THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. 1VKDKKSDAT HORNIRO Jl'VI It, 1BTS. "Termi of Subscription, . . i . J...M (ir wit hia thMu vMnnthi ...19 Att IfnlOftiMhrNiiii btfbratli Months... t it &ftr ttu xplrmtloB of utg Booth. ... 1 to r -- BEL1UIOUI NOTICES. Methodlet Eplaeepel Chareb Bar. A. D. Tec"". Peelor. Poblie Barvlee every Sabbath Sabbath School at A. M. n . Metier every Thereday, at 71 P. U, Communion Servian, Iral Babbath ef every oath, at lot a.- . , , . Oioaea Hall.. Poblie Servict Sunday morning (I II o'clock, and at V P. M. Sunday School et I p. II. Prayer Meeting Wedneedey evening tt f o elook. Br.ibyteria S. a.bbatk eorviett morning and males Sab- aetb Sckool et I P. M. Prayer Meeting Wedner- 4ev evening. Ht. Prae-cle' Cherrh Catholic Rev. P, T. Baeeiuia. Meee at 10J e'olock A. M., the 0Trr- and fourth cundaya or eaon monta. Lutheran Church Rot. A. J. IlaavaoaK' Preaching tvary Sabbath, morning and evening. Sabbath School at t a. m. Prayer meeting trir Wodneeday avtning. A Ftaiupsbtirg lad abort times.noo gulped down tin toeapoonfula of laudanum, Bad got mn n nne no. r ,,. ,i i i. i .rhilipsburg wm tormsntod with an- llooneed whiaky but week, bat tbo Ilurgeea real lied U for the an of tbo borough oat ef tbo IraaeectloB. .V 1 . ' W-Hrarn by our Tyrone exchanges that At riaadora IlonM, at Jeaeevllle, la Qaliek Bewaebrp,.wwt do.treyed hjr in oa tbo 10th alt. Lou Sc,000j laaurad for (3.400. 11 tW twin who preside over the local ooteHao Of-fbo Altooae Sum willonly attend te their kgtllihate butlneee, they will Dot tnd tlno M aeeeil or'- traduce oar nomlneea. Tbo Radical tegaaa taa ae that. '. Thote parties whe desiro to avail tboaiMlvaf of tbo ivt por ooot. dieeount sa thair county and Stale Uioi for 1STS ktd bailor boar tbo foot la thtlr mind that tbo 30th of Jubo la tbo laat day f graeo. - Tbo new road commissioners, Messrs Xl.bole, Jehaetea and Whitehead appointed bj thoCoartta toko ahargo of tbo Lutheraburg and rooniold raada, haro given tbo required aeeurlty Mdeataredapentbelrduttei. . The Sterling colliery riot case, tried at tbo laat Una of court, ooal tbo taipayen of oar eoeaty at leael 11,500. ' Aad the aeunty lai real load front tbo eoattra done aot amonat to $10. Such work detA per. ' A riot. look place at the Morrisdalo oat laoa aao algbt laat wock, botwooa "ooloa eo"end "blackleg"!. "Tba tailor do not belong to tbo "Baloa," aad took tbo plaeo of tbo form or wkoa tkor llmck laat Noriaabor. Tbm or foar f tbo riotora ro la prlaoa. Treatorer Wilson is on his collect- lag tear through tbo ooalbora portloa of tbo oaaly, tbla aad Bait wook. Coataitoeiag at Woodward oa Tooadaj, bo gooa tbanca to 'Jullcb, Boaaarla, Jordaa and Knox, wboro ho oloaea out oa Salardajr. Ho rotaatot at Cktat oa Tatidaj, tha Nlh, going froa ibora to New Waahlngloo 3arntido, l'ouag'a Sohool Iloaao aad Boll townv aklp, winding ap thoro tho anpaiga for 1673. The old Western Hotel building has nam andorgolag rep a Ira during tho paat month, aad will ao longer bo a tod aa a hotel. It It now eaatraeted lata atom roaata aad olnl. Mr. Jar. Ken, who haa boon la tho atora of Lore Plegal, Beq for aaanabar of joart, haa takes oao of tho olara aootia and to opening ap a etock of Clothing, Raraleking Oooda, At. Jim la ptrfretlr familiar onik iba ba.lneaa aad win ao doabt ploato all who ftrer kita with thoir patroaago. The Philipsburit Journal tars Wul- laotUa It U kara aaeroltj la tbo aj of noliro power. A a team locomotive for an ordinary wag on road la tipooted to arrlrt Ibit wook, baring heaa ordered b a Umber trai U draw tho Umber 4m their mill, a diitanco of two tr three rollra bj nod, to tho railway ttalioa. Wo art told that aha wkoola art af peculiar eeaitrnctiea, being olaatlt aa aa to prttaal an alaaoet tat friotioa tar aatt It tbt ground. Tho laroatloa It a aow aao tad'li Uroagkt to hart made road tleuatra prat- KkLiasxo oh Bail. William Zelt, oeolned la tho ataal; Jail oa tho charge of killing Joka Horaek, waa aa Taeadae treaing brought before Jadgt Wet more oa a writ of tatowt eorsua fer lbo purpoat of making application ta tbt aoart er a raloata oa hall. After hearing tho atata eala af teuoeol, aad tbo txamiaatloa of a wll am; tbo )adgo decided ta admit him to ball In the ana of 1S,MS, aad ha wat at oaet roltatcd. Jlia kondamoa are htartta Borg, Joteph Otrbor, Hermaa Walker, Jeeepk Kekl and Ucorre Kroll- ieaaoral. Tho Clarion Democrat says : "Brook- lllt la atw ant of the wooda. Tbo track waa kid. ta that plaea oa Wedneidaj of hut weak. Tbo traoklaTwri were welcomed with harrola of J tht eltiiene of the killr cllr, and tbt pto- pbr tipretaod their doligbt bjr atanding oa tbeir htadt, and la the eroning Ijiag aa tbeir liult bedi. la Ikl ttroot, ar going homo oa all foura Tkt tart will oookmeRce to rua rrgularlr la a few dart." Brookrlllt la a wiinderful town, aahow, aad wt fear railroad fatllltica will It ao Imprort- eat la a morel aaaoo. Poisonino CAsi:--We loarn by tbo aui avemeerat that aa aged mat, named J. s, ifleojt, melding about three milea abort Ridgway, tat peieeaed by hit wife aa the (th laat. The eereaor'e laqteet, after mature deliberation, ren tared tbt following verdict: "That t'jey bolieve the laid j. S. Scott tamo to hia death by having admlnlitmd It him 1 aad from tht erldcSea ttty bellere iald polaoa waa admlntater- ad hy the ajomaa who haa paeead, or been known M hit wlla. Tht woman It in prieoa, and tht eeartaM Href of Iheoeceaeed hart been aent to raUehhla'yWnaeryre.: ;,' Iliontf Froper. The rot urn j'udiros laatiwvelraAofrtod tertral Jadleloui reaolutioni rt. latug to tht holding af our primary clecttna. The'reeolatltaa all) ht found In tbo procttdinga ef Ikt county eonreattea aad ahould bt read aad atadied by otr readen. If the reecUllooe In quce tloa. art ecforeod, "reTteatlng" la at aa end, aad jeaag Semotratt whs hurt heretofore been die fraaehlted allowed ta vote for Ibon who may be placed aver them la aa official manner, and the ahotion will bt bald at a period to at to allow the Mara judgra to aeeemblt ta Monday af tha reg Ur June Court. Bridoi Matters. It will be ob- ""ed, by reading tha propmali pnbllabed In oar ehmni tbla week, that tht bridge quttllon la "finning to open np In a practical way. Cur- 'tirille la "going for" aa Iron ana, and onr talon nelgbbon for a Irat clan wooden oat. We "demand that keck too and Hi vicinity hat tub- "ibed abeal $70 nearly ont half tht aot! of w oriiiga. We btrt not learned what Carwena 'le kai lubaeribed, hut tht tlUaeat will bt com ("bed n tomt dowa bandtamtly If they InUndto "h) the rirer on Iron. 'aadrritaaj that tbt ilockholdere Id Ibe learfield ereok brldoe imdibi r narlno. in " to offer tbeir briugt ta tkt toaaty, aa at to V on tkttoU at that eroealag aad makl it fret. Lotd's Hotel. Mr. Robert Loyd, T ' tU Iu,l" ' PhlHpaburg, fd af which apptare la thit paper), baa laaprTg kla property as a largo Mala, aad "ae oar a.. l-,.li. n 1- mmvm vw w ,o vnivrevTvnr. "a eeaalv. n. 1 , . -"'."a we pv year aeanaB auaea ." 7 V be Railroad Honeo, and U now "r'-tlag a botutttal Veranda around two tldet '""hotel, ii-h- ....u..j i,, . . . . w, finm, 'at W"'- Kobwl BBderalanda the of tkt traveling publl", aad aojournera In "Wel'tthureb will he will C irr i fcr If t!,.e itlllt JtaiiioiJ lloji', Church Dedicated. A Lulbers- fcurg torroapoadoBt aaya t Tbo atw M. K. church waa dedicated oa Sabbath, tbo lit day of Juno, Iter. 1. C. Ftrahlag, D. D, L. 0. UarrlL 8. T. Thompaon, John Reame and tbt patlor wire P retool. Oa Batlrday, at I o'clock p. m Her Perehiag preached, and luccciafully opened tht way for iurlbor dutlea. ' Tht Lord bleated tht o. tailoaWllh a molt beautiful Sabbath day, Tbt people gathered, toning la throng, from far aad Boar. At 10J o'clock, Doctor Perilling addreatad aa txoovdiogly large but molt attcntlrt congrega tion. Altar tbt dlaeottrte ht aoaonnccd the ful lowing eutcmcnt i Tbia new, beautiful aad tub. etantial church toil 16,00a, of which t,00 la paid. $4,000 mart it aubHribod ar promlaod ta view to bt announced on tbt day of 111 dedication, aad $4,000 mart U at yet aot prorided for. Therefore wt atac) thit morning $10,000 In order to liquidate all debt. Tbt Doctor baring made tbt abort ttateoaent, quickly and adroitly tailed for tht kef of tht church door, you may know what for. Tbt Inancial aollcltatioBi were many aad tarntat and tht mponaoa by tbt pooplt wen at cheerful and liberal. At $ t'olotVthe pteqilt ra-atecmbled, and tbo Doctor, after baring dellrered a matter) dit aourea, atatod, "We yet need $800 to free tbla beautiful temple from all Indcbtcdncaa." And In hut a brief time the tongregatloa roapondod with nearly $0. One hundred or tbla aum waa glren to tht churob complimentary to L. O. HerriL tht rormtr paator. Tht debt' baring beta prorided ror, tat enures waa aoltmaly dedicated to tht Lord. Paator aad mtmbera return their thanka ta each aad all, Bear homo and from a dlatanot, whom anooaragtd tbt tauat by rarioai waya and meana to libtrally aad aacooaafully. : 04Bo e " Attsmpted lIpMiciDi. On Tuesday trasiog tho report rapidly apread through town that Jack Naaon, of the Forett Ilooee, Point Look out, had been abut by tome pnrty unknown. Our reporter tUited tbt tpot aad found it to be tht taae. Tbt eiroumitancca prore the would. be-ai-aaialn to hart been a cowardly rlllaln, morally nana the leffi a premeditated murderer beeauao hia ahot did pot prore Immediately fatal. Kaaon and kla little boy had gone to Iba italic, about niae o'clock In tho trening, to ntlend to hit horee, and tho little boy returning to Ibe atoble with a pall af water, reported that a man waa crouching out line, peeping through a track. Naaon hallooed to him to go nway and went out, taking the lan tern with him, but thinking it infect to Wart it behind, took It back Into the liable and then went ta look after the peraoa oataide, woo in the mean time made off. He eould diacorer no ont nnd re turned to curry hit hone. Before he bad eom mencod tbla work a ahot wat 9 red through the rt fuee holt, tbt ball taking effect in Naion'a lido, Unking tht lower rib, paaaiog thrugh tht perito neum and lodging In hit abdomen. The abot and eiolamatioa of Nana brought aaalalanoa and partiea wera diipatched la tertral direotioaa to trtrtakt tht villain, but without effect. Dre. Me Oirk and Hoop wereiommoaed and removed tho ball, leering Naaon la a hopeful condition, which cootinuee at thit writing. Buiplelon wat Imme diately directed to Joaeph Fulton, more commonly known ai Preach Joe, a aotorloua character, abo had quarrelled with aad beta whipped by Naaon tkt Sunday prerloua, and who bad been heard to threatea Naaon a life. Joa waa arreated la a log ging camp about three mllea from town, aad had a hearing before Juatlet Parker, who after bear ing tridenet, committed blm la default of bail to await trial, and ho wat takes to Dellefoate on Wtdntaday afternoon. Pkilifthurf Journal. A Foolhardy Attempt. On Fri- dcy Bight, ai the Exprcu train wat paaaing orcr Clrarltld Creek brldce, a Daramrer named John Moore, formerly of Ibit eonnly bat now a real-1 dent of tha State of Indiana, Jumped off tbt cart onto tht bridge, bat loiing bit balance, ht wna pitched head fonmoat through the trtitle work to tht grounnd at Ibit tnd of Iht bridge, a dietaaeo of fifty feet. Everybody eipected that ht waa certainly killed. When picked up he waa la aa inienaible condition, with fact and thr sat terribly leterated. Ilia windpipe wat tut half off, but timely and proper medical treatment may tare kit life, aa he had improved wonderfully oa Monday. Wt anderatand that a number of peraona art la tht habit of getting offal thin bridge. Tbii ought to bt a warning to all. Fome of tbt paeeengera and tthon are diapoacd to ccoiure conductor Plummer for not flopping bia train, whan Informed of Ibe accident, before running to town. Hit notion waa right. Had ht topped to eearrh la tbo dark, otheri would hare beta ftoliab enough, andtr tbt prevailing eicito ment, to hart mtt with aomt acoidtnt. Tbt carl ware "Jaae-fuU" of paaaengera, aad to have lot thorn eat It would kare takea half tbt Bight to gather them ap agaia. or Directors. In pursu ance of previoui aotict a toartation of the School Dlreetora of ClearBeld tounty met lu tbt Court Houae, la tbii place, oa tha 3d inatant, for tho purpoat of tonaidering tbt propriety of tattling upon a aerlea of acbool booke auittd to tht wantt of tht public, Tht following It Iht report at adopttd 1 ClBAaritlB. March it. 1873. fa r Mt Direclere of CfearAefd Omnia r Your committee, anaoinled by the Prcaidcnt of School Direetere' Convention, ae per reeolutioa of aaia coaroattoa, held In llearnold, January laet. ot la tbo Soperintendeat'e room, in tbo Coart liouae, and eiainined the different aerlea of acbool boo Iti aubmitted to them for that purpoat. I'reaenl. Dr. T. J. Dover. Joaenb MaCollouih. J. A. Blattenbcrger and II. J. Sloppy. I. O. lla- noo waa aoaena. ur. a. 4. mymt waa talara to tno ennir and 11. J. floppy waa matle letralary. The eomuittee, after a fulL lliorouf b aad im partial examination, beg Icare to mbmit tbt fol- lowing booki fur the eoneidertlion or tho conven tion to bo called for Iht adoption tr rejection af ine aame 1 fiutlcr'a New American Serial of lUadert aad Speliera. Milcbell'e Qeographiea. 1 . Fewimitb'i tlrammara. Brookl' Aritbmetiet. . Baraea' lliitory of the t'nltod Suttl. Sheppard'a Book on Conatltulioa. Martindale'a Firat Loaeona In Competition. Brooka' Higher Mathematiea. tlreenleaf 'a Algebra. 1 Kartenan'l Penmanahip. Hutebiaon'a Pbyaiolnoy. Coppeo'a Klementa of Khetetlr Revised Edition Allen a uojeel irrawing. Baacrufl'i School Aparatua. ' T. J. Bona, ' II. J. Si.orrr. ' ' - fc J. A. Bi.avTBHanaaaa, Joaira McCoLLOias. Don't forgot the Kntortsinment to bt givca la tbt Court Houee, la tbla place, on tho tveniagt of tbt 30th and 27th of tlili month, by tbo ttudenta of the ClearStld Aoademy. There la do doubt that each tnd trcry pereon will bt fully repaid for apendlng an hour or two ta the Court Houat aa thoee treulngt. Tht inlerlalnmenti givea htretofort by tht Aeademy puplli havt at traeted full hooaot, and we bavt no doubt but what tbt torn lag effort will equal If aoteaoeed the pre vioui OBtl. A Corner Stone. In aocordance with previoui aotiee, tht otremonfei tpproprlatt to tbt accailoa of Uying tht oorner ttontof the Woodland M.B. church building, eama off oa Friday afternoon. Tbt preacher la charge, Rev. Wm. H. Dill, wai ably tupportad by tht follow lag neighboring clergymen 1 Thai. Darnbart, J. W. naaghawont, A. D. Yocnm, M. L. Oanoo, A. D. MoCloekry,and Wm. M.MoCullough, Sr. Tbt building la to bt a bandromt woodta atrncture, 40i00 fret, mounted by a "J.lre one hundred feat high, and abtn completed will hot monument to tbt tnttrpriet of tht WoodUnd memborahip aad their paator. A good collection waa taken up on tha ground. In tht abtenct of the I'reeiding El dor, Mr. Barnhart waa called upon to aeeumt fho part af Jonah, and be did It very appropriately. la tbt PoatolFt at Cltarleld, for wtak aading June 10tb, l73l Hurat, Mlaa Levltra. C'orr, Kdwln A. Klwell. Philander. Mover, Peler. -Mahaly, Jamei. Mrhola, J. ft. Prtert, Mlaa Nettle. Pharo, K. A. Robinetia, Joeeph. Hbippaa, Cbarloa. Thompaoa, Robert P. P. A. UACLIN, P. M. tlarber, Joeeph. Uraykam, Wm. U, llardner, Annie. Ilerdlock, Chriatlan. mtchlnga, Henry II. The Ebensburir teman aays i We leara with pleatare that Mlat Maggia Rbey, tbt atoompllahed aad haadaomt daughter of our lownamaa, John S. Rbey, Kooj., wna marriod ia Chicago, May 271k, ta Lieut Cat. Michael Short, daa, brother of Uea Phil. Sbrridaa. She baa tbt beat wUhtitf her many frleadtla Cambria ouu- IJ for long aad happy wedded life, ClXBBJtATION AND CHURCH FuTI Tat,. A Petliral will bo held la the aow M. K Churoh building, at Woodland, Pa., oatbadtk ai ouijri The prootoda art to go toward the ooav plollon or tbt churob.- An tlegaut dinner will bt prorided for all who attend. Jot Cream, Lemon- ode, and otbor rofroahuonla, will alao bt acrrod, A tordtal imitation la attended to trerrbod to attend. A pltaaant time majt ha tipooted. Tbo objeol of the Peatlval aad Celebration will doubt Inaare the patronage af all waa with to hart a ploaaant Fourth of July. Sptcialt, ( CLorntnal CLoraiaal Olotbibo ! Do not fall ao go ana toe tho bow Clothing opening Ibie wook . nerr a bo a now ttore, oa ooruor or Mar hot aad Second alrcota. .... Paiara avn OiLa. Conaamera oaamakomonoj mJ wMiwa reiou ana wile 01 A. 1. BBBW. Kara you teen tbt atw goodt opening at Kerr A Ct't New Store r Hecolloel tbt drat to tout It nrai atrroa. Cold nnd tparkllng Soda Watorl Cooling rooming, invigorating. Uo buy It and try it. It la tlegaut theat warm daya. A. I. Shaw It tht man to go to. A first class Family Carringe for fay tJHWp UJ ' Da. T. J. Reran.. Tbt beat Clothing erer offered to tht Iradt la Clearfitld at Kerr A Co a. H. W. Bpeaoer, at Lumber City, keejuet opened a new atook of Urocerlea aad frorittone, which ht It lolling wonderfully cheap. He it prepared to eupply the whole upper end of tho county with ffooda In kit lint at piiott that wlllaetouiaherary- A. I. Shaw baa a Urge itockof 1'alnlaendOlli, aad ha aolla Ikem at right pneoa. Uo aad let. A full tttek of Varalebiag Oooda at Kerr A Co'a Now Store. .... - ' ' , ' Sylretter'a Improved llorae and Cattle Toko warranted to alop Jumping for lalo by 't AI. O. Baowi A Dno. Chlldran'a Clothing la all atylei at Kerr A Co'a New Store. . . . . Store keepera, aalooo keepera, and partiea con templating celebrating the Fourth of July, can bo lupplird with Lemon, Strawberry, Raipborry, Pineapple and other Byrupa,by the bottle or gallon, nt A. I. Sliaw'e Drug Store, ClcarOeld, Pa. It. e Tbt lateit andofoourte the eheaneel Iba and oouree tbo belt Clothing erer brought to wivwruvm, ai rv err a wo i new Dtort. Nerktiei of trtry deaeription nt Kerr A Co'a. W. A. Packard, of Mountain Seminary, Blrra iniham, will apend a fewweeka In Cleerlleld.anJ on Monday, June 23d, aU o'clock P. AT, will meet all thoee who are in any way intonated in muaio, at tbt Baptiat Church, for the purpoat of oraaniiini a ainiinr eiaaa. Alao. will meet the ohildrrn at the aame place at t o'clock, P. M., of ine eame day. A limited nnnaber of priratt pa pile will be accomodated. , School Boone. In another tolumn wa niibtiak the report or the Committee on School Hooka, which waa onaniinouely adopted by the Conven tion or Dircctora which mat in thia niece on the 3d of June. Among other booka reported by the Committee and adopted by tho Convention are Mm Ntw Otoonarar, by 8. Augoatue Mitchell. Pabliahed by K. II. Butler A Co., l'bii. adelphia. Milchell'a Ueographira bare been In uaein tbii country for 10 many yean that it it net necetaary lo any any thing ia their pre lee. The new aeriea, however, art vtry materially anporior to tho onra that haro been in uee heretofore, inae mncb na they contain the complete eeniua etatie tiri for 1870, which of itaelf ia rery Important and which the old once do not contain. The new ae rire repreaent the Slatea and Territoriec of Ibe United Statea aa Ibay are at tht prevent time ; alio ebow the ehangea madt In Kuropo by tbo Ute French and Pruaiiaa war. aa well aa Ibe reeulta of all tht latt txplorationa of LivlngMone and other tiplorera in Africa, Ac., Ac. irlca, sc., e. The mapa are all utier plate. The I'hv Ileal Geography contained IB lata te4.?B in 100 laieaiana moaioomplclt trea liae on the elemniv Of I'byaical Ueiigrapby. Naw AurtiCAi Sanid 0.' Raaniat tanSrtL La 1 by K. II. Duller A Co., Philadelphia. Thia la the lateit and moat complete nnW of neaaera ana rpenen panilineo, and the entire 00 riee tan be brought at a muck Iota rate thaa Ibe nooaa now need In moat or tbe echoole. The pub. Habere propoet furaiahiug tha booka at Introduc tory pricei during the tret three menthe after their adoptitn which it about thirty or forty per oeni. reaa man ineir retail pnooa. l neae hooka, although Iko moat recent aerlea published, bare been adopted by the oily of New York, aad by Philadelphia and Lancaater, and a number or tbe large towne of tbia State. Vermont haa adopted them ia all her public echoola for (ra yeara. Mr. D. W. Proctor, Huotingdon, Pa., la tbo agent of the publiihing houee of K. 11. Butler A Co., and will rurnteh tbe aeriea - of Readera and tbe aeriea or Geographici to the acbool dialrieta mat ratiry the report or tht Committee ai adopt ra d toe lourcniioo. Painvt ana Paixvina' Fixniaai. Our clock or Tamil and l'alnlera' Materiel t la complete, ia. eluding J. T. Lewia' Pun While Lead. John Lu eaa A Co'a Pun W hile Lead. P. R. A Co'a Buck Lead, and a number ofcheaDor bran li or Walt. Lead; alao, Liaieed Oil, Turpentine, VarnUheatf all kinda, a full Una of Bruahea, aad a full lint of toiora, ory ana in oil. my20'7l H. P. Biulib A Ct. Montour Slate Painta, for painting houeei In aida and outaide Cottagea, Farm Bulldinga, Ac. Beautiful, durable aad economical. Uround in pun Liareod Oil. myma H. F. Biotaa A Co, R. R. Whoelbarrowa, Baby Carriage!, Toy Ki- proaa n agona ana n noeinarrowe, at my28'73 II. F. lliona A Co'a. Rnrniannaroai. About Junt 1, 1173, H. P. Bigler A Co. will hnvo aa aatortmeat of Refrig erator!. my2'7J Plowi. Farmtn will Ind It to tbeir advantage 10 tan in ana examine our atocx or riowe, tultl- vatore, Ac, among which will bo found Single ana uounio iron ana r) 00a Khovel riowa, Iron ana nooa tuitivntore, Tbo Uowanda Iron Beam Plow, The Plltaburgh Steel Plow, Tho llaupt Dellefoote l'ltw, and 0 her patterna. wySI'73 n. F. Biolbb A Co' Rain Tatt ! Parioai whooontemnlate balldiai will do well to call and oxamino our etoek of Bl'II.HlNII MATKRIALS. Wt kavt In ttock a full lint of Bulldera' Hardware, Naila, Painta, una, uiaae, rutty, calctntd neater, sc. myJe'iJ II. F. BiaLta A Co, Farmen In want of drain Drllti for Spring aeoding, aad Cora i'laaterr, will do well to order at OBce. bamplt marblnet only on hand at M. U. Bnowo A Bno.'t, April 23, 1873. Clcarleld, Pa. Fiaaiia TicxLS. Tbt Siblng tetaon havlag commenced, lovera tf tbit tlegaut aport will bo eaating aooul to nna where to purrnaeelbo neoea. ary requirement! la order to onjoyy tht tport, To all tucb we will lay, go to the Hardware Store of II. P. Bigler A Co., at they kavt Ikt Sneat lot or trout Hoda, Linea. Hooka, llaakote, Balt- Boxet, Reolt, Snoode, Filet, etc tver brought ta tble eounty. Ibelr Iroul node an really ele gant, and tvtry pereon oxpeeting ta go trout-Sria. lug ihia lummer enouid bavt oao. a-a Juat raaelred, a Urge lot af aea-axploelra i,arapi ana l-aoterni at 24-73 H. T. Biatta A Co'a, It. P. BlgUr A Co. have been making txlentlvt al'lillom to Ihetr ttock or Hardware tha laat nw daya. Kvorything new In Shelf Hardware, Sad dlen Hardware, Farmere' Hardware, Buildara' Hardware, and Hardware of til kinda, can be aeon at their elore. Mty 21. Wood ami Willow Wart of all dcatriplloaa for aalt by II. F. Bigler A Co. Save Time! Save Labor! Save Money I Fare Clolhn I The " Novelty Wringer " ii the belt la Ibe market. Buy It) try it. For aale by II. t. Biolbb A C.' Lath Pi aarna. Several car received by Krataar A Lytle, which will ht told very cheap. Farmen, make a Bote of tbla. febl0-4t Favaa flnoruB pLAavaa. Reeeired at Coratr Store by ear load and for tale by r. a. n. ar. inwtn. Carwenarilla, March 13, 1872. IuroBTir! InponTAur! Below nlenat Ind a Hat of pricea of Boot! and Sboea, of which Flo gal ll now erlltng tnormooe lotet Womeu'f full trimmed luting Uaitora, $2.00, ai ri.KHAt, a. Woracn'l common llorooco Oaltert, 81. J5, at FLKUAL'S. Women 'a Kereoa hid OalUn, $4.00, at ri.KUAL B. Women '1 Congreit laatlng Oaitera. $1 24, at FLKUAL'S. Women '1 plain laatlng O altera, $1.00, aa a Kauai, o. Met ! tommnn kip Boolr, $3.00, at FFEQAL'S. at FLKOAL't. Men'! Int kip Boole, $4.00, Men'i Frenok kip Botta, $4.00, at FLKUAL'S. Mea'i eommoB calf Booti, $4.00, at FLKUAL'S, Who la determined ta tell al tbt abort pricea, at hie atom, oa Second atreet,oppoeite Ex-Oor. Big ler'! retedtnte, ClcarOeld, Pa. . . -.. lil A full line of Woueehold Ooede, Jrnne4 Wire, 4 c, for itle by hi. F. B'j'T A Co. ' Nortra To Wioot tn OaaaiaaB MaaaaS. We hart Juat rtotlred a geaeral aiaortmoat of Wagon and Carriage Wooda, alao a full Hat of Springe aau aiiea, wnwa wa oner caeap lor oaan. II. F. Biut-aa t Co. Aiaa. Bereuty lrt dotal Cttarltld Wood' ehoppere Axel at :ii;71. H. F, BIQLKR A Co'a. RKCAPITDLAT10V. Bird Cagea, Wood and Willow Wan. ilouoebold Oooda. All klndi of Hardware. Japanned Wnre. ' I'.lnte, Oils, Vartiahca. T A (lalainad Phvetar. 1 Wacon and Carrlact Makera' tutiiillot. All of tbt abort for aalt at tht mammoth Hard' ware Btora of 11. V. Bigler A Co., Second Ureal, vitarueio, ra. at Calcined Plaaler for aalt by H. P. Blglar A Ct. Bird Cagea a large aaaorlment at H. P. Big. ier m vu. a. Btwa. Dlatan'a Croat-enl Raw, Ortat Amerlcaa saw, Doyalou a LlgbUiing Saw, at - - : 71 . t II. V. ViaLis A Ct't. ' Palnte, Olla and Varalabea fur lalo by H. F. Digier a t;o. On Thuraday trening, June 4th, 1173, at thr. kouaoofthobrldeaparenia, by Rnr. K. Maaoaa, Mr. JKROMK A. IIOOKK, of Rookton. to Mill HIKA D. THOMPSON, of Ilrndy townabip. ; At 61. Uoorge'i Kpiaeopal ohnrch. Mount Bar age, MaryUud, by the Rr. 8. C. Taaaix, D. !.. on Thuraday, May 20th, M. RKKHN IMLL, ofLewliburg, Pa., nnd Miia FANN1K JORDAN, oi mount oavago, aaaryiana. 7 v 5K4. Or Croup, ob tht 10th Inet., at hia .rather'ereel- denoe, iBOaceola, WII.1.1K 11. DAM'KR, aged two yeara, tlerea montba and two daya. ,, ( On thoSth Inet. at Madera, af Tonhold fever. on.i ounvAa, ta ine ovm year 04 niiage. Clearfield Markets. Corrected weekly by RitraaaD Moaanr, Wholeaalt ana Kelall neater la lry Oooile, Uroeariei.Pro- viaiona, ae., Market alreet, Clearfield. Pa. CixaariuLn, Pi., Juut 17, 137J, Applcl, green, 00(8 40 Hove, drtaatd..,,.. , Dried, V lb 10 llidea, green.....:.. ' 7 Apple bulter.Wgal, 71 llama 00f 1 Butter tmr 20 Shouldert On he 131 Beam $1 7 5 (91 I 00 Sidra.. 00(a) 1-t) Buckwheat. 1 l' Lard lilrO Buckwheat lour lb, 'Men pork.V bbl.,.10 00 Beef, dried 220ale. ... SO Beef, rraah 7fci lOOniont I 40 Boarda, M 11 00$ 1 4 SO Potatoel ...... 00Q 70 Coro.ebellod.. 1 00 Peachoa. dried, lb.. Corn, ear J0 0 Plaattr, M bbl I 00 Cora meal, ft each, 1 30 Ry. 1 10 Chop, A ewtl 10(J J 40 Raga, V lb 2 Cloveraeod. I 00 Salt. aack.240(m 140 30Shlnglea,lSin. $4(o5 00 Cherrlea, D. 10(a) It InIO 14 00 Chiekena, dnd, bS, 15 Timothy teed....... t 00 Hurl UTallow . II, Klai.eed.. 1 00 Wheat.. ............ I 00 Floar 0010 10 Wool . 40 flay 00 00(30 to Wood, V oord... I 40 Penniiylvanla Ilullrond TYRONE k CLEARFIELD BRANCH. lT!I and after Monday, MAY JOtb, 1873, tbe J faaaenger Traiat will ru& daily (except Sub daya) between Tyrone and Clearfield, aa lullowa; CLEARFIELD MAIL. LEAVE 60UTII. LKAVK NORTH. Clearfield 1.40. r.a Tyront-. ti.i.u. Oteeola. 10.95, M Philipeburg.,.10.50, " Clearfield..... 11.45," Philipabarg....4.a4, " Oectola 4.50, ' Tyron 1.00, " CLEARFIELD EXPRESS. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. CUarrkld Philipeburgn Oaotola Interaeotion.. Tyrone....... 1.40 1. 1 .3i " i.i " 7.48 8.00 ' Tyrone 7.00 r. a, Interaaetloa...7.l3 " 0'coola 8.10 " Phllipahrg,..8.24 " Cleared. ar.f..0 " FARE FKOM CLEABFIELD, TO Btllefonte, Pa .. $3 05 Middletowa ..$4 00 Marietta. 1 M Lanoaeter I 84 PHILADELPHIA 7 04 Altoona.... 1 (4 Lock IlavoB.,..,.., Willlameptrt. Huntingtlon Iwittown-........ 2 70 ISO 1 80 t 00 Maryeville... 4 40 Jobnatnwn.....H.. t 80 PITTSBURG i 14 UAKRIHBlRtl... 1 74 Cloeo tonnoetlona made by all tralaa al Tyrone aad lock iiaron. OEORSB C. WILKINS, myl7-tf. Superintendent. piRST CLASS . CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE. ABOUT tnth MAY I will opea ap, In my new room on Market etreet. oppoeilo tht Coart Ilouat, a full line of TOBACCO A CIMARa,tf Ike kett branda tbat the E altera aad Keulkera market! tan afford together with all tht iorel tita belonging ta Iht bmlne.e. Dealers supplied at wholesale rates. May II, 18731m A.WATSON. FARMING IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE BT II. 1 Bigler A Co. IRON DOUBLE-SHOVEL TLOWg. WOOD DOUBLE-SHOVEL FLOWS. ' WOOD SINGLE SHOVEL FLOWS. IRON CULTIVATORS. WOOD CULTIVATORS. UOWANDA A IRON BEAM FLOWS. FITTf BURtl STEEL FLOWS. UAUFT'S BRLLEFONTB FLOWS. ROBESON'S aad THOMPSON'S FLOWS. pSftotm for all of tbt abort' Plena eon leuUy oa band. ( .myls-78 kEATZEB & LYTLE Tnrptntlnt, ) Peinla, I Oila. J f . Kails, L SELL YOU 1 Ulaat, ( , French, Richards & Co.'t . Buck Lead AXD Calcined Plaster VERT CHEAP. Immenaa ttock aa hand. Cloarleld, Pa., June , 1871. ALUAI1LE FAlttt AT PRIVATE SALE. The underelgnod offrra at privato rale hie farm ia Cheat townabia, eonaiitina of S 10 acraa, 1(10 acrea of which an cleared, nndor good fence and in a high atateofcultlration. Tbe Imprevemcnta art a good houae, bcw barn and other neoeaaary outbuilding.. Two eicellent orchard! oa tht pretotaee. tiood water convenient to the houee. About 1,000,000 fret of eicellent nine.braide ttbtr tlmbere on the land. Alio, an abundance of coal and lime, tone. For further Information, call oa oraddnae WM. M. MrilARVEY. Jel 1-ttt Mcflarvey P. (1., Clearfield Ca., Pa. BAitGAINS IN MUSICAL IX STRI MKNTSI-Orrana. both new and eeoond hand, at tht Mnale Store, oppoilte Uullrh'a Furniture Ston. All pertoni InUreeted are invi ted to cell aad e famine a new etyle of Organ now on oihlblllon. Sheet Maala aad Mnale Booka rooetantly oa kand. apl3t-72tf gTOSES SAW GUAIMERS AND SAW UPSETS. Wa havt received the erenev for the above and will tell thorn al menufaoturero prlett. Call and eiamlne tbeaa They are tbo brat. il 71 H. F. B1UI.KR A CO. BLACKHMITH WANTGnTka andor. ilgned wlehta tt employ a tret-aleea eaork maa al an. Ironing wagont made a aptefaity. Lib.ral wagea paid. Call on or ad'lreva a UvMAS HI.1LLY. t'leatleM. .'ute 4 II tv. 1873. SPRING GOODS ! AT WM. REEDX PRINTS, 1 . !:'? . PARCALES, v ( OINOHAMrl, tickings, mi'slins,. iiektinus, cottonadks, boy's cassimkri, MEN'S CA8SIMKRE. .' ' tlSBNS. DRESS GOODS, (' la great variety and all tkt atwit ebadea. Jtpaneaa Popllat, Japautee Bllka, SHrlped Ptpllat, a Milk Popllaa, . ' ' ' Kraach Siohalra, !;' Hr ri Mormauiee, Crenadlnra, it i-awna, - ' SPRCIAL BARGAINS IN Colored Silks! Colored Silks! Black Silks 1 Black Silksl f: Shawls! Shils! Shawls! ".. : ...; ' i . . 1.: :- Carpet, Carpets, Carpet, told at tkt lewd eaak prltt at WM. HEED'S, J:0 ' Market Mrttt, ClearStld, Pa. 71 May 14, 1873. pLOUIt, FEED, 4C. TUB BBCCARIA' FLOURING MILLS. Tbt iBdmignt. woild rtipMtfull girt no- tlot to tbttitlifm of Beeoftrift towoihip and tur roa aiding twtmtrj, Uat b Imi yonhwiwl tkt Btooari Floariog Mills anil pat trcrjtblng lo onpUU ordtr, ud liBanafattarUig a flrttelan quality of Floar. . CUSTOM WOHK DOIE, aad Flour la quantity toaatantly aa hand for aaia. CHOP, CORK MEAL, BRAN, etc., AC. alwaya ta hand aad for aalt wholeeele ar retail. Ot INtH BHINGI.IM WANTED. . I WUI tatbanga Flour aad Chop for 20- laob fthiaglee, ow will pay part moaey, if deeded. 10:1. If BARNABAS ARMHTRONO 8AW8I 5AW8! SAWS! DISTAN'S CROSS CUT, MILL, DRAO AND CIRCULAR SAWS. BoTnton'i Lightning Orosg-cnt Saw. 11 ALSO, PATENT PERFORATED A ELECTRIC IAWS, For tale by aetll,7S R. F. RIOLER A CO. C D. WATSON, - DEALER IN DRICS & PATET MEDICHES, CONFECTIONERIES, TOTS AND TANKER NOTIONS, FINK TEAS A ROASTED COFFER, BBS! BRANDS TOBACCO A RKOARS. SCHOOL BOOKS A STATIONERY, Maaonlt Building, Second Street, dec-72 ly CLEARFIELD, VA ThI.NK, WHITB A ROAN LININO SKINS X duel reeelret ana for aale ay April IS. ItTt. B. P. BKILER A CO. CLE A 1873, ' We desirt) to call tho attontion of tho citizens of Clearfield tf?-r. havo opened a 1 MUSIC iviicre w intend to constantly keep PIANOS, ORGANS Our RAVEN & COMPANY'S PIANOS, Wo aro nrennred at all times fovoralilo terms as to prices and terms of payment. ' Our stock of ORGANS will RYNDER ORGAN, (with Rymlcr's ThO SMI 111 AML.KIU.vrM UKUAIX 3 WltUANS, MASON it HAMLIN'S ORGANS, and the NEW HAVEN MELODEON COS JUBILEE, TEMPLE and CHURCH ORGANS. Besides these w o furnish to order Organs from any fuctory desired. We sell on every plan known to tho trade, cither CHEAP FOR CASH, ON NOTES, or on the POPULAR AND EAST LEASE PLAN. On our easy terms every oue amount will tend so much to MA DCrWe tlwill ho gin J to hove 1873. NEW SUUL1ER GOODS! AT W JI. ItEKD'H. BARGAINS! BARGAINS) BARGAINS! At It, Bnwa Mttlla. . ' u At lOo, Brown Uualln, real good. At Hit, Brows Mutlln, yard wldt. ' Al I3c, Splendid BlMched Mollla. yd wide. At 1 St, Haadiomt Poplla Plaidi. ' At 24a, Japaaeee PopNa. At 24t, Black aad Colored Alpaca, i At 60o, Jepaueat Silk, wtrlk 74o. J At $1.00, Elegaal Silk Poplla. , At $1.11, 9d Black Silk. , At $1 .40, Bpltndld Black Silk, wide. ' At $2.00, Black Silk, worth $1.40. At 10a, Otod While Plqua, ar P. K. At $1.14, flood Hoaey-oomk Qallm.- At $1.71, $2.00, $1.40,. Bnleadid. Maratillei Qailtt. SATCHELS, TRUNKS, OIL CLOTH, OK NTS' UNDERWEAR, NECK TIES, SHIRTS, Bl'SPENDBTtA, HANDEIRCU'FS OLOVKS, COLLARS, CUFFS, ' ' and a full ttock tf Ladlea' Mlaaei'aad Cblldron'i ' ' SHOES, al prieee ta aalt Iba timtt. oaLL taa roa voraiaLr, tr HEED'S. Market BtrctH, f Icarfleld, Pa. May It, 1873. 1 . ' .. .U O. I. c. "rnKRB U bay my DRY (100DI, OR0- V T oorfaa. UnMiivan, UlaHwaro. vrurt and Hotiona, toaiNttoneriu. tfto., ofaMp Tor eah. Tbo tabMrilrtr best Itavo to inform bit eld Md ntw ouatomeri tliai bt bat optocd A VARIBTT ST0KB IX (J LEX 1101 FA. And will nil ffoodt at nrtort to nit tbt tlmoo. A llboral b madt to tu'luiatrt baj log at wbolaaalo. Call and oiamtno my ttook before pnrebailni .tewDert, a llboral intra or pobho potroaagt u toiioiioo. C. J. KKAUT. Q1a Bepo. Fa., Jnt 14, 1T1. D. J. CROW ELL, Manafaeturer of tht D. H. Ball Bolting Machine and tat SIDE-CUT SlUNULK MACHINE, tt cut from II to 20 inehea, and lireaeed under Kvorat a natenL jofnttn, Dratr-Stw Machinea and General Mill Work, Sinaeiaahoning, Camer. oa Manly. Pa. Hnpairtng ml Machinea and goaerel Caalom ri wa aon. t. order. aagity Lai very Ntable. rap 1 1 R underalgned bege leave to inform tha puh 1 tbat he ia now fully prepared to areomma daU all la tb. way of furaiahiug Horace, Buggiet, Saddle, and Humcae, ob tbe ahorleet aotlce and oa roatoaablt ttrme. Btaidtaetoa Ltcatt atreet, between Third and fourth. .... Oil. W. OBARIIART, TlMrleld, April II, 1107. H. F. BIGLER k CO. havt for aale CARRIAGE & WAG0X WOODS, - SHAFTS ANDroLEg, HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, Ao. Carrlagt aad Wagoa Makera tbauld mabt a boio af thit aad call and eiamin. Ikem. They will be told al fair prlett. may22 72 QUNSMITniNG. G. W.WOLFE, l'RACTICAL GUNSMITH. Shop aa Third itraet. over Riley'a blaekemilk chop, CLEAHF1KLI), PA. All kinde of Riflei and Shot fluolonband. Repairing done In a Srat-t4aM aaaaBer aa.l at fair pricea. 1:2'13 1873, MAR K E T 8 TREE!, It FIELD, PEN li'A. STORE IN CLEARFIELD, on hand a full supply of AND MUSICAL stock of PIANOS will consist of fcTKINWAY & SONb' to furnish nny of the cheaper mnkes consist of the new and popular Knee Ticmolo and downward enn have a good instrument, Kb HUM Li HAITI. .u call and tee u, whether you , IM , I : I87SV, FANCY GOODS, WHITE GOODS, AT MEW MATS aad BOMHKTS, 1 PLOW KM aaA RIBBON. . NRCKIiEM anal MCHt'B, . 1 COttARR and CUI'KS, , CORSET aad HOOPHklRTS, BI'ITLISM anA ether KIXIN-w, ' UM)ER EAR of all kinda, HOMIER Y sad CLOVES. IIANDKERCHIEFN, ' " ' vVHITE.TRIMMIMCMa, ENBROIDEKV, ' ' ' ". TOW ELM, i STANDARD TRIMMINGS. FCLL USE OF PARASOLS AND FANS. , , . . NEW WHITE GOODS! PIQUA, STRIPED MUSLINS, PLAID MU6LIN8, : ' ' SATIN STRIPES. MARAPOSA ITRIPR3, ' ; AC, AC, AC. All will bt told at tht lowed pricee at WM. REED'S, Market atreet, Cltaritld, May 14. 1073. Pa. AD THIS!. FLOUR & FEED DEPOT! The atttatlon of tho tltltent of Clearlatld tvnd ifinit tt directed to tho fart that f.vod fellow A Sun are tht agents oY M. Nlooo A Co., and hart jntt noeired a half doatn ear loada of Flour and Feed, which the? clTer at tbo lowett potiiblo flg art a. A large atuck of FLOUR, COBK MEAL, CHOr, BUCKWHEAT FLOl'R, BRAX, Potatota, Shelled Cora, Cora la tar, At, At. Particular attention la tailed to M. Sleet A Co.'a brand tf Family Floar, which It tbe beat ia the market. Flour aad Feed can aad will be told cheaper thaa It taa be obtained clatwbera ta Clearleld ooantv. jtrStere on Market alreet, oeit deer to Hob. Alexander Irrla'a reeideaoe. UOODFKLLOW A S0!f, jaalltf ' Ageat.f.rM. NiecoACo. Valuable Town Lots For Sale. I haro under my control a aombor of Towa Latt. ia Ksiti Cloarfteld, WittR 40 by luO foot, ooarcnioatly laid oat, with Wreett and allejtr whicn art now oOcred lor tala. Tncte lota are it on ted ia1awrcaee township, adjoining Clear Held borough oa the eatt, and north of tbo towa hip road lending from Clearfteld to Rbt. Owen. Fertont wishing to purrbiie ca Inquire of A. M. Ulllt. ot at tbo Oeiro of tho amdtritgood, where a eorroot plot af tho lot eaa bo tetn, with tennt of talt. JOHN ii. Fl'LFORO, rltlO-Jm Attorney at laaw. Beale's Embrocation, (LATE POWELL'S,) For all oi.eerei Incident ta Bonti, Cattle, aal Uamaa Fleah, retiring tht uae at aa anurnal annlioatloa. Tbit Embroeatioa waa titeneivtly aaed by the Oovernment during tba war. For tala by Darttwiek A Irwlr, Cltaritld Joteph R. Irwla, CurwaaavlUa. Daniel Oood aadtr. Latktrtbarg. . ff. Attention, Lumbermen! WE are now maaufacturtug our IMPROVED BTKliL. SOCKET IiRlVINU CANT- HOOKS, auperinr to any nthor to not. Wt hart alat In ttock a largo quantity of Cantkooka .nim ble for raiting purpoete, wbiek wa art ecMieg eheap for caah. AMOS A R. KEN5ARD. ClcarOeld, ra., aares II, If 71. TOSEPU II. KOWLKS, Justice of tt tha Peaot tad Scrivener in Iba apper tad of promptly paid over. Feb.l-ly county to the fact that we r . MERCHANDISE, PIANOS, HAINES BROTHERS PIANOS. of Pianos to order on tho most Octavo Coupler,) and no other investment of like . desiro ta purchase or not. Sati$fri; ;;fn ASNOt'NCEUKaVT , OF Tilt ORBA . REDUCTION OF PMCESf BT . PORTER IIUW, U. D. aV ltranwTa vt THi'TflR.' navlag aucretded la getting a lighter tariff eC matarlal. benro th. Ion and mooferaM o bar re far partial and full ante of Ttttb. I wet the bee toanofeflore ef teeth and otUr material. AS operation! rrglitcred and wairautad t. give tic aad tttlafactloe. Friend!, Meet tbat my obargee for tht Ineet tion of artlnoial aod tba taring af th. Balneal teeth are now the moetrcaeoeable in Ptnaaylvaaiaw Prrawve your teeth and you protrrr. your health. Putting of the natural teeth la a healthy, pee aervntlveand uaeful condition la made a apatlalty. Diaea.ea and malformatioaa common to tht memta. (aw aod aaaoeiaua parte, are treatad and corrected , with fair loeccaa. Examiaationa aad toaaalla-' lion a rata. It would bt well for patient, from a dlatanot 14 let tut koow by email a tew dayt before aomiag u th. ofliea. It ta vtry important that ahlldrea between the ago. of ail aad yeara ahould have Ihtir teeth oaemia.d. - Anmeihetiet ar. admialetered aad Taaih re mere4 without paiw -- - Diepoailiona nnd .karacter are Judged by all Iba world by Ikt oaproaaieoa of tba faee, koaee kow very dlaaatroua may It therefore be for per aona t. indulge an aupreaeiaa of dtetorted feetaretv evoe apart from a hygieaie view. i.w, t. tajoj ' aatural (not artiftoial) oomfortt and aleeaoreev, rtepeejt and obey natnrnl aimpllritlo. and Inellnot, ' S. PORTKR SUAW, D. b. . OBoe In Ntw M atonic Building, Second atrewa, Cloarteld, Pa. meyll'J .' DENTA1CAED. .' - , Dr. A. M. HILLS Vol$J tar to hit patltntt and tbt pnbw Uo gvoarallyg tbat, having dtMulvoti pojtaanbl with lr. Hbaw. ba It now doing tha to lira worL of bit office htmtflf. to that pativntt ntod But Ut botng pot no'lar tha baadt Af anw othr aptrator. CIoarfttHg March 2v, 1872-ptL:umoii73 . , "jTmTste OSot aror Irwia't Drug Btora- ' CrRWKNRVILLB, TA. Alt dental oporationt. tit her fn tha marhaale- oroporativa branch, promptly attended to aaf Mtialattion goaranterd. H pool at attontloa paid to tbo treatment of diteaiej of tbo n at urn I tswtb, gttmt and mouth. Irregularity of tho teeth tno eeffblly eorrrted. Teeth oitraeted wit boot paiir by tho ate of Kther, and artiftetal tooth Intertot of the beat malarial and warranted to render tat llUftion. apHlS6'7t:lT J i t - - i. . . . L-i. -ill-' i EACH I K EUROPB1 ORBAT KXCITEMBNT IN FRENCHYILLE f Tbt blood tontott between Frante and PrwaTtiar la at aa end for tbo nre-ent, $o far u the ilaacVe taring of ttirn and the dettrvntfew. of properti lo eoncernod. Tho Royal altrgglert ao doubt pride cneuifeivei apd rettict orer tba retail, but bnv inrfgTtiiVant ft their work when compered with tho hontant and christian effort! of L. M. COUDRIET, who hat andertakon to tnpply all tho eltltont If the lower end of the county with food and ralnetr at exeeodin? low ratet from hit mammoth ttoro iti MCL80NHURU. where ho can alwayt bo founa ready to watt upon oallora aad tnpply thota wiihf . Dry Goods of all Kinds, Back aa Cloth., Ratlnette, Caaalmeret, Maallav Delalnea, Linen, I'rillinga, Calieoea, Trimminga, Kibbona, Lace, Ready-made Ctathing, Boole and Shoo., Rata aotV Cape all uf tbt beet material and made to order Hoat, Sooka, Ulovee, Mittoaa, Laett, Ribbaat, Aev OROCRRIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rico, Molaeeea, Flh, SaM.. Pork, Llnacod Oil, Fi.h Oil, Carboa 0(1. Hardware, Qneenaware, Tinware, Caatlnga, PTetrr and Plow Caatinga, Naila, Spikot, Corn CatUrex tore, Cider Preeeoe, aad all kiada of Auau Ptrftmtry, Painta, Varalak, Olaee, aad a g.aoreA- aaaonmeat .1 eteuoaery, 4 OOOD FLOUR,- Of different brand., alwayt mi hand, aad wtR W told al tht lewett potaihlt tgarte. LIQUORS, tucb at Brandy, Viae, Ola, Wktoay,. T U..U.I If .-. I wwBiim, iiuiKia, BMW. IlooStnd'i Ilittera. 0M pounda of Wool wanted for wUA ur higheet price will he paid, rkeraraeeo) ear haer and for aalt at th. lowe.t mark.! price . . Alto, Agent far SlrettoavUle ead Cai w teat irtr Threahlng Marhiaea, 4. Cell aad at. for Tea will ItrtV evtrytking uiually kept ia a retail ttore. L. M. COC DRIFT. . Prtnahvlllt P. O., Merck I, 1871. - r. tiLLionia. aacata BOLT.' New Firm at if ontzdelo GALLAGHER & HOLT r Have jual rrturaed from tbe Baatera tltltt eritar a large aad well eeleeted Mock af Foreign ana Iamtatlt gooda, tontlatlng tT f DRY GOODS A XOTIO8, READTrMADK CIiOTUlSaK v .", BOOTS A SHOK.H; 1IATS A CAl'S, .' " HARDWARE, QUEENSWATtR,' WOOD A WILLOW WARE, CARPETS A OIL CLOTH! GROCERIES, FLOUR FEED, (br car bsd,) Ac, Ao , Ac, R hlr b thry will taebangt at very low- pYica fir " Lumber, Shinglta, Caah or Counlrjr rredte. : Uoutidalo, Pa, May It, 1S7I. rjiUE AUTOMATIC , . Iwlnlttlng Machine f Tbla Knlttiag Machine la ant of tbt moat oar.' ful inveattaaa of ih. .a. Up enticing eCorie . aad Ingeotout enporimentt tba inventor bat-' aohiered what thouaanda hnvo unaueceeefully tried to attain. Tbat Is a KNITTIXtl MA C1IINR, that will knitaaock in tertn minute, beel and toe, eempltte. Narrowa and widen.. . Rnita all gradoaof yarn. Kubier, Tldiea, llwda, Men'a Knit Jacketa, lloalerv of all aire., aod al uorl an enJIcet variety tr i'eeful and Ornament al Ooode. It will kail from a Watch Hoard ta a Sleigh Hobo, aad doot It with neetarae aad dew patch. Pereont that ire Inrapaeitttd fiom bard work, oaa rare from 6'3 TO 81 DOLLARS Par I'ay with tbe Kaitlar, Tbii Machine kaa taken tba hlghaet rremiamt al tht Principal Kxpoaitioaa, Stata and Counry Feire. II ia eimple and darabm In oontenaotloeV aad will wear a life-liiae. At It ia enattnaaiacV . with Iht Saeat meehanical eiartnrae, and lor general range or work. "IT HAS NO IQtAL,"' aadlaenly limited In Wanly and elyte by IhV imagination aad ingenuity ef tb. operator. R F.T.I I h TRiTE, fltO.VtX Por refcrenco tht public ana adJreee or eell up on the following rveident of ClcarSeld eewely r Joalak Thoaiptoa, Jeaatbaa llarubera. Jh Korria. II. ir. Hitler, Joha F. Stall, Curweaavillei' , Lewi. i. Hard tad Joha Ore, tfurd P. 0.; Blair. Johnrton, Abraham Sneeoer. P.llaha ronton.. tlmmptea II. lie P. O. i Joeh Kirk, J.ka Ow eaa, Jamea Curry, Lumber City. ramuel jeukina, sen;., at Gurwoaevlllt, le n Geaeral Agent for Clearfield aad Jenartoe toon, lice. All eecioeeery iaformattoa tea b. obieiaeA' by tailing apoa blm. April I S, IMS If. F OK SALE! A large aad u.ll iai.hed Prirk Dnalllo. ei leg ate oa the river baak, ia tha borough o Clear leld, containing eleiea room., aitk good erlliv water in tha kitchen, and nil tbt m.dern eeeve nieneea. Pantriea, llath-roeita. Ct.tbee preooee. uo etaij leva ironi taa two annuren aae tairtr feet barb, wltka twenty foot allrv aw thoeaet ebfe. Said haildiag, with all Iba appurfreore, will bt cold cbc.p, with pa; mowrgio rait pwrebe aer. Application ma be aifcre te tk aor. .Igned, or te A. C. Tate, Bee., who elll give alt areeerarr Informallta lo tticea whe dr.lra re ia-- .prot tht arwtrty. THT.. M't CI WrtlM. tr,. t.a ve-1 ,r .