THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY MORSWO APRI10,187. Tflrmi of Subscription, Tf paid laedva.ea,aTwlthlB three montai...fl JJ 1 paid after three aad before lit month!.... I U If paid after too siplraiion oi bib RELIGIOUS NOTICES. .'. as.thl.l Enletonal Chureh Rev. A. D YoODU, Pester. Publio Service every Sabbath ,1 1 A. M.. ml It P- M. gbbth Sohool l A. M. . kxTn Mnetinr rerT Thunder, al 71 P. M Communion Bervloe, Irit Sabbath of every oath, at lli A. M. gU Arw' Churth F.plteopal Rev. GsoB.B H11.U Publio Senrloe Sunday morning st 10 o'eloc k, and at t P. M. Sunday Sohool at I f. M. Prayer Meeting Wedaeiday evening at 9 week. Church Rot. B. 8. Dorian .hh.ih services moraine nd evening Sib. Uth Sohool at J P. M. Prayer Mooting Wednet- dT treeing. ml fraudi' Churfh Cnthollc IUr. P. T. Bhiiiu.-Mhi t lot o'clock A. H on tho etcood nod lounn Dunriuys 01 omen momn. Lutheran Church Rot. A. J. lURTioti Muhinr oTorr Sabbath, nomine wl evening. Sabbath School at ft. m. Prayer meeting every Wsdnetday evening. 0. the snow, "the beautiful encrw." the put week, and tho mod, tho Infernal mud- ling. Jonos, of the Tyrone Herald, is go ing to Hollidaytburg court next woek aad wants everybody to notioe bin. Qirebimnpun', Traugh, Bellelotiterj have subscribed and of- fond as a bonus $10,000 for tho location of ear hop! li that tilUgo. Clearfield will go $10,000 better. Rev. Robert C. Bryson, pastor of the Prtibytirlao church at Pino Grove Mills, Centra county, died od tho IStb. lie leave! a wlfo and (oar children. Reappointed. Oov. Ilartranft has : seappolited Joilah Brans, Esq., of Curwenirillo, j Notary Pablio. Thii li tho third tint ho hat been eovraissioned. llo makfi a faithful officer. A Lono List. It will be observed by tho advertltement la tail lilut that the Mer eoatlle Appraiser pobllihn a long lilt of names tW Id?), and that appeal day eomes ncit Fridty. It will bo noticed tbat tho citizen" of Lumber Citj aro making proper efforti to open a high aehool la their midst. Thie It cemmenda. bit. For termi, etc., mo advertisement In thii lane. Teaterdav was circua dav In our teem, and although the day wat rainy and wet, the utual amount of pleaoure eeekert were on hand to lee the elephant, the big "inaiki" and the other wonden. The Hollidaysbnrg Standard snys: Oleorfitld bai local option, and yet lome of her tlltarni drink lometnlng itrvnger than wator. To. Imagine that Clcarscldcn practice the IIcl Bdeysburg game. Tyndall, one of Brookville'a escaped jail birdi, wai oapturod near Butler, Pa., and re turned to Umbo, and tho Commliiionere and Sheriff planked down to his eapton $300. Robl au h) Mill at large. Treasurer Wilson's tax leveo com- mtaeei la hit office In the Court llouie, on Priday and Saturday next, fur Clearfield and Lawrenoe, after erbieh be repairl to tho oouotry, commencing at lanital a Tucaday. Wb. Brldgens, one of tho first sot Were la Kartbaui, died at the old homeitcad on toe lrtk, In tho 80th year of hie age. Ha wai highly m teemed by hit neighbori and will long bo remembered by the rifibg generation for hii amia ble diipoiitioa. g If the editor of tho Oscoola Jleecille aipecu to pocket ti per day at a Juror, when ho eomet orer to Jane court, he'll bo fooled. "Blip," you had better bring $3 ptr day with you, became the Commiiilonen will only allow yon what other pwf'e get $2 per day. We prcsumo it ia wholly nnnecesra ry for at to announce in detail to our rcadert the tut that wt hare had extremely nnpleaiant wca atr la thii motion during the put woek, because taoeo who bat aoy feeling on the tubjret hare filly rcallied what wo refer to.. Can't Go In. Wo have lately re- tired quite a anmbcr of communications relating t diurtnt lubjoote j among them two marriage attiees, but to Bam being attached to any of teem they eaanot appear In our columns. Friends, we want news, hut wo must hare the namo of the arittr. Anotuir "Tribune. We Imvo be- tre ui a number of a new daily f aper started at AHeota, entitled the liming TrUtnxr, pabliihcd by WeCram A Dern. It it the belt temple of a country daily we hare eror teen. It it eery newsy tad mechanically eioeutcd in the best itjle of the art ' Only $0 per annum. mm I The Tyrone Herald says : Poor lamee cf bate ball, at different noinlt. aad at the lame time, wire played in Altoona on mauey uih It It evidently ery llrely In the mountain city ea nun day, but we will hare to arwitblt,Jonei. JODOi Mater. We arc eratified lo i mat aie nonore ncalin nal been greatly ro stored. The Clinton Dtmocrat at last week snys "Jadgt Mayer hai retarned from Philadelphia lo improred kealtb. Ut li looking much better an tppean ready to proceed with the bnainni of lis wcait with hli uiual rigor and dirpatcb On iiii Ground. On Mond.tvaftor- awa last, Euperintondent Wilkiue and hit engL- eer corpi droTe their itake at the d. put, and in emplianoe with the adtioe of Ilor.oc Oreeley, nane west, toward Curwenivllle, with the inlen uen of eitendlng tho Tyrone A Clearfield railroad. d troa the appearance of thing wo would not e lubprlsed to tho road continued lo tho Al lethiiwy rlrer, or area farther weit. Curweni eiiUani will be made bappy, anyhow. Announciments. Next woek we tu begia lo aunounoa the nam at of eaadidatM 'er the moral office! to bo filled by tht votert of r toaaty at the Ockber election. The fee will t $10 each for Aieembly, RherifT, Treauror aad XHitriot Attorney, and $J each for Oommlnioner, Auditor aad Jury Commissioner. Thii eliargt li " tht tard and S,000 tlcketi for each candidate. "ost who warn more llokrta will Lo charged $3 ptr thousand extra. No name will be announced tleketi printed until the aath femes to hand. Sudden Df atu. P. C. Cromm, Bwehtot tailor, who formerly resided at tbil y've aad lately at Franklin, died at Drookrllle, "ttrt ht btd Just removed, on tht erenin of the '4th, of eonlliou of the brain, ared 84 Team. cntbi and 9 days. Hit dim lie was audden ol uoeiptcted, be harlnxfloui asiurtd by bit 'irstelen, a few houn befure, tbat bt would bt "'it to attend to bnilnrsi br tht neit moraine. tt friend! Of the dernaterl ( f Ma nlnea. kkTa sympathy of their aelihbori In thtlr day of wner. Tm'New Mrjuinpai.iTV WallueA. ". tottring a portion of tht territory of Boki fcihip, oa tht railroad, 10 ml let tut f thii u aas Beta treoted lata a boroueh. and It new r; br bailneea. Aa election for borongh o(l. r" ' pi" the Itth, at which 28 votci pit polled rather a smell pattern, but plenty of I1 grow. Justine. J.m.l II. Turner! Cob. 'Me, Andrew m... ui.k al v raeri Bartcaa. Iibi T nnnll r V. IfuUon, j, JJ, Halt, John Bamberger, John ila. a.,. w - B , . . . Aivor, e-arona a. lurncrj ncnooi "etoM, 1, n. Turner. II. a. V. Mnl. Chapman, Wat. LearUk, Phlaeal Thayer rt: T. J. lleKr Iatpeetori, David Tamer, - l oiiviMira, a. as. jjoii, iraviu (4mg 1 Q. Outhryi Ovirseen, J. K. Totnet, p. " a t TmiutM. Jaatte II. Tatiar. I Important Laws. On our first pace will be found lererel Aott of Assembly patted last winter, relating lo Clearfield county. Tht further rnpptciaent regulating tht boroughs In this eouu ty Is particularly Interesting lo the cltlieut there of, at the change ll radical. The next authorises tht Totera of thii oounty to eleot two Assistant Assessor! at the October lltotion, Tht Bhtrlt ii to girt sotlei to that effect la bli general election proclamation. The other two tuppltmenti relate to the District Treasury queitlon, regulating tht compensation and prerentlug than from holding any other oBot. - Tbil latter feature ia too broad It would bi proper to exclude them from the office of Auditor, Superrlaor, Overteer and Bohool Dl rector, beoame all theie olBeera are more er leu oonoerutd in attening and handling public money. and should hare uo Toioa In settling or adjusting tht public accounts. Bat why a Juslict of the Peace, Constable, Assessor, Judge or Inspector should be diifranehiied wt oannot understand. To our mind there should hare been added to the last supplement relating to the District Treasurer the wordt 1 "not exceeding three per cent.1' Then if there was anybody patriotic enough to diethargo the dutiea for nothing, ht could bare done to. Now, If by negleot or detign no amount it fixed. the Treasurer can play George 0. Erant, tht Btate agent, and charge tha borough or township ten per cent. It will not do to lay that thii will not bapptn, beoause the Erani lestoo is conclusive on this point. And if Btate officers cau defraud the treasury out of (Arte avarfrsd lAoueaad Mian, un der a similar act, what it there to prevent a bor ough or townsbip officer from taking tW tW toad dollars out of hii treatury, if 10 diipoeed f A umll mould hare been fixed la the hill, A Gigantic Speculation. A hoaw tale of coal and timber lands wai cloicd two weeks agobetwocn Robert Osborn, A. P. Baum. John Carrier and Nathan Carrier, all of Brookville, to Col. Win. rhltlipe, President of the Allegheny Valley Railroad, who purchased from the party namod, about 1.S00 acres and the half Internet in 800 acres, for the sum of (Aree kundrti ijtone. aad sue Auadred and cly yire Julian, being over $126 per acre. These landt lit In Brady and nation townships, on Sandy Lick creek, along tht lino of the Low Grade Railroad, where Falls Creek empties into Sandy. To our mind, this lettlei tho question at to whore the ihopi of tho Allegheny Valley Railroad will be located, and Hies the Junction of the Buffalo road with the Low Urade road at the mouth of Fills Creek. The pine trees In that section are less than 200 feet high end the coal rein not ever 20 feet thick. It is, without doubt, one of the grandest specula tions that erer occurred In thii notion of tht Statt. BiniiiD the Scenes in Washington : llelng a complete account of the Credit Mobil- ler ineeitigations, the Congressional Kings, lun.ivm iiurtguet, worKins or the Lobbies, etc. Girlng tin eocrot history of our National Government, in all itt various branches, and showing bow tht public money Is squandered, now Tolrt are obtained, tie. With tketcbet of leading Henatort, Congressmen, Government Of ficial! and an aocurata detorintion of the srilen. did Public Huildinrt of tha VeHeral !'..,,. I By 14,1 ward W. Martin, author of tht Heorett of mi ureal L'lty. illustrated with nurocroui fine engraviufi of the public buildinge and noted ecenel in VYethsngUu. Such Ii tht somewhat lengthy title of a work published, ipeeimen ibceti of which are now be fore us. Mechanically the work ii well done, and we believe the author treat! hii lulject fairly and the public should patronise and thank him for pr'dueing la book form tome of tht "loonel" en acted at our national otpltal. We shall refer to thii book again, at lome future time. It ll sold by subscription, and agrnti are waated every where. Addrcsl National Publishing Company, rnuadclpbla. How to Go West. This is tho ex prcnive title of an eighty paged pamphlet issued by the agent of the Chicago, Burlingttn A Quin- ey railroad. A number of txcellenl mapi accom pany the publication, together with some splendid views of scenery along lbs line of this road. "Go west, young man," was the standing advice of the late Horace Oreeley to the numerous young men who used to inquire of him what to do, or where to go. Any one disposed to try it should lecure a copy of this painphiot before hi lUrts. Much anxiety it overcome and trouble avoided by ob taining correct information, and this publication coutainl much of what the western bound traveler should know before starting. Sent fret to any addrrst upon application to the General Passen ger Agent C, B. A Q. R. R., Chicago, III. Clearfield county was tho first in the State to declare against license. The mw law workt admirably. Every night in tbt week the deniicni of tbo oapital of tha county get howlinz drunk, if we have been correotlv Inform. cd by a well-known lumberman, who arrived In mis eiry last evening. .illooaa TWouiie. That'i a lie kly ilory. Yon have not been Informed correctly. Your "well-known lumber man" set either drunk or bai little regard for truth. A. J. TounK, si highly respected cil- ilen of Spring Wills, Centre oounty, committed eulcldo on the 17th by opening a vein In bli arm and bleeding to death. He leave! a wift and two children. On bii person wai found a ihort note, written with a lead pencil, ia those wordi : Dear wife tnd children, I am tha innocent vio lins of a conspiracy. What this conspiracy is no one knows. Attempt to Rob Jnmos Thomp son, a young man, attempted to rob John Askey, of Clearfield, at tht depot a few dtyi since. As key it aa old man. Thompson grappled him, run nil band into his pookol an J took out his pocket, boon, not ut uiJu'l got nw.ty ai he ixpoctrj. Th .1.1 1 .1 1 1 , . .... wiu wan uciu 01m nil assistance oamc. He wai taken before Alderman Batchcler and committed for court in default or $300 ball. Askey wanted the Alderman to let hiia get at Thompson and give him a good drubbing in satisfaction fur the offence, but declared hii Intention to come down and prosecute if he wae not allowed to settle the eaie In his own way. CVi'aloa Drmnrnl, List of Idlers remaining unclaimod in the Poslofilee at Clearfield, for the week ending April ZVth, 1878 Bailey, Clauelini N. Bridge!, Itutsell O. Cue, Viririt Dunlap, Mrs. Anna Flynu, Paul J. Hofmen, Israel E. Joseph A Son Jones, John 11. Kyler, Itichard K linger, George Levensalor, Silas Larimer, John B. Laiuoy, Hubert McC'rackcn, Amanda E. Pierce, 6. N. Penti, Mist Lisilt Beam, D. II. Ilulten, Charlel Swortwood, ilenj, P. A. GAUL1N, P. M Wo would advise Hill to ouit easier crxi auu tats 10 gooes eggs. 1 Hey bare more in them, e Special 1. , Farmers may find it lo their interest to read the card of Mr. Morgan, found in our tdvertisingcol- It ll being unirtrtallv undirtteod that Thoain ton A Co. ire always ahead with new and cheap good! and ware! railroad or no railroad. Those who disbelieve Ibis In these times of muddy roads and bad weather (for nothing keeps nl back) will find it lo their adrantsgo by calling at our store in Cnrwrnsrllte tnd lay in their spring supply of Room now ontrvn cneaptr man ever Lelore. Cell an j now. t charge nothing for showing goods. Farmers in want of Grain Drills for Snrlne teeding, and Corn Plnnlen, will do well to order ai onec, Sample machine! onlv on hand at M. U. Urowr A Dko.'i, April 23, 1873, Cloarllild, Pa. Sst Time! Save Labor! RavaVnnral vrutnes: i no --novelty wringer" Ii tbt belt in the market. Buy It I try it. For talo by II. F. Bici.aa A C. Girl Wartbd. A elrl. aeod from 11 in ia ... find a permanent homt with a tmall prints fam ily. Will be taken U raise or paid feirwaiee. Apply at tblt eiaiee. apllfitf FitniRri TaoRi.R. The lihlni wasoa havlae ecmraenced, loreri of thii elegant tport will bt casting about to find where to purchase Ike aeoee sry reqiiireraontt la order to etijoyy the sport. To all such we wilt say, go to the Hardware Slort of II. F. Bigler A Co., at they have the finest lot of Trout Ko.Ls, Lines, Uooks, Baskets, Bait Boiet, Reela, Saoods, Flics, etc., ever brought to tbil county. Their Trout Hods are really ele gant, and every person expecting to go trout-fishing thii tummtr ibeeld have one. tV-S Lakb Pi.AtTBR Hevtral oar loadt received by ratter A l.vtle, wMeb will be told vcrr eheen. Farm era, make note of 1'ils. febl.t Jnrt Halved, a larva Ittt of nna-eefileet. I.tirpt and Laaterni at U F. Dieiia A Ce l. rora las Btlltfonl, ffrtiatfi'ean, CLASSIFICATION OF LIFE INSURANCE CO S. M. EniToai It is doubtless still frcih In tht niluUt of your roadtri, tht effort the Mutual Life Insurance Co. of how York made near the and ol me year, inu, 10 reduce the relet of Insurance, out uau 10 reilliqulsn Jw lit tins l.inj gn account of the earnest requests of all the aeound third, fourth and fifth olas'oi of Mutual Llfn I....,! ranee companies of the United Hlatos, who were under the Impression that they would have to quit 1 imuiucroi inem wouic, have been compelled to bave reinsured their rlskt If the Mutual Life of New York bad tuooeeded In reaueing sua rates as 11 proposed, aay from It to lo per cent., and still be a mutual company, and declare larger dividends than many of the lower ciass 01 mutual me companies are now doing with um piovwu. uigu rauie euargou. During tha time the Mutual Life of New York had thii reduction of ratts under consideration. it waa widely disoussed auioug Life Insurance inou. Actuaries, Bankeri and all claasea or nil,., financier!, what othir Mutual Life Coinpanioi wvuim uo euiv to reuuet lotir raiol Wlin tnt Ntw York Mutual, and Hill declare dividends and pro tect their policy holder!, and there baa been a general oonourrenoa that all Mutual Life Com- naniee ennlri have loinml lha Klulunl I. if nr fcl. York In reducing their rates where their ratio of groei txpeneei to gross receipts did not exoeed 12 per oentum, and then have a surplus to protect tueir nonoy ooiaen.iuiiy on ulLLinn or HOLLA an And it ia further concurred bv theso leadine fi nancier! that loch Companiei should be prtteuttd to the Insuring publio aa first efoss (fomixiain. And we may very Justly continue thii clastll flcntlon on a duo-drclmal a.vatero, and those other Mutual Life Companiet, whutt ratio of gross ex penses to gross reotipti are between 12 and 24 per centum, ihould rightfully belong to the aro und ctasi ooiupaoloa, and thole whose ratios are round between 24 and SO per oentum belong to third claae, and 10 on at a dno-deoiinal ratio. And according to tbil lyitem, tha underiignod hai thought proper to present to the t'nsureo! and laturt'itp; publie of, Bellefonte and vicinity, the fol lowing classification of Life Insurance companiei, carefully taken from the ofljolel tables from the re. fiort of the Massachusetts Insurance Commissioner ur the year and by ibis eleastiloettou enable tne polioy-buhlers or Centre oonnty to determine what class of eouinanies tbev are insured im also to direot those about to inmrt whore they ought u, iimure. adu, .nr. cuuor, ai inturanet 11 fait bonoming an Important part of our finance, these otlioial reportt should aimuar in onr auuntv papers nften, so as to direct the Life Insurance oiiiiis w sue rigui purs. IIducc we hat-e the following eaisifioatlon ao- ooruiog to tne abovo rulo: riRtr clam oourArm:!. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of N. Y., Connecti cut Mutual, Mutual Benefit of Newark, N.J., new r.ugiana mutual, r;tna, or Uartlord, New. V 1- I ..1 .1.. ii . , a vim uuw iwi nit t tus AUtusi. ICCOKD CLAI! COUrAalKI. Charter Oak, Northwestern Mutual, Manhatten, Kniokerbooker, Equitable Life, Association of the I'. 8 , Mass. Mutual, Home Life, Provident Life, norm America, v asiiingtnn, Keeurtly,.lobn Han cock Mutual, Ucrmainit, New Jersey Mutual and several oiuers. miRn rLiii rourA'isi. Metropolitan. N. Y., Continental. N. Y.. Contl nental, Hartford, Eclectic, American Popular, As bury, Brooklyn, G lobe Mutual, Government Securi ty, uuardian Mutual and several othera. rocnm claii ccupahibi. Anchor Life, Empire Htate. Hartford Life and Annuity, Merchants' Natiunal Canitol and a few otbors. A rule how to find a rood Life Insurance com pany ! Go to the office of any good Life Agent, and ask biin for a copy f the New York or Man- acnustttl UOioial lilla Insurance Report par no attention to what may be laid lo yoa by any one about any particular company I but eaamine the otnoial report yourseir, (tnd be sure tbat the re port ll ejleial), and when yon flud a onmpany wnoee ratio or eipeose lo iueoiae smallest, gross assets largest, and with tbt target! turnlui as re gards policy-holders, ask tho agent to obtain a policy for yon at once in tbil company, and wheL you inveit ia luob a company you make the best legitimate investment tbat can be made In the United Btatel. C'tTill. Fresh Garden Seedsfrom the Philadelphia ear- dens. Alto, Oniou Beta fur sale by April H.-et llanriwirx A Inwin. IuroRTAtrl IvpoktautI Below nleasa find a litt of pricei of Boot! and Shoei, of wbioh Fle jral it now telling enormoui loti : Women 1 lull trimmed lulling Gaiters, $2.00, at FLKGAL'8. Women'i ootnmon Morocco Gtilern, 11.25, at PLEGAL'B. Women'i Kersoe kid Gaiters, $1.00, at FI.EGAL'S. Women'i Cvngrest lasting Gaiters, 1 2f. at FLEOAL'U. VTomcn't plain latting Gaitcrt, $1.00, at PLEGAL'S. Men't tommon kip Boots, $3.00, at FFEGAL'B. Mcn't fiut kip Boots, $4.00, at FLEGAL'B. Men'i French kip Booti, $6.00, t at FLKOAL'P. Men's common calf Hoot!, $4.00, at FLKGAL'S, Who Is determined to sell at the above prices, at bis ttorr, on Second street, opposite Ex-Gor. Big ler'l residence, Clearfield, i's. J;IS Fnrsa Gnoi'itn 1'lartbi:. rteocired at Corner Blort by car load aud for rait hy 1 &. A. n . V. Irwib. Curwenivllle, March 13, 1872. A full line of Household Gocdt. Japanned Ware. it., for talt by 11. V. Biglor A Co. II. F. Bigler A Co. have hern makinr extcntive additions to their ttock of Hardware (be last few davt. Everything ntw in Shelf Hardware, Ped dlers' Hardware, Farmers' Hardware, Buildcrt' Hardware, and Ilurdwara of all kicdl, can be teen al their tlort. May 22. Wood and Willow Wart of all descriptions for sale by II. Y. Bigler A Co. Nertca to Wauor ao Carriaub Mar ant Wa have Just received a general assortment of Wagon and Carriage Woods, also a full line of Entices and Allot, which wt offer cheap for cash. ... - 11. r. UlULBU A c. Axat. Beveniy-fivi doitn Clearfield Wood- cbopperl Axes at Viii:7I. II. Y. BIGLEll A Ct'l. Cileimd Plaster for sale by II. F. Bigler A Co. Bird Cagi a largo aitorlmeut at U. F. Big !r Co, Taints, Oili and Varnishti for salt by II. F. Bigier a co. Stwa. Eistan's Cross-cut Saw, Great Amtricln aw, uoynton t Lightning Stw, at 2J-72 U. F. Biolbi A Ct'l. RECAPITULATION. Bird Cages. Wood and Willow War. . Household Goods. All kinds of Hardware. Jnpanntd Wart. Paints, Oils, Varnishti. Calcined Plaster.. Wagon and Can-tare Makers' tunnliet. All ot tbt above for sale at the mammoth ITerd- ware Store of 14. t, Bigler A Co, Sroond street, Clearfield, Pa. Jt tiirrifd. On Ihe 20th Inil., bv the Her. J. n. Sarorit, Mr. FRANK P. KI11KY, of Osceola. Clearfield county, Pa., and Miss MOLLIS A. KELLhiH, of i-uiiipsuurg, ucuire eouniy, I'a. On Tucedsy, An-ll istb. 1RT.1, by Eev. Isaac HreawAU, Mr. E, W. COW HER, of Centre eountv. to Misi ANNA M. DAVIS, of Clearfield county. On March 2Id, 1873, by Rer. Iiaac Hrcrrah, Mr. WARKK.V Mill ALICE JOR- li An, both ol Muilen, l'a. On April 2d. 173. hv Rev. A.J. 1U.t-.ot.. .nr. w. IJ. I.VMAN, to Mill ULLU B. 811AW, coin oi n auaoelon, l a. aua. In 1.4wreoc toWDn.ilp.nti Anril 20. 1873. JOHN lo 11 11 1 vii 11 1 11 1 tit 1 1 road TynONS A C1.EAUFIELP BRANCH fS and tfl-r Monday, OCT. 28th, 1871, the y rasscngnr trains will run daily (exoept Bun ders) between Tyrone and Clearfield, oi lollowi l M.AIil IM.LI .M.Mb. LKAVB SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Clearfield .3.20, r.N ,.4.13, .4.40, " .8.00, " Tyrone .S0, Osceola... 10.60, " Philipsburg... 11.07, " Clearfield 11.10, " Philipsbura.., Osceola Tyrone CLEARFIELD EXPRESS. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Clearfield 6. 10 1. Tyrone ,8.66 p. . Intersection. ..Ml " Osceola 8.16 Phlllptbarg ...8.81 " Clearfield, ar....6 " Philipibure... ( 43 " Otocla !. " Intersection.. 8.0T ' Tyrone 8.10 ' FARB FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Bellefonte, Pa $2 0.r Mlddlrtowa $3 Ot) Lock Haven u I 70 Marietta.. a .( Wllllamsport I fin Lancaster.. 186 llnntingilna ) 80 PHILADELPHIA 1 i Tiewlstown. I 80 Altooaa 1 fib Marysvllle 4 60 .'obn.tnwn.. I 80 UAHRISBCHG... 4 7il PITTSBURG- t 16 Close eonntotions madt br all traiat at Tvrone and Lock Haven. , 0E0I1GB C. WILKINS, uy17 tf. Supsriateodtnl' . 1 Clearfield Markets. Corrected werklrby Rii-iiird Mtttor, Wholesale ana Hcltll Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Pro. villous, Ao., Mtrket street, Clearfield, Pa. C'LBAKriULa, 1'a., April 211, S73. Apples. green, 00Q 60 Dried, V b 10 Apple butttr.fsgil, 76 liutter 00(a) 40 Beaut $0 00(d) 1 50 Buckwheat 1 00 Ilogt, dressed Hidtt, green. Hami 00(,$ Shouldtrt ...IMl(rf Bidei.H 00(d) Lard I01V 18 10 121 Uuokwkeatuourm, Beef, dried t ' Mail DOrk.m bbl...50 00 22 Oat (10 Beef, fresh 1(a) III Unions to Boards, M U Ollyj 14 Oil potatoes 00(j 80 Corn,ahollod.. 1 00 Peaches, dried, lb.. II Corn, ear 00(d) 60 Platter, M bbl $00 Corn meal, VI sack, 1 5" Itye J 10 Chop, Iftcwll 10Q 2 tPlllagl, lb I Cloverteod 8 00 Salt, U sack. Horn) 160 Cheese. $uShlnglei,18 In.$4(rt6 00 Clierrlei, b. 10(rk H.Bbingles,2 laltlli 00 Chtekoua, dnd, lb, 16 Timothy teed.... t to KS ' u Tallow Ill Flaxtoad. 2 00, Wheat. $00 Flour ........0 OOfifilO JDlWool SO Hay 00 00 (a, 30 OOjWood, V oord.. $ 60 T 1ST OF JtJROHS drawn for June Term, -1-4 A. D. 1873 1 ORAKO JUROai. T.fl. Washburn. Decearl. John M. Boss Bell Samuel Ltmbtrt.Boggs Walter Shirey..Bradford Geo. C. Kirk Bradv Wm. Murray Girard A. C. alter. ....Ooshsi Joilah Kvani...Grahi Alex. Ream Gulicb 11. U. Uuwmao... Huston Tlios. Bmith Jordan Jai.M'Murray.Burntidt Jacob A. Breth Chest Sol. Maurer... Covington J. F. Weaver.CIearnrlil Jno. Irrin..Curwcnivillt Motet Oweni.,.. Decatur Jan. T. Straw..Ptrguson Ohs. Hchnarre Karth Bam'l. Powell. Lawrence Wm. R"tbroek... Morris Geo. M. Brisben.Oteeola John Bloom, Br Pikt .Nathan Line! Union TRATinia JIRORS wait wtta, Jamel IIainei...Beccaria Charlel T. Thorp... Bell Amoi B Tate a " Wm. Bmea) ..Boges Wm. Gallagher... " Wm. Speedy Joseph Hbirey..Bradford Ellis Smeal.... " C. Hummel Dao'l Goodlander.Brady John P. Heck Ab'm. Bloom...Ftrgueta nonert Leonard..Goshtn John A. Fulton. " Edward Flandert Gulieb Kobert Hullivan..Huston Daniel Longin..,. Girard J. G. Williami.. . Jordan G. Fisher Kailbaui D. E. Bloom. ..Lawrence rl. A. Mitchell. " Joe.Owtnt James Forest... J. G.B-hryvar. - T. N. Fulton... Alex. Bbi John Carlile Sara'l a. K unts... Fred. Smiley Chat. Bebwcm..,H Erattut Lutber,., John Jamison,., Andrew Liddle.... J. Lines (of J01.L Geo. Hart Morris N. l'.lmer...N. Wath'ta John Foreman. ..Otecola Jamel Young..,. " D. 11. Johnston Ptnn David T. Sharp.... Wm. Hunter Chelt Robert Owtn Pikt J. M. Pioard..Covlngton W. B. Tbompt'a, W. I. Cbambert..Curweniville Jno. Laborda, Jr.Union S. J. Gilnelt ' G. Hoekenbery.Woodwd travrusu jraoRa txroiD Will. Trios. C. Wall..Btoearlai Enoch Orarhart.Decatur Jet. L. Morgan. ..Uoggi Amoi llubler....Grahem Thoi. Holt Geo. Mover " Kudolpb Buck.Bradford Paul J. Fiyan....Oulieh Adam Graham. " C'bal.Brown Unston Wm. S.Taylor. - David Homing... " John Potter Brady C. Colbura.....Karthaui Wm. L. Porter.... " Jtmti Juokton...Knoi 8. R. Lobaugh.... " Dennis Owens.. Lawr'nos u. K . Hmeetl....UumsideJrtcob Ouliob.. " Bam'l Brickley " .Isaac Goon.... M Daniel Fry Chtst John Pen ton... II. 1'ennlngton..... " Jas. B. Hhaw... " W. Schnarrs.. CoviaitonUlex. GIisct Morris John Dougherty. ...Cl'fd L, O I.ingle Osceola M. B. Ogdsu.. J.Gallaiher..N. Waeh'tn Asaph Kirk Ptnn Joe. C. Bloom Pikt John Troutman.... M J. Bilger...Carwenirillt OttPLTANS' COUNT SALE. In pursuant! of in order of the Ornhins' Court of Clearfield county, the undersigned, Ad ministrator of the tltatt of Richard Alberaft, late of laid county, deo'd., will tell at public tale, at the Cross Uoads at East Bidge, in Burn side township, said eountv, on THURSDAY. MAY d. 187J. at 1 o'clock, P. M.,tbc following described real estate of laid deceased, to-wit: All that oertaia piece of land titunte in Bornsidt townsbip, laid county, bouudad by Itndt of Isaac Krim, K. A. Irvln Co. and others, containing TWENTY FIVE ACIlh'S, more or less. Tanvi or Salb. One-half of the purchase money oath on conlinnatlon of lala, aad tht bai anoe in aix montbt thtreafttr. Tht latter pay. meat, with interett from date of sale, te be se cured by Judgment bonds on the premisel. ALEXANDER M1ILWAI.N8, April 23, '73, S-t Administrator. ruQS and Irdirinrs. rp ii e LATEST MOT El THE LATEST MOVE I HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S DRUG STORE, To tlittr new kntMlnf on P-vond Ptrrct, nctrl opnt too itoro of ntftrer Uttin, CLEARFIELD, PA., Whoro thy will eootlnae t tnpplj tbrlr old ud nu; bw oaitoB m mj come, who PURE DRUGS! CHEMICAL SI PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, (Inolcdiog all aew remedies,) Patent Medialntt, Ptlati and Oils, Olati and 1'Btty, School Books, Statlontry, Paper, Ae-; aim, a full Hut of Drug gists' Sundries, Hair , h Tonics, Cotmttiel, Porfamerlel, Toilet Articles, Brushes, Toilet rJotpi, I'otket Books, Ac, all of the belt quality. PURS AND LIQUORS, . ' i for medical A itcramtnlal pnrpotot only, Pure White l ead, Colon of all kinds, Raw and Boiled Linseed till, Varnllhea, Turpau. line, Coal Oil, Paint A Varnish Branbes, Flavoring Eitracti, Confectioneries, Bird Seed, Spice, f rfltmd and ungrouuu, oi ail aiaai. SMOKERS AND CI1EWER8 Will find our slock of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Imported aad De mestie Clgtn, Sunn and Fine-out to be of tbe very best brandi la tht market. LAMPS AND CHIMNEYS, AU kindt tf OLA'S WAHE, GARDEN SEEDS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and Musical Trimminga of arery variety. Having a long experlenc In the businem. aad an extensive and well lelected itook of medioinei, we are enabled te fill Phrtiotans' nreenrltitions at the shortest and ou the meet reatonable terms, day and night. HARTSWICK A IRWIN, n.siCrld, Ts , Ma 11, Vf7l If gt)i 6ood. SPRING GOODS I AT WM. REED'S. PHINTB, PARCALE8, . , GINGHAMS, 1 ' TICKINGS, , , MUSLINS, ' ' ' SHEETINGS, COTTON A DK3, BOY'S CAS8IMHRB, MEN'S CABSIMBRS DRESS GOODS, la great variety aad all the nowsl shade!.. ' Japaoeae Pcpllm, ( Japauea Sllkt, Striped Popllna, j. ... BUk popn,,,, French Mohalra, Crelonnaa, SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Black'Silks!! BlackiSilksI Shawls.! ShavlsrShavls! Carpet, Carpets,;Carpet, old t tht loweit CMh prico l " WM. REEDS, 8 28 Market Street, Clcarflcld, Pa. ..73 jLOUR, FEED, AO. THE BECCAItIA ' FLOURING MILLS. Tbt WBdertijned wovld rttpoetfull girt Bt tiot to tht oitiMM of Bocotrift towoiblp tod tur rottDding country, lht bt hat purohwtd tht BteetrU Flouring Villa and pat trtrjthlng ia oomjjlttt ordtr, aod It tnanufattariag a ftrit-tlan quality of Floor. CUSTOM WORK DOKE, aad Flour in naalitfoniUotlyoa hand for talt. chop, conn meal, bran, ac, ac. attrsyi ta hand aod for talt wholetalt or rttail. OP INCH RIIINCI.ES WANTED O" A Will exchange Flour and Chop for 2c iacb Shingles, or will pay part money, it deeiied. 16)1 tf BARNABAS ARMSTRONG. SAWS I SAWS! SAWS I DISTAN'6 CROSS-CUT, MILL, DRAG AND CIRCULAR SAWS. Boynton'B Lightning Cross-cut Saw. ALSO, PATENT PERFORATED A ELBCTIUC SAWS, i For lale by ootl3,7l 11. T. BIGLER A CO. C. D. WATSON, DEALER IX mm & PATET MEDIUMS, CONFECTIONERIES, TOYS AND TANKER NOTIONS. FINE TEAS A BOASTED COFFEE, BEST BRANDS TOBACCO A SEOAIIS,- SCHOOL BOOKS A SIATlOSEBt, Maionie Building, Second Street, dso4 7J ly CLEARFIELD, PA. T)IKK, WIIITI A BOAN LINING 8KI.NS- X Just received and for ttle ny April 10, It: 70. II. F. BIGLKK A CO. Wo desire to call tho attention of tho citizens of Clearfield county to tho fact that wo hovo opened a MUSIC STORE IN CLEARFIELD, Whcro wo intend to constantly keep on hand a full supply of PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. ! Our stock of PIANOS will consist of J . . : RAVEN & COMPANY'S TJANOS, STE1NWAV Ac SONS' PIANOS, Wo oro prebnrcd at all times tavoruulo terms as to prices ana Onr stock of ORGANS will HYNDER ORGAN, (with Hyndcr'a Kneo Tremolo and downward The SMI I II AaihKHJ.VIN UKUAiN tU. S UKUAIVS, MASON & HAMLIN'S ORGANS, and the NEW HAVEN MELODEON CO8 JUBILEE, TEMPLE and CHURCH ORGANS. Ifcsidcs these wo furnish to order Organs from any factory desired. Wo sell on every plnn known to tho trade, cither CHEAP FOR CASH, ON NOTES, or on the POri'LAR AiND EASV btaASts 1'LAlXs On our easy terms everyone amount will tend bo much to IDWc shall t glad to hoVo oci2.V7My 1873. SPRING. 1673. NEW GOODS! AT W3I. ItKEDT. . ! '1 .i i it J- -1 I. r BARGAINSI BARGAINSI BARGAINS! . At It, Brawl Muslia. : . it - - . . At 10c, Brown Muslin, real good. Al 12,o, Brown Muslia, yard wide. At 12o, Splendid Bleached Musliu, yd wide. At 18o, Handsome Poplin Plaids. ' At 33c, Japaneae Poplin. At 5Je, Black and Colored Alpaca. At 60c, Jtpsnest Silk, worth 76o. At $1.00, Elegant Pilk;Poplln. At $1.18, Good Black Bilk. At $1.60, Splendid Block Silk, wide,' At $2.00, Black Bilk, worth $1.6. . At 20e, Good White Pique, or P. K. At $1.16, Good Houey-oerah Quillt. At $1.76, $2.00, $2.50, Snleudld. Marseilles QuUti. BATCT1EL8, TBUNKS, OIL CLOTH, OENTS' VNDERWEAR, NECK TIES, 8I1IRT3, SUSPENDERS, IIANDKERCII'FS GLOVES, COLLARS, CCFFS, AC, AC, AC. ' at price to luit tbt timet. call a an hi row tocbiilt, at WM; REED'S, . , Market Street, Clcarflcld, Pa. . B. F. STERLING, Hanafaoturer of SADDLES & HARNESS CLEARFIELD, PA. Work cuartntecd to giro latisfactlon. Prices reasonable. Give me a eall.Sbop in Orabam'l Row, Market itreeU nov30,73. D. J. CROWELL, Manafaetunrof the D. IT. Ball Bolting Mac hint and tht BIDE CUT 8IIINGLB MACIIINK. to eat from 18 to Id incbee. aod HoriiJ under Kvarat'i patent, Jointtri, Irait Saw Afaehlnti and Ueneral Mill Work, tiinocm a hulling, Camtr on foonty, Pa. Repairing of Machine! aod, general C onto to n ora aono 10 oraor. aaguy Iii very Ntable. t iIIE an Jertl trued htira Iuti to (nrnm. tha nnli. X lie that he tt now fully prparrd to aeeommo- iw an m ine way or rarmsniog liortot, Uuggiee, Saddlei and Ilarnen, od tht thorteet notice and 00 reatonalilt Urmt. Bmidtnet oa tocait ttraot, dcwwcod eLBiru mau courtn. UBO. W. QKARHARI, Tltarflald. April 1!, 186T. r. O. I. c. "llfHEBE to buy my DRY GOODS, ORG v T oerjee. Queensware, Glassware, Drugs and Notions, Confectioneries, Ac, ebeap for cash. The subscriber bege leave to Inform hit old and new cuttomtrl tbat bt hat opened A VARIETY STORE IN GLEN IIOrE, PA. And will sell goods at nrieti to suit the timet. A liberal reiloettou will be made to customer! buy. Ing at wholesale. Call and examine my itock before pnrohaiing elsewhere. A liberal than of public patronage is solicited. C. J. EEAOY. Olen Ilnpi, Pa., Jnuu U, 1171. gTONE'S SAW GUMMERS AND SAW UPSETS. Wa hava rtotirtd the ajfeney for Ibt above and will wl, them at mitnafaciitmr't pricot. Ctvll and eiamtno thetn. Ibrj am the hft. jel8-71 H. F. D 10 LER 4 CO. BARGAINS IN MUSICAL IX BTRI'MKXTP ! Or Ram, both new and cajond hand, at the Muilc 6tor, oppor te Uullch'i Furnltur 8 tor. All penoni intemtrd art invi ted to onll acd ck amine a new ttyle of Organ now on ilnbitlon. fihret Muiia and Wuslo Dooki constantly oa hand. apl24-;itf mm MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PEN JT'A. HAINES BROTIIEKS' riANOS. to furnish any of the cheaixjr makes of Pianos to order on the most terms oi pnymcni. consist of tho new and popular Can' have a good instrument, MAKK I1UM1S JIAFl'Y. u call and see us, whether you desiro to purchase or not. n YXDEirw nrnic Tonis. FANCY GOODS, : WHITE GOODS, AT WM. IlKKII rS. HEW IIAT8 aod BONNETS. FLOWERS an RIBBONS, . NECKTIES and FICHUS, COLLARS aud CI FFS, CORSETS and HOOPSKIRTt. ' DL'STLEM and other FIXIN'S. UNDERWEAR of all kludi, HOSIERY and CLOVIM, : ' HANDKICRCHIEFS, WHITE TRIMMINGS. EMBROIDERY, TOWELS, NAPKINS. STANDARD TRIMMINGS. A FILL L1XE OF PARASOLS. NEW WHITE GOODS. PIQUA, - I STRIPED MUSLINS, . PLAID MUSLINS, SATIN STRIPES, MARAPOSA STRIPES, AC, AC, AC. : All will be Kid al the lowest prlcM at WM. REED'S, Market Street, CKarfleld, Pa. BAD THIS I R FLOUR & FEED DEPOT 1 Tha attention of tht eitiseni of Clearfield and TlcinilT it directed to tht fact that Uoodfcllow A Sua art tht acenti of M. Niece A Co.. and hare juat received a half doien ear loads of Flour aod aTted. wbioh they offer at tht lowoat poiaibit og arte. A large itock of FLOUR, COBN MEAL, CHOP, BUCKWnBAT PLOCR, BRAN, Potatoea, Shelled Corn, Cora in ear, Ac, Ac Particular attention ll ealltd tit II. Niece A Co.'! brand of Family Flour, which ll the belt in me marxet. Flour and Feed can and will be sold oheauer man , Vna ot euieiocu eisawntre m tiearqcid county. Stnre on Market street, next door to Ben. Aiexanaer xrvtn l residence. GOODFELI.OW A SON. JanlOtf Agents for M. Nieoe A Oo. Valuable Town Lois For Sale. I have under my control a number of Town Loll, in E lit Clrntteld, being oO by 2li0 feet, convtnitniiy laid out, wltn si reels and alleys, which are now offered for sale. II, ess lots are situated in Lawrence township, adjoining Clear- Held borouch on the east, anil north nt lb. ship roaif leading from ClearDold to Robt. Owens'. Persons wishing to purchase esn inquire of A. M. Hills, or at the ofiee of the undersigned, where a correct plot of the lots can be seen, with terms of sair. JUlia H. rULFOKO, mcbl 8m Attorney at Law. Beale's Embrocation, (LATE POWELL'S,) For ell diseases Incident to Hortet, Cattle, and , ilumaa rlesb, rtqtrlng the utt of an : external application. ; This SmbroiAiiou wai axttniivtly aied by the Government during the war. For lale by Uartiwlek A Irwlr. Cleartsld Josepb H. Irwla, CurwtntvlUt. Denial Good ander. Lntbersburg. if. Attention, Lumbermen ! E are now manufacturing our IMPROVED STEEL-SOCKET DRIVING CANT- HOOKS, superior to anv other in use. We hare also in itook a large quantity of Canthooln suits Mo for rafliDg purposes, which wj are selling oueap loronsli. siiun ll. r.t."i.A til uioarnent, l a, filsrcb 13, U7J. 10SEPU II. IJOWLES, Justice nf TP the I'oaoo and ecrWener lo tbt upper end of iawrfDoe lownihin, Lolleatiotii marie and nifoey promptly paid o?r. 3 Octave Couplor,) and no other investment of like Dentistry? AN"OUiN'CEMLr OP TUB OH EAT REDUCTION OF PitlCESI BT PORTER HI! AW, D. W Ut IMPORTANT TRt'THflr Having tneoctdtd la fating a Hfthtar tHlf ofl material, btnot tbt low and modtrat charaa fof partial and full wti of Tttth. I uh tht b manafacturt of terth and othar mattrial. AU ptrationt rftgiitcrtd and warraated to glra ajrr tW and laUiltiotion. Friend i, reflpot that tny chirgui for tbt lnit,' tlon of artificial and tha taring of tht natnrt tttth art now tbtmoitroatonabltla Ponniyivautat Praaorre yoor UmHU aud yon pretervt year health. rutting or tbt natural ttvin in a I. call by, prt iwrvitivcand nioful eondttinn It tnal a tpcoialty. Diioaaot and ujlfurntatinntcuinoa to tht mouth, jaw and attooiatt parti, trt trtatcd and torrtetod with fair tueouas. Bzarainiii.oni aod ooa imita tion i rasa. It would bt well for palUntt from dlitanot ta lot ma know bj mail few dayi bvfort ooming to tht oflioo. It It very important tbat children betwetn tbt agri of tlx and twolra yean ihould hart thtlr La lb Avruiiinsifl. - , i ' f Anaitihftica art adminitttrtd and Ttctb ra moved without paint Dippotitlont and iharactir art Judged hy all tht world by tho rxprttfUnt of tht foot, nana how vary ditattruut may it therefore ht for.per ioui to indutgo an evprrtiioA of diitorted fe aturei, evtD apart from a hygicnle Tlew. Now, to enjoy natural (not artificial) enmfortt and plcaturea, ratpoct andoboy natural liroplicUiei and inttiaelv P. POKTEK BH AW, 1. I. 8. . Ofllet in New 3JtBonlc Building, Second tdrrrt, Clcarflcld, Pa. frM4'71 DENTALCAED. Dr. A. Al. HILLS Would y to hit patient and tbt tih- lie guiiMallj, that, having UiMolved partoeraLin with Dr. Hhnw, he 1 now doing tht rntlra work of bit office htintelf, to that yatientt need not fear bciug put onHer tut baods nf any other operator. Clearfield, A I arch 2t. lS72-ptl20mch73 J. M. STEWAET, D. D. S., - OCoe over Irwin Drug 8 tort, CVR1VEXSYILLE, PA. " All dental operation... cither in tha mechanical or operntiva braneh, promptly attended to and aatiataetion guarantoi'd. Hpeelal attention paid to the treatment of ditoanei of the natural totith, frumn and mouth, Irn-guUrity of tht tveth tuo eeibfully corrected. Twtb extracted without pain by the use of Klhcr, and nrtificlnl teeth Intarted of tlie let material and warranted to render cat ilfm'tin. iprl2fi'711y pEACB IN CVROPEI 'let ORBAT EXCITEMENT IN FRENCHVILLE t Tha bloody eoBtett between Prtnoa and Pmnia li at an end for tha present, 10 far at the .slaugh tering of men and the Hoitruntton of property It cootwrned. Tha Rival Jugglen do doubt pride thcretelvci and rejoioe orer the retult, but how lniifftiificant it their work when compared with tht humane and christian effort of L. M. COUDRIET, who hai undertake, to sapplj all the eltitene ia the lower end ol the eouutv with food and raioient at exoocdint: low rates from his aatnuioth store ia MCLSUMJUKU, where be ean alw.js be found read U wait uion eollert and supply thstn will) Dry Goods of all Kinds, Bach as Cloths, Satinetts, Casiimcrei, Hualiaa, Delaines, Linen, Drillings, Catiooel, Trimmings, Itibbons, Lace, Ildady-niiidt Ciotlilnu, Doots and Shoei, Hat! and ctrtt all of the host material and madt reorder Hose, boon, u loves, MiUens, Lteee, Hibbonl, Aa. nnnrvTiTa n. its v t ,.a u..wuuiuo ui Aim a. i 1' .7. Coffee, Tea, PuRr, Hire, klolassei, Fish, Boll, I'ora-, Liuswd Oil, fish Oil, Carlwu Oil. Hardware, Quecnswarr, Tinwart, Cittingi, Piowt and Plow Caatinj;!, Nnil. Siiikcl, Corn Cultiva tors, Cider Presses, and all kinds of Am. Ptrfunsenr, Talntt, Varnish, Olasi, an'd a geueral ajtortnent of Slationerj, ' GOOD FLOUR, Of ditTi-rent brands, alwava on hand, and will ba told at till lowott potstblt figure!. . LIQUORS, lueh ai BrsnJr, Wine, Qln, Whisky, Jarne'a Metflmes, llostrtter'e aad ' llootland's Hitters. 6000 pounds of Wool wanted for wbieh the' highest price will he paid. Cloversecd eo hand and for salt at tht lowtst market prioe. Also, Agont for Strattonville and Curwenivllle Threshing Maolilnra. ' Vo.Call and sec for vouraelvM. You will tad1 evcrji tiling oiuallj kept iu a retail store. L. Al. COCDMET. Frtnehville P. 0., March I, mi. JECOaSTRUCTED.. DANIEL STEWART' & SON n.vinr purchase i tht Chetp Clothing llousa of Isaao L. IUurniltin, have lha largest and bait assortment of Manufactured (roods ia thaeounty, and oaa lell their READY MADE CLOWISCf,- for Man, Bojs and Children,-. SO Plill t EXT. CHF.APUR Thtn any other house lu the county. Ibcy will alwats keep on hud a large aud el egant aaeortuacnt of GENTS' FURSISHIXO GOODS,' COLLARS TIBS, TsU'NKS, VALISES, Ae, . OF IBB LATEET STILES AND rATTEIlNS. If yea want lo get good aad Clolhlna.' al low Igurel, do not fail to sail at thrir estab lishment before spending your money elsowhtre.' Remember tht pln.-e. aug7'tJ DANIEL STEWAIIT A SON. fpilECLEAnFIKLD CO. NORMAL A. fct'llOOI,, for Iht prwt year, will b. htld lo the borntiKb of Curwrntvilte, lommtnoipg eu MONDAY, MAY tth, and continuing for a term of twtlrt weokt. ream ar trinon. For Instructions In Orthography, HloeuttoD, Kacllth Urassaiar wiih Analysis, Urogra phy! Written and Mental Aritlinietio, U. 8. ., II Istory and Theory of Teaching t tt Plain and Ornamental Penmanship, Draw ing, Book Keeping and Business Corn. ., pondrnoe. 1 j . Tucal Musie, Natural Philosophy, Algebra Ucomclry, Alruturation, Latin, Oeruiaa.. 1 Ot Tt-W A pTtt Boardina oaa be nrneured al Manual,) v.t. Oood nKiins and good amiaralus have been nm. enred for Ihe work i also, ino assistant tt acbtrl,' ont oi wnoin will girrlaslraelious lu renuenship. The other in Vocal Music, ICIoeulion, Uongraphv, V. S. II istory toil Orthography. 1 intend teach. Ing the remaining branches, and hupe the work will hem oondueted at to he of nn.BI In Mm., .i. lending, persons who deslie futtber iufonoallv. oaa eblaia It by addressing JNO. A. UhltaORY-, Co. 6ui,t. ClearSeld, Hatch 19, 1873. fiJOTIt B TO Tnr.SPANEHf-.AIIper. i l ions are hereby eantloutd aeainst eutilfi er in wiy damaging limber, or culling lash poles, pia wood .r sl.uis, or la any ether way dtstrey. .iwuri r uwi'siiint oa tna prcmitet or Otoom A Dickey, ilium.s Groom or Via. S. DickcT. In ft ncnan. tnwn.kln n . tt'1.1, ..... as Ibt law will be tlrielly enforced against all who are caught trespassing. And all. persons banking timber or logs ou property of Groom A Dickey, near Vt'hitmor run, aa Clearflcld ereek, will lake no ilce that all bank rent sautt ba paid btfora tbt limber aa be moved nf the bank. . WM. S. dicki:y A SOH, fchU in For GROOM A DICKEY. ri AUTIONAll pwraoaie ar horw.y taaW j tioned agalatl purchasing or meddling wtia I narrow, 1 rlcropart, I Talilc, half interatt ia t Stevee aad I'lpe, M of Kills, 1 Shovel, tad all etbar peronaal property on the grejundt af tha Clearfield Park Astoeiatioa, ae the tame heioBae te aie ted It left there luty-cl t my order. apt u re, , j, it, n r fi,it.