I. ft. THE REPUBLICAN. f S S ,'CLEABFlELl, IIA. i; ' I " - ' - f f - ' WEDHESDAT MORN ISO, DKC. SJ. 1S71 v- .Terms of Subscription, If paid la dvaiic.or within three monlhi ...) Jj If paid nftor three and beforo six months...... J If paid after the eiplralion of six mouths... on KF.LIUIOUS MOTICIM. .1. t MgtBiifiut BpUropnJ r"""1' "r-.t.'l; TouiH P.vtor.-Publio Sortie. .vsry S.bbsth fAlO.A.M..e.dfP.M. , .. Sabbath Sobool at A. M. . . Fn Mooting "J .Tl'"r'tl'VV Vt. o,umunin Kurvice, Ilrst BW.tfc or very WVuVrlA'i'I:l...rchll'.rl.r;il.lR.. O.ea.n H.iu..-Publioer.icc Sunday morning .1 it o'eloeh. and .t r P. Al.-undy Sohuolnt 1' p. M. Prayer Meeting Wednesday Tniug mi 7 o'olock. ' - Pre.byterlan llturcliRcr. n. 8 TIiiTI.ii. -Preaching on Hit Lord ! day at Mi Aud H .o'clock. 1 ' '. ' ' " ' Sunday Miool at J n. m. ; Prayer Mcetiu- on Wednesday at 71 f. m. j Pastor's Bible Olaee Saturday at ,i p. at. at. fit lie l' C hurch lalliolleRev. T. J. McMxia. Mass at lt4 o'clock A. M., n the erond and fourth Sandavl of each month, L,atlierau Ctaurrlw-Hov. A. J. JUitTsoex-t-Prearhing nary Sabbath, morning and evening. Snhbalh School nt S a. te. Prayer meeting tverv Wednesday evening. ' 1 " -' '' 1 ' So pnpor nesl week. '37amc Cuanoed. The tiatuo of Iho She wtr ilia Poitoffioe haa been changed to tick Kun, and Kllli Irwin appointed loueier. Tlie rhilipsburg Journal y : "Dan iel Cillty, who ha. charge of the null, of the Mo ehannoa Land A Lumber Co., at O.oeola, h.l ob ulned a patont for a low mill." Wo had .up. p.Kd that board, were hilh enough already. ,Judo J)lndy. Wo notice bytlto Balem (Neb.) Mepmlft that tut. geullenian met wilh a wrero accident, while on a limiting eipeditien on the Platte river, on the 10th In.t. He alUwpt.d to jump from a wugon for the pur pew of .hooting a djr, and fell, breaking a leg Juet below the kuce. Mr. Dundy wa. formerly a atuJent in 8nator Wallaoc'. efflce, and now bold, the life po.ition of United St&tc. Judgr. ' Miss Swan'b School. Tho Winter Term of tUn excellent .chool for girl, oommeneaa on the Dr.t Monday of January, (flih.) ParcnU having daughter, to educate oau lend them to no better .chool. Mlu II. 8. fwan, the eminently queliflcd Principal, devote, hor entire time and talent, to the advancement of piipih placed un der her charge, and I. ably ai.i.ted by Mia. Fan nie D. Jamea,of Baltimore, who bat ohargt of the mu.ical department. "ANoruutt OuTiiAim." Ono uiglit jut week, while Rev. Mr. Yocora nd hi. family were down takiug tea wilh a friend, peraon unknown to "thi. deponent," burglarioualy on tared the M. K. Parsonage building end put up a bran new itovo in the parlor, and ma.le up a good re. Fortunately the building wa. not ooniumed, but the parlur wm handiooioly warmod np when Mr. Yoenm and hli family rvtnrned home. 11 wai a good, warm .ell. Real Enjovment. Tho occisionof the Teaehen' Iuslitutethe pait week wasaiva.ou of real enjoyment to onrcitiienl. The conrt room wa. full day and night. Erorybody went and everybody kehared well, except a few bad boy., with which our town I. efltieted. With thi. e eeption everything pai.ed oQ pl.aiaullv. I'ro fenon, teachen, director, and eitiirnj could not have had a better time of it bad they done their hot. The IniHtute wai a aueoeu and proved advaatageou. to all. Dedicatkd. A correspoia'cnt nt Osceola write, u. aaying that the dedication of the M. E. church at Ilouttdale, on the Uth, wa. an ocei.ion of rare interest. After a beautiful eo i toucbint sermon nrcached by Rer. W. H. Dill, the .urn of 650 wa. asked for by Mr. J. B. Mo Murray, Pre.iding Elder, that holog the amount required to meet the tudebtedueil, which wai raised in a very short time. The people of that place bare done nobly, and deserve great credit. Her. J. S. McMurray preached a powerful sermon at night. This was ludcod a great day In Houti dale. . Lkoturk n Gov, (URTiN. At the request of a number of our prominent eitiiens, 4ot. Curtin rias oousonted to deliver a Lejturc in he Court Home, In thii place, on Saturday even ing next, iWlh iust. "Russia" will be the subject of the Lecture, and a. the Dovernor spent .ercral yean In that eountry ai Minister Plenipotentiary, and 1. well versod in the munuers and customs of .the Russians, there il no d.iulit that the Lecture will be one of the meat intcretlngand Instructive our oitisens bare eror had the pleasure of listening to. The subject of the Lecture and the Governor. well known oratorical puwer. will insure a large audience. The Benefonte iralcnsioa, In speaking of this Lecture, lay. : "A large and appreciative audience gntherrd at the Court House no Sjtunl iv nljfht to hear linn. A. U. Curtiu's lecture on 'RiiKiia.' The spanker wai most enthusiastically greeted as he entered the bait. He begun his Ic.-tiire by relating the history f the Husslsn Kwjilre. Me a-iliinMd loelv the reien of each monarch from tlie aintb entury down to the prest-nl Crar. We rfinly regret that the subject was so big that the lecturer could not poaeit, Lv exhaust each branch of it. Itut it was excedinly entertaining and in structive. Ths tribute to hone't toil an I labor deserves esjieeial uienli.m, and will only increase the admiration in wlii-h the Kx-(h,vernr hoa ever been held among his friend, aed neighbors. We trust the tlov. will repeat on future occasion! an excellent talks on 'Russia.'" No admittance fso will be charged. e --- . Gov. UioLta. If there i any man nut of the Constitutional Convention who ought to be in it, it is Uov. Iiiglcr, It v. as lis on a vol untary act Ihrouga whirli Civ. Curlln is there, and be is there because Uov. Bigler thought be above VI other men in the State, himself not ex cepted, should take part la Us deliberations, and many are the regrets wo havo heard expressed be cause of the absence of the latter, end we are now rejoiced to learn, as we know hi. legion of friends will be, that a seat is offered to him and at bis disposal, and warmly urged upon him by t pant AMnont. ,lhn 0. IUH "an nt I'll, ounty, part of tho Clearfield district. Mr. It .all la among the ablest men now in the convention, and there an hut few who can be more illy "pared. !lut Ur. Hall jhinki that Mr. Bigler Is (, til (now ont who ought to bo in, and being deeply en gaged in the pursuit of bis legal business, feels It 'to be fortunate that lie hoe II In his power to do so Just a thing, and til his place with so valuable a member. If the ex-flovornor decides to accept rhewlll take the seat at the reassrinMlng of the .convention In Jannary. d.'oewn Smit. TiAciigRt' In miTiTE. Great crcJil la due to County Superintendent Urcgory and the teacher, of ear county for their Joint efforts in making the Institute a grand success. We can Inform the absent leaetien and directors that they missed, by their truantey, a ran opportunity to tmprnvo themselves tu their particular callings. The gathering in the court room Inst woek was real ly a love feast to edueators.and spcotaton must hare rollibed It a. lucb, too, because the court room wee erowdrd day and night during the whole week. The Instructions of Professusj Barlow, Bhormaksr and Uelst wen highly entertaining, while the lectures ware "life illustrated," kelig the xprlrne of a cueeessful life by mea who "paddled" their "own canoe." One hundred and thirteen taachsrs were present, seventy-foar male end thirty nine female. Be tween thirty and forty directors visited the Insti Jute, representing elwvt one foertb of the districts. Rarthans waa tba only district unrepresented oa th. part ef teaehera. ' The oBeen aleeled for the ensuing year are J. t. MeKendriek and W. H. Priijeeux, Vle Preel. denls, and Sadie Kratier, Beerstar, The spelling prise fere disposed of as fotlow.i B. Jt. B.,tlrf, of Itradford, took th 0 est Web. atefs t'eaVIJeedi T. II. Mil, of Bradford, tho seeend-llllo,,'. Wovlrsi W. II. I'rideaox tlie third Wiekersbsm's T'jeorjr ef Teaohing. Twc "tiler prises were awarded the part of Prt.f. 'noem.ker. to VY. V. Khannoa and V inteld Port, w Net they wen we did not lesra. Teaehera give 'le t,,. ,,,, 1 Loture A lecture will ba dellv. red In the Court Home, In Clearfield, on Tuesday evening, January 14th, 1973, by Anna M. Baker. Suhjeot "Cast in Sex." ' We notice by (he Johnstown Ihily Voice that Mlu Baker U re garded a a riling iter In the lecture Held. In peaking of her effort it laa; "In found. Ingle, depth of thought, elegance of style and graceful ness of manner, she bni not boon excelled by any lecturer! who hare favored our city with their pretence." This Ii a rare ohauoe for our people to hear Mils popular and rising young looturer. AJuiiaiion 34 oc'uU. ' Tickets to be had at the Poitoflico and at A. I. Sliaw'l Drug 8tore. : 'Nomination or Hohoouh Ornctm. -A meeting of the Dcinoorncy of tUil borough ill lie held in the Arliitratlon Room on Thursday Tcning, at 7 o'olock, for the purpose of nominat ing Borough nfflenrs. : The followlug afflcera are to bo nominated l Burgess, six Councilueu, Jualloe of the Pence, Constable, Borough Treaaurer, two Poor Oeeraeera, High Couitable, Judge of Elee lion, two tuipeotori and Auditor. A goneral at tendanee ii deaired. List of Ivttori roinalning unclaimed In the Pottoffloe at Clearteld, for the week andlng December H3d, lS7Ii A .key, John E. Brawlv, Hugh. Dressier, L. It. Hcford, J. J. Enorr, John D. Goldiiagcn, 0. K. (S) Uarbriok, D. W. Henderson, Harris. (2) llnrly, Miaa Martha. King, C. I.awrer, Daniel. Morgan, Miss Eliaa. Nountain, Jon. Marrow, Henry. Mountain, Hamnel. Mcl'lenagean, James. MoUrido, C. Noal, Beniah. Ownea, David. Patterson, Mn. V. Bioketts, Rhine, Head, Hoht. Sawyer, II. II. Hcolt, Abner. Hinithsou, Kramuth. ; Wilson, Kiniuger. -. P. A. UAll.l.V, P. M. Erory one iloaii'inir n raro liternry i aLvwia bvel ov. O..U.'. I - - - - --- Baturday night, on "Russia." It If highly spoken of by all who harf bad the plraann of bearing It as being not only entertaining but instructive. The position of the Governor, as late Minister to the Russian Conrt, gave him ample opportunities to watch closely the social life and tho legal sys tem of that great people. A box of vory lino cigurs xeM leftnt our office on Monday morning, by Mr. R. 11. Shaw, the popular cigar aud tobacco man, (ur which he has the thanks of the boys. They Bteul bubtes in UuntingJoii We have always been told that that old burg wai a bad plaoo. Tyrono writom eay "lliit city," in linitstinn of New Yorkers, Philadtlpbian. and Altoouaitcs. Mpeciali. Ilollday goods at Border's Jelry St". Bran new iteck. . - Tail Bvlll.il.-Viiit A. I. Shaw's aton this (Tuesday) evening, and parcheeo your Holiday goods, lie haa a large assortment of beautiful goods, and fell, them cheap. A Free Fmoke at R. II. Shaw'. Cigar Store, from 7 to 10 o'clock on t'hri.tmal morning. Who will be the flr.l t To DmrCTOnc. A number of School Directora having met in eonrention, in tho borough of t'learlirlrl, on .Thursday, December I'Jlh, rsul'l tbnt si'fcrikl districtr were not represented, there fore they decided that a reoiie.t should be pre sented to each of the several Boards of Directora In this county to scud one delegate te a Directors' Convention, to meet in the t'ouit House, in Clear- (! 1.1, on January 7, 1S7J, at 1 V the object ol which will bo that eocn representative may be so instructed by the Board which hn represeuls as to be able to cast a vote for the Hoard on ine lolltw. iug questions : Hhould a uniform series of books be adopted throughout onr county 7 Miould oounly institute lime ne atiowea eacners; rihould district iustitute time be allowed 1 Should towuship schools open on tho first of November? Eliu ild the salary be governed by the grade or certificate? We know that directors as well as teachers waut uniformity in our work. ' By order of the Convention. J. A. OiiioouT, Pres. Oirl Wiktx D To do general housework. Ap- ply to Jnu M. II savieaa We have tried it tbe Medallion Cigar, sold by R. II. bhaw. It is A, No. I. A box would make a very nice Christmas present. Uive him a anil. ir yon want to buy faucy Brackets, go to Joba Troulroen'a new Furniture Ston, and you will find tho largest stock ever brought to Clearfield. Foraubstantial Christmas presents, go to Shaw's Jloiidoy Emporium. Fl. Jtwttnr. To persons who wish any thing in this line, we would say, go to the jewelry establishment of Mr. 8. I. tiny tor, on Kecond itrett. first door in Masonic Buiiding. Mr. Sny der il a first-class jewel.r. aud persons buylug from him will know Just what tbey an getting. His stork Is very full, embracing the latest style, in all kinds of Jewelry. Uive him a call. R. II. Shaw keeps all the popular brands of To bacco and Cigars in the market, which be will sell very rbcnp, whole.alc or retail, and warrant to give .utislaotion. Santa Clans has established his headquarters at A. I. thaw's. Rr.n Je.wm.nY very latest patterns at. Sny der's Jewelry fltorc. If yon want an Imported or domestic Cigar, call on It. 11. bbaw, and you can bonecommodati d. Just received another lot of Burrall's Iron Corn Shclkn, at (d( :it) Bacxxtt A Hchhvvbk'.. A full line of Household (loo.l, Japanned Wan, Ac, for sale by II. t. Bigler A Co. Saws. Distan's Cross-cut Saw, Great American Saw, Boyntoa's Lightning Saw, at II. F. Hini.ta A Co's, Hlio ro". Sai.x A. 1. fhaw hoc a couple of first cliiss late style Sleighs, which be will sell at a bargain. Call and look at them. d4 . Wood and Willow Wan of all dolcriptloni for sole by II. 1'. Bigler A Co. NoTioaio Wxoox inCnuri Mattn. We have just received a general assortment of agon and Carriage Woods, also a full line of riprings and Axles, which wc oner encap ior oasn. II. F. Dmi.n A Co, T lli .rri K All kinds of Fruit Cans, manufactured of the best tin and with all tbe modern Improvements, aa well as putty and ee ment. for sale In large quantities by ,g;if M. P. Uici.r. A Co. V.r.si Auivl,l A "largo assortment of rt ...... in.nl.,. B atvlea end nricea. Also. largo assortuinnlof Lap Rnjrs jW"bave for lalf Dovt) 2m. it. r. niciLia i.o. e Bird Cagei a )nr aswrlment at II. F. Big ler A Co.'.. ' Paints, Oils and Varniahel for s s by H. F. Bigler A Co. Calcined Tlailer for sale by 11. F. Bigler A Co. RECAPITULATION, Cll-d Csges. Wood and Willow Ware. Household Uoods. All kinds of Hardware, Japanned Ware. Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Calcined Plaster. Wagon and Carriage Makers' supplies, All of tke above for pale at the mammoth Hard war Store of 11. F. Bigler A Co., Second street, ClearOolil. l'a. t 11. F. Bigler A Co. have been making extensive additions to their stock of Hardware the last few days. Kverjthing new In Shelf ilslilwere, Sad dlers' Hardware, Pennon' Hardware, Bullden' Hardware, and Hardware of all kinds, can be seen at their itore. J COUOH AND COLD. ' Then an few persons who ara awan of the Ita Sortanea of attending to a cough or a cold at its rst appearanoa. The thousand whodieanoaally of consumption, wen first attacked with a "slight ' cough or oold. which they thought wonld soon "irear" Itself off, and therefore neglected to ase tbe proper nmediee antil tney became mooranie. Everv day that a couch, oold, or any lung die ease is r sties led, makes the chenorf of a enn Bor) VBOevletG. We would reoommeod all suffer. ! from ai,v disoaaeof the Lnnrs whatever, nee HaMOf'i Corojt Bvnof or Txa. ItaavcV fells eurlnn the Wi-nt eases of coughs, folds hoarsness. fore throat, catarrh and asthma. It I. .n infallible remedy for Whooping Coogb i be ing prescribed by Kmc of tbe leading physicians ia the Northern and Souther Slat's, and being prepared nnder the Immediate inpervlslnn of a gradual of the Pennsylvania Medical College. 1 be prop: ielorf beg leave to Inform all that U Is no "Quairk" pretiarallon, bnt made strictly In ae oordsnoe llb the advanced principles and theory of medicine. JMc 60 eenls per noli le, KUHKKI.L A LAMI'IS. Proprietor!, Phlladel phla. fold by A 1. rJhaw, viearneia Ps., and nyh! Irugitc- rUe-i Axis. 8sventy-iv loaea Clsartsld Wood ehopuerf Axes ai IU:J1. . -, II. F.BIQLKR ACo's. Just received, a large lot of foa-cxplosivf Lamps aad Lanterns at . . .t - -1A-73 1 1 i i 11. f, Biot-na A Co s. Fnasa Ohoi sii I'usvaa. Keoelrsd at Corner Hton by ear load aud lor sale by K. A. a n D. Ikwij. Curwouavllle, March 13, lit 711. married. On Pwemhar 18th, 1A73, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. J. F. Ilm.i., Mr. JOHN .M. COY tu Miss CLARA MKRUYMAN, both of Ceutn oouuty. . . In Clearfield, Pa , on Turadar, December 17tb, Wi, MAltllAUKT CORNELIA, daughter ur JiiiKrn and Ki,iaiiva Kuiw, aged 28 yoara, 4 mouths aud to dnrs. 1'ennNy 1 vanlu Hull road TYRONE TruimLD BHASCU. OT and after Monday, OCT. IHth, 1071, lbs Passenger Trains will run dally (oxoept Sun days) betwuen Tyrone and Clearfield, as follows: CLEARFIELD MAIL. LRAVI SO I' T II. LKAVK NORTH. Clcaraeld. S.20. r. Phillpsburg 4.1.1, ' Osceola 4.0, Tyrone I.OV, ' Tyrone t.SO.a.n. Oweola......10.tt, " Pbilipaburg...ll.07," Clearfield 11.10," CLEARFIELD EXPRESS. LEAVE SOUTH.' LEAVB NORTH. ClenrfieldMM., Phillpaburg... Oseoota Interaeotlen... i.40 A a .4S " 7.n " f.or e.Atf " Tyrone. f.M r. u. Intersection ...7.0S " Oweola ........ 16 l'li,lirlir, ...8..H " Lieuni, in, g,... s.ue " FAKK FIIO.M CLKARFIKLD, TO Bcllefonte, Pa $5 OJ I Middletown 5 00 Lock Haven I 70 Marietta i 50 Willlamsport It 00 Lancaster 5 86 Huntingdon I SO.PHILADKI.PJIIA 7 96 Lewistown. 1 00 Alloona 106 Mnrvsvllle 4 60 Johnstown I 80 HARUISIIL'lia..: 4 TMPITTSBCRU 6 IS Close oonnotions made by all trains at Tyrone and Lock Haven. , OKORfiB C. WII.KINS, lnyt7-tf. Superintendent. PKOPOrtAl.fi, The School Director! of tTuIon district will reccivo sealed proposals until the 31st of December, !o72, for building a School House, 10x2(1 feet, II feet to the eelliug, two-inch plank and weetherboardod with inch boards, with the eoaie uf paint on it. Inside of hoote to be batted with imih boards and also lined wilh tbe same, with two coals or paint uo It. Said hoove to be completed by September 1, 1873. per epcoincatiuus, Ac., aojl.'cs YYM. WELTY, Seontary. , Rock ten, Dee. 18, l h71. It ounty ational Bank of Clearfield an hereby notified that the annual election of Di- reotun will b held at the Banking Honse, en Tuesday, January 14lh. 1873, between the hours of t and 6 o'clock P. M. deeleU . , W. M. SHAW, Cashier. AI.LKGUKNY HOTEL, (Market St., Ut. Second and Third,) ci.kaui.ii:li), pa. The suliscriben baring heeome proprietors of this hotel, would respectfully ask a libcnl slisn f public patronage. Tbe Table will always be suppl'ed with the best tlie market affords, and the Bar stocked with the finest l.iouors. rlicll'73 BE.S.N A LEIPOLTJ. TICKXSE NOIit'ICH The following ner. 1 J sons have filed In the o.Tce of Ihericrk gf the Court of Quarter Hesiiious uf Clca:flrld county, their petitions and bonds for License, at tlie aniiatr scittons next, agreeably to Itie act Ol As-ieinblr. entitled "An AH to re'rviiate the sale ef Intoxicating Liquors," Ac.: Uorni. L'cttssn. II. II. tirobaa.. Cirard Lewis Shouts HoJtsda'e James H. I.ipton Usoeola A. Saukev Osceola C. J. Keai-y 'lien Hope IV. II. lU.ltbaugh Olen Hope John T. llathorn N'ewburg hn Rainsilale Osceola Jaines Halev Uoutsdatc VY. Reed Madera Jease U. Williams... .'.Houtidale teurrje Chalion Ilntilsdala O. A. Bloom Bloom Leinold A Benn Clcarlirld James FramptuB Bell M olson i roringion C. Uirard Covington John Downey. ....HouliJsle I,. Campbell lloultoaie W. C. Thompson Bell James McLaughlin. Clearfield Henry urasier.. oeocana Michael Carroll Osceola A. H. Hhafer.. Barnside A. ('. Folmer Morris William Boiler Wallacetoa Ueorge E. Hohacker Huston Jamea l.ynough .' Iloutsdale K. u. Clements iieernem F. O'Doaald HonlidaU Thomai llughoi. Iloutsdale Ed. Flanders. Jaynssville ALOOtl LICRNsa. Pat. McOintey Tloutidale William William Dunbar Jamea Sweeney.. Woodlaod Pat. Metfurk Dseeoti John M scomber Clsarlirld Stephen llralf. Curwensvillr lieodore fcteinenson llrarneiu W. Enilrel..i i Clearfield Mctiaiiehey A Mol'hrrson Clesrfleld Homer 1). Leach A John M. Hyalt Huston Hyalt ninnsTtia Licctisx. A. Laconic ...Oirurd Dee. 19, IfiJ. A. C. TATE, Clerk. Kl IWT i:nH SOU C 1 Not ice it hcre'7 Kivcn tint the f'jtlowiuir r.eronnti hftre bein examined and parsed by me, and remain filed of record ia line vttiv Tor tlio iiiupcctioo ol boirt, Urateen, creditorn, and all othon in any other wny int'Tente-l, and will be presented to the next Or ptititia' Court ot Clearfield eoutity.to be held at the Court Home, in tlie borough of Clearfield, eotn mencinn on the 3.1 Monday (being tho Ulb day) of January, A. D. 1875. Final aeeount of Joseph and Ellsha Darif, ex ecutor i of Hsbeeca lnvif, latt of Penn townibip, deceatird. Final account of William McNaul and Aamn C. Tate, executors of Ucorne WlUon, late of Law rence tnwnihtp, decease J. Aeeonot of Abraham Ofle,n, executor of Hugh UclMullcn, late of Lawrence township, deceaaod. RiaiKTRN't Orrin, 1 A.W.LEE, Clearncld, Pa., Dee. 13, 1H71-U. f - ReKiatcr. C D. WATSON7 DEALER IS DRlfcS & PATEM MWCES, CONFKCTIOXKKIR9, TOYS AND TANRKR NOTION'S, fivL ri'ip a noiurrn enl'rptf BEST BKAXIiS TOIlACCo A SKQAItH, BCIIDOl, 1IOUK8 A B'l'AXtON'ERi, Ifasonic Building, Second Street, dcol -72-ly CLKARFIKLD, PA. R KCOKSTRUCTED. DANIEL STEWART & .SON ITaTint pnrehased the Cheap Clothing Hoon of Isaae L, Reuenitetn, have the lawt And best assorttnont of Manufactured UooUs in tbecoRti and cap toll their ,.. , READY MADE CLOTIUXG, for Men, Dots and Children, to PER CENT. CHEAPER Than an other koese la th cennlj. Tnajr wUI aljs keen banj large and 1. egant assortment sf oestx ruwismya goods, COLLARS, TIKS, OP TUX LATEST ( TTLIS AND JATTKIISA If yon want t g jeod and )tyl1h riolhlni, al'ltiw ngnres, do nol "all to call at their eslah- :.... .h h.r.M an.nri n .... mnn.r ai.owiiera. Heuirii ler the nlare. "" . '. ' aeiTYJ PAHIBL HIItWABT tOS. garitwsrf, Uintcari, kt. ' H.rF. BIGIiER &.C0., P1AI.IM II II A 11 1 W A11E, Also, Manufacturers of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. j CLEARFIELD, PA.' A LOT OF SADDLKS, BRIDLES, ,; .'iff ''"'" if Harness, Collars, etc., for sals I) IX. F. BIGLER 4 CO. pALMER'S PATENT UNLOAD. Ing Bay Forks, for lull by , ''?'.! ' 'H.Vr.IBIOLEB 4 -CO. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, Kill, ta, for salt by , , , II. F. BIGLER ACQ. II ARM ESS TRIMMINGS t SHOE Hading., for laic p n. F. BIGLER & CO.. QUNS.riSTOLSJSYVORAp CNES lor f alf by 1 H. F, BIGLER CO, '' C2TOYES, OF ALL SORTS AND O .... v.. ;; H. F. BIGLER A CO. JRONI IRON I IKON! IRON! For aalc by II. F. BIGLER A CO. JJORSE SUOES & HORSE SHOE NAILS, for lole by II. F BIGLER A CO pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And hell Manufacture, for sale by U. F. BIGLER A CO. , JMIIMBLE SKEINS AND TIPF. BOXES, for sal by II. F. BIGLER A CO. ' J70DDER CUTTERS for tslo by iicH30-70 n. F. BIGLER A CO. , f durational. MISS H. S. SWAN'S . ; SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. rpilB WINTER TERM of fourteen weeks, will commenoc Monday, January fib, 18,3. TEIllIB OF TUITION. Reading. Orlhograph v. Writing, Object Lei sons, Primary Arithmetic and Primary Geography Vt W History, Local and descriptive Ueograpliy - t. S1....I srun nisp cirkiui uliuim.,, ....... and Written Arithmetic Algebra and the Sciences Instruction in Instrumental music t 00 II 00 10 00 11 DO I 00 Oil painting, 14 lessons Wax work For full particulars send for Circular. Clearfield, Sept. 7, lSJO-lypd. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. A Male and Female Claialcal High School. I'ach Impart ment Kepi rate, IXstlnct ant. . .. .. mlMsJ timmtr. . THE noHotMtio yoarof thli Initltulion U dl ti ded Into two iniont of Art aionthi (twenty one wevka) eaeb. Tho flnt tctiion eonaionoi oa tho fimt Mootiay in Hep t em bor j thtoeeonogontht flrnt Moatlajr in Vibruarjr. The courw of loatruetioa embraces arery thing aoftefftry to a thorough, practical and aecou.pl. ib id odncation of both vezei. Pupil., will bo adnlttod atanytlmtaqdcbarfed from date of entrance to thocloto of tho Miiioo. Mo deduction will bo mado for abtwaoo, oitcpl ia oaiea of eitroose and protracted illnoti. Btadentt from a ditUneo oaa bo accommodated with boord at low ratoi. For particulars, tend for elrcnUrs, or addreii Kor. P. L. UARKISON, A. M.. July 26, 1871-tf. Prinoipat. Usffllaiifoui TIOUSE AND LOT FOH SALE! . The llouee and Lot oa Ibe corner of Mar hot and Fifth streets, Cloarfleld, Pa., is for snte. Tbe lot contains nearly an acre of grout d. Tbe houite is a large doutilo frame, e.utaininf nlua rooms. For terms aad other information apply to the subscriber, at tbe Post Office. novl3 P. A. 0AV1.IK. D. J. CROWELL Manufacturer of the D. H. Ball Toltlng Machine aud the fiIDB.CC T SHINULK M A T It T K R, to eut from 18 to 26 iuchei, and lictnutd undwt tvera 'a patent. Jointers, jri)sr Saw Maehines and G eat ml Mill Work, biaaeuiehouing, Camer on count r. Pa ' Repairing of .Mitcniuea ana general i unions nork uono 10 oruer, augnj- Lime for Sale I riHTB undersigned, residing near the depot has X made eoniplete arrangements with Lime Burners east of the mountain, wtieretiy ne u ena bled te keep constantly on hand a large quantity ol rURE LIME!. which he offers to farmers and builders at a trifle above cost. Those In need of the article would do well to give me a call, or address sne by letter, be fore negotiating their Imie. Ur-i. La. ranDMunai. Clearfield, Fa June 9. i&AA. GENTS WANTED! Th unparalleled auocrss of the ''Victor 0w Ing Muebine," Fast and West, open a giod opportunity for fiewuig Alscliiue agenu and rer sponsible men to take the agency fur llin oouil. For elroulare, lamplesi of work aod terms, dress kd- THE VICTOIl SEWING MACHISE COMI'AY, J. L. FBROUSON, Miinagcr, dl-41 Ke. li17('hestnntritPIIILAbELPIItA. II. F. BIG LEU & CO. hare for salt t CARRIAGE & WAGOX WOOIS, . SHAFTS AND rOI.F.H, 11UB3,SPOKLS,FELLOES,4(. Carriage aad Wagna Maksrs should a let ef thi and call aad examine them. Uiey will he icld at fair prices, ,,i House & Lot for Sale or Rer ' rilllR anderslgncd offers lor sale or rent, iion I reasonable terma. a two'ltiirv dwrllinff let and stable. In Dloornlntton. Pike township. For terms, Ae., applr to LKsVU I. BLOOS January Id, IHTS-tf, . TimTICEM sh COJITAnl.EH' KlE Wc hav prlntd a large nnmbr of th new fKK HILL, and will en Ui rereipt ef twHitr flv penis, mall a none tu arte address. aiz I-OA per da; I Agents wanted! C') V5v All classes ot workinf Mpli of either sex. jnung or old, miko more iimnsr at work for os In llieir spare mouit lite, or all I he line. than t savlhsng .1. I'aniculare free. A ldies 0. aneims A Co., Pdrtlim, Main. etlJO ilj iota r Ceil . i .)- .i r i 'i '.4,:.-r.i. '. We desire to call tho nttcntion of tho citizens of Clearfield county to tho fact , tbnt ; have opened a , .. . i i i ; ,i ... MUSIC STORE' IN CLEARFIELD, Where we intend to constantly keep on hand a full supply of PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL RAVEN & COMPANY'S PIANOS, STEINWAY 6c SONS' PIANOS, i ' , HAINES BROTHERS PIANOS. Wo are prepared at all times to furnish any of the cheaper makes of Pianos to order on the most favorable terms as to prices and terms of payment. . . : . , , , ., , t . Our stouk of ORGANS will consiat of the nevr and popular RYNDER ORGAN, (with' Ryndcr's Knee Tiemolo and downward Octavo Coupler.) . . 4 The SMITH AMERICAN , ORGAN CO.'S ORGANS, , ...... ' I MASON & HAMLIN'S ORGANS, and the NEW HAVEN MKI.ODEON CO.'S JUB1LEC, TEMPLE and CHURCH ORGANS. Besides theso wo furnish to order Organs from any factory desired. We sell on every phin known to tho trade, cither CHEAP FOR CASH, ON NOTES, or on the POrULAR AND EAST LEASE PLAN. v ' On our easy terms everyone enn have a good inntrumcnt, and no other investment of like amount will tend so much to MAKE HOME HAPPY. "" T'f. 7' -' ' ' CCTVVe shall be glad to hove you call and see us, whether you desiro to purchase or not. ocl23-'72-Iy , . IIYXDER'S MlTIC STOKE. gr Cooia, CrerririJ, C?tf. I. r. w.Tii... i w. sr. lam. WAYR A 11KTTN CLEAKK1ELD, PA., Are offering, at th eld Hand ef O. L. Heed A Co, their aloek of goods, ccnilating of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A BIIOKS, BATS A CAPS, UAKDWAItn, QUEEXSTfARB, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &o., &c, At Ik Bost reaeoneble ratal fur CASK or In xehaagi for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. ftf AdrtacM aad to these engaged la ga ting eut square tiaibar ea lb aaest edreotageoue terms. pdllJantJ ED. W.GRAHAM, DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SQUARE TIMBER 4 LIMBER, CLEARFIELD, PA., Haa jnat opened, at Ilis KEYSTONE STOT.E, omplete Hock of jrr.w o o u a, f rcr deierlptlon. OHY GOODS. GROCERIES. HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES. CLOTU1SO, !.,., IN GREAT VARIETY. r lou rt. MEAT, HALT, RYB, OATS, CORN, IlWA TS OS tlASD AND FOR SALS ATA SMALL ADVANCE, FLOUR tU rmr lotrt. m-1 sold arjTftOOS. aHeeslrsil bT tl our lotrt. sold St imO arjTftOOS. A supply of HOPS wdUiUIj !) bsnd. Sptisl inlueinenti offerej to (boss grtllng sit gcjusrs Timber urt I.ogp as t Urgfljr U Lumlsfrruri's fluppltss, and tr psred t til tiinrs to pureliass tlm- her sitd lumber EH. .Vi GRAHAM, "KEYSTONE STORE,H Seeuod Slroet, . CLEARFIELD, PA. Oct. 5.1, 1HTI. ITkiHvTsoN k co., N. 1.11 North Third Hirer!, corrj-r f Chsrre, Philadelphia. Have la store and effrr for sale at the lowest market prices, and on the most ressuualilc terms, a large and well seleotrd Hook or Groceries, Teas, Hpli es, Fish, Cheeps, Ac, selected In IhlP, New York and Ita lliioure markets, to wbicli attention of country dealers is particularly requested. Worn lv AIMIWIWTRATOH NtSTIl'K. Nolle Is hereby glvrn lhat lrltra of administration on the calcic of DANIEL.C'AHKV, deaoared, lata of I'enn township, Clearncld county, Pcnn'., having Ven dnlv granted to the nnderaigned, ill perrons Indebted to said stat will pleas mak Immediate ravment, and those having claims or d?aitiis will present then properly authenticated fvr.tl.-..,i.k.d...y.BiiArritBTyi loviO-nt.f Adminletraliir. rpo RL4CKSM1TUSI 7hc undersigned ofors for sale, la the borough, of rieevArM. a Rlaek.mllb "hop, oa Keoond atreet, oentaliiit i loree forgee and two full set of tools. A ur.t class b.ieln. . An excellent ohanor for a good mechanic. Apply to . . 1 AMOA KKNNAHP, wV.'C M A R K E-T STREET, ' ' CIa EAItriELI), , I E Our stock of PIANOS will consist of 5n fioo&s, &t. 1872. 1872. FALL 4 WINTER GOODS AT J. M. KRATZER'S. Immtnt Block of flood oftrery dcacrlption. , , Woolen Goods, can pric as hefor lb ad vane in wool. Muslins at reduced pries. Dress Ooods ia greatest varlctf. . Mourning Ooods of nil kinds. black Alpacas, at all prieec Black Silks, vary cheap. Walsrprvofs, Velveteens, Plaid and plala Flan ads, Shirting Flannels, Ac. Table Linen and Kapkins,rIr!su Linens, 10 4 Sheeting and Pillow Muslin. Ottoman Rip Ehawls and Scarfs, Striped Shawls at all prieec. Paisl.y Fhawls, single aad doable, $3 to $- Drcsi Trimmings, Fringes, Laces, Velvet Rib bons, VelTeteena, A. Full Hn f the celebrated "Joaspbln Beam leas" Kid Olerea, Eid Qloree from tl ap. Ladiei' Neck Ties, Collars, RaSing, TJair Braids and twitchet, - Ladiei' and Chlldrea'i Wsrlne Cader-wear. Madaia Foy's, Thempsoa'l, Olere-Fltting Ulp Oer ad ether Oorseta. Also, Ueep Skirts, Paahjn, Ac Large ctoek of Carpets and Wall Papon. Shoes aad 0 alters, aao quality as kcrlbr. "Th best an th stuepeet," Bftlaoral aad thr kalttiag yra, aad thcr rtielec, toe lamereui te msalioa. . , ... Parcbaeer will Ind a greatef variety f good, than is asaally fond ia en itor. Call and examine. Clearteld, Bept 11, UTt. WM. REED, (accessor tn Read Bros.' MARKET STREET. CLEARFIELD, PA., w ILL ops tbls wrk au Isboum itock of all doertptioos 01 DRY GOODS, NOTION'S, TRIMMINGS, ' MILLINERT And FANCY" GOODS, FURS, , ' ' ' ' LADIES', ; MISSES' And ' CHILDREN'S SHOES, Ac , Ac, Ao., lo. - Buj Ing m y goods la New Toi k, the Ares) of the siure.r; ke plr.ga reliable class of goodsj idl ing goods at fee cash tgurer, and tnnduot'ng business in a (Itornug) business manner, X p to merit th contdenc at CASH Bl'TERS throughout th county. NO TROUBLE TQ SHOW GOODS. . i- Call and sm1n a,y itoek nd b eenvlueed of th truth of my Bssertlons. sepUl ' WM. REKP. H. F. N AUQLE, WATCH M AkER & JEWELER, and dealer I. Wfttchcn, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Wr,e, so., )I.'TI CLARFILD, , PA., IJUlS'Ttmft fsnt-R-Ncllc.liker-A by gi'en that letters te stamen la ry having bevn granted to th eubaorihar oa the estat of lsAVIO MILLER, decease, lab, nt Uwreao towashlp, Cloerneld county, Pennsylvania, all nereoni Indebted ta said estate are rqared to mak tmtnedieU payracnt. .and taw having rhiiins against the same will arafrept thm uly sxthonMnated fuf settlement. ' ' ' : ' JOJIS t. CI TTLE, Bcv.mbtr If, llll.lCpd. jExmtcr. 1 )..'"' t JT VA. i... V , i 1 I. 1" MERCHANDISE. t i f 5tti5ffUanrous. BoggMTownNhlp Awake GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEERS'SI TVERYBODT trying to get tbsr Irst, farfcai j j 01 nemg crowded out lata th aold. it yon want good Boosing done, go la Faxes If yoa want yonr Rleds ironed right, goto Baaaa. If yoa want good Mill Irons, go tu Caaaa If yoa want your wegon Ironed ia tbebsst tele nd workraanshln. eo to R.... Baaaa maha the best Stump Machine In the aiate, anu oos u ami or Ml,AUhe JIJTlllAU as ebeap as eaa be done In the county for Cash My Post OOc add real Is Olsargeld, Pa. THOMAS BKKRS. Boggs Tp Dm. 19. 18r-tr. Il-cry Stable. , THE undersigned begs leave te Inform the pub lic that he ia now fully prepared tsacoomuio. del in ,( wayof furniahing Horses, Buggies, Saddle end Harness, on th shortest notice and on reasonable terms. Residence oa Locust street. U.. T.-A ... a. . . ' . " . miu eouno. UEO. W. OEAR1IART. le.rll.ld, April 11. 1HH7. SAWS I SAWS! SAWS! DISTAN'I CROSS-CUT, MILL, PRAD AKD CIRCULAR SAWS. Boynton'i Lightning Orosg-out Saw. ALIO, PATENT PERFORATED A ELECTRIC iAWg, For sal hy aetll,; H. F. BIO LER A CO. Allrntlon, Lumbermen! WE are now manufacturing onr IMPROVED 6TBKL . HOL'W KT liull'lv.l rll'T HOOKS, superior to any other ia ase. We hav is in sioca a large quantity or Canlhooks amia ble for rafting purposes, which we are selling Clearteld, Pa., March U. l7f. A Notorious Fact! rpilEHB are more people troubled with Lung X Diseases in this town than anv other place o its sise in the Male. One of the great causes of mi. is. me use 01 an Impure article of t'oal, largely mixed with anlpbur. Now, why not amid all ini., awu preserve your Hvrs, by using nlr lliimphm'e Celebrated al. r,. ir., .ii Impurities. Orders left at the stores of Richard Mossop and James B. Urabaiu A Sons will reoeiv. prompt attention. AMUUAM lllMIUREr ClearllelJ, N.ivrmher JO, lnjn tf. i. L. nxiixxtTxiff. n. nxr.tixta. REIZENSTEIN k BERLINER, (SuMcsttors to I. Uins A Co.,) ittolvmls dealsri in GEMS' riRMSIIIG GOODS, ti, Llapenard street, between Church street and nesl Broadway, new York city. UyJl'TJ F. STERLING, ' Mmufselursr of SADDLES &IHARNESS CLEARFIELD, PA. Work gnarantd to give satisfaction. Prices reasonable. tlivemeacalL Shop In Graham Row, Market street. norJ0,7J. . Beale's Embrocation, (LATE IU'),) Fsr ill dlsearee lasldent te Itoriec, Cattle, apd uamaa ri.aa, reo. trlng toe as ol aa xternal apolloatio. This Embrocation was extensively ussd hy the lnrrmnt during the wer. For sal by Ifarlswicb A Irwlr, Cleargeld Joseph R. Irwin, Corwensvlll. Danll tiood. nder. Lutbersbarn. tf. F LOUR, FEED, AO. TUB pCf C ARI A FLOURING MILLS. Th. pnlerslgued wonld respectfully give A, tioe to the oitisens f Bwarla township and sue ronndlng eountry, that be bst purchased the Beeearia Flouring Milll and put arervililng n complete order, and II manufacturing a Bret-class quality af Flour. ' 1 CUSTOM WORK lONE, and Floar la fjoaallty eootleutly oa hand f.r sale, CUOF, COKX MEAL, BRAN, AC, AC, alwayi kaad aad for sale whelesals or retail, Oa T" HimJI.F.sl TTAWTKta. 4U" I Will etchang Flour and Chop for ift- Inoh Kbingl. r will pay part lannay. If desiied. Ml tf . BARNABAS ARMHTROao. ACT1 W ANTKO fo7ore7t FlresTruiT I lore. Chicago, Boston, fort!. nil, I. York, L'indtin, etc. Causes, Svitems ef Kstlngtil.hilig Fire, Safe. Fire rm" ituli'llnes. lluik Vanlia. InSnranee, Ac. Thrilling, lltimorons, Patl.a.lc. Only eomnleta. Illustrated work. Jni,-g.li!e hot cakes. Writ Worthington, lipAtia A Co., Hart, fe.rdj.pt.' - - ftp:- SHAW HOUSK, (Oor. of Markal A Freat streets,) Ll.bAnil"1"'! - - . . u.i.1 u eutirele aew. : . J". Court "V, April 10, lrt. ; TricillKVlTnH HflllSK. V V5w WAMISUX0S. PA. Thi new aad well furnished kM " Ukca hf the unierslgnod. U faels ouundeal of being able l render aalisfaetloa u Uioee who mag faror him with a call. ' ...', ' Mae , 17. ' 0. W. DAVIrProp r . T) everb nousK,. " : ' " ..; IL U II K N a I II K, M. The subscriber having built a new Hotel, wrl all uadern inipreiemenls, Is prepared to reuelt guacti. Tba table will be supplied with th bast, In tbe vsrkuM the bar with the uhooioeat lienors, Good stabling atts.ihed. aprl-ly . A. H. HCHAKFrnH, Prop'r. YliEMANTmNH0USE7 Corner or Heeoad and Varkct BtraeU, , CI.EARFIIiLl), PA. THU old Aad comaodloni Hotel bes. during the past ear, bee enlarged ts dnukU t lormar sapaellr for th mtertwnnieat eg etc, ger aad gue.U. Th whole building haa been, refurnished, and th proprietor will spar a palm to render hit gossts comfort! whik itsylng With him. - Mr lb Mansion Heiia" OmplVu runs K andfrom th Depot on the arrival and departur of ceeh tr.ltu ; J0H3I U0UOI1ERTY, ( pr-70 If rropnetor. ST. C1IARLKS HOTEL, (Opposite It. H. Depot,) CLKAlltiKLU, PEKN-A. The undersijeued. bsving beoouie 'proprletee ' Of this hcttia, is now ready tu entertain strangers an travelers, anu tbrclue selleltf sojourners I gir biin a coll. Ilis Tubus il) be supplied wilh Uie best Ibe market affords, and I is liar will con tain the choicest of wines and liquois. Kxtcnslrs stabling Is attached. Charges moderate. JaiilO'VJ . . JAilli.i Ali.I.Al'UULIK. WESTERN H OT E L, , Oi'posit. th. Court liouse, CLEARFIELD, PKNN'A. Aceowmodatlons flrst-class aud elinrgo inwlerale. 0.15 JOHN F. YOL'NfJ, Preprietor. JJUXTOUB UOl'IK, Opposite tbe Court House, . , LOCK IIAVKS, PE.NX'A. Jeint HAIBKAI. A KBOM, Prop's. JJROCKF.RHOFF IIOl'SK, EELLKkOTK, PA., , ' - . D. JOHKSTOJI A SOUS, el2t''l ' ' Proprietor. RAILROAD ROUSE, . llslo Street, PUILlrslJUKO, Pfc'KS'A, The undersigned keeps nonstnntly oo hand tb beet .f Liqo.ra. Hi tatil. I alway supplied with tb best Uie matk.t alfords. Th traelig publi will do well to giv hint a call novl. oi. 110BEKT LLOYD. ' SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, CrRWENSVILLB, Clrartisld ovuut,v, Pcnn'a. This eld and well eslauiilhcd UoUl, beautifully situated on the banks of tbe Susquehanna, in the borough of Curwcnsrille, has been leased fpr si term of yiars It lb nndersigned. 11 has been entirely refined, and ia nuw uiea tv tb public generally aud the traveling community in par ticular. No pains will be spared to reodrr guests eoiiitortable while tarrying at thlc house. Ample Stabling mom for tbe accommodation uf teams,. C'bnrgfs nioilernt". Srpt. ii, IS70-tr. KLl ULOOM. ' 'oots and liOfS. B OOT AND SHOE MAKING. I'UII.IP WKtYER. oa Vaiket itreel, In Shaw Row, Cleerleld. Ps , has lust rered to In! ef kreneh Calf jkial and Kips, th best ia the market, and is now prepared to man afeeture everything in his line. It will war. rant his work to b as represented. Th eitiiens of ciearkeld sac. vicinity are respectfully Invited to give him a call. or x done t snort notice. :irri SEW BOOT AYU S!0E SHOP. EDWAUI) MACK, Co. MARKET A 3d St.., CLEARFIELD, P. rPUE proprlslor hai satered lata tb BOOT 4) X 8U0K buslnsss at th above, stand, and Is determined ant to be outdone either la qual. ily or price for hi work, Special atuntloa will be psid to anulacrarlag rwra worn, n has on head a large lot of areocb Kip and Calf Shins, of th ery host quality. Tb clli. sens of Clearteld and vicinity are. respectfully invited to give him trial. : Ut charge fur cells. aoesY f-tf JSAAC J0UNS0X & SQJia, KanuracturcfS and Dealer la Rood mid IH h o o I ' Ladles', Mlssee' and ChUdmi's flaitere, Mon'c, Bews' and Woman's Heavy Boot, aad . . Jlrogiuis, A a, Aa. Ftor aud shop on Second street, nearly .pp. site I1, F. Bigler A Ce.'s hardware store, Fsli. i, la7My CLEARFIELD, PA. Clearfield County Bank. ritllK Clsartsld Coucty Park as sn Incorfera X ted Inslilulloa kae gauaaul ef existence by the surrender of ita charter, May lg, lfltlt, All Its stock is owned hy the aubmrjbe'rj, who will eontlnn th Banking bnsineps t tb saina plaoa.as pilvat Bnker4, under thi Arm nm ol the "ClcarHsId Cuniy Bspk." H s ar re. ponsihlf (or the dells ol the bank, and will pay its notes oa demand at the counter. Deposit rcoeired aad luterevt paid alien Boaey I left for a Axed lire. Paper disoeutted at sii per cant, as herctoor. Our personal rtspoasibilliy I pledged for all lT'os!!a received and beiinssl traiii'cled. A eentlnuane af the liberal pat ronage of the bualnaci men ef th flonnty Is r. spectlully eolloited. Aa Preeidenl, Cashier aad officers of th lat Clearfield County Bank, wa require th note of sail Bank to b pr.rsfled for redemption. JA8. T. LEONARD, RICHARD SHAW, WM. POUTER, JAS. B. UK All AM, A. K. WRI0RT, O. L. RKEU, ' WM. A. WALLACE. Th. kusln.c. f the Bank will ha oaduetd by John M Adam., Esq., aa Ca.hisr. ftl-1 ft County National Bank, ; OK CLEARFIELD, PA. K0OM in Masonic llnlldlng. uae door north of C. I). tVstson'c Drug Slore, l'usssge Ticket to and from Liverpool, .Queeae town, Olssgiw, Loit.lun, Paris and roptnhagrn. Also. Drafi. for sale on iho Royal Bank of Ireland aud Imperial Bank of London. JAMKs T. LKONARD, Pres't. W. M. rTl.HV, Cashier, a,i;i:i J. D. M'tllrk. Kdward P.ris. BANKING & COLItEOTION HOUSE 1 OP ! McGirk & perks. HucotMurs to Foster, rrks, A Co., rblltps1iiirf. I'-cnUt; County, P. W II KIIB aU the business of a IUnkinff Houso tril m traniMlcil pruinptlT snd inm tho m tMl f.u ti-u4c tsrtns. nar7tf Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. THE und.rilgn.d, having aUblisbd a Nai cry an th 'Pike, about half way b.twera Clearteld and Cnrwen.vllle, Is prepared I fur lib ill kinds of FHUIT TREES, (ataadard and dwarf,) Kvergraeas, Sbrabbery, Urp Via, fjooseberries, Lawtoa Hlark berry, Strawberry, and Rasberry Via. AI.e, Sibsrlsa Crab Trees, Qulae. aad early sosrlst Fhebarb, Ac Ordcri promptly attended to. Address, . D. WP1UHT. sspll IS-y CrwnsTlP, P Miss E. A. P. pynder, ASH, ana Ohlek.rlng'i, Btaln way's snd nraerrnn'i Plsnosj ' Dmltk's, Masnn A Hamlin' and Pleubel'i ': (Orgaas and Melodeoni. and fliovsr A dlakr'a Hewing Marhlnss. 11 also raacaaa or Plaao, O.llar, Urgaa, Harmony sod Vers I V. I. Ko pupil taken for I.m thai half a terra."' : sfRome oppoiit MeHch's Furniture ii.is Clsaibsla, May i, lt6e t. i i !,( I 1 s .ii.' if: ' I : 'A ' !:r;i