Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 26, 1873, Image 2

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4 I,.,
!-- t iuin ""aanwcant""'''" ' " " I
hi,vnnL' i nnrvnt i vnm
1 II, UVWlU(li'
fc-l ..'! tanra am nmmn. !''
.,', ,, Gov. Ilartranft tins appointed Ly.
. ., man D. Gilbert, Esq., of Uarrinburg,
' Deputy Attorney General, in tde room
1 1 of John C. Knox. Jr., resigned. ;
1 ''" -
' J A Magnificent Gift. (.'ommoJors
". Vnndcrbilt, of Now York, lius made a
present of fat hundred thousand dol
, tart to tbo Bishops of tbu Al. K. Church
- South, provided tlicy proceed witbio
' nix months to erect, at
' Jfiulitille,' Toon., ' ! . ',' , ,
' iiaiULAHVK RATlONeWLoCttl ,Op
i ; tion came to grief tit ilnrrUburg, on
v Friday lust. That city toted for 1U
'' oonso. Whisky will thorcforo bo free
at the Stato Cnpitol as heretofore
Tho volo stood 2,C50 for liconsu and
,il,i8:J against a close bavo. Tho
voto polled for Governor last fall was
5,100. ' Hnrtranft's majority was 720.
' " '- .
All our exchanges last" week eon
n laintd Ibis nows Item : ''On. Monday
last the Supremo .Court decided tho
Iiocul Option law con.titutionul. On
Friday following tho pcoplo voted tho
" law and npset iho Court. " Do you boo
' tbo ' inipotcncy of Legislator and
. . Courts whan tbo roal sovereigns sposkf
a am
Continues 10 .- Blow. A ; Radical
. wxeliango, in alluding to the late elcc
lion in the "Granite State," says:
'"Straw is elected Governor "of New
'' Hampshire by about 400 of mnjor
','Uy, which indicates that tho wind
continues to blow in that quartor."
' ' Yes, that is so. But a few more blows
of that kind will clean Radicalism out
in that State. Grant's majority, lust
Noroniber, wus 5,781.
... A Unjust Jidub. The docision of
J udgo lioed, of our Supremo Court,
: on tho "Locul Option" question, Is a
1 disgrace to tho pcoplo of tho Stato, if
j' not to himself and tho Court; . It ii
plain that bo is unfit for tho place ho
( holds. Personally, wo aro to advo-'-'
cnlo of tho measure in' qucelion, but
' wo feel mortified that ono, of our Su
, . prenid Judges has dUgraecd lliocuufo
.. he espoused. The tone of bis opinion
is too low to publish for jinnalnr read-
riit-Art'OlNTF.D.-J-Gen. Gra nt has re
appointed all tho members of bis Cab
, net, except Mr.; Boutwcll;' who has
- been elected United States Senator.
- Wm. A. Richardson succeeds bim as
Becrotnry of thoTrcaRiiry. ' Mr. IXich-
' nrdson bus been Mr. Boutwoll'i assist
ant. ( A carpct-bng Senator, nnmcd
Bawycr, from South Carolina, takes
KichBrdson'8 desk. John J. P&lter
; son, of MifHintown, in this Stato,
. cheated Sawyer out if bis seat In the
). Senate. '; .. '
- Ukstohep. Es Governorlloldon if
North Carolina, Impeached and de
posed from oflico for his crimes, has
been appointed post-master at Raleigh
. by the President. . ' - '
' - Crimes which formoriy exiled and
; disgraced men now qualifies tliem for
oQlee. . Tho Congressman who sells a
. radotsbip for cash or gobbles up a rail
i road, or voles himself 20,000 acres of
government land, is esteemed a pat
' t!ot(?) ' How changed tho times!
What has become. of 4he Moral Code?
'i A Propsh Vsto.Gov. HHrtranft is
' certainly entitled to tho thanks of tho
tux-payers of this Commonwealth for
, bia veto of Iho bill appropriating
$75,000 out of tbo Suto Treasury to-
ward tho Somersot fire. ' Tho policy
of tho Legislature, in voting away
j tbo public funds in the maunor indica
ted, is indefensible and wo are grali
; fied the Governor ban hail "biclc-bono"
to veto tiiio mcusuro and break up
& thia praclicor, Tho "X-cgislaturo bos
no moio right to appropriate the pub
. Jio funds to rebuild burned bouses
tliun to legalize horse stealing. '
"Not Mucnt.Y." The verdant gen
'tlctnan who edits the Woynosburg
Meticnyer oopios the resolution passed
by the Ohio Legislature, censuring
iho Congressmen from that State for
voting themsolves 13,000 extra pay,
and thon complacently Inquires, "Why
don't tho Pcnnslvauitt Legislature
.pass ri similar resolution In regnrd to
tho Congressmen from this Stalo, who
voted iu favor of tins slcal 7 It ought
tuba dono by all moans." Wo can
-tell you, brother: Ducauso, they did
the samo thing.
FaSATAciM.--A member ' of tho
t'onslllullonnl Convention,' named
While, has introduced .1 section which
de ficckt to linvo incorporated in tho
new Constitution, prohibiting tbo nmn
ufjctnro and salo of Intoxioallng li-
quow. , That rcfuimcr (or fool would
be better,) should report ono more
moasure and thon quit, anU that is a
octioo prohibiting the birth of bas
tard thlliitvn aficrbis dcmHc. The
one will b aatfTcCUial a remedy, to
cure, a moral evil, as the other. If
(be appetite can be r-(ulawd by slot
ntory lawj why hesitate about regula
ting tbo passions t We hopo the myr
ill Constitutional linker in question,
will not allow bimeolf l be wholly
Absorbed In ono idea. Having started
out on tho highway of reform, lot bim
li a b !i)fnlv business, and proco to
ti.o woitd that hll rcfirmcis that bavo
jjcttdcd liiiu wrrf fotls.
VongrtulOHal Apportionment.
The bill passed by tho lowor House,
apportioning the State into Congres
sional districts, socms to please neith
er partyund is severely critioiied' by
the brera.1 Tbo Jmckf Haven Jemo-
erat treat It in thin maunor: '
"It will. bo seen by Uio abominably
gerrymanucreu billMil an adjoining
column, which has passed thollouso,
tliut our- district will bo eonlposed,
if mudo up as It now Mauds, of Union.
Contre, 'Cloarfiold Cliuton, Klk and
I' ores t. It is a miserablo combina
tion, long drawn out, with Union
stuck on it liko a useless knob .Vway
np yondor,' naither being nroperly
associated with the rest of tlie body,
and each so widely- apart, and with
such litllo commuuily ot iutorost, as
to bo nnd rcmuin cullro strangers,
knowing eaub other only by tbo un
natural Congressional connection.
licsidos, it is too Democratic, the ma-
jorily in the lattt Governor' election
liuing, Z,Wid. ,. it la. to bo tiopeU tliat
in tho Senate sacb a change will bo
mado us to cut off theso two upper
and nether knobs and give us nsnoci
atoajnore closuly: iJenllfiod with tho
robt ot ttio diBlnol. . I k .
The Uarrlsburg Patriot dissects the
bill genornlly and ays :. ',,.. ',''. '
r "Tbo rulhlcsisnetra. with which tho
Kadical muiorily in tho Legislature
aro resolved to exort s politicul pow
er achieved muinly by fraud at the
ballot-box is shown in tho Consres-
slonal apportionment bill which has
been lorgeu In too UommiUco in ttio
House. . Last year an apportionment
that was in tbo main just and equita
ble, giving equal representation to all
parlH of tho Commonwoalih, was so
cured by tho Democrats, of tbo Son
ato, but was defeated by a combina
tion of disappointed unpirant who
prevailed on Governor Geary to exor-
ciso tbo veto. Tho success of that
iotiiguo Is witnessed in an apportion
ment which concede to tho Demo
crats of tho Stato nino districts in
twenty-seven. , Tho simplo plan on
which this partisan work is construct
ed is to pilo populous Democratic
counties together in largo districts
and mako small districts outot ltc
nublican counties. Forcxamplo, York
and Cuiuborland, with a population of
r.'U,U4U, are not entitled to a momber
of Congress, but tho Democratic coun
ty of Adams, with a population of
30,315, is thrown in so as not to en
danger a 1'epublican district, while to
the .Republican district of Washing
ton, Beaverund Butler: with 121,1 fl in
habitants, is givon a momber. Thisis
a discrimination of about thirty thous
and against the Democrats, and the
samo rank injustice runs throughout
tte entire bill. ,
"In other rerpocts the bill is a mon
ster of gerrymandering iniquity. The
ancient and populous county ot iiutks
is divided, ono part being flung to
UonU'omory and tbo olhor part to
Lehigh and Northampton. Not only
aro theso counties thus mutilutcd, but
a ward of a Dcmocratio city is torn
from its municipality and thrown in
to a rural district, That is a refine
ment of ccrrymanderine rascality
which attaches tho Twelfth ward of
tho city of Seianton to the Monroe
and Wayno district. , Montour is sop
aralcd from tho counties with which
it has been asaociutcd politically ever
cinco ils organi&nlion and is put with
Potter and M'Kcan into a straggling
district of more than one hundred ard
fifty miles in length. Such aro some
of the features of a gerrymander In
which Kadical fraud has surpassed all
ils former achievements in tho samo
lino. But this wanton areault on the
right of popular representation will
meet with no resistance within tho
party. Tho bill will go through tho
Legislature and obtain tho signature
of a partisan Governor with tbo same
case wilh which it was manipulated
in a Jladieal caucus. Partisan ends
jtiHlify nny political villainy which the
Kadical leaders may t loose to perpe
trate. It has been already demonsti a
ted in thia eosion that thcro is no con
scientious aenso of right and justice in
luo. majority who control tne Licgisia
turo. Jt would bo the utmost simpli
city to imagino that this majority will
balk at tins iniquitous gerrymander.
Got a Good That cele
brated Radical blower, Hurry While,
who revolves between tho Slalo Scn
ato and tho Constitutional Conven
lion, (ho isamemberof both, Indiana
being unablo to furnish any other Rad
ical fitted for such positions,) got bis
eyo teeth cut in tho Senato tho olhor
day, by Col.. McClaro, wbilo the Phil
adelphia regintry law was undor con
sideration. Tho Harrisburg corros.
pondent of tho Chambcrsburg Repoti
tori, in alluding to tho affair, say ; .
"Aleck performed a surgical opera
lion on tbo gentleman, dissected bim,
tool: bim apart, picco by piooo. The
next morning -tho fhiL'inonts were
eatherod nn and forwarded to the
Constitutional Convention for amend
ment.''. ,- ' -
Ken n lor Walliico gave this buffoon
a complete flagellation two ycais ago,
which kept bim in proper bounds un
til! hiU week, whon McClureohasliscd
him most severely and started him for
ih I'liiluilelptila Convention fbr enn
solation. ' .' i ',
IIosoiiED. The publio demonstra
lions, lately mado in tho receptions
and feasts giron by tha constituents
of piirti pnblio robbers and national
tbicves as Ames, Colfax and their con
federates, show tho moral drift of the
limos. Whilo those follows carry
Prosidontiul letter of oondolonco in
their pockets, and inarch through long
processions of LoncH constituents, on
their roturn homo with thoir plunder,
not a single reception ha been given
to a Senator or Congressman who
kept his Cath'niid maintained bis in
tegrity. What a lexl for a tcrmon
. Win II. West, a clcik in tho Trens
ury Dcpartr.'.ont at Washington, died
on Thursday Inst. Ho was appointed
iiy Martin Van Burcn, in 1837 3G
i . -
j Noii!iATKU.--Therrovldence(n. I.)
j'rM snysi 'lliey bavo nominated
ColfUx for l'roidont that if, the
South Benders bavo. We are glad.
in a nveiy canvas we sball get inior-
niauon oi oinor ciiecks, il rails, and It,.
000 bills sent by comparative slrnnir
srs. to give xest tolhc morning cakes
snd collce. At Aiara has had a litllo
nvalion in North Ivusloii, why did his
neighbor Hot nomimilo him for Iho
Presidency f He hn proved jiim.elf
the more trulhinl man, '
The ifog-SKeep law.
Tbo bill found below la now before
tho Logislaturo, and i being pressod
nnnn Mossrt NVallaco and Lawsho by
i largo" number of our citUons., A
aumbor of co'untiea bavo had similar
iota passed, and IH law suoinrf' to.
work welt. Wo nrq really jodiforont
about -the measure, becaiwe wo own
neither ehcop nor doga.Hut if ahora
are any of our citinons opposed to tho
law they bad better inform Sonator
Wallnco and Roprosontatlve Lawsho
of that fact, or tbo prayer of tho ad
v oca to of tho mcasuro will bo an
swered by the passogo of tho bill.
; Sictioi l. He (t tnaeted, d ., Tbat
it shall bo dut3' of tho commissioners
of CloorCold county, In laid Common-
wealth, and tlioy are uercoy required
to chuho an nccursto roturn to bo tukon
annually by tbo assessors of tho sev
crnl townships and borough within
the said county, of all dogs nnd bitches
of tho ago of ono month and upwards
owned or possessed by any person or
persons within thoir rcapeutivu town
ships or boroughs, particularly toting
tho number', ownod or possessed, by
each person or.Jicpt, about nny houso.;
and whon audi rcpini has been lunde
by tbo assessors luo commissioners
shall levy and ,couso to be oollectod
annually from every person or - per
sona owning or possessing ono or mora
dogs the rum of ono dollar for each
dog, and from every person or persons
owning or posscBsiug ono or more
bitches tbo sum ol Uve dollars jor eucn
bitch, by tho collector of tho aoveral
townships and boroughs at tbo samo
limo and in the same manner tho ooun
ty rales and levies aro collected, for
which said collectors shall rcooivo five
fier centum out of tho money so col
lated ; and it shall bo tho duly of the
tounlv treasurer to keep senaralo ao-
counls of tbo money arising from the
tax on dogs, ana tiio said money sunn
bo and hereby is appropriated as a
fund for remunerating luo inhabitants
of . tho said county lor any loss they
shall sustain (after tho passago of this
act) by sheep being damaged or des
troyed by dogs or bitches. .
Sec. 2. Kvcry dog or bitch kept or
staying about any houso shall ; be
deemed sulllcicnt cvidenco of owner
ship to authorise tho assossor to re
turn tho inhabitant of said house a
owner or possessor of such dog or
bitch, and any person sending bis or
her dog or bitch from house to house
or from placo to place to avoid the
said tax shall bo liable to pay doublo
lax therefor, and overy dog or bitch
not roturnod shall be dcemod to have
no owner and may bo lawfully killed
by any porson.
Sue. !). When any inhabitant of the
said connty of Clearfield shall have
any sheop destroyed or damaged by a
dog or nogs ne or alio may appiy xo
tho appraisers appointud by tins act,
who (or any two of them) shall and
aro hereby required to view and as
certain tbo dumago sustained by said
owner of sheep, and when they shall
mvo asccrtainud luo legality ol me
laim and tho amount of dumago sus
tained they or any two of them shall
certify tbo samo under , their bands
and scal.i to tho commissioner. of tha
county aforesaid, who shall draw thoir
warraut on the treasurer of tho said
counlv for tho umount coilificd to be
paid out ol tuo Hi n us arising irora mo
tax on dogs) ont u moro suun not ue
ufliciont money in tho treasury bo
longing to said funds then the said
warrant sliaii bo Kept oy tuo porson
n whoso favor it shall bo drawn and
bo paid out of the first money Hint
shall como into tho treasury.
Skc. 4. Tho borough and township
auditors shall bo and tlicy aro ucroby
appointed appraisers of damages done
oy uogs aiorcsaiu wiiniu ineir reniuci
ive townships and boroughs and shall
have full authority to examine any
person appearing before thorn rnspect-
ni' tho premises nnnn oatn or anima
tion to bo by them admiuistcrod. - -
SiO. 6. Tho parsons appointed np
prnihers as alortsnid shall, after their
election and before they perform that
duty, tuke beforo sonio jiistico of' the
pcaco ot tho county an oatn or ani
mation as follows, namely : I, A. 1).,
do swear (or nftirni) that I will whon
called upon faithfully and Impartially
perlorm all and evory oi mo amies
enjoined opon mo by an act entitled
"An Act laying a tax on dogs and
bitches in the county of Clonrtield nnd
for other purposes," passed the
day of, ono thousand eight
dred and sovonly-three ; and any jus.
tics of the pcaco to wbom application
is mado is hereby roqnircd to admin
ister such oath or affirmation and give
a oorlinculo tberoof without fee or re
Sec. 0. Tho persons designated as
appraisers of damages a aforesaid
shall severally receive ono dollar por
day for their sorvices, to be paid hy
the applicant for damagos, which sum
or sums shall be added to tho amount
of damages npproised. 1 ': ' ' 1 '
Sic. 7. Whenever the persons au
thorizod by Ibis act are called npon to
assess damuges as aforesaid itsbnlkbe
their further duty nnd thry ato here
by required to ascertain whether tho
person or persons applying for dam
age owns, possesses or keeps a dog or
bitch about Ins or her houso, anu sunn
inako report of the samo to the com
missionrrs ol Iho county, iwun mo
valuation ol damugo to tno sheep,) anu
if It sbnll appear that the ownor alore
said did not -make a true return to tbo
proper assossor of tho dog or dogs,
bitch or bitches, subject to taxation,
said owner shall not bo entitled to re
ooive any part of tho said valuation
money. i hi. . " " ' 1
So. 8. Any officer refusing or neg
lecting, to pertorm tho duties enjoined
upon bim by this nut shall torlot and
iny n bno ol ntty dollars, to oo coi
octcd as liko fines aro collectahlo, and
be paid into tbo fund arising from tax
ation ol dogs and bitches as provided
by Ibis act. '
Sko. 0. At any limo that thcro shall
appear to be a surplus of money in tho
treasury (niter ucducling an amount,
that may probably bo nooossary to
pay warrants of tho commissioners
lor damages to sheep lon by dogs
until another tax can bo collected aria
iug from tho tax on dogs nnd bitches,)
tho court ot mid county shall, upon
tho petition ol twenty titir.cns ot said
county, phtco tbo surplus money thus
found to bs in tho troasury aforesaid
in tho hunds of a qualified and respon
sible parson, who shall be appointed
by said court to oxpend the money
thin placed in hi hands In tho pur
chase of tboronghbrcd sheep nnd csllle
of approved breed and bringing thoin
into said county of Cloarflold, where
they shall soli or cauio them to be
sold at publio outcry to tho highest
and best bidder, giving at least twenty
dnys' notlco of euch tale in at least
two nowppevs printed in said count;
rroridcil, Tbo turohaser at such salo
I shall be a rrni'lt Dl p iiidcctintyj vb
nrocceds of tho sale of such thorough
bred sheep or cattle shall (after deduct
ing all expenses actually Incurred and
not othorwiso provided lor and a rca
Bonablo wmpenaation to said appoin
tor for bis sorvices,) be paid to tho
treasurer of said Clearfield county to
bo pluead wilh tha land arising from
the tux On dog and bitohos. '
Sra.10- Any person permitting a
dog or bitch to be Kept or remain about
his house that baa not boon properly
returned to tho assessor shall bo liable
to pay a lino of - two dollars, to bo re
covered for tho use of the Informer as
debit of that amount aro by law ro
covorable. , . , , .. i f -,,
Seo.I 11,' Any dog. icim within an
onclosure where cattlo or snoop are
kept in said county? (except In com-
Eany with bis owner) may be lawfully
illed. '- '
Seo. 12. Should shoop, belonging to
and ownod by a person or persons
who aro not rosidonU' of tbo said
county of Cloarflold, bo damaged or
destroyed by dogs within tho said
county, such person or persons own
ing such sheep shall not bo entitled to
tho compensation provided by tins act
for Inhabitants of tho said county,.
Sxo. 13. Should uny ram bo .found
trespassing within any enclosure with
in, tbo county, aforesaid at nny time
botwoon the Oral day oi July and tho
last day of Docembcr, the owner of
said .ram shall forfeit and pay to the
ownor or possessor of said ; onclosure
tho sura of two dollars, to be recov
ered a debts of that amount aro or
shall be by law roeovorublo. ( (
Sto, I I. If Iho owner of said ram
bo not known the owner or possessor
of said enclosuro may givo ton day'
notice of tbo trespass committed by
advertisements (particularly dotcrib
ins the ram and how lone and whore
trespassing ! to bo set up at four public
places in the township wlero the rsm
is lakon trespassing, and If no ownor
shall appear within twenty day there-
allor . and claim too eoid ram no inaii
be forfeilod to tbo thoa possessor. '
Create! liuction in the World.
Tho Stalo of Ohio liad at least one
honest Radical .momber iu tbo last
Congress, in tho person of Mr. Ste
venson." W tuko tho following ex
tract from his speech upon the report
of tho Credit Mobilior Committee
Hi remsrks wero cut short by tbe
hammer of the Speaker. Said ho
"And well that Committee niii;hl
havo been reluctant, for what a as the
charge it involved: Tho Vico Presi
dent, tho Vice President olect, tho
silting Speaker of tbo House, the
Uouso Ithcll, its very existonco and
organization. ' Ho was not disposed
to blomo tbo Committee, when it
caught all thoso great leviathans of
tho great deep in us not, that It was
not quite ablo to huul thoin all into
thoir tubs. IIo quoted tbo testimony
of tho Wilson Committee to show the
cnoimityof fraud perpetrated on the
ublio unit said that even this was
ut part of Iho groat system of fraud,
thu outcropping and siirtuco Indies
lions of tho great system of fraud by
which thcro bad been turned into tho
pockets of privato nnd official citizens
or una country Uio vniuo ol two bun
dred millions of pnblio land and over
sixty millions ol cash, the valuo ol the
land being stated in railroad circulars
to bo not lus than a billion of dollars
It was tho most mammoth fraud ever
practiced on any Government on the
hies Of Iho c.irlh. 'And how bad it
bcon done f ' Partly by legislation,
Congressional and state, and chieny
Congressional, Iho lobby had been
brought to bear, mombcrsliad been in
tcresicd, ex-mombors nnd momber
elect had been interested, until there
Seemed lo bo a common apprehension
among tbo peoplo thnt an auction
room bad becu made of this legislative
hall. .'And certain it was that more
property had passed unJcr yonder (tbo
Speaker's) bsmmcr than bad over
pasted under tbo hammer of an uuc
tionccr in all Iho world. And bow
had this been carried out T Mninly by
tho unprossi(ln of inquiry by Con
grcss. A ccrluin corruption train bad
been laid, sweeping from Maino to
California, and it had succeeded. TellJ
him not tbat it was a failm o ! It was
the graudoat sucrosa ever achieved by
such dcmoniacnl moans among men.
Mr. Stevenson roforrcd to the Con
gressional Globe to show tho action of
varions leading members of tho IIouso
on qncstions sITecting tho Union Pa
cific jtaiiroad company. ;
Tub Parponzd Rukatkr. Theoit
iaen of Philadelphia, after tho elec
tion last fall, arrostod a number of the
repoalcrs and ballot-box stuffors, and
having selected a specimon "brick"
named Brown, they tried, convicted
aud sentenced him to tbo Peniten
tiary. In three day I hereafter Gen.
Grant pardoned tho scoundrol, and ho
is now ready to repent again, more
aviey than evor. The Now York
Tribune, referring to this case, says :
One of the mysteries of tho interior
working of the Government is tho
pardon of Brown, Iho Philadelphia re
peater. Ha was regularly and fairly
tried and convicted ; but why he was
pardoned out of hand, as it wore, no
man can find out. 1 he Attorney.
General deulino to say who reconi
monded this extraordinary act of clom
nny, r'i that they wars reputed
cilizon of Pennsylvania. Kven Son
ator Cameron and Soolt dony any
responsibility in tho matter. " When
the defaulting paymnstor Hodgo was
pardonod out of the Penitentiary, it
was soothingly said that bo was to bo
used as a witness against the brokor
who holpod got rid ol tbo pnblio funds
Of course that wa only a sham : Dis
trict Attorney Bliss was ordored to
pigeon hula tho case, la Brown to bo
a witness against anybody f
' Mr Hkotiisk in-Law. Tbo Now
York Tribune say: Any President
who would reappoint to oiiioo such
man as Collovtor J. F. Cuscy of Now
Orleans might bo fairly givon over to
blindness of mind and hardness of
heart. Mr, Casey ws offensively ac
livo in tho original Loiiisianu Iroublos;
ho lout tho Custom-bouse service to
tho conspirators who uttomplod to
break up tbo Legislature; ana all his
acts wero so notoriously at war with
tbo principlos of common decency that
tho Congress Committee of Invcutiim.
tion could only submit tho facts and
silently await tho result, fhp rosult
was that Casey was retained in power:
nnd now ho baa been ognin appointed
to Iho position which he has so oponly
and shamefully abused. There povor
was any palliation offered for Casey's
conduct. Tho only reason which can
now bo fnnnd for nis persistent reten
tion In oflico I cither thnt hs Is tho
President's bmthor-ln law, or else that
tho President's ehivslry compels him
10 suck ny a mnn inr whom nobody
, bus a good. w?rJ
KITeet of Bad Example.
The Now York I'oit, tho ablest of
the Administration organs, thus raps
the State and National thieves over
"Tbo Pennsylvania Legislature fol
lows tbe example of tha lust Congress
of thieves at Washington in Increas
ing their own salaries.,' and , voting
themselves back par. This moral
contagion will pronably sproad like
lb 6 small pox, nnd, liko tho small-pox
among material, peslilencos, so this is
the mistiest 'and meanest of moral
sicknesses. As among thlevos thore
aro different kinds who are moro or
less manly aocording to tho risk they
run oi dutoclion or of bodily harm in
tho act, so that tho snoak-thief i held
even by his fellows to be the most da
testablo. The enenk-thiof among the
publio plunderers I tho Logitlator
who votes himsolf back pay : its In
ventor was Benjamin P. Butler, of
Massachusetts : the first to oncajra iu
the business wore tho members of the
XLlld Congress. '. . ".
, "General Grant i not a quick-wit
ted man, but it is marvellous that
even he did not oo how great a chanco
for achieving an almost unboundod
nonularity Congress nave bim in rais
in i; bis and their, own salarioa. j It
was (.imply his duly . to rtfuso to sign
a bill that contained a provision so
disgraceful ; and so dishonest as that
which cava a gratuity ol aj.uuv out
of tho United State '.treasury to tbo
momber of a Con gross just going out
of existenco.. Had bo refused bis
sunotion to 11 and iriven notice that
he should call tho new Congress to
other to pass a new Appropriation
mi, tie would1 bave dono nimscii mu
nito credit, n Ho took tbo other oonrso
wt nr sincerely sorry to say, to bis
great discredit and tuo Treasuries ol
half the Stales in tha Union, vory
likely, will bo robbed by their Legis
lature a a consequence.
Conpon Jtttet. -
Cen.' William II. n. Davis of the
Dovlestown ' Democrat, has been np.
pointed a member of the Meado' Mo.
morial Executive Committee.
The editor of tho Sharon TVmri ob
jeets to negroes taking tbe reserved
seats at tho Upera House in mat town
ft.. 1! . I li.l
inuvs accoruing to law, uuviur.
' Govornor Ilartranft hat appointed
Dr. A. W. Matbewa, of Media, lo be
Qusrantino Master for the port of Phil
adelphia, in place of Dr. John H
Gihon, romorcd.
Pike county has civon tbreo hun
dred majority for license. A that
county wa largely settled by Now
r.nglanders, it is a queer comment
they give on tbeir origin.- .-. '
Senator Anthony having declined a
re-election aa Prosidont pro-tompore
of tbe United Statea Senate, Senator
Carpenter will bo elected to that posi
lion. i
A twin sistor and brother died latoly
in York only seventeen days apart.
Iho Bister wa eighty-eight year
eleven month, and aeven day old
and the brother seventeen day older.
The Prosidont of Harvard College
receive a salary of $3,200 : the chief
cook of the Grand Central Ilotul $-1,000,
showing to tbo world that moro first
class teachers liro in tho United States
than first class cooks. -
Vivo thousand and fivo hundred
salmon, from ono to two inches in
length, wero placed in tho Susquehanna
river last week, at Harrisburg. , They
wero hatched at ilorristown, JSow
Jcrsvr. ,
Tho Harrisburg correspondent of
Iho t'ltl.ibuivfi uazcltc intimates in
view of iho numbor and wealth of the
applicants lor divorco beforo tho Leg-
iolulure, that a position on the divorco
... - 1- . l. .-l.t-
commitioo m imeiy to uo pruuiuuiv
this i Jtopublican mcraiiiy. ,
James P. Well tho head and front
of the American gambling houso re.
ecnlly broken up in Puri, wa ton
years a minister in good standing, and
had chargo ot a Massachusetts cburcb
Whon Jefforson was Invited to share
in a promising speculation, he de
clinod, on the ground that a public
man should preserve bis mind free
from all possiblo bins of interest.
huch is nut tho logio or lo-duy. ' '
Tho People' Firo Insurance Com
pany of CarliHlo, (formoriy called the
Cumberland Valley Insurance Com
pany,) ha failed and appointed As
signees. This Company, says " the
Cnrlislo TVunfVer, always was a fraud.
Wo have a bettor knowlodgo of lb
Iloavenly bodies than of our own
bodies, as though it was more essen
tial to study things millions of miles
from us than thoso that we ought to
understand every moment of our lives.
At an election held on Saturday at
Evansvillo, ind., by tbo Republican
voters of that city, to indicate the
choice for Postmaster, Nicholas Fil-
beck received a majority of five hun
dred and seventy sevon over all other
As we have now a fitly thousand
dollar Prosidcnt instead ot a twenty-
five thousand dollar one as heretofore;
shall ho be double as good aa any we
have evor beforo badr .Mathemati
cally sponking, this looks like a fair
The property on the north-west cor
ner of Ninth and Chestnut streets has
been sclocted for the now Post Office
in Philadelphia, tho total valuation of
btcti Is i3P3,o0U. icaihor a snug
sum. '
Soltiurn Pacific Railroad. Tho
Texas and Pacitio ftallroad, of which
Col. Tom Scott, of tbo I'onnaylvania
Central, Is Prosidont, is In progreis'ol
corstructinn siniultnnoously from both
endsot tbo lino. Iho operations aro
under tho control of General Granville
M. Dodgo. The distance from Shreve
port, La., tho eastern terminus, to
San Diogo, California, tho Pacific tor
minus, is 1,472 miles. Tbeto fignros
will bo Increased by eereral hundred
miles by the branches of tho road, and
tho dintanco between San Diogo nnd
San Francisco, a stretuh of about a
hundred miles. The inngnitndoof tbo
work of which Col. Reott is President
may bo measured by these figures.
, , - iat aw 1 '
President Grant has reappointed
brother In-law Cuscy, collector of
New Orleans, notwithstanding ho
promised lo romove Casoy and askod
tor hi resignation, which the collector
never saw lit to giva.
How tilinbla "Hi Cjovernmont" ap
pear lo bo when a brothor-in-lnw i
at slake, . . !'
... 1 .awa- ' .
(irant has written a sympathetic
letter to Colfas, and desires lo maintain
personal relations wilh bim through
life. Ho wrote) tho same kind of let
ter lo Tom Murphy and Goo. K. Let
of Now York. As Colfax is now safo
in the Paints Host at Sonth Doml, wo
protume Iho ondorsomonl of tbo Presi
dent will ntTord him nl tho comtit
bo desires.
Uotdtng Their around.
Tbe double headed State Govern
ment la still tnaintainod in Louisiana,
to the disirraco of the whole Union.
Tha Augusta (Georgia) C'Aronick, al
luding to this national! outrage, ay :
Rollout?, aided bv tha army of tbe
United States, baa not yet been able
to subdut the peoplo of Louisiana.
Tha viotory of tho usurper on the
nlaht of tho fifth carried with It no
moral force was simply a triumph of
superior physical strength ana , II
barren of fruits. Tbe people still re
fuso recognition of the bastard gov
ernment and soom determined to ro
sist it in every way except wilh arm.
A central oommittee has been lormeo
with brancbos in evory parish, tho ob-
ect of the organization being to dis-
pnte and delay the collection of taxes.
With unanimity or tooling ana concert
of action this promises to be a most
.... r Ll.L Ml
lonuidabio movement, one woiou win
brine tbo usurpors to term moro
spoodily than any other which conld
bave boon mauguratoa. w un no
monoy in tho treasury, nothing to
steal, tbe Kelloggitc will find tbe ob
ject of their struggles defeated and
will soon come to terms. .
Diai)ABLtaTYLEarCMlarM, At,
nrM.nul bojrf, M J. M. KaATZKK'S.
TIIRRR-FLT, BraiMti, Ionia sad UW
Carptif, klM. Boor Oil tlotha, t ndoi
pnwl, it A U. KRATZBH'a.
T) EST AStlOBTMBMT ofWdl .tm
XI vw4 la tbli ttelBltr. IMkH m iiImml
dm gin ppr, to, si j. jt. rai tun a.
TH E M(MT pnpaltr aikn of M.illai, Shl
Inr. 1'illow MttfliDt, Ae., at atmall adTftaea
iMTKtt,lijrikapiwa,al J. SI. KRATXKK a.
ew coona, KKW btylkh, labor
luaa at i. M. aRATXKK s.
varirty aaw inrinf tliaSaf aad
..I ttTltt-at J. M. KRATZKR'8
A VARIETY sfDrttt Onadi, tailablt for
I aaraial lta traua vailt, Milan, at..
wwtlaatlj aa aaad, at J. M. KRAIZKU'S.
I.t'EIVINU a Urgatapplr LW aad
taildraa t Bhaaa. aiada la ardar aau u
raaird. A kaadagaa Uailar for H 00 at
,cbll J.M. KRATZER'B,
r-T Oranita vara Tta Ball aad OharaW
I) BtU. Kaitat and Fort., SilTtr-plattd Park
aod pAuat, Tablt Llnta, Sup klna, varv rhtap, at
iaa:t . a.isitss
OHAVt Scarfs. Natktkt, Callan, Vtila,
O lUir Ooodt, Ulotra, Aa. Kid al Tka,
alto lb Joattibiaa braoalata kia more, at
Mb: . , J. M. KRATZKR'8.
-lAUTIOH All ptrtaniara OMlitaad
Vy ajraiatt parebaaiDg at ta amy way Moddliag
aith ana rd taw, now in poaarMtoa of Akia.
Wilfoa, af Urabam tat aaaia btloagt
at mo aaa la luajoot ta B17 arJtr.
rhSt lt W. II. ni'HLKR
Fhup an Third atrial, artr Rilty'l blaakmitk
anop. l.nAKll, rA.
All kladi of RiSrt and Fbat Oaatoakaad
Rfpatriag doat ia a Srtt-tlaaa aMtaatr and al fair
P'ttt. l.'IS'll
Ta the Court of t'tnmon Pleat f Clcar-
X ld Coualj, Pa. '
Maatt i. Wana, Xo. 1 tiarak Ttm, 1171,
Tont. S. Warn. J 8ahpona la Dirarra.
Tha aadtraifntd CoaiaiiHloner, appoiatad by
lb Coart lo tako trttiaiony la tha abort la tad
eaae, will attted to tbo dutirt of bit tppoiatattnt
al tha olbi-o af Wallaro A Fitlding, al Clrarlald.
ra., oa tha i;tk day or April, A. l. HJ3, at I
a'ebMk P. hi., wkra aid wbtra thaaa intoraMad,
if (bay tat pro par, aaay attani.
-? , '.' 1 .. Coaiailiriontr.
Clrarlald, Mirth 11, 1873, I t. .
f AITTIOR-A II prraont art baraby aaulionad
J againal aioddhag with ont bay bona aad ono
bay aaara, bow la paattaaina off laaiaa warriafe
of Ulra Hop, aa lot taaia baloag ta ma aad art
Itft with him oa laaa aad aabjart to my ordtr at
any limo. TIM. ail'DLE,
Oltn llopa, March 19, l71..l
70 It SALE. I bavo for sale the
following property t 3 bay Marot, hy aai
Minn tail K ill . at al 30ft. or aholna cf aaa al
$S00 ; ona att of joulilo hamraa at f JO ; oaa rat af
injcla barnttl at S30 oaa tbroo-taatad aprlag
wagoa at az2u: aaa baggy at titdj aoa tarta.
taalr4 bubt 91 10 I OBO alrtgb f I
Pralold. Pa, Harab 1. U7J.
1776 CKHEXMIL 1876
April 1st, 1873,
Mrs. T. E. WATSON will open
Claarlrld, Pa, Maroh IS, 1ST 4t.
' 1 . 1 .
anrlriiffiil, M.ecMri ( ItRRD
1 p
rOW K LL, hTt pirchMM. tin Cl,KAt
riKLO Ml I, I,. And raltttd U for
doinf u taunitra bMiwtt. All U Mtvohiatny
will d adilad mtwy ta Bftk ll od of tb
nort eompltt wtb liltaionti of th hlod li tb
lor u; work ln inai lino, i ny will gtrtM.mi
ktintion to an .iritui ror mom uiiamg.
OF ALL STTLK.1, al.aji tt band.
WORKED BOARDS, aad all articlot irwl
ry fr bnlldlag, will ba airhaagad for DKV
Lt'MBKK, to that parennt at a dittanca nay
bring their lumhrr, exchange it for, aad rttara
homt with tbt manulhtturtd artielet.
Tbt Cieipanj will alwayt bart ob hand a large
alonh of dry lumber, ao at ta ba ablt la ll aa
order nn the thortrat Bolica. Only the brat and
moil tklllfal kandt will ba ouiployod, it thai Ibt
publit may rely upon good work.
' Lumber will ba worked ar tald at low at It tea
he purcbeaed anywhere, and warranted to giro
eatlrfartloB. Aa Ilia buainatt will bt dnnt up.iu
Ibt aatb priaolplt wa aaa a lord ta work for etaell
prutla. .
R.paeltlly ant tnd-a knlf amt twa lah paatl
ttoff, for vbiak llbtral prloa wilt ba paid.
Tbt baalnatt will bo toBilucttd aadtr tha ntat
of tha
MUearAcId rianlng Mill Co,"
0, B. Merreil war 111 partaaall; ajerlte4 lb
butiaaat. . . . ,
0rdrt reaptttfallp aallaited.
1 ' . 1. MFRRKLl. ... '
; - ... a. P. TATLOH.
, , fVID McOAtailRf,
CkntHi Pt., January H, 7S,
rjp n b
f ! M
n f ?
;. :'i r .
T tbalr Baw batldlnf aa Urtand Btratt, starly
ppottW Ut atora af waarot at
Wbort lhay win toallaaa aa rappl; Ibalr aid aad
any bow tattoanrt aa aiay aoaio, wua
" crifi jiI'cX'lb'I
'.' t :.. j c i a ;: s. i :. t
.i.i a -. .(.... r
(Taaladiag all a-w rtatadiat,)
Pataat Madltiatt, Palata aad Oils, Olaat aad
fatty, School Booka, ntauoaory, rapar,
At.) alto, a full liao af Drof -
(tilt Bonanrt, unir
Cotaiatlaa, Parfaaitrlot, Toilot Articlot, raakoo,
T0U0I aoapa, Pockat Boole, at, all ai
, tha boat a,oaJlty. .. .
'.. i. . !
J vi tj 1 O V J. : .1'
for Btdital A taoraaaaUl parpatot aaly, ;
Para Wbila Load, Colon af all kinde. Raw sad
Boilod Liaaaad Oil, Varalthoa, Tarawa.
Una, Coal Oil, Paint A Varaitb
Bratbta, Flarorinj
. ,, .... , BaUMla, . , ,.
CtBract'oBtrlot, Bird Bood. Spia, jraanl aad
Bafroaaa, of all nana.
.1 . .. . : I
' i 1 Win (ad oar alo'k af Chewing
J Knoklna Tobaoro. luiaortcd aad Do-
Btatia Cigara, SnoS aad Fine-out to aa of tho
rrry boat branue in lot .
AU kiada of GLASS WARS,
SARDK 8KBD., . .
aad Maalcal Trimaiinit of trtry itrltly,
. : . . - ....... t L . -
Ilariaf a long riporiosra la tha kniiaaat, aad
aa aaUaairoaad wall aoloatad atoek af aduiatr.
we aro enabled la 111 Phyaielana- pratenplioBt at
the tborutl n .lioe and aa the amott raaaoaabla
tar ma, day and night.
noarlald, Pa.. May II, ISTl-tf. ;
AT . ( .
hnment Stock of flood of terry
Woolen Cotdl, tame prio at barora aha ad.
raact la wool.
Muilini at rrduef H f rlcre.
Prret Ooodt ta grraltil variety. , f
Mourning Ooodt tf all kiada. ' '
Black Alpaeat, at alt prltta. .
Blank Bilkt, Ttry tbtap.
Watorprooft, TtlTtietat, Flald aad plait Flaa
atlt, Bhirtlag Flannala, At. , . ..
Table Linen aad KapkiatIrlek Litem, U-
Shotting aad Piltuw Mnello.
Ottaaiaa Bep Bhawlt aad Boarft, Btriptd Bhawlt
at all prk-aa. i ,
Paitley Bbawlt, tingle aad dtablt, M It
Drau Triautlagt, Friagoa, Laett, Vllrat Rib
boat, Velrotoaat, Ao.
Fall liaa af tha wlehratad "Jotrphlat Beta
Ittt" Kid Qlavet, Kid Oloraa frosi tl up. ,
Laditt' Noek Tire. Collart, RaBlnf, Oair
Braidt aad Swllohee,
Ladlrt' aud Childrta't M or iat Uader-wrar.
Madana Foy'e, ThoaiptoB'l, Olort Flllilg
nip Oort aad ether Coreeta. Alta, Ufttp Bkirta,
Paaitrt, At.
large tlook of Carpatt aad Wall Paport.
Bhaat aad tlaitert, tame quality at heratofora.
"Tha krtl are tbt thtajieet."
Balragral aad tlkar kaittiag yarn I, aad athtr
artiertt, la aamaroue w aaoatloa. i
Purrbaeert will Ind a graatat variety tf goodi
thaa it Btually roaad la oaa aura.
Call aad txanlaa. ,. , .r
X BCHOOL, for tha praernt year, will ba held
la tha borough of CurwrBerlllt, eoanacatlBf aa
MONDAY, MAT Ith, aad tootltalng for a tarai
af iwoir woott.
rim or rcma.
Ftr laatruotloat ta Orthography, Elorulloa,
Kagliih UraraBar with Aaalyait, G antra
phy, WriUaa and Mental Arllaautia. U. B.
Uialory Bad Theory of Teaching II M
riata aaa uraaaitntal rtamaaahip, Draw,
lag. Book Ktoping aad Buttnaee Coma.
pundrnra. ,...,.. I I
.cal Maiia. Natural i'hlleoihr. Alarbra.
iltomttry, Moamrntion, Latin, Uermaa.. 00
Twtat ,XHl,MIHI,...I..MMM,WMH.,..M.rl 00
Boarding tan ba procured at rraeoaable ratal.
uooa room ana gooa eppnratut hare btea pra
cured for the work l alio, two aatlitant taaohcra,
ona of whon will gtreinetrvFtloaiiB PeBraaaahip.
Tha other la Vocal Muilc, Klooulion, laoographr,
V. B. Iliitury aad OrtbugTaphy. I inland teach
ing tha remaining brancbet, and h'ipe the work
will be 10 conducted at to ba of proBI to Ihoae at
tending. I'eraoni who dtalia further Inforaittloa
oaa ebtaia It by a.Mniilng
JNO. A. uRBaORY.Co.Fapt.'
' Clearleld, March 10, 1875.
aerrby girrn Ihnt Irttare of t'lninlalrutiou
an tba
"eta le of ANDItKW lit NTKI1. da.u,J
lalaal Morrli UlwIlllliU.CIrarBolil mania.
baring beta duly granted ta the undariigned, all
ptraoat Indebted la eaid aetata will pleaee make
Iramediult paymeul, and thoae baring alainaa ar
win prooeol tatoa properly aulBantlcaleu
iw- triiiauiaai wtiteat nelay.
BthK-ai. Adniiniilrutort.
lXECtlTtlHH HOTICKXollc . kara-
A A by firta that lattara toataaionlarv haalna
horu graatod ta tho rahtrribor aa tha ettale af
usgtlKB HBNKT YOAS, dot'd, lata of Brady
towaahip, Claarteld eoanly, Panniylraala, all
perrosa Indrhtad to tald otUtn ara rtowietod lo
aitba Imnadlatt paraeM, aad tkoto baring
iwa eaaaw wm arartai tana aaly
.. "BoBoti ;acob roAP,
1 1 .', I ' 1 j
..Down I Down 1 1
i Proclamation against High PritM
1 .-; q
WB ara sow oponlnf ap a lot of tha Wat j aaaaunabla Omatl and Want ant
attrrd ia tbia narkot, aad at prtoat thai raahj
ono of Iho (rod old dart af okaap thingi. T
woo law aaiia anon uia point, or aaaaj tar aiu.
fatUwa tuptrSaoat, awrd bat- :
- cue .r ora stoiib,
Cornet Front aad Harkat ttrarta,
Wbort thoy eaa ta. foal, boar and know for ti .
aalrra. Ta fully aadaratand what art ehaaa nJT
thit aaatt bo dona. Wa do not doom it aijJ
to aaainarata aad ittaaiat aw Mock. It U aZTj
for aa to tuta that . .. 7
Wa have Everything that ii Need,
aad eoatamad la this Burbot, and at prim Om
aitonith bvta old and yoana.
do:S JUBfcl'H BHAW A 0I.
W. S. MIU.BB. A. a. PtWau.
,M B C II A N T 8, ,
Orakam'a Kow, Market St, "
CLHAiriBtD, PA. -
Wa woald atott rtrpattfally lafbrai tar Mead
ouitomen, aad tbt pablit gratrally, tbat art M
Btw back la oar aid t, aarton, wklok bart laaj
rtaatdtltd aad ImproTod, aad we art bow art
ptrtd ta aotoamodeta all wht Bay fartr aj k;
; :, ,.- .......
i'niv ooobsi !
Wa hare Jaat ratal rad tot of the largrtl Mawj
of all kiada af Mtrebaadltoartc broagbl a) Claw.
Said tauBlw, whleb wa tatand te tall at taak 1.
area at w4l wake it aa object fbr all penouk
parckaea froaa at. Faaiilioe layiaf la wianr
tapptirt of Oraeriet, Dry Ooodt, At., tknldtal
rail to firo wt a tall, at wt frel ualdral ta
pritat aad tnparior quality of foodt will aaflr
tatiafy all. ' Our tlook of
Q R O C E R I S 8
eomiatj of Coltrt af tha Wtt qeeJIly, Taa (aa
tan af all kiadi, Molattra, Fuh, Belt, Chat.
Dried Frail, Bploaa, Prtrltiana, Float tad FaaL
At, Aa. Oarttotktf . 'i
it large and raritd, aad wt win jail it; tt'ta
tappty aay article la that liae, without ttaaa
ling. - '
Wa hart a large ttaek af mdy-aadt Claiklt
for Mao and Boji' wear, whlok wtwiUdiapeitif
at a very tmall adrtBeo oa ootl. 1
Boott aad Eboea, Bait and Capa, DarJar
Qutaaiwara, Wood aud Willow Wart, Hrtlaa,
Ftaey Ooodt, Carpatt, Oilelotkt, Wall Faam,
Window Ebadea, At-, Aa.
JtaT-Btiaf alteaeiroly aBf agad ta tbt Laab
batiaeaa, wa an able to tSar tuparttr iadteoaeeS
to iobbort. .'.'
CkarSald, Pa., Un. 1, 1871.
' ' LCTnKRUBfRa, PA.,
Ptalrr ia
Tobaroo, Orocarirl aad Fiih, Nailr, Hardwerb
tiuaantwart and Glatiwart, Mra'l aad
,. Bojt' Clothing, Prog., PaiBta,
Oilt, Brhool Bvokt,
a tarra lot of Pataat Mcdieiaru,
Caadioe, Katt A Dried Fruite, Chorea aad OeaaV
art, Rock aad HiBa rewter,
. rioar, Grain and rolatori,
Cartr aad Timothy Seed,
Bait Ltathet, Mortooot, LiaiBg), BiBditgt art
Thread, Shoomakora Toolt ant
bhoa Findingt. ..
Bo rrealar variety af gooda la any laara la
enunly. A for aalo Tory raw for taak ar eeoetrr
produet at Iho Cheap Coraer. Spnl la, it. a.
Tha attonttoa af tba eltiraae af riaarOald ltd
rlciaily il direr trd la tba fact thai OoodfeSao
Boa art tht agcnti af M. Nrroe A 'a , aad ktra
jaet reralrrd a half tola a tar loadl af Flear at
lead, wbiah tbay alter at tba lowttl paMicia tr
am. A largo ttock of
t ' ' ' ' " -- '
Fotatota, Shelled Cars, Cora la tar, At, It.
. j i . '
Particular attention ia Bailed fa M. Vlett t
Co. i araad of Family Flour, ahiek it tht kttl
tbt market.
-' Flour aad Feed eaa Bad will bt Mid ekeeeer
thaa it aaa ba obtatoad alttwhtra la OrereaM
aT-8ttro as Market at root, atxt door tt Bra
Attaaadtr Irria't reildenea. . . c-
JanlOif AgrattforM-KlraeACb.
.,C ; r- ' .' r'
CLE tirikLD, Ft,
. . roaltrt It
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Hardware and Queembwarev
Boots, Slioea, llaU,Cap,if.
W-Bkt'taiabart tapplltd with LBATBE1
and BBOK FI5DIQS at reduced ratia.
SALT I SALT I (ALT! at abtlttilt -
retail rtry ahtai.
A liberal dltooual la kaildtrt. . ,
BttADEB, OIL CLOTItS-la large
'''" CBOP, alwtyt ta ktad. '
t-Altoftha abort art
ticluilrcly for taab, aad therefore aaa eaa AI
bt told at cheap at lha ebeapoet. ftkll-'
dereigned giret notice that be to
tided ta aomaodate Baflmea at Battrru.lh raJ-.
Bati will alwayt beet baad o lake of
rat prooirioaa oa rafta. I.etnbarmea ant
r. ar. rorptfult, I..KH fwj.
PIITBiOV rail-, March It II. ' '