Olovei. al lo.-biO J. it. KRATIER'S. CHKAP GROCERIES 1 ., LUMBER CITV, PA. Tba vnderilgned annonnoee to hia old friendi and pau-oni tUat ha baa apesail a good lis of tfni cninn rii ioiunn al tne oia atano: of Kirk A tfponcer, fur wUiek be eolieiu a liberal 1873. 1873. GOOD NEAYS! Ta Farmer! all, both great aad small; Come lifltea to our rang t We'll tell yoa bow wa do intend To help yon all along. , When keying lomae, with cummer beat, And grace growc itrong aad tall, Aad bead! grow yellow on tbe wheat. And yos waal s Maehisa to cut Ibea all Then juit call al oar Market, la Cleaileld, and wa will aell yon WOOD M0WEK OS SUPERIOR, tha beat and eheapeat Maebloai In tbt marktt and which wt gaarautea to giva ptrfrot iatiifae tton In all kindi of frui, Light ruaotrf, and tha moil durable Machine built . ! HAY HAKES! ' . Wa alio lell three different kinda af HAT RAKRrl. The CUMLEV, iclf-diieharglng, 1IAUKKSTOWN and LANCASTER MAKE which we any are throa of tho belt Rakee lej Ibe world without fear of laeeeealul eontradletion. Be aura and aee them before kuylng any ether. . TURKS II It S I When ten are ready for tkreahio we will aell you Ellii A Uoffinan'a One-hortc Tbroeher, which necdi no reoonimendalion, for one hundred of them arc In aie in the county, aad so farmer will exchange them for any other machine la market. Don't overlook our llavForka Unroot'. Kher nnd the Harpoon, with pulllel. Oranibi' Fan ning mini, rooa totter., Dog rower, furebarn ing, Ao. New BL'UUltj alwayi oa hand snd at ptieea lo luit the timo. All of the ebov. Maehlnea .a a .11 tney arc advartlaea ! so, or eo eaie. - M O. BROWM A DRO. CleartelJ, Ta June 11, 187 1. II. f. B1ULKK A CO.'S -SPECIALTIES -4- BUILDERS' HARDWARE, ME0HARIC6' UARDWAR8, - . . , Ll'MBIRMEN'S HARDWARE, FARMINO TTESSILS, i MILLBI'PPLIBS, 'i "I IROK A HAILS, PAINTS, OILS, VARHtSRIa, - ! PAINTERS' FIN DIN US, . ' CALCINED PLASTER. may ao, iB7a. , . , . . SAVE VOrR M0XEY! ' r - i I.t : t "pHANKFl'L forpait f.vori, we keg rear, to X Inlorm oar en.lomeri led Iba pablio geaer ally that wa ara weekly raraiviag Irocb auppllee of goode from tha ea.tern aod weelarn eltiei, la ell at tha lowed market price or exebaaga for boardi, chinglei, lira or counlry prodooe. Hoeing relornrd flora the northwrit, wc are ant makiag eaalraela lo break, taking turkey! of Ibe rooit, ligning other men'! uamri lo paper, or taking goodi Ikrouah the back doef, bat Civile aomtant attention to builnen, and no ttoubia wiH be cpared lo pleoie cur cuitetaeri, J- T. M. HOLT. Wallareton, June II lb, 1 873.-31 A UMINIWTRATIIR'a WOTICiU-Notlae la sereby given thetleUanofadmlnlctratios oa lha aetata af HARMON 1. ROWLHH, dee d, late of Brl townihip, Clrarteld eosnty, Pess'a., having been duly grantrd to the underiignod, all perioua Indebted to aaid e.lale will piece make Immediate payment, and tboac having elalui ar demand, will prricnt tbem properly auiheaUoeted for cettiemenl Without delay. j'.'iu a. nowi rs, A ItaialiltaA.-t. &a& ED. W.GRAHAM - n,iiI( : ''"',- r DEALER IS QENEBAL mCHAM; SQt'AEE TIMBER A LCKXSL CLEARFIELD, PA., Hal jsat epamw, al tbe KBTSTOMI IT0AI. ... . aomplet. atveb (,,.,,, ,, . 1 f B H' a O O D $, - af every deeeripttea. - DEY GOODS, ' 1 ' OROCKBIES. HAIDWAil, BOOTS AND 8ROE8.-' '' i' CLOTHIJlO,c.,4,., IN GREAT VARIETY. FLOUR. ' -: : MEAT. SALT, ' - RYE, - OATS. COM, AL WA TS O.V IIASD AND KM . SALS AT A SMALL ADYASa.. FLOUR naaelved by the ear load, aad eold al . adTaaoa. A npply of ROP1 KneUntly on kaaA Speolal Indnoeraenli age rod lo tkeae getting eei Square Timber and Logo, aa w. teal largely Is Lumkermas'i Sup-pllee, awl are pja . pared at all lime, te parekaeo iiav . ber aad lumber. It D. W. G R A B A M. .' J' KEYS TONE. STORK," , Baeend Street, . . , CLE.IU FIELD, PA, , - -, 1171. LOOK. AUD READ! S1DDLE & II1E.ES8 Mill!!! .J0H5 O. HABWICr, .; Market St., CLEARFIELD, Pa., Ii the maa lo go te If yea was! art of sew HARNEHS or e iw SADDLI, ar aiyiklagauw In thai lina. He larae awt aa good work e! el dose in any ebo ta Peasiylvasut, and k la puree are very roaeonaoio. .... Conitaatly aa kaad a fall Ilea of v XROTTLN'G GOODS, - inch ai Trottiag Saddle!, Qaartar aad Ihla Trottiag Roller!, Whine, Fin Braiacoaad Cuut Aa.. A tna aeeortmeot af Mela, flerae Cereiv klaea Blanket!, Butalo Itonea, Aa., to., kept u oee.ii a, in tact anytbiag Isal soraemos mat b seed of il alwayl oo bead. All of which will be eold at wseleaele aritlal at tba very faireai ratea. Repairing Jmplly atleaded ta. AH nem guaraoteoA. ekop is room (aroaarly oeoapled m foil Offloe. AprU t, IITI. a. pt AUriOSI-All peraowa ara hereby eaalieoei Vy agaiset meajimg is any way wiib aa M lowioa property, aew in tba nooeeeiioa el freak Beech, of llrecaria town. blp, -via i t bedileedi,! ublei, 1 eet of obaire, 1 aloek, 1 atovo, 1 mua, aa ihrf belong te ma ass are ten witb aba ai loas. IJell-Je) .. , FSTAH TH. a. liOBGAK,- . , . . T I ' CLEARFIELP, PA. Agent for tM -AT WOOD, PLOWS. Farmer. Is seed af Flaw, will da wall ta cat r ta. e..-.-..-.,, Hl .mewjlae the improved Atwovd rigttt and left banded ea4 aide hill Plowa, which I am Miliar. reryabeealH caaa. .. . i . .. y i epui-oi got5 and Jkers. B OOT AUD 8I101C MAS.IKO. PHILIP WEAVER, os Market Mrcot, m Rkaw'i Row, Cleerleld. Pa., kae Jael reeelvei s laa lot af Preaek Calf tkisc aad Kiaa, Ike- nail is tk. market, end ta saw prepare. M waa sfaetara aretylklng Is hie Ilea. Be sill war rant kii work la be aa repreeeated. Tba eitiieae of Cloerteld sad elelally am raapecitsiiy lavltea la give sua seat L Work dose si ckert aoUea. 0:llHy JSAAC JOU-Sf5iTi BOSS, afaasfaalarar. aad Dealer! ta Hoots and Shaeil Ladlea', M iim' aod Chlldrea'1 Oe'an, Mea'e, Boyi' ant Waaaes'a Heavy BaaU, aad atrogeoe, a, mo. Store and ibop aa Second alraai, asrty caps. uta r. mgior a lo. a sardwara etore, fek. II. l7My CLEAP.riRLD, FA ..j. u.i n x ijL-9seae9r (EdttmUonal. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. A Mais Slid Female Clsaalcsl Hit;. tlkeoLI Each Department ftwpsrat. Dasikwt tsaf . complete w ttsclb THE acbolaitle year or tbia laitltatlon II M ded inta two oe.iieai af lea maathl llwaalr- one weeke) each. . Tke tret aaaaioa aamaeaeel est tha trit Monday la SepUmbarj Ike aeeeaa, aa lat trit Monday in February. - I Tbeooarec of Inetruetins eeahreee. .very aklef nocenary lo a Ikareoib, araeliooJ aad saaeaaliaba eo eaucation oi coin icxea. I Papila will be admitted al aay time asd charge irora aai oi estraaea lo in close of Uo aeanea. i ; No deductlos will bo mad. for abeeaeo, eieeat In eaiel af extreme aad protracted illaeec J Htndente from a dlrlane. was ba aacomaoaatei with board at low ratec. Vol psrtioalars, and Par sircialara, wr addraa Hoe. P. L. UARaVUOM, A. M., JalyJt, 1871-lt ... , PriaeiaoA T UMBEH CITY UNlOJf HALH Ji AMD FEMALE ACADEMY. Tee tret loom ml Ikia mmkmel will ee. he Pint Meaday of Iter, lt7t, cadaf lac caper tateaoesey or tne Rev. . o. vtar, s gradaaU el """" venega, waa la saw pansasaally leoaiei in Lumber City, aad kas eo Bleated a leeek tk eeaooi. ut n a gentleman a! aaerit, sad kal Nreral ytara eicerleore in teasblae. Taitios payable ear. keif is advaaoo Ike Val aace at tne middle or tbo term. Common Eagllek branahac t Higher " " .....,,....; t Clailea...,."....i...,..i,.,fcw,,-,. it a. Length af term eigdtaas weeks. No dedeetiia for abienee. snleil ro eaeo ernretraeted lllaeee. Boaka seed arc Mitabell'i afeography, BrcokCal .mieeiaai aa wrlltea Arlismatlaa, Uurlt l -gllih Urammar, Daeioc KI.BMalary tlgokea, uHMtuH m Mm aoa ureas neaaere, uaomeir, Davici' Legeader Srieaee of Tkiaga, Familial Tbe Lnmbot Cite Aaademe lo ----' la Lam bar City, Clearteld eonnty, Pa., ill mile! well of cwrwenoville, the lermisaa of tho Tyrone t Clear teld Railroad, snd il remote from The dlnlpatloail aaddcaaeraliaiag ialaraeeo wbiakaboaad la maayj larger plaeta, A prudent patraeiiga ic eolictled.i Board can bl bad at M.tOnerwaek.- Vcrfertkerl narUenlara addreai Iks Pprtnavpsl, ot .ae ef tk.l vireeiore. O. II. Lytic. Wm. M. Henry, Martla Watlrt ".; I. W. Heal, R. C. Ifamllloa. I, L. Fertoeos. Wm. u noon. . f! ;J. Alax. Fargsaoa. ' j; 11. W. Fpeneer, Dr. D. O. Craaek. Lumber city, April 30, 1171. 1 MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL ; FOR GIRLf " CLEARFIELD, PA. i Till RUMMER TERM or eleres weeks, commence Monday, April 14th, ltfl. 1 , TERMS OF TU1TI0X. Reading. Ortbocranhr. Wrillag.Okloet Lee- aoni, Primary Arithmetic aa rrusarp OeoaraibvM Ef Iliitory, Local asd deecrtprtva Oeograpky with Map Drawing, urammar, Menial snd Wrlltea Aritkmotle....... Algebra and tha fclence Imtrnetlon In Initramoaul mnrle....... Oil painting, 14 leuone.. l wax worn - , l or full parUealare .end for Cirr slew. CIrxluelil, A-lll I, IS.i. frW T