Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 26, 1873, Image 2

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' arm ud f(iomiTun.
. CL12 AR FIELD. Fa. ,
' Vtkdxkshat, fi:b. 89, u:s.
Head It On our Ural pngo will bo
found an article on the cus and euro
of oriino, which bhoulJ bo road by
uverybody, nnd Ihon practiced, too.
Tlio Credit Mobilicr'a clvcted their
Mayor, in Reading, lust work, by
700 majority, and the lily gavo 1,72a
inojorty for licento.
John -Allen used to bo the wickodent
man, but it now lurni out thnt Con
KrcBsman Amoa ia the chap, provided
lie ia not upercdcd by vice Presi
dent Colfax, who ia just now the
worst awoarer.
'The red-lttirtdud rebul guerrilla,"
(.'I. Moaby, had the run ot tho While
ilouse for several daya lnt week.
This la awful. He will certainly "gob
ble Dp the government," if he ia not
"Bualness Is business ; Just say bow
innch money you want to vote for
for Senator." This ia tho way
brother Ponioroy tnlkod to the mem
bers of tbo Kansas Legislature. This
la a peculiar way this "christian
fctateaman" haa of doing business, and
wo think will not squuro with tho ton
t'ominandments nor the law of tho
.oulry. . r t
ILost Already. Gov. Ilurtranft has
already loot bis consistency Jewell.
lie told us in bis inaugural tbat Ite
would breitlc up that of corrup
ting iu..:..i " n..
good. But bo bus thus far signed
every spocittl bill presented to him,
iiud some of them the worst ever pass
ed ; and it looks now as though he
5iad surrendered to tho snmo corrupt
ring that controlled bis predecessor.
Yes, Ye. The Gerinantown Tele
graph nobly defends tho dead Geary.
The editor says :
There atanJl tlit record e-infrouting ihe men
ubo have io fondly ehiiaed Ucary, (but when lit
went into office the Bute ilelit'wae Ibirty-teren
lailliooi. moil when be went out of office tbe debt
eel reduced to twenty-seven million.
That looks nice, but is it true f If
true, why is our bill for interest just
as high as it was seven years ago 7 If
i ho debt haa really been so lurgely re
duced, why does not tbe interest bill
come down, too? The interest las
liocn troubling us more than the debt.
I'erbaps tbe oditor could give us aoaao
Vght on thia dark subject Pa. .
"Goni Up." Philadelphia has Into
ly been afflicted by gambling, nvil,
next to election frauds in which that
ity seems to excel. Tbo mayor has
taken hold of the gamblers and caused
i he arrest of Kans, Siner, Marks aud
O'Brien a German two Yankees and
m Irishman. They were ail triod
nnd convicted lust week, ntid the
court sentenced each to pay a Quo of
..-500 and to imprisonment nt linrd
labor in tbo penitentiary for two
years and six month. Siner ia a
utetnbor of tbe city council. This will
;,lvo the "ring" a chance to elect
another in bis stead. Gambling is one
f the greatest evils now abroad in
our country, and like congressional
corruption and legislative bribery,
scorns to prevail everywhoro and
among all classes, lntomporanoo is
charged with nearly all tho crimes
,-nmmil.tAil in tlin imtnirv hnl
- -
''gambling bells" cause an equal
amount of misory, though not so visi
ble. ' The two twin rolic of crime
nnd degradation genorally dwclJ to
gether. Superlative Villainy. Congress
man Wood, on the 20th, offored a
resolution in the House to the effect
that the Judiciary Committee bo or
dcred to prepare and report articles
if impeachraont aeainet Vice Presi
dent Colfax. The vote Hood yeas
105, nays 109 rathor a close sbari
Jor "tbo christian alatesman"(!) and
Vho resolution wua only defeated be-
causo Scoflold, Kcllcy, Danes, Amos,
irarflcld, Oliigbuui tinU every inuiuleca
jxnplicnled, and in tlta corrupt ring
vrtlei owm, vuteu ugiiiiie. h. uvu
possessed of ordinary inodosly would
have refrained from voting on the
question. But it is suid this ring of
corrupt villinns voted tmi' louder
I ban the honest members. Afior thia
iialioaal example, murderer, horse-
tbiovea and counterfeiters may as
well be allowed to ait on juries when
their confederates are placed on trial.
If a thieving congressman can vote
against his own conviction, why not
mIIow all criminals tbe sarno privilege ?
fipeak, ."loyal millions !" Killicr de
fund or uondeinn your representative,
o that honest men may understand
Charles T. Shermuii, of Ohio, broth
ci to Gun. Sherman and the Senator
from that State, who is United States
Judge al Cleveland, has also been
tloing some very dirty work, and if ho
it justly dealt with, he will bo i;n
tieachcd and removed. lie, ftith bis
brother tho. Senator, lobbied a bill
through Congress repealing certain
taxes imposed on brokers, nnd claims
10,000 off tho New York Board Tor
the job. The board Laa "Mowed
on bun," and the result ia that tbe
nwrman br.itliers nro In nlwut iu bad
- V ll' Credit Mobilivra.
Simply DantMAfrfc.
The Credit Mobllior thieve, wo had
uppoaed, wore about as mean as men
could afford to bo, and get Into Con
gress. The debate iu'that body on
Friday established tbe fact that thero
are still meaner men than Soo6eld,
Kelly or Butler, in Congreu. i
Twituholl, a member from Iowa, is
I'ronideiit of tho Atchcson, Topoka
and Sunta l e railroad company, nnd
had (he impnduiice to introduce a bill
giving twenty acres of tho public lunda
along the line of that road for dopol
purposes, whenever it was necessary
to make a dopot.' ' And he advocated
tho bill in an hour's aeecb, to the
surprise of every member who la not
a villuin. At tho conclusion of Twitch
oil's speech, Mr. Ilolman asked that
tho rule be read which prohibits mem
bers from voting on matters in which
they have un interest. The Spcakor
asked Mr. Ilolman to indicate tho
members to whom bo referred. Mr.
Ilolman said ho understood thnt Air.
Twitchell was Prcsiecnt of tho Com-
pany. Air. Twitchell denied tho state
ment, and said that the bill proposed
a dislinst proposition, in which there
was nobody yet Interested. The
Spcakor intimated lliut the timo for
making a point of order wus after tho
member had voted. Mr. Randall said
if a pnrty intcrcBlcd should not vote,
ho should not lobby, cither. After
so mo future colloquy in which Mr.
Twitchull took a part, Mr. Cox tmid
that he had novor witnessed anything
moro shameful in the House than tbo
fact of the President of tho railroad
company, for whoso benefit tbo bill
was under consideration, standing up
and arguing in his own interest.
They might talk about members being
interested in Bessemer steel and Credit
Mobilier and Nuliouul tanks, but bo
bad never seen a worse- exhibition
ince ho bad been a member of tho
Ilouse. . He Imped tho gentlemen
would sco that fur tbo public credit ol
tho body, bo should noithor vote nor
talk for tho measure. Mr. Twitchell
taked, docs tho gentlemen see any
Credit Mobilicrs in this! . Mr. Cox
made no reply.
It is really amazing tbul men, dunn
ing to bo gentlemen, will enter a leg
islative body and labor for thoir own
aggratidizemont, after having taken a
solemn oath implying other duties.
The Ballot Tbo Constitutional
Convention has agreed upon tho fol
lowing section :
All elections of the citizens shall be
by ballot; every ballot voted shall bo
numbered in the order in which it is
received, and tbo number recorded by
the election oQicors opposilo the name
of tho elector wbo preaonlod the bal
lot. J-.aoh elector shall endorse Ins
namo upon his ballot or can so it to be
endorsed thereon and attested by an
other elector of tho district, who shnll
not be an election cilicor: Provided,
That the oath prescribed for the elec
tion o Dicers require secrecy as the con
tents of every ballot cast al tho elec
TliU Is as herotofuro, except the
election officers nro sworn to socrecy
and must number tiio ballot and set
tho number opposilo the name of tbe
voter, and tho voter must endorse his
name on tho back of his ticket. In
case of contented election, tiiis method
at once settles the question who the
citizen voted (or, without tbo expenao
of subpoenaing him, and is far strong
er proof than verbal testimony. And
it would prevent any one from at
tempting to vote moro than onco, and
Insure the detection of every one do
ing so, as well at provldo against or
detect every eltort which dishonest
election officers might mnko to substi
tute tuise ballots or to miscount the
votes enst.
Only Two Sinner. Tho Credit
Mobilier commilteo ha handed in its
report to Congress, and recommends
tho expulsion of Oakes Ames of Maiwu-
obusetta, and Jumcs Brooks of Now
York. The report ia silent as to tbe
other transgressor. Ycnterday was
tho timo fixed to tnke up the resolu
lion. Wo fear that too many of tbo
members huvo some of "Hoax's" ntock
in their pocltot and Will ympnlhizc
with him in hi trouble. And for fear
that bo might haul out bis memoran
dum book ugain,thcy will voto against
expulsion. A fellow feeling makes
so mo people wondrous kind ; especial
ly Congressmen.
No Repudiation. Tho World re
fers to tho manner in which the whole
Democratic press and local Democratic
organization and Democratic Hiato
Loin nut too and the Democratic btale
Convention repudiated Tweed and his
r-vinia, mid .triiruH nfT tlA la.. - -!.
livery in which he had been serving
rimblicnn parly. It
clasps tho Credit Mobilier scoundrels
to Us bosom. Its press condones their
crimos. lis congress punishes only
the exposcr of their crime. For the
venality of its fivo loader it has hut a
reprimand ; for tho perjury of its Vice
'resident, silonco.
Tbo Republican parly is dead, and
thoso aro the odor of iho chnrnol-
Ax Unknown Man. Tbe Tilusvillo
Courier says; There is still ono of the
in on killed in tbo recent disaster near
Scrubgruss on tho Valley Roiul, who,
up to this time, has nol been identi
fied. He had a bankcrchinf in bis
rossossion on which was the namo of
nsselt. Tho friend of William Casey
arrived nnd took bis remains to Lmk
port, X. Y., hi former botno, for in
terment. Hut wIipim does the un
known belong!
i. -I'Al'r
TO tiik State. The Pennsyl
vania Kailroud for Iho year ended No
vombor o0, 1872, paid Into tlio Slnto
Treasury ns taxes, 883,8il5.80. Tho
following aro the items : Tax on our
porntion etinks, J184.715 12 ; on loans,
97,f!'J8.41 j on gross receipts, $Uil,
238 58 ; on tonnage, f L1,48 19, and
commutation of tonnage tax 9100,000,
making Iho tolal of 383,335.30. The
revonno derived by tho Stale from the
Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Co.
during the aamo timo amounted lo
Htmplt Kfotteld.
It ha been aoeq from tbo memoran
dum book of Oakes Amo that tho dis
tinguished Pennsylvania Republican
wont into tho Crodit Mobilier "blggor
than an Indian." When Suolield was
on tbo Republican ticket for congress
at largo last year In association with
Charles Albright, the champion boun
ty Jumper, there wn a certain dogrco
of coinmisoralion for him which was
not diminished when the returns
showed thut Albright was several hun
dred votes ahead of him. Notwith
standing hi long experience in the
Pennsylvania legislaluro and tho jobs
with which he necessarily becamo
familiar, Scoflold's simplicity was ao
groat ' that he fell without a ttruggle
into the trap of that corrupter of con
gressional morals, Oukos Ames. It
was when they were walking down
Pennsylvania Avenue Ames Nuid thtil
the Credit Mobilier was a Pennsyl
vania corporation and thai bo would
liko to huvo some Peniiiiylvnnlun to
tako an interest in the enterprise.
Tbo Slalo pride of our noble Pennsyl
vauian wus aroused. Ila would bo
Immensely delighted to tuko an inter
est in unylhing emanating from tbe
legislature cf his Slnto, from an act
of incorporation to a United Stntos
Scnnlornliip. So down ho went on
tlio Credit Muunier subscription list
for twenty ebnres So confiding wus
ho that bo modo Oukcs A me his irus-
too, and drew hisdividenda with praise
worthy regularity. non no discov
ered thnt his lofty Slnto prido was re
warded by tlio possession ot ao much
wealth in Crodit Mobilier shares and
Union Pacific stocks, for wliivh ho had
never advanced a dollar, ho did not
angrily and indignatly, like Kolloy,
tho great champion of Pennsylvania
pig i ron, throw up his stocks a a con
tribution to Ihe conscience fund, but
kept them as endurinc certificates of
his morits as a representative.
lint this i not tho most striking
proof of the simplicity of tho distin
guished member from tbo northwest,
and of hi totul unfitness to run al
largo when wli pronlcrs as Oaken
Ames and John li. Alley aro search
ing for prey. When on hi stumping
tour last yonr ho addressed a mas
meeting in tlio town ot Mercer. Tho
story of I bo Credit Mobilier had but
rcconlly made it appcaranco in tho
newspapers, and Mr. Scoa'cld, in that
innocence and simplicity so becoming
to hi character, embraced tho oppor
tunity to explain. In the course of
his speech he explicitly and emphati
cally denied that ho owned a dollar of
tho stoctt or tho Credit Mobilier. Ho
not only had no interest, but bo do
nied all knowledge of the corporation.
A a proof of tlio extent of his ignor
anco he said thut when bo heard tho
words Credit Mobilier ho was com
pelled to ask their inclining of a friend
wbo wus familiar with the French
language I It could not thcreforo bo
imagined that lie would tnke any
share in a French company the very
name of which bo did not understand.
Could anything bo moro charming
than Iho artlcsaness and simplicity ol
lliU explanation ! There is a fresh
ness about it more becoming a Warren
county milk maid than a hirsute mem
ber of congress. The assembled citi
zen of Mercer county were perfectly
satisfied with tlio explanation. Many
went away filled with remorso for
having ever harbored an unjust suspic
ion of so worthy nnd proper a rcpro
sentntivo. But tho caso of Scoflold
show thut a member of congresa may
not understand tbe Fronch ot Credit
Mobilier and yet be skilled in the art
Of mobilizing iln mmi-m If tteoAolcl
ha the misfortune of not being able
to talk French that is no reason why
he should not bo taught to "walk
Spniiish." Harrisburg Patriot.
Corotur'M fee Hill,
The following ia a copy of the now
ins past
branch ot tlio Lcgixluture
Section 1. That heroaftortlie fees of
any coroner or justico of the ponce,
acting as such, shall bo a follows:
Viewing a dead body, three dollars.
Summoning and qualifying an inquest,
and drawing and returning inquisition,
two dollars and fifty com. Qualify
ing each witness, ten cents. . Forcuch
milo actually traveled counting from
coroner's olHco lo plaeo of viow, and
thence to the court houso, fivo cents,
liach aervico of a subpoena on witness,
whotber by coroner, justice or consta
ble, tun routs. For each mile traveled,
fivo conts. Witness, each day's at
tendance, ono dollar. For each milo
traveled, three conla. Each juror per
day on inquest, ono dollar.
Sec. 2. That the coroner, or justice
acting as coroner, shall on request of
the inquest, cull physician or surgoon,
who shall initko the necessary oxami
nation of the body to enable him lo
testily us to iho cause of death, for
which service ho shall bo paid by Iho
county a sum not exceeding ten dollars:
Provided however, That if chemical
tcsl urn surgical operation shall le
necessary, ho shall be paid such loons
tho court of quarter soseions may
order nnd direct : Provided, That said
feo shall not exceed the sum of ono
hundred dollars.
Seo. 3. All acta and parts of nets
inconsistent with this act are hereby
Sec. 4. The provirion of ibis net
shall not apply to the cily of Philadel
phia or to counties which ulrcady have
aiicciul laws on the subject.
Pensioning Uonknty. -Ono of the
---' f"-J B - -
paying legislators, both National and
Slate, largo salaries, is thut Iho temp
tation to accept bribes would bo re
moved. That argument may bo vory
effectually disposed of by tho remark
thut no man who must be hired to bo
honest is worthy a Boat in a legislative
body. ' The man who is not honest,
and pure for honesty and purity's sake,
cannot bo mado honest by being paid
for it. Kxpcrietico prove the utter
ubsurdily of the argument. There
doubtloss was considerable corruption
in CongroM when Iho pay wa eight
dollars a day ; but every ono knows,
who is nt nil conversant with Ihe his
tory of uiilionnl legislation, that thore
was not a tithe of tho bribory nnd cor
ruption Ihon ns there bns boon devel
oped since the pay of Congrossmon
has been increased lo ten thousand
dollars, with perquisites almost un
limited in extent. Seloet Intelligent
and honest men as representatives in
nil branches of your legislatures, nnd
you will hcur of no more Credit-Mo
biliorscoundiolisma, and no moro such
white-washings as bavo followed such
iiisUtncea of placo boing secured by
bribery, the most unblushing, us those
of Culdwoll nnd Patterson. Lancas
ter nlclliijeHcrr.
Edward 8. Stokes, Fisk'a murderer,
Is to hnvo another chnnco for his life.
Judge Davis ha granted a "slay of
proceedings." It is said by some p.
pors that Stokes is. going "insane."
Woll, lot him go, "
Hebe Tuey AitK.Thorollof pur
chased seals In tho Scnnlo, according to
the Chicago Tribune, now include
Caldwell of Kansas, Clayton of Ar
kansas. Harlan of Iowa, Ramsey and
Windom of Minnosotu, Hitchcock of
Nebraska, Carpenter of Wisconsin, and
Cameron of Pennsylvania. Thesegon
llenion nro to bo reinforced on Muroh
4th by Sargent of California, Mitchell
ol Oregon, Patterson of South Ctiro
lino, and Jones of Nevada, nnd llieso
nro only those who have becu found
Quite a CiiAsui. Tho Now York
7Vi6ki says : The relationship of ifr.
Oakes Ames with bis fellow-member
have somew hat changed sinco 1808.
They keep calling on him now to
know if he bns anything toaJ; tlny
followed him up then to see if he hsd
anything to divide. j
$ru? u.mUsfnifuts. I
WAMTU11 laie.llltl. A Miller, tt Ike etrsut Mill. L' ml mtrr
puwr. AiUreit
ft!2t-3'. Lutberiburg, (.'IterfleM Co., Ft.
NOTICE. lu the Comraun PImi of Clear
field eouDty, Pa. Tbe application of Lueien
Uird, Ulraui Woodward, and etberi, eiklng a
charter of Ineorneratiun lor "XUe renud.ld I'rif
byterian Ciiurub," tin been made to tl.e Coerl,
nd if no lutnoirnt reaion be ehown to ia ova
trarr tbe lanao will be grouted un tbe Bret dar of
noxt Muroh term. A. C. TA tyj,
l'eli. 26, li73 3U ProtlueotarT.
NOTICi:.-In tbe "oimuon Pliai of Bloir.
Held eountr, Pa. The aiilieation of t W.
lie, llrnrj biran and vtU-i, nklug a charter
sf iaeoriwrutiun uf 'fhe 7.iea Haptiit eh-'"."
haa been maJo to the Ouurt, and if no a'&eint
rraaon be rli?rn lo the contrary the aan "ill be
granted on the flrjt day of next Uarea'erni.
Fob. :0, 1P72 3'.. r otlionolary.
Tlt'IiNtfE KOTICKM. Tbe following per
J tone have Sled in the office of Ihe Clerk of
tbe Court of Quarter Seaelona of Clearfield eounly,
their petit iona and bonda for l.icaoae, al the
March tcialona noit, a;rnoably lo tlio aet of Aa
einbly, entitled "An Ant to rgllltl tnoitttof
Intoxicating Litjuora," As. i
Mary Klaenlionor- Kylrlown
Febrnary,2iJ. 1373. , A. C. TATE, Clerk.
1 But-porn in l'lrorao In Ibe
Minn J. Wans. Court of Common l leaa
ra. of Clearfield County, to
Thovas L. Wan. Ku. it, alareh Tirni, A.
J 11. lS7j.
To Thomni T.. W apte. above nauaed t Tea are
hereby required to be and appear befomlbe Judgi
of tbe raid Cuurt aClenrlield, on Tliuradiy, the
2uib day of Mareb, A. 1). 1S7S, to aaioot the
complaint of aaid Maria J. Vaple.
Feb. SMt JISTIN J. TIE, fkerllT.
of brudford tuwnibiii, for 1D73 I i
Elijah eJcllowell and Wn. K. Foreey, Orrrveerlof
tlie t oor tor tiraa:ord townabtp, in account
with Ibe Poor fund of aaid toaraabiji for 1573 :
To amount of tax levied ei,lr-6 id
Cy bille rcn'd for keeping paupera 00
Uy enoneratioua 18 74
Uy per eentafro for eolleeting 8I,I.76. it 4S
Uy liineall'd lur arnicea of K. J1'I.ifII 1 (0
11 t'mo allowed for servicre of Wn. K.
Foreey SO 0
By amount of order and inlereal paid t.
Foreey, orereeer for 1871 1H i)
By amount of order and interest paid H.
Lauaberry, orereeer for 1871 9'j H
By order and intireet paid E. Hula 4 30
Uy Jualieea' feea, paid 3 00
lly atut. paid 1). Hlewart fur book- I it
By arouunt paid auditora and elerk I UO
Ilalancc lut towotbip. 30s CI
1,1M SO
Oeo. W. Barger and Henry Buinbarger, Bupenl
aort of liradford tuwaebip, in aeeonal wab tbe
lload fund of aaid townabip, for 172 1
To amount of tai levied... tl,lM 4t
To order on Win. 8. Taylur 7J Hi
To order oo It. Lirerjood U 31
To order in favor of tieo. V. barger on
Co'r tin-.". ia
$i,r:o 70
By amount of work doue...H. lf01' 9t
lly auperriaora' wafc'ua.H US 75
Uy oxouerntiona s 4i
By error io W ua. B. Tay ler'e aeo't at laat
ycar'a aettleinent t2 71
By ami paid auditora and elerk- 8 00
Xlalanee due townabip (10 el
1 1 .: gl 70
Wa, tbe alderaie-ned Auditora of Bnullord town
abip, having examined ibe aeeoonta of tieotge W.
Barger and Henry buiubarger; Superviaura-I aaid
townablli, and Elijah McDowell aod Wn. K For
eey, Uveraevn of tha Pour lor aaid towoahip, find
tticu aa above atalcd.
Aticat! iianiklhtewakt;
W. I. Ct'RLrl, Clerk. Audi'ora.
Sheriff's Sale.
1)Y !rtu if rtit of fieri f'aeiut, iimtd
I out of th Uoart of Coin won PI mi cf Olr-
fivlti ouitr. and lo m directed, thr wilt b
expad to FL'ULIO SALE. l tho Court Houm,
lo tiit boronsn or uifurotm, n aiondcj, ih
1 7th d7 of .March. UU, - 1 o'clock, p. m.,
tho following lien I K Uto, to wUi J
All of the Inter. t of tho deftoiltnt, 1. W.
lUlc, c( ind in mid Ui aU of tbo eool, Aro cly ood
olbcr inincrli iu nnd ojoo oil tbue rorioio
prouiif?! ii'un'0 Id Mom townihip, Chorfie'd
cfiunty, t Doundvd irrih by Und of Mil
P Ito i, treat by UmU of Vincent Flegtl, orth by
In ml b i I' KuitiRh'i rHntr, nod ni Uy iarrt ui
Jjfob Win coiitAiiingl ''. vat bitodrrd oidiix
( 1 Ort) oft-of, tO;tttr with nil of the Orteoirnd
nd right uronled to m d Hale andnr tad by
virtue of bta ooiifroot with Ju(jt. Ituihroilt far
the iiumhoieof tho hforcaoid minornlf. Tl aaid
nreinia-i holng llio fnrm known at tho Jonfh
Hot brock fnrio AUo, oil of defendant' frtrtit
of In nd to oil tlioao CfrUin triwti of Und aituote
in Morria towtiihip. ClmrQeld onnntv, I'm, mnt
of thrm tturrcred on warron to Uicharit Timmni,
o6nlniniuif 4i acrei nnd 01 pcrohue. beinf Xo,
VU in tho mnt of the I'hilipaburn eetatn; mmthr
aj trm uj"iutnj( tho above, turrored en warrant
to Henry 8. liriHltr, containing 407 ocno and
102 pervhra nnd boin No. IU3 fa the afircantd
map of the rinllneimrpi eitalei another nf ftW
a'tjoitiing the rnid two laat naircd trac e, Hit kmrd
Tkomat and Xrnry S. Iirinkcr, and bf-in( tlie
rcaiilue ul a tract uitmtJ en warrant to h Uhaia
drinker and containing 332 oeroa, M pore t,et aud
hfine No. in the man of the rhilunhtire ra
in te t atmihtr of tltetn aurverd on narrant Id
I'airiel- Htf, adjuinlng Hubert Heed, befog rra-
laue oi me aurrcv containing 41 evt. bomg
of them a'ljulning 1'alrirk Jlava and be in
mopiaiiul in I'liiliriitiuriteaiatei oonlaiaiaf in
all about 1..140 acrer. Alao, all thoae venain
tracta ir porta of tracla aitunta In tlecatut rbttai
aliln. Clearrield cnunty, Pa,! Out of tbroj being
rraiJtio of a Irnct houndrd hy land of Abraham
Klilrr, Jnoub K. Hunk, .lonn Matlry anl otheri,
aurveyei on warrant tu Wttlinm .SffNeoaiLoniain
in xul acrra, t prr.liea, nnd being lo. OS in
the plan of ti e I'hillpeburf ralalei raltrr d
joinine; Joaepb BnnaMU an4 John t'antiu traeti
being the rcidu or a aurvey anrrevedun war
rant to 7'oiae (bat, and oontainine hi aneai
and 04 pereliee, ard bring .No. 108 in Ilk plan of
me i nuipaunrg eaiaio; oaoiaer 01 uietl adjoin
ing JeaopB Banaoin rurvoy, being rria;uo of a
trrt aurveyed on wnnont lo Juhm t'taa4 . e,,n.
Uining 7J oerea nnd being No. 114 in ll,lj0 of
nv i un psuura; raaie; oaornrr oi liem ad
joining Uroree. U raff and Heine the reid I tie or tract
aurveyed ot warrant to Joaenh Famo:n,citair.lng
SUA nerea, 31 nereaa., and noing No. I. n the
Clan nf the l'hiUpahorg eatalei naolef it them
-int; the rraiilue of tree! anrveyed or, warrant
to lifrgt llrrfi, containing M arret aal being
No. 0(1 in tho plan of tho Puiltpibiiri eatato;
waofaerof Ihtu adjoining Tliuuiaa P. Coa aurver
and bcint tlie reaidiienf a Iraot aurrryi-d n war
rant to er Drinlc.r, eonlalnlng Vlll area, 70
tierehi a, and being No. Inn in Ibe plat of Ihe
Philipl,urg ratale: inrAe of thcin a Kilning
aaid Henry llrinkai and being the rra, 0fa
tract rnriivcd on wnrrnnt to Hmjamit HiVann
containing 4 arret and 110 rierchea, ai lMng
n. i i.i in me plan in me J billpahurg eatale i
eontainlng in all about P:l4 aerea. Hciati, taken
W 'jj"''0 "" Prol'"y of W.
Tram or Pi..-Tht prlct nr turn t which
Iht property ahall Ve ttruck nlTwinat bap:j at
the time nf talo, or turh e htr arraiguenla
made at will be approved, olharwite tlie roper I v
wl'l be Immediately put np and told aral at
tha ttpanae and riak of tha noraon to u
wet elruok off, and who, la eato o( defleiance at
tneh re rale, ahall make good lha aama and ia
jo laatanea will tha Dead bt preacnled In Com!
for eo-raailnn nnlctt tha money la iri.ll.
paid to .a Sberllf. eH'BTIN J. Pi K 7
I aiNiairr t Orrinf , I
Cler.ld( t,., pah. Itrj.J
flNiairr't Orrirrn, I .v,r
Sheriffs Sale.
1)Y flrtuoof wrltaof Vmditioui A'rpoaoa, iaaaad
Ij oil of iho Court of Common Pleu of Clear
Belt! oouDtjr, and to mo directed, there will
bo oiooaed to publlo talo, ot tbo Court Houae,
m tho borough of Cltarflfld, 00 Monday, tbo
17th 4y of Uoreb. U73, al 1 o'clock, p. m.,
tbo folWfJhif doooilood rooJ tatato, to wit i
Two certain tract i of Und aituate In Doggi
townahlp, Cleorfleld eoootj. Pa. Ho, I begioaiog
nt pont byguoa tree tbouoo north T2J degroei
wot 27 C era boa to poat thence 88 J dog reel aaat,
hy load formerly Henry Wapel, 20 perohoe to poat j
theneo north 1 4g reel eat 36 purchra more or
leaa to turnpike the doe hy pike louth 05 degreef
out S7 perchea to atonea tbenoo aoutb 4 1 perahei
to tbo plaooof beginning eoatalnlog 1 0 aorea and
37 peronea. No. 2 bogionlng at norib-ooat oorner
of itftbt Merria iurre tbeooo by oouae aeuib 110
perch ta tu poat j tbvnde eoat 1 ui porehoo to 1
tbeooo nloog old lloo of Walter St wart north 160
poroboai tbenoo by lame, wtat J 64 perebei to
place of bcgloolng containing U4 aerea, reaerv
log out of tho laat deeeribed pi roe 14 oor a lo
Catherine llummol, ber boira and aiaifrna, out of
tbo ooulb-wost corner, boonded and dvaoribod oe
followat lleginoiog at poat on Krie turnpike;
tbenoo wtat 9 porobeo to poat tbenoo aoutb 01
ptrobra to etonea j tbenoo SI perch ca to poat j
ibrnco nurlb 82 perchea to poat on turnpike)
t bonce woalerly olong oaidtornpike 33410 pervbea
to place of beginning, Said unreaerved land
having n good frame farm houae ond barn, bear
log urubard of I laa! frait, o0 or 40 aerea
olrarod and nearly all underlaid with Are elay and
atone ooal. Belied, taken In elocution and te be
aeld ai tbo property of Aaron Ilottmaa.
AUo, a eerUln traet of Und altoato in Bradford
towoahip, Clearfield oouuty, I'a bounded on' tbo
aoutb br lands of Wn. Albert A llro , aait by land
of the aamo, now lo poaaoaalun of Jubn A. (ireea j
north by Und or Jiautol blew art and weat by land
of Benjamin Lanaborry, oontaiolng two hundred
and eighteen aorta and having about one hundred
and filly aoroa eleared and undor a good at ate of
cultivation, wtlh a large frame farm bouae, frame
bank barn aud Urge aod excellent beariug orchard
thereon. Belied, taken In elocution and to be
cold a the property of Isaiah U. Uargrr.
AUo, all those three certain tract a of land eitu
.a . Uuvi townablu. ClearAeld eountr. Pa., tlie
Irat ose lUare-r ...inr at a h unlock j tlienee
north 40 degrt-a weat lHfl percbta to a atone pile ;
tbenoo louth 60 degress weat 01 to a
birch thence south 40 degrees east 18 percbta to
a nemioek I tnenoo norm uegrcea east vi
perches to place of beginning ( containing .100
acrca and 30 perches. Tbe oeoond beginning at a
bireb south 40 degrees west 40 perches to a
hem luck sooth 61 degrees waat 33 nercbee to a
pine t tbtoee tooth 67 degrees west 24 perches to
a post ; tbenoo north 81 porches to ; thence
north SO degrees east 61 perches to place of be
ginning eontainlng 30 acres. Tho third piece
begiomug at a hemlock t thence north 40 degrees
west 16 perches to a post ( thonoo north 74 d.
greeo oast 42 perches to ao aspen j tbenoo south
oO degress west 40 porches lo place of beginning
ouotainiog two acres. Beited, tnken In execution
aod to bo sold as tbo property of Uary . Jmj.
Also, a certain tract or piece of land situate in
Morris township, Clearfield eouoty, l'a bounded
and drccrlbetl as fullowa, viai beginning at a
poat nnd pointers, oorner of tho John Price trait f
tbenoo by a survey In the name of Francis John
ston, north ono degree east 117 perebea and 4-10,
or even distance a will equalise tbo two lota be
tween Potter and said Hones; thneo along tbe
aaid Potter lot, north SO west, or such course aa
will equalise the reepeelive lots as aforesaid, 145
perches lo marked line, and along aaid tine, aoutb
one west 117 6-10 perebea to post) tbenoo hy the
lino of tho Hwanwtcx tract ou'.h 9 eoat 144
perebea to the plaeo of beginning containing one
hundred aerea and allewanee bo tho aarua more cr
leaa, with abu. 30 acres cleared, baring a good
plank houae, barn and other outbuilding, 0 g od
spring of water, aud a bearing orchard there jo.
Belted, taken In execution and to bo sold as
tbo property of Darid Boms.
Also, a certain tract of Und situate In Wood
ward township, Clearfield eounty, Pa., bounded
aod described aa follower Beginning at a maple;
tbenoo by land of J. M. Cbaae north-west 160
perchea to white pinct tbenoo by land of J. M.
Chase south-woet 80 porches lo poat ; tuenoc sootb
weet by land vf Albert 4 Oro. 160 perchea to a
pine; theneo by Und of Wright 4 bro. en at 80
perches to plaooof beginning ( containing St acres,
with about 26 acres cleared, with a log houso aod
other tmpror omenta thereon, beised. taken In
execution aod to bo sold at the property of James
Tbomi or 6ati. Tbo prleo or sum at which
tho property shall bo struck of must bo paid at
tbo litre of salt, or sock other arrange went a
mado as will bo approved , otherwise tbe proper
ty wilt bo Immediately put up nnd sold again at
the expense and risk of tho person to whom it
wot a truck off, and who, In ease of deficiency at
such re-sale, shall make good tho same, and tn
no Instance will tho Deed bo preaented In Court
for eonfirmatlon nntoss tho money Is actually
paid to tlio Sheriff. J UBT1M J. PI K,
Bnnntrr'a Orricn, I fiber; IT.
Clearfield, Pa., Feb. 26, 1872
I)l'HLIC NOTICI2-N'utieeUhreby given
mat toe cutitna or waiiacetou aiahtnl te
i bo Court of Quarter Sessions of Clearfield county,
at January Term, 18 73, for incorporation ns a
borough, and the same haa been cou brined by the
tiraad Jury, The said petition will be presented
for confirmation by tbo Court, at March Term,
1S73, of which all Intcrealed will take notice.
. . JOHN L. Cl'TTLB,
feb26-3t Attorney for Petitioners.
C1 AUTlOM. All persons nro hereby eaotioned
J not to buy or in war negotiate for tha fol
lowing property, now in tho bands of John M.
S ha for, iu Brady township: 2 horses, 2 oowa, 2
?alrt 4 hogs, 2 plows, barrow, grindstone, sin
gle trees, spread and log chains, sett double bar
neat, 7 obairs, 3 stoves, 2 tuba, 3 beds and bed
ding, clock, 4 aerea wheat la tho ground, lot of
straw, 40 bushels corn ears, as the same btlorg to
mo and aro subject to my orier.
T The undersigned offers al private sale Ihe
following real evtate, vis: A Sarin sitnato in
Morris tewnenip, Clearfield eounty, containing
siity-sls aerea, with a hewed log house and Uu-a
thereon erected. Tho whole sixty-ail acres are
underlaid with a rein of good eoiU. '
Parties wiahing any further Information should
apply to the undersigned at Kylertowo, Clearfield
eounty, Pa. ROBERT ARDREY.
wholesale dealers in
Ilaea remoreJ ta 1(7 Chnreh at reel, betweaa
Franklin aa White ale., New Verb. ( i31'7
Valuable real cat to in Dell towoahip, lata
tbe property of Jacob M untold, drceaeed.
By Virtue of au order of tbo Orphans' Court nf
Clearfield county, tho nnderained will eel I nt
publlo aale, at tho store of Hunts 4 ii enter, In
Troutville, on Saturday, March let, 1873, at 2
o'clock p. at., tho following valuable real ealato :
40 acres and allowance, moro or loos, un Carry 'a
Hun, In Uell towoahip, about Seven miles fioin
tho Bnaquehauna river, bounded as follows t Be
ginning at a post, theneo south 4l(i perohee more
or lesi to atones, thenso Weat 130 perches moro or
leaa tn stones, thence north 4i perohee more or
leaa to a maple, thonec east VA6 porches am re or
ias to tlie biace or beginning, having about 12
aerea cleared and ta gowd State of cultivation,
with a fine young orchard of apple and o her fruit
trees, a mine of good coal open vein four fort In
tbioknea a quantity of pine, oak and bin. lock
limber, log houao and other improrementa thereon.
Tanea or PAtu.One half cash and the bal
ance In all month r, with intereat, to be er cured
n tbe premlaoa. 8. Q. K L'NTrVAdmr.
lOSKPU H. KOWI.KS. JuMico of
t lb. l'eaea anil flerircner In tbe rr 4 -f
l.awrenea tnwaabip. Collretlene mailt ana menee
promptly paid orer. Peb.ft-1
nlXilHTi n-H NOnCU.-Nolife It berer.
(iven tbat tbt fiillnwinn eennnta hart been
eiamlneil anil petard by me, anil remain died nf
record in Ibia odioe fur tht Inspection of beirl,
lrtalari, oreilitora, and all nlhrrt in any other way
intereatiil, and will be preaeated to tbe nett Or
phana' Court el t'le.rllelU eaunly, tn be brld at tha
Court Home, In the boronah of I'lrarlleld, eon
uaneinf ell lha Id Monday (beire taa 17lh day)
of Jlarah, A.D. 1173.
Pinal aeeounl of II, II, Kephart, aituiutilratnr
af batld Kepbart, lata of tbe boroejll of Oaeeola,
Pinal af Jeaaa Onat, gnardla ef La
eetta Hmeal, minor eh lid of Peter Nmeal, deeeaaed.
Pinal weeount uf II. I). Bchoonnrer A Henry
Hamlin, adminlrlratore of Henry Mmeal, deeeaaed.
Pinal aeeoant of Anthony If al, adminlatrator
ef Miehael Wire, late of l'ikt lownahip, deeeaaed.
Pinal aaonnnt of Mi lie Head, aj alatrator of
Henry Angheabangh, late of Lawrence townahlp,
Account of A. W. Lea, adminlatrator afe kmi'a
hob, d-e., nf Thorn. a Mullen, lata ef lleeraria
tnwuahip, deeeaaed.
Aeiount of Win. H. Meklneoa, adminlatrator
of A. M. Uleltinlon, late or C'learAeld eounty, de
ceased. Pinnl account of S. C. I'atchen, fuanliaa af
Warren McCully, miner child of Jno. L. Met'ully,
lata tt Oulii b lownahip, deeeaaed.
nrniaraii'a Orrim, 1 A. W, LCI!,
Clearfield, I'a., Feb. 19, la7J.. f lle,ialer.
llLi)OMtyQTO. A,
Tht andrraleaed reapeellully ipfurm, the oiti
rna ol lllniuiinitua and lha, traveling public
BAlticularlv. that be baa nntaij a boKrillni. ImttM
at that place,
Aio, ,u eoaneotlnn with tht noardlnf home I
bar, onraed a grocery Mora, and will eonttanlly
ap an haad all blada or groeeriea.
Would raipe.afntlt a.k aahara ef rulMnnre.
rVM 1 JIUM CM I Tit.
UftUattfouj. '
t data large lloni of AMKRI0AN
an. SWISS WATdlUS, nf Ik dlfer
aa grade,. lb fro hi l t tight oaaee
t. t offer that for twit LOW, aad
guarant.. theut ta girt tntlr tatlefaellon.
A good aaaertmtnl af Ladlat' and fltat't
Jtwtlryof lha Ittttt alylaat Alwayt getting
tcatthlng atwl
- ".
i would aak Lambtrata aad alktrt wk la
land purehaalag Watebat at tjail aad aaa my
ttock befort golrg la tha tltl.t, at I am i.ry
tare I aaa tall Watebat at law at (bay taa bt
Wight, bealdtl tbe different! Ik dlaUnee la
Ika eeent ef Ik goedt pre? Ing defeetlre.
All kinde of REPAIRING In my lint promptly
attended I at tht atore oa Second atreat, oppo
ill h Cearl Hoiua. Per yoar liberal tuppert
a the part I am rery thankful.
April 1, 1TJ.
froaltrt la
0 I5 0CER1KS,
Host', Shock, Hut, Cup, io.
- e-Sli.eraekera a.rrlled wltk LKATDER
and SHOK PIN'DINOS at reduced ram.
SALT! SALT) fALII at aad
retail very cheap.
A liberal diatoant ta VallJera.
norjjKnoLD goods, carpets, window
CUOP, a'.w.ji aa hind.
kT'All ef tha aheve 'gaada ara parehaaed
exelualrely for earh, and Ibtrefora eo aad mil
bt tc'.d at cheap ta lh thtapeat.
are hereby cautioned againel ewtling
or in way damaging timber, or catling laeb poloa,
pin wood or lUuia, or in nue utber way dealroy.
ing tiuliar or Iraapfteaing on tu preiniaee of
Urnoei A Dickey, Thomaa Oroem ur Wm. S.
Iliekey. in beererie towoablp, near IVbltmer run,
aa tbe law will be airielly enforced arainat all
who are caught treapaaaing. - And all per eon a
banking limber or lag. oa properly of Ureom A
biekey, near Wbilajer ma, oa I'learfleld creek,
will lake nolle that all bauk r-at muat be paid
before tb timber ean be moved off the bauk.
f'.l?.m Por UltOOM A IiK'KEV.
- No. 110, 111 aad 114,
A large aeertnirt,t of new and aeeeed kaad
CAR HI AO Ed, af erery variety, freea the eery
beat makera Iu Philadelphia and aeigbboring
Alao, ll.rueat, Blankete, Ac. Tbeaa la want
of aarthing in ear lin are reejoeeled I girt at a
eall befere purrhaaiag elaewbere.
riAML'KLC. RODUERS, Proprietor.
SAUiai. C. I'liimt, galeraiaa. febli-3a
C O M V A N Y.
fllMK on-ierafo!, eueeeera to JIRCD A
1 ruVVKLU. bore Durrh.eeJ the CLKAK-
MHLD TLAMNU MILL, nnJ refitted It for
dome on extenalve buslnraa. AU the anaehinere
will be (iii teJ neeeasarjr to wake It ono of the
muat complete eatob Ubmenta ot the bind in the
State. Ther ore now prepare! U receive eMero
far any wurk in that lioo. Thev will reapecliU
attention: u an ninterioit lor nonao buitiui(.
OP ALL STYLES, alwayt ta hand.
WORKED BOARDS aad all arlielet noe.a.a
ry for hiiiljlnr. will be etehaciced for DKT
Ll'MUER, ao that prrennf at a dialance may
bring liieir lumber, exchange it for, and return
noma witn the manuraelnred arlielra.
Tbo Company will alwaja have en band a larce
atoek uf dry lumber, to al to be able to All an
order an the aborteat notice. Only ihe beat and
moat aklllful handa will be employed, to that the
public may rely upon good work.
Lumber will be worked sr told ai low aa It can
be parrbaaed anywhere, and warranted to giro
....M.,lwa. ai int auaiueea will ne done
thec.ah prinelnl. - -- Ir entail
Especially one aud a half and twt Inch panel
atalT, far which a liberal price will ha paid.
The hualntn will be conducted under Ihe nam
ef lha
"flcaifiold nailing Mill Co."
0. B. Uerrell will pereomlly tuperialend lha
Ordert reepeelfnlly lollciled,
Cl.arf.eld, Pa., January S, 1S7S.
Tho onJeraiRtieti offer a nt private aala tho fol
lowing rnal netato t
A lot or . round rltoale In tho Tillage of
Newborn, Cheat townafaip, oontainlnf ono and n
half aerea, nnd harlna; n larfo two atury llouae
and (tood otable erected thereun. Thia pnpertj
la auitaMo lor n Hotel or lwellin((.
ALSO, A V'nrm, of 40 nerea, mljulnina; thp
town of lowhnrft. haTinjr over 16 acre a ol cared
and under ottltiration, with n Kond l iouae and
barn aud baariua; orchnrd of eliuioe f,mt thereon.
A vain (i( eirellent ooal noderllea iho traet,
ALHO, UHt Acrcn ol' Land, on Wllaon Rui,
In Cheat tnwnahip. within two aod a half mllea of
Cheat Creek. It la well ttmheral'with Pine, Oak
anl Hentloeb, Hitd uudeilaU With fuel, '
Tartlet wtahing ty fn ether Information Will
all on lira. Margartt Auea. at New burg, or on
fotftf CloarVM, Pa.
i 4
SirAwarf, Uiairart, etc.
PlillipsVarf, Oeatra COtuity.'Ta.
. ' i'i v! 'Ml I ". ; . 10 t
TBI aaderilgoed raapeetfully aaaouncet I
tht pablit that a. hat hand a eare-fully-atltcud
aad wtll eeeort.d ttock ef
'' WAUK!t ' , "'
Illi ttock of Cooking Swrta tuailall f
... ,
Which bar aeeer failed ta brlag (aaee and
prwperlty lata famllita alaara it it and,
Diamond StaW, Parmer, Herald. Charm, Rpeara'
California t,ooa ntore, npeara- Anti-Unit,
Uai'Durning Coohtng btoeci, Vlttor,
Btlianea and I'niea KanaCi,
Bpari'Cokfng Raagaa,
Ac., is.
tafJuThe Tin and Sheet Irea wart glean with
tb btortl I made of tbe heaeleet and beat
material, aad warranted t gie perftel aatla.
, ,;. A 3 y , v a :
His Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves
Ii larger. Witter and ebeaper than r before
eibloltea to ta paniia eonalatlng r
Speart' PeeeWlog Light Tilumlnatlag Store,
Bpeure Ann-vaei uaa-ourning rarlor flier,
Speara' Orblealar Oaa Barnlag Parlor
Bteee.Speara' Oaa-laurclng Parlor
BUee, Beqaet, Pearl, Oea, Ida, -;
. Ban, iropic, Kcrada,
Ae.t Ac.
Vulcan, Elm and Victor Heetera, Spaari' II.
Talcing Light llealeri.
Ha It alt prepared t furalak a Maiplati
ataortment or
Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden anil
Willow Ware, &c,
Wholeaala or retail, BaaufattNrd aeatly aad
with lh toll tlew te lirriae, from the baat aa.
Uriel la lh market.
Of ery detertptiva ooaUotly ea hind.
Aad other work b.loaglng I all Vatlntai will
h promptly llltd by .ipariaaeed aad aklllful
workman. ...
Takia la iehaagt for goedt.
SbM1 eapeda'.ly Inrltaa tht atteattea of
klarchaatt wlablag to purebaee at wheleaale. at
thy wtll Ind it I Ihalr adrantare ta iamla
kit iteek before pur.baaing tliiwhere.' ,
Look tut for tbe Big Sign eppoalt Ihe real
deac ef Urn. Ur. Poaler.
Alv Oeoni Wiaaaatan it It (mailman.
Phillptbarg, June I, If 70. augl
anJ mannfaoturora of
Tiu.Copper & Sheet Iron Ware,
fceeoJ Street, -
Carpett ten nnd Bnilderr will do well to oiam
Ino nur atoek of
DISTOX'S SAWS Platon'a Cron cut, Uaad,
Kip, Tenant aud Oeat'l tint.
Snaenth Plaera, Match Planet,
Jack Pinnae, ; f'.eeiba A Ler.Ia,
Pore Planet, Etral rluarea,
Julatert, Ao, At.
Pirner tad Preaalog Chlealt, Corner Chiacll,
C'' Bllcka, Itraere and liilti.
goring Atacbinea, do.
Grindstones ond Grindtton Fixtures.
Rnicky Place, are elorlually cured by aaiag llich
1H1' i'atrnt
for whirh wt hare Ihe agracy. No cur, no pay.
Philadelphia Carriage Delta, R.tilroad Laa Urn a,
ttooUro nare. A.
A fine aaeurtmtat f , ' .
The Titaea Ctiok. the heat In tbo market ; alao,
the Monarrti, fU'ltauoe, and 7(0. 10 Irota 9ideij
Kevaer'a I'urteMe llrater nod Xleaiiom Parlor
P.oofinr. Kpentlnr nnd JnW Work done on
reaaunakle tetma. All oriiera will recelre prompt
uu-imal. . (lU.y S, IOi J.
The Lightning Tamer.
mnE aaderalgo.d are Ihe toll A grata la thii
X ! for tht "North American Oalranitrd
LlillITNINQ RODS." Tiaa. ara Ik only tart
roda aaw Id aa. aad an aadoraad be all ii,.
tclrnlillo aiea la tha evaatry.
W hereby amity tb eltiaeaa of tho onuaty
thai we will pnl tbe a ap a barter nod, and for
leu money, than it charged by lha foreign
agenU who annually traeerae tbt .eanly and
carry of oar little rath, nerer to return.
Thol wlahlng Llthtnlne Dodt treeUd aa
their hulldlagt need but addreat al by litter, or
eall la perron. W will put then up anywhere
In theeounty, aad warrant them. The Hodaand
r Kturaa taa bt aean al any lint bj etlllna al
our .tore. . p. BIULLR A CO.
Clearfield. March S.
XIitUTOHS' raOTU K.-Notlet la here
J by gieea tbat lellera teataroenlary hating
ben eranteri tn th .h.I.hI.bJ - - ik ...
JOHN Dl 811, decaaaed, laia of Bradr town
ahlp, Cloarllcld oounty, PcnnlTlran'la, all
pcraoul Indebted te laid calate are requeued to
tnakl linmedlnte narnient. and Ihoaa hevine
clalroa agalnat tha aatne will preirnt then duly
aviM.nwoaiev. tor tpttienient.
Pehrntry , Ki..jt " Eterntorl.
ErUTOIIM' NOTin Whrrrae. Lrl.
Mere Tmtameular on Iba mate of MARY
IfllMPROV. rellot of Imallul Tbomnaon. I.I.
of ClearDeld borough, Clearllrld eounty, Pa, deo'd,
nave neen granted to the underaigned, all pereona
Indebted to aaid citato will plcaae make partntnl,
and Ihon having olaiiua or dcniandi will prcarnt
hen properly authenticnlrd for icttlement
Fib. t, ;i wtpd. Itonteart.
Sry (5aotIi, Wrornlrs, (?tr. '
"Down I Down 1 1
A -Proclamation 'ngainst High Prices)
tfr? rn- n. cptp'ia- n. n l.-l of tV Vtt 4.1
wh in Iblt HiMrttt,nnd at nara tLu tmZ
who laeh fViih ino thin potntf or 4twoi ilr
(at loo a a(nrlt'o, 1 Wt
X cvrJLdL tr ova srnr:t:
furittr V'rvnt aitl Mirkrt Krett,,
Wb rv t,y eee. feel, hear nnl kaon fur ik
eelrra. - To fully ontltntand what are cheap
thia unet ho due. too do not dMtn it bcmu
to otieim rate ani iteaaioo oor oioek. It u
for ua to at ate that "
We liave Evervthiiig that ia Needed
and cunaumed In thia market, and at prU u
natwniab Uvtb wW and eutn.
r. 0. niLi nn.
A. n. oilu
Oreham'i Row, Market St.,
We would moat rcapaclfully Inform our frieaaa
tuatoaicra, and tbe poblie generally, tbat wt ua
Bw back In .our eld quarter., which hava be
rrioudcicd nnd traprored, aad wa are non pa
pered to acccmreodrttt ail who nayfarorub;
eallir.g. . . . ,
i :
We hare Juat received one f the largtat itacl,
of all kinda of Mcrcbendiac ever brought teOnr.
IcM eounty, wblcb wr Intend to tell at tuck l.
ura ar will tn.k It an oliject fur all penou.)
purekaae from ca. Puniiiet laying ta enie
luppliel of Oroceriet, Pry tlooda, dr., alioaid mi
fill to giro nt a oil, aa wo feel tonldcui aw
prir. and anparior quality vf gooda will aafly
tatiafy all. Our ttotk f '
G I! O C 1 R 1 E S
enaiaU f CwCcel cf llio leal quality, Teat, S.
gura ef all kiuut, M jla.ia, Piih, Salt, Clietaa,
Dritd pruit, Sjjini, Troruion., Flour and Feel
e.. At. etit aloek of
1) 15 r GOODS
ia large and rarirj, and we will Juat laj et eu
aupply any artiele ia tbat line, without aaian.
ting. - , f
n bare a large atoek of ready-made Cluthiag
for Man and Kurt' wear, which nt will ditpmif
at a eery email advance "n eoat.
Pool, anl Sboct, Ilala and Cape, Hardean,
Quetniware, Wood aad Willow Ware, Xoticu,
FanrJ Uooda, L'arpell, Oilclolba, Wall Paren,
Window fha.lal, Ac, Ac.
(f-B.iuf eiteaaively engaged ia the Lmater
bnaineaa, wt are able to offer aupcrior ind ucranu
to johbert.
ClearC.ld, I'a., Jan. I, l;2.
, lleulrr In
Tobacco, Orocerica and Fieh, Kaila, Ilardean,
Vueenaware and fllaeaware, Men a and
, lloya Cl'ithirg, Krng., l'ainll,
Oil. P.-lmul 11. .oka,
a lar-e lot of Patent Mcdicinra,
Ceaiiea, !,'utt A Dried Pruita, Cheeae and Crttk-
a. a, Uoelt aud hide Powder,
I'iour, Grain nnd roiatoea,
Clovor and Timothy Seed,
St Lcatk.r, Moro?cia, I.ininra, Bindinp tal
loreati, blioemaltera looll and
bL'ia Finding.
K greater variety of gnvda in any atore ia tk
etuuty. Ail fur aal very lew tor cash or en.olr
produce at tht Ibenp Corner. April 10, 1S;1
Trc attrulwn r tle vitiai-na ef HearfivM ao.
Tlriur i uimtr-al to tli- fnrt tbat Uoodtillow
Bvu a-e tha aut of M. Xief A Cv., atd bar
Jlnat rrcive 1 a lialf Huten ar loa.l or Flnr aa
Keed, wHiik they orter at tbe lewrat poarittla fig
rea. a ji-ge a tec a oi
Potatoea, Shclloil Cora, Cora in ear, Ac., Ac
Particular attention ii called to M. Niaoa A
Co.'l brand of Family Flour, which ! tbt belt ia
tht market.
Flour and Fred can and will bo told ehtapar
than It can b eblained alaawhcr In Clearacld
rrFtore on Market at reel, aext door to Hoe.
Alexander Irviu a rcaiilrnre.
Janl0:f Agente for M. .Nirce 1 Co.
O. I.
TirrKRK to hny ny DRV GOODS, '0RD-
oeriea, Queenaware, Glaaaware, Umn
notiotir, i onlretloncnea, Ac, cheap for ciaa.
Tht tubaeriber bege leave to infrua hia old aa4
new cuataaiert tbat lie baa opened
And will aril gooda at price, to lull the tllr,
liberal rrUuelloa will be made to euetonierl buy
ing tc wnoleaaia.
Call and eiaralnt eit ttock before nurehaaial
elaewbere. A lilieral tbar of publio patronagau
C. i. KBAQY.
nir Hope, I'a,, June U, 1A71.
JkT K W S T O H E v '
F. OALLAOllKR bavin ttitt retnmrd tV-i
too eaat will, an entire new and ootrpift avaen
tnent of Merchandieo. luitatile for mtrr
Spring traile, which hna hem aelerlert wtlh PT,
rare ana nnuglti at low ratra, la prrparm i
nlah the elllaena of Hnultitle anil vlctnitT wt'k
gooda at n erjr liuhl aJvunce on Urtt fat (Ji
eaah. Country Pindtice anl tSbinclea lakro
inarkot price. Call ano eiamioe my a took etfar
piiniuaiing eiaowoerv
V. U At-LAW"'""
II nut a J ale. Pa, fab. S, 1B72-1 '
Wt hart received lh. aarney fr I"1?""
-Ill Ull .v. ....r..,'. nrieea. Call tot
eianlna theia. Tbey are Hie beat M
JelD It II. F. Bllll-rR A