Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 16, 1873, Image 2

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    r X C 1 1
tliTU AND POrll!TO.
Tbo Constitutional Convontion re
nMembled in Philadelphia on the 15th,
aftomn adjournment of two wcoks.
A Victory.- The Connecticut Dem
ocrat Lav gained a glorious victory
over the "nutmeg" Radicals. Ingor
aoll, Dem., i elected Governor over
Haven, Bad., by 6,420 majority.
Stcdt Jr. Tho annual report of
the President and Directors of the
Pennsylvania rail road, for 1872, will
be found at length in this issue. It is
worthy of perusal, and should be crltl
tally examined by ovory citizen of the
I nmmnnwHlth.
A Visit raoM "tui Government.
-Gon. Grant spent several days (
UarrUhurg last week, lie looked i
on the Legislature and the Legislators
looked on him. There was not much
fuss made over bim. IIo was stopping
with Senator Cameron.
Settled. A number of Philadul
phia Bank Presidents got into a mud
die as to whether Good Friday was
legal holiday, and tolegraphed the
Attorney General, at Harrisburir, who
derided that the Act of the 12th of
April, 18G9, makes it a legal holiday
Adjourned. In accordance with
tho joint resolution, passed some time
previous, the Legislature adjourned
line die, on Thursday, the 10th. But
ler B. Strang, Senator from Tioga, was
elocted ad interim Spouker. The Dem
ocrati caBt thoir votes for Wm. Mo-
Shorry, of Adams county.
A Speech. Tho following is the
spoech "the Government" doliverodat
llarrishurg last week. It is very
tatosraan-like, embelishod with i
mining Intimation. Gen. Grant said
"Gentlemen of the Legislature of Pnm.1..
tlla l I aia happy to meet you hens, Mi) hope that
"J - iryawi'IU JUU DT UCVtlOp lOt gfMl '
nuivu uere ouneu.
Ail Earthquake. The city of San
halvador, capital of the Central Amer
ican Rcpublio of that namo, was nearly
destroyed by an earthquake.on the 10th
of March. From 600 to 1,000 porsons
porishod, and $12,000,000 worth of
property was destroyed. Ono hun
irod and ten shocks were folt, between
the 4th and 10th.
MAJUIl JACK wumminos. We re-
Biot to chroniclo tho sudden death of
this well-known Democrstic politician,
which occurred at his borne in Solins
grovo, on the Cth, from apoplexy. Ue
was an unswerving Dcmooratio advo
cate in thoso bonighted oountios of
onyucr and Union, where the majori
ty has for 85 years voted for "josoph
rimer anu Stevens & Co.
AM Able Speech John II. Orvis,
J.sq., membor of tbo. lower House,
from Centre, dolivered, on (be 8th,
tbo ablest spoeth made in that body
miis sossion. lio provos by the Gov
crnor's ifessagosand Auditor Genoral
and State Treasurer's .Reports, that
somebody has stolon two million nine
hundred and eighty-eight thousand one
Hundred anI sixty four dollars ($2,088,
104,) out of tho State Treasury since
isot). Vieproposo to lay Mr. Orvis'
speech boforo our readers just as soon
as we can find room. '
aripple MDBDEa. The small but
savago tribe of Modoc Indians, which
have infested Northorn California and
Southern Oregon, havo inolosted tbe
Government for a quarter of a centu
ry and murdered many emigrants.
Tho treachery of their Chiof, Capt.
Jaok, on tbo 12tb, wo suspoct, will
wipo him and bis tribe out of exist
ence. Jack and his tribo have beon
very restlvo fur somo time, and Gen.
Caiibyand two Indian Commissioners,
named Thomas and Mcacham, wore
crdorcd to bold a oouncil with bim
and learn what be wantod. On the
- 12th of April they entorod bis camp
by bis permission. But thoy never
returned. Tho throo wore deliberate
ly murdered. The body of Gen. Can
by was found with two bullet holes
through his head. Jlo was one of the
bravost and best otHcors in tho armv.
lie went through tbe Mexican and
the late wsr,nnd now has been asesss
Jnnted. .
The Coxjoxticct Election. The
Radicals are struck dumb over the re
sult of tho election in the "nutmeg"
Slato. Tho majority of 3,400 for lo
gersoll, tho Dcmocrallo candidate for
Governor, over Austin and Smith, tho
Kudit-al and Temperance, candidates,
and a Domocriilio majority of eighteen
n juint ballot in the Legislature, Is
flumdoiinjs o'rtonishmont to Radical
cm. This State gave Grant over
4,000 nujoiity lust November. St.
Louis elcoU a Pcmocratio Mayor by
OTer 4,000 majority. This hi a clean
turn rujmd. Cincinnati, which his
been Rlictii' fo tho tune of 3,000 to
6,000, elects a fiempcraliu Mayor by
1,200. Cleveland, Tolejo n4 other
Radical strongholds bave Jurntfd a
l0r- Grant and his re!stioils,tho
Credit Alobilier business and wlhor
wrnptlon rings, aro yielding thoir
B breaks raur-i
by Uta recent
along the Erie Railway havo
"aifd, and trains are again
I mm cniiiit m . t f
I Su0D rtur tne kssombling of tbe
Legislature Senator Wallace intro
duced a bill In tbe Sonate repealing
all tbe laws exempting real ostate from
taxation. This was to got on tho tax
book millions of dollars worth of prop
erty which tho Legislature in years
past bad foolishly exemptod from tax
ation. .. Tho properly alluded to was
principally confined to the cilios and
boroughs throughout the State, con
sisting of Masonio Ilalls, Odd Fellow's
Halls, etc, and was dono In this way:
Somo sharp lot ownor would oonceive
tho idea of building a threo or four
story brick, with flno largo store
rooms and well arrangod ofllces in tho
two lower stories, which he would
ront for $5,000 or 110,000. He would
rent tho third or fourth Btory to the
Masons or Odd Fellows and have it
christoned tho Masonio or Odd Fel
lows' Hall. At the next mooting o!
tho Legislature somo philuntropic
member would read a bill in place ex
empting such hall from taxation, and
the bill would pass without oven a
call of tho yeas and nays. - And In
this way a large amount of property
in the Slato paid neither county,road,
school, poor, borough, city, or any
other taxes. j
Uudor vbo bill round bulow ill's
property must pay its duo proportion
of tax, as well us farms and bouses
and lots, which aro not balf aspro6t-
able to the owners as that which has
beon stealthily exempted from all man
ncr of taxation by stupid legislators.
Tho following is a copy of tho bill
as it passed both houses :
To repeal ll laws exempting real ei Ute from tax
Section 1. Be it enacted, ifcc, That
all real estate within this Common
wealth shall bo liable to taxation for
all such Durnoscs as now is or bore.
aflormny oe provided by general laws,
excepting only therefrom tho classes
of property spoviUcally exempted from
taxation by tho twenty-ninth soclion
ot tho act of this General Assombly
entitled "An Act to authorize tbe com
mitteo of Michael Fox, a lunatic, to
sell and convey certain real estate
and for other purposes," approved
April sixteenth, ono thousand eight
hundred and thirty-eight, as construed
by the third section of the act of this
Ueneral Assembly entitled "An act to
authorize tbe administrators of lloiiry
Mincum, lute ol urawlord county, de
ceased, to soil and convey certain real
estato and for olhor purposes," ap
proved July second, one thousand
eight hundred and thirty-nine, except
that the quantity ot land luoroby ex
cmpted shall be and Is heroby increased
to ten acres instead ot bve as therein
named, also exempting from taxation
all naraonot'es owned bv anv church
i ---o , r
or religious society with the lauds at.
tached thereto nolexcooding five acres,
a Ho excepting and exempting Irom
such taxation all burial lots exempted
oy tne provisions ot the act ot April
filth, one thousand eight hundred and
fitty-nino, entitled "An Act relative
to incorporated comelory companies'
and the lands and promises of all come-
tery companies where such property
ta ruald In ieuti ( tk aiole. nwrpoow of
improving said lands and premises
and whoso revenues of u liatever kind
are devotod to that objoct and iu no
Way inuro to the bonclit or profit of
tbe corporators or any of them, and
also excepting and exempting from
such taxation all lunatic asylums, alms
bouses, poor-houses, houses ot refuge,
penitentiaries, and asylums, schools
and hospitals supported by the an
prcpriuiions annually maue tnerclo
by this Commonwealth, togother with
tho lands attached to tho same, and
also excepting and exompting from
such taxation all chariublo institu
tions founded by charitable gifts or
otherwise, the chiof revenues fur the
support of which are dorioved from
voluntary contributions, togother with
the lands attached to the samo : and
all laws or parts of laws inconsistent
wiUi tho provisions ot this statute be
and tho samo are horohy repealed.
Provided, That nothing in this act con
tained shall bo construed as repealing
tho fourth soclion of tbo act entitled
"An Act to amend tbo revonuo laws
of this Commonwealth." annroved
February twonty-third, one thousand
ighl hundred and sixty-Bix. And pro
vided further, That no burial lots sold
to individuals for burial of the dead
shall bo liable to levy and sale for any
laxos wuateocver.
All churches, meeting Iioubos or
other places of stuled religious wor
ship, with ten acres of lund annexed
thereto. All universities, colleges.
academics and school houses bolonir-
ng to any county, borough or school
listrict, or incorporated, orected. on-
uowod or established by virtuo of any
law of this State, with ten acres of land
annoxod thoroto. All court houses and
ails. All porsonacos owned bv nnv
hurch or rolitfious society, with five
acros ol land attached Ihoreto. All
burial grounds belonging to any re
gions vgngrogauon. All bunul lots
elonging to nnv person or family.
All lands and promlaoa balmiuieia to
oomctery companies whore tho rovon-
ios are used solely to improve such
unds and premises. All lunalio axy-
urns, nlme-houses, poor-houses, houses
ol reluge, and penitentiaries, with
lands attached to samo. All asylums,
schools and hospitals, with the lands
attached to tho samo, whore tho samo
are supported by btaloapproprialiuns.
All charitable- Institutions and lands
attached thoroto whose chief rovonues
aro from voluntary contributions
The repealing clauso subjects all das
sos of proporty not covered by these
ueouripuuns 10 genoral laxullon.
State Trkasubeb. Tho Radical
loadors havo about as much rospcel
for the Constitution and tho rights of
the people as a wolf has for lambs.
No better cvidonce of this fact is
needed than the action of that party
in the Legislature upon the Slato
Treasuryi question. '1 he people last
tun adopted an amendment to tho
Constitution, authorizing the election
of a State Treasurer by popular volo.
Yet the Legislature has just passod a
bill continuing Mr. Msckey, the proa
on& incumbent, In office until May,
1271- Jt Is a wonder they did not
itt It five years. We are sorry to
state tbat A few Democratic Senators
and members deported thomsolvet
very strangely apon this quostion,
and It looks to uit, at this distanco,
as though "Bob" had "lees tbeai"
The 1pporllottMtnt.
Tho Congressional apportionment
bill, as finally adopted, is one of the
most infamous measures passod by tho
now doccasod Infumoul Legislature
If thcro Is no Improvement in morals
and intelligence in tho future, tho
member will stonl tho Capitol before
throe years pass around. But to tho
bill. - Tho Twentieth District is com
posed of the oountios of Centre, Clear
field, Clinton, Elk, Milllin and Union.
The State is apportioned Into twenty
seven Districts. The Domocrats will
carry tho following eight Districts:
First, Eighth, Tenth, Elovonth, Thir
teenth, Nineteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-first,
and tho Radicals will have
nineteen members. The vote polled
for Governor lust full was 071,141.
For Buckalew, 817,700; forHartranft,
353,387. Thus every 21,110 would be
ontitlod to a Congressman. But as
arrangod, in tbo bill in quostion, it
takes 39,720 Democrats to elect a
Congressman, whllo It tnkes but 18,000
Radicnls. A discrimination of rooro
than a hundrod per cent. Can any
thing bo more infamous and damna
ble r
The act in question trsnsfurs us
from the XVIth, by the bill vetoed by
Gov. Geary, to tho XXth, and strikes
Snyder county off and is made up of
the following counties :
Connlit, Vim. vol.
Had. vole.
l)tm. naj
Our .fVir Grnnd Inspector and
Miiqumior or t oimuls and
When a man Is out of his regular
uno oi empioyinoni he will ollen turn
his head to anything rather than rust
or siarvo. ide .Newman, tho divino,
who not long sinco was tho delight of
mo uelighllul congregation of the
Metropolitan Methodist Episcopal
church of Washington. Tbo Rev.
Nowman, for somo causo not Doeitive-
ly known, lost his parsonship, sweet
ciiimcs anu an. lie cou:u pray at the
Chiof Migislrnto no more, and the
chaplaincy of the mighty Sonate was
insufficient to solace him. Whero
could he find comfort f Our aminblo
President has found it for him. Tbo
Washington correspondents tell us
that his ex-parson&bip has been ap
pointed to the exalted ollico of Grand
Inspector and Inquisitor of Consuls
and Consulates to China, Japan and
all tho Oriental countries. Of a verity
he was iu luck in losinc his parson-
ship. Poor pay and plonty of work
were bis lot in tbo iluthodist templo.
Rich rowards and easy timos are be
fore bim now. He bss nothinir to do
but travel like a princo, draw without
limit on tho Treasury and study the
Iloalhen Chinos. Who wouldu't be
parson to His Excellency on such
terms? Whon ho returns all ho will
be expected to do will bo to imitate
nis wonuonui predecessors to wit,
mako a bill for anything under ono
hundrod thousand dollars SiraiuHt tbo
government, writo a long-winded and
NignmmftiiMI repvrk utvuti Ills "In-
spoctions," and look wise forever after.
ell, we are commir to tho oninion
that these Consular inspections are
auoui "played out," to use an inelo
gam out torcible expression. If it is
worth whilo at all to send a hichtoned
detectivo abroad to look after our Con
suls and thoir doings, surely it is
worm wiiiio to send some one equal
to the duty some ono having a
knowledgoof our commercial relations
and posscssod of brond views and busi
ness exporicuco. Doos tho divine
ISewman possoss this knowledge and
experienco? Wo fear not. In bis
manoeuvres about tho lobbies of tho
halls of Congress he may havo picked
up somo limited notions of "oommnr.
cial relations," but hardly enough, and
centainly not of the right kind, to fit
bun for Ins new Bold of action. If
our amiublo President hod mado thin
llustrious ox-parson Inspector Gen
oral of Hell Gate widening it would
havo beon scarcely more iuapnronri-ato.-iV.
F. Herald.
Germany, ItuMlaand .luttrta.
Emperor William, Prince Bismarck
nd on Moltko, with a brilliant re
tinue, are to Icavo Borlin for St. Peters
burg on tho 25lh of the present month.
On the following day, according to
lh programme, tho Crown Prince of
werniany and bis wife, the Princess
ictona, will loovo Berlin for Vieiyin.
This announcement is valunblo.chiefly
for the reason that it shows that a
good understanding prevails, among
the threo imperiul familios. Emporor
n iiiium, in me mosi nanasomo man
ner possible, repays tho visit which
tho Czar Aloxniidor made to Berlin at
tho close of tho lalo war. Austria,
nowover, was not uniiind on that oo
casion ; and as Austria Is now recov
ering fiom her misfortunes and com-
mnnding attention through her grand
World's Fair, the Crown Prince and
his amiahln l'rineess ro (o Vienna In
iuko part in the oponing coremonies
of the Exposition. In itself this in
terchange of courtesies is all verv well.
For tho present it moans pouco.
ltr..l I i L . :. ii . 1
nuuiu umi. it, ouuiu convinco us that
tho peace would be lusting I Unlinp.
pny, ii gives us no such assurance
On tho arrival of Knipcror Willium
with bis suit St. Potorsburg will bristle
with bayonets, tho Russia will adorn
horself in tho irerireous nanonlv of
war. n win to the same in V lonna
on tho occasion of the opening of the
Exposition. The peavoof to-day may
be bhaltored tomorrow; and then
what will siitnify all thoso lirofessioim
T. ... . V
of friendship J Voor France, so re
cently imperial, too, is now left out in
tho cnld. liut Franco enn afford to
bo indifferent, JJor time will vet
oomo. i'tw York Herald.
Oakes An rai. Tho Montgomery
(Ala) Advertiser Is losing onfidonce
in men and things. It ofTurs a dvs-
perato wugor that "Ouhes Ames, if
nominated by a Judical convonlinn,
wouia obtain moro votes lor I'rnstdent
than any olhor man in tho United
States. IIo could boat llurtranflt or
Hi mon Cum en i ii in Pennsylvania, or
i-omcroy in nonius. -
LOI8r.ATIO. Tho riiilsdnltihln
Ledgtr says t Tho "mysterious disap.
penranoo" or a bill that had boon pass,
ed by both lioosos of the Stalo Legis.
Inture Is reportod from JIarrisburg .
That is bad onougli, but not quite so
bast as the oooaslonal "mysterious ap
pearai" upon tho sUitue book of
sen thai oovor jtevd either Jipusr
Col.tlcClure& Lrrlure,
Just provious to tho adjournment
of tho Lcgisluluro, on tho lOtli., the
"Kooslors In the uouso nnd a resolu
tion passod requesting Senator M'Clu re
to give them "a locturo on reform."
Tho invitation was a burlesquo, but
it bit in unothor direction. The Phil
adelphia Led'ier has tho full spocch
and as it Is iu much moro to the point,
and just as tho uoionoi would suy it,
wo cannot rof'raln from tivlng It a
place. It is rich, rarg and racy :
Mr. Speakor and Commonors of tho
Sla'.o of 'Pennsylvania i 1 thank you
for tho distinction you havo conferred
upon mo by your invitation toaddrors
you on the subject of reform. I know
of no other body of mon, oithcr of tho
present or past, that nocds Instruction
on tbo necessity of both publio and
privato morality so much as the House
ot Jlcpresentalivos ol this atato, now
beforo mo (laughter,) or tbat bus so
broudly and doeply experimented in
the lino of individual and olllciul prof
ligacy. (Laughter and applause.) 1
am not suprisod, howover, that it (a so
when 1 consider that of the members
serving in this Uouso from my imme
diate locality, many waro not oven
nominated, und few, If any, woro over
elected. - Shouts of laughter. Isont
you reform bills, which cost mo roany
days of anxious thought and Iu bo r to
ported, but you danced not whon I
piped to you, neither did you worn
responsive to my mourning over tho
dogenorucy of the body politic I
must nUinfl however, uiui yuu wu
prompt executioners, for every b'flthat
looked toward reform was negtitivcd
with a yell as fast as rules would al
low. But in political, as olton ii mornl
and religious circles, tho darkest hour
is just boforo tho dawn of da, and it
is gratifying that, after you lavo con
summated all tbo harm you can possi
bly inflict upon the State,yoi havo by
a unanimous resolution culled for a
conlession. Laughter. It was woll
to pauso thus, just for the suke of
novelty or refurunco, so that when tho
tempest breaks you can point to this
becoming act of contrition for the
wrongs dono to your constituents
and to the Commonwealth. Ap
plause and sa roust io shouts. Most of
you who havo for three mouths been
serving in tbe places to which ojher
porsons wero elected by the poor le,
havo uiacountod tho rolrihutivo wave
of popular reprobation bv creatine:
officers by legislative enactments, to
which you hope to retire; and those
unprovided for hopo to bo placed on
tho indvfinito pay-roll of the pasters
and folders of the Uouso, in acoorance
with the provulont custom here to
ponsion decayed statesmen. Shouts
of laughter That you seek liboral
counsels in have good seed sown in
mo ciiiios ot virtuo lhatsurrounds you.
isu hopeful sigh of the times, and if
you do not cheat us moro than 30,010
in l'hiladulphm next rail, tho places
that know you now, will know most
of you no moro forever. Laughter
liul 1 turn to tbo fuint silver liniiiir
on the deep cloud of your record.
One act of this House gladdened tho
hearts ot the whole people of the Stulo.
and roinsniiod hopo throughout the
ongtn and breadth of the Common
wealth. I refer to your vote in the
midst of disorder that, at a Philadul-
dulphia fire, would bo called a roil, on
Monday ovoninir last, fixinir an ear v
day for your final adjounment.
Laughter and applause 1 I havo
heard of no citizen of tlm Ktsta.whn
did not heartily approve of that act.
Xaughtor. 1 am happy to point to
it as tho oasis iu tho wilhored dosort
that you havo mado about you, and
accord you credit lor it. Hoping,
gentlemen, it l may ba pardoned fo
the use of tho term, laughter, that
ino icngm oi your uvos may corres
pond with the measure of your virtues
and that you will bo succeeded by bet
ter men than yourselves, 1 bid you
gooa nigni.
The Senator rolircd amid roaring ap
piause anu a snowor ot paper balls.
rpill SUMMER TERM of fie r en weeks, will
a wwHimeooe monoay, npru ism, Hfj,
Reading, Orthographr, Writing, OtijMl Lee
one, Primary Arithmetic and Primer?
Heograjvby $7 00
History, Local and deseriptire Geography
with Map Drawing, Urammar, AleoUl
and written Arlthraetl... (00
Algebra and the Soienees 11 00
Instruction in Instrumental music 10 00
Oil painting, 24 loaeon II to
Wsi work a ee
ror full partlenlere send for Circular.
ClcarOeld, April 9, 1873. 17:70 ye
Knlltliig JIad.Iiic!
This Knitting Machine ll one of the most nee
fill inrei.tlens of the age. By untiring efforts
and ingenloiii eiperiaients the lueentor has
acnieveu what thnutaada he nnsncKessfnlly
. ... anilil.MI .MA-
(.in. r mat win kaitaaock In seeoa minutes,
heol and toe, eemplete. Narrows and widens.
Knits all gradrsof yarn. Nubi.i. T.H,.. ll,,i.
Men's Knit Jackets, Hosiery of all, and al
most an endless eariety of Useful and
al Ooode. It will knit from a Watoh Uuard to a
oieign noon, and does it with neatness and das
paten. Person that are iuoapicieted from hard
wora,an ram trout
)a TO U IOI T. A IM4 .....
Per Dy with the Knitter.
This MaeMne hns taken the Richest Premiums
at tbe Priaelpel Bspoelllene, etlnle aed C'ouaty
. !. ' sinipio anu aureole 10 oonteruotlon,
and will wear a life-time. As it la eonstraeled
witk the finest meohanieal exactness, and fer
general range of work. "IT 1IAJ NO EQl'AU"
and is only limited la beauty and stria by (ha
iinagiaatioa and Ingenuity of the operator.
MlET.ilL VlttCK, IO.OO.
For reference tbe pullio oan address oroakl on.
on the fnllowlnc resi.lents of ( Irarfleld enuni. ,
Joilak lhoniison, Jone'hnsl Hartshorn. J.h
Norrie, II. II. k liter, John F. HluU, Ciitw.nsnlle;
Lewie J. Hurd and John Orr, Hurd P. O.; Klak
Johnston. Abrel.nm Htiencor. Flisba Fentnn
(Irsmpias Hills P. O. I Joseph Kirk, Job Ow
ens, James Curry, Lumber City.
Samuel Jrukins, KsqH at lurwensrllle, la tba
Oeaeral Ageat for Cli arlield and Jeflerson ooun
lirl. All necersary infonnatiou .can br ehl&in.J
by calling up .n bim. April 10, U73-tf.
States. In ilankruptry. In the matter of
i. iu. niexanner, t.anarupt.
Western Oislrlot of Feunselranla. as A ...
rant has l,ren issurd br said Court aenin.t
estste of T. M. Alexander, ol the eounty of Cle ar
Seld and Slate of Heno.-f Itania, In aaid liistrlot,
-..HMu.-ii m u.ii.nini iinon IMiTlllon oi nie em, I.
ors, and tbe paymeut of anr debts and tbe nVii...
ery of any property belonging to said bsnkrupt,
to him, or to bis use, and tba Itaoslur of w.
pertT by kirn, am forbidden hy Uir. A meeting
oi ine ereuiiors ot sain bankrupt, to prurs Itierr
debts and choose one or more Aislguin-s of his
estole, will be held al a Court of llaukriibtae to
07.1. j . .. ' lu uisinoi, on Die
27lh day of May, A. II. IS7S, at 1 1 o'fliork, A M
at the ollioe of ll. L. Kr (s, Kv , bi-fore B. K
Woodrun", Kq , one ol the Ili gl.lere In Bank
ruptcy of said dlslrlvt. Jllli.N HALL
l'r" 21. U. 8. Marshal for said di.'trlol.
V"()th r to n t(mi it,ri,0 UM.
y dersigned would remtlully Inform hisous
tomeri that ho will eentlnua lha business of
Bwr-hrewlng. at bis est.Mi.hia.ot, In Cle.rSel l,
and will be pleased to furnish etle.t. dees quality
of lleer lobls oustoiuereUY TUB Ktl-li,
wot self .a ui-, a.n'tyof which mi
easterners will pleaso lake ooliif . ' ,
. . t-IUHLL. ECMA1TR i
April 1, 173, J I pd. i
3friu guJt'ntliSfmfnts.
Mrrmnlllc Appraisers' List
T 1ST of ReUII Peelers In Forelrn aud Di
J J meat ie earrrheniliie In ClearAelti ouunty, fur
tbe yenr ISi.l, lis l
fiiee. ttttmt.
Clau. He.
II John O. Olit;nwIU
14 tllneK.A. Wright 7
14 11. Annetrong m 7
14 Wm. 8. JJiclu-jr
A Hun T
tl C.J. Keany T
14 U. W. HUUl 7
14 Win. M. ,
13 ArnoMAIIerteh'nl
11 Thoiupeon A Co..l
It Cellmnnellieff...
13 W in. A. Pels
14 L. V. II. Honor...
12 Jolm Irvln 1
14 11. Killer
14 J. J. Jeokeim......
13 Iluover Urue
14 John M. I'.nva
II ItoU. r). Stewart.
II Mr. !. bliiri-j.
14 UninUtuiiMmliAin
11 A Laoo!tlo
U Kills, IrninAPon
14 Win. I.. Shew....
14 J. SVoli l'k-(nl...
14 Win. Mniies. ..,
11 II. II, Morrow...-'
13 T. II. Form;
14 11' ll. Hcboonortr
U II. Alleinen
10 V. A A. Hvnn....
11 T. A. i-ridikuz ...
II J. 8. Wilhim.....
13 I'ut UalleKlier
14 Wm. Charlton...-
13 Jamri punn.......
14 Mathias Maver...
II Y. LlrorlKhlACo-
14 Porter A Co -
14 W. H. Il.llman...
14 Ii. O. dates
14 Uetd Bros. A Co.
1.1 rl McfnrliMe.t. 1"
14 Jerry Cuopcr
ir Li
lt Pnvltl llill
14 J. W. IUII
14 U. W. Burnl.nucu
14 Uoli.nt'j...
14 Win. MilieUcy
1 1 T. A. Modre
14 It. 1'. llenilcriun.
II J. ll.Kllti
II Jou-ob Campbell A
Hon :
It 1. M.goiilb
II l'Uilip M.'dM.,
H Jna. Hull t 8oni in
13 Kiln HmeoJ L'o. IS
14 J. i'oreat
It RlliotrioirrUlge...
II ItJ. II. Willieme,
14 Ab. Orahain
13 Krsler, McMuih
A Co
II C. llurket
14 It. II. Moore
14 W.J. Means
14 Kunls A Clinter...
14 John e-aeurieh...
14 J. W. Carlirl
14 HoSt, Mcll.nJrr,
14 J. Ihberlnn.K'o
14 J. Stewart. No. 1
14 Cbea. McFaddon.
14 lrter I.opoleon...
13 II. W. Drown. ....
14 Wm. Kcaree
14 Clerenoelticberdf
13 I), (loodlander..
14 J. Stewart, No. J.
14 John Nengte..
13 I.. U. Carlifle.
II Schweni A Co
IS C. II. CoryellACo 2
14 T.J. llntke
13 Morrison, KaneA
II Jas. MeKeiben...
14 1'arker Strung. ...
13 II. Swan
It J. C. Johnston...
II Jno. Knne A lira
II J. A. Terpe 12
13 Jarkson Fatobin..
14 J. C, Conner
13 Horace l'atcbio...
14 Jas. MeMurrnj...
14 A. W. 1'att hin....
14 Lamborn, Bell,
l-'rcdlr A Co....
14 Straw A Ueerl....
14 Mary J. Comfort..
1 1 Godfrey Fisher...
14 I. C. Slr-Closkey..
14 Wm. J. Hopper-.
13 J. W. Po'trr
14 Tbomaa Myore...
it fox.
14 Simon Ftynn
14 I). A J. Kiuard...
14 Samuel Htarr
li nn eirr.
14 H. W. Speneer...
14 MoKre A Co....
14 Wm. I'urdr
14 Hose A MeCune
14 James Curry....
14 0. I'. IMerae
14 Wm. Hunter....
14 II. II. Kurd
14 A. L. Hurd
14 Win. McUarrey
14 Joo ltockenaerry
13 Nutter, HeeisACo 10
II lluan 'lallaener.
12 rerguaon, Host A
Co I
II I. I., i'ercason A
II Wm. II. W.gonor
1.1 Wrilbt A Ilro....
Co 13,
S II. F. Digler A Co 30
10 I). W. HoltACo...
14 Leonard Kyler...
14 Jonas Mons
1 1 Frier Moyer
14 James Thompson
14 Austin billon....
saw wAsnitQToi.
10 J. It. Mc.Mnrray.
14 Johnson A llale.
11 Wm. Foster
II Samuel MoCune..
14 J. It. lli-own
14 J. II. Fridsy
UN. 1.. Bubins
II McUauzhri- A Co 7
II KoM. Mitchell.... 7
12 K. W. (Irahaui....l2)
10 J. M. Kratser.... 10
13 Stewart A Son.... 10
14 R. II. PUaw 7
10 Wm. Rord 10
14 Tlieo. 8teenson.. 7
ft Kiebard Moeion- to
II Miller A l'owell- li
14 II. r.Nauele 7
10 J. Hbaw A Son... 20
11 J. S.KIiowers 7
14 C. I. etsin ! 7
II Bttmuel I. royder 7
14 J. M. Maconibor- 7
12 W. U. Kelly J)
13 UartswiekA Irwin 10) 1-4 Mrs. tl. Il.ialich,
13 HeckellAcbryrer 10 II It McCeit
Weaver A Heitv. 4l 14 Mra.Thna. llncklo
S Kratier A l.ytle.. 30 14 K. A. Scolleld....
II l,trer ririral Ii 14 A.Meers
II U.C.Hsmore,eoal
14 Wm. Turksr.litua
14 Dai id Adams....
14 U. 1). Ooodfcllow
A fiobo
13 A. I. fihaw
14 Mrs.T. E.Walson
14 P. A. (laulin
14 John Troulmso...
II Job A. Htadler.
14 A! iee
eio store
13 K. B. Isett
I is. t. ituak
14 Justin Plnbell..,.
14 Francis Coutriet.
II L. J4. Coutriet....
14 Henry Totbers...
14 Mrs. Slarla llidar
14 Henry Cochran,,.
14 Pred Sohnarrs....
14 Geo. MrrrellACo
14 W. K. Longley....
14 Uilliland A Ucck-
14 A. Biglemaa
14 M. B. Couoway...
10 Lireright, Linglo
A Co
11 E.U.llartmaoACo
14 tlcorge K. Jones.
14 T. 8. A J. B.I sou
I Moshanpon Land
A Lumber Co...
It D. R. Uood
13 T. C. IleimsACa 10
II Michael Barry....
14 A Render
14 forcmaa A Ilea
. helk , - .
14 MoUrath A Co....
13 David Foreey..,. 10
14 O. L. Knarrs
14 J. D. llallerly....
14 Adam 8uitu...n..
II P. E. Ilrubaker...
13 J. R. Arnold 10
14 Samuel Haggarty
14 is. w. i.amburn.
14 Hubert Wariog...
14 Muses MoCulle h
A Stewart
13 Faust A Uoodwin 10
14 T. W. Fleming... 7
14 A Uates 7
14 Jaoob tlilger 7
14 Jos. R. Irwin... 7
U D. 8. Plotner ; 7
14 Alexander Bros.. 7
14 Wus. Luther......
14 Wm. W. Albert...
14 Wm.A.CbaseACo
14 Thus. Ilenderaoo.
14 MeCully AHamey
II Frank Bulger....
14 Jamas Cornely....
C'uss. license.
4 llrady, Paniol Ooodlander
4 " Julius A. Terpa,
4 Beooarla, C. J. Keagv
4 " 6imon McFarlan
4 Coinglon, L. M. Coudriet
4 C'urwrnsrilla, Joseph It. Irwin
4 ' Alexander Bros
4 Clearfield, Rirhard Mo.sop
4 V. D. Watson.:.
4 - Hartswick A Irwin . S
4 " hraiter A Lille
3 " A. I.Ehaw : .10
4 Oulich. P. A A. Flynn t
4 Oraham, T. II. Foroey. i
t Houston, C. II. Coiyell at- Co
4 Nsw Washington, j'. R. MoMunsy
4 O.oro'a, I). H. Uood
4 Woodward, Ssmoel llsgireny
14 Bnrnslde, Horace I'atcbin 7
14 loshi-n. J. B. Hbaw... 7
14 Limber City, O. U. Lytlo f
II Pike, John Irwin 7
i Joselth 8nenocr - 7
II " 0. II. Logan 7
14 Lnloa, Joseph K. Arnold... ., 7
? Cleardsld, Charles Coheller..,... I
" Casper Letpoldt S
a a sk ana.
Luthersburg. F. K. Arnold A Co It
ClearOeld, Clearfield County Bank 30
Osccols, Lloyd, Caldwell, Lawsba Co.... 30
it.tiAntis, re rtsa, arc
ClrorSeld, l. Metlaugbey, I table 30
Osceola, J. C. Rikarit, 1 table . 311
" Benjamin 8agert, 1 alley Ifl
" J. C. Ackord, begatille table 30
" Benjamin Bnagard, Isn pin alley.. .10
t certify the to ba a correct Ii st of the
perrons assessed. Notice is berehy given tbat an
er a.i.1 mi .li vw,,u!itrer-B onus
i ClearSeld, on FRIDAY, lha 2d day of May
west, where all who feel aggrieved can attend if
they sea nroner. Ka ai,..rlinn r.s...ti..
can ho made after the day of Appeal.
April lth, 1871. Ilercantila Appraiser.
To Tax-Pavers I
N aeeordanoa with tbe Act of tba flener.1 A..
I semhlyof this Commonwealth, approved the
lid dny of March, A. D. 1870. and Ilia snoi.l..
mom approtoa the Id dar of Anrll. A. n IAtk
relntina to tho collrellon nf fas, in th .....i.
of ClaarAold,"ntim Is Iherefura hereby given to
the lax payers residinc In Ilia iti.lrli. n..j
eluw, that the County Treasurer, in accordance
run tne secona eci-llon ar eaia Aet.w II tlnrf
the rl noes of holding lha borough and township
elections on the following named days, for the
pmpose of receiving the County and Bute taxes
i "r ins year IS73:
For ClearSeld and I.awrenca township, Friday
a"d Maturday, May td and 3d.
For, Tuesday, May Sth.
For Covington, Wednesday, May 7tb.
ror iiirnrq, jnurMay, May Stb.
For IIo. hen, Friday, May Dth. Bradlord, Saturday, May lOlli.
For (lmbam, Monday, May 13th.
For Morris, Tuesday, May llth.
Fur Decatur, W ednesday,' May 14th.
For Oscaols, Thursday, May 1 5th.
For llmitsilnle, Friday, May ISih.
Fit Hoggs, Saturday, May I7lb.
For Huston. Tuesday, May 201 b.
For Union, Wednesday, May HI si.
For Brady, al Wesl Liberie, Thursday, May 22d.
inmmne, rnuay, May I.iu.
" " Luthersburg, UnlurdaT, May 24th.
For Curwansrillo, Mondny, May 20th.
For, T day, May 37th.
For Bloom, Wednesday, May 2Sth.
For Penn, Tbursdav, May 2111b.
For Lumber City, Friday, May 3ltfi. . .
For Ferguson, Faturday, May 31st.
t'pen all teles nsld to the Treasnrer there will
be a reduction of FIVK PER CENT srhete Ave
por oeut. will be add,) la Juln
nrrl, to all unpaid Usee, making a dlnrrenoe of
TEN per aenl. to tjromnt taa-aaeara. PaHlea
can, after tbe 1st of May, pay their taxes at the
Trmsueer a one. The belanosj of tba distriots
still be visited after June court.
Treasurer's, OHe, Irsamrer
CUneM, Ps , April , U7I. j '
IMTOI'JUItOHIf draws for June Term,
J A. 1). lb3i
T.R. WisshburD.Ileccarla
Jobs M. itos Bell
heimiel l.aiuliart.. Hoggs
Walter rlilrey..Bradlord
(1 eo. C. Kirk Brady
Jus.M 'Murray. Burniddit
Jaaab A. Broth Ctiesl
8ol. Maurcr... Covington
J. F, Weerar...ClearHeld
Jno. lrvin..Curwi-iisvillo
Moses Ownns....Deoatur
Jno. T. btraw..Forgusou
Wm. Msrray fllrard
A, U. Waller. ....Iloshsn
Josiab Evans. ..tlrabara
Alex. Beam .Oulich
11. O. Howuiau,..IIusloD
Tbo. Hmiib Jordan
Ubs, Kohnarrs K.irthaul
Ham'l. Powell. Lawrriiee
Wm. Roihroek... Morris
(leo. M. llrlsbcn. Osceola
John Bloom, br.....Pika
Nathan Linea I'ulon
Jamrl Haines.. .ncocariulAli'm. llluoiii... Ferguson
Charles T. Thnrp.,.lEelllllobort Lconnrd..Uuslico
Amos U 'la ' John A. Fulton..
Vu. nuieal BoggsllMward Flanders Dulloh
Wm. tlallngbor...
Robert Hiillivan..lluston
w w. cpei.dy... "
Juseph Kliircy..Bradford
Ellis .Smosl...., "
C. Uuiiiuicl..,. "
Dan'l ftoodlander.Iliadv
John P. Beck " ' :
Alei. ribea 1
John C'ailile "
Kain'l II. Kunts...
Prod. Hmiley ; -
Chas. Bobwoin.... "
Eraslus Lutbvr... "
John Jamison.... "
Andrew I.iddle.... '
J. Linos (of Jos )..
Wm. Hunter Chest
J. M. Mi-ard..Covinglon
W. E. Tbomps n, W. P.
Daniel Lengin....U!rard Williuins... Jordan
tl. l'lslicr...A...linrtbaus
lr. E. Ulooia.t.Lawrinco
K. A. Mitchell.
Jos. Onens "
Jauos Forost... '
J.O.Hthrytas. "
T. N. Fulton... '
(leo. Hart Morris
N. Palmer.. .N. Warh'ta
John Foreman. ..Osocula
James Young.... "
D. II. Johnston Pi-na
David T. eh.irp.,..
UoIhtI Owens., Pike
Jno. Laljorde, Jr.l'nion
8. J. '
O. llojhiubery.Woodwd
Tuvtmn jraoni sui oxp wans.
Thus. C. Wall.Bacearla
Jas. L. Morgao,,.Uoggs
Tbos. Holt
Rudolph Burk..Bradford
Adam tlrabaia..
Wm. 8. Taylor.. "
T-k. r-..... ..a... j
Wm. L. Porter.... "
8. R. Lobaugb.... w
O. K. rimaed...lloniaide
Ham'l Brk-kK-y '
Enoch Qearbart.Deaatur
Amos Hublcr..Uraliam
tleo. Moyor "
Paul J. f''ynu....tluii-h
Chaa. Brown llusloa
David Horning... "
James Jackson Kni
Dennis Owens.. Lawr'noe
Jaoob Oulich.. "
Isaao Uooo.... "
Daniel Fry Curat John F'
H. I'enniogton " Jas. II. fb
W. Bcbnarrs. Covington Alex. (JlsBoy...i.. Morris
John Dougherty ....Cl'fd L. I I.ingle Osoeola
M. H. Ogd.n ''ln
John Troutman.... " Asaph Kirk I'rnn
J. linger.. .Curwensvilloljus. C. Bloom... ....Pike
JLtv or Covington town-hip for IB72 1
Anthony flett and Augustus Slul-on, PopervisorB
of t'ovinglon lownsb p, in aeaoont with Road
tuna oi saia township fur le.l,
To amount of lax levied for l;2. (ID", ss
To amount of unseated drawn 2tl0 00
To order on township treasurer. 10 29
Total 7t! 7
By amount of work done. fCCA 04
By exoneration J 13
By old orders paid.. ?; 37
By per centage on duplicate 24 01
By lime making settlement. 4 00
Balance due township SJ 6$
Total .eyes 7
Poor fi'.nd.
John Variot, Overseer of tho Poor of Covington
township, in account with tho Poor fund of said
township for 1372,
To amount of duplicate ,..!2iO 23
By bill of goods for Peter Smith, penpi", tl 75
By ordi-rol Mrs. Beese for boarding 1'ster
.Smith, paaper , l.cfl 00
fly bill of goods for Peter r-uiilh, pauper, 21 20
lly two rtdys service
Hy par crutsiro 00 dunlioaie
12 M
1 30
2 00
: is
lly duplicate and making out Ibc same..,
liy one d.iy At settlement
By exonerations
Balance due township
Total oj
Wo, the undiTaie-urd Auditors 01' Covineton
township, having axsminrd tho aeoounls of An
thony Oett ami Augustus Mulson, supervisors,
and John Variot, Ovcr.eer of the Poor, of said
township, for If;, Und thrm as above stetrd.
law re. nik klo11d,
John j. picakd,
johx mulson,
Attest: D. O. O1.101, Clerk. Auditors.
Covington township, April 9, 1S73-31.
ol Brady township for IS72 1
... vnou viivn ....
Joseph Postli lbwaito and J. C. Barrel!, Orarseerl
01 tna j'oor ror Brady township, in account
with tho Poor Fund of said towuaaip:
To amonnl of tax levied (410 01
o uncollected nous ol S bailor W 67
Tu balance at settlement ... in or
to amount from Jesto Lyons 4130
Total.... ,
Vl2 ii
By services rendered by overseen
By hoarding Paddy 4 weeks, t days..
Ry bills for keenine saanars
74 2
10 00
4011 4a
Ry nolee destroyed..
By percentage on '40 IS
12 02
S 10
207 6
Celaaoo due township
ToUL ,
Joba Voider, Supervisor of Brady township, in
ecuuut wiiu iue noau tuna 01 raid township:
To full amount of tax levied $095 17
To back lax g jj
10 baianoo account...., 217 SI
I l,22l 32
Ry work dono by citisens (191102
liy work done by supervisor..., 2IA 00
Rv par ocntage 7 12
Ry exonerations j q
Py easb naid out v
By back tax.. ;7 41
Total st Ml M
Charlea Radaker, Supervisor of BradT townsbin.
in account with lbs Road Fuud of said township t
To lull amount of lax levied. $1,1"
To balaneo account..... 224 2t
... $!,3C2 91
... (.01 M
194 00
2 2
14 24
20 20
.. m 97
By work dons by ciiiai-n.
Ry work done by supervisor..
By per ocntage
Ry exonerations..
Ry cash paid out
By amount of baok tax .
, Total ti.ogj 01
no, the nndaraiened Auditors ot Hreil Inan.
ship, having examined lha aceonnts of Josenh
usweiuwHiie ana d. v. usrrett, uierscers of tbe
oor, and Joho No dee and Ph.rlpa hBk.r
Supervisors, dud tb.ia aa atovo elated.
J. W. Cone, Clerk, Auditors.
Luthereburg, April 2, Ifi'l.-It
OOK AIN'D i.'ead:
Msrket St., CLEARFIELD, I'a.,
the man lo ro to If eon eraait a ant of
ARNKSS or a new HADULE, or anything alee
i.n .iue. sse lurns oat as good work as Is
dona in any shop lo Pennsylvania, and his prices
aiv vrv veasooBOia.
Constantly on band a full Una af
such as Trotting Raddli-s, Quarter and Shin Roote,
Trotting itolleis, Whips, Fine Brushes and Combs,
Ao. A Uno assortment of Nets, Herns Covers,
" Mianaois, iiuuaio itoDes, etc, slo., kept in
season, la faot anything that horsemen staud la
need of is always on baud.
All of which will hs sold at wholesale or retail
at lha very fairest rale.
Repairing promptly attended lo. All work
guaranteed. Kliop In toon foruirrly ercuplrd as
Post Office. April , n?J.
NOTU U TO TRl:lAKl:Maj.A,ppr.
sons are berehv cautioned eeslnai
or in way damaging timber, or cutting lah polos,
pla wood or sums, or in any other way destioy.
lug timber or trespassing on tba premise! of
llrooin A Mrkay, Thomas Uroom nr Wm. 8
Iliekry, In Ileeraria tuwnthlh. naar Whim..
aa (ha law will be strictly enforoed against all'
who are caught trriplssing. And all persons
.ir ,gf. Pn properly 01 llrooin A
Iilckey, near Whlimer rnn, oa Claargrld areek,
Will UkO notloe thai ell hank Mnt n.mml . ,
bofura tba Umber asm be moved off the Iwuk.
WM. 8. DIPKET A 80N,
febl tt For OHOOM A MCKKV.
it baraby given that let leas of wdralnitlratlen
oa the ss tale ef WM. K. WRIULKY, dee d, lata
of the borough ofCIoarlleid, Clear Oold eounty, Pa.,
having keen duly granted to the undersigned,
all pareoen Indebted la aald estate will aleaai
seek immediate payment, and those having
claims or demands will present them properly
aiuhealaoaled for eeillsasnt without delay,
. B. WUIiiLsf,
F. 0. Vf ftltiLlY,
Clsaxteld, Arid t, 1(73 Ot, Admlaitlralois.
jruo anfl UttrfllrinM.
rp ii u
S -
V. t,
. ; s ;
To their new building on fVeond Street, nearly
opposite lha tlore of Weaver liens,
Whert they will continue U no j. ply thAr old
M miny nt-w tnetomen ai my coun, mth
(Including all new remedies,)
Patent Medicines, Psinls and Oils, films and
Putty, 81'hool Books, Stationery, Paper,
Ac; also, a full line of Drug
gists' Sundries, Hair
Cosmetics, Perfomeries, Toilet Articles, Brnsbes,
Toilet Soaps, Pocket Hooks, Ac, all of
the best quality.
for aittiiciil Jl iserameDtal purpoiei only,
fur I.cml, Color of all kind. Raw and
U oiled Linnftrd Oil, VamUbeii, Turpaa
tine. Coal Oil. Paint t Varulsh
Uruthp, Flaroriii(
Confectioneries', Hir. Penl, Fpirt. groan d tod
Will Cad our slock of Cbewing
nd Htnoking Tobacco, Imported and Da-
mestia Cigsrs, buuff and Finc-eut to ba of tbe
very bast brands in tba market.
All kinds of OLAFS WARE,
and Musical Trimmings of aeorj variety.
Having a long eiporienoe in the buslneef, and
an extensive aad well sclented stock ef medicines,
a am enamvu to nil rnysicianr prescriptions at
tba shortest notice and nn tbe uiost reasonable
terms, day and n if lit.
ClearSeld, Ta., Jisj 31, l71-lf.
X SCHOOL, for the present year, will be held
iu the boroogh of Curwvnsville, commencing oa
MONDAY, MAY iib, and continuing for a term
of twelve wieka.
tei or tcirioi.
For inslrwctions In Onbogrspby, Elornlloa,
English Uran.mar wiih Analysis, Ueogra
pby, Written and Mental Arithmetio, ti. 8.
lluuiry and Theory of Teaching $2 CO
Plaio and Ornamental Penmanship, Draw
ing. Rook Keeping aud Business Corres-
pumleneo co
Vocal .Music, Natural 1'bilosophr, Algebra,
Uoetnelry, Mensuratiou, Latin, Orrmaa. 2 CO
Total (6 CO
Bonding can bo procured at reasonable rates
(load rooms and good apparatus have been pro
cured for the work ; alio, two assiitsnt teachers,
one 01 woeia win give instructions In Potlioenshr
Tbe other in Vocal AJusio, Elocution, Ueogranh
I. H. History and Orthography. I intend loach
ing the remaluinr brandies, and hone the worl
will be 10 conducted aa to he of nronl to thoso at.
tending. Persona who dcslie further Information
can eblaio It by addressing
JNO. A. (iltEUORY.Co.Supt.
Clearleld, March IV, 1973.
8hcp on Third street, over Rilev's bluck.imlh
anop, . l.r nri I. I.U, l"A.
All kinils of llillps and fthot Guns on han
Repairing dona lo a Crst-cbiss manner and al fair
prices. A:'.'6';3
I ecu
, itn log-n heels on Beth Ends of Ihe Rllr. It
eae many improvomenls mat make it mora deal
ruble than any olb.r. Hold everywhere.
Ilally aahlng; As IVrlticluir MacUllia to.
ap-2in 106 Chambers Su, S. Y.
Those Ma ilings are for salt by H. F. lliglcr J
Co.. Clcai field, Pa.
WILL PrPrLVfllt WITH AW atTr... e-
Iiilnirw sCtstt. .
PKfBll lla.l.. IA . a"-.
ODt tLrc
on th.MUt.o7 S.KI.HEW : "7
latoof Morrii township, ClearBcldooumy, P. nn'a.,'
having been dulv iniiu,.d i H,. 4 .1
Pcrso,,. Indebted lo a.i.t, will nTak.
Iinmedlste payment, and those having olaimaor
tLI'. " '" P"PI aulbei.uc.ud
rur eettl.uisnt without delev.
H. li. PARK FR.
i;XI:rtfTOII- NoTirEKotlo, I. ben
A t by given that letters testamentary herlnc
been e-raoted to Ik. ..k i.. ' .
I.debted t. eald miU. In r...,Y
aiak. Immediate paiment. sal ikli ? ,
March lT'l,
IOR SALE. I Imvo for hhIo tho
followipg property , 2 bay Mares, by name
Mian, ... ,v, 0, 4ho,
fin liT " kM"" '' Of
slngl. barnes, at io , one tliroe-se.tod spring
"-ft"- te f-aHII DIlAa tin. e are. C t . .
Pownl DownTT
l' tuLijs iiie CIIK.UKSTl
' ; rTi '
A Prr"r!.".mnf!nn arrninc U !L a.
WK ra o uprnli g op a lot af the Un J,
oueri'd in iMs i-iarkd, and al ,ri, ,.. thy resshl
ono of t'n eiKii Old dart of .-loop Ihinijs. JJJ
who sseii UMM 1 j-.11 in. iioith, or Useu on
gbliotis Ai.l-Iillao.l,, lKe-1 Ul . "
r.Jf.fc ,tr out .vroAi;
( ,rt.i r I ionl m l Alprltcl slrtrts.
VThc-ie tb. V tun r: f.. l, and know fu,
selves. Tu lulls mi lorelaadaliat arechimpKjJ'
tbir mu?t Le.done. Wt do not det-u it neeuaZj
l enuji.crato and ilcmite our stock. It iTsa!!j
fur lu alalo that . , . -esaann
V7e Lavo Everything that is Needed
idrotitiimed Id IMs eisrkcl, and at pricn iV,
.'or.i.b bolh old und vouor.
r. u. aiLLLn.
M E It C II A N T S,
Crjliain'l Row, Market fit.,
.. .v.-. iu-., rvrie7iiuiiy inform ear rrus
aoslouiers, and the publle gvnerally, ttat si a
now lies In our old iiuarters, which ban kw
rfn..l ..,.,t kr.,1 lnnu..J .-J
... are new ss
parrd lo aecomt&vdata all who may favor as Is
i- 1. 1.. ., . .. . .. .
..a, .ju.i rt--. i.o.i one 01 vne Jsrg'st rtsAs
of aM kinds of Merpbnn iiss ever brorght toCkar.
Hold count;-, which at intrnd to nil at sack l.
ores as will make ll an oljoct for a: I prrsoun
pon-lAsa fiua us. I'. j iis lajirg in a-jur
supi.lies of Groceriee, Pry Goods, Ac, shotu4M
feil to jive as a atli, as we feel eoull.lcoiH,
priors ar.J seftrior ijuality of g' !s alll isjfij
SAtiify all. Our stock of
consists of Cofftel of ike tret onslity, Teas, It,
gnrs of all kinds, Uoiasses, Fiib, Bait, Cieew,
Dried Fruit, fpiccs, Prevision,, Flour and FteA
Ao., Ao. Our stock of
is tarjc and varied, and we wilt Just ny we
supply any article in mat 1100, without tnunw,
ting. . ;
We bare a largo stock of ready-made CToulas
for Men and Hoys' wear, which we will dispone!
at a very sma'l advance on cost.
Roots and Shoes, lists and Caps, nariavs,
Quetnswara, Wood and Willow Ware, Xotieas,
Fancy Goods, Carpets, Oiltloths, Wall Pspm,
Window Fbades, As., Ao.
tr-Being extensively engaged In the Loalet
business, wa art ahta to offer superior in JuceiacBti
to Jobbers.
ClearBrld, To., Jan. 2, 1.172.
Ilealcr ia
Tobacco, Orocerict and Fish. Kails. Herd.
iueenaware ana iiiasfwsre, flloa , sod
Boya' Clothing, Drng, Paints,
Oils, P"Uol Books,
a large lot of Patent Medicines,
Candles, Nats A Dried Fruits, Cheese and Crack.
ers, Hoc and KiOe Powder,
Floor, Grain and Potatoes,
Clover aud Timtl!iy 3eed,
Sola Leather, Moroccos, Liuinrs. Biniires lad
Anrvaa, nuoooiukera Xools and
Shoe Fiudings.
K 0 groater variety of roods in anv store In Ik
county. AH for snla very low for cash or oouotty
prouueo at tbo llicap Corner. April 10, 112,
T A l-SI K A 111. K T Y MOM rf Cassimeres. 4..
X7 lorilonand i:oys,at J. M. KBATLK i. 1
rpilflKI'-PI.Y, Brnsstls, Inrrain and etker
X C.irpete, also, dour Oil Cloths, at redseed
pi'ots, at J. J. Kit ATZKK s.
"IYtT ASoaTM!CXr efWall P..per ef
I ollcnd In H is nelmtv. Iue to i per pires.
Hue s :lt f jwr, etc., at
tl. 31. n n. ii tin c.
fp 11 li Ml BUT popular Itmkes of Muslins, fheel-
JL Inge, I'lllow Muslins, Ac., at asumll ailisaes
aiKiveeoat, ky the piece, at J. XI. KHAT.KR 8.
AS.'iOIU'MiNr. LOW PRICKS, all Ubs
lounuat J. M. KRATZER 5.
IA1II.S' IintKH GOODS, In the grrslsvt
J variety-new sprint; shades areest st4
uioat detiiLble styles at J. Al. is It A TZLIl B.
VARIIJTY' of Dress Goods, sellable for
muuruing also oreoe veils, collars, Ac
cuusiauiiy on liana, al J. Jl. k It A l.r.K e.
RI'-CRI VI KG a Urge snpply of Ladies' at I
Childrcu's tihues. mado 10 order and war
rauieil. A bandsotut (Jailor for (2.00 at
'ehan J. M. KRATZBR'i.
nl'.MT (Iranita ware Tea 8 -is aud Cksiabsr
KeU, knives and Forks. ti.lver.nUlod Forks
aud pooas, Table Liuea, Napkins, teiv rbrap, SI
H..1.JA .4--.l.-D'J
. Al . SUA IlifiO D
CH'U, Bnrtt, Si-cVlles. Collars. Veils,
I.D Hair Uood', Ulovvs. An. Kid lilores at t.V
also the Josephine Seamless Kid (tlovee, al
"leno J. Al. KHAT7.blia.
Dealers In
, - . (i ROCE RIR3, ..
Hardivarf. and Qleenstvare,
Ronta, Rhoca, Rata, Cnp'.Ac.
rr-Slioemakers lapplied wllk LKATHKt
aad S1I0K FINDl.NGd at reduced rates.
SALT I SALT! SALT I al wholrttS)
rrtail very cheap.
liberal dltooaul ro balldtra,
,- , CHOP, always oa bnd.
JtrAn of lha sbva geodd aro furoeassd
clsivtl; M csai. d Ihtrefortswaaad "
bs suid at chaap is thl iLtsftn. fcb;;-.J