THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. WwDNESDAT M0RN1NO APRIL Id, 181, " 1.- - J - - 11 - - Terms pf Subscription. If paid In ad eenee.or within thrre nionth If paid aftor tlirr ail before eii inonlhs If paid after tbo exnlretion of oix months ..f : to ., t to .. I 00 t . HliLIUIUlB ... ve.. , MelhodlH Kpinropii inurr.q iter, a, u. Vonr, Pastor. PaMIe Berrlco ertry Sabbath ni 10, A. M and li P. M. Habbath School it t A. M. Pcarer Meetlog eecry Thnrtday, aHl P. M. - Commcmlir. Rerrlee, tret Habbelh of orery .'iin n mi 11 n . jn. MI. Andrew'. Church KplnropilRor. -.. II... ll..Klt. ridfilu K.iml ntnritlnv UKOn" ! i..iwu..Mw.wi.j il 10 o'olork, and at T P. M. Sunday School at g l M Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening Pre.bytoriau Church Rer. II. 8. 1) fix nr.. 8abbalb temee. morning aud aveuiut ban. lath School at I P. M. Prayer Meeting YVednci dtr amuing. Ml. Kraucla ChurcilCatllnllc Rer. P. T. FaralbA". Mane at Ml o'alork A. M., on tho eeeomi and fuorlh tfundayt of eneh month. Lullicrau C'liurrh. Rer. A. J. lUtrrioea Preaching every Pabbalh, morning and arming, ri.bbath Kobool at V a. U. Prayer meeting every Wednesday treeing. Tho Commissioners of Clarion coun ty 'eontracled Dor a new prison. Tko priea ii $00,737, and tbt Work It going right along, mm mm They lirtre been eating ico cream orer i& Kbcnsburg for several wcoks. They ara a ool Ml mt Mlowe "P tni, nnyuow. A. A. Cavlile, formerly a dovil in thll office, but lately of tha llrookviileaj7erMM.., dial turned op at Falrplay, Park county, Colorado. Al'i down in a cold mine, looking for something. . m m 'Railroad Tickets Sold. In thrco years 00,140 ticketi wen told at the Lock Haven elation fr Williamsport, and M,TC0 wore told at the Willlenisport ilnlloo for Lock Haven. Jlrookvillians are locoming as fid gety over tbt near approach uf the low grado aailroid (a our Ctirwontvillr tielghborl art ever tbe eiteulion of the Tyrone A Clearfield road. Bcllcfonters itro rojoiciiiff over pros pective car tbepi, which will glre employment to J09 men, and the oxtentlon of the fjnow Bhoe road to Intersect tha Lcai.burg ATrrontroad, abort Centre Hall somewhere. Subsided. Tho tlireo-weeks' flood hat at longth r ubsiJud, and the result it the hcavi. of timber aud loge that erer passed down the itream at one time. Pricet are rcry unicttlcd and but little lumber hat changed handa. Alarmed. Tyroners were unton- isbrd at the influx of raftmen to their eify on Monday. The Kxprrti train did not arrira at this plate antil 12 o'clock, baring left Tyrone with eight passenger care, ''moro than full' at an Irith peddler remarked. Tbo Kile Advocate got tlio following off on the 3d of April: The .now Is drifted to badly between here and llrockwayville that the stage hat been obliged to atop ruuoing for a few dayt. Brockwiyville it on the regular mail route from tbo P. A E. railrond at Kidjway to Brookvilte. Ill'NTINOllON I'RESnTTEItV. Tlli8 body met at Lewiitown last week, and honored the church la tbit place by tbt aelection from its members of two Commissioner! to the General Assembly, in the persons of Rer. H. 8. Butler, the pastor, and Dr. A.M. Ilills. The Assembly meets tta Baltimoce, on the 1 5th of May next Tho liborul oft'or ot tho Presbytorl aos, two weeks ago, of their church to tha Moth odistt, outil tha water would lubsido in the cellar of the ehurcb of the lattor, proved a dcrieef be- vause the Preebyteria weea Jhwm4 wl, and hava been unable to ocenpy their church for two weeks past. We presume that by next Sun day both ahurchea will bo relieved of their water arrangement. Goni, Too. Hon. Iaao ilorlon, well known to many of our old tcttlort, died at Ridgway on Tuesday week, tu hit 66th year. Judge Ilorlon settled in that portion of our coun ty, now aoded to Klk county, In 1818. lie wat highly oateemcd by hie neighbors, and held nu merous posts of honor at a mark of their respect, and now at a ripo age ho crostet the river, uoivcr tally lamented. Aliotr. lion. A. CV Finney, cur delegate! hat spent his TncsAion with ut and on Monday returned to take hit teat in the Coostitu. Uoual convention, which reassembled on tho lotb. Mr. Finney it Chairman of the Committee on Ag riculture and Mining, and has presented an able report, which wo would like to lay before our readers, but laving mislaid our only copy, we are nuable to do to at thil timo. A Lesmom. Tho i'liilipebttrg Jour nal sayt a Witllamsport girl, named Leua Jonel, Jumped a rope 210 times suecessivcly and died from nervous prostration, Bhe wat only nine yean of age, Caees of this kind are not rare and those having charge of children should be careful to pre rent the girls from attempting to "sco how often thoy can jump the ropo." Gov. ClltTiN. Tho Dollolbnto Tie- jmsli'eem eayxt "lion. Andrew O. L'urtln wat ro gi.tered at tho Bush House ou lust Friday. He looks very much better than at any timo since he oame from Russia, lie will toon remove to bis own splendid roaideaec on High street. Wo un derstand that the honored ex-Oovernor bat re solved to spend tho remndfar of his useful and busy lifotimo in thi. his native town. We hope it is true, The Bolltfouto H'dfciman ays the Agricultural College has adopted tho West Point 'uniform. It it a rich gray tnit, made er fa moofe und prest-'utt a Very fascinating and military ap pearance, A certain attorney, on teeing the gaudy dresiee of tho toldicn,' remarked that If Ae bad the control of Iblngt, he would blacken the braas buttons on their coala and stick a feather In their a.-piratiunt. - Fib. TUo extousiro pinning mill of Uyert A riuaurr, Look Haven, wat destroyed by Are on Saturday night a Wor. It It supposed the mill was tlruek by lightning. The lost it $55,000, Insured for $d,0C3. The Democrat tayt it plaat for' the internal work of the English Lutheran ehurcb, which work Mews. Byort A Shatter were engaged on, were destroyed. Ou the uftcrnoon of tho day bofore tho Are, thJ took In the tontract for tho woodwork of the new railroad depot. Tbo Cambria Vmi, in alluding to the local option question, toys i Whatever the temperanoe folk may think of the result of their local option efforts In this State, it eannot be dinied that thry bad a t'ear.M after the first election. That it to, MePlke. The need net blame Clcarlteld for their miserable failure to regulate the tppetitet of the people by legislative ttatntet. The temperauoo advocate who did not possess tho laoral courage to Indiot hotel keeper for violat ing the liquor law, will not return a druggist for doing the some thin. - m mi Chusuf.d and L)itowED. On Sat- i'ey, the tin Inst., Martin V. Foster aud another man trt engaged In breaking a Jain of logt on uiek't Run. At the Jam started Foster fell be 'ween the logt and wat badly oru.hcd and earried e tha stream by Ibe loge loarly two hours forward! hie body wat found a mile aud half Mew where bo fell In, Ibe head aud part of the "; badly kruliod and out by the logs. Fostar as a lea-ln-law of Mr. A. Kohrabaohir, of Bblp )ea township, and Ii the third of bis sons-in-law ktt has died or been killed within a short tlmej Mr. George Ro,iilres, died only the Thursday 'ore Foster met kis death. Kmpariom ItmU. Simmeb Hkkmon. The Summer tB ' Mitt U. 6. Kwau'! Celeat Mehool oora MMM Jlorrrlaf laet, and will close on July tih. p..ii. ... y aldtl" t y ai arg fton dote of admit!". o betUu MM b. f.rond lu MA rf:? ,'i",t, Kaftino BtLow. We clip tho fol lowing from the Lock Haven Dtnaentot tho 10th: Tbt troubled Susquehanna hat been chaOug with herihorea In earnest since Sunday morning, The heavy rain of Friday night brought dona a great deal of water, and tha frequent showers sinoo hare kept It up to a high mark. Tbo high est point reached In tht dam was on Momlay about noon, when It was a 1 ft. S In. loud. It then began to gradually go down, but Ii still too high for rafting. The boom ou Sunday eve wat paoked rcry tight tighltr than erer bofore, In the oplnlong of tome of our mott experienced lumbermen but bad not filled higher than about 300 yards below 6ugar nun. uigi were runuitig In lively and piling up About early dawn Monday morning tho boos broke at tho Sugar Run point. It Ii thought a raft ran against it. Sinoo then It haa not oaught anything, except when it shoved down and paoked, which it has done teroral timet, leaving an open space that toon lllod op, at the logt hava all the wuilo been running freely. The pookct boom gave way on Monday morn ing, and down the river floated a boat of logs, es timated at three million feet. Tbo reason why this broke was that the tree to whloh the boom chain win attached waa undermined and gave way. J nit it a heavy lost In taking away to much sawing from Lock Haven mills, but it Is be lieved most of the logs were caught at Williamt port. An unuiual thing it the large number of logt in Packer t Gut, estimated at throa million foot, carried there by the high water. Raning bat bceu terioutly Interfered with, the high water making it not only nosafe to run, but dangerous to tie up. Tho Quoen't Run dam it full of rafu. Tha shore along Loekport waa quite on, nui ii nat ooeo thinned out by ruftt breakina loose and going over tht dam. On Sunday night ' J - IV SO ,.( ,im. . or n,MM Clark it reported to have owned 6; Weaver A Bettl I; N. B. 1 ; J. 8. Furtt 1 ; R. R. Ilrldgonl ; u illltm Alrertt 1. Then an Ave rafts la the boom, two oak rafts being packed out of sight. At Linden a slight break occurred in tha boom. letting a large body of logs down iuto tho largo boons so suddenly that many of them were earried over by tho surge. About three millioa, it It thought, went over the dam, at leatt two-thlrdtof which were caught In tho boom between the bridges. Just before 12 o'clock the shear below the dam broko and wat carried down stream. The boom at Northumberland It reported all right, and tht North Branch the highest. Oa Tuesday tho Williamsport thear boom again broko and it it estimated that about three million foot went down. The Low Grade Boad. Col. Vm. Phillips, President of the Allegheny Valley rail road, in hit annual report of that road, which be laid before tho board of directors last week, in alluding to the completion of Ibe low grado rail road which crosses the western portion of this county, and the laying of another track oa the Valley road, tayt t The Increasing tonnaire upon the road demand. ing greater facilitiel than it it possible to urovide over a liugle trauk, the Managers ubought proper Mint Kuwuivr iruoa riiouiu oe eoneiruoleu Iroin fittsljurgn to the mouth of Red Bank, there eon. neotitig with the Low tirade road. t he additional traek tbus authorised haa al. ready been completed from Pittsburgh to Hulton, a distance of twelro miles, and that portion of the erotiun track extending from Hulton to Red Bank hat been put under eontraet and will bo built at puny at tne means of the company will permit. The prospective advantares and' value of the line known as tho Low Grade road Is spoken of in high terms. The managers think that tbey will oe rcnuy vo open mat portion ot tne roau extend ing from the mouth of Red Bank to New Bethle hem, a distance of twenty-fire miles, by the mid dle of April. Tbey expect to reach Brookville, a further distance of twruty miles, by the first of June, and the Summit tuuncl, a further distance of twenty-four miles, by tha first of July, and they hope to complete the line through to Drift wood, when it connects with the Philadelphia and Erie railroad, by the middle of September or the first of October, 1873. No Bonds Filed. Upon inquiry at the Prothonotary's office by the Commiseioners, it hat been ascertained that only about half of the persons elected to the office of District Treasurer have filed their bonds, in accordance wllh the Act of Assembly. The Board hat deemed it proper to mail a blank bond to each of the defaulting parties elected and to each Board of Auditors, during tho past week, to at to bring thit matter to the notioe uf the proper officer!. Where the officer elect refutet or fails to file hit boud by the first of May next, petitions thould bo prepared by tho Auditors and made ready to present to tho Court at Juno term, to that tho vaoanoy can bo filled by appointment. It will be well enough for tht petitionerl to indicate to the Court the name of the party they want appointed, otherwise the Judges will appoint proper persons upon their own view. A Coal Oil HoaRon. Tho Colum bia lltmld of tho Sd taya : "On Saturday evening about ( o'clock Bin. Albert Frick, residing in Dog Alley, took her four chlldreo np ttairt to put them to bed, taking along a coal oil lamp, which sbo placed upon a table. Soma of the children pulling at tho tablo ouvor upset tbo lamp, which wat glats, breaking it and apllling the oil on the floor. The oil took fire, and Mr. Frick eame np and commenced itamplng it out. Mra. Frick also commenced itamping on tho fire, when her hut band told her to go away from the danger. She atartcd down ttairt, but immediately caroa running back with her clothet all in Hemes. Mr. Frick took soma bedding and wrapped aroond and amothered the fatnoa, but the roecue eame too late. Her body wat burned almost to a orisp, and she lingered In eacruoiotiug agony until 4 o'clock on Sunday, when death came to ber relief. "'Sicii ia Life." Tho editor of the Warren Lcrfger sayt : "It't mighty unhandy when tho Allegheny koept piling drift wood ia at your front door, but it it the way wo bare been an noyed here in Warren for tevtral duys. 'Tuesday moruing we are writing in the third story of Orris llall s building, a liltlo above praiout high water mark, but it is rising. Ten e'oluok, and so dark that a lamp it required to aid in running off tnese unci, and tne waler rising, i acre is a gar ret in the building, however. Krervhody talks 'water.' Local option rules the day. The people voted for It, and still it comes. An inch an hour slowly bnt inoritaoly it comes, like old age." Blanks Bent Our. Tho Commis sioners have had mailed during the patt week, to eaoh Diatrict Treasurer, all the necessary blauks for tbo Supervisors, Auditors and Treasurers, un der the new law regulating the clcotioa of Dis trict Treasurer. It will bo woll enough for each Supervisor to call apon the Treasurer Cor bis por tion of Blank No. 4, ("tiiipcrvieor's Certificate"), and obtain one eortifloate lor eaeb taxable on hie duplicate. It is expoolcd that the Treaeurer will make a proper eflort to get tho blanks in tbo bandt of the proper parlici at at early a day at convenient. The, Bid Steal. Our town was full of raftmen Inst week, and a large number ex pressed surprise and Indignation at ocelng the aamei of Messrs. Urabim, Roynton, Irrin, Patch en and other Clearfield lumbermen atteched at incorporator! to Ibe dam beewt bill, which we published. In Justice to the gi ntlvinen from this oounty, whose names appear in the bill In question, we doubt if mora tttaa two oi mem anew anyming about it. Their nautel were usod to giro the snot popularity and a business appearance. List of letters remaining unclaimed lu the Poitofflce at Clearfield, for tho week ending Aprill4tb, l7i J llonsall, Kllsaheth. King, Samuel T. Campbell, thirles. , K linger, lleo. I'lllingor tt Birretison. nara, osmuei, Duncan, Oliver Nichols, Wm. II. Davidsou, John P. Philips, Isaao. Foster, Wm. II. ' Perley, Thomas. Golden, lidward. Reynolds, W. II. , . OilLK. C. Vptegrove, A. U. Graham, Mrs. Mary. Worn, Miss Ells. Iltindaraon. Alex. A. Waller. Robert. P. A. UAI L1N, T. M. LETTER FROM PtNN TOWNSHIP. Gravi'M llit.t.1, April 12, 1873. Ma. Eoiroat 1 want to inform tbo oltltent of this vicinity, through goat valuable paper, that a "small staai" has been in eonlemplation for eome time, by a few Curweaeville loalcrs, who are too ussy to work and too proud to brg. But they are willina to adopt some Congressional plan pubiio robbery to gut along, The triok wat a very quiet one, but It has li akud out. A petition was gotten up and sigued by the loafers aforeeatd, anklng the Leiitlatute lo give lliein the turnpike from Cur wonsville to Pennville, nil allow Intra lo erect gates and eel loot toll, I am Informed that a num ber of tbo stars oa tho petitiun wen forgorie. Would it not bo a aioe arrangrraeut if thou frt- luws eould get a living off the publief I will state further that I do oot think that any of the baaiipaa ai.a of that Iowa countenanced this - "jsioei.. iratlm- SpttiaU. . DOXEITIC I 2t. Bare Timet Sara Labor! Save Money I Sara Cloth.! I The" Novolty Wringer" ii the beat in Buy it J iry 11, r ' H. F. Biuian A Co. n . 'sm ... .wBT.un-iu.ra itroet, botimn Mnrket itreot tu, Mrpoi. n uuy i mi merino Boarf. The flmler will cooler fa fur bj ruturuiof it to tliii tJUjue. jDoMRfTfr RrvtarA U mm.a U. 11 VT Kl C.wfiH p., ! the Agent 'fur tW Unubinel Which la. fbr all ftf .. 1 u. -a..' ' ----- noeawa UV Unit (UelUUlUB ia tbi market. Girl WiKTatn.A viri . rnu. i m. Ltd ft Oermanntit ti..iiita m. ....II r. ily. Will be taken to mil or uaid fair wairfi. Altiilv mkl ll.i. ntU 1 . . - Boe new ,lvtiian.!.nt Tk- n or i.i. the tfaddlar, on our iceoud paire. John duea good "" swu m oau uo got up any wn ere. Fmnixo Tack La. The UililnK teatoa bavtav oommenced, lovert of tbit elegant tport will be easting about to find where to purchase the neoes tary requirement! in order to enjoyy the iporL To all such wo will tay, go to the Hardware Store of II. F. Bigler A Co., at they have the tneat lot of Trout Rodi, Linei, Hooka, llatkett, Bait Boxes, Reels, Pnoodt, Flint, etc., over brought to thit oounty. Their Trout Ilodt are really ole- eiery persuu expeoiing 10 go tr0Ut-n.b Ing thit summer should have one. 4-9 Mist Hillman having again taken charge of the Millinery department, ladiea in need of Spring ..iniinirrj gooot win uuu a oompiote itoox at Wm, Reed's, Clearfield, Pa. ImviaTiJTl Ihi-oiitaktI Below nleesa find a list of prices of Boots and Shoot, of which P le gal is now selling enormous luts: women s lull trimmed lasting Uaiters, 13.00, at I I.KllAl.'H Women's common Morocco duller, J I 2.1, at ..inuviSi p. Women's Kersoo kid (iaitorl, $4.00, atFI.EOAL'S. H omen's Congress luting Q alter., M.25, at FLKUAL'S. Women's plain lasting Gaiters, tl.uo, at FLEOAL'S. Mcn't eommon kip Boots, $3.M, at FFEQAL'S. Mm't fine kip Boott, $4.00, at FLEGAL'8. Men't French kip Booti, $6.00, at FLEfJAL'S. Men's common oalf Boot!, $4.60, at FLEOAL'S, Who ii determined to toll at the above prioos, at his store, on Second street, opposite Kx-Uor. Big ler's residence, Clearfield, Pa. 3:1V LARO PlibTBR. Several oar loads received hv Kratter A Lytic, which (ll bo told very cheap. Farmers, make a nolo of tbit. feblt-41 Just received, a larira lot of non-exnlotive Ltmpt and Lantern! at V-25-71 U. F. Suus A Co't. Fnrs ORnnxn PiaircR. Received at Corner Store by car load and for talo by k. a. a n . u. inmi. Curwensvillc, March 13, IdVO. A furl line of Household Uoods. Ja&aaaed Ware. Ae., for tale by 11. t. Bigler 4 Co. II. F. Rig-Vsr A Co. have been makiat? extensive additions to their stock of Hardware the last few dars. Kverytbing now in fhelf Hardware, Sad dlers' Hardware, Parmars' Hardware, Builders' Hardware, and Hardware of aU kinds, can be eeen at their store. May 22. Wood and Willow Ware of all deterintionl for tale by Ii. F. Bigler A Co. Vnvtra n tXan ivufliimina U , v T have Just received a general assortment of Wagon and Crriir WINI. ,M . fall iin. f and Axles, which wo offer ehonp for cash. 11. r. BtuLta A Co. Axil. fieventv-fivo doxen Clearfield Wood- ohoppert Axet at vuo:n. ii. r. a to t. Calcined Platter for eale by II. F. Bigler A Co. Bird Caget a large aasortment at H, F. Big ler A Co.'t. Paints, Oilt and Varnltbea for sale by II. F. Bigler A Co. RiVl Diitan'a ProiLftut Si?, flroai. AmtnriVkn Raw. Bownton's Lightning Saw, at . . recahtuIaAHon. ftird Cages. Wood aud Willow Wart. lluusfhuld Uooda. , - 1 All kirjJi of IlardrTare. Jnpannod Ware. Priinta, Oil, VarnUliaj. Calcined flartvr. Wagon and Carriage fakeri npplie. All of the above for inlt at thctnammotb Hard ware tit ore of II. F. bigler 4 Co., tieeond itreet, Clearfield, Ta. 3t COUGHS AND COLDS. There are few person who are aware of the Im portance of atten ding to a eovgh or ft cold at iti ft rut appearance. Ike ttioutand whodieannoallv of oonaumptton, were flrit attacked with a "slight" eough or col J. which they thought would toon wear Jtieli ou, and therefore neglected to me the proper remedira antil tbry beoarae inonralile. B vert driT that a oourn, old, or any lung dti- eaie ia nfgleoted, makes the ehaneea of n rare more uncertain. Wo would recummrnd all suflVr- ing from any tliseuseof the Lungs w hate rer, to ue llARMY'a CoMrot no Strit or Tar. It never fails in curing the. wort cases of eougha. eolli, hoarsnesf. sore throat, catarrh and RMthina, It ts an iufultible retneily fur Whooping Cough; be ing prescribed by some of the leading physicians in the Northern and Bout hern StaUa, and being prepared nnilrr the immediate tuperTirtinn of a graduate of the dYeniisyUani Medical Coltrg. Ibe nrotrietore brg leave to inform all that it is no yosck" preparation, but made strictly in ac cordance with the advanood principles and theory of medicine. Trice 60 ctnta per bottle. K Uiir.ljL LA N ulnt I'roprietors, I'tiiladel phi. Hold by A. I. Shaw, Clearfield, Pa., and by all lruggila. octlfl Cm 1 . . . 1 . .. L 1 . . . . '. SJlarrirfl. On Mtrrb flth. 17S, by Orn. O. Ki, E.o., Mr. ISAAC MECKEL to Mitt ANNIE LRK-fj-LElt, all of Bloom township. Slrtt. .' At the residonee of her parfntn, In Pike town ship, on April loth, 173, ItACilKL TOZLU, aged 16 years and 7 mouths. Cloarfield Markov. Corrected weekly by RtrnAfif) Mossor, Whol.ale and ll.tsil Dealer In Dry Uoods, Urooeriel, Pro . Visions, Ao., Market street, Clearfield, Pa. CiRARriRLB, Pa., April Ii, 1973. Apples, green, 00($ ftO Hogs, dressed 1 llrlcd.Wlb 10 Hides, crcea T ApplebuttelAgal, To'llaras ...,00 .a nutter vn(a au nDouiuers.H.iutu) ID Beans $0 00(o) 1 90 Hides... Onto) 12 Buckwheat 1 tit Lard lifol Buckwheat Hour lb, Mess pork, bbl.,.0 00 Beef, dried 82 0.1s (10 Beef, fresh-... 7fiJ 10 Onione .... I M Boards.M 13 00(u1 00 Putatoe 00ffl SO Corn, shelled 1 0" Peaches, dried, Ib 11 Corn, ear OO(ri) bO Platter, V bbl I 00 Corn meal, V tack, 1 SO Rye 1 10 Chop, Wowtl 10(a) 3 IP, Rags, $ lb 1 Cloverseed A OO'rtslt, j aaek.SjOrhf S 50 Cheese.. u Miinglet.l" In. niwa oo Cherries, V. W((t It Shingles,!!! i10 IS 00 Chickens, drsd, m, ia t imotny teed o oo Egg! JiT.llow 12, flaxseed 100 Wheat. m 100 Flour 0 OOfatO 60 Wool 00 ty 00 OOfirj.10 OOlWood, Tj cord I 60 I'onnMylvanialtiillrond TYRONK 4 CLEAkITeTF DQANCII. VN and after Monday, OCT. J'lh, 1S7J, the V Passenger Traint will run dally (except Muu dayt) between Tyrone and Clearfleld, aa lollowt CLEARFIELD MAIL. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVK NORTH. C!earr!d t.!D, r.n. Tyrone .a0,A.K. Pbiliptburg...4..1, " Dweola- HW," Osooola 4. 0, ' I'hilipebrg.ll.07,N Tyrone 0.00, J Clearfield U.IO," CLEARFIELD EXPRESS. LEAVB80UTO. LEAVE NORTH. Clearfleld 1.40 . a. Tyrone S.Mr.a. l'hlllp.barg.. MS " Inlerseotion.T.IO " Oaoeola. T.OO " Oseeoln .l ' Intersection.. 07 " rbilipsbarg ...8..U Tyrone.-... .3 " Clearlield, ar....8 " FARE FIIOM CLRARFlLD, TO Bellefont, Pa Lock Harea... Williamsport. Huntingdon Lewislown.. ... Marrsville .. 5 Mlddletown 5 00 .. I7 .. m .. I 0 .. I 00 .. 4 0 Marietta. t 40 Laneatter A a4 PHILADELPHIA ? at Altoona....... 1 Oft Johnstown I SO HAKItlHIU'IKI 4 7 PITTSBUIK1 A II Clott connections made by all trains at Tyrone and Lock llaren. OEonoi O. W1.KI!", ajylf tt SiieTl,ienVet, Sri) floods. , NSW SPRING GOODS I AT d ' -i 'I .. . ;. PRINTS, , , PARCALBS, GIKOIIAMS, TICKINUS, . . ' MUSLINS, , I J; : 6 MEET 117(18, COTTONADE8, BOY'S CA8SIMERB, MEN'S CABoMMERE, DRESS GOODS, In great taricty and all tho newat ibadea. ' Japaneae Poplltit, Japaueee Sllka, trupnua, , Milk Popllua, l'rench M oh a Ira, Cretoiinan. , BPECIAL BARGAINS IN i Black Silks I Black Silks I ShnvLs! Shawls! Muni Is! Carpet, Carpets, Carpet, told at the lowest caib prioe at WM.- REEDS, 8 2 Market Street, Clearfleld, Pa. Ii JjLOUB, FEED, iC. THE WKCCARIA FLOURING MILLS. The nnderiigned would reipeclfully give no tioe to the cllisens of Beocaria township and sur rouuding country, that ho has purohased the Beccarln Flouring Mills and put everything In oomplete order, nod is manufacturing a first -elass quality of Flour. CUSTOM WORK DONE, and Flour la quantity conitantly on hand for salt. CIIOP, CORN MEAL, BRAN, 4C, AC. alway! on hand and for lale wholetalo or retail. Oi TWCH SHINGLES IVAXTEn. Slim 1 Will etehanae Flour and Chop for 2A incb obingles, or will pay part money, il Uveliea. 10:1 If BARNABAS ARMHTRO.NO. SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! DISTANT CROSS CUT, MILL, DRAO AND CIRCULAR 6AVTS. Boynton'e Lightning Cross-cut Saw. also, ' patent perforated a electric saws, For sale by oct 12,70 It. F. r.IUI.ER A CO. C. D. WATSON, I.KALER IN ' DR10S & PATEXT MEDIC1ES, CONFECTIONERIES, TOYS AND TANKER NOTIONS. FINE TEAS A ROASTED COFFEE, BEST BRANDS TonACCO A BEflAltfl, SCHOOL BOOKS A STATIONERY, Maeonio Building, Second Street, drc4-7J ly CLEARFIELD, PA. I") INK, VTniTB A HOAN LININO SEINS L Just reoelred and for sale by April 10. 1.- 70. U. F. llllll. Kit A CO. C X 13 -W ileaira to cat) thn mention of tlm citizen of Clearfield county to the fuct that fre , . .. linvo ojicned a ; MUSIC STORE IN CLEARFIELD, Where we intend to Constantly keep on hand a full supply of PIANOS, OllGAISS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. RAVEN d COMPANY'S TIANOS, . STEINWAY & SONS' 1'IANOS, , i , . " HAINES KROTIIERS' TIANOS. AVo nro prepared ot all times to furnish nny of tho cheaper makes of Pianos to order on the most favorable terms ns to prices and terms of payment. Our stock of ORGANS will consist of tho now and popular RYNDER ORGAN, (with Ryntlcr's Knno Tiemolo and downward Octavo Coupler,) The SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S ORGANS, MASON At HAMLIN'S ORGANS, and the NEW HAVEN MELODEON CO.'S JUBILEE, TEMPLE and CHURCH ORGANS. Besides these wo furnish to order Organs from any factory desired. Wo sell on every plan known to the trado, cither CHEAP FOR CASH, ON NOTES, or on the roruLAR and tASt LEASE PLAN. On our easy terms every one can have a good instrument, and no other investment of liko amount will tend so much to MAKE HOME HAPPY. DCTWo shall bo glad to have you call and sec us, whether you desire to purchaso or not. 1873. SPRING. ' 1873. NEW GOODS I ' ' at ' r . 1 i WM. llCEO'sH. BARGAINS I BARGAINSI BARGAINSI At Be, Browa Mutlla. At 10c, Brown Muslin, real good. At I2)e, Browa Muslin, yard wide. ' At l?jo, Splendid Bleached Mutlin, yd wide. At 19o, Bandtomt Poplin Plaldt. ' At tta, Japanese Poplin. At !5e, Black and Colosnd Alpaoa. At (Oe, Japanese 811k, worth To.' ' ' At 1.C0, Elegant Silk Poplin. At f 1.13, Good Black Silk. ) At tl.50, Splendid Black Silk, wide. ' At (2.00, Black Silk, worth t J.iO. At 20o, Good White Piqua, or T. K. .At Atoa rioo4 n.w-vu.t qiiilta. 'iM Il.ti, ti.OO, (2.50, Splendid' Marseilles Quills. 6ATCBEL8, TRUNKS, OIL CLOTIt, GENTS' UNDERWEAR, NECK TIES, SHIRTS, Sl'SrENDERS, IIANDKERCH'FS OL0VES, COLLARS, CUFFS, AC, AC, 40. al priori tt tuit the time. call inn roa rorair-Lr, r , WM. HEED'S, ' Market Mraet, Clearfield, Pa. Lime lor Sale I THE undersigned, residing near the depot haa mde complete arrange tne nts with Lima Burners east of the mountain, whereby he ts ena bled to kerp eonstutly on band a large quantity ot PUKE LIME! which he offers to farmers and builders at a trifle above cost. Those in need of the article would do well to give me a call, or address me by letter, be fore negotiating their lime. URO. C. PAFSMOnB. Clearfield, Pa.. June 9, lr0. THE undersigned begs leave to Inform the pub iio that be is now fully prepared to aocommo davie all in the way of furnishing Horses, Buggies, Saddles and Harness, on the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. Residence on Locust street, between I bird and Fourth. GEO. W. GEARIIART. Tlearfleld, April 11, 16tJ7. : O. I. C. WHERE to buy my DRY GOODS, ORO eeriea, Queensware. Glassware, Drugs and Notions, Confectioneries, Ae., eheap for oaah. The tubaoriber begs leave to Inform bit old and new customers that he haa opened A VARIETY STORE IN GLEN HOPE, PA. And will sell goods at prices to suit the times. A liberal reduction will be made to customer! buy ing at wholeaalo. Call and axamino my atock before purchasing alsewhero. A liberal tharo of publie petronage it solicited. C. J. EEAOY. Olcn Ilope, Pa., June 14, IS;i. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE! The House and Lot on the corner of Mar ket and Fifth streets, Clearfield, l'a.t la for eale. The tot contains nearly an acre of grourd. The house Is n Urge duublo frame, containing nine rooms. For terms and other information appl to the subscriber, at the Tost OHW botII p. A. OAUMiV. s TONES SAW GUMMERS AND SAW UPSETS. IVc hare received the agency for the above and will st 11 them at manufacturer's prices. Call and examine them. They are the bst. jeltUl II. F. JtlGLBR t CO. 1) MRt'.MENTfl! Organs, both new and eoond band, at the Music Store, opposite Uulich's Furniture Store. All persona interested are Invi itd to on II and cinmine a new style of Organ now on exbitiition. Pheet Music and Musio Hooks eonntantlv on hand. af'124 TJlf MARKET, S T It E E T, Alt FIELD, PEN XMi Our stock of riANOS will consist of tiUlntrif. FANCY GOODS, ' ; . WHITE GOODS, , at; ' 1 . . WM. ltEKD'8. NRW nATx) aud BONNETS, KLOWEHa aud KlllllONH, NECKTIES and FICHUS, COLLARS and CUCI'S, ' ConSETS and HOOPHKIRTM, nilBTLI'.M and other 1'lVIN'eJ, UNDERIVEAH of all kluda, HtlHIEKV and CLOVES, HANDKERCHIEF!, WIIITE THIMM1NCS. ' EMBROIDERY, TOWELH, NAPKINS. STANDARD TRIMMINGS. A FILL LIXE ;0F PARASOLS. NEW. WHITE GOODS. riQL'A, STRIPED MCBLIN8, PLAID Ml'SLINS, 6ATIN STRIPES, UARAP0SA STRIPES, AC, AC, AO. All will be Hid at the lowest pricet at WM. REED'S, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. AD THIS I FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I The attention 0 the el t liens of Clearfleld and vicinity is directed to the fact that Ovodfeltow k Son are the agtmts of M. Niece A Co., and hare just rvcoired a half dotea ear loads of Flour and Feed, which tbey offer at the lowest possible fig ures. A large stock of FLOUR, CORN ilEAL, CIIOP, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, BRAN, Potatoes, Shelled Corn, Cora la Mr, At., Ae. Particular attention Is ealled to M. Kleeo A Co.'s brand of Family Flour, wbieh II the belt In th. market Flour and Feed eaa and will be sold cheaper than it eaa ba obtained elsewher In Clearfield oounty. aAr-Stor on Market itreet, next door to Hon. Alexander Irvin'a residence. . GOODFELLOW A SOX, JanlOlf A Co Valuable Town Lots For Sale. I hare under my control a number of Town Lota, in Fast Clearfield, boing 60 by 2o0 feet, conveniently laid out. wilb streets and alleys, which are now offered for sale These lots are si tan ted in Lawrence township, adjoining Clear fleld borough on the east, and north of the town ship road leading from Clearfleld to Kobt. Owens'. Persons wishing to purchase omn inquire of A. M. LI ilia, er at the office of the undersigned, where a correct plot of tha lots can be seen, with terms of saia. .sUJtfl Ji.rLi.ruuL, mchl9-3in Attorney at Law, Beale's Embrocation, (L ATI POWELL'S.) For U diseases Incident to Horses, Cattle, and Human Flesh, retiring the use of an iternal application. This Embrocation was extensively mod by the Government during the war. For tale br Herts wlek t Irwin. Clearfield Joseph R. Irwin, Carwensrille. Daniel Oood- ander. Lutuersborg. ' Attentions Lumbermen! YTTB are now manufacturing our IMPROVED BTEEL. SOCKET DRIVINU CANT HUOK3, superior to any other to use. We hare also In stock a large quantity of Canthooka suita ble fur rafting iurp)se, which we are soiling oneap lor oasn. am us n. ab.inAni;. Clearfleld, IV. March IS. 1K7S. IOSEPU II. IIOWLES, Justice of tP the Peace and Porlvener tn tne upper en a or Lawrenoe township. Collections made and money promptly paid orer. rro.o-iy xVOB woes' ft gACKETT A B01IRYVER, aanaria i SHELF HAltDWAHE, nnd manufacturers of Tln.Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, Soooad Street, CIEA1FI ELD, PA. , ' Canienteri and Builder! will do well to exam ine our stook of BUILDINO HAEDWAUE & TOOLS. DISTON'S SAWS Dlston't CrMS-oul, Hand, ' Rip, Tenant and Gent t Mawi. BOYXTON'S LIGHTNING SAWS. Rmootb Plane. Mitch Planes, Jack I'lanef. Plumbs A Lot elf, Fore Planes. Steel Squares, , . Jointers, ' Ao., io. Firmer nd Framing Chisels, Corner Chisels, Carpenters' flicks, U races and liitts, Boring Maohines, Ac. Grindstones and Grindstone Fixtures. Smoky Fines are effentunlly cured cycling Rlcb- ' arus i'atcnt GOTHIC FLUE TOPS, for which, we have the agency. No cure, no pay. Philadelphia Carriage Holts, Railroad Lanterns, Wooden Ware, Ae. A fine assortment ef ' - . POCKET k TABLE ' CUTLERf. STOVES I I5TOVESI The Times Cook, the best In tbemarketi also, the iUonarcb, Kelianoe, and No. 10 Iron 8da; Kcvser'a I'orULlo Uenter, and lltiating, Parlor and Itaft Stores. -fjuKoofiag, Spouting and Job Work done on reasonable terms. All orders will receive prompt attention. July X, 1871. THE ir.0:T5IDES TIN AND STOVE STORE I G. S. FLEGAL, FfciHsslurg, Contxo County. Ia. FT) HE nndersigned reipectfollj annnneei to X tna public that ne bas on band care tully-selected and well Assorted itook of 8T0VE3, HEATERS, RANGES, HOLLOW - WARE! TIN, COPPER AND SUEET-IRON WARE! WOOD AND WILLOW WARE ! nil stock of Cooking Btores eonilitt of THE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Which hart aertr failed to bring peace and pro.perltj into laraiiiel whtrt 11 it mod, Diamond Stat, Farmer, ITerald. Charm, R pearl1 California uoor. xtore, Hpears' Antl-Dnlt, Oal'Borning Cooking Uteris, Victor, Bellanoo and Union HanH.a, .. Spears' Cooking Kangoia Ao., do. fc.Tht Tla and Shtat Iroa war. glr.n with the Btorei li made of tbo htartett and belt mat.) ' . . . . . - . . . ... His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves Il larger, b.tter and obeaper than erer before avl.lKI.Ait In the nnDllaflnnaiBllnB. a! Spears' Itereleidg LI Kb I Illnmlnatlng Store, Bpeara Antl'Uasl una-Darning rnrmr toro, Spe.n' Orbiealar Oas Burning Parlor Btoro, Speari' Gas-Burr.log Parlor Store, Boqnet, Pearl, Oem, Ida, Baa, Troplo, Korada, Ae., Ao. Vulcan, Blm and Vletor Beaten, Bpaara' Re- . Tolrlng Light ueattra. Bo it alto prepared to faraltk a oomplete astortmoal or Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, 4o.f Wbeleialo or retail, manufactured aoatlr and with tbo lolo Tltw to lerrioe, from to. but ma ttrlal la th. markot, PLOWS A PLOW POINTS, COPPER, BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN. LINED, 8PDN A COMMON IRON KETTLES, Of arerr Aeterlptloa tonttantl oa band, ORDERS TOR SrOUTINO, ROOKINO And otbtrwork belonging to kit bminoti will bo promptly tiled bj experienced and skillful workmen. BRASS, COITER, OLD METAL, RAGS AND CASH Taken ia oiobangi for goo da. age-He especially Inrltei tht attention of Mereb.ntl wisblng to purenast at waoleaala, al tbey will And tt to their adrantago to .lamia. kit ttoek before parebaalng oittwboro. look oat (or thi Big 8lgn epposlto the resl dence of Airs. Dr. Foster. All Ooopi WinaarriD as Raraaitaraa. O. . FLEGAt. Phlllptbarg, Joae A. 1870. a. OSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER COMPANY, OSCEOLA STEAM II ILLS, aawurarrrnai LUMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS Sawed & Talent Killed Shinghi. II. n. 8I1ILLINOF0KD, President, Offic- Forest Plaeo, Ko. 155 6. lib St., Phil's. JOHN LAWSIIK, General Pop't, Oeoeola Mills, Clearteld oonnty, Pa. A Lao TOWN LOTS for tall in tbo borough of Oaoeola. ' ALao-ttern tho LARGEST ASSORTMENT of Ooodl In Ural field oounty at tbeir Mammoth Store ta Oeoeola; J"''! (lAI'TIOH. All persons are hereby notified J not to interfere with the following properly, to wit: One light bay horse, 1 dark bay horse, 1 red oow, 1 eel double harness, I sot buggy har ases, I log sled, I two horse wagon, 1 oue-horte wagon, 1 one. horse eled, 1 eook slove, I beating stove, 6 chairs, 1 dining table, 1 cupboard, I sink, t bedsteads, at the same belong to m., I baring purohased the same at Sheriff's talo on tbe 2otu day of March, 1873, and lean-d the eame to Fred. triok Ltoyh, of llrady township, ia whoee po.eva. iofl tho said properly now il, lor one year from Marob Jflib, 187J. ADAMKNARR. Trontrllle, April 1, H73.-.11 GRAPH Vims FOR SAJ K-k lot ol bearing Orapo kte-.'.w.iisord aud Catawbl. ia-f f-w aa). aw g. b. n ILLS, 25vt.Il.' 8 HAW HOUSE, . (Cor. of Market A Front street,) CLKARKIELU, PA. Thll BingniHoent Hotel it entirely new, oonf; plete In all ill appointoentt, and ooarewtent ta the Court House. A frea Omnibui rum to aa (rom tht Depot on the arrltal and denarturo of each train. - J1R8. E. O. CLEMENTS," April 10, 187. . PropriolrMi. WASHINGTON HOUSE, ' NEW WASHINOTOX, TA. Thll ew and well furnished hou.e baa beo taken by tha uoJertigned. Uo fralt eontdoat M being able to render satisfaction to thou who may faror him with a oall. May 8, 187J. O. W. DAVIS, Prop r. ' REVERE 1IODSE, . . . . , , RURNSIDE, PA. Tha subscriber harlng built anew Hotel, with all mod'TO itnprorementl, ll prepared to recir. guests. The ublo will be supplied with th. boot In the market, ; Good .lab ling attached. ' . apr3-iy A. II. SCIIAEFFER, Prop'rV ' THE . MANSION HOUSE. Cbinerof tiecondand Market fltreela, tllUBI IKI l), PA. TTIIS old and eomnodloni Hotel batf.'Strrlng tht past year, been enlarged to doubU tea lurmor capacity for the ontertainment of atras: geri an 4 guests. The whole building baabeea refurniabod, and tho .proprietor -will ipar. aa pains to render bit gottti oomlorublo while ataylag with bim. agr-Ib. 'Atantlon Tlouia" Omalbai runs U) and from tha Depot oa the arrival and. departnra' foach train. JOHN DOUGHERTY, aprA-iO tf Proprietor; WESTERN HOT E L Oppotito tht Court Ilouie; " CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. Accoumo Jatlont first-elati and ebargot raoderata. oat ' JOHN F. YOL'NO, Proprietor. jyj-O N T O U K HO USB,. .1 uppouu us uouri uouse, - . LOCK HAVEN, PE.NN'i. s Jel71 HAUSEAL A KR0M, Prop'!. JJROCKEHHOI F IIOL'SB, ' uttLLt.ruir., i a.,' . B. JOHNSTON A SONS, ' Proprietorl oolJi'71 T AILKOAD HOUSE Xt Miln Strtft, PHILIPSilUKQ, J'KMf A. Tlic nirlorsiitned kcrpi eonftantlr on bftDd thn beitt of Liquor, li is tat) ii alva.Ti mpplifd with tli beat tbo Ukiket rnffonU. Th Uavehf pubiio will do well lo gite him a cull 4 LliEGDENY 110 TEL, CV. (Market SL, bi-t. Ftvond and Third, II EAHI M I.U, lA. Tbe lubioribcr baTltiK broom proprietor ot (hit botal, would rcipeettullj aik ft liberal (har f pubiio patronage, apU74 UtSOKUiS LLirULUI. . SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, Ct'ltWENSVILLE, CiearCeld fountr, Pcnn a. Tblf aid and well eitallilhed Hotel, bfAalirolly situated on (be batik I of the uiquchaulia. in tha borough of Ctirwensville, hai bern )taaed for tt term ol Tnan by the nndeniiiDtid. It haa bfl entirflj rcfittrd. aud ia now open tn tbo pubiio' grtiprally and the trnvelina; eomrouTitty in par ticular. No palnawill ba iitarud to ronder raeata cam to ruble while tarrying at tbii bona. Ampla P tabling room lor luo accommodaiion ot toamti Cbarg'-a moderate. bept. 2, 1070-tr. LI LhVUX. . . -I L.t JOOT AXD SHOE MAKING. I'HILIP WEAVKR, oa Market ftreet, li. Shaw'i Row, Clearfleld, fa., haa Juit reeelredt a fine lot ef French Calf ftkiaa and Kipi, th belt In the market, acd ii now prepared tonmn ofacture arerytbing in hie line, lie will war rani bis work to be aa rtpreiented. The eitiiens of Clear tie Id and vicinity H rfpf-eciiuny inviiea vo oin cmi. York done at ibort ounce. vnrizy JSAAC JOUNSON & SONS, . Uamifaeturori and Pealert la Boots nud Niioos! Ladlei', Misaes' and Children's Galtere, ' Men't,' and Women's ITcary Boott, ani Brogani, Ao., At; 8 to re and snop on Reeond Itreet, nearly Optra lite 1. F. Bigler A Co.'a batdwar. ttoro. Feb. i', 1872 ly CLEARFIELD, PA. yiisftUantotiS. J. il. KEPHART W1TI W. Y. LIPP1NC0TT & CO.i Wholesalo Dealer! la nars, c.irs, rvna AND STRAW OO0D8, No. ASt Market Street, PIIILALCLPUIAi W. V. Lipplneott,! f S. R. Kersbner: Jainei Mitebell, J MS: J I A. B. Bennett, UEMUVAL. REIZENSTEIN Sl BERLINER, wuoiFFKia nrniirp in OEMS' riRMSIllG GOODS, ITave removed to 167 Church itreet, between Franklin and White Bin., Nrw York. jy31'7 QLEARFIELD PLANING MILL C O M P ANY; ' THE nnderiigned, auoneftfori to ItFT:I k HOW K LL, hare purchased the CLRAR. HTM) I'LANISd MILL, and refitttd it for doing an extrnetre buefneee. All the naehltiey will he added Beoeinery to make It one of tha most complete eatib tibmente 01 ibe kind In tbo State. Thry are now prepared to metre or d era for any work ia that line. Thn; will gitreepeoial attenUoB to all material! for kuuw building. .. FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING SASH, DOORS, BLINDS -BRACKETS, JMOl LDI.rGtt Ot ALL STYLES, alwayi on hand. WORKED BOARPfl, and all ertielea floceaM ry ffrr b.iilHinp, will ha exnhanged tor- 1HY LL'MHKH, ao thai freriona at a diitance may bring tbeir lumber, exchange it for. and return home with tbe manufactured artlcM. The Nmpftn will elwaye hare on band a tvft stock of dry lumber, ao aa to be able to fill an order on the rbortert notioe. Only tha brut and, mont ikillfut handi will be vmplojed, ao that Ua public may rely npm gvo4 work. Lumber will be worked er told u low aa it eaa be pare hated anywbera, and warranted to glre eatitfaetion. At tbe buiiueni will bo done upon the each principle wo eaa afford to work for email profile. DKT LUMBER WANTED !' , Especially one aad a balf and two Inch paael staff, for which a liberal priee wiH be paid. Tht bailnoai will be oaduoted ondor tbo name . of tho "Clearfield IManlng Mill Co." - 0. B. Morroll will pertonally inparintaad th. butiaoti. Orders nrpottfully oliilted, 6. B. Mr.nRELL.' IL . TAYLOR DAVIS MolATJOIIKT. M. O. RHOw-N A liKO