LJ ILH. !"-n .-V-.'-O". (JEOllGE 15. GOODLANDElt, 1 liniTun n rnri'n.itu. ' CLEA f KI,L, Pa." """. , KI.XKSDAY MOltNIXO. JAN. 8, ISM. The memliora of tlio Coiistilutional C'niivcDtioi) met in PliilniJclptiia on yettm-tluy, according to ndjournmont, where their constituents will ntlilrcns tlicm in Ilia future. ' Tho "Nnlionul Blesnin,?" ocm to to nwollinj; on our linn els niiieo the loclion. jMonrly two millions wrb utltlcd to tlio nmional debt during Do cember. ' On next TueHdjy John V. II att rnuft will bo inaugurated ns Governor of i'onnsylvnnitt. Il in not yet known what position George O. I'vans will hold under the now regime ; probiitiljr win claim collector. Tho Legislature mot yesterday at Jlurrisburg, but wo cannot givo any- lliiiiL' diCnilo as to tho ulvciiiin of 'nllli-tr. The Senntoriitl pool is said (f) bo tlio blffficst thing out. The linr demand 85,000 for a voto, and about twenty are in the pool. The Nnlional debt was not riduted during tho month cf December, btil increased two millions. This is rath cr ft quick turn after the election, when wo titko into account tho fuel thut t tie rcductioim wore so largo for sev eral months before thut event. Thin, very thin. Joseph K. Mnrcer, late City Treas urer of Philadelphia, who was sonl to the penitentiary fur mnlfesenco in nftlce, m;1 soon after pardoned by floury, Is now chief dork to tho Mayor of that city. Wo presume ho will bo fleeted Mayor next time or Treasurer Hgnin. Excessive loyalty covers n multitude of sins for some people. Tho silting of the Constitutional Convention will hcroaftor bo held in lha old Presbytctian Church building, on Spruce street, between Fifth and Sixth ritroulu, Philadelphia, where tho member can bo found by those of oar readers who may bo in the city while thai body is in hcafcioii, if limy want to t .1 k o a look at the assembled wis dom ol tho Stale. 8oMr.THiNO Wrono. An edict has gone forth from Washington to Inc effect that President Grant will con'. vider it a junl cause for removal, should uny Federal offlco holder becomo a candidate for a State or municipal otlice. Look out, brothcis in law nnd loyalists generally. If Grant said so, he will do it, nnd a now programme rosv be looked for after the 4th of March next. Cabinet Ware Wo see it nn. nounced on good authority that (iov. trnor Ilni tranft will appoint Hon. M S. Quay of, tho Beaver RaJicnl aJ his Secretary of State, and lion. . II Armstrong of Lycoming county a his Attorney General. Quay is in tho light plaoo, but Armstrong has evi dently wandered into bad company lie will not stay thcro long. ' U. 8. Marshal The appointment of Capt.'Jtihn Hall, of Washington county, as Marshal of tho Western District, in tho room of Murdock, is hcraldcj by the Grant organs ns "n reform" movement, and that neither Judgo MuCaudlcss nor District Altor nry Swoopo knew anything about il until aflor tho appointment was made. We hardly know who iscumplimontcd ' (y this stutoment, or who is Int. .Somebody's affections hnvo been lac- , crated, wo have no doubt. Moue II llp. The Jnckion Democrat is the lillo of a new paper just started at Clarion, Clarion county. Its pur pose is to advocate primitive Domo rialic doctrines, and to givo the local nous. Prof. A. C. Porter, lato of the Tionesla Independent Democrat, is the editor nnd proprietor. T. W. West, publisher. Tlio lumo il good, but It " is totally without local chaructcr and too indefinite, unlets mora is added. It will suit thu Utitiido of MissiHaippi, Michigan, or almost any other State. In quoting from It, a pair of brackets mint bo brought into reqtiifilion to properly locale il. In naming a news pttpcl' this bhould bu avoided Wunril Ihyiso A colemporary rays thut after tho Massachusetts Li'g iilature organix-cri, lasl week, it sent for tho Hev. George C. Lorimcr, nnd requested l.iui to deliver a seimon, which ho did. from tho text "Tho Stability of Moral Laws". Bennon uing may do the Mitssnchiifcolts law makers some good, and improve tho morula of the sons and grand suns of tliOHi who banished llogcr Williams and his followers, cropped tho oars off Churchmen, cut tho tongue out of Q'luUoiV mouths, to prevent, the. in ) i oni preaching hrreaoy, nnd hung romen for buiug witches. If moral laws wore ns nnslahlo as the Plymouth Kockers, this continent would bo con stantly nisiuined ami morals at a heavy discount. Coiigrefsniuti Ames, Alloy, etc., should have been sent fm in otuer uiut mo investors in I'ocmc lhiilrond and Credit Mubilicr slock mlgUt havo listened to a lecture on morals If MasHiichlitells legislators ore made out of the sumo stuff thut lite Congiesmen from lliat Plate aro, Vhr-y ru il 'li ;,liiil. lb liert irv ,lre jlgml. ltondor, loss than two weoks have elnpsod tinco wo last uommuuloatod with you. And duilng that period wonderful events have '.rmispired. Storms, Are and death lime been at work. Tho c.itnslropho which occtired nl Williamsport,on Christmas, approach es lieu reel our own neighborhood, and many of the names oflho auiioror. be ing familiar to us nnd our renders, we give the accident somewhat iu detail. A Sunday School celebration enmo off in tho lkpllsl Church in what win onco known ns Nowhorry, but now ihe 7th ward nf Willinmspnrt. on tho day indicated. Some 260 persons had assembled in tho Church, nnd the Christmas ceremonies having been in augurated, Mr. Kinsloe proceeded to address tho children, at the conclusion of which a ditribttulion of tho pres ents took place. At this moment, like an electric shock, n premonition shot through tho assemblage, that a catas trophe was about to tuko place. There was a peculiar shake, a quiver ing of tho timbers, that denoted a sudden downfall, and ii moment after tho floor gave way and tho catastro phe cuino with nil its horrors and heart-ronding scones. When tho crash enmo thcro went up a wail of mangled .humanity that caused tho blood of nil to fairly curdle. Thoso outside worked with a will and used every moans In thoir power to rescue the living from iho mangled muss. Several limes the church was on fire, hut providentially tho flames could be reached, and were speedily extinguished. Before 11 o'clock at night the bodies wero removed and identified. The following is the list of the killoJ and injured : Killed John Kiclno, lioyd Jloliuf- foy, Mrs. Duncnn Campbell and two children, a child of C. V. L. M'Miunie, Miss Sadio Maffil, Miss Mary Fisher, Mist Lizzie Uasltin, Miss 'race Semen, Miss Tillie Ptocder, a boy named Shu- man, and a child of John B'ibb. Injured Mrs Thomas Ames badly bruised; Mrs. John Wilkson, badly injured; Mm. Surrist, slightly burned; Mrs. MafHt, badly bruised ; MissFcss ler, leg broken ; Daniel Newcomer, leg broken; Mrs. Abram Berry, leg broken; Hubert Mafflt, slightly bruised; Howard Heeder, jsw fractured ; Lowis Iteoder, badly bruised ; Mrs. Jonathan Fisher, leg broken; Miss Duskins, arm broken; Mrs. r.. u. l ampoon, badly injured; John Anils, head cut; Mies Thomas, limb broken ; Miss To- icr, limb broken ; Anurow ncnlzcl, ribs broken; Sadio Uumsoy, ankle sprainod; Gertie IJamsey, wounded; Miss Tonor, ankle injured ; Mac less- lor, badly bruised; Geo. Snook, bruised; Carrie Bushy, Mr. nnd Mrs. M'Minn, budiy bruised ; Alice Newcomer, Em ma Brown, Lew llurlman, William Uouck, It. Jacoby, Annie Shaw, Allco M'Bride and father, Srah Waltz, Amanda Waltz nnd Win. Wu'.lz wore injured; Lewis Cupp, nose broken; Jackson Newcomer, Lotlio Adunin, El. and Jennie Kin ley, Lixzio Flexcr, Goo. Baskin, Win. Helium, Worthy M'Connolly, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. G. ICinsloo and a child of Mrs. Berry, in jured. A tcrriDto accident occurrou on iuc Buffalo, Corry & Pittsburgh railroad on December 24ih. Tho train leaving Corry nl 120 p. in., whon ncaring Pronpect station, broke n rail and ran off a trestlo bririgo soma twenty-six feet Inch. Tho enemo passed over safuly, but tho tender, passenger and baggage cam wero w recked and soon caught fire. Beforo tho fire could bo put out a number of the passengers wero buri.ed to dealli. Iho latest ac counts stulo that 19 duud bodies had been taken front the debris, nnd S5 others were known to have been m- iurcd. This accident is regarded as iho mobl shocking that has occurred in Ibis country since the invention of railroads. All tho passengers and employees on Iho train wero either killed or wounded. Iho presumption is thai six persons were burned up as that number nf skulls have been f'jund among Iho debris. Bamiiins great Museum in Aew York, together with a number of oth er buildings, wero burned on the same day, and a few days nflor Ihu Fifth Avonuo Theatre, m the samo city with a number of other buildings, were also comumcd. The loss is very Tho news from tho norm west is 10 iho (-fleet that scoros of persons liuvo perished in that section from thu ex cessive cold which has prevailed there Slate M'ride. The editor of tho Scrnnton 7Yi has been over to Albany, K. Y., lately, and obtained tlio ruling prices for members of the Legislature, lie says "there is ono thing wo desire to sec nltended to nt IlarrUburg this tviutcr, which is to havo tho price of logitdn lion ruiscd to a decent figure As it now is wo have to blush every timo we talk with a New York man on the subject of legislation. While legisla tors at Albany arc worth from JI.OOO to (10,000 per bead, tho snmo article can bo bought hero at 95 to SoO each When wo consider iho great wealth and moneyed interests of our State, this is a most humil'nting comparison. Wo cull upon our Senators and Mom bcrs of tho Assembly who have any Stato pride not to sell themselves one cent short of the ruling ratos nt M bany. Tho dignity of our Stato must bo mniiiluinod, and in order to Uo it wo niui-t show the country that, we have ns valuable legislators ns can bo - ,irnihed by any other State In the Union." Wo laiinot seo what lutorost Uic editor hus iu raising tho prieo nt Ilar- risbiirg, unless ho has gono Into Iho "pool ring," find oxpet'.s Lis Jivy' on every m s,s soon as ljcgislatur adjniii its. The PretitlenUal t'olc. . Below will be found the full oftlclal voto cast for President last Novem ber. Tho voto of each Sta'.e for tho Grant and Greeley electors is givon, nnd under the head of 'scattering'' is included tho voto cast for U'Cinior, tho Bourbon candidate. Tho majori ties given a ro those of Grunt over Greeley, without Inking tho scattering vote Into account : Peiilli-r- lUf. Cm. I. AUUui.... vo.tri Arkauiu... 4l,tH) C'alllumut. 64,044 Conneotlout 6U,(I.1S Ui'Unure... 1 1,1 16 t'lr,,U... 1T.TS4 Oeurnlk..... 112,7 14 llllnoii 34 1,241 In.ian...IHe,l44 lu lit I, If S Kni... SS.II43 Kruluuky.. 8H, ICO IxiuiaiiinttM. 71.S63 .Miin... 01,4-'! MurjiaoJ.. IIO,7ll M.1H 1.1.1,471 liil,ign...l.".,4J5 Miuarfulm. 64,i6S MiMllil l-2.4o Mluiiiitt....tl.IV Ni'br.iW... 1H.J4J Nivnil..... 6,4 U X. JIk Vi.lf.'l N.Jiry. Ill.snl New Y.irk..40,74 N. Otrolins U4.304 Uroolry. 7U.441 .H.44S 40,74V 4i,0 Hi, nm U.4'.'S ,177 JK4.770 103, S17 71,110 JJ.OiO I I'D JU9 l1,01 J0,07 67,t7 60,2110 TH,il64 61,377 47,7h7 1)1,4.1 7,?0 6.3ilS , ll.4il 70.S(I IH7.77II 611,404 244,321 t,74J fll.'JM f.,:tij 22,7113 1,301 66,300 13,026 SI.424 JO.i.lit 0, 477 MiJ. 10, :iill 2.H4SII 13,10., II 4,t6ll 01) Ml 2,337 M 1 ,VJii:: l id,47hK 11,607 U '60,11411 63.072H 11, :.H,Hl 1 1,124 It 8 K V27II 71,71211 6o,luiil: 20,13111 66,11011 11,2371) 10,64011 1.17711 6,7 03 K ll.HUuH 63,47011 il.SIOIt 37,43111 4,67311 1S7,72HH 6,3ilSll 40.6H7U 10,73111) 1 0,004 D 60,664 H I.620H ,7Vl'it I,0IIS m I.OiS 1,417 ,201 721 7 374 4,144 24 30S 06 l,65 8,434 Ohtu EHI.N5J On-jua 11,813 renn 3i,ss K.ltUnd... t J, 1105 8. Ctrulilik. Trnnr(e. Tfi 47,416 271 5,'iVo 43 fOO (34 'rinool .... 41,1-40 Vlrjli..... 2,yj Writ Vs.... 3J,:US Wili.iul04,tlUJ Tol.l...8,6lJ,0M 2,833,617 83,77V 760,13711 Giving Grant 769,137 plurality over Greeley ; 725,111)8 majority over all. COMPARISON WITH TUX VOTE 0 1808. Tho voto for President in 18t3 stood as lollows ; Fur Ortut Aod Colfnx Fur cVvmuur soil UUir..,.., s.nu.us ...2,703,000 Ormut'i uajuritjr Sou, 518 In 108 Mississippi, Texas, and Vir ginia did not punicipnto in tho elec tion, nnd in Florida tho Presidential doctors were selected by tho Legisla ture. Deducting Iho voto of these four Slates In 1872 from Iho total, we find that Grunt received 3,35,451 votes in tho States which took part in the election of 1808, his increase being ilW.'-iOO voles in these Slates, nnd 579,71)5 In tho wbolo country. The Greeley ticket In 1872 polled 2, 013,2118 votes In the States which voted In 18CS, showing a decrenso in iheso Stales of 00,392 votes, and in ihe whole country a decrenso ol 130,. 217 votes. THE UltAST liLflTOttAL VOTB. Tho lliirly-ono tStnles in which tho Grant ticket receivod majorities cant the following electoral votes for Grant nnd Wileon : AV fttnl Arkunflai Cihfurnift. CitnuvcU' aLw... l)?Uart Floruit Illiooif , Indians Ioa Kinas I.'tuiiana . Maine , ManotiuteUa.. M irliigan MillDMota 10 NVI.ik. 6jN.r... 6 1 New llauitbm... 6; New Jerrcjr t'Hi-m York 4 North Carolina... 21 (Ohio 15 'Oregon llreniivlvnla 6Rho.le Jiland. SiHoutb CarulinaM... Si It 22 20 7 1 Vermont.. Virginia. Wrtt Virt inia., VVlfcuBaio.M 11 .... I .... 10 ....306 aliriiMippi Tulal electoral rote. TIIK OITOSITION EI.ECTOBAL VOTE. The death of Mr. Grooley caused the clerlors of Iho States which gave a majority lor mm to scnitor inoir votes fur President in the following fashion! For Horace Gnelcj, of Nik fork i (Jrorgie a for It. Urata llrown, ofMinourll lleorgiaM 6 KentuekjrM -. 4 Miftonri 8 Total. For Tbouiaa A. Uondrioke, ofn.llana Kentucky--.... Mart land.. Mutonrl Tan nrlre . . leiai. ...IS ... S ... S ... 6 ...12 ... ...42 Tulal. For Charles J. Jenkini. of Ueorglai Ucargia. M 2 For Dm id Liar la. of Illinoii: Mniiourl 1 The opposition electoral vole for Vice President w n distributed as lol lows : For 11. flrati Prowi. f Mliourl leorglaH m 6 Kentucky.- - Maryland... S Mirlonrl S T'innriiee- - - 12 Tim Total.- Pur Nailianiil H. llankr, of Manachuieln (IriiritU - For Uonrge W. Julian, ol lnil.aaa Mierourl For Alei. II. I'ulquil, ol tleorgia Georgia. .' For Joliu M. l'a'.unr, of I.lmoii Mirrourl f .r Tliomat Ii. Drain laito, or konluokt- Kentnckr For Win. H. Uruiehcck. of Olilo Mimnuri 1 For Willie Ii. Jloolim, of Kontuckj kculucke m CONTEST!!!' VOTFS. In Louisiana tlio two opposing sots of electors claim to havo been elected, tho Grant electors by the voto given abovo, und tho Greeley electors by a vote or u,ii7 against o&zoz ma ioritv of 8,015 forGroeloj'. The Gree- "t . I! - ..I I. ..I I - . .1 lev electors ueeoruiniztv neiu muri inir and forwarded their voto to Wash- liirlon, Their vote for President was blank, and for Vice President 8 lor II lirnta J'.rox n. Ilwnl dovolva Ulion Congress In joint session to decide which I tho true voto of Iho Stato but thcro is no doubt that tho Grant voto will bo accepted. PretUtmt lirunt at titrate Vree Icy't Funeral. When Prosident Grant declined an Invitation to a dinner in Washington in order that ho miifhl attend tho lun oral of Horace Greeley, ninny kind thinis wore said or him by tho news paper press ol tlio country, discerned to ho t ecarded os a tiieeo of self-denial greatly lo ho commended, and wo nro Burs Hint all tno admireisoi nisextti- lenev will ho sincerely L'lad to lenrn thnl ho L'ot a L'ood dinner in Mow York, with wine in plenty, and thfit he l'ot all these (rood things without pining lor any ol lliem. Miorlly nl'ur Jloraeo Oreoley s body was Ue nositod in Iho crotind tho 1 illh Ave nno Hotol sent tho following hill to iho Hoard of Now Jork Aldormon i J'irTS Avrst'S Horrt, ) New York, Dee. 4, 1612. f r-reiidenl (!:..! and I'arlr. Dr. lo Darling, Orlfwonid Co. n..rJ and rlap. 1 dae. S tier- 9 onr : , Fire. e"0 Mealf aered in room 16 T H Ii farriaaaa 61. ti 6 00 V ine v- J When the ahoro bill was reeuivod tho lln. Jenkins Van Kohaiuk, who had the honor of riding with I'residonl Grant hi Mr. urecley s fum-ral procos. sitin moved that the hill bo paid anil the motion was adopted. The amount thus oxnsnded wus ordered to be ehsrirod to the account of "City Con tlngonulcs," and that was tho end it. we nave no euinmcPtR tv-in?.? tirtul for Puwtr, The alarming proposition mudo by tho Secretary of Ihe Treasury In Ins recent Jicporl, thut he shall be author ised to oxuroiso unchecked powurovrr Iho wholo business of lha country, Is Culling 'forth tho strongest consuro from iho ablest among the prot-st i d Iho country. Tho doctrine is In Itsolf so complete ly at war with all tho theories ol Jto publican govcrniuoiit, thut II is sur prising that uny public man should venture tosuggest II, notwithstanding all our familiarity with tho ruvolutiuu ary acts of tho ruling purty for sev eral yeurs pant., Tho idea that the people w hile in pntwesitm of their sen ses, would bu willing to confer upon Mr. Doutwcll or any other ono person, the right to decide from day In day how much currency they should have with which to transact thoir business affairs, is simply preposterous, llo proposes to bo tho "sensc-boarcr" for all tho bunkors and business men in tho United Slates ; ns ono of our con temporaries puts It nnd thcro is a good deal iu tho art of putting things. Mr. Boulwcll volunteers to do the thinking lor the wholo commerciul Iiublio; to say when the crop shall e moved t when nnd how the cur rency shall be inorcasod and when di minished, nnd how much profit , shall be mndo in each particular business, We are a Centralized Paternal gqv ormnoiit. Ihe truthful old uougo, Tht veorld it governed too mack. Is to be reversed ) for Mr. It. evidently thinks it requires more coveming than we havo ever yet hud In this country north of Mason and Dixon's lino. Thegovcrnment islogiveevery body everything. Ills t run onr Telegraphs, deal out to us what mon ey il thinks we noed, lake charge of our amusements, prescribe the cut of our clothes, nnd send nut lis armed police to catch our cluldron and send them, not to tho schools preferred by thoir pnronts, but to those selected by tho Paternal government. Herein is one of the great points of differenco between tlio two parties, into which wo hnvo always been and always will bo divided. Ono party, tho party of freedom and cf manly virluo and of independent thought and action, wishes govern ment to mind its own business nnd not mctldlo unnecessarily with the affairs of the Individual citizen; the other parly ; tho parly of ikij tho party that changes Its names so fre quentlyis all tlio while crying to tho great Baal of the General Govern ment for Paternal pence, or shilling, or pounds. As tho Federal party, il was repudiated nioro than seventy yenrs ng.; under its aCtiij of Whig, it was caught nnd condemned twenty years ogo ; fur a few years it skulked about tho country with sundry picked up aliasis, finally calling itself the ltenubliesn party under which im J indent misnomer it is now and has or twelve years past, been plundering to some nurpiwc. Its lat effort is to control ull the money of the counlrv : and we wonld not bo nt all surprised if it succeeded its project. II it does not, it will not bo from any want of effort upon tho part or tho Administration, or of siavisn suuicrvii'tieu on mo pari ui iuc Urant presses. (Jive it the Money nnd llie .tele graph system and we see no peaceable rcscuo Irom consolidation. v e nope tho present Congress will strangle nth projects. As regards the next one, il atfotds but small hopo. JfWf(-rir Great tfelern Hirers. Tho science of engineering has ena bled man within the last few years, to accomplish results in biidging rivers, that ten years vn'o would hnvo uceu considered visionary. In relation to bridging these streams, ihe Chicago llailwixii liei'iew says i I lie Mississippi nnd Jlissouri are al ready brnlifed at lourteen difloronl points, ' at ten on tho Mississippi and tour on the Missouri On tho Missis sippi at Hock Island, the pioneer rail way bridL'C, originally ol wood, is now replaced with an iron bridire. The Mississippi Is brnlpcd at Clinton, liar. lingtnn, (jiinny, Dubuque, Keokuk, Hannibal, lona, Hastings and llrian ard (ho one at Iho latter pluco be inir a wooden structure. Iho Missouri is limited at Umalia, Kansas City, St. Chiules and Leaven worth. Tho bridge at St. Louis isap pronehinr; completion. Another ii proiontod at CarJelel below St. Louis (hero is nnolher under construction at Si. Joseph, Mo., ono at Atchison, Kan., renny to bo commenced on, nnd ono practically determined on in the vicin ity of Pooncville, Mo. It will not bo long until theso great national hall ways, tho Jlisoiasippl and Missouri will be crossed ul other points, thus offering nmplo fneilitics lo railwny and higliwny tralllo, to ull points in tho far West. Western Rural. Kvans AoAir. An cxchanRO says: Vr. l'aine, famous nsbvin idcnlititid with the hoirus diiiloma business, now declares he was assnilud in Unit par ticular by men guilty ol irnuus in other directions, esoeially in tho Col lection of Pennsylvania's war claims, and that l.o will soon publish n well siihstaiiliatrd Ntatcmeiit on this sub- jooa e hi h nill eetal,.u une t ironiinoiil men in wiiai is so won . .!-.. I - known ss tlio divans caso. Ji is biso intimated that a prominent Senator will mov8 inr n roniieniiig ol tins esse, hen tho Jit-jrtslaluro uicois, on mo uround that ho has witnesses to prove inanv new nnd interesting facts in connection therewith. Tho petiplo want the truth, which has never yet een made nulilio on tins suniect. Well, il is rthotit timo this Kvsns robbery was settled, either by sending him lo tho peiiitcniiaiy or viiiiiirinnK him to pay into tho blale .treasury Iho 8-'JO,tiO ho stulo. Intebmemilino. No body of men, unless wo except nn organised band ot horso thieves which Inlcst tlio country, seem to meddlo so much w itli tho rights nd properly of iho peoplo ns our llonoi able Congressmen In addition lo liirostij'nlinrT their own villlnnios Iu secrecy, and discharging thoir simple and plain duties, that body is nltcmptir lo buy up ull iho telegraph lines nnd to reguluto rail road manors for us. What a blessing it would bo to tho country, if mom bors would just cemflno lliomst lvos to thoir legitimalo business and let other people's nlono. lloberl M. stnl Stephen A Douglas, sons of tho lato Senator Douglaa, hnvo prepared and will present to Conirress on Monday a claim for 8250,000 for thoir private cotton and other proper ty luVen, usod nnd appropriated in of jsiiirch, lMu;s, in .Mississiiint, by s por Jijfin of Ihe army n( the 'idied Mutrs tvi dwtisrmftili JLEABFIELD PLANING MILL C O M PAN Y. 1 - ; t T lllti uirlcnliritml, tuccu'swrff l HKK1) k I'OWKIJ,, hurt Min'tuml Hit t'LKAH- F1KM I'l.AMNU mU4t nU refltlrU It for .lomf iO KitniiT bmiorif. AU the luaithliivr will V MI B renin nry ninkt It n of (lit in o it eo m ii It to oitnb libuirnli ol tin hind In the Hlatr. Thrv ar now prrirri to receive onleri fureny work Id thut line. They! I Klveiprele,! ittntiun tit til inaleriftli fur huue buiJiiug. - FLOORING, WEATHER-BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, itn.U HKTH, JnotLiiMjra,tic. Or ALL STYLES', Jwaj. ou hand. WOHKKD BOAfinR, an J alt arllclei naetea- rr M bullJIna. will Im aielianaed for lillV Ll'MHKR, ao that pereona at a dlitenea nav briaf their luialier, exehanga U for, and return ittima witn tuo luenutMturoit arllolra, The Cm,ianj will alwava l-v on banJ a large iluck ol dry lutntier, ao at '.". 'lie able to til a order on tha ihorteat notice. Only the beet anil mort killlul handi will be em ployed, to that tho puhlio may rely ofmn good work. t.otnber will ha worked or lolJ aa low na II aan b par, baled anywhera, and warranted lo giro latlifaetion. Aa tha bnilnen will he d'Hia u(kiu the eath principle wa aaa afford to work for iniall proDti. DRY LUMBER WANTED! Especially ono nnd s-half and two Inch panel nun, tor wuicn n iinarat pnee win na paux. Thi ImiineM will be aonductad nadar tbeoaine of lha "Ucnrfield Nanlng Mill Co." O. B. Merrtll will nereonally ennerinlend lha nuetnaei. Ordert rcepaetfully avlieltad. O. n. UKr.RF.t.L. It. II. TAYLOR. DAVID Mi.aAUOHKV. M. O. DROWN A IIKO. Clear6eld, Pa., January 6, 1S7I. OSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER C I) H P A H T OSCEOLA 11. AM MILLS, MAKCFACTCHKB I.USlBEn, LATH, AND I'ICIiETS, Sawed Jc Fatcnt Ribbed Shingtct. H. n. Bnil.I.IXOFORD, Pmident, Oft.e Fureit Plaee, Na. l:J 8. 41b L, l'hil'a. JOUN LAWSIII1, General Eup't, Oaoeola Milli, ClearSeld eountj, Ta. A no TOWS LOTS tjr rale In the boroajh ol Urceola. Ai.ao Krer. (ha I.AROF..JT ASSORTMENT of (looda In I'lrar6rld ooante nt tbtlr Mammolh blura in Oaoeola, Jaos-76 1 I'.IMdlT of tlie eoodlllin of Ihe COUNTY Ii. NATIONAL HANK of rieartcld, nt the eioaa of baeioeaa on rrtdae, Uoeember 2i, 1872i naauunt-ai. Loam and ditcourll... fUT'M tt Oeer draft! U. H, bondi to aeenre eiieutation Una from reileeiainK A iceerve arrnta, loe from other National Hankt true from State llanka nnd Uankera.. Furnilnra and fiaturra Cnrrenl elpanaca Taxel paid Cheeka k eaeb iteme,inclndinf atampe, Hilliuf Nationnl llanka Praotional ettrroncj,iucludilig nickrla, Spei'le, (ooln Legal, tender note. M 11.276 1)6 Ji.KIO 00 4,1122 H S.SOi V IO.J.,4 fl 1.376 61 80S 21 (II 61 646 l.lvJ I'd 4'.i8 67 6,S0 06 Tolal- ,.,.$J78.."7 S ' v uiaiLiriaa. Capital ttoeli said In. $111(1.000 00 eturplua find frollt ami pa e.JiiO vo 1I.IIII2 M S.,t6 00 M,i 61 1,317 (J Circulation ctrtanding Indlriilual drpoaila hue to National baakaH .... luo tu Slate Jlankl and Uankera T06 63 Total ...J27J.637 M .Vl.iK o raae'nai'o, CltarluU Colf, I, H. M Shew, Carhier ol the L'onntr .National Ilnuk of t'lenrflrld, do eolrmnly ewenr that tbe alioto alalcinrut ii true to tho beet of my knonl edKe nul Wlicf. . M. til A", Cashier, Hiibecrilied and f worn to before tat lliil 4tbdae of Jannarr, A. II. 1S7S. JOUN W. WRIfll.EY, S. P. Correet AtltHi JAMK8 T. LEONARD, V M. A. WALLACE, O. L. ItEL'l), Jnn. 6. 1S1. Ilirertnre. 1ir:P)llT of the eondllli.n of tbe FIRST It NATIONAL HANK of Clearfield, St the olure of baineM on lleeenibor 37, 1S72I nnaorsi'aa. Loam and lMrcotinU IL'if.CiJ 6 fivnr limit !,.17li Oil V. 8. llond to eeoaro eireolation Duo from redeeming A rreereo agents Hue from other National llanke Iue from Stale llnnki and llankerl... Furniture and Kiatorea lllO.tlOO Oil 17.617 1.1 4.M4 3 (. SS 116 l.ItiO 60 026 6S kl.U 64 4SII 66 Current Ktprnief lalot paid Ciifb llotim, (including rlampr).M Uilll of other National llsntt fractional lurrencj, (inelud. niukeli) 671 00 etu o: Kpeeie, til: onin IS 1 13,Tltl 00 Legal Jen-lr iira Total... f.1iin.24S 07 l.tAttll-ITIKS. Capital Hook paid in .tioo.ono oo hHrplna luo.1 . 18,001) Oil ltiniutil. lliiore! anu exp"nere PruSl and l.orl Niilioiml Hank cireulat'n outnandlng, llii idrnil' unpaid . 6,Bi6 10 82S 77 6,I40 00 6S 00 Hue to National llanka Due to Klato Uauki and Unkcri S.1..9 46 S.S76 81 Total. ..f.ioans 67 I. William II. Tillt. Chlrr of lha Ftrat National Hank of Clearfield, do loleranljr ewear that the ahore etaleoient It true lo tba beat ol m.r knowledge and belief. WM. It. DILL, Carlilcr. Puhecribed and iwom lo before me tbif 3d day of Jannarr, I873. till. It ADKIIACII, . f. CorrecS-Atlerti JOXA. ROYNTON, FAMl'LL MITl'IIKLL, ltollKKT M1TCIIK1.L, Jan. 6,1671. ' Dlroeioee. TSI.WTIOJI OI'01'I'ICKIIK.-A nieellng I'j of lha Clearbleld I'ontitT Aarleullural ho oioly will bo bald in tha Cnwrl llooee, on Monday ...nine. Januare 1.1. 1117.1. for the liurnou of electing offlcera fur the enruing Tear, and fur tha traneaellnn or otner uuemeai. A general bufbu. anea if requetted. N. RICH F.L, Secretary. II. F. r.lGLEIl 4 CO. bar for sal CARRIAGE & WACOJ WOODS, SUAFTS AND POLES, 11 U B3, SPOK E3, FELLOES, Ao, C. rel.ee and Wafon Maltra ibonlil Slaka nolo of tli it and call and alanine them. Ther will ba told at Mr nrloei. wmtJl 71 4 J.l.KCillKNY llOTKU jCJL (Market 8L, bet. flecond nod ThlrJ.) . ri.ERl-ll:LI, PA. e Tka fnliMrlhera kaeluK tjeeoaia proprietor, of tniini'lel, wonld rneielfuilT nk liberal ihar. vf finbllo palronei. 1 be Tabl. will nlwiri Im liipfilled wllh lb. beet lha market eftordi, and tht llai duebed wltb tba (neat l.lnnnra. 4eel671 IlKNN .EirO.P. n: OHOKB FOR 1,6' Tw dark Hoa. Iloraaa, weighini :hint 1,1116 ponniti. Atn, n Bay Horaa, weighing l,M6 nounde. J H MelnRT, . (It V i hlnjlen. fa ! durational. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS 1 Cl.KARr lKI.D, fa. ' '; I ; rpilR WlXTEIl TEUM cf fourtera wraki, will X, eiiluiia'iidtt Muuaav, Jauiiary ctli, 167 J. . J ' TKllMfl OF TUITION, lUilln(.0rlhsfraiilir,lVrltlri,OliJactLei- . , una, t'rliriarjr Arimueiie auil I'nmarr UouaraliUr . 17 60 Iliftory, l.ueal anil cluaorilitlre (leoftraili,r Willi Map urawing, urauimar, Alenui ami Wrilirn Ariihuiello i 00 Algebra and Ilia Kniutioei 13 (10 Iiiilruetlon la Inatruuiaalal muale. ,, 10 00 (Ml palming, 24 luiauni 11 00 Was work , 6 00 i Kor full riartioiilari aeuil fur Circular. ' : I'laarSaia, Sept. 7, 1 S70-1 ;pd. ' ' LEARFIELD ACADEMY. A Male lud FciuaU CUlcal High SrlitroU F.tch Departmrnt Kr pa rate, IMatloct Mid vvai)lct iu lUi-U. rriUR irhoUitle year of tliU InMltutlon If tlWI- I ded Into twg on i or five monthi (twcnti'- oiio wrck) enh. The Aret ieiiWn eumineneee on the flrit Moti Jay In Hrptrtnbcr; the eooud, on the flrft Motiditjr in Kibruory, lueeiiurse of ntnicilon enibraQri ircry tlilnc avcriiry to a thorough, practical an J acoouiplih etl etluo&tlnn of both fttrn. Piiptlt will be admitted at any time and charred from date of entmnre t the eluae of the ten Urn, No deduction will be movie fur aharofle. exorbt la eaifi of extreme and protraelrd t Untie. Mtudente from a dintaaoa fma be a ec urn mo dated with board at lew ratee. Jfor iartlcuie.re, eend for elrrulnr, or addreee itoe. r. Jb..-iiAnni0u.-N, a. ai.f Jetf 2, 187 1 -If. FrlDolpal. I I s-ni-e-w i , RECONSTRUCTED. IV DANIEL STEWART & SON llftTln porehetf 1 the Cheap Clothing Houra of Iaao u. Keiremtcio, iteve the tmx anf ben at'ortmPTit of Manui'acturcd Uuuilt ia the county, and ean tell their READY MADE CLOTIIIXQ, for Meo, Hoyi aal Child ren, 20 rtxu t i xr. ciicai-lr . Than any other honee In the eooaty. 1 bee will alwsye ktu on bsstid a larire tut el egant aMortmtnt of or.vri" fursisiiixo goods, C0LLAI13, TRUNKS. TALlSES, te., ic. OP TliS LATENT 8TVLK3 AffD PATTERNS. If ron wint lo ret rnd and etelMl rii.lhlnr, at tow Sparer, Ho not tail to aall nl their eitab- linment before epeodtng yonr nonee eleowacre. Keeaeralter tna ,laee. nocT.l li A. Mr. I. Mr.wAKi a sun. ffjat dvtrtisriuruts. TI( ;H.: i)rltli,.-Tbe Mlow.ot tier J aone bare filed in Ilia oSieeuf the Clerk or the Cuurt of tJuarter Ke.ibnt of Clearfield eonntr, tbeir D9tlriona and bunda for Lieetiee, at the January leationl neil, agreeably to tba act of AsertnMr. otili'leU "An Act to ir,nle'.e the eale of Ialolicatltig Llqoorr," Ae : II. nratiatn.. Oirard ,-wli Sh'jotr lloa'idale ....Oeerola , Oaceola Oleo ll ipe Ulen llupe N'ewburg , 0eto!a Honu.Ult Iledrra Ilontidale Uootxdale Curwenrrille H rt B!toni .fameii II. Llptoo A. Sense J. Kea-t W. II. Itadebauch.... John T. Ilathorn. obn Katnadale Jamee llalee W. Reed Jeeaa E. Williauip tlaorge Cbnrtton A.J. Draurkor U. A. Ilioom... Leintitd A Uonn .. Clearfield Rell Covington Corii.;to Iloulllale Ilontidale Jamee FramptuS Jlulun Oirard hn Downer. L. CatnnlMll ... U. Ibomneon M. ien Jatnei McLaughlin. ..CIear6eld llenrr Oratier.. Deeearia Miehael Carroll Oaceola II. Sbafer. Burniile C. Fulmer Morril William Holier. .Walleeeton E. Huhaokor - Iluelon atrei I.;nongb- imimiaie O Clement. .iernei,i K. O'Honald ll.inlidale Tbomei llughen. ilnutidale Ed. Flandera. Jajneirille iLooa Lictsas. at. MeG inter... ...DuatldaV William Williaaa Dunl.ar Janei rlwecncjf-. n uodland Pat. MeUnrk - un-eoia John MaeomWr C.taifield Stephen O.-afi. Curwenir.lle Tlieoo.ilW hteplieoeon.M ...m..i ivari.riu W. Kndre ClwuHeld Mfllaiig'jer A Mrl'hereon Clearfield iiouer B. Laacb A John M lljatl.. Ilaiion Haaoarti.a lussii. Ueonlt. iTi iba Nangil Uilj Dee. IS, IS72. A. C. TATK, Llork. SherilTs Sale. 1)T trtu of wrlll of Tier aetae, li.n.d I I ant of lb. Court of Common Pleal cf Clear Held eountv- nnd to ma directed, tbara will h. eipnied to 'PUBLIC KALE, nt lha Conrl llouee, in the boMUKh of Clearfield, on Mondar, tha 13th day of Jannarr, HJ.l, M I ocioca, f. or, Ihe following Ileal F. tale, lo wl' i The following de.e. ibe-l real tltalo liluala in Oirard toniUii, Cleatneld eounty, l'a beinp uart of tract No. 1 if! 3, beginning at the euillb eail eorner of eaid tract and niuning nurth oo tin. between l.aoout k Irviu to Ihe Iruw of the li.rr Crock hill i Ibrnce nlug Ibe brow nl lam bill, lo n direction lull will inolu.li. llie Hat on top of aaid bill and connect with Julm Jurr lioai aud from thence ro a. to ineliiu. all tin.uld land on the aouth end of aaid trncf. ricized, taken In eteeotlon and to ba rold M the proper!' ol ta- ward Waller.. Aim, a bdo"e aod tot rituale In tlnrnalde Irwn- ebin, rtenrflrlJ a-iunlj. T.. beini Ihe em eon- ler bf niilicnraent, and o-iginalljr .urrejed in tha name ol Jonathan uu.niu.'o. t.v.r, . eaeenllon and to be aold tbe property of liben Mc.Maeter. Al.,i. all that eiruln tract ut nieo. of land l.tn and in t be. I luan.bip, t'learlitld eoun'r, Penn'a. bounded and deiwribed a. fullon., t. wit: On ihe ...i .. I., ..I of Uiliinaliain k Uerrinun, on Ihe .outh be W. W..lon. on lha we.t by Levi Row land and on tha north bj Jonaa Maiklc cr.n'.a n. ing Ji .cre j having almul four acrcr clcntcJ and largo iraine uouic ana log .:uie ,o,...u il. briird. taken In eieculiou and to t told i lh. properly ol raui E. Snyder, A io, all Defendanfi Inlcrerl In a ecrlaln tract of land .lloated In I'enn tunn.bip, fli artlel.l coun ty, Pa., bounded and deecrlbed aa lollow. ! llegm- nlog nl a poel in in. line oi pieni-ur, land .old llaeid Spencer r.orlb 46 degreo. w..t 16 perehra to a po.lj llieneo eoulh 411 digreei rail 9 pcrebea lo pint I thence north ill degree, wait 14 perehea 10 a ehntniltj tbene. .nulh 26 degree. ...I N perehea aloog liua of drier llcll lo while oak theno. aau'h M degree! ea.l 70 pcn hcl to a biekory tbenoe north 36 degree, ea.l 30 perche. to a chestnut l thenc. .outh JO digrrei ea.t 17 perehea lo a red oak i thence norlb 311 degree, iaal 28 prrchtl lo a hickory I Ihrnoe norlh 1 de gree.o.t 27 perche. ton poill thence V degn. ea.t SJ porrhe. lo atone.) thence noilb 40degieei weal 164 perohe. lo place of beginning I o.mlam ing Si acre.. Pelreil. I.ken In e.eeulion and lo ba aold a. the properly of Matthew Henry. Aim. all Itrfcn.lanl'. Inlere.1 In t bout t and lol - i .. u....i..uie. Clear6-I,l ovuntr, ronn a., bounded and dercribed a. tf"' "' of llrl.l.in rlreel, irontmg ow u,,.o.. - and running ea.l I JO feet to Mapl. H.. I and de.nrlt.ed a. lot No. 61 In ilan of .aid bor ough. wilb large Ihree-rlory kol-l and other out building. Ibomiu eiwIeU. Helled, lak.n In ewe. euiion and to ba aold ai tba properly of Pat. F. rtnnnlle. T T fii.fi -Tb. prlra or tnn al wbleh Ik. pron.riy .ball ba .truck off (au.l ba paid at .! A ..I., nr aoch har arrangm.nu made ai will be anproeed. olharwlio the p.p.rty wi'l b. Immdlati';pnl up and in a bgata at ..ill. I it lha neraon lo whoa It waa Blruek off, and vbo, Il of de6eione. at Mich re .ale, tball make good lh. aa.. an In in.l.nc. will lh. I.i bo pr...nted In Court for roormotlon uai.M lha 'VVi5 1 Mid I. Ik. Bbarlff. Jl'BTIN J, I IB, a....rr'a Orrinn. I therlff. rie.-tieta. ri., r 'M. 1, nil ) ftjat gsdt'frtijjftttcnfs. SheriiT's Sale. "llY tlrtueol rlUvf Vtndilimmi Krpm,u6 J oeit of tbe Court of Cow mot Plf m of Cleur fteid eouoiy, ted U tue dlrMtetf, there will: be eipuiod to pel-lieieile, at Ue Coari Hoaie. In the Woruuf-h of Cleerlleld, en MoDdejr. the lilth dee of jM.Us.re, 1873, aI 1 o'ctocH, p. m , the following detoribed rel eittteo wit: - A cc rials, lot of land litiMte In Ojw uU borough, Clvnrltelil euuuty, I'n.. butt n tied on tbe toutb by lut iA Uiebwd Uuoe, weet bj Ltovle etrert, north by utiiit, aui cast by no alloy, aud baviug pUi.lt 4 w II lug Uoutf aud IrauiA itble thereou. ftlMI, taken iu excovtiuv end la be etild ae tbe1 propertjr ol Ueiijurnin Kliur. Also, aertain traetof land eituele in Fr(uton towiiiliii, Clearfield eouuly. Pa., begiauiog at a poit cemirt tlieitoa uonii 60 Atwt eafi XVu te relict aloof land ooavayed to Jubn J. Hoy t to a poit on the old line tbpuce by the Ueorge Hon furrey loulh 40 dczreut- (nut IWO tiuicbee to biue corner ( tlicnoe by tha A. Ilihart turvey eoutli 60 degreee 2"0 prrchrt to wbito oak eornvrj tlicnoe wcfct by Miitliiat J) art on turvey 200 perch el to j fklioe of btitiuiOf( ) eoutalaioe; 217 acrei, inoro or eei, and having about aerel eleartHl.orubard, ftiine hone aud baru tbereoti. geitvrl, tnkcn in excoutluu and ta ba sold ai tbe property of ihirid Woodi. AUo, a certain tract of land lituale In tba til lage of JaoeevlHc, Gallch toDhip, Clearfield oeuaty, VH lot bring 60 fret froot and running back 200 iVt, and buundM north by an alley, en it by li t No. 28, auuth by Martcu ilrcet, aud weit by Walnut it reel, and baiiug a fiama lUbla and a Jarge freme bouse thereon, and occupied ai a hotel, (St-iicd, taken in excrution and to be luld ai the property of Uowrn A Turntr. AUo, a certain lot of Und lituate Id Pike town ihip, Clearfluld aouaty, Pa., bounded north by Aodereoa creek, eeat by J. F. Uelleudrick. outh by Penueille turnpike, and weat by Caldwell; Iut7ifcjt by 21 tl ftot end baring a two ttory plank frame dwelling thereon ereitid. Seiitd, tako in eaeeutioa abd to ba eold a tha property of Augattei ItoTb. Alio, a cert tin lot of land eltuata lo Oeeaola b'jroujrh, Clearfield oonnty, IV, boandtd to wit: fronting na Liogle iireet 60 feet and ruooiug back hy JUb strict 20 ftet to an allrj, and bjr lot No. , and ba. iug a large tiro atory frame boose, liable and other ootbuiiiiiug tiieron erect ed. PriiwJ, taken In czectitiiD iod to bo eold as tbe property of Abraham Kepburt. A to, a ecrtaln traot of land lituate In Uorrli township, Clearfield twart'y, PeiniS., -'inoiDf at dogwood eirnert tbrnce be the J-tbo Huitou eur tfr loath Ml degrei-e eest 170 perab-.ii tlieooe hy whet wu I suae Knanl'i purclet-e aorib lil erchei; tlicnoe ttr J.ihn Urvwa peiuhete north V Jrgreri wt 170 perohce to the lice tract: thence lenib lill perebei to place ei tgiot.iDg; eoataiiiii g 132 ncrta more or lcr, ttsinj nearly all elcarfd aiad hating a good hctire, barn, out-talld- logi and bearing orchard theroon. beiud, tukvn ioeiceution and to be told lit property of JLa C. liocktneerry. Alio, two certain tract! of land lituate in Murrir towmhip, Ctearttid oonoty. Pa. The ooe pi jo beginnltig at eanall beanlork, being iia:b-ttiet oor ner of original tract in the nanac ot Puter Wagner; thence wot along original irant line lt2i petehee toapoit; tbence by laud of jMn. Dotj;lii nor ill I OS pure h ei to poit ; tbcace east by Inad of A'iaw Uu.er penrei to a hcmlccli r.iplir; theEe outh hy lau J f Brenner, TraoVi X Co. perefai to place of brginnitig ; coatnlnlng 9 .'4 eerri, more or leu, atid baring 40 acrei cleared, with dwelling house. Lam an 1 other out buildine lud erxhird Lhereon. The oilier piece thereof bfjipnlnf at a poit on In north - we t corn?rof AJ.no Alorer; thenae ititb by land of eail Clover lui percliee to nbite pine conw ; tbeuca ti by lan i vf iUt. Doogleei. 1. U.Merrelland A. Uenick UO pert Lei to pr-t eora'ir in line of original trait, i-ij.iini'ig la:i ii f Ai'poil'i estate; (Lf nee north 121 J perchc to old bf tn! oak ( thenre east 180 pcrchee and plnce of bejpnninr; ; eoniainiog 1 1 i acrei, morn or lea. Bciftvt, Ukro ia exerutlon and to be told m tbe property of Saicae) Jlerrcll. Alio, a1! that tract of lin-, containing ?H acres tore or leee, lately In the vecupancy of Cbnitieo .Straw, lituate in Fergaaea Uwoihip, Clearfield county, Pa., Lcir.g part of a lurvry in the name of MavUhim rNiush, bounded by lauui of Iteuben Lewis. U. C. llanilton, Martin blo-wa, Jao. Kru.t aod others; baviag about AO acres elcarrd, wub a good barn, final, dwelling bouse and on-hard thereon. PelicJ, taken in eicetin and to be old as the property of John Campbell, Alio, a certain traet of land situste lo Wood ward township, Cliarficld esuotr, Pa., bounded and described as follows, to wit! ily lands of i antaining 0 fterea, with a bo at Ji acres eleared, and bat it. g a tog hocae, on-hard and other Im pro rem coti thereon. Seised, taken in execution aod to be sold as the property of James McKce. A Ut, certain tract of land lituato in Ferguson townihip. ClrarfirM eounty, Pa., bmindd and ilcecribed a follows, vis: Oa the east or laodi of MvCullf and Patterson, on the south be lands of McCully aod Wit heright, on tbe west by lands of Vt itberight and C. C JJarre't, nnd on the nortrt y lands of K. C. Darrott, Withcright, F. 8bofl and Jiibn T. Straw ; euutaiulng 71 acres, more or U-ss. with I j eeres cleared and small log house and lug barn thereon. Beiied, taken in elocution and to ba sold si the property of Washington Drown Barrett. Also, a eartain traet of land situate In Dmntur township, Clearfield eounty, Pa , and known as , tbe "Kcutiick" farm. begnaiiig at btwihorn aor- j ner, on west side f Beaver Una. aJjeining lands surveyed fur Aeaos aod William lUok ; lUuoe south if i drgrees east i04 perohes u poll corner of K. Walk's scoond parohasei theooe by same and It ir bard Copelm purchase, south 6 '1 d- grecs went 2U0 perchos to post eorner in line of R. K I-howalter; Ihrnee north 27 degrees woet 101 perchcf to b cm lock eorner ndjeining lands of Wm Philips: thence by laid survey and V. illiata and Awioe Kk survey north 611$ degreea enst 211 peirbes to plane of beginning, containing 1.1ft aerea and allowance ; being purl of tract survey ed in name uf Joseph Whitehall. elsrd, taken la i ecut ion and to be told as tha proper of Cbaa. Conelin. latasor Bai-b. Ths price or ism at which tba proerrty shall be struck f null ba paid at t'ia tine of sale, or such other arrangement made as will be ap(rofed,otfaerwliethe proper ty will ba Immediately put op and sold again nt tberinrnso aod sink of tba person to whom It was struck off, and who. in cas cf deficiency at snab re ale. shall snaka good tha same, and In o Instance will tha Deed be presented In Court for nnttrmfltiusi nale the money ia aetually psid to the Sheriff. JUSTIN J. Pitt, EL.ci.trr t urrio, l cnerm. Clearfield, Pa,. D. II, lfTJ I , SheriiT's Sale. . 1 aT elrtu. of wrill of Zteer, iarios, I 1) sued out of tha Court of Common Plea of Cieaifteid eounty, aod to ma directed, th.r. will ba tipoted to rt'UI.IC bAI.fcl.at tba Court lions. ! th. borough ol Clearfield, oa Mon day, lha 1.1th da? of January, ISM, at 1 o'clock, p. in., tb. following Rial Kiiat., lo wil: All thai certain fraua church or meeting honee. aitua.ro In the borough of Oeciwtla, CltarlelJ eoon tv, Pa., ow lot at Curuer of Hlaoohard and Hale alreefa. frouling 76 feet on Planoliard and running ba-k 160 feet by Hale .Ireet to an alley. Hei.ed, Hken In eteemion and li b. .Id a. the pr-ert of the Ptnl'tinj i'ommit'.c; of Ihe M. kl. Cburcl ofOiceola. Also, a eeilatn two itory frame dirfltitg booae and curlil'age ap urlonant thereto, litoate in Pike tnwii.uip, CitAnieM voutity, Pa., ou the left side of the turnpike leajieg from Curwin.viiletc Pcnn eille, about one-fourth of a mile frtm wln-ra .aid pike ero.aec Ander.JO oreek f ..id being 24 feet by 10) in aim) logMh.rwith the rurlU.gr appur tenant thereto, btiilid, taken in execution and to be .old a. the property of M.ohacl Ucllivtll. i .it . i .... i i-.mA ... - -- w.kl oiM.ali m..i,,. I'a. The one piece on Ibe water, of ilrar run, beginning at hemlock corner, tlienee by tract No.3j.6 fouih 514 we.t 2U6 perchei lo birch i I hence north S ilegreoa writ 32 o robe. t. a poet; tbenoe norlh It d.-gree.t-a.l 3i-4 4. Iiiperobe.topo.tj Ibcnoa north l-H degree. wet 2tl perchei lo a maple; thence loulh 5d degroci ea.t 160 perchei lo port; thenar .outb 6l4 drat-! we.t t-0 peruhcl to a bemlock ; - uimre ,.,, ou. negrew. a.o oerro.. . . ... tilaco of btnuin: tonlaining 746 acrea, IT nerencs ana ailowaace. ine vwr ,-,rvo m,,.. beginning at a bemlook on hue of No. S.iAS, tbenoe nurtb 40 decrees wel jro perene. to uewi-.. ihcnee north .' 0 deereoe nail CO nercbe. lo a port ; th- nr. south 4l degrees ea.l 146 perehe. lo while pine; thence by No. Sj.IS south 16 deereei welt St) perchei to Iho beginning i containing 116 acres .1 aii tier, lie and allowane.. Rolled, taken in eiecutlon and to be leM ai Ibe property of Dat id 1'. bmllb. A I.e. all that oi rlaio three .lory frame dwelling bouae, 66 be 64 feet, and back building attached about S4 by 16 feet, together with eurlillage ap purltnant thereto, situate about one-half mile north east of l loarfl.Id borough, In Lawrence township, Clearfield county, Pa., on the north aide ot Iho puullo road leading irom t learneia io tne Mount Zion aehool hou.o. Pclied, taken in .- ention and to be .old a lha pmpirly of A. Ilvlnpurry Tanul or Sill Tb. prlee or na al which tb. properly tball be itruck off muit ba paid al the lima of eale, ar inch eth.r arrang.monli mad. aa will b. aonrored. oth.rwi.. lh. pro arty will be lma.dlat.ly put up and mid .gain at tba einan.. and ri.k af tba naraon to whoa It wa. .truck off, and who. la .a.a ofd.6ol.ncy, at seen re.eal., ihall make gooa imm.., .o. In noln.tanea wil! lha Heed ba rrei.nt.d II Court for eonAraatlon inle.. Ibe money la ao tualiy paid tb. Sheriff. JUSTIN 1. PIE, 8.Ktrr't Orrit-I I Bhariff. Cl.arBeld, Pa., Doe. 16, 1671. I AUTIII,-All person, are hereby oautioned t I aaaln.1 hurebasln or In any manner med dim. with lha following nronerle, now Iu lh. hir.ii of Peter N. Lanrberr e, ris t One gray aara, t.o eows, on. log il'd ant) a on kors. wagon, aa tha lama belong to me. baring been porch. eed ky me al Bhariff sal. and lelt wun eaia t-etos n Liiiaberrn on loan and subject In my order. dral6 it HA. Mli Kb LANHIIKURT. 1)INK. WHITI A ROAM LINING SKINS- Ja.t r.lred and for ial by April 16, 16T6. H. r. Jtntlstry. ANNOUNCEMENT CP TIIK CHEAT REDUCTION OF PRICES I . t y i . i. " , 7 a i , -, liv k. roHixa vi:aw, i. u., -1 IMI'OftT .ST 9 RtTfTPf' r IIairg sovedel ia geliiftfji lit-bor tulffa matrrial, iiWiiac (l.v lw ai 1 n-init ejliaea u, pa::Kl and MJ f 7rt-. I r.. tt. manniW are v tieiU aa l lttr interisl, jm opiffliU'6n rrautered and eirii-i d i. Hsl Tire S'i,i -ft-)tUctiia. , , Frit.'., trtrfi k,ut m fliHrres (nf ll.m tais' tloP el .irt.flt;l SHU ti:a SaTit.g i.f (be bni.Hi tectu ..i'l. aw the iottr,aicual-leluPtti.(v!Tti1(lt Prererve-your Lcrth and you present jour hraltk, Potlinr of the natural tenia Ui a hoalLh aervative acd useful condition It made a petiJiT, aw a d aemciste parts, are treated and corrsctid vf.h fiiir success. Ktaininallous aud ovniults. lions race. It would be will for patkuti from a JiiUuM ta lot mo know by utsil a few dnys be fori evmini to the office. 1 It is eery important tbat children betwtta ths a pee of six and twelra years skould bass tat if teolh aiatniurd. ' . AcKstbctics are administarej and Tselk re. moved wtthf at pain... .. . Ditporitfuns and character are Judged by all tbe world by ha expressions of the face, beote sow Tery numtrous may tt luertfore ba for per- suns to iniiuijre an extm siton oi uisiortea lesume! tren apart Trout a Weenie vlesr. 1 Now, toeajoa natural (not artiacith rumfotts and plrsiom. rcspest aniloLey nalu'al sihiplicitien and imiijn tf. rtJIlTLli iSHAW, D. D. 8.. OCce In Kew Jtlaifino BuUdiuc. fe'econd street Clerrdtld, la. feMI'Tt DENTCAFi). "Dr.' a. 'mT'uills iTTTTould say to bis patients and the Mil lie generally, that, having diseoleed partnerskift wrb ir. Shaw, ha is now doing tba anUre M of Lis otTice Limat-lf, so that paticoti need not fear bving aut cnler tbe Lndii ol any other opt rat gr. viearucw, m area .w4 iei-fM)iimea. J. M. STEWAET, D. D. S.f sMsasn. fm t t. . n. ' CURWEXSriLLE. Pi. " All denuJ operations, either Jo tbe mcchanici ofot erntivc branch, ytrsinptly attisded ts tsd satiirtctivn gi arantet-d. Hfecial atteatioi prl to ihe litatmtut ef dtavases ul llie natural tntb, a ih.s and mouth. Irrs-eularitj uf the teeth il. SKfulty correct t'J. Teeth extracted without puis bj the use tj l.;hcr, aod artif.cj! Ufth inientd of ibe Uit material and warrantkd to rcndiriit. if-lton. aprilj7l-lf DUsrrtlanrotij. hgace is nuttopi.1 GREAT EXCITEMGKT- in' FRENCHYILLE! Tbe bloody contest between Francr and Pruif!. Is at an end for IL. nrcacnt, so fvr ai to. iliE2k teiing of men aevl lite d..trnetioo of properly ii concerned. 1 no Roval Joggiers no doubt arij. thereee'Tei and rrjeie ori-r tha rcrnlt, bat ho inii-nitlceet li thrir work wken oonpared ailk lue humane and christian cll'.rts or L. M. COUDRIETf who hat undertaken to sopply aVI rV eihieasii the lower end tif tbe ewntity with f.jod and rataiHit at ex-eding low rates from bis mimmoth store is Ml JOMllHG. fftltera ha ean always be fcS ready to wait uu'jn callers and supply thin wits Dry Goods of all Kinds, 8ucb n. Clolbs, fiatin.ttl, Caritmerei, Muillai, XUlair.j-a, Linen, Drilling., Cahoots, Trinimin;., Kibbons, Lac., Reedy-mad. Clothing, Boolf and Shoe., Halt u4 I'.p. all of ttio bet material and Bade toordf liwsc, Socks, UloTee, Mittona, l.aoa, RibWoi.ic GIlOCEltlKS OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, flice, Idulasari, Fi.b. Eail. l'ork, Llnnatd Oil, I i.b Oil, t.rbo. OU. llarJwara. Uueeiinrare. Tinware Caating.. f'.. and Plow taatingt, Nails, Spikes, Corn fulliik ton, Cider I'renei, an I all kinds ol Alts. Perfumery, Painu, Varni.b, Rhsi, and a fml asrortocnt or ntationcry, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brands, alwaya on band, and wil! Vt old at tba lowest poaeihl. figures. LIQUORS, aneb a. r.raudy. Wine. Oin, Vkukf, J.vna l ali'llnlnee, lloittlteri ana Uooflar.d'i Bitter. 6060 wound, of Weat wanted for which Ik kit heal price will be paid. ChiTerncd oa au4 and lor aalc at tba low.st narkei price. AI?o, Agent for StriltonTill. and Ccrwetirllb Thre.bing lachiuti. fe.Call and see for Tonnelrea. Teu will Iti trcri ib:ng niually krpt In a retail Here. L. M. roCPRIET, FrtreliTille P. O- March 1, 16t I. MARBLE AM) ST0E YARD1 Mrb. S. S., LIDDKLL, llaelng engaged In tha Marble bwlineM, dtlw to inform bar frtrnda and tbe public thai .krhv now and will ke-p ecnttaatlyoa ka-wl a hugr well ..leeu-.l .loekof ITALIAN' AND VKRM0X1 MAKHLr:, aud i. prepared lo fnrnirk la ordaf. TOilBPlVNri,- , J10S AND"CRAIilEI0I13,i UOXlMESti t - . -Cutbi anJ Po.ti for Cemetiry Lots, Wlml . Snia and Cap, air., BIRKAV, TABLE AND WASH STAND TOPS, o., are. Vta V...I a. Di iteeet. near the R. R PT' Clea. fl, Id. Pa. rf : ' 1.11 TOBACCO Mid CIGARS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At lha New Tobacco and Cigar BloreW " 4i ; n. it. jjtf.nry BefweenHbiwItonre Monilon lloue,Cleitr' Co'nrtanlly tn band a n. aeeortmenl of f: Congreaa, Car.ndi.b, Cable, Fpunrou, MtcMjen ard Tentory Fine-eat Chewing Tobacco, Ac. Alio, a larg. and will 6eloetd Hock if Imf"' I and Pomeilla Cijarf Smokin J Tohaeear, llirrscbaum and Sriar ripas. Tip. Eiturei, Tobaoco Bcr, Cigrr Holileri, and enrrthmi I""1' found in a well roguliled Cigar Tobacco Slera. ! -Remember th lcet MaAel 11 Iween Shaw lloaac and Wsnrton '""',,. fled, Pa. r!'- VAI IIABLE REAL EST ATI AT I'M V ATE 1 r-' Tbi nndenigned offari at p'l M" lowing real aetata 1 A f. of liround. liluala l Newhurg, Cheit toaa.blp, I1 1 half acre., and having a i.ri' '" Thi..tf nd good llahl. ereered thereon. m"r' Il suitable for a Hotel or nweniea- , it, . A1.80, A I'.rm. f 40 town of Ne-rberg. having over ""t ...1 ... 1 in. .it... .ih a food l0 ' c-.. barn ami hearing orchard of choice U a A rein of e.eellenl ooal n.iderliea l , ALSO, HM Acrea nf l.aiirl. ''' ,. in Cheat townihip, within two a... - , Cbea, Creek. 1. I. well litnbere. and llewiioea, nn unuen.i- , 1 Parlkea wiablng any farlher ln' rear!, w I oetj.iti T EV. SCUULKit, BAEBER AND HAIB Dig? Second iireet, will oloor to Ftrat Natlo1 ot6 71 Cloar6lld, U. .-rr.-r-TT'.MC . r . ' f rHIIB KKMOCRA1 iu "".; pefl vn Milladt. Ti"'!.'? r,a 16 e .fa. Mjim