Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 25, 1872, Image 2

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( ., , antTua iMD MUlPtlHTOn. ... i
; T -ri.i f -. r- s-.?-s.-' J-jS-a
'' ' CLE A RKJ ELD, PX.,"
Xo Vavw Nkxt Week.- In uocori)
' unco with our uaiiut uimtom, no pupcr
will bo Usual Iromjthii offlco next
woi-k. Wa w'mb our putront a raorry
: Clulstinas nnil "J"PPy Now Voor.
i Congress ailjoiirnod over on Friday
.until iheGlhof nrxt Jitnutiry. And
'tho govornment" lias gone on a visit
to lt tilhor lit Covington, Kentucky,
where tlie poat oltlco dutios re difr
tlmrged by a elork from Waiir.iiiglon,
v hilti the ufortRnid fullier draws Kit
3,000. ' : - j
. Unnecessary Exprsn Yestordny
whs llio limo fixed by tlie Governor
to elect a Congressman in tho Urud
furd district, to 111! the vacancy cnnseJ
liy the election of Judgo Mormr to
the Buprcmo Bench. The vueancy to
" bo filled runs nut on tho 5th of March
,uoxU Uud Judgo Morcur posiiosscd
tlio requisite modesty, he would lmv
resigned alter ho was nominated for
Judgo, ami nllowedj his place to bo
fillotl ut tho October election. As it
Is it will cost the taxpayers of that
district $4,000 to elect a Congressman
for sixty days. The whole schomo Is
n dirty trick, and wo a ro sorry to
Mute that a gentleman who has just
taken his seat on our Supremo Bonch
had a hand in the job, and could have
saved his constituents just 81,000.
But he did not.
Piin.ADii.rni A Election I'iuudu
Wo hope our readers will peruse tho
arliclo in this issuo taken from the
Philadelphia Press relating to tho late
election frauds perpetrated In that
city, if the Democrats bad as little
regard for law and solemn oaths as
the Radical leaders in that city, tbey
would riso up in their might and
diivo tho ecouudrcls out of their of
fices nt tho point of tho bayonet or
shoot them liko dogs. What the
Pratt says is true. It is no Domo
cralio lie, and if things do not soon
'tliungo for tho better wo shall aJvo
nte revolution., If thieves and rob
bers are to on and control every
thing,' government may ns well be
abolished und crime bo rendered re
spectable. For such it appears to be
in Philadelphia.
Getting II saw. The people of
Philadelphia, not mombers of the
numerous corruption rings which have
infested thut city for many years, aro
beginning to groan and shriek under
the burthons of taxation. Forney's
Press, which is now the chosen organ
of the reformers, speaks thus :
"Corruption Il beeomint: nnlrerial laonrelty
wnrernaient. Tli water w drink, th. fii that
lighti eur bounu., the paving of our ilrecll
very nublil work and every expenditure of pub-
Ita money ereal Iu b. connected with a job by
which individual. proDt naa lh. aojiuiaalty
, looeol. ....
Similar corruptions existed in New
. York for yoars, but when it was
brought to tho notice of tho parly In
power tho whole crow was turned out
of office. In l'biladvlphia, instead of
turning tho thieves out of office they
pnt more In. Tho former rity was
coniroucu y me uumucrais nuu mu
latter by the Ik-publicans tlio party
which has been plundering the South
ern Slates for the past eight years
fs Ihtu tt llf public f
Behold tho federal ourpfit,io;, in
the Stale of Louisiana, two Legisla
tures in Alabama, a mob ruling South
Carolina, where the Legislature re
moves Justices for issuing warrants
against mombers for taking bribes,
and then nguin nk, if this is a Ilcpub-
lio why aro knaves und the most ig
oorant and degraded specimens of hu
manity allowed to control affairs f
Tho Philadelphia Press on this subject
rausticully remarks that "Attorney
General Williutus answers tho despatch
of Col.. UfEaury, of Louisiana, the
Liberal candidate for Governor at the
. recent elocliunj by staling thut tho
President has rccognixod tho legality
"of the Pinchbeck government and that
thoro Is no necessity for his visiting
Washington. This answer ought to
ttclllo the difficulties, but wo are afraid
that its effect will not bo that of oil on
troubled waters. In Alabama there
Is a probability that the olive branch
rf the Administration will bring abuul
peace between the contending (actions
lu South Carolina Patterson seems to
have triumphed over ail his foes, the
Legislature huving romovod the judge
that Issued the warrant (or his an est,
and tho Assemblyman that sivnro It
put having disuppeurud with a charge
of perjury following him. : And yet
Ibis is a Itrnublic. and has a virtuous
citizenry !
Mr. (jrceley carried seven States
instead of six, as generally report od
in tho country newspnpeis. Theso
even Slates aro Maryland, (loorgiu
Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee, Ken
tucky and Missouri, llo also carried
Arkansas, bill tho ranl men are en
deavoring lo cheat him out of the
The Legislature will meet in two
weeks. 1 ho constitutional oonven
lion wilt moot the lams day in Phils
Postmaster Barnes and Dp
Postmaster HrsxsT. of fiollon. uiu
have beeo arrested, charged with rob-
ting the mails. They fuilod to pro
cure bun id Ck,vou each, and wert
scut to prison.
At Mlw ikt OarM fo Fmt-
The frauds porpotrotod at tho Oo
tober elootton in this city, in cxtont
and enormity, wore unparalleled.
The ballot-box was uever stulTod so
full beforo, or popular snU'rago made
such a farce. All this . Iniquity was
planned weeks In advanco of eloolion
day. So many election olUoers and
partisans wore purehnshod, so many
repeaters were to vote at such-and-such
a poll, and so many Wkrds wore
togivoucortuiu majority. The whole
thing, to use a phruse of which politi
cians, are fond, "was out and dried"
long beforo tho momorablo oiuhth day
of October, 1872, downed. Tho mon
ongaged In this bad work wuri not
novices, and their hirelings were well
cororcd. - There wcro a number, ol
porsons arreelod for illegal voting, but
only one case came to trial and only
ouo man was convicted, although there
was plain proof of fraud In a thousand
eases." ThoVrosccuiion, of course,was
in au United Stales court, and con
viction followed it. Tho ropouter wus
sontonced on Saturday last by Judge
Cadwaludor to oighteon months' im
prisonment in the Kastern Peniten
tiary. A report of the proceeding
says: "His Honor expressed his re
gret that be had not Woro bim, In
stead of Brown, some of those who
bad induced him. lp .voto illegally,
strongly intimating thai in such a
caso Tie would havo punished them
rather than ono whom they bad made
thoir tool." So far, so good; but
marU tho eorpiel. .
Mr. Brown is barely immured In
tho puniton'.iaiy whon tho men who
planned all tho villuiny of the election,
and employed such us ho to commit
tho gravest crime against free institu
tions, and w hom his Honor' hail so
strongly intimated a desire to punish,
fire pare lo pavo the way for his rc
enso. . Wo hear that tho strongest
efforts will be made to secure his par
don from the President, and wo know
that an attempt is being made to win
public sympathy in his behalf. . What
ever may bo urged in extenuation of
.1.- .. ' .. nn,t.;nn I. nt l.ta nn.
UIU IIIUII glint, liVViiiug vuv ia uii-
ishiuent will mono for it. lie was at
the time ho committed tho en mo a
mombcr of the I'iro Department ol
this city and a public servant, possess
ing almost polico powers, ana was
doubtless a member of the general
official organization for tho purpose of
defeating the will ol the people oy
fraud. The power of pardoning this
man is In tho President's hands. We
do not believe that he will obey the
dictates of the chiefs of tho criminal
classes of Philadelphia, whatever mar
be ihoir "political influence. Tho
only other man con vie tod of election
frauds in this city in the last ten years
did not stay in jail more than a'Bionth.
iucro Is a general uesire that Mr.
Brown stay there cii'hteen mouths
und thut soma of his Irionds join him
la his involuntary exile. Irctt.
Iladlcal Itoyally.
The Patriot of Washington city lulls
the true story when it says :
it has been our boast Hint tho unci
Magistracy of tho llepublio is a civil
dignity, maintained nt small cost, and
presents a Uniting cottrni to mo
kingly ofticcs ol tho OUI orld. All
this wus once truo, but unfortunately
it no longer exists. Wo have been
gradually drifting away from the plain
prno'.ioos of the ancient tiino adopting
Iho habits of Iho monurcluul system,
and cultivating a pomp wholly incon
sistent with free and puro institutions.
hvcrvthii.g about tho Executive Man
sion begins to put on rcgnl airs, and.
instead of the honored simplicity oi
Iho fathers, there is substituted a pre
tentions parade winch strikes and re
pels iho most ordinary obscrvor.
Tbe actual necessities for the esro
and conveuienoo of the While House
aro not really any greater now than
they wero ton years ago. But the
expenditures have been constantly
augmented, under one pretext or an
olhor, until it has booomo one of the
most extravagant establishments in
the world, and far exceeds tbe annual
cost of many of tho grandest palucos
in Europe. According to me arum
manner in which Iho appropriations
aro mado and used, the Prosident is
almost entirely relieved of household
oxponscs, and is enabled lo pocket his
salary of 825,000 a year as so much
clear profit. Servants and supplies
aro covered up, and other things are
provided on a sculo entirely unknown
even to recent experience.
Tho following summary of expendi
tures, which extends over three-quarters
of a century, shows the enormous
outlay for keeping up the Presidential
Mansion, and the rule of "progress"
lorthattlme. During Mr. Buchanan's
admiuistralion the cost was (94,000,
whilo under Gun. Grant it has reached
S323.831! The Items aro classified
under iho names of furniture, repairs,
fuel, attonduuee, grounds and green
house, fences, stublcs, and contingent
expenses, but, if thoroughly silled,
thev would bo found to cover more
domestic objects. That money can
bo '.bus illegally divorled has boon
shown by the erection of tho Presi
dent's sublcs (costing some $10,000)
out of the appropriation mado for the
new Departmont of Mtate. 1 lie secre
taries and clorks of the President are
not included in this lisl t
KxncQfM os
Aa,lul.rJl',oi,t. ' Willi llnm.
John Adm., I7U7-I500 114,000
Mtm, Hi' -! : '"'"
Ms', JW-ISIS ."
M,.oro, ISI9-ISVI . , ,"
O. Adam., 1M.S-IS28 WTO
Juinn, wit-m 7I.I
Vn Burin, l4.-istl
Ilnrriion m l Tfler, ISI-I
Polk. ISIi-ISI"! - 'j."-1
T.iylur sml Filmors, liliM."i3 37, 104
PirP, IS.WSi
fturhuui, IH.-.7-1K0 ll,0i:S
Lincoln, il -1S(14 ih.;:i:;
Jcihincm, IKil.'1-ISllS IM,:.S0
arsl,lH6v-U7J S3,S.1I
State Senator Question. A Hnr-
rishuiv disp-itch aays : 1 hero is
much stir in political circles hero do
causo of recent developments on tho
Senutoiial question. Until recently
it wus supported that Senator Cameron
would carry oil mo prise wunouio
contest, but recently Mr. lower, ol
Pottsville, a very wealthy Kepuhlicun
has been prominently canvassed as a
candidate, and much alarm has been
created in Cameron circles. The Tel-
earavh, tho organ of Senator Cameron
in an ulaborale article acciuroa mat
Tower contemplates purchasing votes
enough to elect himself senator over
Cameron by a bolt, after tho manner
of Irwin election over .11 utkey, ana
it gives nolioo that criminal prueocu
tion will lollow any attempt to uo-
baucb tio i.egisiuturo sgainsi yum
eron. 1 . " '
A'crimiral prosocutionj Is not
that an awful threat, after Bimon
Cameron has parcbaaad his election
liiree vimesi
John J. Ulcolay. of Illinois, who
was PresiJont Lincoln's private Boo-
retary, has been appointed Marshal of
ths L. b. Suprtms Wourt,
The Politic l Itasllim Hslwf t A Cou.
clss Uttimenl or racist
Let Every Freeman Road. r .
The following vigorous and olenr
review of tbe political situation in
Louisiana from the Now Orleans
Time will be read with Interest by
all who have not grown thoroughly
callous und indllfureut to a high hand
ed invasion of Iho rigbls of their fel
low cillsens in a distunt StutP, or who
havo not becomo enamored of lawless
negro rulo :
. It is imuossiblo that tho Amorlcun
peoplo can bo kept long Ignorant of
the facts or liulilloronl to me wretciiuu
condition lo which this Stale and peo
plo lire reduced by iho recent out
rages porneirateu on mom uy n cor
rupt ring of politioal adventurers,
aided by a judicial confederate and
the arms of tho United States.
We repel, as nn undeserved ro
proach. the suspicion and imputation
of utter cold hoarled Insensibility on
iho on rt of tho groat mass or our fol
low citixons at tho North. What has
anoearcd to ui in mat iignt is ascrioa
bio to A supremo Ignorance of the
facts. Justice to them, as well as to
our cause, requires mat tneso tacts
should bo kept before thorn, distinct
and scpnrato li'om ino luise una lur
eign mutter and issues by which ihcy
hujro boon loaded and confounded.
Let. therefore, tho admitted, undis
puted and indisputable facts of this
oontrovorsy bo put nnd kept beforo
tho peoplo In rtich form and munner
as will leavo them no longer an ex
cuso for misconception, indifference,
orlukewarmness toward a causa which
involves tho most serious results lo
republican liberty thai has ever arisen
in tho history of iho republic. . ,
Theso ii ro ilia facts :
1. That an election was held for
Sinlo officers in this Stato, ou the 1th
of November lust, under the laws of
tho Stato, end with tho universal ad
mission by all parties of ils fairness
and peaCefiilness ; that at such elec
tion, there were Zl.otiii more voles
received than wcro polled beforo
2. That not a word was uttered In
reference to tho fairness of this elec
tion until the result was proclaimed
as in favor of the conseivativo parly
iu tho Slate; that then a plot was
hatched in Iho custom house of this
city to have this election set aside and
tho returns so suppressed as to foist
into tho offices of the State all tho
ltadical candidates, and especially an
overwhelming negro mujority in tho
To effect this object the United
Slate District Attorney concocts in a
caucus of federal office holder a bill
in chancery in the namo of Kellogg,
alleging that he bus been deprived of
ten thousand votes, which if they had
been cast, woulj have been in his
fsvor, nnd would havo given him the
majorily. In support of bis allega
tions ho Gles some 3,500 nOidavils,
printed, and with tho cross marks at
tached, of negroes in rcinoto country
4. Beforo any sifting or inquiry in
to these mere uilegalions and affida
vits could bu made before any trial
could bo hud, Iho United States
Judge issues an interlocutory order,
directing tho United Males marshal to
seizo Ihu Stato House, to expel tho
regular officers or tho Stato, and to
proceed to recognize und install as the
real government tho boaton ltadicsl
negro candidates, who are proclaimed
by a bogus or fraudulent bourd.
5. The returns of ibis board, created
by Durell's interlocutory order, wero
flagrantly laise ana noiiuoue, uusuu on
no other facts or figures than the
mora calculations of a partisan com
mittee, and the exclusion of all returns
of votes actually received by tho con
servative oandidutes.
There is no man of their own party
with a spark of decency who does not
laugh to soorn this miserable botch
und fiction. Even Kellogg, by his
own intimations, has admitted the
gross outrage and falsehood of these
returns, and declared that conserva
tive candidates were elected w ho are
returned by this board as defeated by
thousands of voles.
6. That thus, and by means of this
same Inlorlocutory order or Uurull,
one of the most corrupt and uuducious
nogroos that ever hung upon the oul
skirlsof our community, whose term
of office had expired und with it all
power to act lis Lioillennnl tiovernor,
was foisted by United Slates bayonets
into Iho chief, cxeculivo chair of the
Stato and is recognized ns such by
tho federal government.
7. That tho immodiato effects of
those several acts and consequences
of this interlocutory order of a potty
United Slates indgo aro the Installa
tion, over the State of Louisiana, of a
government consisting of Iho follow
ing ollicluls !
lor uovernnr t
A TJNiTrn States Senator
For Lieutenant Governor :
Neoro United Skates Collector
or the Port ok SnREVK.ronT.
For President of the Sennit:
The Mulatto Surveyor or rat Port
or New Orleans.
For Speaker of the House of Rspreien
tauves i
The Uniteo Status Postjixbth ai
Nkw Orleans
For AuJitor of the Statu :
Toe Assistant TiiEAsuasa or the
Unitiwi States.
For Senators and Members of the
House, of llenrescntdtwe :
LECTOR'S and Assessor's Depart
ments of Til r Uniteo States Cov-
This Is tho government which has
been forced upon tho peoplo of the
Slain of Louisiana, through nn order
in chancery of a petty judge, enforced
by tho arms of Iho ledcrul government;
and thoso aro tho fuels, under which
this onlrngo has been consuinmnled,
upon which tho American people
must now declaro llicir convictions
and judgmout.
If such transactions can obtain their
approval and support if the pcrcipi-
into nnu eviucnuy ii(iiuiniii biuivviuh
given bv tho authorities at Washing-
Ion be sustained by them, then is the
empire inaugurated in ihepluco of tho
onto proud republic, and Louiniann
converted from a rich and prosperous
Slate Into a negro province, ruled by
tbe satraps ol Iho central auiuoriucs
Driols romroy's Opora House al
LaCross Is advertised for sale under
an execution to secure 126,000 a
mony for bis divot-oed wifo. . . . .
Tbo Unitod Btates marshals and
supervisors who served at the late
election in New York city will be paid
OSti Of iMtl.
Mr. Oukes Amos admits at last that
ha distributed Crodlt Mobilhir stock
among tho following members of oon
gross i Vice President Colfux and Sen
ator , uaon, sirs, iionpor iinu
Duwes, of Massachusetts, Messrs. t!ar
fiuld and Bingham, of Ohio, and Mr.
Kelley, of Pennsylvania. He not
only admits It, but regards himself us
having performed u very meritorious
and iiborul act in letting so many ot
his congressional brethren into so
good a tinnneiiil operation as the Cred
it Mobilier. That; it was a splendid
thing financially iho bill of tho officials
of Pennsylvania for soverul hundred
thousand dollars in (axes on stocks
und earnings of the company abund
antly prove. But if thero bus heen
no corruption In this,' why wero the
charges that (.hikes Alius bud dis
tribiiled the stocks among these mem
bers of congress so vehemently denied
ti few months ago? Tho denial of
Mr. Blaino was all right, Ibr It turns
out that he uevor had a dollar of these
templing shares In the stocks t, the
company who wcro building ihb Cen
tral Pin-1 llo railroad with iho inoney
nd hinds of tho people of the United
Stales. So also whs tho denial of Mr.
Brooks, who Is oxoneralod by the dis
tributor of this stock." Bnl it will bo
remembered that Vice-President Col
fux In a spoech in tho west most em
phatically denied thut he ever had
any connection with the Credit Mo
bilior. It now appears that M Coi
fs x had rocoived twenty shares from
Mr. Ames. But ho guvo them.
Why? Not because (hey wero not
profitabio,4for Ihcy paid most splendid
dividends, nnd, besidos, Mr. Ames was
enrrvlnif tho stock for him. He. in.
deed, roeeived dividends on his shares
without advancing any money. So
ho had surely no ribt to complain of
tho investment. He gavo- the stock
buck to Ames when ho discovered
that troublo would ariso about It, nnd
then went on the stump to proclaim
his Innocence. So with Henry Wil
son, tbe Vice President elect, llo re
eelved twenty shares but gavo them
back to Amos without receiving any
dividends. As ho was a candidnto
for Vico President ho took the elnrm
early. Ho kept It but ono ii!jiht.
These things may be all right, but
such sudden manifeslatlons of virtue
hare a suspicious air about them
When it is shown that tho (late of
the distribution of 'theso Credit Mo
bilier shares Is connected with Import
ant concessions to tho Central Paciflo
railroad company on tho part of con
gress, and when It Is further shown
that these distinguished members of
congress advocatod and voted tor all
thoir concessions the virtue will not
bo quite so transparent. Mr. John B
Alley, another member of '.bo ring,
lollops Ames, and somo Interesting
revolutions may bo expected from
him. Mr. Alley is tho exceedingly
Clever gentleman alio explained in
tho Dauphin county court of common
pleas tho intricato operations of the
Credit Mobilier so lucidly as to wipe
out sevoral hundred thousund dollars
ofluxes claimed by tho commonwealth
ol Pennsylvania. tttriol.
The " IrttprrsslbU t'onflifi."
It seems wo aro never to huve dono
with this vexed Question of raco 11
will down al no man's bidding
Amendment upon amendment don't
sntllo it. It is on "irrepressible cor.
diet," iudeed. It comes np in a new
shape al Washington, fhe inauguru-
l on bull Is in prospect anu arrange'
ments are being mado lor it ami uero
is whut a correspondent writes;
'The ffravest Question under consid
erution at the alfuir of this kind was
tho admission of colored peoplo, and
the shifts rcsortod to lo avoid the is
suo, either by admitting or rejecting
them, wero amusing enough. mere
will bo no room for dispute tins limo
The only onestion lo bo selllsi is.will
the colored people accept the situation?
They cannot be ignored, now iiitu tuoy
occupy scats in Congress and ro ro
cognizod in all tho affairs of'Iifo.
Social recognition musl of niteity
Billow if thev chooso to avail them
selves of it. Mrs. Klliott, the We ol
tho colored member from Soutl Caro
lina, wus mado lo fed Hint lln-fcallery
set apart for members' wives as not
ciioiiIi lo liolJ n
wifo Insl Winter, Jml she
muniuvr s
di J not repeal Iho experiment. 1 Y lien
nnesl one J hv ail I IlU lirria 11 1 1 Willie
T . . . f ., I
nieiubcm wile in re'iM n ui'limm
s on. 1 10 uoi.r Uecpor iinswcr.u iinu
his inslraclions woie to nilinil mem
bers ol families, an.l no cxcipuoii.s
rcro moilo o;i uicount ol colo
noses of Iho liivuroJ whito
llCB, ill
spito ol'polilicul cqtiulity, itivt;
V cluvalo wnen uoniiiiir in sue
I con-
tuct willi this peoplo, and llio nltempt,
if tniido, lo minglo In such lianner,
will present nmny notol nnd islorcst
iiifj scenes.
And all this with 8 Donsti iitionnl
provision Blaring them in 1 o iavo
which decrees perfect oquHli V nnd
forbids nil distinctions on ncejitnt of
rneo nnd color I Tho situnlioi Is cer
tainly ombnrrassing, nnd wo sci rto es
enpo from It other thun for those
whoso theory it is to soltlo eve ything
by constilutionrtl nmondinonl to im
modlntcly introduco another providing
that thers shall ho no nnsnl cl-Tatlon
volunlnry or involuntary n so
inni ol r-mo or oolor nt iriiiujrlirallon
TlIK Kl.ltCTOrlAl. CoT.l.r.OK. Al ths
lists of the electoral collei'M ff Ihe
soTeral States for Frosidenl nfid Mco
I'rosident. cxci'lit throe, havo biln
sent to the President of tho Sonatofy
mnil. thonuh not inoro lhn one-tlild
of Iho rnlirn lisls required by Inwlo
bo dolivired to UI in ly liii'ssennfs
hnve yot been received. l,oiiisiiliO
sends lists from two dilloront clcio-
rul colleges. The two houses of li n
frrc?s, in joint convention, will dc r
rnino which lUl shall be countod. n
Iho second Wednesday ol Februr y,
llie tims ol counting nil llio elect' al
voles. .
CliniHTIAN Kniiohskment. Tho I!. V.
Gonernl Howard, forretting how.lidv.
Pr. Nownian injiiroil Senator Ilnrli
chaness fur re oleolion, lias priiitel a
loiter vouching for llio Christian ly,
philanthropy nnd ability ol SoiinLpr
l'omeroy, who is now a tniididuio ir
re election. Tho Western people df 'I
I'uncy theso pious Wnsliinrlon endnte
monls, which promiso nuither Indian
eofiirncts. tiost routes nor rivor id
harbor iiuprovemenls.
ItAiil IdronMATlON. Many of M
exchanircs contain ine lollowmir
"Aunrnoy-Goneral Williams issalilto
have docltloil, in answer to a comrnq
nlontion from the Postmaster (Jonsrol
that rostofliiio oflicials have no ribt
to open or detain tellers pr other mst-
tertransmitled through (he rostoRlee,
though they msy know t tint thev con
tain obscene matter." What oolor
knars erer said ihev hrl f
JTt Kissforirtf.
The Herrlsburg Telegraph, previous
to the election of John J. Putturson to
iho Unitod Stalos Senate by the South
Curollnu Legislature, and sinoo, has
contained nrliclos highly ulngislio ol
Mr. Patterson, and pledging him tho
hearty endorsement of Iho Pennsylva
nia Kepuhlionns. To this, that slniineh
old l(ejiublican;)ourniii, ino unamosrs
hurg Jiepository, demurs, and raps the
Telegraph somewhat sharply, (or its
presumption. It Bays of tho arliclo
alluded to. . . ,-i
r "ft mattors litllo lo us whethor the
Incidents In tho life of this good and
groat man bo correctly chronicled or
iintyn few mora virtues or l few loss
vices than are his making little differ
oneo in tho summing up. But wo re
volt nt Iho last sentence the Telegraph
levotos to the interests ot Jir. t'ulter-
on. It assures the country mat tlie
Republicans of the Koystono Stato
will hoartily endorse his election. The
muster roll of tho Itopublicans of the
Keystone Siato is pretty largo, as wus
demonstrated at the Into election, and
somo of ns would rather reserve the
right to do as wo think best about en
dorsing the election of such u roan us
John J. Patterson is widely kuown to
bo, tolhe Unitod States Senate. The
Slate of South Carolina lias sinned
griovously against the Union and
gnovuusiy but she been pamsnod, but
hor sinning has not beeu such as to
warrant the imposition of such shame
and ignominy? the election or Mr.
1 Uttcison lO 100 niU, In tl dy
nf our bitterest anger wo could not
have wished to visit upon hor such
tin mitigated disgraco."
"Lit vs Have Peace" tester
Blodgult, against whom indictments
n ro pending in Georgia for embezzling
tho pu olio funds, lias maoa appneu-
Uou lor permission and sale conduct
to return to the blalo lo maito expia
millions of somo of his transactions.
Tho governor has rofusod the request.
IModgctt is a lugilive In boulh Caro
lina, and tho governor of thut Slate
refuses to surrender him on a requisi
tion from the Governor of Georgia. '
$rw dvcrtisrraenta.
k o x u u k
Al tbo Court Hits, la
Saturday Evening, December 28th.
Subject, " RUSSIA."
Ct UTlON. All riBar brty caulioocd
J Kl't pureliril or Id any Wlj mflcOinj
wild two bay Hortrl, left In tua puaaeasloa ot
Ororftn K. liCully, of JurJaa tunuabip. a Ilia
aamo baloLga lo ui and ai lot with biiu FUl'jed
l our or.1. r. JOSKi'H FATTKKSON.
Irc'.'j-S. . JAMKS Mi-KEKUEM.
nOHHI M l ull SUM-:. Two aarb
llorar. wrigliiojr 3,Kl0 poaada. Alio, o&t
hay Uoria, weighing 1,4.1(1 iouml.
i. 11 .1U Ml-1; It AY,
d;cI5 3l ' Wiilimgt'jn, Pa.
il bereby fftven thil latleri of B'lininiilratlifO
no Iho titale f J A CO II Jdo.NUOLD, bta of
Hell towmliip, CltarStlrl ooiinly. Pa., devanl,
haYinj; bCB ilu'.jr (;rantl lu Ilia HM'Urstrnaa. all
LnUvblra ! aal-l .ll plcatc mmk
itr.nMlato paymeol. and thuie bavins elaiins or
leaianda will r'iil Ihrao pruperlyaulhcBliestwd
lor witiruieai witbuul dilajr.
B. O. KTKT2,
iteji 6( Adininialrator.
1THEREAA. llo. 0. A. MATER,
Jod of tha Coart of Cmmoa Pima of
tha Tweaty-SfiB Judicial inainel, roropoaea si
Iba aiustias of Clrarlald, Centra and Cllalon
aad Hon. Willi a a 0. foLtr and Hob. Joss 1.
Hits, AaaiMialo Judical of ClaarSald .aunty,
bay. laaiad thoir piooanl, lo ma dlr.cud, far tb.
baldiag nt Court of Comojos Plana, Orphan."
Conrl, Court of (Ja.rtar Daatlona, Court of Oyor
nnd Toralnar, nnd Coart of U.naral Jail Daliy tho Conrt, in nnd for lb.
oounly of Clanrfiald, comma oolng on tba aecolid
Monday, 13llrday el' Jauunrj, IM13, and I
ocntinua on. wack.
N0TICK IS, tberaforo. n.reky lro, lo lha
Coronar, Ju.ticv. of lha P.aoo, nnd d.nilnbla,
anil for .aid ounl of Cl.nrSold. to arnaar in
thoir prouar pfraon., wilb R.cord., Bolll,
Inquirtilini, Kxaratnatlona, and otbar hrmoni
brancoa. lo do llmao Iblnrl wliick lo lliolr omo.r,
nnd in tliair babalMwriain to boson.
OIVKN andrr niT hand at CloarlrliL till 18th
Say of P.eauibr, in tha year of our Lord on.
tuou.and ilrlit Busirtfl ana irrrniy-iwir.
JLtniM J. flU, Sli.riff.
"VC l'lt'14. Tbn TrniitM of "Tin rrnnBaUl
I'rr.hrloriao Clintuh," on lha IJtll Stit.
ISJJ, mad. apnlirallou to Ihe Court to rraiilthrm
n abartor of inrurporati'inj nnd if no lufncirnt
ruitun ba rbown lo lb. onalrary, tba aama will bo
frautxl at tha January trrm, IS, J.
U:5 A. C. TATE, Prothonotsry,
Sheriffs Sale.
T)Y tlrln. of wrln of fV.ri fucim, laauad
I I out of Iho Court of Cunimun Ploaa cf Cloar-
n.ld oountr. and to ma dirocted, tbara will ba
ainn.od to l'UUMO 8AI.S. at lha Court Hon.l.
in Iht bori.uxh of Claarlaid, an Monday, tha
1.1th day or Jnuuary, l73, al I o'.loch, p.
thr fullowmi K tan, to wlti
Tba fi-llowini JiK-rilinl rrnl ..lata iltuato in
Oiranl town. hip, Clrarlleld oounly, IV, bclnj
Dart of tract No. ISSS. bfiinnlur nt tb. aoutk
aail ooroar of aaid trao! and running north on
lina bi tnatn Lacnnt k Irriu to Ilia brow of tin-
prar Cranh bill; Ibanoa nlnni tho brow of laid
bill, in n diraollon that will iuoloda tb. Sal on top
of .aid bill nnd oonnxt wllh John Jury lino
rmm tliani'0 ao ai lo inulmla all unrold land
on tha mutb and of aaid Irnrt. rleliad, lak.n in
irentlon nnd lo Ua i.ld ai Ik. proporl; of Kd-
ward altera.
Alao, n honac nnd lot tllnnl. In Bnrmld. town
bip, Clenrfltld wiunly, t'a., bain. th. Mia. son
rryrd by Otbtllo Hmrrd lo Iho aaid Klian MoNua-
. .lv.nt, an l.lllr ln,VMl i- -k-
nano of Jonallian Uu.rairkla. rlaiard, lakrn in
execution aud to U avid w th. proporl; of Kbon
A Imi. all Dint cartaln Irani or nil, of Und litu
ai.. I In Chart town.liinA'liarllthl eonnly, I'cnn'a.
Iioimiird anil drarnhnl n Mlowa, to will On Ihr
aart l,y Innd of Uiilitiftbntn A Uarriion, on tb.
oulh hy w. t-Mnn, on tna wom ny i.ivi now-
land and on llir nurtll By Jnnni Maraia,' eoniain
in. V arret : haliiB abuot funr aorra olrarod nnd
a liir.a frauio houia and u atnbla thorrnn rrtot-
ait. r-fiiictl, taken in atrrulion and to ba avid na
the rrnparly of f-nni h. snytlrr.
A'io. all Hi-fi miaul! inlereal in n crrlaln Iraot
af Und sitnnteil in Pi-nn tuwn.ltlp, Clrarllrld ooun
ly, Pi, hunndrd and dnaetllird ai folluwi: llrrin
ninit at n putt in tha liua of rlpcnror; tliaai-e by
laml mid Parid Snenoer north 50 derrre. IS
p.ri'tiri to n po.t; thenoe aiiuili 4S ilegrrea. mflt 9
pi-rrliel to n poll I llience norm ov negrrr.
pi-n-hra tonehc.tnuli ihenee anutb 20 de.reoa
e;i.l 71 peri-tlel alnnr line of (llier Ilell lo white
O.V. Iheue. aouib .1.1 di'irrroi Mil Id p.rehea to a
hiekoeyi tlionoe north Ot rtejreoa enul M frli'
to n .liellliut llirno. i iulU .11) degrwi ts.l 17
ncrehe. to n red onk I thence sorlh 37 derreM
aa.t JS ner-hi a lo s hlekory l Ihenoe north 32 de
rmal wet X7 perenri 10 n i'w I inennw ..i u' l-w
aa.t .13 nerehea to Itnneii I bin"l nortb 40 degi
we.l Isi neruhei lo nlaee of beilnninri ounlaln-
in. S ajiea. ClieJ. taken In election nnd lo
be iold u Ih.sruporty of 11 alt haw Henry.
Al... nil Pefcnilnnt'l interml in s bourn nnd 1.1
lluated In llnulldale. Clearfleld eounty, I'enn a-
bniin.led and de.erihed al liillnwi: on lha eait ol
nriibln .tro.1. fmntin. on Brlibln alreel 60 fWt,
nnd rannln. wait loO feet In Mnil. alloy I kn.wn
nnd deaoribed na lot no. ot in pmn oi .am ovr-
ouah. wllh n lane Ihroe-tlory hotel and at tier oat
bnllrilne. th.roon .raoled. Silled, liken In IN.
oiillnn and ta ba told m Iks propirty of Pnt, I,
Ttnni r Bits. Tba prlS r spm n )f
Ik. prnp.rly ih.ll k lUnek of mull be pal J al
th. Ilmi (.t iaj(, or anoh s'har nrmnfojinj.
made aa aril) he aaor.yid. tklrll th. pOBirt
will h. ) pnt tt nnd told again at
th. aipeni. and riah of tb. norai.n to whom It
wai luooll off, nnd who, la eaii yf d.loian.y at
neb r fale, ahall make good Iks aama. nnd Is
ai) Ipitnno will lh. Pood, be pr.i.nled la Oonrt
for ronflrwintton Iba mom; 1. aotuilly
pal i to tha hhiril.
' Bssntrr's Orrtcs, I BharUt.
(Ietlld, Pa , Ie. I, IMI
Sheriffs Sale.
BY Tlrtoof wrlti of Venditioni xpDn,)a4
gvt of 111 Court of Oomnwt PlvMof Oloor
fitltl ontf, nd to tft . dlrMtid.i tbtro will
b xpoifd to pubUo lalt, ftt ibt Court l.oat,
In tho koroaKh of Cleorflold, on MnUjrf ht
18lh dmj til Jauunrr, lH7l, M I o'c.ork, p.m.,
Iho following doicrlbod real ciUU. to wit ;
A oUrtsln lot of Itn.I iitut.t In OiOeolo barouth,
HmrHftii ronnty, Pl.,-houin1r 1 on llio Uth by
ui ivic.inru uoss, nusi vj wiud'h ""
by. itrcot, oul eait by ou alUiy, nnd having
o (.Iftitk tlwelliug boufo aud frtvmo itobto tlivreon.
bviw-d, Inkfn Id oinoulioo ood to bo tuld M (b
prupai'ly of UopjamiD hliut,
AIm, a certain tract of land litunto In Perifuioo
towmbtp. tleftrficld e'juuty. 1'a., Iwiriimtrm at
poit oumcrf Ihrnoo oorlb frU dKlil'a cant 20
JioreVa along laud ouovayed to Jubn P. Ht-rt to
a oat on tha old lioa i tbviioa by itio UourgO Hum
vurrvy toutb 4U drirroc- oait lVU rvlia to hint
vruM t tliaooo by tbo i. HiKkart innrof ootith M
dc(i;rooi 2H0 percbrf to White onk curucr j tbrooe
wwit by A) at I una nwxun aurvt-T zqj purvnea w
filaoo of bff inning ; oontalolng fit aorP, mora or
BM.and having aout trei cleared, orchard,
fraino hobit and barn (barton- Salaad, taken iu
eireutltto and to bt aold aa the property of Darid
wooai, ,
Alio, a certain tract of laud iiuato In tlio vil
lage of Janearllte, (iulieh towofbip, Claarflvld
tonnty, Fa., lot being AO foot front aud ruuulog
back Zuo tt, and bounded nortb by an alley, ran
by lot No. 2. tooth by Marten ktroot, and wett
by Walnut troet, and having a frwno ttabla and
a largo framt kouo tbereon. and occupied aa a
hotel. Seiaed, tnken In txecution aud to b told
at tb property of Uowcn A Turner.
Alio, a oertalo lot of land aitaato In Put town
aliip, Claar field oounly. Pa.t bounded aortn by
AndurioB eraek. oaat by J. F. MclUudrick, tooth
by Pennvillo turnptkt.and woet by Cnldwell;
lot 7a feat by 216 feet aud having a two ttory
plank frame dwelling lucroon onwted.- Soiaed,
Uken ta ex ecu nun auJ lo oe tola at cut property
of Auguitui Bob -
hofuub, C'leorCiold oounty, Pa. t- )uuJrI to wit:
rrouliug on Single tlreet OU fuel ami running
ba k by Halo ttrcet S00 feet to an alley, and by
lot no. .and having a large two ttory frame
boue, liable and other outbuiidinga thereon erect
rd. eiud, taken In execution and to bo aotd at
the property oi' Abratitio KtpUiirt.
Attn, a om tain (mot of Ian I tiluart In Morrit
tow nil) tp, Clearfield eootity. Pnn'a.( helnnln at
dogwood oorner. tben-ie by the John HtnUn i Jr-
vey touth Ktf de(re eatt IO peroh?if throat ly
what wat Jaao KqIh J s porehare north 1.11
perctief; Ibtnoe by J-hn Ilruwt. nrciate north
fli Jrgrevt went i 7 1 perchet to tlie Hue tr;et;
tlieace luuth 131 pereuet to .In of begit.sinjr;
eontainiag 132 to ret wort or let, heing nearly all
olrared and having a good houve, barn, out-boild-Ingt
and bearing vrebard thereon. bVited, taken
in ex-oution and to be IjU at :lie property of Jtbb
H. llockeuberry.
Aleo, two certain trcf vf Und ai'unte iu Mrrli
towiiiuip, Clearfield euunty, r. rti one piece
oeginmug a. eiuaii uriniocK, eng toain-faet our
nerof oriefnal tract in ihe nnme ! IVler Wncner:
tbenco wcet along original tract line U'2 vrcbei
to a pott; thenoe by Und of Aire, luej-la north
105 utrch-t to poft ; thrnsre eat by land of A data
Miner perehee to a hrmlovk tnpliiig; thenoe
iQuth by land f Uronner, Trueke A Co. luG perchet
to plaoe of beginning; ouo taming aerc, more
or lett, and baring 4U aoret cleared, with dwelling
bouae, barn and other out-bnldioKt and orchard
thereon. Tho other pieeo thereof brg inning at a
poet ou tbo north wett earner of Adata Mover;
Ibenee teeth by land ef eid Mayer Itf perehet
to white pine earner; thenoe wet by land uf Kfrt.
Uoorlaea. I. (J. MerreJI and A. Heiaiek U0 percbot
U poet timer In lino ol original tract, adjoining
landiof Allport'tottate; thence north 1 2 If perchet
to old brio lock t thenoe eait 180 perchet aud place
of beginning; oonlaining 114 aaice, more or lett.
Baited, Uk n in ex ecu Uou and to be told ai tbe
properly of Samuel McrreX
Alio, all that traet of land, containing 215 aeret
more or left, lately in the occupancy of C tinman
Straw, situate la r'erEutun tewnibip, ClearSeld
county, P., being part of a eurvey m tlie name of
Matlhi! blotiRh, booml'-d I'V landt ol HcuMn
Lvwit, H. C. lliniillon, Mirtm liloum, Jne. Head
and otlieie; bat ing aUmt 00 htcs el?artd. with a
gittj barn, email dwelling itoaite and orctiard
ihetvoa. fciird, t'fO 1 1 execution and to be
to! J af tlio property of Jean CupWll.
Attn, a certain traat land titoittc in Wom1
ward townehtp, I hnrlitld equity, I'd., ronaded
and dfcriji ai ftMiwt, t. nit: ty lemli of ;
eooUining hO acrce. with a'"ut J' arret o'earetl,
aud bavii'g a l -g buufe, or:hrd r.D I other Itn
iiroreinrntt tfiervon. He t d, taken In execution
and to be told at the property of Jaimee McKne.
AUt. a certain tract of land f'-tua'e in Per-D'on
towmliip, i'lenrflrld CKiinty, Pa., bcuiiilf j and
deerriiwl at follow, via: On (be enot by I Oil I of
Mclully and Pittrrvnn, ou the toulb hi landt of
McCully and Witheribtf ou the weet by laudt of
WiihriyhJ and K. C. Carre'LaiiJ on the anrth b
lnS ol r.. L, 1 itLcnlit, F
nod Jubn T. htmw : eontnininr 1 1 acre., avjre or
leaa, wilb I& aorca elrared nnd imali lor bunaa and
big barn tbero'ia. tiviied, taken in .ireutinn nnd
to b. auld ai tbe property of Wniliisrton Brown
Alao, s certain trtet of land altuite In Decatur
town.hin. Clearrteld county, Pa , and kiown at
tb. 'Keuteek" fnrtn, bcffiuni!.. nt hawthorn cor
ner, on we.t aide of Bmvcr Run, ..lioinios land.
lurrrred far Amol nn-l Willmta P.uok ; thenoe
aontb ?si derror. eait 1011 perahea to poeteorner
of R. Wnlk'i inoond -nohai.; Ihenee by aama
nnd Rlehard Copeiin purchate, aonlh S ! degroei
won 70s perene. to poet corner in nn. ot it. ik
ShowalUrt Ihencn north 7 dcrrrea wait IS It
perebee to hemlock ayrner ndjnioiogKndiof Wa,
rhiliii; thene. by lid eurrry and n il.iam and
Amo. Rook eurrry north tii def reel Met SI I
porchefto plnrw of b.rinalng. eoatnining 1.10
ncree and nllownnct beingpart uf a Iraot innrry
ed In nnrn. of Joieh whitrhi'.l. geiiml, taken in
.locution nnd lo to iold ni tn propery oi t.unr.
Tassi or Fits. The pr'.ol i r mm at which
th. pro.efty lhall b. .truck off inn.t be paid at
tt. tin.s of aal.,or aueh olbar arranf(enicnti
made aa will he arprotod.otherwl.ath. prorar
ty will b. Immediately put up nnd auld nirain at
Ihaaiptnaa and link of tbe n.non Ui wbora It
waa nrnok mi, nnd wh-i, in ca. cf deft at
auih rv-iale. elmll mak. mild th. ua., nnd In
no iniuno. will tb. I.ed be praeented la Conrt
for confirmation nalee. the money Ii eetunlly
paid le lb. t-lmriu". Jl'ariM J. I' IK,
nnnnirr a urricw, I rn.riu.
Cl.nfeld, Pa.. Hie. IS. 1M1 I
Sheriff's Sale.
1"IY rlrtn. of wr!ta of .reftr, ei,M, le-
J ) lied out of lh. Court of Common Plea, of
Cieaiue'd .ouoty, and lo mn directed, thw.
will be elpoeed 10 CUUL.IC KALK.nt the Contt
llooie In th. boroush of Clearfield, on Mou-
day, th. 13tii day .f Jatinary, 1873, nt I u'elock,
., lb. following Ileal titale, t. will
All that certain fr.tme rlmreh or meeting home,
lliiate in lb. borough of O.eeuli, Clrarflelit coun
ty, Pa., on lot nt erner of Blancha-d nnd Hale
itrretl, fronting 76 feet on Ftlinebard and running
hick 164 fret by Hale alreel to an alley. Belied,
takea in execution and to b. iold M Hi. property
of tbe Building Comniitlee of Ihe M. t. Church
Alio, n o.italn two atorr dwillini home
nnd eurtilla. nppnrteunnt thereto, litunti in I'ike
townihip, t'lrnrtleld county, fa-, on th. h-ft aide
of Ibe tnrnpik. reading from Curwrnirille to I'enn
rille, about on.-fourtb of a mile fn.ui where laid
Elk. croanra Anderlon crrrk ; aaid being feet
y lfl la lint together with th. curtilage appur
tenant tneroto. Dclira, laaeo in etccoiion nnu to
be told no th. property of Michael Mcltif lit.
Alio, all tbo.e two tract! of land iitual. la Bell
tiwnibip, Clearfleld county, Pn. Tho one piece
n ta. r u kvninuiu. o. nriuiwb
ooroer, tbenon by Iraot No. SjoS eouth .1 well
t)fl perrhei to bireb; tbcooe north SA degreci
weit 2ild peroliel to n poll; mince norm it ue
rreeivnit Srll 4-lOnerebcitopolt: thence north .01
degreci wert 2tll perrhei to a maple: tlicnee
ooth 4d degreei ea.l ICO petclirl to poiti thence
eouth &tlf degreea welt F0 percliei to a hemlock :
thenoe a,,uth A0 degree, earl 1116 perch" to the
plan, of beginning; containing 75ft acrca, 17
perehel anrl alliinanee. jne omrr puro inrnui
beginning nl n hemlock nn line of No. JM, thence
north 10 degreei wet 246 perrhei to hrmlo. k i
thence north AO degreei ea.t eO ncri-hi a to n po"t ;
thence ennth 40 degree! ra.t 210 percliei to white
ninei Ihenee hy No. .i.1 eimlh ! ilegreee weet
Ml perotic. to the beginning) containing llOaorea
nnd ill porchca and allowance, rteiaed, lukea lit
eioiulloa aud to ba lolil aa Hie properly of Darid
i. Hmiih.
Alio, ll that eerlain tlirra llnry ram. dwelling
beuie, as by 31 feel, mid back building atlaohed
about 94 by la feel, together with curtillag. ap
purtenant'n, ntuata anool ou.-uail mil. of Clrailiold borough, in Lawreac.
Innn.bip, Clrnrflrld county, Pa., on the north iiile
of Ihe public road Icliag from Clearfield lo the
Muuol Zion Kihonl home. 8elied, taken la eie
roiioa and to be iold ai Iba propirly of A.
Humphrey. . , , .
Taaaa np 8in The price or nam al which
th. properly .bail b. atrack oft nut b. paid at
tb. liana of eala, or inch ether arrangement!
mad. a. will b. approeed, ntharwia. lha prop.
oily will be pal up and (old agaia
at lb. .ipenee and nil oi taa pereon m woo
tt wae itruok ol.and who. la ..a.ordaal.B.y,
at lack re-iale, .ball make good th. aim., aa
la a. Inltane. will lha l..d h. r.ii.t.d la
Caarl for .onnrmatloa nnleii lb. money I. to
laally U. Sb.rif. JUUriM J. Ni.,
ttnaaiar a vrricn i
0l.irn.1ii. Fa Dm. II, UTI.
nAUTIQW-AII paraoaaar. berahy oantlooed
uti.i nr in any manner med
dTni. wllh Ifcl following property, aow In Ibe
I....T. .r PaLu H.'L.nib.rry. 1i i Una gray aiara.
Iwa oowa, ana log lied and a one. horn wagon, ai
lha earn. b.long la mnheelng btrn by
me at Sheriff a aaia ana leu w,jn nam l ater n
Lanibarry on loan o4 liihjwfi; ?.
d.cia i . tAilCKb I.AjibllfcRBr
Jail reoelt.d and fur eala by
April II. unt J . ?JJ-Bjf 4 CO.
Jiruijs and rtlrtllriurs.
1 !
To Ibrir srw kutlding aa B.-OOH4 f trut, nearly
' oppmlta ilia iture of Wtaicr t B.tti,
WWe tbey will eoutlnna to toppty their old and
at many new enitomen ai u:.y uume, with
(Jscluding nil new reiai-Jivl.) .
Patent Mrdletne, Palntl nnd Oil. Olait anu
Tutty, School Book., Htattiinery, Paper,
. 4c; alio, n full lino of llruz
, i gilts Sundriai, Hair
' i . i : i i . i y -
C.r.etlci, PerfnraarlM, Toilot Artijlip, limali.i,
'lint boapi, J'uokat Bookr, So , all ol ,
th. teal nullity.
tot atdical tl acrnintl ptrfoci xjt
Pmr WkH LetuU Co lorn of .11 kiod, Kmr bJ
BoiM Lin4fcd Oil, Vftrniihci. Turpcn
tlnf, CokJ Oil, Ptit.t 1 V ami ib
CoofvoUeMricf, BirJ fi!, FiUr, greuaj ai
vngrouaii, uf all kinJi.
Will Cod our iUck of Chewing
And Smoking ifbacet, IiuporUtl nn i Do
ucalia L'iara, ituufT aud inf cut to bo of tb
ttj ba.t kraodi in Ilia mnrkeL
All kind. of OLA S3 WAKE.
uJ klutical Tfiauuiiugi of artry vtiUtj.
Ilarlnit a long axixuttaoa in tlie lutinvt, aud
an titeufir and well leotd ttnek of ntediciowp
w are rtmblrd lo 611 Pbjriiofnai' pwicriptiom at
4ia kiyt ttfiHra and en iho uodt reaonabif
lUfhUI, JJ U4 imt .
Clparfl.U, Pa., Mar SI, 171 if.
P. T. T.
"For thy Stomach's Sake and thine
other Inflnnitios."-St. Paul.
Vlafe, par., pleennt and hMth-giing TYuic
itrletly TcgataMa, and manufactured from
tb. moat pur. aud .hoie. mMtrt..l! il nut a tpirlt
drii.k lor lubititiita for wbiiky, but a aci nlific
conipnuud, for the protection of tha lyitem and
tbo ci-r. of diiearc, made frora cliemi'.-al'.r pure
rpirltr, entirely tit from fulil oil or other irrita
ting pmpertlei, and will lot diiagreior ofTenil the
uj,1 delirala ttomach. A lur.f pnrate eiport
enc. hai altcit.d U.
Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies.
No Bitten at prctent offered to the puMk
ountaiiii an much medioinal rlrtue. aria yet io uie
and plenaant la take. In na ii ta euro d tae,
and It will Dot create aa appetite for ipiriiaoa
l'.qoori, but will ear. Ihn cffi-cti of dinipatlun.
To locreaee tha Appetite, I EE IT.
To promote Illgoitloo, VSE IT.
To eara Dyipapila, J .; ; V5E IT.
To care F.vay and Ague, I'oB IT.
To ur Billloainen, VfK IT.
To eur. Conilipalloa, , r VSE IT.
To lure Chronic Plirrho-a, tSK IT.
To onrn Heart burn, VSE IT. -
To euro Flatulence, I'SK IT.
To cure Aeld Eructatloni, USB IT.
To run Neirntu Debility, VciE IT.
To cure Hydoehondria, l'S& IT.
To ear. fjallownoii of CorA,:cabja, V&E IT.
To .nr. Pimplci and Blotchci, ' t?E IT.
For Gonernl Proitration of tha ,
Phyilcal powen, VSE IX,
and il will aura yeu.
FjM CTtrt,here, al per boltlc, Mann-r-ctured
t lolmircly bj
Dmgjiit., PA.,
Who offer! liberal Inducement! lo th. trnde.
OoL 17. Ie0;lf.
Tht n.leraiftnad affert at erWite eala tbt M
lowit raal aetata i
A I-olof C. round, eltnaU io tht vtllaxa of
ffewbarg, Chea4 townehtp, aontedain one and a
half aorea, and baying a larga two ttorj 11 onto
and aoo i Italia erected thereon. Tbie iiroportr
la atilUrula fa lllal br PweUing. s ' ;
ALSO, A Farm, of 40 acree. adjoining tba
town r Wewbarg, hartnf orar aerte oleared
and inderaalMvaitoWi with a caod log boana and
barn and bearing orchard of anuice fruit thereon.
4 Tela of at cat tan t ooaj uoderllei tba trart,
ALflO, KM) Acrta f I. and. on Wilton Run,
In Cheat lownthip, within two and a half mUee f
i neti i:rtk. ji n well tintberMi with floe, uak
and Hpmloik, and anderleld with ooal.
Tarfioa wlehlrg ant briber lafnrnahan will
aali a aire, Harare' Amen, at Nehnrr, or on
WILLIAM Tt'( Kivft,
n-art.ld, Ta,
, .At )fTiii;.iiit.iTi .
: t I ' - : - I . i I
Ill H. I'OHTKK KIIAW, 1). I), .
lai'OlttAST llil'TH:
llaviiiff tn rMtlnr a hrlit. i..ia
rostrrtiil, iinica ll, ..a. ni tmnltrult fh.. , .
Bimi:il sa fill! I 'll of T'h. I uu i!,J 1
mtiiwl'juSur. of taolli and olbar mgu-rial, ij
0ri'.un irj(il"f4 SS;l wanauliO to jiraM.
im ai'.J a.n t-avtiw.
Frlin i-, r ilt-A liial in Lrfi for ,'tt jliM
lion of url.r. iil :n-.J It. 31 j uf tlj- u.i'j-J
to.iti -fi llrotiojlr'-ii,nal.k- in rVu.i,; :L,
Pri'rt jour IctUi anil yos ura.arta jur latttbj
VuttliiKuf the nalural U. IS in a beallliy, vw.'
arrvatlrcauil airlul conuitin U mailt a px-ialti.
lM.iact anil lualforaiati'.a.coyiuioa to lit. laeuu'
).w anil aooclatt barta, aro IroAltil ami eorrwui
wllh f.iir iuoccii. Eiamiualiun. and cuniaiu.
tiona rsr.s.
It woulil Im wall for pillrnti from a diitu t,
1.1 ma know Ij mall a faw Oaji befora ix.n,
to Iba ollioc, "
II la v. ry lEihorlant that diiliirra bclwnniu
nrol ifx aoa laclva ytnrt aboold ban ,ktV
tocth txaminad.
Anursihutioi art a luiioiitercii aaj Iwtk rv
movwi wit bout KiiB.
liifponitioni sij ebaraator art ju IgctJ by aJt
tha world by tbe exireiotif of tba facr, .ibn
bow rrry diiaatrou may it thrrafure Le iotpu
aotti ta i&'l(ilia an aiprt-aaiw of diitertcd ftaiina,
tun epart from a bTKlcnio view. Now, tocajcy
natural (uol artflkii!) oe rifarte and ftUuoru,
rciD' cl aud mI7 natural aimplicUiei aud imtinot
S. PUKThlt PHAWtl. D.S. In ITiW lUaftouie liuildiog, Second ftmt,
CJiHrflwd, P. frhini
ffgp, Pr. A. M. UILLS
QIirjVMuld nay to bii palienta and tlie.
libt g-imrally, liiat, having diulvd partntri.
wiib l)c. tb.iw. he ii now doing tba entire tift
of bi oflice bimrrlf, io that jiatirnti need not hu
Ui-.-; 't'U tOtl'T the bacls ut any atbrr OL-eru
t'lr.uh'.l, JklAfcb Zi lS72-pd:bu.ob;3
.JJJ"7rS Cffioe over Irwin'i Druj f tere
ircfifr Ct'RWEXSVILLE, PA.
All ltnU cpratioua either in Ihe uerbuitil
oroiit-ratfto I itcft, promptly attendtd to ut
f j ;;,', ui. d gi'Drastixd. fiacial attentioa pui
(o tl:f t-tudai r,t gf jisefl'ri of tb natnral :mi,
of il aoJ Iwclr. rmn ahoold ban il.,.
j,.,iii" uu mourn, irrcunruy ui tutj IfCtittjf
ct vf'.illy e-jrrectrj. Teeth extrncted witLottpilt
bj th: i;re of V.Xhcr, and artificial tftfa itntrud
of the let material and warratitad to rrn Ur
ilfiirt'fin. ttril?ri'71-W
Huoc.uor to
tin arch rH
JliJdle of lha block. V
Tib t Alb it!., goitferld,
mronTia aid tmnt.
A ll. A
-4.: -a .."...
fri-3 -Ci FANCY FURS,
"-'(i(-ttikroa tiDiri' a catuiui
''irKw - " Wholcnle and K.uJL
Hiirin. ibipertod a very Inrg. anl rpleaJid u.
eoitmrt-t of all the diOereol kind, of FlKfraa
fint bandi in Kuri pe, would rrpectfullr iit::i
t!.e rrairl of Ihil pper to call and ixataiDi'it of F;mey tura. I am detcraiDti a
lell al litu lone u.u price!. All Furl limil
ed. tnlirejirceutationi to effect ,al.a.
T-lT I'.tucrjbi-r Iho rture, TIB Arch St. IV!V
(letoker Jil, I.l2-2ra
! at an end for tlo present, iu far ai tlx iliw
tpilng uf urn an J tbe ttractian of pn-p: i1
coDocrufd. Tht Royal tajrit;rrt no doubt p
th?nitlvM ar.t. rrjoico over tha remit, bit "
imicnificaDt ii thtr work wh-o comparti I
too human and chrmiao vOurti of
who nat UBfltTt iken to lapply all tbt eitii-iili
the lower rod of tbe rounty witb food and rt.3cri
at rnf(lln? lew ratri from bii mammoth itirA
UCLSONRl'ltO, whew ba can alwaji betf-.:t
rea j lo wt upon callen aud tmpplj tbia o
Dry Goods or nl! kinds,
Sucb aj (1 Uf, Salttiett, Cauiueret. Vua
IHIuir.eF, Liiueo, IriIIitifCt CaiieiMl,
TriioiuljipUp hibboai, Lac,
Rpadj trsdf Clotliirg. Coots and PWi, Bittm
Cpaj ntl f ('if Wpit material and made to ortr
tfoctfl, Olotc, Mitteni, Laco., Rikkit k
CoiTi o. Tea. Cuffir, Rio. Mt liirti, Fiilv, fU
Ptfrk. Li'iieed OU. 1 uli Oil, Carbon Oti. Quemtwarr, Tinware, Cartinf. P,(
and Plow Cartir.jtt, ft wis, Bikr, Lorntaii-ii
trs, ft Jcr Vnztct, and all kiatli of Aitt,
Pcrfansort, Painta, VartiUh, Olasa, and W
afiirlnicut of lationer.
PT vn'V'.-.l triiaal. alavaon band, tod tII' 1 I
at tie roatitla &g-utL
tHaiUOkP. ic.-a aa Brandy, Vine. Gin,
Jiv;k j veil llontcttrr Ml
II .t fla:.ill Xlittrn.
t(n8 ji tuu-1- of V.'uul wanlnj ahit- tlv 1
h'i;l eit nice will b paid. C'Vvrr.ecl M k I
aud (jt tAic al tbo Lift'! ttiiUi rrica.
Ao, Atf:,t for StrotWimllt aui Carmi'-
T'.r -hiPrf lha. i-tiiuea.
It-rl i d for Toumlrc 9. ToitillU
trcr tbing unwllj kept in a retail it ore.
t. M. ( Ol'DHrFV
rarta.VU1t r. O , Vargb 1.11.
Mrs. 8. S. LIPDKL1,
Hariut.n2.ged la th. Marbla builaiM,'
to Inform her filcnd. and Ihe pnklie that aw1 1
now and will keep oonatnntlyon baDdaliri11
well MlroliKl alv-k of IT A L1A.N AN D TKn)loS
M IUBI.K, and II prepared ta faralih le
Carli mJ r o.l. for Ceinrlery Lot,
Silli and Capf, aim,
luFr!. Ac. tt.
K . Yard on liecd itreet, near tbr R.
Cleanield, I'a. tZ-
At the New ToWeo and Ci'
it. H. SH.tH,
Detwein Shaw A Men.lo. noal'"'
ron.lentle na hand a Una allorlail
Cnirrois C..ndiih, febli. f'
Ulchicin and Century Finn1
.. ... i.
Ibawlnf louacno, -
Alio, a larr. and well elechd rteel ' 'J'
nnd Domeill.ri(trl,loliln
M.eeHhnnsi and Briir ripf.
- . .e.rTtkil f'
IlO.ei, l.lrar nunierw, . --- - ,
found la a well reirnlilril f 'V '
' , . Tube Hlota.
u--l (trer.
Jbr R.roemher Ihe aliee: (W1
Iwien Hhaw Hou and ',",B. T
T EV, SCIll Ll'.,
n.T.T.n ivrn n A TV
. tJt..l tnw
eeond itraat, nt door i" ryr ,
r....a.l(l. T.
nOD Im v -
rptIR dbmochatii.- ' pt
IhnT ana ii" i"r -
.! pit. I .e an-
ay ""7
I- I u i',.v -
jaDOUl f.TUW,