Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 19, 1873, Image 2

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    " " rin
Dr. William W. Rutherford, one of
(ho most esteemed cttizons of Uarris
burg, who has praotieed medicine
there for forty years, died In that city
on the 18th, agod sixty-seven.
Governor Uartranfl is the author of
about one dozon ot vetoes since his
Inauguration. If be only continues in
this mood be will attract some atten
tion fn the Legislature and may gain
some credit as an executive.
"Tbo government" ale a big dinnor
lo l'biladelphia, on Thursday last, with
a number of the aristocratio colobri
ties of that oily. It kept duly sober,
although it lulled to roach Wishing
ton in the same train in which it
ZIonx Ames' old constituents pro
pose to send him back to Congress
again. These Puritans csteom his
briberies no crime, and they Intend to
cast their votes where they will do tbo
most substantial good, as Hoax did
with bis bribes.
B. Janet Burnt, of Lewlstown, had hit orer
eoat and ralie etolon at the IUrriibnrf deoot. oa
Saturday lait, while ha waa indulging la a dish of
. U l
vrivrs.- A-Hflawye.
Burns evidently failed to do the
"fair IhiDg," and some member of the
Legislature Las "gone for him," in a
professional way.
Tho Radical organs say that Grant
reducod the national debt just five
mllion dollars during February. If
that is so the fellow bad a right to
have bis salary raised. We will go
fn lor f 00,000 of an increaao, provided
he keeps paying off In proportion.
v Rev. Edward P. Smith has been
appointed Commissioner df Indian
Affairs.' The Washington Dispatch
, saya "he is thoroughly honest and
was rocommended by Uoorgo II. Stu
art and other eminent christian gen
tlemen." Pharisees, would he better.
Getting Fat. Goorge L. I. Pain
ter, editor of the Muncy Luminary,
has been appoiDtod P. M. of that burg.
He is also ono of Associate Judges of
Lycoming county.
' John Scott, one of tbe editors of the
Kipullican, has boen appointed P.' XI.
at. Brookvilla, but is not a Judge yet.
A Shrewd Financier. Tho editor
of the Bost Post, says : Judgo Kelloy's
extra pay just made np for what ho
surrendorod in his Mobilior stock
15,000. Paciflo Railroad voto and ex
tra pay vote just balance according to
double ontrv. This is tbe wav he
probably keeps his books.
The South Bcndors palled Schuylor
Colfax as enthusiastically oo tbo back
on his return home as though he was
missionary returning from some
heathen land instead of being the
author of "high crimes and misde
meanors" in a christian country. If
man is only smeared over with i
coaling of patent loyalty ho may com
mil any crime, according to the Radi
cal code of ethics.
What a Pitt I It is raid that tho
Credit Mobilier scandal has killed off
at least ono dozen presidential candi
dates. On the other hand the con
duct of Colfax and Wilson will con
stantly be citod by aspirants for tho
Vice Presidency. Because no crime
it would seem disqualifies mon for (bat
position, from tbo fact that both of
these worthies are patted on tho back
by their party.
Tut Bill The increased pay voted
to the Governor and other Stato offi
cers by tho present Legislature will
take out of the Treasury annually
abount $05,000. Borrowing the back
pay idea from Congress, the Legists
' tors elocted last fall to servo for throe
months for $1,000 propose to increase
their salaries 00 per cent., and make
It a round $1,600, exclusive of allow
ances for mileage and postage. We
think this a greater steal than even
that of Congress. :
Members of Congress from Illinois
who voted for increasing their sala
ries, have boon censured by the House
of. Roprosontatives at Springfield.
Tho vote stood 103 to 4; and of these
four two voted against censure only
boca'uBo it did not include the Presi
dent, whom they thought equally
,The members of the Pennsylvania
Legislature ennnot condemn Congress
for stealing, because its mcmbors have
adopted the Congressional plan of
depleting the Treasury.
ffloy!" Voters in Ames's and Colfax's
districts gave ovations to these two
worthies on their return borne. Sev
eral fatted calves wcro killod, and the
dealers In Credit Mobilior stocks were
mbracod by their constituents.
We cannot see tho point. If this
loyal rejoicing arises because these
men have escaped tho pen i ton t inly, or
for tlicir successful robberies and
lying, then Ames has been unfairly
dealt with in having the smallest
crowd. lie bad not added perjury to
U other crimes, nhilo Colfax had
and was therefore entitled lo the
latest reception.
a iteatt Shot.
uur roadort are no doubt aware
that the Rev. James W. Patterson has
for a number ot years held the posi
tion of United States Senator from
Mow IUinpsblro, and that the Credit
Mobilior investigation proved that lie
was one of the wickedest of thoso im
plicated in robbing the Treasury.
Some time last fall the ofBcors of tbe
Ohio State Agricultural society eloct
ed Pattorson Preeidout of tho Agrlcul
tural College, and he at once auceptod
tbe position and intended to enter
upon his duties on the first of May
next. But Credit Mobilior proved too
much, for ovon that "loyal" Board,
and they failed to swallow Pattorson
At a lite meeting, in referring to the
mattor In their report, tbe Trustees
say i '
"The Presidency of our institution
was first offered to a distinguished cit-
men of Ohio, and afterwards to a gen
tlenan from another Slate, of echo!
arly attainments, largo experience in
education and tho conduct of publio
affairs, and of tbe most undeniable
qualifications for -the place, with an
unblomishod roputation, and a charac
ter for integrity and honor as fair and
pure as that ot any man In tbo Union.
so far as teas knoien at the time the
Board offered him the position. Since
then, however, circumstances rendered
his appointment impolitic and improp
Patterson, anticipating tbo action
of tbe officers of the College, sont them
a note declining the Presidency which
had boon tondorod him ; merely say
ing that "I do not feel at presont like
taking upon myself so great a task."
Pattorson, during tho congrossionnl in
vestigalion, wanted Oukos Ames to
perjuro himself to save him. But the
gallant Amos refused. Hence the de
mise of Rev. J. W. Patterson, a Chris
tian Statesman.
Good Authority.
The Huntingdon Globe, one of the
Radical organs of Huntingdon coun
ty, partially admits the depravity of
its parly leaders in this Slate when it
states that United Slates Sonalor John
Scott "not only uniformly favors with
office and position those whom be has
unrighteously saved from tbe peniten
tiary, but 4he great mass of his ap
pointments, that were worth seeking
for, have been filled with the most no
toriously lowd characters known to
Huntingdon county: Usually people
olton do not like to say what tbey
know, but everybody knows tho above
to be ti uo. It will soon becomo our
duty to provo thii fact openly. Look
at tho character of the mon Scott has
appointed to all tho fat offices, and see
for yoursolf whether he is not acting
the hypocrite, when he talks of a good
moral cbaraclor being tho principal
recommendation for office."
The editor in question, writes as
though he knew somothing about Rad
icalism. Such has been our opinion
about the loyal leaders for many years,
but wo ara always rulod out of Oowrt
when we offer our testimony.
Still in Session. The U. S. Sen
ate, now in exlra session, is busily
engaged in confirming appointments
and white-washing tho characters of
its own members. Gen. Logan, on
Wednesday last, demoustrated that
Caldwell, of Kansas, who bad paid
$80,000 for bis scat, was a saint, and
Pomoroy, Patterson, etc., were angels.
It is about as useless to advocate t
question of morals and personal Integ
rity before that body as lo cast pearls
bofore swine. To say that tho gang
of mon In Congress who defrauded
the United States Treasury out of
fifty millions of dollars through the
Credit Mobilier transactions, and then
stole $5,000 each on the last day of
the session in tbe shape of extra pay,
are honest, is nolhing more nor less
than doublo-cistillcd villainy. When
Colfax, Ames and Brooks, and their
confederates, are looked upon as chris
tians, thoDovil may as well hang his
harp on the willows and leave the field.
Quite an Improvement. lion. Goo.
S. Boutwcll, at present Secretary of
the Treasury, has boon elected United
Slalos Senator by tho Massachusetts
Legislature to fill the vacancy caused
by tho election of Henry Wilson to
the Yico Presidency. Boutwell is a
docidod improvement on Wilson, in a
moral point, although ho never mado
half the pretentions In that lino the
latter has. And should be become
wicked enough in tbo Senate to enter
the corruption ring, ho must buy
stocks in his own name. He has no
wifo, and cannot, like brother Vice
Presidont Wilson, purchaso stocks In
his wifo's namo and have no interest
in it himself. He will never make a
scape goal out of a lady, in imitation
of tho two individuals who now draw
$50,000 and $10,000 respectively out
oi me united states Treasury. Uout
well will never imitate Grant and
Infamous. Gon. Grant has actually
issued a proclamation, in the shape of
a letter, endorsing the perjury, lying
and robberies perpetrated by Schuyler
Colfax, and amounts to saying
"ArmoraD Jhli loik day of March, A. D.
187. s V. S. dun." ,
Tho President must bavo bean
drunk, or hugely impeached on, or be
would not have commilted this overt
act. When will perjury, lying and"
robberies stop if the highest ofllcors of
the government approve these crimes?
What is thoro to restrain clerks and
young men when the heads of depart
ments endorso high crimos and mis
demeanors J No wonder Col. John S.
Moiby refuses to take an office from
Grant I
Robert M. Douglas, the eldest son
of the lute Stephen A. Douglas, has
been confirmed as United States Mar
shall for tho Eastern district of.JSorth
Carolina. Mr. Douglas was until re
cently private secretary to President
Grunt. Robot, hni finally sold, out.
Vvntrttsionmt Appstrttsmsstent,
Ths legislature has at length repor
ted this tmportast measure. Gov.
Geary having vetoed ths bill passed
lait.winter, It Is the duly of tho mem
bers to psss another bill Ibis session,
so as to avoid the election of three
Congressmen at large In the future.
The following are the districts, as sot
forth in the bill, presented in ths
First Dlitriet The IUt, Second. SorMlh and
iw.Dijr.imn wards, I'blladelpbia.
Heoond Dlitrtot Tbe Kiglitb, Ninth, Tenth,
Thirteenth, fourteenth and Twentieth warde,
and that portion of the Seronloenth ward lying
weit of Seooud ntreot.
Tblrd Dietriot Tbe Third, Fourth, Fifth, Slllh,
Klerenth. Tweinh and Hlxieanlh
Fourth Dlilrlot The Fifteenth, Twenty-Orel,
iweniy.iiuna, i wenty-eereulh, Twenty-eighth
and Twenty-uinth warda.
Fifth blilrict Tha Eighteenth, Nineteenth,
Tweuty-eocond, Twenty-third and Twenty Bub
wardi, and all that portion of tha BeroateeBtb
warn lying aaei oi eeeonil etreet.
Hlith Dielrlet Cbeeter and Delaware.
Berealh Dlitriet LaneatMr.
Eighth Dlitriet Berke.
Nialb Dlilrlot Montgomery and that porlloa
of Buck lot Included la the Tenth dlilrlot.
Tenth Diitriet-Nortbampton and Lehigh, and
tha townships of Durham, Mllford, Hpringdeld,
Richland, Roekbill, Uayoook, Nookamlioa and
Tioloum, and the borough of UuakertowB, In
Klorenth Dlilrlot Pike. Monro. Carbon and
Wayne, and the Uiwaihipa of Duok, Bear Creek,
oiauery, I'arMndale, CorryarUiu, JooeraoD.Mad.
leoo, Roaring Brook, Spring Brook, the borooghi
of lllakely, Duomora, Uoldsborough, Olbaonberg,
lb ally of Carbon Oo and the Twelfth ward of
oo ran ion.
Twelfth Dietrlot That part af Luaera eoanty
sot Included la the Klorenth dietriot.
Thirteenth Dietriot Lebanon and Schuylkill.
Fourteenth Diotricl Dauphin, Northumber
land, Perry and Juniata.
Fifteenth Dietriot Bradford, Susquehanna,
Sulliran, Columbia and Wyoming.
BUtoenth Dlelrict-Tloga, Potter, UoKean,
Cameron, Lyooming aad Montour.
Beventoenlh Dlitriol-franklin, Fulton, Bed
ford and Somerset.
Eighteenth Dietriot Snyder, Mifflin, Hunting
don, Ulalr and Cambria.
Nineteenth Dietriot York, Cumberland and
Twentieth Dlitriet Union,
ClearSeld, Elk aad Foreit.
Centre, Clinton,
Twenty nut Dietriot TntaenluJ
tnd Fayette. ,
Twenlj-eeoond Dietriot City of Piltsbarg
and townships of Ch.rtl.rl, Union, Beott, Stone,
Kobtneon, Upper and Lower SL Clair. H.IH.U
Snowden, Midin and Jefferson, aad the borooghi
of Maniteld, Chartieri aad Weal KUtebeih, in
toe oounty or Allegheny.
Twenty-third Dlilrlot All of Allegheny eoun
I) not included la the Twenty-eocond diitricU
Twenty.fourlh Dietriot Wnehin.fea. U...
lad Butler.
Twenty. Cflh Dlilrlot Clarion. A
Twenty-iiith Dietriot Lawrenea. U.r, ..j
wn eenenon.
Twenty-ierenlh DUtrlot Brie, Warm aad
Our county Is put Into tho 20th
District, which is Democratic enough
to suit the most enthusiastic-. Tbe
unfulrncss of tbe bill, in a party sense,
is fully dovoloped by tbe fact that tho
Democrats can only elect about 8 mem
bers out of the 27. -A fair bill would
give the Democrats 12 and the Radi
cals 15 members. But as Radicalism
never deals fairly with any subjoct,
nolhing better can be expocted.
Raised, too Our humblo legisla
tors are trying to imitate Congress
men in the salary line. Having raised
the Governor's salary from 15,000 to
110,000 they passed a bill last week
raising their own from 11,000 (all
thoy expected to got When elected,)
to 11,600.
We hope the Constitutional Con
vention will so amond that instrument
aa to prohibit tbe raiaintr of any offl
cers salary during tbe term for which
be was elected. This raising of sala
ries is as infamous as buying seal
in tho United States Senate, or asv
other legislative body, and Moa a par
with tho Credit Mobilier business. It
Is simply a man bribing himself, and
should be prevonted by the Constitu
A Millennium Mancfactcber..
Tbe Washington correspondent of the
Jew York Herald says :
"Tbe appointment of Reverend J.
P.,Newman as Inspector of Consulates
was a surprise to the pious people of
Washington. It is reported, however,
that the Senate chaplain inspired tbe
millennium passages in the President's
late Inaugural, and will journey round
tho world to see if any progress can
be made during tbe next four years
towards Americanizing the Asiatio
and European nations, improving Af
rica and converting South America."
A big job. Newman is a clerical
demagogue of the firtt water, and if
"tbe government" don't know it it
must be very stupid. Ths Harlan
and Pormoroy endorsement should
settle that question In the minds of all
except Ignoramnsea and hypocrites.
Wth Is it Bor It is a matter of
gonorul remark that but little has
beon hoard from the "biir enns" in the
Constitutional Convention. Mr. Mere
dith is not very often in tho chair.
Judge Black does not say much,
Woodward is very reticent. Uuckalew
Hoops out or debate, James L. Rey
nolds soldom opens bis month, Wm.
U. Armstrong savs liltlo if anv thins-
ex-Governor Curtin is quiot observ
er, Henry C. Carey spouks on rare
occasions, and thus wo might go on
enumerating the mon of oininooco and
ability In the convention who seem to
do passive participant In it prooaad
ings. Why is this so f Those are
the mon who wore elocted to lead, and
yet tbey seem to occupy the back
seats in tbe convention, Slate Jour
The class of memWs named did
their work before the Convention as
sembled and in the Committee rooms,
wnuo me ordinary blowers occupy
the Convention just as the clown does
a circus.
A Hint fob Virtuous Conoressmen.
Tho First Comptroller of the Treas
ury Department, who is authority on
all matters porlaininc lo Uncle Sam's
money box, says that if mombcrs of
congress who do not wish to rooeive
their increased pay wi buv bonds
and presont thorn lo the governmonl
iney win contribute that muob toward
tho reduction of tho publio debt. Oth
erwise the refusal to receive tho mon
ey will not benefit anybody, as it will
remain in tho Treasury among otbor
funds not specifically appropriated.
Rare Chance roa a Snow Mama-
or.a. The Washington Chronicle givea
a rumor "that sorao of the member
of Congress will refuse the incrousod
ay voted at the close of tbe session."
low lot ths Chronicle publish the
names of those self-denying individ
uals, and as oon as that is done lot
some export showman select ths most
prominent and Barry them about the
country on exhibition like a menagerie
oi rare animais, at so moon per head.
it wouiu prove a paying speculation,
no puvi,Ajrrgfa
Remarks of Boss. H'.a. Wallat.
Delivered la ahe State Seaet Hire F, IKi,
Agreeably to order tbo Sonata re
sumed the second reading of Senate
bill Mo. 1U0, entitled an act relating
to legal proceedings against boom
companion in the county ot Lycomincr.
The pending question was on the
amendment ot Air. Aiuuro.
Mr. Wallace. Mr. Speakor, I want
a vote upon tboso amendments, and If
the senate win indulge mo lor a low
minutes I will endeavor to put this
mattor before them in as plain a light
as I can, in order that they may not
be misled as to the eQoot of their votes
It will bo seen from tho amondment
of the Senator from Philadelphia (Mr
M'CIure) that a proviso is lo bo in
serted In tbe bill which authorizes an
increase of the tolls and boomago to
tbe full amount, nay, to ten cents
mors upon one olsss of lumber than
this corporation now gets. Hot onlv
that, but it provides that tbo right to
charge one dollar and ton cents per
inousana, ooaru measuro, snail be a
vosted right. This would bs infinitely
worse tbao no aotion at all, and in be
half of the oporators fn lumber I pro
test against such an amendment.
The people atk for bread? this Is ui
In them a stone. It fastens upon ths
necks of tbe lumbermen for .alt. time
to come this exlra vagant rate of boom
To briefly show tho legislation upon
vnis quosiion lot me call attention to
the statutes. Tbe charter of this
monopoly authorised a charts of fiflv
cents Doomage and a reasonable sum
lor warps and wodges, as it is called,
for rafting out. That was in 1846.
In 1840 this was re-enacted, with
other privileges, allowing fifty oents
per thousand feet for Doomage and a
reasonable sum for finding warps and
weuges. tinuortnese laws lor twonty
two years, np to 1800, thore was
charged forty cents per thousand feel
as a reasonable sum lor nuding warns
ana weuges. Auat made tho boom
age ninoty cent.
In ordor to build their dam they
came to tho Legislature in 1800 and
asked the additional amount of boom-
age. That was allowed, and in lieu
of the fifty conts named in the act of
incorporation, ana luey woro permit
ted lo chargo oigbty-flve cents for
that purposo. They have cbargod
those eighty-five cents, and the furtv
uuuto in nuuiuon, since isuo, malting
one dollar and twonly-five cents por
ibousand foot, board measure. There
is a bill in equity filod in Lycoming
county, to seme wnat is a rea
sonaoie amount tor finding warps
ni weuges, ana x assort that that
amount- will be fixed by the court' at
twenty-five cents, and not at forty
conts. A bond in any amount desired
by the court, conditioned for doing
ihis work for twenty-five cents, will
oe Lieu in tue court immediately upon
tun uruur ueiug maae.
If Ibat docroe be mado, and that
amount fixed as a reasonable amount,
you deduct the fifteen oents from the
forty conts, and it loaves precisely
what this amendment fixes, that is to
say, ons dollar and ten cents per
thousand. What theso people eom
plain of is that tbe thirty-five cents
allowed in 1860 is faatooed upon them
by this amendment forever, and that
it is a most outrageous proposition in
iiseu. i pray tnose who are willing
to do justice about this matter not W
(fivo this vested right to this eorpora-
iiuii. xt wuuiu do simpiy an outrage
to do so.
I do not desire to detain the Sonata.
but I wish to call tboir attontion to
me animus or this section. It is an
infamous amendment, and I do not
hesitate to so characterise it upon the
floor of tbo Senato. It is a gross
wrong upon the people who pass their
lumber through this boom. I do not
care who it comes from it is an in
famy attempted to be perpetrated un.
oa tbe people I represent, tbat shall
last for all time to oome. I do not
care who inspired or dictated It,
wuewier inumuuais, corporations,
boom companies, railroad or canal
companies; I characterize I toss gross
outrage upon the peoplo I represent,
and npon tbe lumber operators upon
the Susquehanna river, and 1 trust tbo
Senate will not impose npon them, for
all time to come, this exnorbitant tax.
It gives them a vested right to charge
one dollar and twenty-five cents when
their charter entitles them to chsrge
uui ninety cents, ana mat can be re
duced by law.
If the matter be tested in the courts,
under the bill now filod, it will be ro
dueod to ninety oonts. My amend
ment is offorod as a comnromiaa. and
not because of the justice of thsir
claim. Three hundred millions of feet
oi logs pass through that boom every
year. That, at one dollar per thous
and, is lauo.OOO. I ask IbeSonators
nheihor this is not an enormous tax
upon the producers, operators and
consumers of I urn bor. Do you sup
pose '.hat S300.000 can bo snsnt annn.
any in keeping up this dam f Th
proposition is aostaitling thatilought
to convince any one that it is not cor
rect, i . --...
Theso princely rcvonucerfor tB3
benefit of a few individuals, ara In hi
fustoned upon the necks of tboaaipiw
imu iur mi uma to oome. 1 apaalc witli
fooling, beoause I regard it as a wrong,
flagrant and plain. I pray tho SoS.
ate, if they will not give us this com
promise, to give us the ritrht to bo in.
to the courts and test the quosiion,
"has this dam been paid f'orf? Oui-ht
tut to uo rojecica r a jiisi tribunal
a calm Inquiry, tbe settlement of thti
single question, is all ws ask. - Why
sunn mis do uoniou us r u nat bidden
power sustains lbs wrong and
prossos tho right f
What harm oriniusllce is tlmr t
tho original proposition 1 It simply
permits tho court to Inquire whether
mis iniriy nvo cents, per thousand
lept has compoosatod this monopoly
for the construction of tboir dam. '
If it has, lot it cease, and Intel..
lumber operators and the consnmara
of lumber be relioved from so muob of
tins tax I it it has not, continue it un
til full paymont is made. I think I
know the influences that surrounded
8onators. 1 think I can understand
tho weighty argumonts adduced in op
position to the interests of mv arm.
stituents, and I fully approciato the
weakness of reason and luatiea
Pitted against tboseconvinuingprools.
Day by day, when bills of this
aoter are pending, men are seen flit
ting In and out of those hulla -h
ought to bs banished from ths Leiris
loture snd tho Capitol. Plying their
Infamous trafflo thoy pass with per.
foot freodom ths barriers that our
rules prescribe. Minrlins aviii. .l.
Representatives of ths people they
drag their slimy way throughout
iiiv usiis, contaminating, corrupting
and degrading all they touch. Unre
strained thoy traverse the transcribing
rooms, and, rumor has It, Ibat ovon
there tbe imprint of their foul work
nay bs traoed npon ths pages of the
record. In our committee rooms, in
our lobbies, at our desks, in sossion
sod out of session, ws can see and re
cognise these men of evil omen, these
skilled and trained corruutors of tbe
avenues of Legislation, If ths tender
mercies of these barpies aro to bs
ooosulted, my constituents bavo but
slight chance for justice. Against tbe
result tbat they would have, I most
earnestly protest. Why shall we bo
oonsigned to such afatof
1 ask that a court competont lo de
termine this question, may adjudioats
as to ths propriety of perpetuating
this monopoly. W ton tho courts shall
have determined, no barm ran come
to this corporation. It Is what the
Legislature gave luera in 1800, and it
is but justice to the people whose rights
( advocate here and now. I trust tbe
amendment I have offered will be
adopted ; it la as much as we ought to
offer, and certainly as much as thoy
ought to demand.
- Oaket mtt' Mltttptletu
' Our speoial despatches from North
Easton will give tbe publio tolera
bly clear idea of bow fearfully low hu
manity may fall without appearing lo
tie conscious of it. It will, moreover,
evidence bow comfortable humanity
.can make Itself under the descending
oircaraoiancea. tuo celebration ol
Oakes Ames' return is simply Oakes
giving a dinner in honor of himself.
Ifis thin old arguments about ths ly
ing of some people tbat made matters
look worse for them and for him, and
ths brilliant idea tbat if they bad not
Mod about It, but brazenod ft out, peo
plo would never have suspected that
bribery was bribery, were amusing.
If bis constituents had bad a proper
appreciation of what to do with him,
a - 1 .
instead oi eating his dinner and ewal
lowing his impudont speech, thoy
would have placed in every honest
voter s hand a shovel, and dug a grave
for him as deep as bis cunning. To
pitch bim in and oovcr bim ud would
Lavs laid tbe Kopublio under a debt of
gratitudo to them. Tbe strong point
:.L I. : i..i. ,. i i
wiuvu urn ajjuiugiaia maae ior mm is
that be did not lie. Me admits that
ho was willing to do so at first, and
only failed in it becauso Colfax, Pat
terson, neuey and uarnold drove bim
into a corner and forced him to toll
the troth. If his conscience were not
as Uncle as tbe hide of a rhinoceros
he would havo perceived that this tol
liner ths troth onlv in mad anlf.dafanna
and to drag down others along with
him, when couplod with a willingness
to lie undor favorable circumstances,
is not a very virtuous proceeding. It
is the kind of virtue, however, which
goes down with the kbovol makini
communityof North Easton.and whic
they prefer to all other. Let North
Easton be happy in having earned tbe
ooniempioi horaorable men. It would
be indood a pity to disturb so com.
plaoent a tableau with a shade of dis
trust of themselves. . Their example
will long be remembered by constitu
ents who are bloased with a briber as
a mem bor of Congress as one to avoid
Let this be their unique consolation.
a. x. ucraid.
The) tVeayaf CO&t.
The Philadelphia Age says :
President Grant has made bis oon-
tilbutloa ae tho cowee of publio moral
oy writing ior publication, the follow
ing to Colfax :
Biuret its Mixtion:, I
Viimimi, Maroh 4, IS?!.
Mr DllB hi a. Colvaii A Haw Ik. I
t eyinpathiie with you in the raeeal Oonareeeioa.
al inraetigatione that I hare watched thaaj
eioaely, and 1 am aa eatielid bow aa I eter here
heen, of your integrity, patriotiani and freedom
from tha chercee impaled, aa if I anew of a
wu knowledge af your innoeenoo. Oar official
rtiaiione Bare Man eo aleaaant that I would like
lo keep up the pereonal relatione through lit.
aneouonaieiy youre, V. r. Ubiut.
Ws are not aware of anvthinir In
Gen. Grant's antecedents that would
make bis judgment on questions of
eriuouue ui particular wuigni; nor,
we suppose, wouia snybody regard
thorn aa of special value. His letter
is important as a proclamation to th
Radical party, from its chief fiatlino-
on it to stand by its scoundrels. Les
lie's Illustrated Magazine bas a pic
ture oi mem sneucreu Deuind ' a par
ty wall." General Grant's letter is
even a better illustration. We shall
soon see every party journal of tha
Radical stripe professing that it really
can see no barm in the tbinga proved
on Colfax. But the American publio
will still think, in spite of Gen. Grant,
that if there was no harm in what
Colfax did, hs need not have told so
many lies lo bide it. But the Radisal
r have long sines reached tba
conclusion that tbia business of de
serting their scoundrels, whsn they
are vnea ana convicted, win never do.
In this city General Grant was prompt
to interfere with his pardon to rencue
Brown, the oonvicted "repeater" and
now ho has come as promptly to the
aid of Colfsx. Our military President
is evidently intoxicated with the no
tion that he is already a monarch and
tbe fountain of honor. He fancies be
can make a noble man out of a scoun
drel, by Issuing to bim a Presidential
IIiou Xnd Miodtv. Donn Piatt.
not having tho fear of Grant bofore
his eyes, bat being moved and seduced
by the influence of his own Inordinate
lovo or fun, did, on the 4th day of
March, A. D. 1878, issue at the city of
t ,r - . i . i . i ex, . . . nM
irBBiiinirt.on,iu me 1'isirict oi uoium-
bia, an Inaugural Address for Grant.
This address was vastly superior to
the regular article held in the hand of
brant at the eastern front of tbe Cap
itol, in that It contained fun and bur
lesque, while Grant's own address was
not full of anything at all, but mere
emptiness purs vacuum. But then
was it not high treason to poke fun at
Hiram yes, truly was it. It was
nooessary to put a stop to all such im
pudence, and stopped it was; for the
police eoized ths. whole edition. Criti
cism of Grant, in jest or earnest, is
going to be a dangerous businoss for
the proas.
Nioro Bureau Howard. In Feb
ruary last, General Howard, late Com
missioner of tbe Froedmon's Bureau,
sent a communication to the Chair
man of Ihs Military Committoo of ths
Uouso, in will oh be doolnred that tbe
apparent deficiency in his aooonnts of
$3,754 was in reality only 12,880,
which was simply "a statement of dif
ferences," in part to be explained by
(ienornl Balloob, the disbursing officor.
This statement of General Howard
was published by ordor of Congress,
and has callod out a rejoiodor from
Adjatant-Uenoral Vinoont, iu which
be reiterates tbs charges made In bit
report, and asserts that 1112,000 of
tbe retained bounty fund Is still to be
satisfactorily accounted for. General
Howard will have to try again. Both
ends of his account do not mcst at tbe
jr;flt ilmo, tbiit js certain,
Tbs New York 7Vi'ua remarks:
"Perhaps ths universal losses which
the Republicans bavt suffered in ths
town elections in this Stats may teach
them something worth remembering.
Town elections ars the most familiar
expression of popular sentiment; thoy
are, this year, all againat tbe Republi
cans. If that doesn't mean popular
disapproval of the doings of the Wash
ington and Custom-house 'Rings' it
docs not moan anything at all."
Tbe Presbyterian Banner takes ex
ception to that part of the President's
inaugural whore bs says he has boon
the subject of abuse and slander. It
thinks that was unneoossary and lu
bad taste. Who is it, except the Pres
idont himself, tbat does not think so?
Tbs Constitutional Convention has
chosen L. Z. Mitchol, Keq., of Butlor
county, as a member of that body, in
laos of Wm. Hopkins, deceased.
Ir. Mitchel is a gentleman of ability
and fine legal attainments, and will
make a useful member.
At Reading on the 13 tb, tbe West
ingbouse sir brake and Smith vacuum
brake were tested on parallel tracks.
Tbe Westlnghouae brake stopped tbo
cars in lzu leet less distance than tbe
other, thus demonstrating ths superi
ority of high pressure.
The General Appropriation bill and
tbe bill appropriating 1500.000 In aid
of the Centennial passed the House of
Representatives at ilarrisburg on the
grip tU'trtUrarnt.
41 AlT101AI! persons are hereby aaalloaad
y agaiaat meddling with one bay bona aad oaa
nay mare. Bow la poeeesstoa or laaiah Warrick,
af Olra llope, aa tbaaamu belong ia sia aad are
Ion with bim aa loaa and subject to my order at
anytime. V M. KIDDLK.
(Jlen Hope, Meroh It, WS.-.t
lXECtTOtva KoTICtW Notion le bora.
J J by gieaa thai letters taetamentarv harine
been granted to the inbseriber oa tha aetata of
UKOHUkl hBNRl YOAS, deed, late of Brady
township, ClearSeld ooaaty, Penasylrania, all
persona indeblod to laid aetata ara requested lo
make ifflmedieto payment, and thoae Baring
ciaima against tue same will preeenl them duly
Btuouiicaiev ior settlement.
March IS, 1173:01: . Kieouior.
iA 1 hereby girea that letters of admioietratioa
oa tne aetata ot ANUKBW IIUHTEH, deoeased,
lateofMorria lowoehin, ClearSeld oouatv. Poan'a..
baring been duly granted to the uodersigaod, all
persona Indebted to eald aetata will pleaoe make
immediate paymont, aad thoae hating claims or
demands will present them properly aulhealiealed
or seiueoaoai witnout delay.
mcklO It. Admiaistratere.
1776 cmEMIAL. 1876
April 1st, 1873,
will open op
ClearSeld, Pa., March 10, WI 41.
T?OR SALE. I have for sals the
A following properly i I bay Maroo, I
Minor eel Cut., at ai.tee. .k.u. ml
HM ; one eat of double haraaas at SiO ana eat of
single nam eel at as I aaa three-coated spring
wagon ot u oaa auggy at aisaj ooe taroo-
eeaisa Buna itv j aaa leiga si it.
PenSeli, Pa., Meroh 10. 1071.
dertignod glroo notice that he Is amply pro
vided la aocomodale Raftmou at Bel term ilk Falla.
Boats will alwaye beat hand to lake off beads or
put proviaioBe oa rails. Lambenaea and raft
atea ara re.peotfully Ineited to giro me a call.
Buttermilk Falls, Merek 10-Ot.
THU undersigned, race cue re to RRKD 4
POWELL, bare parehaaad Iba CLEAR
FIELD PLANING MlLL, and reflited it for
doing aa eiteaitro businoaa. All tha mnoulaer?
ill ha added aoeeeearr to make it ana af tha
moat complete cotab ishmeata of tho kiad la the
Slaaa. They ara new prepared ta receira ordere
for any work ia tbat lino. They will glroopeclal
atteatioa ta all material! for heaee bailding.
nnacKKTB, .vovitnjra,tfc
01 ALL STTLES, alwayVoa head.
WORKED BOARDS, aad all articles
ry rot building, will be esoheogod for DRT
LUMBER, aa thai persona at a dlttanoa may
bring their lumber, oichaage it for, aad rata r a
homo with tha manufactured articles.
Tha Company will always hare oa head a three
tack of dry lumber, Bo aa ta he able to SU aa
order oa the shortest act lea. Oaly the beat aad
oat skillful baads will be emnlojed. eo that the
publio may rely upon good work.
Lumber will be worked or told as low aa It aaa
be parehaeed aaywhara, and warranted to gira
eatiifaatloa. Aa tha bullous will be dona apaa
the sash principle wa aaa afford to work for email
Rrpoeealty erne aad-a-hair and two lack paaol
tuff, for whlok a liberal price will he paid.
Ths kuilBSM will bs oof1 acted under the Bans
af the
"Clearfield Planing Mill Co."
0. B. Merrell
ill pereooalty eaparlatead the
Ordere rei poet folly aollcllad.
ClearSeld, Pa, January 1, 1071.'
No. 110, ill and IU,
CARRIAGES, of orery variety, from the Tory
hart tnaktra In Philadelphia aad aeliaborina
cm.., alwatb on band 1
IT nHValTS BAT.ffl
Alto, II urn eat, Blankets, Sc. Thoea la want
of anything la our Una ara requaatad M fit. a. a
oal before parebeolag elsewhere.
SAMUEL SO BUS BS, treariehr,
f. TSt rnturiOB, elr,fm.n. ((.bl$ 3s
guv drfrtlst-mrut.
SCHOOL, for the preeeot year, will he held
a tae aorougu or LarweniTUie, eommeoetng an
MONDAY, MAY Its, aad eatlaalag for a turn
of tuelfe weeks.
rtaui er rtrmov,
for Inilruetloai la Orthography, Kluoatloa,
Kagliih Uraaamar with Aaalyelt, Geogra
phy, Written and Meatal Artthmetla, V. 8.
Iliitory end Theory of Teaching f SS
Plata and Ornamental PenmanehTp, Draw
ing, Book- Keeping and Uueineee Corroe
pondonea. I 10
Vooal Muilo, Natural Phlloeophy, Algebra,
Uoouielry, MeBiuratloa, Latin, Oermaa. 1 00
Total - ......$4
Boarding eaa be prooared at reasonable rates.
Good rooma aad good apparatue here boon pra-
eured for the work t alio, two aeelitaat teaehere,
oaa of whom will gieeiaetruotioao la Peamaaahip.
tbo otner la vocal nunc, ciooutlon, uaograpnv,
U. 8. Iliitory and Orthography. I inland teach
ing tba remaining araaohee, aad hope tbe work
wiU be eo eonduelad ai to be of profit to thoae at
tending. Pereona who desiie further information
eaa ablala It by addreealag
JNO. A. ti RRQ0R7, Co. Sept.
ClearSeld, Maroh It, 1173.
Valuable Town Lots For Sale.
I kava under my control a number of Towa
Late, ia Kaat Cleartcld, be lag SO by 100 foot,
oonrealeall laid out. with streets aad alleye,
which ara aoa offered for eaie. Theae Iota ara
ilaatad la Lawrence towaahlp, adjoining Clear
Said borough oa the east, and north of the towa
ship raad lauding from ClearSeld to Boot. Owens'.
Poraone wiehing to parebaee aaa Inquire of A. M.
Uilla, ar al the office of the underlined, where a
aarraat plot of tba kite oaa bo oewo, with tarau of
eaie. yuan u. sTuijrunv,
snohlO-tni Attorney at Law,
Sarfltrarf, Siniwr, (ftr.
Philipslmrj:, Centr. Couaty, Pa.
rpHE understood reipectfally anaouaoes ta
.a. a. puoiie aa Baa aa Bead a ai
fully-eelectod aad wall snorted stock af
Bis stock af Cook lag Stares eaalsot af
Which hare Barer failed la bring reaoe aad
proepuriiy taw lammoi wnere it la aied.
Diamond State, Farmer, Herald. Charm, Speare
liauioruia vooa dioto, speare' ABtl-Vae!,
ttel-Berolug Ooohlng Stores, Viator,
Bellaaoo and Laloa Raagaa,
Speare' Cooking Ranges,
fee. The Tla aad Sheet I roa ware -i,a
Ik U to Tee Is made of the hoariest aad ban
material, aaa wamataa to glra perfect Bella,
His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stores
Is larger, better aad ehaaaer tkaa aror Vefere
iBiniiea is tue puoile eoaiUtiag of
Spears' Rerelrlag Light IHaminattaf Stays,
"r" vm-u(,ib( rarior Btoya,
Speare' Orbicular .Oai Baming Parlor
Btooa, Spears' Oaa-Burnlag Parlor
Stare, Boauat, Paarl, 8em, Ida,
Sua, Trople, Nerada.
So, Aa.
Falcaa, Bint aad Victor Hoatera, Spaan'Ra-
Tviriag atifui nreiera.
He la alio arepurid la faratak a eUu
aaaortmeat af
Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and
Willow Ware, &o.,
Wholesale ar retail, maaafaatanel asaUy aad
with tha sole rlew to eerrioe, frea the beet ma
terial ia the market.
Of erery deeerlptlet aaactaatly aa hand.
Aad other work belonging ta kit baaluoes will
ho prompUy SUed by oiaootoaood aad akUlfal
Takea la eieaaBga for geede.
BV-Ba aeraclally larltoe the etUaUon af
Merchente wishing ta purchase at wholesale, aa
they will lad it la their adraatage ta asaalae
sit noon, aurora purcbailng altewkere.
Look out for tha Big Sign eppoilte tka rail
uence ai aire. ir. rosier.
Au Oooas Wabbabtbb il RaraueairraB.
o. a. ri.Er.Ar,.
Pklllpsburg, June I, 10T0. angO II
aad muaafaetareri af
Tin,Copper & Sheet Iron Ware,
Seocad E treat,
Carnanlora aad Bulldara will do .u t
Ina our stock of
DMTONS SAWS-DUton' Crosscot, Band,
.ip, woae wq ueui B DUWC
Smooih Plana, Match Plaaa,
Jaek Plaaea, pi.mhe A Lerele,
Fora Plw - Steel Squares,
Jolaten, 4fc
Flruaer aad Framing Cbtsele. Corner rvi-i.
CarpeaUei' Slioks, Braces aad Bitta.
Boring Maekinaa, Ao. 7
Grindstones and Grindstone Fixtures.
Smoky Flu are Sectually cured byeiing Rich
fr which bar the agency. No aura, a pay.
Philadelphia Carrlaga Holla, Railroad Lanterns,
Wooden Ware, Aa,
A One aaaortmeat af .
The Tlmaa Ooek, tba hart la th market t aloe,
tha Monarch, Reliance, and No. 10 Iron Sldoai
IT I Pable Healer, aad Healing, Parler
aad Raft Blorta.
BRwRoofiBg, Spouting aad Job Work dago an
grjf tSoods, GtnttUs, ttt.
Down I Down U
i a . 4 1
. anv or iviabb TUB CHSAPBdTl
A Proclamation against High Price,
WE are bow opening up a lot of Ik,
aoet oeaiotiable Ooodi aad Wane
offered la this market, and at prioee that
oaa of tbe good old days of ehoap thlnga tiH
who lack faith npon tbli point, or deem i, 7
gatloae superfluous, aeed but -
Corner Front and Market etreota,
When they eaa aaa, feel, hear and kaow fee.t
elraa. To fully uudentand what areeaeaa njl
thle must be done. We do not doom II iir!Z7
to eaumorate aad iUmlae oar stock. It i. 7
for us to state that
Wa have Everrthing; that ii Heeded
and oasumed la tble market, and at ariea.
astoaiea hoik aid aad young. ' '?
' JlWfcPH SHAW a tOi.
r. e. nun,
A. a. rewiia.
Oraham's Row, Market St,
Wa would atott ratpoetfuir- Verm cur Mania
eaitomeri, aad tha pablie geueraii, Ual wean
aow back ,1a our aid fuartera, which hart earn
remodeled and improred, aad wa ara bow aro,
pored to tcuommodata all waa Buy fareraih;
We bare just roceirad oaa of tha larger! Keck,
of all kinds of Merchandise eTcrbreagh! to Char.
Sold oounty, which wa Intend to nil at lack Ig.
area aa will make II aa object for all pencil k
porch e from aa Families laying la aluaj
tuppllea of Groceries, Dry Ooodi, do., shoild aa)
fail la gira aa a call, as we fed eonldsat ,
prion aad superior quality of goods will
aatitfy all. Our stock of
oomliU af Coffees af the brat e,aliiy, Teas, tm,
gun of all kinds, Mulaases, Fiih, Sell, Checet,
Dried Fruit, Bpiees, Proriii.m, Flour aad leal,
Ac, Aa. Oar stock af t
h) large aad raried, aad wa will just say o, mi
supply any artiala la that Use, wilhoat aaaaa.
Wa bare a largo etaek of nady-made aelkla,
for Men aad Boye wear, which we' will dispeajef
at a Tory small adraaoa aa met. -
BooU aad Skoce, Beta aad Caps, Rarduan,
Quaeaswara, Wood and Willow Ware, Notice,
Fancy Ooodi, Carpet, Oilelolhs, Wall Papeit,,
Wiadow Shades, Ac, Ac '
Bt-Being exteaelrely aagaged la the Lesaa
baslneea, wa are able lo afar uparlortadaeeaeik
ta Jolborc
Cleartcld, Pa, Jaa. 1. 1071.
Dealer ia
Tobacco, Orooerlei and Fiih, Nails, Hardware,
wuoenewaro ana uiaaowara, Men's aad
Boye' Clothing, Drugs, Paiau, - .
Oils. School Books,
a large lot of Pateat Modioiaes,
Caadiae, Null A Dried Fruita, Cheeee aad Creek.
are, hook aad Rise Powder,
Floor, Gntio snd Potatoes,
Clorar aad Timothy Seed,
Solo Leather, Morocco!, Linings, Bladings sad
l arena, BBoeenaaerr I coll aaa
Shoe FiBdlngc
No groalor rariaty af good la aay store ia ft
auly. Al for sale Terr low for oaeh or eeeaui
produo at lha Cheap Corner. April 10, lilt.
The attention af tha eitiaoae of ClearOoM aed
rieinlty ia directed to the faot that eoodhHeu
Sua ara tha egeala of M. Nieo A Co., and here
Just raeeired half doaea ear loaa of Fleer aad
road, whlok thoy ofer al tho lowest aoanble lg
arec A largo alack af
Potatoaa, Shelled Cora, Corn la ear, Ac
Particular ettoutlea I aalled la M. Xiete A
Co.'s brand of Family Flour, which Is the but la
ine mora ei.
Flour and Food eaa aad will be sold chseosi
than ittubt obtained alee where ia CleerleU
r-Stora oa Market itraet, Beat door te
Aleiander Irrin'i residence. '
JaalOlf A genu for M. Niece
Dealers la
Hardware and Qiif.sttabr,
Boots, Sboes, HsU,Csps,e.
BT-Shoemaksre supplied with LSilHI
aad 8B0I FINDINflS al reduced rale.
SALT I SALT I SALT I l whole.ill
retail Tory cheap.
A liberal dleoount ta builder.
fjBOP, always oa bend.
uTAUeflhe ahore food ar r
ulaslroly for task, aad therefore owe
a,d n'l
be sold ae sheep a Ik sheapett.
Wa kaea racolrad Ike ae-eacy for lb lbcl'
will cell iheaa al menuructurar's PrloM. Cell
eaw 0 f(f XI