THE REPUBLICAN. . CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY M011N1N0, JAN.1J.1878. Mulohing Grain in the Winter. Willi in the Pt fow yonra the old icloue in regard to many farm opera tions have been tliaoardod, and new ond nioro tn-oyi-oasive ones lukon tholr place. - hoi many years ainee it was almost tlio univorsal practlco to bury all kinds of manures in tlio soil, as it was thought Hint to lenvo Ihom on tho surface would cause a loss of the grontor part of thoir valuable proper ties, which no doubt somotitnes occurs "with very volutilo kinds of manure, when vpplied during long drouths. Hut experiments conducted for tho purpose have shown that tho soluble as well as volutilo portions of nearly all the matorial used for enriching land, are cuniod down by ruins and (lows and absorbed by tho soil, instead of passing off into luo'ntnioflpliero; thoroforo it is not nocossnry to bury manures deeply to insure tho best re sults. Another old notion formorly quiu provalont among i'urmors wait, - that they required a large amount of coarso uianures with heavy soils in order to mako thorn light, porous, and congenial to the growths of plants; tut this was only an ejtponsive substi tute for subsoiling and nndor-druining, now so extensively practiced in till clay and other honvy soiU. Instead of breaking up meadows ond pastures ovory few yours In order to enrich tho land and irmUo it pro duco n heavy crop of grass, tho pruo tioo now willi ull good 1'unncrs is to top dross with conrse or flno manure whenovor it is required. Whoro barn ' yurd manuro can bo, it is, no doubt, (no Deal matorini ior uiih pur pooo; but almost any vcgolublo sub stance niny be used wilh benefit oh u mulch fur grass in winter. Straw, conrso hay, leaves, sawdust, or any thing that will Bhado tho ground and' prevent alternate freezing uud thaw ing will do more or lots good, and givo bonefieiul results. Tho richer tlio materials used tho bettsr; still, thoso containing no pcrcoptiblcumount of plant food produco good results in Joculities where tho ground freezes in winter, but is not covered wilh soow. if we cover a plot of grass with old nownpnpovs in the fall, and koep thorn on all winter, wo Cud that tho grass thus protected etarta earlier in spring, and makes a much moro vigorous trrowth than roots adjoining left un covered. Tho scientist may point out to us the reason why this is so; but the fuel is tho main thing whiclr in teroBts tho farmer, ond whon bo knows that certain oporutions produco certain beneficial results, ho should not fuil to employ them whoncver and whorovcr possible. Wo think it has been proved to tho satisfaction of all who have tried tho experiment, Hint thcro is no hotter ivuy of improving meadows and pas tures thun by top dressing them in autumn. And il tins bo true, and wo think no ono will doubt it, then why not praclico tho sumo thing with win- tor wheat and rye, ns both are Inio grasses and ore benefitted as much by , o slight protection in winter as thoso species exclusively cuilivaiou lur nay or pasturing. In tho Middlo and many of tho Western States tho win ters aro ofton eovcro, boing dry and cold with no snow upon the ground to protect winter grain ; consequently losses occur which might bo in a groat moasure avoided if the coarso waste materials of tho farm were saved and applied as a mulch to theso crops. In prairio countries where vtiutor grain usually suffers more than olso whoro from exposure to cold, dry woatlior in winter, thoro is seldom nny luck of materials for mulching; for low prairio grassos usually abound, and the cost ot gathering this wasto material und spreading il over tho wheat fields in auluinn could not fuil to bo a profitable investment. In cx- - posed localities, whero tho winds aro unobstructed in their courso by woods or hodiros, it would bo noccssary to liavo this grass partially docayed bo ore it is applied, to prevent its blow ing a way. We know that many will object to this suggestion on account of cost, but let every fanner try tho experiment on a small scale, starling wilh a hall acre or more, und keep u correct ac count of cost and increase in product, nd then decido w bother ho can afford to mulch his whout fields or not. And, further, do not decido from tho results of one cxporimout, because ono senBon may bo moro fuvorublo than another, . but try to find out tho best method of insuring a good crop every year. It ; is this uncertainty of having unything . to Bell for cash every year that is im poverishing our 'farmers moro than tho fluctuations in the prico of farm products. If thoso who depend upon their wheat to bring thorn money can - adopt some method of culturo 10 in sure n hcavv crop, tho variations in prico will not causo serious loss for ihe difference between thirty bushels -per aero in fuvorublo and ten in tin- fuvorublo seasons is greater than ever occurs in tho prico of this grain. A man who does not obtain moro thun twenty bushels of wheat per aero is not making monoy by farming, no mullor where be is located or tlio prico nt which lie sells his crop. If our farmers would gel out of debt and have monoy to lay aside or spond in luxurios they must pay more attention to tho product of each acre they al ready own than to tho accumulation of other acres. New York Sun. . A '.trttvolino Yonkco lately r,ut up at a country inn, whoro a number ol Joungorswtronsscmlilcd tollingslorios. After Bitliiij Bomo timoand ttUentivu ly libtcniiif; to their fully, lio uddonly turnod and nsked Ilium how much "Ihcy fluppoHod ho bad boon olTorcd for tli ia dog which ho had wilh him. They !1 Kuossitig Blurted, and furiosity win on tip-too to know. Ono fucsed five dollutn, an other ton, another fifteen, until they all exhausted thoir patienco, evhrn ono scriounly atkod how much Jio hart been offerca. "Not a darned cent!" ho rcpliod.' Look Oct. It will bo obsorved that Somilur Cameron lacks two voto In cuuetiB of a majority of tho joint con vention. Ho will nood ixty.ovt)n vutca to elect him. Should tho tcvon ubsctitcoa and tho members, who voted fur Kelloy and Wiokcrohain hold out ngnitml him, the Bli ugglo might bo so cro and protracted. Tha editor of country content- . norary told an upprenlico to tibbrovl nto tho tho namo of Kov. J amca DoiifiU- crly in locttl notice The approotioo nut itRcv. Jim" lor short, uuU tltat :ilil,or liud lo UJ"Iu;ii50. 1 gin doodj, Gtttttitt, (tit. Down! Down 1 1 THE LAST A1UUVAL AND OF COVH8B TUB CHEAPEST! A Proclamation against High Prices I 1 XTE ftre now opnntnK un a tut of tha beat anil Y most seasonable Uomls and Wares ever offered In tttll market, and at prion, thai remind one of the aitod old days of oliurip thing.. . Those who lick laiih upon tin. point, or dooui our tile, gations luporfiuom, need but f . ,t C.ILL .IT OVH 8 TO HE, Corner Front and Market streets, Where they enn lee, foel, hoar and know for them. elvcl. To fully unilcrsluna ai aro emap g-neus, till, niu.t be done. We do not doom It nooosary to enumerate and itemise our .took. It i. enough for at to state that We have Everything that is Needod and oonsumed In this market, and at price thai aaUmi.h both old and youns:. deo!S JOSKI'II SHAW A SON. o. uu-liib. A. n. rowKLL. MILLER & POWELL, WIIOLESALB A RETAIL MERCHANTS, Graham's RoWj Markot St., OLKABFIELDi PA. Wo would most respectflilly Inform our friends, oustoiuers, and the public generally, that we are now baek In onr old quarters, which bar been rcraodulcd and Improved, and we are now pre pared to accommodate all who may favor ua by calling. NEWGO0DS1 Wi have juit rocolrcd one of tho largest stocks of nil kinds of Merchandise ever brought to Clear Held county, which wc iutend to sell at auoli fig urea as will mako it an object for all persons to urchaso from us. Families laying In winter supplies of Groceries, Dry Goods, Ac, should not fail to give us a tail, as we fuel contdont our prices and superior quality of goods will amply satisfy all. Our stock of ' GROCERIES consists of Coffees, of (be brat quality, Tom, Su gars of ail kinds, Molruset, FUh, Salt, Cheese, Dried Fruit, Bplccs, Provision, Flour and Foel, to. Ac Our ituok of DRY GOODS U largo and varlcJ, and we will Just sajr na oan supply any article lu that line, without enumer- READY-MADE CLOTHING We have a large stock of rcady-aisdo Clothing for Moo and Boys' wear, which we.will dispose of at a very small advance on cost. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hardware, Quocn.ware, Wood and Willow Ware, Notions, Fancy Goods, Carpots, Oilcloths, Wall Tapers, Window Shades, Ae., Ao. flBcing cxton.ivtly engaged In the Lumber business, we are able to otTur superior In Juocmcnts to Jobbers. MILLER A POWELL. CleaiOeM, Pa., Jan. 3, l72. AN I EL GOODLANDER, LUTIIERSDCna, PA., Dealer In DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY & GLOVES, BATS 4 CAPS and BOOTS 1 SHOES, Tobaooo, Groceries and Fish, Naili, Hardware, luaeniwara an it (ilMwaro, Men anu Uuyi' Clulliinfr, Vru; i'iinti, Oil, tviliuul liouku, a largo lut of relent, Caadici, Nuts k Drk-4 Fnilto, Chersa and Crack ers, Rock and ttine rowurr, Flour. Grain and Potatoes, Clover and Timothy Seed, Sole Leather, Moroccos, Linings, Il ladings an Thread, hnocim.kerr Tools and Shoe Fiudinxi. No (treat cr variety of coods In any store In th county. Ail fur sale very low for cash or country produco at tlio irioap turner. April lu, loil. RE EAD T 11IS I FLOUR & FEED DEPOT The attention of the eititens of Clearfield an vlclnltr is directed to thn foot that Uootlkllow Hon are the amnts of M, lSieee A Oo., and have just recoUed a half doten car Inads of Finur an her J, whiob tuuy ouor a. uie lowest, pussiuie ng ures. A large atoca 01 FLOUR, CORN 'MEAL, CHOP, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, BRAS, Potatoes, Shelled Corn, Corn In ear, Ac, Ao. Particular attention is eallrd to M. Kieeo A Co.'e brand of Fauil; Floor, which Is the best in the market. Fluiir and Feed can and will be sold ohcaper than tt can bo obtained el.cwhora In Clearfield county. fVBtan on Market street, next door to lion. Akxaodvr irrin'a re.idfco. OOOHFELLOW A BOM, J.nlfllf AgenuforM.KieeeACo. rpERRA COTTA STANDING VAStS, HAKUIMi VAStS, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept oon.tantl on bnnd. STOXE AAD EVRTIIE -WARE . . OF KVERY DESCRIPTION I CHOCKS ! TOTS! CROCKS! Pieher'i Patent AliilKht Bclf - Sealing IT11 It t onal DtTTTKIl CHOCKS, wilh IMs, CREAM CROCKS, MILK CHOCKS, Al'l'I.K- IM TTKH i.'iiiitivn, l'ICKLB CHOCKS, FLOWER POTS, PI DISHES, ' BTKW POTS, And a great many other things too numerous to mention, to be had at ' FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Cornor ol Cherry and Third Stroete, CLEARFIELD, PA. angl The Lightning Tamer. TIIB no'lerilgned srs tha sols Ajonls In this for the"Nnrlh Ameriran Oalranlsed LIGHTNING RODS." T'iee are Ike only safe rod. now In uie, and are endorsed by all the selenitic men In the eeantry. Wa herebr notlfr the cltlien. of tha eounty that we will put them up a bettor red, and for less money, than la charged by tha foreign agents who annnally trarerae the aounty aad carry off our little cash, nsrer lo return. ENCOURAGE HOME LABOR. Those wlshlag Lightning Rods erected en their buildings need bat address as by letter, er eall In person. W will put tkeaa up anywhere la the eounty, aad warrant ib.ta. J ne nods ana s Uteres can bs seen at any time by nailing at ear store. U. V. UlULKa A 0. ClontCcld, ltaioa , 1'TD-U THE IU0ITSIDE3 TIN AND STOVE STORE G. S. FLEGAL, rUlipsturff, Contro County, Pa. rpHK undersigned respectfully aanoane.i to I X IBI puoito tnat ne nas on nana a fully-selected and well assorted .took of STOYES, HEATERS, RANGES, , HOLLOW - WARE! , TIN, COrrER AND SHEET-IRON . WAKE! WOOD AND WILLOW WARE I Ills stock of Cooking Stoves consists of THE CELBBRATED IRONSIDES, Which have never failed to bring reaee and sro.pority into lamllles where 11 Is used, Diamond State, Farmer, Herald. Charm, Spears' I California uooa more, Bpeara- Ann-lfuat, Uaa-Uurniug (.ooaiag pieves, viator, . , Relianoe and t'nion Kaa(es, . . Spears' Cooking Ranges, , Ae., eta. t The Tin and Sheet Iron ware lven with the Ktoves Is made or the heaviest and best material, and warranted lu give perfect satis faction. HiB Stock of Parlor & Heating Stoves Is larger, bitter and eheaper than ever before I ihibitea t uo puDuo eon.ntlng or Spears' Revolving Light Illuminating Stove, Spears Anu-vusi uaa-Durnmg rarior niovo, ri pears' Orbicular Oa. -Burning Parlor , tuvo, Speara' Parlor fitove, Boquct, Pearl, Uwm, Ida, tiun. Trople, Kevada, Ae., Ae. Vulcan, Elm and Victor Heaters, Bpeara' Re volving bigni ueaiers. i . , He is also prepared to furnish complete I assortment of Tin, Copper, Shoet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, &o., Wholesale or retail! manufactured neatly and with the sole view to service, from the host ma terial In the market, . PLOWS A PLOW POINTS, COPPER, BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN-LINED, SPUN COMMON IRON KETTLES, Of every description constantly on hand. ORDERS FOR SPOUTING, ROOFIXO And other work belonging to his business will be promptly tiled by experienced and skillful workmen. BRASS, COrPER, OLD METAL, RAGS AND CASII Taken In exchange for goods. rtr-IIo especially Invites the ett.ntlon of Merchants wishing to pnrcbase at wholesale, as they will Und It to their advantage to eiamine his stock before purenaaing eisewnsre. Look out for the Big Sign opposite the resi dence of Mrs. Dr. Foster. All Ooods WaaaaatsD as RnrnessKTin. S. FLEGAL. Phillpsbnrg, June 8, 1870. aug6 (9 gACKKTT 4 SCUKYVER, , catLsns ix SHELF HARDWARE, and manufacturers of Tin, Copper Sheet Iron Ware, Second 8treet, CLEARFIELD, PA. Carpenters and IJuilJeri will do well to exam ino our stuck ot BUILDING IIARDWAUE & TOOLS. DIHTON'S PAWS Dl.ton's Cross-cut, Hand, Rip, Tenant and Urnl Maws. BOYNTON'S LIGHTNINQ SAWS. Rmooth Planes, Jack I'lauea, Fore I'lanea, Jointers, Match Plane, Plumb. A Levels, 6tcel Squares, Ae., Ae. Firmer and Framing Chi Chisels, Corner Chisels, Coriienters' Ftioks, Hi races and llitts, Boring Machines, Ao. Grindstone and Grindstone Fixtures. 8 rook j Flues are elToetiinllj cured b,T using Rich ard, ratent cioTiuc vt.irn tops, for which we hare the agency. No cure, no pay. Philadelphia Dolta, Railroad Lanterns, n oouen w are, o A fine assortment ef POCKET & TABLB CUTLERY. STOVES 1 STOVES 1 The Times Cook, the belt in the market : an tho Monarch. Kelianoe, and So. 10 iron Bide Heritor's Portable Heater, and Heating, Parlo: aad llaft Ktove.. L.ttoonng, Bnonllng and Job Work done on rea.unabU) tcruia. All orders will receive prompt attention. . Julr 9, ISO. S" TONE'S SAW CUMMERS AND SAW UPSETS? We bare reoelred the agency for theahoreand will aell them at manufacturer's prices. Call and examine tbeaa. Tory are the bet. jcl TJ II. F. 1IK1I.KII CO. WATCHES I A AXPHF II n 1 VllaatJ I hare a large stock of AMKRICAN aod SWISS WATCHES, of the differ ni grades, In from tiro to eight ounce oases. I offer these for ssle LOW, and guarantee then to girl satire satisfaction, JEWELEY I JEWELRY I A good assortment of Ladl.l' and dent's Jewelry of tha latest styles! Always getting snuethtng (awl , ' I would ask Lnmbsrmsa and others who In tend purchasing Watches lo eall and aet my stock b.fors going to the eltl.e, ns I am Tory sura I tan tell Watches as low as thsy can be bought, besides the difference tn distanoe ta tht trent of th goads prorlng defective, All kinds of RlPAIRIltd In my lint promptly atlendad t at tht stort on Second street, oppo site the Court Hontt. For your liberal support a tht past I am T.ry thankful. , S. . SNlfDKR April 1, 1871. U 0 0 K S WHICH I1AVH ALWAYS (i i v e n 1ATI8FACT ON HERETOFORE, WILL BE DISPOSED OF IN BUCII . mwT i -w, r . j : f f j. s to please o r friends and cub TOMKllB. Just reoeivedi THE FINEST ASSORTMENT Ot HOLIDAY GOODS BUCII AS BOOKS AND OTHER . r ' STATIONERY .A UTILES, i EVER OFFERED'TO TOE CITIZENS OF THIS TLACBI NOW ON EXUIBITION AND FOR SALE AT PUBLISHERS' I MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, AT TUB TOSTOFFICE. Clearleld, Dec. U, 1170. WISHART'S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL, NATURE'S ORKAT REMEDY FOR TOE Throat nul I.uiigs. It Is fTslHy.Dg t vs U In form th publlo that Dr. L. Q. C. Wiihsrl's Pioe Trcs Tar Csnlial, for Throat and Lung Diseases, has gained aa en? Is bl nputat.oo from tha Atlantis to the Faoififl ooaat, and from thence to tome of the first faml lies of Europe, not through the press alone, but by persons throughout the States actus 11 bene fitted aod eared at bis office. While hejmbliahes less, so tj our reporters, he it unable to supply the domand. It rains and bo Ms Its reputation First. Not hj stopping eough, but by loosen ing and assisting nature to throw off the un health matter eollected about the throat and bronchial tubes, mhkk ean irritation Second. It rem ores the eauee of Irritation (which produoet cough) of the mucous membrane and bronchial tubes, assists the lungs to aet and throw off the unhealthy tooretiont. and parlfiei the blood. Third. It Is froe from squills, lobelia, ipecac and opium, of which most throat and lung reme dies are om posed, which allaj cough only, and disorganise the stomach. It has a soothing effect on the stomach, acts on the livor and kidneys, and lyinpbatie and nervous regions, thus reaching to every part of the system, aod In Its In vigor atlog and purifying effeots It has gained a reps tatioo which It must hold above all others in the markot. TUK PINK TI!EH TAR CORDIAL, GREAT AMERICAN DTSPEPBIA PILL8, AND WORM EUtiAR DROI-S Being under mj immediate direction, thry shal not lose their curative qualities by the asc cheap and impnro articlca. USNIIY R. WIS1IART, Proprittlor. FilEE CF CHARGE. Dr. L. Q. C. Wl.liart's Office Parlors srs o on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wedncedays from A. M. to 1 P. M., for con.ullatiun by Dr. IV Magee. With him are aa.ociated two eonultii physicians of acknowledged ability. This oppor Unity la not offered by any ether Institutiun the city. All letter must be addressed to L. Q. C. WISIIAUT, M.D, NO. 2.19 NORTH HF.CON1) HTsEliT. 11:18 PHILADKLPUIA, PA. 6m JEW STORE I IN IIOUTZDALI P. OAI.I.AdllEn having Just returne! from tUm vttl. a n antlM ... anil flnnillHu,l. I I ment of Merohandlao, suttalile for Winer and I ... , .,k h.. !, ..l.rrJ .,! onre and bought at low rates, Is prepared to fur. ni.h the cill.rns of Hnuttdele and Tloinly with goods at a Tory light adranoe oa first inst foi cash. Country Produce and Shingles lairn at market price. Call and eiamine my stock before rjnrcha.iiiff elsewhere. r. vAbuAuraru Iloutadale, Pa., Feb. 21, 187l-ly 0. 1. c. WHERE to buy my DRY OOOPl, QUO eerlee, Qucenaware, Ulaasware, lira,, and Kotions, Confcetioneries, Ae., eboap for oa k. The subscriber brg. leave to Inform bit .Id and new onaUwees that ba has opened A VARIETY STORE IN QI.EN HOP,!, TA. And will sell goods at frl liberal reduction will bo prices to suit the tla.i. A i made to onstomers buy- Ing at wholesale. Call and eiamine my stork befnrt pnnhs.log tlsewbero. A liberal than of public patronage Is solicited. C J. KEAOT. giro Hope. Pa., June U, 1871 Sra etMtt, fit. 1.A.&W.D.IRYIN DEALERS IN GENERAL ItlEIlClIANMNE, SQUARE TIMBER, ,OGS & LUMBER CimWENtiVIIXE, FA., ARE offering, at their new Store House, complete stock of NEW UOUDH, of all descriptions. ' 4 Dry Goods and Groceries, HARD WAKE, CLOTH IN a, tc IN LARGE VARIETY.' Flour, .Veal, Ouli, Corn, Always on hand and for sale at a small advance. ROPE, In large quantities, sold low by coll) al.e, PULLEY BLOCKS, SMALL HOPS and CANTIIOOKS. One hundred eases of ATWATER'S ELMIRA BOOTS, for sale bj (be ease it wholesale rates. Received hy ear loadt HUNTINGDON FLOUR, and sold at small advance. HARNESS, ef all kind., HORSE COLLARS and nAMES, HORPE IILANKETS, El'FFALO RODES, Ae. Also, on sals first class two-horse WA00N8 TWIN SLEDS, tOQ SLEDS, and SLEIOIIS. Special tndooemenU offered to those gettlni ont Square Timber and Logs, as ws deal largely in Lumbermen's Supplies, and are prepared at all times to purchase Timber, Log. and Lumbar. Curwensville, November 15, 1871. J. r. WBJtTnlL... ,.w. w. aarrs, WEAVER A KETTS CLEABF1ELD, TA., Are olferlnf , at the eld sUnd of 0. L. Iloed A Co., their stock of fo.Jt, eonsl.tlng of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS A CAPS, HARDWARE, QUKBNSWARB, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &o., 4c, At the most reatonsble rates for CASII or in txchanje for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OH COUNTRY PRODUCE. il-Adranoes made to those engagod in get ting out square timber on the most advantageous terms. ' pdtljanl.l g L. KIRK, SON k CO, W HOI KM AM! GROCER, No. 130 "Korth Third Street, oorner of Cherry, Philadelphia. Have in store and nflrr for salt at the lowest market nrices. and on tho most reasonable terms, a targe and well selected stock of Urooerirs, Teas, Sniees, Ki.h, Cheese, Ao., selected in this, New Ynrk n4 Unltlmore marhffl., tn whloh att.olion vrovwnMy ueaiers is pnrtieuiMiy - nnvU-ly FAIRBANKS' STANDARD S C A L E H, Or ALL KIRPIj Dsggngfl BsiTOws, Wsrhouw Trucks, Copying Presses. Improved Money Irar, Ao. roil iali Mr II. F. BIGLEU & CO. .Dealers In II aid wart, Seoond Street, ClearficliL Pa. READING FOR ALU. BOOKS & STATIONERY. Market M., Clearfield, (at tha PoatOtliro.) f I1IIR nnderlgnd begs leave to announce to L of Clearaeld and vicinity, that ha has Ailed up n room and has Just returned from the eliy with a larga amount of reading matter, consisting ia part of Biblos and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Aecount and Past Boois of trary de scription Paper and Envelopes, French pressed and plain Pent and Pencils Ulank, Legal Papers, Deeds, Mortgages g Judgmsnt, Esemp tiun and Promissory notes White and Perch) ment Brief, Legal Cap, Record Cap, and Dill Cap, Sheet, Music for either Piano, i late or Violin constantly on hand. Any books tr ttatlnatry desired that I may not hart aa hand, will be or. ordered by Brit eiprtss, and sold at wholssalt or retail tn salt customers, I will also keep periodical literature, snob as Maga.laa., News. papers, aa. r. A. liAULlN. Clearfield May f, 1 S AS-tf milB DRM0CHAT10 ALMANAC for IKM X nd W for aalt at the Tost OOca. .rc 1J oa nil. Mailed to any address. R. R. R. HADWAY'S READY RELIEF IIUIUS TUB WOHMT PA1NM In from Ono to Twenty Mlnutoa. NOT ONE HOUR trier rv.utma lltl. : , rmnt i' any one .tVnclt WITH I'AIN. . IIAUWAV3 UEil'V IlKLIKrU A CCBI JOS It I A m. , ... ....i I. Only 1 1 - 1 an arocl T tmt liLki.ii.ftf flUt i'l Stort fitiwtUili.fl (min. Urt lurV.Hiii Hiii-im, ami cuius l'iii('i'rtlii wlnilirr i.f tut Intr?-, toi'i.uat, KowtiU, of aim kIwsiW or vt&mt fcy l 'VTto'il 05r? TO TWKNTT ViyVTKfl, pn ti.utli-r Ik.w vldrnl or ! ftuittltfii lti t 'ln tl-S .HK,:V..Vfli tl.-.l-f ..t U-ti. Ii.Biih, trl..t.l. Kcivoua, Ininli'i, vr r.antriltl WitJi ilttNtwiunx ilttr, . RADWAY'8 RSADY RELIEF Wil l. Anoltll INM'AST KAaK. . t::ri.AUjiATinN k this kii.nkjs. IN'H.AMMVII'lN OK 1IIH UI.AODn! IXri.AMM.llJ.S OK Til K IMJWKI.S. ' io.m hi nine i.rsoa. COnS T!l"07, Vll Hrl'l.T ni'.KA'IMINil, rAl.riTATIoN OK Tlla, lih'AUT. J"T.'TEltt"9, I IWU; i';A&rtoitm ntADAc::!!, Trnv-rntj mmvil C'lt.T) fTtlMJI, Adl'i: ' "."-l. , 'l'lH.t,,,.IUMil irih. ftcllrf lotheeaHar f U'U aIktu Uio Mla vt (LlDuill, lil-i t. llt ajtunl la, a. ! e,.iiif.,rt. ... Tw.nly iliurMln Mf a liinil-li-r of waler will In a few mmnriilTiii. CKAMIH, M'AhVN. ""Ull BTIlMACIt, IKKTI)l l:y, HICK HKALiAI'IIU, HIAUKIIKA, 1'VVkvtki:v, fOLh'. WIND IN TIIK UOBtiA a.fl all IM'KltNAL I'AINri. . . . . 'I r.ivt li nt Miioiil.l alv tuiry s I ottti. nf KlHwat 'a IlrMily llelu-f -rtli tSem. A f. wCtaielu til J.ntNlt ,llW or n.l fmni 1 itiic .f uitt. Il u Lv t:. Krri-kh li j'ttiy r llitu ra hi n rilniuiw.t( VBVI II ANI Alltli. rr.VT;Tt ,M Ai.TR n.n-,1 fnr liitr r.i,u. Ti'r.1. not Mrt".lMl avt,l In Ihl. wnrlil ihi wiU oir. f vir a ,d l..l,til .lli.r JIh'u.Iow IIIHoukK' ''!', T; I l,M, fVrll'iw, anil.alut fry-n iMr l.y 1IA OW AV'it t itlf MiUi.rLiAiH. B.,ld by UiiujsUia, HEALTH ! BEAUTY ! ! l'l.rll AM' V K 'HIT - fl.KAIl '.US AMI LsAV'ili'l'L toall'LKXlON bKubHEU IOAU. DR. RADWAY'S EARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT Kl.ltKM'R or THII4 'i HL'Ll HUMfUU'CL MtvlsJC'lMG, 1UAT Every Dny an Increase In Floh and Weight is Seen and Felt. THZ GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. T. try Atop of tlio BA I.SAl'AHM.UAS KEWiLV T.M roinmunlcaU'9 ihr-nieh thn llsuJ, Hi-t, 1'itn, rrvJ other fluMtand tuhMH nf th r4' Hie vijjur of Hf'. fr it rrli His uf Hi ixy willi mw wid -u'l lt.nirial, Hcn-rnln, HiliMi, f 'nriaiiiiiiiflnn, .ltiiitlnUr fl'rtii, tlwriln tlio Ttmml, M mil ft, 1mnr. Nmlrti In tit uiiiiitli lunt olliL-r i-iirti t lit yttim, iH-iro l.yv MmmUI Pten-llssr-f fmni tllfl Ijif, nr th VIT ft tin. "I num illmi-wi, r.iupiimin, revrr wrti, Bcuiq Hreil, Ht-ii Wi-rru, htvll Itlifiint, KrvcllK-l:, Arnr. lll.u k hi '!. W i-rmt In Ui 'leli, Tiinui, (Jiinntra In th9 V..'i'.1, niil li fs)Vl'illii mirt pniiiful dWItatRt n, Mftit (Swfaltv !, of Hrm. rvisd nil wnlrr Ihc life? rf IMilii tli" fiirtlWc nmini ft tlila wdiiilrr m 1IkI-a.-n t hfrnlir, mill U w dtiy w tll wvm tn anf j"T,o iti: u fr ritiivr ct Uum Um vt til-am Us tii-tit (lotrrr to enrq tlicm, K lh putli nt, &.Mj lie-comliif rrrlnewl hf tti wutet (lud rtit"'l'hl')n thnt Is CfMifTniinlry iprfirT-Jiif, tic-v-.U In anratl'itt tbctw wastes, itml repair tlit smint wlib ti-.v mnifiUI tn.'iw fnim Jipultliy L'oM tiud UiLi Ut f A I'AKII.Lt A will fii1rtcscrtire. Nut imlv diHM th f4UraaiL.i.ui Hwnitntirr nm f:l known rerrtMllnl arrn,t In Hi curt of Clirnntc, Hcr-fii-It tit, rirtlUiih(iia,iiJ.4 6smiJlsuiwi liuttiU Uieuuly i.ittrvcuttfvf . kihlnojr & niuddor Complaint t'limry, an'l W'tnh riiieatrs. 41 ravel. I'Ulri, lriwr f t .,iinrf f Wljf, Itic.i.tiitfnctof Trine Itrlxtit'a I)la (, A It-wmlntirt. uid In all cat whrr tit re ar brlrk tl'in tlfix.iiit, or On witter U tlilt'k, clonilr. mid wttU itNsUiiH i lUtb whttmf an tgg, or llirato like wMU riU, or tlieni Ua mort l l, dttrkt, I'llUniw ativaraiire,uiil h h o brttH- don rfrtMwIii, and when t litre U a prtrkinit, liuml'ir aroMllon when ailni wal, and pa hi lu UaS ttt.tatl ,f tt.c tt andalutiK tin Lulu. Trice, ttm, WORM 3. The onlr ktwiri sad sor Rttntdf for vn4l m, Tup tie. Tumor of 1'J Venn Growtli Cured by Itntlwaj'i KcMsli eni. vtiLt. HAM., lair It, MM. Ta. RinWAT t have ri4 OrartMt T.aaxw I Ih arUa aas tav.ea.jla. All it.. tVssraun saakal ItwM Iraka mm Iwln fart IL" 1 Irlsad f tary ihl.f mt mm raw'nenerabd ; knit sWkW Iwlrtsat , I pat Tet IUsxItsi, mm! bl I wM Irr tt i Ut haul a hut in ii, usim . I leWl! (It sWttltat Plllt, am4 tw mut- srf lh lUatntrtHtt. n4 tmm m fa-It, BU.J I iWt Wttvr, aWaeVtwT. kafPT Ikaa I ulr Jmmr. Tla Wunl twM m l Us WI MeW stf ikm, i-wf Um frvt. I writ Uw l fM Ik Um Saw rS W """ DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, pmf -cttf UteleM, eiejrantif cawrfl will ifn fnm. tiunFp. rarnlBtf. i.urlfv. rltniissp. an I trrti.-ll lUd- Var't iniVa, tot tho run of all-dlw-nleraof tha (M'mtarh, I.h-rf, lliwkU, Kidiiira, Ula-l'lfr, hervoiu 1 Mawm. Ile-tdnohe, lvoll(aaikin, i MlfTii, Itidlt ttstm, 1 fle D liouom-. itiUmii Fever, Infninifall'jn of the lkr I, i'lleniid all iHnt.fWientJuif Ilic Intenml Via crra. M'Hrrarttd to ffffct a (-.itiiecure. Tnrelr fta blr, rnUlnlrijt trt ineirtirT, ailtfraKor drW-trrtoiii. dttifr. flf" ()!( re Hi Pillowing fvuiivtm Rauitibf from Dltordrra of the l.trcUv Oiam: C'WilrW'N. InfWt niM, rnllnn r Ika Efewt lit Us "4, ArMit oj ih, NaaM. I'milsiH. !fn. M, (ullnnt r WwiSl hs thi fU.niu-k. t Ervci.tsua. fiaikinf m (""fr"! f' hdnrKrll, Iwtirirulnr nf t llaavl, Urrl! Atn HrMtJair,,, UlUfHr,- at Us Hmr. "tHns er VtflVhMtiitF StiitsiDi oli'li ! a l.jli'jt rutiir, t mnsxata ul VUW. 1)4. or Hw!h UtV-r. tls FlrM, Vxrtt aad fwll hi.n Ml th II. 4, I Ml-leaser of l'fr-lrUl'a, Vlli WH W ih. Akta r. Kim. tHta ia th. i.t, UmUt auei aidM Huau.-f Heat, hurnlnf ia U Flh. A1A-nt BADWATS rn.f A wilt IrM tht srs tent fnnuall Me a-a n fd r1UnU'ia. Ittoa, atkts erhci. .M HY I!UHiIMTS. KF.AD -FAMB ANU 'IHl F. " rVrxl rma lerler- rtaVrV W riAi'Vi A I M i u ni. Biaiiii-n i.:uic, l jMtMiuaiaHi wvrva UeVuaaMU w ui tea autm I fUle I.osgMTowiisliipAvvake GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEERS'S! T7VERYD0DT trjln to fret there rst, for fear J J of Minn crowded out Inta It. cold. If too want coed rhoelnr done, sjo to Bsaa. If you want your filer's ironsdriglit, f 0 to Daaaa It you want food 31 ill iron., go 10 uaaaa If too want jour wsgon Ironed in the best atvle and ivorkman.ll IP. ao to - D..M Baina Irak., the beat Plump Marhine in the State, anddoes ali kinds of ULACKSMIT1UNU as cheap as ran be done In the eonnty tor tasa My fust IILics address is uiearneio, ra. THOMAS UKkUS. Doges Tp., Doo. 19, ISIU.tC rp n i, u m n i: R m i: x I PERFECTION IN CANTHOOKSI The Clearfield Elr.Uior CanthooV will not wrnr ont or break, ocinjc eonrtrncini witn one .olid band from clip to point. It is prononnced by all pracllcal lumbermen r.ho havo examined it to be tho moat pcrice! Cauthuok ever iurontcd. Amos Kennard, Patentee. Manufactured by Auoa Kkxaro A Co., tt CLEArtFIELP, PA. AI1 orders promptly attended to. n53'70 DREXEL & CO., Ko. 31 South Third Htreet, Plilladclphla It.f.VKKflJS, And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mail will reeoirt prompt atten tion, and all information ohecrfully fnrni.tied OrUert sollcted. April II If. J J V R N KD O II T I aitr nor B U RNE D uTf CELL'S Rift WOOLEN FACTORY. rna township, Cloarfleld Co.. Pa, The snbserlbcrs are, at gmt etprnte, rfballd Ing, and In ft few Hts will havo Dii,pleted, ft neigbburhuod oSiit v, in the o trot ion of ft flrst eUns Wmilen Munofaclnry. wilh all the mottrrn vein flit a altachrd, and are prrparrd lo mnke all kinds of Cloths. Camiinercs. tSattnetts, Hlan kets. Flannels, Ao. 1'lcnty of gmids oa bnnd to supplj all our old and ft thousand new nnstotnars, whom we ask to dome and examine our stock. The badness of CARPING AND FULLING wilt reoelve eoporiUt attention. Our new mill will be by woul-oartling irnrniu, t hero fore there need be no hesitation on that More, Propttr arrangrmrnts will be made to rwwive and deliver Wool, to suit customers. All work wnrranted and dono upon the shortest notice, and by Mrlct atten tion to business we hope to resit" ft lioorul share of public patronage. MMMMI rotKDfl WOOL WANTED 1 Wa will ra the hiirhest mark rt price for Wool and sell our manufaMurnl goods as low as similar goods ran be bought in the county, and whenever we fail to render reasonuMe satisfaction we ean always be found at home ready to make proper explanation, either In person or by letter. JAMES JOHNSON A HONS, aprMfltf Orampian Hills V. 0. C1IEAP GUOCKHIKS! LtiMiiBn enr, pa. The nnder.iKnod announnos to his old friend, and patrons that he haa oenrd a rood lins of Ultoi'KIIIKS A rilUVICIONH at the old sland or Kirk A Hpencer, tor which be solicit, a liberal patronage. H. W. vrENClU. LumUr City, Ta March 20-tf. BARGAINS IN MUSICAL IN KTIH1MKNTR! Ornnna, both new and seoond hand, at tha flore, opmiltf (lullch's Furniture (More, All persons Interested are Invi ted to eall and eiamine a new stvle of Orsjnn now oa enhlhltlon. Hneet Mu.lo and Mn.lo Hmdts eoaatantlyon hand. apUd-Mtf lnunflrB ana Jt.opg. BICLER, YOUNG & CO., iSneoeasori U Bootoii A Yeans;,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS llstuufscturcrs of PORTABLE & BTATIONAEY STEAM ENGINES Comer of Fourth and Pine Streets, CLEARF! F.I.I), PA. H AVISO en;irel in the manufacture of first class M ACJIINKBY, we respectful!; Innirtn the publlo that we are now prepared to 611 ajll orders as cheaply and aa promptijras oan be done in any of the cities. We rnnnnfscturo and deal in Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills Head Block., Water Wheels, Shafting Pullrrs, Qifford's Injector, Rteam Gnugrs, Btraro Whistle.. Oilers, Tallow Cups, Oil Cnpa, naie rock., Air Cock., Globe Valve., Check aires, wrought Iron Pipes, 8. earn Tumps, Boiler Feed Pump., Antl Friction Metres, Foap Ptone Packinjr. Gnra Park ins;, and all kinria of MILL WORK togothei with riowe, Sled Soles, COOK AND FX RLOll STO VES, and other CAfTIXUS of all kinds. -r Orders solicited and Alted at clly prices All letters of Inquiry with referrnoe to machinery of our manufacture promptly answered, by addres. inff us at Clearfield, Pa. declHO-tf BIOLEIt, YOl'RO A CO, ED. W. GRAHAM, DEALER IN f GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SQUARE TIMBER & LIMBER CLEARFIELD, TA., Das just opened, at the KEVRTON'B STORE, oompiote etoca ui r e w o o o n a, of .very description. t DRY GOOD3, QROCEUIE, HARDWARE BOOTS AND S!10F.a. CLOTH ISO, rrt.,.f. IN GREAT VARIETY. FLOUR. HEAT, SALT, RYE, OATS. . . CORN ALWAYS OX UASD AXD FOR SALE. AT A SMALL ADVANCE FLOUR Reocivetl tj lh oar load, nil sold at ft small dvacot. A sut plj of HOPE oonflUutly oft h&od. SpMla.1 InducfSDonts offered to those getting out Bqimra Timber ftnd Logp, s,s dcsJ large Id Lumtrormen's Bupplics, and aro pre pared at all times to purchase ti ta bor and lumber. E 0 H . GRAHAM, "KEYSTONE STORE." Fecund Stroot, CLEARFIELD, PA. Oct. 1.1, 1S7I. T UIE LA KG EST ASSORTMENT OP KTOYKM I STOVES erer broarht to the eoonty. are Wief rreelved Hie Hardware K.tablirhuient of II V. 1111:1.1 dl CIK, the following Cook Stove. srEAUS CALOKll'IC, SUM,UEIlANNA. Klitil'LATOU. XOP1. EXCELSIOR. TK1UMPII. GOV. FENN. HEADING NATIONAL RANGE, 4C. AC. Also, th. foruwing Heating Stoves: SFEAK'3 AMI CLINK til, SPEAH'S ANTI DUST, KPEA R'S OURICULAR, 6PKAVS PARLOR COOK, MORNINO LIGHT, HON TON, tstrpRT, VULCAN, SUN BEAU, RU3Y' ' DAUPniN EGO, CHESTER EOQ, VOLCANO, TUOENIX, heavy bar koom and store room stoves, ac. Cleartlrld, Sept. 2:, IS75. TH K CLK A 1 KI KLL WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXEl Manufactured e.peoially for TUK CLEARFIELD TRADE, ton iali at annS'70 IT. F. ntRI.Fft A CO. a c;ej lY tory. London, e UN Tit U ANTKItforOreat Fires of Ilia- tory. I'hicaio, Ilnstnn, Portland, N, York, etc. Causes. Pv.tcms of Killnfni.hina Fire, Kafea, Fire proof Iiutiillnr.. Hank Vault., Insurance, Ac, Tlirtllinr. Ilutuorons, I'athetio. Only ooniiilctp, liluslratod work. Uoing like hot cakea. Writ. Worlbingtiw, lu.lin A Co., Hart, ford, Ct. arjiSS.Krn t?K ,rn GOn per day I Afenta wanted I Q'J " tf4U All classee of workin people, or either set, ynun.; or old, mak. saore money at wnrk for ua in their spare moments, or all tho time, than a anything el.e. l'arttcolara free. Addreaa U. Btiaaoj A Co., rortlatfd, Maine. ool.10'72) I House & Lot for Sale or Rent ! riMIK wndersigued oiTsra lor sals or rent, upon X reasonable terms, a two story dwelling, lot and stable. In nionmlnglon, TMVe town "hip. For terms, Ao., apply to LRWIH I. BLOOM. Jacuary 3d, IttTI-tf. . - Mi il . f.'; A-r,tprt-ia.--...i,c-.w. i .rftlrinrs. Vine war Bitters are not a vile finer iw Mde of Pot Rtim, Wwttaey. Prool Si-irtu imd rJ Liquors, doctored, spiced, and sweetened to ptttW tAUM. called "Toutcs," ' Appeiiten." ' U.u..T fcc, that lead tlie (itplsron to dratiktofimatrA but are a true MeHicme, msds from lite natin ruZ and lwrboft;li('jrnis, free from allAkoholicStintw They ire llie Ureal Wood Purifier ana UtetwiJ PritKiple, a Perfect Reitevator sid loviforauM of t2 Svstein, carryiiix off ail pniwrnout matter and retun tlie blood to a healthy condition, eurichine it, rtfttJ and invigorating bold inmd and brttjr. IherarcMJ of adminiftiratitm. prompt in their action. crtaiDuiu remilu, tale and reliable in all form of dtwate. Ho Peraon eau take Iheeo Uluere icch. tn to direciiont, and remain long unwell, iir Uieir bonea era not dettroyed by mineral pron meant, and the Titai ortaos waited beyoud tltt of repair. lyiiepls or lH1lsre4loN. Ileadacke, V ia tli Jpliouldert, CkI, I iglitnets rf tin Of A, Ik, sineat, S'ur Enirtatiooa of tin &tmnadi, Uti Ti in tlie Moattt, HiHotti Attacks, Paleiuiion tf Heart Inflammation of the I-enx. PaiamtrrCrejpn the Kidnfy. and a litnulrrd oilier painful T"irn! are Ote oHapriiigs of )v.pnaia. In tliese cuntfiUiBa it baa no equal, aod one bottle will pro a Uener p. aiitre of in men It tin a lenKtliy sdvertiteiaerft. Ior Kanisls ComplalitlSt in foung at tti mamed nr ample, at the dawn of wtmuiihuod, w iy turn of life, llieae 'I onic Ditisrs ditplav ao decM inrtuaocs Iliat a marked improreucut is Soau pm. tiWe. For Irtflnmmatorr ptidl rttronlo ftV, RiatlKiti diK. G'rtit, Iviepfiia or I itl saat ion, tin. Hemiileiit ami Intennittent Fevera, liaeae of tkj liiood. Liver, Kidoryt and Bladder, tlie III Her t hi., been moM antceful. Srtcli IneaMS are caNHd Vitiated lllood, wlrcli ia generally pittduced by deftra. We'll ff lite lJietie Orpans. Tiiey tare Cleutle Fre,atlre ae vtlli. a Tuiite, ioaaeajtit slao tlie prxuliar inani rf aa a ptiwerfiil at; tut m relieving Conj;eation or nation of lite Liver and Visceral Organs, and at liu sUivaies. for HWln DUeaaes, E nipt ions, Teller, Sh llhenm, IHfrtclie, SrfMgs Pimp'ea, ruafules, Itim, Car bunclea, Kinff-wormv Scald-f I aad, Sct V.y tr. aijela. Itch, Scurf, llicoLoratieirssf tlie Skin, lianvm and Diea of the Skin, of whatever name or uttrt, are lileraiiy dni up and carried wit of tat araie, ni alK.rt time by tlie U"e of theae Uilterm. One ItMilta ench cutea will convince the most iocredulovH tt tk curative elfecii. C leaiwo Die Vitiated Dloorl wtienfTt? tea fnrl ii impnrttifi bttrtling lltrtitipH the akin to Pimps; awoptirtnt, or Snrct: cleanae it wlten yon And a 6i f'.rucled and e!itgj;i&1i in I lie rein ; cleanie it wltea un f .ol ; your fee' in will tell you when. Keep the Uw4 pure, and the liralih of tlie ayaleni will foilow, , Grc'.efnl Uionaniitls proclaim Vinkoas lit mas ilm int wonderful Invlgoranl tlut ever suiuieti the .mkin- antem. Plu, Tape, and other Worms Ittdi&Y i tlie avitem tf ao m.iny thousand, aro eneciniHf uroyed and removed. Sara a ditlmguisaed prtr.ajt, ORiat : Titer iiAcarcsly an individual atrni the fatciia cartll whtiae Ixuly it exempt frnm the pfnetof wornx It it mrt the healthy element of ihe hnAy Uai vmmi caist, but uimmi ilia diaeaatd humora and tiia rVpoitt that lifted thete living mnntlen diwait Ko eytem nf Hodicin", ao vermirii-rH, n attUiolfDit ilcs wui f ee lh tyaicin from jtuu UitM Un tcr. Meclianleot niecaiee. Vrrtom tt,-ttd sj f-iita sd Minemt-, aiKh as Plnaibra, Tpt etleti ()u!d beatera, and Miner, aa they adranre n llfc tv! Ik awhioct t.i i-afa'v-i of tlie linnet. Tn ti'd aeaii thia-take a d.-e of Wti kks's VtaaCAS DiTraaitrej pr tvtre a week, at a Preventive. Hllltms. Ileinllleiilt aul IntermUleit Pvvtri, which are ao prevalent in tU valreriit Rreot nvere ihioeelmut the United Staiea, sapaowi lute ef the Misamwppi, Ohio, Mitemtn, llinottsTn 1?me, Ctimberiand, Aikantat, Red, C4odo, Bnaa; Kio (.ramte, J 'earl, Alabama, Molnit., fca ke, J .line, and many oiliera. witb their vl lrt. ties, thmutjlKHM oar entire country d'trinf ike Smnh Vnd Anliimu, and remarkably ao during aeaibu 4 unuauM hit and dryness, are invariab'y artra'n-tl by extensive dernnmenta of the Howacti aM lirer.itl other alsdomnul vittera, T here are alwayi morta ob".iruci)'o ef the liver, a weakneu and imtaUi sue of tht aiomicTi, and pre at torpor of tht bowelv beaj ctocRtd op whIi -inated aetata u laiian. In iheir irtav , ment, a purgative, eaeiting a pfurerful Infliietvor ir ' thete vanoiH oine. n eMentially nereaury. Thent no catluui'C fir ihe pnruose equal to Da. J. Watsni Vi4ar.a liiTrrrts they wilt apeedi'y remove tat ilark -colored ic d matter wiih which tlie soweh ra loaded, at lbs same tune ttunulatnig ih feciationiaf Ihe liver, ami generally rettonuj (lit Itcaul) fturtuoa of ihe di?i ive rtan. tterofula or IkIhr'i TCrll, M'l.iit Sev!,rav. Ulcere, Kryiie!js Si!ed Neck, Goiter raoit Iiit imniaiiona, ndornt Inflammation, Mrtcuna li factions OUl Korea, Ivruptiona of tltt Skin, tn Em, ete.etc. In ll-eie, aa in all wltr coruuiitt anil Do aaaea, Wat Ken's Viweoa TiTTsaa b.ive aiirwni ib gTeat carat i t powers tu Uis most obnuiatt and ittrav aM c- lr. Valkera rnllfornlaTlaefjar niltm act on all tbeac cae in a timilar nwnner. 1 panrriaj the l.lnod thf reni"ve the cauM, and bvreanneaTii the cYeclo of S inflammation (tlte tnletnitir Atfcmw the atlected parts receive beelllt. aod a pnawtnl ow it effected. Tho proper lea ef Ta. WatemVt lietna RlTTRSa aic A,itii. Diatvhoretic and CaneMtiH. IMtitritiona, I-ai.iuve, Ilinretic, bdatve, Coater-la tint. SndonrVr, Alterative, and Antt-IWltoui Tlie Aperient and mild t .native nrimrntld Da.'t VinrGa Hirraita are ihebMtia gaard ia all caeet of erupt i una and mal'tnaat ttwn, their baltamic, heaiing, and aooiliing propcttttt prwaa the humors of the f.ttices. 'llieir SoiUiitrt pYiptrM aitay pain ra the nervooe system, atomicb, aid boeia eitlaer from itifliinrannon, wm.i, eo'ic, crrr,. Their Counter-lrntnt tHlluence etteodi tlirmislwa the aval em. Their loretie pnpertiee act on the aJ oeyt, correcting and re?nlating the flow of nr:rw. IWt Anti- Pitimtt pmpertiM ttimnbte the liver, m tt no tiou of ede. and iu diKharxea tbrouehlbe UlwryteJl and are teperinr to all remedial areata, (or the carta liihona Fetr, Fever and Ac", elc Fortify t tie boljr aa;nitt dJaeaee byp fyine all itt Annie wiih Vinkgas HiTTeas. 9 demic can take lo!d of a tvteei tliui ftrarm4 ie liver, the tiomarh, tha bomela, the a dnare, aa. Ai nerves are rendered disease proof by this area! rt "lll'rerllona. TaU of the Ilitters oe eag tW at night fiom a hilf to one and rme-ha'f wine-clwini , Kt good noorishing footL toeh at beef aleak, mm chop, veniaon, roat beet, and vegetab.e. sd taa . eutdrwr eierciae. Tlwy art composed of purely va abh ingredients, and contain no apint J WAI.KEK, Pivpr. R II. MeDO51I.D4.0t, Dnrjunata snd Gen. Agta, S-ta prannaco, tai and cor. of Washington and Chartlna Sa , Nee 1 SOLU UV ALL DKUG(IS1"6 ANl DEaUUS June ft, lT2. HAYES, COULTES & CO., Fuocessors to W. A. Arnold, mxiriCTiRtas er Heaters, Ranges, Low Grates, and UARBKLIZKD ELATE MANTSU Sole agenti for the celrbrated CIIILSON COOKING KASGB. iTSend for Catalogues. No. 130. Cuntnat f treat, Jane i ly V H1UIUI JEW BTOltB AD KW GOOD? JOS. SHAW & SON Uave juat opened N'sw Store, oo Main St., Cmarmo, t lately occupied liy Wm. F..IRWl)i Their stock oooaisti of JDUir CO CD CD IE Gaoitaia of 11)9 beat quality, Queensware, Boots and Shoe and eyery article neceaiarT foti one'a comfort. Call and examine onr .lock belor t" daaing elaswliere. May 9, 1 PCw-tf. DAVID YOUNG, 81one-f tiller and S.sne-llaso. w II. L eaecuts all wark In BliMnt rits yrlers and In Arohitoctmal OruamcrU la ALL STYLE, Bton. DresslaJ W desrritloa, and all ain.ts f bmou ' . traded for in or oulof tneaoantf. 'a'r'l. wishing to have reepewehle ssasoa " stooMoltlnf dose, will rod it L "' ' , to eall upon I aroald alsa Inf"" ''", Ii. that 1 caa d.div.f anr fluaaUljr " stons dsttred, at I ta tlis nsr FIBST-CLASS 8TOSB JUACB Order, for work eaa tf'tfv1,t,,T T