Democratic) Primary Election. la accordance with tho rulot of the Pfmoeratio party, roqaluting (he pri mary lctloni fn Clearfield county, lb ttemoersu of tho aeroral bor ongbi and townsblin are renin red to meet at tbe oiunl place oi holding leoiloni in their rcpeotir dlitricU, on the Firat Saturday of June noit, being the 7(b of the montb.) at auoh fioor m majority of the Vigilance Committee In encb leparate district may fli and to cloio at iucb hour ai aid Commilteo may determino, for tbe purpose of sclootlnif, by ballot, vaDdidutoi for the renpooitve ofllco of Aatambly, bborlff, County Trcmnicr, lMitrloi Attorney, CommUiloner, And. itor and Jury Commissioner, to be voted for at the next general clootion In next October. Rules No. 6 and 6, adopted by tbe party hemtoforo, are for the govern ing and controlling of laid elections. Hon itl. No peraon thall h permitted to tot at mob Primary Kloctloo, iicept thoie ho knv voted with tho Democracy at tut preceding general olootlon. or lhall b of known Demo cratic itandmg, and ao candidate tUnll bt placed apoa tbo return uulcu bt (ball have hit oard ai a aadldata luiertod In tbo betuocratle paperi dur ing at Itatt thm wecki preceding tut Primary Election. Rclb (ti. Tbo town.blp committee or tho olootlon board iball designate ono of tbf Ir num. hor to not roturn judge, whoie duly It iball bo to tako obarge of tbo returni of Tutoi ceit, after having boon duly certified to a being oorroot and algued by a majority of tbo board, and to carry them to Cleirltold borough on tbo Tuoedey fol lewiag tho olootlon, and pruduro thom at tbroo o'.look, P. M., la tbo Court Homo, wbon aald judgco will bo oalled to ordtr by tbo Chairman of the County Committo, wbo iball proiide. The ootM thall tbon bo oonntrd aod tbo pononi ro elving tbo blghoit number of rotoo oast at laid olootlon, iball bo declared nominated for thi ro apoetivo office whioh thty have been voted for j eovt'ded, aaid pononi voted for iball baro oom plied with tbo requirement! of rule Mb j la eon fhoperton booing tbo bighoet nomber of votei hai failed to comply with laid rule, then the per eon having tbe next bigheit number of votci joJI bo declared tbe nominee for Mid office. The attention of the Vigilance Com mittees, in the several districts, in oalled to tho following rules, also adopted for the better control of the returns of tbo election", held under our primary system, and which will bo strictly enforced : Viiiui, Tbo Vigilance Committee! In lome f the boruughi and towaih'pi are in tho hahlt uf tranimlttlng tbeir election return! by mall or private band! to tbo Chairman of tho County Committee and othen, without any option or pow. r to outer, aot or roto in tbo Contention for thou dletiicti, tho leaving tbeta without a vote In that body i a largo portion of tbooo holding tbe olee tion alio fail to tranimlt tbe Hit of voter! (very Mential) with their return therefore, loiM, That horoaftor It ihaU bo tbo duty of very Vigilance Commute tranimlttlng their re turn! In tbo manner Indicated, to depot eoino active and known Democrat to entor tbe County Convention end aot for them and tbeir diitrlct ; aod that a Hit of tho namoe of tbo voter! mult In rvory oaio aeeompan.v tbo return. AWare, That horoaftor, ibould any diitriot fail to bo roprooontod ai above Indioatcd, or nog foot to roturn a hit of tbo aomee of tbo roton, It ahalt bo lufioiont eaneo for tho Convention to ox oluuo and rofnoo to receive and ooont tbo votoa of aid distrlet lo offending, In accordance with tho rale gov erning the Democratic party of Clear field county, the Chairman of tbe County Committee Las aelectcd and appointed the following named per sona to act as Committees of Viui- lance iu tbe soveral boroughs and townships, whoeo dot; it is to bold this said election for tbe selection of candidates for the various office to be filled, and in the performanco of this duty are enjoined tn strictly observe tbe rules and regulations sot forth above. V10ILASCE COMMITTEES. Beooaria William Maya, Henry Dotte, Piter gti.k.1, A. B. WMkWM, Jk Ute4a. ' Boll Clinton Thompion, Jaa. B. Soadorlaad Fetor M. Smith, John H. Bretb, J. A. Campbell. Bloom Wm. Henry, D. W. thilion, John Bil for, Joha Clary, Oloorgo 0. Mirrett. , . . Boggt Jacob limeliog, H. A. Sbtm.l, Wm. tmeal, Wm. Plnncblui, J. W. Kylor. Bradford Conrad Hummel. M. L. QUI, A. J. Caldwell, Jacob Poaroo, Jeraii Laniberry, Alix. Llvingiton. Brady W. 8. Luther, Geo. Pent, Jaa. Ben deroon, Juepk Linn, Joseph Poatlolbwalle, Ucnry Wbittonmeror. Burniido Joi. L. KelT, Thomu Thompaoa, jtaaw dock, uineuo omeao, vuuon King. Cheat K. B. Clomioo, A. Hagy, BeuJ. Kllnger, T. F. Daober, Joeepn Shook. Clearfield John W. Wrigley, R. X. Shaw, S. uoouirnow, a. aeuieoarger, tfona Met. lellaad, L. R. Jl.rr.lL Covington Cbu. Barto, T. F. Condi-let, Ste linoo Rouuey, Wm. Sehnarrl. L. M. CoutrleL Curwenivillo H. W. Kerna, F. J. Thompioo, - r. kwumn, oamuei oonainr, 4. y. oio Kendrlok. Dooatnr D. J. Burkel, E. L. Uughei, E. A. Oearaart, Alton Slinor, gtepbe Kepbarl, Nathan tleeio. Ferguion Toaao Moore, Robert Ron, Dialer U- ..I XV T . ii . .... avvrvvMB, iTarron sell, MWll line. Olrard John Leigey, H.inl. C. Bradford. John NiCorblo, Edmand Beauiignrar, Cbaa. Mignot. Ooiben Daniel Cypher, Tbompeon Reed, J. W.Wallaoe, Robert Leonard, Jr., Reuben Reiidel. Graham lion. Jacob Willhelm, Iaaao Kyler, toaao Rothrook, Henry Hoblor, Peter Kepplo. . Onlick Henry Conrad, Wm. 8tnlro, Wm. L. David, John Hteobeni, A. H. Brady. Houtidalo Philip McDermott, L. Campbell, David Aikey, Oeorge H. Dilaoey, V. C, (lain. Robert Butler. . . Uuiton Jobn McFadden, Ollrar Wallace, D Tyler, Jerry lluckley, William Kernf. Jordan Thomai Bmitk, Rmben Straw. Jamei UcKeehan, hi. Oilligan. Kartbana 0. M. Uertllae, J. W. ltooch, Jol. Oilliland, Wm. llvichol, Ueo. Ueokendorn. Kaox-D. K. Mokel, Philip Erbard, O.W.Bell, Jamei M. MoKco, Jnbn High, jr. Lawrence M. F. Wallece, Zenai Ogden, Semi. 0. BbalTiior, U. H. Hall, Wm. 8 Rrod, Lumber City Wm. Mclleory, W. W. Keller. Jobo bterlLng, J. A. Mcllevil. ' . . Morrii Jamei Thompion, 0. P. Roew. Adam lloyer, Jr., bam gel Hoover, Joha B. Kylor, Mi hael Fullmer. Vow Washington -Joba P. Firth. J. 11. Bretr, R. Nelmm, Prank Ken-, Jobn Mehaffey. Oiceola Lewii M. Briihan, J. C. Lvtle, Pat rick Dunn, i. T. Iaott, U, K. Jonei, C. Kerrini. Penn K. Denver, Jr., Jamei Mulntyre, II. P. Refferty, Wm. M. Bowlri, John Flynn. Pike A. J. t'upplei, J. A. Ardry, Lafayette McCiare, P. A. Long, 11. T. Bloom. Union John Walty, Jacob Hen, J. M. Drcn tor, Henry Whitehead, Tboi. Brookbitnb. Woodland Autton Kline, F. R. boon, Jam Coraelly, Tbomil Henderiou, Robert Alexander. Wallaoeton Jobn K. Turner, Jubo Rico, T. M. Bolt, t. 0. Unthrla, liaac Sblmel, M. V, Turner. . The following named trontlemen were appointod as members of tbe t'ounly Committee for 1873 : inty Beooaria, C. J. Kragy... Bell, Urnry Broth Bloom, n m, Lioce Helm. Cbarlaa nioan.... Gullch. J. B. M'Kiornan Houtidalo. f. n'Uary... Nuituo. Um. Woodward Jordao, D. W. Wlie Bradford, 8. A. Caldwell Kartheoa, W. J. Iloger. Brady, 8. U. Kunti IKnoa. U. J. Klonnv Burniido, D. Gorman.,, 1 Lawrence, J. B. rlliew... Cheat, U. 8. Toor. .Lumlxr City,J. Cupplel t:ovlogton, J. Million... ! Morrii, 0. 8. Hchoonover Clearneld, W. M Cullo'bjN. Wa.h'ln, A. Benrrtt. Curwemvillo, B. llromeOaroiila, II. M. Itri.bon.. Dooatur,R. Il'iuhei .Peua, J. B. Riff.rtv Pergueon, D. M'Crarkw'Piko, J. R. Caldwell Ulrard, Daniel K'ri.e iCnioo, J. Drotnlrr, Jr... Uoiben, b. K. Hbircy... I Wondaard, Wm. Luther Graham, Conrad Kyier.. I Wallacetou,J.L. Morgan Tbe alleniicu of the members of tho County Committee is particularly nailed to tho Importunco of having the Vigilance Committees in their several districts opun the polls for the primary election an nurly on tho day (ippointeil as possible, and in no catc bhould it bo lator than 1 and closa at 7 o'clock, P. 51.'. It is a part of their duty to keep t-ati-lul supervision of the polls fttid seo that no illognl votes are taken by the Vi)ilitnoe Commit. tt and no frauds attempted. The rules rogu luting tho returns are lo be carefully obaorved, for they will be alriotly enlnreod, according to the let ter llicivof. And we will say further, to all whom it may concern, that where ll is apparent by tbo returns of tbe aUlricls, as compared with the Domo "4.0 rote of last October, that fraud ''been practiced or unfair moans yod, the returns of all such dis will U Mjooted lu the count, i nu wm thall votes by prosy or L-uunifld. r r rr 1. 1.- n 3 - a, u, jkiuiiDO, . Ca'm. tui. Co. Com. I HAW 1I0USK, (Cor. of Market Front itiwetaj , CLnARFIELD, PA. i , , . i . Thll wagninoont Hotel U nUtely new, com plete in ill lu ofpolntavwta.and, convenient la tho Court Home. A fro Omolbni rana to and from tba Depot on tbe arrival and departure of each train. MRS. E, 0. CLEMENTS, April 10, 18T. iQ. WASHINGTON HOUSE, -- KEW WASHINttTOJf, PA. Thll bow and well furnlihrd hoiwe bai boon taken bv tho un Jrrilgnod. Ho feoli oonSdrat of being able to render latlifaction to thooo wbo may ravor mra witn a call. May I, U7I. O. W. PA VIS, Prop'r. REVERE HOUSE, . . BURN81DE. PA. Ihi lubfcrlber barlaf built a new Hotel, with 11 modern Improvement!, ti prepared to receive gnoiti. The table will bo luppllod with tbo belt in tne maracb Oeod Heeling allaobid. ' i pr.l-iy A. II. HC'IIAEFFER, Prop'r. THE MANSION HOUSE. Cornarof .Second and Market Strwota, CI.EARFILD, P.I. THU old aad commodtoui Hold ha. during tbe paat year, boon enlarged lo double lu tormer capacity rur too ontorutnment of itran gori and gueiti. The. whole building hn boon refurniihed, and tba proprietor will iparo no pain to render hi! gueiti comfortable while itaylog with him. y-Tbe Manilon Honie" Omoiboi raol to ana rrom tna vopoton ino arrival ana departnra of each train. JOHN DOUGHERTY, pro. 70 tf - Proprietor. IONTOUK HOUSE, Oppoilte tbo Court nouir, LOCK HAVES, PE.XS'A. U Tl ; IIAl'SKAL A KROM, Prop!. B ROCHEHIIOFt' IIOITHE, BELLEFOKTE, TA., D. JOHNSTON' A SOSf, 1 Proprietor!. noCS'Tl RAILROAD nOUSE, Main Stmt, PIIILIl'SUURG. PEXN'A. The anderiigned keepi oonitnntly on hand rh bet of Ltquora. Uli table ti alwaya mpplied with tho hel tbo market affordi. Ilie Unvoting public will do well to giro him a call novl.'M. ROUKKT LLOYD. ALLEGHENY HOTEL, (Market St., bet. Peoond and Third,) CI EAKKIELD, PA. Tbe lubieribor having bvoomo proprietor of tun hotel, would rojpocllully atk a liberal Merc ei puoue patronage, apina OEORGE LEIPOLDT. SU3QUEUANXA HOUSE, Cl RWEN8VILLB, ClearQeld county. Penu'a. Thll old and well eitablllhed Hotel, beautlfolly altuated on tbo bankl nf tbe Huiqucbanna, In the borough of Cnrwenirillo, bn boon loaied for a term ol yuan by tbe underiigne.l. It hai been onlirely refitted, and ii now open to tbe public generally aad tbo traveling community In par ticular. No patui will be r pared to render gueiti comfortable while tarrying at thii houio. Ample atabuog room for tbe aocommoditioa of toama. Charge! moderato. Sept. 2, U70-tf. ELI BLOOM. goots and frkoti. B OOT ASDSUOE MAKING. PHILIP WEAVb-R, on Markrt (treat. In Shaw'i Row, Clenrneld, Pa., hai Juit rocelvad t tna bit of French Calf iklni and Klpi, tbo belt In tna market, aad li now prepared to man ufacture everything in bia lino. Ho will war rant bit work to be ai roproeented. Tba elitiom of Clearneld aod vicinity ara roipectruny invite to give mm a call. work don Vork done at ihort notice. JSAAC JOUSSO.X ii SONS, Manafactoron and Doalori In Hoots and Hhoes! . Ladlei', MIimi' and Children'! Gaiteri, Mea'a, Boyi1 and Women'! Heavy Boot!, and Urogana, Ao Ao. Store and ihop on Second itroet, nearly oppo ilte P. P. Bigler A Co.'! hardware novo, Fib. K, 1871-17 CLEARFIELD, PA. -misrrUanfOuj. c LEARF1ELD PLANING MILL COMPANY. TIIR tinicriifnid, fveotxtori to REED A POWELL, bftva ttorefaMed tb C'LSAR UKL1 I'LAMNU MILL, nod rofltted it for doing an xtcDiir buiiotii. All the niAohinery will be a.ddd Btotnsrjr to mk it on of the unoit oomvltt ciUb Uhmenu oi tba kiod in th Stat. Tbrr r now prpard to ireairo urdon for nf work in tht lino. The will givtiptoial tttaation to vll Biftttrloif for huuM building . , FLOORING, WEATHER-BOARDING, SAen, doors, blinds, BRACKETS, JfgOt'tDUYafk, 0T ALL STYLE. fJwuyi un Laid. WORKED BOARDH, and nil artlcloi nocnua ry tat fcuililiog, will bo oiohanfod for lRV Lt'MHEH, o) that penont at a diitanoo niajr bring their lumbnr, eiehange U for, and roturn boua with tbo inanufaoturd articlcf. The Compan will alwayi bavo on hand a largo itiwk of drj lumber, ao ai to bo a Me to fill an order on tlio ihorlcit notice Only tho bolt and nit skillful bands will be einploed, o tbot the public ntajr roiy upon good work. Lumber will bo worked or told as low as tt evn be purohaai'd anywhere, aod warranted to giro ati pfoot ton. As the buiioeti will bo done ripen the noeb principle wo ean afford W work fur small profits. DRY LUMBEH WANTED t Kapeclally ono and-a-half and two loot panel tuff, for wbiob a liboral price will bo paid. The buiincM will be eon ducted nndor the name of tbo "Clearfield Tinning Mill Co." 0. B. Merrell will perannally loporiutond tbo buiineu. Ordcri rerriactfully lollilted. 0. B. MKItRr.Lt,. H. B. TAYI.UH. UAVID Mi-ttAI'UllaX II. 0. BKuWN A BKO. ClNirH.11, !., Jannary 1, 17. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS A STATIONERY. Market M.. ( IcarnHd, (at tho Poet Ofllrc.) rpilK noiloreigoed begi leave to annnnnco to 1 the eltlacm of Clearneld and vlololtv. tbat ha bai Sued up a room and bai Joit ntorned from the oily wltb a large amonntof reading natter, oonilitlng In fart of Biblog and Miscellaneotu Books, Blank, Aooant and Paf Booki of arery de- icrltii.n ; Pefier and Rnvrlnpei, French prcnod and plain 1 Pen! and i'enolli Blank, Legal Pipen, Ileedl, Mortgage! Judgment, F.iemp. Hon and I'romliiory note! t W bite and I'aroh; mint Brier, ugal tap, itocorii lap, ana um uep, Shut. Mmio for either I'lano, Hale or Violin eon.untly on baod. Aay booki or etatlonery deilrad that I may sol have at hand, will bo or. ordered by flret eipreu, and lold at wholoiali or retail to anil anetomen. I will alio keep periodical 1 1 lor alar e, inch al htagaalnei, Nowi. napir, Ao. 1'. A. UAUL1V. Clearteld May t, ll tf SAW UUMMKH3 AKO SAW UPSETS, m We hare raeolvad tbo agency for tbo above and will Ml (boa al manufaiMon'r'a price. Call aad aiemlne tbooj. 1k9 ero the bi. - Jell rl U. . BIOLIB A CO. s Sardwarr, J inirarr, fiftr. gACKETT & SCUBYVER, . L i; '. '.' '; paaiana u , -j a ... SHELF HARDWARE, I and auaafaoturari of Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, aooad Street, CLEAIFIBLD. PA. Carpenter! and Builders will do well to aiam. ina our itook of ... . . . BTTILDnrO HAKSWASX TOOLS. DIBTOK'S SAWS Dliton'i Croaacnt, Hand, Blp, Tenant and Sent a Bawl. BOYXTON S LIGHTNING SAWS. Smooth Planra, Matrk Plaaei, Jack Planei, Plumbi A Lavcla, Fore Plaaea, Steel Sijuarii, Jolnteri, Ao Ao. Firmer and Framing Chluli, Corner Cklieli, Carponten' Blii-kn, Bracoi and Bitta, Boring Machinal, Ao. Grindstone and Grindstone Fixture!. Smoky Fluu ara effectually cured by oilog Blch ardi' Patent fiOTHIC FI.IIB TOP. . for which ws have tbo agency. No enre, no pay. Philadelphia Carriage Bolte, Hallroad Lanterni, Wooden Ware, Ac A Sna aliortneot of POCKET A TABLE CUTLERY. STOVES I STOVES ! The Tlmei Cook, the belt In the market ( alio, tho Monarch, Beliance, aud No. 10 Iron Htdei; Keyier'i Portable Heater, and Heating, Parlor and Baft Stovei. .Rooflng, Spooling and Job Work dona on roaaonable tertul. All order! will receive prompt attention. July S, 1871. TSS XBOZTSISES TIN AND STOVE STORE I G. S. FLEGAL, PliilipsljTtf r, Contra Gouty, P&. MPHR andcnlgnad raapootfully announce! to X. tho pnblle tbat ha baa on hand a oara- full.ioleoted and well aieorted itook of . - .ft' STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, HOLLOW WARE! TIN, TOPPER AND SHEET-IRON WARE! WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! Bit itock of Cooking Storoi ooniUta of 1I1K CELEBRATED IKOXSIDES, Which bavo savor failed to bring riaoe and g riaoe ai It la nied, prosperity Into famlltos wbora Diamond State, Farmer, Herald. Charm, Spears' California uoo stovo, upoarr Aatl-Dait, Oai-Burolng Cooking Stovei, Victor,' Beliance and I nlon naavei, S pearl' Cook lag Rangei, Ac, art. . - l. Wl. J Bk..l VM. ..... -I 1 . . avav N.i,tinB tbe btovoa Ii made of tko hoavleit and belt I.I mmjt ..v..,. . . . , . m.i"'t Hv .v a,w yvnvoi I. Ill faction. Hi Stock of Parlor & Heating Stores II larger, better and cheaper than over before oihiniiaa 10 ue puene coeiutmg or A' Spean' Revolving Light Illuminating StoVa, Bpean Anu-vnii uaa-Durning rartor stove, Bpeara' Orbicular Oai Burning Parlor Htova, Spoara' Oae-Buriiing Parlor Store, Boquet, Pearl, Oom, Ida, Sun. Troplo, Kevada, Ac, Ac Vulcan, Slat aad Victor Beaten, Fpcarl' Re volving bignt ueaterc Da If alio prepared to furolih a oomclete HVIWVH. Vt Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, &o.,' Wholaiala ar retail, manufactured neatly and wltn tho aole view lo lervloo, from tbe beat a- tartal la tho market. PLOWS A PLOW P0IXTS, COPPER, BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN-LINED, SPUN A COMMON IRON KETTLES, Of tvory dciortptlon tonitantly on Baaa. ORDERS Fon SPOUTING, ROOKING And other work belonging to nil baalneii will ba promptly Iliad by aaperlenoed and iklllful workmen. CRASS, COPPER, OLD METAL, RAGS AND CASH Taken In eiohange for fooda. tO-lIe especially Invite! tbl attention of Merchant! wlihlng to nurehaie atwholoaala. aa they will find tt to tbeir advantage to eiamtne Look oat for tbo Big Sign oppoilta tba nil. oeaoa 01 Arc ui. cotter. Au, Oooni WAaaATa n RaraannvaD. 1. H. 1 1.E(i AI.. Phlllpiburg, June I, 1870. augfi (II OSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER lunrtsT, OSCEOLA BTEAM MILLS, auxvrACTi'aaa LUMBER, LATn, AND PICKETS SfiiCfd d- Talent fobbed &hiiujl. 1 II. II. EltlLLINOFORD, I're.Uint, OIB00 Foroet Place, No. 126 8. 4th it., PhU'a. JOHN LAWB1IR, Oeneral Sap'l., Oioeula Mill!, Clearfield county, Pa. Ato TuWN LOTS for aala ll tho borough of Oiceola. the I.AH0K8T AK80RTMBNT of tioodi In rioarfluld aaunty at tbeir Mammoth 8ton In Oioonla. janfi-7S Lime lor Sale I THE uoJtTilfnKi( rculditiff mmr Un dtjwt hu m-d eompUtd) tvrrmnnrinnti wltb Lima .turner. uf ih roonntntn, whorchj b U bll t ktup ooaiUittljr od baud Urg qumatit ol PUItE.LIMEl which ba offer, t fannorv and Lulldera at a triAe above ooit. ' Thoee n nood of Me artlr lo would do well lo give mo a call, or addreu ma by Utter, ba ton negotiating their Hue. ' UK". U. rABHMUHC. CWnrlUjJd, Pa., Jane , !. Jim rai-tiNr or every descmp tioi loatl aaeratod at Ibia Bro, IHB LiTEIT MOVBI a.' w 4- 1 -A , u . THE LATEST MOVE! HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S DRTJQ STORE, To thalr new building on Booond Street, aoaxly ppoiito the 1 to re 01 n oarer sella, CLEARFIELD, PA., Wbr th)? will footlnu U twpplf Uitlr old tvad u mnj b oui turner a u j iqdi, will. PURE DRUGS! CHEMICALS! PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, ' - (Including all new rcniedlti,) Patent MeJicinei, Painta aad 011a, Olaaa aad Putty, School Booki, Stationery, Paper, Aa. aleo, a full Una of Drag giltl' Bundrlee, Hair ' Tonica, Coimetlci, Pcrfutoerloi, Toilet Artlclei, Bruihef, Toilet Boapi. Pocket Booki, Ac, all or tba boat quality. . PURS WISES AUD LIQUORS, for modical A aacramantal purpoaat only, Pure While Lead, Colon of all kind., Raw aad . Boiled Linwd Oil, Varnirbel, Torpen . Uoe, Coal Oil, Paint A Varniik . . Bruinei, Flavoring Eitraeta, Confoctlonarlri, Bird Seed, "pice, ground and A - It I.' J. ungrouuu, vi mtt aiuu. SMOKERS AND CUEWKRS Will find oar itock of Chewlag and Rmokint Tobacco, Imported aad Da. ascitic Cigan, Soul and Fine-out to bo of tbe very boil krnadi in tne market. LAMPS AND CIIIMNBTS, . All kind! of. GLAfiS WARE, I- 1 ... . ' . . SABDEK SEHOS, 'MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS aad Muiical Trlmmlnge of every variety. tlovlaa e tie avnerienoo in the bo.lnoea. and an aaUoalro aad. woll aeleoud atook of uouioiaee, wo are eaabled lo III Phyiioiaai' preecriptiom at tba ahortoit notioo and on the moil reaaonabla lormi, day and nlgbt. 1 - HARTBWICK A IRWIN, Clearfield, Fa, Majr 11, In71-tf. $U$rrUanfou0. 0 0 K S WHICH HAVK ALWAYS a - ' ft 1 v e n SATISFACT OS BERETOFORI, WILL BI DISPOSED OF IN SUCH i A W A Y AS TO PLEASE 0 R FRIENDS AND CIS T0MER8. JUST RECEIVED!" : - .. .. , TUB FINEST ASSORTMENT 01 HOLIDAT QOODS-SVCII A3 BOOKS . . . , . ; AND OTHER STATIONERY ARTICLES, EVER OFFIRED'TO TUB CITIZENS .... OF THIS PLACE I , NOW ON EXHIBITION AND FOR SALE AT PUBLISHERS' A MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, AT THE , , POSTOFFICE. Clearfield, Dm. 14, 1U. 1 ' . 1 1 The Lightning Tamer. rpHB nnderilgned ara the 10I0 Agent! In thll X coontv for tho "North Amerloan Galvanlied L101IIN1NU RODS." Tbeia ara tbe onlviafa rod! now In ale, and ara endoried by all the aclfntlto men In the country. Wa hereby notify tha citiicna of th oouaty that we will put them up a better rod, aad for led money, Iban ii obargad by tha foreign agent! wbo annually travaraa the county and carry ol our little earn, never to rittra. ENCOURAGE 110MB LABOR, Thoia wlihlng Llahtnlng Radi erected as their balldtni 1 nood bul addreu ni by latter, ar call la penon. Wa will put thorn p anywhere la theoounty, and warrant them. Toe Hod tend Fixture! tea bt leea el any lima by calling al ouritore. U P. BIQLER A 00. Clearfield, March It, I97 tt THE CLE A K FIELD W00D-CH0PPER8' AXE! Manufaciurcd aipeclally for ' TUB CLEARFIELD T&ADS, augl't 1 M. F. BIOLER A CO. CHEAP GKOCEKIES! . LUMBER CITV, PA. Tha undcnlgned announce! to bit old frleadi id palrnnc Ihat- ho kaa opened a load lino of UrUit i-Kltg A PROVINIONH al the old Hand at Kirk A Bponaar, for whioh he aollilu a liberal patroaagn. U. W. KPEJICKII, luoiwr 1 't, ti., nir.t jo it. 1 n ,490041, tSrowir; &tt. e.a;&w.d.iryin i -; '2 .ttiizM ni' ' " ' !'' w . , - . . ' ,'.''i 1 , GENERAL MEBCIIAXDIWl SQUARE TIMBER, LOGS & LUMBER CURUENaVILLE, FA ABB offering, at their new Store Ilouw, a complete itock of NEW OOUDH, of all doxirlptloni. Dry Goods and Groceries, HARD WAKE, BOOTS t-SHOES, . CL0T11IXG, dc. IN LARGE VARIETY. Flour, Jtltal, Hut, Corn, Alwayi on hand and for lale at a raalt advance ROPE, In large o,uantitlea, lold low by aoil j alio, PULLEY BLOCKS, SMALL (OPE . aod CAST1100KS. Oac hundred eaiei of ATWATER'S ELM IRA BOOTS, fur ealo by thi ease at wliolciale ratcc Hoaelvad by oar load 1 JIUXTISGDOX FLOUR, and fold at luall advance .'ti''.',-.!.' j:' "T"n r" HAHNFRS, of aH klndt, HORSE COLLARS and HAMKS,1 TfORHE BLANKETS, ' ' BUFFALO BOBES, Ac. Alia, oa lalo firit-eiaii two boric WAGON'S, TWIN SLEDS, LOO SLEDS, and ELFMIIS. . . Spaolal Induccmonta offered to thoaa getting out Square Timber and Logi, ai wa deal largely in Lumbermen'! Supplloa, and are prepared at all time! to purobeie Timber, Logi aad Lumbar. Curwaniville, November II, 1871. J. r. wcavta. WK.1YEII & BETTS CLEARFIELD, PA., Ara offering, at the aid itand of 0. L. Read A Co., their itock of foedi, eoniiittng ef DRY . GOODS, - CROCERIES, boots i enoES, HATS A CATS. HARDWARE. QUKBKSWARR, FLOIJB, FEED, SALT, &o., be'., At Ilia aoit roaionabla ratH for CASH or la xohaaga for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. TAdvancoa made Is tneae engaged In get ting out iquaro timber on tha moat adrantageoua tonal. piUIJaotJ g L. KIRK, SON & CO., WHOLESALE CHOCl'.B. No. 130 North TMrd Street, oorncr of Cherry, I'biiaddpliia. Have la itoro and offer for wlo at the lowoit atarOMl nrlre. and on the moit rmionablo toruii, a large aod wrll ielet:ted Itock or tJrncerlva, Tcai, Spieoa, Fi.b, Chcceo, Ac. aelectcd In thi, New York and Baltimore market!, to which attention of country dealer! la particularly roqiteiied. novlH-ly FAIRBANKS' STANDARD . ar Art Baggage Barrowa, Warehouio Trucka, Copying PreiHi, Improved Money Drawer, Ae. run ai r II. F. BIGLER & CO., '' i 1 Doalaru In llardwarn, , , j moli30:J If Second Street, Clearfield, Pa. A D I E 8! BUY NO OTHER WRINGER UNTIL TOD BAVI EXAMINED TUB 'novelty," Wile flog-Wneeli oa Botn Kadi of th todt, ' It aai manj liaproveoaeau tkat malt It mora rahla than aor other. Bold ovorywhora, Hallr Wnahlnc w,l"f,"r5 cWa C ep lnt Ita taambera . 1. Tbaaa Maeklnei ar for pile if H, I, Bigler Co., lroll.l. Pi. 1 .HI, f 0 otnrifctVu.' I tlSHUatifou. R. R. R. RADVAY'S READY RELIEF VVUWA TUS WORST PA1K In from On to Twontv Minuto NOT ONK HOUR niBTtH 'j kftarr Nttdii fcUKr l-.Il WITH KXAMY RKLIKr U A CUKE fO luowairt It wm U1 a Oral und ! TIkp Only J'aln ltem1y (hat ttiM-irtiy iiit Dif aiiNl pftsmdaltnc tilUr tiotttuiuaitkajfM, guitl (jure l'ncltwi. whnlirr of u illitta, rSl'Jinach, IkrVvltgOr tlW flaUada 91 OtfUtf Vf turn H'tUiUitL IN ROa On TO TWKNTT M1NUTRI, Its n.ttt how Miul of ltiuctaUlngj Uia t-lti lbs UtlKimATl", Di rWilru, li.flm, CrfW, huvwu, licatrwJutt), tat ruitriavti wttb dua-awu iuy Mifer, .RADWAY'S READY RILICP Wil t AVr-OltD INHTANT Molt. ( IN'PLAUUATKi.X or THE kll'KKYH, ixrLAUUATioN or Tim rnwKi.n. " coNdwiioN r Tits t.raat. wMVLV7im?.wwW' BY3TER1CB, CHUl'P. IJJWirWlA. ' , BBADACU. TOOWtfjlhu RlfgUlfATIfiX. cot.u rnaiA AV CHILI.. . TtMiTiplltitiwiioflh Usm4f BrHrf tothtpArtet lit pul. Vt .uttcufty taiats will ffunj ai T y rtropi In Ulf ft titr.iblr f f f vslr wilt tn f JirARTMtMtN, fiirK HKA1A( IH. MAKKHKA, VhEKTKKV.' f'OLK', WiNU IX 'U fiUWUJ(C 'lull IMKKNAL I'AlNr. trv'HiI imai M ttlw from chftng uf vt.1T, Jt u ,ij UiAUi Vt malt PxiMly r U:lUsr. w UmbiUut. I'EVF.n AKD AOl'Kt rrvrn am aul'e curwi for an .i.u. nfwH hf AfituvHltrtl unit In tlita wtirlil tlmt will rtirw Krvr ' .d AMUf.ttt.iJ Jl vther liAlmrlout. UllUiua, Krarttt Ty. rln.irt, YfHuw. w.dotrm ym (Mm by KAlUVAY S il.l.W u qil. m KAL; WAY'S KKAbY HHULt', fitly eaU jmt Utitlt, UI by IrU(tdjijU. HEALTH llEftUTYH TRONU Al rilRK Itlt'M MtflOD-INrniAra) tif Kl.gMI AM' WKIilllT-CI.KAIl altlN ANO UKAl'TiriX CUatrLaXION Olh'l REUTuAliL. DR. RADWAY'O SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT II AH MADE THR MWT AKTON'tHINO ( I'ltKf t ft gl HK.W) It AI'IJ A Ilk. Tllk t'HANUti H.ri.M K (F 1UU TIIULV UU.MJUtfLL M-UlCiNC, THAT Every Day an Ineraaso In Flaah and Weight la Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Y'tf drop of U. AKHAJ'Allll.UAN HEWiLV T antimtjnloftt thruucli tlit Bloii, Swtti, L'rlno, ftml otliarr fluliU mid Julun r (lie tyMfiii tb i"r ol Ufa. for It rnpalri tlis tulN uf lb botly wiUi ntw ki'il ttiui'd ftiAUrlaf, hcpi.ftiU, Si4illi, .'tjiiauiiijxioii, (iknduit dlan. ffctri thTliri4tt, U-uth, Tumorti. Nxlr a tn Oiauvda ud otbvr trt of (ii rurm, Sctm KytM, fttrumoui Ilhrr rvra tfrt fcur, iuid It wrni fount tf 6nlu dtawuave. Kiuplloiii, Ytvtt Aorca, 8al4 Hfl, RlngT Worm, lt Ktirum, Ki yl Um, Au.HUu.k hiwta. Worm, tti th Kk-ah, Tuii.ori, Concur- In U Wmnb.and lUl wUti.lidi i.d fnftlnful di-criatcet, VgU ftwe-AMi, Liruiif N-irm Mid til waMt-fjQf Uit lift jarttiei pit, an Willi in ifac cumilw rj at thU wonder at Mud trn ChemUtry, ai(1 fiw dari' um will prov t tif V7iKH tulliff It for clthtr of tlWM fofuu Of tflMtVM At Mtntit powtr U cur tht-in. If tti pftHfiit, dully Ixcor&lrijr rwdriMd Vy tb wulrt Kiid dx:uliiKHiitlu(i tQlt If ttMillnuatly t.roirfwntlngj. biio Cfdt Itl MTMtlHIt thA) WanVtra, mftd rttllaUn til Ami I rwHll ttvw niAtudAl mvla from rifwithy bluoJ ! Uiii iba tAKSA.'AKll.UAN will and Atm teurr. Not (Ully llOM tl.l SAtnUI-Altlt.LlAe KaWtTttf 9tT Kit knnwii rMiird'jAl mhiIi tn lt. citra of L'hruiiec, Hcrnfi li.m, i.'tiwrtitnikiiMai, awwl him liiMtaxt i butUU ftowlUvn curt for Kidney 4c Bladder Complaint, rnitauy, tid Wfmb dime-, OrYt, frlalfM. Irorty, tt.('feim if Hir, JiiciHitli.ejKc at rrliHL HrtcM'a It.f rM, Albarnlnurio. Md In til ciaca wbaralhcrt lire' d-iiJ (JiKiklt. nr tli wttr li llilrla, Iutlr, tiilwd wl'lt tnt'tuttr Ilk tit while of An ru, tw tbri-ads tike whttt Mak. r tbtra U ft morWil, drk, Xttiuui Appeamjie. gua4 wttilv boiir-diiAl dKlli, ttid whtn Uir piitilr.gT, b'irr.lijt nwnr hi ion whoit pvlnfi wavtf, and ftaifi Ii Utt aflWI Min aW'A WW AMwVAJ IM ladlUmw. rrMC, M4u WOR rVIS.Ti only kuowt. Hid Mr tLvxuAj r ll wi'fiioW'iM. Tup, te. fnr Tumor or VI Yean Growth Cured by Bttdwaj 'i Kteiolvent tJBfU.T, Matw., iaily II. IMI. TH. Ran a A Karvw kaal (rtuiai Taan U Um asrw a4 bowal. All lb IWlott mwJ th-r krp for It," I 114 r A w ikat wfM imrmncd)aj ; bai mWtia Kalp-d m. aw Mf tUe-lvM, au4 I -). I I 1fi4 tty tt 1 bat hkO AM tti tt, ba-raawa ktal iitrTawad mitt -ttr, 1 gak 111 WottlM f iU KanwJvml, aM Ml hot W Kadwa; Mm. twal a hot ItM W your Uoexlt k.M ; atval Ik awntiiifitf tcuaor W (Met aw eVU, watt I ftl hwHar, riBMantw-, AJval hfffr LnM I kaa itam)t yar. Tint Wufll lajmof nB Ml lata aH Md Ik kowtli, IM fttln. I wrlU ikU U JV lu banMalt tf tibmrt. IM at mWUa UK rtt (Um. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, fwrf-cl.r bx.MetA, fU-nAOT elpd llb awtMt fum, f"itg, ffuUtt, c'Mnaa un rfjiAivtt. 1U4- ri PU.V fbr tl.e curt at All iVm of tha Ct.-nii. I? ttt, B-JWtla. Kidit), JWaJder, Hrnroua Uliaj-, at-Atnt, 1. onnipatiun. i cuivrrirA. inn tfctiiuM, in. I tt4lvMiaaa. Intl LATMtiuM. J)(i Tllniiwtt, ltllKiut Frvtr, influiiiiiiou of III Howfia. IUi'.-rdalllint,arrnanUufU1 ImattiaJ Vit rei. WajraAiAFdlotJIfxtAiKFaitlvfcur-j Irtly VrtlA bif, ' BMTL-urT, BiUenJa, uc dilrtmruk diudtt, IF" (It a-Tft tit fMrnwlftf rvrtitana nattetttid fiota UiAorUr Uit I aflJvt O'fi rraMtrpmlkvi, lnWAr.1 HIm. FlRet tt A Blamwf t h ffBdt( ' Ai-lAiy mi th RtaauAtck, Kauav Hvtvrtlw. Dua uf TA, B.llnvM at U'rickt Ha iM .. ftaur rrwULkat. KlnkthAi j llaliftlhrA fltaaf iS rUtlkmrk, aVwInit'iKf of tU Hm4, HITJ and IrUlewti tWMlhlnc, FlaAarrtavt at Lk lUaVt. lrWra v faf-UnA A 'ii w ) la a Lt reelwt. UluiaM of VHia. Uah or Waka War ik BltrU, bar aa Dolt , m U H, IinVvMaa ml tmtml, TaUaoaaai ai lU Uia and t', Kkui tU U1 Cbtwi, LmU, at iwddn rUtbaa of llaatt avfaf a Iba Fl A Ir' oo.a of R AUWAri Pn.U wDI too the ri- js-hSr tew utrrtrtuM'" HEAD TAI.SK AMP TKDK" amd one trtter, 10 RAIIWAY A CO.. No. I; at.iav, I !. Yorlu It JamuMu worta Uwoawoe wul Im asat row. IIogKTowMIiIiii.wake GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEERS'S! T7TKRTBODT Irving togetthirefir.t,forfeal J j of, betog rrowdrd out tnto tna 001a. If oa want good Shoeing done, go to Baaal If von want your 6lediirunodrlght,goto Vanua. If jou want good Mill Irooe, go to Bnana If yon want yonrwignn ironed iutaencit etvle and workmanihln. ao to Bnini llaana makoa tho beit Blum alaehlna In thi State, and doei all klndiof BLACkSMlTIIINO aa ehevp ai ea ba doae In tha oounty rr Cub My foat Offioa addraaa li Clearfield, Pa. THOMAS BEKHa. Boggi Tp., Deo. 1. U7-tf. U) I.UMBKBMaiSI PERFECTION IS GANTHOOKS! The Cloarflold Eioeliior Oenthook will not wear out or break, being eonitruotrd with one aolld band from clip to t'oiat. It ii pronounce)! by all p raotlcal lumliormen wbo have examined It to k tha ouut rierfcol Cuathook aver invented. Amos Kennard, Patentee. Manufactured by Anoa Ka.vnaao A Co., at CLEARFIELD, PA. ayAll ordori irom,lly attonJod to. allTt IURRBU OU TI ... , itt lor B U R NED UPI BELL'S RUK WOOLEN KACTORV. rana town.bip, CWfloltl Cu., Pfc t Tho fabMrlHr tw, tt frat txponM, whuMd ItiH, ad fa a tow dayi will htvo eoaiplotMl, a t)irhbnrho4 D(eMiiT. In th mtia of a tini- oUi Wonltn Mniif?iOTjr. with all tha Btotlrn Improvenontii attacacd, and are prfptw-td to tnako all Itiodi of Cloths, l'&ifiinra, Hatlnotti Bit, kota, Flannli. Ao. I'ltnty of fooJt on hand to upjttj all our old and a thouimnj naw faitomtn. wbon we h to oout and txamlno our ttoek. TUa baslni of CARDING AND FI LLING will roMfvs ettpoclal attention. Our now ulH will ba nniy by wool-oarding wAtton, tbrrarore tboro nfd ba no hfitAttun on tbat moto. PmpAr arranKBinonta will bt made lo rtAlra and deliver Wool, to talt eoitom-rt, A II work wairantvd nd , dntit apoa tha shorten! notlea, and by itriat atlaa- tinn to bualnaai wa hop to realts a llbaral ihara 01 pumio patronnKe. lOJKtO POUNDS WOOL WANTED! Wt will paf tba biaheat tnarkat prloa for Wool and toll our manufactured good aa low aa btmilar gnodi oaa bo bought In thoeounljr, and wbanevir wa fall to rrndor raaMBabla fatltfiotiun wa ean alwayi ba found at bout ready to wake proper explanation, ouoar in pertn r ny tetter. iAatCiO aiuiiatiai m rurr, aprllJfttf Oramptan Illlli P. 0. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. rr HB ndertlnad, having taMiihed a Km terr 01 the 'Pike, about half wa batwoai 1 leryoa the 'Pike, about half way betweea viearoetu ana i arwoniviiio, n proparo t Ilk all klada of mi IT TREBS, (lUndard learteld aad CarwenirllU, li rreparfd to fur- dwarf,) Kvergraena, Shrubbery, Orapa Vlcaa, Oooieberrlai, Lawtoa Blackberry. Strawberry. aad Raiberry Vlsai. All, Siberian Crab Treaa, Qalnoo, and early loarlet Khabark, Aa. Order promptly attended to, Addraaa, i. B. WFIHI1T. laptl.ll-7 Curwemvillo, Pa At! $90 P" 4t)r ' A?"nU "anted I CO TU JyU AUolaiiaa of working paopl or oitner lei, young or on, make mora mono; at wore rnr ui in ineir vpave moment!, or all ,na tlrpi tkaa at anything alio. Particular! (roe. q. gnaioa A Co., Portland, Maine. ocH0IJjl TimTitBn coaTAiii.Ba pit .W,T f aew JKI BILL, ah. will n Ik noaipt of (,,. (T eeata, mall copy to anv adOreia. ag U oundry and pwtlnr JUtopn. BIGLER, YOUNG & CO, (Saooaiiori to Boyatoi A Young,) . I FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS VanalVdrturari of ' PORTABLE 4 BTATIONABI ' STEAM ENGINES Comer of fourth aad Pin Straota, CLEAHKIELD, PA. . pmtoJL'-' aawmi V aa. wr HA VINO angeged I th maaoiaotur of llrlt alaaa MACHINERY. wiroinootfullv Inform th publio tbat wa ara now prepared to III all ordon aa oheaply and aa promptly al aaa b don In any of tba eitlea. W aaanuaotar aad deal Is Malay and Circular Saw-Mills Head Block!, Water Wheel!, Shafting Pulley. Oifford'i Injeoior, Staam Oaugri, Steam Whlitloa, Ollen, Tallow Cupi, Oil Cupi, (lauge Cooki, Air Cooki, Olobo Valval, Chock Valval, wrought Iron Plpea, S'.aam Pumpi, Boiler Poad Pumpi, Antt. Friction Metrei.Soap Stone Parking, Oum Pack ing, and nil kind! of WILL WORK) together with Plowi, Sled Soloa, COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, and other CASTINGS of alt kind. -0rderi lollcited aad tiled at olty prion. All Itttori of Inquiry with refereno to maohinary of our manufacture promptly an I wired, by addrea ing ul at Clearneld, Pa. docl7-tr BIOLRR, TOl'NO A CO. ED. V. GRAHAM, DEALER 15 GENES iL MERCHANDISE, SQUARE TIMBER & LIMBER, CLEARFIELD, PA., Hai jait opntd, al tha KETSTONB (TORE, a complete aioo ol ..V E H GOODS, f every deacrlptioa. DRV GOODS, GROCERIES, . HARDWARE, B0OT8 AND 8H0F.S. CLOTUIXG, f-c.,tf-c., IX GREAT VARIETY. PLOTJR MEAT, , SALT, KYE, OATS, CORX, AL WA TS OX HAND AND FOH SALS ATA SMALL ADVANCE. FLOUR r tba oar load, and eold advance. Received by tha oar load, and aold at raall advance. A ripply of ROPB eoaetantly aa hand. Spoeial laduaementi offend I thoaa gcttiag out AKuara Timber aad Logi, aa wa deal largely la Lumbermen'! Suppltei, aad ar pre pared at all tiuea to purcheae lim ber aad lumber. IS . Wi GRAHAM, "KEYSTONE STORE," Keovfiii Slroet. CLEARFIELD, PA. - . Oft. , U71. rjlllB LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF ' STOVES I STOVES! ever brought to the countr, are being received at the Hardware Eitabliihment of 11 P. Illfil.KK oa CO., compriling tbo following Cook Stove! : SPEAR'S CALORIFIC. SUSOUKIIANNA. REUCLATOR.- ' ... SOULE. EXCELSIOR. . - TRIUMPH. GOV. PENN. :" ' REAPINO, NATIONAL RANGE, AC. AC. Alio, tha following Iloatlag Stove! : '4 SPEAR'S ANTI CLINKER, 81'KAK'S ANTI DU8T. SPEAR'S ORBICULAR, L . , . SPEAR'S PARLOR COOK,' , . -MORNING LIGHT, V HON TON, ' " GIPSEV, VULCAN, ' ...... SUNBEAM, - . BUSY' DAUPHIN EGG, CHESTER EGO, VOLCANO, . FHOENIX, ' HEAVY BAR ROOM! AND STORE RtiOM STOVES, AC. Clearlelit, Sept. o, 1871 XERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept eonitantly oa hand, STOXE A5D E.lRTaTEX-.YABE OP EVERY DRSCRIPTIOU I CROCKS!. POTSI CROCKS! tUher'a Patent Airtight Aelf ItMUar fralt Canal " M BtJTTKR CROOKS, with llda, CRXAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, APPLK RCTTRR CROCKH, , . P1CKLR CROCKS, PLOWKR POTS, pig DKHKS, . STKW POTS, An a gnat many oihar thing! too aumerot)! to mention, ta ha )a) el FEED'K, l-EITZINGER'S 9T0NE .' WARE POTTERY. of CberrT and Third Stmta, vnaAariKLU, ta, augl HHI BRMQCRATIO ALMAHAO for 1M X IMT and HAI for ealo at Ue P OA. J J eaaBaaweow , prj i , m.IIW to ay addraaa, tflirinri. mm ar-rww. MawAiMm vilMr 04. Ids to dirtvciioot, and rtmuia long wtwwii, fw-.! thotr bofttNaWwMl ltfiitw T 'tiim. Mtiha- mawa, a4 Uw rital (VgaM um4 iiymj Um mam t rapair. . DrplMU r I)lf !' tfwAlAd pj.. In Uia bltuuldtra, Couftht, TgUtm f ihm Ct1Mtt jj,,,, iMw, Sour EructaltofM wf ih liiandi, iAd i1Ht fn th Mewth, BilioM Anack, rtnitfM f tk Htart, IrttAWillKaB Of laVt LaUhC. Pftia nfmU ' ti trw K'rffrA, Aud A hBaviftd MtMf pAinful 7wtpioa. r tha orTpriif 4 Drprpj. n th tnpi ll tut no quaI, and oat battla will atawa a Utter aj. aniAM af iu witriti thaa a Uncthy awmtuawtcat. Wmr VmrntwAw Ciaiplawlta km ymm lj lumi4 tfi aintla, at tba datm af wnavmlwoo, rr turn of life, thata Tanic Bitiara attiplAf aa aVeidti Inflaaaca tbat a urhad atiraaaiit ia aaa pctr tibia. , Ww Xmmmmmmtmrf aa4 Ctraala Rbar aavClam and Govt, Bilioua, Itimniant and ill4f. militnt Favara, Dliaataa of tha Btoad. Uvtf, Kitpf aad Bla4dr, ihtt ltiltan bava o aqual, ftwcli biv aaaaa art ctuAcd by Vitiaiad B-sod, arhidi b Ramnft jkrnductd by dcfai.ffanant of tha Iitua OrssnA. Thaw rw CaaiUa laura;llT ava walla a) TmCi pck( a)o tha pacaliar atarit i Arnof aa a powarM ajtmI m r?iir4f Oaf aatiaa at In1a. Mttaa of iba Uw and Viacaral Onmi aad m Buiaai For Skin piamwaa, Kramfeva. Tm tm lKliaum, RiiHchaa, S.yjtt, Pimfv'tt, Piwttiiaa, Bmja, Cu buivclA. k'0-wrtn, Scald-H-d, bot tyj tn aipalai. Itch. Scurfc, Placoloriitian. of IhaSkin, Huawfa and IMtwaaaa of tha Skia, of rliaiawar wvawa ar tufaa ara litarally dug ap and carriad out af Iba ijiatcai ra a ah on lima by tha? aaa of thaa Bitiara OrttUful TkMMtaala pmdain VitracAa Brr TM (Ita nwat Mailartu. iongoratU that aval wHMtf tha kinking AyaUra. tWAl.Kkk, ff-mpV. tl.R. WaDOHALD dtOO.w rvtanata and Gaw. Agfa, Baa FraauKo, CaL. and cor. of Waliu.gtoii and CliArilon Sri , Ntw Vrjttu tOUD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEAtlRS. June 6, 1871. - ' ' HAYES, COULTEE & CO., I Suooaaaorl ta W. A. Aroo'.d, larricrcnaM or t Heaters, Ranges, Low Cratti and MABUELIZED ELATE MiSTILK," . Sole agent! for th calibrated CHILSON COOKING RANGB. . -BtD4 for Catalogue. . ' No. 1301 Cbeatnut Street,' Jun. 5 1y PHILADELPHIA JEW BTOKB WDSEW GOOM JOS. SHAW & SON ! liar juit opeoed a . ... Ninr Btoki, od llaio St.,CLtAinii, ft lately occupied by Wm. F. IBVVIX." Tbeir itock cociiatt of OD Hi "OP fj iXktXirC SaS OaoctRie of tba bt quality, Qoeensware, Boots and Shoe, od avary artiola ntceaiari for i od'( comforC ' ' , Call and zamioa our itock btfort put- cbaaing alnwbare. May 9. 1866-tf, DAVID YOUIS'G, Stone-Cutler and Stone-Mas.ii, WILL azacau all work la hli Una at aA arata prioaa aad ta P1R8T-CLAHS atja Architectural Ornaments ; la ALL STVLER, Stona Draaalng of ItnJ deecrlptloa, and all aiadi of maion work hi- traeted for ta orontof tho onty. Any pmon wlihlng to bare rerpeotable maaoa wwk ill noae-ealtlag dona, will und it to thalr lr awn to call apo ma I woald air Inform the yb 11 that I aan deliver aa; quantity oi alau at tone doilrod, ai I ant tha owner of a FIRST-CLASS STONE QJJARBI Orden for work ail k ad droned to ' DAVID TOPifO, ' marM.ll Clwleld Pa, Clearfield County Bank.' TUB Clearneld County Baal ai aa lotoft ted Inititatloa hai gonaaul of eaiiteaMty tha aurronder of ita eharur, oa Hay li, !. All Ita itock la owned by tha nbwriWn, tr wlllrontlnu th Banking builaeai at thi ia plvata Baakara, aadef toirwaia) ol Ue "Cloarlald Coaaiv Biat." WieNtv iponilhleforlho debtiol the Baot,adeiHf Ita notea o demand at the aonnter. peptfo raoolved aad Interoit paid whan moaiy Ii lift It: a tf! lima. Paper dierouotid at ill pniiii. ai heretofore. Our pononal rftipoaiiHIll) U pledged for all Do aaiu received md kiniw tranietod. A ntiauaao af thi llheril fal ronage of tha baainaii men of tha oouaty b nv ipoctfully aolloit.d. Ai Preildoat, Catbiirw olBoera of tha lat Olaarneld County Bait, m raulra tha aotil of aaid Bank u be prarniN for rademptloa. ja8. t. lkonard, richard 8itaw, , wm; portkr, jas. b. graham. . L. RRBIt. WM. A. WALLACK Tho baetnen of tka Bank will ba eoadaew ! John ll- Adaaifc, a Caihier. llJ County National Bank, OP CMARPIELD, PA. ' ROOM In Maaoalo Building. ae door etu at C. B. Wateoa'a Drug akore. . . "" l'aiuga Ticket! to ind from Liverpool, Qwfr town, Olaigow, London, Peril and Cop'O1" A Ian, Dram fur lale on tha Roval Dank of Irvte. and Imperial Bank of London. JAHhS T. i,r.OAAHU, riv-. W. M. SHAW, Caihier. -' j n U'ut.i. Viiard Peril. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE McGirk V perks. Buoooieon to Poeoar, Porka, A C. PhlllpobHrir. Vmtr County, Tf- W II ERR all tha kailnoal af Bioblag wilt na tranaattad promptly aad ape!" moat favoraolc terma. mati-n DREXEL L CO.. . Mtk Third AtrMt, Phlladlral BJlJ!'K.2HS, And Dealers in Government Secunti Applleatlo b mall will reoolv proiop' '"V n, and all Informal! eheorfully "71 lion, Ordori aolioted. April Kav.MOVAL. . REI2ENSTEIN & BEBLINER, ; wholaiale dealer I ' ' v CEXTS'Ji:BSisiinG;r.ooDS, Have removed to 1T Church atroet, uww- Fraoklin aod White iti., New York. JIVJj, Miss E. A. P. Rynder, aat roa hihi Cklck.ring'a,SUl..y'i and W 1 B.ltk'a, Maao A rf.mlln'l ?' . Orgaai aad Milodooal, ad wrover Baker-l Sewicg ataklea. awo taoaua nr , ua. Plaaa, Oallar. OrgM, Harme.y "Z ita. Bo p.pll ttkea lor loaa tka kalfji "T ay-Room, OaHoka aiawrw-- iliarat. aaa; a, aw