jhPhljhnpuBnulMnyijnnjBWAwmn . ' - -' i -' " W'iWr . . c jWr," '"":.',iw TITf BfDTTTlT TP A "NT I Summart of Bamhth Bnnnnr t,. I ' .T"IT!gB!!BBgBSi?MBBgc I . CLEARFIELD. PAV ; i : . - ' . ,. WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEB. 19, 1 "73. : Terms of Subscription. If paid la Bdvanoe.orwithiu three month M 00 . I SO If paid ertor tnroe aaa uotore ux monini II pata alter mo expiration oi ux till... I 00 HBa.It.IOUS NOTICE. Methodiit Enlaeenal Chareh Rev. A, Tocpu, palter. Publii Service wtj Sabbath l lti A.M., end if P. M. . , Sabbath School at 0 A. M. . " ' Pravar Meetinr every Tliundtv, at 71 P. M. Communion Service, 4nt Sabbath of every month, at lui A. M. ' - kit. Andrew's Uhnrrh I3plaeopal Rot, GBouai Jf all. Publie Service Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, and at t P. M Sunday Sohool at I P. M Prayer Mooting Wedaeaday evening at t o eiooa. Preibyterlaa Church Rev. n. 8. Bcnna, Preaching the Lerd'l day at 10) aod T) olook. , . l Sunday School at t n. m. Prayer Meetlugoa Wedneeday at ft p. av, Paetor'a Bib) Clan oa Saturday at jl p. ML Francl.' CuBKowCatholle-. Rot. T. J. McMaiiua. Uau at 10, o'clock A. M., M Um aeoni and rourtn Hundaya or won montb. Lutheran Cburotu Rot. A. J. lUnrioc - Preaching ewcry Sabbath, naming and evening, 'S.bbath Sohool at 1 a. m. Prayer meeting every weotioaaay evening. . Gymnasium. A meeting of the , . noabert of th Gymnaaium Attoctatioo will - k. -J - , l. ,1 I 1 M . Thuraday) evening,, at 7 o'clock. A general at tcnaanee if requeateo.- rirown.ot the bellofontu Hrpubhcan Tier Informing hi! reader! that bo ha Joined tbo church, tin informs them that "our am baad .- 'will- bo oa neat weok" If ha keepa oa Imnrcv. .-..' .... .. . vw .v ueguiiec aiicr, a wuue inai nil , ,.9'i fiwdi will tot know him ' . ,- According to (ha snow record Icet) by Mr. Bnilwgten. of Mileiburg, lfty Incbee Ml 'Id' that borough between tb 52d of November .cud tho 10th of February. So layi tha Bellefoato Ha'eltiee. Wc hv no doubt thi locilllr ..a go 15 iacbof bofter. The l'oatitge lw liava ondergOD . a radical enang. Aiur in lit or July Beat let tor poatage will be (wo laelaad of lira eonte, aad . tbo portage on a daily aawtpapor will be 60 cento ' luitaad of tl.tO after tbo lit of Jaauary 1874, hut paid la advano at tha olloo of mailing. We will be compelled to pay tha peitag oa orery oopy of tbo Ririiucii wo lend out' of the oountr. 1 Wo notico by our exchange! that Staid Bomb, long idealised with the publie buiiaeai of I'nion oounty, baring Ullcd tho omen of Regiiter aad Recorder aad Prothonotary for about a quarter of a century, died near Camden. Delaware, when ha had romored oarera! yean . . ago, on the ith luitaat, aged 77 yoara, 1 1 monihi and i dayt. ' He holoogod to that old elan of of - Oclali who diichargod their dutiea for legal feat. Local Optioh. The vol taken on thU queetioB in Jaffaraoa eonnty, weak tefero laat. malted ai followi i Total vote egainlt IIoopbo,... Total rote for liccnie.. ,1M 1,1M Majority agaiaat.... 9H Of tho tweaty-eeTra diitrlcti oty ali gave a majority for lleeuie. Elk aad Foreet oouotlet hare both d1ared for llrene. ScRlousbr Injurip. Philip Antes, en aged mident of Lawrenoo towmbip, mot with a lorioBi aooidvut laat Tbureday moroing. Bo wai ItayiafoTor night with hli ton-lB-law, Mr, Mitchell, la tbli borough, and aroeo from hie hod ta the morning to come down itairi, but la doing aa ha fall aad waf precipitated to the bottom, aad wai picked up anealoaa. Through proper reitor atirei aad kind treatment be le much batter, but aafera aoailderahl pals eaumd by Ihotroahing of mi of bir riaai DlTRi8iN0. Jamoo Morriion, e former reaident of Qoahea towmbip, la thli aoua ty, but aow lif ing la Caaaoa City, Rloo eoaaty, Minnetota, had hli bout burned oa th alght of tbo id Init. He aad hia family oaeaptd, hut eared nothing tint their Bight clothing. The night wai rery oold aad nearly all got their feet froua. We tears that all are being properly eared for by tho aeighboro, who bare donated clothing, wheal, meat, ate, rendering them comfortable a oan bo expected. "LinfcN Blair." We do not like to talk about oar neighbor!, hut whoa they giro ui a rare ohaneo wo aomotlnea take that liberty. We notico by the Anditon' report that Blair county ha OMUUodiag taiea la the haadi of her eolleelen amoaBtlog to over KJ,000. Support Claarteld ooonty had hut ! IkM mm la the handa of "the ring,' would wo not hear tome loy al thunder la toil nock of woodt t To allow that amouat of public money to remain la the haadi of a Bomber of eroulee, and continue to aiaei! taiot, li nothing more aor leu thaa robbery. A Monstkr Loa.a-Lnat week the largeat oak aaw lqg that perhapi hai been bandied la thia leotion f 'ooaotry for many yean, wai brought front wood hack of TurbutrilletoCook A Pardee'! aaw mill, ia thii place, by Joha R. Seller. The log contained 241 oubic foot, making J,S82 feet, hoard mcaiure, and weighed about eight tona. It required ili bom to draw it on a lied, and whoa tho team and log patted tbli place II wai wltneaaed by many with eorpriee, who ipoko or It aa the "king of the woodi." Mr. Sellir wai paid tit for bringing Uu tog ttLthc mill.-- kfot- coaieem Actors'. i Firc'at Tvroni. The Urge ileum tannery, located near the Ward Houtc, Tyrone, ti deitroyod by Ire oa Wrdueiday aight. Tho hark heme and- two email building! wore cared. Mr. Way'i lute la about $00,000, about half of which ii eorered by" Incuranco. Tho watchmaa wai ia tho act or taking hi! luqcb when he dil corered the Ire and made eerera! effort! to glra the alarm by blowing the wkiellc, but wai driroa ul bf thi imokoand could only get Into poiitlon to do to after reacting the roof. The Ire orlgl Ud aomewhero about the holler aad iproad Tory 'tctlilr- S'e Jaaau rxm our Tyrone etohaoget that Mr. Ray will at once prooeed t clear mnuy the ralae aad prepare tor rebuilding, and he et necti to be able to hare the taaaery ia fall blaet agttd by the tail of May or early ia Juac .Of. m i m Prittt Puis. The lant Blair oeety Urand Jury ipuka la thli wlto before ad- foaming i ... . . ft lit IToejorwUt la Mgn of QumrUr 8itnt 'Hair eoeeiy.- The Grad Jury, inqulrlug la aad for the body of the county, oa their auleaia oatht aid tSrmatitni do make the following preecat el of and againit tho CommiHlonera of tho county of Slalr; .Till Wi reipcotfully pretest that tbt Court Ileuac and ground! aad eutbulld iti hare boa allowed to become A public nnl. wee. We tad that the oon of the jury.foomi Ve without loeki without cuOoiont chain or eealti ht matliag oe the loon la old aad llthy la the irtmc, oibaling dact and vapor niBeltot to hned pcitilcac! hrgc aaortarca ha the 4oeca la ttieBcy of ohalnj the frcaoolng peeling off and unlng ia tat ten aa acwamalatloa of dirt uader at watting aid ander the rtalrt the privy la a oodltloa hardly It for twine, aad the Court Houee ectbulldiagc ce atgleotod aad cut cf repair it Mow culpable oeglect ea the part of the Coaatr CoojmutOBrt and thooe baring charge ' Ihc laid building; ' v h U neither decency lor economy to keep pub "eildlngi In a condition won thaa pig iliei. public oRceft art greatly mdtakea la their '" If they think the people will aoitaia them prcieat muajrement of the Court Houeo. Wi found the fraud iary room with aa old ta ' epiet, a thrce-ltggeo) chair, ae water pitcher, kereli, aor pokert, ear acoommodatloal nor ""Ulenomof any docorlptloa. The other room! 'MiiiaUwconiiiioa. The Mali la Uicrcomi "r4 to thickly vital duet that wc could u" written our aamol eh thorn. h 'though nplaat duty w are compelled at the whclc at a public anlcaaoo, and fmaty Cuie,urie,io,ri, for their aegVwt, Summary or Sabbath Sohool La on la Northern Central Pennsylvania for the year endlag Oeocmbcr Hit, lSTSi Now ecbooli cctabllihcd , Other ecbooli vltlted and aided Sermoni and addnieca delivered.....-,.!"!! FamUy viiiu. Copiea of tbo Scriptun dlitributad by itie and donation.. ,.',... - Juvenile temperance papen dtilributed one-tnird gratuitouily i . 000 Second hand Sabbath Khool papan given " .', 1000 New booka and panen from the American ' Sabbath Sohool Union, given to needy peneni and Sabbath cohooli, In Teluo,..U(U Mile! traveled A VATitTiciL nmuiar or aaaaata acaoou la vaaaoriau oootrl, rea 1872. v tr- . i i . . . ... eonooia euuiaa or viearleld town.. 102 --"""rtuip, utciaaing omoera, leach. en aad acholan No. of adult acholan..- r,ot 1,630 710 No. of acbolare who are aburoh membon.'.i vi ucaominauonal wboou.H No. of union aohoola " No. or aohoola oontinued ell the year!!!.'" No. of aohoola doted during winter montht No. Of lobuull that hava uniform Unn. t7 46 22 07 28 0 No. of ecbooli that hold teeehen1 meeting! No. that have every Habbalb eollectlon.... The population of Crearleld aountv. iltn 10 la laat U. B. eoacua, 1870, wae..... 740 racre lauriaa to tbi wobi. 1. Statlitloi arc animated for Ire eehooli from which we have ae report!. 2. Brady towmbip hai the limit number of eenoolo 10 la all. J. Covington and Qirard each have one. 4. Fourteen new Hheoli have been ortanlied by mcaai of the County Sabbath Sohool Auoola tioa, and by other aginolea, aioce January, 1072. a, Then are reported 1,M adult eoholara. In- dioatiag a decided gala la the attendance of pa ronta and other older penona. ' a. Only 29 tohooli an reported ai bavin t a col. form loteon, thowlng tho need of Improvement In the can of many ecbooli. 7. A County Sabbath School Map hai beau eonitraoted, on the aatioaal uniform plan, exhib iting an tbo ecbooli of 1172, their location, de nomination, Ac. " , ' I. The work herein reported baa beta doaa ua der thl aoiploei of th Olaarlcld County Sabbath School Aiioclatlon, of which Dr. A. M. llillt Ii Protident, Br. J. M. Stewart li Seontarr and 8. J. Row, Etq., ii Trcaiarer. t. While tboae efTorti are umeotarlaB. tba ohurahci on the Held will rooeivo the beaeit of any permanent good accompliihed. 10 Tht rtatlitlcal table, gratifying ai It It In many rotpeeta, plainly ihowt that the preicnt condition of tho county calli for etrnett ttTort to gather la the large number or pertom, old and yoang, who an outildo of the labbath achoolt. II. The entire eoit of Ihc work, with III eeoei- aary and incidental expentec, for tho yeer, aol I including grant! to the aeedy, ia $300.00. 12. In aid of tho work wc have received from William E. Dodge, Ft,., of New York, $50 rrora freabyterian Sabbath School of ClearOold. and $20 from den. John Pattoa, of Curwenaville. 19. It ll hoped that further contribution! will be received to defray the cineniei of work already done, aad enable ai to continue our effort! in be aatr or tho Sabbath School caute la Northern Central Pcnniylrania. R. CnirriHi.iK, MillionarT A. S. fi. ITnlnn A.r W r P - Bellefoute, l'a February, 1873. Kx-Gov. Ci'RTtN. A Brieze havimr occurred la tho kx-Uovernor i family lately, the '! ork Hon Joumml thua all u del to the affair, in iti retume of "recent weddingi" t Commander Kidder Randolph Drone, of the I'nltcd Statu Navy, of Newport, January 23, to Mlu Martha IrviB Cortln, daughter of the lion. Andrew O. Curtin, ex-Uorornor of Penneylvania. and rate I ntted Btalet Miniiter to Kuiie. The ceramooy wai at nr. t'urtia i midenoc in Philadelphia, nev. nr. needle omclating. The lady, wc are In formed, won white grot grain, trimmed with atia raohlagi, wai attended by her iliter and a young lady friend. Mn. Breeic ( a tall, hand corn brunette, and If report ipeakl correctly, wai tac American belle at Nioc, la Jaaaary, 1872, wai then that ihc il raid lo have met Commander Brccie, who wai thca attached to the I'nited State! European tquedron. The bride wai given away by her father 1 then waa a reception, with dancing, and a banquet by Augmllne, the famout caterer of the Quaker- City. The bridc'i gift! wan numeroul, came elegant artlolei havlag been cant from Europe. Tub Clbarfiild Fiat Brick Com riT. Thli eempoay li now fully orgaaiaed aad cBccrcd, poneiaei a paid up capital of $30,000 and haa commenced buiineu. The ofloert an, Wm. Bigler Preiident, Clement W. Smith Treaiu- nr, J. Q. llarttwlck Soorctary. Director!. Jamec B. Orabain, John F. Weaver, Geo. I,. Reed, Qco, B. louog. R. V. Wllion, A. 11. Shaw. A lot of the clay hai been cent to thote eminent elteiaiiti, Venn. Booth A Garrett, of Philadel phia, who after experimenting furniah the com pany with the following analyiln fiillcia ............ M.00 . Alumina w 27.48 Oxide of iron. 0.77 Moiitun , ...11.14 Tbli ihowi that nearly 80 per cent, of tho clay Ii thi heit material known, containing very little iron, and entirely without magnolia and lime, which prove o diiailroui to good. Really Mailt per teat, or the clay can he need and a No. 1 brick produced. Wo underettnd that 7 percent, la eonaidered very good clay. , Hotici. A conatant aale and ex- change of real citato ii taking place In thii bor ough, and partial ruih into tho Commliiionen, after tho collector duni them for their tax, for the parpen of miking trtnifert and correcting the uplicatc. The Heritor hat made return of hit aitwment for 1873, and if any taxable hai told roperty during the put year, It will be entirely ia order for him to call at the offlee pnvloua lo March eourt and examine the atactiment. What we hen ttatt appllea to every borough and town chip In the county. The habit of applying for correction! after the collector'! duplicate goei out aa outrage, hecauae the Commlaiioneri bare no authority to make tranifen. Thia mutt be don in the handwriting of the aneeeor, wboae duty II ander Ibe law, and If done by en jowly eliemai bo tortured Into a fraud many yran after, and a ood title tbenby vltlited. PA88INO Awat. The old stono jail lowly but lurely pining away, and aoca the ace that knowi It bow, will know It no mon forever. Like acarly everything In nature, thli eld, amightly building but leavoe ui that lome- thlng of filrer proportion! and brighter aipeol may take Iti plaae t and era the anowi of another inter whiten the ground we ebell ace a ana. three. itory brick building occupying tnivmne, . building Ii deiignod for a dwelllag houee, onWe, iton room! aod a public hall, aad will be built la the Oneit ityle of anhilectun. Sheriff PI Ii th owner, and ai be It known never to do thing! In any but the heat manner, we knew thia building ill be one the lewn ein be proud ef. BmiWN. "Stick!" It gralitlea uo to know that brother Ilrown, of tho Bellefontc Jtt- aaMi'caa, hai "renounced the Devil and all hli work aad Intend! lo lead a new life and publiih reliable newtpaper. In hit ileal of laat week ha layi t . . Yci, wc hare Joined the M. E. Chunh. It Ii true that to far we have proved a very unfaithful icmber, But ror inc ruturo we intend, by tne at iting graee of Uod. to ce Id "our liahl ehiue that othen, aeeing our good worht," Ac. So far aa local option il concerned wc bare beaten the vote. No matter what wa may have one tbe pen. wa now neitber touch, taitc nor hendle. Other pertont mey do ai they tec proper, but we hare rhoteu la abilaia from thii time forth. All Important Act. Memro. Wal lace aad Lawihc an tn II tied le the thank! of their conitltuenti for tbe prompt paaaage ef the law relating to drift limber, le he found at length la thli line. Jlilgei Foley and Read have alto bora fortunate aa Hit leleetloa ft the Price Mailen The act il a aula rough ea the heamera, bul Ihey hare boomege enough, anyhow, withoal cabbaging hole raft) of limber. Decide!, ether people have tome right! Uft yet which Ahaf are bound to re- ipeet, ' " Thi Great CiNriNNiAa. We call the attention of our reader te the programme ef the Centennial Cerebration, which come off la Philadelphia ea the J2d, at the Academy of Ma. Tho I4lrl aaelronarf or te birth ef "Ihc Father ef hli fooatry" ihonld he no erdtniry eaaaeloa, aad from the awaaar la which the com- lite ef arraagemaau are takiag tuhj ft mitten neecM "net frcwa their effort!, 1 IV i -w-yvmwt I auefllHWte) Vlmmtiii a . - It Will Par To buy your tobacco and elgan, cuner wnoieiaia or mail, from It. hi. Shaw, The iwwvtt pno ana pen quality guaranteed. Bw Llonia Likubbit. It hai no equal In quality. It never falli to do Juit what it li rapra tooled lo do. Ownera of lloraea ibould hear thii iuiuu. oh ua aaa ai nearly all oountry iton. II tvoi II I.I.I IjIBH ri ltTia Havaral ear Ina.li bu.i.1 v. Kralter A Lytic, which will he told Tory cheer! Feruien, make a note of thia. ODIV-Cl Shaw Syrup of Wild Chorry Tar and Hore honnd le the beat remedy for oougha and coldi wc kaow 'of. No family can well be without II dar i f , .,lMJ,aOhle weather, whea It ti eo eciy M List of letter remalnina- unclaimed la the PectoBee at Clearleld, for the week ending reuranry 17U, II73I Brady, Thomal. Mllllgan, William. Miller, David. urown, Colt Barney, Rev. Jot, Briggt, A. 0. (21 Dunlin, W.H. Donnully, Tom. V. Dillen, Jamet M. Diehlc, Urilla, Ueekmao, Ueorge. Illle, Cbriitiaa. McDearmont, Mn. Mary, lU.wk..-k , i , - .. Martin, C. H. Still, Mitt Citbrln. Striokland, Vaught, Fnnk. Weolhoater, Joeephiae, P. A. OAULIN, P. M. Cigar cacci holding throe and Ire elgan to give away at it. M, Baiw'I. Thi largeit and Inaat atoch or Perfumea, fancy aad Toilet Soapi, Bruthoe, Ac. Ac, to bo found la Wcitern Penneylvania, oan be eoen at the Drug Ston o A. I. Shaw, ClearOold, Pa. All very r . ' ' JohnaoB'a Anodyne Liniment may be uted to advantage when any Pain Killer it deeirable.- In oaaei of coven eraiupi and paini In the atomach, uuuwvimiij ioe or ariioie ion oan dc uiea, Habitual conitriition lead! to Ihc following ra lultn InHimmatloa of the kidnari. dak tnJ n.r. tout headache, bill iouineec.dyepcplta, Indigution, pilci, Iota of appetite and itrangthi all of which may bi avoided by belnr rerular In vour hebitt. and takiag, eay aae of Parroul' Purgative PJIll mguviy, lur loar or tlx wetaa. Commoa Itate cliar holdera tb ereatett aav. ally of the age. For tale by - It. 11. Saaw. Calcined Pinter for aalo by II. t. Bigler A Co. Juat received, a large lot of aon-oxploalve " 1 1 . ntuti uauirrnt ai 2.-73 U. F. Biolbb A Co t. FatlB OboCKD PLllTBB. Reoalved at fan,.- oiore oy oar load and for lale by a. A. a W. D, laww. CurweBivlllc, March 13, 1872. , A full linecf llonlehald (loo J a. Jananaad W.r. iwr eare oj 11. t. uiaier a 10. H. T. Birler A Co. have been maklna nlu.l addition! to their itock of Hardware the latt few dayi. Everything new in Shelf . Hardware, Sad dlen' Hardware, Farmer!' Hardware, Builder naruwarc, ana jiarawtreol til kinili, can beaei at their elore. t May 22. Si.tione roa Sili. A. I. Shaw haa a couple of Urat-olaaa lata atyla Sleigha, whieh he will icll at a oargam. Call and look at them. d4 Wood and Willow Ware of all deeerlptloni for " . aigivr a vo. Noticb to Wiaox a CaaniAoi Miaani We nave Juit received a general aitortmenl of Wagon and Carriage Woodt, alee a full line of Springe and Ailet, which Wl offer cheap for caih. II. F. BionB A Ce. Aire. Seventy-Ore doioa Clearfield Wood choppen A zee at :24:TJ. II. F. BtOLER A Cc'l. Bird Ctget-a large aiiortment at H. F. Icr A Co.'c. Big- Palnti, Oili and Varnithci for aalc by II. F. Bigler A Co. Saw. Dlitaa'i Cron cut Saw, 0 real A merlcan Saw, Boynloa't Lightaing Siw, at -2-72 II. F. Biolbb A Co'!. RECAPITULATION. Bird Cigei. Wood and Willow Ware, lloutchold Gooda. All kinda of Hardware. Japanned Wan. Punta, Oili, Varnlihei. Calcined Platler. Wtgon and Carriage Maherl' luppllc. All of the above fbr tale at tha mammoth Hard wan Stan of II. F. Bigler A Co., Second itrtet, Clcarlleld, Pa. It C0UOHI ANO COLD. Then an few pertom whe an aware ef the Im portance of attending te a cough or a oold at He In I appearance. The thouaand who die anaually of eonaumptloB, were Irtt attacked with e"!ligbt" cough or cold, which Ihey thought would tool "wear iteelf off, and therefore neglected to naa the prupor nmediec until they became Inourablc- Evcry day that a cough, oold, or Buy lung dic tate It negleeted, makca tbe ohaneet ef a euro more uncertain. We would recommend all lufier ing from any ditcaie of tbo Lung! whatever, lo oto Hataoa'a Ccuroran Srat-r or Tan. It ncrer faila ia curing ibe wont caee of eoufhe. cold. boartneti, eon throat, catarrh and atlhma. It ll an infallible remedy for Whooping Cough) be ing prrtcribed by tome of the leadiog phytictini In tba Northern and Southern Statei, and being pnpand under the Immediate tupcrvliion of a graduate of the Penoiylvania Medioal College. The proprieton beg leave to inform all that it la no "Ouack" preparation, hut made Itrlctlv In ac cordance with the advanced principle! and theory ot medicine, rrlvo au eentt per trattie. RUSSELL A LAN lIS. Proprietor!, Philadel phia. Sold by A. I. Shaw, ClearSold, p.., and by all nruirrtte. net 18.8m On February 1 1 th, 1878, by the Rev. W. U Bi acnriiin, Mr. WIIIT.M Kit RROOM to Mill MAUU1K E. UOUDWIN, both of Curwentvilie. At Ilootidale, February 13th. 1A7.1. bv J. I.lK.v 8biw, Kiq., Mr. JACOB WALKER to Mitt MARY A. KEPIIART. both of Decatur towmhin. v ivaruem ouunij, l a. . Oa February 1.1th, 1873, at the M. E, Paraoa- are, ia Hhilipihnrg, by Rev. Tnonai BanxntaT, Mr. UEOKulK FLKtlAL, of Decatur town. bin, U... U lilillL1 IHVikU .faar-ii ii, r mnu AUier i'UI'IUIH VIAU.I1OI n ailaVMIOIli UIDeir Sun. In H.rtlrv towmbip, L'd.ob eoaaty. Pa., on tba lilt oil., LHKlhiOFiiMl UUODLANUEK, kfd ot yvariftna aionini. Near CIarflIJ. on February 11th. 173. Mn. SARAH CONK I.I.N, aged 78 yfariaml 22 dys ona of the oldcit ueinben of tha Prcsbjrtarian cournti. At Pomona. Franklin county. Kantai. on Frl dar, Fabroarr Tth, 1873, JAMKH 8. M. UKAD Lhr. of t'oniQtaption, ajed 3 yran. Clearfield Markets. Corrected wcehlyby Rirnann Moaaop, Wholeiale and Retail Dealer in Dry Oeeda, Urocericc, Pre- Tiliona, Ac., Market tlraol, CUaeaeU, Pa. . Ct.Bnriat., Pa., Feb. t, llji. DdTSra'. '-KiILfi ""J!4 ! Applebnttergal, 74 Ham 00 (7 10 Butter. twfd) li rihoulderi.-...00 11 Beam 10 00 (o) I IS .Bide tofo) Hi Boekwbeat-. r 01 Lard lift Buckwheat dour lb, t Men porh.y bbl...M M Beef, dried. JJ Oati .., 0 Beef, freih.... t U Onionc 1 0 Boerdl, M It toy 14 00 Pctatoe oOrJ TO Corn.ihellcd.. 1 00 Peacbel, dried, .. 11 Corn, car 00(a) M PI alter, y bbl 1 Corn meal, Vrnuk, 1 10 Ry 1 11 Chon. SI ewll lOfdl t 4 Ran. ) Rt Clovcrieed. OO'Salt, V iarh.l60(a) I nhccl Shlnglel,18lB.$4fo)00 Oner.'.:', fh. 10Q 11 Sblnglei,2 Inl0(o) 14 00 nhicheni. dred. Ok. le iiolliv Ictd. ...... VV Erri Ji Tallow..... IU Flaxiecd I 0 Wheat....... 100 Flour M(I0 Wool 00 Har 00 00(30 00 Wood, f) card....- 1 10 IB THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAH ef Clearneld county. In tbe matter of the eelete ef Jacob Zimmcr, of Brady lowaihlp, do oeatcd. The anderalgncd auditor, appointed by the Court to bear aad pate unoa the oxeoptioni lied to the Anal aceouat of George Letlion, admiaia- tralor ef the mid Jacob Zimmer, and to make diatributlon of Ibe balance In the handa of mid admlnictralor. tltee notice that he will attead to Ihc dutiea of hli appointment at hli ooe, la the borough or Clearleld, en inurmay, tne inn eay of Febraary, l7l, between tbeboorloflOo'eloek a. an and 4 e clock p WM. M. McCl LLOUtm, Aadltor. feh5 It ' TN THB COURT OP COMMON PLRAI 1 of Clearleld eoualy, l a. Bameel Bwartl lfc. 18)1 March Term Moatgomory. Admr. R. Bafloak, dceeaead. ThC anCaralcBed auditor. BDOClnted b? IhC Court t diitribate Ibe prooeadt artalng from the ibarig'i mlc of defendants rani eautc, will BU tend ae the dutiea of hut pDciataaent, at hie of I oa a lac borough of -iaaraetd,oi Thuadjylhe llh day ef Febraary, lTI, at I yeock . aa. WM.Ja.McODLLOU(fM, . ,( Mi ll . - Aadcter. H. F. BIGLER & CO; H AltD W AltE, AUo, Minafactureri of ' Tin and Sheet Iron Ware CLIARFIBLD, PA. LOT OP SADDLES, BRIDLES, (Uracil, Oollari, etc., (or aale by ',, - H. F. BIOLER . CO. PALMBB'8 PATENT UNLOAD- lag Bay Forkt, for Bale hy II. P. BIOLBB CO.- QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, Halli, tie., tonal h ' ' ' i . H. r. BIOLER k CO. ' XT A RN ESS TBIMMING3 ASnoK a.. : '. Flndlngi; for laic hy U. F. BIOLER k CO. Q.UNS; PISTOLS, S WORAD CES .' "oraleh i.....' ' . .', H. f BIOLER - CO. ' ' CTOVES, OP ALL SORTS AND Bitot, tor lale oy - , ; ' H. F. BIOLER 4 CO TRONI.IRONI IRON f IRON f x .. . .... , For tetchy ;... II. F. BIOLER A CO. H ORSE SHOKS HORSE SHOE . VAILS, for aale by i . II. F. BIOLER . CO pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES , And heat hf aaufactnri, for tale hy ' . H. F. BIOLER k CO. miStBLB SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, for ill hy H. F. BIOLER k CO. TODDER CUTTERS for aale by -am. - ' 1 ' . aca 30-70 II. F. BIOLER k CO. ? durational. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. mill WINTER TERM of fourteen week, will eommenee Monday, Janaary 0tb, 157c. TERMS OF TUITION. Reading, Orthography, Writing, Object Lee. cone, Primary Arttnmelie aaa frlaiary Ucograpby. .-.....;.-.. Biltory, Local aad dcaoriptlve Oeograpby with Man Drawing, Grammar. Mental IT M and Written Arithmetic r Algebra end the Science! II M Initrnetloa la iBetrnmeatal muile It Oil paiellng, 4 leccom II ea Wax work I tt For full partieulara itnd for Circular. Clearfield, Sept, T, 1970-lypd. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY, A Mala and Female Claaalcal High School Each Department Separate, LHitlact aad cempiete ileeii. THI Mholaatle year ef tbli Initltuticn ti'dlvi ded inte twe cectioni ef Ave montbi (twenty one wcchi) each. The Ant eciilon commence! ea the Irtt hfoeday la September! the leoeBd.ca the flrtt MoBday la February. Tne eoureo er iotlruetioa t rubra eel every to lag Bceeciary to a thorough, practical aad aceomaiiib' cd eduoatioB of both texec. . Pupili will be admitted at any time and charged from date of entrance te the eloee of tha actiion. . No deduction will be made for abteocc, except In eatet of extreme and protracted illoeet. Htudenti from a dutanco can be accommodated with bocrd el low ratca. For particular!, tend for circular!, or addreci Rev. P. L. HARRISON, A, M., July M, 1871 -tf. Principal. WT ' tcaa ea THE '.tlGHTJUMIir, TJOMESTIC" Sechi a few dayi' trial ia every fimily and worhihop, hy the ildc or any ether tew ing mechlae. The Qualltle ea which It relit! ror lueeoti la luch Irlali, arc i EASY WORKING, , ; EASY LEARNING,' : -' READINESS, ' RELIABILITY, ' QUIETNESS, RANGE OF WORK. No other machlae equal! It la any ef thetei hitidei, It hai many clhtr Poind or Superiority. - H. BRIDOK, Agent, Janlitf Clearfield, Pa. MARBLE AD STONE YARD ! Mrs. S. S. LIDDKLL, Havlag engeged In the Marble hualaeee. AeelrM to Inform her friend! and Ihc public tne Me aaa aav aad will heap eenalaally ea head a large aad wall aelcctcd itech of ITALIA K AND VERMONT MARBLE, and ll prepared t firalih le order TOMBSTONES, , BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, .' MONUMENTS, Curhi end Poiti for Cemetery Loti, Window Bllla and Cape, alio, BUREAU, TABLE AND WAM1 STAND TOPS, Ac, Ac. cjt. Yard oa Reed itreet, Bear the R, R. Depot, Clearleld, Pa. . jt7,TI K K P II A R T W. V. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Wholetalt Dealer! la BotTM, CArt, rvna AND 6TRAW OOODS, No. ill Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. ' t . R. Kenhner. A. B. Bennett. - W. V. I.lpptncolt, 1 Jamca Mitchell, ( T BLACKSMITHS ! The anderilaaed offer for rare, la Ihc horouah of Clearleld, a Bleehiiaith Shop, ea Second etreet, containing three forgce and two full ecu of tceli, A Brit clan buiiaeia. Aa excellent chance for a good mechanic. Apply lo AMOS EKNNARD, Mill Clearfield, Pa. CYRU8 GORDON, ' ATTOltNBY AT LAW, Marhal itreet, (north lldc) Clearl.ld, Pa. . ar All legal burlaoet promptly atteaaad ' te tac. ft, 71. , . g T""49a Sr r I We desire to call tho attention of tho citizens of Clearfield county to the tact that fro :. ... . .;,., v hao opened a - 'f: .MUSIC STORE IN CLEARFIELD, t .... - ru" -- ;''.;.'; . v :;. Where we intend to constantly keep on hand a full supply of PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Raven & company's pianos, STEIN WAV tk SONS - .-. .v v..-- : .;, : T ' Wo are prepared at all times brora bio terms as to prices and ;l 'Our.atock of ORGANS will RYNPER ORGAN, (wilh Rynder's Kneo Tremota and downward i -" v " Tho SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CCS , , iMiW UAVL.IN MhLUlitAJXN WJ.S JtlllLtlw ILMrLfc and CHURCH ORGANS. , Besides theso we furnish to order Organs from any factory desired. J We sell on every plan known I I i Ml Til . POrtLAn AD I. AST UiUAOlU IL.n. On our easy terms every one amount win lena so mucti to aiakc. HUMtl HArrY. OCT We shall b glad to hove you call and see us, whether you desire to purchase or not. T oct23-'72.y . , . . ' RYNDER'S MVHIC STORE. grogs' tad IMlritui B LATEST MOVBI THE LATEST MOVE! HARTSW1CK & IRWIN'S ..DRUG 3TORB, Xt their aew haildlng ea Secoad Street, acarly . oppeiite tac atore el weaver Bona, CLEARFIELD, PA., Where they will continue le lupply their eld aad at many new oottomeri at may come, wtta PURE DRUGS! . CHEMICALS! i ,t PIIARMACETJTICAL PREPARATIONS, (Iaclndlng all aew remedlca,) I- ' ''I . Paitnt Medlelnea, Piintt and Oili, Ulau and Putty, achcol Booka, Btalionery, Paper, I Ac. alec, a full line ef Drag l giata' Sundrlei, Hair Toalci, ) Ccmtcllel, Perfumerice, Toilet Article, Brulbel, Tenet Boapt, rocket Booai, ae., ait er the heel aetHty. PURS WISES ASD LIQUORS, for medical A lacrameatal pnrp oiec caly, Pur Whit Lead, Color ef all hindi, Raw and . Boiled Llneocd Oil, Varnithec, Terpen. i tine, Coal Oil, Paint A Varniih V . Braahee, Flavoring ; ' Extracti, ConlWfon.rlet, Bird Seed, Spice, greuad aad nnground, or all kinda. i 'I'. SMOKERS AND CIIEWKR8 Y Will and our atoch of Chewing and Smohinc Tobacco. Imnorted aad Da. auSetie Cigin, Sauff and Fine-cut lo he ef the j r v aae i. ,aa - . aiars ASDxoi"i . . All hind! ef GLASS WARE, fK ' ' . MUSICAL INSTRIMSNTS 'i(!tan)l MuiealVmrnlngl ef every variety. Uitag a lorn cincrleacc la the butlneet, aad an eiLoiive aad well eclectcd atoch of medicinal, wi in enabled le 111 Phyileiaai' prcecripticnt at th ihirten notice aad ea the meet re ate cable termi, Jay and night. 1 HARTSWICK A IRWIN. Clea leld, Pa., May II, UTl-tf. T Bf. SCUULER, li 1 BAB3EB ADD HAIR DEESSEE', SunJilrect, aext door to lint Natloaal B.nk, Bcvltl '' ' Clearleld, fl. MCSHANN0N LAND ANO LUMBER COMPANY, i OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS, ttcracvtiBit LUMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS Siived d raltnt Ribbed Shingkt. , i H. H. SntLLINOFORD, Preeldent, OBct-ForMt Place, Ne. Ill S. 4th et, Phll'a. JOHN LAWSIIR, Uenere! Sup'L, , Oetool Mill!, OhMrlaU ccmnty, Pa, Aua-.TOWN LOTS f tale la thd hefeagh of Oacecla. - , Auc Ka' theLAROEIT ASSORTMSNT af flood. hilWehli aoaltT at their Mammoth litre la Otoecm. . ;ani r Jt M A1K B T7CS.T R E E CLElItFIELD, PENN'A. t.'ill. .. r Our stock of PIANOS will consist PIANOS, to furnish nny of tha cheaper makos of Pianos to order on tbe most terms ol payment. consist of tlto new and popular MASON &i to tho trade, either CHEAP FOR XT can have a good instrument,' 1872. 1872. FALL & WINTER GOODS . AT . J. M. KRATZER'S. Immmtt Ntmck of timodi mTtrtry attcrtpifH. Wo. lea Ocodi, la mi price aa hefore Ihc ad vance la wool. Muiliai al ndaced arlecc. Dr.ii Good i ia grcalcat variety. MoaraiBg Ooodi of all hlada. Black Arpaeit, at all pritee. Black Silki, very cheap. WaUrproofi, Velvetecai, Plaid aad plala Flan aeli, Shirting Fleauila, Ac. TahU Linen aad Naplriat,;irith Llaeac, 11 4 Sheetiag aad Pillow Mailla. Ottcmaa Rep Shawli aad Scarfa, Striped Shawli at all price.. PaUley f kawla, digit aad double, SI te tit. Dren Trlmmlnga, Fringe, Lacec, Velvet Rlh bont, Vclrclcene, Ac. Fell line ef the cal.arated Joeephiae Seam leei" Eid Olovea, Kid G level from tl ap. Ladici' Reck Tin, Collare, Romiag, Balr Braid! and Switchai. Ladici' aad Cblidrea'i Mcriao L'adcr-wear. Madame Fcy'a, Themptcn'i, Olcvc-Fittiag Ulp Ocrc and ether Cerocti. Alee, lioep Skirta, Paaiara, Ac Large Mock ef Carpel aad Wall Papefe, Shoe aad O.lterc, acme quality at herelofer. "The hell are lb cheapen," Balmoral aad ether knitting yaraa, aad ether ertlelei, too anmeroai te meatioa. Purcbatert will led a greater variety ef gooda thaa Ii uiually found la obi itore. Call aod examine. Clearleld, Sept. II, 1171. WM. REED, lueoeieor lo Read Brae. MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., TtriLL open thia week aa lmmeaae iteck ef v f all deeirlptiooa er DRY GOODS, KOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS. FCRS, LADIES', MISSES' and CHILDREN'S 1 , . BIIOES, Ae., Ac, Aa., Ae. BnylBg my good In New Terk, tke eeee) ef tbe creel hecpleg a reliable clan of gocdi ) Bell ing goodi at ilore caih Igorci, and conducting batlncu la a Ihernngh hnilnen manner, I hope t merit the confidence ef CASH SCTERS threagheut Ihc ecuaty. NO TROUBLE TO S110VY GOODS. Call asd examine my etoeh bbA he eenvlnoed ef the truth ef my aitertlcne. cptll ' WM. REED. A DMINISTRATORfc1 NOTICE. Net lee 1. la hereby given that letter! of adininlttralion on the eetetc of UKNRY COLUROVE dceeatcd, lata of Bradford towmbip, Clearleld county, Pa., havlag eeee dely granted te the end. reigned, ell pcrcoal ladobtad te laid aetata will please make payment, and thoae baring delete or demand! will p recent them property aatbeatlrated fbr tet llemeal. MART A. 101,0 ROVE. John Mcdowell, Jan. II, I7l.-lt Adminietratere. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALEI The Heute aad Lot ea the earner ef Mar ket aad Fifth etrteta, Clearneld, Pa., for Mle. Tbe lot eeateiai acarly aa eerewf an and. The la a large danble frame, eeaceaeeaci alee , far Urate Bad ether te Coram Item orl i wo voeeenowvaa earn rem vatee. . T, - i of i7 - v , HAINES BROTH EUS' PIANOS. , yhifK . r e aaaaa Octave Coupler,) ORGANS, HAMLIN'S ORfiANS. anrl the CASH, ON NOTES, or on tho ' and no other investment of like IjtlisrrUanrouj. Lime for Sale I rTIBI cndertlgned, raiding tear the depot haa X made complete arrangement! with Lime Bcrncrt eatt of the mountain, whereby h il ena bled le keep ooaitaatly oa head a large o, aaatity of PURE LIMEI which he offon ta farm art aad buildere at a trllc above eoit. Thote ia need of tho article would do wen vo give me a call, or addreti me hy letter, bc- - h..ip,im uieu uw. r.. . OKO.C.PASSMORE, Clearleld. Pa., Jane I, 1 8fl. Idlvery Stable. '1 'II B BBdenlgned hege leave te Inform the pub A He that he ii aow fully prepared te aeeemme aateall in the waref faraitiiia. Bu n...;.. UmAAimm - - J u ... i ' ..aa - -- im eaoneei nettoc ana oa reacoaable Urmi. Recideaee ea Lecait atrcet, kalutu TL1J a aw . . m aiagwl enctj At WmrTO. GEO. W. OEARHAIT. Olearleld, April 11. HIT. 8AW8! 8AW8! SAWS! DISTAN S CROSS OCT, MILL, DRAG AND , CIICCLAR SAWS. Boynton's Lightning Cross-out Saw. ; ... ALSO, PATENT PERFORATED A ELECTRIC SAWS, For aale by ii,ri U. r. BIOLER A CO. Attention, Lumbermen! WB T"w elarturlng cur IMPROVED nov.H,SI-8,,('11" DRIVING CANT. HOOKS, auacrlor te aav nlh t .- nr. k ce la itock a large quantity of Caathochi luita kle ror rafting purpotet, whieh we arc celling aheap for oath. AMOS A R. KENNARD. Ulcarleld, I'l., March II, IS71. A Notorious Fact I THERE are mere people troubled with Lung Diaeaeec la thli towa Ihae any ol her place e lu die la the butt. Oaa of tbe great canto! ef thii ll, the uee of an impare article of Coal, largely mixed with aulpbor. Now, why not avoid all thia, aad preeerve year live., by Being only llumphr)e Celebrated foal, free from all impuritiea. Order! left al Ike itcree ef Richard Moaaop and Jamae B. Graham A Soaa will receive prompt atlcBtica. ABRAHAM HUMPHRET. -Clearleld, November 14, U7.f. . . F. STERLING, Maaafaetarer ef SADDLES &. HARNESS CLEARFIELD, PA. Work gnaraataed te give aetlrfacdca. Priocc re.ton.blt. Give me a ealL Shop la Grahim'i Row, Merhot itreet. aoI0,71. Beale's Embrocation, (LATE POWELL'S,) For all diteaeee Incident ta Hortet, Cattle, aad Unman Fltih, req-lring the me ef aa ' external applleeticB. Thii Embroeatloa waa cxuoiivily uted hy the Government during the wer. For talt hy Hartewiok A Irwin, Clearleld Jte.ph R. Irwin, Carw.Btvlllc. Daalel Ooed- aaaer. Lntkercbcrg. . it. JLOUR, FEED, AC. - THat bbclMIA ..... I : FLOURING MILLS. The aadcrilgned weald rctpeetfully glee ae lice te tbeeltlaeni ef Beeearln tcwnihlp aad cur. roa ad Ing country, that he haa parcbaied the Beecaria Flooring Mlfli and pat everything la complete order, aod ll maaafeetarlag a Irrt-olaei quality ef Flour. CUSTOM WORK DONE, and Flour la quaatlty ceaetantly en hand for rail. CHOP, CORN MEAL, BRAN, AC, AC. alwayi ea head and fee tale wheltialc er retail. Qn f BCH StilMOLRS WANTED 1 Will cxehanfc Flour aad Cbon for lack Sblaglce, ar will pay part money, if dcclicd. 101-tf BARNABAS ARMSTRONG. C. D. AVATSON, .. - DEALER IN - , j Um ft PATEVT MEDICUES, CONFECTIONERIES, TOTS AND TANKER NOTION", FINE TEAS A ROASTED COFFEE, BEST BRANDS TOBACCO A SEGARS, '. SCHOOL BOOKS A 8TAT10KER1, )eMVnle BnUdlag, SeocBd Street, dtc4-7l.k .. . CLKAKFIELD, PA. JUSTICES' dk CORSTAHLIM FII'J W. have vrlBted a large aatabet af the new FEB BOli. and will , tha receipt at rwoaty eh amrm. hiaM I eeaw te MT aadreca, , enil DAW HOUSE, (Cor. of Market A Front elreeu, tbllllltuvi r Tbh magnHlcent Uoeal U entirely new, com-. Bleu In all 111 appoimmcn, .p'-"- ihc Court Houae. A free Omnlbul rune to and Iron the Depot oa the arrlTai ana P"n : each train. ' MRS. K. 0. CLBelKN!", t April 10. Wl ' " - ; Proprirjrcic, - WASHINGTON HpUSB, - , W. WASniNOTOS. PA, ' Thli aew and Ml ruraUbed hwaec hea Loon Ukea by tne waJCedgaad. Me IbcJt ewaSdent ol being able I render eathifaaUia to thoae wbo any firor hia With a can. May 1, 1171. S, W, tAVlB. PgpV REVERB HOUSE", BORMSIDE, Pat , The oabiertbnr haveng baiUa new Hotel, wilh all modern impreremeata, ll arcparad te receive gaeeu. The table will he (applied with nan heat la the market. Gcod tubllng attached. ' aprJ-iy . A. H. ScnAEFFEB,ep'r. THE MANSION HOUSE, Corner of Second and Market Streetr, CLEARFIELD, ft A. -' THII eld aad eotamodloue Hotel Aaa. danag the peat year, heca aalargcd te double lu former capacity ror the entertainment of itrin giri aad gueita. The whole building haa been rafuraiibid, and the proprietor will if art no paint te render hli gunte comfortable while uylag with hia. , r-The 'Manaloa Ileucc" Omdttoif rni lo aad from the Depot ea the arrlTai aod departure ef each trata. 4Vlta VUUUBXiriX I, aprl-ri.tf Proprietor. WESTERN HOTE L Oppocllc Ibe Coart Houee,. '" l-CLmARFIELD, PENM'A Aceommcdatloaa Iret-ciaii and ehargee aaedcrate. eetl .' -1 JOHN F. TOUNG, Proprietor. M OMTOtJR DOUSE. Oppoclte the Court Buaaty .! LOCK bavkn, rttsri. . JU71 UAISEAL A KkOM, Prop'a. JROCKF.RIIOFir HOUSE, , , BELI.EF0VTE, PA, .' V ., . JOI158T0N-A.SONtT, ' eetH7I ' ' Proprietor RAILROAD HOUSE, . . . Mala Htreet, PUILIPSBURG, PENN'A . ' Th nndertigned herpc conelantly on hand ta. t beet of Liqoora. Hit table It lwava' cupplicd with the hew the market affordi. lite traveling publie will do well to give hira a e.ll novl.'CJ. K6BKRT LLOTD.1 ' ALLEGHENY HOTEL, . (Marhet St., bet. Second and Third,) " ' CLEAKPIULD, PA. - ;,. -. The inbaeribcrc baring bcoomc propriltora of thii hotel, woald recpectfully auk a liberal ihaac f publii patroaige. Tbe Table will alwayi be aupplled with the belt tbt market afford. -deel'7l . RRNN A LE1P0I.D. - SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, CURWKNSVILLE, , Clearleld county, Peno'a. . Thii old and will eatablilbcd Hotel, hcaatlfnlly lituaied en tbe banha of the Suaquohanna, in tiic borough of Curwenaville, haa been leaeed for a term ol year by the nndcriigacd. It baa bemn entirely relttcd, end ia now opaa te the pub.io generally and tbe traveling community in par. tioular. No peine will be epered te render gwerta ecmfortable while tarrying et thia hoate. Ample Stabling room for the accommodation of tcamt. Charge! moderate. Sept. ill, 1871-tf. ELI BLOOM. ?0dt Mi JbofS. TOOT AND SHOE MAKING. t PHILIP WEAVER, on Market Itreet, In Shaw't Row, Clearleld. -Pa., hci Juct received a Inc lot ef French Calf Skini aod.Kipl, the beet la the market, and ii now prepared lo-man-ufaeture everything ta ble line, lie will war rant hia worh to be at represented. The eitiiin ef Cleericld end vicinity arc reipcotfully invited to give. h,lm a call. Worh done at ihort no Uee. v;ll"71y KEW BOOT kXD SHOE SHOP, EDWARD MACK, ' Coa. MARKET A In Sri., CLEARFIELD, Pa. THE proprietor hai catered Inte the BOOT SHOE builn.net the above t Lend, and uditermiaed not to be oatdone either ia qiral. ity er price for hia worh. Special etlcanon will he peid to manufacturing Sewed worh. He hat ea hand a large lot ef trench Kip aad Calf Skint, of the very belt auelllv. The ciil. cm ef Cltarleld and vicinity are reapeotiully lavtiea ic give aim a trial, n a eaartc for ealit. aovl,' l-tf . JSAAO JOHNSON ft 80NS, - Maaufactarera and Dealer! in. Boots and Shoes! Ladle,', Mlaacc' and Childrea'a GaitercJ Mea'a, Diyi' and Women'c Heavy Boole, aaa . nrogaaa, ac, c Store aad ahop oa Second etreet, nearly eupo- eita H. V. Bigler A Co.'l hardware itore. Feb. tl, HTI-ly CLEARFIELD, PA.' Clearfield County Bank. THE Clearleld Coaaly Baak aa aa laeoaaera ted Initltutioi haa gone oat ef eititenee hy the aurrendcref Ita charter, en Mac ll. laai. All Ita atoch Ic wwaed hy tha on boor! here, whe will eeattaue the Ranking bu.ineei at the tan. a place, ea private Bankcri, under the Inn name of the "Clearleld County Bank." We an re. ipomtoie rer tac dcbli ef the Bank, aad will pay lie aotei oa demead at Ihc eoearer. Depoirtt received aad iatereil paid whea money la left fer a Ixcd lime. Pcper dicrounted al litt per cent, ei heretofore. Our actional retnentlbllltt te pledged for all Dcpoaita received and haiinetf trantieted. A centlanaaee of the liberal put route, of tbe heiiaiae maa of the coaalv la re- tpeeiraliy aolicitcd. Al Preiident, Caahler and ofloeri ef tre lale Clearleld f oaaty Baak, wi require the aotei of (aid Baak te he precealcd lor rcaemptloa. JA8. T. LRONARD, RKHARD SHAW WM. PORTER, r J A 8: B. RAHAM, A. K. WRIGHT, O, L. RBED, . . .- WM. A. WALLACE. The huilnen ef the Baah will be caadaeted hy JchaM'Adami., Eiq., aeCaihier. (,ll-!.?l County national Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, a..i .1 ROOM Ii M atonic Baildlng.oacdoar aor rf C. D. Waleoa'l Drug Store. Pcaaage Tleketi ic cad from Liverpool, Queer. town, Gleigow, London, Parte end Copenhagen, A lie, Draftifor aaleoa the Royal Baah ef Ireber. d and Imperial Bank of London. . ,..- JAMES T. LEONARD, Prce't. JWM.JBHAW, Caahler. - et:t:ffr J. D. M'Olrk. . . EmwarA pcrkc. BANKD, 0 4 COLLECTION HOUSE OF McGirk & perks. Suacutor to Potter, Perka, A Co.', Plilllntbura-, Centra Coumr. Pm. Wll KR E all th huilnen or a Tr.nhing ITiyee will ce trantacted nromMlv aad anna il moit favonole term, marl-It - "H"""""" ..- ... . R.. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY, rpHB uedtnlgned. havlag ectahllchi'd a Nm Jf- 7r'" " "".aooot halfway btlwcen Clearleld aad Curwentvllli, i, prepaid lo 1.- aiaa an unci er I KUIT TREKS, (itaadarri end dwarf,) Evergrecae, Shrubbery, Grope V'.aci, Gooeeberriee, Lanlea Blackberry, Strewbcny. aad Kuheri'y Viaec. Alie,Sihorlaa Crab Tl-.o, Onlnae, aad early tetrlct Rhebarb, Ac Orritra promptly attcaded te. Addr.ii, ' - i i. 1. WRIGHT. '- eepll-ll-y Carweuivlllt, l a Miss E. A. P, Rynder, ' ' aeaac oa . Chlekerlag'a, Btelaway' aad Emcrcea'e Plena, , Smith'!, Maeoa A Hamlla'e aad Pdeahet'a . Orgaaa aad Melodeoaa, aad Grcver A . Beher'a Sewing Maehlacc tut TBACBBB Ot Plaae, Guitar, Organ, Harmony aad Teeal Aa. le. Ne pupil tahca for leea thaa half a V. JaSfRoemt oppoalt Gullch'c Fararuta aa. re I CUarl.ld, May IMI If. . ' 1INK. WHITi A KOAH tritWa SKIKS . J -int aA ror .al. by . AprfJM.l.t.. -l.I9ltfk.pt s