Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 18, 1872, Image 2

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, KDiTui am raurntnrun. j ,
H'h'liNRSDAY MOKNIN'II, 1)Kl' 18, U7J.
Kkihty eioiit Malicr Yr.NiEnn
Tlioro nro mill 88 monitors pf Con
lrross no bigoted mid rurunguful llmt
iboy re fu o d to tuko up tl:o gonorul
1 amnesty bill, on tbo 14tli. ' ' "
- Uarrisburg Is nlmoBt entirely freo
from the boroo dioiiAC, but (bo Log!
latuve is soon to moot to oloct Cam-
oron, or ono of bis pupils, to tbo Sen
.' ale, which may nuoij)ituto a worso
calamity upon tbo Cniiitol city tbtin
tho epizootic. ; ''' i 1
' tjirvernor tleery Itiu appointed Senator Kliiha
W. lieriia Ureret Brigadier tlanernl.- rxrAwnoe.
Tbt Uoreruor should alio brevet Bill McMulion
and Bum Joicphs, a they oouiuisud the mid
" Ming of rongha as llavir, and are "cheek by
jowl" with hita in the legislative lobby. Clarion
feeiecral t
That it so, Brown. But the rest
will bo furnisbod witb somtlliirtg moro
substantial. '
A Bio Jod tien. Grant nnd bia
Attorney General liavo been un milk
ing Governors nnd creating Lcgislu
, turos as flippantly, by lulegraph, as
though ho owned all tbo wliito people
ii ud nifrgers In Louisiana, Alabama
nnd Arkansas. Hotter men liuvc lost
their bunds for doing fur lens.
Libkbautv. Soon utter tbo death
of jen. Meade, a pni'Mto subscription
was staited in l'liilndolpliia tor tbo
j)iirose of raising a fund of 850,000,
which the subscribers proposed to
present to bis family. On tbo 7th tho
hooka closed, and the subscription list
tooted up $104,000. This is wholesale
gratitude, nnd reflects great honor or.
Uto lUiiuiis of tliut city.
This uiihuppy and long dislrttulcd
Kopublio seems to be drifting in a
eacoabla direction, luicly, while rev
olution, anarchy and confusion has
been shifted into Louisiana, Alubnrjia
und Arkansas, to tbo everlasting dis
grace of civilization. It would be
well lor tbo carpet-buggers and stain
wags to take lessons from the new
President, who was solemnly inaugu
rated a few week ago at tho Mexican
Capital, amid n popular ovation, lie.
r.tiwn .!!. .,,w,.......i i.:. .,t...(- ..i
v. iiihiij ,, i.wui. (,vu uia fiiuviul ill UJ
government principle to Congress.
Tho bases aro broad und the adminis
trutive project comprehensive und
equitable. The altuir of the country
will no doubt bo conducted in uccord
unco to tbo rule. Tho territory ia
quiet and peaceful, us it appears, do
apito tbo existence of n border agita
tion In Tohuanlppcc. American en
terprise remained on tho alert for the
ntlainmont of un opportunity for prof
itable speculation in railroad building.
A member of tbo Congress wished to
adliero 16 tho trunfpoition ystom by
mules, and proved himself amid his
sesa very Bourbon of the Incas by
; tho utterance of an invective against
American immigration and transrior
tatioi. by mil.
The Itobbtr Mtlng.
ltoutwt.ll and bis ring of national
robbers are concocting a now schoino,
whereby tho ring expects to pocket
four or livu millions of dollars belong
ing to the people. Tho A'ew York
' Herald says : "Iteporls come thick
from Washington, and to all appear
ance inspired by the Treasury De
partment, that Mr. lloutwcll is intent
' on reviving his syndicato project for
funding the debt. Tbo old story of
tho Rothschilds and German bankers
and other great financial combinations
, offbring to muko a loan on tbo most
. fnvorablo term is repeated. Wo judgo,
however, that tho Treasury ring syn
dicato is tho party moving in tho mat
tor, with a view to getting somo mil
lions moro in tho way of commissions
nd bonus of interest. If tho Itoths
cltilds or others have a proposition to
mako, why not make it directly to
(.ho Treasury department, without
tho intermediate agency of Air. Bout
well's syndicato "peculators." '
Tbo Herald should know that there
; aro two rings of national robbers.
, One of theso rings has been legalized
- by tho tilla of Credit-Mobiliur, and
' tho other is organized in tho Treasury
Department and called Bout well's
. Hyndicato. Tbo former steals (or in
tends to,) nil the publiu luitdt, while
tho other daily robs tho Tronsury.
Tbo mino men control both rings, und
aro becoming more impudent and
cluiuorous cvoiy duy, and will ere
long demand tbut Corgroas should
uulhorizo tho twain to control ull tho
.money and business of tho nation.
I)ows om CAMrnox, Tlioro is a ,..
publican paper in Washington, which
la supposed to reflect the viowa of the
President, ami which don't entertain
a very exalted opinion of Simon Cam
eron. This is what tho Chronicle, says
right under the shadow of tho While
JIoiho and Capitol :
Kiinon t'liniurun stood in awo of
Itoruua Greeley while ho livod, and
cringed to the Tribune, as ho floes to
allsiinrceol iower: but Air. Gicelur
dead, i'umcron dons '.ho lion's skin,
and vssnys to kick. . When Mr. Lin
colu threw Ciimeron from his Cabinet
on account of bis peculations in con
; tracts, tho Tribune was rather froo in
its opinions of the justico of the act.
Cameron nover lorgavo Greelsy for
f,his, but bo nover dared strike nntil
gutsier the shadow of a popular victory
pf 111 Jlepubllcon party. The dcotb
fif bia jenemy nmfj Jilm I eel seen re
tr!)!? ha) ii). ' ' ' '.
Tk4 Ufali f:rfirM Vrrrs.
In tho death of Kdwin Forrest tho
American stage bus lost Its bigliobt
Ornament and drama tic art its proudest
Interpreter. For fifty yoais bo had
made tho "uiimio life moro roal and
more tragio oven, than bis own. .' lie
was one of tho few men who. could say
when hia days wero in tlie sero aud
yellow leal ,,J ' v ;v
V ' I'b.nlMURttt -
(luliWn 0ilnluni from ill aurli of niiiilr,
Wbirb liaulit tw worn irew Id thrtr ntwt it glow,
Hut rant ailila io luun
for though the world bad known him
for half a century bo was not old. ac
cording to the measure of inon's years,
and bo had only begun to outlive bia
tun l is. ilia triumphs were great, but
his life was not happy in its iirimo.
The pluudiUt of the world oould not
recomponse him for what lie sunercd,
but the earth which fills bia gruve will
in jo an except tno great noss una sub
limity of his goiiius, Ho was a inun
such as we ahull not aro iiguin in this
generation, nnd, among Sliakspnaro's
interpreters, his nunio will ever ho as
sociated with that of Edmund Kenn
Tho two actors wore so great and so
wonuerlully like in their greatness
that it now seems impossible to decido
which was greatest. Anditiicred
itablo to both tliut each rooognized
the genius of the olhor. When For
rest, a young man unknown to fumo,
and without any groat master to teach
him hik art, appeared at Charleston to
play tho parts bo had learned to act
in tho rudo theatres of tho Wont and
South, Koan mot him and heralded
his talents in tho cities whore ho was
soon to appear and ask for popular
favor. Soon he camo to New York,
and ho came to conquer, not for un
hour, but tor years ot onduring fume.
Vet when he fust appeared behind tho
footlights of the Bowery Theatre six
and forty yours ago ho showed upon
what Iruil threads tho success of a life
time often hangs. In the first scenes
of "Othello" on tliut groat night of
his trial nnd nib triumph tio was tame
und spiritless as the poor actor who
struts and frets bis hour upon tho
slago; but his genius at lust usscrted
itself, and ho electrified his audience
by tho intensity of his passion and
his jealousy. It was, as we often say
of performances less noble, a thing to
be remembered, und it is still treasur
ed ns ono of tho groon und fragrant
memories of tho stage. Great was
the career which followed it, and last
ing ns it was great. livery city in
the Union courted Forrest to come
and come again. London saw him
with wonder, and when seeking to
conoemn approveu mm in tno end.
It was easy enough to pnt poor Dr.
uirus piay out oi aignt, oat not so
easy to dixowu tho spell of Forrest's
Moor. When London bus soen his
Othello it wasousy to say hisold-timo
power had : disappeared but loyal
England could not but sympathize
Willi toe lorlorn, lorsaken leur, into
into whom his genius infused new life.
Ho personated kings and heroes moved
by strong, deop passions, and mudo
tliorugraiid as ijliakspcurc made them.
Tho sovereigns of tho lime were moro
puppets compared with tho puppet
sovereigns of his mighty brain, ilia
heroes lived and breathed while tho
living kings and warriors seemed as
dead. In ono respect tho Aslor place
riot is creditable to him. There arc
few men whoso intellectual power.
wielded only in the domain of art.
could induco tbo multitude to say, nl
the risk of life, and, ns it turned out,
in tho very jaws of death, that anoth
er whom it was conceived had done
him wrong should not speak in tho
city wherti be had spoken so fitly and
so well. It was in this sense a tribute
to his art as hotly urged as he bad
played his parts; bnt It was an event
which never should have occurcd.
We can best regret it by forgetting it
In tho futuro Kdwin Forrest will bo
associated only with hia art, ns Kenn
and Kotnblo now live only in tbo glory
of their artistic achievements. Even
the carping criticism that followed
him to tho end will not long be re
m em bo rod now (hat he it gone. If
llnzlilt had lived in his duy to lull tho
story of his pussioo and Lamb 10 por
tray bis portrayals of tenderness, pos
terity might know him bettor; but
even these could not have made Ids
fume moro lusting or compelled his
gonius to be treatcl moro reverently
in tbo generations which aro to come
after him. JV'. Y. Herald.
Wr, UrttUy.
Tbo New York Pott, whoso editor
labored zealously to defeat Mr. Groo-
ey, in alluding to his death says:
That tho great stutosman, tho great
pool, tho great artist, the great war
rior, tho groat philanthropist should
bo recognized in this maimer, ia not
uncommon ; but we do not recall an
nstanco in which tho samo murks of
distinguished respect have been shown
o tho editor. . When Napoleons, or
Wellingtons, or favours dio ; when a
Scott, u Dickens, or a Thackeray is
carried oT, when a Lincoln is smitten
down in tho midst of his usefulness,
tho spontaneous feeling of tho people
prompts llicm to show their senso ol
loss by those ceremonials of mourning.
Hut it bus not boon usual witb them
to pour out thoir tributes of regard to
the journalist, whoso aervieos to his
lullows ore apt to be of a kind that
attracts little attention, or lit best
only a transient attention. 1 lie works
in the obscurity of Ins chambers, lor
the most part anonymously, and witb
tho invisiblu forces latent in woids.
The efl'ocls ho produces are liko the
insonsiblo droppings of water upon
granito, slow, minute and imperoepti-
bie iiiiporcoplibie in the details ot
tbo process, and known merely, if
known nt all, by the larger general
result. They do not strike tho multi
tude by thoir momentum, their vol
umo, their mass or thoir brilliancy;
they rather ercoluto society than
fail upon it; and it is nolstrango that
society should be insensible to the
agcuts by whom theso elTects aro
Miss Nollie Grant, writes an tinim-
nginativo Washington correspondent,
lias lobl some ol her beauty und trosh
noss, and docs not eivo promiso of
such gruce and loveliness us alio did
thrco years ago. Blie may bo oen on
llio avenuo nlmosl every tluy driving
nt a sharp pace a fino homo to a bas-
kot phaeton, tier ucauuiui tnonoc
hair bus chongod to n brown, and her
figure ia less graceful, but alio Is a
capital horsewoman und handles tho
rains with consummate skill.
Whllolho Credit Mubitier investiga
tion Is going on how would it do for
tho llouso io direct it to cxiona us
Inquiries a llltbi furluor, and ascer
tain ust now mneli ivu paid that ro
murkably pure patriot llenjumln F.
Hairier, for drawing bp and persuad
ing tho Jiouse to pass tbs Placer Min
imi 1)111. Was it one 'thousand shsrn
of Lent-Ilarpendlnj d'smoad stoe,
or wnat was it j
OMrit Tra$rylct.
. Tbo following is a oopy of tho Act
ot Assembly approved tho Olh day oi
April, A. b. 1872, authorizing the
voters of Clearfield county to .elect
Borough and Township Treasurers :
, Sto. 1. B it enaettd .Jtc, That thu
qualified doctors of the several bor
ough and townships in tho county of
Uloui uuld ahull ul me elecliou tor
borough and township oflleers In De
cember next, und every second your
thereafter, elect ono citizen in each
borough and township as district
treasurer, who shull hold his olllco for
the term of two years from tho first
duy of January after his election, and
who by virtue ot Ins olllco shull huvo
tho clmrge, safe keoping and custody
of all school, road, poor und other
moneys and taxes ot wnatovor name
and kind there may bo assessud In or
belonging to such borough or town
ship, and tho said district treasurer
shull bo required to give bond condi
tioned for thu faithful pcrlormanco of
hia dutios nnd for tho prompt pnymont
of all moneys by him received, in ac
cordance with law, upon tho orders of
the proper ollicers and lo his succes
sor in oltico at tho expiration of his
ollleial lorm, tho said bond to bo in
double the amount of moneys likely
io eo mo into tno nanus ot such disincl
treasurer, the amount whoroof shall
bo Axed by the borough or township
auditors as llio case may bo; and
thero shall bo two sureties in said
bond, both of whom shall reside- in
said township or boroucli, and their
sufficiency shull bo approved by the
suid auditors by endorsing (ho word
"approved" upon the said bond und
signing thoir names thereto, und the
said bond shall bo filed und remain
with tho prothouotary of tho court of
common pioas.
Sec. 2. Tbo said district treasurer
shall give bond as now providod by
law for tho custody of all monoya that
shall come into his hands, and shall in ull
respects bo subject to the laws now in
force providing for tho roccipt, collec
tion, security and disbursement of
such money.
Sec. 3. It shall lo the duty of the
board of school directors, supervisors
overseers of the poor and town coun
cil to assess and make out two dupli
cates, one each of which ahull bo pluced
in the hands of the district treasurer,
ono to ouch suporvisor, and one each
for tho collector of school, poor and
borough tax, nnd all such collectors
of taxes shall pay tho same to the dis
trict troajurcr, taking bis receipt
lucreiuro ; and iney siiuii not ue un
charged from liability on their respec
tive duplicates by payments made to
any otbor person. , Provided, Persons
working upon the roads or streets of
llio respective boroughs, nnd town
ships, under existing laws, mur ob
tain credit upon their taxes by an
order or certificate drawn by tho
supervisors or town council upou tho
district treasurer of the amount of
such taxes, or uny port thereof, which
order shull be charged to tho super
visors or town council, and bo settled
by tbo auditors in settling bis accounts
as provided uy existing imvs. i'ro
aided further, That tho district treas
urer shall give due notico by posting
nut less than threo printed or written
notices of tho tuxes levied, and that if
said taxes bo paid lo tho district
Ircusurer within thirty duys there
after, tho party paying shall bo en
titled lo a discount of fivo per cent.
Sec. 4. That in cuio of death, resig
nation, removal, or otherwise, of the
treasurer elect, it shall bo tho duty of
the judges or tho court of common
pleas ol snid county to appoint a suita
ble persons to fill the vacancy until
tho next election, or until a successor
is duly qualified, and all laws or parts
of laws inconsistent herewith are here
by repeated.
Coupon ftr.
The Sunato on Tuesday confirmed
George W. Fuirman as Postmaster of
Gaston, Democrat, was ro-olocted
Mayor of Boston yosterday by
maturity. Tho liepuhlicans elected
40 of tho 04 Councilmon.
Tbo Gettysburg Buttlc-field Memo
rial Association bus decided lo erect
a monument to tho memory of the
lato Gon. Mead, to cost 8100,000.
lion. Daniel M. Smyscr. formerly
President Judgo of Montgomery and
Bucks counties, quit the practice ol
law and Bold bis library.
Mr. Goorgo Carter lias rosined the
oditnrship ol Applet on t Journal. Dis
successor is Mr. Bruce, formerly an
The Beaver Radical says that Hur
ry While has aspiration for tho U. S.
Sonate. His aspirations won't amount
to a cent so long as Simon Cameron
owns tho liepublican parly.
Snow fell at Augnsta, Ga., or, Tuos-
day night to tho depth of over throe
inches. It was the heaviest snow in
that section for many yours. Sovoral
inches of snow also fell at Fortress
Mercor county wants lo bo promi
nent in the next State administration.
F. II. Bragirin is after the Clerkship
of the Sunato and lion. John Allison
is put forward for Koerotury of the
Illinois has produced another beau
tiful blonde clergyman in the person
of the Uev. Miss Jennie Tracy, aged
sweet sixtuon, who is turning the
hearts and heads Of sinners In the
town of Klgin.
Tho w ill of Iloi aco Iluwes, of Snn
Francisco, who left 11,000,000 to
found a collego, has been broken on
tho ground that tho testator was In
sane. Jim heirs nave iniioritcu tno
An old gontlemnn and his wifo went
to Chicago the otbor duy, in search of
two missing daughters, and stepping
into a thoatro for an ovuning's relaxa
tion, found thoir offspring dancing in
tho bullet. Their feelings can bo im
agined but nut expressed.
Tho llagorslown Free Prei says :
''A caso was tried in our Court last
week in which a verdict for (10,000
damages was awarded to Miss L'atli
arino Itcnncr against Goo. Donolly, in
a suit for saduulion and breach of
promise of tnnrriago. A (ad warning
to gay and lestivo youths.
: A man nt Milton reconlly suffered
damagea by Are lo his stable, as tho
result of his own carelessness. Ho
acknowledged his own fault and de
clines to make any demand on tho In
surance company. That man is be
yond all hope of reformation. Ho
will -never mako an available candi
date lor the Legislature. 1
. Tho corpses of a while man and a
neirro went nvnr Mhtlilimn rnilrnml.
tho otbor day, and got mixed in un-!
l- " . .
funoruls i'ow old lndioi worj ablo to
tell tha mournors "how iinltjiiil" llio
body looked, but most of tho sytnpa.
tlilr.lnjr frlontls tlioualit tliois wui a
inistnko soinewlicrCj ' Y .
2Jftv 2MvrUjsmrutu.
Sheriff's Sale.
"I)Y ftrtuof wrltiof VtmlMuHi SrpoHat,U&
) out of lh Court of Comtnooj piM f cir
livid county, nd to tu dlrtcUd, thr will
b ipoied l publlo M th Co Hotti
In th borUfh of Clerne1da on H.,tdy, till
;itb tit y of January, 1 87 3, at o'clock, p.
tbt itliow.ig atcriua rt mum, l ltt
A eftiltin lot of Und iltuote in OwmI twrtidfth,
4)l.rflild roanty, !'., buunjrd on lb otwtb b
lot of Hlcbrd Uiiff, woil by Lingl Ptft, uortb
hj Mrmt, nd out by an alley, aud tuvititf
a plank dwelling bou and troi viable thereou.
Bclsrd, taken In ircutlmi kud to be luJJ m Uio
jiropaitj oi uuujauiiu iwiiio. -
Alao, acrrUio tract of laud iltuata In Fenruion
tuwnnbip, Clearfield county. I'a., bf(iot.iijf '
poll euroeri inenoo norm u degreei ea'l
jierolttii along fend conveyed to Jobn p. Iuvl to
a ioai oa tho iU liu t ibeuae by tbe Meow Hot
furvey auuin u mgruei ensu ivu pcrcliei io ine
ouraef i Umim by (bo A. HibaK mnvy lootb av
degioca !f;tU pu robot to wbite oak oornrr; thence
wiat by Mattbiat llartna mrvy SuU perohct to
lilaoe uf bvginuiiiK ; containing 217 Mrii, inoro or
inland baviog about atrea otmred.urebard.
frnine boute aud barn tboroon. beiiej, iakrn In
ett'cutiina aud to bo auld ot lb property cf larid
Woudi, , ,. , , ; , ,
Alio, a certain traot of land iltuato la the rll
Uga of Jaueiville, Uuli'h tutrnvbip, Clearfioid
county, Pa., Kit bring At) fret fmnt and running
back 100 fef, and bounded nortb by an alley, at
by lot No. SIR, auutb by Marten tree I, Bnd went
by Walnut ttreet, and having a frante itblc and
a large fmiuo buuw tbereon, and oocupitd a a
hoti-L fieltod, taken In txecution and to bo told
at tbo propwtT of Ouwen A Turner. it
Alto, a oert.tin lot of Und altuato In Ptko town
hip, Clear fit Id c-unly, I'a., bounded nonh by
Andetfun orfk, mat by J. J Mi lloudHrk. outb
by I'timvlllo turnpike, iud writ by.Caldwell;
lot 75 feet by 31ft fevi and bavlug a mo ttory
pUnk frame dwelling tbrrvon o reeled. Beited,
uken in osecutiuo and to bo iu)d ni Itij jroporty
of Auguatna lluyb. , , ;l(
Alto, a cortnin lot of Und iltuato la OtomilA
borough. Clearfield oouuty. I'a., bounded to wit:
Fronting on Lingle tiretil oil fact and running
bark by llule Urt-ttt 200 feot lo an allrv. and bM
lot No. .and bavlug a largo two itcry frame
bout, liable and ot bar out buiidiuga tbvreua oreot
ed, twiie.l, Ukrn in exooution aud to be ould at
tho property of A bra bain Kopbart.
AImi, a certain Irnct of Und ntuaie In Morrii
to wd hip. Clear Icld eimntv. Penn'a.. brsrlnnins
dogwood oorner, tbenoo by tbo John lluUm tur
rey auutn M degrcca 170 porvhee; tbenoo by
what wat Iinau Knxland'a nurobaae nortb 1.11
poirbea; tbenoo by Juho Drown purcbaie nortb
f Jrgrooo wett 170 tMircbu to tbo lino tract;'
tbenca touth Ul pombet Ui plaoe of ttogiunmgi
oontatning 132 aorea more or leiK, being urarly all i
cleared and baring a good hoove, bam, uut-build- i
tngi aou bearing oronard tberom. Pviied, tmkun 1
Incxceutiou and to be told ot t be property of Jobn
K. liockruborry.
Alio, two oerUin tract! of land tiliule lo M')rrlt
townnhip, Clearfleld county, I'a. Tbe one piece
begiuning at nuall beubtok, being ooulb-oaet oor- !
ner of original tract in tbe name ol JMcr Wagner; !
tbenoo wett along original tract Hue Ib'ii porcbea
to a poat ; thenoo by land of Mrt. Douglaji nortb
106 ptirhei to puat ; tbenoo rail by land of Adam '
iioyrr i;:' pen het to a brnlueb taphng; thrnoe J
toutb by land of Brenner, Trucku A Co. luOptn-het !
to place uf beginning j eoutaming tr. acr t, more
or lei, and baring 4d acret cleared, with dwclliug 1
bouae, barn and otbor oot-bu!iiliLf;i and orvbard
tbereon. Tbo otbor pieeo tbrrtof Ugtrnlng at a
pmt on t!ic nortb wi rOrntrof Adam Muvrr;
Uxititt lOL-tb by land of tnld M'.er H'i perattea
to wuiie pine ourner : mrm weac by uni i.f Mrt.
Uuugtaii,!. U. Merrrllnnd A. Ueiaick IttO porebtt
to pott corner in lino of original tract, adjoining
landi of Allport'j eitate ; tbeitce nortb llj iretie
to old heinlock ; tboneo oatt I HO perehei and place
vf beglBnlcg t containing 1 1 4 ocnra, more or lew.
fckited, takin lu t vcouttou and to bu tuid at tbe
properly of famutl M-.-rt.
Also, all that traot of UnJ,coutaininK 31 3 acrei
moro or left, lately In tbo orrapncy of Chhulan '
Straw, tit twit u 'crgmo tmatb p. t'loarfield
eoonty, I'a., being part of a turvry m u; name of
aiatiuiaa Moiigb, bounlHl by leuda of Ro.beil
licwit, 11. C. Utniltnn, Martin U loo in, Jno. lira.,
and otberti hanng about 60 aerea oleared, witb a
good Lara, tmall dwelling keuto and orrbard
(hereon. Biied, taktn in exnculla and to be
told at tin property uf John Cmp'-cli.
A'o, a eorlain trait of laol titmtte in Wool.
wtrr l town ti ip, rkarHeld e.taniy. I'a., UundM
and deteribod ai followa, to wii i fty landu or;
containing M9 aorot, a lib alxiut ti arret tloarvd,
and having a log bvuw, on-bard aud ot bar im
provemeotf tbereon. recited, takrn In ext-enilon
and tv be told at tho property of Janot .M-K t.
A lo, a certain IrnrtofUnd iltuato in Pergnfon
(iwniuii, vtraruetu eoaniy, ra.( bounded and
deacribel at follow. in On the Matt bv lands nt
WfCullf and Pat'eraon. on tbo iouKi U Hindi of
MrCnlly and Withorlht, on tbe wet bydandi of
n itbertght and fc. t . ItarrcM. and on tb north bv
lan.U of V.. C. lirrllt Wilbertght, K. Hboff
and John T. Straw; containing J I aort, mora or
Irrt, witb U acrct cleared and n.ill log bouse and
log barn tbereon. Setsod, Ukrn In tiertlon aud
to be told at tbe property of WaibiBgip liruwn
Tirhs or Hale. Tbe priet or lum at whlrh
tho property thall bo tiruek off mail l paid at
tho tiroo f tola, or toeh other arnageiBenta
made at will bo approved, oiberwietlt proper
ry will bo Immeditttdy put up and iol- agaia at
theeip. nie and rt-k of tho prmn t whom It
wat ttraok (T, and wbn, In ene if defiM'nry at
tneb re rale, thall muko go tl o aam and In
no Inctanee will tho lted bo prearuted In Court
for eonnrmatloa nnloat lb money ti actually
ptld to the Sheriff. J I'UTIN J. PIE,
Snaairr'a Orrico, I ihenff.
Clearfleld, Ta., l.o. H, 187 J . i
SherilT's Sale.
1V tlrtuo of wrili of Ittnri F It.
1) aued oat of tho Court of Coram or Pleat of
Clear He'd ooonty, and to wio direet-fj. tbero
will bo txpotod lo PUiUO he Court
Homo la Ibo borough of Clearfield, on Mon
day, the 131b day or January, JH73, at I o'clock,
p. tbo following Real but alt, to wli
All that certain framo cburrh or meeting bout,
iltuato in tbe borough of Oswtvila, CtrarloM coun
ty, i'a,, oo lot at owrnor of Uianobard -n 1 Halo
at reel i, fronting 7 fcr on iJlanebard ani running
bark K'O feet by Hate ttrvt to an alley foiled,
taken In fcieentioo and to bo told ai (he nnroertv
of tho Building Conuiittoo of Iho M. lis Church
Alto, a certain two ttory frame dwcll. ig bonne
and cnrtillage appurtenant thereto, allot') In Tike
towneblp, Clearfield onnntr, I'a.. on the left aide
of thu turnpike trading froan CarwcntrillrlA I'tnn-
vine, anout one lourtli or a inile wwro raid
Iiiko croaaet Aoiltnon creek ; aald Itein 24$ feot
y IA In tine; tnsjrlber with the ctirtiln appnr
tenant thereto, beiaed, taken in executian and to
ba told at tho property of Michael UcbititU
Alto, all thoao two tractt of land titnuv In Bell
townahip, Clearfield county, Pa. Tbo bo nieeo
on tho water of Dear run, beginniog at lie to lock
earner, Ihonoo by traot No. MH touth (I I wett
log perches to bircn; tbeuco north 88ij degreot
watt 32.r perebea to a put ; tln nr-o nor h U de
greeavatt Jl"4 4 lOpercbea to pott: thenoe tortfa M)i
dvgrrva wont 101 1 penhea to a anaplti tbonoo
touth on) degroea eal JAiJ pereht-t to pout; tbenoo
tooth onj drgrfwa wett 80 porehet to a lemlork;
tbenoo tooth 50 1 d eg reel eat 24fl percbo to the
plaeo of beginning containing 7 66" sV'roa, IT
pore net and allow an oo. lua other piee thereof
beginning at a hemlock on line of No. 35. thenoo
north 4 degrret wett 3lo porchet to bituloek;
tboaoo north 60 degreot cant HO pert; bet u a pott ;
tbenoo couth 4t degrwt oatt Kid peitbti to wbito
Sinf t liQitoo by No. tW no nth tO ilstrM tel
0 porehet to tbo beginning t containing 110 aorta
and lit porehet and allowance Betaod, tkn in
txootitiou .ud to bo fold at tbo pruporli)- of Uaid
r. eniiin. , t
Alio, all that obtain tbrco alory (ratae dwelling
faoute, 3H by HI IVot, and bark building attach'tl
about 24 by 16 foot, together with cnrlillago ai
purtenant 1 hereto, aituao nUmt one half B e
north oatt of Clearfield bormich, In Lawrer
townahip, Clearfleld onnnly, I'a., oa tho north ti
north tip
eld to ttaV
m In ')
rty of
of the publio road leading from Clearfleld to t
.tl'Mint Aon pcoool nunac. rettoii, taaen I
culion and to bo told at tbo property
TR or Pi.a The price or auat
tho properly thall bo ttruok off mutt bo pal a at
tho tlmo of talo, or tuoh other orran gomoitt
nado at will bo approved, otharwlao tho pr it
er ty will bo lanoadUooly pnt up and told again
at tno tiponat and run uf mo per ton to wb'tn
It wa ttruok off. and who. In oaio of dettoioorlr,
attach re-tala, that) mako good thttaoit.tMl
In aolnitanco will tho Ueed bo praatntod
Court for onnflraiatlon unleoi tho money It ttj
tually paid tbo HboriiT. JCNi'lfl J. 1'la,
HiiKmrr'i Orrn 1 Sheriff
Clearfield, I'a., I)ec. 18, I
ShcrilTs Sale.
I'bY virtu, of writs ol iVei-i 'utic, Istad
J 1 out of tb. Court of Common Plsas of CI, if
field eountr. and ta ma directed, there will bs
siposed ta rUUI.ll) nt tho Court Hon.
in the hon.agb or Ciearfl.ld, on Monday, tba
I llli day of Janiinrr, Mi, at I o'clock, p. a),
the following Ileal ft tata, lo wit t j
The fallowing deerrilieil real rMata ,tnale In
tilrard lownrhlp, Clrarftnlil coaqt p. rtr
part of traot No. IS8S, beginn',,, It .J,,?
oatt ooroor of aaid tract ;.d rut... -.....
nnd Uv Uiene. m as Iu include all un,Jd
on l.,s south em) uf "id, tract.. Hcl,il, i.k
""M ' f"M " pwjw'ij of Ki
anl Walln. '
eu iu
Alto. hoou and lot situate In rturti.lde town
hip, tlaarSaid ooonty, p being lb. tame wrn
reyed by Uthello Hinaod ta tba said Klien MrMas
Ur by ai.lgnwant, nnd originally surveyed in the
name or Jonathan Unimlokle. Halted, taken in
eiwallon and to be sol.j ai tun praporfy f bti
Deer Creek hl..; ltfXgtfX
bill. In deilic0 that i li.nlud.tbcff.tonl .p
af said '.HI nnd ooooeet with John J...-. II.,..
' .. Alio, aH Ulat r.rt.ln traot or plouoof land altu
at.l im Cheit tuwulili, Clvarfl.ld oouolv, lJnu'a,
boundrd aad dvtoril) af fulluwi. to wit: Oa tit
it by Und of Uilllngham t Uarrlim, on lb.
wulh bj W. Wiit.n, on lbs wnai br Ul How
land aud us lb. north by Jona. Mark lot oonlain
lug aerot nafliig about four a4rr. oloarod and
a larno tram, bouflo and log italds tbttroou orwl.
ad, bolud, taban in otwuiion and lo ba Mid ai
lb. proitrl)f of Sam K. Hnjdor. v 1 ' I
A'ao. all Befflndanl'i lnloreft In a oortaln Irvot
of Innd iltuatod io Ftnn lown.hlp, Clrarfti-ld oouo
lv Pa., bouudtid and dMrlbd a. follow! t Ilogio
niof at a to.t In tb. lino of Pponrwi tb.oo. bf
bind auld UaVrd Fponotr nortb All ddftrcci weit48
perebot to a poitf Ibcnw foutb Alt derro.i aat t
perrbra lo a poal ; tbenoo nortb ill drjfri-cf wo.t 34
pcroh)-t toaebritnutj tb.nt-o south VI d4-jrrmt
eait T4 port-bei along Una of Urler Uull to wbito
oat f Ibi-ioa ouh iS ti-grs ot 70 porirliri lo a
hiukorj ( Ibcnao north M dofrooi taat III pt-rabH
iu a ouviinui tuonoe rohiu ucgrfH.1 iail 17
poroboi to a red oukj tbeuoa north Ml degroc.
east t8 pfrebri to a blvkory thi-noo nortb Hi do
greet ot J7 -porchet to a poll thmoa If d groci
e&ft 113 porubei lo itonci tbenoa uortb 40 de groui
wet li perchei lo plaea of beglunlngi tonlaiu
Ing 85 aon-. ttoited, tGkt-n In oxecution and to
U told at the property of Mali hew Henry.
AUo. all Delendant'i In a boon and lot
itualod iu lloutidale, Clvarttild oouulr. fenn'a..
bounded and deioribod at followt : On tb. east of
nntiiin tirrer, irontlng on liriiulo atreet 10 fett,
and running aail liO foat to Maple alley) knon
and deannbed at lot No. SI in plaa of aaid hor.
ough, with a large tbree-.lor.T hotel and elbrr out
buildlngi tbereon emcti-d. Hclied, ll;n in eae
eiillon and io bo told nt lb prorty 0f Tat. t.
Iooally. . ii ,t .
Tanui or 8ata Tb. prle or sou nl whleh
lb. proptrty (ball b. ttrtich off matt b. paid at
tho time of aaia, or inch o bar arranguenta
made at will be approved, olberwlie tbt property
will bs immediately put wp and sold again at
tb. nnd riik of the pereon to whom It
wat ttruek off. and who. in oate of defleienev at
tneh ratal., thall mako good tba tame, end In
no IntUneo will lb. Deed bo oretenud in Court
for conflrmalloa unlatl tba money It aetaally
paid lo tbo Sheriff.
Binnirr t orrtrn, I Ebcrllf
Cloarfleld, I'a., Deo. 18, IS73.
RI .(.ISTI; (! NOTI t IlNotlce it hereby
given that tbt following aoiounli have Ui
aianiined and pewed by ma, and n-maln dlfd of
recoru in inn omeo ror tbo Impaotiuo of belra,
legalecf, creditor!, and all olbert in any oilier way
lntirenti'i, and will bo rratcntrd lo the nil nr.
pbant' Court u4 ClrarDeld tonnly, lo be held at Iht
Court lloato, in Hie borough el ClearSnld, Mn
niencing on tbe 2d Monday Ibeing tha Utb day)
of January, A. I). 1 873.-
Final aeeount of Jotepb and Flinho, Darlf. ei.
natorf of Kobooca Iaeii, late of fens towntbip,
t'iual aoeouat of tVUIiam MoN'aal and A .ran 17
Tate, etecutort of Oeorte W ilmn. lata ot Ij..
reoc. ttiwaihip, deeeatcd.
RaoitTiin,i Orrtrr, ) A. W. l.t'E,
ClrarSeld, Pa., Deo. 13, lHT!-te. J Uegitur.
(Market St., bet. Second aud Third,)
The ttibtoriliert having tiooomo tironrleton of
thit hotel, would rctriectfully ark a liberal thjre
if public patronage. Tbo Table will alwayt be
supplied with tin beet the market aflordt,aod tbe
Uar Hooked With tut nnett Liqilort.
I J sons have Sied in tbe offirof tbet'lrrh ol tbe
I'uurt of Quarter Hestiont uf Clrarurld county,
their petitiont and boodt for I.ironre, at lb.
January snwio-ut ueit, agreeably ti tbe act of
Aemlirf, entiMrd 'An Act tu rvculsto the aolo
of Intoxicating Liqaorr, i c:
II. II. )rab.ra
.Uko Hope
...Oku Uupe
Lewis rihoata.H
James II. Llptoa H.
J. A. Mnkey....
C. J. he.jr
W. 11. UaJcbaueh
' Jjbn T. II allium
JhB Hauidale
James fijley.. ......
Ii. H. Keea .......
Jrieo K. tt'tlliattu
(leorre Charlton
A.J. lrao?ker
U. A. llloom-...
Leipold A honn...
Jauiet Krauiplon..M...i
J. Mulaon ;
C. U intra. ....
John lowoeyH.,..,,M.M..nM
!.. I'.wpbell
W. C. Thompson
Jameo McLaughlin H
Henry tlraiier..
Michael Carroll
A. II. Hhafer.
A. C. r-'uliBor , .
Vt'illlarn Bailer.
tleorge K. Robaoker......
Jauies Lyoough
Pat. MrUlntee
William William ..
James rIweeaey.M.,
I'at. Mctlurk
.fnhn Maeorobcr
...i ormgbin
... Huutrdftle
i Utoetila
Hut tun
...... IV oodlaod
a Otecola
Stephen Oraff......
1 heodoroSlepbenton.,...,
W'. Kiidrrt
5tctlttughr(r A .Mrphorson
mrui A-mi.t t irir?tK.
A. I.aeontt..
C. TATt, Clark.
Dee. M, 173.
1ST Ol' Jl Kon drawx res JASU.
ary Term, A. I. IS73.
naxitn irnoni. '
C. Palcben...lleccirlalChril. Rlrsw... Vrrgusiin
(Jintnn Thompson. ..Dell
Lew. P. Irwin. ..Uoeben
C. W. k'yler. lrabaa
V D Woodward..lluston
tleo. Parti-r...l.awrenoe
J. L. Mel'heirsoa
Samuel Waring, ..Morris
Jurors P. lla!e...Umola
Harld W. Hoyt Peno
John Porter...... Pike
0. W.lty, lr. L'nton
1. M. Cbasa..Woodward
:iias Itiihel Ilrady
ll. . rtmith...Burnidde
Jno. Hrlter...Corington
J. W.Hhugan..Clearllclil
II. f. aurlc...
B. t. Starling.. j
8. Arnold..Curwensrillr
W. K. llarubora " j
K. Jlughes Dsostur
TRxris it-S'iRft.
J. romstock Beccarlall). .M'Claog
John Clrary llloom!j. Jcnkins..C'orwentriila
Jamb Bogga II. Klulebargcr "
I. l nderciitror..llrs.lfoidA. J. Urauckcr '
Darid ll. Lines.. .UradyiJ. 1. Denning. ,,l)ecatnr
Jaocb Mnrewine.
t'orlls Keam.... "
Dartd kea4....Fergoaon
Orange Tbureten M
llrsrkiah Pattenon"
W. A. Nelson... ..(lophcn
W. Carry Jordan
Heuuan Hoitar.lwartbaos
Lerl alcCracken...Koox
Miles llrers....Lswrenoe
Newton Law bead M
Itobert Lits "
7.enk Ogdi n "
Kred. II. Carden "
Chrlttlen HartMi Morris
H, 11. Williams.....
Vim. Wall P.on
Jno. D. lUllcrlr.... "
Samuel Mi-Dowell...Pika
J. II. l)rubaber....l aloo
Chrlitlao Korb-... "
tleorge Aurand... H
Jacob Hummel, Jr
Arthur Draucber. "
Tbos. Yoong...Lmaide
T. W. bbepberd "
Darid Hood "
Theo. Kirenhowcr "
Thos. Darren Cbast
Jotish ltorahaugh "
L. Rou,sey....Coringlon
Joseph tlross. "
M. N. Dyer....Clearl.ld
1.. R. Merrell... '
A. t. 8haw
J. C. Wbllehill "
1. W. llowc...
I)RlietmAI.M. Tbn School Mrwtora of
t?nlcn diltrlct will receiro eealed proposals
until th. 31t of Dcoembrr, !S7, for building a
H.k.fl llease, 10X20 fort, II fll lo the c.lllllg.
two-inch plank and woatneruoartlea wltn Inch
boards, with three aowll of paint on it. Iaeiile
nf house to be balled with inch boards and elo
lined witb lbs same, with two ooals of paint on it.
Paid houe lo he oomplcti-d by rjrpltmbar 1, 1 -ST 3.
For sjieIScations, d., nddees
n . nun, neemtary. .
Rorkton, His. IS, IS71. It .
-Vf OT 1 1 1 : TO T A X e A V fc H .-Tax payer,
ll of tloihon township wbn bare not as yot
paid their taxes for IS;, will save costs by
culling on ma at onra, as I hare soltlsd with
the Commisslonars and paid th. Treasurer all
back tax, and wow nsl that nil taxss be pitid
by lb. 7lh of Deeouiber. Person! failing to
comply with thit notioe by th.t tim. may ex
pect to hare their taxel onllectod by dlitreet and
sale of their goods. A All OX H. BlllllbV,
Dee. IS, IS, I. -31 Collector,
C1S.UTIO. Alt persons aro hsrebr eanfloned
y sr. Inst pnrelissmg or in any niannir hhA-
dling with th. following property, n.w iu the
hand, of 1'rler N.l.ansbeny, vis I One gray mart,
two cows, mis log sh-d nnd n ens bur, e wagon, as
ilia ssme belong lo me. baring barn purchased by
ma nt Sheriff 't sal. and left with said Polar N.
Iaii,herrr on loan and subject to my order.
...-a ...m Ulllllur I Ik'lllirilBV
UC0IO l Plimi u u uni.i-.'aiin.,
11 AKIk NOTlCUe-Thn 8tockh! jer-. of iSe
11 County National Dank, bf tf,..rfl.M
hereby notiflcd that tha aun-.i eieotion of Di
rectors will ba hcl'1. nt '.a It.nkia. llouiie. on
Tuesday, Jaa'.ary jajj, betweea till honrl
of lan.l ; oVloeh p. .
---oisn . W. 11. B1IAT , pi,liier.
CAtlTf OTI. All persons ar hereby eanlloned
not to iiuroha,. or la any manner meddle
with certain mar now in tha hand, of Da
fid (.Vowcll, at the tania belongi to me and Ii
oiUy left with him to haul n rsft of limine.
nVl! lie . i I. M. COtUlRlhr.
NTtll!,;rlirTl'COMPI Pa.2AII
of i
j. n
i.ieaincin i o., i-a.
tlcTra'l "a. ti Heptewbn Term, 17).
to. y i i. -.,
f. riino.i nra.
Thu audljor appointed h) Iho Court to make
dlatribntion of the proceedi nriilng from tha
Hherlir'a wis nndar tha abor. writ, tnand among
tha parllos legally ealltled thereto, will attend to
the dntiee ol nis appointment, on Tburnlsy, Jnn.
uary fib, Uli, nt In o'clock A. D., nt his oltoe
in the borotigh of Cteerfleld.
dull It DAN. W. McCCF-pr, Auditor. ,
til t l l.B (IK t'tliltT.And now, to wit,
g V nureintier ISd, A. V. 1S71, upon too ai
plication of pemint Interested, and uuog ll
Court being InfoMed -tti.t the prawtic la the
Proilionoiary's and the llagisler and lleoordi r't
omuss is uoi vtloulaled to preaerva ine rental,
II Ii therefore ordered thai tba said tdaee ba re.
arrangod so at to nn-veut acoN to tb. rault pa-
pert and that no person in-apt Mcmbr-ri of tbe
Uiir bud Clcrki, andoffl iare of tha Court and
ei-oKlnm of the Conrt, to' look alter Ibrlr rt-et
and ooslii, be allowed to handle either dockilt or
papers. That especially tbe Continuance Ilook
etl, l,ein bockelt, Kxeeution llocketl, Quarter
Bcwioni tloekett, Deed Uookt, Will liuvki, tlort
gaga llooki, allscellaneoui Uovkctl aud Filo Pa
per, are embraced In Ibis order.
Tha Pnthonoiary of this Court and th. Hcgls
ter and Keoorder are hereby directed to see that
this order be ooinnlird with, and lliuv ara furlhet
anthoriaed to bave tha necessary obangsl luada
at th. expenso of tbt oouuty.
. dolS -3t MrY. TUB COIylll..,
IhTHAYs Canto tropaeslng on ihe pfrmlns
i of Un uadwulgiied, residing In Uraiiy town-
np, on or about tbe last or August, a brlmlls
Heller, with large star in forehead aud wbileorer
tbe rump. Pnpposrd to be ana rear old last
spring. Th. owner Is bsrsby notified to oonit
forw.rd, prov. property, pay charges and tnke
her away, or ahe will bs dinposrd of according
to law. HKO M. TllO.Ml'tON.
Lutborsburg, Dec, 18, l,-J. aia
k IMIXI(4TH ATOH'sl HmxivZ'-xZo.
i is hereby giren thatlettera of a.liuiulitrali.o
ou tho estato of WILLIAM KlilK, deceased
lata of Brady liiwnihip.Clearnrld onunty, 1'i-uns.,
baring been duly greuted to the nnderiignod, sM
porsous Indebted lo said astat. will pirate make
payment, and tboas baring claims or ils.naudi
will present laem properlr eothrnllcated for let-
tlrmeut. HA V III KEAM,
Dos. IS, UTl.-lt Administrators.
flsld County Penn,ylr.uiLa.
Mordlcn LivergooJ) Jt'olice is hereby giren to
( too oovo liarlH-l that by
Eliiaboth FIcgaL ) virtue of the aliovo men
tioned writ of uartilion an induot will b. b, l,l
and taken, upon the promises therein described,
on tbo 11 111 day of January, A. D. 1873, at 12
o'clock 14., for the purpose uf making partition
at raluntioa aud appraisement uf tb said real
estate, as ia tha said writ required i at which time
on piaca sam panic can attend tr tber think
proper. JUSTIN J. P1K, (iberif.
Bborifft OOloe, Clcnrdold, I'a, Doc. Ii, IsiJ.
Election Proclamation. ;
T"HKItKAS, by an act ol the lieneral Aisem.
1 T bly ol llie Commonwealth or Pei.n,ylrania,
approred tbe 17th day of March, A. D. 1S7J, en
titled "An Act tu pormlt th. rulers of this Cum.
monweallh to vote eery three years on the ques
tion or Uranling Licenses tus.ll Ittuxirating
Notice ii therefore ht-nl.y glvon, that an elec
tion will bo heM tn theteieral boroughs and
lownihips in ClcarScId eoanty, eu KKIUAV, the
271 b day of Doecnibrr, IK71;'
THngcrnni:, I, JtM'l.N J. PIE, IPgh ShcrilT
oi tieameoi eounir, in nuriuanoe o t ledulr an.
Joined on mo by the Act above referred Iu, do ti
me Ibis, my proclauulion, git lug notion to the
electors of the cituily ol Clcarliclil, to meet in
their elecliou district! on Hie day
oated, nnd express their rleas by ballot, either
or or against lictuae. And that tho terwrs
jii.grt, iuiprclors sud c-Lrka, who shall baro at-
teniril n: the preceding gt-oeral el.cliuu, ai. .re
quired to attend and perlorm the alike dutie, and
b. subjeot to alike penalties fur neglect of duty
or miscondi it as tln-y slisii be llab!e at iid Ueu-
cral Lloction.
l:nder the first section of the Art aforesaid It
beeiirnia the duty of tba jadlra and Itisueetor. t
tb. loo-JlioH tu rweciv. licaels. either written ur
printed, f.-utu lie legal voter', UWIcil on the out
aids '-Ltccnse4 and cn the in,iie "Kor Licrn,a"
or "Against Lioaase," as tb. voter may alert, and
deposit tb. said tickets in a ho, proridml for that
purpose by said ini;.eutori ami judg-,. as ta r.
qtilnd by law in ce,e of oilier tickets reci-ired at
said ekotion, and tbo ticket! so received shall lie
ooaulcd nd return vf tbe earn, made tu tbe
C'le.k of the Court of yusr.'rr helrion! of tbe
Pea.-e of tbli cunnlv, duly c.-rii.:. J m i, requinnl
by law,
UlVh'V under my band and fcal, at Clearaold,
1'i-n,.. ti.i, ic-.-ttri, .1 Mr ti..v,.,i...P in
L.S.) the year uf our Lord one thousand riyhl
hundred and eeventy-twu. and of the Inda
pendenr vf lb l'ettd Slate, tb- ninety. ,iith.
l Jl'cllji J.J'I K. rlberilT.
X lelling , and interest, and rreotnmrnd to
aaref.t ii.rMtnM, 11... Z'irst atortgage rttrru-1 bil
ly Oold Hied, or th i.'j-ili"u 1'aciho Itailroad
Couipny. The special attln."n ?f inreslors is
called to tbe ample Land Micurily on hMck tliric
boudi rest. In addition to tin mual gnnunt nl a
Srtt mortgage on the Uoad, ita LquipmeuUl nnd
Karolngs. Th. lands of tb. Company thus far
sold kitro reahsr-d Sj.Vi per acre. Thu Compa.
oy's hind tndjwmrnt areriges about SS.OWl acre,
ior niilc. . JAV 1'iKikK A CO.,
d.-ill-tl PuilaJilphia, Pa.
Uonds for isle in Cli-arfliU by the County Na
tional Hank and the First V .lion, I ll.nk
f kerebr given that letterpof adtninlMrwrlon
un the wttato of Mrt. KHA.VCKM,
demtrcd. Into of I!uQ..lo, boott wmntjr, Iowa,
(formerly of OU-ar field count v, 'cnnalvania,)
having trm duly granted to the nadtvigned,
all peraoiif ttflhtrd to aaid citato will pirate inake
payment, aul tnote navtng oiainia ur uciuandi
will present tiiin roper t? autlicntiratcd fur tet-
t lent tut to the undirnigneil.
Deo. 4, IS7MI, . Adminittrator.
CAUTION. All perttint are berth j cautioned
again-, parch attng or in any wiy meddling
wiik 1 cooking etoef, I egg oval atovo. I oloek, 1
cow, and a lot of bat and ourufud lir. una tn the
poaeaion ol Jjoob Mongold and Mare, hia wife,
uf BeW tuwniMp. ao ibooat kt ttwra pu re bated
ky no and loll witk them on taa naly tuMet to
my order. , 8. (i. KLTZ
Tniutvtllo, Pa iVt. 4, 1877-3.. i
(lAt'TlON, All pomuatare WniVy oautiotiod
J aoosinrt pnrrliaiing or in any way meddling
with t hrnk io area and 2 tote harueta, 1 yoke rd
okon, lit bat bolt ooro ewro. hit or wheat, ryo and
oato io alraw. 4U knahala buckwheat, 1 acrva of
wheat and I asren uf rva in geoniiiL now in poa-
acmion of A. K. IVcarcr. of Brady tuwnidiip, ae
Iho tamo Wlong to ma and arotwltjeot to my order.
dee. 31 a UA M hHAKK.
CAUTION' All pcraom are berehy cautioned
agaiott pureha'ing or in any way tneddling
with I milok oowt, 1 yearling heifer, t cpring
oalvrt, 7 bog. 2 lug tleda and ohalna, 1 plow. 1
barrow. 1 tto-horte wagon, 1 t addle, and t fan
ning nilll, nnw In p(tcaaion of A. R. Wonrrr. of
Ilrady towmain, at tbo aamo belong to no and
are anhjeoi to my order.
d-4-;.t h. U. MA XL,
' 1 Masonic ttnllding, Second Stroef,1 r 1
dcot-Tl-ly , ' ' CI KARKIKLI), PA.
Tho ttnJortlgned wonld rr "pee t fully give ho-
tlct to thooitUent of Deccaria towoiblp and tur
rounding couutry, that bo bnt purjhaio tbo
Bocoaria K (curing Zditti bad pn tmiytMng In
oompleio ordT, and ll mbnufawnirlni fln(-clar
naP'y of flour,
and Hour In ouantltyconitanttyoa hand formic.
alwayi band and for salt whole..!, or retail.
Ot TN" "lllffil.K" WAM'Ert.
Zim VtllUialiangaPkinrnndUhneiNrM
inoh ch login, oi mil pay put tnouty, It duited.
nBNTH WANTKltforOroatPln-eol Ills.
tory. Chb-age, Iloston, Purtland, H. York,
.endnn. at. Onuses, Kystsmt of Extinguishing
Fire, Mafia, Flrajironf Buildings tlunk Vanllt,
Irisnraueei, we. " T brilling, rlnrnomne, Patbeti.,
Duly eomnMa, llluttrntud work, lining like hot
cakes. Wrlta Wottluoglon, liuslis A t'9 , Hart
ford, Ct. irpJi Cm
1)INK, WDItl t ROAN UNI I'd SeTIttSre
J. Jail reoilred tad for lale by
Aeti , nro. ' i, r HIOLEH A CO.
-Z)rug$ nnd WrdiriufS.
A !Ti1" .F I
i :'. - i. r i a
? . '1 el..-,.''. '' t .-I': i ' : : i y
7 1) R U G; STORE, -
To Utelr Mi Lnildlng oa friend 8! root, nenrly
' ' oppiilti th. ttort of Wearer A Baits,
'?"il.ij'.)'..,-tf;t" k:t':'
Where thoy will eoatlnoe to tufply their old and
as many new cuntoincri at luny oouie, with
: cuEiii ca ls;
t . (Inalnding all new reasediea,) j
Patent Medicines, Paiall and Oils, (llasa and
1'ultT, School Book,, Stationery, Paper,
Ac; alsu, a full line of brug
, , gilts' fundtks, Hair .
Tonics, ,
Cosmetiei, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, lirunliee,
Ttilct Soniis, Porket Books, Ac , all or
- tha best quality. ,
for medical I cncraniental purpooca only,
'-. - I , tea ,
Pure Wbito Lead. Cotnra of aH kladt. BaW bud
Bulled Lintcd Oil, Varuir-hri, Turpen
tine, Coal Oil. Pitint A Varmeh
- Vruchct, flaroring
Confer tiotKriet, Hird 5er, Spire, ground and
nil ground, of all kixb.
S M 6 K E lVsJ AND' C II E W E R S
i'i , . i ...- M ; .-. tt, - , . - ; - i
. V'ill find mk efcoek if Ckewiag -and
Fmoking Tobacco. Import and !
meat it Cigar &uuff and Fine-out to ba f th
, very bant brandt In tho lamkat.
- .All kind GLASS WARE,
OARDHN St'IDfi, i -,. f,; -s
and Mutieol Trimntin of orary arittT.
Hating a long oxMrtrtfOt In two bmlnea, and
an oi ten tire and well tolewted fftoek of metlteiiwt,
we are ttafi4 an itiwi' k--ri.ttM. !
the hurt Oft antioo and oa Ibo mott reaaonahlc
tennf, dy and night.
Clearfield, Vm.t Way II, l71-tf.
IK T. I.
"For thy Stomach's Sake and thine
other Infirmities." St. Paul.
...M i t-
:ap. i
puri .
A safe, pure, pleasant and hcaltb-girlng Tonio
tlrictly regetnbki, and manufacturod front
tb. nut pure nnd ahoieo materials Is not a spirit
drink nnr atbtUtnto for, tnit ecientinc
oaipound, for tbo protestloo of tho lyitem nnd
the euro of disease, made front chemically pare
spirits, entirely fro. from fusil oil or other Irritsi
ting properties, and wilt not disagree or offend tbo
molt delicate tlomaeb. A lonf prirals experl
enee has attested its
Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies.
to Bitten nt present bflered to tho pnblie
oontains so ranch medicinal rlrtn., and yet so safe
and pleasant to take. Ill ae ! to cure disease,
and tt will not create an appetite for splriuiouJ
Jiqnori, but will our. th. affucti of diiiipaUoh.
- To inrrease tbe Appetite, VSK IT.
To proaioU Digestion, V.-E IT.
To curt pyapcjiiie., i -vi A V8B IT.
To cnr. Fetcr and Ague, ' VSR IT.
To aura UilliousnMt, ..v VSK IT.
To cur. Oonitiitltn, , lS ( -j t L'SK IT.
To sure ChronU) Dlarrhcea, t . , I'SB TT. '
Tn cure Heart burn, " ':' ' TSU IT,
To euro Flatulence, ' r t'SK IT.
To our. Add Eructations, VSU IT.
i ii i
To cur. Netvous Debility, VBH IT. j
To core Hydoehondrln, . . I BR IT.
Tecura Sallvvoeai of Coaptngiva, It I IT. j
, . . i . . , : i .
To euro i'implci nnd Blotchea, LSK IT.
For Oonaral PrvotralioaoftlM;
Physical power, ...... VSK IT, ;
nnd It will aura yon.
Sold trrrjwhere,' at $1.01 per IwUla. Miian
fMotored rxolutirely by
. L, I.j SII A W,
i '( '.' ' ;' ),' riiv f ri' :;!
Whaoffert libornl InduaaotanU ls UtP lrda.
. v' put, r, ,0:tr. ; "
The offers nt private tala tha fol
lowing roal .slate:
A Lot of C round, lHaite in the village of
Newburg, t'hest lowaahip, containing ona and n
half acrea, and baring n large two atory llotiee
arid fi M.iblo creeled thereon. This property
is mtiahle for n Hotel or Haeilifig. ' '
ALSO, A Pirsn. 40 acre,, adjoining tho
town of Newharg, baring over l acre, cleared
and under eoltlrslteil. with a good big hmraa and
barn and bearing orchard of choice fruit tbereon.
A rem of exi-cllcnt coal underlies th. trrn t.
A 1.80, KMI Aeros f Ltii4, Q Wilton Bun,
In Chcit township, within two and a hal' utiles of
Chest I'reek, ll It well limbered wtfn Pine, pllf
and llintj.k, and uud.crlald with coal.
J'artiit wiihlng-any further Inrurmation will
nail un Mri. Jlurgarnt Amei, at Ncwl.urr., cr ou
' r WILLIAM Tft'Kfilt,
ocljttf Cleatdeld, Pa. j
M II '
or Tin: okiiat
lilt r. ,
.f tai ' 'I f ' V -a , . ,
II V . I'OltTl.H HIIAiV, I), i,,
)i:'l'ISr' ,"ir o , i lie,- ; ;
Ilui lug luoci-ciied In getting a libu-, te
material, bsui lliconand m..J,r.,H cbr V
paitial and lull net. of Teeth. I tH nTJ
iimnufuetitM, ull thrill .ui,.! . nt
. ...... ...... irnal.
owcrslloii" rexietorl aud aarraiittd to g!,
vtOC aiel e.. al.'lii.k.
V'r, i.,U. r.l.-..i I1..I ...... I .. .
..... Ul llie au,w uow Ibo ttioitnasonable iu l'rnn,,!,,,
Preserve ) our trctb and j ou pmcrrr yonr ho5
. Pulling of the natural teeth in a lifalth.TT
arrraiireaml uiTnl ooiulition li innde a ipetlsji
lliican., and uiairoruiillioiiirouuuon loll,, ..J
law and ossoi isle parti, are treated and eomi-I
.m, r.l. lr....i...i -. j """nl
It would be "ill for patlcnli from a diiu,n
r, .... ...un .v . it. u.js oeiorc otinu.
to the office.
ll Is rrry Important thai children betwtnd,
ages of six and rears ihould ban tu,
1.1. : i
i Anc-Rlbetivi aro adiutnialcrcd and Teeth
looted without pain.
Impositions and lrarart.r aro Ju.lgedkj
me norlil i.y in. tlprcsions of the fsce, ktv,
.r... ..rv.i ni.y ,i lucn-iore 0. Im
sous to Indulge an cii.nsinn ufdistorted ku.J
oten npail frwia a hyiiirnio riew. - iiew, tn enu
natuial (not artificial! comfort, and plruaiJ
rcspi-ct aud ulitj niiluriil riinplii iticii and initiicj
, rva j r. n nil Ail, tl. It. a.
OITIcc In New Masonic Jluildioj, Bceond nm'
uicnrni-io. -o. fetau
" Cu? A. il.'UIILS
cold lav ta hit natlentt .ivA t'. ...
lie g. inrilly, that, having iliisolred u.
wiih lir. bw, be Is now doing the entire ,-,
of hi, nlfee himself, so that patients need hskJ
pot iinorr inr uanos n onr otnrr ansrui
Clraileld, March Jn, m pd2mch7S
J, M. STEWAET,' D. D. &,
Orlc. oror Irwin't Dr0, j,
All dental oprr.-iliom. either in th. rk;ti
oruperalite l.r,nel , promptly ara,dw le al
isli.lautioii iriiaisiileid. Kioh .iii,'u
....,..,.,,,. ,,,, IKn.eoi raw awraial mu.
giiia, una niouin. Inlalariry of Ibc tectkK
eoasilillyrorrrelr.1. rii-rhetlr.cte.lwitt.mnii,
by the nap of KlWr, ami aniliclal tretb insmi
oi i ur iH-.t cetMuJ sjid MuimUhl to r-i.,t a
iimciu,n, npriUCTI 1,
J. ISAiCa?,
Sucocrtar to
U : l AKt H ST,
Middle of tbe blerk L.
?tb d Slh sts., Sootk ii,.
Jf C l.U-:.t3r.
mroHTi:a antn.
TvnKa or
ii -Aron Liotaa' a cmuitrd
. 1 mi.
'Kl'.-- Wholesale and Retail
sTaving imMHil'd a eery large and , pli-Ddil 11.
soiltnent of all llio dlfcrrot kinds of f I K.-lrJ
firrt handt tn Kuro)ie, would respectfully im
tbe reader uf lint paper lo call aud riiniief lea
;tl auj riiDiiail
1 attt dricmnrti
aMorimrTit fancy flurr,
aril a tlio lotuil c.iii pricet. AM t urivtm;
od. N minrfp-tH-rnifntini to effict Miff.
Iltiii.-ihl.rr llie atvrc. 718 Areb St. I'hilif J
trerr aft ja7.-8ui - ? .
)E.tlb' IN El' BO P CI,
. . . .
Tlte MtrOxfy onnlfj't between Frane and Fmu
Ii al an end tor tl.o prrrnt. to far ar tbe ikit
tcrlnf of men and (lie detrnetion of propem i
eoncrrnrd. TKe Rynl Jnjrjjlert wn doubt ftaA
ibem-elrrt and rejoice over tho rtail, frit it
inttjrnificatit It their work when compare" r;
the humane and chriftian effort t of
who lit I nndertaken ti anpply alt the eititeu
tbo lower end of tlte county with fuvd and raiat
at eicerdinr; ln rate from bit uiamniotb rten
.H'I.?"M'.I H(l. wherr he enn always bt ftii
ready tu w;iit nptn eallerrand tin p ply theme;
Pry Goods of nil Kinds,
Such ai CTettir, FatUettt, Caiititneret, MttliJ
Dclatneit. Linen. Prliiingp, Calicffet,
Trmmingt. Hibbom, Laoe,
Ready mad rkthln. Doota and Fboea, Batatii
Oapt all of the b-t anatertaj and made toankr
Mote. locka, (ilovee, Muter a, Lacoa, Ribbaa,!.
Coffer, Tea. EuffAr, Kicn. Molate, Fiih, ti:
Turk, Lineeed Oil, Fith Oil, Carbon Oil.
Hardware, Qneeoitware, Tinware. Cattiop.P'u'j
and Vtom atlinra, h'ailtf Spikea, Cora CalU'H
torg, vtdcr 1'mtet, and aH kinda of Aiaa.
I'erfuxiier.r. riiit Yarnlnh, Olaat, and t iwraj
Bttortuient of htationery,
Of different brand.' atwiya no hand, anawHI
told at tho lowoet peuiuie Sguraa.
LIQI'OIS, tneh at Ur-vnd.Y, Wine, Qin, ain
Jnrnt' a vedteinet, liontetttr a tod
4 I iluoflind a Ilitiert.
6000 Doundt of VV. wauttd fr which
kifhet price will bo paid. Ciorrrteei oa kui
and tor tmie al Ina lowest mnrlrt price.
Alto, Aent for StrattvnrUlc tuJ Carweari
Thrr!hm- Al.HUtart. ;, . -
4ivCall and ice for yoursc.vrt. Toa will
oven ihini utunllr kl in a retail it ore.
p ' l. v. rorpRiKt
FronehTMleJ1. 0.(fafeh UL
Uariagtauged'tu I Us Marble balinrM,oW
to inform her ' ao J the publio that i
now and will keep constantly oa hand a hup
M A Kill. K, anil r preparril to (arUV ti trf"
P i'C.r' I ovl'va'
Curhltad for CcnMtlry Lota, Wiaar,
Fill! and Cspl, alio.
Bl'RCAl', TAB1.K AND VrAffl SIA!"'
TOP?, Ao., Jc,
Yard ou Ril street, eta, lbs R. I ft
Cli . i Held, I'a. - - ) f
i At, tha Now tad 0i.i-ref
' i r. ii.,
BtlwoenShaw HouseA Mansion Iloan.Cl'
Constanlly on hand a n aiiorln"" "
' Congres.., CeTondiih, table. -!'
ML bltwi ead Century Fi""1 j
rt.r.lnr Tol.S.-CO.
Also, a large and -ell selected steel i
s' - - Meitlrbania end Brisi "P
Pip. Siturei, Tobtcc
Boaoa, Cigar Holders, and ecerjlki"!
found In a well regelated Cigar s
- Tobacco Mora.
Remeto'ber the piece t N"'
.Rememner ine im. M r..
tween Khaw llonst and Mansion '
p., ... i i i .
tjiTJTjrB inn HATR
on.auui ohk - , j,,
JeoonJ ilrett, next door to Hnl
'.a'n rieartlebl. I'-
! : -.: . . in
riViiiiTiKMoatATtt; At1? p. ;d
1 lr and Ih: for tale at the ' I
cira ieeni, aiatiaa io ."i --