rr- u,::.-,-r-; GEORGE I). GOODLANDER, suitor and raorBiirroa. CLKABFIKLD, Ta. " WEDNESDAY MOR.MNO. ATHIL 19, 183. ,. Cea. J off. C. Davis ban boon directed by Gen, Stiorman to proceed to Hie Pacific coast and assume tlio command mads vacant by the death of General Canby. ' , , saw, W Q Pvnishmicnt. Captain Wil liams, of t ho lost steamer Atlantic, lias boon rollorod from duty for two yoart for bin negligent ndibr drown ing 700 of bis passoiigors. Tills is tbo sontenco of a Urilinh Court of Admi ralty. It is as bad as a Washington white-washing machine Sombody to Rlasik. Eillicr the Ku-EUux or the Credit Mobiliurs have . rained the '"loll" party in Connecticut. Tbo way the leading Radicals aro "go lntf fur path utlier" ninc-n flmii IhIa dofunt is u caution. Tbo Democrats will havo 10,000 unjority at tbo ooxl election. It is said that the Modoc Indians are a branch of tho Digger Indian tribo. If this is so "the Government" may destroy somo of its relations by uriibbing out this band of froo-hooters. Iteenuse it win that tribe Cup I. Grant 4iad tbo "bom" with 1864, about tho timo bo loll the army. Vn the Wino. Tho Government fumily, under tho command of Con vrul Ralcock, have been making pop rails at Tillsburg, Cincinnati and St Louis, the pa at week. It is soinothing remarkable thut our Republican Pres ident and bis family cannot travel without tho escort of an army officer, who should be looking after tho bloody Modoc?. As We KxrrcTEu. Two weeks ago we inquired whothcr our Congress man Scofiold had taken bis (5,000 grub. Tbo editor of tbo Erie Obscr ictt says : "A correspondent authorises ot to sej that Jn-lgo Scu&rld promptly drew hi, extra salary, nJ, as Oakes Ames would m.t, 'put it when it would do the most good' to himself. Bolngno luuger candidate lor tho snArae-as of our citi- lent, ho did nut doom It aeceesary to mort to tht sooieiluge praolloed by him oo a runner oecasioa. It wae promptly tekea sod iavested where it sroaid Mra tbo largest dividends." U.taiTRr.sr.NTED. Under the new apportionment this (XXth) district will bo without a mombor of Congress for two years to come. Cloarfield and lk jtre takou out of tbo XIXlli, rep resontd by Mr. Curtis; Contra and Clinton are taken out of thcXYlIItb, represented Ly Mr. Ross; Union bo longed to tho XIYlh, district, repre sented by iIr.sPackor, While Mifflin belonged to the XVlIth, represented by Mr. Speer. Jtoilher of the mem tiers indicated rcsido within the coun ties forming tho new district. Being so strongly Dotaocralio may bo tho reason that tbo rotors in this district are disfranchised. A Fij.no. Tho Credit Mobiliorand morality organs always asuumo to bo moro tcmperato than thoir unprotend ing Democratic neighbors. Tho Bollc- fonte Republican gets off the following : "It It notable hoi that it tho recent election In Iho eftitorn eountios Democratic Bud Demijonic Majorities vent together." As tbo editor has been in the Stale tut a short timo wo will post him on this fact: Dauphin, Lancaster and Lebanon nro eastern counties. Those Ibroe loyal, tcatjMiralo, godly counlios gave Ilarlraiifl about 8,000 last full, nod in March they gavo Captain Whis ky 7,500 majority, and the "banner" godly county, Alleghony, gavo over 10,000 for rum, and only gavo 0,000 majority lor Geo. O. Evans partuor. JIow is that for Dcmijonic f Pertinent Questions. Tho editor of the Fliiladolpltia Prtm seems to be overworked tnontally, -knowing that corruption abounds everywhero. In alluding to Legislative corruption and ring rule in that city he asks : "Will the people of Philadelphia iter see their wn ri(hl way to right their nun wronger Are nbey indeed dref, duuib end blind? When will the people of Philadelphia ceure to forbear with this debouched aysiem of making bod Uwi and defeating good & I" Colonol, to be frank with you, we will remark, yon helped to got up this whirlwind of corruption.' And we will remark again, you aro working nobly to put it down. But you ap pear to bo poworloss for good. The malady in youroity is too doep-seatod, and nothing but a revolution will re move it. You and your friends car ried tbo Slate and tho city into tho whirlpool, now bring them back to their mooring, whore you found thorn in 1858.' .National Ba.nk Notes. -Tho print ing bnroau of tho treasury department .lias commoncod engraving the plates for the now issue of national bank notes authorized by tho last congress. IDs Ibe intention to improve both the dosign and execution of Iho now notes, so that thoy may bo moro attractive to the cyo, and at the samo time so perfect that thoy cannot bo success fully counterfeited. They aro to ro plaeo the notes now in circulation as fast as presented for redemption. JSxchangc, If thut Is so wo are not disappointed in our conjecturo. But ws think thoso genllemon wjll bo sold who lately pat roAhced a set of loufors vvbo went through tho .country selling fac limile counterfeit Doleotor. Let tho Belle touts JlrjiublU-e slick a pin there and took fur its fi-jnnd whom we treated an) unfairly. V would tiko to bear 4inm him. Iff AA'anL til annln,t:iA t.,,1 it he make no application we 'will tU'.Jl 19 "UQlWt Mid. f Smfrfni Transfer. from A MINE TO the CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. On Thursday afternoon, nhiloour dietinguiehed fellow townsman, Ex Gov. Bigler, was at work in tho Fire Clay Mino, a boy handed him tho fol lowing dispatch ! '.' PnitAimi rniA, April Kill, l73. Ho. Wa. Biui.au i The Dthfaleiot large hare Juit au-olrd you- a member of our body, In tho room of 11 ou Bauiucl II. Itcjnol.li, rptigueil. . Ur.uaoa W. H'ooawisft. This suddon movement of tho Con vention will intcrforo somewhat with tho arrangements of tho Clearileld Firo Brick Company. Tho Governor was one of tho most useful hands on the job and the Company will havo some troublo to get a workman to tuko bis plnco should ho accept tho position of Constitution-manufacturer. Public Interest no doubt demands his prcsenco in 1'hiludulphia, but our local material interests, which ho is assisting largely to develop, call loud ly upon him to remain with us. Latku Saturday morning tho Es Governor lea for Philadelphia, and U now a member of the Constitutional Convention, whero bo should have been from tho beginning. ' But cir cumstances so ordcrod events, al though ho was ode red a soat repeat edly, after ho declined in favor of Gov. Curtin and einco the election, but de clined, as ho and his worthy lady con templated, taking a trip to Europo this summer. But, tho Legislature having elected the Governor ono of tbo Supervisors of our Great Nation al Exhibition In 1870, has compelled him to abandon his European trip, henco bo has consented to tako a seat in the Constitutional Convention. The Governor's opinion heretofore has been that a now or reformed hu manity was mote essential to the hap piness and prosperity of Pennsylvania than an amended Constitution. The old ono was good enough, if tho ser vants of tho people would only re spect and livo up to its requirements. Uis views may undergo a change af ter a month's association with the members of tbo Convention. Grant' Hoy, I'rtddlt. An exchango says :, "There it lame apology going the roundi to the eftVot that Frrddie Orant wai placed on Sberi dftti'a Itaff with the raftk of Lieutenant Colonel without tbo knowledge of tbo J'reiidcnt. Ad mitting thu to bo true, eouldu't Uen. Urant rem edy the bad example by ordering bil boy back to bia regiment, where he belong!?' This is not all there is about this dirty work. Grant wanted his son put on Gen. Sherman's s'.alf, but as Freddie bad travelled wilh tho Gen eral last summer in Europo, ho know the total worlhlessnoss of the boy and would not be bolhorcd with him, and so informed tho Secretary Of War. This incensed "the Government" and it at once applied to Shoridan, who, toady like, look him on bis stuff. This is not all. When thu Secretary of arabandonod Washington he turnod the War office over to Gen. Shorman, wtao was to play ail interim Secretary of War. This little- arrangement coming to Gram's oars, he knocked it in tbo bead. Our readers will no doubt recollect, tho correspondence upon this point bctweon Grant and tho Attorney Gcnoral, who decided that ii Sherman entered the War of fice he must resign as Gcnoral of the array. Tho correspondence was got ten op to burlesque and bully Uen. Shorman, becnuso ho would not allow Krod. Grant to be put on bis stuff. It is needless to soy that tho General has not resigned, nor is ho acting as ad interim. It is a wonder Grant don't have Fred's, salary doublod, like his own. The boy certainly cannot get along with $3,500 a yoar. Blow quiol West Point has been since Fred, was kicked out 1 Tirrrd's 8ntrtt$or. From developments coming to light in the Now York Custom House, it is being pretty woll established that Thomas Murphy is the able successor of Boss Twocd. Tho difference be tween tho two roguos is about this : While Tweed was robbing tho city of New lork of six millions of dollars he adorned and embellished a number of parks and public squares, which were admired aud enjoyod by all. Murphy has tlolcu two dollars for Tweed's one while CoHoctor of Customs, and he has pocketed It, wilh trie exception of tho mansion at Long Branch which he gavo to Gen. Grant. And more than this Twocd is politically dead tho Democratic party has discarded and expelled him from its fold. Murphy is tbo bead anj front of tho party "controlled by grand moral ideas." Tweed bad bruins and possossod tho trails of a gonlloman. Murphy has neither. And if Tom, Jr., is "a chip of the old block," Miss Nellie Grant will have a posie for a husband. Tht .norm o Prophet. Bi'igham Young has informed the church and tho world that ho is going lo abandon Utah and lake up bis abodo in Arizona. He Is coiiil' to rid himself of all earthly things except tho church oi his choice. In 'a tele gram to the Kow York JJeralJ U says: ' "My iwignatlca m Truitoo io Trint for the. Chureb, an Hreucleot of Jfiou'l I'o-opniallre Jli-r-oanllle InaliluMon and uf the lrrt National Hank are made loliOjr from perulur earna ai,J re. ponaihilitira, and l out arTntt my poiition at I'retldent of the Church. In that eapacily 1 ball ttill rxerciie tuperrlaion orer butiuc't, re ch aiattical and leeultr, leaving tbo Wiwlinlto j ounger men " The editor of tho journal in ques tion says : "II it not tiling that we tbould at the imrnt moment comment at any length wnon hit teuti aii'litt and the ludrinent that he raaiet ttnoa Lit own labon aad tbo purpotei of hit life, tut wo may properly, enough tuggett that ir the tamo liltralily of rrnllinrut Fiurctd In thlt eplttle were noma nut m the rermont in the Talieriianle and in Ibe Mormon proii at Halt Lake Oily there would be litllt foundation fur quarrel between the tiainli and Ibe rlinnrri. At II. rine old of trrenty-two we taa well Imagine bit deiiro for peauv. ... An Exehantro sats : The Ohio Leu- islaturo hat passed ait act for Iho pun ishment, by imprisonment in tbo pen itentiary, of persons convicted of brib ing Statu officers or members of .the Local Option. Tho majority against prohibition In this Slato, in 1804, was 6,240. Now it Is over four times that against "lo cal option.' i j ! ' j All tho cities In the Slate have da. olnrod for lioonso, except Altoona and Williamsport. This is singular, but such is the fact set fsrlh in tho table below. ' CVn'et. Allegheny Allonlown , Altoona t'arbondalc Cheater , l'rry,, Krle llarrixhurg , , , Look llaron , l.aueaaler m Mendrillo rittaburg m. trading ,., , Hcrautun Tiluarilie Willlamiporl Wllkeabarre 'or, Aaaintt. J,J0i el? it SOS 110 i,s:t a ; I7S i.rus ail ' 1,1 it , U1J ' l, its -lil , jn lD.tOJ 1,763 l,7J 17,471 Philadelphia votos on this question in October, and will no doubt declaro lorgcly for liconso. An Exception. Tbroo fourihs of all tho murderers who have been hung for ten years past, havo escaped from the scaffold to lloavon providod tho officiating clergymen and tho report ers havo told tbo truth; An excep tion to the rulo seems to havo occur red at Syracuse, Now York, on tho 18th, whero a criminal named Fralich was bung. Tbo dispatch says: lie marched firmly to tho gallows, where ho inado a speech denouncing the judge and district attorney in bitter language, lie closed his remarks by sayings "in tno name ol Uod Al mighty i ra ready; lot me go. - i J C'Aaiirf for Thtolottan A Church quarrel in Northumberland county, of long standing, has boon settled by tbo Supreme Court deciding thai Sunday buhools do not come under iho bead of "divine scrvico." Tho Sunbury Democrat, in alluding to i mo caso, says : The Lnlhernans and Gorman ltoform ors of Lower Augusta twp.,who joint ly own and worship in what is known as the "Jjantz L-huioh, havo for sov eral years boon engaged in lawsuit. wucn tbo euurcu was built by thoso two congregations thoy entered into a written agi-ooment that notlunir but "divino worship" was lo bo lield there in. in niter years .Sunday .schools woro inaugurated, and these two con grogations iormod and held one in a school bouso near tho church. Alter awhile unpleasantness arose and the Lutheran wing of the school seceded and went into tbo church, whore thoy hold their school against the protest ol the Kolormeds, who contended that the holding of Sunday Shcool wag not "divine service." A lawsuit ensued and Judge Hockcfeller decided in favor ot the Lutherans. Ibe Uelormedssp. pealed lo tho Supremo Court, and thai tribunal lias just rendered a decision reversing the decision ol the Court bo low. The whole mnltor appeared to Inn go on the quostion woolhor "divine worship" would correctly embrace Sunday Schools. During the trial in our Court (Judgo Uockolullcr sitting id equity j several ministors were sum monod to eivo thoir interpretation of "divino service." They disagreed as woll as tlw Supreme Court and the Louri uciow. i oi'bteen Hundred Gone. Over fourteen hundred members of tho "bread and butter brigadu" will be discharged on the 20th of May noxt. Tho Washington correspondent of tho Philadelphia I'ress says: "Frequent inquiries are madoalllie Internal Keren no Bureau as to when the net of December 24, 1872. abolish ing '.ho off! cos of assoasor and assist ant assessor of internal revenue, goes into effect. Tho Commissioner, in re ply, says that this law will be put into operation on May ZU, and at that lime the services of all Iho assessors, 230 in number, and their assistants, about 1,200, will be dispensed wilh. Tbe law provides that it shall go into effect on or belore iho 1st ol July next, and tho Commissioner has selected May i as most convenient. O, doar, Ibis is a worso slaughter than occurred at the Wildorncss, but its results will go far toward reducing iua uruioum -oiessing, or, aeui. "Woman's Kionrs." Judgo S liars wood's decision that women cannot voto under Iho existing laws, is unani mously sustained by all the other Judges of tho Supremo Court. Tho point, indeed, is so ovidont as scarcely lo admit oi argument, but Miss Carrio Uurntiaru made what aro bear was a very good spooch upon it. Sho re ceived the respectful allonlion of the Court. While iu Uochester.New York. JUiss busun l). Anthony, for her effort lo vole, was lugged off to prison by a United Males Marshal and or tbe Ku Klux law ; a proceeding f which the absurdity ought not to conceal tho enormity. this clamor lor lemalo suffrairo is nothing more nor' less than political Harlotry, liul ono stop backward and you land in tno whirlpool Itself. Lots or Conuiiksbmkn. Says tho Johnstown Tribune: Our new Con gresaional District Bedford, Blair, Somorsot,Cambi'ia--has probably more ex-uongrecsmco Iivjnif within lis bor- d ors than ony othor district within the Statu, fiodlord has four: Job Mann, a. it. iiussoll, John Cessna, and B. F. Myers. Blair bas three : Samuel Cal vin, Samuel S. Blair, and Archibald -McAllister. Somerset has three: J no. It. Edio, Wm. 11. Koonlz, and A. II. Coll roth. Cambria has two: Daniel J. Morrcll and A. A. Barkor. Well, they aro not much lo your cred it, if Oakes Ames, James Brooks, Wl llr,i. , I , a t- i v. ivwiaiy nuu joiib uiugnam aro standard Cungostismon. Not Mucm.v. Somo ono says : If (rant wants to make snort work of Captain Jack and Iho leading Modoc assassins let him send for Shoridan, Iho scalper of tbo Piegnns, and tbe dosolalor of tho Shenandoah Valley. Jack doscrves just such an avenger. Wo hardly supposo Grant will agroo to this, howovur, sinco his son, Frod, has been appointed on Sheridan's staff. To our mind Shoridan will novorbo scalpod by Indians while Frod. Grant is on his staff TIkj Indians will bo safe, too, so tar as Fred Is oonccrnod. Tbo Now York Herald says i Now Jersey Doniocrutio papers nrorojoio ing over thoir triumphs In tho recent munlulpaj elections. Thcv sea rod v know whether to attribute them to tribute litem to PI IP VVcdlt civil sorvjea ignorance Tht Uetrayed State. Under tho rulo of Grant and bis brother-in-law Casey, Louisiana is uiado an American Ireland. -Jlot wo aro glad to team that the white peo plo of that Stalo who aro noltbor carpet-bagger uor scalawags, have de termined to resist Kellogir and Coskv and tho rest of tho blood-hound who aro endeavoring to convert that fertilo State into a second -South Carolina by tho united efforts of fraud and lurce. They havo settled upon a quiet and orderly mode of affecting this very ucsiraoio onjoci, auu havo ro solvod that Kellogg's bogus Stalo trov eminent, supported as it is by Grant's artillory, must subsist upon gunpowder and round and grape shot alone, for it shall havo no money, iho laxpayors throughout tho Stale have resolvod that if Kellogg is resolvod to play at Doing uovcrnor, ue snail uo so at his own private cost, for as unfortualo husbands advertising absconding wives say Ihey will pay no uolils ol this bas tard government's contracting., Thoy aro organizing in their respective countries for tho purpose of quietly refusing to ray taxes ; and tho carpet- baggers being thus deprived of tho great object ot thoir desires will soon bo starved out. . -!..' Gov. Leslie of Kentucky has sent a moseage lo tho Legislature of, "that Stalo, in which ho lays before that body the addrosa of Gov. McEnery of lioiusiana, anu reviews at length the unhappy situation of affairs in tho lat ter. "Their causo." he an re, 'Zw our cause ; for thoir duniror is our danger. Tho hitler cup which thoy drink lo day may be soon commended la our lips. To abandon her is to abandon tho common cause of Stalo Bights.'- ii mo great wrong wiucn has, been porpotralod against bcr shall pass un challenged and unredressed now, it may serve as a precedent to render resistento to similar encroachments more difficult in the future" In con clusion, Gov. Leslie says: "I there fore, recommend that a respectful but earnest and solemn protost against tbo unwarrantable intervention of Federal authority in the Slato of Louisiana, to which your allonlion has beon Called, bo prepared and altered by the Gen eral Assembly of the Slate of Ken- lucky, in a suitable form lo be laid before Iho Congress of tho United States, and that our Senators bo In structed and our members in the House of Iteprcsontalives be requested lo givo all proper aid In supporting tho appeal proposed lo be mado by tho peoplo of Louisiana for a redress of thoir griovances." Tnosx in Debt. A colorod gontlo man named Capior has been elected to Congress from Alabama. Having sorvod nino years In tho State Peni tentiary, the San Francisco A'cwt Let ter suggests that Capior has paid a debt to bis State which Biindry of his eolloa'uos still owo to thoirs. We know it is wrong lo speak ovil of dig nilarios, but thon can such men as Capior, Pomoroy, Caldwell and Kclloy be properly classed as dignitaries f South Carolina has now a sound Bo publican representative in Congross who onco proposed in the Legislature of that State to sell evtry froo negro in the State into slavery, and a Ito publican Governor who tore down the United States flag from FortSumptcr and trampling It in the dust hoisted robel flag in its plaeo. Thero is "lor- any ior yo. ,. it r . Col. A. K. M'Clure is very fmuk. Lately, In a speech in the Senate, he said : "I come from those who are ex port Iu fraud, and have made crimo a profession." .Nobody doubts it-i Wil liamsport Bulletin. Tho Colonel was alluding lo the leaders of tho Republican party, ' We don I doubt it. Do you? A ten year old boasting lo a school, mato of his father's accomplishments, put it Ihus : "My fathor can do almost anything, lie's a NotBry Public, and hes a 'polhcoary, and can pull teeth, and he's a horso doctor, and can mend wagons and things, and ho can play il. a l.n. , . t .. wie uuuio una a jucaass at an traues Brit jaawHsmruts. C1 IIERRY TREE MALE & FE MALE C01.LKUK. The Dammar Term of this instltatioa will onn for tha n-eeption of atudmts of both sales on MONDAY, tbe Jlh day of MAY. 1ST 3. Thoroaeh instruction ID ail tba aranenee or ft eommon Knglirh aad aoademical aduoatioa. Hnecial at teauaa girea to Iho training of teachers, la strurtlua oa the Piano and Organ will bt girea oy aiiee stale r aioora. ror particalars, address II. 11. KI.NIV;aU. See r. Hrndforeatalugue. ap23-4t 6. I, SNYDER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER k iSD VSALIft IS tWatc4u!s, Clocks and Jewelry, Oppaslta Coert House, Paeond Street. 1'LKARPIKl.n. PA. All kiaaa of repalriag la my llae promptlr at- tended to. April jj, 1S7J. pAIITIOK. J tioned agaii 1 Harrow, 2 ccr All peraona an Jiereky cau- againsi paronaaing or nrddiiog wiih I CcraOera. 1 Tattle, half inlaraat U 1 Stores and Pine, a lot of Kails. I Fhm.l .nd all other pereonal prwpertr aa tho grounds of the uieeraeia rarn Aseoeiallon, au te same belongs v we nuu is icu tnere aunjeet to my order. April S.I, TJ, J.t n. r. BHIIfR. CIAUTIONAII peraonaara hereby aa. J tiSed not lo interfere with tha fallowing property Ooa Cow and Calf, t Iwo-year aid heifers and a head af bbeep, aa lbs same belongs to me, I baring purchased the same oa law I7(t day of April, 1171, IVa Ueal.1 Helada and Kate ouladft, bis wire, and hare left them wlthlhem oa toes only sua.ot to my order. jiprtl as, i-l, v-l. JAMKH 1IILK8. 4 N ORDINANCE.Do It enaeted I 11 by the Burgess and Tnsrn Council, aad It is nercny araeraa oy tne aumorlty of the same 1st. That bereaftor no person shall be permit. trg to nse or occtij,y any street or portion of street for Ihe purpnsa af laying thereoa building mate rial, or uf circling sraflulding or ether atmllaneea eonnoited with Ibe erection of any building, ti- nept they Itrst olitato frotn the t'lerk of the Towi Council a permit he use the same, and erery per son shall pay for said permit tba sum of Ire dnl lars, eaoept when said permit grants Ihe nee of nrconu or Maraet streuts, wlieu they shall pay tba mm of ten dollars. 2d. The Clerk shall are at ao nrrmll I owner or builder fur a lunger period than all m'ssllis or !! nee any oilier portion of Ihe slreet than the burf of Hie street fronting the prsmlres oa wblrh the said building is to be erraicd. - A. C. TATE, Oargenf. Attest! E. C. Jonvana. Hee'y. ap24-4t OUl'lIANS' COURT SALE. In iinreaonce of an order of the tiihii' Couit of Clrarfl-ld county, the naderpigned, Ad ministrator of the estate of Cfeorge tlrsras late or the State of Missouri, dee'd., will sell at pub lio sale, at Ibe Court House, ia Ihe borough af Clrarfltild, said ciuiily, on Tllt'HMMY. MAY, ?d, 1S73, at I o'clock, P. M., the followlm deeerikeJ reel estate of said aocoasod, to-wlti All that eorjaln traut of land, situate in Murris tonnthrp said counly, bounded by lands of fianM llrauis nnd ninrra, ennraining line) IICKUHgO AMI MKETY-POUU ACKKH, mors or ,ss. The Improrrmenls wniln of a good TWO-tSTORT PLANK IKH'PK. 10.2.1 feel, with lli-L..... lachcd, FRAME BARN SO hT ahont g f.L aad ether autbuildlnfe. lOOOl) Oltt'UARU on Ilia premises, .ha properly I. ,i, uoai,,i,j Willi coal. Ahwut one bandnd .r . . le cleared and under a good state or ralUraaWen. Tiaus or Cais.-One-lhirsl af tbs awmase snonsy cash upon oouBimation of salet one-third in one yoar, aud Iho lialanca l i.. . .1. 'he littar t p.yn.mis with liiercs. from .0( -,,.torad hrnMtt $rw guiwtijiMfttts. OUPIIANS' COURT 8ALK. In paraaaftoa of aa order of taa Orphant' Court of Cleat Seld aoonty, tba andaraigaad, Ad mlalilrator ot tbe aatale of Kichard Aaberaft. lata of laid county, deo'd., will aell al publio aale, at tba Croaa lloade at Kaat Kldgo, la burn side townahlp. aaid oounlv, on i t TIll'KKllAV, MAY 12J, IS73, ; i at I o'eloek, t. M.,lhe following ileaarlbad real eelale of aaid deoeaeed, to-wit t All that eertaio piaee af laad aitueut la Itarnaido luwnebip, aaid oounly, boundad by landa of laaao Keim, K. A. Irrln A Co. and othera, coolaiulug TWE.NTY flVK ACRbH, mora or leas. Tanaa or Sale. One-half of the purchase money cash oa oonflrmatlon of sale, and tbe bal ance in oix mouths thereafter. The latter pay ment, with Interest from data of sato, ta be aa ourad by Judgment bonds on the premises. ALEXANhKH Mi-il-WAlME, ' April 13, "7.1, I I Administrator. Q.UNSMITUING. , Q. W.WOLFE, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH. Shop on Third street, orar Hilry's blacksmith shop, L'LKAKFIKLl), PA. , All kinds of Rifles aud Bhot Guns on hand. Repairing dona In a Srst-elass manner and at fair prices. J.Jo'TJ AlrMININTHATOHM NOTICI2. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration oo the estate uf ANOKKW II I NTKfl, deocased, late of Morris township, Clrar&cld oounly, lenn'a., baring been duly granted to tbe undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate will please saakt immediate payment, and those having olaime or drmands will preanut them properly authenticated for settlement without delar. I. H. PARKER., . ilAHTUAIILNTKR, meblt-tt. Administrators. ' J. 11. M'MUIlllAY WILL erprLT yon WITH ant article or MEHCllAN'lllHK AT THK VERY LOWEST PUKE. COME AND HUH. (::71yj NEW WASHINGTON. IOR SALE. I bave for sale the . following property i i bay Mares, by name Minny aad kitty, at f 1,400, or choice of one at f 100; one set of double harness at &0 r one sat of stagle harness at 130 1 oaa thrsa-soated spring wagon at f 220 i one buggy at Hti j eus threa aealcd bobs (140 j one slngh 11 14. UKO. E. IIOBACKER. PenSeld, Pa., March !. 1S7S. OOK AND READ! SADDLE & IIAB.VESS MAkIG! ' JOHN 0. HAEWICK, Market St., CLEARFIELD, Pa., Is tha man U ga to if voa - want a set of new HAK.NKSS ar a aaw BAbDLk, or anything else in thai line. He turns out as good work as is done In aay shop In Pennsylraaia, and bis prices are very reasonable. Ceastaotly oa hand a full line of TROTTING GOODS, rack, as Trotting RadJIii, Quarter and Miie Hoots, Trolling Rollers, Whips, Finr Unishesand Combs, As. A Sue assortment of Nets, Horee Oorers, Knee Ulsnketa, BuOala Hobes, As., Ac, kept in season. la faot anything that horssmea stand in need of is always on hand. All of wblcb will be sold at wholesale or retail al the Tory fairoot rarea. Repairing promptly attended to. All work guaranteed. Shop in room formerly occupied as Port Office. April , 1S73. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS " CLEARFIELD, PA. mill fcl'MMER TERM af eleven weeks, will X commence Monday, April 14th, 1ST 3. TERMS OF TUITION. Reading, Orthography, Wrillag, Object Laa. sons, Primary Arithmetic and Primary Geography if 00 History, Local and doseriptive Oeography , with Map Drawing, Urammar, Manful and Written Arithmetic.................... ( 00 Ak-ebra and the Sciences II 00 instruction la tnltromentftl musts 10 CO Oil palming, 14 lessons ..,., II to W work t 00 lor full particulars send for Circular. CIcarBeld, AprU 9, IS73. 7:70 y rpiIE AUTOMATIC Knitting Miitliinc! This Knitting Msrhlne Is one of the most use ful inventions of tbe age. By autiring cfTurtr and ingenious experiments the inventor has achieved what thousands bava unsuccessfully tried to a-.iain. That is,. a KMI'liNO MA CHINE, that will knit a sock ia sevea minutes, heel and toe, oempleta. Narrows and wfdens.- Knits all gradeaof yarn. Nobles, Tidies, Hoods, Mrn's Knit Jackets, Hosiery of all sisee, and al most an endless varisly of t'sefnl and Ornament al Ooods. It will knit from a Watch Guard to a Bleigh Robe, aad dors it with neat ores and des patch. Persons that ara ineepaeiatcd from hard woik,aa earn from 82 TO 81 DOLLARS , Ter Da; with tha Knitter. . ' This Machine bas tahen tht higbral Premiums at the Principal Kspositions, State and County Fairs. It is simple and darablo in eonlerucliun, aad will wear a life-time.' As H is eonstrutfted with tha tacat raeohaalcal eiaelness, and for general range uf work. "IT 1IA4 NO EQUAL," and Is only limited in bcaaty and style by lbs imsgiaaiioa and ingenuity of the operator. . RKT.il I. VltlCE, $ IO.OO. , For rrferrnea Ibe public eaa address or call ap on the following residents of Clearfield oounty 1 Jonah Thompson. Jonathan Hartshorn, John Norris, D. D. Kilter, John F. Btull.Curwemrllle: Lewis J, Hard and Joha Orr, Uurd P. O.i Klah Johnston, Abraham fprncer, Klirha Fenlon, Urampiaa Hills P.O.; Joseph Kirk, Joha Ow aas, James Curry, Lumber t'iiv. Samuel Jenkius, Kin., at Carwrnsville. la lha General Agent for Clearfield and Jefferson coun ties. All neecssnry Information can be obtained ty calling apoa blm. - . April IS, le?3-tf. JJU2CONSTRUCTED. DANIEL STEWART It SON lUvtnc narfhuW tht hw Cloth Uobm of sMsrnnm.oi 01 .Mu faot urea Uoodi Ii tbe ceuoljr. -u cm wii tutjir READ Y ; MADE . CLOTJI1KO, for Men, Boys and Chlldrso, , . tO PEl CEKT. CHEAPER Than any other house In tha oounty. They will always keoa aa hand a tare and l. agant aaeortiaent af GENT if FURSlSlllXa QOODS, COLLARS, : TLBS, TECXE8, - TALISW, , tt 1 - ' , , Ac, Ac. OF TUB LATEST 6TTI.BS AKD rATTKRNS. If yon waat In a-el rood aail strllsh Clothina. at low ngitrns, do not fall to call at thrlr ealab- ttshmeat befnre spending your money elsewhere. RemewiWr tba lao. aug; ,j DAMEL STEWART A BON, Alllllsl,TRATtlR' NOTICE. Notlaa Is hereby riven that letters of sdmlnlsts-atioa oa tns estate or wm. K. WHIUI.KY, dea d, late of the borough orCloarfleld, Clearfleld eouaty, I'a., having been dulv araated lo tha anderslined. all psrsona Indebted lo said estate will please rake Immediete payment, and those having claims ar demeade will present Ihsei properly authenticated for Battlement without delay. , J. K. WRttlLKV, F. 0. WHKll.KY, Clearleld, April , 1871. St. Adminialratora. IXiitl'TDIf" NnTlce.-Noll-o Is h.-re-j b.Y given that li-tlera teslamenlary having ae-n granted tn the suhm-riher na the estate of OKllKtlK 1IKNHY YtiAH, deo'd, lets of Ilrady township, Clearileld county, I'ouuaylvauia, all persons indehted to said estate are reiiieslrd to wake iuinirdlale parment, and tense having rlaime against tha same will present thru duly autBCalleetrd Cor satlleraenl, arKOUUR JAfpJ) YOAB, j9nv 2lflrfrtisrmrit5. Mercantile Appraisers' List T 1ST of Retail Dealers In Forelg and Do. Ij meatlo merohaudlso In Cloarflold aauuty, for the year IbiS, vln ecriBu. , Class, ' Zf'cswse. 18 John U. Om.go.lll H MiuK.A.Wriglil T 14 B. Armstrong .... 7 Cruse. feeass. II Wsa. Rani 7 13 AraUAIIartsh'nl3l 13 Tbompsoa A C0.43J 14 OalharlDttlrair... f 13 Wm. A. Dale , 10 14 L. V. II. Sopor... 1 13 John Irrln I2 14 H. Ktiler 7 t K.A.AW.D.Irvin 34 nrcATca. II J. J. Jackson..... 7 13 Hoover Bros 10 BKnoiaos. 14 John M. Carson. 7 oiasniL II Wo. 8, Dickry a nun........ 14 C. J. Keagy... 14 O. W. Stilus.. 1.1 H. M. Farlaue. 1 4 Jerry Cooper. BRLL. 14 David H-ll,... 14 J. W. Hell.... 14 O. W. Rorabaugh 14 Kobt. ilrhllley. 14 MctieeAlkllia,uiU 14 RobL ii. HtewarU 14 Mrs. M. Kulrrr... 14 Hamiltuntlraham 14 W m. Ali-haBcy.... 14 T. A. Mcllea 14 II. F. Henderson 14 A Lacotite.. noaRCN, 14 J. B.Ellis 14 Jacob Campbell A 14 Ellis, Irwin A Soa 14 Wui. L. ribaw.... Dun , 14 P. M. Smith II J. Scott 1 legal.. 14 Win. Mapes 14 II. II. Morrow... ORABAM. 18 T. II. Foroey.... 14 Philip MoUea.. . aooas. 1.1 Jno. Holt A Suns 10 13 Kills rlmeal A Co. Ill 14 J. Forest f aaatironii. 14 Elliot Sclfrldgo... T 14 Kd. II. Williams. 7 14 Ah. Graham 7 13 alesler, McMath A Co JO snanr. . 14 C. Tturket 7 14 R. II. Moora 7 14 W. J. Means 7 14 KanliAOinler... 1 14 John Hchourich... 7 14 B D. Sehooaovcr 1.1 II. Alk-uinn 10 P. A A. llynn. 14 T. A. I'ridi aux Nol'TSIiALB. 14 J. . Williams.... 7 13 Pat Gallagher..... 10 14 Win. Charlton.... 7 13 Jumrs Dnun 10 14 Mathlas Maver... t II F. LirerightACo. It 14 I'orter a. Co...... 14 . W. Carlisle It Roht. Mcllondiy. 14 J. UeberlingACo 14 Mrs. s). Ilesinger. 14 J. Stewart, No. I, 14 Clareocellichartls 13 D. Uoodlander.... 14 J. Hlowart, No.J. 14 John Nangle....M 13 L. H. Carlisle... II rlchwem A Co.... i 14 W. H. Ilsllinan... 14 IL C. Oates It Kerd Bros. A Co. orsrov. 14 Chas. MuFaddon. 14 Poter Lanoleon... 10 j 13 II. W. Hrowa..... 10 7,14 n in. h earns 10 C. II. CoryellACo 30 II T.J. Burke ... 7 13 Morrison, KaneA 4 Jno. Kane A liro Co .. ... 10 13 J. A. Terpe i:j sukiiab. 14 Jas. McKeehen... 14 Parker alroog.... 13 II. t-an 14 J. C. Johnalou... 14 Straw A Beer II Mary J. Comfort. BAftTMAI't. 14 flodfiey rieber... 14 I. C. Mclloakry. 14 Wm. J. Ilupper.. 13 J. W. IVter..... 14 Thomas Myers.., - aeox. 14 Bimon Flvnn 14 D. A J. F.rbard.., II hamut-1 Htarr Lt-usra cirr. 14 II. W. Bpencer... arasMBK. 13 Jaeksoa Palohin. 10 14 J. C. I'oauor 7 13 Horace Patchin., In 10 14 Jas. Mc.Murray... 11 A. W. Patcbin.... 14 Lamborn, Hell, Fredly A Co.... CBBST. II McEre A Co 14 Wm. Pardy 14 Rosa A McCune. 14 Jsmeo Curry...... 14 O. P. Pierce 14 Wm. H outer II II. II. Uurd 14 A. L. llurd 14 Wat. McOarvey.. 14 Jno llockcuborr 14 Hugh Jalbighvr II Wm. II. Wagoner CLRABriBLD. 13 Nutter, Dai isd Co 10 13 I erguson, Ross A Co .I2J 13 D. h. Irrgusuo A 13 Wright A Bro.V 10 Co I2J 8 II. 1. lligler A Co JC 14 McUaughey A Co 7 14 liol.l. Mitchell.... 7 13 K. W. Uraham....l2) IO J. M. Kratser.... 20 13 Ktawart A Bon.... IV 14 R. H. Hhaw . 7 10 Win. Rerd 20 14 Thee. Htcvoosou.. 7 8 Richard Mossop. 60 11 Miller A Powell.. 15 II 11. F.Xauslc 7 10 J. Bhaw A Hon... 20 14 J.H.f-b.i.rrs... 7 14 CD. Vlatson..... 7 1 1 rhinue) I. Knrder 7 14 J. M. Macomber. 7 auBKte. 10 D. W. Holt A Co.. !0 14 Leonard Kyler.. 14. Jonas Moos 14 Peter Mover 14 James Thompson 7 14 Austin Dillon,... KKW WASIIIIUTOI. 10 J. It. Mr-Murray. 30 14 Johnson A Dale. 14 Wm. Foster 14 Kemnel MrCuar. use KOLA. II J. R. llrown 11 J. 11. Friday 14 S. L.Rubins 12 W, O. Kellr- 13 HartswickAlrwin 10 14 Mrs. tl. Boallch. 13 SsckcttASchryver 101 14 Pat McUera 7 Weaver A Hells.. 4"! 14 Mrs.This. Iluchls 8 Kratser A I.jtle. SO, II H. A. r-colU-ld.... II Lever Megal IJ I4 A.Mvers 14 U.C.Pasmo-e.eoal 7 10 Lirerighl. Liegla I Wm. Turktr.liiuo t A Co 7 14 F.B.IIarlmanACo 1 14 lleorge K. Jonee..- 30 7 7 14 Us. id Adams.... II U. D. Uoodleilow A Suba 13 A. I. Shaw II Mrs.T. E.H .i.en II P. A. Gaulln 14 John Trontttan., 14 John A. Btadler.. 14 Mill etyner,ftia- sie flora 7 10 7 7 7 14 T. 8. A J.U.I sett 7 8 M'ishaoron Land .. A Lumber Co... 30 13 T. R. Uood 10 13 T. C. Ilcims A Co JO II Alicbael ?irrr.. U A lUcasr 1 1 Foreman A lies aeih It McUraih A Co.... 13 David Foroey.,.. ras. 14 O. L Koarrs II J. ii. RaSsrty.... riKB. 14 Adam Smith rioT. 14 P. E. Brubakar... 13 J. R. Arnold...... WOODtVARO. 14 Painutl liaggerty 14 G. W.. Lambura. 14 Robert W aring .. II Misses Mcl'allo'h A Htewart II Win. I. other - IS t. B. Iscli 14 O. D. Hunk OOVIVGIO!!. 14 Justia Plubrll 14 Fraaois Ceulrlet. 13 L. M. Coulriel.... 14 Henry Yutlirrs... II Mrs. Maria Hitler 14 Henry Cochran... 14 Fred r-chnarrs.... 14 Uco.MerrellA Co II W. E. Longer.... 7 14 Gilliland A llcok- andora M.M 7 14 A. Higleman 7 II M. U.Conoway... 7 r-rawcesrii.i.a. 13 Faust A Uoadwia 10 14 T. W. Fl.ming... 7 14 Wm. W.Albert... II A Oatca 7 14 Wm.A.ChaseACo 14 Jacob Bilger 7 1 Thos. Hrndrrsoa. 14 Jos. R. Irwin..... 7 14 McCullrAKamev I D. S. Plainer 7 14 Frank Uuleer 14 Aleiaadei Bros., 7 1 14 James Ceruolv.... rivaij. nr.Ai.Riis is raTCRT vinicinr.a, C'. Aicsnsr. 4 Uradv, Daalel Oondlander.. i 4 Jalius A. Terse,. ..,. a 4 Beeoaria, C. i. Kragv 6 4 ' r5tmon MrKarlaoe 8 4 Covington, L. M. Coudrlet t 4 Curacnsvillr, Josepk .. Irwin 8 4 " Aluaandcr Bros ,, A 4 Clesrfield, Kit-hard Morsop b 4 CD. Watson.. t 4 . " llartaaiek A Irwla 8 4 " Kralser A Lytic 8 3 " A. I.Fhaw 10 4 (lulloh, P. A A. Flran 8 4 Uraham, T. II. Forcer 8 8 Hoastoa, C. IL, Caryell 4 Co , 8 4 New Washington, J. K. MoMurray 8 4 Osceola, D. R. Good 8 4 Woodward, Samuel liaggerty 8 ' Miii ia's ta. ' 14 Bumside, Horace Patcbin. 7 14 Uoshen, J. B. Shaw 7 14 Lumber Cltv. O. 11. Lvlle 7 14 Pike, John Irwin , 7 14 ' Josqih Spencer 7 14 " O. B.Logan , 7 14 I'aion, Josrpb It. Arnold 7 BRRWr.ni. I CleerOeld, Cliarlcs KrhaScr 8 I Caspar Leipoldt..u 8 atSRRRS. Lutbersburg, F. K. Arnold A Co 30 Clearfield, Clearfield Counly Bank , 30 Osceola, Lloyd, Caldwell, Lswths d Co..,. 30 stt.t.ia una, vau rtaa, avtv . Clearteld, D, McGaughry, I table.. 30 Oscecbt, J. C. Rikanl, 1 Uble 30 M Beniamtn Bwarert. 1 allov BO I oertlfj tha above ta be a oorract II al ef the persons assessed. iNotiee ii hereby giren that an Appeal will be brld at Ihe Commissioner's Office In Clearfield, en FRIDAY, the 3d day of Mav neat, where all who feel aggrieved eaa attend if iney ace prosier, lit eionerat Ion ar reduction can ne made after tba dsy of Appeal 11. 11. REAM. April iih,ier. Mercantile Appraiser. To Tax-Payers I TN" accordance with the Act of tha General A X semlily of this Commonwealth, approved the sa aay oi oiareil, ji. v. inra, and tne sannle- msnt approved Ibe Id day of ArrlL A. D. IS.i. "relating to Hie onllrotlon of taxes in Ihe county of Clearileld," Bottee is therefore herehy glvaa In the tal-payers residing in Ihe distrleta named below, that the County Treasurer, in accordance wltn tne sectwin section of said Act.wil attend at the places of holding tho borough and township elections on the following named dava, for the purpose of reoeiring I lie Oouai aad State Uses assessea ror.ine year i;at For ClesrOrld anil Lawraaee township, Friday ant HalurJev. Mav 2d and 3d. For Karihaua, Tuesday, May Sth. For Covington, Wednesday, May lh. ror uirara, inureaey, May nth. For Unehen, Friday, Mav nth. For Uradford.Saturday.'Mar Intb. Frar tlrahani, Monday, May IStb. For Morris, Tncsilay, May Ulh. F Decatur, IVednesdav, Mav Htk. For Oaceola, Thursday, May 15th. For Houtsdale, Friday, May loth. For Ilogga, Saturday, May 17th. For Huston, Tuesday, May 10th. For I'aion, Wednesday, Mav Slsl. For Brady, al West Liberty,' Thanday, May 13J. " '' ,; Traatvilla, Friday, Ma, 33d. " Lulhersburg, Ralurdav, May 311k. For Curwsnsrllle, Mnndnv, May 38th. For Plhe, Taesday, May ink. ' . . For Bloom, Wednesday, May Jith, Far Penn, Thorsdnv, May Slltb. For LumluirClly, Friday, May 3rh 1 for Forgnsoa, Saturday, May Slat, I'poo all lavas asld talbaTreasnrerlbere will bo redurlliiB uf FIVE I'HR CENT, while ve per eent. will he nJtUd tfi,r (As jret ifne e A). "Tt, to all unnald taxes, maklna a Hl.r.. -V TUS per eesit. la peampl tai-pavers. Parties nan, after rise 1st or May, nay their taxes al ihe Iruasercr't office. 1 he balauoa of tha distrlols WiU ha irlled after June curl. - HAMl'BL P. WILaorT, - Treanret s OSice, I Treararer ' Clc.rC.lJ, 4vil f MT.l. f THE GREATEST ( k 1N.TUE WOKL1)! J Hail! All UuTTlUc Coming! eF MOM'GOMERY QUEEN'S , EUROPEAN MENAGERIE, Trans-Atlantio Circnsi BOM.iy HIPPODROME and Troupe of Bedouin Arabs tXDUR SEPARATE TESTS. t-ON E TICKET ADMITS TO ALL. Will eihibil at CLEARFIELD On Tuesday, 29th of April, 1873 FOR ONE DAY OXLV. Afteraoon entertainment at I o'clock. Keen Ing entertainment at S o'clock. Doors opes one uver previous. , ADMISMON,;..... .....50 OUSTS. thilJrcn, 19 Trial or ander. 26 Centi. . 0d bund red and UUy Aoimnli, o b uod red fcn tUls.ll AB.UisJaL Kxbititnl aodijf eotiroi Hitf montUtr wttof pravi i'4.Tiiii(iuff oapiiblo or icaliug fl t tbout.Qsl prriooi. HjhW-sarsSrf- GRAND PROCESSION at 10 o'clock. A. U Led by Prof. Norns's Cornet Band, mounted oa ma ueldea Car af Cleopatra. Facb Teat is briiUaatlv lighted with (ta, A TROI PE OF REAL BEDOUIN ARABS fourteen in number, Accompany this GJoegal Conaoli- diUton, Appearing tn their native costume la theflrand Mrocl l'arade, and every atiernooa and evening in lbs lliupedraaaa. All Den Ahdallak, the Chiefi Hash Nasscll, tba Whirlwind l Abdallsh Toeldol, tbe Strongest Maa llassa llassln, Ihe 8apple Massia Abdallsh, the Wonderfali Rrn llassin, tbe Revolving Man ; All Alahomet, tbe Touch-me-not; Bca Ambarg, the Iron Man; ' All Mobamliurg, the Quickest i Amburg llrn All, the Mighllesli ' llasha ILilae, the Thunderbolt) . All Melllck, tbe Loftier! i llassta Rrian, tba Lightnlngi All Uen Lablen. lha Little tllanl. Their trrriSe exploits and extrsordlnerr dlav plays af physical vigor warrant lha tuanagsmtnt in enuuocing inrm uh mnai ; Marvelout Gymnasts of the Age. Daring their eiblbltioas of skill and Intrepidity, these noae of the Desert DISClIAIUiK MUSKETS WHILE KlSYOLYING IN M1DA1J. lura SomorsAults over a LtriJu-o of n . . m iiayonuts, ana creel Lofty Pyramids of Living Men. N. B.Mfnt.sTri tTMsl ftnil knut n-a,.M. a. tht CI rem perform. sec. whiflh Mnma-Mi ki Uldi V bj tJiiTB-f r, The Great Mastadon will Exhibit at BclkfonU', SuturJuv, April 20. Philirmbunr. Mondov. Anrll 9R Clearfield, Tucsdny, April 2!). ' "Valiums vi nc, wcctnrfidny, B0t i of April, 1S73. . . BEMEMBER JHE PAY & DATE. FRAKK RIVERS, Qmyil Director L:feivMd.VtV CVS 'r. rih''Fx 1 'Down I Down 1 1 " THE iAATImuVA AND OF COl'RfK THE fllEirbTi it.:- : tt-i ;z i r- k Prnrlamatinn -airrtine U:U a. ; -" '"6". riKD TITE are now opening np 1 tot of !,, oterid III this UMlket, tnd al priien that one of the r""d old dnvs uf rhrasi Iblep, vJJ who lank failh Rpua this point, or derai tu T galious siimtSu'ius, nerd but II.L .IT Ol It STOHK, Cerver Front sad Market streets. Where Ihey can see, feel, bear and knee fw v selves. To fully nudnrrtand what ererhnp talT this must be done. We do not d.. to enuinemto and itcuin oar stock. it a lor us 10 state tnai We hare Everything that is Keedjj and consumed in this market, aad al trisss ii astonish both old and young. il20 JOStPII SHAW A SOI. r. a. Biixaa. relu MILLER & POWELL, WUOLEoALB A RFTAU MERC II A N T Orahaa'i How, Market St., CLUAIFIHID, PA, We would most regretfully inform onrfrin customers, nd tha publla geoerally, thai v. J now bsok ia oor old qosrters, which hart J remodeled and improved, and we are an p, pared lo Bcoomatodata all abn may fsrorat oalilng, NBIV GOODS! We hate Jas! recelrtd one ef the larger! rhwi ef a'.l kinds af Merchandise ever. broaghltoCV Celd eanniy, which we Intend to aall at rsck 1, uses as will a.ske It an object for all fmxi ., parftia.s from as. Faratllas laying la aiste supplies of Groceries, Dry Goods, Ac, ikcaMs fail lo give us s oall, aa ws feel rsafijistsv prises and superior quality ef goods will sa satlsfv all. . Our stoci of GBOCEE1ES eonalsU of Coffrea ef the best oaaJity Teas h gars of all Iliads, Molsasee, Fish, Salt, CW Dried Frail, Spioes, Prei laioas, Flour aad Im, Ae., Aa. Our stock ot -DRY GOODS Is large aad varied, and wa will jest as; , J supply aay article la that lias, aiihmt sme ting. ' KEADY-1IADE CLOTDIsJ Wa have a large stock ef ready-mads ClslsbJ for Men and Uujs' wear, which ae.will d.rpoeJ at a very small advance oa aost. Boots and Shoes, Hats aad Caps, RsrfaJ Queeusware, Wood and Willow Ware, Ksbsii Faaey floods, Carpets, Oilcloths, Wall FaprJ Window Shades, Ac, Ac . - rT" Being extensively engiged In the Laa business, wa are able te offer superior induced?; te Jobber). MILLER A rOWSIX Clearfield, Ta., Jan. 3, 1S73. JAXIKL GOODLAXDER, Ll'TIlERSBl'Rfl, A, . Dealer la DRY GOODS, NOTIONS UOS1ERY 4 GLOVES, HATS A CATS and BOOTS A 81101, Tobaeee, Groceries and Fish, Nsils, Barlvsrl fj'isensware and (llaseware, M-n s sal Boys' Clothing, Drugs, Paiata, Oils, Hrhool Rooks, ft lsrgs lot of Paisnt MediclBsa, Caadlee, Kate A Dried Fruits, Cheese ae4 Cn- . - are, itock aad Kits Powder, Floor, Grain and rotators, Clever and Timothy Seed, Sole Leather, Moreccos, Linings, Bindlogi il 1 bread, hboruiaxerr Tools and ffboe Findings. Ke greattr variety ef goods la any store Is eeuuty. All for sale very low fur ease or eoet produce at Ibe Cheap Corner. April It, )!- J. M. KRATZER. TV KS I R A HI. K H T V I f.H of Cassl mrrn. af J f.rMeuaad Revs, at J. M.KRATUXd rpilRKK-PLV, Brussels, Ingrala and '! X. carprts, a Iso, floor Oil Cloths, at reci prtci-s, al i. M. ailAlIbr; 1KtT ARtMIRTMEXT nf Wall rsperrl 11 "Send In this viciniiv. MctoSlrrrr s fine gilt psper, etc., at J. M. KKAT7.I.H 1 rit II E MOST popular makes of Madias. Fud JL ings, i-iiiow Muslins, ae., at asroaliain abore oust, by the piece, at J. M. KKAT2KR N EW CtMtns, NKW BTYLKP, LABf ASSORT-NENT. LOW I RK ES.all oundax J. M. KRATIBi; T A mem DKE8S GOODS, la Ihs grra IJ variety new snriuc shadss neewt most desirable stiles al J. M. EHATZr.lt A VARIETY of Dress Goods, suitsble XI. wiouramg also ara.ie veils, eollsrs, eoustanlly en band, at J. M. kRATZSK RI'.C El VI KG a large supply of Lailiri I'hildran'a Pbeee. made to order asJ ranted. A haadsoma Galisr for 82 0 at oh38 J. M. KRATZER Ir.T Granite ware Tea 8rU and Chi I) Sets, Knives and Fork. Silver-vlated 1' and poi,as, Table Linen, N apkins, very eK" -v " - . aa. assi OH AW La, Scarfa, Neckties, ColUrs, Sj Hair Uoeda. Ulovea. Ac Kid II loves all also the Josephine Seamless Kid lllovea. s I onzn J. at. kH.tliM'l JaRATZEB & LYTLE, MAAEET STREET, CLBAnripLf. fkaiervla rA. PRY GOODS, NOTION G ROCK 1.1 E 8, e e 11AUCWARE AND QvZLStniU B-jots, Blioog, Hats, Caps, Af- iMrBhoemakara lappllsd with IKA sad SHOE IIXDINGS at redness rslssJ 8 ALT I SALT t SALT! al wholeea retail vary chssp. I PAINTS, OILS, CALCINED PLASTI llbsral tUseoaal le balldsra. I H0DSE1I0LD OOODS, CARPETS, WE BUADXS. OIL CLOTUS-la larrl i i. aoaatltlss. Fran, FLOUR, BACOlf, fORN UE CftpP, iwvi as band, jMr-AU oflhe above geods ars ri sselurlrety for rash, ini therefore oe v soli as sAesii as lie reieas'sM.