THE REPUBLICAN. uiaj.--ai B, ma niii jtiasgxaaMg j CLEARFIELD, PA, $.. WlDNKSDAtMORNINU MAR Of! M. Wt 111IUJI 1 V. Terms of Subscription,', If paid ( ndvaaeo.or within ttire. month! ... If after three Bad below sin months... J IS paid after the eiplralton af ill aionthi... V ' RELIGIOUS NOTICE.. ' , i , . . , . Mtthedlot Eploeopal Chnreb Re. A. D. Tcccw, Peitor. I'ubllo Bervioe mr Sabbath I lot A. Mi U P. M. . ', ftabbalh liehoel el A. M. r - S I ' -Prayer Moetiai ererj Thornier, at Tl P. M. Communion Fervloe, Srit Sabbath of every nonfat li A.M. ' hi. Andrew'. Chnrrh Rev. ijioaon Hill Public Borcloe Sunday morning ai 1 o'clock, end et 7 P. M Fnnday School at g p. M. Prajar Maattng Wednesday aranloj at f .'eloek. Proahvterlau ChurchRev. II. S. Bdtlib. Preaching as tha Lord'a day at 101 and? o'clock, , Sunday School at I p. n. Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at H P. . Vaitor'i Bible Clan on rntilnlay at 74 p. it Fraucli' ChurchCatholic' Rier. P, T. Subbida". Mail at 10k o'clock A. M., oil tha second and fourth Sunday, of each month. Lutheran Church. Her. A. J. Harcioci- Preaching every Haobath, morning aud evening, "sbbeth School at a. m. Prayer matting every Wedneiday evening. , , Charles W. Scales, a protmnont Williamiport lawyer, died In that ally on tha 17IB, aged 48 yean. m a , , , , . , , . Tbo Counly Commiiisiotiorg nd- Jonroed an Saturday and will out b. in aeiilon utll the Slit of April. ' " , ' Tho attention of oor farmers is di- raited to tha Aft of Assembly, published la to deyl paper, regarding eheep aad dogs. : . i "A vouna man named Harry Brooks tsllding at Clisrrylrec, wat alraoit iuitantly killed a Monday a weak, whilat engaged in rafting in tlmbw. He wai caught between two logt and eruihed to death. Somebody borrowed Jndgo Thomp- eu'i umbrella lait week and lorgoi io return ii Ba had left It In tha Commiulouin' office, and tha initial! "J. D. T." are on tba handle, which facta may onnble tha borrowor to loam to whom it and where to leare It. i ' , ,: I I . a i m ! Tbt Lewistown Democrat lays that tha aeaTleat moveinant of freight known on the Middle Dlrliion of the Pennaylrania railroad for aema yoara wag mad on Thunday laat n Week. Twotbouaaad nra hundred and nuiety.nlne eight wheel ean pwted that place on that day. Tu UprgR Knd Ahead. Wo are la tha full lido of tha rafting aeaion, and tha lamber from Bell, Barneide and Cheit ii floating by here, while thoae in thii ricinity are not half ready to atari. ' The old rale la being rovoried- Initead of our np-rlrar frienda being from two to three month! behind they are going to be the flrat in market thii GtonoiO. Boal. Tbo Elocutionary entertainment giren in the Court Home la it week by thii young gentleman would hare done credit to one of more aammlng proportion!. Hli reel- tation of " The Karen "ill particularly well ran end. Mr. Boal la quit a young man only abont 19 and if he appliea himiolf properly he nm ao donbt make hie mark. Suir por Damages. Tha cnie of Joha A. Dale, of Tionaita, againit tha Philadel phia and Brio Railroad Company, wai tried in thii place lut Priday, and molted In n Tirdict la faror af Jadge Dale for 11,400 aad colli. The plaintiff in one of the lufferen In the accident which occurred near Williamiport In Augnit 1871. Be wai airiouily injured, and hei not recoTored at thii time. H'rr Ltdgtr. IIocbe Bcenid. We learn that the midenca of Jamea Campbell, Eiq., of Bell twp., wai deitroyed by nra on tha 17lh. The Are orlg UaUd la the roof about If o'clock In the morn' Ug, and when flrit noticed had f pread io far that It wat impouibla to lare the building.. Tba larger pertlen af Mr. Campbell'! household goodi were doitroyed. Da had a imall Iniaranee on the building, but wa did not learn the amount. Rath er damp, wa ihould lay, to be without a home. Another Dam. There is a till be- Pi re ihe Legiilaturo authoritlug the obstruction af the Weit Branch of the Suinebanna rirer at or near Milton, by the erection of n dam acroii the ttreim it that place. ' Raftrain and thoiewho ra mahing an effort tor the paeaage of tih op the itream ihould oppoaa thii moaiurw. Wa bare den-dam! enough already obstructing thii great highway, without erecting another one at Milton for the benefit of a few indiridual and to the .great UJary of Ihe public. ' How is this roa IIioh f We learn .that Meisri Jai. B. Oraham, Jonathan Boyntoa aad Vai. A. Wallace, who were the Joint owaori of Mi acrei af timber land, litualed la Morrii ownihlp, a ihort time iinc lold the tinUr alum thereon to Maun. Charter Munion, 0. P. lloop aud V. W, Holt, of Phillpiburg, for the mm of If uwnd Mart. Tha latter cipect to clear a like iuia. We ihould luppow that $90 per acre for timber Ice re Ii getting pretty well np in the flctttrei. w . , 't a .. Sriou AwiDgNT.i Lori Reynolds, of Rmh towaahip, while aliiiting in driring logi down Cold Stream for Mr. C. Munion, on Thurs day, wai itanding njion a rock in the itream when ' Jam of kigt above him broke aad he wai itrnck J a log, knocked into tha water and held there by the irit log until thirty or forty had paind W him. The men hastened to bil relief with eint hooki, one hind only being above water to Indicate all poaition. lie waa epeedilyoitrlcatrd and laved from drowning, but irrioui lojurj from being Itrtitk with the log that carried hira nmlar. Ill will recover, it ii thought, Mi, necero Journal. - Fair At Last. We learn that Wm. 0(den raiding at lligler itatioq, raoelved a letter through ibepoilof&re.eonUining ilatiag tliat that turn kelonaid la him; the writer luting thai he (band a Idler la !! containing tlo, but did lot. know nnlil quite recently where to addieu him There ii no name to. the letter nor any tnirki to thow where it came from. Mr. Ogdew wai a member of the 5th regiment during the war, and ia lei mailed a $10 greenback to hit mother la tbii place wbioh aerer name to band, and wai grren up for loit. ' It li rrldent that somebody' ft Itlvoce hal been troubled for oror ten yeara, to the late of ti. Thii ii still tl abort of legal In "tit. Tkaromitunce Is therefore a little abort, wi Mnsclentiously tleefM. - aw mm - Dr. Frf.d. Barrftt. The Bollrfonto pabrjeaar la alluding to our former townsman, : "Many of our readen will rem"mbcr Pr. ''ml Harrstl who nod to practloomoilii'ineln this r'M. He has twrned up In the M isilwlppl Legll a""ei tnd a leading Journal cilled the rio(,print o u the Xtnla eapiiol, ipeaVl of Urn as follows : ( Another promloent member of the House If ; . o. rnirn. liiintrr. J B. Is a native of Pennsylvania, son of Oeo. IWtctl, he Wai Judge of Ihe 22d Judicial Mnet of I'eiin-vlvania, and is about thirty ""ofize. ' ., . , ; ..' Hi is, ia his boyhood dayi, an apprentice in r ("oitieg sm of the ( learteld ItrpnUlemn. ? ',. at Uwoall of the Pmridrnt fortreopi, "Wt the medical college at wbioh ho waa a it la ii?? '"'" i" the army, but was discharged ISUou account of physical diiabllitiea. lie to college after his diaoharga and grada- 'lelphla? ln "" J'e,'" MnlW u'f ' slt ' Slu ' lm ' as aver i ". '"' an active part in the affairi of the U Tk i f " 10 ' S7 ao was enrolling clerk ,'""' ao wai alerted aa wiiil,. K'Tr,,olatiTa from Amlti and Lincoln I'lelf"??0 Mr-" of thick ri Vk u", V' fc "nied with nmly whil ) li . I""" " "'"na Utile compost would kisil,! Un"- ' tali "all built, aad an 1 Cei?" Uim- n u t-'halraian of lkst i Approprlalloni, and ! one of . - -Majuvis ui i us aioaao. n "7 ivideni that Pred. has "gone baak" Vlad !aJU.?UJ,0r Wall bari kci Tbi Bcnoot Book Qobstioh Be- low will ho found tha proclamation of tha Preai dent and tha prooeeding of tbo committee wkoe duty It was to agree upon aaorieaof books ror lb aohooli of the oouaty, which wo Ind ln laat weck'i Jtmilh, aad publish for the Information of leaoh an and the publle t . ' , ! : ' Oaoaot. March 10, lBJJ..": To Ili cUsal Dirnton of ClwrflM Cot v' ' The conunlliee appoiutod by me, aa President of the School Ulraomra' ooaioattou, to report a aeries of eehool booka, bare performed tha duty assigned them, and publish their report ; and in coiupliaooa with initruetioni I appoint tha flrit Tuesday of the June tana of Court aa tha time, and Clearfield as tha plaoe, for the convention of School. Director! to n-niiatnbl to bake action on aaii report, j fjUco. U. Hhisii, e Prei't of Conr.1 CLKAirittLB, March IS, 47 J. 7b lie &ooi Oi'rsclon of Ulmrlt.ld Co.. ' Your ootnruiltee, appointed by tha President of me ocoooi uireoiori' oonrontion, as par roaolutlon of said convention held in Ctearoeld in January last, mot in tha lunarintandent'a room. In the court house, and examined tha different aerioa of ebon I hooka aubmitted to them for that pitrpooe. Preiant, lr. T. J. Boyer, Joseph MoCulluugh, J. A. Blattenberger, and 11. J. Sloppy. Mr. I. U. Oanoa waa absour. Dr. T. J. Uoyer waa oalled to the chair and 11. J. Sloppy was made Moratory. Tho committee, after a lull, thorough and im partial oiaminatlon, beg leave to submit tbo fol lowina books for tha ooniidaratloa of the conven tion to ba oalled for tha adoption or rejoetion of me same. . Butler! Now Amorioan Bariai of Reader! and Spellera. Milchell'l OWraphiea. ' . pewimith'l Uraminara . Brooki AHthmetloa. -Birnet Hiilory V. B. ' :.:-.. mi Sbcppard'i Book on Conititutloa. Martmdala'e First Lessons on Philosophy. Hart 'i Pint Lessoui on Compoiition. uruvas xiigner inaincmailoi. .,,;) rf tlrceulraf'i Algebra. , t 5 f Enetmnn'e Pawmanatara. '.!. J .- - Hutchison's Pbyeiotofrr." ,u . Coppee'i Kleuenta of Kbetorio rariietl, Allun'i Object Drawing, . Bancroft'! School Apparatus, T. J. UAr,a -I .v-T . ' " B. J. flLorrr. J. A. BLATTKMianaaa, i . . .. , . Joaara MoCcuovaa. Mineral Resources. A Birch Is land correspondent sends the following oonimunu cation to tba Lock Haven Democrat! Mr. KntTuH; Sometime ago I saw a communi cation in the Democrat in relation to tha mineral wealth af Keating township, Clinton county, and Kartbani township, Clearfield oounty. . Since then 1 have been waiting for aorae one to write something to confirm the statement! made in laid commuokiaUun, nut aa no ono baa put in an ap Ecarauce 1 will try and inform you of what now of tho subject. Forty year! ago, when j wai a boy, coal, firebrick and pig iron was run down the river in arks to the markets on the low er Sueriitobanna from Karthana, but after acme yeara it wna abandoned on account of the uncer tainty of floodi aud the dangori of the rirer. The iron and ooal wai or the most aieellent ejuallly. In my opinion the above mentioned territory ia richer la mineral wealth than any other af tha lam liaa In the Intorior or Penooelvaaia. II UM olid men of Clinton and Clrarticlil.andoUieri in. tcreefrd in the prosperity of ourHtate, would unite and build a railroad from tha V. A K. road to Karthaul, it would be the meam of opening up a country uia mineral woaitn or wbicb would aiton lib tba most sanguine. Hi ma lsLixn. It la limply astonishing to us that while mil lions of capital is being Invested In minerals, and millions more locking investment, that thii faror. able auction il io long ororlooked. Tha construc tion of about twenty miles of railroad, from the Philadelphia A Erie road at tba mouth of Ihe Sinaemahonlng to Karthaus, would open up one of the richeit coal and Iron ore fleldi in tha Btata. Local Optiox. On Friday last tbree-fourtbf of tho oonntiei aad oitieo of this State roted oa thia question. The oastern por tion of tho Btata haa declared largely for license, and tho citlei of Pittsburg and Allegheny giro nearly 10,000 majority for license. In Heading tha majority il 1,717) Lancaster, 1,707 nearly alike Columbia glraa M agalaet license and Ma rietta 180 for license. Tho State his gone for II cenae by from 10,000 to 40,000 majority. Tha 7th ward In Allegheny city gara l,0i0 for liccnaa and Si against., iThe tlth ward gave 8.1 for and I) against. Tbcio aro tha moat one-aided dis tricts that hara boon brought to our notice. They beat anything Berki ean produce. " ' Democratic Meeting. In accord ance with tha Holloa of tha Chairman of tha Democratic County Committor, tho Democrats mat la the Court room, on Tuesday evening of Court week and appointed Wn. McCullongh, Esq., Representative Delegate to tho next State Con vention, and Jamel P. nle, of Oiceola, Clinton Thompson of Bell, and Joseph Lines, Jr., of Bra. dy, were chosen Senatorial Conferee! to meet those of Cambria, Clinton and Elk, for tha pur. pose of choosing a Senatorial Delegate to repre sent tbil Diitriet in laid Convention. Lock Ilaron had a pretty good fire on Monday week. It broke oat in tho tobacco store occupied by T. U. Harmon on Main street, a few doon above Jacob Brown's groeory. Being a Iramo block the fire ipread rapidly, and loon the jewelry store of Isaac Allabach and tha bar ber ihop of J. M. Dauer on one aide, and the butcher shop of V. B. Irvine and Jake Madeis lager boor saloon on the other aide, ware In flames, and these bufned to the ground, excepting Ma der'a, the lower itory of which Ii yet Handing in a charred condition. 1 . - List of letters remaining unclaimed in tha PoitoAco at Clearfield! for tho week ending March ttlb, 1873 1 i Armstcad, Barbra Brooks, Cbarlee flitch, nildanus W. Miller, John U. Noll, Luoiuda Peterson, Audrew :. . . Rodgcrs, John L. ' ' Read, J. J. (31 Rusiell, Vim. II. . Thomas, John M. ' Wilbelni, Caspar Waller, Robert ' ' ' P. A. OAl'LIX, P. M. Caller, Peter t'offman, aeu JS. Daggett, L J. a V Dunlup, Harry Feltenstine, A. Uulden, Win. A. (!) Ililchuii, Henry 11. Ilagne, K. P. llertns, I. a eo. Special 3. Call at Reed's and examine hii Dew Uriel. ' Spring campaign opened at Krattar A Lv lie's by the arrival of a large stock of Spring goods. Wn. Rrro. Tbii gentleman edrertiiai on our third page a general line of goods, suitable for the Spring trade. ' Mr. need la ono of our moat energetic and go-ahead mcrohants, aud his aim is to keep in itock a full variety of goods In his line and sell at priori to bring hi! good! within the reach of all. ile baa just returned from the east ern oitiei with a full itock of fashionable goodi. Visit bis store and examine bil itock. Call at Krataer A new Spring goodi. Lytla'a iloro and see their Spring it viol at Reed s. Liaoa Onmn roa thi Brain Tain. Kratier A Lytla are opening another large assort ment oomiitiug of goodi auitablo for Spring trade, all of which they are lolling at figurel ao low that ao peraon weed ba in want. Olra them a rail and secure a bargain. They hare anything you want. ' IveonTAurl lKronTittr! ltelow please find a list of prioea of Boon and Shoal, of which Pis (fal ii now selling eaorwtoni lota : - Women'! full trimmed lasting Gaiters, (2.(10, at HAUL'S. Women's oommon Morocco Gaiters, fl.jl, at FLBUAL'R. Women i Kcnoi kid (Jailers, 11.00, , ... r... ,- , , FLKlUL'S. ; Womra'l Congrest lasting Oalter. tl t.1, at Fl.btlAL'B. Womeo'i plain laatlng O alter!, I.IMI. ai r 1,1.11 ah p. Men's oommon kip Boeti, 8 .00, at FFDUj.'S. at TLEOAL'S. Meu'i loe kip Boots, tt.OO, Men's French kip Boots, ti.Ofl, at FLRHAL'8. Mcn'i oommoa calf Boon, UM, . . . .. . .... alFI,BOAI.;, Who II dbrturd to sell at the above prices, at hie itore, oa Seoond Hre.1, oppoit'. x-Oov. '- ler midenoD, (.learneia, ra. , -...i. f " L rLara--Savoral cat loadi rooalrej by Kralser A LyUe, which will ba told very cheap. Farmer!, anake a note of thii. feblf II Calcined Praetor tor sale by It t. lg)er A Co. Just received, largo let of oon elplollve Lamp! and Lantern! at ' 9-JJ.JJ, , II. T, Bii.t A Col. Fnuf Oaoiirn r.MTia. Received at Corn. St.N hy hi load and lor sal. by - , - , X. A. A W. D. Irwm. CurwaosvUle, Marak 1J, U71. - I A full linwof Hoascbold Oooda. Jipinoed art. J 4 .., lor ilia by H, r, H''"l c' ' i ' n. V. Bigler A Co. have boon making eiteoilve additions to their atock or Hardwaro tha last few davs. Kverjthlng new in Shelf Hardware, Sad dlers' Hardware, Partners' Hardware, Builders' Hardware, and Hardware of all finds, can be soon at their star. . - May 21. . Btaiooi roa glt.i. A. I. Khaw lai a Couple of Snt-claaa late stj le Sleighs, which ha will sail at a bargain. ; Call and look at them. di Wood ind Willow Ware of all descriptions fat ale by 11. P. Bigler g Co. , Kenca to Waook im Canxuoa Miitaai. Wa hara Jail rooaivod a general aaaurtmeot of Wagon nnd Carriage Wuodt, also a full lino of Springs and Axlea, which wa oflor oh cap for aaih, H. K. Bigtan A C. Alii. SaTeaty-llve down ClearBeld Wood ehoppera Aim at t-MM. , : B.V. BIQLER A Co'l. ; COUGH ANO COLDt. ; There are fbw persona who are aware of tho I Sonanoa of attending to a cough or a cold at III rat appearanoa. The thousand who die annually nf bim A . .i,k - -L.l' oourh or cold, which they thourbt would soon "wear" itself off, and therefore negleoted to Ula tba proper remedlel until they becaua Inourabla. Krery day that a oouah. cold, or any Inns dis ease ia negleoted, niakoi tba olianoca of a cure more uncertain. We would recommend all luffer ing from any disease of tho Lungs whatever, to use Hasani'i Courot no Srnor or Tan. It never falls in ourloK the wont cases of couirbs. colds. hoarineai, lore throat, catnrrb and aitbma.- It la aa infallible remedy for Whooping Cough i be ing prescribed by jomo of tbo leading phyilclaai in tho Nortborn and Southern b'tatel, and being prepared under tho immediate luperriiion of a graduAte of tho Pennsylvania .Medical College. The proprietora beg leave to wiforia all that it li no uunck" proparition, but made atrietiy in ao. oordanoo with the advanced principle! and theory oi medicine, rrtoe ao oeoii por boitia. KUSriKLL A UND1M, Proprietors, Fhiladel phia. fold by A. I. fchow, Oloarfleld, Pa., and by aU DruggiU. , . , , ootlo-fun Bird Cagoa a larga aisortniont at II. t. Big. ler a io. e. Paiuts, Olla and Varnishea for aala by II. I . Bigler A Cot - o , : , , .i.t , I, . Bawa. Diitan'i Cross-cut Saw, Q real American Saw, Bnynton I Lightning Saw, at t :-7J . Tl. F. Biona A Ce'i., i RECAPITL'LATIOX. Bird Cagoa. , ; Wood and Willow Warn. ' k Jlouaehold Ooodl. , ' ' : ' All kladi ofllardware. ' - ' ' Japanned Ware. ' . Palnti, Oils, Varniihee. . Calcined Piaiter. " Wagon and Carriage Makere' anppllal. -All of tha above for aala at the mammoth ITard. ware Store of H. F. Bigler A Co., Second at rati, l-iearneid, ra. st Jn Bell townililp, on March 3d, 1S73, by Jai. CmraaLL, Keq., Mr. J. II. II K Kit, of llurnside township,- to Miss CAROLINE1 GORMAN, of Uinai township, ludiana oounty. On Sunday, March th, 187J, byS-CPxrcuiK, Km., Mr. THOMAS O. IIAHklKIl to Mill CLARA UlBNb'Y, ill of ClearBeld county. On March 20th, 187S, by Wn. M. IlmiiT, Esq., 3Ir. 11IU1.MI MCDKAVKK.I to Mill KI.IHTA AUS HOC'KENBERRY, all of Ferguson town ship, Clearfield oounty. . ' , , On March 8th, 1873, by Jok II. Rowlu, Esq., Mr. JOSKPH II. II K I' 11 L ItX, of Penn township, toMlsa JKN N IE E DEN N ETT, of Pike township. . !, Clearfield Markets. ' Corrected weekly by Ricaan Manor, Wholesale aad rletetl Dealer In Dry Uoods, Hrooeriea, Pro- vlawna, etc., Market street, ClearBeld, ra. . i. Ci.aiRnat.n, Pa., March 1, H7J. Applet. grren,00($ 19 . Hogs, dreiecd....;. Dried, H in...... Ill Hides, green.. 7 Applebnttor,Vgal, 1 II Himi t(6) Butter. .O0(3 35Hhoulderl....0(.O B,aal..,.... 001a) I ii Sides.. 00(4 10 10 Buckwheat 1 Oi Lard .. li(pi Buckwheat flour lb, . 6 Mess pork.f) bbl,..10 (10 Beef, dried- 21 Oats eo Ksaf, freeb.,.. 7(o) IV union 110 Boardi, M II 0(jH 00 Potatoes Ooy 7i Corn, shelled.. 1 00 Peaches, dried, lb., 1 Corn, ear 00 . 10, Plaster, 9 bbl.... 100 Corn meal, V sack, I 10 Rye. I 10 Chon. owtl Udt 3 lO Rairs. Ik I Clovereeed. 8 00 Salt, $ iaek.ioO(d) I 40 Cheeia. " Shlnglel.lln.loji 00 Cherriee, lb. 10fn 12i8hiagles,2ial0li 00 Chiokene, drsd, m, to rtmotny seod... too Ktgs......, 2J, Tallow. ,. ,. 1I Plaxreod. 100 1 Wheat .. 100 Floar 0 00to)100 Wool ... 60 Ray 00 00(b)3 0, Wood, U cord . X 10 lenn.iylvnnia ICnilrond TTRONS 4 CLEARFIELD BRANCH. rS and after Monday, OCT. 28th, 1871, tho V Passenger Trains will run dally (except Hun days) between Tyrone and Clearfield, as lollowi; HAIL, LEAVE B0UTII. LEAVE NORTH. Clearfield 3.20, r. at. Tyrone 0.3C,a.w. Pbilipsborf.... 4.3.1, oeeola.. 10 40, " Philipburg,..11.07, " Clearfield 11.10," Osceola 4.40, Tyrone 6.00, CLEARFIELD EXPRESS. - LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Clearfield 6.40 t. Pbilipsbnrs.. S.43 Tyrone 0 61 r. . Intersection... 7. 08 1 Ovciola ..8.15 Pbillpaburg...8..ll Clearfield, ar... 3 ' Osoeola. 7.00 " Interaeotlon.. 8.07 " Tyrone 8.20 " FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Bellrfnnte, Pa Middletown li 00 Marietta. I 10 Lancaster ft 8ft PHILADELPHIA 7 91 Altoona f. 1 81 L.iek Havea.. . I 70 . I 80 . I 80 Williamiport. Huntingdon Lcwiitown . 1 90 . 4 10 Marysvflle Jonestown 1 80 HARHISBUKU.. 4 7olPIITrlBUIIU ft 14 Close eonneotioni made by all traina at Tyrone and lioca iiaren. GEORGE C. WILKIN?, mylf-lf, . - Superintendent. "PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE X BEAT ESTATE. Th undtrtlroed. Geo. C. Kirk, ftttonr in fact for tht helm t liv of John Tbotnpwo, lata or Brady townihip. Clear fiald county, !'., dwcd, will axpoM to fiablte tale, lo Littbertbarg, Ta., on BATl'RDAY. APRIL 5Tif( IHTS, at 1 o'clock, p.m.. Iho folio win; deieriWd real itate of laid John Thompnun, decrail, to-wit : All that etrtain tract of land, tituata ia Uradj townihip, ClnarflHd wnntjr, Fa., bounded bj lanili of James Mfia, Aex. 8ha and ntberi. containing 110 aor. bo tba nana mora or !ft. About wrenry-nra acm of tlia land ia elaarad and under tultlvalion. Tbi farm Jujoi Muora'i xtamion to the rillafc of Lutbori'urg oa tba wait. There i a rpriug of (food water eoovenl ent to tha building, aud a good apple orchard on the p rem I . Ti.hmh or Bjil. One-third nf the porch Me raonry to be paid when the deed il prevented for aeurery, ana tne aaianee in tnroe equal aanuai nay men ti, with iatarcit from data of tale, tiaya ula annually, the paytnrnt and Intereit to be ee eurcd by bond and mortj-nre on the prnulire. tir.n, u. nina, Atty. aa, Lnthtnl.urg, March 12, IB? 3. . . . JKOl'ERTY FOR SALE. A jrood house and lot, situate in Welt Clearfield, will bo cold at private anle, on reasonable termi, between this dato aud April 1st. The lot lias a front of 10 feat ou tho oast, Is 320 feet deen, with a 20 foot aller ruoaina alona tte norui. and bouudud en tbo south by property of Harry Ross. The hoime il of plank, two itories high, I8i30 feet, with three rooms on the first floor aad three on tho second. Tho lot eontainl all neceiaary outbuildings and lome fruit trocs and grape unci, and tl tinder a good stme or cultivation. Any person dealroua of recwring a pteasent homo and cheep property should call on the undersign ed at ance. 1IOIIKRT A. MlTClllil.L. March 12, 187381 pd. DISSOLUTION OF PAUTNKR 81111. Tho partnership heretofore .list ing between D. ft. llenn and George Leinold. as II, lit) A LefpoM, In the Hotel business, has this day been dissolved by mutual eonient,tbo under signed having Hilh'lnwn from the firm. u. u iiav.i. . Clear(iel,l, fa., January ii, 187J. m IS. Jt-pd. , NOTICE TO Tnr.PAKHrV-AIIMr-lons aro hereby cautioned against cutting or la way damaging timber, or cutting lash poles, fiin rood or Items, or IB any oioer way aoairoy ng limber or trespassing on the premlfCi af Uroom s Mekay, Thomas (Iroom or Was. B. Dickey, in Bee aria township, new Whilmar run, aa tho law will bo HrloHy .nforoed against all who aro caught trcspii-'lng. And all persona banking timber or logion proporty of Uroom A Di.wer, near Whllmer run, oa t'itnrHeld oreek, will tahe notlne that all baak rent mun lo paid before the timber aan he moved off the hank. . WM. Ult'KFT Mi", fcblt 3i For UROOM A Dlt KKV. TlslTICGK' CONTAHLK' VKW We liaee rrluled e lerg. numlier of lb. new ICR HILL, end will oa Iba receipt of traentr. ?ry goods. NEW' SPRING GOODS I HI I.: i. AT j a h v: ;i ;) WW. UEEDH. PRINTM, m;'jy n r ',vv.. PARCALE9, ' ' OINOHAMS, g , . IICKINOH, . , , , .- i ii MCBLIKI,! CTt I H h BHEKTINUg, COTTONADBS, "' ' ' BOT'8 CA8SIMERS, HB.N'8 CAR81MKRB. DRESS GOODS, la great rarlety and all tha newit ihadel. . lapnucacj . Popllna, ' Japaneae Silka, Hrlpcd Popllua, . . -HUk Popllua, '' " ,' ' I'rencb Mubalra, Cretonnaa. SPECIAL BARUAI.VS 15 Black Silks I Black Silks! . .i,)i.'. Shawls! Shttwh! Shawls! Carpet, Carpets, Carpet, old at the leweit cai-h pr'mo at AVM. HEED'S, 3:10 Market itreet, Clearfield, Pa. -pLOUR, FEED, 4C. THE RECCARIA FLOURING MILLS. Tho nnderslgned would raipoetfully giro no tice to tbacltiaeni of Becearia townihip and oar roanding country, that ha bai purchased thi Becearia Plouring Mills and put arerytblng in complete order, and U manufacturing a first-clan quality of Flour. t . , CUSTOM WORK DONE, and Flour in quantity constantly oa hand for call. CHOI, CORN MEAL, BRAX, AC.,' AC. always oa hand and for lain wholesale or retail. I , Cit T"CH BIIINGI.FJ WAWTED Willeicbange Flour aad Chop for JH Inoh HhlnglM, or will pay part monay, il deaitod. lOil-tf BARNABAB ARM8TBOMO. 8AW8! 8AW8! 8AW8! DISTAN'S CR0B8 CCT, MILL, DRAO ASD CIRCULAR BAW8. Boynton's Lightning Cross-cut Saw, PATK5T rCRPORATED A EXECTRIC SAWS, For lalo by ootli,T0 It. V. IWJLBR A CO. C. D. WATSON, ; j , in.u.F.R nr.. ..:.;.; DRtfiS & PATEXT MEDICIXES, COUFECTIONEUIES, TOTS AND TANKER NOTfONB, PINE TEAS A ROASTED COPFKE, BEST BRANDS TOPACCO A BEGARft, HCilOOL BOOKS A STATIONERY, Uaicnio Baildlng, Second Street, ' .' , decl-7J ly CLEARFIELD, PA T)INK, WR1TB A ROAN LININO SKINS X Just received and lor sale by April 20. lt,7. II. F. MUH'g A CO. ; ; MARKET STREET, X1 Ii A It F I JG Ii 1 , 1 K IV' X'A i We desire to call tho attention of the citizens of Clearfield county to the frtct that wa ' " lmvo opened a , , MUSIC STORE IN CLEARFIELD, Where wo intend to constantly keep on hand a Aill supply of - r ".!-:.': ' , . . . . . PIANOS, OllGANS. AND MUSICAL Our stock of PI ANOS will consist UAVEN d COMPANY'S PIANOS, ' '' -t STEIN WAY iv SONS' PIANOS, . - ,i , HAINES BROTHERS' PIANOS. , . Wo nro hrennred at nil times to furnish nny of tho cheaper makos of Pianos to order on tho most fa vorablo terms ns to prices and Our stock of ORGANS will UYNDER ORGAN, (with Ryntlcr'a Knee Ticmolo nnd downward The SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.VS MASON. te- HAMLIN'S ORGANS, and the NEW HAVEN MELODEON CO.'S JUBILEE, TEMPLE nnd CHURCH ORGANS. . Besides these wo furnish lo order Orgaus from any factory desired. , i Wo sell on every dIhii known to tho trade, cither CHEAP FOR CASH, ON NOTES, or on tho roruLAR' and EAst LEASE PLAN. ' On our cny terms every one enn have n good instrument, int will tend ao much to MAKE HOME HAPPY. amount K7VVo thnll Imj gtnd lo lmvo ocl23-72!v." ; ' gry foo&. 1873; SPRIN6P 1873. NEAV GOODS! AT WM. IlEEDTS. ' i J , ,, !; '!' -f,! I'y r. ; i S! . . -. u'l-.l I BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! ' .f. At la, Brown Muslla. At 10c, Brown V uilin, real good. At 12io, Brown Muslin, yard wide. 1 ' ' At 12,0, Splendid Bleached Hualla. yd wide. At ISc, Handsome Poplin Plaids. At 16c, Japanese Poplin.' . At 25e, Black and Colored Alpaca. At iOc, Japaaese Silk, worth Tlf- - -i r At 11.00, Elegant Silk Poplin. At 11.18, Hood Black Silk. At I.J0, Splendid Black Bilk, wide. At fl.00, Black Silk, worth J.i0. ' At 20c, Good White Piqua, ar F. K. At tl .11, Qood noacy-eomb Qullta. At tl.ri, 12.00, (2.10, Snlendid Marseilles Quilts. .: ;; ''IT:' '' ' satchels, trunks, oil cloth, oe.nt3 Underwear, neck ties, shirts, BUSrEJDERS, HANDKERCnyS (, '. 1. ' OL0VES, COLLARS, CUFFS, AC, AC, 10. at pricei ta suit tha limes. . call w ana roa -voi'ainr, ar , WM. REED'S . f T ( . , i .1 , ,. Market (sti-eei, f leirfleld, P. ! . Lime for Sale I TUB a a dan igntd, residing near tha depot baa mada eomplcta arraagemanta with Lima Buraert aait of tba mountain, whereby ba U ena bled ta keep ooBflaalljroa band a larga aaatitj af PURE LIME! which h. offers to farmer! and buildert at a trifle above cost. Iboee la need of the article would do well to give me a oall, or addreei mo hy latter, bo- lor. aegouaung wair lime. UKO. c. PASSMORI, Clearfield, Pa., June 0, I8B9. Iilvcry Ntablc. fTII I undersigned begs leave to inform Ihe pub- m ne mat no is now iuiiv prenareil lo accommo date all in the way of furnishing Horace, Buggies, Saddle, and Harneii, on the shorteit notice and on reaaonable termi. Reildeoce on Loeuit itroet, sviwsvb loir, aau rouvvn. UKO. W. OBARHART. Haarfield, April 11, 1807. O. I. c. WHERE to buy my ttRT O0OM, OtVO wiea, leacasware, Ulaaswara, bruge and ffotlona, Conleattoneriei, Ac, cheap for cash. The eubseriber begs leave ta inform hit eld aad bow euatomen thai he hai oueaed A VARIETY" STORE IX GLEN HOrH, TA. And will sell good! at prices to suit Ihe tieiel. A litieral reduction will a i made to customer! buy- Ing at wholesale. Call and eiamlaa my stock before nerehaiine elsewhere, A liberal shin of pualie natronae il eollciled. - C.J. KEAOT. flleo Hope, Pa, June H, 1871, . nOVSK ASD LOT FOR 8ALE! The Home and Lot on the corner of Mar ket aad Fiflb streeta, Clearteld, Pa., ia for aala. The lot eontaini nearly an acre of ground. The houie Ii a large double frame, containing nine rooms. Por termi and other information apply to the lubieriber, at the Poit Offjoe. novia P. A. GAUMS. s TONE'S SAW CUMMERS AND SAW UPSETS. Wa have received the agennj for tba a Wot and will fell them at menofaolurar't price. Call aad examine them. They are the bit. ARGAINS IN MUSICAL IN- FTRl'MENTS ! Ornm. both new and teeond band, at tha Muile Flore. 0puite (lalieh't 1- aroiture .More, All peruana tntereettvt are inrl ted to call and ex Ami no a new ttrle or Organ now oa exhibition. Sheet Muaie and Jduiio Jlmiki eonitnallyoa baal. ap124 -7Jtf terms of payment. consist of the new nnd popular, you cnll nnd sco us, w hether you desiro to purchase pr hot. .. , ItVNOKIt'fS.MITlHlC IHTOltlJ. FANCY GOODS, 11 .ri J ! t;n WHITE GOODS, j tv'-..-. .. , 'A '.oifiW r.',-lkh:, Z It-..: ,ii WM. 1XEEDH. MEW.HATa and.BOKWETIl, rjLOWBRBad mnBOaj, NF.CKTIEBud FICHU, COLLARS and CUFF " " COHUETSjaud IIOOPHKIHTH, BUBTLEM and other FIXIIf'B, ' UNOKRWCARJof nU klada. IKmlERY and GI.OVK, 1IANDKBRCHIBPS, WIIITE-TWIMIIIISICil. ,i' EMBROIDF.str, TOWEL"-,' ' NAPialHiH. , STANDARD TRIMMINGS. v t n ' . ; A FILL LWE10F .PARASOLS. NEW WHITE GOODS. ! i j nyi'A, STRIPED Ul'SLIXS, ' PLAID MUSLINS, SATIN STRIPES, ' MARAP0SA 8TRIPES, AC, AC, AC. ' All will bs sold at the lowest price, at WM. REED'S, ' Market Mtreet, Clearfield, Pa. WATCHES I , WATCHES I I have a Urge Hock of AMERICAS' (rpl and SWISS WATCHES, of the differ VL&I J enl aredee. In from Iws la aaaa. t offal this, for sale LOW, and gueraaiee them to give entire latlifactloa. JEWELRY I JEWELRY I 'J A good assortment tl Ladies' aad Oenl's Jewelry of the latest Itylell Alwaya getting eoeietblog new I I would ask Lumtirmen and etheri who In Uad purchailng Watchee la nil aad lee my took kefor. going to the cities, aa I am very lare I can tell Watehei ai low ai they eaa be bought, beildai the difference ta distance la the event of the golds proving defective. ; All blade of REPAIRING la my line promptly attended to at Ihe More en Second rtrcot, oppo site the Court Douce. For you liberal eupport the past I am very thaakfaL . - I.I.BHrDIR. April I, 1(71. A Notorious Fact I TnERR are more people troubled with Lung Diseases in thia town than any oiberplaeo o lu else In the State. One of the great causal of tnis is, tna use oi an impure article oi Coal, largely mised with mlphor. Now, why not aroid all tbii, and preserve your lives, by using only Humphrej'a Celebrated Coal, free from all impurities. Orders left at tha store, of Richard Uouop and Jamea B. Graham A Sons will receive prompt attention. ABRAHAM nUJuPIlRET, ri.irdeld, Knrember 89, 1870 If. Ceale's Embrocation, (LATE POWELL'S,) For ill diseases Incident to tloracs, Cattle, and Unman rleih, roa,lrlog the lie el en eiternel ennlioition. Thii Imbroeatlon wai eiumlvily lied ty the OoTornment during Ihe war. For iale hy Uartiwiek A Irwin, Clearteld Joseph R. Irwia. Curwenivllle. Daniel Oood- anner. Luthenburg, if. At(entiony Lnmbermen! WK are anW mnnnfaotarlnf onr IMPROVED HTHKL-CSOCKKT DRIVINO CANT HOOKS, eaperior to any other In a. We bare alo ia eteck a large quantity of Cant hooki tolla ble tor ratting purpoees, which we are flltnj co'sp inr earn. AAJ"n a n. a n ntxu, ClearBeld, Ta., March IS, 1871. -TOSKNI H. KOWLES, Ju-tico of ? the Peace and Srwener in the upper end af J.awrenee townihip. Collection mane and money promptly paid over. ree.e-iy MERCHANDISE. of r - . ' .' I Octavo Couplor.) ORGANS, - and no other investment of liko i SarAtrarr, . llntwt, (ttt. gACKETT & SCHBYTER," " I tiaxau I . SHELF HARDWARE, . ,n and manufaolunr, at , , , , i Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, l . ;. 1-, - , ( ... ' Beoond Street, C1BAIFIBID, PA. Carpenters end Bullderi will do will to .lam ina our itock of BTjiunrrj hakdwabe a tools. DISTOX'S SAWS Dliton'i Croei-eat, Hand, Kip, Tenant and Oent'i Bawl. , BOYNTON'S LIGHTNING SAWS. Smooth Plaaea, Jack Planel, FonPianw, ' Jolntere, Matck Plane., Plumbs A Levels, Steel S'luerai, . ; Ae4 Ao. Plrmer and Framing Cblioli, Corner Cbiesls, Carpeators' Hllcbs, Bracts and Bitts, llorlng Alaohinei, Ae. Grindstones and Grindstone Fixtures. Bmokj Fluei are elfcctuallp curej'bv uing Rlch ardi' Patent - GOTHIC KLUB TOM. for wbicb we hare tba agency . Ko ear., ae pap. rkiladeipbta Carriage Bolts, Railroad Lantern!, . i Wooden Ware, Ac , A fine assortment of POCKET k TABLE CUTLEKY. STOVES rSTOVES I Tke Times Cook, tbo belt In Ibe market ; alia, th. Monarch, Heiiaaoe, aud So. 10 Iron Hid..; Keyaer'a Portable lleatvr, and iltalmg, Parlor aad Haft Sterol. Vfa-Roeflng, Spoiling and Job Work done ea reaionabla termi. All orden will receive itrevapt attention. , Jalj 9, ISTS. ' THE IE0ITSIDES TIN AND ST0YE STORE 1 -G. S. FLEGAL, rMlipstur, Centre County, Pa TBI undersigned reipeelfillp announce! to tke peblie tknt ke kaa ea kand eare- rullj-eelected aad well auorted stock of STOVES, HEATERS, HANGES, HOLLOW WARE ! TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IRON .;;! ! .i WAEEI ; ? WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! Bil itock of Cooking Sterol eocilito ef THE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Tkiek bav. never failed I. bring peace and prosperity late tamillea wnere it ii uacd. Diamond State, Farmer, Herald. Charm, Speari' California cool store, spearr Aati-Duit, . tJai-Bareing Cooking Stove., Victor, Beliaaee end t'aioa Raai,ei, Spears' Cooking Ranges, Ac, to. i . km. The Tta aad Skeet Iron ware giren with tke fJloTea II made ef ike kearleil aad heat maurlal, aad warranted le give perfeel latle f action. His Stock of Parlor ft Heating Stores It larger, bitter and ih.ap.r Ikaa ver bafere .ihlblt.s to tne pualie consisting of Spears' Itavolvlng Light Illnminallng Store, Hpearrnu-uuii uaa-uummg ranor store, gpeire' Orbicular Oaa-Buraing Parlor 8tove,Spewi' Uai-Burbtog Parlor Slore,Bequet,Pearl,e.m,Ide, ' Sun, Tropic, Nevada, Ae, Ae, Tuleaa, Elm aad" Victor Ilieleri, Spaart' Re- Toirmg uigni ueatera. He le alee prepared to furalsk a eowinl.t. of Tin, Copper, Sheot-Iron, Wooden and : Willow Ware, &o., Whol.ial. ar reull, maaufacter.d a.allr and with th. Ml. Tl.w t. i.rrloe, from tke boil ma. terlal In too market, . , PLOWS A FLOW POINTS, COPPER, BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN LINED, SPUN A .. COMMON IRON KKTTLI3. Of ererj deiorlptlea eonitantlj en hand ORDERS FUR BPOCTiNG, ROOFINO And etker work belonging to hie baolneee will be promptlj tiled bj experienced and iklllfvl workm.n. BRASS, COITER, OLD METAL, RAGS AND CASH , Tabea la exchange for aup-n. esceolallr Invites tke attention of nlerebanti wlihlng to pareunia taej will l it to tkoir adTenUge to ciamiae ate Mock nefere parohailng eliewbire. Look enl for tke Big Sign opposite th. reel emce ef lira. fir. loiter. An Ooena Wiaaiarie ae Riranaaivan. O. H. PLKCAI.. Phillpiherg, Jan. S, 1870. angf 6 THE WIGWAM CARRIAGE BAZAAR in SALES ROOM, Ko. lit, lit end ill, NORTH BROAD STREET, above Arch, I'lIILADKLPIIIA. A laree assortmenl ef new end eeoond kand CARRIAIiES, of every variety, from Ibe eery best makers In Philadelphia aad aeigbborlng CitlM, ALWAYS ON HAND t j : 7 r&XTATS 8ALS, ' AT THE LOWEHT CAMII rRICEM. Aim, llirueis, Blanheti, Ae. Those In want ef enylhlng in onr line ere renueoteil to give ai a cell before pttrrhaiing eliewbere. HAMUKL C. KUDDKKS, rrenrletor. Si. rut C. Cn.urlirv, galeenian. febll-lm Valuable Town Lots For Sale, I bate under my control a number of Towa Ula, in ClearBeld, being I. by trn) feel, oo.vewte.tly laid ant, with streets end alloys, weioa ere bow oncrosi tor an., 1 oeea sts are lilaalod ia Lawrence enweibip, edjeining near. lata oerougn en ine eaet, .na anrtn or ta. town fain road leadin. from Clearfield lo Hebl. Owe-n. Persons wishing lo pnpchaeo .an ioqul-g f V M 11,11a, or at the once of the nndar.lvned. .1.. . correct plot of tbt lot! oa" he eeeo, with lriu. of eil .'iJIIN II. PrLFOllll, ve'-hlfl In, llierey vv I ai. r I r ' -i SUAW HOUSii, -(Car. ef Afarkot A Front etrecU, lltfiAnric.ui', a Thlw aiawnlllont Hotel le entirely nam, atmf nlel In all lie appointmenla, and eoawnleat to Ii.. n . u a tnm Omolbu. rani to and Iron Iba twaot w the arrival aad departure at Z'XIn. !IRS.B.O.CLI!afllNTS, April II, 7I. rnT" WASHINPTON nOUSK, NEW WASHINOTON, FA. Thia new and well famished bonce ken keen taken br tke nnlereigud. lie (seJe el bring able to render eatkifaotloa le Ikeee wke mag favor biro with a call. Map i, im. O. w. pgviw, rroyr. REVERB HOUSE, , ; , BURNBIUE, FA. Ik. Hbserlber h.vlnr built a aew Hotel, with all modern Improvement!, Il prepared lo reeeev. KM.ii. Th. ubu will he supplied witn us eeee UemarkeC Ueod stealing attached. eprl-l A. II. BCIIAEFFBB, FrepV. ' THE MANSION HOUSE., Conner of Second and Market Streete, CLEARFIELD, PA, THIS old end eommodlone Hotel has. during the pail pear, been tnlerged le doable lu former ospaoltv for Ike eaterlaiamaat of etren gera nnd gaeau. Tke whole building haa been refurniibed, and the proprietor will 'pare ao peine to render kli guestt (omfortable while tajrlog with him. - SMflbo 'Maaalon Boeee'' Omnlbue mnl en aad from tb. Depot oa Ibe arrival and departare . af each train. JOHN UOUUllb'Rl V, aprl.ft tf " Proprietor. WESTERN HOTEL ' " ' Opposite tbo Court Boon, ' " ' ' C L K A R F I E L I, PENN'A. ' Aeeommodatloni trit-clam and charge, moderate, eat. JOHN F. TOl'NO, Proprietor. , jj-OHTODR HOUSE, OppolIU the Court Houie, ; n ' . ' LOCK HAVEN, PE.NN'A. Jell It IUISEAL A kllOM, rrop'l. B ROCKEnllOFI' HOt'tE, !. BPII.EFONTE, FA., i . J0BK8T0N A SONS, octJS'tl ' 1 Proprietor. RAILROAD HOUSE, Miln Street, PHILII'SltUllfl, PENN'A. The andersigned beeps eonstantlv on band vV beet of Liquors. Ills table la atwava aupplied with tho best the nuuhet affordi. The traveling public will do well to give him a call novlM. KOIIERT I.LOTD. ALLEGHENY HOTEL, (Market St., bet. f-ocoad and Third,) CLEARI-'IELU, PA. The inblcriberl baring become proprietor, of this hotel, would respectfully aeh a liberal than f publio patronage, Tba Table will alwajra ba supplied with tb. best Ibe marhet affords. dcelt'TI IIKNN A I.KIPOI.D. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, CURWLNBVILLB, -ClcarGelJ county, I'enu'a. This ohl and well eilahlilhrd Hotel, beiutifottf altuated on the banki of the Snaqnehanna, in the borough ef Curwensviile, be. boea leased for n term ol pear, bj the undersigned. It haa boon entirely rcttted, and ii now open to the put, II. gro.rally and the traveling eommunily ta par ticular. No peine will bo ipared to reudergueote comfortable while tarrying at Ibii bouse. Ample Atabliug room for the accommodation of teami. Cbargea mederati. -B,pUlS, ISTO-tf. ELI BLOOM. , A-.' - . - a goots and Jhotf. B OOT AND SHOE MAKING. 1'UILIP WEAVhlt, ca Market etreoi, hi Sb.w'i Row, Cle.rield. Pa., bai Jo.t recoi.ed a Ho. lot f Preach C.lf tkina end Klpi, the best in Ibe merket, and is now prepared to nun ufaeure ererpthlng in bia line, lie will war rant bil work to be aa represented. Th. cltiicne of Clearfield end vicinity an respectfully Invited to give him a call. - Work done at short notion. lill'Ilp BOOT AD SHOE SHOP. EDWARD MACK, , Can. MARKET A 3n Sri., CLEARFIELD, ft. TUB prcprlstor has entered Into the BOOT SHOE nl tke above Iliad, end li determined not to ke outdone either ia aa. Ity or price for hie work. Special etieation will be peid to manufacturing S.w.d work. Ue has on kand a large lot of trench Kip and CeirBklei, ef the very beet qnelitp. The will, em of Clearfield aad vicinity are respectfully Invited to giro him a trial, Ho charge for oalli. aov,' f tf I SAAC JOHNSON k SONS, .. Uannfaotsreri aad Dealer, la Boots and Shoe a! Ledle.', Missel' and Chil.lrcn's Ositerf, Men'., Boya' and Women'. Heavy Boots, end llrogans, Ao., Ae. Store aad shop on Second etrcet, nearly oppe. site 1'. F. Bigler A Co.'i hardware itore, Fok. IS, le72 1 CLEARFIELD, PA. IMiSfrllanrouj. J. M KIPHART W. V. LIPP1NC0TT 4 CO., Wholesale Dcalars in nam, cipj, rim AND STRAW GOODS, . No. MI Market Strecl, rillLAIlFLrHIA. W. V. Llpplneott, I J ft, R. g Jaam Mitchell, lilt:, ) A. It. Dei Harskner. , Benneti, KEMOVAL, . , REIZENSTEIN k BERLINER, wholMal rjeakn In GEMS' FIRMS111G GOODS, TIato rcmorrii to 1 87 Church troot, btwfta Franklin tod Whit iU.( Ntw York. jj31'7S J. K. M'MURRAY will srrri.r tod with axt articli OF MEKCIIANniHR AT THE VERY LOWKAT l'KIt'B. COME AND SEE. (gi.;.y) NEW WASHINGTON. F. STERLING, ' , Manufacturer ef SADDLES &. HARNESS cluahfield, fa.' : , Weik guaranteed to aire satirfaulloa. Price. roasonsble. Ilivo mc a oall. bbon lu Graham'. Row, Market street. aovto,7l. JEW. SCHULER, BAEBEE AND HAIR DRESSES, Second itreet, next door to First National Beak, nov JI . Clearleld, Pa. OSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER CONPAXT, OSCEOLA BIEAM UUL&V iviracTvaai LUMBER, LATH, AND PICKET! an 84 Patent lUlbtd Skingls: ' I. H. RIIILI.tNOFORD, Preeidont, OSee Foreil Place, No. 12. S. Ilk et, 1HIV JOIIN'LAWDHiI, Oanarnl np1. ' Oks. MUll, CbjorueW eow.ty, Pa. A i so-TOWN LOTS lo. eale In lk bsiwmfk of tisceola, , ,, the LARtsKST ASSOTMKT nf fl.i.da In fie., ii Id -ai,lj al ) heir M.nn.Hb e , O . . e ve eeall, mail a cone lo in mdrasa. . mv