Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 05, 1873, Image 2

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    mimrff"Ti" r-m ir '"1T7T"
nDiroa a" wmn
A meeting af th Democrat, af tin aounly w 111
U held In th Court Iloue. n TUESDAY
EYKNINd, MARCH IS, 187J, t 1 o'ehwk, P.
V., far ke purpoM of eelectlng eoe Repreeenta
llr delegate and to appolot thr ConforM, to
meat the Conferee, from Canabria, Elk end Clin,
ton noautle, for th purpoe of .electing one Sen
atorial delegate to rrproeent oar ooonty and Sen
Mortal dUtrlot In the approaching Democratic
atlata Contention. ' ' ' '"
: Dy ordr ot tbe Committee. C ' ''
" " ' t). I. KRKD9, Chairman.
Ttaq LoginUturo of "bleeding Knn
passed a retoluliou oa tbo 27th
ultimo declaring Sonittor romoroy un
worthy the confidence and respect of
tbe . people of Kansaa. It in well
enough that the people of that State
tiave got their ej es opan. Tomeroy
was always deniagogne, and they
have been told so for years. For ton
tang years tbe old hypocrito shielded
himself under the cloak ot religion,
thanking God that he was not as
other naeo, clo. : -
Ji"Aivsn Cowardics. Tbe Senate
Mobilior investigating committee ro
ported unanimously in favor of the
expulsion of Senator Patterson, of
Now Hampshire, and exonerate Jiar
Un, Logan and others, who were
apdwilched with the Ames ring of
eorrtiplionists. The committee never
moo lions the namo of Colfax, who is
just as guilty as Patterson, and even
more so, becauso ho perjured biinsolf
twice while Patterson only took one
heat at false swearing.
JJack Again. Alexander II. Ste
phens, ot Georgia, late Vico President
of ' tbe Southorn Confederacy, lias
been elected to Congress without op
position, to fill the vacancy caused by
the death of Gen. Wright, In in
Eighth district of that Stale. Tbe re
turn of each statesmen as Mr. Stephens
to that body will break up all the
Credit Mobilier rings and restore that
body to what it was originally, when
none but honest men held seats in it.
Rogues were then the exception, not
Ihe rule m now. ' e
, Tub Loyal Judo.. They hv
another "dntnnod snot that will not
out" 1o bleeding Kansas besides Cald
well and Potooroy. , It is Judge De
labay, the Uultod Stales Judge. The
judiciary commutes in vongross on
.Friday last presentod loiters of im
ipeacbment againBt him for corruption
nd habitual drunkenness. .Ho is tbo
man who told the United States grand
jury la 1864 to find bills of indictment
ragainst every oopporhead id the Stale
How changed the scene I. Tbo cop
porfaears are free d bis honor im
peached. Bigots and fanatics are
usually; short lived. Sharp's rifle
. theology has done its work moat cf-
. foctually in K annua already, and if
' sound morals are not substituted the
. Slate will yet be ruined. .
"The Cubwtiah Statesmen."
v Subsidy Fomcroy, of "bleeding Kan
- sos," although luruod out of the Sen
ate, has a large field to labor in. Ho
owns 120,000 acres of land in Kansas
. and Nebraska, which ho acquired
; chiefly through bis christian efforts
, while in tbe Senate on a 15,000 salary
. Tbo land Is worth two million dollars.
His male, Colfax, seoms to have been
less fortunate. Ho nover stolo much
. publio land and went but slightly into
; Credit Mobilier stock, (11,200.) Lit
. chief reliance seems to have been ono
. .Keebit, the government postage-stamp
: manufacturer, who frequently sent
- biru a $1,000 greenback and would
. toll him to keop quiet, and he did so
until aflor poor Nesbil was dead. , If
Chaplain Newman has two moro snch
1 "christian statesmen" on hand wo
" would advise him to send them to
1 - some penitentiary instead of the
" Untied Stale Bennto, wliere thoy
- (com to dobauch even such fellows us
.Nye and Chandler.
, UNPAaenAin.E Ihi'UDeiwe. We
.notice that Wm. Strong, one of the
. Judges of the Suproute Court of tho
United Statos, who has allied himself
; .'.to a ring which is laboring to put God
. into the Constitution of the United
, States, continues to head his oirculars
' "U. S. Supreme Court lloom." Now,
...what right has a judge of this Court
to engago in tinkoring the Constilu
, o.ion f Can impudence go further T
Is it not judicial harlotry f What
right has judgo of that high and
v heretofore honorable tribunal to get
, .tlown nnd roll In the dirt? II tbe
Constitution needs tinkering and al-
: toriug lot somebody else than Judge
..Strong engage in it. It will be time
' -enongh fur this genlloman to give an
opinion on that instrument when
called upon to do so. More than this,
it Is impertinence and degrading. Let
'some exiled, "christian - statesman"
who Is not otherwise engaged, such as
Colfax, Goorgo II. Stuart, or Wm. E.
Bod go, turn their tlontion to Chris-
' tianiatng the Constitution, and let tbo
'JWflge attend to his legitimate and
.sworn duty. ' "
t , . i i, ,.
Gov. llartranfl has appointed John
1). Linn, Eq., of Ilcllcfonle, Deputy
?feurelary of the Commonwealth,
U JTallonect Kmampl.
Meu wilh soiled garmouts snj of
doubtful Integrity should not be too
fast In accusing their neighbor. or
wearing dirty clothes, or for being
scoundrels, , ' ,
Wbo woroj the men thut plaoed
Andrew, Johnson In the pillory six
years ago, charging him with high
crimes and misdemeanors In offico,
and attempting to impeach him and
deposo him from his high position r
Reader, we will give you tne names
of the leaders In that crusado. Schuy
ler Colfax, of Indiana j John A. Bmgr
him and Gon. Garfield, of Ohio;
nonrv Wilson ond Henry L. Dawes,
of Massachusetts ; Wm. D. Kolly and
Glonnl W. Scofiold, of Pennsylvania,
and Sonator ralloiBon, of Now Hump-
hire mon who are as clmraotorlcss
to-day as Laura D. lair or josie
Manofleld crouturos who huvo rob
bed the pooplo of tho United States
of hundreds of millions of dollars.
The Credit Mobilier ring roosters are
tbe fellows who wanted to crucify
Andrew Johnson a few yours ago.
How about "high crimes and misde
meanors'! now, virtuous impouebors?
But lor the fuel lhat the mon who
control Congress hud their pockels
stuffed with Credit Mobilier stock,
evory one of these men would havo
been expelicu lor commiuwg iuu -thousand
fold greater than those they
luid at tbe door of President Johnson.
Wbnt a noble cxumplc of total deprnv
but how humiliating and de
grading to the men who have been
voting for these sclf-snmo Pharisees
for eight or moro years. .
The Credit Mobilier faree Ended.
The agony in Congress over tho
band of national thieves is at an end
As intimated by us last week, no ono
has boon expelled. It scorns now that
a Congressman can steal and rob as
much as be pleases and will still be
dofonded and allowed to hold his scat
n that body, no difference how odious
ho mar bo to tho public. The reso
lution reported by tho committee for
tho expulsion of Ames nnd Brooks
was defentcd, and a simple voto or
censure passed upon Ihomj (the con
sure lies in the fuel that they were
discovered)." Tbe vote of condemna
tion stood, yeas 181, nays 80. It is
Baid the luLlcr fuvorod expulsion.
It is notorious that Congress has
beon a fountain of corruption sinco tbo
close of the war, and that two-thirds
of llio old members, like ScofielJ,
Kolley, Dawes, Garfield, and scores of
others not named, have all had a piece
of lira same cheese; and hud Ames
and Brooks been expelled, it would
have thundered In every corner of the
Capitol, and scores of hcuds would
have .bcon brought to the block in
short motro. As Amos and Brooks
made several hundred thousand dol
lars out of the transaction, they can
afford a vote of eonsuro, ' as their
money will still give thorn high sociul
standing. Crime is crime no more if
you havo plenty of cash. But look
out, "poor devil," if you happen to
violato a law of Congress or of Assem
bly ; you will go up, sure. It is very
wicked for a poor man to violato law,
bat it is simply unfortunate (!) when
a Congressman or high government
odiuiul does tho samo thing.
i ,
f Carnival ofCorruptto
The wholesale corruption practiced
by Congressmen for years, and proved
against litem by their confederates, Is
lose than half the crimes they are
euilty of committing. That tho two
Vico Presidents, and Senators Patter
son arid Ilailan, und Congrossmon
Amcs.Alloy, Bingham, Brooks, Dawes
Garfield, Kellcy, Scoficld, and their
confederates, have committed crimes
that would ' have brought aboul
speedy expulsion in tho purer dnys of
tbo republic, is as clear as tho sun at
meridian. But what is far worso all
those men have deliberately commit
ted PERJURY, tbo worst of all
crimes, except murder. Tlicxo men
escaped punishment, us their peers
allego, becauso they, committed tho
crimes charged against them years
before THI3 Congress, and aro guilty
of no crime during this Congress.
Pray, gontlemen, have they not ull
committed perjury within the last
three months, and Colfax and Patter
son several tunes r Is perjury es
teemed no crime by our honorable
Congrcmon f If Uioro mon had half
the snniik possessed by Judss thoy
wuulu ff be" themHlire.'
- VEST Vf.Aitr. Tho Naw YarU Tri
bune, in nlluding to Ksnsue "christian
statesman" business, snys : "Tbe Sen
ate cannot nfl'ord to shoro this matter
by in any such way. Tho parly In
powor, if it allows this thing to be
done, will muke mistake that cunnot
be other than fatal. Either I'omeroy
is an honest, mueh-nbuscd man, tho
victim of an amazing and outrageous
conspiracy, or he is an infamous
scoundrel, gnilly of a higher crimo
than troason or ro'oellion who should
not be allowed to loave the seat be
line disgraced without having his own
proper stamp put on hint by Iho body
ho has dishonored. Whatever Sena
tors may do, they may rest assured
that tho pooplo will weigh the testi
mony and render just and impartial
judgment on the facta. .If this man is
guilty, ho must not bo scrconcd j if
innocent, let the Senate so certify him
to tho country and stamp his accuser
as a perjured villain."
A VtTKBAN. The Pittsburgh JW
of the 1st says: "Talk of your old
subscribers. Our exccllont friend and
sterling Democrat (ion. Orr of Arm
strong county, on yesterday, com
menced bis sixty-first year's subscrip
tion to the I'ost. The uoncrul is
now In his 87th year and although
quits feeble, takes great interest in
National and State affairs, and do
clurcs so long as he lives he must have
his fuvorite journsl. May ho be spared
many years to enjoy it."
Colfax has been lecturing on Tern-
j'wi.Hbf. , ,p,,uui ,i srutn tln'l i rr.-
ftcify won t be .his ncl Subject,? '
TJks mat TraurtrMp,
Thero is evidontly an Intrigue In
progress at llorrisburg by whiou It.
W. Mackcy is to retain his hold on the
publio purse beyond tho time when
bis tona expires, and thus continue
the peculiar management and appli
catioo of tho publio funds which have
n,n..kH hUailininlstrationof thoolllco.
a hill nrnvidinii for an election of
Stato Treasurer Tn March, referred lo
a Sonato committee, wus navcrsiy re
porUfd upon at tho beginning of this
weok, and thus tho mutter stunds, un
ions a new bill is road in place, pro
viding lor the case. Under the cir-
niinmlnnrin. we tloul I il'anV such bill
can be passed, llio objuct being to nl
low Mr. AiucKoy to nom ovcriiiiiu n
noxt October election, when wo pro
sums tho choice of a State Treasurer
will take place. This Is ull in dclianco
of popular will, as there is no doubt
whatever that the election of Statu
Treasurer by the people wus secured
to got rid of just such men as now
control tho Treasury, and put an end
to the Influence liny wuiu over too
Legislature. With the people's money
In his hnnd, the Slate TroiiBurcr bus
been in the habit of Joining overy oor-
rupt scheme of legWIution, and there
is no uouut in me minus in muau wuu
havo the chuiico of observing tho inner
working of llio Ilarriuiirg lobby thftl
in the majority of eases in which mon
ey is usod in t'ure inul-legislation it is
pulu out in proms ui-nvcu irom mo
uso of Statu funds.
There ouirht to be pennons sent
from oil parts of tho Stato praying
that a timo bo fixed for an eloolion of
Stato Treasurer, to luke llio pluco of
tho present iinuinbfnt when his term
of ollico expires. The scnndnl which
surrounds llio present Treasurer, his
Lnmrn controllers nnu sniirers ui.
profits, demand that ho go out of
olllce just OS soon as tne mw ruiut
he shull retire. This llio pooplo. have
uxpoetod, nnd this tho Legislature
cannot refuso or neglect to perform,
without being guilty ol n great om-
mge. Philadelphia J'res).
The ttplng Itmpol.
That firm supporter of Grant, tho
Now York Jhraid. characterizes his
Louisiana incsaiigo as "a special plea
for federal interference in tbo local
affairs of that State," and says :
It is all very well for the President
to say, as be does in his message, (hat
lie is extremely anxious lo avtnu any
appearance of undue Interference in
mate affairs; but words amount to
nothing when the action is so ainorcnu
Tho sroatest tyrants often talk loud
ly of liberty while thoy are destroying
it insidiously. Nothinir wus better
established or more sacred In our sys
tem of government, up to tho time ol
a . , , . ..,1? . .
tno war, wnen too iiupuouean psnjr
came into power, than the non-interference
wilh Stale offaiis by tho fed-
orul Government. The vory basis of
American frcodom was local self-gov
ernment through tho municipalities
and States. In fact, the gorm of our
liberty was found in the municipal
sovorninents of Enirland, though it
grew and became mucn eniurgeu on
tho congenial sou ni America, un
fortunately our shallow and time-serving
politicians and tyro Presidents
have lost sight of thai, and uro going
as fast as possiblo lo centralized oca
noiistn. Tho Enforcement act relerr
ed to. in the hands of narrow-minded
or sham statesmen, goes far to des
troy the foundation ol Amorican lib
erty. H a loJeiol juugo uii any pre
text, Jrom ignorance or lo servo puru
san uoliiicnl purposes, can set aside
nn election In Louisiana, why not In
New York or Massaoliusetlsr i ho
protenco of currying out tho Enforce
ment act of Congress could bo used in
ono Slate as well us another. , Only
Ihink how monstrous it is that one
man can subvert tho machinery of
government, defeat the wiM of tho
pooplo and throw a Sluie into an
archy! lluve our liberties no belter
foundation than tho caprice or parti
san prejudice of ono fedora! officer.'
CoMVHEiiENsivc.-Tho Unitod States
Grand Jury, in session at 1'ittnburgh
two weeks ago, luid tho following
business paper before tho Court, pre
vinus to its final adjournment :
Tho Grand iuijtiesl of tho United
Stutes, In and lor the Western l)i
trict of IVhnsylvaniu, upon their sol
emn outbs anil uflirmnlionsdo present:
That thoy havo vieited and exam
ined tho (iovcrnmciil building at rills
burgh, containing the post oflico, the
United States court room, und the
Bevcrnl ofliccs connected therewith,
and find the same in a very bud und
dilapidated condition, absolutely unlit
for ihu purposes for which it is de
signed and used.
The court room being small, dark
and without proper ventilation. The
rooms designed lor occupation by ihe
grand und pelit jurors aro unlit for the
Iransnclion of uny biuinc. The
post oflico departments, the different
ollico rooms ol the court, and Ihu cus
tom house are contracted nnd incon
venient, nnd the whole building, alike
ns to its architecture and condition,
uttorly until for uso ns a publio build
ing, und ii dixgraco lo Iho government
ol llio UmteJ btutcs.
The innuesl aforesaid would there
fore onrneslly recommend tho itnmedi-
aiu uivtiior. ot' attitlla bniljtnga lor
tne uses ana purposes aloresuicl.
A VlCB rUKSlDKNTIAl, Lib In the
debate on Tuesday night, a frexh
brand of falsehood was stamped on
Wilson's foroheud. Goncrul llawley
said that a denial ho mndo, was nl the
instigation of Wilson. This was olicil
cd by Mr. Coir.
Mr. Cox (Democrat), of New York,
rominded Mr. llawley that (luring tho
last election he hud dctlarod at a pub
lio meeting that llioro wu3 no owner
ship of Credit Mobilior stock on tho
purt ol benator Wilson, whilo tho evi
dence now showod there hns been.
Ho w oti Id like to know how his indig
nant friend from Connecticut came lo
mnke that statement.
Mr. llawley (Republican) said that
whulcror ho might think ol tho pur
pose of tho question, ho would answer
it squarely. lie had rison on the
stage in Hartford after hull an hour's
conversation with Senator Wilson,
and ho had declurod that gentlemen
to bo, to tho best of his belief and
knowledge, innocent of any complica
tion whatever, directly or indirectly,
ana In the first llunli ol Ins Inuigns
lion he had dulled the world to prove
that he was so complicated. If the
evidence elnco showed that ho was
mistaken, it was not his fault He
had said what ho beliovcd.
Mr. Cox All right.
An Economist. I'riuoe Biemaork
wears a military coaliwne for economv
of time, saTin,g, as he says, one hour
eucu uay,r a month each year by
rcXraiiing from drossing lour limes
mu.'ii usy. lie ruiL'lit ueoitom m fur
' jllier by never undressing. '
ji Lament,
Tho Republican party Is truly in a
bad fix Its bruins left it lust summer
and joined in tbo Liborul movomcnt ;
and now the stuff it has used to fill
the space In its cranium has become
putrid, and tho poor thing has noth
ing to put In Its pluoe. Rotten as It is it
must bo kept in the skull, for remov
ing it will leave tho whole affair hol
low and ompiy... Tho few honest men
whom tho lear of attempting tho fear
ful responsibility of thinking for them
selves, hns atill held within tho party
linos, aro not so indignant at the re
cent developments ns they lire abso
lutely Hliipiilcd. ; Now unl then ono
of their bund orsrans, in puro despera
tion, squeaks ..out Tweed ns if, it,
was a grand consolation lo tho host of
corrupt men who have been, nnd byj
gencrnl eminent still remain, at ihu
heud of the Republican party, to find
among tho millions of Democrats oim
ilmhonosl man, and even although llio
party to which ho hud iiri)fused to
belong, did liifonlinenlly kick him out
us soon ns his chiiruulur had hucomo
fully doveloped, yet thut makes no
odds wilh his Republican fiitiids.
They use his influence to curry Irani
in Now York, and tliliiK Uey can
hold us responsible for his inisdieds
even to tho extent of diverting pililio
censure from the band of soll-coiict-ad
thieves ut Washington. 1
Wo have no word ol cousolatioi lor
imr'.ii (riends. Tho thtkes Ames
investigation lius i,.v tj,.
IUUIIS UV.,tf- Klllll nnv n..v..,VM
benevolont flowing locks torn tho
heud of loo many Ronnbl'ean pulri
urchal Casby's lor any )io).o lo remain
that tho cheut thoy luvo been putting
upon the pooplo wAo suffered ihom
selves lo bo fooled y iho'r innumera
ble fulso pretense, can over again no
successfully played off. J no ianUs
of. tho ItadicaU havo in some ineas
uro become emancipated. I ho veiled
prophots huvo boon expoBod.i Tho
blind eyes now see j nnd Ihe ears that
wcro den lo tho arguments of the
Democrsis have boon unstopped by
Iho untonscious admissions of liic very
lulso g"ls they huvo bocn worship
ing Pitttburg Post,
ixlraraganeeof the Ooternmntt
By the published summary of tho
appropriation uuin i"r uiu ,--uwm wi
Congress tlio present session we sec
the total amount is a little over one
hundred nnd eighty one millions of
dollars, and, considering thai tho
amounts of somo hare bocn or aro
likoly to be increased, iho total may
be set down probably ut ono hundred
and ninety millions, 'llns, as our
readers are awaro, is for current ex
penditures of tho year, nnd docs not
mcludo interest on Iho national debt
The interest on Iho debl being about
a hundred millions, tho cntiro exuen
dituro will amount lo two hundred
and ninety millions. Bui, deducting
Iho burden of Ihe debt, winch is
legacy of tho war, w hy is it necessary
In these tunes ol pcaco tlinl tne cost
of tho government should be more
than double what it was thirteen years
unor Admitting that tho thirty mil
lious for pensions is n proper charge,
and also u legacy of the war, nnd as
such doducling Hint Irom the hundred
and ninety millions, thero is still left
a hundred and sixty millions as the
current yearly cost of a penco estab
lishment. JJut tho thirly-lwo m
lions sot down for tho iYsl Oflico
Depurtmenl will bo balanced by
the earning Ol mat acpui ns.nt
less some five or six millions. That
lesvet a hundred und thirty-four mil-
Hons for the civil, military und nnval
ncrviccs nnd lor miscellunoous tinjects
an amount too largo by forty mil
lions ut Irnst. Under llio hrnd of
sundry civil expenses," ainr Irom
the rouular Appropriations for evory
department, the stun set down il near-
, . : -.:m: U'l:..
ly iwcmy-cigu minions. niit mi
llieso sundries Unit amount lo nl much
as tho whole expenses of the ciivcrn-
ment in its purer days, thirty or lorly
yeurs ugo f Wo havo fallcti upon evil
limes, when cxlruvaguiico una cor
ruption go bund in hand together.
iVne York Herald. j
.Vr PoltHmt DettultUnt.
Height of impudence II idinjr one's
speculations behind a wile's p'tlicoat
llonry Wilson. I
Forgetful indignation ftending
back u dividend nnd forgetting to ex
plain Iho mutter James A. (luiflold
llonesl legislators Taking slock
when only worth ninety -lour dollars
pur shnro, and sending it back when
worth two hundred und fifty-seven
dollars, with dividend'. '
Congrcsxiotuil morality- Hon) ing
a fact on llio slump and owtui'ig up to
it when cornered with the evidence
Henry Dawes. , (
Innocence Inlervicwing (inorge F.
Train and Oakes Ames in relklion lo
taking Credit Mobilierstock und think
ing they would pour money Into his
lap without nuythlng expected in ro
turn James A. Garfield. I
National Hanker A innn wholonns
money tu and rccoives money from
Congressmen without security, only
for form's sake Oakes Ames.,
A ;ood father -in-law One who al
lows his son-in-lnw lo ninkd a Rood
thing in slocks when ho is one of tho
directors James llrooks.
Moral Coward Turing lbs slock
nnd dividends, nnd, when lneiig.
lion i full-".! nf ,1!h --,U
liinghiim, Wilson, and Scofiold.
lliinevolenco buying slock of Astcs.
and when investigation is talked of,
and Ames is getting into hot water,
surrendering fivo hundred dollars
Schuyler Colfux. -
Rulhor mixed Applying Ion thous
and dollars toward nit Jet-lion for
Senators, all in i legiliinnlli way.
Mature reflection Coni essmen re
vising thoir sworn testimony heforo n
secret invosligulion wkou'iho outh of
secresy is removed. Ctf
(and Plain-
In Indiana the paronti are over-
hauling thuir family Ilihles to alter
tho front names of chidren from
Schuyler Colfax losomolling clso.-
In ono counly,ono hundred mid eighty
seven little boys had tleir names
changed in one week. Brides oilier
good, (.lakes Ames's It tt It hook has
cnuipd llioso pooplo lo Search tho
Sciiplures and given a bolter stylo of
iioinuiiviature vo western babies ol tne
mulo persuasion. j
Tnr. Stoks Case. Jm).9 Davis, of
llie ftos ,ork Supromo Court, bus
granted a wit of error and stay of pro
ceedings in tha Stokes caso. This
decision was Stokes's lust chance.
Tho caso now goes to a full bonch of
Supreme Judges and will not be do
ii .1 ...I I'.. ...... I. . . . I n.
.uvu iui in., ui miro UlUimiS. ciou'v-a
is grontety ehcored by this turn In his
fuvor. ,'... , ., -i i j 1 "
Jtto Marshall House nt Aloxaodria,
f, Wliore L.O llhul !' - tl, uiaa
I jiillcl h? J)cct hurnnrj,
Coupon .tVtrs.
Photographers are busy picturing
the Ice gorgo at Porl Deposit.
Mrs. Crittenden, widow of Senator
Crittenden, of Kentucky, died at St.
Louis, on Sunday. ., . ,
Row Goo. F. Vallandighnnt, brolhor
of the lalo Hon. C. L. Vullandighiim,
died suddenly in Cincinnati on the
A membor of tho Constitutional
Convention is trying lo got in a suc
tion making the killing of a lightning
rod peddler or lifo insurance ngont
only a misdemeanor.
Colfax is not a member of tho Sen
ate, and that body ciimiot p.iss judg
ment upon his conduct until arlichs
of Impeachment uro preferred against
him by tho House.-1 -i
The Johnstown Tribiint mournfully
admits lhat ''Smilcr" Colfax is ono ol
tho worst "soilod doves" of tho Credit
Mobilier lot, and lit tit ho is hencofortli
politically damned. '"
Daniel Pratt says ho hns mado ono
hundred speeches in favor ot the Union
Pacitlu lliiilroud, and Oakes Ames
onlv l'iivo him a dollar, i Daniel is
uhenpur than Congressmen.
James llsyos, formerly of Lewis-
burir. is tho unlucky psle-faco who
hud to abandon a clerkship in the
Auditor General s otllco lo make room
for Prof. Wm. II. Day, tho darkey
Tho Lynchburg Republican says tho
recent removal of the disabilities of
. i " viriritiia, und V.
A Graham Not li, ulU-,0in ,
another ovulenco that Uongiess la be-
L'inning to. understand that tho war is
Samuel Gibbs, son of the Secretary
of Stale of Florida, has boon dismissed
io ni west roini in disgrace, lor ig
norunco and lar.incs. Iho JtiiUieal
isrty will learn, wilh emotions of pro-
ound sympathy and regret, Hint sum
uel is a "culled puBSon," i, ,
, Thero aro three kinds ol men in
this world tho "Wills," and tho
"Wonts," nnd tho "Cants." Tho
former effect everything, nnd tho oth
rr nppnsn everything, and the latter
mil in everj-iuiiig. ,
The Now York Timet is opposed lo
iho tho exposure of Co I lux and other
leading Radicals who huvo been con
victed of participation in llio Credit
Mobilier swindle, bceauso it "will
lower Ihe Government of the country
in the public esteem. A strong reit
son, truly 1
James Ellis, a Schuylkill county
Constitutional Delegate, oilers a reso
lution beforo tho Convention, pro
scribing pnnishmont by hanging for
fraud at elections. It tins resolution
should bo ungrufled on Iho constitution
of the Suite, Iho Radical party would
censo lo exist.
Peter Ilerdic, of Williamport, is
lobbying diligently nl Ilarrislntrg tor
new county to be formed out of parts
ol' Lycoming, Bradford and Tioga
counties, will) Minnequa Springs as
tho county sent, ilo owns Ihu springs,
which accounts for hi interest in iho
Ur arfrtisrmentj.'
TOR SALE About four tons of
escollent I'lnrer Hajr. A,ply to
hi AMOS KKNAhl), Seeund ft.
R'J'aJa.SV.Pi'AV.XO.P Tn ANY AIlTiri.K
OK MKUl IIAN1I. A i 1 Ml. i.t .- nT
I'ltlt'K. tOilK AMI KKK. it.Mt-.ti
Jmci II, OratiAii. Ovrttr of iho I'uor of
t'lfiirlUIJ boron j 1 1, tur i:.c ycr 15,'2: f
TonuioLiit of du)licl f-.r 1S;l. tl,f;fl 93
lij riHiitf of tvaintftitiin; Michrl
i ounellv, itn)ir, M fit) tow :
Amt. b. Uu f'r bojiri'j.JO (0
Aint. II. I.itf " .. 0 0i
Amt. yU Mri. Wotali " 1 .lift 00
Ami. tu Ur. T. J. U".v-r, inrd.nt. 14 00
Amt. for cl'.ltiitig wcillrin, Ac. 47 I'V S18 09
GsiwDftt of inie(imnf M. Aiua-
ttiKlir, Jvier,
Amt. ittl C. hrinl(lt, hoanHnif '
from Deo. 1H, 71 luFok K';.l.2f 0 u
Amt. f'r imdirine , 4 58 194 tO
Oihrr xpen m ."ullowi.
lljr prtotiti)CM.....aU S 60
unit. miJ Jrlilott Hc d. nrtitrer
uf Lawtvuct tuobip...... P
unit, tu It. V. ViliMin, iiiftl.iat. 6 iiQ A. t Tto.rvrm.ntr'r 2J 01
ami. to Wnl'act' A
hrt ortii'V f'', ronnrllv caic. 10 AO
ami. of fnt in "'.. K 60
ami. to W. Porter, lundryeo.! 6 .SO
am', tu J. (1. lUrUftlrlt, inl.
alUn'tnnen. MoTttKffurt
amt. ei-nfax aHowed Wm.
lAf4tHiii;h. collector
auil. cJH'inrtioii,
amt. uiftVy dup.,Utionrrjrt 4o.
iMtit, aurlitr'
14 00
&S 00
ft HV
8 AO
ft CO
amt. Uiii pnitturar tu Uic
ougb Trvaiurer for 32ft 4.1 4TT 31
We, tlit unilcritfriii-d Amlitsri,otrllf thrahova
acnof,t to 1 Jutt and trno and the bnlanen to b
n abort itatcai.
W. 11. HT'il.EK,
m-lii Auditors.
lTtJTKI ImmfdUtrly. A Milln
at Ike
power. AJJrti
tatrifrnlMirft, CUftrflotd Co., Pa.
TOTICli. In the Common Pleat of Hrar-
X Jlo'.tl rnuntr, 1'a. TlioappHftin uf Luoioo
Jlird, lliinin Woodward, unit uHirrg, aku.f I
eliiirtcr of InettrmimMoit fur 'Tha rennfirlil Ym-
li.Ttfiiian Cliurttli," Imi beca mado to tho Court,
mid if no ufXiuicnt renun be tlioftt. to tueeou
eu. 20, 1873 at, rrotbonutfirj.
1 flfltl onii
Wiio, IJriiry
i In tho Common IMoai of Clonr-
oniintv. Ta. Tho aiiplioittion of 1. W.
ry Hwon and othon, anking a miartor
of ioooriiuration of Ttia iun Hamui Chnrcli,
hna boen made to the Court, and it no fuAtrient
rrninn hn nhown to Iho avntrar the Miaa will bo
grunt'd on the Dent any of ont Maroh term.
eh. 11, iSffl tt. CrotbiDtr7
wliolera'e ilralere in
liar, rerauved lo IS? Cliureh etreel, "Mitren
rranklin and Whit. Ma., Nnw York. fj:tl2
OSEP1I II. IIOWI.EH, Jusiico of
the I'rai-e ami Srrimner in Ilia u wr end or
Lawrenoa hinilili. ColliTtium inatc and raunejr
prf,ni,tlT paiil over. Feb.S-ljr
tTllKltUAS. Hon. 0. A. M TKR, Praildonl
y Jnilge nf tha Court nf Common Pleae of
tha Twenty-Mill Juiliclal Uielrict, eoinnoied of
tbo flountiea of ClearSeld, l.rntre and I'llnlnn
and Hon. H ih.iam 0. loL.r nnd lion. Jo J.
Unas, Aatoeiala Jedee ol Clearfield county,
nave ir.n.d their preeept,lo dlreeted.for th.
holdtnf uf a Onnrt of Cnnnioa Pleas, Orphan.'
Court. Court of Querter Beeelona, Court of Oeor
and Terminer, and Court ol General Jail Ilellr.
ary, at tha Court HoaeaatClearAoldnand for tha
enuDlvof Clearflald, oommenclng on the tbir
Mniiday, nth day ol martu. aad hj
aoalinua ona weak
N0T1CI IB, tt.r.iore, hereby alreo, lo the
Ooron;;, joitleoa of tha I'eaoe, an) Coutihlea,
in and for laid eountt of CleSi Said, to Slpear In
111 el r .i1.Jier peraone, with their Heeorda, Holla,
TnqolilU.n,, Kiamloatloni, and other Hemem-
hranaea.'tb at tno.e Iblari wnii n uieu ooeae,
and la Uelr behalf, pertain (o Da oone
OlVJlN nnder my hand at ClaarSelil, thi 1th
day of Maroh, In tha year af aur Lord fro
Ihoueand tight kudred and eerenty-three
ISIIN 1. Pit, Sheriff.
tytw guJi'fillfifmfntfj.
I'.tilMTI'.lt'N NOTIt T' Nolloo lelieruliy
t.n that Him u-nnnnte have been
oiaiafuei anil poind by me. anil rrluain Sli il of
rooorJ In lliii oBk-e for the inepootloo of Mn,
UnUm, oraililor,anil all othore In anyoiner w
intorretod, anil HI ba preeeiitoil ta tha n'al Or
phan' Oiurt ol ClearSeld county, lo lx hold at Iho
Court Ilouen, In the borounh of Clearfield, ooia
mnnninit on the l Monilay (being Iho 17th J"?)
of Marcih, A. I. 187K.- "
Plntl amnunt of II. II. Krnhari. ailmlnlilrator
of Dafld Ki'pliart, lalo of (ho burouijU or Oamols,
doeeaeed. ,
KinM araonat of Jriefi flori, auanllan Ol
oella Hinenl, minor ehllil of foler riuieal, derraeid.
final aecuunt of II. P. Sohoonover lli'nrjr
Hamlin, adinlnlelratori of Henry Hraeal, doeoaeod.
Kinal aocniint of Anthony llilo, ailiulnutronir
ar Michael Wle. lalo of I'lke lownnlilp. deo.-aaan.
t t'lmil aoonunt of 111 i-e Heed, an in nleiraior vi
tli-nry Auglionbiiiigh, late ef Lawn-noo townehlp,
intuitu . i . ' - r1 kt--.' . f '
Account of A. V. trr, admlnielratnr ooni'i
. . . . . I. r ii --
Hon, rr or inoinna jiuucn, i
toarnahip, doneaeej. - ' '
Aoiount of Wm. R. IHoklninn. ailmlnlilrator
of A. 8. Ploklnton, Into of Vliurfiold county, de - - 1
Vinal aennnl of H. C. l'aldhrn. cuaMinn or
Warren Mul'iilly, minor child of Jno, L.MoCullr,
lata of Oulicb lownibin, dceeaeed. -
eran'i Ornea, ) A. W. I.bK,
Clearlleld, l'a Feb. 19, ISTMo. BeKleler.
J. M
K Ji l' II A Ii T
Wholeeala Dealer! In
111 TH, CA PS, fVilH
No. ill Market Street, 111 1 L A I KI.1'11 1 A.
..... .,.,,tiieott, "ma. -...
J.mee Milohcll, J lilt:) A. II. Donnett.
CLUlHr-lliLI), FA.
Ilealer la .
Boots, Shoes, Iliits, Caps, Ac.
trSlioemaVere rupplled with IKtTHER
and 6HOK riNDl.XUS at radueed rataa.
retail vary ehaap.
at wholeeala and
A liberal dtaeoant to bai'dera.
FliH, PL0U.1, 1U.-MN. tOUN MELaad
CHOT, alwats on band.
iVAllofiha ah ri goadi ara parchied
eioluslrrly fr eeh. and therfor mh anj teilt
be ictd cheep at the eheepett. ftSlt-TS
Xl eonf are heifby cintloord efalnut enttift
or in w.iv dnntneng timlrr. or cntttn; )nh p)ee,
pia wood or it in, or in ant otif war iltiuy-
lti(t tim'r or trepai4inif on llio rfmoa of
Uritflin ihrarT, Ihomai tjroum or wm. P.
Oiokt-v, in Ur rear in townid.ip, near H'hltmer run,
Ibo Inw will he ilrteily rnlnrecd ageioit all
who are raht trrnpnsninp. And tll pertmn
benking tiiiih-r ur on proprtr of (Imotn A
Iirajr, naawr WhtMr roi, on (laerflfld rrk,
will UUt not ice tha all tn...; rent m!t be paid
befurc tin- timber PUu v0 moved ff the hank.
WM. UlrKKV A Kill.
M.U-iu l'r UUOltSt A MCKEV.
... - - .
No. IIS. Illand lit,
- NOHTR 11KOAD STKEKT, abova Aroh,
A laraa aeeortnirnt of new aud aaeond hand
CAItlllAllKS, of ovrrr eariety, from lha very
bret oiakere in I'liila'le'pliia and ntijhboring
Aleo. Harnoee, Dlankete, tt.' Thoea in want
af anrtbinK in our line are requenU'tl lo glva ua a
call befurc purchasing eleewhere.
rlAMl'EL, C. HODUKI1H, Proprietor.
Bast Bl. C. Cuiui'loa, Salrcuau. Ifrbl2-3m
, , i , . .
C O M P A N Y.
I l't
ondrriicned, euoroieore to H KKH A
OWKLI,. have purchaerd Ihe (I.1.AH.
MEM) 1'I.AMNU MILL, and rofltladl it for
doing an exleneire nninnitiie. All tha tnaohinery
will be added i.orar to uiaka it ona of the
moat eoniiikto ritab iahmcnle of (ho kind La the
State. Tltfy are nw prrparrd to ffceive ordere
for any work la that line. They will giveenoeial
attention to all material, for fanuM building.
SASH-DOORS. BLINDS, . hkts, .not i.nt.ratke.
Or ALL STYLES, always on hand.
WOHKKTl nOAnttfl and all artlrtri noceeia
ry f'r building, will be exchanffnd for DHY
l.UMUKH, eo Ihnt i-pb t a dutdtife nay
brlad their lumber, exohanpe tt for, and ret em
hoiu "illi lha manufactured articlca.
The foinnany wilt always hara on hand a larjrr
itork of dry lumber, to at to lie able to fill an
order on the elmrteet notice. Only the beat and
moet skillful hands will be em ploy od, so that the
publio may rely upon good work,
Timber will ba worked or sold as low as It ean
b jiurrtiMcd anywhere, and warranted to fire
natiffantion. Ae tha buslnees will b dona npon
tha eec-h principle wa eaa afford to work for small
profit t. .
Ripeelally one and a half and two Ineh panel
rttiff, for whleh a liharal priaa will bo paid.
Tho baiinees will he conducted andar tha nauia
of tba
"flrnrfirld Pinning Mill fo."
0. B. Merr.ll wiU pereonally tuparlnlcnd lha
bueinoa,. 1
Ordrn raapaetfnlly eoliei'ed. .
'. 0. 0. M EI1RKLL.
m. a. miovp A Hfo.
Clearneld, Pa., January . Wt.
Th nndTeignrd reepeetmiiy iniorme in iii
tone af iilynmington and lha traveling puhlle
partlnularly, that n, hai eptU'd aboardinf t)JUr
al lhat plan. '
Alao, io ptmneolUn with tha Imarding hopa I
bar. p.orned a grooery itnro, and will oonatAntly
keep en bead all h iadl 0 groeariM.
. Would wpectfuU aik a abare of patrnnaga.
teal It AM SMIJII.
t r ' K'
PhilipBimrj:, Coatro Cotaty, Pa.
THR aaderelKoad raetrally aaaaaaaaa ta
tha publio that ha hai on hand eare-
fullj-ielaoua ana wan aeeorieu v.
1 noixow wahe :
wood and 'Willow wake j
Hit itoek of Cuoklnf BtoTae eoneliU of
Whleh kara naeer failed to bring reaaa and
prosperity lota laminea wnara u ii ueea,
Diamond Otata, Farmer, Herald. Charm, Speari
California Cook Btora, Bpoara' Antl-baet,
oJl.UarninK Cooking 8tove,, Vletor,
Keliaaee and 1 oion ltanLee,
v Bpaare' Cooking Kangee, .......
.-'.., :-i .,, - . i
fc,The Tin and Bhaat Iron ware glran with
tha CloT.e Ii made of lha hear'e.t and bail
material, and warranted to giro perfect aatii-
faatlon. . ., M -i ... , , i J A r
. : - ..!
His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves
It larger, better and etieaper than arar hefera
eiblbitea to tna paone eon.iitmg or
Bpearl' Rerolriog Light IUnmlnating Store,
bpearf Anil- Lraoi uaa-uarning riunr mora,
tipaara' Orhlenlar Oae Burning Parlar
' J - Utora, flpaara Oaa-Burt. log Parlor ,.
Blora, iloquet. Pearl, Ueio, Ida,
Bun, Tropio, Narada,
"'' ; e., Ao.-
Vnleaa, Elm and Tietor lleatera, F peare' Kt-
. rolrlng Llgbt llealere.
He lo alaa prepared lo furalih a aomplete
aseortmant or
..-.-I ., -.., ' , . .
Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and
Willow Ware, &o.,
Wboleeale ar reUll, manof.otared neatly and
wilh tha tola view to eerrlce, ma) ua heat ma
terial In tha market.
'. Of arery deaerlptlon eonetanlly on band.
- . . . j . - , .i
And other work belonging to hie buainoie will
ba promptly Iliad by aiperieneed and ikllUal
woramea. ... - ,, , ,
i - - ' 1 1 ' ' i
' ' . AND CAPU
Takan In asehange for gooda
M-Hi unnl.Hr ta. 4Watta
Uerchante wlehing ta porehaae at wholeeala. at
they will tnd tt to their adrantae to aiamlna
fell ttock befiara pnrehMtng aleawhera.
Look ont for tba Big Sign oppoeita tha reel
- dene of Idra. Or. Foeter. . .
All Ooons WannAsras ae!iTiD.
r.. n.
augS 8
Phlllpebarg, June I, 1670. - -
naiLkaa ta
and manufacturars of '
Tln.Copper & Sheet Iron M arc,
' ' ''
Seooad fitreol,
Caqiepters and Builders will do well to exam
ine oar stock of
DIPTON'8 SAWS Dtatnn'e Cro.i rot, Itaad,
Rip, Tenant and Qent'a Sowa.
Pmootb, PtaAcs
Jack IM lines,
Fopc 1' lanes. 1
Match Plttaea,
Plum1! I l.erelsr
Storl Stuarts, -lo
Firmer and Framing Chi eel". Corner Chisels,
Carpenter' Pliel;, Itracet end Hilts,
1 Uoring Mftrhinrs, at.
Grintfstont and Grintlttone Fixture.
Smoky Flues aro etTccf tinlly cured by using Kleh
arW 1'atent
for which wa hare the agency. No ears, no pay.
rbUadelihia CarHexe Rolls, IWUmad Lanterns,
. Wooden War, Ao.,
A flna aisurtwent af (
The Time, 1h, tne orm la
. 1 aim pto. io iron nt.
Kryw't Porubl Uatr, and Ueating, Parlor
and llafl Store,. , ,
im.. Hoofing, Spouting and Job Work dona on
reasonable trnue. All order, will reeeira ammpt
I bar, a large ,tek of AMKUICAK
nd SWISS WATCI1K3, of tk differ
,n grado,, In from two to ight onno,
eaeo. I offer tharo for ante LOW, aad
guarante than, lo fir, entire ratlifaetion.
A goad aeeorriaent of Ladle' -and dent'.
Jewelry of lha lateit rtjlet! Alwaj, getting
ojKthlng now I
I would aeV f.umhermea and other, wha in
tead pnreSaalng Walche, to call od are my
.took beter golrg to tha cltiet, ae I am Tar,
eat 1 ns ell Watcto, te low M Ike tSk b,
bought, bealda, th different. In dlitanoa 1
th, ,rnt f Ih, ae,, proTle defettjLr,, , ,-
. Allklj,a,ofltltPAlRl?fOla1iiyUepronipil7
lledf d to ft lblnra on Second ilmt, oppo
tt, h, Cvrt Uona. , tar foar liberal import
a lha pait I aju rery thankful. ; j .
rat. sndbr,
April 1, 1ST1.
CI AUTIOPJ. All pareqn, art hereby aaulloned
J agalntt purohailng ar in an, way meddling
wilh I earn! fcuraoe and barneaa. 1 .bar here. I
bay mare and haraeaa, grub, and foad, n'uw In
pneearaiaa ot van rareiag and Uerga I'rlng,
of llontadala, aa tha ,am, belong la naa and are
eaJe lo ay order. l
holt ii rr.x toLoeit.
Down I Down 1 1
. t t ;t .." ;."tt: r. . .
A Proclamation against High Prices f
"ITTIf art no opening op s I at of the beet Ul
niiwl aeaeooakla Uimdi and Warei erer
oHerod in tliUt market, and al prim thai remiil
ona of the p("ml uM dayi of oheap thin. Tboee
who ia.A faith a this point, or daua ou alia,
gatluue upellln'o need but
r.iu .it am Brans,
Curucr Fruut and Market ItreeU,
tVh're thi-y rn w, feel, hoar anil know for tkB.
eclfVa. lo folly nodcreland wbal arooheip
Ihu moet u dona. Wa do not daan it aeauauy
It aeauauy
to enumerato aod itemiae our atoek.
for to elate lhat
We have Everything that is Needed
and eonaumad In tbia nuttkut, aad at prion that.
aatouuu boLh old and young.
dNlill JO.-till SHAW t ouil.
r. o. siLkan.
A. s. roauu
Ornham'a Row, Market Bt,
We would eaoet raepeclfuliy rJrforni owr f r'i.&l
oueloinere, and th publio geaerally, that w. ui
now kaek in. our old saarterl, wltlck bar, kaj
romdili'd and tmprored and wa sr no an.
pared lo aoommaUat, all wha. may faror n k;
eollrng. '-J - '
N E W G O O D $ !
We hare Jort rreelrcd one af tha largcrl Meda
of all kinde ,f IrvranandlaeertrbrfMighltaVliar.
field eenitty, which we Iwtend at nek It.
nrc a, will make it an ohject for-ail porwaita
pnrrhaea IVara nr. Paaailiaa. laying In wiatar
luppliee of Orecariei, Pry rioode, Ao., ,ho,U ,M
fail to glva a a nail, tt frl tonSdeil m
prion, and vuperior quality ,ijapode will aaly
tiify all. Our ttock at
ooneiel, of Coffee, of lha bias quality. Teas, 8a,
gar, of all kinde, Melaaeee, Ttab, Salt, Chean,
Dried Fruit, Spte, prariiieat, Plonr and feel,
Ae., A. Our ,tok af
ie large and varied, aad w, will juat la; a, ai.
aiippl any article In that Una, without eaaaw.
We bar a larg atook of ready-Bade Clotkia,
for Men and fioya wear, wkieh wa'will diraooi'
at a rery imail adranoa on coat
Boots and Shoe, llati and Caps, Qardtin,
Queenawara, Wood and Willow Ware, Kotieai,
Fan- oode, Carpal a, Oilelatks, Wall San.
Window Shadei, Ac, Ao.
lfBeing ,xtoneirely angagad la the Leak
bmineaa, w, ar able to offer eoperior indaoeanu
to Jobber,.
Clearfield, Pa, Jan. t, 1812.
Doelcr in
yueeniwaro aod (Jltwiwara, Men's u4
Boys Ciothi np, Droj, Patnts,
Oila, School Books,
a large lot of Patent Medicines,
Can . ivs. Nats k Pritnl Fruits, Chores and Cm.
eri, Kook ana Rifle rowder,
Klonr, Grain and Potatoci,
Cloror and Timothy Seed,
C.I- 1 t f . T UI... 1
. lb read, Shoemakers' Tools and
hot Findiugs.
ti greater vartwty of goods ta any store
produce at tha Cheap Corner. April 10. IITl
The ailsntion of the eiliarna of CJerweld
Son an- the ayvnts of M. Nieoa A Vo.t and I
Juet raweived a half dten ear had ef t'
Keed, vhich tlwty tbfirr at tha laaest fotubk
a roe. A isrjro ttwk of
n nrn rnv m wki, Cw
Potatoes, Shelled Corn. Cora ta ear, i-
n . hi r v.mii, vin. ahiK ( the
lha rua.ivci.
r Kitr nnd r erw vnn mnm win arw r-
I hen it oan ba obtained elsewhere in Cl
oouuty. -j . .
f&-$lon on Market street, next dosrtt
Aksandsr Irvlti's naidoooa.
Agenis lor m-
TlTiKllI t bay DRV QOOI'f
notion,, Lonleottoneriea, Ae,, ebeap tor
The anbeniheV bege lear to rnforw bi)
ntw enetoaier, lhat he kae opanrd
i iv blsh nori
And will eell goad, al nrlae, lo ,nit the tie
liberal redaction wlli ba aaada ta atom
ing at wholeeal.
Call and etanln, mr itook befbra per"
leewner. a UDerai ,nar at paniM pav
C. 1. KH
Ol.n n(te, Pa Jan 14, 1M1.
P. O A I.I. A ODER hertna- lnat reUrU
tba aaat wtib aa antir aew and wWj"?
man! at alarahanrfiM. anllabla for a1
Mpring trade, which baa been etleelrd
oare and booth! at low ratee. i nrepan
ni.h tha oltlien, of llo.tid.le and rl"i
joodi at a ear, light ndraoee an
oaah. Cauntre Pruiluoa and JShtrgle"
markel price. Call and ny
purohaaluje'jewhor. ?
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WiU eell them at manufacturer', pflee,.
aa amine thu
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