8tu Sfttptilirail 'GEORGE B. GOODLANDER, tDlTO Al NOrKIRTUR,' 1 CLEARFIELD, rx. ' - WKDXRSDAY MORNING. MARCH 1J, 1171 v - ' DEMOCRATIC MEETING. , V I -u'.H ' ( i" -. .; ,!.: u.i A tattling of th Democrat of Ik Mali 1 7 will bt held to tht Court Boat ' TUESDAY . HVKSIHO, MARCH II, 1873,! t J o'clock, r. rbl, fur Ikt parpoee of eeleotlog dm Iipmnlt t lire delegate tad ta appaiat IkrM Coalereea to . ee ibt Ccafereel from Cfmbrle, Klk wad Clhi tot eeuutloe for (b perpoee f nkntlif am Seu , atorial delegate to rfprnnl Mr county aad Sen atorial ditlrict in thf approaching Demoeralie .tato CotrtoUua, ., t,,!; t: .i.! , f By ardcr of lit Cemmitte. f ,,, . . B.'L. KREB8, Cbairmaa. f The Godly Colli. bat boon retiring ' from public life (in a horn) lor many ;)'vara. tlilnk'lio la gone : now, however, for good.' Ex-Vice President Colfax offers hit Washington residence for aulo.' II v ' ing told hie soul to the Devil, be may "nt well offor his property to tho ring, and thoroby closo himself oat and re lire to tho solitudes ol South Bend, and send for Mrs. McFurland-Iticb-nrdson and brother Harlan to comfort him. ' "J" ' . Tho "guerrilla chief," Col. Monby, ' electioneered and voted for Grant last Jail. "Tho Goternmont,, has sent for him a number of times, and offered him high offices, tut "guerrilla" ro. ' fusel ull such offers. In this he shows 1 far mro sense than Grant, and is no ' doubt the bolter man of the two, be ing less of a demagoguo. ' ' . ' Tue Lord be Praised. The Crodil Mobilicr caucus, commonly called Con gress, adjourned sine die on tho 4th ' instant, after each member voted him- Be If 95,000 extra pay. May tho like of it novor meet in Waohingtion again. The Senate was convened in extra osnion by tho President, for the pur pos of confirming a number of appoint- - jncnts, and still continues in session. 1 ..-wi ., 11a Lf Right. Congressman Kelly, . t who, with brother Colfnx, Wilson and Hcofiold, had such a fat thing while members of the Credit Mobilier ring, , has paid all his stealings into the ' Treasury., ow, if ho will only go jiind hang himself, like Judas, this , world will contain one villain loss. .Amos, Alley, Brooks, Bingham, etc., havo made no movement in either di rection at last aocouiils. i' in: I A IlArry Funeral. Congress died on Tuesday, the 4th day of March, und the nation rejoices.' Tho Forty second Congress was tho most venal arid corrupt body that ever met in Washington, and although the tnem- ' fart had stolon forty-two millions of dollars out of tho Uailod States Treas ury, cuch ono voted himself $2,500 ex , Ira pay and doubled Grant's salary, .waking it ,50,000 a year. ' r A Busy Man. The spoon, thief, Duller, had a busy time in Congross, for several weeks beforo lis close, do fending his Confederates. Ouo day ho would defend Amos and hia band, 'tho next lie would defend Grant for his outrageous conduct d Louisiana, ' .. . .... und the next lie would object to and squelch all resolutions and inquiries leading to a solution of tho pardon of the Philadelphia rcpeatct, Brown. Such was tho kindred and no doubt congcniul occupation of tbo.grcalost knavo in the lust Congress. . :'; . 'Asdamed AT Last. Mrs. Yico Pres ident Wilson has parted with her ' Credit Mobilier stock, which her hus band purchased for her from Oukes ' Ames. But a few days ago her godly husband Insisted that bo had dono no ivrong when betook hit wife's money ind defrauded lua Treasury out of L ecveral thousand dollars in the same manner that Ames, brooks t Co. had Ho Chtccmcd it a logilimute traneao- lion. Kelly paid b' hlood monoy in 10 th Treasury ; why did not Mrs, ( Wilson cliutk hcr'e in ihero, loof ' The Ronnmr Pealud. Tho Slate ' robber and partner of Geary hud Hnrtraiifl, 'George O.' Evans, was brought to (rial at Harrisburg Inst week, for defrauding tho State out of nbout 6300,000 in 1870. Tho trial w as a far co. It nas very plum to us when Lvans was arrested, a year ago, I hat ho had "a friend at Court," and in the Executive Chair, and a trial would only delay other business and ; prove still more expensive ' to the Htnte. The jury acquitted him of the criminal charge, but rendered a judg ment In favor of (he Commonwealth for C149.723.10, ubout oae-balf of what is due (he State. But then whoro ia the use f This sum will never bo paid. , The ring never intcedod to pay ' it. Tho theft waa eoneocted by legis lative and executive enactments, with a design t defraud and rub the Treas ury, n nd rould not help but be suo tcssf'ul, as tho rotull prove.'. Our conjociurcs nro fully realised. Wo know the mon. The whole ring is as destitute' of honest men aud slates , jncu at hell ,.ls of Cbriiiuus and If , there is' not a spocdy thaugo in the 1 moral Tone of the people and of men ( high, posilirtns, anarchy will reign ' ?iiprme throughout Pennsylvania it due )n Ldiijuiana '-r Hpain a Jtld,. . ... J. - 1 .. , '''"' reapt. " The InvoHtigalions in tho laat Con grcsN, If prosocufed to a legitimate conclusion, would IibVo sent nearly all the Kadical leaders into exile, If not to the Peoitontiary. ,NolUing but perjury tnvsd thtin, and if the raem bors of thai party' endorse Mch' Rev elations quietly, we will be greatly mistaken. Wo believe there is still somo virtue In tho Kadical party, but it is not to be found among the load ers of that organization, and if those are not thrust asido, tho country will be ruinci. .The Philadelphia, Age, n referring to this question, says' 4 v ' ."The Credit Mobiliori.havq cscapod.. The Imposing proceedings in Congress have 'iome to lame and Impotent conclusion. The resolution offered by Mr. Sargoant; and finally 'adopted, affirmed tho plea orgod in Butler's re port that the lapte of time was a pro tection to tho culprits. They could not bo punished for what they did in a former Congress.'- The door for this escape was opened by tho Poland Committee In selecting Ames ' and Brooks aa tho victims, and lotting off the others, and basing the resolution of expulsion solely on the giving and Inking of stock in a former Congress. But the worst offenso of several of the Implicated parties was committed In the present Congress. The Commit tee bolievcd several , of them to' be guilty of lying and porjury j for the report finds tho facts to be lust what thcto parties solomnly domed before the Jiooplo, and under oath on tbo witness stand. If the Poland Com mittee had proposed their expulsion for perjury, before a Committor of Congress, in a matter before that bo dy, then Bingham's Commilloo could not havo brought in the report writ ten by Butler, which exonerated all of them for anything done in a former Congress. , "Little, however, was to bo expect ed from the present Congress. Tho majority in It aro bound to sustain fraud, peeulation and lying, so as not to condemn their parly loaders. , It is before the people that the judgment has been properly rendored, and it condemns the rogues and their back ers." - - i ' : 1 , The Fourtu or Marco. On that day tbo American people got rid of about ono hundred and fifty Ihiovcs, in tho shape of Congressmen, who were retired to private life by tho Constitution. That waa a fortunate circumstance for the country., But the shouldering of Grant for four years longer bodes but little reliof after all. A large number of dishonest men will still be kept in position under iiiin, so that but little, if any, substantial re lief will inuro to the Slates. The persistent venality manifested by the Execulivo and Congress, during the past four yoars, is aa visible to every student of public affairs as the dome of the National Cnpitol, and was more infamously exhibited on this day than on any former oceaaion. ; Tho doub ling and pocketing of their salaries makea every respectable citizen blush, and slioulj poliiiMlly damn evary member of Conirresa who and brought about, this last Credit Mobilier not, which is on a par with the oonduot of Amos, Brooks, Scofiold and their confederates. . . Grunt took another oath, on the 4ih, to protect and defend the laws and Constitution. It is of no more virtue than hia former one: he might aa well have taken a drink. His fail ure to restore good Government and tranquility in Louisiana is disgraceful to every citizen, but it still becomes more so, when it is proven that be and hia carpet-bag relations are the real cause of tbo disorders in that State. : ' " How CuAMatD. It ia worthy of note that Pomeroy, Harlan and Pat- torson were assailants of Mr. Sumner on account of his anti-Administration position, and that Pomeroy was the leading man in urging Mr. Sumner's removal from the head of the Com mittoe on Foreign Affuira. The throo prosecutors are now in exile, disgraced above all men, while Mr. Sumner sits iu his seat as digniflodas Webster in bis palmiest day and at serene as a May morning. ; Clinching like Cute. The New York JJerald, of the 28 tb ult., in alluding to the congressional robberies, snys : ' Harlan, the expiring Senator of Convenient Memory, in his capacity aa editor of the Washington Chronicle, takes up a stuffed club in dofonoe of his brother Congressmen ol the Credit Mobilier shamo. In tho intervals of attempting to account tor that ton thousand dollars ho received from Durant he finds time to say s "It is iilioui ilroo for tbo Herald to discover that tho people are hoarlily sick of this cry about the corruption of those mcmboia who wero invoigled into the purchaso of a little Credit Mobilier stock." It is true that people aro bourtily sick of this cry about tho cor ruption of Congressmen who take bribes, but it is booause tho bribe takers, tho sbort-momoried, tho pre vuricutor and tho perjurers aro al lowed to hold up their heads in the society of honest men. "Invoigled" is good, and "a litllo Credit Mobilier stock" is better. Harlan and the rest try to sustain themselves in tho hopo that they can live down their ebaino. It is likely to bo hope deforrcd. Again, Representative Ranks should allow no sophistry to induce him to join in a whitewashing report on the credit jviobilior scandal. J lie impli cnled should all bo made to par tho cost of betraying public trust. Gon eral Banks will close his Conirrossionul carcor fur tho prosont in a low days. liov n art oi swooping justico on tho Crodit Mobilier olllcinls, from Ames to Collax, algnulizo ins withdrawal. Itepresontutivo Niblack should not bo ablo to face his Democratic con st! tuentsin Indiana'if ho signs a whil6- waahing report in Iho Credit Mobilier scsndul. Colfax is Vico Presideut of the Tnitcd States, and rosponsiblo directly to the Uouse of Representa tives.' bhall his hailing front Indiana prevent 'JMUiacK uomanding hia liu ptncninenif i. . Representative Merrick has boen a Judgo of the Supreme Court of tho District of Columbia. He cannot af. "Iford to stultify himself by spalls ,ul siogla ouo uf tho, i in plica tod io .:i..A,l;t lll.n:., l...:i - . , tho jvivuii .uvumiv viipiim. Th4 DealHofa RrpuHit't Uohor John Wilkes Booth ussasRinatod tho Chief Magistralo of the Itopublio. Thore aro men living who have done worse. They have asslssinatcd the ftepublie's honor. The rook leas 5-90 ng man who murdered Lincoln, whatever may have boon the .motivo "for lus crime, was at least not promptod by the creed ofmooev. ' Dnmnodas bo is in history, atiU wili-ho aland thore) at a saint compared wiltrtliose, who In their places of high trust, meanly be trayed tholr country for tho sake of dollars and conta. Judas was pure be sido them, for he hung himself. Would, for the lund and its pooplo, that those traitors might follow bis example 1 ' We use no hyperbole whoo we call them traitors,' and their acts tho most despicable of treasons. ' We are tame in expressioo whon we say that they havoasMaasBinated their country's hon or. ' Had thev boon of lesser nolo, their guilt had been less shameful and its consequences less pernicious. ' Be tween them- and other criminate it is the difference botweon the desertion of the drunken trooper who staggers over to tho enemy's camp and the studiod and ' avaricioua -treachery of Benedict Arnold. ' For who are those men that to-day are looked upon with scorn by all who are honest of thirty eight millions of Americans 1 . One, of them ia Yicc-Presidont of our proud and grand ropublio, ana nnotliar ot them ia ex-Vtce-l'resident, and their companions in infamy' are Senators and Representatives of the people in the National Legislature . For that reason wo say that thoy have assassi nated the nation s Honor, lor inoy, Representatives of the States and of the people, reflect upon the States and upon the people tbo dishonor that tbey have brought upon tborasolvoa. ; , Our pcoiilo ailor passing their cruel ordeal of civil war, wore exhibiting to an admiring world tuelr brave endur ance of its after-evils and were hope full of establishing their country's position as among the first Iho first, perhaps, of living nations. What has been the reward of their endurance what aro tboir hopea worth to day f Can their Republicanism bear ita front uo Tor o cmptrea and kingdoms, when its moat trustod and highly honored Representatives are bowed in the dust of shame, with a more debasing stig ma upon them than rests upon tbo ragged cut-pursca and eneak-thieves of Baxter Street, St Giles, .or any olhcr rice-trodden locality in this or foreign lands ? Lift the veil from the worst features of imperialism and roy alty, and it will not expoeo ao bidooua a deformity as o'ur poor bumble repub lio shows to-day. It is possible that the. people may not ffcnoratlv have vet realised tho ox- tent of the degradation into which thoy have been plungod by thoir dis honest representatives. ' It is proba- bio that the popular heart is benumbod and paralyzed by the strangeness and enormity of the crime. But tho poo plo must soon awaken to a conscious ness that this Mobilier exposure strikes the hardest, deadlioat blow that has ever been dealt the principle of self, government in its struggle against other forms of nationality. Should the rreodom-aoeking masses or our olimos despair, should our own coun trymen ultimately despair, lue secret of that despondency will be found in me nistory oi me Mourner investlira !.. wo win noi. oeuove that re publicanism cannot survive even such humiliation; but ahould thia bo ita death blow, the namea of the execu tioners will be inscribed on the tnblott of infamy: Sobuyler ColfaxHenry Wilton, Vicc-Pfcsidcnts; Senator Pomoroy, Schofivld, Patterson, Hoop er, Caldwell; Representatives Harlan, Garfield, Dawes, Kolley, Bingham, etc, and whoever may be condemned to an immortality of ignominy upon the shameful acbroll. JV. Y.ffewt. Tike Honor of the Conlttt. All tho honors of the lato contest against public corruption belong to tho press and especially to tho Dem ocratic and neutral press which utter ed tbo tmo voice of the American people. When the charges wore first made, which have slnco been amply tubs'tahlffltod, they wero denied with brazen effrontery,. Thoy were stig matised by partisan organs as politi. cal alandprl of the Democratic party, though they were tho sworn state ments la k judicial proceeding of a witnctl who was not a Democrat The men accused met the charges with the most positivo and compre hensive 'denials, to which tbey alter' wards, added fle oaths on the wit' nest stand. But most of thorn have since been proved guilty of lying and porjury, as well as corruption, "i'hey hnvo escaped only by pleading "the statute oi limitations. ho are thoso lying knaves? They are the very leaders and lights of the parly that affocls to embody tho character and respectability of the country, and lookt down upon the honest masses who have not grown rich on pubho plunder, luey laiK oi "compulsory education" and limilod tuffrago and other remedies of Iho sort to improve the condition of Amorican socioty. Rut it is lb rogue who know too much who have corrupted it. Tbo wide-spread burst of indignation at the late disclosures show that th heart of the people Is al! right ; it has always found utterance through that portion of the 'press which baa not been bought and subsidised to screen and defend iniquity, and. nt last, the whole press with an almost nhanlmous voioe pronounces tae Hjondomnation wbioh tho tulpril otcaped, at the bands of their coinrados. Philadel phia Age. People talk of hard times, and well they may. An exchange says: "Wo aro lust beonming a notion of sclicm ers to livo without eenuino work. Our boys are not learning trades j oar farmers sons sro crowding into cillos. looking for clerkship and poslofiicos; hardly one American girl in oach ono hundred will do housework for wages, however urgent hor need ,' so wo art sending to r.uror-e for workinirmeii and buying of her artisan millions worth ol product that wo ouaht to muke ourmlves. Wo must turn over u new leaf." ' Among the additional "vindications" ot Collax is ono iiom Mr. Kicbardson, formerly McFarlund, a lady uudor somo obligations to Col fax in tho Mat ter oi hor .Indiana divorce.' bh re lates that Colfax was a regular all pendiary of Nuebitl, who sunt hire i quarterly ulluwunco. Certainly Col- lux lorgiit to mention this on tho wit ncss stand, and we do not tco that Mr. Richardson' recollection bf it helps his ease.' The remittance of several drafts frouti Neabitt is now ot af, ! known, but this inuroasoa the iuiprob lafj a ability thut he tent a thousand dollars in a bank nuto luslvud of a draft. lblvn '3 Jtj RlltgnHvil o VWjaSi. litalh ot Uom. WIm. iiopkine. Hon. William Hopkins, ono of the most distinguished members of tho Constitutional Convention, diu.1 at Pittsburgh on the ,6th, after a brief lllnc H loft Philadelphia the day IpreviOua for the purpose of making Hurried vitil to hi family in in town Of Washington, acd waa aeixed with a over ehilf while on the cars. When be reached Pittsburgh be. was too ill to proceed, and lay thero until he diedt surronndod by members of his family and in th midst of sympathising friends. " ' . Mr. Hopkins was on of the few mon In this Stato who were actively ongaged, in. political life Jbtfure the present constitution was -adoptod. lie was born September 17th, 1804, in Plktf Run" township," Washington oounty, Pennsylvania, and r'ocolvod such English eduoution as the schools at that lim afforded. Loarniug the trade of tanner ho carried on that business from 1832 to 1888. , In 1827, he waa commissioned by Governor Shulti, a Justice of the Peaco for Pike Run township. ' In 1834 ho was com missioned a Justice of the Peace by Gov. Wolf, for East Bethlehem; town ship, to which bo had, in the mean time, removed. In the fall of 1834 be was elocted a member of the House of : .Representatives, and was asain elected t,o,, the same oftlco in 1830-37 38., . In I839.ho wos oloctod Speak r k.: n.. r..mooiMU : Durintr that ' sossion the commotion occurred whloh is familiarly known in the history or this btate as the Buck shot War. Tbaddcua Stovons bsing the icador oi mo Anu-aiasotuo party. advised his adhorcnts to "treat tho election a if it had never been hold." In olhcr times and with opponents of a -different temper tho audacious bold ness of Mr. btovens might .have boon productive of tbo result at which he aimed. ' i ' ' ' ' " ' ' Mr. Hopkins d isobar pod the ardu ous duties devolved upon him ia an hour of peril, with ao much integrity and ability that hi conduct excited the admiration of his cotemporaries and gave him a strong hold upon the hearts of the peoplo of bis native State. In November 1840, he was appointed Commissionerof the Cumberland Road by Governor Porter, which office he hold until May 1842, when he was ap pointed Secretary of tbo Land Office, lie was- nominated for Congress In 1844, in the Washington and Beaver district, but hia personal popularity was not sutllcicnt to overcome a very largo Whig majority.'. In 1848, bo was again nominated lor longrcti and was ouly boalon by 58 votes. In he was olecled Canal Uomruis- aionor, and served in that office three years. In 18G1 ho was oleoted to the Houso of Representatives of Pennsyl vania, and was relurnel in 1802, serving upon important committees at both sessions, in lotw be was elected to tho Stato Senate, where he aerved with distinction. Last full he was elected a member of the Constitutional Convention, a position he was admira bly fitted to nil both by nuture and by great cxporienco in tbo affair of the Stato. , The new of his suddon deoeaso will be beard with profound regret by every man in Pennsylvania. He was one of tho link thut bind us to tbe past. No purer man ever held public position, liia virtue was ot that stern character which dofloe ftimpi.ii t. lie was a sincere and earnest christian, and without the slightest ostentation be carried tbe influence of firm re ligious fuith Into the disobnrge of all Hie s duties. SO elevated was his character that not even his bitterest political enemy dared to broalhe a word againat bis integrity. Very lew are the men who have lived so long and ao constantly in tbo public, gaze without spot or biemisu. Jioro tnan onco. we have held bun op to th younger men of this Slate as an ex emplar, and we. do so now with the firm assurance that a prevalence in our political life of the virtue which William Hopkins always exhibited is just what is needed, roth in the Com. mouwealui which ho ao taithlully aerved and in th nation of which it is a component part., , , , .,, ,, : , i ''I ' Stnndrrtd Kantat. ''''-' :;i ' Tbo Pittsburg Leader, a Liberal or gan, says i. -!.. j ., "We are glad to ace that at least ono of tho bad storios about thoststos- men pf Kansas is a slander. Tho rep utation of that poor Slate has been so steadily sinking Under the 'burden of rascalities nut upon it by its public mon, that the fate of Sodom soems not far off. A sort of diabolio law of Natural Solection, ha beon steadily draining off tho refuse of the more eastern States and pouring it 'into Kansas until it became necessary, if you would know a man thore, to find out not only what bis nanio was, but what bis name was where he came from. Sinco Jim Lane's time, We qucstiou much whether there has been an oonost Kansas Sons tor, and w are morally certain that thore have been five or six dishonest Senators from that State, while ono or two Gover nors and ono or two Judgo on the bonch have beon proved corrupt, if "But, aa wo have inlimalod, one charge, and porhapt the most malig nant ono of all, against the Rat tana baa baen triumphantly rcfiitec', and our pen leaps with toy to rooou it. - Clerk Crowthor, of the Kfcntis Legislature, tostifios 'he never receiv ed from any member any monoy re funded by them as conscience funds.' It is then nothing but just to tbe com mon business habit of tbo pooplo of Kansas to say that nil roporu tele graphed abroad about mcmbors being so frightened and cohscIonco-strickoE by the York xposure at to distrorec their Pomoroy bribes are wholly false, anu, wo might add, iniamous." 1'rimu m dm Lying. It nocmt from Report of the Credit Mobilier Invetti- galion Coinmitteo, that a premium it offorod on lying and perjury, whils truth is hold at a great discount. Tbe Committee rooommend the expulsion of Oulcct Amot for tilling the frufi,bul those Jtadieai stiimp who were equal ly guilty but lied about it, aro por milted lo puss without tho slighiost rebuke. This premium on fulsehood and punishment of truth, Is ono of the very worst features connected with this Whole Mobillor scandal. W are not ezemtng Oakes Amos for his tharo Ui this swindle, but wo ore fully salis- nod and the evidence proves it that Amos told the truth, while his truillv accomplice lied In a most shameful manner 1 and tho Committee rccom mend tht nnnlsbmonl of the truth loI lar, arrd the nequitul of the liars.' I it lo bo wondered at that corrupiion, rnseiltty fend falsehood are at a pro mium in high places, under such cir- oumtutneetr t Mr, Colfni: has talkod n trroat deal ol hue year about retiring. Uo never JM )Wft oppoMuiili r: Hold tlf Tho NewVbrk 11'orW think that our representative, Judgo Scoficld,-i amenable to a distinct charge of. bribery, but the Erio Ob ieToer ebraet tit our member' t Mliof In' a poello nlood, in this way t ", Tba RVM lirfU that ths JiKl( s bribed IS Fraeb, jiblth U a laagaaf a- donl nnarr. Una. Rqw ha ka aadmtowi tba plais Knlib tl OrdlflolllU-th. kaowleJia-af w&Ub h af. urwaribvafetaiuad sod baa kfttht salt nlfbt ba difftrtal. rns BiramR or it.- . " Juitje Boofltld, a sntlinaa aaoa oa tb baaea, lHdo'l wdwataad 9. at baeaaw 11 wwFraob Otbar igooraat paopla ara paailod at mauh, At tba Judfti'i eiouM, wbioh ta Umb ! "Blah . Datta." : Aad a It l plata, ta arotd general bother, In aaat ileal ia one toaf uaaod aiflela ia a- i. I ,lhor...' ( I I . I ,, Twhap tb member of the House who votod for an increase of their sal aries did so in order to compensate, in some degreo, those unfortunate brethren who didn't get a chance In Oakes Ames's divido. Seofleld, Dawes and Garfield appear to havo been sat isfied by their dealings with Awes, for they voted against an increase Kelloy did not toU nt all. ' '; 8fw Avtttismntt. r IJUBLIC SALB OF VALUABLE . RKAL B.TATK. Tba aaderairaa,, Uae. C. Kirk, allorae; lo fact for the heln at law of Jtiba TkeaiHa, lata af Brad tawaehlp, Clear HeM eoonljl'jemjdwill aapaat ta pahlie Saturday', april ith, r, - at 1 e'eleok, p. m., tbo Mlewtng dwoHbed real etlele of laid John Tbonineon, deoeaeed, to-wit i All that oertala tract of land, iltuateln Bredj toaaabip, Cleartrld aooatr, l'a aoandrd bj landi ot Jainel Alilei, Alex. Shea and othrra, eoalalalBg US aeree, ka th earn aiare or leti. About ferealy-flTe aorea of tbo lao If eUarad and aoder eultl ration. Tbil farm jolna Moore'a eitanaion ta tba il lata; of Lathcrtbarf aa the weal. Iter a apring of food valor content rut to tbe building", and a good apple orchard oa the praminoa. -. - Tanaa or bULM. Oae-third of the parcbaae meney to b paid wbea tha dead ia prefrnted fur dellrerr, and the balanca ia three eejaal aaaaal ptTnenta, with intereat froaa date of tale, paa klaaanaallj, the payment aud intereet la a ae cared hy bond and mortgage aa the premiae. GKO.C. KIRK, Alt', i.' , Latbtribarg, Uuoh 13, 1873. . . . IJROPKRTY FOR SALE. A good koaaeaad lot, ailaala ta Weat Claaraald, will be told at private tale, an reeeonable terma, batwaea taia dau and April let. The let baa a front af JO feet oa the aaat, la 220 feet deep, with a 20 foot alley running along Ue aorUi, aad bounded ea tha aoatb by property of Harry Ksaa. The hoaae ia af plank, two atorioa high, ISaSO feet, with three rooma oa the trat floor and three an In aeeead. The lot eontaine all naonaaary oatbnildinga and eome fruit Ireee and grape Tlaee, aad if ander a goad ttate of eolllralioa. Any peraea dcainat of teoariag a pleataal keaie and eheap property ehoqtd call ua the aa.leralga ed at face. KOUKlil A. MITCllliLU. March 11, 1873-3t-pd. . .... DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.- The nartaerabip heretofore eiliU Ing betweea B. ti. Oena and George Lcipold, aa Ikna A Leipeld, ia th Hotel baeioeaa, Laa thia day been diffolved by aautual eoaaent, the aader algned baring wllbdrawa front the Inn. B. U. BENN. Cleartrld, Pa., January 3 J, 187S. at 12, tl-pd. ' 1JROPOSALS yANTED. The un doreiraed will reevir foaled pronotalp aa. til the Stb day of April aeit, for the ereetioa of a Untied School llulldlng, at Penleld, In llaatoa School Pialriet. Plana, epeeitcatlonf and oondl tionf eaa be aea by aalliag oa Mr. Robaekor. Uiddcrf will be required lo glra auch aaretiea aa tha Board af School Slraolara flay repair tot thf faithful perfrmaacf of the contract. By ar dct of thf Board". . WM. D. WOODWARD, 1 ' OKO. R. ROIIACKKH, ' tUOMAS 1IKWITT, Buildiag Caatilttaa. Penleld, March 12, 1871-41. . VKNDUK The undersigned will -.ii -. i-t itie .ewlavetwe, la Weal Ciearfleld, oa ' SATURDAY, 1IARCII UTtt, 172, thf following ptreooal property : Three eteraa, 3 teblra, 1 (ink, 1 doaen f haira , 3 atanda. 4 pair at bedatcada, 1 bareaa, I onb, I dearktray, I olock, 1 luunge, 1 hook eaaa, and aaany other ar flclfa aot Bitot iooed. Pale to cosraenoe at 1 Viack, P. U; when tha tertna will ha made knowa. , llAltRV IlOSIi. March 13, 1173. ' . "V"OTICE. Persons owing or bav- tag exmoatt aaaatUed at my atiiram Clear Sold Boroagh, are renaeeted to eail and fettle the eama oa ar before March 20lb, J7S, otherwiae Ibey will be put Into thf baada of aa Attorney for celleetioa. . . . , . . I. B. 1SITT. , llarcb 12, 1578-lt. ',. ., . . KKPOHT af tha aoadltioa of the COUNTV NATIONAL RANK af ClcarSeld. at the a lata of haaiaeat aa Prtday, Fehraary M, 1171 : . . BBfouarts. , t I.ciam and dlacounta.. '.....;... 12H,01 Orerdrafu.............,.......... II U. 8. bonda to tecare clrculatioa 74.000 Of Da from redeeming A treerre tgenta, 37, OUT 3a DaafromatharNflieaal Baiika.... ,. i,tS 73 Due from Stele llanka and Uankera.. 13 (i:' II rernitare and tltaret - 1,371 It Current eipanicj..r...... ti2 09 Taiea paid lit St Ueauiteme,iaoladiagftaapv.M.,.. t ' II Billaof Nalional liuki.. , 4.1i Fraotmnal currency, Inclujing alrkela, ' 64 41 Irfgal-lfaaer aotea vwTtal...t.........,..i. 1,SM .....'..:i...lJ7S.M T LutiLmaa Capital atoek paid la. ....ties.ss et 10. M0 01 hurplaa Tund M , ProBl and loaa , Cireulatiaa oatatanding. Individual depoaila Dua ta National Banka......... Daw to Slalt Banka aad Bankera.. Total. i...i .... t,23 S3 M Si.illf St .... 87.7M 24 1 I.STI 4,27 73 ,.t:7(.S33 (7 SWe erfenieFraai'ii, ClmrfiM County, .V.V.' - I, W. M. fbaw, Caabiar et tbe County Nalional llonk of Clearfield, do folruinly awcar that the above atatement if truf ta the heft or my kaowl. edge aad belief. . W. M. bllA W, Caahier. Hubeoribed and awora lo before ma thia 8th day oi jaarcn, a. is. inia. , . . JOHN W. WRIdLKY, N. P ' Correct Attcati JAMKS T. LKONABD, J. B. GRAHAM, U. h. IIKKU, March 13, 1873.. Dlrcetora. "1 1 KPORT of tht rendition of lb lV NATIONAL HANK of Cloarfield, V1RST at the etuae oi ouaineaa aa reoraary J, 1B7SI Ldana and Dlacoanta- 8U9 i,l 8 33 OearraH sos e V. a. Uuada t aeeure eircoletlon ...... 100, ,ooo so Dna from redeeming A reeerro ngenta .843 SS ,! 33 i,5l 7 ,3M tV It SS 570 8 378 00 107 00 845 67 4 62 ,500 00 Ima from other National llanka........ . Due from Htate llanka and Uankere... rorainre and I'lituree... Current Expcneoe ...MU Taiea paid J Cafb ltema, (inolading atampa).. Billa orotuer Aatlonal naoka Fractional Currency, (Inolud. alckela) Specie, Tie i eoln Legal lender Aolea ...f.... Total.... ...-......3M.57 18 ItlSILITIta. Capital atoek paid in l 00,000 00 Stirnlue fiiad. 20.00S 00 Diaooant, ruteraft aad f xpeaeeaM.H... Profit and Loaa National llank circulars outitandlng, DivMonda unpaid. ,...,. Individual llrpoalta Dua to Nalional Banka....- Du ta Slat Banka and bankcra...... 4,7" so .S7 48 0,00 00 iva no 71,433 88 87 01 . 1,030 87 Total..... I.....I1H8.57S 10 1 "ti . . Ti ' J . t . f .1.. V(.a l, jona. noynion, rimwui v, . naiil'DBl neae vi nwr.., -- -y that the abore atatement If truf to the beet uf my knowledge and belief. ' 1 anheerlhed and tworn lo before me thia Rib day -r u v K.i U'U hAllKIIACH. N. P. Ol emH, ..... ..... .-. - . Correct Attealt SAM UKI. M iTt :ilttl.u, A. f. BOYNTON, V JONA. BOYNTON, . March 13, 1873. Dlreelorf. J. K. M'MUllllAY WILL StiPILY YOU WITH ANY'ARTICLB i,V Mtlll'IIANnlMM AT TMK VKKV LOWKHT PU1CH. COMB AND 8KB. (kHj) NEV WASHINGTON. WAlTEp-lmiae.lltely. A Milter, at Ibe Brady Steam Mill. tcai tud water power. AiLlrcia WEAVEtt A KMNOEIt, rtr,ir.i i.i'iMi.1', j fahSO-St " talbtrib'if ji Clff8.tli Co , ft. ( RF.GIHTr.H') Ml ITICK. Notice It hereby iron that the following aeoounta have been eaauitned and pa'eed by me, and remain filed of aewOfVO.li tnn unw Tor wit lafttootloa oi Mire, at gatoaa, oreeiitora, aa all others In anrettior way lntrcet-d, aa will to nrraentad lo tilt nritOr- Bkaaa' ( eurt 4 Cletrteldeuknty.to be bold at tie vaurt Jieuee,in ina norougti ai ciearacu, torn aaencing on the 8d ttbaday (being lbs Jitb day) af Mareh, Aa. 1871. , s . v 1 Vinafaomant of IT. II. KephaH,admlnlatralor oi iiaeia ivepuan, lata oi mt aorougn ol uaeoula, deeeaaad. '" r '. final aoeount of Jeeee float, guardlaa af Lu eetta Smeal, minor child of Peter Smeal, deoeaeed. final account af B. D. Schoonoeer A Henry Hamlin, adminialratora of flenry Smeal, deoeaeed. Pinal account of Aathoay llile, adminlatralor of M iohael Wife, late of Pike townikip, deotaeed. final account of Milct Read, ad in niatralof af Henry Aughenbaugh, latt af Lawrence towoehip, deoeaeed. ... Aocouai of A. W. Lea, fJaaUlatiaiar ftf Aeena. aoa, at e., or Tbomaa Mallea, lata of Btcearla tnwaabip. deoeaeed. 'lit Aaieaat el Vim. X. Oiakiaaan, dmlalehralor of A. S. Diekintoa, late af Clearteld ooaaty, de- Final account af 0. 0. Patcben, f uardiaa of warren Mauuiiy, miner ebildaf J no. L.MeCally, lat of Uulick townakip, deeoaaed. Raoiiran'a Orrtrt, 1 A. W. LKR, ClearSeid, Pa., Feb. 19, 1872-la. J J .- Regialar. COTJftf PEOCLAMAtrOH. 1TTHERBAS. TIoi. C. A. MAYER. Prttidenl VV Judge of the Cearl of Common Pleaf of tht Twenty Ifth Judicial Dialriet, aompaeed of tat aouatlea at Clearteld, centra aad Cliatva aad lioa. Willui 0. four and Hob. Joan J. Bbao, Aaaoclata Judget of Cltar&aU atanty, hart latatd their precept, la mt dlraattd, far tbt holding ofa Court af emmoa flea, Orphaoa' Court, Court of Quarter Btfttona, Court of Oyer aad Terminer, aad Coart of Oanarai Jail Dally, '. at the Court llonae alUearB.ld.Tn aad for thf eouaXeal Liearuaid, aommeaeiag oa the third Monday. ITlh day f March. IBia. aad ia aoatioa on wak. NOTICR IS, therefore, hereby ilrea. ta tbe Coroner, Jaetleet af the Peace, aad Conatablet, ia and for eaid aounty of Clearteld, to appear ia their proper peraona, with their Recorda, Rolle, InquieitionB, KBamioatlona, aad othtr Rtmear brancef , to do thoae thlnat whlck to their omeea. and la their behalf, pertain t ba doaa. GIVES ander my band at Clearfield, thia 5th day of March, la the yearef aar Lord oat thousand flgbl kaadred aad teTeaty lbree. JUSTIN J. PIB. SbariaT. M. K E P II A It T W. V, LIPPINCOTT & CO., Wholeaalt Dealara la ' . uara, cupm, fvhh AND STRAW OOODS, V: ill Market Direct, PHILADELPHIA. W. V. NpplneotO ' ' ' I. R- Tor Jamet Mitchell, J 1:I5:J A. R. Iter ITerahner ennett. JKATZER k LYTLE, , MARKET ITRKIT, ' ,- G L R A X PI B L D, PA. DKY GOODS, NOTIONS, GR0CEH1E8, v Hardware and Queensware, Boot, Shoee, Ilatt, Caps,Ac. ' ' , Bp-Sbeeaaabere tappUed with LIATHBR aad 8HOK F1NDIS08 at radaaad ratta, SALT! SALT I BALI I tt wholaaale and reUU-rery cheap. ' 1 " - " PAINTS, OILS, CALCINED PLASTER, A. A llkeeal diaeoant la bulldara. nOUSKHOLD GOODS, CARPETS, wihdow , , SHADES, OIL CLOTHS la largf 1 i'i"- FISH, FLOUR, BACON, CORK MEAL aad CHOP, alwaya ta btad. ':'.!. . v J jaar-All af th abert gee da an partbatfd aiclailTely for aatk, aad therefore caa aad trill be told aa ehttp at tbt thetpitt, . fabll-7S THE WIGWAM CARRIAGE BAZAAR BALES JROOM, : ?.r ,: Ma. 110,113 aad 114, r,, I . KORTII BROAD STREET, abort Arch, 4 I'lIlLADELrillA. A large aaeortmeat of naw and aaeoad band CARKIAGRS of erety earlalT, from I ha eery beet makere la rbilailelphia. and aeigbboring Cltiet, ALWAYS ON 11 AND "' AT PS1TAIB SALE, at this Imm CAiii pmcrjt. Aleo, llaraeea, Blankete, e. - Thoaa la went of Boythipg it ur llnf art mqueetod to girt aa a call before purehaeing elcewhere. SAML'BL 0. ItODUERSProprleler. Saai t C. Cniarioj, Saleamaa. . (fehl3-8m QLEA RFIELD PLANING MILL . COMPAN Y. r"1HK nndertigneid, aaoceattrt to RKKD A l'OWKLL. hart parcheaed tha t'LKAR FIKLD PLANINO) Mtl.L, aad reStttd it for doing aa extenaiea baaineaa. All the maehlnerr will be added aeoeaaary to make II ana of the moat complete a tab lahmaatt af the kind la eke Stato. They are ... pry.e ta receive ordort for aay work in that liae. Thty will girt tpcolal atleatloa ta all matertaia tor soata Building, FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, ' ( sash, Doors, blinds,' nn.icKr.Ta, jtovLntjra, Vc Or ALL STYLES, alwaya on band. WORKUP BOARDS, and all artiatet ry for huiidlag, will ba eiehanged for DRY LtlMDKK, ao that peraona at a dlttanea may bring their lumber, eiebajige II for, tad ratara hemB with Ina manufactured artieief. The Company will alwtyt hart oa baad a large atoek of dry lumbar, to at to he able to III aa order an the rhortaat aotiee. Only tht beat aad moat akiilfal baada will be employed, ta that th pablie may rely upoa good work. . Lamber will bf worked or told at low at It o-i, be purebtftd anywhere, and warranted ta Eire tatleraetteo. Aa th baalharf will be don upon tbt eeah printipla wa ea afford la work for tiuall profile. DRY LUilBKH WAJJTKQ! , T.peclalty tme aml t-kalf and Iwt Inch panel atut, for whte b liberal praf fill be paid. , Tbe baaloeet will bt tondueltd under tht natnt .'..-. . af lb . ; ; ,i ',: , i. "tlenrflcia Tlanlng Mill Co.N O. B. Merrtll will nraonallr luperietend tha kuilatat. '- Ordcri reaptelfnlt anllolled.'1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 0. B. tIRrlBKLI.. - ' - ' ' K, B. TAYLOR. ! ! ,. DAVID. M.UA'Jfllir.Y. N. II. llll'HIB, 4 pu'4, Clcsrttld, Pa., Jtauar 8, 187S, ' "Sjrtlttarf, Zlwuit, (tit. THE ZSOXrSZDZS a vrr, m AND STOVE STORE j 1 i l ii L 'J.. y) G. S, FLEGAL, PhUlpBTrarj, Coatr County,' ' P. THI aadtrttgntd raapaetfally taaouneef I Ibt pnbllo that bt bat aa btad a eare-fully-aelected aad well tftortod Itoek of STOVE3, - HEATERS, BANGE8, t i. UOLIiQW WAKE J. . : TIN, COrPEIt ANtf SILSET-IRON "' ' v7AltE!a -J WOOD AND i WILLOW ' W ABE ! - . . ... - I i . ! Bis atoek ef Cooking Btortt tontUtf of ,yi x. 'VI i, .1.. . 1UB CELEBBATED IRONSIDES, mtxA w... aaear failed tebrln- paaea aad praeparlty into famiiiel whart t it aaad. Diamond Suto, Termer, Hertld, Charm, Rpaart' California Cook Store, Spears' AMI-Duat, Oaa Burning Cooking Stoeea, Viator, Atliaaa and I'nloa Raaiaa, , - . Bptara' Cooklag Range a, - ': . . . ; . '. .... -. - . .!.,.'. I taavTht Tin tad Shttl Iron wtra alrta with th Staeat it made ef tht htarleat aad beet material, aaa warraatta to glr perfect satlf. raeuea. , -" i ' t .1 P. C i V A O Hia Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves tl larger, bettor aad eheaper that erer before tiatbitea ta tnt panne aaaaietlng of Speara' Reeelelng Light niamtnatlng Store, Bpeart" aau-Duai uaa-oaraiag rarlor Htora, Speara' Orblaalar Gaa-Bsrning Parlor ,r Sveee, Bpeara' Oaa-Buri,ing Parlor j . ... Blofe, Boquet, Pearl, Oem,IiB, i, . ) -, Sua, Tropla, Kerada, l. Ac Valet, Elm aad Victor ITtattra, Speara" Ka- voir ing i.igai xieaiara. Ba la alao prepared to faralth a templet aeaeriment! .... '! . . , , Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, &o., " Wheleaale ar ratalL aaafaetarad aeatly aad with th aaia elaw f atmtt, from tat seat torial ia th markaL PLOWS A PLOW POINTS, OOPPIR, BRASS, .. PORCELAIN, Tilt. LINED, SPUN A , , , COMMON IRON IITTLIS, Of erery deacrlptlea foaaUatly tt baad. r , "i 'i . - ORDERS FOR 8POCTla, ROOFING Aad other wark belaaglag ta bit btflneea will ba promptly tiled by eiperieaeed aad akiilfal ererkmea. BRASS, COPPER, OLD METAL, RAGS . i .... AND CASH " ' t , "... . . J Taktt ia tlcbtDga far good. jBaT-Ht aptcially Inrttet tba atleatloa af Herakaatt wlahiag ta pnrebaae atwholoaalt. at thty will tad It ta their adraatagt ta tlamiat kit etatk aerore parebailng eUewhere, Look out for tbt Big Rig appoalt tbt real. 1 donee af Mra. be. Pealee. ' .. All Ooopt WitBAWTto aa Rartiaiaraa. ' ' - ... ,...-t C. B. VLEGAl. Pblllpabarg, Junt 8, 1870. augt.88 gACKETT k BCURYYEr . 'aatLBBf it ' ' SHELF HARDWARE, i 1 ' ' ' ' ? Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, , .;. Sreond Street, " - ' I I Carpenter and Baildart will do well ta flam iae our atoek of f BUIUIHO HAREWAfiB ft T00L8. DISTON'S SAWS Diainn't Croae cut, Hand, . Rip, Ttnaat and Oent't Sawa. BOYNTON S LIGIITNIKG SAWS. Smooth Planet, , Match Plaaea, Jack Plaaat, ... J Plambt 4 Le'ela, per Plaaaa, . Steel Sojuaret, . JoiaUrt, V Ac, Aa. Firmer aad Framing Chiaela, Corner Cbietlt, Carpeatert Slick,, Braeee aad ililtt, Boring aiaehiaea, A. Grindstones trnd Qrindston Fixtures. Smoky Flat art rTeetaally fnrcd by aaing Rich ardt Patent GOTHIC VLl'E TOPS, for which wa barn ibt agency. No core, aa pay. Philadelphia Carriage Bella, Rail read Laatarat, Wooden. Ware, A. A lat atfortmtat af ' . iOCKET tl TABLE CUTLERY. STOVES i STOVES ! , Tht Timet Cook, the beat la tbt market alto, the Monarch, Reliance, end No. 10 Iron Sidee; Keyeer't Portable fleeter, tad Ileating, Parlor and Raft Ftovea. X, Roofing, Spanting aad Jab Work done aa rraaonable tcrmf. A II order, will receirt prompt atlentlnn. Jnlr 8, It7t. WATCHES I WATCHES I I hare a Urge aloek af Akt KRICAN aad SWISS WATCHES, af th dlfer cal gradea, la frem two la tight auact aattt. t offer tktae for talt LOW, tad guarantee them to give tatlrt faUafaclloa, JEWELRTI , JEWELRY I A goad katertmtul f Udle,' and atalt Jtwalryof tb tatotl ftyltt! , AlBtyi felting eomflhlng atwl ' 1 ' '- I would a,k Ismbtrmti and ttbtra who la toad parchatUf Wtchtt ta talt aad fee my atook before going to tb tUlaa, it I aa vary aur t rat tell Walehtt aa law tt tbey eaa bt bought, betldti tha dlirtrtntt la dlilaaot la tbt trtnl ef tht godt prorlng deffttlri. All klnJeof RRPAIRINO la ay lint pro ipll; attended to tl Ua More ea Seeotd tteett, oppo. fit tb Court no. Ft yoaj liberal a tbt aaat f am . iV.kke,.! tappoft '.:t.:rt t r-i a, i. sn fDSH, April , 1871. MliMOVAL.' ' REIENSTEIf, 4 BERLINER vhAfaaaBla latatamm lea tie.. remee, in VJ w,on ilretl. W,, Franjtli. and, W l, .., r,J,'l t . . . CLEARFIELD.' PA.:",'.;. 7"t,'l"TTT7 rr; i ''J'Downi DowrHI.? THE I'-ASlVAL AND OF COURSE TUB CHKAPRii A Proclamation against High Pricej WT. an now npmlng ap a lot of the era mi meet aoaauiiable Oooda and War,, offered la thia taarkot, and at pricca thai ranial ana of Ibe good old day, of ehenp tLinga. T JZ who lack faith . ppoa tbif point, or deem cr auw gatioaa aupurfluuaa, need hut :; a Li. miT ovn amite,- Corner Front and Market lire.'!,' ! : When Ibey ran tee, feel, bear and I Row tur (w eelrea. Ta fully underetand what areeheat, g., thia matt be done. Wa do aot deem It ueHaurt to enumerate and ittmiaa oar atoek. It w eal it for at to a lalt that ., , , 'p We have Everything thatulfojjf and eonramrd In thia market, and at prUei thu aatoniah both old aad yoang. desJO JOfiKPH SHAW i J0. r. a. uiluii. . -. : a. a. rowiu. MILLER & POWELL, WHOLESALE A RETAI& ' M'E R C II A N Ti,; Graham i Row, aVrket 8tn ' Wt wovlil noct mptotfulrj Inform oar frin.it, oooIonifTt. tad tbo paUlo fBrHj. tbtU wt tow buk ta or old qntrteri, wkieb hart Um rrndtUct u4 ImproTtxl, ud w aro bow prt pared to aetMnnodato all who asafaroruly ealllBf. , !? . ' E W GOQDBi'.' Wt bara juat reoelred one of the largtat aueii. of all kindt of nterehandite erer brongbt to new. ItM tennty, which we Intead ta fell at taw lj. art aa will maka It an object for all pence, It parcbaae from uf. Familiat laying la wiatar tappllee of Qrocerlea, Dry Oooda, At, ahotU an fail to glr at a tail, at wt feel eontdeit ir price, and tuperlor quality of good, will aarly tatiafyall. Oar stock of GKOCEKIBS ,. eoaalttt of Coffee ef Ibe beat quality, Teaa, It. gar af all kinda, Molaaect, Piak, Salt, Cheae,. Dried Fruit, Spieef, Proritioaa, Floor tad Peat,. Ac, Ac - Oar atoek ot '. ' . H DRY GOODS ! lar j and rarietJ and will )t nj t m upf j any artlolo in that lioa. witboat Udj. .... .. , f KEADY.JIADE CLOTHIKff Wt hart a large atoek of ready-made Clotkiag for Men and Boy a wear, wkiek wa'willdirpatiaf at a Tery amall advaaot ot eoat. f Boolt tail Skoea, IUU aad Capt, Hardaanv QurenawBre, Wood and Willow Ware, Notlwv Fancy Oooda, Carpeta, Oilcloth, Wall Paten, Window ghedee, Ac, Ac 1 i i ... aT-Being uteatirily angaged In tbe LtmWf bualneae, wt art able to offer feperior ladoernrw to Jobbert.' :'' - T J - - - - . : KII.LKR A POWELL. Clearfield, Pa., Jan. 8, 1871. JJAN1EL GOODLAKDKR, S- ? LCIHER.inLRO, PA., tfealer la DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY 1 GLOVES, , , HATS k CAPS and BOOTS ft SHOKi., Tubaec. nrrxfHfw and Flih, Kail. Uari-vv UuatMtttar aaU UlttMwara, M'i and Bojri' Cloib.Df, Dr-fa, riBl, " '' Oili, Sftiwol Book a. - 1 a Urja kt of Fatanl Modtointlo Cwjdict, XuU A PrirJ Prnltc, Chww and Crock or, Rock aud Rtflt Powdrt flour. Grain and Pot at 04, - 1 1 , , Claror and Tlmothj Seod, - Solo LtMthcrf Uorooiwa, Liningi Biurlintji ul , Thread, 8hombra Tooli vd ; " " ho Finding!. 5a ffrntor rarifty of goodt in any ilort la tt ooialjr. AU far ult verjr low lur wn or tot. airy product t tbt 'jump Curaor. April 10, idlJ. 11 e ad Tills: ' -V I J A. r f n yt .-, J '". FLOUR, As FEED DEPOT I The atttntian ef tha oiliacat af Cloartrld ui Tlciaity i. direetrd to the fact that lioodfclle t Sua are the ngenta of M. Nice A Co.. and ban jnal receired a half dotea ear loadf af Ploer aai teed, aliieh Ibey offer at the leaeel poaiielt -arte.-. A Urge atoek ol - , : . i ," ; j , , i. v 1 FLOUR, CORN. MEAL, CHOP, ' BUCKWHEAT FLOl'R, BRAX, -PoUlpea, Shelled Cam, Cora ta ear, Ac, Aa Particular attention It called lo M. Xi" ' Co.'l brand of Family Flour, which It tha beet h tnt maraet. Flour aad Feed eaa and will bt told tbeap than it caa b obtained laawhera la Cleararx oanty. , - , ' JfdT-Store oa Market ttrest, aait doer le Bat. Alexander Irrta a reaideoe. .1 l ,j nrtArilrwt.t.nW A ROH. Jaaiatf AgeaurorM-NiceaiCa O. I. 0. WfllKRB ta bay ay DRY 000D9, f I forlef, wueenawtre, Ulaaaware, t'njji Notlona, Coaftttloaaritt, At., cheap iv uu,. egf Ii 4 he I new tuatomera that nt baa opened A TARIETV ETORI is olkn norn r And will tell goodt at prleee to ault the titiaa. liberal rcluctioa will bt madt to tt,ataaera ea? lot tt wholeeala. ! Call and examine mr eleek befor pBrtba"" leewher. A libt(fl share af pahllt palrooaf ' tonnioti. . C. J. KEAOfv Die Uope, IV, Jana 14, ISM. N EW, 8T011E V,; IN ' HOUTZDAIfKI P. OAllAOllKR baring yoat ralarsre larsrd nle le aaeorM Wlelrf H iwlikl'-l ared la M ne eaea wiib an anttra aew and covpT, meat ar Moeehandlar, Bailable for aprlna trade, which haa bran aelected 1 oare tad kouwkl el lew Hi., la nrenared . ' j Li.,iitr n fooda tl t rtry light enhance on r,l H oath. Ctuttra Pn.daa Md lf 1 nnarktl price, Call tt4 mmlR ; f" l " WaotiJale, Pa Feb, , tr ly S TOeNE'Si SAW GUiJJIKna AM SAW UPBBTS. We here reeeleed the ageaoy tW itt T'.?""f rill mil Ibcm at metulaeurer f prieee. ttamloe lbw. IytroiheM.i .