THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, Pa. WEDNESDAY HORNINQ, APRIL . UT1. Tarmt nf SuhacriDtlOtl. If paid U ndraaee.or within three mootht ...$ M BBLIOIOVa HOTaCEm. Tooce, Patter. Public Service every Sabbath M 10 A. ., r geabeth School at A. M. ... v Prayer alestieg every Thureday, el r P. CemmBaloa Service. ret (sabbath ef every T.tkj.'w'. tihurtn Ealaeopal Rev. bobob UiLI- Public Berrloe Sunday morning u 10 o'oloek, ui at I P. M Sunday Bofcool at P. M. Prayer Mooting Wednesday evening eu j o clock. Preabyterlaa Church Rcr. II. B. a.i.ktk aarrteee morning and eveningSab- betb School at I P. M. Prayer Muting Wednea 'day evening. . H t. francla Church Catholic Rer. P. T. 8niBin. Mess at 104 o'clock A. M ., on tba aacoad and foartk Sundays af aaah month. Lutheran Church. Rer. A. J. Hanrsoeu Preaching awry Babbatb, mornlnf ana erening. gabbath School at I a. as. Prayer meeting erery Wednesday erasing. , Tbt thunder storm on Saturday tilth! reaaraeeted the frogs and little hiatlan. W. bona (her arm tt allowed to keep their mouth Nf at. The new h1nclo of Messrs Beckett A Schryver. They deal in all kinds of kalldert' hardware, tinware, Ac, and want people (a know It. Nothing like advertising, boyi. Bchool Transcripts. The County commissioners, on Friday, the 4th Inst., mailed a aopy af tba uawiment of 187J to "The Prealdent or Ssessteryof tba School Board," In each acheol oUatrtat in (be canty. Curtis W. Barrett, who has been ed itor and publisher of the Elk Democrat for several jean, haa withdrawn from that Journal, wbloh has bean purchased by Eugene J. Miller and will be under hit control In the future. Bucocii to both JcRtLiM. Elsewhere will be found lid af the names of the juron drawn for n twa .weeks' term, commencing on the Brat Monday of lane next. Aa adjourned court will be held on Monday week to hear and dispose of caeca on the argumtnt lilt. Settled. We lonrn by the Belle- dbnte J?qaoii'eaa that Rcr. Themai M. Rene, Presiding Elder for thla (the Altoona) dlitriot, haa ranted a bouie and Intcndi to make that place 111 home for the next four yaara. Rar. Reeee ! an able and oloqnent preacher andatrue christian. The next Blair county jury wilt bo embellished with four colored gentlemen. Row, fa aa and marry Mr. Black to Mill White, and yen will hare praatically what we bare heard preached for many ycara little mongrel! of the Mciican and New Oranadan type a mule man. License baring played out in Clearleld it la aald the demand for ail oani if brick, and come .folka traral a long waya for ooal oil. Tyrone tDewecral. What kind af a rectal do you ua to tmuggle your Copeubarar up from Oliria f What ofieo would our friend Qoodtaader of the dfepuslicaa desire to bare f Let ua know and we -will speak te Ulyssct in regard to It. BtUtmit Wa are no oBce cocker. Besides, wo are no rslatlre of "the government and would therefore stand ao ehanoc. Tni Normal. In accordance with lhc programme of tba County Superintendent, Mr. Gregory, a normal school will open la Cur wcnirille, on Monday, the Ath of May, and eon tiaac for Iwelra weckc. For detail! ai to charges, bearding, etc, read tha advertisement In another elnas. Burned Up. Parker's Landing was totally destroyed by Bra an Friday Bight last. Borne time lact January about half tba town waa dcitrcyed, and tba Bra an tha 4th completed the dettmction of tha tewa. Tha Ira li luppocad to bare bees tba work of Inoendiarlea, being the third ef a eoriet la St boon. Tba Ira commen ced about ( o'clock In tba night, and by 3 o'clock If tba morning kad ewept over the towa. A Profitable Pine We loam thnt A tingle item pine tree waa,cut a fow weeks ago vu lend, ef W, 8. Dickey A Son, la Boccaria 'township, wbich meaiured 64 tnebec at tba batt laiido of tbc bark, and made aix aixteen foot logi. Tba kgc were aealcd by n Mr. Pick, of Fallen Timber. The tret log scaled 1,171, tha Moond 1,MI, the third 1,059, the fourth 123, tha fifth 714, tba tlitk (1 total, t,3 feet. That, el alaimt our devil, beats Bully Lightnar'c "Beech Nat" Died. In Cedar county, Iowa, on "March 10th, 1871, after s abort illneie, Stain, -wife af Jamca II. ITegarty, aged 60 yean and 7 day. Sba waa bam March 12, 1813, in Half Moos, Centra county, Pa., and morod to Clearleld in November, 1813. She waa married to Jamaa H. Ilagarty Deoember Id, 1838, and removed to Terk Prairie, Cedar countyt Iowa, with her hue bead, In March, 1 888. Deeeaeed was a member of the Prcabytariaa church, with which aha had aallod ihortly after bar marriage. An excessively scientific and learned eorreepondeot of tba CurwaneTille Timu baa dii eeTered the power of the can to be 517,510,006,. eos,aot home power, or 343,000,000,000 enginei, each 400 bora power. Wa hope tblt powerful machinery will in na way Interfere with tha ax ienrion af the railroad. - It la well that tbtro il an engineer and driver to control thoie cagtnei and benea, for If they would get loon all at once they weald "tarn up Jack" sad no doubt frighten tha Tieice aommittos and soma other timid people. To Taxpatbsb." This ia the mod- t title of s card pabllihed In another column by County Treeanrer, 8amuel P. Wilton, Etq,., worthy the perusal and attention of every tsxpaycr la the eeaaty, to the amount of tea aer cent. Thoaa who pay their tax before the I ret of July next will get $ diacoaat of Ira par eeat, and tboaa who fail te nay by that time wiU bare Ira per seat, added to their taiec Of thia all hare due notice, and need ot complain If It coats thoaa Ua per cent, to gel their lax into the Treasury. 'Cambria Sports. The Ebcnsborg areeaMa aays i a rwaoing race with boreal mm Harry Marlett's hotel, la St. Aug usllna, to Ex ttwrnT Blair's hotel, la this place, and return, a Miitaaeo af thirty-two full miles, waa participated to a few days a by Maaara. Augastlae Hag la tad IA Maaa, af the former place, the prist eon. ended for hvhbf a pane of eac hundred dollars, eude ap eqeally by tba two sonleetanta, 17 if It's worn made tha distance la Ira hours and Ifteea laates, bis rlrnl oomlnf la twoaty-lra mien tec ater Mr. Nag m of eeuree pocketed tha prise. LoiO B ETWEE W j3aUK8. The Wea ry Iraeeler orar tha Una of the Pennsylvania rail- Mat, wha haa hereto fere enjoyed hit "refresh all" as ha paaaad arer the road, now lads that t cotton hat nearly, eat off all hit nnnllet. "Slop Ire minutes for refreshments," at tha eon- uslct exclaims, Is all a delation, except at Leo- wetter, narrisbwrf and Johnstown. "Nothing to visl" aatwoen Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, Merptat thoaa throe plaoet. It's an awful dry sat la traral orar, and will waU nil k make tern r"Met men af tha members of tha Legislature, 7 can be kept sway from the placet iadl Storm. One of the severest rain 4 tattler storms wa have witnessed for a long at, tweed orar this seeUoa lad Balarday area-"t- Tba warmth and aioatmra rain aaased the to rise very suddenly, te that by Sunday lt It Waa ant orar tha banks, ceasing maoh w" " S"0 property. . cffeeU of tha high wind which pro "kT M WM "wafall of s large f etlend" tree, which Iteod It Mrs. Raw "V aa W.ln.t street, which was brakes 7" 'be reol and Ml iatotbe Hreel, crushing the A Tlbasaiit ArrAiR. At the last session of tha Central Pennsylvania Conferenoe of tha M. E. Church, held ia Chambersburg, a very Interesting prescnUtlca took piece. Tbc preach ers of the Altoona Dlltrtct, reoognUInf the abili ty and faithful service of their Presiding Elder, Rcr. J. S. McMurray, who bad completed four years In tha Dlitriot, determined to set a watch upon blm In the future. They accordingly pur chased a handsome chronometer from the popular and reliable establishment of Bally A Co., Phila delphia, and made tha session of tba Conference tha time of completing their arrangemente. On Wednesday arming, March 3th, they act la the prayer moating room of the M. R. tburch and or ganised by aalllag Rcr. Tboa. Barahart to tha chair. Tho objed of the aaeoUai waa tbea stated. It waa tba Intention to arrange for the presenta tion to take place at a later data, hut the reverend gentleman happening to be in an adjacent room he was Immediately called In, aad Rar. Wm. H Dill, after a few appropriate remarks, handed over an open ease, containing a plain and valuable gold watch. It it the opinion of those present that for tha Bret timt Bra, McMurray wet arer eome. Ills moistened eye told tha deep feeling of hit heart aad tha few words ha attend In response expressed the language of bia soul. All were happy, but above ail tba retiring Presiding Elder felt that ha was among his brethren and enjoying their tonfldtnoo and love. It It proptr to say that ona preacher not in tha district, Her. Jamet C. Clark, and two laymen, of Altoona, J. W. Webber and E. B. McCrum, voluntarily participated In tbit pleasant surprise, Before the meeting ad. Journed It was "Jfeeofreif. That an aooount of the nreMntatlna be published in all the papers of the Altoona llis- u-ioi. inoaaa uaansAUT, vnatrmaa. Sudden Death. We were Yerv sen- silly shocked on learning of the sudden death of B. D. Ilall, Esq., whish occurred at hit residence in St. Marys on the 1st Inst. Mr. Ilall was well wmte w liiae, wuMMia m mu uvumj , mi iwg iv sided ia K 07 1 haul for a number of years. Be was tha father of Bon. John O. Ball, ona of the mem ben of the Constitutional Coarantioa from this Senatorial district. The SU Marys OaseHe thus details tba demise of our friend and former citlteni "Our entire community were on Tuesday morning startled with the intelligence that B. O. Hall had died during the preceding night. The death was so sudden that It look even tha family by surprise. lie had been afflicted with a sore throat for several days, having caught cold, but that It woald be so serious, no one foramomont imagined. On Mon day ha suffered Intense agony, being unable to swallow and with groat difficulty expectorating the phlegm that gathered ia his throat. The family physician was called In who examined bit throat and pronounced bis malady quinsy, and stated that tba alter had broken and ha would speedily recover, lit suffered intensely during the whole of Monday night, bia family nursing blm, and they expecting every moment that ha would get better, until about half past one, while on his feet be suddenly gasped, fell ever on the bed and Im mediately expired. The death was to sudden that It waa impossible for the family to realise It. Neighbors were summoned, who eared for tbc corpse and did what they could to alleviate the paagc of grief of the afflicted family. Mr. Hall was in tbc 05th year of bia age. He leevec a wife aad large family to mourn hit tudden demise. The afflicted family have tha sincere sympathies of the entire community in their bereavement.' Tbe Drift Timber. Messrs. Wm Powell, Jamat Mitchell and Wm. D. Irvln, Prise Masters under the recently passed Square Timber Act, for the redemption of timber taken adrift at tba January break-up, hare, In accordance with the previsions af said Act, gathered up and told, at tha Montour House, Lock Haven, on Tuesday, March ISth, all tha Umber adrift between Queen's Run and Jersey Shore. The most of tha timber waa purchased by Messrs. Mann A McCcrmick, for about Ifteea cents for oab and pine and six aents for hemlock. Tha law provides that these Prisa Masters "shall, after three months from such fretbett shall have passed, or at such other timet as they may Ix, proceed to sell In open market, for the bed priece they can obtain, all of the said limber then remaining In their bands for whloh no owner hath appeared and proved bit right, tnd after deducting tbe expense! of the performance of their duties herein provided for, aad securiag and telling laid square timber they shall distribute the proceeds, under the order of tba court aforesaid, pro rata amonf those who shall prove to an auditor to be by said court ap pointed, the quality, ralua, kind and character af the timber so as aforesaid taken from them." If any of oar readers lost timber last fall or during tha winter, they will do well to Inquire of the Prise Masters and tee if tome of theirs was sot eared, in which ease they would be entitled to a pro rata of tbe funds above mentioned. Our Up-Kiveb Neiodbors Our Curwensrille neighbors have been over bead and aan In business for tome time. Log Jams, treat loods, lost of bridges and many other excitlnf themes have overtaken and surrounded them, but they still thout railroad, at witness tbe following bicb we clip from last week s Timnt Wa bare tbe pleasure of announcing to our friends the fact that the railroad is ta be extended to Curwensvllls. Work will be commenced at onoe, or as soon as tha Weather will permit. Uen. Pal ton and Col. E. A. Irvin. of our committee, return ed home on last Tuesday with tha papers, and irom we mannor in wnicn our people received them il shown the geaeral interest felt ia this work. Our band turned out in the evening giving us some exeellout mueic, and the citisens present, a large number, would not be aaliiaed until tbe committee were called out. Uen. Patton, Col. E. A. irvin aod Z. MoNaul responded in a rery hap py manner. Our citisens all feeling that the com mittee had acquitted themselves v.rv eraditihiv in bringing to a successful close the negotiations for the railroad extension, cheers wore given fer the committee, and tome gentlemen who favored this enterprise, not residents of our town, were not lorgoiwn. ir Uov. Bigler bad heard the cheers whan bit name waa mentioned, he would have tu;,poed himself back ia old-fashioned Demo cratic times, when so many of tbe people of this county honored the Susquehanna reftman. Our people asemea to rorgd politics aod were willing to give hearty cheers for Bro. Ooodlander fer his coarse iu the AVveotfcoa, with referenoe to railroad extension aad free bridges. We hope te have a good Cbriatmae dinner and expect come of our guests to vlilt at on that oecasioa by railway. fooling about thlt dlnatr bullneii. next Christmss. A Nbw Enterprise. The Philips- burg carnal says i "Our energetic townsman, U. 8. Flegal, having aitociated with Mr. F. B. Low. ry, under tbe firm name of Lowry A Flegal, they bare purchased tbe grid mill of Chariot Cadwalla der, two miles north weal of this place, aad pur pose putting in machinery for the manafacturc ef woolen yarn. Mr. Lewry resigned tba foreman- ship of tbt Pent Mills, Allegheny City, to eater into this business, and brings tbe experience and practical knowledge which go to far toward as suring tha suoceti of aa undertaking. It ia their purpose, If tha result of their present project should warrant It, to add looms for the manufac ture ef woolen goods. Wo are glsd to tot a man- ufactory of thlt kind set la operation, at It trestct a home markd for wool, aad tcatributet to the material iaterasta af tha whole section ef country aad wa hops tha aaw Irm may meet with tneh patronage that they will toon Ind It to be to their interest ta eater largely into tba maauhetura of woolca sloth." . Tba property Indicated It situated In Decatur township, a little to the right of tbc railroad, go. Itg oast, and about midway between tbe Blue Ball aad Fhtllpsburg stations. Tbit it Indeed a new enterprise In tbit county, and wa hope that "Sum'' and bit partner will make a alec thins of their Investment. District Treasurer. Owing totho impretelon that tha Legislature had imposed a penalty af laboring witbeut feet updo) tboaa per. toot wbe were elected lad fall, and from careless tees, wt learn that quite a comber have fulled to give their bonds aad fully qualify themselves for a proptr discharge of their public duties. If persons fail to qualify by tbe Ird of June, the court will declare a eaeaaey and appoint proper perrons ta III such racaney. Tha proper way to proceed In dlstricU when the party elected has failed te lit hit bond, It for tbe oltiseui te gd ap s petition setting forth tha facta, and present It la tha court St Juaa terse, and tbt aoart will at III Ibo vaoaacy la aoeordaaoa with tha Ad of Assembly regulating tba question. Philinsburir, accordion to the Jour- sal, il greatly aanoyed by tbc effects of she ecu Jugsl isrslicilici tl a felortd JekfMc ftmily. We Sympathize. The editor of tha Osceola ittteiUt hat lost bit only cow, and la. mantt her demise, rlt I "Wa bare lost, during the past week, a rery valuable tow, through theeare lessneii of tomt one, for II It evident, from all tbe symptoms attending her death, that ft was caused by poison and we will aat nor cannot think any one would bo malicious enough to poison to val uable and harmless aa animal Intentionally. Among those wbo are acquainted with tha tymp tomt, tbt belief It general that tha mud have eaten white read, a thing which we arc told oattls wlU oat If they tea gat It, aad which It sure to kiU them. It would be well for our painters to remember thlt, end to be careful not to throw anything containing tbe lead bit of white lead where cattle may get at it, for It b laid that but little will poison them, and that cows will lick it u freely at they will salt. Persons often after opening a keg of paint and remevlog tha thin protection or covering between the bead of the keg and tha paint, throw It late the street there It alwayi enough white lead clings to it to kill a cow." Thcrt It aa editorial embelUihed with sbemlt try, science and good advice, providing tha "salt" story li true. Vert Smart. The editor of the Osceola JfseeWs has t young devil la bis effloe wbo Is certainly too smart to live long. Tbe fol lowing is what ha got off two weekt ago, which wo give aa a tptcimen of the imp's erudition Tht other day, "Deuteronomy," our youngest imp, came lute the office, and taking the editorial chair, ho threw his fast up on the table and pro pounded the following Questions to the tditor, and when the editor would give it up, the Imp would eing out, "now, that'i w ere I gut yer"t - Which one of Clearfield county's editor! would make the bed raft em ao f Ans. Uoodfomfsr. Why it tht editor of tbe jYutsmon't Jmtrnml not a good aitisen 7 Aas. Because be has takea an active part la tha felting up ef several little IVOWB. Why should the editors of the Bellefonte St- Key'' ire ffufm" h ' " B01"" Why ta the editor of tbe Bellefonte Wolia. like Mosos7 Ans. Because be is Meek." That devil is not lenf for thlt world, and will most llbsiy turn angel before lenf. List of loiters remaining unclaimed la the Postofflcc at Clearleld, for the week ending April 7lh, 1873l Bell, David. Jones, Asa. Coleman, Morris. Jordan, Miss Mary. Dlmliag, Mn. N. J. (I) Livingston. 11. II. Dugas, Manic. Mollaie, Thomas. Peltenstlne, A. MrUinler, Joseph. Frisbie, Philip L. ' Stewart, W. B. Oillasple, John. Witberow, John. Hudson, T. Storm, Frank. (1) P. A. UALL1.N, P. M Sprcinli. It does beat all bow cheaply A. I. Shaw sells all ainus oi uruggistr nominee ot which he haa aa elegant assortment. Prescriptions are compounded carefully and promptly at tha Drug Store of A. I. Shew. His stock of Drugs are fresh, and persons having pre scriptions filled at bis store oan always rely on tbe correctness aod accuracy of tbe compounding. Mitt nillmaa having ate In taken charge of the Millinery department, ladicl in nerd of Spring millinery gooot will tnd a complete noec at n m, Reed's, Clearleld, Pa. Every person In the county should retd Wm. Reed'c advertisement, and when In need of any goods ia his line should make it a special objeot to visit ois store in vicarneiu. ImpoutaktI Iuroaraxrl Below please find a list of prices of Boots and Shoes, of which Fle gal is now selling enormous lots t Women 't full trimmed lasting Gaiters, $2.00, at Pl.KtlAL'S. Women's common Morocco Gaiters, $1.15, at FLEUAL'S. ' Womcn't Kersoi kid Oaitcrt, $4.00, at FI.ErtAL'S. Wemcn't Congress lasting Gaiters, $1.26, at FLEGAL'S. Women't plain lasting Gaiters, $1.00, at FLEOAL'8. Meu't common kip Boots, $3.0$, at FFEQALH. Meu't Int kip Boots, $1.00, at FLEGAL'S. Men't French kip Boots, $3.00, at FLEOAL'8. Men't common calf Boots, $4.00, it FLEGAL'S, Who It dderailned to aall at the above priece, at his store, on Second street, opposite Ex-Uor. Big ler s residence, Clearleld, Pa. 3:13 Lira P lasts a. Beverel car loads received by Kratscr A Lytic, which will bo sold rery cheap. Farmers, mailt a aota of this. fsblt-41 Just received, a large lot of non-txploslvs Lamps and Lanterns at 24-71 II. P. Bioluu k Co's. Faaau Gaoran Plsitbu. Received at Corner Store by ear load and for aale by K. A. a W. D. Iawia. Curwentvllle, March 13, 1873. A full lint of Household Goods, Japannsd Ware, to, for tale by 11. F. Bigler A Co. 71. P. Ttirler A 0c. have been making extensive additions to their dock of Hardware the lad few days. Everything new In Shelf Hardware, Sad dlarc' Hardware, Farmers' Hardware, Builders' Uardwars, and Hardware ef all kinds, can be seen at their store. May 31. Wood and Willow Ware of all description! for tale by II. F. Bigler A Co. Norica to Wtooa Ann Cauauoa Minns. We hare Jnst received a general assortment of Wagon and Carriage Woods, also a full lint of Springs and Axlss, which wa offer cheap for cash. II. f. U.OLie A Co. Axes. Seventy-five doses Clearfield Wood- choppers Axes at t:xo:7I, II. F. BIGLER A Co'S. - Bird Cures a large assortment at B. F. Big ler A Co.'s. Paints, Oil! and Varnishes for sals by IL F. Bigler A Co. Saws. Distan's Cross-cut Saw, Great American Saw, Boynton's Lightning Baw, at -l-71 II, F. Bici-eu A Ce'l. RECAPITULATION. Bird Cages. Wood and Willow Ware. Hootohold Goods. All kinds of Hardware. Japanned Ware. Paints, Oils, Varnlshci. Calcined Plaster. Wagon and Carriage Makeri' cuppliei. All of tbc above for sale at the mammoth Hard ware Store of 11. F. Bigler A Co., Second street, Clearfield, Ta. II COUQHS AND COLDS. There are few persons who are aware of tba Im portance of aUcnding to a cough or a cold at Its first appearanoa. The thousand wbo die annually .r . ; . . , i i ;,. M.ii.k," congb or cold, which tbey thought would soun "wear" Itself off, and therefore neglected ta use the propor remediea until tbey beoamo Incurable. Everv dav thai a ouuulj, m, r inns rile. ease Is neglected, makes the chances of a cure mora uoocrtain. We would reoommend all tuffer- in( from any disease of the Lungs whatever, ta use Usseoa's Ceurotinn Sract or Tan. Il never fails ia euring the worst easel of coughs, colds, hoarsness, tort throat, catarrh and asthma. It Il an infallible remedy for Whooping Cough he. iuf prescribed by some ef the leading physlsiant in tha Northern and Southern States, and being roDered ander the immediate tunerrlsiea of a -Teuuate ai saa ronnsyirauia meuioai vonrur. 1 Lc proprietors beg leave tc iaform all that II Is na "Quack" FropSreUon, but made strictly In ae oordiaee with the sdrancei orinciplee and theory of medicine. Price SS cent! per bo,..' RUSSELL A LAND IS, Proprietors, Pbl.'Mal- phla. Sold by A. I. Shaw, Clearfield, Pa., and by all vruitfiis. octis-sm tflarrl'tl. At the home nf tba brlde't parents, on April Id, m, by the Rev. R. Minnas, Mr, J. II. CD I.NOKK to Mist MARY EMMA OOODLANDER, all or jjuincrsDurf, iieorneia county. Tba abort couple bare oar bed wishes. May their Journey through life bo surrounded with pleasure! as sweet aad dainty as tbt remsmbranca received by Iba printers. On March 4th, 1873, at tba residence or the bride's parents, by Rcr. M. L. Olieoa, Rcr. WM. V. UANOE, of the Central Pa. Conference, and brother of the efflelatinf clergyman, to Mies CINTIIM ADDLKUAK.o! Warrlorsmark, Hun tlafdon county. On Ike Id ef April, 187.1. by Rcr. J, Kiln aa, Mr, CHARLES WAGONER, of Osceola, to Miss MARTHA ukibt, of uraytritie, re. "r "Slid. ' On February 2M. 1873. la Fenn towaabln. MARY E , wife af Jaaas Kaarta, aged li yean, 1 month and is dayi. Is Woodward towmbip, aa at area itta, ifa, JAMES LOCK KIT, afocl 31 yean 8 months and If Says. In Clearleld. April tth, (873. BENJAMIN F. H , Infant son of Dint and A l'orx, tgrd s mcatbi tad stitn days. NSY7 SPRING GOODS ! At WM. HEED'S. PRINTS, PARCALI8, GINGHAMS, . TICKINGS, MUSLINS, SHEETINGS, COTTONADES, BOT'B CASBIMERB, MEN'S CASS1MERE, DRESS GOODS, 1 In great variety and all tha aewd shades. Tspaaeta Popllna, . , Japanoao Bilks, V tripod Poplins, Ilk Poplins, reach Mohairs, ' ' x, . Cratonaat 'r. BPBCIAL BARGAINS IET Black Silks! Black Silks 1 Shawls! Shawls! Shawls! Carpet, Carpets, Carpet, Kid at Iba Icweit cash price at WM. REED'S, 3:21 ' Market Btrett, Clearfield, Pa. 73 F LOUK, FEED, AC. THE BECCARIA FLOURING MILLS, Tht undtrslf nod would respectfully fire no tice to the cltlsenf of Beecarla township aad sur rounding country, that be bat purchased the Boccaria Flouring Mills aad put everything In complete order, and it manufacturing s f rd-elaas quality of Flour. CUSTOM WORK DONE, and Flour in quantity constantly aa hand for aale. CHOP, CORN MEAL, BRAN, .C., AC. always ta hand and for tale wholesale or retail. Oi T"rH "HIJIGl.tM W ANTED. 0 J. Will exchange Flour and Chop for 30 inch Sbiaglea, or will pay part money, li desiied. 10:1-1 BARNABAS ARMSTRONG. 8AW8 ! , SAWS I . SAWS J DISTAN'S CROSS-CUT, MILL, BRAG AND CIRCULAR SAWS. Boynton's Lightning Cross-out Saw. ALSO, .7 7 PATENT PERFORATED A ELECTRIC SAWS, Fer tale by octll,7 H. F. BIGLER i CO. ' C D. WATSON, DEALER IN DEIGS & PATENT MEDICINES, CONFECTIONERIES, TOYS AND TANKER NOTIONS. FINE TEAS A ROASTED COFFEE, BEST BRANDS TOBACCO A BEOARS, BCUOOL BOOKS A 8TAT10NER1, Masonic Building, Second Street, dMTMyJ CLEARFIELD, A T)INK, WHITB A ROAN LINING SKIN8- X Juit reeelred and for lale by April 10. IB 71. U. F. BIGLER A CO. C I. K A. ' We desire to call the attention of (ho citizens of Clearfield county (o the Tact that we I , ; fliavo opened a MUSIC, STORE IN CLE A R FIELD, , Whcro we intend to constantly keep on hand a full supply of PIANOS, OHGANS AND MUSICAL MEItCHANBISE. ' Our ttock of PIANOS will consist of RAVEN At COMPANY'S PllNOS, STEINWAY At SONS' PIANOS, We are prepared at all ti'nlf to aVirniah any of (he cheaper makes of Tianos to order on the most farorablo terms aa to prices and terntt tf payment. Our stock or ORGANS will consist of (Im pew and ppulaf RYNDER ORGAN, (with Rynder's Knee Tiemolo and downward Octave Coupler,) Th. SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.S OIIGANS, t MASON 6z IIAMUN'S ORGANS, and the NEW HAVEN MELODEON CO.'S JUBILEE, TEMPLE and CHURCH ORGANS. Besides tlicso we ritrnUlt to We sell on evert plari known roruLAit akd cast LLAsL rL - On our easy terms every one amount will tend so much to ECFVVo he glad to' nave bc(2i'72-iy jprj) flood. 1873. 8FB16. 1673. NEW GOODS! AT WM. nlBED. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! ' At 3c, Brows Muslin. ' ' ' At 10c, Brows Muilla, reel food. : At 131c, Brown Muslin, yard wide. . : At Ilia, Splendid Bleached Musi la, yd wide. At 13e, Handsome Poplla Plaids. - At 15c, Japanese Poplin. At lie, Black and Colored Alpaca. At 50c, Japanese Silk, worth T3c. '. At 31.00, Elegant Silk Poplin. -' AC 11.18, Qood Black Silk. .'AtYhio, Splendid Black Bilk, wide. At 31.00, Black Silk, worth 31.H. Ill 20c, Good White Pique, or P. K. i At 31.15, Hood lloney-comb Quilts. At tl.TS,' 11.30, 31.30, Splendid Marseilles Quills. w.. , . ; ' . ..... . . o . : . . ' ' . 8ATCIIEU!, TRUNKS, OtL CLOTH, DENTS' UNDERWEAR, NECK TIES, 8HIRT8, SUSPENDERS, HANDKERCU'FS v ; GLOVES COLLARS, CUFFS, ; 1 AC, AC, etO. .. i ' ' at prices te salt tbe timet. WM. REED'S, Market Btrcet, Clearfield, Pa. ' Lime for Sale I TBE undersigned, residing near tha depot has made complete arrangements with Lime Burners east of tbs mouataln, whereby he la ena bled to keep constantlyon band a large quantity of PURE LIME! ' hhlch he offers to farmer! and builden at a trifle above ooet. Those in need of the article would do well to give me a call, or address me by letter, be fore negotiating ineir lime. GEO. C. PA68MORI Clearfeld, Pa., June 1, 18(13. Ialvery Stable. THE undersigned hers leave to Inform the pub He that he la now fully prepared to accommo date all la tbe way of furnishing Horses. Boraies. Saddlea aad Harness, en the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. Residence on Locust street, oeiweon sniru ana rounu. GEO. W. GEARHART. Jlaaraeld, April 11, 183T. O. I. c. WHERE ta bay my DRT GOODS, GEO osriee, Queenswara, Glassware, Drugs aad Notions, Confectioneries, Act, cheap for each. Tbe subscriber begs leara ta Inform hit old and new customers that he bat opened A VARIETY STORB IN GLEN HOPE, PA. And will aall roods at nriees to rait tht timet. A liberal reduction will no made to customers buy ing tt wholesale. Call and examine mv sleek before numhaitnr elsewhere. A liberal share of publia patronage Is solicited. ' C. J. KEA0Y. Olea Hope, Pa., Junt II, 1871. - HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE! The House and Lot on tha corner of Mar ket aad Fifth streets, Clearfleld, Pa., It for sale. rue let eoutatas nearly an acre of ground. The boose it a ltrgt double frame, containing nine rooms. For terms and other information apply to the subscriber, at the Pest OIBoe. nevl3 P. A. OAI LIN. s TONE'S SAW GU AIMERS AND SAW UPSETS. Wt t.T rolrtti tht trt-ejr for tbt aWt aatl will Ml) thtn at aniavftvotam'! prioti. Cill nd itnlnt them. The? ftr the bfit. Jt19-T1 H. F. BUiLER A CO. B AKG.UNS IX MUSICAL I BTRUMBNTSf Or(tn-, both w and Mond hand, at tht Mm it Slort, opnoiitt Gulioh'i familiar Stort, All ptreont tnttrtatcd art IbtI ted to call and tiamtna a bw ttjlt of Organ low on tihtbition. Sheet Mailt and Muitt Donki oaetaatljoa haad. aplSMIlT urn MARKET STREET, It F I E Id I, P E order Organs from any factory desired. to the tradct cither CHEAP FOR rin. can . Have a cood instrurticnt, MAKE HOME HAPPY. i you call and sec us,' whether you desiro to purchaso or not! ItlMERrS 5irIC NTOHE. $MUtttfrg. FANCY GOODS,;. . V -WHITE GOODS, Af . ' . t WE REED'S. , ..... DEW II ATE aad BONNETS, FLOWER! and RIBBONa, NECKTIE sad FICHim, COLLAR! and CUFF, ' CORSETS aud IIOOPHklRTH, BUSTLEs and other FIXIN'S, UNDERWEAR of all slnda, HOSIERY and ULOVIiS, HANDKERCHIEFS, WHITB TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDERY, TOWELS, NAPKINS. ', STANDARD TRIMMINGS. x A Fill LIJfE OF PARASOLS. .. , o - ,- - - . - , ' 1 , 1 r.' ; . : NEW WHITE GOODS. FIQUA. STRIPED MUSLINS, . PLAID MUSLINS, SATIN STRIPES, MARAPOBA STRIPES, AC, AC, AC . . f All aiB be told at tbe lowest priece at WM. REED'S, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. WATCHES I WATCHES I I baTi a lai-ffe Koek af AMKRTCAN and SWISS WATCH 8, af tha differ aat atradat. ta froa twa la altrht aaaaa taaaa. I offer thai for aala LOW. aad f aaraatta than ta f!r aatlra iatlifMt.oi, JEWELRY I JEWELS! I A food aatertsaiat of Ladles' aad Oeat'i Jewelry ef the latest stylet! Alwayt fetUag toaethitf aewl ' I would ask Lumberman aad etben who la. tend psrehaeiag Watches at call aad tat my stock before foiaf to tht eititt, aa I am very tart I aan tell Watches at low at they can bo boaght, beildet the dlffereaee la distance la tbt trtnt af tht goedi proritf defective. All kinds of REPAIRING In my lint promptly attended te at tht ttort oa Second street, oppo site the Court House. Fer yoor liberal support a tba past I aa rery tkaakfuL - 8. I. SNYDER. April 1, 13T3. Valuable Town Lots For Sale. aaattrj )aj0r my waabavl naitm vt tsq Loll, la Rait Clearfleld. being 40 by 200 feet. aoBTtnieaiir Jatd oat, with Urttti and allej which an nuw offend for aala. TLei lota m litnatad ia Uwraaoa towip, .JjoitiiDf Clear leld borocrh u tha aaet. and aorta mt iba town. t'oip foad leading from Clearfleld to Robi. Owent'. Peraani within g to parehaaa aaa tnqnira of A. M. 11 ilia, or at tba offiea of tha attdertiKoed, where a aorraat plot of tht loti ten be , with term of lie. wiuitai ii. riaeruKD, thUJa Attorney at Law, Beale's Embrocation, (LATE POWELL'S,) Far all diseases Incident te Hones, Cattle, and Human Flesh, ret iring the nee el ta ettornal application. Tbit Embrocation waa esteaeleel and by tbt Qortrameat during tbe war. For aala by Harttwlek A Irwin, Clearfleld Joseph R. Irwla, Curweatrllle. Deals! Good. ander. Luthercbarg. Attention, Lumbermen! "1TTB are tow manufacturing our IMPROVED V 6TBEL - SOCEET DRIVING CANT- HOOKS, superior to any other la use. We have also In stock a large quantity ai vantaooas suita ble fer rafting purpoaea, which wa are selliag eneap lor easn. ibud s n. ssflflssv: Clearfleld, Pa., March 13. 1373. JOSEPH" H. BOWLES, Justice of the Peace and Scrivener In tha upper end of Lawrence township. Collections made and money promptly paid over. Feb.a-ly wm N JTA. HAINES BROTHERS' PIANOS. CASH, ON NOTES, or on the and no other investment of liko gACKETT A BC11BYVEH, , SULSItl IS SHELF. HARDWARE, sad manufacturer! of Tin,Copicr & Sheet Iron Ware, . . Second Btroet, ; ' i i ..-.--. t PI,EA1FIELD, PA. CarnenUrs aad Builders will do well to eaam. Ina tar ttoek of BUILLIHO HAEDWAEK V TOOLS. DINTON'S BAWB Dlstou't Crost-rat, Hand, Kip, Tenant and Uent'i Haws. BOYXTON'S LIGIITNINO SAWS. Bmootb Planes, Jaoh Planoa, Pore Planes, Jointers, - Match Planes, Plumbs A Levels, Btecl Biiuares, Ao, Ac. Firmer and Framing Cblstls, Corner Chisels, Carpenters' Slicks, Braces and liltts, . Boring Machines, Ac. Grindstone's and Grindstone Fixtures. Smoky Fluet are effectually eured by using Rich ards' Patent COTU1C FLUB TOP", for which wt btvt tbt agency. Ko cure, no pay. Philadelphia Carriage Dolts, Railroad Lanterns, Wooden Ware, Ac A flue assortment ef TOCKET k TABLE CUTLERlf. STOVES! STOVES! " Ta. limes L'oou. the best la tbowiaraaii elw, th. Monarch. Helicnce. and No. IS Iron Bidet) Keyeer't Portable lieatcr, and Heating, Parlor and Han Htoves. teV Roofing, Spouting aad Job Work done on reasonable terms. All orders will receive pron attention. July I, 1S71. TBS XS01TSXDSS TIN AND STOVE STORE 1 G. S. FLEGAL, Fhilipstarg, Centri County, Pa, TBI andertigned racpectfully aansnacet to the public that be bat on band a ears- fully-itlooud aad wtll assorted stoes of STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, HOLLOW - WARE ! TIN, COPPER AND SUEET-IRON WARE! WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! Bit ttock of Cocking Stores consists of THE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Which bare Barer failed to bring peace and prosperity into lamiuee waer. is ia useu, Diamond State, Parmer, Herald. Charm, Spears' California Cook Store, Spears' Antl-Dast, eat-Buraing Cooking Storea, Victor, Reliance and Union Raagea, Bpsars' Cooking Ranges, Ac, etc. , u T! a ..J Ck t T - .... r . .i tbe Stores it made af tbe heaviest and bast material, Ht MreVe4 a ajtre prvfert swato- lacuea His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves It larger, bstter and cheaper than arer before exhibited to tbe public consisting of Spears' Rerolvlng Light Illamlnatlng Stove, Spears' Antl-Dutt O as Burning Parlor Store, Bpeart' Orbicular Qai Barniog Parlor Btort, fipctrt' Qas-Burntng Parlor Store, Boquet, Pearl, Q.m, Ida, Baa, Tropic, Nevada, Ac, Aa. Vulcan, Blm and Victor Heaters. Spears' Rs rolvlng Light Hsatsrs. Ht It alto prepared te farnlih a complete assortment of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, &o., Wbolesalt or retail, manufactersd aaatly sad with tbe sole view te esrvlce, from tbt best ma terial ia tbe market. PLOWS A PLOW POIHTS, COPPER, BRASS, PORCBLAIIT, TIN-LINED, SPUN A COMMON IRON SETTLES, Of tvtry dcaerlptioa soaeteotly on baud. ORDERS TOR SPOUTING, ROOFIXO Aad other work belonging to hit buslnee, will bt promptly tiled by tiptritnced and skillful workmea. BRASS, COPPER, OLD METAL, RAGS AND CASU Takea la exehange for goods. ar-Ht eipcclally Invites the attention of Merchanu wtstlug la parcaase at wsoietala, as tbey will Snd It to their adraatage to aiamiaa kit ttock before purcbatlag tlttwktra. Look out for Ike Big Blgn opposite lbs roil denet ef Mrs, Dr. Foster. Ail Sooni Waubibtsd ai RsrinssTsn. - o. . Pbillpcburg, Junt I, 1870. rtEtiAi tagS.SS OSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER C O SI P A N r, OSCEOLA BTEAH MILLS, LUMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS Sawed t Talent JiilteJ Skinglti. n. n. 8HILLINOFORD, President, Ottee Forest Place, No. I J S. 4fh sr., phll'a. JOHN LAWSHR, General Bup't., Osceola Mills, Clcarteld county, Pa. Alio TOWN LOTS for rale is lha borough of Osceola. , .... Alto Keen tha LARGEST ASSOHTMBXT of Goods la (learSeld county at tlielr Mammoth Store In Osceola. Jeol 7J 1776 CEXTEHIAL. 1870 April Mas.' T. E. WATSON will PJ'n P the FIRST IPBIMa STTIrES. i MILL1NERT flOODJ, HATS, HOXNETS, FBENCII FLOWERS, .RIBBONP, TRIMMINOS, Ac. . l'laerf.e)i, fs., March IP, H;) II. SnAW noDsE" . . . (Cor. of Market A Froal etreeUJ TSIt mafuiara. -- rJleto In til lit appointments, and ooaveuesnl tor . ry . nH.u a trmm Omalbua runt to and. I -. - lf tml km a.lld. MW . M.U. IflfJ Vw! atwwwws - - .1 from (he Depot on the arrival and drriarlare of oaca trttn. -" - " ' . . April IS, ists. ' W-ASHtNGTON HOUSE, wy ' ft KTf vr iauipu . - I ..J a.11 ..rMl.UMt hCMSO illl bM tahen by tba sajnrsjgned. Ha feals aoutdeut e( being abU to renjff l.llsfactlon tp those who may; favor blm with a oetl. ' T ' A' . rf , ' May S, 1S7I. O. W. VA in, riy,. r REVERE HOUSB, .-V : : BUBNBIUB, PA. . - t, t !l . - V.. -1 ktl. . . tf ...I with all modern Improrementa, It prepared to reeeire . wi.. -V.1. vill 1.. ....... 1 1 ..i Milk (ha kMl u the marbet,,, , , uood stabling miacnea, , , apr3-ly A. M. BCllAtPrNB, Ptap'r. , THE MANSION HOUSE.; Cotntr of Second and If arket Streets, CLEARFII.I.D. PA. THIS old aad eommcdlous Hotel bat. durlhf the pact ytar. beea enlarged t double lit formtr oapaclty for the esteruiamaat of ttraa. gen and guests. Tbe aholt building bu been refurnished, and tbe proprietor will spore no paint to render bit guests comfortable while" staying with him. .. . pmrTam 'Measles uauso umoieaa rana so and from tbt Depot oa the arrival and departure of each train. J0I1N DOUGHERTY. , aprS-rstf Proprietor. WE8TER NHOTEL. OppotiU tbt Court Haute;- ' ' CLEARFIELD, PENN'AV Accommodations Irst-clast and charges modcral oeli . . JOHN F. YOUNQ, Prerlrlctof. M oavova uouant. Opposite tbe Court House, LOCK HAVEN, PE.NN'A. J.U 71 . nAVBEAL A KROM, rrop't. TROCKRRIIOVF IIOUME, . BELLEFONTE, PA.,' ' ... : - J0HN8T0K A Soi'S, ccti';l ' Proprietors. RAlLItOAD HOUSP; Main Street,' ' ' PniLll'HUURtl, l'ESN'A. ! The undersigned keeps oonetaotly on band fba beet of Liquors. Hit utile it alwayl supplied with tba best the market affords. . Tbc Iraroling publio will do well to give him a call botVoS. : ROBKRT IMrK ALLEGDENY HOTEL, '., (Market St., bet. Second and Third, -, . tXKARfltil.IJ. PA. t .. , The 'subscriber having become proprietor cic this hotel, would reapectrully ask a liberal share ef public patronage. aplS'TJ GKOKCIE LErroLDT. ' CtSQUEUANNA HOUSE,''- ' O CURWEN8VILLE, )' V - Clearfield conntv, Penn'a. . . .. This old and well establillied Hotel, beeulilallr illuatcd on the banks of the Susquehanna, In the borough of Cnrwensville, has been leased for a term ol years by tba Badersigoed. ' It has bneS entirely refitted, and is now open to tbe public generally and the traveling community In par ticular. No pains will be spared to render guests comfortable while tarrying at this house. Ample Stabling room for tba aooommodation of teams. Charges moderate. , ,. . Sept. , 187-tf. ELI totbOV. . . I L -Coots aud $Ubti. B OOT AND SHOE MAKINGv PHILIP WSAVtlt, on Market street, ta Shaw's Row, Clearfield, Pa., has just receiver! a uno lot or Frenck Calf Skins and Kips, tbe beet in tbe market, aad ianew prepared to man ufacture everything ia bia line, lis will war rant bis work to be as represented. Tbe eltitcni of Clearfield and vicinity are retpeetfull r Invited to give blm a call. Work dole at ahert notice. :ll'Jly JSAAC JOHNSON SOtfS, ' Manufacturer! anl Dealers In Boot and Nkocsi Ladles', If issee' aod Cbildran't Qaitors, Man's, Bays' and Women'! Heavy Boots,' and . Brogana, Ac, Ac ., , Store and shop on Second atreet, nearly oppo site H. F. Bigler A Co.'s hardware store, Feb. JS, WJ-ly CLEARFIELD, PA. ttiSfrUanrona; J MV KETIIART WITB W. V. LIPPINCOTT & Cdi, Wholetalo Dealeri ia UUT8, cars, ti'ti a AND STRAW dOOOS,' Kc 131 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. W. T. Llppineott,V f fi. R. ltershner. Jamaa Mitchell, f 1:11:, A. B. Dennett. (JLEARFIELD PLANING MILL C O M P A N Y : rtlllK ntlriffnl tnecMr to RF.KD k I rOVV'KLL, hrt nniTbued ,thj Cl.KAR F1KLD I'LANJNU illlsL, td rsftttcd 4i hr doing an xtniiT bnstOfM, J.U Ikj maohinrr will b addM atrnMiirj. to make it n,t thi moat eoimlato Mtab lffcmnlt al tba fclmV in thu Hule. Thoa art do rrpartxt to iwelra trdtra forauj work in thai lina. ThrtjwiU giroupccnf atlantion to all material! tot touva building.' FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING; . 1 iikii, doors,, iiisSi; brackets, .no, sVf. OF ALL STTLES, alwayi oa heau WORKED BOARD"., and an artielee asceesa' ry for building, will be oxohangod far, BUT LUMBER, ao that person! at a distance, mar bring tbelr lumber, exchange It fnr, and rclurn borne with the manufactured articles. The Comnan will alwari ban oa band a lart-a ateeb of dry lumber, to aa to be able to (II an order on the eborteel notice. Only tba best aal moil skillful bandi will be employed, so that the public may rely apon good work. I ... i. : .-.-.., Lumber will be woiked or acid as low aa H can be pureliased anywhere, end warranted to giro satisfaction.. As tbe business will be done upon tbe cash principle we caa afford te work for small proata. DRtf Lt'MBER. WAITED t F.apMiallr one and a half and two lack rsnel stun", far which a liberal price will be paid. Tba business will be conducted under the name a. .. . " . .. . "(lonrfiold rinnlnK Mill. Co.- O. B. Xfarrifll will narwinallv enhMriMle.J Iher buslnest. Orders reiptetrully lolielleu.' 0. B. MKftRELl. R. B. TAYLOR. DAVID MrOAI'OnRT. U. O. BROWN A BRO. Clearfield, Pa., January , 1871. CAUTION. All person, are hereby naatioae.1 atainat mrahaslns or in aay war mrrldllnc with, one red new, now In posersilon of Ah-i. Wilson, of graham tbc same belenga to me sad is subject to my orlrr. mth.'O S V) . 1 Ul'BLrit.