m m r i: THE REPUBLICAN. . 'Bteamg-ra , ,(CLHAR FIELD, PA. UHDNEHDAV MOk'niKO APItUKI.UIS. An Atroeion. Habit. There. I habit peculiar to many walkers, which PiiicA, wmey oaraiijro, iiiclicd upon Mtiriuullr, but which noma to Imro survived ttio jeulor'i - (itliculo. It ii that custom of stop Vinj? frii'iula in the otroot, to whom we havt nothing vrbatorer to communi cate, but whom embarratt fur no i.thrr pnrpoito than (imply to ".how Mr fi'ionJsliip. Jonos moelahiifriond ;miib, whom he ha net in nearly he game locality but a few hours bo tore. DuringthAtLrjtorvai.it Is highly - probaLlo that no event of any impor tance to Smith, nor indood to Jonos, , v. Uich by a friendly construction Jones i-oirlii imagine Smith to bo interested sn, has occurred, or is likely to occur. 'Wet both gentlemen stop and shake "Uncle earnoHtly. " Well, now goes it?" remarks Smith, with a vague hope that something may hare happened. ; So( so," replies the eloquent Jones, loehng intuitively the deep vacuity of iis friend answering to his own. A pause ensues, in which both gentlemen regard each other with an Imboctlo itmilo and a fervent prcsoure of the hand. Smith draws a long breath ntl looks up the street ; Jonos sighs heavily and gnr.es down the slroot. Another pauco, In which both gentle men disengage their respective hands and glance anxiously around for some conventional avonue of escape. Fi nally, Smith (with a suddun assump tion of having forgotten an important uigagomonl), ejaculates, "Well, I must he off," a remark instantly echoed ly the volublo Jonos, and these gen i lemen separate, only to repeat thoir iniscrablo formula the next day. In i ho above example I bnvo compns . xionately shortened tho usual leave taking, which, in skilful hands, may bo protracted to a length which X x-liudder to recall. I have sometimes, -.vhen an aclivo participant in theso i.trocioiis transactions, lingered in hope f saying something natural to my - friend (fueling that he, too, was grop ing in tho mar.y labyrinths of bis mind lor a liko expression), until I have toll that we ought to have been .sop. itrated by a policeman. It is aston ishing how far the most wretched joke will go in these emorgencios, and how "it will, as it were, convulsively detach iho two cohering particles. I have laughed (albeit hysterically) at some witticism under cover ot which I es caped, that five minutes afterward I could not perceive possessed a grain of humor. I would avibC any person who may full into this pitiable strait ihnl, next to gelling in the way of a passing dray, and being forcibly dis connected, a joke ia the roost effica cious. A foreign phrase often may be tried with success; I have sometimes known aurrvoir pronounced '.'o-revoer,' to have the effect (as it ought) of sever ing menus. jsetr jiari. Care of Horses. . All horses must not be fed in the rame proportions, without regard to their ngos, their constitutions, and Abolr work : the impropriety of such a prsotice ia self-evident. Yet it is constantly dona, and U the bueia of ilmcsee ot every kind. Never use bad bay on account of its cheapness because there is no proper nuurisomeni in u. Damaged corn is exceedingly injur ious because it brings on inflammation ol the bowels and skin diseases. Chaff is boiler for old horses than li.ty, because they can chew and digest it belter. Mix chaff with corn or beans, and do not give tbo latter alone; because it makes the horse chew bis food more and digest it hotter. Hay or grass alone will not support Ji horse under bard work, because there is not sofflciccot nutritive body an eiuier. When a horse is worked hard its food should bo mostly oats if not worked bard its food should be chiefly nay Decause oats supply more nour ishment and flesh-making material than any otbor kind of food; hay not so much. For a saddle or coach horse, half a peck of sound oats and eighteon pounds ol good nay are sufficient, u the bay is not good, add a quart or a peck - moreoaw. a oorse which works hard er may have rather more of each ; one thai works little should havo less iiack feeding is wasteful. The bet ter plan is to loud with chonDed hav. from a manager, because the food is not then thrown abont and i more aw'ly chewed and digested Sprinkle the hay with water that has tjlt dissolved in it, becauso it is pleasing to the animal's taste and moro easily digoatod. A teaspoouful of salt in a bucket of water is sufficient. Oats should be bruised for the old liorso, but not for a young one, bocause the former, through age and dofootive octh, cannot chow them properly; the young horse can do so, and they uro thus properly mixod with saliva, and turned into wholesome nutriment. London Horse Book. Abe hi a Plan its I nh Aninuf This tins been a mooted question among thoso supposed best qualified to an swer. Keasoning from analogy, it is hardly possible that such magnificent worlds as are wilbin telescopio inspec tion, far surpassing our own in mag nitude and celestial beauty, are soli tary globes destitute of living forms organised for the enjoying as much as we enjoy in conneotion with the planel on which our lot was cast. This earth is inferior in many rospects to the group to which it belongs and why should it have bcon selected for the displays of orginized beings instead of some other of tar groater oapauity,oo oupying higher position in relation to the centre of tbo solar system 1 One modern philosopher has at tempted to show that it is only in tho particular circuii in winch the earth moves life enn bo developed. On ilhcr side there must necessarily be a porpetuni monotony without oriran . ized, vitalized forms. Assertions and proofs are widely different, ll is in accordance with the economy of Di vine Government to believe that every one of the planets in tho solar system, and millions more beyond, are toeming with living beings similar to those oc cupying ibis, fitted to the conditions Of the physical structure of thoso dis tant spheres. With the spectroscope it has been demonstrated that the composition bf thoso worlds is esson tially like the earth in metallic re sources, and why not Id ail otbor re peels f The ponulatiou of Kgypl is 5,000,. WO. bMidfi the alHatois ef thotfile. SHAW 1IOUSK, (Cor. of Market A Front etrects,) CLBARP1KLD, PA. This marnlllocet Hotel Is entirely sow, eei plfte In all Hi eppolutineats, end oonvenient to the Court House. A fiee Oraniboi run to and from tho Depot on the nrrirol and departure of eacb train, una. s. u. iJif.iULnrn, April IS, Wi. Proprietress. tlTASIUN'GTON HOUSE, TT KEW WA8UIXUT0N, PA. Tlilt a and well furnished boeee has been taken by tin undersigned, lit belt confident ot iH-injt ante io rentier satisiutloa (o (bow wno may furor him wild a rail. May S, 17. O. Vf . DAVIS, Prop's. REVERB HOUSE, H 0 R K 8 I P , P A. The subscriber baring built a at Haiti, with all modern Improvements, ti prepared to receive (Haiti. Tht tablt U1 bt tapplitd artth tbt bait la tbt market Ueod stabling attached, eprD-iy A. 11. Kt'UAEFFER, Prep'r. THE MANSION HOUSE. Cosnerof Second end Market Streets, CIF.AFFIFXD, PA. THII old aarl toninadloaa Bottl has. dartaf tba pait yaar, btoa talarctd te dovbla lu foratr aapatlty for tho tattrtalaiatBt of itraa rirl aa sntat. Tba wholt balldlas baa baaa rtfnralihtd, and tba proprietor wllf ipara no paini to rtodtr bit gutiti oomlortabit while lUylo wltb him. VTba 'HtDilon Itnott" Omelkut mat to and from tbt Ptpot oa tbt arrlral and dtptnnrt of taob train. JOHN POlIOIIKKTf, prd 70 tf Proprlator. WESTERN HOTEL Oppoiltt tha Cuort Boiura, CLE A Kf IE LP, PEHK'A. Attoaiaodatloni flrtt-elan and dkartt modtrata. otlt JOHN F. TOt'NO, Prtprltlor. -J" ON TOUR HOUSE, Oppoiitt tbt Coart lloutt, LOCK II A V E X, PK.SS'A. JtU'71 UAl'PEAL A KROM, Prop't. B RUCKtKIIOKP HOUSE, BELLErOSIE, PA., P. J0HX8TON A SONS, Proprtetora octSi'M RAILROAD HOUSE, Main Street, PUILIl'HUURU, PEXS'A. Tht undtnixaod koepo tonitantly oa band tbt bert of Liquorl. llii ubla la alwara lapplied with tba brut Hit markM affordi. Tbt tfi.rtllg punno win ao wou to givt nun a ran noirl,'9. HOIIKHT LLOYD. A L LEG DENY HOTEL, (Market St., bst. flnrnnd and Third,) C LEA It FIELD, PA. Tha inbteribrt baring bceoua proprittor of trill ontei, noma rotpetiruiij al a liberal snare tl public patrunagt. apl2'7t GEORGE LEIPOLDT. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, Cl'HWENBVllJ.K, Clearfipld oorjDtT. Ptnn'a. Thil old and wall tttablilbed Hotel, boaatifullr iltuatcd on tilt banks of tbt BuaquobaDna, io tbt borongh of Curwonaville, haa btcn Icaatd for a tr-im ol ynara by tht anderiinntd. It haa been anlirely refitted, and il now open to tbo pvblio Krnorallj and tba trartling eoMmnnity in par ticolar. No paini will bt ipared to render gneiu ctmfnrtalilt arbile tarring at thil houat. Amplt Btabling room for the aotommodation of teams. Cbargea moderate. Sept. St, l70-lf. ELI BLOOM. goolj and hors. pOOT AND SIIOj OOT AND SHOE MAKING. PHILIP WEAVER, oa Market street, la 6haw't Row, Clearfleid, Pa., haa Jaat reariTtd a Sne lut of Frenth Calf Skins and Klpi, the beat in the market, and is now prepared to man afatture everything In his line. He will war rant his work to be as represented. The eltisens of ClearSeld and vletalty are retpeetmii milled to give ana tail. Work done at short notion. :11'?1t JSAAC JOHNSON & SONS, Maaufaeturers and Dealers la Boot and Hhoei! Ladles', Mines' and Children's Oslters, Men's, Beys and Women's Heavy Boots, and iirogana, o., e. Store and ahop on Second street, nearly oppo site f. r. Bigier n. s naraware store, Frb. 18, ISTl-ly CLEARFIELD, PA. KiSffllaiifous. J. U K E P II A R T W. V. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Wholesale Dealers In nara, cars, fvhb AND STRAW GOODS, No. til Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. W. V. Lippineott, ( f 8. R. Eerabatr. James Mitchell, J 1:18 ) A. 0. Bennett. HEMOVAL. REIZEWSTEJN & BERLINER, . who lew I deftlrri tn CELTS' riKISIIIG GOODS, Have remared to 187 Church street, between rranm-a and wnite ats., New Verk. jySl'JI QLEARFIELD PLANING MILL COMPANY. THR nnrlvritfTifKl. tneceMora to It RED A POVVKLL, bve puKhtaetl lh CI.KAR- VIV.LU 1'LANINU WILL. dI rAt(e4 It for doinn u cxltmiva btmioeiii, AH tht ittMhiDery will b added nooeiiury to mko It ono of (ha molt oo m pi el cttab labinenta of tha kind la tha BtAta. They ara now prepared to reoaiva ortlara 9m tp math l K1 Uu. Tatae iU ( feia at lent ton to an maierimit lor nuun DaiiUiDf. FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, BUjICKETS, jovimjrc,Kt. 0T ALL STYLES, always oa band. WORKED BOARD"., and all articles ateessa ry for building, will he oxohangod for DRY LUMBER, so that persons at a distance may bring their lumber, exchange It for, and rotate aeme nun tne senaufaotured articles. TheCnmpatiy will always heneaa hand a large stock of dry lumber, ao at to be able to til aa order oa tbo shortest aotloe. lnly the heat and moil ikilifel hands will be employed, at that tha pnoua may reiy upon gooa work. Lumber will be worked or sold as low aa It eaa be percbaaed anywhere, aad warranted to glee aeiiaiactton. Aa me bualaeae will be dene opoa the cash principle ws tan anord to work for snail pronto. DRY LVMBEU WANTED! Rupeolally one and a half and two Inch panel In -.I.l.k - 111 I 1 III L X 1 ,w KUIVI .llrMI irisv Will v pi. Tbt barlataa will bt conducted andtr lbs noma of the "Clearfield nailing Mill Co 0. B. Merreli will personally superintend the Orders rtcpaetfull solicited. ' 0. B. MERRELL. II. B. TAYLOR, DAVID MriJ.AUIHlKT. M. 0. BROW! A PRO. fJrAiiiJl, ft-, Juwtj U'l, $nt&XM, Utmrarr, dt. H. F. BIGLER & CO., ' taiLias ia UABDWABE, Also, Henufactureraof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. y CLEABFIILD, PA. . LOT OP SADDLES, BRIDLES, Harness, Collars, eta., tar salt by n. r. BIQLER ft CO. pALMKB'3 PATENT UNLOAD- JL lag Bay Porks, for tale by II. P. &IGLER I CO. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, Halls, et, far sale by II. F. BIOLKR A CO. JJARNES3 TRIMMINGS k SHOE fladlags, for sale by n. F. BIGLER eV CO. Q.UNS,riSTOLS,SWORADCNES For sals by H. F. BIGLER ft CO. gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Bliss, for sale by II. F. BIQLER ft CO. JRON! IRON 1 1RON1 IRON I Itr salt by II. F. BIGLER ft CO. JJORSE SHOES 4 HORSE SHOE SAILS, for sale by II. F. BIGLER ft CO pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And best Vanufaolars, for salt by H.T. BIGLER ft CO. HIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOIES, for sale by II. F. BIQLER ft CO. RODDER CUTTERS for Bale by cn30-TO H. F. BIQLER ft CO. t?daralionaI. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. A Male and Female Classical High School. Earta Department Separate, ntattnet and Complete Lu itaelf. THE seholastit year of this Institution Is divi ded into two sessions of Are months (twenty one weeks) eack. The lr.t session commences en thelrst Monday la September j the seoond, en the first Monday in February. The coarse of instruction embraces every thing necessary to a thorough, practical sad aoeomplish ed education of both eexes. Pupils will be admitted at any time and charged from date of entrance to the olose of the sessioa. Mo deduction will be made for absenoe, exeept tn eases of extreme and protracted illneaa. Studtnte from a dietaaae eeja be accommodated with board at low rates, for particulars, seed for circulars, or address Rev. P. L. HABR180N, A. M., July J6, 187 1-tf. Principal. MARBLE AND STOXE YARD! Mm. 8. S. LIDDELL, Baring engaged In the Marble business, desires to Inform her friends nnd the public that she has now and will keep constantly oa hand a large and wall scltettd stock or ITALIAN ANO VERMONT MARBLE, aad is prepared te furnish ta order TOMBSTONES, BOX ASP CRADLE TOMBS, 1I051MENTS, Curbs and Foils for Cemetery Lots, Window Slllt and Caps, the, BUREAU, TABLE AXD WASH STAND TOPS, Ac, As. YejuYsrd en Reed street, near the R, R. Depot, Clearfield, Pa. Je7,71 ERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining nnd Fire Brick, kept constantly on hand. ST0.E AXD EARTHENWARE OV EVERT DESCRIPTION 1 CROCKS! POTS1 CROCKSI Plsher'a Patent Airtight teU . Seallnf Fruit ens! BUTTER CROCKS, with lids, CREAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, APPLE - M'TTICU CROCKS, PICKLE CROCKS, FLOWER POTS, TIE DISHES, BTEW POTS, And a great many other things seo nameroas tn msntioa, te he had at FRED'K. LEITZJNGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Corner el Cherry and Third Streets, CLKAKK1KLD, PA. angl READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS STATIONER Y. a Market m., Cloareiei, at st at oawe.) flHB undersignsd begs leuve to anaeeinoe te A the cltlssns of Cisureteld and vicinity, thnt he hns fitted ap a room and haa Just rttorotd from tht eity with a targe amount of reading attar, consisting la part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Aoeoint and Past Btokt of tvsrv de scription Pspsr nnd Envelopes, French pressed acapnia reas ana resmiti maac, Legal Pipers, Dssds, Mortgages Judgment, Eiomn tlon and Promissory notes Whiu and Pareh ment Brief, Legal Cap, Reoord Cap, aad Bill Oaf, Sheet, Music for either Piano, Hole ar Vlolla constantly on hand. Any hooks or stationery dealred that I may not have on hand, will be or. ordered by first axprett, aad told at wholtsalt or retail to suit customers. I will also ksep periodical literature, such at Magaslnes, News paper., Ao. r. A. UAULIM. . Clearfield May t, ItM-lf JJ F. BIGLER & CO. mart for salt CARRIAGE & M AGO WOODS, SHAFTS AND TOLE8, HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, Ao. Carries-! and Wagon Makers should make a noU of this snd eall and examine them. They will be told at fair prloet. mnyit JJ Lime lor Sale I THE nnderslgned, residing near tbt depot has made complete arrengomoals with Lime Burners east of the mountain, whereby he Is ena bled te keep toastantly on hand a large quantity of PURE LIME! whlek banters to farmers aad builders at a trlflt abort east. Those In need of the article would do well to glee aa a eall, or a4aesat tne by letter, be fcre aegoUeting their lime. OEO. r. PA88M0H. fk-ajltH,, Tt? ettlil tj Kit. UicrcIUin(ou. B 0 OK 8 WHICH DAVE ALWATS G I V E N SATIBFACT OH HERETOFORE, WILL BI DISPOSED OF IN seen A W A Y AS TO PLEASE 0 R FRIENDS AND CCS - TOMBRI. JUST RECEIVED I TBI FINEST ASSORTMENT Of HOLIDAY aooDssccn as BOOKS AND OTHER STATIONERY ARTICLES, EVER OFFERED? THE CITIZENS OF THIS PLACE ! NOW ON EXHIBITION AND FOR BALE AT PUBLISHERS' A MANUFACTURERS' PRICKS, AT THE POSTOFFICE. Clearfield, Dee, 14, H7I.' WISHART'S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL, NATURE'S GREAT REMEDY FOR THE Throat and Xiungw. It It gratifying to as te Inform the public that Dr. L. Q. C. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial, for Throat and Lung Diseases, bat gained aa tnvla hit reputation from the Atlantis te tbt Pacific toast, and from thtnoe to tome af the first fami lies of Europe, not through the proas alont, hat by ptrsons threaighoat the States actually bene fitted and cured at hit ofloe. While he publishes lose, so say oar reporters, he Is enable te supply the demand. It gains and holds Its reputation- First Not by stopping cough, but by loosen ing and assisting nature te throw off the un healthy matter collected about the throat and bronchial tubes, mkitk onuses tm'telfen. BeeeneL Ii setnerae the eaaes of Irritation (which produces cough) of lew mueevit membrane aad bronchial tehee, assists the lungs te act aad threw off the unhealthy secretions, and purifies the blood. Third. It It free from squills, lobelia, Ipecac and opium, of which moat throat and lung rems dies are composed, which allay tough only, aad disorganise the stomach. It has a soothlag tSe.4 oa the stomach, acts oa tht liner and kidneys, and lympkatle aad nervous regions, that reaching te every part of the system, and m Its iirlgor ntlng aad purifying affects It has gained depu tation which It must kold above all others la tht market. J-OTICE- THE PINR TREE TAR CORDIAL, GREAT AMERICAN DYSPEPSIA PILLS, AND WORM SUGAR DROPS Be4eg aadtr my Immediate direction, they shall not lose their turatirt qualities by thtastof tbeap and Impure articles. HENRY R. WIBMART, Proprietor, FREE OF CHARGE. Dr. L. Q. C. Wishart's OSes Parlors ara open en Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from t A. M. to I P. M., for consultation by Dr. Wm. T Magee. With him nrt associated two consulting physicians of ncknowltdged ability. This oppor tunity is not offered by any athtr Institution in the eity. All lettera matt he ddreeeed tn L. Q. C. WISUART, M. D., NO. IM NORTH SECOND BTRKBT. 11:13 PHILADELPHIA, PA. 6m The Lightning Tamer. rtlHE naderslgnsd ara the tole Agtntt la this I eoanty see tie "North American Oalvanlstd L1UHTNINO RODS." Thess ere the only safe rods bow la use, and are endorsed by all the ettntUt mta ia tht country. w e eereey aetiry tot eltisens or tbt eeaaty that we will pat them ap a better rod, and for less money, loan is charged by the foreign sgents who nnnnally travarre the scanty and tarry of ear little cash, never to retara. ENCOUIUGE HOME LABOR. Those wishing Lightning Rods erected ea their buildings need but address as by Istter, or call la porsoa. We will put them up anywbsrt In tht county, aad warrant thtm. Tht Kodtnad Flxtartt tea bt ttta at any time bv tilling at ear store. II. P. BIULER A C3. i.arn.ld, March It, HTt-tf THE CLEARFIELD WOOD-CHOPPErlS AXE! Maaufaotunad especially ier ' TIIS CLEARFIELD TRADE, rek IALB IT H. F. BIOLRR A CO. nnglTfi pHEAP GROCERIES! V , LUMBER CITY, PA. The nnderslgned announce, to his old friends and patrons that bo has opened n good line of OKU4.KRIE8 A PHOVlHIOhe at tht old stand of Kirk A Bponeer, for which he solicits a liberal patronage. H. W. SPENCER, Lunrer CJiy, IV, Muck it It $ru Cood", rcmirs, tftr. E.A.&W.D.IRVIN ;dealeks 15 GENERAL MEHCIIANHISE, . SQUARE TIMBER, LOGS k LUMBER CURYrENNVILLE, PA., RE efertng, at their new Blare Hease, a i. complete stock of NEW QUODS, af all nrtptione. ... Dry Goods and Groceries, HARD WAKE, BOOTS & SHOES, CLOTHING, tte. IS LAR8E VARIETY. Flour, Jtltmt, Oult, Cerrm, Alwnyt ea hand aad for salt at a smaB adranee. ROPE, la large quantities, sold low by toil) also, PULLEY BLOCKS, SMALL ROPE and CANTUOOKS. One hundred eases of AT WATER'S ELMIRA BOOTS, for sale by the ease at wholesale rates. Received by tar loadi HUNTINGDON FLOVS, aad told at amtll advance. EARNESS, of all kinds, HORSE COLLARS and HAMES, HORSE BLANEETS, BUFFALO ROBES, Ac A'se, ea sale first-class twe-kersa WAGONS, TWIN SLEDS, LOO SLEDS, and 8LEIGUS. Special Inducements offered le those getting ont Sonera Timber and Logs, aa we deal largely la Lumbermen's Supplies, and are prepared at aB limes to purchase Timber, Logs and Lumber. Curwensvllle, November Is, 1871. i. r. wetvsau.. ,.w. w. arm. WEAVEIt A BETTft CLEARFIELD, TA., Are offering, at the eld stand of 0 L. Reed A Co., their stock ef goads, toaelstiag ef DRT - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS A CAPS, HARDWARE, QUEBNSWAflK, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &o., ko., At the most reasonable ratal ftr CASH or a 'extkaagt for Square Timber, Botrds, Shingles, OR 30UNTRY PRODUCE. i WAdraaoet andt to those engaged la get ting eat square Umber ea the most advantageous terms. pdllJanTJ g L. KIRK, BON A CO., vVHOI.FJIALU GROCER), Ke. 1 34 North Third Street, eerner ef Cherry, Philadelphia. Have la store and offer for tale at the lowest marhet wrtrws, aad on ths most ressonabls terms, a large and well selected stock of tirooeriet. Teas, Sploea, ri.h, Cheese, Ac, selected in this, New Verb aad Belllaiore aiarkets, to whleh attention ef country dealers is par Itoularlr requestod. novU-ly FAIRBANKS' STANDARD NCALEN, or all itxnsj Baggage Barrows, Warehouse Tracks, Copying Pretsts, Improved Money Drawer, At. II. F. BIGLER & CO., Dealen la lUrdemro, chl:r:tf Second Btreet, ChmrMd, Pa. A D I E 8 ! J BUY NO OTHER WRINGER UNTIL YOU HAVE EXAMINED THE "NOVELTY," Wltk Cng.Wheelt aa Both Bads or the Rolls. It bas many improvements that make II more deti raelt than any ether. Sold everywhere. tsaiiy vvaenian-ea wringing nsacnme ts, tsm-xmj set uaambert BU, ti. I. Tbate Mscblaes trt for salt br 11 F Blaltr t Co., Cletrfitld, Pa. pisrrHanrous. RAD WAY'S READY 'RELIEF L'UHKK TUB WUUMT PAI.VB In from One to Twenty Mlnutoa. NOT ONE HOUR after r.wl''K 1.t :.rtitmwiit tu-nt any ens hfirii.it v.rni iaix. ' , . BAUWAT'I IlkJIiV llKi.lF.r la A CUB FoH f. Mil 1'AIIb. It wh iho Irat aiid Ii ' Tho Only J'ulu JiTnfily filial IH-lttilllT (AX M fltst lliort fkC'llrUlltilt 'Uf. uiMf IltflaVlillllHllfrHn, tfll. Urm OtH Mwn4ta.fi-. willllHT Of t'e) tuiitrtt bioni.idA. iiuwesA, uf viUvt t ' 01 WI" 1 ""Irf'ntui ONS TO WffT MINCTM. trt tltlatfaer Ills Tlulutit fit itmtvhllln rnl Ul HH l MATii;, Bit) -rW.lfli. I Bui', ( njiril'il, JinVOUe js.uiaJafle. ir (jntawmtrd 1th tU-t'AJMi biax aufliT, .RADWAV8 READY RELIEF ( WILL AKFORU INtTANT KAhg. I IXPLAJlllArioS IIP Tilt Kll'MtV. ",UA INV-LiUMAfliir) UV tilt BLADDER IXTLAVlUATiUJI OK Til a UOWKm. BORE THROAT. MH'K't'l.T BlllA I HIND, " VaI.I'ITATIoM OK TIIS USlABT. nrsicBica, ciwi'i. :iiffi,Wuiu. liy.AO.truB, toewAriiJi BIIEt7UATIS3l. TlMiiilllell'rfierUa Iteaiy HHIef totse pari er rirlt wti.r. Uie pale or olaieiilly cawewUI Bflwil sees ,TItlr'sro. le half a temWfr of wti wfll Is s f.w r,-Bl..,u. CIlAMrS, l-PAUM'. rl.'t'K fcl"A II, litAin in UN, tn.K hi:aiia iik. iiiahkiika, llWi.riititr.'roLir?. wish wTfilB Loinan, awl .11 IKHllNAt, I'AIMa. Trawltr. .lioeid alee, tarry a bottl. ef advrevn Reedv H.llef wns II,. in. A hw iliot le alu lll Uit-Nit dc.iirM er p.ln. rrnln rlmn. ut wnlrr, II Is OM rreodi BisMlr er tUUcr. H a rttmulMit. FKVKSt AND AUIE. rV-VER ANU Aut'B eiirrd fm Mr. Tartst. ant a reiueilil act la IhU mirid thai til cum fer end AS", "id Jl et.er M.huhma. Mlleaa.ikailM.Tr. elii.W, (.lluir. and riliar seven (aided evBAIiWAV ) 1-II.Lil a. quick aa ilAliWAVa ItKADY llELlkr. . Htl, ccau per leuttla. Hole It UninUso. HEALTH! BEAUTY I ! gTItONO AND PUBK Rl( 2 5if rrxlii aSii wejiiiit--.'TJIa5 D-inntBAsg i KiiillT t'l.KA aklM ANO VfiAtllirtlatl CUMI'LkXIU.t MCUHAil IU AU. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS HAUg Till MIMIT autonisiiino rrti iki grille, ao hai-iu akx Tiir, riuhuuJ Hit Hour rmiKKiiorii. i'mukr tiik in. fl.UKKilt o T1IU IKl'LT TtUMlEltrlL kklllCINIC 1UAT Every Day an Inereaae In "leah and Welch t la Seen and Felt. THE CHEAT BLOOD PURIFIER. 1ST onniunltmttt thruuxh Iba lllrvad, rlwritl, L'rtfitt, ml other Ruldsaviifl ti.cnrlli ytlptn tlx v-lp- r of lire, for ti maker tha wmU- or ilia buAy wltb rtaw mod mvut4 ittitsvliJ. Itenjfula, tUilillia, i'oiimnjilton, OIidulsvr tha UlMKla sheTid otliar prnrta of lb ayateTm, Ikira Evtev fttfWIIUU Ilatl,aU(iS IruUI tts BVAfw, Mid tl WOTwi funna of Riin dsat, Eittrtl(7na, Ftvtr Hort-tv, 8mi4 htmA, IUn Worm, B.M KfuaU. ErrripclRtf, Actte, BlAV K-uta, Wurnva U tha rloah, Tuunra, i:-ictn In lb Wirfnh,id kit unktrnlai and alofil dW-liaiirt, Kli'it Hvaata, Itaa ot tyrrm. and aU wmxtnol Iba fife Prtticl fi ara with la Iba auratlvt raiifa uf Uila woodef or Mode ara CbaMlMrT. and a taw dttra' uaa wUl mvi t anjr tnprsvia. ueini ll tor rithdw ot ibaaa turn ot dUaaaa ita baicnt awwtr U Cvr tliflrl. If Uta iMUIttit, 4alt UaMtrnsInt Mwtt Vf Iba waatea fetid tUiirililni that ta cnlTnuUljr brfwrctalitic, aitc eHU In afrratlnf thraa waatea. attd rcaafra Uib aaAt with Mw material mitrttj from bwltbr bltwa. ami Uib) Iba It A K8APABILL1AS wilt and rtoea tr. NtH on It d'Mra lha IauapabilliaN K-awtTVefT tvrtl al kwWN ramt-tlUl aetrnla In lha wtf ef tiraic, Herofti' lout, ItwrtltittK.uai, feud bkim OImmm ( btU ti It U roalttvecan foe Kidney St H lad dor Complalnti, L noary, erxi wnmb awMri, uraraL unmjt titapDArtisf WMeff. Inflnisilttenmor rrtnsi. Hrtfht'a it rratM, i ncmii iitrnra ur nna. pinf m a ins iriitaum. and In all raara whfv lisra tuv brlck- disnt driualla, or tha water U tJstck, vUmdy, utliird wlUt i, ann in mi wwa wneagm Lurra rt oncm- aubaUMea Haa tba whlltt of an tgf, or Ibrrasla like whlta i taa Biorbld, rfark, bllluHa ai'pewmtc, aitd Itial debs nail a. uid when tbcra la a Drtcalii. , Ullll fhen TBrnlti(t acneatlon hoti mwliu water, and pajti Lu Lisa Hiijuj m iae nmet mma mnuof uta atoma, t net, wi-oa. aVOPMS.-The obIv ktatfwa aad aura abaaadtt itiaU of me Uk aad .bj tU Lotaa, J'rtce, 9imk to Uot nte i iH, lap. dHC, Tumor of 19 1'eart' Growth Cured bjr Itadwaj't Rcolveni, RataaA-Tf, Uaa., Jal II, ItN. Tta. VtaAT ! I be httd ib1m Twavi la U. trvarttM aad WeU. All tb Drntten Mitt ibara are. a. bl (tw H." I UteJ vary Utlsar Uskt ajrat rmriiev1nat j teal metblay b.lpail at. I MW fvn Kaaalvaail. vA tbetfh,. I eroejad trf U i bal tvU a tattb ta tt, ami-aaaae I km tafcron far lrla ymn. 1 Woh bMllat af lha lUanlrMst. Mttt tvma bes mi Kawluray'i pllb, aael tera la. Hat uf X"T Reaad Ballad d ! h tMl (bra af teMnVnr la a Mean ot Ml, and I tWI bHte, MartN aa4 avafjetvr Ikdwa iW iwalTe rwa. Tto wm tmntm an b tba kft tS-U tvf tka Wwala, U- fWa. I arrlie Ikli U m In IM Iiit 1" tkM. lea iktk ft U rea aVw. HANNAH F. Kb AFP. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, ww fettry teertaleaa, pb-iraiitlr eoaleal wHb wrejt fm, p, raculaU, patifr, tTlvcaaw, avnd frm.it im . Kad wafa rilla, for tha cum of all dlaordprt. of tba Wrnmarla. Llvar. Bowala, ttidntrit, BlsttlsW. NtrvMia Irijatwi, fleadfecha, ('wirUoi., IwUsrirM. frtMf'irtkv trP t1t BUeteWeaeeaa. PrtVNM Ktey, InflivntNimtlna rwf Iba Uowela. Pllrtvu.di-fl lH-ran,raiiiUufUH lairinaJ Via arm. WirremtAad la rtTaet a niilvectjr. PuitIt VrfratA U, tvnUiti in no (oerritfT, MliinUIrrro4tHamuadfufl. IW OharTva lha fMlowlng ayaiisUNM mulUnf frvoi l)mjnSrn af uta UtfeaU fa Oi aua t OnmrtlaaAla. taerarel Pile. FIItM af (ba svVeew) bl tW 44, ArVtll? al la rUnaMrb, KatM, Hearst, IMffMi u fmH. rlia-M r Wettrtu ta aba rVwrnath. Homr KrurtaUeaA, Plaklne a rialUrl M iba Iti eat Use rUar.s-k, rtwrtkatmlevar of tb Hael, llarvttad u4 lrVH bwiMat, rltUter ai lAva I tear t. CWexir. OT bnxmliaf tVtntaMtem mt ta a l.rlrrf FMIafe, timaeat ef TtwsM. Iwa at Hems erW iba Sm, ptW M btU lkea ha Iba Haaiti, lVlViaaxy af Parevtraitrea. TtHI'ewmtnu af lb M- aaa tt wa, Foi La ttx , CIsaaA, Uask, mm enttMaa riwbta af IttraA, bar-lag aa Tlh A frwd-aof BADWAr. fTTT J wfll frrf tie ara. lean rroaiatl the tUta-iiaiirJ ftloiiMtm. iMoa, ctulf HEAfl rAlU AM TK MM tptoltAimAT r. K Vwk. KaanihaUaa wartb Umwi IE. rVod otM Mitt-' t Nhvidaii . Ana, NtW a wlUUatat t. Ilo ggnTo w n nIi i j A siake GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEERS:SI I?VIRTBODT trying to gel there frsl, for feni J of being erowded out Into tit told, if yon want good tiboeing done, go tn Bites. If y ot want your Sled, ironed right, goto III sat. If yoa want good Mill Irons, go to Basts If yon want your wagon Ironsd la ths best style and worbmeaskie, go to Bssas. Bates makss the best blumn Mseblne In tht Bute, nnd does all kind, of BLACKrjMITHINQ as ebeip as eaa be done la the eouuty for Cash. tlj Pott Oflet nddrtst It CUnrteld, Pn. THOMAS BEBRS, Boggs Tn., Dee. 11, ll7-tf. mo lUKBERMEm PERFECTIOS IS CAN T H O O K S I The ClearBekl Exotlstor Canthook will not wear ont or break, being eonatructed with one Aid Wand from olip to point It tt pronounoed by all praetloal lumbermen who have examined it to be the most perfect Canthook ever Invented. Amos Kennard, Patentee. Manufactured by Anos Ksaaian A Co., at CLEARFIELD, PA. XTA1I orJert promptly attended to. ntt'Tt RUED OUTl tf Hot BURNED UP! BELL'S RUN WOOLEN FACTORY, Penn township, Cleartold Co., Pa. The suhseribers are, at treat eanense. rebuild Ing, and in n few days will have templeted, a aoighborbood necessity, in the emotion of a Hret elaaa Woolea Manufaelory, wllh all the modern Improvements atraebed, and are prepared to make all kinds of Cloths, Caaaimerea, tHttnott, Ulan kets, Flaanela, Ao. Plenty of goods on hand to supply nil ouroid and a thousand ntw eustomtrs, wmiin we a.a io eome ana examine our Slota. The bnsinott of CAHDINtl AND FU1.LIN0 will receive ispeolel attention. Our new mill will be ready by wool-oardlng teaaon, therefore there need be no hesitation on that seo re. Proper arrangements will be made to receive and deliver Wool, to suit euttomtrl. All work warranted and done upon the shortest notice, and by stritt atttn tloa to business we hope to realise a liberal share ef public patronage. lO.tMM) POUND WOOL WANTED I We will pay the blrhett market price for Wool and aetl ear meaufaeteired roods aa low aa similar goods eaa be bought In tht county, and wbtntrer we fell to render reesontblt settsractioa we can always be found al home ready to make Kroner explanntioa, either la per.cn or by letter. JAUUi JOIINrtoN A SONS, aprllMtf Orarapiaa Hills V. 0. Clearfield Nursery. EXCOTJllAGB HOME INDUSTRY. THE aadsrslgnsd, having establlshsd a If al ttry ea the 'Pike, about halfway batweea Olearield aad Oarwensvllls. Is nrsnared to fur nish all alads ef FRUIT TREES, (ataadard and dwarf,) livergreens, Bhnjbbsry, Ornpe Vines, uooseaerrteo, i.aeioa suackberry, Ptrawberry, and Beaherry Vises. Also, Slberlaa Crab Traee. Qninee, aad earhy ttarlet Rhabarb, At. Orders promptly attended te. Address, I. f. WRIOHT. epi.4-w Carwtasvillt, Pa $5 TO eJOnptfdiy! Agents wauled I tjw eJsSU Alltlassttof worhlngpeoLlt, of either eei, young or old, make more money at Wdldl ti, tie In fkal. maaa h...k. I . . L . .. , Bll lo, ,n,, thaa at anything else. Particulate free. Adilrnet a u - h. i' u . . i . .. .. ' -. vw., .immu, nun, eoinor73y rpnR JDRHOCRATIO ALI1ANA0 fcr 1M i m. -" enu i.-s t.r tuie nt the Post Often, j prca J asti, l.iU4 te ta; Udit,,, "s iQw&tv wi pafitinf amp. bTgIer, YOUNG & CO., (Suenttsora to Boynloa A Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturers of PORTABLE dc STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Comer ef Voarta aad Pint Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA. cllLjeKs.i TV HAVING engaged In tha manufacture ef Irtt elass MACHINERY, wa respectfully inform tbt penile that wt are now prepared to III all orders as thsaply and at promptly at eaa bt dont In any of tbt cities. Wt msoufaoture aad deal in Malay and Circular Saw-Mills Bead Blocks, Water Wheels, Shafting Pulleys, Oifford's Injector, Slenm Gauges, Steam Whittles, Ollsrs, Tallow Cups, Oil Cups, Gauge Cocks, Air Cocks, Globe Valves, Check Valves, wrought Iron Pipes, B eam Pumps, Boiler Peed Pumps, Antl Friction Metres, Soap Stone Peeking, Gam Pack ing, aad all kinds of MILL WORK) togother with Plows, Sled Bolts, COOK AND PA BLOB STOVES, and other CASTINGS of aU kind. VOrdtn toliclted and tiled nt city prices. All kitten of Inquiry with reference to machinery of oar manufacture promptly answered, by eddros Ing as at Clenrleld, Pn. decJITO-tf BIQLER, YOUNG A CO. ED. W. Git AH AM, DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SQUARE TIMBER & LIMBER, CLEARFIELD, PA., Has Jasl opened, at the KEYSTONE STORE, a complete staea ot .V E W GOODS, of every description. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES. CLOTUIXO.rf-c.ifTj., IN GREAT VAUIETV. FLOUR, MEAT, SALT, BYE, OATB, CORN, ALWAVS OX II AXD AXD FOR SALE AT A SMALL ADVANCE. FLOUR ' Received by the enr load, and sold st a small adlaaee. , A supply of ItOI'B eonstnntly on hand. Special inducements offered to those getting out Squere Timber tnd Logs, nt wt deal largely ia Lumbermen'! Suppliee, and nre pre pared at all times to purchase tim ber and lumbor. Ell, W. G n A II A M, "KEYSTONE STORE," Second Street, CLEARFIELD, TA. Oct , mi. T HIE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OP STOVF..H ! fSTOVF.S ! ever brought to the county, nre being received nt the HnrdwareHstsbliibmentor II. f . 1IK-I.Kit il CO., ooniprising the following Cook titoros : SFEAR'S CALORIFIC. SUSQUEHANNA. REGULATOR, NOPLE. EXCELSIOR. TRIUMPH. GOV. rEXN. READING, NATIONAL RANGE, AC. AC. Also, the following Heating Stoves! SPEAR'S ANT! CLINKER, SPEAR'S ANTI DU8T, SPEAR'S ORBICULAR, SPEAR'S PARLOR COOK, MORNING LIGHT, HON TON, GIPSEY, VULCAN, SUNDEAM, RUBY' PAUPU1N EGG, CHESTER BOG, VOLCANO, rUOKNIX, HEAVY BAR ROOM AND STORE ROOM STOVES. C. ClesrAeld, Sept J, )t7t. TUB WIGWAM CARRIAGE BAZAAR an SALES ROOM, Ko. U, 11 and 114, KORTH BMAD STREBT, .hove Arch, PHILADELPHIA. ZffiTM kverJ . AT rilZTATS SALS, AT TUB LOWEST CAKII PRICES, AllO. II Arm mam TlU.L.a. A. r. .. . ' ea. tooit in want ceil oernrt ntjrehas.ng elsewhere. " iill'jj4'ifca. ffeblsAm TIIBTICRUI -a. -- . . - wefeMMkawew' ilirint 5. Proi mmm tmUm lhM iiiiimM iui to dirtciioaB, nd rctnitn lonf. nweU, thtrir IxnTses art not derof4 by mintril potm a Jj mMrit, ttiMj )ho viui wrciAt wauad beyad ib p Dyiptpilitr iMtUgsslloae 'HeirfAfVhu In tit bficNiidvn. Coufr.lT, 1 if lne- of Hit Qttoti ST iiucm. Sour KriKiimnt w tlt ktewnMh, tT in lh Moulb, Utium AiUckt, faipi(eHH $1 Hteut, IiiAitninuluia of llit Lui)c Pin i 'tw ttrml mi tilt KidncVw, kud a haadrtd aiber finful lytrMoZr art ihe offirint;. of L)-tra. In llict h4fcll It hat no eKjiul, and on bottl nll prova a Utur tt3 anttrof iu fMnta IKm iWrwlliT admuMMM. For Katual Cauiplnlaila ia yotjitf or W inevned ar uii,., mt lha dwa ot womaahottt., T turn of Ufa, thcM Tonic BiUer d' spiny t tx4.fej T inueuca iiial ourkad uuprorcnnt t$ too pmjf. Vor Inflammatory aad Cbronlc Rhaia. ttiallam and fiiltimt, Riinittcm tnd IM mmenl Vtrtn, Ditcatcaof lit btood, Livar, Kiiun and Utaddtr, thM lliticrt hava no mqwti, tMt arc c-tuMd by Vit.mted tiload, wli th m geuaok' prefaced by itoranvctiiaMit of the UirtMiva Ormr. 1 her mrw at ieMtU furarttit a wellaa m Toula. poMcsur,. a. peculiar mtru f utm at a powerful aR-nl m rtiimn. CoaattstM at Iuld? mairan of tha Livar aad Viactual OigtMud ia IkUoa IlwUatta. Vmr Skin D.Ma, Ehimmm, Tetter, Sak RlMum, UirMdaa, gpoti, Pimplea, PattwOaa, Ktv, Iwnclaa, KiDg-woriM, ftcaid-He-4, Sore fcyt, It. alrxlat, Ilch, Sccrrt, iKokuM al the Skia, lirnmon Mtd Uiaeajaa af tae fikia, of tvrauvef tvirw r re literally bug Up lud earned out of tha aytiea ta ft aVhorl tinie by ll.r uat of thefet bitleia OritUfal Thoaeauda (mocIm VmiOAa Bty. tbba lha tewat woodctiui lotisunat that tvar the wnttMiK mitam. tWALKlR, frop'r. R. H. neDORAtD 4 CO. rutttriBU and Gen. Agtiv. &aa trwxtco, CaL ' and cor of Watiiui-iuo an-f C iiaiibw Sit , NVork, SOLD BY ALL UKUCWlbia AND DEALESJ, June i, 1872. HAYES, COULTEE 4 00., " Focoaaaora te W. A. ArioIJ, max fAcinini or Healers, Ranges, Low Grates and HAKBELIZEO 6 LATE MASiTELJ, Sole agentl for the oetcbraud CII1LSOX COOKING RASGE. t-SeuJ for Cetalognct. No. 135 Cbestnnt Etreet, Jcneily PIllLADELrBU. L , '. . - 1 -- - I EW.BTOl.E AND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW &i SON llare just opened a Niw Etorc, on Main St..CLiiniLD, Ta, latolr occujiled bj Wm. T. IEWIH. Their stock consists of LCD III CCD03tDS3 Oaoci!tt of tba brut quality, Queensware, Boots and Shoes, aod ererj- article aecrttarT for ODo'e eomrort. Call and tzamine our stock befort fit dinning eltiwhere. Hay 9, 1 P6f3-lf. DAVID YOUNG, Stone-Cutter and Stone-Mason, WILL execute all work In his Hns at aeis erste prices and In PI RS I-CLASS ityls Architectural Ornaments la ALL ETTLES, Stone Dressing of svsrj description, and nil -hinds nf mason worssss tracled for in oroutof the eoanty. Any psrssu wishing to have respectable maaoa work ss! stone-cutting done, will Dud it to their islsrHl to call unon ma I would alee Inform the avV Ho that I ean deliver any quantity er elaat if stont dtsirtd, at X am uie owner of a FIItST-CLASS STONE QUARBT. Orders for work ean he nddressed te DAVID T00K0, mart.TII Clenrteld Pa. Clearfield Courtly Bank. fpiIR Clesrleld Connty Tank as sa leeorprl A ted institution Has gone ent of eilslsnee if tbe turrtndcrof its. tbtrter, ea atsy 11, "i All its stock is ownsd by tht tubseribsrs, ess will continue ths Peeking bnslnsss at ths seas place, as private Bankers, nndsr ths Inn ssas ef the "Cleeraeld County Bsnk." Ws era re. sponslblefor the debts ol the Bank, aad will psy its notes on demnnd nt the counter, pepenu received end Interest paid when money is left far n tied time. Ptptr disrountsd at ill prreiit. as hsretofore. Onr personal reaponii.iUtj k pledged (or ell Deposits received snd boils. transieted. A eoatianaaee or tba liberal psi ronage ef the business msa ef the coonty is r spsctl'ully solicited. As President, Ceikisr tti officers of the late Clearteld County require the notes of said Bank to bs prsitsttd for redemption. JA8. T. 1.KONARD. BICIIARD SHAW. WM. PORTEll, . JAS. B. GRAHAM. 0. L. REKD, WM. A. WALLACI' The business of tht Bsnk will he eenstrted ty John U Adams., Esq., as Cashier. ."'' County National Bank, OP CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM tn Masonic BulMlng. oos door ncrtb ef C. I). Watson's Drug Store. Paa.age Tickets te and from Liverpool, Qaesss. town, (llssgow, London, Paris and Copenbares.. Alio, Drafts for sale un the Royal Bask of Jrclssti and Imperial Bonk of Londia. dAMK8 T. LEONARD, Pre-r. W. 11. 61IAW, Cashier. H''- J. D. M'Uirk. Edward Perks. BANKING & COLLECTION MS McGirk & perks. Successors to f neter, P.rki, A Co., PlilllrmbnrEr, Centre County, P. TyilERK all the hualness of a Banking Hi r , wii- ve iransaoieu prompii euw t " : most faroraole terms. men-a F, K, ARNOLD & Co., BANKERS, Liithersburg, Clcarflold reality, Pa. Mnnev Inanril et nuamahla rales: ssehsam lwi..l.t A ...1.1 . J.......K. .1..! and a I1 earl banking business will bs t srried oa s tk shove place. 'jlfi DREXEL & CO., Ko. 31 Bouth Third Btreet, PliUaddlt liajt'KEHS. And Oealort in Government Secilrities. Application by mall will receive prompt Hon, and nil Information cheerfully TT" Orders sollctcd. frl1 Miss E. A. P. Rynder, aassr roa tea Chlckerlng's. Btslnway's and Emersea W a .......'. a II IlK'a and Pslo0t I pmiiu , - aia.. . --- j Organs and Moiodsons, a .--v v Baksr't Sswii.g Mashlnes. tun rasoann or Piano. Oaltar, Organ, Ilaroony " ale. No pupil Uktn for It.t than half a Itr"' Ro'oin, oppo.il Uallch s fwrgllwe il"' La - t vlCtUl ee "J ajv'-t iuWii7C3SL's&m2aaVnSb