Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 12, 1873, Image 2

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, , ; witub asu raoraitrua.
WKbNERDAY MOKN1NO. ri!B. 11, 1I7S.
A resolution butpatsod tlio Ilouso,
t Ilnrrltbury, agreeing to adjourn on
Thursday, the 27th of March.
Hon. 8. S. Wood, of Ijewistown, nt
one tints President Judgo of the Mif
flin, Snydor and Union district, died
on tho 6th. '
Tho Wusliington "government" was
rusticating in tho Stnta of Delaware
last week. It had a high old timo nt
Wilmington. .
' Tho editor of tho 8elingrove Times
queries thusly :
Was not Congressional Prayer Meetlne an
tbe Credit Mobilier organised it Uit same timi
aou uy mo nine men I
" Fronlt, you guessed it tho first tlmo,
Two llellofonto Republicans before
ns this wtok. Peace, brethren j change
your tscllcts, or you will ull die poor
printers and perhaps miss Heaven
l Twins. Tho pictorial pagos of th
Tyrone Herald and "Brown's" Hello-
fonto Republican, (just out,) look ex
aolly alike, and the balance of tho out
aides resemble brethren. Tho rcla
tionthip is too visible to bo neighbors.
' The Kansas Legislature has passed
a resolution requesting Senator Pom
troy thut godly man to resign hi
scat In tho United States Senate
That Is a raro joke on Rev. Ssnator
Harlan, who but a short timo ago
Touched for his "high christian char
Drath or Kx-Oov. OtAT The
tolegrnphlo announcement on Satur
day morning of tho sudden death of
hx-CJov. John W. Ooary startled
every bod. Less than two weeks ago
he laid asida the robes of Stato, and is
now no more forever. He died sitting
at his breakfast, apparently nt well us
iieiinl. A slight Jorlc of his body and
tho lulling ol his bead on Ills shoulder
was all llio visible effort Hint any thing
was wrong. Hit wife noticing this,
cuughl uim, but be was dond.
' Grant's Kellogg government
Louisiana is about wound up.
Govoruor, Senators, Members
other officials want some pay, but no
body will cash thoir State draft
This being the case, that "farce of a
government" will soon be brought to
a close, to the everlasting disgrace of
Grant and bis Attorney General.
The ravages of the Credit ilobilier
disorder, now raging at Washington
will be understood by our readers
after reading tho short biographies of
the distinguished dond, found on our
first page. C. M. is a far worse dis
order than the epizootic, from the
fact that it kills only great men..
aa-.eaa.- i-
Mobs Pat. The Congressional rt
formers are imitating the Ilurrisburg
ring. A bill bas been roportod in
Congress to raise tbo President's sal
ary from 125,000 to J50.000, Con
gressmen from $5,000 to 8,000, Mem
bers of the Cabinet and the Judges of
the Supreme Court from $5,01)0 to
$10,000. . This is reform on tho Credit
Mobilior plan.
It's About Timi. We notice that
the Chaplain of tbo United States
Senate baa taken to praying for the
members since the Credit Mobilior
revelation bave sot in. On Friduy
last he took occasion to rofer to tho
evil timet npon which wo bad fallen ;
the very foundations of society seemed
to be upheaved. lie hoped that "those
pure statesmen whose reputations bad
been compromised ' would be able to
confound their adversaries and sustain
the high reputation which they bad
hitherto borne beforo tho country."
Yes, nam; we hope to, too, but it
look! equally. ''
lltDlCTKD. Ex-Gov. Seymour deliv
ercd a ipeeoh before- the National
Prison Reform Association, which mot
in Baltimore in January lost, which
in fact is nothing moro nor loss than
an indictment of modern society. And
whoever reads It, (and who will not,)
will enjoy it, because all are interested
in knowing what it "the cause of,
crime" among us. It it as muoh our
duty to know this as it is to under
stand tbo cause and cure of small-pox,
yellow fever, cholera, or any othor
malady. , Crime is a malady and every
member of society is subject to its at
tack, and if allowed to spread will
finally destroy tho Stato. We propose
to lay Gov. Seymour's speech bofure
our readers at an early day. It is a
vmahmll l4iw. -
A CnANoa. The committee on
tufTrago, election and representation
hat reported the following section as
a part of tbo now Constitution : '
Kvery male cititen of the United States, of (he
age of twenty-one years, having reeided ta the
Ktnte for one year, and In the election district
where he offers to rote two months immediately
preceding the election, (hall enjoy the rif nil of
an elector but an elector of the Htate whu, hav
ing moored therefrom aad retaraed thereto, and
who shall bave reeided in the election district a
aforesaid, ihall be entitled to rote after having
reeided in the State tit Booths i provided, aa
naturalised eilitea shall enjoy the rights of an
elector antll one month shall hare elapsed from
tba time be became a eilisen.
The old clause gives a citiien tho
right to vole after a residonco of ten
days in tho oloction district whore bo
offers to vote, and also that the voter
shall bave paid a tux. .The tux cxao
tion Is wiped out in tho now section.
But five States in tho Union now exuet
a tax qualification.
IIow it Tnisr John J. Blair, a
celobratod Western railroader, when
before one of tho corruption commit
tees now tilting at Washington, in hit
testimony, said : 'There it not a tin
glo railroad across the Slate of Iowa
to-day that It worth the money it
pott tomako it." ' Why is this thus,
as Arteutis Ward would tny, if uni
Tertsl prosperity prevails throughout
ht West
Tbo female siilTrngo question is at
present being discussed In tho Consll.
tulionnl Convention. That most Im
pudent of all impudent men, Bishop
bimpson, was ullowed to address tho
convention in favor of fuinalo suffrngo.
vVe know no publie man who it so
often found out of his place us this
man - bimptoii. It is a wonder ho
don't procoed to Washington mid de
mand that ho hi ndinitted to a desk
in tbo Senate, for tho purpose of de
fending his Credit Mobilior bruthron
Colfax, Wilson, Kclloy, oto.
A Guanu Hit. Tbo picture of "tho
dend, dying and crippled Credit Mo
bilters," in Frank Leslie's Illustrated
Ntiapapar, of tho 15th. It is tbo
best eulogy on Senators and Congress
men erer delivered. The conception
of tho artist Is grand.
Harpers' artist's Imagination is
drawing largely on tho "Mount of
Olives" uud "Snow Bound." llo is
not troubled about tho low grade of
our rational morals, its developod in
tho Dodges on tho revenuo and tho in
vestments made by llio godly in Credit
Easily Urdkrstood. Huntingdon
it a great placo for skunk tealps, and
it it quito plain that Rev. A. L. Guss,
who hat lately bocorne editor of the
Globe, one of tho Radical organs of
that loyal county, is going for moro
sculps, from the tone of tho following
which we clip from tho Globe. The
editor snyt :
"If tho john-scott organ in this
town wishes to "measure swords"
with the Globe, it can bo accommo
dated. Wo do not care about notic
ing dirty, cowardly en oaks, who wish
to bluckguard us over assumed names.
What wo have to say, wo say. We
are hero for our defence Our name
it A. L. Guss. If any body elso knows
who ho is, und wishes to form our ac
quaintance, let him come at us openly.
Trot out your skunks and jackasses
ana we promlso tho County Commis
sioners that thore will bo less scalps
anu ears in a year bonce. . .
The organ of the Western Consreaatiooalifts
the Cbioago Arfeaiice demands a full inrestiaa-
tiua of the Beccber scandal.
For first-class oonfldoncepeople,give
at tho men who adopt the moral rolo.
They disarm suspicion almost at once,
and lodgo upon short acquaintance
with the ii licet ion b of honest, well
meaning poople. The Y. Herald,
tiicaking of this phaso of tho Credit
Mobilior criminals, sart: -
We cannot dismiss tills subject with
out a glnneo nt the peculiar iitliludo
which theso people bear toward mor
ality and religion. -Throe of tho nion
wboso connection with tho Crod
Mobilier bus been definitely flxod wore
proncnert in early mo. Jlioso nr
Patterson, Harlan and Garfield. Tlior
wore iiocruiiy educated and trained in
all good ways and works. Pattorson
graduating at .Dartmouth ColIei;o,Uar
lull nt Aebury University, Indiana
and Garfield ul Williams (,'ollego, Mas
nuciiuboiis. iney were not men. iki
Ad a in of old, ignorant of the know!
edeo of (rood and evil, and they not
only unow llio tiiiieronco between an
investment mid a brioo, or, to suit
Harlan s case, botweon legitimate cleo
tion and n bribe, but they
know how to nui 1(0 tho one look liko
tho other. - Besides these, Colfax and
Wilson woro lontnuranco and reform
lecturers uud "exliorlors" nnd bolter
men woro deceived intl cpplr.uding
their apparently superior cxiellcnco
and vlrtuo. Kvun u l'uv nidita nun
mo outgoing ico t'resiiieni lectured
in Biiltimoio on the loinporanro issue
It is not possible thai tho multitude
windi iistoned to him. would be in
trutted by his teachings, in view of
tno cioua thai ovoilmngii Ins rcpala
tion. To mnko the picluro a com
ploto ono tho inooming Vico President
should liave appeared on tho platform
with him, and (bus tho way would
huvo boon paved for Harlan and the
rest or the clergymen to preach from
tho same pulpit with parson Newman.
In such effrontery ns thii Ihoro would
be nothing out of harmony with thoir
pusl careers; but, on the other hand,
it would huvo a peculiar rUnoos not
untiKo that ol tho procenco of Mriilii.
lophclet and Fnusl while Marguerite
was trying to worship. Thoro would
bo something go wonderfully Satanic
in these men simulating their dissimu
lations that it would add wonderful
perfection to their past lives, cupeci
ally at this lime, when all men are
deploring their downfall and thoefTocl
ol thoir downfall upon tbo morals of
public men
We have no doubt ho needs invest!-
gating as badly as the Credit Mobilier.
Things are ns rotten in his Congrega
tion at thoy are in Congress.
Bonn tits, Hitsiox 1 It cannot bo
domanded of Mr. Oukea Ames' custo
mers that they shall resign until the
commitleo which is investigating their
casos lint reported. Hut thoso among
them wbo retain uny sou-respect will
rnnanlt. Ilinir unirrpftpeot by roaigninn;
now; anu those ol lliom who retain
even the worldly prudonce thoy show
ed in thoir doulinirs with Ames, will
consult thoir prudence by resigning
now. ror llier must rosiirn or bo cx-
lellcd. They are among tho Icadors
of Congress ond of thoir party. If
they are left where they are, tho
taint of thoir malfeasance will pervade
tho wholo body, and every Congress
man who consents to sit with tlicni
longer will show that he is as corrupt
nt thoy, viiiellicr the rcvolaliont
touch him or not. Will they resign
now, or will they wait till a worse
tiling befalls them f
Sound Loqic The Philadelphia
I'ress oi liie Dili, in discussini; '.ho cor
rnplion in Congress, says : "But the
Sonata has an immediate, an imncru
tivo duty. The good name of tho
Senators who did not buy their scats
cans lor me ox pulsion oi tucn men at
Caldwell and Pomeroy, and tho clot
nir ot the doors to Patterson and
others liko him. One example at this
tlmo will be a wholesome lcson for
many years, and although it will not
redeem the tolid reputations of somo
whose guilt it not to pluiu or suscop
liblo of such easy proof, prompt and
ccisive action will retuin for the Sen-
oto a moasuro of publie respect nnd
conndonce.' viner relorms in it must
toon follow..
Uncls Pumblxciiook.1 Tho Harris-
burgh Patriot savs: Brother Harlan
dooply with the "Chris
tian statesman and philanthropist" of
Kansas in Ins tnislorluiiaand disgrace
In Harlan t orthodox viow Soualor
York, wbo exposed Pomoroy, it a vory
iCKeu ana goaioss man.- According
to tuis aoctor oi divinity and Instruc
tor in political ethics, II was a creut
crime involving falsehood, und several
other doadly sins, to expose to the
gazo of the world t slock and sancti
monious hypocrite nnd to defeat n
enui suneifio to iiurunutie a soul in tno
Senate of tho Uuilod Slates, in the
only wry in which the hypocrite could
bo exposod nnd tho vlllunout scheme
efcalcd. .Natural as it may bo lor
Harlan to tympathixo with his friend
is not likely that the public will ac
cept it viewt ot the morals of this case.
Tub Corrupt Gano. Tho wronir
dono tho peoplo by tho Credit Mo
bilier spoilers wore tersely ttatod in
the tpoooh of Horace Greeley at In-
anapolia, during the Presidential
canvass, iletaul: "I hese gentlemen
contracted icith themselves to pay them
selves twice the fair eost ot entirely
building and equipping tho roud J nnd,
uildinif the road with tho proceeds
of the money lent by tho government,
llicy procooded to divide amonir them
selves llio other bonds, equal to tho
amount for which Congress bad made
mortgago on the enliro road. By
those inouiis $20,0011,000 or (30,000,-
000 irrre divided among llio parties,
lid all thai money so divided we are
culled upon to pny. So thot to-day
tho poople of this oonntry are paying
tome millions cor annum out of their
hard cHrniiiL'S fur inlorcsl on these
bonds lent to the Pacific road pay.
g ine money aa Interest to moot tho
ast sums divided by thoso eorillcmen
among themselves, as the dividends of
the t redit Mobilier of Ainoricu." It
is ovidont from tho tone of this speocb
that Mr. Greoley was aware of the that wcro being practiced
upon the poople ! the t'rccboolcrt.
" How Trix. Tho Now York Her
ald, alluding to infamous attempts of
Ktuisaa Pomeroy to bribe tho Legis
lature, and mo credit ilouilicr scan
dal truthfully Bays : Thus wo seo ono
by ono tho Senators and members of
Congress who were thrown up to the
siirfuco on tho foam ot llio politicul
excitement that led to tho Into war
and during the war bcinir unniunked
They wcro for tho most part more ad
venturers, without character or sense
of honor, and hud little more ability
than liinl winch cunning and trickory
supply. - .iiio consequence has teen
bribery and corruption in tho host
appalling form, us we seo from this
case and tho Credit Mobilier expos
ures. Congress appears to have been
utterly demoralized, and that has done
much to demoralize (ho whole coun
try. Amy we hope thut these revela
tions will arouse public attention and
give ut a superior nnd more honorable
class of men at tho Capitol and for the
public tervico ? -
How Chasoeo. Tho Chicago Trib
une saya : "The roll of purchased scats
in tho Scnato, beginning with Cald
well, of Kansas, includes Clayton, of
Arkansas; Uurlan, of Iowa ; Kumsoy
and Windem, of Minnesota; Ilitheock,
of Nebraska; Cameron, of Ponrsyl
vaniu, and Curpenter, of Wisconsin,
'i'hoso gentlemen uro to bo reinforced
Murch 4, by Sargont, of Culilorniu,
Mitchell, ol Uregon; Patterson, of
South Carolina, and Jones, of Nevudu.
Theso elections popularly supposed to
iinvo required mo aiaiuroinenl, In
euch case, of from $30,000 to $50,000
cash, and the elections controlled by
other vul tmblo considerations uro
twico na many moro." This is n roll
of national infamy, which brings tho
uiusn oi minme to tho check ol ovorY
honest ninn in tbo nation. In other
days lli o Senate contained such men as
bilas Wright, James Buchanan, Henry
(.'lay,' Daniel Webster. Thomas H.
Benton, John C. Calhoun, Willium C.
Preston and thoir pcors, properly
elected to reprcsont sovereign States.
Now thut body is mado up of su ih
men at thorio named by the Tribune,
men elevated not by votes but by
money. Tho contrast isu serious ono.
and should nrouso tho people of the
country to the danger which surrounds
and menaces their liberties and rights
The New York Herald wants the
Credil Mobilior Congressmen to re
josh Billings thinks that next to
the gizzard the hoart it the toughest
piece oi nosu in iuo nnoie on lit, r.
Tho Now York 7;riM of 8aturdy
announces thai in that pity tboro hat
boon "no murder lor three days."
; James Honry Collin, LL. I)., Pro
fessor of .Mathematics and Astronomy
( T . r r..ll t
ill j.uiu; cuo tuuego, uieu in J', as to II,
l'u., on tho Utu lust
Tbo tops of the telegraph polos aro
convonint acuta fur travolors in Min
nesota. They aro only about a loot
uuovo the mow.
Tbo Wisconsin hat bo
furo it a proposul dct.luring it a mis
demeanor for u State olllcer or mem
ber of tho Legislature to accept a fee
railroad pass. j
Both parties in New Hainpshiro
have now completed their nominations
lor Slate otllcers und members of Con
grcBt. The election takes place Tues
day, March 11th.
Mist Addio Taylor, oi Bridgeport,
Conn., attended a Frenchman who
was biek of small pox a few months
ago, und now ho gives her a furlano
of 850,000.
It it reported (hat Vico Pruidonl
Colfax will be impeached. But what
of that f Tho Senate would try him,
and Iwo-lhirds of them uro at corrunt
us ho It. Schuyler is safo. i
Hon. Charles R. Buckulew husbcon
appointed uttornoy for tho Lihigh
alley Railroad Company nt a aulai-r
of 010. 000 per annum. This Is just
...i . , t i . -
nut iiurvrunu receives.
And now tho head of Congressman
Syphor, of Louisiana, it demanded.
Cuubo Tho toetiinony before thoelec-
tion invonliguliiig committee, in which
he it charged with ballot-box tluling
If Mr. Pomoroy is a Christian states
man (says the St. Louis Democnn
anu uarian suyt bo is he will im
mediately exercise one of the essential
virtues of the true Christian reslgna
tion. ,
Alexander II. Stopliont hllheuL'h
defeated for the U. S. Semite, is linely
to do oiecicu to congress irom tho
higlith (Gcorgin) district, for tho un
expired term of General Wright, de
ceased, i
The Hon. W. Marcy Tweed i re-
Now York Stn to
8w $toMittmnft:
Peelers In
IIaroivabe and Quef.nsvvare,
' Boott, Shoet, HaU, Capt, Ac.
tr-Sboamakari supplied 'will LKATIIKR
aad 6UOK 7INDINOS at reduced rales.
retail vary aheap.
SALT) at wholesale anc1
A liberal discount ta builders.
COOP, alwai en hand,
CAII of the abere (nods aro purcheird
eicluilr.ljr for cash, and therefore cue and wilt
bs sold ss ehsap aa lbs cheapest. febl-7t
SAMUEL P. WILSON, Bsq., Treasurer of Clear
euuaij, in ma uoumunweaiiB ' ennsyi.
tanla, in aaoount aillk the funds of said eouate
from the tret da? t Janaar, A. U, 173, to
ae mirieeuts aj of January, A. V. IS7I ,
To sjtifr.Kale amount of oalslanding f
taxes January, 1H71, vis i
Amoaul of uusoeied L'ountr tal for
1870 ,I0J 46
nmouni or unsealed llounlr lax fur
' '70 4,11)9 14
Amount of unsealed Cunntv lax for
i.m 'to
Amount due from oonstshles l,HrT V.I
Amount of lax 1H70 71 US 41
Amount ofRr(istrr tax for 1H7I S71
Amount dua from Uroon, Llgbinsr
' Co JJ A
, Do
... Pjlae ..m.
...R.lley a Hums.
commended by tho
go West, with a viow to being elected
ui urn uiuivii otntes oeniito Horn
Kansna or Nevada, or some otherliL'li-
toucg state.
Caldtvell, the poor, self considtrcd
persecuted wretch, who bribed hit
Radical brothers in llio Kansas ligis
laturc, to send him to the U. S. Sen
ate, wua formerly a clerk in tho lunk
at Coin in bin, Lancaster county.
senator Pomoroy luiluro to niiiear
n the benuto sinco his return irom
Kunsas it attributed to the cflcctiof a
railroad accident. From all accounts
from Topcku ho narrowly escaped a
raii-nuo ricciuelil oi auollicr sort.
The Boston Journal is deeply nsfned
by tho revelations from Kansas n re-
ution to tho benutoriul cleclinn It
atlmulii.ihvd by recent ovonte that
human nuturo is wcuk, and in Its best
estate many provo p'.iworless before
temptation. i
Willium K. I)odirc, Jr., is a inonibcr
of tho firm of I'belps, DodgoACo.,
aro uoicnuunts in tno im'sv eus-
q1 n HCM'AKI). Lost or strayed, abont
vlu February 1st, a medium sited dog, with
smooth hair, bun oolur, white ring around the
nana aan ma legs ard nosa while ; about one
fourth bull. When lesl seea was ataxia Leonard
Llearflcld. For returning the dog to It.
. louaooo blurv, nw.aie, a sJm
win reeeire WV, reward as well as confer a
leror on ina oavr
Auoaut due from collectors' returns
Amount of unsealed tax for IS7I
To amount of soattd duplicates for 1;J,
tIsi CoHiif. Stui:
Beccaria. ., tl.lOW t t vO
Hell. ,01 41 SI ST
Hloom. 1VQ SO 14
Hoggs. )8t 00 44 IT
Iliadford 0ST SO S8 69
. Brady .,. 3,078 91 J66 44
Burnsld 1,67 1 14 lev SS
Chest mo SS 61 86
: Corlngion.. 602 V0 ' 61 II
Clrattold 8,213 80 107 16
Curwensville 710 06 6101
Deeetur.. 1,137 ST M it
Ferguson ' 671 40 44 t
(llrard 416 66 4 .14
Uoslien 271 SO 48 30
Uraham 430 10 46 04
(lulich 46S 60 (8
Huston 4M 16 SI 34
Jordan 600 14 OS 00
Karlbaur HBO 06 61 is
Ka.X 611 71 61 03
Lawrence 1,006 30 141 SS
Lumber ','lly.... tSn 46 1 U3
Morrir I.lil 36 VI 40
New Wasblogt'a . 2lZ 46 SI b
Oseeola . 7' 6 60 43 77
I'.nn SHI 60 SI 37
I ihb. 1,206 84 S 04
Union . SIS as 54 43
Wuwlaard . 041 Si 43 It
fly eleollun expenses
03 70
, A 40
17 01
. 177
' 84 S
10 73
SS 34
I 66
370 31
8 06
4 B0
SB 13
31 61
r to
3 J0
IS 06
316 33,Uy election boxoa in Brad A Moats,
10,708 00
dale .
By express aud telegram..
T The undersigned off., ,t prirsla s.le (he
following real estate, yj K J,.rul ,
Morris township, Clearfield a.uuly, containing
sixty-slx acres, with a bowed lo bouse and baru
thereon ertrd. The whole slat,.,il . ,
aoderlaid with a rein of good eaai.
Parlies wishing any further fuluruuHJon should
apply to the undersigned at KylortowuoiearBcId
e'luniy, is,
3 00
llare remored to 1S7 Charrh street, between
rranaun ana sua sts., New York. JySr
Valuable real eststa in Brll township, lata
Ihe property of Jacob Mungold, deceased.
By virtue of aa order of the Ornha..' nrf r
ooouiy, me underslined will sell at
publie snle, at the store of Kuars A Uuntrr, In
irouiTiue, on Kalunlny, Morcb 1st, 1873, at 3
o'clock p. a.., the foliowinz raluable real ol.i. .
40 acrre aad allowance, mora or Ices, oa Carry's
... luwuButp, auoui seren miles rtum
Ilia Hurquehanna rirer. bounded ae rullow. lu.
ginning at a post. Ihenoa south 41 aerate.
or less to stance, thence west 13(1 perches more or
. w ,ore, inenoo norm ti percnes more or
iu a uiapie, inence IJO perohee mora or
less to Ihe tilaca of bcainnine. bavin it
acres rlcsrrd and la good suite of eultirallon.
with a Sao young orchard ol amile and a bar fruit
trees, a mine of good cos I open rein four fort in
thickness a quantity of pioe, ask aud hemlock
li uibcr.log bouse and other improvements theraon.
i Ha or oa La. una hell cash end lha bal
ance in six months, with Interest, tn k
on i a premiies.
Totel amount. t2l,240 SS2,I6S 30 30,414 07
To amount iransf'd from Milllia fund, 0VI 87
J a atueunt of jury fees
To amount of Ones
To Brst payment on old prison
To balance of Killmer A Bbipman note.
To eash for old sloee
To additional tax in Bradford, Brady,
Decatur, (lull, h, Huston, Lawrence
aad Morris
To rent for Coart room
To lent for Arbitration room
Ta amoaat old briek eold Fulford
To amount of redemption ua lends, rii t
Alook, Waginrr A Bra., 212
acres, Morris..... ?I8 60
Sold lo county, 6 acres, Hloom V 73
ll.AL.M'Cracken.SOIiac.Brll 7 36
Wm. Bigler, l0 acres, 41 orris 34 20
ll.M'Mullen.lliacres.llroalur 0 76
Jno. Quail, 2110 acres, Knox... II 70
Krsslrr, lot In Oiceola.. I 47
B. Mulberbnngh. 6a. lleeraria 8 BS
J Sanson. 17 acres. Decatur. 0 03
To eash from ererseers of Brad
ford lowashil 146 76
To easa from overseers of UulUk
township.. 48 60
Ta eash from O. C. Kirk. Traslea 4n V0
To eosu rrfuodad by Askey
To amount of prison bonds Issued
Ily inquest fees
Ily Janitor's foes.
By jurors' wages, vist
Urand jurors -Jan. term... ..1208 37
Do March term.. I7t 06
DaH....,.June term... 163 06
Do. Hopt. term.... 103 00
Trarlsjurore Jan. term..... 417 70
Do. Marrh term... 208 64
.. Do Juna. 1st wk. 613 06
llo. 2d wk. 443 30
Do .8i..l. Irrtn..... 306 16
Do Nov., 1st wk. 410 69
' ' Do........ - 3d wk. 42t 07
in ' id wk. 200 0
By justices' face... ,
By Jury commissioner, and alerk
By uiscellaoooas. ., ,
By prison, (old): .
nopairs ,. .,
tiboes for prisoners
Cost of selling same
Beddinr ,
By prison, (newjt
LllbOtfrenk kmii
By postage
Ily pcuiteuliary bill
By printing, tIi :
B. J. Row
UoodlaaderA lieacrlv..
nv oo uy rroiaonoiary less.
34S 00 By registry law eiprnses..
1,101 87 Uy reward for horse thief...
40 00 By records for Bounty, vis t
til 60
04 00
I 20
100 00
04 00
II 0
1,103 04
l,0i 16
SO 00
64 08
176 00
720 17
1,000 48
40 Bl
00 00
41 20
3l 10
130, 80S 70
1,000 00
68 00 11,0.14 70
- 33 68
101 26
,..$IHJ 00
.. 610 li
112 60
143 26
4 26,
3I,00 00
A Phase of tub WoMAM SuFFRAor..
Tho Philadelphia Day, vory pithily
presents a stunning argument ngaintl
woman aulTriigo. Jl titys: The jury
in the Kaus and Sincr case aro still
out, ni tno prosoni writing, una may
remain out until tho 4th of July. If
woman-BiirTiaL'e wcro realiied in this
State, a woman or two might have
licon urawn on tint Jury. ilea'Jer,
imagine your wif'o or daughter locked
up with ton or cloven men fur days
and iiiirhts, deliberating Upon a dirlv
caso like this. But dirtier cases than
this olteu have to be traversed by
juries, and women, if voters, would be
us liable at men to ho drawn and
placed on jut lea in nil such casea.
fliia in nnlv.nneirtnliir .n.rainat wnmun.
sullrago, unu it is a miner point, hut
it is worth oonaidoring.
Jo make it a little a'.rongcr, there
might, aa thoro doubtless would, be
one or two negroes on the Jury, to
ndd to the other attractions and duties
of jurors confined in on cight-by-ton
unventilatod roon, with all too proba
ble moral surroundings.
The Philadelphia Ledaer civet tho
following reasons for the proposed
establishment of another United Slates
Court in this State :
Somebody lor whom there It now
no vaciiney would like to bo a United
States District Judge. That it one
strong reason, ttoincttoily else, for
whom nobody will make a vacuncy
by resigning or dying, would liko to
bo Uuilod Stales District Attornov :
und others, with similar views of tho
(situation, would conbidor it a good
thing If llmro were an additional Mar
shal and another Uuitlied Slates Court
Clerk to be provided lor. 7'ni' fAe
point. '
REr.n Bvr Truk. The Chicuo-o
Trtowiie in tpoukins of tho present
Vico President of tho United States,
uses language tho like of which bus
never been employed towards a Vice
rrcsiclcnt since tho dny of Aaron
Burr. It snyt t No man durina this
generation baa been more conclusive
ly proven a oorruptioniat, a bribe
taker, a liar and a perjurer, than
Schuylor Colfax. Thore it not a loon
bolo of possible escape. 4
torn houso citso. William K. lliuVc.
r., is President of the Young Ken's
Christian Association. Two Yucts
which look funny side by aide.
That wttt a got'd joko about Frmk
lilair'a shootiui; Umnt. It was true
thouirh, we eucss, fur Grunt has fre
quently boon "shut" tho samo wnt bo-
lore. Somehow the ehurgo ulvuys
sceinl lo take etlVct in liis neck, vt iicli
gets so limber that iiu can't holt his
bead up. Isn't it curious J
A Connecticut boy, just lonrnin; to
read, asked bis father tvhut Cud it
Mobilier wns. "It's our natirnal boy," replied tho father, who,
with Ihe shrewdness of a native of the
"Land of Steady iiabiu," was looking
nhoad. ''You'll be utile to plJ it
when you get big enough and g to
Indictments, have been found bytho
virniiu jury oi mo unilou filiito Jijs.
irici Court, at Kocheritcr, Mew York,
against Susan i!. Anthony and riftien
other women, charging them wth
voting illegally in Kochcstcr. Tlev
are to appear hefore court in that cty
in May next. Indictments have ato
been found against tho inspectors who
recen cu inoir volt s.
Tho Constitutional Convention aaa
adopted tho following articles:
senators ahall bo elected for tho
torm ol four yours.
Kcprosontnlivot shall be elected lor
tho term of two years.
Ihe Octiornl Assembly shall intot
at twclvo o'clock, noon, on the first
Tuesday of January succeeding tho
adoption of the now constitution, and
ovory two years thcrcalter, unlets
soonor convened by the Governor in
speciul session.
8. O. K1STZ. Adinr.
AS ,
No. 110, 113 and 114
sdois Area.
t A large assortiui-ntof new and
T second usnd CAKIttAUKS, of
every rariely, Irons tbe very
best mskers lu I'lilladclnhia
..J : n... 1
' wvtfuuvriug uilies,
Also, Ilamsss, Blankets, Ac. Those in wmt
of anrlhing in cur lino are requested to give us a
can oeiorv piirrnnsing etsewiiero.
cA.MlfcL C. ItODUKIIS, Proprietor.
Slt it C. Caiurlna, rialssmaa. Ifrbl2 3m
By eoanty redeemed, visi
Ily A-r. cultural Socitlv.-
Ily assessors' wage ,
Ily auditors and clerk......
Ily District Allornrv...
By attorney free
By aud. ting Frothonulary and Regis
ter's accounts
By Aslum
Ily biidges.
B L'ouaty Commissioners' wagce. vis I
famuel II. Ilindraan :l00 00
David Bock... 3J4 01)
V. V. Coutrirt 4.S4 00
U. fl. Toser.. 77 60
J. I). Thomnson 1)6 00
By Comuiisttoners' eUrfc
By f!orl rep uler
By Court erirr.
Ily constables' returns
Bs Court House, vist
llrtek ror pat anient...
move pipe and sink...
! and oil
Paring yard
Cleaning water elnssl
Cleaning cellar and yard
Well and hose
Windine: and reneirina clock
Cy Commonwealth costs, vis:
ton in vs. Arvlery.
..ti).l 11 61
...IIIOOUI ..........
... Pevoro..,...,,
....KvcrU. ........
.3.217 74
. 21 40
. IN 40
. 303 00
. s 13
18 80
14 76
01 00
Sis os
120 24
60 0O
384 4S
60 40
7 24
17 80
10 76
22 03
13 30
7 37
31 70
.17 SI
IB 44
Commissioners' ufiiee
Register A Recorder's odioe
Frotbouotary's odioe, vis l
T ll Knvelupes B4 CO
13 40! Dockets 'J 26
40 00'By refand.
I 00 By road damages.
By road views..
I By Teachers' Institute, ( Act ef Assem
bly approved April , 167, )..........
By scalps..
By amount paid State Treasurer.
By stationery ,
By Sharig sfeas
By tipstaves... h
By amount of outstanding uses, vis I
Dua from collectors, vis:
Chest.. Ileiij K linger...! 03
Curaeaerilla.8. B. Taylor.. . 74 30
Decatur JesseOois. 148 36
Ferguson ...B llulllhsn...... 31 80
I.wrence.....Tswlor ltoales..IH8 00
Morris ..H. Fwarle...... 78 70
Woodward ..F. W. Shot 37 88
Beccaria J. Kinkead IS4 II
Bell...... T. C. la....A.S27 30
Bloom ..Adsia Wearer- 18 36
Boggs 1. H. Waplc...3K3 43
Bradford .....Mark Kylrr 1 10 83
Brady... John Jamison. .103 70
Chest. Sam. Willisus..3oS II
Clearfield. ....Jno. UcClellan.226 S3
Curwrnavillr.Vorioe Clark.... GO 04
Decatur Jesse Ooss. SVS 88
Ferguson.-... II. llullilian..... OS 27
Oirard Daniel Knee.... 86 SO
Ouhch.. . Ream......... 18 00
lloalsdale....Luke Hciley.... 13 60
Huston Wm.Radebaeh .170 40
Jordan 8. Weimar 0 04
Karthaus.. Thomas White.178 71
Knox.. A. T. Bloom-... 04 20
Lawreuor Taylor Uoles.3i0 61
Morris pcler Moyer... 43 60
New Wash a..Win. Menaler. 2S 74
Osceola w Alm. Keptiart..2IO 64
Pena.. John Pents 30 07
Pika Z.L.llertihora.lM 61
Woodward ... T. Henderson... 468 64
By coupons radeamod, via: .
Bounty coupons , 0.S31 00 '
Prison coupons 1,000 00
By bounty bonds rcdcciaed
Ily amount due from unsealed lands
for 1672.
By asonaratins on uueeatrd laads lor
ISrOand 1S71, na:
C"iy $1,423 20
Bouotv...... i3 aa
1 SIS ii'B' "operations allowed collectors....
Ily abalrnieut allowed tail ayera oa
lt,.H0l.0 (.( 6 per cent
By Treasurer's per oantaga oa same...
ily Traasarar's par cent, ou $4, 301. 21
at 3 par aeat
By balance due Treesurer last sell le
nient M
Balance dua county January, 1S73.
101 76
401 14
(02 SO
20 00
, 14 80
17 70
163 64
133 II
Jo t'l
070 88
1SI 66
111 43
1,800 00
07 II
07 80
103 00
Ta atpaaaas for county purposes 7I ,,'.. '
To Boooly Bonds, U 4I J'S .7 ' "
Ta Inl.r .l ou I'.,4u0 Bounty Bond!
f:r II I
........... sii,i i risen floods
To al.atrmentVlVJwed"Vipye'rs'.'.'''' J''
To oiour.aiiuiM allowed collector. "" .'. H
... I0rvl
To T-e-uurcr's par cautage...
o onugMe, prooaoiy
By ami. due from Trveiurcr
aod Collectors
By emu dato Irom unsealed
By sec-ind pa mrnt on aect
old priuu dno July, '73..
By d.lkiruoy lu be ralstd
f:oui Intutivit In 75
7,I07 14
I0,7U 0
2,.102 00
28,713 0;
The aipenae for 1871 aad 1871 were.
Amount of county orders Issued IB71.JS4 m i.
Amount of county orders Issued 1873 . n'jjj JJ,
Amounl paid on acjt of prlion I87I...4ji n !!
Amount paid oa aoot of prison 1873... ,J I!
Ordinary erpcasas for 1871 its .-.
Ordinary expenses for 1872 lajtuj, Ji
It witl be noticed that while the or Jiosrv..
pensea of Iba counly are I3.0II.J1 hielue
ls)3 ti,a. for tbe yr u,,
gate is still 2,U0.7B less. The tneresis
from the followloir. vis : "
from the following, vis;
Increased expense at asylum..,.
Increased election sspsusei.....
. i-
Increased espeuees at penitentiary...
Increased silicoses for road Viewers.
Inoreascd assessors' wagee.....
tlOO 00
013 321
140 00
343 48
liO 00
30 Od
62A 76
2V3 n
1.212 60
040 00
64 00
7S 0t
3J6 09
4,703 10
1,021 00
14,006 00
11,701 00
1.07 01
414 60
04 Id
810 68
111 18
1,031 00
t34 08
1,404 20
Total ... ..... u .... $06,113 61
A uumterof constables have settled their sc.
counts sinoa the balauoa waa struok.
4 W. LEE, Treasurer ol Clem Gild
ill Borough, in account with the funds of
said Borough t
tiKProlt. . .
To amount from Treasurer 1871 $.13 IS
To amount asseseed lor 1872 2,218 64
To m: nk'iLH?Jtii9! '.?.!...., .o oo
A01U UUC lrea.M.w, iw balauoa.. ...... 3(10 OS
riM all conci:hi;ui Uvi
X Irwin s Justice Docket, aod parties inter
ested will do well to call and tt a I to it before il
Is loo late.
ftb6-3t fJOSKPn II. ROtVLRH, J. P,
By orders redoemed. vis t
ror hauling A work duneoa streets.
rar small pox hospital and patient .
For lamber A stone for crossings, Ao.
for 1H73 and part of 171
For oolleotors' per oentage, exonera
tions, Ao , ,
For blackimitltltig
For High Constable, for services.
For amt paid on inl. ord. No, 3, 1870
For printing $10,000 borough bonds.
For secretary's aervlccs, room, light,
stationery and making duplicate..
For coupons redeemed.
Far Treasurer's percentage 21 per ct.
$1,762 06
..$3,1 78 lo
0S4 26
0 70
......$4.71: 08
Due on planking and other accounts.
Jsxeesf 01 llaoillllee,,,,,
Outstanding order No. 2.1870...
Outstanding order 1871
Outstanding order 1872
Improrement loan Is.inds.
Dae Trcasnrerat settlement
.. till 46
.. 1,211 16
$3,4I 00
... 370 00
.... 761
.... 3,2110 00
.... 21 84
$.l,43f 00
Wa, lha undorelaned Andltara af Cle.fS.ij
borough, having examined the accounts of A. W.
Lee, Kwf., Traaearar ol said borough, do caMfy
them correct es ahova slated, and that the Ian ,.
ities exoead Hie assets tlirea thousand two lut-
urea anil aighty-nino dollars and flnv.Srea.,,,.
W. D. tiltll.KR,
lOSKl'II II. liQWLES, Justice of
O tuo Peace aad Scrivener In the upper endlof
Lawrence township. ('olkTllous made and moasv
prosnpily ovw,' ; ' 1,0 6 , '
Offlca la the Court House, ClearScM, Ps.
Will alwaya foood at boras on the LAST
FRIDAY and SATURDAY of each month. 3:6
1XKCUTtH!t NOI IC U.-Nollce Is here-
li by gtvsn that letters testamentary having
born grantcil to the undersigned oa tho estate of
M'llS IUMI, decaaeed, late of Brady town
ship, Clrarneld county, Pennsylvaaia, all
persons indebted to said estato are requested to
mske immediate payment, and Ibosa having
claims against tna satno will prescut tnem duly
autocuiicaieu tor eeitirmcni.
February 6, IS?l..6t Kxecntors.
. of Clearfirld county. In Iba matter of Ihe
estate of Jacob Zimmer, of Brady township, de-
Tlie ondersixned auditor, annointed bv lb.
Court lo bear end pass npon the exceptions Bled
to tno nnet account of Ueorge Lcllich, adminis
trator of the said Jacob .immer, and to make
liistrlbuliua of the balance in tba bends of said
administrator, aires notice that be will attend to
the duties of his appointment at bis office, in Ihe
borougn of UlearBeld, oa Thursdsy, Ihe 37lh day
of Frbrusrr, ll7.1, between the hoursof 10 o'olock
a. nt. and 4 o clock p. m.
fcb4St Auditor.
X or Clearfield county, l a.
fiamuel flwartx 1
s. 1 No. March Term
,) w. u.nxva",' uWUUHIl - a. ..........
ina anaersigneu auuilor, appointed by the
voor, o ui.inouie me proceeni arising from the
Sheriff's sale of defendant's real estate, will at
tend tn the duties of his appointment, at bis of.
Bee in the borough of Clearfield, on Thursday, the
.win way ei eeoruarr, into, at I a etoea B. m.
febj It Auditor.
SAMl'EI. P. WILSON, Kro,., Treasurer of Clearjeld eoonty, in tbe Commonwealth of Ponnsvl
van is, ib aoeouai wua tno units of the several districts is said eounty for 1871
""" I cutoiroa.
To cash in Trrss'hands lart settlement $ISS 68 Ily Treasurer's xirr crntage
To amount anoolleclcd 24.107 10 By superiors' orders redeemed"
To auiouul aierssed for lt7! 17,120 02 Hi aaoueraliuna
To additional 71 XT It. .., ....u,..i
To snil due Treaa. from Hoggs Union llo 61 Be oash in Trcasurara hands.'.'.'"'
$7SS 03
17.198 78
1.800 V.I
16,748 81
B,M7 6!
1,177 M
411 M
Ul as
Tha expense of but Me sleet 1,
In last year's accouai, while three wire srtnlT
thu year. Tho othtr ipenset aiilaln theauj.r.
It is s sc proper to state that while Ih-.
peoiu exceed Ihoss of last year iu some A A,
iUuis, tbtre bas bsea a decrease lu oltiers, vis:
Dtcreasa in espenirs of old priaou..... $i. u
Drcreasa in Sheriff's teas. i-a
Deersase la CommisiiODarB' oflloe.........i 225 n
As well as la soma alhrr items, anuaaessarr is
give in detail.
VVe. tba Pnm
Beld .-ot,, iD th. fonjmoawlth of
g BMi avCOtdina tU I.W. mnA L..:
examined tba aaveral aeeounta aud voc-lieri JE
Samuel P. Wilson, Esq., Trat.nrcr of
for tbe jur i li l72, do aertify that fc,
iIsmsj as set forti In tbo foregoing statement. W.
Und Iba amount dua tho eooaly frosa kia, u
two thousand fonr hundred aad four dollars ae
iwcnty-elx cents (Jl,404.:6). The r mj,
amount of Bounty Bonds still unrMeemeVi. Is!
thousand tva hundred dollars (tiutii Ti..
slaadiug laves are. from sasrated lands tea tho,.
sand seven hundred and eight dollars ($10 iki,
from ci.n.l.l.l.. S... L. 1 .
. - .... . ..M..U.I eoven auna.-td SI J
ntnety-lhrea dollars aad sislv-oine cents 11
703.00). TU. Counly Treasurer isiai-ll ii
Iba Road fund in the sum of six tbousand ueZ
hundred and thirty-sovei dollars aod fLtXMml
cents (,SI;.2i, and lo the oVhool fv,Li ,.:
sum of four thousand nine hundred and tw-at,
four dollars and Bfly.,1, MM ($4,:4.Mj, f,
both of which s-e ubular siatauant,,
amount due each loaihip for Road parposwud
the amount dua tha several School districts.
Witaes. our heats at Clrarleid, this iijlin
of January, A. D. 1071.
t. p. comrtrr,
0. S. T'izi;a,
Al"" J. D. TID)y p?uf
O. B. Uooot.isa, Clerk. CotanlseVnei,,
Wa, tha undersigned Auditors of the the oeut.
or Clearfield, la tha Commonwealth of Peaswu
vania, having met at the Coart house, in Ih. us.
ough of Cleart.ld, oa lha Irst Moudsr of.uu.
ry, A. D. 1871, according to law, and having n
mined the several accounts and vouchni ef
Ssmiiel P. Wilson, Esq., Treasurer, of saiuouutty
for tha year A. D. 1872, do report that w. M
them as aiioro staled. Tbo balance la bis La .is
due Ihe county appears to bo two thousand fssr
hundred and four dollars aad twenty-six r
($1,404. IS), lie is indebted to tha Head taod is
lha sum of six thousand three aandred and thirty,
scran dollars and fifty-two oents ($0,337. 6Sj, ssi
to the School fund In tho sum of fonr ljuaiaad
nina hundred and twenty-four dollars and Sflj.
Six oents ($ 1,024.66).
In Ustimooy whereof wa hare hereaito est sir
baads, at Clearfield, this 26th day of Janaarr.
A. D. 1873.
Attest: JAS. II. UILE.
O. B. Uoounauaa, Clerk. Auditor
to RFFD k
ths CLEAk.
1 11 K undersigned, successors
I'OWb'LL. have hn.h..J
UK 1. 1) PLAM.NU MILL, anil r.f...j , a..
doing an sxtensiva basinrss. AU the machinery
will bo added necessary to make It ons of ths
most complete estab iahments ol tho kind in te
State. They are now prepared ta receive ards.-s
for any work in that line. Tbev will (iveanaeiil
attention to ail matetials for house buiiiu.g.
... fli.BU 77 Total .... f,
I ! I
To amount. To amountggregata
unoolleot'd: assessed 1 amount.
lor 1-72.
By llriupervi. Bvelon Pv amooal1 C..K in
Treas' sors'orders sraUoni. uucollmrd Treasur's
Bloom ......
Boggs a
Covington ,.
Ferguson ...
Lawrence ...
Penn ,.
tTnion 1
Woodward .
'percent redeemed.
$61.1 84'
7S8 It
281 m!
206 00!
386 461
8:4 on;
sol 67;
l.lliS 8fl,
7M 86;
700 63j
I (.4 0:i
063 8.'
1,626 70
423 46
674 I7
7,(iPB 08:
140 on
. 848 40
' 6S4 761
l,40 H'
1,8X0 30!
874 471
106 81
747 30'
1,201 lo!
$140 OS
Jie 77;
2t'3 10'
168 01,
173 If.'
C78 3i
300 32,
S74 till
426 .10
300 30'
OH 40.'
S41 I2
1,127 40'
100 4lli
6, 0 2"l
t,Mi 00:
76 24,
671 02
480 00
l,f7 71
844 S4l
4:i6 40
2B 38'
Sill 0111
1,210 701
$70.1 K2j I4 88,
I, 123 01 33 46
43 611
424 0i;
4. 9 411
I,2:i2 Sbj
1.2M 01M
1.8H2 881
i.iso lol!
1,212 6.1
261 03
1.8HS 76
2,743 111
610 81
1,140 37
11,081 PSit
226 841
1,321 61
1,001 ?n'
1,178 60'
2,i:,6 16;
1,334 84'
684 22'
1,130 llll
2,410 BU'
7 081
t 6S
24 82,
Sit 74!
86 26'
St 14;
2.1 os;
4 6.1 "
28 87.
48 77
It 7l!
17 26
212 001 '
4 40
10 44l
18 6!
66 11'
60 411.
36 3o!
11 87,
32 4l!
18 73'
$166 33!
660 Oil1
344 62j
363 60'
300 00
70t 18'
061 III!
620 00:
100 00'
618 75;
07 00
456 63
l,jr, 031'
.150 4I
400 OOl
4,l.t 00
06 00
150 00'
41-0 02'
1,107 III;
1.104 411
151 38
143 60'
811 00
oo? i;
$23 41
13 36
16 4l
4 02
I 00.
110 16'
256 161
3 70'
t 47!
12! 40'
3 00'
SI 60
!7 It!
31 7.'.'
10 46j
77 61,
141 80!
63 JO'
l2 12!
17 4fi
4 20'
00 46!
$150 08
840 771
303 10
108 8I.,
173 SSt
' 371 I4
300 12;
674 VO:
426 301
300 30;
08 4' I
841 12(
1,127 4C
lOd 4()
673 Oil'
4,f4 0
70 25
1 073 03:
4 SO OOi
1,301 7I
846 14'
456 40
180 SSI
KOI 00 ..
1.21 7tX
$40 44
184 82
II 14
7t 74
II 17
203 74
306 44
' 322 71
181 10
60 30
474 60
88 60
. 48 44
t 61
3,254 06
16 86
238 60
36 40
601 68
463 10
IIS 68
204 03
Total..... ! $25,130 07i$l7.1SI 02 $42,644 77;7SI 01 $17,108 SO JI600 01 $1.74 t $6,137 62
Hoggs Is indebted lo tha Treasurer 0.0, aad t'nion $101.41,
Additional returns, vis i Urndlord. 0(1 oeuts : limaiu. 9 11 . nt...j si. n..,i.L .....
for,, .ouit. frro.or. ' ""-"'V-l ,.,; auox,
, KCIKMII. FUM aw. - "
aaaaoue. a. .neon, ftsq.. Treasurer of Cloarllrld ronnlv. In il,. 1.1.
vanla, In account with the funds of Ihe several districts ia said oounty for IS72
' " rnxnitos. '
, tiy iraasnrar's Per ceataga.....
$27,131 07 By amount paid district treasurers....,
nieratrra. ;uneollectedi
11 Sealed nronosals will he rM.l.-Ml ...tii.k.
2llth day of February, 1873, by the Beard of
senoot uireotors, tor rne eraction of the "Leonard
tlreded School" Building, In the borough or Clear
Srld. Plens, sprelBcations and conditions enn he
sern by calling upon the architect, Esra Ate, Ksq.,
in said borough. Tha person whose bid Is ac
cepted will be required to aire such bonds and in
such amount aa shall bo approved by tha Building 7, "
Committee for the faithful performance of his HIT
contract, ily order of tha Board.
riear".!d, Jan. 32, 1873. -td Secretary.
The undersigned offers at private sale tha fal
lowing real estate 1
A Lot of tiround. illuata In lha village of
Newhurg, Chest township, containing ono and a
half acres, and having a largo two story llouso
aod good stable erected thereon. This property
il suitable for a Hotel or Dwelling,
ALSO, A I'arm, of 40 acres, adjoining the
town of Newbarg. having over 36 acres cleared
and under oalllvntioa, with a good log house and
barn and boaring orrhnrd of choirs fruit Ihctaon.
A vein of evrellent coat underlies the tract.
A1.t0, loo Arrra or Land, on Wllion Run,
in Cheat township, within Iwo and a hair mill's of
Chest Creek. It Is well limbered with Hoe, Oak
and Hemlock, and nndurlaid with ooal.
Parlies wishing any further Information will
call ou Mrs. MBi(irct Ames, at Vswburg, ar oa
otlim fjjaarteld, Ps.
To balanca dua last settlement, vti t
llalance uneollecled
Amount assessed for 1873.
Amount dua Treas. In CheetA Jordan
Total .
14,0S 01 By exonerations
4:6 46 By amount uncollected "
" " By oask in Treasurer's hand "
.81.1.116 IS
33 84
20.371 40
1,6(10 36
16.401 02
4,024 If,
Total .
...$13,116 18
8IAI?M?I!:L!! priIopI' p 'fi i detail
To balance To amount n, Be .nsa.i.'ti.....
Total. Trees' pd. district orations.
' I
sash, doors, blinds,
' . . r . ..
OF ALL STYLES, always oa bsnd.
WnitKL'D Bd.tlll'S and sU anlelcl iwa.
ry f.-r building, will be axobaLard .'jr Di.T
Ll'MIIKII, so that perrnas at a distancs may
bring their luuiWr, exchange it for, aad ,i::s
homo with the taauufaeturcd artivUa.
1 ' s i.
T'.e Company an. a 1 1 always bave ot band a Lfs
stock of dry lumber, ao as lo be abb, lo t?. t.
order On tho shortest notice. Only tba b' ; ssi
most skillful hands will be ewploed, so th.t 'J
public may rely upon good work. .
Lumbar will bo warked or told as low as II OiJ
be purchased anywbera, aad warranted tr lift
satisfaction. Aa the business will be d, os sen
the eash principle wa aaa afford to work for sr..-.'.
Kspecially one and a half and twe lu-h ?r- x
stuff, for which a liberal price will Is
The business will ha eoodacted uauor Li a-j
' of tka
"Clearfield Planing IIYA fo."
personally aaprrrnti t"
Orders respeetrulty solicited.
- - ,r M. 0. BROW5 A BR(.
Cleart.ld, Pa., January I, IIJJ,
O. B. Merrall will
Bradford ..
Fargusoa ..
I'ona ,.
t'nion ...I.,
for 1872.
$826 41
1,686 II
424 .14
473 Id'
488 17
844 00
7IJ 67i
777 06:
687 .14
1,281 l:l
156 08
1.108 7.l
1,118 661
054 641
036 76
t.OSO Jl'
J.'I7 12'
1,717 Oa'
866 .11;
1.321 6l'
3,080 111
350 75;
dVO 32,
1.00.1 20
1,603 00
$27 On;
fill 64
. 201 10
103 01
387 is!
371 351
203 74
6.10 20!
4'.'l lllj
781 00.
60 04
841 17,
663 701
344 24!
660 Bin
3,ll 60'
IM !i(ii
;l 02!
624 St!
1,0?T 0!
13 80
413 40
' 783 Sul
4,210 70;
$1,106 I7; $24 76!
2,267 75'! 47 60!
027 44 .
BI4 Sl!
771 07!
1,2.12 16
1.006 II';
1 .IfiO c' :
1,311 SI. I
2, mm 0,1 ,
215 12 1
3,1 51 16!!
1,012 so )
008 71;
1.416 211 '
T,5I1 78
4" 08 1
3,380 06 ;
1,5,14 36,
3.182 66
S.IH7 03,'
in 00. 1
till 72 i
I.SI7 On ;
S,23 60,:
12 76:
13 66
14 40
35 02
31 40
33 S3'
26 61'
38 4li
4 SB
10 26
13 65;
10 72
14 07
i5 r
41 61
si as'
48 61
8 40
10 53
14 70
11 00
48 II
$500 Oil,
1,4.10 Ml
, M on)
80S 00'
120 OO;
, 600 OH'
A60 OOl,,
0ST 40
600 On;.,
300 00
140 no'
010 00
too on
too 00
4iii n
,0H0 00
300 Oil
1,600 to!
756 00
0.11 111
1,800 (ID;
200 OU.
iA so,
tint OH;
1,128 86
Ry amount By cash In
uneollecled1 Tressur's
I hands.
$45 46,
3.1 65
14 Jl
10 TO
t 00
120 85
.126 67
I na1
II 14
03 06
. A 0tt
84 So
103 is!
40 33
1 SO 101
107 BO1
Ml 44i
74 04
71 04;
45 12
7 66
84 15
$270 06
681 64:
203 lo!
- 103 04
37 101
371 35
302 74;
6.10 3il !
435 III
780 60
60 HI
141 12
6C3 7(l
344 It,
6..0 20 1
3,433 6ll;
161 to!
' (171 2
' lu 00
1,fl 05!
1,027 01;
18 611,
418 4,
781 80!
1.110 70
$2.4) 10
65 87
01 17
08 84
1.14 48
108 63
, 42 17
054 22
I 34
Sit 12
1W 05
. .10 10
726 01
20 60
J07 12
41 88
'ii X
i.'l 74
42 78
Tof r'"1!.'!';".?!;?"'!'",'"''" ' 84 ,S,'3J1 feoTo'lTo'.n"
Balanca dua Treasurer 1 Chest. $43.63 t Janl.a sin at
Additional last Bradford, $1 .10 1 Decater, $A8.e,i. Oirard. $7 00 1 Dullch til 01. V... l
Lawrence, $717.00 j Penn, $.V6I-Tal, $411 6$, "riI-"l OtUlot, $31 3i Knoiy l.0
Mt. a 8. LIDDKLJj,
Having engaged In tha Marble business, drrlrrl
to inform bar friends and tba pablia that aha has
now aud wilt keep tonetantlyon hand a large and
well selected stock of ITALIAN AND VERJIOST
MARBLE, and is prepared ta faralah ta arder
'.' "". ' '"'.MOXVJtESTS
Curbs and Posts for Cemetery Lots, Window
Bills and Caps, also,
TOPS, Ac, Ao.
Ta-Yard a ReeJ stracL near Iba R, H Pti
Clcaiftold, ft. , )t",'i
T M.
. ybolesnte Dealers In
H.irs, r,i ra, rrfc
So. 131 iftrlet Street, riiU!.J,t',T',
!i i
ff. t. t.lrpltieort.t '
Jaai.a Vldahetl, 1,1
IS. ft. Itirrtm.
A. r. RsaaeR