GEORGE B. GOODLANDER, ' , . BDtlUt 1 MOH11TV. CL ISA l! HELD, Pa. WBDSMDAT MORNING, MAT. 1, 1873. 1-UL.i. ii-i i.i I u-j-mi.i Btork catlior, Radical.'wM ro-elect-llnror of Williamsport Intt week by 130 majority over Itoigliard, the Dom- 0r.iocandiduto. The areroge Rad ical majority was 850. j f -i , m m 'Senator .Sqrnnor was divorced from til wife by a Boston court Inst R-eok. She eloped with a Gorman Prlnco who was hanging around Washington tlirco year ago. Tho ground of divorce was adultery anddestrlion. ; '"The boTernment' got back to Washington, on Saturday a wcok, af- er ss'e pilgrimftge, tliiouuti tbo West, About a thousand patriots had gatherod at the Xalional Capitol dur. ing the Tresident'a absence, looking lor an office. ' As the Modoc and Lou isiana affairs may have attracted Gen. Urant'a attention, be may overlook tho claims of the '-bread and butter brigade" for several weeks longer. Ilia Successor Hon. Samuel Cul tin, of Ilollidaysburg, has been cho . arn a memtor of Hie Constitutional Convention to Gil tho vacai.cj; caused by tha doath of Mr. McAllister. We have known Mr. Calvin for over fifteen years, and tie is the most decided old fogy In the Siato. And, go fur as fill, ing the place of Mr. McAllister is wncerned, bis selection is a burlesque upon the Convention and the dead patriot. ' More ChrUtlan Ktatttme. Schuyler Colfax, Ilcnry Wilson, Ulenni W. Scoficld and Oakes Ames are not tho only christian statesmen oar country contains. The fuss among the Ameircan exhibitors, at tho World Fair, at Vienna, dorekrpca "a luvr moro of the sumo sort," as the aoap man would say. It appears from the correspondence between Gon. Van fiiircn and tho President that the ras cals are not all In Congress. John Jay is tho American Milliliter at the Court of Austria, and Gen. Van liuren wthe Chief American Commissioner, at the Fair, at the Austrian Capitol. They aro both spvoial pets of Grant, and sent abroad to represent him, personally, rnlher than the Nation. Those two worthies are a auccesa. Their confederates in Congress do veloned thcmsolvo to their cnnaiitn. ants in the Credit Mobilior villainy and the salary steal. But It was left to Jay and Van Buren logo to "Eu rope ar.d there diograco the American peoplo in the presence of the whole world, by perpetrating crimes, which, in a social point of view, exceed in magnitude tho perjury and larceny of their brethien in Congress. The cor respondence indicated is too lengthy fur u to publish, but the tone may be inferred by roading what Van Buren aay of Jay in tho following extract, lie say : For ten months I hare spared riertlea or xprate Is malt oar exhibition a success, end am atterly unconscious or doing tr authortaiog lo ho dene wrong or unworthy thing, and tho feraon wbo asserts or intimates Ibat I irtr r. ec ired or asked, boon promised or expect, single eent or aoy consideration or adeaatage Mhateeer, directly tr indirectly, from eny sppotntacat or eweecssion, or by reason of my position or in an; war connected wiih (bin exhibition, tea cowardly knars and liar. Tbe accursed malignity and uu hellewad ambitioa and vanity of J alia Jay have tar mouths been employed lo droll?; aio aad my eirowiisiou, that he might obtaia some notoriety .evil. Grant has removed Tan Buren, and a lively time may be expected. Theso loyal scoundrels disgraco us at home and abroad. When will the disgrace mil Just as soon as thoAinoricun people begin to Heet gentlemen and aiatcsmcn ttf olBee. The Louisiana Trouble. ' ' Mob law still has tho upper hand in this distracted Stato. Butler la not tho only scourge that has visited that rommonwealtb. As a public jilunderer Kollogg, Grant' bayonet Governor, is a match for the spoon thief. Kel logg was shot at and missed. The New Orleans Picayune, of tho 7tb, in alluding to bis scare, rays : "After the crack of the whip, or the pistol shot, or whatovcr It was that jrightoned Kellogg last evening, he jumped in his carriage and was driven at a furious rate to tho St. Charles hotel. Kellogg got out and In a very nervous manner, a palo a a fehost, and enquired for Mr. hob Itivors, pro prietbr of the hotel. When he enmo, Kellogg seined htm by thn arm In o very excited manner, and hurried him into Hirers' bunk offic-0. ' Jlia first words wore: Mr. Rivers, I am in groat tronblc. . Mr. Kivcra What U the troublo 1 .- Kellogg I havo been shot at. I don't know what I havo done to this people that they should ilcniro to take my lil'o. Whut shall I dor What sliull I dof clipping bis bands in his ,txlrcmo agitation. Mr. Kivcrs I'll tell you what I would do if I were in your place. I would pack up my trunk and Icavo the city at once. The people don't wunl you hero. , Jvollogg akod How can I got way with sufclj f 1 have tried to do my lest for this people. Why shnuld l1irf desire to kill mo ? JJr. Ilivcrs So, Governor, you Irti'.c not dono yo'ir best. Yon huve Uueivcd every man who ha placed uiiv con&dccoo hi your word. " , " I You promitietl s'overul gentlemen in iny prei.on Uml if utr yon became liuvurnor you would not conimliuion filial negro Urowa as Superintendent .' I'ublio Kdur&liou, And you had not Vn In , ofllco Uvolvo minutes before you had comniisnioiied bim, beidos, -.otjli, to know beat yourself ur ou wcro elected liovornor ol.bui you murt be aalislled now ' oti s iiut even t'.ie- choice of gro, and every Whlrf mfln In Tht CenlemmUit. 1 1 A mass meeting of tho stockholder of the Centennial capital fund was held lu Coucert Hall, Philadelphia, one day week before last, for tbo purpose of electing a board .'of twenty-five directors, to control tbo affair of the Contenuial Board of finance. The reporter 'of tho 2V, of that city, ay : Among the dislinguiahed person nrenoni were me lollowlnir i i " General Joseph 11 11 aw ley, lion. William Bigler, Hon. Daniol J. Mor rell, Hon. John L. Stevens, Hon. A. T. Goaliorn, Hon. George II. Corlias, Uon. Walter W. Wood, Hon. II. U Lamborn, Hon. Orestes-Cleveland, lion. Asa Packer, John L. Shoemaker, F.q., William V. McKi-an, Kq., Hon Morion MnMichael, Uon. Daniel M. Fox, Thnmnt Cochran, Esq., Colonel II. W. Gray, Colonel Moyer A tub, Hon. L. W. Smith, Tboodoro Kitchon, Esq., Mr. Gillosp'o, president of the Women' Centennial Commiueo, K. Parker Shortridgo, Esq., John Wana makcr, Esq., Clement M. Uiddle, Esq., and many other. The meeting was called to order by Gen. Joseph II. Uawlry, president of tno united (Mates Cenlenmul Com mission, and Hon. L. W. Smith, soo rotary of the commission, road the call for the meeting. .-.. Hon. Ianiol J. Morrcll nominated IIun.. Wllllaui Diglur, of OlciDuld county, Pa., for chairman of the meet ing, and bo wj unanimously elected General Uawlcy addressod the meet ing briefly, in which be stated that '.tie movenment lor tbo organization of the Centennial Conimiason was now comploto, and the enterprise was al ready an assured success. Mr. L. W. Smith then read tho act ot Congress authorizing tho election of tho Board of Directors for the Board of Finance, and tbe list of 100 nominoos. Hon. William Bigler then delivered the following speech : - Gkntlimkn : I accept with pleasure the position of presiding officer on this occasion, and shall not attempt to disguise tho great gratification I fuel bveaoso of this manifestation of your respect. 1 am all the more thankful to you becauso your aotion brings me in connection with a work so peculiar ly in accord with my feelings. Indeed, I confess to some ambition to bo rated an ardent and a working triend of the Centennial Celebration. The reasons for this ambition are too numerous to present on this oc casion, and I roust confino myself to only a few thought. In tho first place, I know it to bo befitting that the Centennial Anni versary of the nation's existenco should be celebrated In some proper and Im posing manner. I can think of noth ing more delightful than the coming up of the American uconle from evorv Slate, and city, and town, county, and mountain, and valley, and cius tcring about the birthplace of tho na tion, and uniting in proper manifosta lions of joy because of its birth, snd becauso it hud oxisted for a conturv. and because of the marvellous growth and prosperity that bad marked its career. A still more heart-stirring and Christianizing scene will it be to wit ness the citizens so assembled uniting tbeir heart and voices in thankful- has so constantly manifested over our nation. W hen that scene is witnessed, uoa wining, j. snail bo present. The story of tho declaration of nrin ciplos enunciated in Independence nan inai auued a now member to the family of nations; tho marvellous growth of that young member, ad vancing mo nrst century or ila exist ence from thirteen to thirty-eight States, some of which, in themselves, have the proportion and resources oi great empires; bow It popu inuon na increased from three to nearly forty millions ; the imprcssim it has already made upon the feeling, and sentiments of tbe old nations all these are familiar, and need not be presented on tins occasion. I hare no inclination to vain-glori uu Doasuug aooui our country as compared with other. But one char acteristic of A merica, and, a I believe, oer crowning glory, i must be per mitted to express, lo wit : That the muss or her people, whilst engaged in their daily and necessary pursuits, en ioy a larger moaiure of nersonml mm. fort and dignity than those of any other nation. What all the forma of the celebra tion may be it is not for mo to at tempt to forecast; but I must be in dulged in the expression ot the belief that tho proposed gathering of the people togulher from all sections, ming ling and commingling together, wab tbeir hearts naturally open lo the best impresaiotis, canuot fail to havo the happiest influence upon tho relations existing between iho Stale nnd the peoplu. The inevitable tvndoncy will be to beget a higher degreo of frater nity amongst the people. It will be a time lo lurgut and forgive, and lor over to put away all that la unpleas ant in tho pasl. A for lb other branch of the cere monies, th exposition of the natural and artificial products of the country, and those of all other nations, that Lould be doiio on ll grandul ovale practicable. This will be expected of tue American poopte. utiiur nations have boen giving u useful lessons in this work, and they will expect a strikiug improvement on tboso lussons. European nations woulJ not excuao a fuilure on tho plea of youth. But their expectation of our couulry will be measured by ber proportions. It is right, therefore, gonllemon, that thoso who have ibis work in hand should be moved by a fair apprecia tion of Its magnitude, and of tho re sponsibilities that will rest upon thorn. 'Iho result will, in somo measure, In volve tho good name of our country abroad, and to the most seiioilivo de groe will it involvo tho sell-respect and prido of our own people. It has been commenced, and it must bo car ried through on a scale commeiisuralo with tho dignity and resources of our State and nation and slianio be to tho man or tho institution that lulls to do a full sbaro to sccuro its triumphal success.' .-. .i The following gentlemen were elect ed secretarial Amos 11. Little and George 8. Fo.' The following wore chosen judges of the election I John O. James, Geo. Morrison Ccatvs, and James Ixingv Messrs. J. Hsys Carson and Dunicl Sutler were elected clerk. " A resolution wa offered by Mr. Charles Wheeler, and adopted, em powering the board of directors lo HI) vacancies occurring In their body dur. ing the coming year. ', A recess was taken untrt 4 o'clock, when tho otin-i' proceeded,' - The uvuml it stork, fpr'.tjntvl in thcttaiv, Lim L-L J JJU!! Jl meeting wa over 000,000. Tho vot ing went on throughout the spaco of three hours, when tho poll were oloscd, and Mr. Bigler again took the chair. ; . ' 'I ,f t:- f On' tuolloo of Mr. Shoemaker, the jndgoa and clerk; proceeded to the rooms of tbo Centonnial Commission, No 004 Walnotatreot, for the purpose of counting tb voles, ' which, work oonsumod several hour of lime. Tbe following gentlemen were elected I .John Welsh, William Seller, Sumuol M. Folton, Joseph Patterson, j. Edgar Thomson, Daniel M. Fox, William V. McKean, Joseph Wharton, Edwin II. Kitlor, Thomas Cochran, Clemont M. Biddle, N. Parker Shortridge, James M. Robb, Henry C. Lea, and Edward T." Steel, ' Philadelphia ; ' Robert M. Palton, Alabama; Benjamin F. Allvo.l lowa; John cummins, Mnssaolmsnii; A. S. Hewitt, Now Jersey i William U. Apiilotoo, lNew York ; A. D. Bui lock, Ohio ; Charles W. Cooper, l'onn sylvania; John Gorham, Ithodo Island John 8. Barbour, Virginia; C. C, Washburn, Wisconsin. Both the State and United States Commission are now fully organized and ready for business. '" Ex-Governor Bigler, is President or tho Stale or ganization and Gon. Joseph It. Haw- ley, of Connecticut,' of the United State Commission. ' fl sm Hare . SWOOPS 'OOtl! FOB MACKKT, MllETTsOO Tbo Pittsburgh Pott savs: It generally k nowu that tho recent Kadi- cal County Convention was run by tbo Treasury ring wa packed with delegate wbo were known could be relied upon lo carry out tho edicts of me ring managers who are to work tor the nomination ol it. VY. Mackey for Treasurer, and anyone saido man agers have agreed or will airroe upon fur Supreme Judge. Ifany doubt those statements, let them study what Bncb or Swoope say, not that wo think ho it any belter or moro honest than tbe rest ot them but that he is a disap pointed man ho can't getall he wants ne can c be tue ''grand mogul and he is too independent lo play second nuoio 10 aiacKoy, r.rrelt & uo. first he (Swoope) insinuate what many people know that ihe Republi can Slate Convention for August 13, has been called merely to "ratify nom inations already made by the caucus that claim to manage and control th j Stato." He then tells us that "if they succeed tho result will be the over whelming and diatrous defeat of the party." iiio following two para iM'flnhs we oonv entire : "It is perfectly well known to all men of ordinary intelligence, tliul tho last Stato election was carried becauso of fear that the loss of Pennsylvania would demoralize the national canvas, and jeopardize the Presidential ticket. J housands of active and carnent Re- publican worked liko beavers for the Siato ticket, who would not havo stretched a Snier to have saved from defeat, bad ibey not beliovcd mat sucn a result would havo been uiriasiruus io ido itcpubiican cause in tho great contest that followed. Bui in the coming canvass tliero will bo nothing to preserve the candidates Irom defeat but their own merits. If they are "tainted" menor men un qualified to fill the position with credit to themselves and honor to the Stl. or men Known to ue anieu to lu cor rupt clique and rings that teem lo nava got possession of the party machinery, they will bo defeated. Ihe great body of Republican are tired of the thraldom, of tbe party, and aro determined that It shall be purified and elevated that it shall be relieved of Ihe inenbo that reata upon it iu Pennsylvania, oven if it baa to be accomplished by the defeat of tho can cidates that may be foisted upon it by these corrupt manager. "Wo eincerely hope, however, that It will not be necessary to submit to any such direlul catastrophe to ac- complish the relief and purification of our organization.1 iicnco we call upon the peoplo throughout tho Slate to take the matter in their own hands now, to attend to the selection of dele gates, and not to permit somo little coterio of the "slaves of the ring" In each county to constitute themselves into a convention and select delegates to do tbo bidding of their masters. II I hn4 a convrntton in tint county a tie dayt ago that upratnttd nobody out most uvie were in it. mere were a.... 1 s . . .. no primary electiont held in manv of ins aifiricr, yei juu jtragra artegalrt, armed with certificates and credential, appeared at the time and place for the Convention, organi:ed, did what they were told to rfu, and adjourned. Docs any one supposo that so bald a per formance as this will command the confidence, respect, or support of the people f And if it is repeated in the Stato Convention, can any ticket, thus nominutea, oo oiectod r Iho recently purchased orcan of Iho ring now hue the floor. - tlrant't Oliver. ' ' Lonis XI, King of France, is de piotod by Sir Walter Scott in one of In remarkable works, as a ilent. cunning monarch, with a remarkable taste for low favorites, among whom primus inter fares, stood hi barber, Oliver It diable. Our Ulysses seems to bean humble Imitator of tho Prenub King, and Tom Murphy Is his Oliver. This espocial favorite of Ulysses is described na a course, rcd-fucod, snub nosed, dull-eyod, thick let man of fif ty, ignorant and stolid, low in his moruls, without I r. tolled, and guilt less of ordinary decency of manner Ho has control of tho Republican pur ty In the Stato of Mew York, lie is "boss" now, since Tweed has beon forced to abdicate, and "runs the Leg isluluro" at his pleusuro. Tho beat men in tho party aro poworlcsa with Grant, when llicy move contrary to red-fuccd Tom' order, nnd Curtis has been compelled to abandon his Civil Survicu IMorm in utter disgust and despair. Murphy was one of the shoddy contractors in the army of Iho Potomac, nnd becume then and there a great favorite with tho Gonerul-in-Chief, and when that Gcnerul became Prosidont, tho shoddy man got tho (intent office in Iho country Collec or of tho Port of Now York ; this placebo hold for a couple of years, out wa compelled to resign from sheer ahsetico of capacity lo do any thing but run tho politics of tho city. Tb Governor ha appointed tho lollowing H members of the board of publio charities) Wilmer Worthing, ton, West Chester, to compute from date to December 1, 1H7, ( Ames C. Noyos, Wcstport, Clinton county, to oompute from Decembor 1, for five years) Georgo Bullock, Philadel phia, to oomputje from December 1, I S72, for five yearn. Dr. Diller Lutbor. ..t i?" i" i . . . .. ui jteaiimg, una IMHJIl fppo'MluU sfcre- Coupon JTttet. Mayor Reed, of Erio, has purchased tbe famous trotter Flora Bull, at the round sum of 122,600. A valuable "boss," tbat. n Je Hereon Davis and Gideon J. Pll. low. wore last week elected vosiry man or bt. jazarua- cnurcq at Msm phi, Tenn. ' - Mlss S. F. 'Wilkinson of Bridcenort. Conn., ha regained a verdict of 125, 000 damages against "Brick Pomoroy" for breach of promise, of tnarriago. "Congres is lo bo purified," say an aruunt rauicui exanange. men thero would bo no Congress left worth speaking of, which would, perliups,be just a well. ' Th nlolnlmehSTof," mini stor iii Russia has been tendered to Judiro riorropnni. oi how iora, in piaco or n- j, tr . , . " - Mr, Urr, docoased. ihe acoeplunce hu not yet boen signified, i , Joxopliln Mansfield baa engaged a new in the American Episcopal ohureb In Paris.. She goes to lb church every Sunday, and, it it slated, buries her head In her prayer book with a l th devotion of a saint. , ; i Prof. li. Curiy, of Allegheny coun ty, has been appointed, by State Ko norintendunl Wickershain, Assistant Deputy Superintendent of Coinmo,i Schools of Pennsylvania. ' n The Democratic press appears in have united In an appeal to the Dctn icrats of the Sixth New York district' to send Hon. S. S. Cox back to Con-j Sress, as successor to tbe late James rooks. ' , ' , The Doylatown Democrat mentions favorably, the nominaiioii of George W. Cuss, of Pittsburgh, by the Doitio crulio Slate Convenliuu for Slate Treasurer. No on would suit us belter. ',' The Domooratio State Central Coin milteo will meet on Wednesday, June 4th, at the Merchant's Hotel, Philudu! phia, for the purpose of fixing the lime and place of holdinir Ihe Demo cratic State Convention. ' The postmaster at Omaha doe hot appear to give universal satisfaction. Tho Omaha Bet delicately savs. "If tho postmaster would resign manv persons would feel less anxious about thoir money letters." A good many of th minority who voted agninst the salary grub suejn to considor that they huve thus dis charged their obligation to virtue, and they may now pocket tho monoy along with the Butlerite. Let them remember that tbo receiver i a bad as tbo thief. Somo foolish person has boon inquir ng at the Treasury Department wheth er Senator Cameron of Pennsylvania had returned bis back pay. The an swer wa of course in the negative. Mr. Cameron spent too much monev in electing Grant to (lo without that Sj.OOO. Hosides, he isn't tho man to go back Ou Grant in that way. There aro lively times in the Balti more Custom House. A lisl has been published of 68 removals nnd appoint ments therein, undor the new Collec a f .1 mi . o . lor, unoin, ine nab Inc udes li clerks, one chief weigher, ton day in speetors and twenly-one night inspec. tors, bosidca storekeeper and olhor subordinates. - ' - - . I The Erie Observer says: Dan Rido'a circus ta owned by Messrs Spauldiag, ucnmirnon anu jiyan, eacn or whom .-OT,0O l li, 00,000 .ir anvancen oy Mr. paiiiiling, making its coat tOO.000. Dun Rice receives a salary of 9100 a week, and is to have 25 per cent., of the profits, if any are naae. . Harrison Gram bo, one of the fash ionable stye of bankers, who has boen doing a business of millions on a cap!, lal of five thousand, mado an ascen. sion in Philadelphia lust week. Hi liabilities are estimated at eight bun. arcd thousand dollars, and his ase'.s aro indicated by tho statement that hi creditor hope to find something nuiuu can oe turned into Casu. ! The Legislature has passed tho act appointing a Commissioner to look Up a site for a now Penitentiary building for Wowlern Pennsylvania. The Pitts- burgh 'o.r say it is probable th site will be chosen on tho Pennsylvania or nearGroemiburir.wliftre ana may do nnu at irom 170 lo lift" per acre, The estimated cost of the now building i S200.000. Seventy-five new encinei have been ordored at the shops of the Pennsyl vania railroad at Altoona, for tho use of the road. They are to be finished by tho closo of the vcura 1873. Seven hundred and ninety-five is the number oi mo last one run out from that place, and yol tho company has nol sufficient motive power to work the road with out doubling the run of many of their lucumouves. . . ,, , Rev. Dr. Thomas, one of ihe ie. limsof tho Mndoo asaaxsinstion. was a prominent Minister of tho Metho dist Episcopal Church, lie wa edi torot Iho California Christian Advo cate for twelvo years, and Manager Of mis imiok concern in sran f ranc sco for several years. He was a man bf high tharnoicr, great course and en ergy, nnd was much esteemed for bis personal trait. : i A Frexdmen Bureau Victim. Ma jor Benjamin P. Runkle, late nperih. icnaeni oi the Freed men's ltureau la Kentucky, was triad hy court mar lial for fraud and defalcation. He ha been cashiered and sontenesd to pay a fine of 11,000, and to be con fined to the Penitentiary four years wun lour years' additional Imprison mont if the fino la not paid at th end of the first term. " i They are preparing to givo Gcji. Giant a reception when he visits Con necticut. The New Haven Journal inform us tbat Henry Farnam, Esq., whose gueft the President Is to be, has received from his furm, in Illinois, four elegant chestnut carriage horses, which are said to be so closely mntched that a stranger could not distinguish them. Theso animals are now being trained for a four In hand team to be placed beforo the carriage in which Prosidont Grant will ride throngh the Elm city. ' When the rldo Is over, Mr. Farnam gives Iho team to tho Presi dent tind accepts of a foreign mission. An Important Invintion A Pitt burgh firm Mossra. Rogers & Burcb fluid claim to have discovered a pro ccs by which they cao make moua Russian sheet Iron. iT'n latter ia mado in Siberia by a. e,rot proceM ahicb no other i.atlnn has hitherto been e Jo y, obtain, i Tbe British Gov-frnruo-nt ha offered 50,000 for its discovery, but evon the stlmula of tbst largo turn ha failed lo achieve the rosnlu American enterprise and Ingenuity havo accomplished It, and Pittsburgh, It is snld.cui now furnish all common . markets mlk Jlus.ian sbel iron at even lower ni-ieoa lino Kuasian theuaeives ., Tl. t,.., Jccu bus boen pn tented. Rake In the rile. i Cameron' nrotegoe, Caldwell, of Kanaa, wbo was so unceremoniously kicked oat of the Senate last winter for being caught at ihe trick tha old innebugo bad taught him, ha bad a salve applied to hi woundod fooling that make nim very comfortable now. It cost bim looii fifty thousand dol lar to secure certificate of election lolbe United States Senate. When ba wa found guilty ot bribery and compollcd to roaign tho place he dis covered himself short just that amount ot monoy, and, knowing who con trolled tho money hairs of the Govern ment, ho determined to take from the people fully a mutt an he save, th Radical of tbe Kansas Legislature to vote for bim.-"' Ilia little tcbemt baa Just pome i to light and ha proved a success, it was a cooked up bill lor army transportation in 1800, and amounted to th snog lltilo turn of 1300,854. Thi amount has beon al lowed him by the Radical manipula tors about Washington and Caldwell i happy, He has got back his fifty thousand dollars, has a hundred thous and to pay for another eloction, and anothpr hundred thousand to distrib ute among hia Radical Senatorial brethren to allow bin. to sit among them, and balance Of fifty-six thous and on band. Lucky Caldwell. Hap py and prosperous must bo the people governed by tbe thieve who are thus robbing them. Beltefonte Watchman. Grant and Jack. Tho difficulty In finding Captain Jack ia aomowhal like tho difficulty In keeping track of General Grant. Hi hundred thous and dollar Highness is in New York ono day, where he buy a fancy horse and take bim to hi farm near St. Louis; and ho ia billed for New Ha ven in a few days, and has a pro gramme of southern visit to fill, which, If carried out, will require much travel. He is a hard to find in Washington us Captain Jack is in the Lava Buds, and he travels farther lo keepoulof tho way. gfur ai'frtistntfnts. ADMINISTRATOR'S) NOTIC& Notlco it hereby glritn thai Irttori of aJnlnlilratina on Iho ralalo of HARMOX I. HOWLED, dro'd, lata of Bell township, ClearBcId oounly, Peoa'a., baring been duly granted to tbo undersigned, all pomiol Indebted, lo laid aetata will plrare tnako immediate payment, and tboeo having elehne or demands wiU proa ent them properly aaibentieatrd for Hltlemenl without delay. JOHN A. BOWLES, n)II-t Administrator. Notice to Tax-payers. WE, Iho soderslgned, Orertt-orl of tho Poor of Lawrence township, woald twlify all thoso owing Poor Tal tbat wa will bo in Ibo Ar bitration Koom ia the Court Id, use, in Clearfield. each and every BATCRDAV la Jl'Nb'. Tax- payere wbo pay Soring that time will be allowed Ibo abatement of Sro per rent. After that lima o reduetiea will bt allowed. W. A. RIUD, M. T. WALLACE, May II, !S7I Ji Orerertre. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. In porsuaneo of an order of Ibo Orphans' Coart of ClraHleld oounty, the undersigned, Ad ministrator of William Lumadoe, deo'd , will toll at fablio Cole, at iho Court House, in tba bor ough of Clearfleld, oa TUESDAY, JI NK 10TU, IS73, . at I o'clock, P. V , the followiag deeeribod real relate, lituala ia Bojrgi township, Cloatttld Co, Pe to-wlt : Beginning at stotio eoruer of Juucs Wilsoaorofl ; Ibraro by land of A. Cross' estate, its several exmrer and dletenees, 171 4-IS parches f thence by land of Jobs Coulter S3 perches : thonoo by land of 1. A dims. 8 parches, to tarnpikei thence eal, by pika, S7 110 perches theno wee, by land of Mrs. Cmrr. 5 S-10 ierrh; '-- -, v. i ua. , o o-ie pereoeei tuenco norlh, its several ooorees and distances, by land of ilre. Clot., 61 3-10 perabre, to stones, ia lire of James H'tltotHroll I theneo hy seme, IS 4-IS perrhea to plaoo of bcginaing ooalaioing el ACRES, to perehesaad allowanea, and hsviug about Ji acres cleared, a frame llousc,ftnoie Barn, and large bearing Orchard. ' Tssus or a La .One-half la band, hslanoo la one year, with inlrrest, to bo secured by bond and siorigsges oa Ihe premises. A- C. TATE, May list, irr, St ' Administrator. S A li El A largo aad woll-(niahed Brick Dwolliag, sila. ale as Iho rliwr bank, ia tba borough of C leer Si IJ, ooataining eleren rooms, wilk good cellar, waUr lo Ihe kitchen, and all tho aodera ooaeo nienoes. Pantrioo, Balh-raom, Clohcs-prc srrs, A a. Lot silly feet front and two hundred and thirty feet back, with a twenty font alley oa the east side. (aid building, with all Iho appurtenances. mi oe oiu oneep, wun psymentsto suit purcha ser. Application can ho mado lo Ihe undor. signed, or lo A. C. Tate, Bpcj., who will giro all aoooesary lalermatioa to tboso wbo desire to ia. spool Ibo property. THUS. 1. McCl'LLOCUD. Msy list, jpiRST CLASS ;' CIGAR AND TOBACCO - 'STORE. A HOLT mtb MAY I will eoea nn. ia mv new room on Market s'reot. annoslta tbe Court Howe, a full liaa of TOBACCO A ClUARH, of lao oust braadl tbat tbo Kastora aad Souther markets can afford togriker wlib all Iks aorol- lies oeionging to lbs business. Dealers supplied at wholesale rates. MstI, lflTS lm A. WATSOK. Kirttrrbttlv want a Ia kna akUh t. W- tv..s r " aw MftohiD. The Light-Eunning Domestic answers this question. Call si tho store of 1. 8hiw J- a.. ... n.. Machine. R. NRWTOX gnAW, AgenL atay It, IS7S m r. sjULAossa. jVcwFIriu at lloutzdalc GALLAGHER & HOLT 1Ut juil r tor nisi from tha Rants m ta with awsmsm.ktsj KoPllsiBU DQUIIIIinC Of DRY CQOIiS i, KOTIONS, Ayv-MADE CLOTI11NG, ; BOOTS k SHOES. , II ATS 4 CAPS, , 1IARDWABK, QUEENSWAR WOOD 4 WILLOW WARE, CARPETS &, OIL ILOTU9, - GROCERIES, FLOUR k FCiri, (by car loaJ,). . w ,;-," WVls Utsy will nebangw ol a rwey s- p,rt for Losaixr, Bkinglss, Cash of Country rtc4uce, , HouiHe'e, !,, May II, HtV :tii'UlKwf guv dwtU(mfutj. "IRI AL LIST, for Juao Term, II, J i viait wsta. 4.s. Oareonfj es. Buiee. ' t.s. T boo peon. i. ..vs. Oalssgbtr. ,.....TS. Hridgo. : ,.es- Hubert. i . M.?s. Hmilb. ...... ts. Bwan, - ..j.,,....ts. Hpaeknina. ..,i,....vs. rioney. , vs. Nowoomor vs. Perry. , rs. Baker. rs. Pasiuoro. rs. Applrtoa. SICOXO WEEK. ..vs. Bikart. l.rt. Swartf. a,, Kaubood, , s. Ferguson. ...,rs. Oiraed. ; ts. Lamadue. rs. Mock. rs Albert. rs. Wagoner.' rs. buw. rs. flilligaa. ! 1 MeMssUM Curry.....,., Ilosslar , Ioaard.... Hubert I ria,....,.. Swan.....,,, smith. Tale DeDcck Urisbra...,, Kneodler.M. Hurd.. , Kisbel Uwd Couliten A Co.. Moyer.. .r; UraUam, Itobbins Coudriot.: Armstrong 8warts. Best .....-... Parker Pale. ., HcCully. ...... rotter... ...... TS. nioci. Long Sua... rs. Prosbylerian Church. Hills, hla:ouiber. Arbenfiltor Asbenfelter Best ............ fun)ap,M....i (loss Crossman. .,,....,., McLaughlin... llauk , Aiigheubaugh Melt , Btrickland. Wiaery. ts. ftinitb, ot. si. , Coriey. , Albert A Bro. - ts, Cbaso. rs. Btoincr. .rt-rs. Lewis. Irwin A Boas. .... Albert. .......ra Hoyu ' ' , Haines. vs. Forest. ts Irwia a Boai. Albert. " ........ ts. Erbard, rs. lit X. B. Cummer I Woodward. tllass. .Mars bosh.. , 'sardnrr... SherilT's Sale. TT rlrtoeof writs of Venditioni Expomnt, Issued j I wi ei tno wourt ot common Pleas of Clear Seld eouotT, aad to sua directed, there will be eiposed to public sole, at tbo Court House, la lb borough of Clearl.ld, oa Monday, tbe Hocood day of June, IS73, at I o'clock, p Ibo following described real estate, la wltt A certain tract of hud, situate ia Morris Iowa- -Sip, l.lcarnrld county, i'a., bouoded and de scribed aa follows, to-wit ! Begiunlng al a small bemloeb, Ihrawo north H' eaet Uj perches to post, Ibenco south S7 eeat HO 7-10 pen-bee to post, thence somb 1 1 west 1.1S perches to post, tbenos north S7i west US 7-111 perches lo place oi oeginning, containing izj acres anu izo per ches, nearly all oleared and baring a largo dwell ing bouse, barn, on-hard, Ac., thereon. Seised, taken In elocution aud lo bo told ss tha property of John . lluokeoberry. Also, a oortain M ol groan,!, situate In Ihe vtl lnge of Joynesrille, Clrarfleld county, Pa., bound, ed north by as alley, east by lot No. IS, tonib by Martin street and west by Walnut street, aud be ing known as lot Ko. , in tbo plan of said Til lage, and being SO foot front and ino foot dorp, and baring a largo two elory frame Hotel, stable and other buildings (hereon. tSriicd, takea in execution and tv be sold at tba properly of Ueo. tlowcn and Kbea Turner. Alio, a certain tract of land, siluata In Morris township, Clearfield oounty, Pa., bounded and do ecribtd as follows: West by land of Forcry and Graham, north by tbe Hunquehunna river, east by C. Ilsrtaoy and aulh hy Isnd of Ueorge Hoover, containing j acres, and baring about li acres oleared aad a bonse end barn t hereon erected'. Hcited. taken ia execution aud to be auU as tbe property of James J. Lucas. Also, a certain tract of land, situate In Deealnr lowniblp. ClrsrtHd oounty, Pa., bounded north by lb Turnpike, east by Ivid of W. W. 11 ale, aa tbe tomb by Tyrone and ClearSeU P-silroad and oa tbo west by lot of John Barnes, cotlaiu iog about i of an acre, and having a two-story frame dwelling house aud other improvements tbercoa. oWlii-d, taken ia cserulioa aad te ba sold ss tba property of Etuiund Kiley. Alio, a oerlain tract of land, situate In Decatur township, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded east by Billlngton, south br Tyrone snd Clearfield Kailroad, weal by Klberts and north by tbo turnpike, contaiuing about an acre and baring a two story frame bouse aud other improvements tbereon. Sciird, taken in execution and to bo sold as tbe property of Thomas Barnes. Also, a oeilain tract of land, situate In Chest lownrhip, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded on the west by land of K. A. Irvin, on the north by land of Thomas A. Mctlre, oa Ihe east hy land of Jaa. Weaver ed on tba south hy land of Jesse Unl ton, aoalainiaf aoTonty-Beo acres, with aUnt M acres cleared, and a frame bouee, log barn and --- 'i ,-,weuM Mviwii. oeisru, tsxen in execution aud te ba Kid as lha proiierty of John 8. foyder. . Also, a certain lot of land, situate In Osceola borough, Clearfield county, I'a.. bounded on Ihe swath by lot of Hiehard Ooas, west by Liople street, north by street and eaet hy an alley, aad baring a plank dwelling house and frame stable tborooa. cteiuxl, tekea ia execution and to bo old as tbo property of Benjamin Kline. Also, a certain tract of land, sitaato ia knot township, Clesrfield countr. Pa., bounded on the aaet by land of J. M. Chase, an tbe south by land of Isaac MiKec, ou Ibo weet bv laud of John SInrs' estate and on tha north br lead or liu McKee, containing one hundred acres, sixtr aevre af which is elcerod, and having a log boose, frame barn and orchard the-con. raised, taken in exe eotloa and to ba sold ss tba property of William A lo'ie. Also, a certain tract af land, situs! la fWn. son township. Clearfield countr. Pa, hounded on tno east ry una ot u. w. Bsrrott.on the north hy land af Straw, oa th west br land of David Woods aad oa the south by Isnd or L. K. Barrett, containing twenty-sis acres and bar ine about ten acres cleared and log house thereoa Heitod, taken In execution and to be sold as tb property of Mark tVitheright. Also, a certain trael of land, oituate la Cor weneville borough, Clearfield county, Pennsylva nia, boasded aad described as follows, to-wlt: Oa Bute street fifty feet ta width snd eighty foot in depth on Fillierl street, and known as lot No. 0, ia general plot of said borough, and bar ing luereoa erected a log aad frame two-slory house, 9i!S feel, a shop, tlalilo and other out buildings. Seised, taken ia eiecutloa aad ta be sold as th property of R. A. Chambers. Also, a certain tract of land, situate In Decatur township, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded oa the north by tha turnpike, on th east by Bil Hngton, aa tbo south by the Tyrone and Clear field Railroad aad oa tbo weet by Edmund Riley, containing about acre, and having a two story plank boas aad athar improvimeots there on. Seised, taken in execution and ta be seid as tbe property of John flames. Also, a eortaia lot of land, situat la Cbeiter kill, Decatur lownshin. Clearfield count r. I'. bounded oo th north hy lot of it inner Hall, on vne oass oy let al Alport, and Iks west kr Water street and on tbo south by lot of Dr. Hoops, snd baring a frame dwelling house there. an erected. Seised, lake ia execution ard to ba sola as ine pnperty of Pamuel MeMullea and naran oicMuiiea. , Alan, a certain tract of land, situsts tn Burn sido townchip.ricarueld eountv. Pa., bounded and described aa fullowa, to.witt Beginning at a cool bank oa tbo south side of the husquebaana rtiar. mcnae eouiu no uegrece east zx percbes to post thence north I decrees east 14 oerohea to imi thence north 88 degrees west 327 perches, mora or ires, so ine eouiu oeaK or tbe rtter, Ibence up eaid river Ihe following nurse and distances: South 41 drgrscs west 2.1 perches, south 7degrece weet 4 perches, south .'l drgre west 78 perches, south 1 1 degrees oaat It porches, south IS drgroee west DJ perches, south degrees cost 14 perches, south II degrees rnst IS perches, south Tt dc graes east III perches: tbeoco south tt', dearer aat 38 percbes, crossing tho river, lo post on lb bank, I bene south 38 d-greaa eart is S-10 per ehoe ta poet, Iheuoa north at degrees east 20 per ches lo post, theooc norlh fi7 degroes east 7 t -JO perches to post, thence north RH degrees seat A perches to post, tbence norlh 7v degrees east 10) perahes fo post, tbence nort h .Sfi degrees east t a. 1 0 perches lo post, thenoenorth 23 degrees east 0 1 10 perch to post, tbene north 8S degrees oast Is, porches t post, thene south 8S degrees cast It) porches to poet, tbence south SI degrees eaet 104-10 perches to swamp wak, lhtie south S'J decree sail si perencs lo wane osa, inene aorta 61 de. f reel eait f perchrs to hemlock, thence norlh 8o degrees osst 8 perches lo hemlock, tlienes north 7S degrees east 8 perches to pine, thence norlh 80 degrees esst 18 porches to post, tbene sou ejl east 6 1 perchrs to beech, theooe bor','a U greeseatt 14 perches Ic boh. '.'nanee north 10 degrees west (cressi'g the. rt',r) 3i p.,,, , coal bank and i.; beginning, oontaining 3 acres and a'.awanco. mora or less, beine Irani ,u,v,5 IB ths Bameofjoehaa Humphrey snd lr eres tying north of Ihe rirer and iecluded in the abuee boundaries, being pnrt of wsrrsnt No. MUS, the whole eonlslnlng 7S acres snd allow- ance, more er less, having tbereon erected one Oriel Mill, en Saw Mill, one large Ilrick Dwell, ing llnuae, eoe Frame 8lor House, oue Ilaok llara. Tenant llouee and olhor outbuildings, with about seventy-five acres cleared thereon (except, ing nnd reserving out of the above drerribsd land one lot with bonse, bsrn and other ou1holinga thereon, being situated on Main str( ) ,Q( Tillage of Duro'lde, sad hcinj '8 feel front by tdl feet ia deptk and kn", , the Matthew Ir. via preprrtr.) Bel:c,;, takra In execution and le he sold ss Ihe, properly of Mailbcw Irvla aad Wp. C. Itrin, deo'd. Traaas cr Bsia. Ths price ur sunt si which th property shall be struck off most be paid at she tisv of sals, or such sither arrangements made as will be eppreved, otherwise the proper ly will be immediately put ap and sold s;il0 at the expiate and risk ef Ihe per-og to about it we struck elf, and who. 'l ease ef dsloleaoy at suck re late, shall tasks good the same, and la ae lastaaee will tb Dead b pretested la Coart for aoatrasatlea unless the Bones leeetualw paid 4 the Sheriff. -- - JUSTIN J. PIK, Bssatrr s tirrsca, i I, i (bsrlff, , rvissrd, r., m.v it, m i tvs gmirrtisfmfuis. SheriiTs Sale. T)T vlrtas of writ at fitrt facial, Issued I ) out ST lbs Opart af Common Pleas of Olear field eouatv. and lo tas directed, there will h expoeed PUBLIO 8A1.B, at tb Coart Hee, la lb Worcegh f Claretd. oa Monday, the Heoond star of June, 171, at I s'elosk, p. at., lbs folrswiog Heal I tat, lo will, , (.' All tli at striata lot af ground and Improve moats thereoa created, situate la the borough af Clcarneld, i.learOeld oounty, ra., bounded on me north by Cherry slreal, on the oast by lot of V. Leltslriger, on th south by aa alley and on th west by tbe lot oa which th fro school building stands, being lot Ho. HO in tbe plot of said borough aud being 6 fly foot fionton Cherry street and extending back south 171 feet lo aa alley, and boring a two-story frama dwelling thtrooa, about tlxlS bat, with kllchsa attached I4xl reel aad a pleak stable. Seised, taken la executioa and to be sold as the property of Daniel Cawnedly.i i , j -ti r- ,t Alto, all defendant's Interest In certain real es tate, situate in Ooshen township, Clearfield ooun ?. Pa , oontaining about 200 acres, bounded oa tba aaet ay lauds of Kridcr, Hay & Co., oa tho south by leads at William japcs,on the wrst and aorlb by laods of tndi r, ltay A Co, bar ing about 20 acres cleared with log house and barn tbereon erected, noised, taken In oieoatioo and lo b sold as the properly of Daniel Cypher. Alto, all Ibat certain trael of land, situata la Baccaria township, Clearfield eonnly, Pa., begin ning at a dogwood post at lha north west corner of John I. Miller surrey, luenoo by laods of II. Philips weet lvo perches ta a bemlook uu west bank of stnsll run, Ihsnoc footh 100 pcrubes to a dogwood post, thence cast IIMI percbes lo a dog wood, post la lb line f Kd. Tititoa's sorvsr, tbeoco north 100 perches lo th place of begin aiag, containing las acres, mora ur hies, aud bar ing about 60 acres cleared with frame barn, boos and tbr otbildings thereon erected. Seised, taken ia exeoutiua and to bo sold ai th property af Jessa K. and Sarah Dlllcn. - Also, all that eerlaia lot of land, situat la UewM eemekip, Olerld o.r, pMiaryl rauia, bounded and described as follows : Be ginning at Ihe corner at Ueorge Carter a tbe turnpike road leading from Clearfield to Lutbere burg, tbence northerly along sail road SO feet, tbenoi norlh 88 west by lot of Samuel Bell to Ibo hack Ila of plot of ground (old by J oaat ban Mchols to P, C. Heiesy, thear along said line south f net to lb lie of lead of Jonathan Mchols, dee'd , thence south SS east br land af tsld Jonathan Nichols, dee d., and tut of Ueorge Carter 319 feet to th place of beginning, and baring thereon erected a two-story ballooa frame bouse, frame stable, cued hoas aad atber out buildings. Soiled, tskrn in cxei-uiion and to be sold as the property of Miltoa 11. Nichols. , Tanas or Su a The price or sum al which lb property shall bs struck off must be paid at tbe time of aale, or suck o ber arrangmcnts made a will b approred, otbarwiss tbe property wi'l be immediately put ap and said agsia at the expense and risk of the per si, a te whoa It was struck of, aud who, ia ease of dstcisney al suck re sale, shall make good the came, sad in no Instance will tbe Deed be prescated In Court for confirmation unless the money Is setually paid to the Shcrif. ' JL'STl.N J. PIS, Bnantrr'a Orrira, I ' Sheriff. Clearfield, Pa., May 14, 1871. j SherilT's Sale. BT virtue of writs of Lttari facim, Is sued out of lb Court of Common Pleas ef Cieatueid county, end t ase directed, there will be exposed to PUBLIC BALK, si tb Coart House tn th borough of Clearfield, en Mon day, the Second day of Juno. 1873, at i o'clock, p. to., lb following Real Estate, te wit: A certain piece or tract of land, situate ia Pike township, Clearfield county, I'a-, beginning at a mapl, tbeno north 110 perches to post, ihsoc weet lit perches to ehestuat oak, thence south it I perches to whit pin aa old eorocr, thence north t4 degrees cast Z2 porches to whits oak, thence north 74) degrees weet 44 perches lo leceet, tbence aorlb 7 degrees east 28 po robes lo locust, thence north 63 drgrrct raet 26 perches to locost, oa the river near tha month ef Hogbaok run, tbenoe down the river lis several courses aad dts taeew le essplc and place of bcginoiDg, co&uun ing 11 acres, more or leas, bouse, barn and cleared land tbereon. Also, one other lot, situate in the borough of Carwaosville, Clearfield eountv, p., oa the cart ttds of Filbert street, beg I. aing at about 5 fool aorlb from Slate slreet, containing 160 feet front on Filbert street, end extending back 60 feet eastward, and having a large tavern house, sulde aad other outbuildings ihrta, unreel ed, ocised, taken ia executioa and to be sold ae Ihe properly of Lash Bloom, Administratrix ef Isaac Bloom, dee'd. Also, all thai certain two-story fretae dwelling house, twenty by thirty feel, situsts on lot No. iS. oa tbe south easl corner of Good aud Clarra streets, in the borough of lleutadale, Clearfield eouutv, Pa Ketted, taken ia execution and te - - -- - -- r'T"'r ' " --r Aln, rituals in Pcnneille. Clearfield eountv Pa., all that csrtaia oae-jod half story frame ouuuieg, ions leet. oa tbe scuttl aids of Main street, oa let adjoining lands ef D. 8. Moore and Ueorge McDonald, aad so much (round immedi ately adjacent thereto as will bo neceisary for tbe ordinary use tbcreor. Seised, tohea ia execution and to bo sold as the property of (Joe. McDonald. aiso, an mat eertaia one-story frsnie smith shop, silust ia the vilbigc ofl'ciioi il!e, Clearfield eouuly, Praasylrauis, aud being aboat 2x28 feet la sise, at tbe eoruer of Maia and Pine streets, togctber with so much ground immediate ly adjacent thereto as will be neeacsare for Ike ordinary use thereof. Seised, tskrn in executioa snn to oe sold at tbe property of r. 0' Leery. Tanat or Sat. Th price or aom at which th property shall bs stru ck off must ba net J at "me t sate, or snca otbrr arrangements mad aa will be approved, otherwise the uron. erly will be immediately pal up and sold again at tbe sxpeas and risk of tha person to wheal it we struck off, snd who la case ofdeficleney, at such resale, shall oaks good tha seme, and m instance wti: tbe Deed be presented ta Coart for eeotrmatioa unless the money is so taaliy paid tha Sheriff. JUSTIN J. PIK, caseirr's Ornrs I Sharif. Clearfield, Pa., May 14, IS73. TN 1 UK CIIUKTOK COMMON PLkAk X ef Clearfield County, Pa. , Kllie Catharia tjmith by her next friend Edward Curry CO. Thomas M. Smith. No. JfsrthT. 1S7I. Alias Bub. Bar Direrce, The auderslgneel oommissioner appointed by tha Court to take testiaieav in the abora slated ease, hereby, give nolle that he will attend te Ihe duties of his sppoinlment, at tbe office of Cv rus Gordon, Esq, ia the borough of Clearfield, en Thursday, May Nth, 1873. at t o'clock n. ex.. when and wber those interested mxy attend if mey ee proper. 1MH1. W. McCLKDY, May 7, 18,3.-31 Commissioner. Rs-:(ilM'ri:R.a NttTICli-Noilcs is hereby given tbat the following accounts hare been examined and passed by me, and remain filed of rcoora ta tats onoe Tor the Inapeotloa of heirs, legalees.credilcrs.and all ethers ia anyetber way int"rcrted, nnd will be presented le Ihe next Or phans' Court el Clearfield county, to be held at Ihe Court House, ia Ihe borough of Clearfield, com mencing sti Hie 1st Mueday (being the 3d day) of June, A. D. 1873. Account of Jecob Wise, Administrator C.T.A, ot Basil Crowrll, late of Graham twp.,eVoeaaed. Accoonl of Dartd Dressier, guardiaa of miner children of James Flegal, lata of Uothca towa sbip. deeessed. Account ef Joba Wltherow, executor of the last will aud testament ef Isabella Thomas, deceased. Account of John Wilherow, guardian of Lydia llsgarty, minor child of R. n. Uegarty, lata of Woodward township, deceased. f . . Final account of Henry J. Mead and Mary K. Leoaard, adtnlnlstratoraof John Leonard, late ef Uesben tewaship, deceased. -,-.. Final account of Zsch. MeXeut, executor of Joseph ftmeal, lata of Pike township, deceased. of John C. Tyler, guardian of Almeda rteilehaugk. Minor child ef Austin 8. Browa, de eoaeedv . - -, . , ,., , Final accounlor Mary fpsacer, adcainlsiralrlx of James Spencer, late of pens township, dee'd. Itaoiavan's Orrtcs, A. IV. LEK. Clearfield, Pa., Msy T, IS7l-t, ) . Begisier On Saturday, May lOlh, 1873, Mrs. t. e. Watson I rSslurutd. fti Philadelphia With all the aorsl. Ilsi of tha seasoa tn SIMMER MILUNEIlf GOODS, PATTERN BONNETS A HATS, RICH AND HARK FLOWERS, All the ntw shades r BIBB0N8, Ac My Trimmed Pallera Ooods are perfectly ele gant and rich, all being Ut, Importations dt,,et from Pari., 4 wlll u ,( priors, - ' -T 'i I ,T Sl. WATBON. Clnrlrld, p., j,,, u, 1873. C1At's'lt.4 p.,.,,,,..,, hereby aotTfied J not toiutrrfere with Ibe following property, now In the hands of Oeorgo Chntman, of Morris townshlii: One roaa , I rrc marei I (ho ning mill, drag, I cultivator, I two-horse wag. oa. Tba seine belong te sue aad are left anh him eulijei t lo my ordor. IS7JI-3t. Af'TI.V DIM.KN. JTIIC MKKTS I - Orgsns, hoVh JL sioood baud, at Iks Music Store, opposite Ilultch a I urnliure Store. All perenae Inieresied tr iirl ted le fuill and ex.iulne new style uf Oriaa aow ea xblhiUea. bhcet Mule aad al.,.u lit. n.nniljSSSUUi ' eplS4 tstf TtiMTIC'K We here PfB IIILL.s L' MS eV tINTAUI.K' KKfltt irsi i,i. . r -' ssrioer vi ine new rt III LL, end will on lUe rrreint of. teener. rtl.i.J . I . - . L r . , .. Sarfliratt, UUmtt, Ti7 H.T.; BIGLER & C0 assises ia i Also, Msnefeeturerior ' Tin and Sheel Iron Ware ' cj. a"C i i i"i7'r a. ' Harhess, Csllars, U , for safc J pAI.MERS FAT KMX Tm04D- - ia Hsy Forks, for tsU by ; it. r. biqleq oa'; QIL, TALNT, rUTTT, CLASS, Halls, etc., for sals by ' : " . ' ' . U. F. BIGLER j CO, TTARHES3 TRIilMINGS ASflOB riadlngs, for sal Ijr ' ' n. r. bioler i co. QUNS.I'ISTOLS.SWOBADCiiEo For sal by ' " n. r. BIGLF.R sC0. , gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS' AKD Buss, for sal by ' ItVF. w-Lr.Rl.cri. I KONI IROKI IliONl IKOKi rorsakT; ''J'(' 11. K. BIOLER It -CO, ITORSE SHOES k HORSE SHO! RAIL?, for ssl hj II. r BIOLER k CO pULLEV BLOCKS; ALL 61ZE6 - -.. ... And best Hsnufscturs, for sals hy li. P. BIOLKR t CO. 'PHIilBLB SKEIXS A'D PIPR ' BOXES, for sals by H. F. BIGLER I CO. pODPER CUTTERS for salo br cb30-70 II. F. BIGLER 1 CO. rr t - - j.9 rpiIE AUTOMATIC Kuitting JInthlnel This Eaitlfng Machine Is ons ef the Best aea.. ful inreatiens of tbe age. By antiriag tSorlr and ingoaious nperiments the ssTestsr hst aenieveii wnal taousanae nave easaeresilsllf tried le attain. That is, a KXITTlMi-V. CHINE, tbst will knit a sock la seven nana heel and toe, complete. Nerrows and widest.- knits all grades of yarn. A ubies, TidVrs, Hscat, Men s halt Jackets, Hosiery of all tiles, sos il most an endless rariely ef I'ssfal aad Oraewnl. al ttoods. II will bait from a Watch Gaard us Sleigh Hobo, and does It with aeetness s patch. Persons Ibat are iacapssiated frees sari wars, eaa cara irom 8 TO 4 nOILARS Per Day with tbe Kaitlcr. This Mschiae has takes the dirtiest Prcaii al the Principal Expositions, Btale and Coasts rairs. it is simple ana aurabli i eoatereeme, sal will wear lifetime. As it Is eoastreetel with tba finest meobaaicat exactness, end fw general range of work. "IT HAS NO lul'AW and Is only limited ia beauly aad stvle by Us) tniartnat:oa and inrenniie r le atvr rater. MIET.UL PHI CB, Me.00.' For rsfrrencs lbs pullie cse sddrets srssllrs. oa lbs followiag residents of Qlesrfield scsst: Josiah Tbomnana. Joaatbaa llartrbcra, Jsss N orris, D. D. Hitter, Joba F. Bull, Curwenviar. Lewis J. Ilurd and Joba Orr, Hard P. 0.; Ilia Jnbeston, Abraham bp en cor, Klishs Fistes, urampiaa tuns r. u. Joeepb Kirk, Jots 0. eat, James Curry, lumber Cite. - Samuel Jenkins, Esq., at Curwearvillo, is Iks uenerat Agent for Clearfield aad Jenenoe e ties. All necessary information sea be eetelarl by calling upon bins, April 18, Iflt-U. C0UBT PR0CIAMATI0H. VIT IIERKAS, Hon. C. A. MAT LB. Preaiitti 1 T Judge ef the Court of Comaaa Plssi if ths Twenty-fifth Jndierel District, composes st ibe eountte er Clearfield, Centre aud Clisise asd Ilea. Wiluam C. Fovtt and Uoa. Jest J. Ilsio, Associate Jedgss of Clsarfiald ecestv. have issued their precept, to me directed, for Its holding of a Court of Common Pleas, Orpksai' Coart, Court of Quarter Sessions, Court ef Orel and Terminer, snd Court of tjeneral Jail Deliv. cry, al Ihe Court House at Clearfield, la cjferrtt county of Clearfleld, eommeaeiag oa the Int nuuaay. xa cay ol duue, IW13, aad te sss- uoue two weea.. t , , MOTICI IS. therefore, herabr elv.e. ta ths Ceroaer, Justices ef tbe Peace, and CosiisMh la and for said seualy uf Clearfield, to enesarn ineir proper parsons, wun tbeir Records, Ksui, inquititioas, a,xam:aatloas, aad ether Rsssw branees, to do those Ihinrt which lo thtir ottei ana la ineir beaair, perUia te be done. GIVEN under my head at Clearfield, this tli day ef June, la the year of ear Lord est I tbousaad eisrhl hundred and sereotr-ibree. . J 13 TIN J. PIE, Shsrif. DR. IL B. Ol.-e aei VAN VALZAU. . next door te Harttwich A Irwis'i I Drug Store, an stairs. . 3:7 CLEARFIELD. PA. ' ' is Rannniras. Dr. II. V. Wilsea. Dr. J. 6.1 Uartswiek, Faculty of Jefferson Medical College. I BRICK I - BRICK I , BRICK 1 j A NEW BRICK YARD PLDMMER A CO. having MtHsJl aew aud sttMn a.iMa Vsel lal Clcarbeld, are prepared te axakeeaatractt (siAt oiass iv eu arica, in large er email guaatitia). Orders and orrcsnondence solicited, lsforws- Uoa can be obtained by calling at hrndsri KH i li i ,. . . . . i mi r oy aunrsssiog W. 8. I LUMilKn A CO. -( ' , . : liearleld, fs. OOK AND UEADl SxDDLE&HARLVS MAIvIH: JOHN C. HARWICK, XI 1... Ci. Tl. aiaraoi ot., t. LiCA UP I TAjV, I' i Is lb man lo g io If you want s sol sf ! IIAlt.NEr'S or a asw SADDLh er anyikisg eliej In lh-4 line. He turns eat ae good ' - " aone in any shop ta Penatylreaia, and aiip'"" are very reesonaiite. . Coustanily ea hand a full tins ef -TUOTTING GOODS. such ss Trotting Saddles, Qnarter and tibia Besii ironing Hollers, Whips, Fine Srutkeseee it- Ac. A fino aasortmrnt of Nets, llores ler." Knee Blsnkets, Buffalo R.Acs. Ac., Ac, kepi J TVS S.-S-BIIIMIBI alll1'BS'B.,. " alica II B' I . 1 ..... ... -. 1, ke Mea lk.1 Inllnra saetameotary as IS graawd In Ibe anderelgncd oa the eelatsj JAMKS I.HtKbT, deceased, late of VteedeS township, Cleerfield eoealy, rennsyiva-j peraous looeeeee rami ""v T , mb L m tieVKtCnt. Blllf theSS esl deltas against ths saaia will preteak thr aatbeatleaird fcr ndJiemcat. . FANNt l ot RJT, season, lo rent anything that horsemen si need of Is alwars oa hand. J All of which will ba sold at wbolt'als ernt! at the very laireeS rales. ... , J Repsirlng promptly allenlrd to All gnsrsnteed. Shop la room formrrlr eccupire a PostOBvc, A . , APJJJlJ "W vs ssui,, uj.,,1 a enpj tu nr.x sdlrprt.