THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. WBDHKSIUY MORsixO ArBILM.lKI. Terms of Subscription, ' If paid In wltbin three months 00 If paid I"' thro and before ' nioiith I If paid after the riplratlon of six months... B 0 KliLIUlOim KOTICGfh Methodist n,lf npal Cliurrli .Her. A. I. Torni, l'Mtor. rahllo Berr let etery Sabbath t iot a. m.i a il r.a. Sabbath Hobuol .1 A. M. PrTr Meeting eeerj Thoride.T, t 71 P. M. Cuniwuuion Korrlce, Orat Babbath of erery taontb, at ll A. II. Ml. Andrew'! Church F.plefnpal Iter. Otmn llatl.. I'nldlo Berrloe Bandar mnrlllns; at It o'clock. and at 7 P. M. Sunday Srhoolat j V. M. Vnyu Meeting Vednosdn. .renin t T o'eloek. Prebyterlll Churrh lln. II. 8. Dm.. Sabbath services morning nnd ereuinir Bnb oath School at J P. M. l're) or Meeting Wednes day treninjr. HI. Krucln Ohairli C'alhollr Iter. P. T. giemntx. Man at 10 o'clock A. M., on tho teooad and fourth Sundays of each month. Lutheran Church. Her. A. J. IIahtsooc fresrhint erery Sabbath, morning and evening, sblioth Pohool at a. m. rrayer laeetlaf erery Wtdnetdey evening. . Tho body of Tliomsa Weston, who ei drowned In Trout Run lait Monday two ttoskt ago, hat lot born found Tot. ASOTIIEU ItAILttOAD. TIlO PuilXSU tanaey Areas tati that It ti no poslltrely niod jihat they art to have railroad, and tho work will ovmaunt Just ai toon as tho locatioa It fixtd; ... Oa Hand. Wo nolioe by our ex- Saaaaget that boarlj all our neighboring ooantiet hart) been taiedUd with the chesp Jestelry, UnU susnt, Map and raior powder humbugs. These fcllowi generally appoar about the time tht ground hog Biaket hit mead advent. They iliuuld ha givtn a wido berth ihirm the; appear. Tbsy art all hauhugt, aad II It folly to palromaa thrm, . because all they hart to tell tin bo purebasecl of oar merchant!, far better article, for leu monry. A Great Revival A correspond- Ml wrltu ut, laying : "A rorlrel effort haijuit aloud at BroekwayrlUt, Jefferson county, Sir. L. 0. Mtrrlll pallor. Mora than one hundred her. soon forward for prayers, and nearly that ausnbsr hart been converted. Kigbty-tt0 have Joined tho church. Among thli groat and happy eenpaoy arc found editors, merchant!, tradesmen f Tarlout kladi and Sunday School loholart. rnto Dim who laid, '1,0, 1 am with you alwayt,' be all the glory." i Pbilipaburjr, according to tho Jour nal, It going Into the brlok block builneti. Mr. Chester Munsoa it going to put up a block on the corner of Presquctslo and 8?coni ttroets, late the .property of Richard Athcrton, which Mr. Munaon hat perehaaed. Mr. C. A. Faulkner ha purchatcd the old Exchange Hotel eorner, and it alio going lo put np a brick block. Moving the railroad from Phillpiburg teemi to have put new life lata the burgerc. They are putting up more snbstan Hal building! now than they did when the rail tord ended there. Sl'PPLEMgNTAT, AhSESKME.NT. ThO 4Mb lection (old Purdon, page 172 Mlb lection, now edition, page 210) of an Aot of Aiiciably ap proved, the fib day of May, Wt, relating to Common Schools, require! the Alienor! In the evcral borought and townships to alien all per aoni and property which may hare been omitted at the lait aiteeiment and all pertonl, and their -property, who may remove Into any dlstriot np to who lit of May next. To carry out thit taction of the law the County Commiiiionen hare had tlaakl prepared and forwarded to the toveral Al ateiort, wfaott duty it It to make the assessment aforeiaid and return the lame to thiir reipecttve School Boards. FlRI AT llCTMOLUIVILLI. Ot) Sttt nrday aight lait the drag itore of Dr. It. M. Bo j lea A Co. waa entirely doitroyed by Ire, at well at the furniture belonging to the Odd Fcllowi' Lodge. The Ire wai not ditcoverad until it had gained considerable headway, and but little prop, erfy wai laved from the building. The building wai nearly new, and wai among the beet In the place, the itore helng nicely fitted up and filled with a large ttock of goodi. The property of the Odd Fellows, valued at about t'00, wai entirely 4citroyed. We nndrritand that the properly wai ta part covered by tniurance. DroolewitU enu6. A Philipsbl'soer's Infelicity. ' Aeorge eflUi made Information agalnit hit wife before Jultlce Riddle! on Monday, charging her with aiiault and battery, and a warrant for her ..arrtlt wu Ultted and a hearing given on Tueeday morning. According to the teitimony It appeari that the made an unprovoked attack upon him. ttriking him over tht head with a neck yoke and -othcrwiie damaging hit pbytical proportion!. In .default of bail rhe wai committed, and deputy conetable Wigbaman accompanied bor to Belle- foata la the afternooa.-'&ifVnfftiiri7 Journal. m lllSTOBY OF I'ERRY Col'.NTT. Silas Wright, of Mlllentowa, bat publlihed a book of ,-400 paget, with the aborc tide. In giving local Information and remtniiocncei of old lettlcn, he aayc that there It a room In the houie now oocu pied by Franclc Gibeon, Hpring township, In which occurred the birth ef John DinnUter Gib- onj Chief Juitlee Supreme Conrt of Pennsylvania, lieorga Oibton, Commiuary cf the Tailed Stolen, John Bernheiiel, the Mormon, Hon. John Bigler, Uorernor of California from Mil to 1565, who died at Sacramento on tho 27th of Auguit, 1ST!, and Hon. Wen. Bigler, Uoveroor of Pennsylvania from 18JJ to 1S65, still living la Clearfield, this Htate. We should lay that that room has fur airbed considerable and varied talent. More IUi lro ad. The advance pick ets of a corps of railroaders were in town for tee oral dayt lait week. That they did not tell all hey knew was very evident. But tbil muoh wo did learn. They art locating a road from Milton np Wbitt Deer creek, along the line of Lycoming jtad Cnion .counties, to cut the Drain Valley .jnouolala, striko 'b.ig Fisbiug creek, down this atream rta Mill U&ll, thence up Beech creek to Jaow shot. To thit point thoy have found an ex (eelteot rente for a road. They are now prorpect ng between Clearflold and Suow Bboc, and design Tt go through to the mouth of Mahoning creek, ,ov to Fapklin. The movement looks like an ex ecution of the Readitg nr Catawiira road. .-. ' e mm .Bad AffLiCT'os. Wo nympathiro Mth P. (Jray Meek, of the Bellcfonte Walchmir. ThjM weekt ago we chronicled tbt death of hit aeharf abii week we arc oompclled to announce ithe demise of his mother, which occurred on the lttb (ut., Id her COtb year. In addition, the Jiellefonte HrjmHica of Its! week thui ebroni elei a narrow escape of Mr.Mcrk and family i Od lait Friday evening P. Gray Meek, wife and child per xr Urging home in atop boggy to which two nortec .were attached. Jutt at they came to the ihort turp in the itrtct near the toutbweit end of "hortlidge A Co.'i ooal yard, tho Bald Ka tie Valley liioal frelgit rtin oanfo round the curve, the engine of which frightened the horsea to badly that they turned clmrt around In the street, breaking the tongue and and otherwise In juring the bugy. Wo are heiipy to lay that Mn. Meek lueoeedod in Jumping out of tbe bugey with her babe in ber armi, without rroaiving any in Jury, while Mr. Meek held to the horeei and pre vented a runaway. Broke Jail Tho Comralioncrfi aad Sberif of Jefferson county offer a reward of tOI for the arrest of Ooorge Thompson sxfr'oe Woj. Kobisoa, and Frank Stint olios 0. W. Ten nail aad detorlbe tbrm as follows i Thompsoa it about 93 yean ef age, feet I Jiosot .high, light complexion, bald head, brown hair, Utile fonrtrd ut lh nj'per one, crlpi-lcd Is hit right btnr, tud weighi kbout 110 jiolioJi, Ptio U about 18 ystn old, fi fefri i'J ncb hgh, nadj onptriloi, rtd hair, lomf pock murk; hu towking look fthottt kltn, oJ will wrlU alwit 190 pound i. Tbej futatt tivty up pint kvblnfl tinn, Bit kuDir'owl .fellftrf rcr4 will kt piltj by Iht ToaiinliiiOBfrl of SwUtrwrn oaalj for the eaptuiv 4 4rrj ib Bm.kTli jU of tht bovt pm4 rriNotris or brtt hnudjtj dolliri ftr Buooestions io Raiiuatii ScnooLb m CtrAinri-D Coturr. KiKt) tinbbatbHobouU hnYO b;en oloisd In CIcftrRoM oouuly during tU winter month, 1by kbuuld loon b in ti,on titi, Howe t f tbvu re ulrttdy opDtl witb fair itroipeut of Incre&iliiK uifulnc.i. A fuw ugguitloai t tbii tlm mnj iiut bo without d Yiaurt to tboM who will hito thoia icbooli in ohftrftH. PMurt lr(t utte.idnne i potiitle at tho flnt uirttlni fur roorauUktloo. Uiro publie notlooi at lout two weuki boforo bund. In the mfRntlme, Invito porionnllj m many m oy okvu lo be prounl at th nitjeting and to take part lu tbe work to be dune. I'rojr for tho bleniti of (loj in Ibo undor taklng. It li a work wtttub (iod approrei j there for let nothing diuwurage you. If you have a iiruackor, aik hdn to nreaoh a Sabbath Sohool term on proviom to the opening of the io houl and at oltun ae bepnn thurvattvr. For Buperlntrodent, oppoiut the wan or wom an beit fitted to AM Itmt oflico. Chooia oo ooo merely booaute he bcloDKi to a certain denomination. Qtiulilkatiun it the thing to be considered rath er than a nominal profoision. (live tho lobool a lUOuiie nam-, either Vuton or denomination ai. If it le called "Union," make it oonlitontly 10. Remember there te no mrh thine an a I'ronbyto- rion or a Mtttbodint or a Lutheran I'ttion Hunday School. In an undenominational or Union School, imp le juttlee require! that no book or paper or other publication- of a denominational character bonld be introduced except by eomcnt of all onnccrnod. Attention to thit will often lave te- rioua trouble. Klvot a faithful perion for flceretarv and pro vide him with a minute book with blanka for one seMion a Sabbath. Huch a book can be had for 60 oentt. A dilijrent use of it will KreatlT eerve mo imcrettfl oi tue fcnooi. Do not form too many elaatet. It U better to employ a few competent teach art for largo el kmc i than to have eo many cImim that tomo of them will be in eharge of portont who are not qualified to teach. At another time, I maT sire a few hintt con- oerning Sunday School uiauagomcnt. va reeeipi or iv eenti, to oorer eoete, I will tend to any addrree, the Sunday Svkool Monitor, ontaioing practical fUKgcitiont for Hunday School w or kern, toirother with a codt of Om Lt- eon fvr All, eetting forth the advantage of the international, uniform Ittuona. New Union or needy minion ichooli that oaa not sufficiently tupply thcmselvet with booka and paperi can be aided to a limited extent. ' R. CfUTTMtitK, MiM'y Am. 6. 8. Union, Pellefoute, Pa. TuxLoa Business. Notwithstand ing the large amount of capital used and the number of hands employed In the logging Inter vet, but Tery few are aware of the number of log out In any one year. The statement below will give a pretty eorroet data upon this point. The books of tbe West Branch Boom Company, at Look Xlavcn, show annually, for five years put, the number of Jogs rafted out of that boom t lfftA latin 1870 1871- 1?7J 14,045,P3 feet. 27,205,692 10.763.S21 " 30,402,1 tl " aJ7,41V,3o " Total In Are rears 1U.8H.VI20 " Paring tho same period there were rafted out of the Susquehanna boom at Wllliamoport tbe fol lowing enormous aggregate : U6 16'5,3SJ',3fi9 feet. 18C9 , ..22.t,060,30J IK70 225,180,973 " 1871 106,001,181 " 1872 217,185,652 Total In Ave years 1,077,426,500 1 By adding the above total to tho amount re ported at Lock Haron, wo bare an aggregalo of 1,193,309,026 feet, lor these two booms only. Must of our readers are aware of the trouble which has existed between the Willlauuport mill owners and the boom company, which charges $1.35 per thousaud for Doomage, Last year there were rafted out of that boom 297,185,602 feet, which yielded the boom company the enormous sum of overour hundred and on ttouuind dothn. No wonder that boom company can spend $50,000 with the Legislature every winter, to koep up boomage. ax eneaw- KlLLED AT TUE GAMISO TABLE. W. ft. Finch, who was stationed here several years ago as a photographer, and who has more latterly resided at Brockwtyrllte, was shot dead at the gaming table by a follow gambler In a saloon at Parker's Landing, a week or more ago. The oireumstanoes attending the tragedy, as near as we have been able to learn them, are as follows: Finch and his opponent, whose name we did not leant, had boeo pitying for some time, and be coming desperate, each staked $1,500 upon their bands. In tho play which followed Finch won and naturally reached forward to draw In his prise, when the loser, maddened with rum and ax asperated by his ill fortune, drew bis rovolver, shot Finch through tho brain, gathered up the stakes and fled. The murdered man was well known in this lection as a gambler and sporting man. Do wai imposing in appearance, of gdod addreis, and possesiod of no mean order of ability, Had his time and energies been devoted to a bet ter cause, be wight have become an influential eititen in any community, and been spared the Ignominious death which aa all-wise Providence decreed should oap tho climax of his flagitious eareer. -Eik Dtmwrat. Gathering Up. Tho Lumbermen's Exchange appointed a committee, after the break ing of the W i Hi sin f port boom, to proceed down the river and gather up the esoaped logs. A large number of lags were enught by tho Muucy and Northumberland booms. The committee In their report say they found : From Northumberland bridee to ha inokin dam 400 logs From Pbamukin dim to lNiger Island.... 450 " " (ttlinpgrore to Penn's Cm 600 " " Venn's Creek to Ilcrrold's .Mi I 400 M Tn eanal at Herrold's Mill to Lock.. 227 M From Herrold's .Mill to (Jrorgrtown 4l0 " " GaorgctowD to Now Uult-lo 500 " " New Buffalo to tireen's Dam 1,300 " (IreMi's Ism to Ilarrisburg 260 " " Hnrrinburg to Middletown Uland.. 500 ' " Middletown to Columbia 200 " Total 6,227 We also report, by what we conld learn of the watchman on Colombia bridge and tbe flithermen bolow, and Judging from the atsge of the river at the time the logs run, that there may hare been 500 logs a. or passed througn to l'ort Vrpostt. iUnpectfully submitted, H. T. FoRKSHAJf, Til. WniTMtf, " Committee. List of lottora rommninr umiluimoU ia tho Postoffioe at Clearfield, for the week ending April 2 lit, 1873! Arthur, Q. MrDonaM, TanleL Ardery, Martha. MoBea, N. lcL. Burge, , H. Michael, Lmtua F. Cutuiuing, K. L. eiprenkle, Poter Carrco, laihario. HtoU, Aodrev, liugas, F. Mantel Stephens, Dnaick, Fry, John. Tuttle, Jaines L. Ilorton, Klita J. Thomas, Lewis. Hartle, Sallie. Vines, J. A. Lansberry, Samuel. Wenleu, Annie. P. A. GAUI.IN, P. M All llifl JclTurnon county prisoners eloped one night )Mt week wont out through tbe roof of tbe prison. Six hundred dollars are offered for two of tho best. Communicated. Frruosov Tow.i'nir, April l', 1873. Ma. Kuitob; Please insert in the columns of your valuable papor the following brief statistics of the last day of our school, at btony Point, in said towonbip. Prooredinjrs of institutes and high schools are publiehod, and why should we not have the proceedings of our school puMiiked? inougn only a common tcnooi, u wss as inieres ing as some of our much boasted -of Normal and high schools. I propose In mention only part of the day's proceedings' Tho eehonl convened at 3 o'olook r. m. .Considering the tneleraenny of the weather it was well attended. Finl in order was the sing ing by the school of apiece entitled "Hinging from the hnrt," after which, by request, tbe class in tho fourth reader were beard. Noxt in order went the speeches, each pupil of tbe school participat ing, and bad you, Nr. KHUor, bwn present to bear them, you would bar boon plcawd to note what oan he done in a oommon country school ( they all proved to be very interesting. At tbe eloe of the speeches another piece was sung, entitled ''.Vy own native land, alter wlih-b a paper entitled thO "Um" was rtd by the editor, A. J. Ntnith. Thli timer was gotten up bv tbe school and some of the contributions Would bo interesting to the readers of Ibo .UiTS.'.'t. Addresses wore then nude by tbn following per sons, who are frioods to tho caue of eduction and favored us with their prosenos t Iter. W. H. Hamlin aud wife, of Lumber City Esq, MoPpy, of Mill'"rt, F.mj. Mlraw, a director, aud J-H. V iUiaiS, a inrwm grnimuvn uare the tsins oT Uio school far Utdr maoy words of encouragement. This sohool was taught by Win Maggie M. Parsons, of Centre munty. Hhe Is a bright shining star in the profeenion, fully qualifled to teach any ennmos seaool, u a onnstiaw wit ana never failed to teach bar pupils the great Importanoe of early jisty. Hot ffoea rrnm among us wita lie W Stand CoHUkCTti). We Btatod some time ago that tho editor of the Muuuy X.h m i nary bald the office of P. M. and also that of Associate Judge. In ri'ply Mr. Painter saytt Quito a mistake, Mr. lltDnhlira. W am not one of the Associate Judges of Lyuvoiing county, never have born aud nuvur expect to be. no are sorry that our native county was to foolish at to elect a Radical A use 1 etc Judge, but having ooucludvd lo do to, the voters could have done no better thing than to have chosen tho edi tor of the Luminary, Bollofonto 1ms had & coatlv now en gine put up at Ut water workt. Local opMou is therefore in full blast In that temperance haven. - - Spttiata. DoJiaaml 1 '91. Bee advertisement of Cherry Tree Male and Fe male College. This Colh-go is located at Cherry Tree, (Uraut P. O.), Iudiau county, Pa. Fresh Uarden 8eedsfruui the Philadelphia gar dens. Also, Ouiou Huts for sale by April 23.-4t iUiiTHYicx 1 In win. Farroon In want of tlrain Brills for Spring seeding, and Corn PI anion, will do well to ordor at onoc. Sample man bines only on bund at M. ti. Bqowx A Hko.'s, April 23, 1873. Clew-field, Pa. Attention Is directed to the card of Mr. fi. I. tinydur, Watchmaker aud Jeweler. He has a fine stock of American YVatehoi and Jewelry. Cull and see him. titore almost opposite the Court House, on ttioond street. Wo urn Biimo. Ons of tho most expensive and raried exhibitions that has ever been organ iscd in cither this or any other oountry, will visit this on Tuesday, April 29th, giving two exbibi tious, one la the afternoon and one lu the evening. A Tory fine street M splay will take place in the morning at 10 o'olook. We olip the following from an extended notice of this exhibition in tho Albany evening Journal: "Amtuemrntt or fAs lUopU. It is impossible to compute the expense and time and taleut em ployed to irratify and meet that taste of the bu- uiau mind for enjoyment and amusement which is more or Inns expressed in the civilised and savage races. The detiiseuit of tho African jungles as well as tho most cultivated circlis of Pariiiiaiis have their sources of amuteiaont -and the culture and eivititation of tho latter are as much deter mined by those they seek as the barbarism of the former by their rude and, to us, outrageous means of tnjoynieut. In pagan Hume the ampithcatre was overlooked by tho highest in authority, the wealthiest, and by tho Cleopatra of that impe rial city to watvh the agonising struggle! aud death throes of the poor captive v. ho vainly con tests for the boon of life witb some savago dcnl sen of the jungle or tbe desert. But in this nine teenth century our enjoyments are not in witness ing human torture, but rather in the cultivation oi tue physical powers of man j his accomplish ments in feats of strength and agility; his skill in bringing the brute creation, whether represented by the horse, the elephant or the fiercest of lions the king of bracts under the perfect control of ue oilman mina. inose iiiougins run tnrougn our mind as we contemplate the wonderful and interesting exhibition given by Montgomery Queen's Ureat Kuropean Mrnagertr, Cirvut aud Bedouin Arab Troupe. To organize this vast and varied combination of amusements, it would seem as if uearly every quarter of the globe had been com.U'llrd to cou tribute its rarest representative. The Camels and their Arab attendants front the scorching sands of tiahara; tho monster Elephant from Asia and the Lilliput from Africa; the mag nificent Lions from the Cape of Uood Hope; tbe I'epois iroin fcgvpt and tue peirtaroual Apes I mm Abyifinia, are but tome of the features In this circus exhibition, and which are found in no other In the Luion. It is no wonder that crowds filled tbe vast tent In the recent visit to this city of this varied entertaiumeut. and we know that tbe audi enso were highly pleased and instructed with what inry saw. ne nupo lo welcome queen s juam moth Cumbioation to our city again ore long. FaveTimr.! Have Labor! SaveMony! Save Clothes! The " Novelty Wringer" it the best in tue market, iiuy It try it. For sale by 11. F. BioLEt A Co. Oirl WetxTED. A girl, agod from 12 to 10, can ho4 a permanent Dome wilu a small private t un ity. Will be token to raise or paid fair wages. Apply at this offloe. apllfitf The fishing fenton having commenced, lovers of this elegant sport will be casting about to and where to purchase tn neces sary requirements in order to enjoyy tbe sport To all turn we will say. ro to tbe Hardware Hlore of II. F. Bigler A Co., as they hare the finest lot of Trout nods, Lines, Hooks, ilaskett. Halt- Hnies, Heels, Fuood, Flics, etc., ever, brought to this county. Their Trout Hods are really ele gant, and every person expecting to go trout-fishing this tummer should have one. 4-9 Important! Jmpomtakt! Below pleas find a Hit of prices of Boots and 8 hoes, of which Fle i;l Is now selling enorieous lots: men's full trimmed Ustiug (.alter, f2.00, at PLE'lAL'S. Women's common Morocco Gaiters, $1.25, at FLKUAL'8. Women's Kertoe kid Qaitcrs, $4.00, at FLHCAL'B. Women's Congrcst lading Gaiter, (M.2S, at FLKOAL'B. Women's plain lasting Gaiters', 91.90, at FLROAL'S. Men's common kip Boots, .1.00, at FFKGAL'fl. Men's fine kip Boots, $1.00, at FLP.OAL'd. Men's French kip Boots, $5.C0, at FLEGAL'S. Men's common calf Boots, $1.00, at FLEGAL'S, Who Is determined to tell at the above prior p. at bis store, on Mecooil street, opposite fcx-Uov. tug ler't retidence, Clearfield, Pa. 1:19 Laid Plum w. Several ear loads received by Kralier A Lytls, which will be told very cheap. farmers, make a note of this. . (toiy-it Just rccclvrd, a large lot of non-oxplojlra Lamps and Lanterns at 9-25-72 n. F. Bio Lin A Co's. Frisb Ground PIsAstkr. ILeoelvcd at Corner Store by car load and for sale by K. A. A W. B. Iawnr. Curwensvtllc, March 13, 1872. A full line of lIuuM-hold Goods, Japanned Ware, AO., for sale by Jl. r. Uigler m Lo. H. F. Bigler A Co. have been making extensive addition to their stock of Hardware the last few days. Kverythiug new in Hhelf Hardware, Bud die rs Hardware, farmers Hardware, tiuilders Hardware, and Hardware of all kinds, oan be seen at their Itore. May 22, Wood and Willow Ware of all descriptions for sale by it. r. uigicr to. NoTtri To Wago.i axd Cahriaob Makers.- We have Just received a general assortment of Wagon and Carriage Woods, also a full lino of fiphngi and Axles, wdicB wt oner eneap lor oasn. H. F. ItioLxn A Co. Axss. Peveoty five do too Clearfield Wood ohoppert Axes at o.Vi.?!. II. F. BIGLER A Co's. Calcined Plaster for sale by 11. F. Bigler A Co. Bird ft"s- a large assortment at II. F. Big ler A Coa. Paints, Oils and Varuisbti Cor sale by II F. Bigler A Co. Baws. Dlitan's Cross cut Haw, Great Anwrioan Saw, Hoynton't Lightning Saw, at o;5 73 11 F. BioLan A Cel. RECAPITULATION. Bird Cg. WooJ nd Willow Wart. Household uod. ! All kinds of Hardware. Japanned Ware. -Paints, Oils, Varnishes. ' (Veined Plaster. Wagon and Carriage Makers' supplies. All of the above for tela at tbe mammoth Hard wsro aSbjreof 1L F. Bigler A Co., Mecond street, Clearfield, Pa. . 3t L .r1" t i 1 Clearfield Markets. Cerrrtwl weeHy h,r HirnAnn Kesanr.Wliolc.ale and Retail Uraler In Dry, (trooerlns, Pro vlslonii is,, Afnrket Itrect, Clearfleltl, I'a. CintnvfKLn, I'a., ApriMt, I57J. A)ples.Krren,00 ilrird.ld lb M JO 75 llugt, dressed llidos, green IUins,..v00("ii Ai,il.s)uUer,Vltl. Butter Il 40 L'.uu. aO 00 (in I il) Hhtulilers.....0ll( Hides.. 0,a 1 Brk hot 1 08 Lard II (ft Uuoka wheat fluurtb, .Vest pork,ulil...JO 00 Oatl - 40 Unions 1 (0 Pnttloel 00(3) 0 I'eaohea, dried, 9 13 Plaster, y Ul...... 1 00 ll.of. I dried heal. 7 10 Hecf, I Hoard ilt.M 13 00(14 00 Corn, sbelleil 1 no Corn. Corn i meal, V sank, 1 0 Rye 1 iv . . H.II,.srk.l:.0(.t I 40 Hlilnlr.lo.,lln.H(fvi 00 RhliiBk.,:ilielOQil 00 Tirnoth, seed t 00 Tallow - l:t rrk..:. V ewtl IU(j, I in ClomrsvOil . rherse to k'tVwloi, lb. 10(fi J ni.lnl.n.. rtrlff. ID- 1.1 Kri' ......... l riaiseeJ ri.. fltiWIO 10 Wheat.... 30 WCOl M..HH. OA j ,t e",i ., , SlliurlfiJ. Un April 17, I "7.1, by He v. M. L. Canon, Mr. JAAIb'S l. Fl'il'll II l:KTY. uf Jlutl.r. I'a., to Miss CAUAII ,1. HUIIUI.B, or West UlearOelil. Tut abevo' couple reinnubered tlie printers, a sure Indication that their licartt arc in the right place. Our prayers for their heppineii and pros perity shall acooinpany them through lire. l'cmiNylvnuInllallrond TYRONE ft CLEAKFIKLt) BRANCH. OX and after Uomlay, OCT. 381b, 1873, the Pasfteuiier Trains will run daily (except Hun- days) bktwueu Tyrone and Ck-erflold, as fvllowss UI.HAIlrif. l.l MAIL. LEAVK SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Clciraeld S.JO. a. li . Tyrone . (.30,1.1. I'hillpsburg 4.3H, " Osceola 10.40, ' Osceola 4.40, " l'hillpsbar(...ll.07," Tyrone 0.00, " ClearBeld ..... 11.10," i l . ' CI.BARFIBI.D EXPRESS. , ; " LEAVE SOUTU. LEAVK NORTH. ClenrneM..'..,i 4.40 a. a. Tyrant.. .'. I ts a. Philinsburg.. 4.43 " Intersection ...7.04 " Osceola. 7.00 Osceola 4.14 " Intersection.- 4.07 " Philip.Urs; ...4.33 ' Tyrone.. 4.30 " Clear0sld,ar...3 " FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Brlloronte, Pa .. Lock Haven Williurusport... riuntlnsTnon Lewistown. Marysville........ ..13 43 Middletowa $5 00 .. 3 70 ., 8 SO ,. 1 80 .. 3 00 ,. 4 64 Marietta.... S 40 Lancaster 6 84 PHILADELPHIA 7 46 Alloona ,...M, 1 46 Johnstown 3 40 HAKHISBLKU 4 74 PITTKBUHU 6 14 Close connections made br all trains at Tvrena ana 1.00 a uaren. OEOIIGE 0. WII.KI.NS, Superintendent. nylT-tf. LIST OF JURORS drawn for June T.rei, A. D. ItTIi j onann jiaoas. . T.B. Wasliburn.Beccarla John M. Host Hell Hamuel Larnbert..BogKS Walter Bhircy..llradturd Oeo. C. Kirk Urady Jas.M 'Murray. Burnside Jacob A. Broth Chest Dol. Mnurcr... Covington J. . Weaver... I'loarllrl.i Tno. Irvln..CMrwensvillo Mosos Owens... .Decatur Jno. T. Btraw..Fcrguson Wm. Murray fllrard' A. C. Walter Oo.hea Joalah Evans.. .Qraliara Alri. Ream....H..lulich B. 0. Bowman... Huston Tbos. Bmilh Josdan Cbi. Hchnarri Karthaut Hau'l. Powell. Lawrence W m. ltottirook... Morris Oeo. M. Brisben.OscDola John Bloom, Hr Pike Nathan Lines Union THAVinia ji-aufta run era. Jamel IIaines.Beccaria Ab'm. Bloom. .Ferjruson Charles T. Thorp. ..BslliBobertLeonard..Oosbea Amos B Tate, John A. Pulton.. Wm. Hmenl Boggs Wm. tlallaghar... ' ' Wm. Speedy...... M Joseph Hhirey.Bradrord Ellis Smeal.... " 0. Hummel.... " Dao'l Ooodlander.Brady John P. Beck...... A lei. Hbea " John Carlllc " Som'l (I. Kuntl... " Fred. Smiley Chat. Hchwem.... " Krastua Luther... " John Jamison.... " Andrew Liddlc... J. Lines (of Jos ). 44 Wm. Hunter Chest J. M. Pk-ard..Covington W. E. Thomps'a, W. P. Chamnert..Cnrwensrille Edward Plandtrtauiiek Robert Hullivaiulluston Daniel Loiiirin....Oirard J. O. Williams. ..Jordan tl. Fisher Kartliaus D, E. Bloom. ..Lawrence R. A. Mitohell. ' " Jos. Owens ' " Jamos Forest... J.0.8.bryver. " T. N. Fulton... (leo. Hart Morris N. Palmer...N. Wasb'ta John Foreman. ..Osetolt James Young.... H U. II. Jobnilon Pent David T. Hbarp.... Robert Owent Pike Jno. Laborde, Jr.. Union 8. J. Uilnott " O. Hockeubery.Woodwd TBAViniB jiaoRS laroMi waaa. . Thos. C. Wall..Beecaria Jaa. L. M organ. ..Botfgs Thos. Holt Hu.lolph Buck-Bradford Adam llrabam. " Win. 8. Taylor. " John Potter Brady Wm. I.. Porter.... " 8. R. Lokauih.... " Enoch Or arhart. Decatur Amos Hublcr....Urahem Oeo. Mover " Paul J. F'ynn.. ('has. Brown ..Oulieh .Huston David Horning... " -C. Colburn.....Kartbauc Jstael Jnckton....Knos Dennis Owcns..Lawr'nce Jacob U ulicb " C. K. Hmeed....Burnsldo Ham'l Brickler l.aao (loon.., Uaniel Jry ChestJohn renton... " H. Pennington " Uas. U. Hhaw " VY. Hobnarrs. t'ovingloa Alei. Oissej Morris John Dougherty ,M.Cl'fd jL, O Lingle Osceola 41. . Ugdsn " John Troutmaa.... " J. Bilger...Curwensville J.Walla;lier..n. Wasb'ta Asaph Kirk Pcnn Jas. C. Bloom .Pike JruflS and IfdiriHrs. T HE LATEST MUVEI THE LATEST MOVE ! HARTSW1CK & IRWIN'S DKUO STORE, To their new building on Piond Street, nearly opposite the store of Weaver a Kelts, CLEARFIELD, TA., Wbem Ibejr will cootiant U mppty their oM .a 4 many aw oufteincri u my coux with PURE DRUGS! CHEMICALS! PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, 11 (Includlnt all new remedies.) - v H'j! Patent Medicines, Tslnta and Oilt, Hlase and Putty, Bebool Books, Hlatlnnery, Paper, A . Ae. also, a full line or drug gists' Sundries, Hair ' Tonics, tJ Cosmetics, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Brushes, Toilet BOarl., Pocket Bocks, Ac, all 01 itl Lhm beat Cjuallty. PURR WWES AND LIQUORS, for Bedicai A laerameotal purposes only, Ture Whits Lead, Colors of all kinds, Raw and Dolled Linseed Oil, Varnishes, Turpen tine, Coal Oil, Paint t Varnish Brushes, Flavoring - ' Extract!, Confectioneries, Bird Seed, Pi'le, ponnd and angrennd, of all k1oQ SMOKERS AND CUE WER3 Will find oar slock; of Chewing - and Hcaoking Tobacco, IniportaJ and Do mestic Clgers, kianff and Pinceut to ha of the very best brands la to. market. LAMPS AND flllMNEYK, All kinds of OLA 88 WARE, 0ABDEN SEEDS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS aad Musical Trlnttnlogt of avert variety. Having a loag eipericnoo la the builneM, and an astensive and well selected atook of modieinei, we are enabled to lilt Physicians' prverrlptions at the shortest no l Ice and oa tbt lt reasonable terms, da and nignt. IIAUXSWICK IRWIN. CloarB.ld, Pa., Mai 31, 1871-tf. GHAPB VI KB fOR AI.F-A let ol bMrins; Orafe I nee Concord aad TaUwIs sa-ftirralt A. AI. 1111.1,8. . ghj) Uood. NSW SPRING GOODS ! AT WM. ItEEls'ft. PARCALBR, , . r OlNQUAMd, 1 i - TICKINGS, MISLIN8, "' ' ' ' EnEETINUB, r'' lX ' ' ' (,'OTIONADES, BOY'S CA8SI11ERB, MEN'S CASSIMERB. DKESS GOODS, la great variety and all the newst shades. Japanese Poplins, Japauaae Silks, Klrlped Popllua, ,' . Bilk Popllua, ',' . .. French Mobalra, . ; . Crctonnaa. . SPECIAL BARGAINS 15 Black Silks 1 Black Silks! Shawls! Shawls! Shawls! Carpet, Carpets, Carpet, sold at the lowest cash price at W M. REED'S, 3:24 " Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. , 73 pLOUR, FEED, 4C. TUB nrlCCARIA- FLOURING MILLS. The undersigned would respectfully give no tice to the cltlsent of Beccaria township and sur rounding country, thai be has parohascd the Becoaria Flouring Mills and pnt everything In oompleto order, and Is manufacturing a first-class quality of Flour. , . , CUSTOM WORK DONE, and Flour la quantity constantly oa hand for sale. CHOP, CORN MEAL, BRAN, AC, iC. alwayi oa hand and for sale wholesale or retail. OP "INCH Sill Si C; MM WASiTim U" 1 Will cichangc Flour and Chop for 34 iaob (shingles, or will pay part money, il desiied. 10:3 If BARNABAS ARMSTRONG. SAWS I 8AWS! SAWS! DISTAN'S CROSS CUT, MILL, DRAG AND CIRCULAR SAWS. Boynton's Lightning Cross-cut Saw. also, PATENT PERFORATED A ELECTRIC SAWS, fat lale by a .(1J,T6 II. F. BIGLER A CO C. D. WATSON, DEALER IN DRUGS & PATEXT MEDICIES, CONFECTIONERIES, TOYS AND YANKEE NOTIONR.' FINE TEAS A ROASTED COFFEE, BEST BRANDS TORACCO A BFOARS. bCIIOOL BOOKS A STATIONERY, Masonic Building, Second Street, deo4-?3-ly CLKARPIKI.D, PA. T)INK, WHITE A ROAN LINING SKINS X ' dust recclTed end ror sale tiy April 20. It TO. 11. F. BIGLER A CO. JjJE A PRI.MH, OffTk. TV r-V VZrik a ic Rra er finV ( 6?g irSv ftW Wo desire to call tho attention of tlio citizens of Clearfield county to tho fact that wo 1 : ' iiuvo opened a ;.. :. MUSIC STORE IN CLE ARFIELD, Whcro we intend to constantly keep on hand a full supply of .'PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Our stock of TI A NOS will consist of - f ' : , , RAVEN At COMPANY'S FIANOS, 1 STEIN WAY. At SONS' PIANOS, ; HAINES BROTHERS' PIANOS, Wo arc prcpnrcd at all limes turorablo terms ns to prices anu icrms 01 payment. Our stock of ORGANS will consist of tho new and popular UYNDER ORGAN, (with Ryndcr's Knee Ticmolo and downward Octavo Coupler,) The SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S OKGANS, MASON At HAMLIN'S ORGANS, and tho ISEW HAVEN MELODEON CO.'S JUBILEE, TEMPLE and CHURCH ORGANS. Bcsidea tlicse we furnish lo order Organs from any factory desired. We sell oil every plnn known to tho trade, cither CHEAP FOR CASH, ON NOTES, or on the popular amp easv Lease tlan. : ; ' ' On our easy terms evoryono'enn have a good inntrument, and no other investment of liko mount will tend so much to ; . K7y? shall bi to hove oct23-'72-1y . 5ry (6ool4. 1873." SPRINQ. 1873, NEAV . GOODS! AT BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! o i''. . Z ' ! At lo, Brown Muslin. , ;. At 10c, Brown Muslin, real good. At l!jc, Brown Mu.lln, yard wide. ;. At 12,o, Splendid Bleached Muslin, yd wide. At ISo, Handsome Poplin Plaids. . At 3ic, Japanese Poplin. , , At 2,;Blaek and.Coktred Alpaca. i At iOc, Japanett Silk, worth 5o. At tl.00. Elegant Silk Poplin. At tl.ll, Good Black Silk. , i . n At 11.60, Splendid Black Silk, wide. At (2.00, Black Silk, worth (3.50. At 20c, Good White Piiiua, or P. K. At 31.31, Good Honey-comb Quilts.'' At 11.73, I2.0O, (2.34, Splendid. .Marseilles Qaitta. .:. . . ,. , . , " ( j SATCHELS, TRUNKS, OIL CLOTH, GENTS' VNDERWEAK, NECK TIES, SHIRTS, . SUSPENDERS, UA.NDKERCHTS , . GLOVES, COLLARS, CUFFS, - ' AC, AC, tC. at prices to suit tin times. call no ill roa YocasiLr, at WM. REED'S, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. F. STERLING, UuufacUrcr of ... . ... , SADDLES & HARNESS CLEARFIELD, PA. Work fpuraQteed to girt atinaa. rrieM rctonblt, Oi, u 4 Sbup In Orabara't now, MaYrgeH tireei. D. J. CROWELL, Huiafacturer of the D. IT. Ball Bolting Macliin nnd tho PIDB-CL'T 0IIINHLE MACnrNB, to cut from 18 to 26 iuoliei. ami licfurwl nndcr Everat i pat pnt, Jifiitrit, Draf Saw Macbinei and Uanarat Mill Work, fiiDnemabyniug, Camur oo county, Pa. Repairing of Machtntl and general Cttitnin TTork dun to onlr. augHy XI very Stable. THE andrilgned hefff leave to inform tho pub lic tb at he ii oow full prepared to aoooDtmo date all in the way of furoiabiug Uoriei, Buggiei, Saxldlt-i and I.arneaf, oa the ahorteit notice and on reasonable tvriuo. Ueiidenea on Locust street. between I bird and ruarth. UEO. W. GEAR II ART, learflelJ, April It, 1867. O. I. Co yrilKRK to hny lay I'RT GOODS, OR0- oeriee, Queeniware, Ulamware, Urugfl nJ XottoDi, Con feet ion eritf, Jte., cheap for caib. Tht fubteriKr brri learo to luform bis old and new customers that ne bat openott A VARIEtY 8T0RB -1 I!f GLEN HOPE, PA. And will sell good at tirloes to salt (be timet. A liberal reduction will bt made to cuitomen bay ing at wholesale. Call and tiaroint my stock before purchasing lee where. A liberal share of public patronage is olioitudt C. J. REACT. Glrn nope, fa., Juno 14, 1871. gTONE'S SAW GUMMEKS AND SAW U P SETS. We hare recelrtd tbt agency for tbe above and will sell them at manufacturer's prices. Call and examine them. They are the bst, jell) -73 U. P. BIGLER 4 CO. BARGAINS IN MUSICAL IX HTUUMKNTR ! Organt, both new and soobJ band, ai tbt Music Slort, opposite Uulieh't Furniture Storw. All persons Interested are invi ted to call and exnmint a new style of Organ now oa exhibition. iShect Music and Muoie Hooks constantly on hand. ep!24 73tf MARKET STR K E T, ' ' It F I Ii I, PENN A to furnish any of the cheaper makes of Pianos to order on the most MAKE HOME HAPPY, . you call nnd sea fit, whethor yenj desire to jmrcboso or not. UYlVnFsirH lnTlTNir NTORK. tmmxictaixrmmm faf3SsrxsiT' FANCY GOODS, WHITE GOODS, AT . .W3f. ltlaKD'H. ' ... ,1 . . .,, . .... Ni:W II ATS aud 1IOX KTtf. 1'I.OWF.HH aud BIIIIIOKM, ' MiCKTIlUM aud FICIIUH, ' , COLLARS and CtVtm, ' COIIHIOT aud IIOOPHKIIITM, HIHTI.KM and other lIXIN', USUERWKAH of all aliid., f ,i 1IOMIERV aud CI.O r:, , , ,,' 1 IIANDKCHt IlllilH, - t ' r i i : f .... ..i. WHITE TRIMMIM';, , . . ., EMDROIDr.HV, ; , TOW ELK, ' NAPKINS. ' ' : . , i STANDARD TRIMMINGS. A FILL ME k0F 1M1MS0LS. NEW WHITE .GOODS. riQUA, .. ; . i i 1 STRIPED MCKLIKi, , ' ' J'LAIB MUSLINS, 6ATI.V BTKII'EH, HAKAPOSA BTKln;?, AC, AC, AC. . All will lie told at the luwsst pricet at AY M. REEFS, Market Ktrcct, CL arHcId, Pa. It BAD TUIS! FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I Tht atttntioa of tho eltisens of Clearfield and vicinity U dlreoted to tho loot that Uoodfi-llow A Bon are tbt agents of M. Niroa A Co., and bare Just recti ed a half doxen car loads of Flour and Feed, which they otfnr at tbo lowest possible tig ares, A large stock of FLOUB, CORN MEAL, CHOr, BUCKWHEAT t'LOrR, MiAN, Potatoes, Sbslled Corn, Cora In ear, Ac, Ao. Particular attention Is called to M. Niece A Co.'s brand of Family Flour, which is tbe best in tne nartet. Flour and Feed can and will be sold cheaper than It can be obtained elsewhere lo CloarucIJ county. 4r-Stos on Market street, next door to Hon. Alexander Irrin's rcsidunoc. GOODFEI.LOW A P0!, janlOif ApsU for M. rllece A Oo, Valuable Tomo Lots For Sale. I have under my control a bomber of Town Lois, 4a Unit VlearDeld, being au by ZtO feet, convenienily laid out, with streets and alleys, which are now offered for salt. These lota are situated in Lawrence township, adjoining Clear Held borough on tbo east, and north of tbt town ship road leading from Clearfield to Rult. Owen Persons wishing to purchase oaa louuirt of A. M Hills, or at tbo otfioa of tbt uaderr igncd, where a oorrect plot of tbt lots can be seen, witb terms of 1- tfillU II L'I'I L'.ilJtk fti. i at V At a.1 4a) eT Ulif UHVi mcbl9 Sm Attorney at Law. Beale's Embrocation, 4 (L ATI POWELL'S.) For all diieasei Incident to Horses, Cattle, aad 11 u man Flesh, req-'.rlng iht ust of aa extomal application. This Enibrooaiion was txttnsivtly aitd by tht QoTtrnmtnt during the war. For salt by B arts wick A Irwlr, Clearfield Joseph R. Irwin, Curwensvills. Daniel Uood- ander. Latntrsburg. .. j Attention, Lumbermen ! "WT"" oow Bjanutnrturing our IMPROVKD f STKKIj SOt KET DKIYlINti CAM HOOKS, superior to any other In uie. i bavt alto in ttock a large quantity of Canihooks suita ble for railing purposes, which wt art selling oneap lor eavn. amua u. stc.Ani. Clearllcld, I'a., Mareh U, IH7J. TOSEP11 H. KOWLES, Justioo of f I tht Peace and (Scrivener in the upper end of Law re nee townrbip. Collections mult and money promptly pam over. F run.a-iy JfUtUttll. AXNOUNCEMKNT OF Tl(fi 0IIEAI' REDUCTION Of PRICES I 1Y H. POKTEB SHAU'. l. I. Ut important' T,nL7lrfi ' . .. '. Kutiiig suoceeiitd In gelling lighter teriiTou matiTial, hunue (be low and modtrmtt obargu for purtial mnd full acts of Tteth. I use tho beat manafacturo of teeth and .other materia 1. All operations ri'gislured aud warranted Ut flvt icf vice and sati.. notion. Friends, reileot thn( my fibargea'for the Insor tlon of arti flotal aud tho saving of tho naturnf tt.ulh are now Uio most ruaaoualle lu PenusyWanlu'i Pretiorva your teeth aud u preserve your health Put ling of tht nttural tei-tb Id a healthy, pre servative rttid meful tonditloo Is wads a apooialry. blseaaee and malformation motibob to tbt mouth( aw and as too late purls, are treated and corrected witb lair success. c.xamioailoaa and oonsuila tioni riiiei. il would bt wall for iiatieats from a distance to lot mo know by wall a few dayt befurt coming to the office. It It very fuiporUnt that children between (Lb age of six tod twtlrt years sbguJd have thtlr 4etb examined AnwNthotlos art tduilnUUrvd and Teeth ro- moved w Ilk out pain, Ilsiotitioii ami tbnnvtif art judged by all tho world by tbt expressions uf tlLt foot, bene bow vory disustrous may It thon-fore be for p tons to Indulge an expression of distorted features, tvau tunrt from a bvgicaie .lew Now, to enjoy natural uot artifleiiJ) eooiforta and pleasures, rt'spcoi auuuuoy u:i(urai simpiioiiicn kou inminoai p, rum rn riiah, u. u. n. lo New Musuaie Uullding. Heound strcrt Clearfleld, Pa. f.UU'73 DEUTALCAEJ). , Pb. a. 41. 1IILI.S Wt.nld n to his pitllcntrand ttie'ruW. lie Kenerallr, that, naviug dl.tolsed pannersbin wiin lie. Knew, lie Is ai duinj llier entire work of bis tiUiee bimself, stitlut iialienU uei not fear being pat under tne nana, ni but uuier operator, I'luarDeiii, atarea 2u, las-pnuuioutd J. M. STEWAET, D.' D. S., -v'. Offlfro ovorlrwlu's Pruj Btoro, ' . CL'BW ENSVILLE, PA. All dental operations, either in tht mechanical oroperatiie branch, promptly attended lu aad satisfaction guaranteed. Hpoeial attention paid to tbe treat m out of diseases of tbo natural teeth, gums and mouth. Irrejulaxity of tuo ttt-th tuo cositfully corrected. Tet-tb extracted without pit in by the ust or r.tner, and anmeiai ietn lnserttoi of the best material and warranted to render aat Ufm;tton. prit27l:ly L 1 I ptACH IN LUROPCI or ; OH EAT EXCITEMIa.S'T a ' " IN FRENCHVILLE! The bloody contest between franoc and Prussia is at an end for the prcst nt, so far as tbe slaugh tering of men and the destruction of "property it eouoerned. The .loyal Jugsflert no doubt pridu themselvtia and rejoice over the result, but bow lu significant Is their work when compared with fcbt humane and christian efforts of' l. m. coudrii:t, wbo bat undertaken to supply all tbe oitisens In tbo lower end of the county with food tjiid raitocnl at exceeding low rates froin bis mummoth store In M ri.hoN Bli RG, where bo can alwayt be fton.l ready to wait ujtoa tailert and tupply thoia witU Dry Goods of all Kinds, Such at Cloths, Satinetta, Tasaiinervs, Muslin. sUclaincs, Liueo, Jtnllugs, Calicoes, Trimmings, Ribbons, -Lact, Ready-made Clothmr. Boots and Hboct, flatxandl Caps all uf the beat material and made to order-" Host, books, Uio vet, oi it tens, Lc, nth twos, tfo. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, 6ugar, Rice, Uotaates, Fish. Salt. rora, (vinstva un, rua vu, uarnoa uu, Herd wart, Queens ware, Tiuware, Castins Plowt and Plow Castinifs, Nails, Hp ikes. Corn Cultira tors, t'idar Presses, and all kinds of Axes: Perfumery, Paints, Varclph, Glass, and a gtLtral MutTtaitmt wf BfiUwerav GOOD FLOUli,- Of different brands, always on hand, aud wHJba told at the lowost poss.blt figures, LIQUORB, such at Brandy, Wine, Oip, Whisky, Jaynt'i Medicines, Hosteller's and llootland's Bittart. - 6000 iwuodt of Wool wanted for which tho highest prict will bt paid, Ctoversoed oa hand and for tale at tbt lowest market prlao. Also. Agent for glxattoaVille and CurwentrUlo Tbresbiug Machines. tti- Call and sec for yourselves; You Vltl find everything usually kept In a retail stow, L. M. COUPRIITF. Frenehrille P. 0., March L, 137 1. rpil E CLEA KFIKLD CO. .NORMAL J iC WOOL, fur the present year, will be held in the borough of Curwensrille, jowtnenoing o MONlJAY, MAY 6th, and continuing tor a toraa of twelrt weeks. - Tatnui or tcitios, For Instructions In Orthography, BlocilUoa, English (Jratnmsr with Analysis, IJciira phy, Writ! on and Mental Arithmetic, V. s), 11 1 tit ry and Theory of Teaching $3 00 Tlula and OruauieutaJ Penmansbip, Draw log, Book Keeping and Business Corroe- pundenoe 3 CO Vooal Musio, Natural Piitlosopbf, Algebra,' Geometry, Wins oration, Latin, ticrmaaM 1 00 Total 't.',.....:$Q 60 Boarding can bo procured at reason ablt ratct. Good rooms and good apparatus havt bur ft pro cured for tho work; also, two assistant ttiaci)ess one of whom will give intrutioiis in 1'rntBsni'hip. The other in Voeal Mnoie, Elocution, Oeographr, U. 6. History and Orthagraphy. I intend teach ing tht remaining b ranches, and hope tht work will bt so conducted as to be of profit to those at tending. Persons who dcrirc further Inftrinrnttoa oan obtain It by addressing JNO. A. UREGORY, Co. 0trpU Clearfield, March 19, 1873. REPOKT OK THE AUDITOR of Cor in ct on townhip for 137J( ROAD FUND. Anthony Oett and Augustus Multoa, Softerrliiow of Covington township, in aeoount wiUi Road fund of said township for le7?, tKRTOK. To amount of tat lovied for 187 IV 4hft ftn To anntuul of ua seated dm wo.., 310 04 To order oa township treasurer..., 10 Stf Total... 7nu OT mrniroa. Ry amount of work dne Ry exoneration By old orders paid My per etntage dupltoU..,. By time making settlement...... Dais net dut owu9bfp. Total :..o 8t5 P5 I r3 M 2 34 03 4 Ow Oft ;,....$tm or POOR FTN'D. Joha Varlot, Oreraeer of the Pooaof Covingtow lAfwntbip.ln aoeount with the Poor fund of salt! township for lo72, DEBTOR ' To amount of duplicate ft far.DtToa, By bill of goods for Peter Mmtth, pa a per, (1 7i By order of Mro. Keeit for boarding Pottr 8mltb, pauper ....;....... 10 ft By bill o I foods for Tutor Bmitb, pauner. 31 30 By two davt service 4 00 Hy per entrtte on dupitoatt........ II s4 By dupltostt and making out the samt.. f By otieday at tottlemeat 3 Oft By exonerations 9b Balance dut townihip....,- 10 id Total 2 0 t We, tbe undersigned Auditors of CoTlngton lownsbip, having examined tho accounts of Aa tbony Oett aud August na Mulson, Huptrtltort, aad Jubn Variot, Overseer of the Poor, of taid township, for 173, Ind them as ahov slated. JOHN J. PICARD, JOHN MULSON, Attest! D. O. Gioa, Clerk. AuJitort, Cotingtoa township, April 9, 1973-lt. -VfOTlCE TO TRIisiPAr.HH'-Allptr. i 1 sons art hereby ran tinned against cutting or la way damaging timber, or ending lash polas, )in woo a or swim, or in any oiar stay testroy ng timber or treinaisiac an the pnmiatt of Ornom A Dirker, lhoust tlroom or VTsa. S. Dickey, la Beotaria tow a hip, near WhlUner ran, as tht law will bt at i icily enforced agaiatt sail wbo art caught trespassing. And all person banking timtwr or logs oa property of tlroom Dickey, aearWaltmer ran, on ClmrBold orteh. will tahtwotlct that all bank rcat must bo paj befure tht timber caa Ik move I off tht bank. WM. H. DICKEY A FOV feblBSia For UROOM A DU'KEV. V im piiTfiKO op rvKKY Dnnrfcif. t tln We-IlT etWd tl I M C-f