TIIE REPUBLICAN. .. .CLEARFIKLD, PA. WEDNRSDAT MORNINil, JAN. 8. IMS. ! Terms of Subscrintion. If paid advancer wllhla I linn month! ...ti 00 I r n.id after threw and before It I mouths., t 00 If paid after the expiration of sl raunthi... S 00 " ,", ". UCi.lGIOI.iH NOTIfliS. S Motliodlxt F.plaeonal CharttaBev. A. I). J Yocca, Pator. Public Saieiee vry Sabbath !t 10 A.M., n-lJl P. M. t eUbnath School ilA. M. ! Prayer MwtlM every Tliunday, l Jl r. a. , Communion riori'lc. ril Sabbath of ?ery I month, t UlJ A. M. Ht. Andrew' thnrch. I.pUeopalRev. iGaona Hix.-Publleficrvioe Sunday morning t at 10 o'eloek, and at 7 P. M Sunday School at jj p. M. Prayer Meeting Wedneaday vuulng 1 Prebylrtaii tcnormHov. ii. n. ucvi.an. fPrenohing on lh Lora l day l 10, and 7 3 o elor Sunday School it t p. m. ' lpnslor'l BihW ?! on Saturday at 1 p. m. !'h,i.'.h.i:atlinlll'.Hev. T. 1 1. Mi-Saw,. Man at 10, o'olock A. M., on th. 1 laCOlliI ailU lOUdU OUnuii ui anru iu.',,,u. 1 l.utlierhtt CRurch. Rev. A J. Hahtsoci i Preaohrnlt evary babbath, morning and voning. i K.hbarti School at U a. ro. Prayer meeting rery ! "VTidnoeday evening. I Furcy, why don't you send your I Standard along thil way 1 I Mr. Clark Brown kindly reniom- I be red the Pitnteri of thil olMoo duiibg tba 1111 f dayi; for which bo will plume accept tbankr. k . . - . I Goorgo W Child, Esq., of Pliilu I delplua, hoi our thanks for a copy of In. valun- 1 blc ttatiitlcal and highly embelilibcd ItJpr Al- 2 miDae for 18?3. ' I For tlio iiost tliroo 'ycura at lonst, ' brandy, whisky, (In, rum, alo and lager, sill be lold la thil oouuty by druggists, for medicinal j and asanufaotnr'.ng purposes, ouly I i' At their Posts. Senator Witlluce ; and Repreacnlailve Law.ho ejtled for Ilarriiburg i' lait Monday, preparatory to reluming their Lo 1 fislallv Jabon during the approaahing icnion. f We incidentally learn tlial Howard Boardilry wai killed on gjbnarr'i log Job, on i Hosqult oreek, In Kartbam tuwniliin, a fow ! weeks ago. A law log rolled over him, killing :, him initautly, lie belonged to Elmira, K. Y. - m . AuniTORd'SKTTLEMKNT. TIlC poriod Slid by tha act of Alterably for th. Killing of ah. borough aod towmhip aceoonti in Clenrnold ' county, li the lait Monday of January, being th. 27th day of the month. Win. Joliimton, agod about 75 years, , died a fe dayl llneo, at bit roiideueo near tba JoSenon Line, la Wiullow townihip, Jefferlon I Co inty. Ho wai generally known aa "Uuniraith Johniton, and wai highly eiteemci by hil neigh. i kou. m County AtDiTOBS The Anditors ' of th aonnty aro In union thil week, overhaul lng the account! of the Trcaiurcr and the other tonnty officer!. Th board now coaiiita of D. Aaron Wio of Kuoi, Reuben McPhenon of Craarlleld and Jamel II Hil of Lumber City. : II. H. Adama, an old llarriabur printer, died a few weeki ago, reipeeted by all -who knew hil worth. All printer! who bar ipent any time around the Btate printing office, within )ith put twenty year!, will regret to learn that "Diek," ai h wai nnlrarially known, Ii no nor. ;V Tkachir' Inbtitute Wo are aor y that w bava been compelled to poilpone pub- 'liihing th proeoediogi of the Inltitute until next .week. Having let np our flrat page prorloul to ike holiday!, and being abort of help thil week, 4he matUr had t go over, sotwilhitanding th jergiot nqueit of Mr. Gregory to bar th pro. reading! appear thil week. Court cooimcncca in thia iilucc on .next Monday, when ft rare ehanee will be offerod no our patronl to hjuar up "old icorei," at th 'beginning of th new Tear. Eeiid thil, our ' book! ar opoa for a large number of new lub- tKriberl. ThoM who know thf-miclr.i in ftrreari land ar not coming to oourt, can lend n in, $5 or .n X with ft neigbW who ii coming to town. i Tub Wiathkb Gauos. Thia lati tode for three week! paat bai been blessed with nearly all the degree! known to th thtrmom.ter la the weather lino. Th expansion and cantrac 'lion during thil period, haring been from wiirm rain gauge to 20 degrees below sero, muit have aaliified th moat faitidioul temperament. Chriat am morning waa a blened cold ouo, and th old weather regulators lay wc bare not had luch reather lince 1842 thirty yean ago. 'i Go Aiiiad It given u pleasuro to aanounoa that onr planing mill, which bai been UI. for loiue lime, will be put in complete ran king order within the next two wwki. Menn. O, 1. MemIL K. B. Taylor, David MeUanghey and H. G. Brown A Bro., gentlemen of capital aod tnergy, have parchased the establishment and propoN to run it to Its full oapaclty. Success, entlotnan. Labor and economy bring their re gard. 8oo their adrertisemcot in this lr.su. I We learn that a Swede (name un- Vnown) was killed on tha railroad, near Kumbar ter, oa Sandy Lick creek, In Brady towmhip, on h. 20th. II and other! were at work ou (lie jaad, near when Mr. DuBols' men woro cutting gi, and a pin tr f.ll tba wrong direelhn. a Imb of which struck him on the head, killing him bstantly. He was about M years old and leaves wife and tw children In Swed.-n. lie wai forking oa th railroad for the purpoie or ratling kouey to send fur them in the spring. V How is It? The Legislature h.ir- lg delegated to the people the right to repeal the Jquor License laws of the State, by counties, and learfield having dono so on the 27th day of Pe. Hubcr lait, what ar the painl and peunlliai for illng intoxicating liquor P We ar nut diipoied i be caption! about this matter, but we seek to nam a true interpretation or inn queiuon. vv M that th liix-ue laws ar repealed, lo far ai f eiy ii ooneernad, and that all penaltiea In at law go dswn tlh It, Will sou one give ui htr As Impewmknt. The prevailing inow la thil regioa U a great hindrance to lumbermen. Baid making it very expen , muoh of the lumbr will not b got to the ami la lime for the rafting season, and if 're ii no abatement In the snow line, a very rt crop of timber may be Tpectd next spring, heard a timber haulor remark that it was disagreeable hauling In the woods wher the was over thro feet deep. The mow was itantly goltiag Into hil pantaloon! poakets, re it would melt and thil rained ft large quan- of tobaoeo for him, at the lam tin wetting ll itaiulng hil drawers. - f'm Lecujrc. Kx-Uov. Curlin, no. ding to prerlou niounetment, drllrtrcd t tare in tba Court Jlouie, In this jj)o, on tli k ult.. to tht floett audieDett probibly, that f am m bled la tha room. Ilia aubjeot wu ia, tha eropira to which ha had bwn acflrrd I MiniaUr PIhiiotrnUarr (t over throa W Ha tonehad all the aalit-nt po.ntf Id Dip Wm biitorv of that powerful anipirc, np to th.e of hla withdrawal ai onr Minister. Ui$ loo. u hlfthlj Intamtlos and Imtrucllva, and -Ilatcnrd towllh fraat attention. Ilia mannir it and fluent, but It eould be urin that the or chafed within the cold, narrow oonflnea Wetora which neoenarlljr knpt hla ar.lt nt na- reitraint; but now and then, aa ha tuuuhed ome great prlnripla of rcligtom or politic. P. ha would light up and emit aparkaof that r within hiia which hai made him ao power la leader among bit people. II ii relation of Hcil futa. aod reellaJ of prominent ouf. hla itatementi of flgurei and Incident!, (him to be perfretij familiar with KaiUn ff. ind a tlyf obiervar of men aod thing. rvetatared. while lij that ennntry ai out ' Curi6Tmas Trbi. Not the loast enjoyttble oocaiion, incident to the holidara, waa tha Chriftmaa tree at tba Lutheran Church on CbrUtmae ee. Tha trea itielf wai a uaaterpieoa of that peculiar style of workmamhip, being young pine, transplanted from tba woodi to tha oturch, and reaching from the floor to the celling. It waa filled with all imaginable kinds of oaudiet and other goodies, nntil it literally bent under Us load, and when lighted up by Innumerable wax eajtdlei presented a sight well worth seeing. Tba church room was erowded with scholars and Ihoir parents and friends, nuiaug whom the good things prepared by superintendent and teachers wars distributed, and when these failed, ft grand attack was mado upon the tree, which was soon stripped of lis various fruits, which being added to that already in their possession, so filled each youngter's hands and pockcta that that rare virtue among children, perfect aatUfaotion, beamed on each oounteuam-e. Among tha articles upon the tre, was a flue black silk bat, which found a resting place upon the tepmoit limb, and was a matter of curiosity to most of those present, being considered a curioun fruit for a Christmas tree. As tba pastor, Mr. llartiock, was by far tha tall est man In the bouse, ha wu delegated to remove it, when all else was taken from tha tree, which ha did, after much exertion and stretching, and was Tory agreeably surprised to find his name iu It, aod it a perfect fit, while inside was an envelope addressed to Mrs, HerUock, eootalning quite a sum of money. This part of tba programme was an entire surprise to the worthy pastor, and was duly appreciated by him. Tba whole occasion was one long to be remembered by all eoneerned. A Neuative Skli,. A Hhort time before Christmas, the "young folks" of Mr. But ler's congregation took It iuto pieir laoa Js to as tot) i th him and bin la.ly by prescuting them with a number of valuables, am'itig which wore a $-2$ organ.a whole d?or to bo set on Its feet Itfe-!ihc on the back porch, etc. The programme was that on Christmas oro II r, and Mis. Butler wero to be in vited up town for tea, aod while absent the guod thirty-- were to bo smuggled into the parsonage. Thus everything was set up for the purpose of a surprise ; and so it prorod. A few days prerloui Mr. and Mrs. Butler left for New York, without notifying tha aforesaid youngsters, but on the evening in question they beseiged the parsonage with their presents, whin they wero informed that Mr. Butler was in Kew York. This Information robbed tho design of its romance, but tho gifts were promptly delivered, nevertheless, and every thing is in order, awaiting the retina of Mr. and Mrs. Butler, except the door, which was kftpt handsomely on its feet by the low grad of tho thermometer for two weeks, but ai the thornionie ter raised, the animal became weak in the kuccs and bad to be removed to a plane of safe keeping. The arrangement wai to bare remained a secret until cftcr Mr. Butler's return, but aomobody thoughtlessly related the circumstances tn tba pnstnuo of a printer hoy, and it's out now. Tat Licknsx Question. In the la bis below will be found the official vote oast at the late mnuicipal election held In this oonnty, on the License question. Less than half the voters ex pressed an opinion on the subject. DISTRICTS. For. Against Bncearia M 33 Bll - 20 Hloom , M ., 3 BPK - .... 6 .... 6 .... 103 .... 21 .... 49 .... 2 .... 113 .... U .... 4 .... 6 .... 1& .... I .... U .... .... 62 .... 46 .... 2V .... 4 .... ti .... fry .... 0 12 35 Bradford Brady Buroside Chest Covington Clearfield Cur wen iv ille Decatur H Ferguson Uirard n Goehen Uraham.M Uullih Iloutsdalew Huston H Jordan H Kurt ham Knox M H Lawrence Lumber City - 62 til 11 101 V'J 12 4H 7 37 li 26 23 14 V lft 40 ii'y 43 24 Morris..., 26 New Washington.. 10 Osceola 03 Penn 38 Pika 27 Union 13 Woodward.. H 20 31 76 6V 80 35 31 Total Majorities ... 920 1106 480 IjAiioe Sales. We loam tlmt Sen ator Wallace, as attorney for a party of Williams- port lumbermen, Ust wek negotiated and eold 10,000 acres of timber land, situate in Uirard and Covington townships and part in Klk county, for the sum of (050,000, being over u0 an acre for tht Bald Mills wilderness. And we understand that Gov. Biglcr, a few weeks provioui, for himself and Messrs. Heed A Weaver, sold a 1,000 acre lot, situate In Huston township, for t $0,000 cash, after having lumbered off it for two or fbrce years. Talk about great bargains In Michigan and Wisoonslnl Why, the hemlock timber and bark alone in tbia county, upon which there is no value placed now, will be worth more money ten years hence than was placed npon everything In the county ten years ago. Tbo folly of carrying cap ital out West, to advance other people's property, when millions can be just as profitably' inrested around our own homes aud add to their value, had better be abandoned. Tuie Bar Association. It was our good fortune to be present at an entertainment at Meeen. McGaughey k Mcl'herson'e, on Monday evening, given by "The liar Association' of Clear fiold. This was the first meeting of the kind, and wa arc well satisfied, from the feeling manifested on the oooasion and tho design of the association, that it will not be the last. The occasion was highly entertain lug to ns, and after disposing of the richrcpait provided by the host aud listening to the speeches of the tnambo.-i, we wero "too full for utterance," as the PrriiJ-ut elegantly remark ed in bis opening speech. It was really a feast to us in a two-fold sense, and wa Lnotv, from tho sound legal sense of the speeches aud the witt -eisms expressed during the evening, that tht law yers enjoyed th entertainment as highly as wo did. The design of the niiociation is lor the mu tual benefit and Improvement of the legal pro fession. Tint Standard. We notico by tho Annual Keport of Btate superintendent Wicker for each pupil for 171 has been $1. This brings into practical operation a rule by which every school district in the State oan adjust their an nuit expenditures. A school therefore of forty scholars will cost flO per month, and as tht law now requires th sehools to b kept open five months, such school would therefore cost $200 per term. Whether this is a high or low rat we have not time now lo investigate. T'.ie aggregate ex penscs of the system are largely on the Increase 116 per cent, since 1806 while lh inn-ease in sehools is but 23 per eent. The man who would run a farm or si ore on the sanit basis would have been rendered bankrupt four years ago, Wc shall look at the subject again. Lkcture A lecture will ho deli v. ered in the Court House, in Clearfield, oq Tuesday evening, January Htli, 1873, by Anna M. Baker, Subject 'Test In Six." Wo notice by the Johnstown Jhilf Voice that Miss Baker fs re garded as a rising star in the lector field. In speaking of her effort It says; "In Sound logic, depth of thought, elrganoa of style and graceful ness of manner, she has not been excelled by any lecturers who have favored our city with their presence." This is a rare chance for our people to l)car this popular and rising young lecturer. Admission 36 cents. Tickets to he had at th Poitofflee and at A. I. Phaw'a Drug Htore, The Bellofonto Watchman gays : Mr. llenrr nrockerbnff of this place, has beea lying icriou-ly ill at Mr. Simpsons in Lock Haven, for the past ten dsys. Tha bw Methodist Church at Snow Fhn. was dedluated on Sunday last. He v. Mr. Dill, of CleaiHeld, preached l leliretory sermon, Quite a Urge congregation waa present, and the emir tnuobtedneas ol tn onoreij was eaaosiea. Fiaa. About eleven o'clock on Monday night, the stable of J. H. Da rub art was set on lira and burnt every thing that was consumable. We (nam that a bore and a few things were taken out. The ataM of Mi. Uume wa sot on fire half an hour afterwards, which also burnt to the Eroand, besidf burning two ows wbjch eouldo't resetted. W balivra feot wr ceouf-ed wits) a ressnshlt insurance. . Communicated. Ma. UoiroHi With voir permission, through th medium of your columns, I will preseut to my patrons and others whom it may interest, my monthly school report el Fairview sohool, Graham township, terminating Deeeinber Kit, 1(172 i Whole number in attendance during month, 40 ; average attendance, 34 pur oont. of attendauee, 9b; whole number spelling, 4j reading, flu; writing, St) tueutal arithmotto, SO ; written arith metic, 30; grammar, lttj guograpny, common 13, physical 3; composition, i'j ; declamation, 16; fa miliar ioionc, 1 j singing dally physiology (oral ly), U. S. history, phonstio spelliug. Ac., woukly. Progress good ; ouuduot vory good ; whole number of visits 7. The following are the tiauu-a of thoso who oar aionia evory dayi llarry roroey, lllnke Forooy, Leonarl Curley, Hove Curlcv, An ne Dale, Minnie Curley, Lauia Curley, Lii-iie Lansbcrry aud Katie Kiiiouart. 1 Lave ucoeudd iu having my bouse luruuihct). by Bubsortntiou, with mottoes, globe, window biiuds, Ac, but wo are yet much m uoed of the nroiior apparatus. Parents aud all others are vory ooidlally invited lo pay us a visit, b. T. dTKHHKNaoN, luacher, Communicated. Braxsiiiit. Utiuumbar 22. V-12. Mr. Eoivori It has been so long sinoe you heard friin this place that perhaps you think it may ue- ocn erased Irotu mo map auu eousign ed to moil ted oblivion. Such is not tho cue. Our village survives and is torday chuck full of real life j sueb as Ip only to be enjoyed in a place iiko isurusiae. w oav in goou oia lasmonea winter or tradition, and since Mia llors has par tially recovered from the jaw-break nam of a dis ease, recently nrevnlenl amongst bis kind, we hoar, all hours of the twenty. lour, the Jingle of the merry bell nod toe joyous snout oi lot sietgn iuc party. Our modern N i in rod , Holmes, occasionally brings in a venison, lie Is a dead shot at deer. He recently bung up two and wounded another in one day. But the happloftt affair that baa traasplrod in our midst lor some time was a weauiug party given at the residence of on en Carson, u the oo oasion ol the marriage of hi dimjhttr, Laura A., to a Mr. V. B. Coleman, of llradturd county, Pa. Sheff cntcilained bis friends nignlt?oeutly, in sbaue of nmnio. by the bride, on the orgafl, fuptirb dinuor, and wjuih! up the fostivlties of the day iy sending the entire party on a sieigntng excursion to Patcheuville and back in M'Cerdeil'a new livery rii. Long may S'jcQ's folks oooliuu to wave, inuluamg ttiu i.nde aud groom. M re anon. LBKO Commuuicatrd. Pifriii.D. Pa., January 3d, 13:3. EniT'ia BtcPLaurAM : A church fair was bold at this place on Christmas that shows the liberal ity of the people, and shows the result that may follow well organised and pen ti tent elfort, 'ih crjict of tho fair and lejtival was to raise fundi towards furnisbiug lbs Presbyterian Church to be built here, and it was under the management of the ladies "Prusbytunan Church Aid booiety. Oysters were titipplied lor two evenings and a dinner was provided from provisions brought to the ball by the neighbore fur Christmas afternoon. Also, euui'ectiur.ery. Ice cream, lemonade and apples wero sold. Thure was a hue di'p'ay uf must all lortJ ol mei things on a sixteen toot tabls, from which a hsndioiue sum was realised. Contiihutlons to this table were received from Clearfield, Empuiium, Canicr-m county, Cowder- port, fetter coan'y, and trom itrauiora oouniy, and cash was received trom Curweosville, Clar- fivld and Kuiporium, amounting to v7d. A box of art lei l'r the lair from Curweosville was not reet-irad uuiil after the fair, but they are good for a future oecaaion. The clear profits are overiiOO, with over f:in worth of supplies still on band. Sq liquor was sold at he bar across the street. aud to this kind action of air. Uobauker may in part be attributed the fact that no drunkenness or any rough behavior whatever disturbed any part ot toe procecdiogi. All was pieafan', poiito and orilerly. Wa feel thankful to all friends at borne and abroad who helped much or little towards this vetv ehecrinr result of our efforts. We arc not done. W'a must try to raise money f-ir a bell, so it may be bung at the proper time as the church is building, aud would most gladly receive eoutributiuus, largo or small, to this pur pose sent to our Treaurrr, Mrs. A. Kcoitcid, Mrs. II. W'JODWAUD, Prcs't. Mrs. L. BihD, Secretary. eegs s Lmt of lottcr rotnuioinir unclaimed In the 1'ostoffiat at Clearfield, for the week ending January etht 1873; Arnal, Dory. Kennedy, Patrick. C'arr, Hberman. Ketd, P. O. Crawford, Simuel, Kakrstraw, Clara. Duolon, W. 11. Bing, Thomas K. Kly, Jotiah. Kitbmillcr, Peter. Pflltinstein, A. Pndler, John, rolkner, 11. A. Wright, A. I. Fry, J. W. (2) Wright, A. L. Hutchinson, John W. Wytnor, Lawrence. Idilimrs. Philin. P. A. OAULIN, P. M Mpeciaia. A TniVBLta. I was in A. I. Rhaw'a Drug Store th other day, and aaw the best line of Per fume, Soap, Hair Oil and Brushes of all kinds that I ever saw in a Drug tilorc, and ! have trnvcled. To DtHECTont. A number of School Director having met tn convention, in th borough of Clearfield, on Thursday, December 13th, found that several districts wore not represented, there fore they decided that a request should be pre sented to each of the several Boards of Directors in this county to send one delegate to a Directors' Convention, to meet in the Court ilout, lo i ieer field, on January 14, 1S7., at 1 p. m., the object of which will be that earn representative may no ao in true ted by the Board which he represent as to be aulo to cast a vote lor tee rsuard on luc loiiow iuir Questions t Sbuutd a uniform series of books be adopted throughout our county r Should county int ilnte lime h allowed teachers? Should district institute tune b allowed r bhould township schools open on the first of November r Should the salary be governed by the grade of certificate f We know that directors as well as teachers want uniformity in our work. By order of the Convention. J. A. Gftftaonr, Pres. A full line of H itifehold Good, Japanned Ware, Ac, for sale by II. Y. Biglcr A Co. Baws. Didtan's Crosi cnt Saw, Great Amerlein Saw, Boynteu's Lightning Haw, at 26 72 II. V. Biolrb A Co s. Pliiohs roa 8ai,i. A. I. Bhaw has a couple of 3 ret -elans late style fMeigbs, which ho will sell at a bargain. Call and look at them. dt W ii nil knit W Ulnar 14'ira ftf !! Jniflrltittona far saie oy ii. r. mgier vo. Nor in to Winoi an CanntAflK Maksr. We have just reeelvrd a general assortment of Wagon and Carriage Wood', also a full line of Spiings and Axles, wnich we oavr iiiienp for cash. 11. F. Uiqlf.b A Co. To IIorsRMRKPkns.AU kinds of Fruit Cans, manufactured of the best tin and with all the modern improvements, as well as putty and ce ment, for sale in large quantities -y aug7tf 11. P. HtoLKB A Co. Bird Csgcs a largo aisortmtnt at H. F. Big ler A Co.'s. Paints, Oils and Varnishes for la! by II. F. Digler A Co. Calcined Plaster for sale by II. F. Digler A Co. naOAPITUlLjLTlOM. Bird Cag. Wood and Willow War. Household Goods. All kinds of Hardwart, Jupanned Ware. Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Calcined Plaster. Wagon and Carriage Makers' supplies. All of the above for sale at the mammoth Hard war Store of II, F, Digler A Co., Second street, Clearfield, Pa. It H. F. Biglcr A Co. have rraen making attentive additions to their stock of Hardware th lait few dava. Kvervthing new lo Shelf Hardware, Sad dlers' Hardware, Farmer' Hardware, Builders' Hardware, and Hardware of all kindi.ean ba seen at their store. May 22. COUQHS ANO COLDS. There are few rtersens who are awar of the iin portanoe of attending to a cough or a cold at Its nrnt appearance, i ue mousanu wno ue annuaiiv of consumption, were first attacked with a "slight" eoush or cold, which they thought would soon "wear" itnrlf off. and therefor neglected to us the proper remedies until they boenue Incurable. Kverv day that a cough, eold, or any lung die eos Is neglected, makes th chances of a cur or uncertain. ia would rerommend all suffer- In r from any disease of the Lungs whatever, to me Hamon's Cow norm Pvaur op Tan. It never falls In curing the worst caws of enoghs, colds, hoariness, aor throat, catsrrh and athin. It Is an in fa II Ode remedy for Wbooplng Cough be ing prescribed by lorn of th leading phylelans in the Northern and Southern States, aud being prepared under th Immediate supervision of a graduate of tha r enmytrania Medical College. The proprietors beg leave to Inform all that it is no 'Uuack" preparation, but made strictly Its ac cord boo with the advanced principles and theory of medicine. Price 60 eents per bottle. KUHSKI.b LAMM, frnprictnrl, rnuadei hia. Sold by A. I.Shaw, CirerAold, Pa., and by all Drnggits. oottii-.im Airs. Seventy-ftv do sen Clearfield Woed- flhopnpr Axes at 11:26.73. II. F. BIGLKR A Co "a. Ju.l rwelved, a larg. lot of non-eiploeive Lamps and Lanterns at S-2.1-73 II. T. Giolib a Co'l. Faaia (Ihoi'vo I'i.it. Rreelvid at Corner Bujr. b .ar load and far .all Ijv K. A. jr. D. Inwu. Ci).ra'll f ire 1.1, IS7?, On t)eeeuil)r Hill, 1873, at the residrnee ef the l.riili'i fatlir, tv Kev. W. T. Wu.ioa, Mr. K. B. I'OI.CMAN, r Kn.hvllle, l'., mid Mi.i LAURA A. ( UllriON, vf llunilide, I'a. . At lh. Leonard lluuae. on December ?Dlh, 1S72, bv ltov. A. 1. Yoci'M, Mr. DAVID 8IIIIM7. te Miu I1KLKN HUNK, bulb vt 1'Uliuihur,, Cen tra ouuuiy. At l'aweltan, on Decomlier J3J, IS7J, hv Rev. J. P. lUiu, Mr. WILLIAM WHAY, uf Wilkel harre, to Uiu U. A. UTUNliMUKKIl, of fovr eltun, Fa. On IJoaeinber 25lli, 1871, at the residence of the bri.le'i iiarenli, Ijy Iter. J. K. IIki.i., Mr. A. 61IJNHI1HAKKR to Miss FANNY LAr'Y, both ol Centre oouuty, i , " ' At the home of lli'j biljo's iiareuli, on Jnnnar, J.l, 173, Ijv Hot. J. 1". Halt, Mr. DAVID Dili GINS, of Valla Wnlla, Wn'hinjjlon 'lenitory, to Mm ANNA E. WAR r'lli LI, of IloultJal., I'a. On Pecemhi-r IWh, 1K7J, by Itev. L. O. Mn an.L, Mr. A. A. RI'DOLI'll to Mm RKULCCA T01U.V, both of Jt'flcriun coauly.- On December JMh, 1872, at the residrnoe of the bridt 's iian nti, by Hi v. L, U. Mkiiiiill. Mr. TIloM AH MO.NTUOMKKY to Min BARAll l'lM1 llil.H, both of Ji'ilrrion county, Ou Deonuiber !3lh, IK73, In Willi. ln),Ti)vn. by E. II. William, Kin,., Mr. JAMKS t. MAIRV to Miss llliMlltTTA LLUH, both of Williaais groro. On Deember lOfh. WJ. hv Rev. J. W. llAtaa- AWOOT, Mr. RICHARD UWAllTSWOKTll lo Mim MARY ELLEN EVERld, bulb of Clear field couoty. On Dcoembor lath, 1872, hv Rrv. J.W. Haroo awoi'T, Mr. JOHN F. It H IMF Ell lo Miss MARY E. FOVYELL, both of Urahain towuihip. At the reiidene. of the brido'e father, by Rev Wu. M. Lt'Ri'uriKLU. Mr. UKORUU U. WOOD- WARD, of l'rnliel I, Clearfield oouoty, to Mil! MATT1B J. EARLY, of Ceulreville, Elk county Oeorire aod Matlle, a wish you a long aod happy life. In Bellrfonte, Pe.; on TJwwow JR7J, by Rev. J. 11. M'Ilvaiik, Mr. Wil-WWrillLLON, of the W illiainiport ShtnJurJ, to Misl RR1DUKT COUNKY, of llellcfuut. Wo wish William and hii bride muoh happi neu, and hopo a suitable nuuibcr of imall artielul msy bear the imprint of the new flrn. Hnvkrts. Clearfield Markets. Corrected weekly by IticmuD Jtoiior, Wholeeal. and H.tall Deab-r tn Dry Uoo-Ih, Uroc.rle., rro- visioos, Ac., Mirket street, Clvarlirld, ra. CLKARFiRi.n, Ta., Jan. 7, Applet. Kreerj,00((d 60 Dried, V 10 ApplobuUer,(l 10 Butt.r- OUto) 15 Bonn. .tl 0U4) 1 it) Uurkwbeat 1 til Unckwheat flour tbr a Beef, dried 3 Beer, fresh lit) V Boards, M U C0iVj,U OU Corn, shelled.. 1 0 Corn, ear 00 40 Corn meal, P- aack, 1 30 Chop, 1cwtJ103 140 Cloverseed. 7 " Cheese " Cherrlei. lh. 10(& It lings, dressed Hides, green ; iiauis 00fg 8houlJeri......0(l!, Side!.. OIK Lard lof.A r 30 124 l4 Muss pork.Vbbl.. JO 00 Call CO Onioui 1 60 Totatoci 00(j s0 1 Praehei, drlrd, lb.. 12 ilMaiter, M bbl i 00 Rye 1 12 Rags, V lh 2 fait, inck.2iO(, I 50 fhiiigl.i.lSin.Hdi.S 00 Phiai;lea,2inl0(ajl 00 Chickens, drid, B, li Timothy ed 4 00 till JsjTallow 151 Flalleed i OO Wbral 00 Flour o now.io oo Wool ao Hay 00 00.10 f0( Wood, V oord I .0 Pouiisj lvuuliiltailroad TVKONS ftCLEArlFIELD BRANCH. ON and after Monday, OCT. 28th, 1871, the Passenger Tratui will run daily (eiuepl rjun dnyi) betwuen Tyrone and Clearhcld, ai tollowi: CLEARFIKLD MAIL. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Clearteld- 1.20. r. a Philipsburg 4.2.1, " O.c.ola 4.40, Tyrone .0, " Tyrnn .3(i,a.. Oioeoln 10 60, " Philipibnrg...M 07, " Ckarti.ld 13.10," CLEARFIELD EXPRESS, LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Clearfield 5.40 A. Philipsburg.. 0.43 " Osowla T.00 Intersection.. 1.07 " Tyron .20 ' Tyrone 8. 15 p. M. Intersection ...7.08 " Oiieeola S.I5 ' Philipsburg. ...S2 11 Clearfield, ar....J " FARIi FKOM C'LKARFIELD, TO Bellefonte, Pa.... $5 05 Middletown $5 00 Marietta t 50 Lancaster . I 86 PHILADELPHIA 7 05 Altoona 1 66 John.town I 00 Lock Haven.... Willlamsport.. Huntingdon Lewiltown. .... Mnrysville . I 70 . I 00 . 1 00 t 90 4 6 4 75 HARRISBL'HO. ITTSBURO I 16 Clos eonnectioni made by all traloa at Tvrone and Lock llaren. OEOROE C. WILKINS, aiyl7-tf. Superintendent. gardirarr, Hiiuvarr, &f. II. F. BIGLEIi & CO., BiALiai la II A II I Y A 11 1 , Also, Manufacturersof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIKLD, PA. LOT OF SADDLKS, BHIULES, Harneis, Collars, ate. for lal. by . F. BIOLER 4 CO. pALMEU'S FATENT UNLOAD- lng n.y Porks, for sale by It. F. BIO LET. 4 CO. QIL, TAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, Kslli, .te., for sale by H. F. BIOLER 4 CO. II A US ESS TRIMMINGS k SUOK Finding!, tot sal. by H F. BWLER 4 CO. Q.UNS, PISTOLS, S W ORA 1) CN'KS For sal. by if. F. BIOLER 4 CO. UTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Biios, for sal. by II. F. BIOLER 4 CO. TUON! IRON I IRON! IRON I JL tot sal. by II. F. BIOLER 4 CO. 1 TORSE SHOES tt HORSE SUOK NAILS, for ui by II. F BIOLER A CO DULLET ULOCKS, ALL SIZES And best Manufacture, for sals by H. F. DIQLKR A CO. THIMHLK SKEIM3 AND PIPK POXKfl, fur saleby II. F. IU0LER A CO. JODDKU CUTTEIiS-for lalo by MC93070 II. F. niGI.ER A CO. Rr..l-Tl;it(H N0TICI fff.tiee Is hereby riien that the followini accounts have been examined and pawned by me, and remain filed of record In ths oLVe fr the inspection of heirs, legatees, creditors, and at) ether in anvolher yrnj Inlorcfied, and will he presented tn the next Ur (ibans' Cnutt t,t Clearfit'ld county, to be bU at the Court IloiiFe, In the borough of Clearfield, enm menclnff en tht 2d M'ndnr (bsinc the 3tb dsv, of January, A. 1), ID73. Pinal aoenunt ef Joser h and Kllsha Iavi, ei- aentors of ltebeoca ltavls la'e of Pean towusbifi deo"ased. Final account of William McNaat and Aaron C Tale, executors of Uapifte Wilson, laic of Law renee townhi, deoeatvd. Account of Abraham Ogden, eseoutor of Ilnsh MiMullen, tale of tawronco township, deceased. RaatSTva's Orsira, 1 A. W. I KK, Clear. eld, '., (3, nlUt. Keffislor. TimTICKK' A OMnTAIII.F.H KM We have printed a large number of the new f no jiiijl., ani win nn me receipt qf (wentv l esoU, wttl a eopy io aov sidresf. . Wo desiro to cull tho attention of the citizens of ClcurficM conniy ta thoact hnt we liavo ojicned a MUSIC STORE IN CLEARFIELD, Where wo intend to conatantly keep on hand a full supplf of . t .i . . . . , PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL MERCHAND1SK. Our slock of PI ANOS will consist of ,.....'! ; ; i 1 : ; i : . RAVKN & COMPANY'S PIANOS, ; STEIN WAY & SONS' PIANOS, I1AINKS liROTnEHS' PIANOS. Wo oro prrpnrcd at all times to furnish any of iho cheaper makes of Piano to order on llie most favorablo terms us to prices and terms or payment. Our stook of ORGANS will consist of the new and popular UYNDER ORGAN, (with Uymlor's Kneo Ticmolo and downward Octave Couplor.) Tho SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S OUGANS, MASON & HAMLIN'S ORGAN, aud the NEW HAVEN MKI.ODEON CO.'S JUD1LEE, TEMPLE and CHURCH ORGANS. Besides these wo furnish to order Organ9 from any factory dcaired. Wo sell on every plan known to tho trade, cither CHEAP FOR CASH, ON NOTES, or on the popular aud cast LEASE PLAN. On our easy terms every one can have a good instrument, mt will tend so much to MAKE HOME HAPPY. amount IHr'Wo ehull bo glad to have oci23-'72.y grurja and fcHfiUflnfj. rp II li LATEST IIOVBI THE LATEST MOVE! HARTSWICK & IRWIN'S DBUG STORE, To their new building on Second Street, neatly opposite tho store of Weaver A Letts, CLEARFIELD, PA., Where they will continue to supply their old aad as many new customers as may come, wttn riJllE DRUGS! CHEMICALS! PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATION'S., (Including all new romedire,) Patent Medicines. Paints and Oils, Glass and Putty, Sohool Books, tSUtionory, Paper, Ac; alo, a full line of Drug gists' Sundries, Hair Tonics, Costnetlrs, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, Drusbes, Toilet Soups, rocket Uooks, Ac, all of tha host qualify. PURE WISES AA'D LIQUORS, for medical A sacramental purposes only, Pur White Wil, Color ef all kinds Haw and Dolled Linxeed Oil. Varnishes, Turpen tine, roai mi, runt a tarmsb Ururhes, Flavoring Extracts, Confect'onerlrs, Tlird Peed, Pploe, ground and an ground, of all kimls. SMOKERS AND C11KWEKS VIII find onr stock of Chnwlnic and Smoking Tobacco, Imported ami 0 ailili! Ciicars, Snuff and Fina-eut to h. of the I TcrT Dvst hrandl In lh market. LAMPS AKD CHIMNEYS, All klndi of QLA3S WAIIR, dAUDRN SREDS, MUSICAL INSiniMENTS and lloilcal Trlnulngi of .vary tarlely, Ilavlnar a long esperl.ne In th. hoslo.il, and an ailanslr. anil well !aleoleJ itock of raailieinei, w. aro enabled to fill Pliy.lclam prracriptioni at th. shortest nottr aud oa the most reasonabl, tarns, day and night. HARTSWICK A IRWIN. Clearfield, Pa., May 91, lBTl-lf. C. 1). WATSON, DRALKR IN DRIGS & PATEST 3IEDItIES, CONFECTIONERIES, TOTS AND VANKKR NOTIONS, FINu TEAS A HOABTKD COFFEE, BEST tlP.ANIiS TOBACCO A 8KOAKS, HCKOOL UOOKS A MAIlOKEIli, Mnronie Ouildlng, Herond Street, drr.??lr CI EHFrKI.11, PA. D. J. CROWELL . . Manufacturer of the U. II. Ball Boiling Machine ami th. SlDR-Cl'T SIIINOI.K MACIIINR, to cut frem II to J Inch.', and licensed under Krerat's p. tent, Jnlnlere, Drag. Saw Machines and Orneral Mill lVork, Sinnoniaboniiig, tamer do county, pa. Impairing of Machines and general Cn'tnm Work dene to order. ' anglly NlTll'K-ThStcclikolder'eof lh II Count L'tl,nnl Bank f Clearflel'l are I.. ..I... I .1 . .L t II . f 11, ml.'., uiiiiitcv mat in. annual aiav,,i,a ,,. rrelorawill he held at th Pankin,; llou.e. on Tnculay, January Itlh, IbVA, between, the hours of 1 and '0j-,ck 1'. M. ari'l.ll W, 1. (JilAVI , I'JIlliej, MAItKET: S T It E E T , " ! ' . . h ' ... . SJ Ii 11 A 11 F I L lt PEN Jf ' 1 . you call and aco us, whcihcr you desiro to purchase or not. 11YN1KKS MUSIC NTOME. 1872. 1872. FALL & WINTER GOODS AT J. M. KRATZER'S. Immtnne Stork of Good oftrtry tleacriplton. Woolen Ooodi, lam. prlo. as baf.r. lh ad vane, in wool. Mu.liui at rvdueed prieei. Dreii Qoodl la greatest variety. Moarainf Goods of all kindi. Black Alpaeai, at all prieei. Black Silk, very cheap. Waterproofs, V.litens, Plaid and plata Vlaa a.li, Shirting Flanneli, tt. Table Llnea aud KajikiniIrtih Lineal, 10-4 Sheeting and Pillow Muslin. Ottoman RepShswliand Scarfs, Striped Shawli at all prieei. Pauley Fhawli, single and double, S to $10. Drees Trlmmlngi, Frlngw, Laecr, Vilvet Pah- bom, Velveteens, A. Full Ha of th celebrated "Joacphin Seam lesi" Kid Gloves, Kid Glovos from l p. Ladies' Neck Ties. Collari, CuClug, TJalr Braids and 8witchel. Lidiei' and CbUdnn'i Merino I'a ler wear. Madau Foy'i, Themproa'i, Glov.-Fittiog Hip 0 ore and other CoraeU. Alia, Uvop Skirt, raaicn, ta. Larg. ilock of Carp.ts aud Wall Paper. Shoes and Calttrr, same quality as heretofore. "Th heit ar lh. cheep.!!." Balmural aad thar knitting yarna, and ether artielri, loo aumeroui to mention. Purcbaear will find a grrat.r varl.ly of good than Ii ulually found in on Itur. ' Call and examine. ClearlielO, Sept. II, 1171. WM. REED, (ucmssoM. Bead Bra. MAItKET STREET, OL EAR FI ELI), PA., AY TILT, open this weeh an Immense slc-k of a.) descriptions or DltY GOODS, NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, M1LLIXEKT and FANCY GOODS, LA HIES', M1SSE3' and CHILDREN'S SHOES, Ao , Ac, ic, lie. Baying my goodi la N.w Tork, the oi of the fianrrf kliping a reliable class of gondii ecll lng gooili at elo eaih figure!, and eonduoting busiaeeilna thorongh hailneei manner,! hope lo merit tb eonlldeuc of CASII Pl'TEKS thronghont the eounly. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. Call and .aamina my itock and t.csnrlnccd of the truth of my assertion!. epUf. WM. KPf.'D. H. F. N AUGLE, HATCH MAKER & JEWELER, and dealer la Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Tinted Ware, &c, Je17J CLEAKFIULK, PA., V) HLACKSMITU3! The .nderslirned offers fitr slIui In lh. hnr,,tieh Of Clrarfleld, a Hlaeksmltb f-;b"p, on SeeonJ slreel, mtalnlng three fern, and two full lot, of tools. A In t elas. buiipeai, Aa aie.ll.ut shaai for a guod m,-ohanie. Apply tn AMOS KEKKARP, Cltaittli. fa. i : r , . , , i . and no oilier investment of Ii kc iHiSfcUaufcas. ICoggsToniiKhfp Awoke GREAT EXCITEMENT AT ' THOMAS BEERS'SI J EVERYBODY trying tuget there first, for fr J of being crowded out into tb cold. If yoa want good Shoeing duoo, go to Bsnae If yon want your Sle i ironed right, go to Haaal If yoo want good Mill Irons, go to Baaai If yoo want your wegon ironed in the b.st style aod workmanship, go to Bibbi Basm makes the belt Stump Mirhine In tht State, anddoei all kindiof BLACL'SMITUINU aa efae.p ai can he done In th eounly for Calh My Post OfJio aOdre.i Ii Clearfield, Pa. THOMAS 11ELI1S. Boggi Tp., Da. 1 J. 1 fi7-tf. liivery Edible. TIIK undersigned befs leave to Inform the put lie that ho is now fullv prepared to aeconiuio date all in the way of furninhing Horses, Duplies, Saddles and Harness, on the shortest notice and on reasonable tunas. lUsidcficeoa Locust street, betweon 'I bird and Fourth. OKO. W. GUARIIAFT. Clearfield, April 11, 1W7. 8AWS! SAWS! SAWS DISTANS CROSS Cl'T, MILL, IBAG AND CIRCt'LAR SAUS. , Bojnton'B Lightairjg Cross-cut Saw, ALSO, PATENT PERFORATED 1 ELECTRIC f A ITS, For i!c ly HUM n. P. tlfiLER A CO. AKeutlon, Lumbermen ! "11 rB are now mnnuicli,rlng our IMPROVED STEEL. SOCKET UlilYI.NU CANT. HOOKS, superior t. any other in use. We have also in itiwk a large quautity ftf Canlhooks rutla ble for rafting purpuse.. which we are selling cheap forcaih. AMOS A It. KENNAKI. Clearfield, Pa., Mnrrh 13. Ifirj. A Notorious Fad! riMMvKK arc more people troubled with Lurg X Uiiraira In thia lowu thau aor otberiilace o its sise In the flat. One of the great caurei of inisis.tne use o! an Impure article of Coal, largely lulled with aul,hui. Now, why not avoid all this, and prusarv your lives, 'hv using only llutnphrc) a ( clobralert l oal. fr,. ir..m a'l linpuritlrl. Oiders left al ihc riom of Kicliard Moieop and Jauiei B. Oiahatn i Nmi will i.etir prumpt attention. ABRAHAM lir.MI'URI-V. Clearfiel I, Nuveinher JO, 1S70 tf. i. L. Iiliiuaran. n. aeri.ixta. REIZENSTEIN 4 BERLINER, (Successors to L. tians k Co.,) wholesale dealers in GEMS' riRMSIIIVfi GOODS, ii, Ll.penard street, between Church Itreet end Wcit Broadway, New Voik lty, (Jy.'11'rj F. STERLING, MaaufacaQrer of SADDLES & HARNESS CLEAHFJSLP, PA. Work guaranteed to gir ltifauiion. Trice reasonable. One me a call, r'hup in Graham's Row, Murkat itreet. tiovXO.TV. Beale's Embrocation, (LATE l'OW ELL' 8,) For all diseases Incident lo Ilersos, Cattle, and Uuman Flesh, retiring tho use ol aa external applicntlon. This Embrocation was extensively naed by the Oeverrment during the war. Vor sale hv Hartswlek a Irwlr, CJoarfleld iospn k. irwtn, Curwensvilla. Uanlel flood anner. Lutherburr;. r jI.OUH, FEED, AC. TIIK DUCCABIA . FLOURING MILLS. The undersigned would respectfully gtrf no. ties lo theoitiiens of Ueecaria townrhip aed me. rounding country! that ho has pur.'ha el the Ueecaria Flouring Milts and pot everything in complete order, and Is nnc'if.icUrir-f a flrsl cla fua1lty of Ttour. CUSTOM WOIiK DONK, and Flour la quantity eoniUnlly on band furra!.. CIIOr.CORN MEAL, IIRAX, iC, iC. sin ail an hand ant for laic wholcial or retail. i ) " I Mill ricbanRO Flour and Chip for 2rt iai h SbiugUs, or will pay part money, ll diil.cd. HJ:l:tf BARNABAS AHMHlT.ONll. noir.su andlot'fuh ai7k! I lia Ilnus and Lot on th. eomer of Uar fct and FiTih si reels. t'learfl'U, Pa , i. for sal. Th lot ronreine nrrly n ear f groiia. The hunaa la a lirga doitbln frame, uiaimng nini' renms, Far terms aud other intormailou apply t. tha nhscrbr, at th Post dm. e. o3 T. A. CAI I.JU, ifltfl " SHAW 1IOUS15, ' . (Cor. of Maikol A Front strcoti,) 1 rvAIU'lKl.n. PA. Tbii nuiRniflomt Hotel is utirrly a.w, ooirN lut. in all its amioliiliiiinU aod ooiniiiot to tba Court Hon,. A fro Omnibus runs to an.l Irvm th Dip.it on tli rrt1 un I l( l.artiirc f cob tr.in. una r.-o. cLnwKNT, Aprii ia, larr ;,.,LrZ-' WASIUNGTOK 1IODSK, KGW WASniNOTON, PA. Till f aail will fitrnlslifd Iwara Iw Uo takra by th eujtrsigaed. Hv full caaliloBl ol' biiaa abl. Ui rendor aaUsfacllon k, tkose b ni.y favor biio llb till. May ft, 0- I' 'J!'.'! . UKVKttK HOUSK, ; , i II 11 U K H I I' K, 1' A. Th liiliMrili.r havluu Luilt it.s llolot, min all mixfrn lmprovominti, Ii prpaivil to nwirs ffuasta. The ubl. vtlt ho sri iliU its the Lvat Iu Ui market tUb.rmili ;Lc vciooldU liquor UooJ italiliuf altsolitl. afrj iy A. II. Srn .TM'l'tll, PropV. 1 THE MANsWhOUSE, Gorusrof Scconilaml V a riot Elr.-ct., I i.r.Aitr i i--i.it, ra. mnH vli aad eomtuodlcaa Hotel bai. daring X th fast yar, bean sol.rged to doobl Iti (uroi.r eapaeity for th enUirlaioiDtnt of itran, geri aai guaat. Th. ahula buiUlna bai be. a rifiroirktd, ar.d lh rnprLlor alii spar ao palm to rtod.r hla gocsti cnmforlabl. whll. .livtni; with him. -rii. 'M.n.Un JJoki." Oraolhos real I. , aod from th. Depot oa lb arrival aad deparlur. ..-h JolIM OOUUIIKKTY. ' aprO-70 tf Prprltor. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, . (Opposite K. R. Dipel.) CLEAUHLLIl, I'liJM. TI undersigned, having become 'proprietor f iliies house, ii now rnudy to entertain stratiger and travelers, and Ibcrclorc anli.ill lojwirnei t lira Liu a call. Ilia T.,llc will bcluunllcd with tba best the uiur'ticl afTord., and Mi Bar will con tain thechoioeft of wines end linnou. Eatcaliv. tabling il attaobeu. fjliarces woocrai. j.nlu -J .'AMli-i McLALOHLIN. WESTERN MOTEL' Oppultc the Cfcujt Hduio, CLEARF1ELH, TENN A., Accommodations 9rt-c1ais and charges moderaf. oelS ' JOHN T. TOVNO, Proprietor. J ONTOUB lilt fit:. . Opposite ibe Court IIoosc, LOCK HAVEN, PEN.VA. JcU Tt ' ' II ACKEAL A KHOM, Pn.p'i.' B BOl KF.IIllOI'l' HOl bH, BEI.LErONTE, PA., D. JOHNSTON A SO.Nf. . I'ropriti)i. RAILROAD HOUSE, . ..; Main Ftrcet, ' PniMPSHURU, PKXVA. -The under i good keep constantly oa kaut ta hct of Liquors. - His uhlt Is ainays sujIlcd with tbe best the irakit nCoid. The tie!in; public will do well to gic him a eM! novl65. llOBKll? l.LOVJ). SU.SQUEIJANXA JlOlSE, t'l'hM'KNKVlLLC, flrailii.ld rour.ty, PcntiSi. This old and well tstahlilind Hotel, beautifully situated on the banks of the 3iifucheiinn, In tho boroufth of Curweosville, has been lcabcd fur a term ol years by the uodoraiguod. It lia beei eutiitly niitled, and Is now upeu to the public pencra!ty aod the traveling comuanaity In par ticulcr. ISo palas will be apured to render guests eeuifortable while tarryiug at this home. Am pie Staoiirg room fur the aocoi'iui"itiiou of tau..'. Ch sr;rs nu'deiat. Sept. 28, 1S70 :f. ni.f ri.oo.M. - Is OOT AND SHOE MAKING. M 9 1II1LIP WR-vVKi;. eo Market stnet, ht i.nw r '..w, i i uiui I, i a., &. rcceiveu a fee 1-4 of Ficot-h C If i'LiLi sod Kips, the nfaclnre everything la his line, lie will war rant his work to he as r-f Toscntvd. The eitixcrs tf Ceartidd ad :cia:ty are rrsrectfully Invited to give hire a call. Work done at sboit notice. tUl'TIy SEW BOOT aIIFoTsII EDWARD MACK, Cor. MAllKKT A Ii brs., CLLAKl'lLLU, Pa. rpilK proprietor has entered Into the llOOTrfr X. bllOK busineri at the above aland, and is determined not tn be outdone either la quel ity or price for hta work, t pee lal attentieii will be paid to mnautacturiiii Sewed work. He has on hand a lurgo lot of trench Kip aad Calf f-kins, of the very best quality. The e. sens of Clearfield and vlrlnHy are respeellally invited to give hlaia UUI M o charge fur eelli. novf.' I if , JSAAC JOHNSON ,1 SONS, Ment'a.Murerl ar,,i Iiralars ta IB o o t h ii ii d tS Ii o e s ! Ladle.', Missis' and Children's Cailera, Men's, lleji' and Women's Heavy Lootl, aad Uroganr, Ac, Ac. . . Store and shop on Rccnnd Itreel, nearly opp ile I'. V. Iligb'r A Co.'s baidware itniv, ' Feb. J8, If-J ly CLEARFIKLD, PA. Clearfield County Bank. fpilE Clearfield CouM) Lack as an Inrcfii ra X ted institution bai gone out of raidene by the lurrcnder of Ui rhirter, on May 13, lata, All Its stock Ii owned by the !ubirrlber., b will annllnue th Banking hu.lnca. al lh sani plaoa.as private llankcra, and.r the arra n.a of the "ClcaiOeld Cour.ty Bink." W. are rc. sponsible ror the d.hts ol the Ilnnk, and will py Iti notei on demand at the counter. Depnsiia received and interest I aide, he mnnri la lefl (or a lied time. Psp.i discounted at Hi err r.ai. ai heretofore. Our rer.onal reMion.ihilit. i. pledged for all Ha) win rec lved and builnr.i (ran. icl.d. A eentlnuane of the liberel pal. rorago of the huiin.ri mtn of h rnunly ii re specafully loltrifed. Al Prr.ildt'ct, Cashier aad officer, of th late CLaitcM County Bank,. require the notes sf said Bank to he presented for redemption. . , JA8. T. LEONARD, RICnAKD SHAW, WM VOKTnt. JAS. B. GRAHAM, A. k. WR1UIIT, ll. L. HEED, WM. A. WALLACB. Thl businilioftbi Bank will be conducted by John M Admi LM as Caab er. ( il l ti County National Bank, OP CLEARFIELD, PA. IkOOM in-Masonic Baildiag. on. door north f J V CD. M'atson'a Dritg !7torr. l'as.ace Tickets loand I'n'ni Liverpool, Qnaen town, Oln.g'tw, I.nndiiii, Pnrli and C,iiilieceu. Aim, Drafts for sale on the Royal Bank uf Ireland aad Imperial Back ol Lmdou. JA.MI.S T. LEONARD, Prc.'l. V. M. SHAW, (n.lli.r. 1:I.;I J. Ii. Xi'iliik. Ldnari Pork;. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE KcCIRK & PERKS. huciwjri, to 1 cter, l'crks, .1 Co., PliIllltbMirf. Onlrc louiiiy, VfJli;i.sC nil iho business of a linulrnjr IKusa If wilt ce trvonctid itmi-tMv and nen th inott favora.ile terina n.arT.if Clearfield Nursery. GNC'OUHAGE HOME INI -UbTKY. 'IMIli aaderrtgnrd, laving cstablisbed a Nu. X lerv on the Tike, about hair ay ketwrra Clearlicld and Curwensvilla, I. prepared lo fur. alsh all bird! of t Hl'JT ThKKH, (.tandardand daarf,) Kvergrecns, t bruhhrry, (Irapa Vines, Oiioirberrliis, Lawtou Illnlberry, Strawherr), and Raiberry Vines. Aim, Mbeilea Crab Trees, guinea, and early icirlit Phnbarb, tt. Order, promptly attended to. Addreis, i. d. wniaiiT, l'tc -F . Curvei.nl le, )' Miss E. A. P. Rynder,. anaar roa Chlckerlng'i, Sirlnway'i and Lmrr, l.'i risiosi Sinllh's, Masnn A ll.n.lln'i and Peloubri'i Urani and Melodeors, and (trover A Baker'i Sewing Machlnri. at.so .racaaa or Viana, (lullar, Priran, Haramny and Vera! alii, sic. No pi. pi) taken for lees than bail a lenp. Jr-humr 1'noiit (luliili'i Fuiaitiro Tfra. CUail lis , Hf tf. ' r : M III; . "i . r " ' ii i I hi!