THE REPUBLICANS CLEARFIELD, PA: ' WEDNESDAY M0RNINO. FEB. 12, 1178. Ternis of Subscription. ; If paid In edvenccor within three monthe ...t-2 J . . . . .1 -A Krfnrri tininlhl 2 ft If paid after the oiplratlon of ill montha... 0 hemcioum notices. Methodist Episcopal ChnrehRev. A. D. Yocr, Faator. Public Sersiee ovary Sabbath at 101 A. Jd., end T P- M. i ftabbath School t A. M. Prayer Meetiag every Thursday, at ?, P. M. Communloe Service, first Sabbath of every "tJt?A1rew,' Charrh HplifopInT. aonoa Hah.. Public Borvloe Sunday morning at 1 o'olock, end at t P. M. Sunday School at I p. M. Prayer Mooting Wednesday eveuiug at T o'clock. ' ' rebyterln ChurchRev. tl. 8. Berlin. Preaching o tho Lord'l day u 10J ud 71 'clock. Sunday rVhooi at I p. . Prayer Meeting on Wedneaday at H P. B. Fastor'a Biblo Clam on Saturday at 74 p. m. lit. franc!.' C'liurrli Catholic ll.v. T. J. McMaaiTi. Man at 10 o'clock A. M., on tho neooad and fourth Sundaya of oaeh month. Lutheran Church. Rev. A. J. llanTsoc; t-reaehing every Sabbath, morning and orcning. S.bbsih Sohool at a. m. Prayer mooting orory Wednesday evening. J. A. Lukens, of Pbilipsburg, who was found guilty of muder In tho second degree at SeHefoate, last August, for tho killing of Richard Atkartoa, was granted a new trial last week. Oar Centre county contemporaries an highly pleaaed "Ilk Judge fiuoher, of the Union dlstriat, who hut week praildcd at Belle fonte. Judge Bucher It one of the youngeet Judgoa on the bench, al well aa one of the best in the State, and wo hope he may lire to a green old , , t The Pbilipsburg Journal in alluding to tho munificent contribution of Judge Leonard, toward tho erection of our High School building, oayai "Wo think that the public ipirlt of Judge Leonard haa boon manifested in a manner that plaeea mora than one generation under obligationa to him. Would that then wen mora Judge Leopards." Sab Accident. We regret that we are compelled to chronicle tho fact that our es teemed friend, J. A. L. Flegal, of Ooshea town ship, had one of hie legs broken in two place, on Thursday but, while attempting to turn a stick of timber. Wo understand that ho ii aa oomfortable aa can bo expected under the circumstances. John la on of oar boat farmer and active buaineaa men, and it will ga hard with him to bo "oooped op," as b necessarily must bo for some time. Aristocratic Our Indiana county gighbort built a now Court House a few years ace, and we ootic by the Auditora' report that the Job haa entailed a "bleaaing" (aa Linooln termed it) opoa them In the abap of a debt amounting to tho lua of $1 89,850. Jly the time this debt and th Interest thereon is paid, Indiana will hare rather an expenslr Court House. But then, they are very "loyal" and proud oror there, and should pay for their whistle. It ib said that up In Clearfield coun ty lorora of "Old Bourbon" at stealing whisky barrels, to split op into small pieces and chow, as yon would licorice root. A well soaked atave ia eqoal to two drinks, and a bung bole affords sus Unanoe for week. H'tiiamejoorl BtlUtin. Tea, but w hara mora ordora for atare and hang hole from Wllliameport than wo bar for asw loga, wbioh the editor In question knows are lot a few. About the "sustenance" wo know nothing, never baring chewed anything of the kiad, but w bare no doubt tho ditori of the Suilsiia bar learned by oxperienoa whereof they apeak. Inquirer after thia new article of eom tro an referred to WUliamaporvora for further Information. Flag Brick. This very important breach of buaineaa will abortly be a leading fea ts rs ia the trade of our eonnty, and promises to bs far more profitable and not half so hasardous as the timber business. Oa our Aral page will be foand a detailed statement relating to tho Fire Crick worka at Woodland, B miles eaat of thia flan, for which we are lndobted to the Pbilips torg Journal. Tho material Intoresta of onr ooanty are being llowly but aurely developed. Work haabM commenced thia week by the Clear isU Fir Brick Company, and the buildings will be pushed with rigor, to thai the manufacture of brick will eo romance at an early day. Some fee ble minded persons fear that the market will soon bs overstocked with brick of thia kind. That will occur about th time tho Susquehanna over stocks the Chesapeake bay with water. Runaway. On Saturday last while Mr. Cbarlea Shaffer's team wa atanding at the depot, tho horael took fright and ran out Reed street to Seoond, np that to Market, down that, on lbs pavement, until th aled caught on the posts of Um woodoa awning erected In front of "ratter A LyUe'a store, which knookod the awning down upon th hone and aled. But th hone sno oted ed la getting out front under the roof, whioh 'fall upon th aled, and with what waa already on asade th wad so hoary thai the horaes eould not move It, and a aumber of peraona ran up and aanght tho horaea by th bridle. Accidentally, aohedv rMalved an Iniorv. and the horae. and tied ale aeoaped, aad th Uariog away of the old shed improves tho appearance of things about the store. Charley haa a faat team, and thry need watching, or somebody will get hurt. Wu, K. WHiaLir.EsQ. A telegram received at thi station at IV o'clock on Friday last, and whioh announced the sudden death of onr fellow townsman, shocked everybody. He waa killed oa hia leg job, near Three Rant, on th Centr oounty aid, th previous evening. It ap pears that he and his partnor, Mr. Holt, had gone dowa to tho foot of the slide In the evening to see if all waa right, and on their way up thry loosened a log, which switched out and threw Mr. Wrlglejr dowa, and while in thia poaition another log came down and Jumped the slide, atriklng him in the 'ace, aruahing hia head and oauaing lullaut death. Hia body waa brought bom and followed by a large eonooura of our oitlsene to Its but Rating place la Bradford church yard, bn Sunday laat. Mr. Wriglay tiled tho office of County Treasurer la lt.6S-of and was oao of the most faithful offl. Mrs the ooanty ever had and en of its most x euplary altisons. He leaves a wire and seven htlclreu, the youngest about IS yeara of age. Less than two wecka ago he followed hit aged author to the tomb. Now he ia with her. Hit are wu 57 years and 14 daya. Escape or Prisoners. On Sunday auraing, aa Sheriff Ororhiaer opened the door leading Into the main corridor of the Jail, for the Tarpon of giving tho prisoners their breakfast, tana of them, Alexander Hamilton, confined for Way, Isaac Brlttou, charged with forgery, and lack Doyts, charged with larceny, threw snuff and tsbaceo la hia eyes, and then ruabed out and auc la eaeaping from the Jail. The Sheriff, al- aaarly blind. Immediately gave the alarm asd attempted to follow and capture the runaway. "r A. L. Pepper aucceaded in capturing Iaaae onllo,, and Hamilton waa soon after found hid sr ptarbey a blaeasmiia anop, eorner iiroao Fifth streets. Doyle has not yst been cap eVL OssMFoa IlifmlJ. "' Ts Masonic JJomb. The annual awing of th atockholdcra and Board of Man fneut f th Maaonic Horn of Fennaylranla u held at Pittsburgh, February tth, 1873, at "b the following named brethren were elected " Board of Management for the ensuing year : b. J. Roberts, Philadelphia I Jamee Ooxxllander, Willianaipori; James M. Porter, F.aston Robert ' Uabertoa, llarrisburg J, It. Simons, Frank- : U. Stanley Ooodwla, Bethlehem John (lib- Ttj ILBiobard Muckle, Philadelphia! '"d-Laaer, Reading! E. Kineberry, Screnton. kic the following officer war elected i Jreaideot-Jamea H. IJopklua, Pltfshnrgh. iewrer-Robert Klots, Maach Chunk. cretaryM.. M, Meredith, Broohvllle. ' huiness of the meeting was traasaet- im aiiuiiv va i w- ' TnK'KND Not Yet. WVmado a1 trip up the Moxhannoq Dm nob, oa Wouiisy, Juit to im how thingi looked up tlit w,T. Baro the ilokl appenraooo of oua or two oari loaJuJ with coal ilauding ob tho MoihanMut CoIHory'a aiding, there waa no ihow of buiiueii mora than there waa on tho aUteenth daj of Nor ember lait, the da after thia TatAl itrlke ooumenoed. M'o taw knoti of man lUbding at every tiding, whom wo knew to be mlnert, and who we knew had not struok ft Uok for noarl three montht, manv of them our acquaintance! j and on the train were aleo aoquainlanoea of our, rppreeeutativei of the different tturlu aloug the road. Wa anduavored to interview both aldea, that we might, In tlili Ii iuo, be eoablod to give aonie wort) of vnouurage mta to lb 00. who are woeklj looking fur ua to do o; but at thia writing we mutt content U luokaat far off at it did the bay it commenced, aud luileit there it tomething aeeret t work that oanuot or will not bo made known, it ii to. We are now rapidly approauhing the end of the third month ; and aa nintty Jtv tkoutand dollar It the amount whioh waa monthly paid out here, In the ooal bastQQM atone, (wo hundred and tighty fiv Mou and dollar will be what we will bare loit from this region, and whioh of us can say we have not felt It, or that It hat not reduced for the time being, at leait the valuation of oar p report ici. We id that we interviewed partial on both liJui, and we are now convinced that the evailom of either party, to our even roundabout queitlont to tbii all absorbing toplo, would hare done credit to the loader! of the "Know-Nothing" party In the daya of 1U brlgbteat proiperity, and were met about at folio wi : "Don't know." Can't lay." "Haven't heard anything. "That may be." "I hope K.'0eola RtvtilU A Cobbiction Wanted. ; Rocktoiv, February 1, 1ST3. Ma. Editor t I tee a great miiuke in the pub lication of the proceeding! of the eonrention of School Director in your lat aumber. In ieki Ing or the dinurent luhjeott aoieu upon, the re porter laya the proposition to allow htitttute time to teacher wai voted down in both oance. Thia to far ii oorrvot, Hut then he aaya, "Col. Irwin made a motion, which waa adopted, that tcaohen be bound in the article! to attend the Inititutca and that anffloient amount orer and above their lalarlei be allowed them for that purpoia, they to makeup whatever time they may loae in laid at tendance." The Col. never made auoh a motion, and reaaon will teach yon that when the pay for inititutea waa voted down, the amount over and above their aalarioa would again have been voted down. Plea make correction and oblige Makt Dihkctori. Wa were not preiont at th mooting Indicated and publlihed the proceeding! aa reported. If there It anything wrong, we are not the author, nor can we make the correction. That tomebody it mil taken It plain, but whether anybody will luffcr it not to vitlble. However, It ii alwayi bet ter to be right. m m Sinoulab Fatalitt. EUewhr we chronicle the tndden death of Ex-Treaiorer Wrig ley; a week ago Ex-Treasurer Flegal fell and pat hit ihonlder oat of Joint, from which he It inffrr Ing great pain, but It improving. On Saturday a week Treaaarer Wilion took a chill, wbioh threatened eeriont reiulti, but medical aid being promptly at band and he poiteiiing a vigorous constitution, be rallied after several dayt and li again able to be about. Bbady Instituti. Mr. Editoki Fleaiepubliib the following proceed ings of the Brady Township Tnacbere' Institute: On Saturday, February ttlh, 1873, Institute convened at Hchind'ele ectaool bonne, and was celled to order by W. V. Shannon, President. The roll wai then called and twelve teaehera responded. An address of welcome was then delivered by Mr. A. K. La ther. Response by B. r. Brockbank. Th newly elect officer! then entered upon their duties, when Mr. W. 8. Luther delivered an inaugural address. Next waa called the regular nrograrame. Clan drill! waa then oond acted ai follow! : 1st. Deriva tion of words, by J. 8. Beyler. During thia clasi drill Superintendent J. A. Gregory advanced tome very good ideal on Derivation. 2nd. Men tal Arithmetic, by 8. T. Brockbank. Sd. Penn manibip, by J. C. Wilson. 4th. Primary Mental Arithmetio, by 11. M. tieyler. 6th. History, by J. K. Beyler. 0th. Beading Class, by M. A. Kirk. Institute then adjourned for dinner. In the afternoon Clatt Drill were oond acted, lit. Geography, by C. 8. Luther. 2nd. Alliga tion Alternate, by E. C. Hays. 3d. Falic Syntax, by J. W. Corp. 4th. Philoiophy, by W.8. Luther. 6th. Pbyiical Geography, by K. Wilson. 5th. Evolution, by W. F. Hnannon. A rote of thanks wai tendered to Superintendent Gregory for his aervicea at th Institute and during bis visit in the township. Institute then adjourned to meet at 7 o'clock. Evening Session. 1st. Drill on Glob, by E. G. Flays. 2nd. Kafir, by J. I). Johnson. The Or chestra then entertained the Institute with music. Next, Ensay, by W. 8. Luther. Professor P. 8. Weber then delivered a lecture on Physiology and Education. 11 ii lecture was a good production and waa listened toattcntirely. Then Mr. J. B. Jobneon and B. G. Ifnyi road some very good se lections from tbe Garland Speaker. The exercises of tbe day ifieioni waa accompanied with music bv the Glee Club, and the evening sension by the Troutville Orcheitra and Glee Club. Votes of thanka wai tendered to all who helped make the institute a lucreni. institute inen adjournca. WINFIKI.D fi. LUTI1LK, Pres't. Wit. F. fill am uok, Beo'y. Specials Juit received, a large lot of non-exploilre Lampt and Lauternt at -2iW2 II. P. Biolxr I Co't. Frbsh Ground Pl a stir, Received at Corner Store by ear load and for tal by E. A. A W. D. Irwin. Curwemvllle, March 13, 1872. A full line of leasehold Goods, Japanned Ware, lo., for sal by H. B1 A Co. , , H. F. Btgler A Co. bare been making extensive addition! to their itock of Hardware th lalt few day. Everything new In (Shelf Hardware, Sad tlcrs' Hardware, Fanners' Hardware, Builders' Hardware, and Hardware of all kinds, can be teen at their itore. May 22. If John ion' Anodyne Liniment Ii half an val uable aa peon 13 say it is, no family ibould be without it. Certainly no person, be he lawyer, doctor, minister, or of any other profoMion, should start on a Journey without it. 'No tailor, fisher men or woodsman should be without it. In fact, it ii needed wherever there it an ache, rprain, cut, bruise, eongh or cold. Farmer and "horsemen" are continually In quiring what we know of th utility of Sheridan' Cavalry Condition Powders, and in reply we lay that we hare beard from hundred! who navo used them with gratifying result!, which appear! to be the general experience. 6i.KH.nt roa Sals.-A. I. Fhaw bat a count of flrst-class late ityle Slpibs, which he will sell at a bargain. Call and look at them. d4 Wood and Willow Ware of all dmenptloni for sale by II. F. Digler A Co. ar tt- . . r . MH, U . .. It". hav just received a groeral assortment of Wagon and Carriage Woods, also a full line of flpringa and Axlea, whioh w offer cheap for esh. Jl. c. mil.Kn lo. choppers Axes at . . Bird Cage a large asaortment at II. V. Elg in A Co.'a. Paints, Oils and Varnishes for ralo by II. F. Biglor A Co. Saw. Dlstan's Cross-out Saw, J rest American Saw, llovnton'a Lightning Raw, at 0.24.71 II. V. llioi.aa A Co'a. RECAPITULATION. Bird Cagea. Wood and Willow Ware. Household Uoods. All hinds of Hardware. Japanned Ware. Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Caleiud Plash. - '' "s 1 Wagon and Carriage Maker' supplies. All of the above for sale at the mammoth Hard ware (itore of Ii. F. Digler A Co., Second street, Clcarneld, 1'a. si COUGH AND COLDS. There are frw persons who are aware of the Im porUnce of attcuding to a onua;h or aeold at Ita Qret appoarauoe. I lie tnonsnnil who die annualiv of consumption, were flrat attacked with a "slight ' oough or cold, which they thought would soon "wear" itarlf off, and therefore neglected to use tho proper rrmcilica until Ihcy became incurable. Kvery day that a cough, oill, or any Inng dia ease Is neglected, make. Ih chances of a cure more unoortain. We would recommend all suffer ing from any disease of the Lungs whatever, to use lUieon'e Cowrera Hrarf or Tab. It never falla in euring the worat oases of eougbs, colds, hoarsness, sore thrust, catarrh and asthma. It ia an Infallible reined, for Whooping Cough i be ing prescribed by some of the Icailiug physicians in tho Northern and Southern States, and being prepared undor the Immediate supervision of a graduate of the Pennsylvania Medisnl College. The proprietors beg leero to Inform all that it la a "tluaok" preparation, hut. made strictly la aa. eordanoa wita the advanoed prineiptee and theary of medieine. Prioe 6 oenta par bottle. RtlBHKI.L A LANbLS, Proprietors, Phtlad.l. phi. Sold by A. I. 6eaw, Cleerneld, Pa., aad ly all Drnggits, . . k, j .tl tm .'.' lltnrrirfl. On February "th, 18T.1, by Ilor. W. M. Bunfn, Mr. JOHN M. CALDWELL to Miss 110 SANNAU U. ULOOM, both of Pika towuihlp. ' On February Ath, 187.1, by Rev. W. M. Uunrrl rim.n, Mr. W. IL (lOHMto Ulss SUSAN KBlt'li LINK, both of Koch Springs, Centre oounty. On February !d, 18TS, by II. J. Sloitt, J. P., Air. RKI'HUN LKWIS, of Forguson township, to Mr. JA.NB BLOOM, of Now Allllport. In Troutville, oa February ath, 1 K7.1, by the Rev. C. V. Ilorruailta, Mr. JOHN BCHh'UftlCH to Miss MATILDA CONHAD,hoth of Troutville. On February 1st. 1873, by Rev. 0. V. Horraaiaa, Mr. JAMKS CONRAD to Miss CHARLOTTE SMITH, both of Brady towship.- In New Waahlngton, on Februarr ath, 187.1, by Navhau l'Ai.utn, Esq., Mr. J. WII.HON UAL LAliKIt, of Cambria oounty, to Miss EMMA WAUNKR, of Chest township, Clearheld eeuaty. At Frenchvillo, on February 10th. 1873, by Rev. Father llnRsiuitn, Mr. JOSEPH KOKV to Miss KLLEN OAKNIEll. gifii. i At Driftwood, Cameron oounty, on February Sd, 1873, D011KEY PATTON, son or Janaa and CLaaniNoa CnotBLV, aged 3 yeara, 0 mouth and S daya. StorkftJ. Cloarfield Markets. Corrooted weekly by Ricnann MoNsor, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Dry Uoods, Urooeriea, Pro viaiona, Ao., Market alreet, Clearfield, Pa. CLaanpiai-n, Pa., Feb. o, 1973. Applea, green, 00 Dried, y lb Apple baiter,pgal, Butter. 00 (ij Dtana.......0 00 (J S Buckwheat I BuokwbeatQourlbk . Beef, dried Beef, fresh ( Hoards, M I 00(14 Corn,ahelled.. 1 Corn, ear 00(, Corn meal, ft aack, 1 Chop, Tjl awtl 10(j, 9 Clovoraced .... 8 Cheeae. Cherries, Ih. 10(7$ Chiokena, drad, tt, Kgg Klexeeed 2 Flour 0 00(4 It Hay 00 00ru)30 60 Hoga, dreaaed 8 1 Hides, green.. 7 75 llama 00(3 I" 35jKhouldera....00(a) 12) 21 Sides.. 00 j 12, 08 Lard I5(jj 6Meas pork,Hlbbl...20 00 21Oata 00 lu Onions.. .... 1 60 OH l'ot.toe 00 76 00 Peaches, dried, B.. 1J 60 , Plaster, l bbl 3 00 SO'Hjo. 1 U 4f;Raga, Js lb t, sack.SiOOi 160 30i.Shingles,18in.(4((46 00 12 SbiDgles,2inl0(ijil6 00 IS Timothy seed 6 00 J5 Tallow 13) 00 1 Wheat............... I 00 60 ! Wool 00 00 1 Wood, oord-. 9 60 l'eniisylvanialtailroad TYRONS 4I.EAkTieTd BRANCH. ON and after Monday, OCT. 28th, 1872, the Passenger Trains will run daily (exoept Sun days) between Tyrone and Clearheld, aa follow: CLEARFIELD MAIL. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVB NORTH. Cloarleld.....l.20. p. a. Tyrone O.SO.A.n, Oaoeola... 10 60, " Pbillpsburg...ll.07, -CIcarBeld 12.10," Philipaburg 4.13, Osceola 4.40, Tyrone 0.00, CLEARFIELD EXPRESS. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVB NORTH. Clear! eld 1.40 a. . Philipsburg.. 0.48 " Oaooola T.OO I Intersection.. 8.07 " Tyrone 8.20 " I Tyrone 8.6t p. a, Intersection. ..7. 08 41 Osceola 8.14 Pbilipsburg ...8.32 " ClearlieM,ar....S6 " FARE FROM CLEARFIKLD, TO Bellcfonte, Pa f. 0 Middletown 85 00 Marietta. 6 60 Lancaster ft 8ft Lock Haven 2 70 Willi. import I 00 Huntingdon I 80 Lewiatown. ......... 2 DO Maryiville. 4 60 HAHRISOURO... 4 76 PHILADELPHIA 7 06 Altoona 1 66 Johnstown H 2 80 PITTSBURG ft It Close connections made by all trains at Tyrone and Lock iiavon. GE0RQK C. WILKINR, myl7-tf. Superintendent, $fiv (H'frt.SfuuutiS. STEEL ENGRAVINGS, CI1RO MOrl, CRAVON DRAWINUS, SCRIPTU RAL ILLUSTRATIONS, Ac, Ac. EMERY Mct'ULLOUGU, aganl for thm linna. of a. 0i A Ot., rort- laad, Mov, ha for tola a large assortment of beae titul picture. Will eall on th oitiieni of Clear Held and ticinity during tbe neit fortnight. 1:29 CAUTION. All parsons are hereby cautioned agnimt purchasing or In any way meddling with all that certain lot of household and kitehea furniture and all that pertitins thereunto around and about th premises, niw in tli possession of J olio u aster, or ferguson towosmp, as tno mm belong to in and an subject to my rdor. jan'itf St (1EO. W. DICKEV. nOUSK AND LOT FOR SALE! Tha House and Lot on the eorner of Mar ket and Fifth streets, Clearfield. I'a.. i for tal. Th lot contains nearly an tore of ground. Th bout it a large double frame, containing nine roons. tor terms ani etber mrorinaUon apply to the subscriber, at th Post Offlo. norlS p. A. GAULIN. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICK.Kotice it hereby given that letter of administration ou the estate of UtiNKY COLUHOV K deceased, lata of Bradford townnhip, Cleartleld eonnty. Pa.. haTing been duly granted to th undercigaed, a!l persons indebted to mid tstate will plea make payment, and thus having claims or demands will present them prnperlv authenticated for set tle tutnt. M ARV A. COLUROVK, JOU.N McUOWKlaL, Jan. 21, 1872.-At Adrainistratort. REPORT OF TUB AUDITORS of Law rone, township for 18,2 1 ROAD FUND. Jamea Brown, John Parks, Thome M. Laniob and James D. bbaw, Hap rvfsoss of Iiwrenoe township, In account with Road fund of said township lor 1872: na. To amount of tal levied lor 1872 1:1,270 (I To amount of unseated draw 1,418 48 To error ia settlement for 1871 . - 18 00 To bslanc due supervisors 113 31 ToUI.. $4,808 S CB. Ry amount work done $2,7.18 2ft By supervisors' wages ,. 4h9 00 lly eionerations ., 61 10 By old orders paid 8ft 70 By ainonht paid on Ralston Judgment 781 12 By amount paid oa Lick Run road ft7ft 00 By amt. paid on J. Rowlss' Ju.lirni.nt 1 65 By amt. fur road view and snrvey ft 2ft 1 ' By witness' A justices' oosla B 72 By printing 00 By attorney'a fee. I 00 By making duplieatea 7 60 lly time making acttlemenU I 00 By amt. paid auditora 1148 Total ,14 ,808 Oft POOR riTND. '' nn.i riv uti a, o- . u.. Poar of Lawrence towuabip, in aooount with -nshln for 1872 : ULaiifM. To amount of tax levied A48 It To amount from overaeera 1871 4113 42 To amount from aale of watch 4 00 Total ei.OS 40 rnaniToR. Ry boarding and eipense of panpers By bill for clothing By amt paid for medicine and medicinal purpose.,.. By arnt paid overseers of Uofrgs lowneliip . By costs Uopps vs. Lawrence Hy attorney fecs.H t , By printing... lly overseers' wsges By percentage By witness' Ices By Justices' fees lly malting d.plicalta By rxonerellone Hr time making settlement... II r amount paid auditors Balance due from overstcre... TUal tu ift 62 00 68 80 126 Oft HI 04 11 00 I 51 44 00 32 J 3 00 7ft 6 00 12 08 8 AO 4 61 220 84 ' 11,08ft 40 We, the undersigned Aulitors of Lawrence township, bating eaamiuod tbe accounts of Jamea Brown, John Purks, Thomas M. Lanich and Jss. B. Khaw, Hupervisurs, and famucl Clyde and l(ll Heel, Overseers of the Poor, of said town ship, for 1872, tad them as above stated. 1 K.J. lli.NKI.IN, .. JAH. fil'ACKMAN, Atlrsl: A.ll. H1IAW, W. T. Spscs, Clerk. Auilltars. I XKCIITOB"-NtsTII'li Whereas. Lcl ten Testamentary on th oetnt of MARV lIHiMPHON, relict or Ignalius Thompson, Iste or Clearfield borough, Clearfield eonnty, I'a, dee'd, have been granted to Ih undersigned, all parsons indebted to said estata will plraae make payment, aad thoa having claims or demands will present hem proaarlj authenticated for settlement. , JOS1AH W. TIIOMI'HON, JOHN I. TUOMPHON, Feb, ft, 7 lpd. , , , j . . foeutr. " garfltrare, Ulnvrarr , &r. IX F. BIGLER & CO., ,r l f . ClitUI 1 II A lt I) WAltE, Alio, Manufacturer of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLCARFIlIiD, PA. A LOT OF SADDLES, BRIDLES, 4JL Harneaa, Collar, ste., for sal by ' ' II. F. I5I0LER 4 CO. lALMER'S PATENT UNLOAD Ing Bay Forks, for (al by II. F. BIGI.KR 4 CO. QIL, TAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, Nails, etc., for sals by , II, F. BIOLEU A CO. HARNESS TRIMMINGS 4 SHOE XX. Findings, for sale by U. F. BIQLER 4 CO, Q.UNS, PISTOLS, S WORA D CNES For sals by ' ' 1 II. F. BIOLEB 4 CO. CTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Biles, for sal by II. F. BIOIKR 4 CO. TKON 1 IRON !. IRON I IRON I -A. For aale by U. F. BIQLER 4 CO. TIORSE SHOES 4 HORSE SHOE NAILS', for aale by II. F BIQLER 4 CO DULLET BLOCKS, ALL SIZES a. And beat Manufacture, for sals by 11. F. BIQLER 4 CO, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, for sal by II . F. BIQLER 4 CO. RODDER CUTTERS for snlo by mcr30-70 II. F. BIQLER 4 CO. (!; durational. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. milE WINTER TERM of fourteen wreka, will X eommenoe Monday, January 0th, 1873. TERMS OF TUITION. Reading, Orthography, Writing. Olijeot Lee eons. Primary Arithmetio and Primary Urography- $7 00 Ilistory, Local and doscriptlv Ucograpby with Man Drawing, Grammar, Mental and Written Arithmetio . 00 Alrebraand the Science 12 00 Instrnotion ia Instrumental muslo 10 00 Oil painting, 24 lessons 12 00 Wax work I 00 For full particulars send for Ciraular. Clearfield, Sept. 7, 1870-lypd. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. A Male and Female Claaatcal High School Each Department Heparate, DUUuct and rtlHR Mholaitle year of thia Inititution I divl- X dod into two iioni of Br uonlbi (twntT- ou woki) eaoh. Th nrt tioa eommeDoes oa th Ant Monday in Bertainbr the icoood, on tha flrat MoDtlay in Fcbrnmrr. The conro of Imtruotioa emhraoei vry thing ncvrmarj to a thorough, practical and aooomphih d duration of both lexei. runli will be admitted at any time and eharjred from date of entrance to the eloi of th leiiion. No deduction will be mad for absence, ieot In eaiei of extrein and protracted illneia. Studcnti from a diitanoe ean b accommodated with board at low ratei. -j For particular, onJ for circular!, or addreu Rfiv. P. I. UAUIU6UN, A. July 26, l71-tf. Principal. THE "LIGHLRURriinG' "DOMESTIC" 8ki a fw dayi trial In very family and workiliop, by th tide of any other low ing machine. Tho Qualities ob which It idle for lucotM In inch trial, are: EASY WORKIXO, EASY LEAIIXIXG, . EKADINE33, ; RELIABILITY, QUIETNESS, RANGE OE WORK. No other machin cqnali it in an of theaaj hfrld!, it hai many othr Point of Superiority. U. BniDUK, Agent, jan22tf - CI-aitUM, Pa. 1873 ANNOUNCEMENT. 1873 The lMttftlHirK VohU (DAILY AND WEEKLY.) ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC! The Largetty Cheapest and Rest Weekly in the lVe1. I akti I of th year Taa P" proprietor her ae aew nrnmi'f to o.h( purring to fefer to ita peat record i an indieation of what It will be ia th fut or a flrit-elau political and literary journal, and on that mutt ever prove a welcome visitor to th home and tWiudc. Eiiablinhad in 1804, it ha never etnrtd to ad vocat thoae nieaaurei which It believed to be right, and thoee ooly will it lailhfully oontlnu to advance, protect anddrfrad. It will in the future a in the pant, foarleinty eipoae eorruplioa and wrong doing wherever detected and advocate each doctrines only ei ar belt calculated to bring peae to our whole oouolry and bappiueM and proRperiiy to our people Tub Wiiici.v Pont i a larg eight pag papr and li a faithful compendium of tho new of cah week. In addition to 111 itorlot, poetry and other literary and nclentifl eiattor, It contalna th lateit cabl and other telrgrami Iron all part of the world, Congreeclonal, Legiatativ and Conilitn tlonal Convention proocediogf, full Market lle porti at hum and abroad, Political, Local and General iNtwn, Ai., Ac. Till: DAILY POPT Ih tin only Prmooratlo daily In Weilorn Peno fvlvanie, and the old pot etiabliihcd Democratic daily Journal In tbe Htate. Kacb Imuo eoataint tbe very lateet newi fiom all ouartor, aad it Ii in arry rrinert a rut-ulani journal. 'i LKM8 Al.H AVrt IN ADVANCE. r ihtiif Hot i Bv mall, Tr annum........ ....... ..M 00 ix monthfl 4 00 Delivered to tuhnrlbers la the two oitita, neigh boring bonnlt and towns, on all the railway! within two handrvd mitre of Pittrbarg, per week li CMlt. n wkfj r-t.' Flngl otl, hy mailt per annum... ..$1 00 la elnhi f fire or ovr, to on addroaa. ...... t 0 Hend fovippeimen enpte and proflpeetna, which are cint to any ed'lri fre uf cont. Addroas th paMivhen. JA". P. DAHR A CO., Jan. I St. Poit Building, Plttabarg, Pa. CYRUS GORDON. ATTOKNEY AT LAW, Market street, (north side) Clearfield, Pa. pST All legal hvslnrn promptly attended I. 'HI Wo desire to cull the attcution of tho citizens of Clearfield county to tho fuel that we have opened a , MUSIC STORE IN CLEARFIELD. Where wo intend to constantly keep on hand a full supply of PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Our stock of PIANOS will consist of RAVEN & COMPANY'S PIANOS, - ' - I .. ' I STEINWAY & SONS' PIANOS, We oro prepared at all times layoraiilo terms its to prices aud lernis oi payment. i i . ... . Our Stock of ORGANS will oonit of llio nor and popular UYNDER ORGAN, (with Hymlor's Kneo Tremolo and downward Tho SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.VS .- NEW HAVEN MELODEON CO.'S JUBILEE, TEMPLE Besides these wo furnish lo We sell on every plan known popular and easy LEASE PLAN. j On our easy terms every one amount will tend so much to DCTWe thall bo glad to have ocl23-'72-Iy grttg and $Wclilnrs. i E LATEST MOVEI THE LATEST MOVE HAETSWICK & IRWIN'S DRUG STORE, To tLar sew boil Jin f on Reoond Street, nearly fpesit ta store l weaver Otu, CLEARFIELD, PA., Where iT will eontinae t supply their old and as nanf new euitomer a ma eon, wita . PURE DRUGS! I CHEMICALS! rn.KMACEUTICAL PRKPAIUTIOSS, ) (Iaelailing all aew remedies,) Medlela, Painla aad Oils, Olass aad iisly. Sebeol Reoka, Btauoaary. Paper, Ae.j alao, a full llae of Drug. giat Buadrtrs, Hair Toaies, Cotmrtiis, Prrfunerles, Toilet Artlelra, Bruabaa, Tol.t Soaps. Pookrt Books, Ac, all or th best equality. PURK WISES ASD LIQUORS, fornrdieal A saeramantal porposnoaly, Pur vVhtt lad, Colors of all kinds. Raw and llnllrd Llnswd Oil, Varnishes, Xurp.n .tlne, Coal Oil, Paint A Varnisb Brashes, flavoring ' Extracts, Confrol onrrlrs, tllrd Srrd, Ppio., groand aad f 1 angriianq, vi ail aiaus. SMOKERS AND CUBWBK8 . Will find ear stoek of Chewing a.,1 Knokia. TobaMo. Imnorlcd and De meslis Cinara, r-nuff and Kine-eut to be of tbe very beat aranda in in maram. LA MTS AND cniMMEYS, n sin amda t uimmi wsw, OARDEN 8EKD9, MUSICAL INBTRIMBNT8 and Musical Trimmings of v.ry varisty. Ilaviot a Ion eiperlnee In the, and an .iUdsI . and wrll aalMted stock ef aieilielnea, we are enaolrd t All Physicians' proscriptions at the shorten notion and oa th most reasonable tarme, demand ulght. ' 1 HARTSWICK A IRWIX. Cl.arfltll, Pa., May 31, lK71-tf. JEWj SCHULER, BAEBEa AND HAIE DRESSER, Sreond sU st, nost door lo First National Bank, aott'71 j ClearteM, Pa. OShANNON LAND AND LUMBER . V r rn i - r t WEOLA STEAM MILLS, 1 aiarricrra! LUMIIJ.R, LATH, AND TICKETS Sawe A ratent llibbed SMngtct. k II. Sntl.I.IN'OronD, rrealdcnf. Onet-t'onat Plare, No. IS S. 4th at., I'hil'a. JOHN LAWSlll'., O.neral Bup't., OKeola MiHa, Cleardsld eonnly, Pa. xso TOWN LOTS frr sal. la th boroagh of Oaoeola as-Kan. ih. l.AKOHKT ARSORTMIST f tlooda la CI.arA.ld eonat at Ihslr Maninioih ftor II PtNoti, o ie MARKET. .STREET,..!' L E 1 11 F I K L I), PENX'A.' ' '"V ' to furnish any of ilia cheaper innkos of Pianos to order on the most MASON d order Organs from any factory desired. to tho trade, cither CHEAP FOR can have a good instrument, MAKti HUMU HAPPY. you call and see us, whether you ItYNDEIt'N MUSIC STOKE. ru Goods, &(. 1872. 1872. FALL 4 WINTER GOODS AT J. M. KRATZER'S. immtnat Stock of lood$ of every description Woolea Ooodi, same prio as bvfbre th ad rano In wool. Moslias at reduead priocf . Drtn Ooodi ia greateit rariely. llonratug Good of all kinds. Dlack alpaca, at all prioe. Blaok Silk, rer cheap. Waterproofi, Velreteeas, Plaid and plain Flan nels, Shirting Flannels, Ao. Tab I Linen and NapktnIrtsh LiDont, 10-4 Sheeting aad Pillow Mualln. ' Ottoman Rep Shawls aud Searfs, Striped Shawls at all prioe. Paiilov Shawls, slngl and dooll. $S to $60. I)rsg Trlairaingi, Fringes, Lacef, Velret Rib bons, Velreteen, Ac Fall liu of tli oelvbratrd "Jonphios Seam lai" Kid Olov, Kid Ulovea from $1 ap. Ladies' Neck Ties, Collars, Raffling, Ilalr Braids and Switcbci. Ladies' and Chtldrsn's llcrino Undr-wrar. lUadaui Foy's, Thampion's, Olor-Fittiog Hip Qor and other Corsets. Also, Uoop Skirts, Panif r , 4c Larg stock of Carpsts and Wall Papers. Shoes and Gaiters, sane qnalit as keretofore. "Th beat ar th heap est," 1 " '. ' Dal moral and other knittlog jaraa, and other articles, too numerous to mention. Paicha-r will find a greater rariete of goods than Is usually found ia on store. - f , " Call and examine. ClearBeld, Sept, 18, 1872. WM. KEED, Saeeessor to Rted Bros. MARKET STREET, CLEARFIKLD, PA., AY TILL open this week an lumen itoek of all dceortptions oi DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS, FURS, I, A III , MISSES' nd CHILDREN'S SHOES. etc., Ac, Ao., Ao. Buying ray goode la New Tork, th Asast of Ibe marktli harping a rellabl elaea of goods; idl ing goods at ekiso eash Igurea, and conducting business In a thorough basinosa manner, I hi,. 1 aa.rit th. eoaAdeac of CASH BUYERS throughout the .ounty. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. fall and .taniln my stock and be e.avtnood of th truth f lay assertion. .plji WM. nKER. H. F. N AUGLE, WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, and dealer la Wfttclies, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Wrtre, kc, JeU'tl CLEARFIKLft, PA., T O BLACKSMlTUSt Th. undrnlrned olfrra for aale, In the borouih of Ckarflald, a Ularhsmitb rhop, on Seeocd street, toflldining thrne forgea and two full arta of tools. A first class business. An eteellent dhane for a h.M aiethaaUl Apply to . , aVNOI gENNARD, otUI , , - I t SI HAINES BROTHERS' PIANOS. " ' ' Octave Coupler,) OKGANS, HAMLIN'S ORGANS, and the and CHURCH ORGANS. CASH, ON NOTES, or on the and no other investment of like desire to purchase or not. glisrctlaiuous. Lime for Sale I TTJE undersigned, residing near tbe depot bas made eompl.t errangcm.nts with Lime .ast of tbe mountain, ahoraby he is ena bled to keep oonstantly on hand a larg. quantity of PURE LIME! whioh he offer, to farmers and buildara at a trill abov coit. Thoa. in nMd of tha arlicl would do wan io gtr me a can, or address us by latter, be fore aegollatlng their lime. OKO.C. PASSMORE. Clearfield, Pa., law t, lUt. Iilvery Ntable. THE undersigned begs leave ta inform the pub lic that he is now fully prepared to accommo date all in the way of furnisbinc ilorses. Buea-iea. Saddles and Harness, on the shortest notice and on reason. bl. urms. Residence oa Looaat street. between I bird and Fourth. OKO. W. GEARITART. Clear eld, April! 1, 187. SAWS I SAWS! SAWS! DISTAN'S CROSS-CUT, MILL, DRAG AND CIRCULAR BAWS. Boynton'B Lightning Cross-cut Saw. ALSO, PATEKT PERFORATED A ELECTRIC SAWS, For sale by II. P. BIGLER A CO. Attention, Lurabcrmr n ! "r sr BOW '"oolacturinp onr IMPROVED T STKKL SOCKET DK1VINU CANT HOOKS, superior to any other io ase. W have aleo in stock a large quantity of Canlliooka suita ble for rafting purpotrn, which we are selling cheap for cash. AMOR A R. KKNNARD. uiearncid, ft., Alarrh IB, 1872. A Notorious Facll rjlHKKB are mora people troublod with Lang X Iiieases in thl t-wn thanauy otherplao o it sis in lli IStnte. On of tbe great eauio of this Is, th of of an impure article of Coal, largely mixed with sulphur. Now, wbjr not avoid all this, and preserve your live, by using only llumphrej'n C elebrated Coal, free from all Imparities. Order left at th stores of Richard Mump and James O. Graham A Sons will rcoelve prompt attention. ABRAHAM HUMPHREY. ClserfUld, November 80, 1670 tf. B. P. STERLING, Maaufaeturer of SADDLES & HARNESS CLEARFIELD, PA. Worh guaranteed tn glr aatisfaclloa. Prieea reasonable. (Jive me a eall. Shop ia Graham's now, Manet aireoi. novji',71, Beale's Embrocation. fLATK fOWRLL'8.') For all diseases Incident lo Ilors. Cattle, and fflMIIII p f 11 vm sivn. Tklai SmliMflillnii taim avtAniival MmA h Ik tjoTernment during th war. a . 1 a. n. i.e. a. l II. . .U rar seie dj aaniwioti m jrwir, vivaiiDtjiii Joseph H. Irwin, lurweniv ill. vanii uooa anar. bninvrsnerg. u pLOUR, FEED, AC. TUB nKCCARIA FLOURING MILLS. Th Bndrtignd wtfuld retpeolfully givt d ties to theoltisens of Becoaria township and ur rounding country, that he bas purchased th Btooarl Filtering Wills and pot tverytbing la complete order, and Is manufacturing ft first -class quality of Flour. ' - CUSTOM WORK DOS E, end Flour to quantity constantly oa bead fur sal. CHOP, CORN MEAL, BRAN, ACP AC. always ob hand and for sal wholesale or retail, Ce T HI I'll IIHINCil.lVI WANTKn. t X Will eicbang. Flour and Chop for 211. Inob Slitngl., or will pay part mooey, il dcrlted. 10:1 If BARNABAS AK.MSTRONd. C. D. -WATSON, IiKALLR t 1 I DSl'GS & FATEXT MEDUIXES, CONFECTIONERIES, TOYS AND TAXKEB NOTIONS. FI.N'K TEAS A ROASTED COFFEE, BEST BRANDS TORACCO A SKrtABS, SCHOOL HOOKS A STATIONERY, Maaonic Building, fecoad Street, dcel-75-ly CLEARFIELD, PA. Tt'taTICF.)' s C:HTABI.a::i HM VT hav printed a large number ef th. aew FKR RILL, and will oa lb receipt ef twewty Ire aeata, aiaU aoffr t W adfHf. mfU SHAW UOU3K, ' ' Cor. of Market Freat streets,) I'LttAttriAbo, r. .. t ia 1111 lai jmb I rati V Bl. aoffls 'inia inagniuowii -. - - . nlfte In all Us appoiatmowt. ihI oonfoaieat w . ,. . II r A r fHamtillaea Mlta to Ild iue uouri homwi. n w...... - . . , ir... lb. nrp, . iKSS,r mmeh trsin April in, 1XTI. Prop trietre. WASHINGTON HOUSE, KKW WASIHNOTON, PA. mi. J ii r ..:.',.. lu,,lu hu Itmm III, www aim ",11 i.iu,w,n-, - - - lalien by tbe uuJerslsnerl. II frel eonflil.rjt of being aale " rvauer aaiwaoaiua w mvs. whv tmmj farur bins Willi a eall. May , IB71. o. w. li A in, rrp r. T)KVERK IIOUSK, IV HDRN8IUE, PA. Tb. aubaarlb.r having built .aew Houl, with all aiodera Improv.n.nt, la prrparad to nmlva guasts. Th. tabla will be atifplied with a beet in in. maraea. Ueod etabling aUaohed. anrJ ly A. L. r,CUABKPKB, Prop's. THE MANSION HOUSE, Coraerof Baowndand Uarketrltrr.t, , CLKAI1F1L.LI), PA. riMlH aid and eonmodioua Hotel has. during X th. past, been inlargd to doabl Ita furmer oaoacltv for th entertainment of atraa gera and guests. Th whol building ha been reiurnisuoil, ana in propnuiur wiu spar a pains to render his guests oomforublo while staying with blm. Jlrlht 'Mansion Iluuae" Omnlbu run ta nd from th Depot on th arrival and departure of aen train. uwiunsani eprf 70 If , rropruior. WESTERN HOTEL Opposite Ui Court Iluuse, 1 OLEAltFIELJI, rfiKIt-A. Aeoomoaodatiooa first-elaaa aod chargos moderate, aetl JO UN F. TOL'NO, Proprietor. jJONTOUR HOUSE, Opposite Ibe Court Douse, LOCK B1VKS, PRSN'A, ' Jl , DAU8EAL A ER0M, Prvp a. ROCKURIIUFP IIOtIE, .BELI.EPOSTE, TA., , . S. J0I1N8T0M A BOSS, Proprietor; etlt'TI RAILROAD HOUSE, Main Ktroet, PIlILll'SltUKll, PENS'A. The wnderaigned herp. constantly oa hand taw best of Liquors. Ilia table ia always aupplied with th best tbe market affords. Th traveliag public will do well to giro him a call no.1,'65. ROIiKRT 1.L0TD. ALLEGHENY HOTEL, (Market St., bet. Feeond and Third,) CLEARFIKLD, PA. Tho subacribcra having become proprietor oi this hotel, would respectfully ask a liberal ahas f public patronage. The Table will alway, be aupplied with the beat tbe market affords, dreU'TJ BENN A LEIPOI.n. ' SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, CIRWEN6V1LLK. Clearfield oounty, Penn a Thl old and well eetablilbed Hotel, BeaufifulTy situated on tb banks of tb Susquehatiaa, la the borough of Curwensrille, ha been leased' for a term ol years by tbe undersigned. It haa bmu entirely refitted, aud ia now open to the pabllo generally and tbe traveling oommunity in par ticular. No paioa will be apared to render gueata eamforlabl. while tarrying at thia bona. Ample Stabling room for tb. acoommodatioa of team. Charge moderate. Dept. it, 1870-tf. . ELI BEOOSf. goots and hofS. T)OOT ASD SHOE ilAKIXG. It l'HILIP VTKAVER, oa Market (treat, la Shaw's Row, Clearfleld, Pa., haa juat reeeivett a fin. lot ef French Calf China aad Elpa, tb. beat la the market, and ia now prepared to man ufacture everything la hia line. 11. will war rant hi worh I b represented. Tbe citisens of Clearfield and vicinity asv ..Mtrull Invlf.. In i.i t. htm a nail. Work done at short nolle. :ll'7Jy SEW BOOT ASD SHOE SHOP. EDWARD MACK, Coa. MARKET A So Bra., CLEARFIELD, Pa, riMlK proprietor haa entered Into th BOOTdr X o il OK huaints al Ih abov. eland, aad la determined not to b ootdon ttbr la qnaN ity or prie for hia work. Special attcatioa) will bo paid to manufacturing Sewed work. 11 has on hand a larg. lot of Erench Kip aad Calf Skins, ef th. very quality. Th. eltW sens of CleerCeld and vicinity ar. respectfully Invited to give him a trial. No charg for call. noT,' -tf Vaoufactarers and Boalera u' II o o t n n 11 (1 Shoe! Ladies', Misses' and Children' Salter, Men's, Beya' and Women's Heavy Boots, aid Brogaas, Ao., Ac. Store aad shop en Becond street, nearly appa tie V. P. Biglsr A Co. 'a hardware atore, Feb. 29, 117! ly CLEARFIELD, PA. Clearueld County Bank. TOE Clearfield County Bank a aa Inoorporat ted institution haa goa. oat ofsiisienos by tb. surrender .f It eb.rt.r, .a May 12, 186. All Its stock Is awned by th subscribers, who will eentina. the Banking buiineee at th saw plaee,es private Bankers, under the firm aems el the "Clearfield County Bsnk." We are re sponslblsfor tb debts oi the Bank, and will pay It notes oa demend at the eoanter. Depoait received aad latere! paid whea money I, left for a 6d lim. Pap.r dicoantd at sli percent, as heretofore. Our persoaal responsibility I pledged for all I1 osils received and hasines A of th. liberal pat ronage of th. m.n of th. county Is r ,PeiUully solicited. A Presideat, Cashier and officers of th lata Clearfield Coaaly Banh, w. require th notss of said Bank to he presenUd for rodemptloa. . JA8. T. LEONARD, RICHARD SHAW, WM. PORTER, JA8. B. ORAHAM, A. K. WRIOUT, . L. KEED, WM. A. WALLACE. Th. haslaasa of th Baak will b eeadaeted by John M- Ad.aii., Esq., as Ca.bisr. etl..? County National Bank, Or CLEAHFIKLD, I'A. ' it ton's Drum titan. rajna;Tiokts to and froni Lirarpool, Qaeaas towa, OlasfoWg London, Paris and Copenhasw. Also, Drafts for sale on tb HoyaJ Bank of Irvlend and Imperial fiank of London. JAMES T. LEONARD, Pres't, W. M. P1IAW, Caihlor. tl:1:TI J. D. M'Girk. Edward Perks. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE ' OP mcgirk & perks. Bucasor to Pester, P.rks, A Co., rblllpsburf. Centra County, Pa. W II E HE all tho businut of a Banking Hons wil o. transacted promptly and unoa tb. most favoraol. serma snar7-tf Clearfield Nursery. ENCOUItAGK HOME INDUSTRY. THE andmlgned, having established a Nat sery oa tho 'Pike, about half way between Clearfleld and Cnrwensvtlle, Is prepared lo fur. ntsa allklnds of FRUIT THEE8,(sudardaa1 dwarf,) Evergreena, Shrubbery, Grep. Vines, Oooseberrles, Laaton Blaehberry, Strawberry, and Hasherry Vines. Also, Siberia Crab Tree, Quinee, aad early aevrlet Rhubarb, A. Order promptly attended to. Addrws, ' i. D. WKISIIT. wp20 A8-y , Curw.navllls, Pa Miss E. A. P. Rynder, aeasT run Chick. ring's, Rteinway't snd Emtrson'a Piano Smith's, aiason A Kamlla'a and Felouh.l . Orgens and Molodeons, and Qtever A Dakar's Sawing Mechlrtee. , 1 ' ALao TaAcnaa oa Plane, flultar, Oresn, Uarrannv aad Vocal Ki lls, Nn pupil taken for less than half a term. .gear-Room .pposlt (lullrh (uraitar Stor. Clearfield, May 5, ISCaMf. . rl.NK, WIIITR At ROAN MS!0 SKINS Jmt raoelved and for sale by ApD 1. I.r. , , 1 n. f . B,ULl V