THE REPUBLICAN. t .-. CLEARFIELD, PA. WIDKI8DAT MORNING APRIL , 1T. About Rattlotnakeu " ' An Amtritin correspondent ol Ch ruber' Journal furnishsu interest tag' information concerning rut lie- The bite of a raUlenako, according to tbil oborvor'f exuorleiice. ia neilti. r tp rapidly fatal nor o Incuruble at moat ueopio auppoio. Of thirty por ona bitten by tbo rnttlosnako, ba atatot that all rocovored but one, and be lived twolve - ly after the acci dent. Of the whole thirty, thia was tbo only case which received surgical advice; but whether It wna the bite or the ndvice thot killed tho patient we are noi imurmcq. VTbiaky the writer regard at a apeoifio for the bite of the rottlennnko, and relates nnmeroas Instance which illustrate the wonderful power nf this agent when nd ministered in wifllcient (jonntity. It ia well known to physi cians thut port on suffering from dis ease, atteoded with severe vain will often tolerate much larger doses of opium or other nnroolto than could otherwise bo borne. Persons poisonod ty the bite of a rattlesnake mnnlfcBi a similar tolerance of immense dosos of whisky, quantities sufficient to ranLo a well porson stupidly drunk, or oven to dobtroy life, often producing no visible effect upon tho sufferer from ennko-bile. Yet, lo bo of any scrvico to tho put ion t, it is asserted that ho must be made thoroughly drunk bo loro it is snfo to siupund tho adminis tration of tho remedy. A quart or more of raw whisky is frequently ro quirod to bring about this condition; lout when once it is attained, no furth er danger need be apprehended. Whilo the rattlesnake is found spread overa large portion of North America, it is much moro abundant in some lo calities than in others. Texas proba bly hold nn infinitely larger propor tion of these reptiles than any other Stnlo in tho Uiimn. The district ly ing between the Kio tirnndo and the Xuoccs, two streams which flow in the same direction and some sixty or seventy miles npart, is adosort region, literally swarming with poisonous aorponts. "In summor," says our writer, "one cunnol go fifty yards in this locality without seoing a rattle snake. In other parts of tho State tho moccason is the provalont snake; while centipedes, scorpions, larruntu las, and aligators infest various locali ties, and are each a lorriblo scourge." All writers have hitherto concurred in saying that rattlesnakes are never .mot with at an elevation of more than 0,000 feet above sea level. Tbo sur veying party of Mr. Morlcy killed numbers of tbem last yenr at an ele vation of about 8,000 foel ; it is addod, however, that they wore never found eo high before Tho mountain snakes possess more vivid colors than thoir ircthcrn of tho prairies, and of the two are more d l eaded on account of their supponod ferocity. Cleaning Feathers. How shall we renovate old feathers And also clean old ticks T This inqui ry I have scon in, tho papors. My way is this: In Juno, when tbo woollier portonds a heavy shower of rain, 1 lay tho fonthet Uuk on LhtUou or clean grass' and smooth it over evonly. Ono-half hour's heavy rain will clean one side of a badly soiled lick, unless there bo groasy spots In this case, 1 take a pail of hot suds, pour it on tho spots, brush them and lot the rain rinse it. I then turn it over and serve thoolhcrsido the same. If the shower should bo of short du ration, I put tbo bed out in tho next rain. To dry the tick, lay tbo bod up on alnt work, rlonn rails, or something of tho kind. If tho feathers aro muon wot, so much tho bettor. When dry ing, shako up, beat with light rods, pick up lumps, if there be any. When tho bed is dry, tbo tick will bo clean and the foutners almost as gooa as new. Borne of our boda havo boon used thirty years. I have laid them in the rain every summer; tbey are -now clean and good. It takes but a short time to dry the bod, but when it is dry lo appearance, it is not at all fit to sleep on, but should be laid on on empty bedstead, a month or more, with the windows up. This caution may be unnecessary, as no wiso bead aleops on feathers in the summer. As for tho lubor, I would rather clean five beds in the rain than one in tho way gonorally ' reeommondod that is, by pouring the foalhors from tho lick on ft slieol, in an empty room, (when thore is no emrity room in the house,) washing tho tick, stirring up tho fealhors thoroughly, returning to the tick, and laying in the sun for several days, turning and beating ttp often. M. D. E., in Western Rural hscopuans." -"Are thore any Episcopalian in this vicinity,madam?" asked k tall, thin stranger of Mrs. Ar to in us, ns sho stood in the open door, in answer to his knock. "Any which 1" m , , ' "Episcopalians." ' ' Now, it Mrs. Artomus had a fail ing it was that sho novor would admit that sho could possibly be ignorant of ' anything. Sho always know ull about any subject mcnlioued. Bo she an Bwered : "Episcopalians ! Wall, we don't ex actly know. My John he's my son be see somothin' out'n tho cornfield yostorday. He didn't really know what it was, but 1 told him I guossod it wns u chipmunk, liul now you spotk on't, I'll bet it was a Episker- palinm. And my next neighbor, Far .. mer Haw kins, ho said he shot at some thin' that same day that John see his atrango crittor, and Parmor Unwkins ho thought it was somo wild critter tbal bad got out of manngery some where Anyhow, I think thal'a a Kpiscopaling, too. Do thoy biggor'n h obipmonk If" i "You misunderstand mo. madam." "Wall, yon neod'nt feel unensy. Kf more a any rtsromalinms In this here neighborhood, you can just mako up your mind that they'll git shot 1 We air too fcclin' a community to lot things run at largo which mout des troy and dovoar somebody. Como in, won't yo I" The latest verdict recorded was upon a geulloman who expired in a fit of inebriation. ' Tho jury roturnod : "Death hy banging round a grog hop." A Georgia negro was overpaid $100 on a chock by a bank, and be returned , the money. The local popor says Ibis another eridenre that the rate can irer It civilised. ua..w j ANNOUNCEMENT OF TUB ORKAT REDUCTION 'OF 1 PRICES I BT B. PORTED Ml AW, O. D. i. ' ' : ' IMPOllTANT TKDTII9: Haling tnooewdod tn getting a lighter tariff on Baler lal, honn th. km and mojtmlt charge fur pnrtlal ana ull lata of Te.lh. I uit tl). b.t manufacture of taoth aad ataar notarial. All t p.ratioua regiaiered end warranted Is g In tr ?i and eatlaraotiun. . Frlendt, rrfleot that my ohargea fur the Ineer tloa of artificial and lha eating of tba natural teeth are now th.moatreaaoneble InPcnniylranla. rroeorre your leun ana Tun pretorre jour health. Putting of tba nalnml tmia la a healthy, ara nrratlroand uaeful oondillon It made aapeoielty. llleeeae and malformatloni common to the mouth, law and aatoolat. parti, ara treated and oorraitad Willi lair .uocea, iiamlnaUoue and oouaulla tlont tnr.n. -1 - It trould ba wall for patient from a dlatano. to let ma know by mail a Tow dayt lofora oouilng to the office It li rcry important that children between the agei of i and twelve year, ihoulj bar. their teern ezaminea. Aua'ethetioi ara admiuietered and Taela re Bored witknut pain.. Diipoiitiom and character are Judged by all the world by the expreeeioni of I he face, hruoe bow Tery dieutrona may it therefore ba for par tone to indulge an oxprettioa of dielortod foaturea, even tDart Iroin a nvaienia view, hnw tn enln natural (not artificial) comfort! and ilcaeorea, reapoct ana oncy natural timpnoiitefl nnd inMlnct. B. roHTKH SUAW.D. D. 8. Office In Now Maiouio Uulldiug, Second ttroet, wjoarneia. i"a. reoi 72 ' DENTAL CARD. , Pn. A. M. niLLS Wwulal M U hU (IritlMU Mtd tk kV lio Kui)r1tjf tli at, nimag dtntulvctl partnerfbip wiih lr. 8hw. he if now duinc tli enllr work or nil fiffioe buuirt to tbat pttent nU out feat being put undrr tbc bnmln of any oihcr oraWr. v icnriifiu, jimrcii su. inj tr-'mcn7J J. M. STEWAET, D. D. S., Cvi tfflc 0Ttr rwl,1, brag 8tor, CiJj CI'RWEXSVIUR, PA. All dental opcrnttooi. either in the roechenloAl or ojierativt brnnob, prgmitl.r t tee. led to tad tat i (KM i ton uenvntftfj. fepeoml uttetttioa pmd to the trrntrauiU of divvaei of the natural teeth. gumt and mouth. Irregularity ol the teeth iuo cesofuliy corrct?d. Twth estraetf d wilhoot pain dt ine ue oi joiner, ana artllieiel teeth inserted of the heat material and warranted to render eat piSffUnarouj. p E A C F. 11 I : U It O P B I rr ORBAT EXCITEMENT IN FRENCHYILLE! The bloody eonteit between Franc and Prvuia la at an end for the present, ao far at the alangh tering of men and the deatruotloa of property ia concerned. The Royal Jugglera no doubt pride thrtntflrea and rejoice orer the remit, but how to lifrni Scant i their work when, compared with 1 1) a uumnne ana eansuan enoni oi L. M. COUDIUET, who hat aadcrtaloM to eiipa ly all die eiUceoi In the lower and of theeminty with food and raiment at exceeding low raten frnra bit miimmoth ttore in Ml'I.SONlK'RO, where ha aan aiwayt ba found ready to wait upon eallcra and tnpply them with Dry Goods of all Rinds. 8uoh at (Hatht, t allnetle, Camlmem, Uailint, leiamea, t.inen, irllllnfl, I'altaOM, Tiimmioga, Rihboua, Law, Read-made Clothing, Ilooli and Rbora, Hate and Cape all of the beet material and made toordpr Uoh, Eocka, (llorea, Mittane, Lacea, Ribbona, As, GROCERIES OK ALL K1KDS. Coffea, Tea, Sugar, Hire, M'daitee, Pleh, gall, rora, kinseea uti, ritQ un, t'arbon Un. Herdwara, 4veenrare, Tinware, Cattingi, Plow, and Tlow Carting, Naili, Rnike, Corn Cultivev- tort, tmer rrenee, ana an RinJt af Axat. Perfumery, Palnti, Vamih, 01m. and a fenerj aveortment oi Marionery, - GOOD FLOUR, Of different brands, alwayl on hand, and will be told at the loweat poanible Bguret. LIQUORS, tueh ai Brandy, Wine, Gin, Whiaky, rfaynoa aitiliclnea, lioncuerl ana Iloofland'l Blttera, 6000 ponndt of Waol wantH for wblew Uie hlgheat prion will ba paid. Clorenaed on band and lor aula at the lowaet market prica. Alao, Agent for StraHonrille and Curwontrillt llireihing Slaehlnce. Si.Call and rrcfor youreclvri. Too will Dud averthing niuallj kept in a retail itoro. L. M. COUDRIET. Frenchrille V. 0., March 1, 1871. CONSTRUCTED. DANIEL STEWART & SON Haring parchaied the Cheap f loth log Home of lrnae L. Keixenetein, bare the largeit and tmi aaiortiaont of Manufaolured Uoode is tb.oounty, and cam tell their READY MADE CLOTHING, for Mco, Do y i and Children. 20 PFJ1 CENT. CHEAPER Than any other houne In the county. Tbey Hill always keep on hand a large and el egant assortment of GENTS FORNlSUlSa GOODS, COLLARS, TIES, ' ' " .. . TRUNKS, .... VALISES, Ac, Ac. OF inE LATEST STYLES AND PATTERNS. If yon want to get fond and ityliih Clothing, at low figure, do not fail to eall at their entab tiihtncnt bcfnro epending your money olsewbore. Remember the place. ' aug7 71 UAN1KL BTEWART A BON. II. V. BIG LEU & CO. - - bare for lalt CARRIAGE & WAG0S WOODS, ' SHAFTS AND rOJ.EB, HUBS, SrOKES, FELLOES, Ac. Carriage and Wagon Makert ahould make a note of tblt and eall and alanine tb.m. Th.y will be told at fair price. may2! 71 D. J. CR.OWELL, Manufacturer of tho D. II. Ball Bolting Machine , ' and the ' B1DE-CVT BHINHI.K MACHINE, to out from 18 to SO inche, and liceucd nndor Krerat'l patent, Jointer, lirtg Baw Afaoliinea and tleoeral Hill Work, SinaeBahoninf, lamer, on oounty, I'a. Repairing af Maohlnat and general Cuitou Work don. to order. augUya VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT I'RIVATE RALI:i ' The anderiigned oiler at prirate tale tha fol lowing retl data l A Lot of (rouud, tltaata la the Tillage of N'ewliorg, Chet lownchlp, tfontnlnlng on m,d a half acrif, and having a larfre two-etnry Uouco and good ttablc erected thereon. Tbit proporty it euitaMe for a Hold or lwlhag. ALSO, A Farm, of 40 acree, adjoining the town of Newbarg, having ater fit .or. eleared aod under cultivation, with a good Ing bone and bora aod bearing orohard of entice fruit thereoo. A vein of excrtlcnt coal underlie the tract. A 1.80, ItM) Acre, of Land, on Wileon Rwa, In Cheat ttrwnalitp, within two and a half mile of l'hrt Creek. It la well timbered with Pine, Oak and Hemlock, and underlaid with coal. Partiea wl.hitig any further Information will .all on Mr. Maifarct Aw, at K'e.bnrr, or on Vt 1LI.IAM H i'KI.R. o:t:stf - . rirar-M, fa. sflarxltt'orr, Eituvarf, &t. II. F. BIGLER &-C0., aaakiai i II Alt W Alt 13, Alio, Mauufacturtriof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. .CLIAariKLD, PA. , , LOT OF SADDLES, BRIDLES, Barneia, Collar, etc., (or tale by II. F. UIOLER oV CO PALMER'S, PATENT USLOAD- x Ing Ray Fork, for aalt If " . U. F. B1QLEU & CO. QIL, PAINT, rUTXr, GLASS, Kailt, ata., fur lalt by II. F. BIGLER i CO. IT A RN ESS TRIMMINGS & SIIOE -a. A. Flndlngt, for aalt by II. F. BIGLER 4 CO. Q.UNS,riSTOLS,SVORADCNES For alt by .?"'.":" IT. F. BIGLER it CO. jgTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Bliaa, for tale ky f ' ; f II. F. BIGLER A CO. JRON I IRON 1 IRON I IRON ! U. F. BIGLER A CO. II ORSE SHOES & HORSE SHOE MAILS, for tal. by U. F. BIGLER It CO pULLET BLOCKS, ALL BIZES And belt Manufacture, for tail by H. F. BIGLER A CO. "UII5IBLE SKEINS AND PirF. BOXES, for tale by . n. F. BIGLER A CO. pODDER CUTTERS for sale by cn30-70 H. F. BIGLER A CO. i5(luratioaal. MISS H. S. SWAN'S . SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, FA. THE WINTER TERM offoarUea , will aontnenea Monday, January fith, 1873. TERMS OF TUITION. : Raading, Orthography, Wrltlng,ObjaotLa- aon, rnmary Aritboaiio autt 1 ilrnary Ueogranbr. (7 40 Ilietory, Looal and deieriptire leogra(br With Man urawtng, (irammar, mental and Writtea Aritbnetla 00 Algebra and tha 8cieaoaaH MHM WM n 00 Instruction to Inatrum.nUl matia 10 00 Oil paiaMog, 14 Idiom 11 00 Wat work I 0 For full partieulan eocd for Circular. ' Clearfield, Sept. T, l70-lypd. CLEARFIELD ' ACADEMY A Male uid Female CUaalcal High SrliooL r.ach Drpmriment riarate, IHatlnct and . tosmpieie lu liaciu, fTIHIt aeholaatle year of this TnitlluHoa Ii dIH ,1, nea into iwv vetunm ur ave moniu (w.r; one week) eah. The flrat aeaalnn eommeneea en the irt Monday In September; the second, on the flrat Monday In February. lha eonrse of inatrnetton enhraeea every thing nneesaary to a thorough, practical and aeeoniplialw cd edneation of bolb aexea. runtlaviJI be admitted at any lime and oharjred irom date ef entranoe te uu eioae or the aeiion. ho deduction will be made for abeenoe, eseepl In eaaea of extreme and protracted ill net. pin den ta irom a dutance can ba aooommoaated with board at low rates. For particulars, tend for similar, or address Rev. P. L. IIAKHIHON, A. M., Juty SMd7l-tf. Prinolral. I .. . - . .M- WA a THE -'LIGHT. "DOMESTIC TaV. Seeks ft few days' (rial to every family and workshop, by tha side of any other sew ing machine. The Qualities on which it relies for success In such trials, are : EASY WORKING, EASY LEARNING, READINESS, RELIABILITY, QUIETNESS, RANGE OF WORK. No other machine equalt it ia any of tbete; beaidet, It bit many other Polntt of Superiority. II. BltlDOR, Agent, janUtf Clearfield, Pa. MAKBLE AI) ST0XE YARD! Uti. S. S. LIDDELL, llaviag anraged In lh Marbl. butlnttt, deelre to Inform h.r friondt and the publio that tha ha now and will keep oonttantly on hand a large and well toleoted .lock or ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARHI.K, and It prepared ta furaltb ta order TOMDSTONL.i ' ; S. 1 ! : BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, MONUMENTS, Curbt and I'oit for Centclery LoU, Window Bill and Cap, alio, Ill'HKAU, TAI1I.K AND WAFH STAND TOPS, Ac, At. Tard on Roed Mreot, a oar the R, R. Depot, Clearfield, Pa. Jc7,7l rpERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGINO VASES, Stovo Lining and Fire Brick, kept oontautly on baad. y f : ST0E Ai1lURTlio - M AKE OV VKUY DESCEIPTION ! . ' " CROCKS! POTSI CROCKS! Flaher'a Patent Alrtlclit Keif . Healing; I'rull l anal . . . DCTTKa CROCKb, with llda, ' ' CREAM CHUCKS, MM.K CROCKS, APPI.R Ilt'TTKR CROCKS, PICKLK CHOCKS, FLOWER POTS, PIB DISHES, i STEW POTS, i ., ; And a great many other thlngt too aumeroat to man lion, to b. had at fred'k. leitzinger's stonh . Ware tottery, ' Cornet l Clieerr and Thitf .S'titHf, ' " " ILLAKflLLP, TA- aug.1 lisfrtlanfous. f . ; . WUICH BAV ALWATS j - ' G.I X.E.,tf .. .'..' .it. I v BATISFACT ON HERETOFORE, WILL EE DISPOSED OF IN SUCH . , . ,,, , , . -J , y ., f - , " A W AY AS TO PLEASE O E FRIENDS AND CUB. '' ' T0MERS. ; ' '' ! ' JUST RECEIVED t TUB FINEST ASSORTMENT OF HOLIDAY OOODB-SUCH A3 . . 'BOOKS AND OTHER ' , STATIONERY ARTICLES, , EVER OFrERBD:T0 THE CITUENB OF THIS PLACE! NOW ON EXHIBITION AND FOR BALB AT PUBLISHERS' MANUFACTURERS' , PRICES, AT TBB POSTOFFICE. Clearfield, Dm. W, H?0. WISHART'S PINE TREE TAR COHDIAL,. NATI RE B QRkAT REilEUT FOR THE Throat nu1 Ltiiugst. It I (ratifying to u to Inform tb. public that Dr. L. q: C. Wiibart't Pina Tree Tar Cordial, for Throat and Lung Dlacaete, baa gained an anria- bla reputation from tha Atlantlo to tba Pacific ooait, aod from thenoa to torn, of the Aral fami lies f Errope, aot through tb. piert alone, but by p.noo throughout th. Stale actually bene ftUcd and eured at bit office. While he publlkhct lert, to lay our reporter!, he la vnahl. to tupply tb. demand It gain and hold Itt rai.alation Pint. Not by flopping oough, but by looteu ing and aaaiiling aatura to throw off th. un healthy matter aollerted about tb. throat and bronchial tubet, irAica coimc irritation, v SMond. It Minora, tha aauaa of irrltatioa (which produce oough) of Ilia nuioeae aembrane and bronchial tube, eolit the lung to act and throw off th. unhealthy aecretlona, and prlfl.t tb. blood. Third. It It free from ;!!!:, lobelia, Ipecac and opiaoj, of which moat throat aod lung rvuo dica ara aompoied, which allay oough only, and ditorganiia th. ttomaeh. - It baa a aootbing effoet on the ttomtcb, acta on the liror and kiducyi, and lymphatio and aerrout rrgioa, (but reaching to crery part of th. lyitem, and In Ha Invigor ating aad purifying effect It hat gained a rrpii tatioa which it mutt hold eboie all otert la the market. ' ""''' N OTItE,- THB PIXH TREB TAR CORDIAL, OREAT. AMERICAN DYSPEPSIA TILLS, AND WORM SUGAR DROPS Being under my immediate direction, they thai! not loaa their eurallra quilitlot by tha uae of cheap and impure article!. 11BNRT R. WL31IART, ' t Proprietor. FREE OF IHAKGE. Dr. L. Q. 0. Withart'i Offloa Parlor! ara open on Monday, Tu.dayt and Wmlnetdayi from 9 A. M. to S P. M., for comultation by Dr. Wen. T. Magee. Wlib him are aaaooiated two conrulting phyiioiant of acknowledged ability. This oppor tunity it not offered by any other Inatitutlua la theelty. All letters miiat be iddraaaed to , t' i - i ....... ... Nt). S3 a KORTU SECOND STREET. 1113 , PHILADELPHIA, PA. , . Cm The Lightning Tamer. rpiIB n Oder lift aad ara lha aoU Afranla In tbli I fnntT for tra"North Anrrioaa (Ulraniifd LIUIITNING RODS." Tbaaa ara th 00)7 aafa roda now In ma, and nr to dor aad by nil the oitntioo ni to in in etantry. . H harohf notl If tb eltlini or th eanntv that w will rl tbm np m bttttr rod. nod for ln money, loan li charged bjr tli roreljcn agenta who aonnally trarera th eoonty nnd oarrj oo our nun oasaoi nay or 10 return. ENCOURAGE HOME LABOR. Tho. within. Lightning Rod. erected an their bulldingi nead but addrot ul by latter, ol oall In perton. Wt will put them up anywhere In tbacounty, and warrant thorn. Tba llodeand Future can be t..n at any time by calling at ouratora. II. F. 1I1ULER A CO. ClearfieM, March AO, 17 tl i ' T1I13 tJLEAKFIELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXEI Manufaotorwl mpealally fur ' ' " ' ' ,THK CLEAItVlEI.t) TliAjbK, roa tAti r aua'Tr) i II. F. Bltll.KR A CO. pUEAl'tinOCKllIKSI '! ! v LI..UUKR CITV, TA. Tha anilerlrnrd annenneet to hit aid friend anil iialrmia that Ire hat oi'snert a cuod Una af (iHOtiKIIIKH A I'ttoVIHIllNS at th. .1 "". t( Kirk A reniw, fur ahieh he aolleita a liheral ih D.e. H. W. eilCNC;n Lumber City, ft., Manli If, Jlru oofls, Bxo(txUs, ti(. E.A.&W;DJIIVIN DEALERS IN GENERAL 5IEKCIIAXIISE, SQUARE TIMBER, V LOGS & LUMBER ' CURWIirVfcVILLE, rA., ARE oncrlng, at their new Stora nouaa, a eoniplita ttock of NEW OUUDS, of all itetcriptlona. Dry Goods and Groceries, HARDWARE, BOOTS SHOES, .rc, "' ' CT.OTTtlNG. IN LARGE VARIETY. f. Flour, Jtlml, Hye, Oats, Vorn, Aiwayt oa baud and for aal. at a tmall adveuoa. ROPE, In large quantitlei, told low by ebll ; alia, PULLEY BLOCKS, SMALL ROPE ' aad CANTHOOKS. One hundred caaei of ATWATER'S ELMIRA BOOTS, fwr aaia bj tb caaa at wboleiala ratri. , Recti ve4 bj oaj- load : HUNTINGDON FLOUR, and told at tmall adranoa. HARNESS, af all kinda, I10RSB COLLARS and If AMES, HORSE 1ILANKETS, BUFFALO ROBES, Ao. Alio, an aal. (rrt-clut two-borta WAQO.NS, TWIN SLEDS, LOO SLEDS, and ' ' ' BLEIOHS.' 5" ' ' Special Induccinenti oflcrtj la tbotc getting out Square Timber and Log, a wa deal largely in Lambor m.n'i Suppliet, and are prepared at all llm Tll.. , ra Ma IniWlnrr. - CurweniTille, Aoeemliar 1., IB7I. J. r. WtiTIR.... ,...w. w. asm. CLKARFIKLD, FA., ,..., Ar offering, nt tbo old Uad of 0. L. Heed A Co., n , their itock of gotdj. coniiitlng vf - DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES, I1ATS A CAPS, TIARDWARE, QL'KKNSWARB, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &o., &o., At th moat rtnaonatl mtei for CASR or fn - xehango for Square Timber Boards, Shingles, On COUNTRY PRODUCE. 4Adrancei made to thou nngtftd In got ting out fqunr timber on th moat adrnntagcoui term. pdt1jan73 g li. KIRK, SOX k CO., No. 130 North Third fltrept, eorner of Cherry, l'hUadc.pbi, Hart In tor and offer for lal it tb lowrrt market prlrea, and on the mot rraiennM term, n Urg nfl Wc" eteeted atoelt of Uroaerio. Traa, Hpicea, Fich, Checua, Ao., eelMted in thin, New York and lialtimor market, to which ntlrnlion of country dcaJori li partioularly rcqueatcd. FAIRBANKS' ETAKDARD BigSW Barrewt, Warehouta Track, Copjlnf Pre, Improred Money Prawer, A. . . '','! roa lait ar '' .' II. F. BIGLER & CO., Dealer In Hardware. Second Street, Clrarllelil, Pa. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS tt- STATIONERY. Market Ut., flearnclit, (at the Pnat Offlre.) fIIV ariflerlKn.A bejre leav. to annouoe. to I th.eitlent ut Clearlteld aad Tltlnltf. that b liaa Atted pp a room and hat Juet returned fiom tha city with a larie amount or readin tnatltr! conkiiting la part of ' Bibles and Miscollanoous Books, Blank. Aoonant and Pan Bookt of erar de- aerlptlon t Pep.r and Enrelnpaa, Fren.h prett.d and plain r.ot ana renoin Diana, L.a;al Parert! Ueedt. Ifort.a.oai, Kiemn. tloa an Prnailaa.ry aoteei WbiU aad Parebi rtent Brlaf, Lnal Cap, Henord Cap, aad Bill Cap, Sheet, Muile for either Piano, Flote or Violin eonitanlly on band. Any bookt or itattnnerj deairtd that I bii a.t bare oa hand, trill ha or. ordered by (mt aipreat, and told at nhol.aal. or retail to .alt ..toai.ri. I lll alio keep periodioal lit.rat.ra, taob at Megailne, Newt, papert, Ao. p. A. UAUL1M. aiiaaraaia may rf lao.-tl rpilK DEMOCRATIC ALMANAC lt 111 I .lir and for tl. at the Pol Offleo. ..i.e ij o. nt. Mailed to anr adilitr. 1 ..I i UUrrUaurott$. R R R RAD WAY'S READY "RELIE? TUB UUUw'f rAt.H In from Onu to Twenty Mlnutoi. HOT ONE HOUR ' after rtu.iii,wprv,.ii'Mtifriii imlinfnai l-LI KU V.i'ii. IaI.N. HADTVAT't i:nv iKKia a CVKE roB . . f.v.:i:V I'AIN. II aji Un- h'i and t Tho Only luii JtomWly U'V llt.i nt!r k'l-t i tj.."l i i 'Jl r.a.i.1 j., ir. JL"f l'JlffiBM.IFll, t'i rr f,-tittli-tr, VflMiifT M I. k'tia,, H. it.aii, btrwtn, vt vU.a lUi m .iam. - Imts'-i'lHU ii, v IN Haoik ONE TO. TWK'.TV UIVrTKS. Mil i I. av Ht,i-n or ta niCH'." II I uti I?.t I tJ.yAV'IM, Ht! nuiert', li'Utx, Vnuiha, Nmwuh i' ii.e;ii;.u wdii iiiMui.-iidi) ai::, , RAOWAYTi ffPADY RELIEF Wil l, AVl-'tlRD lhiANr XAbti. t 1M' .VMiiAfiu;, t.i 1 1 1 j : Kii'M NM.nVMMI'IM F Til1, 11LADPEB i.vrLAiiiiAfiui; nb' 'nil' unttKL.s l-.M.IMTATfoN fK 'i!K IliiAr.T. ( UAlUUi. w UKAI'AUUK, JifUin.VUi:, Cfi.T ruiUA Arn rn(u.. 'lu- ii ,ha th" Koa-ly IlrHnf ti rw fi-i'Uf ii puia or tlHhc Jty &iu lfl iki'twii ttue atii. -u. T'.ii''rt''l1i'"" tuTiUcTof Rff-iTl tn a f. n MUi-i.t LKAMI'.-i, t H"t It h'l ()' A' JI, ivity,' fM,f,if. AVIND IH T1IK BoWJOK, AUl JJI I.Mk. i Jl iritva-ivi Mi.i j! uti frryn rwii rr i(n iwav ttMKI. A ttm dt1 AM Wlktt Hi nAaltV Karllar With thAII ll.kKUt a4..J.i.i- ft l-tlr flfttll ti.Mi(,) if V U(. Ii wiu iLMt trtrn;iMiy r iiiUvnaaantttatUaU. lrRVlt AMI Af.lli. TfiTn ASH A'U'F. iirtd frrr ruta., TVrre U rn KiMtrtlktl an-tit It ihla jria Uial nulnrv K'ri a -J Af bt, hiiJ nil 011.' r !l l.i.luiin. K n .i.t, ' Pti'Ad, Y'llbv, itiidollKr rvvrraitlii.rl by KAl'V ATl4 1'ILUtj 4u iilQ tut HA II WAY ft KLAUi tii.Ul.1'. HEALTH llEAUTY ! ! BTH INO ANI VVKK Ittl'M P.MKin-INmrA'""! " t'l.KMI AMI WUICH T-- r.l:.l HilS ASP LEAl'lU I'L COill'Lt:xtN blXLill.ll 10 ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT 11AS MAIH TUB MiiaT AbTllMSItINO flT.M 1 II K Unlit M'tll'.uK.i mi iiAiii. Ana ttir. (MiaW(. Every Dny an fnereaso fn Fifth and Weight Is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. TvftT np of U.t f:HsAfAiUI I.UH KJ'LV- r eoniTi.nnl. at. thr'. iv'i the Hli.oJ, ffwrat,, ftied itlir flni-lt alid 1l- r.f tt' lrvrn Uir Vipo' fH lift, ftll It rvtMtlDl Ult Wiajttlr t1 l.'ili U'dy WllL ne ' U1 liidti. rVr Jul-t, K r,l.iti, t'l-rnou pHim, (jlfitirlrtkr in iDil ft'li fi'ltor i 'irt of ILh ft' Un- ft r Kt . liimiouii lHlnrp. fr-i.i ll'fl 1 .Uf, tutii tie 'Ori fMirtat of ritla til- I'.inj.tio:.t. Ki vfr & f.d it Mil, iinij mm, rvin i; tuii,, t.r, vn', I l"IIM 'e Ui rtu. jiiu' r. Cm.turii lu lit Vi int., i ti nil v i a..:-ln fcfiil (iklufiil tl i'l-Jtaryi , ,NirL,t fr (.', I w of i-rT., uiii ftlt .T'j.U'i fif Ihe ICtjrr'iH) rJ, kitj w.lli it Urn enroll vtj ni of ai wooJeriY Moi cm ( i4)H-uix, m.d a ft data' uw nn lo unf ft'ifia It f'T ("h-r of ium ut U j-o" nt l curat ttiom. If I tie (NtHfi.t, tl-iiy- iK-ootTlnr r'dnfJ W tht wwtta aii't icjniJi';l n ll :t I vUm:ily riri.jf, t i-hU In armt'nr tl.e wt, amI rt'i'h'm Uit nuii itti new nti-rlivl ruttjl dam lirnlihy b." J uit. tiik Ut iAKSAl'AlllLL.A.N suU uuaj fc.vutf. N'K onlr rtttjti th 8air( A'M ijah rtrfli.TtT Htl I'.l It 4 . wit n-iiiclUl rj'iU I t ll.ti cwtf of i 'linn..;,', fW.tlu Iniii, ot.fM.niouEi, jid bkm (liMUKt i but U ia ituuu.r fx'ililvtt curt fur Kldnry A: RIaclOor ( omplnlnt, I'MtrtT, and Wnnb rt I . Uravrl, Malttiti, ft ol tttr, Ii.coi,tii.irie.'f t iiiiti, ItiUtt i tfXJ, A.ijumlnuri. wid In ta'I cn wlc-te llnrt? hit Lrli-k-flv-at Ji! l or tto wutrr It thtrJr. eimnly. ii.lwl wltli w'4ifii liet thtj wt;iu tf ui fji, or IbritVU llkt W1.IU m.. or liirro U Tt.uiM I, ilnrk. I !lu n iet?U4iift, auj b"tiiliint dtpflla, wlifn lhfrt U a tulrilff, l.onilttJf arnavaion len 'atnc watvr. ant pill l. ti 5 1 I of I ti H tr It ftl, I itlllLtj Uiti LOiLS, I'l tat:, tl4K , WORM8.-Tta kaowa ar.d aura I.tDtt)-r-r Mw evtJj-iln. 'ftj'S tic. Tumor or IJ Yenm Grovtli Cured by Etudtvuy RcnoIvfiit T. Rinwit T Viv tiirl f rwiwi Two' la tb umIn i 4 W-l. AH tw fct"n MiJ " li! wmm mv kV lot I ttW Tr It! tiff Uutl WM rrn-tininitrtl ; tut IXi4Lit f I (ItweJ .. m )sur IImI r.t. mn lbfajtit I roHd tr ll : Cat hJ n ra th ll N. baail I ktul m.mJ lur )'. I Ituk ktt)1 tli 1W !ul. Al.r1 an fcaa. f f(.rj't flkt, bfl teto 14- Um tl jir It Ay Rlirt i anal ik.n n 4 u.m ( a MM U MK aU4 1 Utlfl, fAMfU-l , tottl Lft)1 t( ll.U I hit f lrr JUa-A. Tbej krlkl tun-.-rr MU In ll ll ft flita of U, fraaKea ti gtt. 1 writ UU t f JT Ok iMH W MAM. M!M MaUk U U IWtkxiN. IUM.AH r KNAPr. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PUR3ATIVE PILLS, prtfdlT UtttluM, fhgAni'.f tomtA tth pwtft rm, pu ft, rcjlttu, iturlfy, elvatiw. anl tuilticrt. liua ' I.;Li fut the cur of all (Twrlfr jf ibe ft'tuwh. livwr,, Kuti'.-ra, U:1fr. Nnroiu Iiimhmm, H..Uac).c, r.ntiipiulun, (.'(MrtU ptint. IoIIhk-, lvv 1as PhIuukh. Piilitii rr, Inftit,ti.,ri or thr Howrti.'f.itntlall I'ni ff.ri.Uofll.r I'.Tei. fti V It err. V trr-tiitrd flul a Mtiiiv tare, purtlv Vaftta U,totilainl.iK no m rcurr, Miti.creU.or ielrt ri ui(ii jp. t (VHvrve th fe,iow'nj rmj;ioui rcaulUii frvn lJiMrrtlvrs nf Uia iHffiUva Oriata: CwMtjaarlo,, nwH FIlM. rllJ f Iki RtW h ftr If Ma!, A 'Hit trf tl.f Ki.) I1 Ainu, llfsa-lla rn, Ittfnit nf FoJ, hl:frai or H'tSl iu Dm Sb.ranffe. fteawt In,ra)tM. Maklitf ril'triijal lit Pit of !. (4utri.a, b-r.rrn.ilr,- M th. i4, Martiwt uj ixm. ult rlraalhinc, Iluleerrin,! u lha lar1. CbfM'na at rS.vtin? SriKU-o olkeatx a a LffR pttmr. Ihwaw ai VktWa. MaUtwfnra Ua KlfLt, ? atl Oall ISm ta th lltrarl. IArtoiMy af !(rirtriln. Valiant- nf tka ftkl aad I . .a, l ia tl Ultj, cMt, litmaa. MtUra FlaAArN af lltat, niraln la Ut I Int. a fw d of RAimrAVfj rn.u win iw th t. tnt fromajl tl' a!tra-ri:i.i.H d..rtln, Piioa. K CtFhia wrlii. 601,0 liY ;Mr(MH4 1lt. HEAD ' ;.U A' IHiil.'' fiJ oae Htn w. iutVioutU.oa worili tWiuMAtia iU W Km y vu lloMToiviihlilpAwukf GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEERS'S! JVERTDODT trlng to get there "nt, for foal j j vi uvinn nruwuru vui mw luw eoiu If 70a want good hhoetng done, go to Ha. at If yon want your filed ironed right, got. BnaRt. If yon want good Mill Iron, gu to Daaul If yoo want yonr wegnn ironed in ta.bnt elf I. and workmanthlri, go to Baiat Brant tnakii the beat Btunp Marhlne In the Stale, anddoot all kind of BLACKSMITHIKG aa eheep a ean be don. In th. county for Cah My foit utfice addrtu I ctearti.ld, I'.. TI10MAM BEURS, Boggt Tp., Dee. 19, 18(i:-tf. L II M B E H l K N I PERTECTION IX CANTHOOKS! Tba ClcnrflrM Kxcrliior Canthook will not wmr out or break, haing eonitractcd wilh one olid band from ollp to point Tt U prouounced bj ftll practical luroljermcn who bar axamiDcii tl to ba th nokt perfect Cantbuok over luvoulid. Amos Kennard, Patentee, Hftnufaetnrcd hy AmoI Kbxxard A Co., it CLEAIII'IELD, TA. rAll ordon protnpllj ftttoTi'lrd to. . 23'T0 DREXEL & CO., No. 31 South Third turret, Philadelphia And Dealors In Government Securities. Application hy mail will receive prompt atten tion, anu ail inioruiaiion imecriuny furnirlied. Ordcra tolietcd. April 11 tr. Hi E D O U Tl lit not B U R N E D U PI HELL'S RUN WOOLEN FACTORY. PaQii townrblp, ClparflulJ Co., Pa. Tha lubaeribrt ar. at rreM xiicnaa. nbaitd in, and In a few dny a will bavo (Hiraplalrrt, a naitrhhnrbfMHl ntoMrKr. In tha fraction of a flrat- elaaa Woolun Manufariory, with all tli mod or a improremantR attaohrd, and arr prrnarH to make all kind a af Clot ha, Cam imam, ISatincttf, Dlan ketc, Flannali, An, rintv of jrooda on hand to aupptj all ntr eld aod a thousand now auatouiera, wh"iu we aB 10 coiut ami xanana vur atook Xha buainou ot CARUINtl AND FULUNO . will rfllr ppMa! attention. " Oar oew mill will be miy hy wiMil-cunlinji aeaion, tbrrefore there need ha no bftMtnhii on that icora. Troni arrnn(rtneiit will ba uuido tt rrocive and deliver Wool, to nuii ciifloinori. All work warraiitud aod done upon tha ttioitt'ht aotica, and hi atrial attan tinn to hurineei w hope ttrtullio libural ahare 01 puuito patronage. I(MMM FOUNDS 'OOL WANTF.D! Ve will imy the btjthfi'1 market nrlre for Wool and tell onr nmiiufiirtarrtl irnndii as Inw an tiro liar go oil can ba bought in th county, and whtnerar we fail to raiidcr reasonable nana taction wa oan alwayi be found at home readv to make proper explanation, either in per nun or by lettar. JAMta JUMaHUiN't rtll n, prlI2dtf (.rarapun Iliili KG. 13. F.STEKLLNG, , '. ' Manufacturer of SADDLES & HARNESS Cl.EAIIFIKI.n, PA. Work tn tlra tntiefai'tlon. Triec re.eoii.hle. 11 iv. me a 0.11. Shop In Ornhntn'l Row, Market itre.t. norJO.IJ. 5 "OA Vf dav I A ft 01 a wanted TO Vgs AIIKMtof working people. af eh bar young or old, mako more, money at work for ut in their ppurr nmaiMit. or all the lima, than at aa.rtblng elae, Partienlan free. Addrraa fl. hrihanx A Co., Fori land, Main. oct.tOTUv 1 ouudry and UinrUiiif ihops. BIGLER, YOUNG &;. CO., (Suvcouon to Dojulun i Voiuig,) ' ' FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS ' Macaftictarcri f v w' ' 11 :.'(.., , . , . .1 t'ir ,. ,' ' .:' POETAELE & STATIOKAEY ' STEAM ENGINES I : v. ..I . t; rl . Corner of Foarllt and Tlaa SUaaU ,,, ILEAUFIILU, PA. , i '. Ha iTV-r .-i.-if-t." .r urn tilevta1HlJfKa,ei -'iif-il .' HAVTXO engaged In tli. manufacture of Urit elat MACHIXIiUV, ire re.r.ectfully inform tha pnbllo that we ar. now preparod to fill all order aa oheaply and at promptly aa can be done io any of tb. citua. T. manufacture and dual in - -jflmay ana uircuiar Kaw-jfliim" Head Elocat, Water Wheelt, Shafting Pulleyt, QifforJ'i Injector, Steam Gauget, Iteatn Whiitlei, Oiler, Tallow Cup, Oil Cup, Gang. Cocki, Air Cock, Ol'.be Valre, Check Valin, wrought Iron rlpot, S'.cam Pump, Doller Feed Pump, Ant! Friction Mi-trcl, Roap Stone Packing, (ium Pack ing, aid all klcda of MILL WOKE; together with Plow, filed Sole, COOK' AND PARLOR STOVES, and other CASTIXGIS of all kinda. Xf"0rdcrt tollcltod and filled at eity prlcet. All lettcrl of Inquiry with reference to machinery of our manufacture promptly answered, by adjre ing u at Clearfield, Pa. BIOLKH, VOfKO A CO. ED. y. GIIAM, DEALER IS. GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SQUARE TIMBER & LIMBER, CLEARFIELD, PA., Hat Jart opened, at tha KET9T0N8 BTORS, a aonpieta tioca ol ( .f a o o o , of arery deacriptica. DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, HAHDWAKE, BOOTS AND 6HOK3, CLOTH I NO. Ac, Sc., IN GREAT VARIETY. FLOUR. MEAT, SALT,' RYE, . OATS, CORK, A L WA r.V ON II A SD A XI) FOR SALE AT A SMALL AWASCE F LOU ll Received hy the car loaJ, tad old at a uall advonoe. A lupply of ROrE conilautly oa haaJ. ' special loduoemcnlt offered to thoaa getting oat Squar. Iiiuker and Log, at w. dil largely ia Lumbermen. Suppli.i, .nd ar. pre pared at all limn to puroh.t. tin lr and lumber, . i: D . W . GRAHAM, "KEYSTONE STORE," Beoad Street, CLEARFIELD, TA. Oct. 23, 187i. T HIE LARGEST ASoOltTMENT OF STOVES ! STOVES ! aw hronfiht to the enunty. re l.eirg rrclred at lb Hardware tirtabllhtneiit of II. V. Ultil.lUt CO., ooinpruir.g tb. following Cook Btovei : r-rKAR'S CAI.OH1K10," Su&tiUKIIANNA, ' HKOULATOn, KOrtLE EXCELSIOR, GOV. TENN. I1EADIN0, NATIONAL RANGE, AC. AC. Alio, the following Heating Sloven SrEAK'S A NT! CLINKER, .STEAK'S ANTI DL'ST. . ' ; WEAR'S ORBICUtAB,"''. SrEAR'S I'AHLOR COOK, . MORNING LIGHT, HON TON, ' GirSEY, VULCAN, 6V N BE AM, DAUrUIN EOG, CHESTER EGO, VOLCANO, ,., l'OOENIX, ' ' ' ' HEAVY BAR ROOM AND STORE' ROOM STOVES, AC. Clc.rncld, Sept, JJ, lari. ' ; .. , TUB HIUVTAM CARRIAGE BAZAAR " Aire ' ' SALJiS ilOOM, - Ko. 110, 111 and 114, " KORTH 1IR0AD HTllItKT, abort Atch, PHILADELPHIA. " ' A larrt anorlmrnt or e an v.. j CAMRtAHtU, of arery ari.ty, fr. the rery be.t maker. In 1' and aeigkboring Olio, ALW AVb) O.N UAXD . AT PP.rVATE SALE, AT TUB MlWpaf rasll veirra Alen', Hameei. ntankete' Am Tl..... tH . of anything la on tin. .tn nmneiiMi in 4V. ... bofi. pnrchaaia. .Inwher. BAMIKL C. KilOUERS, Proprietor, "l1'11, c- r rMl, ftaloman. (f.hll .lm .T,T?CK"' CO"TABI.E PIM tee n,iV "J"'"' 'T ""mh" ,f rKB BILL, and will oa lha reo.lpi of twentr- v aenl, mall a ootjy lo an tddraaa. m;tS Si. k..a ..aan a . a. . a i. it... tag w ancctHHta. awti ramaia k r pTl mceth, n4 tl ,'u' v'iiui. v:wa'.u1 tc- -.nri lie tv! Ol frilr, ' ' ' ' 'w Of rrp nyapefMila ar ludi(ratlon. l!trvt.ti: ia lite di IdfTt, Cotitlis J ii-!. met, of l),hCi,J 1... tlMcArft, Sni in liie M !t-.t, T" r ef tt- Itnhwra, and a rumored i-iIki- (Mi,ftu wm.iiw ara lha off.ritiK" a Itv.t-.Ha. lit tottifcuTZ it ium no oul. aurf fine Ju.e mH mtrv a Ltwi aittf-tt l" ilk p.';ntl lli n a I-i.,l1iy j'-.. u-ui Vt Vtmal CdHni!ntnt. tr yrwrf at t,a flMmett tn tie(t( at tiie dmm el tmax.U&C, nt Ott lem at tile. tiw; 'l eak fcttiem 4ifily ,e tkc.ued n .. u.aueiM btAikW laiibTctavat 14 tuMt iwp. f'or Inflammatory aiirl Clirontc Ptra, iiallaui aid (lout, bilioua, Kfmiiu it nrwt fniAvj. wiiicni raws, vimumm IU ImaU. iUkt,, K. it and Uladdcr. tl.M- p itcn have no annaf. Sm h Dn. aaaes ara eamed y Vwitd UM, w d la vmhj, poHnced by 4eu',iT'in".t (f the IJinrMive n-"-.r They art it brittle pHrgattre aa wetlaa a Tonic poucMtttg aUm tlia piicnUar niaiit oi im aa a jxmerUil citt 111 riieni( CoiiRertion or Ii.fiiJ matioo ol tlia Liver and Vitccrai UrgAns, awt in limaaa V ff"1 Ifhlf WMaa Enmt'ioDa, Tetttf, S.J, Rheum, MiolcKta. fcpot. pimplei, Pu.iuJe. lot;, Cm- Dunciei. Kuia-wo wot 11 1-,, am-iiejia, nore r.vt aifxlu, l id i, bout., DitcvrOfatinfMfWitMkinJieiiMti uu jriBoaac w me a m, m iuuever nanie or n j nit Oraurul Ttaouaaeul. prccgiiTi Vmaoaa lit. Ta. ihe mot .uodcrlul Inviauuni inat tvar eukUinal the einkuif iTittm. . , t WALKER, prup'r. R. II. McDOTjl ATLD At CO. rucm and Gen. Aflt, San FranciKo, Cel.. ' at.a cor of WttinKtnn and CIivIUmi Si., New York. SOLD UY ALL llkUliGlbl Ab LiALAM, Jan. e, ln?t. HAYES, COULTER & CO., FoccaaioTi to W. A. Arnold, MArrACTrcts or Heaters, Ranges, Low Grates ,' and MARDCLIZ1D 6LATE MANTELS. , - Sole .genii for'the'twlebraud CUILSON COOKI.N(i RA.NGH. fr-Stnd for Calalogue. , Ko. 1CC5 Chaitnat Street, Juneily ' P1I1LADELP0IA. "EW.BTORE AND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW & SON Ilav jutt oj,cd6(1 a Niw Srott, on Alain St.,Ci-iiruui, Pa, lately occupied bj Wm. F. IRWIX. Their ttock oomiati of Gkoctcu of the but quality, Queensware, Uoots and Shoos, and cirry article oecewarT for ono'i comfort. Cull and examine our itock be tor ptrf. chaaing elttirbere. May 9, 1866-lf. DAVID YOUNG, Slonc-Cullcr and Stone-Mason, WILL eieeole all work ia hit lint at mtit arate pricci and io I lKbl-t'LASS ityle Archiiectural Oriuments In ALL STYLES, Ftcne Dreulnx of tiery doicrirtion, and all kin'l of aiaaon workeea tramed fur In or oat of the eounty. Any perioti wiehing to hav. reiiperteblo maaon work aad atone-cutting dose, will find It to their ietinrt to call upun raa I woald alro inferta tbe pab l'.o that I ean deliver any quantity or tlaat tt Hone deairad, at I aia tba owner of a FIRST-CLASS STONE QUAURt. Ordert fur rcri can he addrened to f n .it. ii'vnu. tnir:.1,: C'learn.M i'a. Clearfield County Bank. rpilK Clearlicld Courty Tatk ll aa loeorr" X ted tnntiiution bar Ron out of eiiitence by the lurrendor of it charter, oa May II, I Mi. All i.M .I....1, l Ar.4 1.. .1.. ...I :l .1. - - - - - - . ..j . ... ..uatnuin. WB. willcuntiiiu. the Ranking buitaet at tb aam rl'.',a prirate Raaker, nnder th. tra nan of the "CIcarlleld Coonty l)nk," Wearers iponiiblefortha debit ol th. liaak, aad will pay ' ' - v wuimuv mi in. ouiiniw. ipw rei-eleed andinterctl i-aldwhen moaev 1 left fer a Died tiro.. Paper ditrounted at til percent, aa heretofore. Oar rareona rernoniibil'l) ! pledged for all loailj reoolTed end b.riaw trannctod. A conmuiaae. of tba liberal pat ronage of the baaineat tnea af tb. eoanty Ii re tpectfuily tolici'.ed. At Preeident, Caibier at officer, of th. lata Ckarueld County Bank, w require tb. note of mid Rank to ba preientet for reit.inplion. JA8. T. 1.KONARD. RICUARD SHAW, WM. PORTER, . JAS. 0. GRAHAM. o. L. uki:d. wm. a. wallacR- Th. hmlneil of the Bank will be conducted by John X- Adaaa., Eiq., aa Caahl.r. ti l I1 County National Bank, Or CLEAEEIELD, PA. KOO.M la Maaonic Ilaildiag, oat door aertk t! C. . tl'alann't I'rug Store. l'amge Ticket to and rroai Liverpool, Qneenl towa, Ulaegew, Lenilun, Pari, and Oopenhf- n.vw, oi .i lur eaieon ia. a.yai satja ai ariaiafc and lanpcrial Dank of London. -, .1 A M fiS T. LEONARD, rreiV W. II. SHAW, Cashier. tl:l:U J. B. M'airtt.'" " ;Jward Perl. BANKLN3 & COLLECTIOIJ HOUSE Of . . , . i . , - McGirk & perks. ' riilUilnirff. Centre Coulyt Pa. H wi!1 o 1nncted tiromptlT tod upon tl r Clearfield. Nursery. KKPOrRAttK TlflM K INDUKTRY. rilllK nndtrl!ned, having .atablllhed a R Clearteld and Carweneiille. I. crewred t f dwarf,) Rrergreeii, Shrubbery, 'tlrap. Vintr aooreberrlca. Lawto DlackberrT. Ftrawherr; ..,Nuvii i iuh. Alio, oiooria. v.v . - promptly att.ndtd to. AUitre.i, " M ii ini. Mplt el-y , n Miss E. A. P. Rynder, anaa vna . . Cbiek.rlng'e, Stein way', and Kmenoo'l rUeotj omun t, aiaann a ntmiini .no reioou... . Oe3.n1 aad Mloteoea. and 0rorr . Vak.r't Fewlng Waeblae Plaao, Otiltar, Organ, Harmony and Vocal H lit. lo pupil taken for leu. tnaa aan a ier- JrWIloome oppeilt tlulteh t runinur. i Clcatheld, May , H If., 5 1 1 V-