THE REPUBLICAN. : n. fc- j ,., zrx srrsr arrr: -any jti;-CLEARFIEL: CLEARFIELD, PA.. WBDimDAT MORNINQ, DEC. li. IWI. v Terms of Subscription. ir paid in advaucor within three month! ...M tTn.ld afLiilkMud months..,.. M If paid aflar th. .miration f six months.,. I ' .'. ' ' BKLItJIOUS NOTICKH. f r . . . i. MoOiodUi r.lwopl ChurchRer. A. D. Tuitu, Pastor. I'nlili rlervioe .very Sabbcth at IIIJ A. M., and JJ P. M. Sablmth Kcliool lit H A- M. i kf MtiLn f everv Thursday, lit 1 1 P. U Communion Service, first Sabbath of .Tory Month, at 10, A. ol. Ht. Andrew'! Church l-.pleropul Rev G Sonne Hi Ll.. Public Service Sunday morning I It o'clock, and at T P. M. Sunday School at f. M. Prayer llootlng Wednesday evening I T o'clock. Presbyterian Churrh Ror. II. . Biiti.b. Preaching ou .he Lord'! day at I0J and 71 o'olook. Sunday School at S p. m. Preyer Meeting on Wednesday at 7) P. m. Pastor's Uible Class on Saturday at li p. m. Ht. fraud' Church Catholic Kot. T. J. Mi'Maara. Mass at 10) o'clock A. M., on the .eeond and foarth Kuntlnys ofeaeh month. I.utherau Church. Urr. A J. IUrtiock Preeohing every Sabbath, morning and evening. Sabbath riohool at V a. m. I'ruvir meeting every Wcdnceday evening. Tamo Hie Times last week. TFull of fun last wook'a Journal. "Will soon bo out nguin the licvfille. - 'Ollvo Loftan will lecture on "Suo- aeesfiil People," in l'bilipsburg, on Saturday even ing, the SSth. Olive le worth llitcniug to, and After this season frill take up her reaidonee In Peril, . The BullofonU Jieiiublican press an J material! wai eold at Sheriff'! tale ou Monday of laat week. Dr. Drown haa our syinatby. Urant should give him a berth, for nn man defended biia mora tealotiely. ' Bank Ki.kctionh. The annual pe riod for ducting llank Officer! and Director, ii approaching. An election for tbii purpose takes place In theervcral Ranking bouses on the ltth of January next. Tito Journal Inst week gave its read ers a local on the "pig tribe" tin! their "taking oB." It appear that there wae etill a iroaller "take off" the past week than the one referred to ky the editor In qucatiou. The Journal man may know nothing about It, however. A number of our exchanges still keep giving the detaile of Michael Moore's aus pen.ion. They had hotter give their readers something mora humane. It is wonderful what enterprise some editors In spreading be fore their readers the details of an "awful murder" or a "hanging affair." The editor of tho Philipsburg Jour- smi says J "They have an editor out iu Clearfield who lingers around the streets frosty evenings to hear yonng ladies whisper 'coine in, there's a fire Is the parlor,' to tbelr bosux, and then goes up into his attic and racks his brains for a moral to (he tell." Lltsworth, dat brick did not hit us. RETIRED. William Lewis, Esq . IubI week announced bis retirement from the Hun tingdon tiloit, having disposed of the entire es tablishment to Sir. A. L. Principal of the Ccssrilte 8o1diers' Orpheus' School. Mr. Lewis was editor and proprietor of the Glob for twenty seven years, during which time he saw many up. and downs in political life. Singular Accident A man named Jievid Barr, a former resident of Hollldaysburg, ame to his death en Wednesday last, at or near MeKee'e Gap, In this eounty, In the following simple manner. He was engaged in butchering hogs and went up atairs to get a hatchet, and while descending the stairs the lee on the heels of bis bMts eaused him to slip, when he fell upon be edge of the hatchet, severing bis jugular rein aud eaualng death iu a few minutes. .Ifroon. Sun. Lint of letters remaining unclaimed in the PostofAce at Clearfield, for the week ending December loth, 187 J: Armstrong, L. Hush, Charles F. (5) Carter, lien. II. Hreham A Uitr. Jlenshey, Samuel. Hammond, Elisabeth, Hall, Wm. VY. Hill, Perrv. Kicth, Kli.ha.' Leonard, Robt. C. (3) Mack, Jeremiah. Morln, Peter. Morgan, James. Nelson, K. k. Neal, Uenieh, O'llourk Philip, Puff, J. W. Smith, Jacob P. Wright, Miss C. K. Wood, C. 1. P. A. UAH. IV, P. M. The Institute. TIiU is Teachers' Institute work with ns, and right well have they tuaeee) ewt. HetviMui alily and seventy teachers were present on Monday evening, and more have arrived to-day (Tuesday), and it looks now as tbongh the teachers would have a good time of It, s Prof. Ueist sportively remarked at the opening n Monday. We are highly pleased U see such a gcnoral Intorest manifested on tho part of the teachers of our eounty for still further improve ment. As the proceedings are being properly re ported and will be publl.bed at length, we will let this notice suffice for the present. ' i Somktiiino New. Uollefonto is in high glee over an Kmperor who has latuly turned np In their midit. The HafcAetnn rays: The portrait of Aleiander II, the '::ir of II ui sia, presented by that potentate to lf,n. A, 0. Curtla, ei-ininlster to the Court of Kt. Petenburg, Is not simply a tarit ue or miniature, as many supposed, but m uingniScent full lngth fainting. exveiM by the but artiat iu T.ul.'a. Md upleudidly framed. Gov. Curtin Informs ui liet it Is so natural that, when looking at it, one almost thinks he could (.tek tho decorations off His Hajesty'j uniform, they stand out in such bold rolisf. The Ciar is a splendid specimen of fUy developed manhood, taller even thaq Oev. ,Cartin, and although dignified and majestic in his way, eminently soeled and pleasant, II i father, Nicholas I, was considered the bandsoinost and finest looking gentleman In Europe. ' i i s We Sympatuize. An esteemed friend writes us to tho rffeot that he has bees .eheated by a clergyman In the purchase of a lot .of apple butter. It was to be a good article, made jDut of elder and apples. But it proves to contain more water than eider. Ho feels wrothr, but we icebpit help him In tills Inslanee. He should ?ave aiamtned the apple butter before purchasing. To use water instead of aider this fall, when ap Jilei were plenty and cheep, le of doubtful propri ety in a moral point of View, yet it may bo a ebarp, square oommereial transact ioq, as the in dividual eomplalned of may have fallen into the habit of using water in past seasons, when apples were scaree, and may be able to justify kimielf if allowed an opportunity to eiplain. An enemy nay have put the water Into the apple butter wilb the intention of injoring the character of a good eitisen. be charitable cook your apple butter ever add some apples and sugar, which will be a deeided Improvement. School Exnnimox. The folly of giving a VMofie exaibitioo In a jriMr schoolroom wae fully demonstrated, to the aatlsfaeiioA of all who were present, on the occasion of the exhibi tion at Miss Swan's school, on Friday evening. The marks on the aekool furniture furnish more lasting evidence. ' One half who went then failed to get admit tance, although the room was parked as full as it would hold, and those who tlrthed more than ''ran feet mast have bean rendered exceedingly uncomfortable. The eibibilion was prematurely elosed on account of the crowded and heeled con dition of the room. Wo were present but a short ana were highly pleased with what weeould "lonally hear and see, while pressed on both ks, front and rear, and sombmly constantly rplng our to!, while trying to look over those ". The programme wae well emaeived Mid " wters plaved tbelr parts rgeeedlngly well, ""leering lb. .oof.ioo ,h.t rr,,ea , tb. n.I,un4 that arraogemenl. bare been fu "f " Pg IP ' rl room, where all can be eemhrlsble. Two More Gone. Within the past two weeks our eounty has lost two must excellent elliseni. We allnile io the demise of WlUiam Kirk, of Brady, and William MoBrlde, of Car- wensvllle, with both of whom we hare been lntl mately aequainled for nearly thirty years. The former was a prosperous fanner, highly eateemed by bis neighbors, who had raited a large family, and was "living at home," as the phrase goes, but taking a severe oold, which settled on his lungs, the dr.! rover In a short tluio claimed him for his own. The latter was resident of Curwcnirllle, well known to the business communities In the south ern and western portion of Iheoounly.- The fol lowing we ollp from the Timm ; , , '. ' The deceased wai born Iu Newbury, Lycoming couuty, and removed to this eounty In ICS 3, and hired as a clerk with John In In, Ksq. Shortly after he and Mr. Irvln entered lulo partnership at New Washington, where he remained till the death or his partner, Iu 1818, after which he re turned to this place, and eugaged in merchandis ing, Iu isii he married Miss Levins, Ross, daughter of Robert Ross, Kq., who died in Sep tember, 1871, In the forty-fourth )erof her age, By his extensive bu.iuess relations ho made many acquaintances, in each of whom, by his truly upright sharacter, he gained a friend. In morals, as well as in busiucss, he over maintained strict integrity and pun devotion to truth and duty. He was eareful iu Judgment, slow In decision, and then firm in conviction, and if ha ever erred it was not in desire, but in judgment ) so when death drew near no troubled oouscienoe disturbed his peace no dogmas of theology troubled his mind but, believing In the atonement of Christ, he passed away like a summer brceie luto the realms of eternal heppiuos. Sad Affair. A correspondent in informs us that the hou.e of William Michaels, together with all Its contents, was burn ed to the ground ou Thursday night. The In mates barely escaped with their lives, as It was, Mr. aud Mrs. Michaels, who ore aged jiersons, being burned about the faco aud arms the old lady seriously. They were awakened about 12 o'clock at night by the sound of the fire, and in stant light was all that was left tbcm, Mr. Mi chads throwing a grand son of bis, a lad about 7 years old, out of the seaond story window and jumplug out himself after him. Before the alarm could be given, the house and iu contents were destroyed. This on this aged couple, who are over 80 years of age, Is a fearful calamity, and one that should call forth the spontaneous liberality of the people, and particularly of those of the iinmedi ate vicinity. Mr. John II. Vaught kindly offered them the half of his house, where tbey will, soon as they recover sufficiently from their burns, commence housekeeping, and it is to bo hop that their friends and neighbors will kindly fur nish tkeui with auythiug tbey may have to spare in the way of houarhold goods or eatablee. Says our correspondent : Wbcn Ivieiled tbeplaecand looked on the arieped faces and bands of these two eld persons, I thought that hard was thi heart and eoylless the man who would not give cotnoihing to put them onee more In comfortable circumstances." Conimunicited. CiEaitriaLn, Dee. I lib, l7a. Mr. Gniron: Your article last week, entitled "A Call Refused", creates the iinprc.sioa that the Hoard of Sohool iMreoton have concluded to em ploy "Prof. Harrison" for principal of the high echool, whenever the new echoul building Is fin ished. I do not know what this or future School Boards may do, but in order to correct the im pression your article necessarily creates, I beg to say that the Board of Directors bare oevcr dis cussed "Prof. Harrison" in any light, and have taken no steps and did no aot that could In the remotest degree Justify such at) impression. And as this community Is by no means a unit in favor of "Prof. Harrison", who doubtless Is a very good school master, it Is due the Board to ssy that they bavo nut made any arrangements of the kind, aud deem it entirely premature. A VIKKCTOR. . se Special attention Is diverted to the Act of As Auy to relorenee to the electioa of Town.bip and Borough Treasurers, published in another column. . Special. Besntiful Christmas presents at Skew's Holiday emporium. The Presbyterian chun-h at Bigler Station will be de Heated to the worship of Almighty Uod on Christmas Day. Services at J and o o'olook p. m. A number of ministers will be present to eonduct the exercises. A oordial inritatioa is extended to all. Nr.w PnorliRvoas. By reference to their card it will be seen that Mroere. Lripold & Benn hare iiecome proprietors of the Allegheny House in thi. place, and ask a share of patronage. Uire tliem a call. As the Holidays approach people always com mence looking around to gnu wnere to purchase the fixins for the bos and girls. To such we commend the e.tablisliaeutof JteUaaghcy A Mc I'hrrson, who have a large stock of toys, confec tions, fancy eaudies, etc Holiday goods at Snyder's Jewelry Store. Bran new stock. CnatsTW As. It is now nretty generally under stood that rbrlsttnas oomes on tho 2Mb of De cember this year and it is also pretty generally undvrstuod that A. I. Sluiw keeps the largest, finest and must varied assortment of Holiday goods to be found outside of Philadelphia. We advise our Papas and Mamas (who have not al ready done eo) to go at once to Mr. Shuw'e estab lishment and select the articles they desire, aa the goods aro being earricd off at a fearful rate, and the sooner you go tho larger the aesurtment yeu will have tu select from. Remember the Holiday (louds at Win. Reed's, as there is the finest display ever soen in the county. Don't put off buying your Holiday goods too long. Shew has a very large assortment, but then thsy arc being carried off at a wonderful rate. Pitir Fkms. Mr. . A. Fleming, of Cur. wen.ville, in April )nt was granted letters pateut for an Improved combination wood and iron fense. Persons wiio hero seen the fenoe pronounce it very attractive. Mr. F, will sell territory and alio put up fences. A specimen fenee esn be seen in front of Mr. A. F. Boyuton's new residence In this place. For a good wann Ororeoat, go to tho clothing establishment of I), Stewart A Son. Don't fall to McOfltighey Mcpherson's when you are buying your Holiday oandtee. Their srortiuent Is very nue. Received this week a Urge assortment of Clothing at Stewart's Clothing Store, Market street, Clearfield, l'a. Finn Jkwki nr. To persons who wish any thlnf in this line, we would say, go to the jewelry establishment of Mr. S. I. Snyder, on Second street, first door in Masonic Building. Mr. Sny der Is flrst-etsss jowelwr, aad persons buying rrom ninx win know just witat tiiey are getting. His stock is very full, embreoiar the latest styles tu all kinds or jewelry, uive mm a eall. Shaw't Holiday goods aro all the rage, PABHiniABi.a Ci.QTBinn. 1). Stewart A Son have just received a large invoice of fashionable clothing, which they are disposing of at prices so low that every person ean hare a new suit for Christinas, (lire them a call. jCluthing ordered for persons desiring It The finest French and American Candles and Conleettons at MoUaaghey A Mel'berson I. Ran very latest patterns at Sny der's Jewolry Store, Hm.inAT (Jonns. Win. Heed will open, Friday, iireemner l.nn, if?:, a lull llneot Holiday goods, Vanoy Boies, Knney Boxes with Handkerchiefs, Kmbml.lcrcd Sets, Cuffs and Collars, real Thread, Point Lace and Point Apliqne Collars, Tidies and Laeo llaailkerrtticls, tuarr Ties, (i loves, Pai.lry and Brnebe Shawls. Also, a few acts fine Mink Furs. Then will bo a toe disutay of tho above named goods, suiianio tor presents. decll-Jt '. Rase. Just received another lot of DnrraM's Iron Com Muellers, at (ilt-Jt) SAi'ttm A Siunrvse s. A full line of Household Ooods, Japaaocd Ware, Ac., for sale by II. V. Bigler A Co. Saw a. 1)1. tan's Cross-cut Saw, Great American Saw, Hovnton's Lightning Saw, at li r. niuira a Pli iiibs run Pah. A. I. Shaw lias a eniipli of ant-elass late style Sleighs, which be will sell at a bargain. Call and look at them. dl Avrs, Seventy-five doieu Clearfield iTooi Choppers Axel St .:5,7. T ft. F. eroLtij a cc's. Wood and Willow War of ail oli reripiiuna fur l sale by H. F. Bigler A 0. 1 Norton to Wasou ad Cariuaoi Maxaas. We have Jual received a general assortment of Wagon and Carriage Woods, also a full line of Sniines .-.I Al 1.1-L ..m i . miu jsAivs, wuivu we uuer eoeap ror oaan. - a. 9. BiaLia A Co. To Uoiiaeaiei saa. All kinds of fruit Caat, manufactured of tho best tin and with all the mouerw unprovonseniu, aa well as putty aa oo ium, iur hm, ,h large (iwawitiee uj aug7tf II. V. Biulir A Co. Notice to Customers. Wo, the undersigned UMrebaut! of the borough of Clear field, wishing to giro our elerka a holiday, do agree to close our respective places of business on Christinas of which our eustuuicra will please II. V. Uijrltr A Co., Miller k Puwt.ll, KrfttKT t lsTtle, JuMjih liviart, , J. . 8..owr, U U. 1. Uoodfullow A Svn, J. M. Krtir, Wo, KmhI, 0. tkewart A Don, Hackett A fchryver. I. Ailamr, K. W. Urahtm, Wvavrr Bttti, Hubert Miti-holl. Kiuhard Mmsop, L J oli utoii A Bona, Wright A Uro. V.... Ini..i I A ...St.! .,.. f Hon BlankeUi all ttym and iirioea. Alio, large awrtmnt of Lap Hagi. W bar for u a ivtr arinoiod lauiao-idia wnoio ounaiu now. nuv6-2m. 11. F. Uiolbr A Co. Bird Cflgci a larft affortment at II. F. Bir- I.. a. r.. Vf S wV. e rlntt, Olli ni Varnlihfi for aala bj 11. V. Bigler A Co. Caloltifd lMaiter for fala by . Y. BlgUr A Co RKCATlTt'tATlOX. llinl CaroB. ' Wuod and Willow Warn. IIUikuld Uoodi. i t All kioda of llardwara. Japanued Waro. 1'aiuU, Oils. Varulihai. I'alaiucd 1'taitvr. Wagoo and Carriaira Maker' lupplief. All of the attore for rnh at th waiumotb llard wara titora of 11. jV. Bigler A Co., Seoood itrett, ClmrflrlJ, Pa. 1t 11. P. Bigler A Co. bava nakiDg extoniira atiiliUuns to tbelr ilook of Hardware tu laat few daya. Kverytbiog new io tShrlf Hardware, 8ad dlen' Hardware, Parmer' Hardware, Builders' Hardware, and Uaitlwrare f all kind,oan baveeo at their lpr. Way 23. J uit .weired, largo lot of Bon-txploilr bain pi ana .uauuriii ai II. F. Hi ole a A Co'. PRKNR iiHOCXD IL AUTKIl, KeoelTod ftt CoTBir Store by car load aud fur ale by K. A. A W. D. Ibwiji, Car wen tri 11 a, Mareb 13, 1873. COUGHS AND COLDS. There are few noraoni wbo are aware of the im port no of atUuding to a ojugft or a oold at id Brut appearand. Iu thoun4 wbo dt annnnHy of onuKuupiion, were flnt attacked with a "slight" cough or oold. which thry thought would soon "wear itself off, and there fore neglected Io use the proper remedies until ttu-y became incurable. Every Jut that a cough, oold, or any lung dis case Is neglected, make tho chauaea of a cure mora unecriain. w a would reeomnead all suffer ing frtm aay disease of tho Lttogt whatror, to una H Amur's Cvarainn 8vrii r Tia. It never rils (n curing the worst eats of coughs, aolds, hu.irnes, ire throat, oatairh and avtbina. It Is an Infallible remedy fur Whooping Coagb be ing preterit d by some of th feeding physicians in lh Ifarl hern and Southern Staus, end being 1 1 rep red under the immediate tu pert-it ion of a grduate of the Fcnnsylrania Medical College. 1 be proprietors twg leare to tntorut all tnat U Is ao "tusek" prpatit.n, but made itrietly in ao- eurdanc with the ailvanoJ principlcii and theory of inidiilne. I'riee i0 oent Mr hot tie. li L rrKl.1 A LA M)I3, i'mprietors, Philadel ikia. Hold by A. I. (Shaw. CIcarAeld, Pa., and iy all Drufrgiii. ootl6-3ia i , ; i.arrlfil.' , On IieeniWr ith, 1372, at Dig Una borough, Jefferson eounty, by Hev. Jimiv 2ivi.ik. Mr.JAMKH II. H il,su. lollisA. M. iil; StfcLL, both of Clearfleld eouuty. In Bradr townshin, on Hreftnher 4th, 1872. WILLIAM KIHK, aged 02yr., 11 nios. aud Id. Tn Cnrweitttille, on heeembcr Hth. 1872, WIL LIAM Mi BRIDE, in the Mth year of bis ago, On Xoremher 30th, lH7f, at the resilience of Samuel K. Bailey, HOKATIU N. UAILKY, agfd 19 years and 10 months. At TmuttllU. on Ri-ntftuW -tlb, 1873, Mr. KKHfcCCA PAHH&IUKK, gel HV year and 9 months. (Bvllefonte ppcr pleaee aopy.) On Oeeember 3d, 172, CALVT2I son of Her. J. and Kluasktm ltKroMa, of Wallaee- ton, Clearfleld county, aged 23 years, 2 months and 21 dnya. Clearfield Markets. Corrected weekly by !tirn.inD Moaaor, Wholesale and Ketall ilealer In Dry Uooits, Ureoeries, fro visions, dc, Market street, Clearftrld, Pa. Ci.AriKi.n, Pa., Dec. 17, IJ7I.,00(o) Dried, fl tj Applobutler,ygal, Butter. 0ll(u Bean D 00 (J J 60 Hogs, dressed...... fl IV Hides, green.. f iO Han OOfo) 10 Hbeuldcrs....00v9 12) li Siaw........,C0(4 U ft Lard IbW Buekwheax., ,.. I Buek wheat lour lb, Mess pork.fl bbl...J0 00 22 Oats , 00 Onions I 0 00 Potatoes 00(d) M lleof, driedM Beef, fre.h.... T(o) Board., M 12 C0(io U Corn, shelled..... H. 1 Corn, ear 00 (ij Corn meal, 1 saek, I Chop, Vewtl iu 5 CloversecdM 7 Cheese. Cherries, lb. 10(a) Chickens, drsd, lb, 0 Peaches, dried, lb,. It I.O Plaster, bbl S 0(1 JO It. 1 12 4I Hags, $ lb 2 00, K sack.tJO I 50 20 Shingle., IB in. 4(d)5 00 I2;rbingles,2lnl0(a)li 00 li Timothy leid 4 00 Egg . Flaxseed.. I riour 0 00(d) 10 Hay 00 00(430 21 T. Mow I2 00 W hoot.., 2 00 00 Wool 0 00 i Wood, cord...... I to lViuiMylvaiilallnllrond TVU0X2 i CLEARFIELD BRANCH SN and after Monday, OCT. Jth, 1872, the V Passenier Trams will run daily (except Hun days) between Tyrone and Clearflold, as follows: LEAVB SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. ClearDeld S.SO.r-U Tyrone Philipsburg 4.23, " Osceola... 10.50, " I'hilipsl urg...ll.07, " Clearfield .....12.10," Osceola 4.40, " Tyrone 6.00, " CLKARl-lKI.D KXI'RKSS. LEAVE B0TTII LEAVE NORTH. Clearfleld (.4 I. a. Tyrone t.H r. a Intersection ...t.OS Oseeola S.I 5 " Philipsharg ...KM " Cleareld,ar....3 Phlllnsburg.. tl Osceola. T.0 ' Intersection.. 1.07 ' Tyrone g.20 ' KA UK FKOil CLKAiie'lKLD, TO BellefonU, Pa ,.J , Middlctown ..$.1 00 Marietta. t tO Lannnster w g fit PHtl.AUKLPHIA 7 9 Lock Haven.. Williamson rt, Uunting'lon . .. 2 70 .. I 00 ,. 1 HO .owiatown.. .. 2 on 4 to 7i Altoona I 65 Marysvllle Johnstown 2 00 HAKIHSDl'RQ PJTTHBUHII t II Close cennsctlvns asadc by all trains at Tyrone and Look Haven. OEOrtOE C. WII.KINfl, my17-tf. Superintendent II ECOKSTRUCTKD. DANIEL KTKWART & SON flaring purchased the Chaap Clothing Houne of inaaa u. jtetsensrein, nave ine largest and bst asaortment of Mannfatnrad Uoodi ta the county, and ean tell their READY MADE CLOTHING, tot Men, Boys and Children, 2)0 PEIt CENT. CHEAPER Than any ether bone. In the county. They will always keep en hand a large and el egant assortment of GKXTir rujiyjsmya goods, COLLAftS, '.. TIES, TRUNKS, VALISES, e Ac. OF TIM LATEST STTLES AND rATIEflNS, v . - i i. t . J .-j ..i: .W rtalblne. 1. yen wn w a" -w" J " ' at lu Hgureej do nut fail to eall at their eUb- h.nuienl be In re spenuusg your snouey Z'sTn " '.MNIEL IttWAhT 0K. gardttarr, E.niwi, fit. H; F. BI6LEB & CO., . r . . . IALi II HABDWAUE, Also, Manufactnreriof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLIARflILD, A. A LOT OF SADDLES, BRIDLES, . Barnaai, Collar!, stc., for sal. ky . II. F. BIGLER 4 CO, J)ALMR'S PATENT UNLOAD lug Bay Forks, for isls hj s IIF, BIOLER eV CO. Q1L, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, Nails, etc., for sal. by II. F. BIGLER eV CO. XT ARNESS TRIMMINGS A SHOE Findings, for sale by U. F. BIOLER 4 CO. Q.UNS,PISTOLS,SWORADCNES ' - '" ; ' For nle bjr ' ; H. F. BIGLER t CO. gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Bliss, for sal. ky H. F. BIGLER t CO. TKON! IRON I IRON!. IRON! For sal. ky II. F. BIGLER 4 CO, TTORSK SHOES & HORSE SHOE Ai- NAILS, for tale by H. F BIGLER A CO pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And best Manufacture, for sals ky II. F. BIGLER 4 CO MUMBLE SKEINS AND PIFK BOXES, for sals by II. F. BIGLER 4 CO. RODDER CUTTERS for ialo by urn 30-70 II. F. BIGLER 4 CO. ? durational. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. rpilE FALL TERM of fourteen weeks, will A ooraiaence Monday, Heptember 2d, 1872. TERMS OF TUITION. Reading, Orthography, Writing, Object Les aom, Primary Aritbinetie and Primary Geography............ $7 History, Loeal and deeeriptivo Geography with Map Drawing, Grammar, Mental and Written Arithmetic I 00 Algebra and the Setenoes 12 to Instruction In instrumental music 10 00 Oil painting, 24 lessons 12 00 Wat work - I M For full partioulara send for Circular. Clearfleld, Sept. 7, 1870-lypd. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. A Male aud FcmnU Claaalcal lllh ftchool. Each Department Hrparate, Distinct and Complete In Itaelf. Til E scholastic year or this Institution Is dlrU dtd ipto two sesnions of fir months (twenty one weeks) each. The first session ootnmenees on the first Monday In September; the evcond, oath first Monday In February. Th course of instruetioa emhraoe evary thing aeoewary to a thorough, practical and accomplish ed education 01 coin sexes. Pupils will ha admitted at any time and charged from date of entrance te the close of th sesnlen. Ha deduction will b made for abaeaee, except in ease of extreme and protraeted Illness. Students from a distano can b accommodated with board at low rates. For particulars, send for circulars, or address Iter. 1. L. HAR1UHOX, A. M., July 20, l71-tf. , frtneipal. Ui$ffUanfou, nOUSK AND LOT 011 SALE! The Housa and Lot on the ooraerof Mar kalaad Fifth street. Clearfield, l'a,, Is for sale. The lot coat ins nearly an acre of gronid. The bouse Is a lars;e double frame, enntatnlag aln rooms. For terms and other information apply to th subscriber, at th l'ost Oflioe. aoflJ P. A. OA CLIN. D.J. CROW ELL Manufacturer of the D. II. Ball Bolting Machlna and th 81DR CLT SlIINOI.E MACHINE, to eut from II to 26 inches, and licensed unWr K vemt's patent. Jointers, Drug 8sw Machine and Urneral Mill Work, Sinucmahonin;, Camer on county, Pa. Repairing of MNoMnefl and (enral Custom Work dono to order. auly Lime for Sale I TflR underflgned, residing near tho depot has mada eomplcU arranKemenU with !.imt burners east of tho mountain, whereby ho Is ena bled to keep constantly on hand a large quantity ol PUKE L 1 M K I which be oQors to fanners and builders at trla above cost. Those iu need of the article woed do well to give uie a call, or address me by I'.Uer, bo fore negotiating their lime. , OKO.C.PASiiMORI. Clearfleld, fa., June , I M9. T W. UAVIH, of luu Hone. Punna ft , Is my anthorlaed Agent for the sale of vvoicon s ram rami, ih. nei. Instant relief aad permanent cure of all kinds of Pain. Also H'ol colt's Annibilator for the radioal eu r. of Catarr and colds in the head. R. I,. Wol.COTT. se21 Sm 181 Chatham Square, New York, GENTS WANTED! Th unparalleled success of th "Victor S ir ing Mtihine," Kant and Wist, opens a gri opportunity for Sowing Machine ageuu and sponsible men to take the agency fur this com . For oiraulars. aampltu of work and terns. r- are THE VICTOR SEW1XO MACHINE COJIPANV', J. L. t U R 0 p I 0 X, Manager, dt 4t No. 1227 Chestnut St., PHILADELPHIA. II. F. BIGLER U CO. bar. for sale CARRIAGE & WAG0J WOODS, SriAFTS AND TOLE8, . HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, io. Carrier, aad Wsm Mabatn ibeald naks aot. of this and eall aad examine them. They will be cold at fair prices. may2t T Ufjose A Lot for Sale or Rent ! TUB andsrslgnrd offers lor sale or rent, upon reasonable teiW. two etory dwelling, let aad stable, in BloonlngloSi 1'lho township. For terms, Ac, apply to LKVVi? I CLOOM. Jaaaary d, IH7l-tr. JilHTICE' CORatAnLEM ptf We have printed a large number f the m ran siiitii, is. win on id. reoeipe e. sen 7 By. teats, sisll a oeyy s ia? addieii. "J" (J L E A Wo deBire to cull the attention of tho citizens of Clearfield havo opened a MUSIC Where mo intend to constantly keep on hand a full supply of ' ; i. , - : . PIANOS, OIIGANS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. ' ' ' , i Our slock of PIANOS will consist of : , . . !.!:: ''', .3 .;!.! wv RAVEN & COMPANY'S PIANOS, STEIN W AY oz SONS' PIANOS, .' . . ; HAINES BROTHERS' PIANOS. Wo arc prepared at all times to furnish any of die cheaper makes of Pianos to order on the most furorablo terms ns to prices oud terms of pnyntcnt. ..., Our stock of ORGANS will consist of tho new and popular UYNDER ORGAN, (with Hyndor's Kneo Tiemolo and downward Octave Coupler,) The SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S ORGANS, ' MASON & HAMLIN'S ORGANS, and the NEW HAVEN MFXOOEON CO.'S JUBILEE, TEMPLE and CHURCH ORGANS. , Besides these we furnish to order Organs from any factory desired. We sell on every plan known to tho trade, cither CHEAP FOR CASH, ON NOTES, or on the POPULAR AND EASY LEASE PLAN. . On our easy terms every one can have a good instrument, and no other investment of like amount will tend so much to MAKE HOME HAPPY. GCTWo thall he glad to have you call and see us, whether you desire to purchuso or not. ' oct23-'72-ly ItlKDERI, MVftlC KTOIIE.. j. r. w i a vac w. w. aarrs WEAVER- fc IIETTN CLEARFIELD, PA., - Are .faring, at tb. .Id stand ef 0. L. Seed A Co., their stock of goods, consisting of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS A CAPS, nARDWARK, QVKBN8WARB, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &o.f &o., At tb. Host reasonable rates for CASH or la exchange for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, , " OR COUNTRY I'RODCCB. SavAdvaac.i mad. te tboes engaged In get. ling eut square timber oa tb. nt advantageous terms. pdllJanTJ ED. W.GRAHAM, UKALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SQUARE TIMBER 41 LIMBER, CLEAUFIELD, PA., lias Just opened, at the KKYST0NB STORE, a oompieto siooa ei c ir v o o a, of .very deseriptlon. I MtY GOODS, i GROCEUIES, ' I'AUDWAKE, BOOTS AND SHOES, i CLQriUNG,iwt.,-c., IN GREAT VARIETY. KLOUK, ( MEAT, SALT, , , RYE, i OAT3, ' ! CORX, ALWAYS ON I1ASD AXD FOR SALE AT A SMALL ADVANCE. FLOUR the ear load, and Kill advance. Received by th. car load, and Hid at a small advance. A supply of HOI'S aonstantly on hand. Special inducement! offered to those getting out Square Timber and Logs, as w. deal lergely la Lumbermen'! Supplies, and are pre pared at all time! to purehaee tim ber and lumber. . if. E B. W. GRAHAM, . "KEYSTONE STORE," Bteuud Btwt, CLEARFIELD, PA. Oct. 13, 1H72. g XT ki iut7soNco7 WIKILIWALB CJltOCKHS, No. 13 Forth Third Street, cornet of Cherry, l'hiladelphut. Ha is In store and offer for sale at th. lowest market prii-e", and on the most reasonable terms, a large and well selected stock of Uroeerles, Tees, rtpioee, Fi'h, t'heeee, Ac. selected In this, New York and Italllinoro markets, to which atteutiou f country dealers hi narluHil.rly reejuet.d. nnvn It AI)MI4wTR ATOltw NOTICK. Notice U hereby given lhat letters of a.lroinlat ration oa His of DANIKI. t'AHKY, diwaed, late of I'eaa township, Cleariehl county, Peoa'a., uavlng boon duly granlra w ine nauereigiH-u, mi pereone Indebted to said aetata will please make immediate payment, end those having elaims r demaode will present them property authenticated for settlement without del.y. J, H. rt A rr It It I 1, novlO-dt.. Admlniatralor. pu BLACKSMITHS! The undersletird offers for sale, tn lh borough of Clearllelil. Blacksmith "hen. on Second street, containing threw forges and two fall sets of taelt. A Orst elaas bnslless, An eaeellent .bene, for a foedtlani,. r ; Ottlel llHIsua, t It F I E L 1), PKXXM. STORE INi CLEARFIELD, 1872. 1872. FALL A WINTER GOODS AT J. M. KRATZER'S. immente Slock of flood oftrfry artcrlpllon. Woolen Ooods, same prlo. as before the ad vance la wool. Muslins at reduced prices. Dress Ooods in greatest variety. Mourning Ooods of all kinds. Black Ala'ar, at all price.. Black Silks, vary cheap. Waterproofs, Velveteens, Plaid aad plain Flaa neli, Shirting Flannoli, Ac. Table Linen and Napklns,;irtsh Linens, 10-4 Shotting aad Pillow Muslin. Ottoman Rep Shawls and Scarfs, Striped Shawls ai all prices. Paisley Shawls, single and double, S3 to 10. Dress Trimmings, Fringes, Laces, Velvet Rib bons, Velveteen., Ac. Full line f Uie celebrated "Josephine Seam, less" Kid Uleree, Eid Uloves from ll on. Ladies' Neck Ties. Cellar!, Ruffling, Hair Braids and Switohcs. ' Ladles' and Children'! Merino Cndcr-wear. Aladauo Fay's, Thompson's, Olovo-Filting Hip Cor and other Corsets. Also, Hoop Skirts, Paoien, Ac Large stock of Carpets and Wall Papers. Shoes and Gaiters, cam. quality as heretofore. "The beet ere the cheapest," Balmoral and other knitting yarns, and other article!, too numerous to mention. Purchasers will find a greater rarlety of goods tnen te usaniiy rouna tn on. sioro. Cell and examine. Clearfield, Sept. It, 187!. WM. ItEED, Successor le Reed Bros. MARKRT STREET, CLEAR FIKLD, PA., I IX opon this wrk mi Inmtast stock of U dererlptloni of DRY GOODS, XOTIOXS, TRIMMINGS, MILLINERY nd FANCY GOODS, FURS, LADIES', MISSES' mid CHILDREN'S .. SHOES, eVo , ic, iu., Ao. Buying my goods In New Ycrk, the Aenef of the mmrktt 1 keeping reliable class of goods sell Ing goods at close csib figures, and conducting buslnoea In a thorough business manner, I hope te merit th. cenndene. of 'CASH ' BCYKII8 throughout the eouoty. .... NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. rail and eiarain. my stock aud b. eoniiiiced of the truth of my assertion. i septM . , . , - . , , WM. REED. I H, F. N AUQLE, a W ATI II MAKER A JEWELER, and dealer la Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver ana I'lntoa Ware, &c, JeH TI CLEARFIELD, TA, JXIX UTtsH-S NOTICIkNeliee ia kere J by glee thai letter, testamentary haviag 4n granted tb the Subeeriber en the eetate of DAVID MILLS"., deeeaaad. lute of Lawrence township, Olewrlelcl county, Pennsylvania, all persons indebted I. Said acute are reu,eatod I make Immediele narmeat. and those having claims agilnst th same will present them duly ai nantiest.4 fur letttemem, . .,al.CVTTLB, November i pd. ' aieeuter, I I ii ..'(.',J i I. ,v ... ; . . 'T ,.7 county to tho fact that we """ " ' irtUsrfUanfoui,. BoggMTowiiNliipAwnke GREAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEERS'Sl Jj'VERTBODT trying to get there grst, for fee. J of being crowded out into the eold. If yon want good Shoeing done, go t. Bases If ,00 want tour Sleds ironed, I vl,t nK o ' If you want good Mill Irons, go to Bseea. li yeu want yoar wsgon Ironsd In th.ksst style and workmanship, go to Buna. Banna makes the best Stump Machine In the State, and does all kinds of DLACK SMITIIINO aa aheap aa can b. d.a. la lb. eounty for Cask. My Post Office address Is Clearneld, Pa. THOMAS BEERS. Boggs Tp., Dec. 1, 1867-tf. Clienp Fnrnltiirc. JOIIN GULlcn D1S1RES t. Inform his .Id friends and ... tom.r., that having .nl.rg.d hi. shop and increased his faellltiee for maaulaeturinc he I. new prepered to make to order such F.rnii', may be deeired, In goed atyls and atehean rat!, for CASH. He g.a.r.ll, hM ha.d., Furniture rooms, a rarfed assortment of read, made furniture, among which ere - ( BUREAUS AXD SIDE-BOARDS, ' Wardrobes end Book-Casoe, Centre, Sofa, Pallor Ureakfast and Dining Kaui,.. T.W,fc2 and other ;k", ' , . "7 " """ng ana Arm- , noea, parlor, com mon and other Cbaire j Looking-Gleeee. of ere-. tiASrrirst,nti nm hanal t ' kVamu. whlek will nn ! . , g'"" a Wl r FetfjiMllhla terms on shortest notice. He also ke.:.. hand .. ......... w ,u.i, voru.ausa, our aid Cot- ton top Mattresses. " vorriNg or Evkrt aimd Made to order, and funerjl, tt,aded with a Hearse whenever desired. All the above and m. .i.k.j "''" are nr. alsbed to customer e.p fM Ca.. or exehenged for approved co-.otry nroduca. Cher,.. M.Ji. Konlar. ', j ..i . - . -r-'i Cabin'., v.ork, uken In xehange for f.rnU.e".' 1 Remember rtop It on Markes etreet, I "'ld' "t d aoarly opposite the "Old Jew "- . - Juua lltUCii. November it, ISM f Idlrcry Mtable. fnilE nnderslened Kjiffl Ijsarel in la.HWoaa ll.. t. X lip that bs is now rullj prepared to acoumo- dalds kll In ka L . ... .H mmj (l ,urmvu,nv; nurses, uurries. on rwsonahl Unas. Kmiidenoa on Loouvt strwL OKd. W. GEARIIAKT. Clearfleld, April II, 1867. SAWS! SAWS! SAWS I DISTAN B CROSS CCT, MILL, DRAO AKD CIRCULAR SAWS. Boynton's Lightning Cross-cut Saw. ALSO, PATKXT PERFORATED A ELECTRIC SAWS, . , For sale by ,,. . , ,, , j oetlJ.TO '' H. F. BIOLER A CO. Allcnlion, uLumbcrnirii ! WTt are now msnulneturlng onr IMPR0VKD W STEEL. SOCKET DHIVINU C'AN'T- wno, .up.rior io any eiaer in use. v. nave also in stock a large quautily of Csalheoks snlla- om lor railing purposes, wliicn we are selling cheap AMOS A H. KENKARD. ClrerlleMU'a., March II, ls;l. A Notorious Fact I ' fpiIKHE are more people troubled with Lung X Diseases in this town thsn any otherptace lis sise in the State. One of the great causes of mii,iiiniii aoimpiireanieieol uonl, largelr mixed with sulphur. Now, why not avoid ail this, and preserve your Uvea, by using only Humphrey Celebrated Coal, free from all impuritiee. Orders left at Ik stores ef Hiehord Mussesj and Jesses B. Urahaas A Sons will receive prompt attenliua. ADHAIIA V ni'MPHREY. niear(leld, Horember 16, lain if. i. a. HlirrvsTaiv. rLiMia. REIZENSTEIN &. BERLINER, . ' (Suoeesson to I. Gam l Co.,) wltolxpato dralers in GEXTS' FVRMSH1G GOODS. Jj, Lispenard street, between Ch.reh itrert and West Uroeilway, New York city. J.V3I7J Jj F. STERLING, MAnafaeturft of SADDLES &'HARNESS CLEARFIELD, PA. ! Work guaranteed to glee satisfaction. Prices reeeonoble. fliv. m. aoall. Shop in tlraham's Hew, Market street. '' ; - novln,7J. - " e 11 " 1 1 S S .I. . Beale's Embrocation, (biTI'f Off Itl't,) Fcr all diseases Incident I Horses, Cetll., al llusaaa Flash, recalling th. aa. el aa , eaurnal applleeliee. Thi. Imbsoeadoa was assd ky the during tb. war. Per aale ky Bertawtek A trwlr, Clsarteld Joetph H. Irwin, Curwensvlll. P.nUI flood, coder. Lthrsbrg. tf. i Tf) COrt Pr ')'' Ae waatmll ap'J 7au All see of working pour... ef either ess, young or olu, make more kroner sat tfcit .1 UytkiM .... lici, .ddreii 0, SriKsoe A Co'., Pcrtlaad, Main. .etSfnyl rr ertAW nonsE. - O (C.r. of Market A Front streets, i L'l.EAHriBt.v, ra. m. n : a , IT,.I i. antirelv Be. MBew plot. In all It! appointments, and conveniens ta in. Court Hons. A free Omnibus reus to aad troas the Denot on the arrival and depart. of ach train. . JIKS. K. CLaMKJITH, Anvil 10. 1.72. rro""Jt?- WASHINGTON HOUSE, ' ". . KKW WASHINGTON, PA. I Thli new knd wetl furnished hone, has been taken by the undersigned. 11. feels eonfldsnt or being able te render satisfaction Jo those who may favor hint with a call. May 1, 1872. 0. W. PAVIB, t-rorrr. . Revere house, . ' BURNSIDB, PA. Tb. subscriber having built a n.w Hotel, with afl modem Improvement, U prepared to reoelr guests. The tabu will bo suapfied with lb beet in the market; the bar with tile choelcost liquor. uooa siauung auncnen. prl-ly i A. H. SCHAEFFER, Prop'K THE MANSION HOUSE, . - Cornerof Sccendand MarkeiBtiweta, . . CLliARFIIil.D, PA. 1 , THI9 bid aad commodious Hotel hss. during lb. past y..r, been enlarged to double Iu former o.paoity for tho entertainment of stran gers and guests. Th. whole building ha keen refurnished, and th. proprietor will spar. a. palm to rend.r his guests comfortable wall staying with him. vTh 'Mansion House Omnibus ram t snd from th. Depot on the arrival and deperrar. efeaehtrslo. JOHN DOUGHERTY, prf-7 tf . . rropn.ear. s T. CHARLES HOTEL, (OnrKiilte R. R. Ilenot.) CLEARFIELD, PK.NN'A. Th. nnders igned, having become proprietor of Ibis bouse, is now-ready te entertain stranger and travelers, and therefore eoli, it! sojourners t. give him a call. His Table will be supplied with the best the market affords, and bis liar wilt eoa tain the ehoicest of wines and liqnots. Extenair. stabling is attached. Charges moderate. JanlO JJ JAMES McLAUGULIX. WESTERN HOTEL Opposite the Court lTous, ! CLKARFIRLD, PENN'A. Accommodations Ont-elsss and charge, moderate. oat 5 . JOnN.P. YOrXO, Proprietor. jj-OMTOCR HOUSE, Opposite the Court House, LOCK HAVE N, PENN'A. JeU'Tl ' nAl'EEAL A KR0M, Prop's. ROCKERIItlKsy HOL'SE, , UU I.LVFONTE. PA, ! : iv'i: ectlJ'Tl i. D. JOHNSTON A S0KS, ' - ' ' . -: Proprieior. RAILROAD 1IOCSE, " Main Street, PHII.II'SHCIIO, PEXS'A. ' The undersigned keeps eonelantly a head no beet of Liquors. His labia i eiemy. supplied with the best th. market affords. Th. traaliag public will do well to give biro a calf norl.'M. ROBERT LlOTBv SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, ' Cl'RWENSVlI.LE, Clearfield conntv, Pcnn'a. This old and well established Hotel, beautifuiry situated on the banks of the Mueqnehanna, in th. orongh of Curwensville, has been leaeed for a terra of years by the aadersigned. It has been entirely refitted, and is now open to the public generally and the traveling community la pais ticular. Mo pains will be spared to render guests comfortable while tarrying at this house. Ample ."tabling room for the accommodation of teams. Charge, moderate. Sept. ii, 187)-lf. ELI BLOOM. goots Bud hor. OOT AND SHOK MAKING. PHILIP WEAVER, oa Market etreet, la Shaw's Row, Clearfield, Pa., has just received a Ine lot ef French Calf Skins and Kipe, tb. beet In the market, and le bow prepared to mane orrture everything in his line. He will war mot his work to be as represented. The elMscns of I' leer tie Id and' vicinity ere respectfully incited to glr. him a .all, Work don t short aotlc.. EY BOOT AXD SHOE SJlOr. :j EDWA11D MACK, Co. MARKET A 3d Sn.nflLEAUFIELD, Pa. THE proprtitor has sntereJ Into th. BOOT e 8HOB bnslnees at I, abwre, ed Isdetermlaed aot to be cotdon. el i her In ...1 ity or pric for his work. Special attention will be paid to manufacturing Sewed work. Ha has on hand a large lot of Kronen Kip ad Calf Skies, of the eery beet s,u!ltj. Tneeitt cene cf Clearfield and vicinity are raspaoUully Invited to give him a trial, lie charge for calls. nov,' tf 1 JSAAC JOHNSON & SON8 ' ... , Manufaotarore aad Dealer! la ISoota ami Hhuci! Ladles', Misses' and Children's Gaiter. Mea'a, Boys' and Women's Heavy Boots, aad lirogans, Ac, Ao. Store and shop on Second street, nearly oppo site I'. F. Higler A Ce.'c need ware, store, Feb. td, len-ly CIKARFIELD, PA. Clearfield County Bank. fpUE CleaiBeld County Back as a Ineenera L ted Institution has gone cut of existence by the surrenderor Its eherter, oa May I, 18ffet All lie Mock Is owned by th. subscribers, who will continue the Banking business t tb sam plaee, es prlvste Bonkers, under the firm nam ol the "Clearneld County Bank. We are re sponsible for th. d.hts ol th. Bank, and will pay it notes oa demand at th. counter. Deposit, receired and interest peid when money Is left for a fixed time. Paper discounted at six per tent, aa heretofore. Our personal reapensibilH) 1. pledged for all D.resit reeelved s.d bastues trans ictod. A eontinuanoe of the liberal pat ronage of the business men of the eoanty Is re spectfully eollcl'ed. - As President, Ca'hiet ad omoerjaf tre lata Clearteld County bank, w require the notes of laid Dank to b presented for redemption. JAS. T. LKliiVARD, RICHARD SHAW, WM. PORTER. JAS. B. GRAHAM, A. K. WRIUHT, a. L. R8KD, ' ' WM. A. WALLACE. Th business of the Bank will he by John M- Adams., Esq., as Cashier. tl I 71 County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. , ROOM In Masonic Building, one door north of C. D. Watson's Drug lore Tessnge Tiokets to snd front l,iverpe,o), Q 'teens- town, Glasgow, London, Paris and t'openhegen. Also, Drain for sale on the R&val Link ol Inland and Imperial Bank nf London. JAMKS T. LKDKARD, Pres'l. W, M. SHAW, Ca.hlrr. . il:l:7S J. ri. M'Glrk. ' ' Edward Perks. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE or McGirk & perks. Suooessor to Foster, Perks, A Co., Phlilpebura;, t'.utrw County, Pa. Vi T 11 K.ltS all the business of a Banking Hons, i will ee transacted nroniMIr and unun th. most fal oracle terms. Clearfield Nursery. ' ENCOURAGH HOME INDLSTKT. Til 8 undersigned, baring gatahllshad a I'm aery oa the 'Pike, about halfway between Clean old and Carwensvtlle, I pr.pered t. fur nish all kinds of FRUIT TREES, (standard end dwarf,) Kvsrgrcena, Shrahbery, firs pa Vines,, Lawtoa Blaetbwrri. Strawberr. aad Kasborry Via. Also, Siboriea Creb Trees, Quince, and early scarlet Rhubarb, da. Orden promptly attended to, Addreee, J. D. WRIGHT, l.ptl dt-y , Curwensville, Pa Miss E. A. P. Rynder. a. roa " Cbtekerlng's, Sulnw.;,', j Kmevsnei's Pl.eoe omiia a, m-m . Hamlia't aad ralmtk.t'i Ora0f md Melodeona, and Urever A Pah.r's Sswlng Machine!. , a turns is - ' Ptvaw, flutter, Organ, Harmony and Voral Ma. ale. X. puplt tahen for less than half a term. fit Snome opposit Oulleh'i Furnltut. Store. Cltaeld, May i, 1SC tf.