Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 11, 1872, Image 2

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    $k UpuMian,
XMTUft lit raui'HIUTUU.
Obiuinal. Thoeditor of the Clnri
Democrat id bocoming quite sharp,
m (fitness Iho following conundrum,
which he gets off on the Kadiculg of
that county: "Why in Iho Democrat
lileo graet f Bccmiso nil tlio nseeo ia
the county are nibbling nl it."
- - -llcsiQNED
Tho evcrlnating Gen.
Horace Portor, ono of the President'
sup',, ha resigned his commission!
and left for New York, where ho it
going into the polaco-car busincan. IIo
ha fur four years past boon drawing
pay out of the United Stutci Treasury
a General of the army, and 13000
private, Bcoroto.j to iha Pi enlileiil,
contrary to nil law and common do
cency. But then, he is loyal !
Conouess. Although this body hat
been In session over two wcoks, neith
er branch sooms disposed to do any
thing until after the usual holidny
recess. In tho meantime, business is
(piling up to such an extent that In all
probability but littlo eUo than Cabinet-milking
will rccoivo any attonlion
during the winter. It makes little
difference, however. The less Con
gress does, tbo bettor for tho country
Al pointed. Tho Trcsidont has ap
pointed Ward Hunt, of New York,
Judge of tho U. S. Supreme CuuTt, in
place of Judge Nelson, resigned. It
is reported that Conklin, tho present
Senator from that State, wunti the
place, if not re-eloctod Senator, and
" Uairt, boing hi law partner, has
been prevailed upon to tuko tho oflico
and bold it until tho Senatorial elec
tion is over. If Conklin in retained,
Hunt can stick. Such jugglery is
Jamos L. Orr, a South Carolina
secessionist, has been appointed Min
ister .Plenipotentiary to Ilussin, ia tho
room of Ex-Gov. Curlin, resigned.
If tho Rndiritl, who aro so easily
brrmod about rebels, enn stand such
appointments as Orr, we will begin to
think the scaro is wearing off. Tho
"guorilla Alosby" will no doubt bo the
next on the carpet then "Jeff" will
bojrin to lookKfor a recognition of bis
"loyal" services. Orr, ilosby and
Davis would mako a good South Car
olina spiko learn.
- 0rr Ann In. John V. llartranft
vocaieu ine ottice of Auditor General
n the 5th instant, where he and
Goorgo 0. Evans liavo teen doing bu-
ainess Cir nearly sevon years, atd
JIarrison Allen, Auditor General elect,
took his place. This ia an exchango,
but no improvement. Allen was a
shyster in tho army, and ono of
the corruptobt roosters, for bis ago,
that cvor strutted in tho cham
bers of the capitol. He may lead a
..different life hereafter, but we won't
ibeliero it now.
Send Them In Although tho peo
ple .f this Stulo, in October Iufct, elec
ted dulogates to amend our Constitu
tion, or make a now ono, wo notice
that nearly everybody is taking a
band at It, by Bonding in to that body
amendments and resolutions. Thai
is right, and specially Democratic.
Therefore, lot thoso of our citizens
who have any views upn tho subject,
worthy of being incorporated in the
Constitution, put their ideas in the
shape oi resolutions and send thorn to
.our members, not later than the sec
ond week in January. Tho members
tfroia -tii is district and their postolTico
address aro A. C. Finney, Esq., Cleur
ficld; John U. Hull, Esq., Kid go way;
Goo. A. Aughonbaugh; Esq., Lock
Huron. Any resolution or communi
cation addrcssod to cither of those
genllemon will receive due attention.,
Besides, the representative can nov-or
act intelligently until he hears from
bis constituents. If they remain si
lent, bo must act from his own mo
lives. Hank Failukk. Tho examiners in
to the uHiiit of tho Wallkill Rational
Bank, of Middletown, liuvo neurly
completed tlioir labors, und tho ex
hibit shows a terrible stato of nlTairs,
Kives every evidence of collusion be
Iween the president und cahhinr. Tim
delcution will amount to over P 1 UO,Uw
The president, William M. Gruhum,
was arrested uuu tuken In tliurgo oy
the United Stalos Marshal on tho
charge of misappropriating tho bank
und s.
A.7?ew Count Wanted. The peo-
)lo of Pottstown, on the Schuylkill,
are urging mo iormation oi a now
county, with Pottstown, now locxtod
in Montgomery county, as tho county
tout. The proposod new county ts to
lio made up of adjoining portions of
Montgomery, Uhestoruno; Hark coun
ties; a thriving agricultural and min
eral region.
For Kr.!miiCK8. Tho Electoral
Collogaof Tnnnessee mot at Nashville,
December 5th, and oast their votes
for llondrielcs, of Indiana, lor rrcs
4ri, and B. Grata Brown for Vice
iProsidont. Resolutions of rot-ret and
sympathy for the doatb of Horace
t i ......... - i . n i
Mrs. Mary K. Lonrstrotb, relict of
tbo lata lion. Morris liongstreth, wbo
was the Democralio candidate for
Governor of this Slate in J 808, died
at the residonoe of her son-in-law, Mr.
J. 11. Tomlioson, (n Kaaion, on Sunday
last. 11 rr remains were taken to
Philadelphia for interment.
Th Gotrmmthl acount.
The administration has furnished
the public with Its account of "Com
merce and Navigation" for tho past
your, and we confess wo don't like tho
shape of things. If our individual
account was running bohind as badly
as that of "tho government," It would
not be long until wo would have noth
ing left. Out to tho flgoros of the
Seorotary of the Treasury. Tho sta
tistics of foreign commerce for the
cloven months ending Juno, 1872, put
forth by tho Washington Bureau,
show tbo following: Imports for pre
vious year of 1871, $100,228,082; do.
of 1872, J0W,13C,O33 j excess In favor
of 1872, $98,000,000. Domostio ex
ports in 1871, 8171,850,037 do. of
1872, $158,014,527 j decreased exports
in 1872,113,000,000. This makes a bad
snow lor mo country, ami brings a
balance of Undo aguinsns of $150,
000,000. We find tr.ut of American
tonago engaged in the carrying to
and fro the ubovo imports and exports,
thcro is only the amount of 3,710,202,
whilo of foreign tonngo thcro is 7,075,-717-
The poculiur political results of
tho past ton years, utidor the domi
nant party, havo shown, among other
evils, increased imports, decronsed
exports, and a destruction of half our
Mrvj.'ing tMtd k J . I'iviii a Aral
class ocoan powor of over 0,000,000
tonago, wo havo sunk to a third-rulo
power of 8,710,000 tons.
This shows a decrcaso in business
and largely increased indebtedness on
the part of the nation. Thero's bad
management somewhere. The reve
nues are cither stolen, or not collect
ed, or the wholo policy of tho Govern
ment Is wrong If the account of any of
our well-to-do farmers or merchants
were to come out Una way for several
roars, their patrons and creditors
would soon loso coi.fideneo in them,
and they would soon bo rendered
bankrupt, or be compelled to change
their modo of doing business.
A loss of thirteen millions of dollars
in business during iho past ten years,
and an additional debt of ninety-eight
millions, may bo a small affair for
Uncle Sam, but a businoss' of that
kind would soon ruin a farmer, mcr
chant or mechanic, if ho did not
change his modo of doing business.
The Robber Evans. The Cumbria
Freeman, in alluding to tho pirtner of
John F. H.trtranft, my: "1'ho civil
suit against George O. Evans was
called "p in the Court of Common
Pleas of Dauphin county last week,
und a continuance was asked for on
the ground of the serious illness of tho
defendant. This was opposed by tho
Attorney General, but tho Court
granted the continuance on condition
that tho caso should never again he
continued for tbo samo cau-to. Wo
think the case will never bo heard of
again, the probability being that
Evans will be in another world before
tho next term of tho Court, ni.d then
the story of his cmbcxzlemenl will bo
tike a thrico told tulo In tho menn-
timo his guide, counsellor and friend,
John V. Hurt run ft, will havo teen in
uuguittiuu vutciuoroi rennpy ivul.iu,
a position once digniliud and honored
by Gcorgo Wolf, Francis O. Shunk,
William Bigler, Andrew O. Curtin,
and others of thosnnio high character
and ruination. The ngq of the
Gearys and llnrlrairfu hud happily
not tuon arrivca.
Haud om Hartranpt Tho Now
York correspondent of tho Philadel
phia Sunday Mercury, has tho follow
ing bit of gossip relmiro to our nowly
elected Governor : "Did I tell von
last week that Governor Dix was on
tho famous champagne train which
curried tho Truman politicians 'to
Washington ? Well, it seems that old
shoot 'om did not know ho was riding
over tbo rails in company with tho
postotneo sappers ana miners; and
when it was told to him that 'that
person yor.der is Governor Uartrunft,'
ho shrugged his shoulders nnd replied :
Well, ho don t amount to any thins"
and Now York's Chief Magistrate re
futes to become acquainted with the
Governor of a sistor State. It is un
derstood that General Dix added :
Grant elected him.'"
WoollllfLt, ANO Cl.AKMN fUw.ASKD.
Mesdames Woodhull nnd Cluflin
wcro brought into United States Com
missioner blileltl s Court on J ucsdny,
to porfoct their sureties. Tho room
was densely thronged, and at times
thcro was no littlo excitcmont. Mr
Challis, tho comnluinant. was nrcscnt.
Jndjo McKinloy nnd a Mr. Jourdun,
of Virginia, appeared as counsel for
tbo accuocd, who eavo as their bonds
men (88000 ouch) James Kioran, of
Tio. 8 Jay street, Brooklyn, and Dr.
Kugglrs, of No. ve Monroo strcot,
Now York.
Subsequently tho filters wcro. re
quired to givo additional bail in tho
sum of $2000 each, in the civil suit
institutcil hy lbullis. luey complied
with this requisition also, and lucrc-
loru they worn sot ut liberty.
Exactly .So. Tho Philadelphia
rrrss sovs : Tbo clique of politicians
calling ihcmselvos Republicans, who
are at Washington trying to induce
tho 1'reHidoiit to iiiterlcro in tlio Ala
bama Legislative quarrel In their be
half is "too thin and baro to liido of
fences." Tho truth is had there been
no Senatorial election in Alabama this
winter thcro would havo boon no quar
rel over the organization of tho Leg
islature As it is, affairs in tbo Stnto
are really in a tcrriblo condition.
Violonco and bloodshed aro imminent.
und tho excessive mortality among
tho membors of the two so-called Leg
islatures points to daily aKsassiuation.
Willi too examples oi Alabama, Ar
kansas, and Louisiana before us, it
would bo woll to tcaso looriliciso the
South Amorican republics, or tven tho
A GnActruL TaiutitE Mr. Sum
ner, in tho United Stales Sonato, did
a noble act, fn laying upon Iho yet
opon colli n of Jloraeo Greeley an ap
propriate garland In the form of a
resolution looking to the obliteration
of all recorded memories of tbo Into
contest, between the people of this
country, so far as they amioar in the
Army ticgisur and on tbe colors ol the
national lorces. no more truthful
rocounilioo of the labors oi the great
paviucalion could bo attested by the
Senate and floss of Representative
oi the united otaloe than the adop
tion of this resolution,
"ffornre Ortttry is lrttdl'
The wires Unshod throughout this
broad land and across tho wholo At
lantic, on the morning of Friday last,
Nov. tho 2Utlt, tho sad ami startling
intelligence conveyed in tho above
four words, demonstrating in this caso,
to no ordinary degree, the uncertainly
of lifo and tho mutability of all things
oarthly. Yostorduy, as it were, tho
subject of this notiro was in the busi
est period of one of tlio busiest lives
on record, battling for tho politicul
honors of a nation of forty millions.
Ambitious nnd what human being
who had plnyod tlio rolo in lifo ol
Horace Greoloy, would not be? ho felt
that ho had earned a roward from his
fellow mon above that thoy had render
ed him as ' tbo leading journalist of the
age," and ho boldly niado his claim for
tho highest political sent in the nation.
This claim was repudiated, nnd tho blow
full upon a seiisiuvo mind with fatal
sovcrity. Tho strong mun bowed his
bead and feebly struggled on, but tho
busy career wus fated tj a slartlingly
sudden culmination. Death had, with
in a brief duy or two of his groat polit
ical defeat, robbed him of Tier whose
wifely sympathies, hud slio lived on,
might havo been a healing solaco to
tho vanquished and hourl soro partner
of a thirty years' pilgrimago on earth,
sometimes of sunshine and sometimes
of clouds. But it was not to bo. Sho
passed away just as tho political storm
burst in its fatal fury upon his devoted
hoad, and poor human nature was not
equal to tho ordeal. That active hrnin
could not carry uli the irrief piled
upon it. ' That hopeful heart had been
crushed. Thoso extraordinary intel
lectual faculties, which, whether for
good or olhorwiso to this nation, had
been oxoroised to a degrco so unmis
takably influential in a career of forty
years, wore now suspended. His
mind, lilio tho expiring candle, flick
ered in its socket ; its light grew dim,
and after a brief struggle, with now
and then the shooting up of a faint ray
giving a momentary hope to tho weep
ing ones about hint nud in '.1:6 ouUido
.. ...l.l ...I '...I, i n !,. i;l-, ii.: i
l VI lit, nillLllillVH IIIIV liny ll 10, VUI IV
animosities, forgets human shortcom
ings and roiiicmbers only virtues', that
hopo was, alsa ! to prove doccplive ;
tho liirht wont out; tho strong man
of yosterdsy had been too severely
niioekod ; body and mind bad boeu
too funrlully Uxcd ; tbo ordeal was
fur greater than human naluro could
stand ; tho lifo of thnt body, the light
of that soul passed away. And ero
tbo plaudits or. thnt mullitudo over
''Horace Greeley's lust apoccb" have
died on tlio air, ho sloops his final
sloep ; the active tailor is at rest; tho
busy life is over forever. There is
much wo might say deprecatory of the
fiolilieul part Horace Greeley hns bo
ong played, but wo pcrfcr to let that
topic puss. Willi the living Horaco
Greeley wo had ever a bitter political
antagonism, but for tho ashes of Hor
aco Greeley we have no feeling savo
I ho profoundest respect and reverence
We perfcr to remember his sterling
honesty, his sturdy independence, his
impulsivo warmheartedness, his desire
to beliovo in the iutegrity of mankind,
spile of bis intenso partir.anthip, wUitb
often caused him to overlook the good
qualities of his opKmonU. In tho heat
of tho conflict tho emotions of his low
er nature were often brought into ac
tion, and his worse points of character
then brought ou I; but we would for
get all this. We prefer to remember
that thero was in I. is make-up a vast
deul of Democracy which ha himself
,...! .i Hn u.,.. i. .... i r L.t!...j . i- -
iiobleiicss of labor; in tho virluo of
economy ; in '.he folly of fashion ; in
an utter disregard of ihobelittling con
ventionalities of. life. Ho lilted tho
sturdy occupation of tho ngriculUrist,
and as often as bis editorial duties
permitted, practiced it. - He believed
in living within ene's means; in
prompt payment of debts; in earning
one's money before spending it. He
sal a grand and praiseworlli v example
to tho rising generation in the lino of
frugality and temperance; and a thous
and other virtues Horaco Gretfoy
practiced which tho great world would
do woll to treasure up in its momory,
and copy. Whatever ploco impartial
history may givo Horaco Grcolry as a
political leader, however doubtful may
be the value of his political teachings,
his great brivato virtues are undenia
ble, and tlio wonderful and suecossfnl
struggles of bis onrly career, bis un
flinching energy and iho honors he
finally won in his profession, will serve
to slimulato thousands of young men,
surrounded by poverty as ho wus, and
encourago them onward and upward,
till they, too, shall reap a fair degrco
house, pay for insurance, leakage, and
of roward. A'. 1'. Day Jiook.
Di:sr.aviNo or Cripit. It is a trite
saying that even the devil should bo
given his duo, and wo are not disposed
to ignore tho principle in any event.
Gen. Grant did ono graceful thing In
his refusal to attend tho Union Lciiguo
banquet to Minister Wasbburne, nnd
loft Now York for Washington soon
after participating in the last sad rites
to Mr. Grooloy. In this he evinced a
moro refined sensitiveness than wo had
given him credit for ; nnd wo heartily
unilo with the Philadelphia Day in
saying thnt President Grunt did honor
to Ininselt as well as to Horaco Oreo
ley 1n attending his funeral.
DfAi and Dvixo. Henry J. Ray
mond, of tho Times, Dennett, of the
leralil, nnd now Greeley, of the J nl-
une, following so closely tho exit of
Win. II Soward, have in mcecvijn
and within a briof period passed away.
And a despatch announces the danger
ous illness at Nice, Franco, of ono of
their cotcmporuries, Jamos Watson
Wobh, of tho old Courier a4 Inquirer,
whoso pardon from the State prison
by Soward when Governor was one of
tho sulijocts in Mr. Grooloy's famous
letter dissolving Iho political firm of
Soward, Wood and lirooWy.Klmira
Called Uro to Rkshin. The
Lnnciudci' Inquirer, which is unques
tioned Republican authority, und not
supposed to bo in Hue need by motives
which would be ascribed to any Demo
cratic journal for tho sumo suggestion,
says: "General Hurry White, who is
a delegato in the Constitutional Con
vention, nnd also a Slnlo Senator,
ought to resign one or the oilier. He
cannot perforin tho duties of both, und
should never have been elected to but
Corivicrrrn. The trial of Miles O.
Cole,' John If. Ferguson and A. K.
Gamberlin, at Williamaport, chargpd
wilh the murdor of Joha K. Smith, at
Jersey Bhoro, on October 12, 1S72,
which hnn boon in progress sinco No
vember 80. ended on KriiW Tl.
Jury found the defendants guilty as
uiiowa: rergnson, tnnrler In the
second degroe 5 Cole and Gamborlin,
manslaughter. The prisoners were
remanded lojail to await soulenre.
llrlbtry tit lite i'htlatlrlphlt
Tho Investigation of the chnrgotof
bribery made in regard to memberiof
Philadelphia city councils resulted, as
such oxumlnutions hro almost urrtin
to do of Into years, In a fuilure to as-!
Inn blamo upon any particular persift.
That thcro was n wooden
ring is not quostinnod, that somoof
Its ngonts ottered to buy the votutof
members Is not denied, but tho roll It
of tho Investigation is merely a smoh
cring up of tho truth. Somohnit
seems to bo just simply impossiblfto
secure nn honest and impartial oxaai
nation into such matters. It bus U'li
tried in congress und in Stato loilu
t u res with n result similar ti that, in
Pliiliudulphiu councils. Tho hoi st
men in such bodies do not soon to
huvo firmness (ufllnirnl to enable Hi in
to do vigorous battle with corrupt! n,
und tho coiiseqtierco is that Vena ty
goes on unchecked. . Tho peopli of
Philadelphia despair of being abli to
correct tlio abmes to which they ro
siibjocCed under tho present syston of
elections. Tho city government is
scixod upon by tho iiishonubt mon Jid
run for their pecuniary benefit. ' he
taxpayers seu this und feol the c( ;ct
most sensibly in tho drain wbic is
constantly made upon tlioir pork ts,
arid yet lliey inako no propor clW to
free themselves from such rule, 1 he
truth is (hut tie uood people, of ur
commercial metropolis huvo auhtiled
into a condition of despairing nputliy.
Whan Mow VorU w n ltnlut.4 in ub-
jocilon by a corrupt ring tbo people
rose up without respect co pi.i iy una
hurled tho wholo gang from powar
Why can not tho people of Philuilol
phia rise to tho Jumuuds of tho occa
sion and do thesame thing 1 Lancas
ter Jntcllttjcncir.
CiiicAao E.NTr.ui'nisi;. Thcro is io
end to the enterprise of Chicago
There Is no known limit to tho liiiigs
that are possible w ith its tnijosmiji.
For instance, West Virginia oil of 2S
dog. gravity is quoted by producers at
tblity-soven cents at retroicuin Ma
tion in West Virginia, and cannot bo
bou lit under thirty-live cents, and
yet wo huvp before us a handsomely
printed circular, from an oil houso in
Chicago, offering this very oil in thtl
tiiy at thirty-fivo cents per gullon.t-
lo buy oil in West irginia al thirty
five cents, transport il hundreds l
miles, handle il from depot to wart
house, pay for insurance, leakage, aid
all tlio etceteras of business expenst,
and then sell ut tho samo price, r
quires a business shrewdness whic!
the merchants cf few cities can boas;
TV,,.-- U' ...... It !..,
j fcra o m n u diu ib ri.uvi
lluraeo Uroulcy tiiL'il, nCu-v nil. u rath
or pour many U in ivl ho will m(
Icavo over $JO.UoO. Jlii liiulun jr icon
crosity dispensed ul.ko to thoso hofrIei.lion cf (jralH was a test of tho in
woro descivirg, and thoso who were! tetlietM-a of tho American rcoplo."
not, was ono among many causes, 'majority of tho white peoplo voted
which united to deplete his properly
TIm) prevelunt Iclief has been Unit ho
must have uccuinlutcd In his busy lifo j
independent of his property in lh
TrUuM", ut least $100,UuU or S-i0 r
01U; hul during the piihl Iwo yeuib
ho has heen careless in Iiih nllcnlioli
to pecuniary mailers in which he was
personally involved. Tho fnrm a',
Chappnqua is suid to be under a con
sideruhlo mortgage, and it h to be
I'liiLAUtLi'iuA CoanurTiO!. The
t...,.. t. j illO ting
leaders who rulo I'hiladelphia, but (lie
following sentence dhows thai il filly
comprehends tho risks incurred by
tho fuurlcM editor in denouiicg
lhem:''We do not .inlond to befi
k'Rl though wo live inn cmmun)y
where every rufiinn U liceiiacd to
carry weupono, and will nhool n rin
in the lincli l.irKU Uu and bo nard u
for it; and whero llio iiiuchiuery bf
tho luw ia more dangerous to denu
than those who commit crimo."
the cuulcnniid celehntlion of Amoriiin
Independenco is lo bo held in l'h
delphia in 1&7C, would it not bo wil
to take away this terrible rcpronf
Iroin tho city licUre liial liino nrrtvti
N nut's histcul tuon in Ilai pot -s,sjiJi
tho l'litHburgu l ust, winch repreno
.Simon Cameron and Duo-bill If a i-
nuilt armed wilh revolvors and Don
knives and bucked by a crowd of PI-
udelpliiu ciil-throatM, rounders, nnd ii
pealers, in tho act of dictating the
poiiitincnt ol ono of their li icnda
poHlmnsler of Philadelphia, is raisi
Hail Columbia umoiiir that hnpi
fumily. It ii rumored that an apolt
lui beon demunued from tho II
pors, ur a suit for libel i llircalciied
At tho last meeting of tho rnnKl
vania Medical Society Dr. John Cu
wen of I'liiiiihin county, Dr. J
ftiownit 01 hue, iir. Jumes Hops
Clarion, Dr. I'. l. D:wn ol Vcnnngl
ana lr. y. arian oi Urawloru, we
appointed a commitleo to inomoriali
the lii'giluturo to mukoun appropriJ
lion lor the building ol a hospital I
tho inoano, for a ditilrict toboconl
poacd of Krie, Wurrcn, Crawfon
Veniiniro, Clarion, Cnnieron, Elk, Me
ccr, - Jlehenn and torenl counties.
Dcoraiiimi Ii8l)rFi(jf:. Tho Trc
ton (N. J.) (ia;ctle, a lladicnl iourn
of Iho ktruii'htcst sect, reads Goner
Ilartruiift, Gorcrncr elect of Poiunjf u
vanln, a locturo for running to Vah
ingtoii "with crowds cf politicians to
diclnto tho appointment of n postnins
ter," and i-ays it is degrading lo hi
high offlco. A great many people
think that tlio high tdlico wnxdcgrud
ed by tho choice mado to filkit.
Naval SQUAN'nr.niNo.s. Twonly
clght draft slonincr.4 wcro built dm;,
ing tho war, at a cost of sixteen mil
lion dollars, which never fired a guil ;
nnd now a bill Is pending before the
lloimo of ftcprcsciitntivos appropriat
ing ?:t,000,0(HI for building ten slonin
of war. Tho management of tho
Navy Department, nndtr tirnnt's ad
ministration, Inn been mont iucf!lcient
anil cx'raviigant. . ;
Colonel Forney says thai shortly after
Mr. Lincoln's election in 18(50, he
wroto to him urging the selection of
Mr. (ireeley as l'oiU muster (.ioncral.
Mr. Lincoln replied that, having no
lectcd Mr. 8uwnrd for tho Dcpiutmont
of Stale, lio could not take another
tucmher ol his cabinet from tho Stulo
of Now York, uhich ho .deeply re
gielted. . "
CoMpAnisoN or - Ci.imatm. The
beauties of tho niuch-vauntcd weMr-m
climato may bo seen in the news from
Minnesota, where eight hundred rail
rood laborers came near froeting and
starving in a sudden and furious
snow-storm. Wo have the good old
fanhioncd snow-storms here, bat they
give fair notice of their coming, and
are very different from the itolflsb
affairs of the prairies. "
Coupon .'ttfl.
Il is as hard to do Vuslnoss without.
advertising as It Is for ft cross-cyod
man to borrow a shot-gun.
A German named Herrold, hung
himself in the Lawistown jail on Mon
day of lust week.
Mrs. John F. Cloveland, sister of
Ilornee Grooloy, is lying dangerously
sick at her rosidonco in How York
A convict in the jail of Halifax
county, Vu., was found dead roccntly
on tho day on which his sentenco ex
John Barlow, of Soranlon, who was
convicted of defrauding tho D. L. & W.
Railroad recently, bus boon pardoned
by Governor Geary.
Tho New York .Van thinks that
Radical Philadelphia is onu of the
most corruptly irovornod towns, and
its peoplo among tho worst plunderod
in tho , world.
A four year olJ boy, ton of John S.
Shaffer, of Williuiuspurt, full into a tub
of boiling wstor on Friday, 22d ult.,
and was scalded to badly that bo has
unco died.
An editor says his ancestors havo
been In tho habit of livini 100 years.
His opponent responds by sayinn that
"that was beforo the Introduction of
capital punishment."
1 1 is said that a fast truin will bo
placed on tho Philadelphia and Erio
next week, intended for through pas
sengers, and slopping only al Corry,
Vane, Emporium and Willinmsnort.
Iho whole lenirth of mad routes
within the United Stales is now 251,.
;)li8 milos, enough to roach ton times
round the earth ; nnd thnt tho annual
transportations amounted to 114,084,.
822 milos lust year.
Mrs. Forepnugh, tbo cstimubleVife
of Adam Forepnugh, tho celebrated
showman, is lying at tho point of
doath at the residence of her husband,
on Green street, Philadelphia. No
nopeg lor norrecovcry uro entertained
At a meeting of the Western Iron
Association, held In Pittsburgh, on
Wodncsday, tho pneo of tron wns re
ducod $12 per ton, and thu prioe of
nails 50 conls por keg. Tho red no
tion is cnused by tho reeont dcclino In
mil metal."
Missouri's electors volod on Wednes
day night, wilh tho following result
For President 11. Grata Brown, 8
Thomas A. Hendricks, 0; David Davis
I. lor ico President B. Gratx
Brown, C; George W. Julian, 5; John
Jl. Palmer, 3; m. . Groesbcck, 1.
General O. C. Maxwell shot himself
dead in bis room in tbe Philips House.
Duy ion, Ohio, on tho 4th. Ho wns
formerly assessor of internal revenue
in tho Jlnrd CongrciMtionul dMnet,
was a gallant olllccr, and wus four
limes wounded during tho war.
Thn p;mi. i. n,-,n., .. im.o
lor tireolev: crco, the negroes are
more intelligent than tho white voters.
It Is pleuxanl for whilo Republican
to Uno.t just what estimate ' their
friends put upon tlium. Erie Observer.
Pcmittylvniiln Ilallrond
rynoNS aXTeaufielp branch.
OX md atlor MudJ.T, OCT. 2ih, 1871. lb.
PaMn(rrr Traioi mil ruo ft.i'jr (.xcf)tt 8un
i'yt) blwmn Ttpow .ii)J Cl.rft.'ld, u (ullowi:
, . i.ctvs tuuivu -i -a.v
Cl.r6r... !.?. p
O.r.olE 4.(0,
Trreno .....U0,
O'c.ol........ io. i, '
ClrrHl 1J.I0," EXI'llKtS.
'lrfl. 5.10 a. S-i Tj toor S.ii p. I.
I'hlllpibvir.. S IX " Iutrtulion...;.OS '
0;.ul T.Ct " Ocol. 1i -
tmarMctioa... t.07 -
T.rron S.JO " Clumlii M, r....So '
i'A K K Ff M.i "vt. H A liFIK LD,t6
ll.llrluntf, Pa I? MMi.l.llptow. i 00
M Uidi. . 2 JO .Mrielu. 4 40
WilllAinrport r 3 11 Lnno.-i.lfr.. t 86
HnoliDirilua I 0 .PHILADELPHIA 7 95
liowiftown. S 91 Altnont. 1 A6
MrrIH 4 JO H
Cln.e ennntclloiii mod. by oil Ir.lDi.t Trroo.
and Look llaron.
mjl7-tr. fioprriotcndviit.
(tV (U'ftliSfUtfUtfi.
eha year CHrietmei prmenle at the Jewel
ry Store of S. I. Soyder, Heoond (tract, ClneirfleKI.
Held t'junty Frnnylrania.
MjrJit' Livergioi Notion ii hereby given to
r the ahore narttn that by
ElitaHeth Jr:egl, ) rtrtne of tb a bore men
tionm writ of partition an inquoet will n held
and tiikf n, ujm the premieea therein Urribed,
on lit 11th day of Jnnnary, A. I. 87.1at II
o'Hotk M., fbr tbe purpoM of treUng pertltktn
atrnluatien and appraiiement of the eald real
enle, as in tUr laid writ required ; at which time
ani place tal l partiei een attend if they think
piuptr. JtTlX J. IMK, Pheriff.
blitnff'i OIHee. CleartlclJ, Ta., IHo. 11, 1872.
V aro In nd of a Wtlch, aul i.ff Uio purrh.M
omil J9U .lilt fnyd.r'f iowalrf Btoro, to Clar
fl.ld, aud pro bn tno a.fortin.ot of Aweric..
WAlelim. Hp aNn kropi an a. of flwin
and nllipr l'.,rpiKn Watch... Hi. prici ara fair,
and ha ttillwarmnt hi. gouda. doell
Election Proclamation.
Ar IIKHKAS, hr ananl ol tb. O.norat A ma.
yy bly ol llie Cumoiifuwniiltli ol l'rr.n.Tlvunia,
.pprorptl ih. J7lh day of M.rch, A. t. l'71. tn-lidi-d
"An Ant to p.rtnil Ilia Totor. of Oil. Oom
Dionwuallb to rolo avert lllrro rrara on the qu.l-
I in of braullni; Licuid to aril intnalrallnf
V.tlon II ttioiyfora tfrrlty dlr.n, that an elotf.
tlonlwlll ba h-lii in th.Mveral b.n.ut;lif and
to.) ilpc ill C'lcirrii U O'lUi.l-, on 'U1UAV, th.
i7l!' 'ny uf Ur-rtnlirr, IT?:
T r.B, 1, JI'HilN i. riK, IIiSh BberilT
of 1 irlivld county, in f.r.uanc. ot til. duly n
Join an ma b tb. Aot atove rrforrcd to, do ia.
ati. ia, m.r )rucUnuti..n, irinjt nutio. t ttj.
fltr' a of tho ounm of Clfaritrld, to meat in
thai ftav.ral alootlon dialriotl on tliaday Inill
e.t and exprr.a tbelr Tlowa by ballot, eith.r
fur pnin.t Ucoaao. And that th. a.vcral
Jud 1 , in.niMitora and clrrka, who ahall haro at
tmv I at the prroPdioK irftnaral .loolion, ara ra
qui. I to atlrnd and ncrlurm Ut. aliaa dutio. and
Ii. ..ipoI to alikr pcuallioi for nrglfflt of duty
or 11 i.iondnit aa they alull he llablo at aild Urn
oral .leotiou. '
I Icr th. Irat K-elloS of lb. Aot .forum id It
hro -a th. dutj of the juilgi-a and inaprtor. of
ih etion rela llokcta, rlihor wrltlen or
prln I. from th. Ipgal rotera, laholpd on the aut.
aido" and on th. in. id. "For Linpnro"
or " 'ilnl I.l.'en..." na tbe rolor niy rlwt. and
depi- 1 th. raid tirktfa in a hox pmrid.d for that
p.q . by aaid In.pmlon and )ud... aa ia ra
quir hy law In opm of otlior ti.k.l. ree.ivoil at
aatd- otion, and lb. cU-krla a r.ivcKl aball b.
rounil .ml a rt-tnrn of th. .nm. mad. lo tb.
fieri jof Ilia Court of Uoartop Bea.iiiaa of th.
I'wr-til tbia aouoty, duly oeriiQed aa la rpqiiirrd
by L f
OlVip nndrr my liand and teal, at Cl.arflpld,
IllVna., tbi. el.fpntk day of lieoauibor, lu
ILrba of our Lord ona Itwaaand right
jbuadrpil and arventy-ta-o, and of tb. Indo
pcnd''P?a of tha t'nltrd Kt.t. a lb. ninety alxlb.
j JUHTIN J. IMK. Shoriir.
"NT KSTMENT ' 110ND3. Wo nro
erlling at par and fntvret, and reenmrarnd to
earrM (nteetur, tho FlrK MelgMge 8eTa-Thh
ly Ui Uunti of tbe Norlhera raeifle Hailroad
l'oinp4ny. The apealal attention of in restore ii
oilli-d U the ainpte l.anrt Ki-curity on which three
bondt fet. In atHltlen to tbe nnitl guaranty of ft
flret mortgaita on tbe Hoa4. Ita Kquipmenta nnd
Kamlugta Xba Ian da of the onpeuaT that far
enld hate re lined $S.9T per aeie. The ("ooipa
ny'e land endowment avrreifee ahnut "J,ffl aerea
lortft;- " cooks co.(
' - Philadelphia, P.
bud for ami la Clearfield hy Uie tie net Kft
linnal Panh and l hi fift National Penh. , ,
KWELKY. Go and exam I no tho
fin Miortnifint of Jtwalrr fct 8rmlr'fc Yn
if you do nul wnt to buy. You eftnoot fU to
Mimtthiog tlml will iImm you, for hibitilf
ryuiiug in tuu tint iimt od can imagine.
C1 AUTIO, All (noDi ftrthwhy omit toned
) Agiilnil fiuroljtaliig or In any wjy meddling
with 1 ouukliifc itovn, I eg eoal itove. 1 clock, 1
oo w, Mil ft M (if hy nud curnfoiMnrt now In the
i)uMtjinn of Jftflob Munirolil end Mary. hU wife.
of llt'H towuiihip, M Ibetiuua bu boon purobnaod
uy me nod un Kiln liivm en lon oniy iiumii to
my order. H. U. h U ft It,
Troutvllle, Pft , Iw. 4, 1B7MU
ii hereby ftlven that Ml en of .hntmtrllr.o
on tbe eilRte of Mn, r H A. KH JnKlNKbrlt
'(fteneeU, Itte of Huffalo. Boott eounty. Iowa,
(formerly of Clearfield oounty, l'anniylrauia,)
linvlnc Wo duly granted to tbe undent ten"',
all jieuoni tmlrlited lu tatd ettate mW pleaee utake
payuieut, ana thoia naving oiaiini or umianui
will nienl them property authenticated for leU
tleracnt to tlio undermined.
Pee. 4( IB72.0I.
("i A II TION. AH perionx are brreby caotionrd
J ngnimt pnrohaeing or in any wny meddling
with 1 blavk marci and S tele barnoii, 1 yoke rod
oirn. 1 j0 boilieli corn care, lot of wheat, rye and
oat in itrnWp 40buahtli buckwheat, S ncrai of
wheat and 2 acre of r in ground, now In pot-
eeoion at A. h. n raver, ol Urmly tonnenli', ai
tbe tame bvluug to uieaud are nutjjniit to my order,
fi.n ir..ia corrKfei,
hciiooi. books dtaIionert,
H.nnulo Duililing, glrwt,
C1 Al'TIOS. All ptriunmrclitrtlijo.ulioned
ninH pnrcbvioi or Id .u w.jt nxljlmg
villi i niluh enwi. 1 vo.rlinr leifor. 1 inriui
flilrti, 7 hoei, I lur alrdi and ehatni, I plow,
harrow, I two horee wagon, 1 addle, and 1 fan
ning mill, now tn poeaeuion of A. K. Wenrer, of
llriidy towophlp, al the aaine belong to me and
are punjeet to my urUi-r
eel-Jt 8. O. Kl'KTZ.
A CBNTK WANTKIUorUreatPireaof Hi.
J lory. Chieeaw. lloeua, 1'ortland. N. York.
Iivodno, eU. I'auere. etyetema of Kxttngulrhlng
Fire, Hefrt, Fire-pruuf IJuiMina. lienk Vaulte.
Ineuranee, lo. Thrilling, llnuiurou, I'ethftie,
Only eom.lete( tiluvtrated work, tloing like hot
eakea. Write Uwrthiuglvn, 1'uitia l Co., Mart
Turn, tU ep2i Cm
Th. unparalleled aarzeaa of tba ' Viator Sew
ire," Kaet and W,.t, cpeua a euoj
pport'inily for Sevlnp; Machine agenta aud ro
ap. naihl. men to uk tb. agraey fur tb itouaty.
Fur circuit a, liaii'lrlt uf work aud terse, ad
J. L. F K It 0 U 8 0 N,
M 4nf r,
HU Ko. 15J7Cb..,nutSt.,PniLAHELPHfA.
.y for tbe preeent year, will be held In the
Court llouae, in the bomufli of tlearneld, eon
m?nitg on Monday, liecember Ifi, IMS, and
elotinf on r'ri lay, Venier So. TeArhera,
8rhu.l Director and all frieods of edaoatinw are
oordially Inrited te attend. Sufficient help baa
been oouloed from a diHaoc, and aim from our
own county, to make I bia meeting a tource of
great huprntement tu the Irachera who may be
present, fbe eierefeea tfurinf the flay eeeeton
will eoDfiit nrincipally of clart-dnlU in the
branrhet tauarht U our eonmon aohipnte, leetorea,
MMft SH.J a-w-s. laTtnjt tbe eTTOina eegaiona,
a namher of raluatih lent urea will be deiirered by
able penkert. Prof. J. W. Sboernakor and Pruf.
R. M. Ilarlow. will fnror the Inatitnte with a
number of publia med nga. Prt-paraiionf hare
been made to have good manie. both iuttrumental
and rocaU linarduig will be given at llutela for
$1 per day, and al Private Hoarding lluuire for
7ft eeula, to thoae atteudiug the Inatitute. Dur
ing the ireek there will be a fpcllina; eonteit,
wbea a auftuer of raluaMv pruea will W awarded
to the beet tpe'lm. It la earneally hoped that
none of the Teacher or IMrevtort of our eounty
will ahaeut themaelvea frma the meeting, but that
all will eiino prepared lo work together and make
tbia another meeting "f our County Inttitute a
grand auceeta. JNO. A. UHtUOHV,
Ceunty eterintendent.
The nndereigaetl -wewBd sreepeetfafly giro no
tice to tbeeltteeii4f Heecetia lownahip ind tor
rownding eountry, that we ku aro hated the
Deoearla flunrtng Uillt and put everything In
eompleta erdec, andia manufacturing a flrel-claee
vwalily of Flour,
and Flow la quantity cooalantiy an band foraala.
cnor. con meal, bran. 4C, ic.
always an bund and for t.lo Kbo'.i'.l. or retail.
ZO 1 Will aiehanira Kluar and Chop for
Inch Sbinitlea, ur will pay part money, ifdeaiiad.
Hating puTehaeJ the Cheap Clnthwg 11 once of
Inane Is. Iteiirrmiein, hae the largeet and boat
ns-nrtuient of Manufaottin'd Uoodt in thcouunly,
and can tell their
for Men, Boyt and Children,
Than any other bona In the eounty.
They will alwaya kerf, oa hand a litre;, and .1
ogaTit aaaurtmrnt of
r, c.
If you want to l good and aljli-h Ololhin,
at low tgilrca, do not fail to oall at their .atab
li.hmenl before .ponding your money alxwher.
Horarmlter the place.
bar for aala
Carriaira and Wans Makar tkould aaka s
ote af Ibia and aaJl aa .aarc;aa brea. Tb.y
will h. ..'id at fair riol. ' Ba 1
irufl3 and WrdiriafS.
To their new building on Bceond Street, nearly
oj pun ie ine eiore ei nearer uH9t
Where they will continue to aupply their old and
w ajny aew euvioncri aj nay eoue, with
(Including all new reraediea.)
Patrnt Mrdi einea, Palnta and Oila, Olaaa and
rutty, cbool Uooka, Htattooery, Paper,
it.; alao, a foil line of Drug,
f tita' Sundriea, Hair
Ton. ci,
Coitnetiea, Ferfumeriea, Toilet Article, BrushcJ.
Toilet Boapt, Poeket Book a, e , all of .
be beat quality.
for medical 4 tacramental pvrpotea only.
Pare White Lead, Colore of all kind. Raw and
Bolted Lin need Oil, Varwiehea, Turpen
tine, Coal Oil, Paint ft Varmie
Hruhet, Flavoring
hit net r,
CokfeoUonirlci. Bird Perd, Bplee, ground and
nugrouiid, of all knda.
Will find onr itork of Cbrwlng
aud SiDi'kina: Tulaceo. Imnortrd and D-
meatie Cigera, 8nutT ami Kine-eut to be of tbe
very beat branJa in the en fact.
and Mualcal Trimuiinjt of every variety.
Having a long experience In the buiineai, and
an esteneiveand well eeleetod atoek of medieinee.
we are enabled te fill Phytieiknt' preacriptione at
the ahorreit nottee ami on the moat reneonauic
tana, Oay aud niftit.
ii.tRT.uncK lawix,
Clearfteld, Pa., May 81, I HT 1 tf.
1 T. I.
"For thy Stomach's Sake and thine
other Infirmities." St. Paul.
Aiafe, pare, pleaaant and health-giving Toulo
atrictly vegetable, and manufactured from
the aioit pure and choie material a la not a tplrlt
drink nor enhatituta rVr whiaky, bat a eeientifie
compound, for the protection of tho ayatem and
the euro of di irate, made from eheroicmlly pare
eptrlta, entirely free from fuill eil or otlter irrita
ting propertiee, nnd will not disagree or offend tbe
moat delicate itomaeh. A long private expert
cuoe baa atteated Itt
Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies.
No Bitten at preeent offered lo tbe pub'ie
eontaine ao much medicinal virtue, and yet aa eafe
and pleaaant to take. Ita ne U to enre dtaease,
and it will aot create nn appetite for apirltunue
Hqnort, but will cure the fleet a of dlisipation. '
To nereaae tbe Appetite,
To promote Dlgeatlun,
To euro Tytpopala.
To enre Fever and Agu,
To euro Billlouaneaa,
Tooure Conatipatinn,
To ear Chrvnie Piarrbooa.
To euro Henri burn, .
To euro Flatutenee,
To euro Arid Ttructationa,
To euro Nerroul lability,
To euro llydoehondrle,
To euro Si,liowneaa of Complexion,
Te rare Dm pica and Blctthea,
rsR IT.
t SK IT.
t SK IT.
i:sk IT.
For General Ptoitratlon of the
Pbvflcal powora, UFE IT,
and it will cure yum
Fold everywhere, at tl.aO per bottle, Mann-
fact ami exclusively hy
Wh. offer. Iib.n.1 Induc.iaenta lo tba trada.
OcU7, !W-lf.
Tha nder.ii;apd ow it prlrate aa). IK. fol.
lowing real ..lata t
A Inat f (iround, aituaU In tha Tlllana of
SewburK, Cheat townahip, eonlainiof on. and a
half aerai. and harlna a larre Iwo-.tora Houmi
and (toed pu.l. erootrd tb.riwa. Thla propert
U auilable for a Hold or Duelling .
A1.!0, A F.m, of a acre.. aUolning Vb.
town of N.wbarn. baTing arar ti aarpa .'..ared
and under cultivation, with a good log b'.iuM and
barn and Iwarlng orchard of ebnloa fruit tbereoa.
A rein of .ic.ll.nt oal nnderli.1 tu. tract.
AI.HO, KM) Aerca af Land, an Wilaua Ran.
In I'heat lowuablp, within two and a half isIIm of
meat treaa. it l. well timbered will fine, Oak
and Jfejulook, and underlaid f laj aoal.
Parlle. wlahl.g anp fuxthv Infbraatiea will
oall an Mre, Marcafat Aiaea, at Newborn, or oa
' )Ul.J.iAM TUCK KR,
atJ'tX , " ' Claarfpld, P..
IW . rOHTl:H HIIAW, D. D.g,
niroiiTANT TiU'Tne.
Ilairlug iUfoee-led in jgflinf a lighter Urirw
mateiial, hrnee the few and modem it chirn fl
partial and full (eti of Teeth. 1 uae n.t
manufacture of Ueth atcl uther uiRti-riii, xu
oueraliont n ir'a-tered and watranlvd to girt in
vice end :itinwtin.
Frhii'l'. nf.s-rt tl,.t my for tba iaaat
tion of nrii'it litl tud th mojj i.f tli ntiarij
ter th ;in the uiQit r agnatic in 1'cinifjlMiiia
Pn-wn e yoi.r tettlt and jou preterrc jour ueatth.
Putting of the nituml ttiiin in a health; irt.
lervativeand utt ful oondition 1 n al a tic'ij.v'
l ileum and meiruriualiontcouiuiun to the ntoeik
Jaw ami eisociatr pnrtu, are treaU-il and corrwt-4
wilh fulr incorik. Kxaminatloof aud oodiu1.
tiom rnrr..
It would he woll for f alkuli from a JUtanc t
let trie know Ly mail a kif iUji Ufura coajB.
to the oCiic. 1
It it rrry important that children betwtet U
age of iii and t write yeari cliuuld hare thu.
tMtb examintd.
Atwiilictirji are a.lmloiitercd and TrtU n.
ninrcd without ain.
lipoitifjm and character are Ju-ed by all
the world hy the exjrt ien of the faoe, heate
how rrry ditnftious may it thercforo he for per.
one to iudue an exprtfuion of dint or ted fraiim,
even anfirt frt-ra a livjitnic view. Now, lotejoj
natural (not artilirial) comfurU and plriiuret;
rftprcl audol'y niitural timplifitie and InitintL
S. POKTKH BIIAW, f). b. g.
OiDce in N'tiVT Mevuio Huiiding, Ccccrd itrtet,
Cirariirld, P. feblf7J
CS, Ia. A. il. IIILI.3
ItSlf Would aay lo hla patWe and the p.,.
lie n-nerally, that, baring di.mlrpd partner,.,,
wi'b Dr. bb.w, b. i. now doing th. eolir wmL
of bia offiea himM-lf, ao that patienta need .bt frit
being- put nnder tb. band, of any alhr opcralw
L'learCeld, Mar-b 20, l72-prl!moh73
J. M. STEWART, D. D. 8.,,
Ode; ctct Irwin'a Drn; Slorr,
SiJ crRWE:sviLi.E, pa.
All JcuUl onpraliwa. . Ibin tb. mackuujf
of ojicrativo hrnuc.r aronTHlV nrrH te a.d jropraalnd. Speot t!nti.i t4
lo lb. tre .tuicut at d:iwaca of t'A" aatar.1 (eet
gum. and momb. lrre(iiluily. vf tb. tvata m.
oi eamiiyenrreei.. 7r;-Alracted wilbnttp.,,
br tbe uae rf K'brr, and KuiSriai ttta inu-rw
of tbe tot material and wrranltd lo ron.l.reiu
talacfrn. tiril2f.-7ll
pUtrltoaf cw.
Ku,cefOT te
111 AKLII f t,.
Middle of lb. block, bH.
"lb A 8tb South bid..
lupoRTm axn aunt-rap.
ti ncn or
.fon Linraa a caitfttn'a
" W hfleeale and ItvUlI.
Having iin;iir1 a Tiry tnre and 'litemlid at
anitnicnt of nl! the ililTerent ktoda of i'V iiS Iron
first hanJa in I'.urope, wouid reaipeetltilt; iaviu
the reader of thia 4per to eail and eiamme the
aortmnt of I'-mey Purr. I am determined te
aell al tho luvet ffuh pricea. All Furs warraat
ed. No iuir,lntti'nf to effect ealej.
Fl'Hrt A1.1KRKI) AND RF.HA1 RfcD.
rR inefilMi- the Ftore, T 18 Arch Pt, Fhilad'a.
Oetoher 8, l7-..-m
The h1undreabttd Ixdween France aad Pninia
la at an end 1-ir th preeent, ao far aa the alanr
teririf f mon and the ilcetrutrfiou of property ii
ftmeerned. Ihe J Juggler no doubt nde
themaclrea and rjiee aver tbe reull, but aea
inaigoilteaut ia ttirir Work when compared aitlt
tbe humane ami chriilian tff-irta cf
who baa nrnVrUktn In aupply aM the ettiifniia
the lower end ef tbeenunty wirh fnod and rpvrariil
at et-nMHint hw ratet from hie mainraotb atoraii
Ml LSUMtUKO. where he can alwaya U foetid to wait opon eallere and i'Jpply tbrm wile
Dry (loods of nil Kinds,
Suck aa Clotha. Patinetta, Capatiaerrs Ua.lltm
Uelnine, LUien, Prillingf, Caliroea,
Irituaiings Ribbuna, Lace,
Ready-made Clothing. Boole and 8boei, tlkta aci
C'apa all uf the brat material and made to order
Hoee, Sochi, tilover, Mittcna, Laoca, Ribuea,Aa
ColTee, Tea, Surar. Rice, Melaaae. Fifh, Salt,
Fork, Lintecd Oil, Fieh Oil, Carbon Oil.
Ilanlaare, Quecnxware, Tinware. Caotinga, Plowa
aad Flow t'aaUngx, Naile, Spikee, Corn Cultiva
tora, Cider Freaaea, and all kind of Axe a.
Perfumery, Fatnt, Varnih. Olaai, and a general
aeortment of btationery,
Of different branda, alwaya on hand, and will be
old at the lowest poastblc tiguraa.
LiQl'0R, lueh aa Brandy, Wine. Gin, VMiky, .
Javnca Mclirinp, Hoalittcr'i and
T Ilontland'a Fitters.
15000 pound a of Wool wanted for whteh tba
hiheat price will be paid. Ckrrrered on ban) .
and fur ante at the lowest market price.
AK Aganl for SlrattnnvilU and Curweo'Tille
Threshing Alucbinra.
ti,ratt and fee for yonraeKca. Too will flr.4
everibing unually kpt ia a retnjl it ore.
Frencheille P. O., March I, IfTI.
Mat). S. S. L I D D K L L,
llnving .ngaged in tb. Varble buaiucaa, deairaa
to Inform her friend, and th public that .be ha
now and will keep eonitnutl.ron hand a large ao4
woll aclcctrd atol of ITALIAN AND VKHM0KT
M ARrlX, and ia prepared la furaiah to order
; . MONCilLXTj;
Cnrba and Pull, for C niFterf Ira, WiuJw
Sille and Car.., alao, .
TOl'8, 4o., Ac
V..Vard on Rce.1 tlrwl, near tt, R
rieiiiliolil. Pa. 7,.l
Al Tobaroo and Cigar flora ef
R. n, sn.ttr,
rletweenliaw IUumI M.ntion llouae, Clri.l'.
Copataull. on bond a Una nworlmcnt of 5ar;,
Congrcra, Citvcmllah, Cable, Cponroll,
Mirhijrau and Cei.tury Finc-cut
Cheaing lu'.vacc, to.
Alan, a large and well ulroled atock of laiportcd
and bomtitla ( igari, Pmoklag Td acoat,
Mcerwbauui and Briar Pifra
.. " Pipa liturea, Tobacco.
Bc, Cigar noldera, and averjlhipg grtaraHf
found la a well ragula:ed Cigar and
Tobaooa etora.
JorR,memb.r tb. pl."i Market elret, be
tween Hbaw llouaa aad Maaaivn Hto.n Okw
eld. Pa. pd.toi.a22f,
jK wTsfjuu le a, r
Seaond .troet, door to Pint Kalloaal Ba.
ne.6'11 Cleardeld, Pa.
Bin IHrtAJ.jfs
lM and H. for aala at lb. Pool Oil K
pica tt aa nt, N.IM If fn; dtwaa.