H THE REPUBLICAN. ..-.il. ca "; 1 ...-. -il - CLtiAliPIKLD, PA. 'WEDVKf DAT MOHNIrTO, HHP. 4, mi.' Feeding Boea, ,;Lit Winter and Spring was a re markablr - foul ' time for boo. .. Of tbOM thai did ome tlirougb ulivo, many woravory. wcttt with aoilod or mouldy comb..' 'Au iv vopsoquono tbla hat bow rather poor year for honey, and IhtoVuro probably many hlvet which will need feeding to win tor through. Tuia will bo especially the case amongst those who practice artiflolal awnnlng,' and liou tried to fill op all' the old ' lilroi In which warms died oat, with new ones, and amongst ' thoao-' wlo""WUh'.l nutural warming, have tried to gave nil tholr aeoond Bvvarma.. , i - .. '.,11! you have not ulrcady dona so, 1m no timo in finding ont something about the condition of your hives, ond If any of them need (coding, do not delay attending to it uny longer. Thote tbat aro very wouk In boos had better be left to bo united with others, although some ood boe kcepora pre fer kcopingthcir wonk BwrirfiiB,, it may do for thore of much experience, but for others, weak swarms Are only nuisance. ' " : 7" .,. Somo think hooey tho best feed, Others prefer a fyrnp mndiuf beat cof fee sugar, using about a quart of wa ter, to five pounds sugar,., being care ful not to burn , in dissolving. Each swarm to be wintered out of doors should have about twenty-five pounds of honey, and a tiivo buried or winter ed in cellar should have fifteen or twenty... There are various ways of feeding, but in all casos see that no boney-.is left through the day time where bees of othor hives can get at it, or you will induce robbing. .. If the nights are warm you may focd direct ly at the ontraoce of Live, by filling a tumbler with honey or syrup, putting a saucer upside down on the tumbler, then quickly inverting both. Place it at tbo. entrance, and tap on tbo hive enough to sot the bees at work at it..- IW sure that there is no more than tbey will finish before morning. Some boes will at first drown, but bo fore morning will be all liukod off by the other boes,and be. as lively as ever. Here is another good plan, and one which may be ased day or night, providing there is a closo fitting cover on the hive that will not allow bees from1 other hives' to color. Take a common -tin fruit can, new or old, punch boles through the cover, for which burpose a small nuil or a jack knife will answer; put tho sirup or honey iu tbo can, put on the eover, Invert quickly and place on tbo hive in suob way that the boos can get to to it, but do bees from any other bivo. Those tbat have frame hives, can do bettor to lake frames of honey fromjthose that can sparo them, and give to the needy. ' . . . amd-Hatchingial872, .-. So, faras we know, tho only rivers in - which shad are hatched aro the Connecticut, the Hudson, and .the Merrimao, and this is the sixth soason of the oseVrf Beth Green's hatching boxes a discovery that is likely to do for the food supply of the nation what Whitney's cotton-gin did for its cloth ing. About 8,000,000 of sbsd-s pawn were hatched in tbo Hudson Instycnr, and we loarn, unofficially, that the , cumber is considerably exceeded ibis year. ' Of the nnmberjhalcbed, 220,000 were put into the rivor above tho ' Troy dam," 80,000 Into Lake Cham i plain, 20,000 in Lake Owasoo, 60,000 ' in the Goncsoe River, 80,000 In the "Allegheny River at Salamancn, and 25,000 in the Mibsisstppi River, "two miles below St. Paul. The remain Jor were turned into the river below 1 Caslfoton.' Thd operations bega'n May lslh and ended Jnly 2d. , The ova batched is the Connection iasi year, were "ovor sixty millions. This year operations did not begin antil the 24th of Juno, and ended on the 10th of July "less than four weeks. The fish'wore larger ahd'flner than ! ever before, and. 'the hatch of spawn wits ninety.two million slxty-fivo thou- Sand,' a third more than was taken Inst year'The rhot weather of the early part of July had sneh on effort . ujiontho females, that the average number of ova . from each on o was greatly incroasod. ; Of .-this number 2,000,000 wore gent to tho Alleghany, White, and 1'latto Rivers.'.a half mil- lion were distributed In Rhodo Island waters, a half million wore sent lo ''the Snugatuck, rind about tho same number to Groat flrook, In Groton, Ct. .'All the. rest 1 were turned into the Connecticut, just below Uadley Falls. This enormoiuitddilion to the finny tribes was mado at Jin cxponse f to 'the Stato of Connecticut of about ( flvchnndred do'llars.""lf tho iiuprovu- men t of only two of our utind streams for, five ycart lias resulted in tho re duclion of the wholcsnlo price of nhad in Now York'to 3 SO per hundiod, what may .bo oxpeotod when all the States (urn their attention to this bu- , sitioHs, and Solb Green's hsUming bqxe's lire in uio upon'.cvory nhad stream in tho conntry f Is not cheap . food fur tho coming millions a problem nlrrndy srdrivl f - A LrnTpnworih editor nl down in a rtsefved soat itlrsady c:aiioJ by a hornet. ' II o slniids up when suisnor- ing his editorials now. . '. . An .cxclmr.iro announces..' on Iho - denvh of tv Jady, that she ''lived fifty years witlr 'her husband, and died in . conusant nopo ot bolter lilo. - An smulour editor in Indianapolis ' has mndo a furtnr.e by bis pen. His father died of grief after rending nn or in. e'litonaiH, nnd left hira lw,non. 5nj oodfi, .(GroMtoi, Stf. -r Down l Down 1 1 THE LAST A1UUVAL AND OF COURSK THE CllEAi'EtSTI A Proclamation against High, Prices I 11TK tr now opn.nf tip a lot of th belt tnd If noit mwoiikMw UihmU Mid Wna tvr offered in Uill market, and at priori that remind ont of th. food old dayi of cheap thinga. Thoie who lack rulth upon inn poiui, or ueeui our uiie gationi luperlluoul, need but . , , ,, , , , rvfiM Of It STORK, Cornor Front and Market itrccti, When they tan ice, fool, hear and know for thorn- atdvel. To full; underaland what areebeap Kneila, thli inuat bo douo. Wo do not doelli It neooiaary to onunieroto and Itoiulu our itook. It la tnough fur uf to lUto that We have Everything that is Needed and aoaiuaud iu tall market, nd t prUel that aatonieh kota) old aa yown. ! " ' 'i deoSO JOSKPIt BnAW a' SO!?." r. HILtH. A. n. rowLk MILLER & POWELL, WHOLESALE! k RBTAIL 'i : ! ' '-n.'U'l i l '" : '-'.I M E RCHANTS, i-f.;i 'j ' H. t "! -'ii' ; 'i'-t,'! l-.' y QrahAin'i Row, Market St., CLEARFIELD, PA. Wt would moit repeotful) inform turfriondl, ouitomen, and Iht publlo generally, that wo art now balk in our old quarttra, which t born reinodcM and Improved, and wt aro tow pre pared to aooommodatt all who mnj far or nl bj eallln(. ! . NEW GOODS! We hare juit remind ont of the larfrit itorki of all kindr of Morohandlu aver brought to Clear fleld oounly, which wo intend to Mill at loch Ig oral aj will maka It ai objeot for all poraoni to purvbaso from ua. Familiei laving in winter inppliri of Orooerioi, Dry O.kiJi, Ao., ihould aot fall to gtvt w a tall, aa wt fuel coaldtnt tur pricei and inperior quality of goodi will amply latiafy oJl. Otrttock of 5 -' ; . GltOCEIiiES oDiiU f CotTwf of lh btmi qttlitj-, Teiu, Pa fHrt of til kind Moms FUli, Fklt, (TbfWM, Dried Fro it, Ppioci, rrovliiori Fluur nd Feet, Ac., la. Our itocfc ot D It Y 'GO O D S 1 ! Urge 8D-1 Tftricj, and wt will jut ujr nppt ny rtial in tbat linn, withonl min.er READY-MADE CLOTHING - . r s . . Wo hart a largo itock of rraJy-maile Clothing for Men and Bovi'.wmr, which wt.wiH dlipoit uf at a very a mail advance on ooiL Boot! and Sboci, Hati and Capa, Ilardwaro, Quoeuwart, Wood and Willow Wart, Not lima, Fancy Ooodi, Carpeta, Oilololba, Wall Fapera, Window Shadei, o., . 9 Being ezU-niirely engaged In the Luajlitr buaintra, wt are able to offer superior indnoomenti to Jnbbcri. HII.I.KIl A POWELL Clearfield, Pa., Jan. 3, 1873.. , ... JAMIKLi aOOlt.ANDEU, , LirrnERPDrnn, f a , ,; . v Dealer in , - DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, ITOSlEPiY k GLOVES,.'.,;.' HATS A CAPS aod BOOTS k KHOU, Tohaeco, Qrooerica and Fiah, Kaili, JIardnart, yuennawaro and ulavivare, Mm i aad lloyi' Cluthilig, l)ru(., Paiola, , Oil, H.-hool Hooka, , a targe lot of Patent Medicine. Candid, Kuta A lrid Fniila, Cbeeai and Crack , tri, Itock and nine Powder, - . - ' Flour, Grain and Potatoes, ("1 . c Clover and Tlniothy Seed, Sole Lcntber, Morocrua, Lintnxi, Biodinae and (li Jbruau, nuorujaliera iO"la ana . , ' 1 ,' , Shoe Finding!. ( Ko greater vtirlcly of cnodi in any atore in th oounty. All for anle vory low fur eaah or oounlry produoe at tlie (.heap Corner. April 10, K72, KKAI) ""X TI1IS! FLOUR & FEED DEPOT 1 Th fttlntion of the ottiiem of Cleartlilrf mJ vicinity ia direct' to (he fuel tlmt ttuodfrllow k 8n ferr lht ng.iU ttT M. ISuw A C. aid bare just rraeitfil a half itORon ear lomdi of Flour and J-ved, wlnoh tbf oOit at tba lowest possible fig ores, a in rp siooa 01 FLOL'U, CORN MEA,' CHOr, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, BRAJf, Potatoti, Shelled Corn, Corn In oar, ke., lo. Particular attention la called to M. Xioce A Co.'i brand of Family Fluur, which la tbt bolt in the u&rkot. Floor and feed eat) and will ht' aalif hnpr Una it, tan be ubuiuod olMnbert in Claarucld county. , . i . . i ' y-Riore on Market atreet, next d(or to lion, AH-XftUftcr Irvtn I reatrlennt. , ' OOODKELLOW k SOS, janlOrf Aguuw ror M. Mlvwv c. EfiRA C0TTA STANDING VASES, J1AMGKNO VASlia, i Stove Lining and Fire Brick, . '' ' kept QousUntl on ttaad. ' t ST0.E AXD EARTH EX -WARE . '. OF VERT" DKSCR1PIION I CROCKS! POTS! CROCKS1 Fleher'a Patent Ahtl-l.t Belf - Sealing Krtiit t anai BUTTKR CHOCKS, with ll.li, CP.EAM CHOCKS, MII.K CROOKS, AI'PIK- 1IUTTHR CRUUKH, ' PICKLH CROOKH, FLOWKU POTii, PIE DISUKH, STKW POTS, And a great many othor thinga toa numeroul to inrntion, to be bad at , FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S " STONE f WARE : TOTTERY, Corner ot Cherry and Third Stronta, L'LKAKFiKLD, PA. ang3 The Lightning Tamer.' fPIIB underaliinud are the loll Agenta lo thti 1 eonnlv for tba "North American Oalvxalird LTtlHTNINU RODS." Theae art the only tare rodi now lo tie, and an tndontd by all tin ielntiflc men In Iht country. Wt hireby notify tht eltlieni of thi county that wt will pot them up a better rod, and l'ir leal money, than la tharged by thi foreign genii who annually triverio thi county and carry ot tur little oath, niver to return. ENCOTJRAHR.UOSIH LAI30II. Thoit wlihlng Lightning Rodi erected aa their balldlngt aeed but addraae n by letter, or tall In perron. Wt will pwl them up anywhere In theeounly, and warrant Ibem. The Hodiand Fliturai tan hi tttw at any time by tailing al our atore. B. F. SIULKR o3. Clcarf.1,1, Jlarth , IhTMr i - 'rSiTxaoiiiDBS'' TIN AND STOVE STORE I G. S. FLEGAL, Philip3bug:, Contra County, Fa. . I....,, ...,,1 TUK andortifntd rpotfull unotnefi to tho publlo that ht hat on hand a oart fullj ttlooted and woll allotted itook of . . . 1 - - STOYKS, HBATEUS, RANGKS, A A J I' ; fk u ti k r, TIN, COrPER AND SIIEET-IIION WARE! , . , M 1 WOOD AND WILLOW WARE 'At i k Oil itock of Cooking Storti toniliti of ,H1B CEl-KnttATED IK0NS1DES,.- Whlob tin wvt filled tu nrmg feaet and prorperlty into rami'.iel whtrt it ti mod, . : ... .... ' i t . Diamond Stata, Farmer, Herald. Charm, Rpaari California Cook Blore, npeari' Anu-uuit, Oat-Burning Otoking Httvet, Viator, Keliaaoo and iinloa .Hanati,- , Bpcarl' Cooking Rangei, ' . ' lo., oVt. -m.The Tin and Sheet trow wart given with tht Htorai tt made or tna neavTeit and belt malarial, and warranted to gift perfect tatli. faetloa. ...... His Stock of Parlor & Heating Sto'vee . 1 - la larger, hotter and cheaper than aver befart exhibited It to publle toniutlng of Bpean' Revolving Light Illuminating Blovi, bpeara Aau-liuai on aqmrai rarinr Ptava, Bpean' Orbicular .Oai-llurnlng Parlor .. , tova, Spaari' Oaa-Puri.ing Parlor 4 -. tora, Boquet, Pearl, Oeiu, Ida, Sua, Iropkav Nevada, - , do., do. Vulcan, Kin and Victor Heaters, Fpeari1 Re- volving blgni noatere. 4:Th r -;:ai He ll alio prepared to furnlal a oompletr aaiortmtnt or Tin, Coppor, Sheet-Iron, WoorJen and Willow Ware. &o. f Wholeialt or retail, manufactured neatly and with tha tola view to lervtot, from tht beat ma larial in tho market. ... A A .--: .n .-.i'.'.-- i- .lj PLOWS k PLOW POINTS, COPPER, BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN LINED, BPUH A COMMON IRON KETTLEH, Of every deicrlption eonatantly os hand. OIIDER9 FOR SrOOTlNO, ROOFIXU Aad othtr work belonging to IU hnilnttt will ht promptry tiled by tiporitnotd and ikillial workmen. BRAf-3, COrrF.R, OLD METAL, BAGS AND CASH " "Takek In eichangt for goodi. MT-ITt tipeelally Invltei tht atUntlen of Mercbanti wtaning tt purenait atwnoiteait.aa they will tnd it to their advantage to examine hit itock kurort purenaiing tutwnert. Look ont for tht Big Sign oppaellt tht leal denot of Mn. Dr. Foater. -: Art Ooom WaaaaivaD n Rsraaacnaa. o. V Phlllpahnrg, June I, 1870. , 1 I,l.f.Al.. augt (18 gACKKTT & 8CIIRYVER, . .-. :. cum in m : SHELF IIAHDWAllE, and manufaoUrcri of t . Tin.Coppcr & Sheet Iron Ware 5euad Street, CLCARFIBLD. PA. Cnrpenfrrs and Baildcrf will do well to aiara loo our stock of i ' - . BUILDISO HAEtWAUB & TOOLS DI9T0N"8 SAWS IMaton'i Croea tut, Hand Hip, Tonant and Gent hanl. ROYNTON'S L1GIITNINQ SAWS Rmooth Plaute, Jlck Plnnoa, Fore Planoa, Jolntera, Match Planra, . , , l'uiii1,5 k Ltvela, Find tliiuarel, do.. dt. Firmer and Framing tliiaera. Corner Chlaeli, Carpenttn' SHcka, Hraeat aad LlilU, Roring Machmea, Ao. Grindstone! and Grindstone Fixtures. Smoky Fluei are elTertnnlly eurcd hy uatng Rich ardi' Patent , . , . COTHIC FI.trB TOPS, ' for which wt hava Ibe agency-. Ho euro, no pay. Phlladtlpbla Carriage Ilolta, Railroad Lantcrnl, Wuliin Ware, Ao. . A Una aaaortmint of rOCKET k TABLE CUTLERY. STOVES I STOVES! ! Tho Timet Cook, tho Wt In tha mnrktt: lo, (hi Monnroh, Rfliftnrff. and Ifo. 10 Iron fiidrnj Kcyr'i lorttililt llcptor, aad Ucating, Purlur and Haft KtoTci. ? . . r VvUoorni(, Ppoiilinx and Job Work dona on TTimonhvlMalariaid , All unlet, will rrriv prnmpt attcutitjo. Jul S, 1871. s TONES SAW CUMMERS AND SAW UPSETS. W hava raeatrad ta acrw lor tha aHora and will tQll them at manufacturer'' prloaa. Call and exumlnn them. Tln-y ar th IWit. jelO 73 II. F. I1IULKU A CO. WATCHES I WATCHES I I have a largeilock of AMERICAN .Tfl aad SWISS WATCHES, of tht diffir L"". ta. gradei, in from two to tight ounce eaiei. I oflor theit for iale LOW, and guarantee them lo glva entlrt latlafaction. - JEWELEII JEWELEYI ., A goad aaaarlment at Lanflei' 'and Oent'i Jewi'ryof tht latcat ilylei! "Alwaya getting odiithlng new I ...ati ' I would aik Lumhirwa tnd tlhart wht In ttnj pnrthailng Watcbei to call aad lain; teak before going to thi eitiei, aa I am very lore I ma Mil Watrhce aa low aa they can hi naught, fetildoi the dltcfrntaln dlrtanta in tht avant nf Ik .,,,!. nrn.laa aa..ll ' i . . - ' 1 . . . Ail hindaofRRPAIRINa la lay lint promptly atttadtd tt at tht Mora to Second ilreet oppo litt tht Court Houat, For your liberal inpport a tht paat I aia vary tkanklua. i irril , 187J. WHICH n AVB ALWAT3 (i 'l V K N SATISFACT ON UERET0FO11B, WILL BE DISPOSED OF IrT BUCH A T W A Y .1 yn i;-h!K.-) ) l.i; )',i f) ri" );! ( AS TO PLEASE 0 R FRIENDS AND CUE Ai MKT TOMRRS. ;f. I JD.STt REOpIVEDI, f THB FINEST ASSORTMENT OF HOLIDAY OOOD8 BUC1I AS 11 DOOKS 'J AND OTUBR - I ' 1 STATIONERY ARTICLES, l t. ' v.. . BVER OFFERED'TO TUB CITIZENS j'i)!!:.' v s ! 1 1 ':' "OF THIS PLACE I ' ' NOW ON EXHIBITION AND FOR SALE AT ., PUBLISHERS' k MANUFACTURERS' : 1 , 1 ) FRICBS, AT TUB , , , ....POST OFF ICE.) n ...ta.l J fk.. II 1 J "Til WISHART'S -PINE TREE TAR COIt DIAL, VAIUUE'S GREAT REMEDY . FOB . Till: ' Throat and Ijiiiipt. a 3V? J". 2 I ' 1 i' $ ? . It li gratifying to ui to inform the public that Dr. L. Q. C. Wiahart'l Pine Tret Tar Cardial, for Throat aad Lung Dlaeawa, baa gained aa envia ble reputation from the Atlantlt lo tht PaeiAe Malt, aad from thantt to torn tf tht Iret faeil- I liei tf Europe, not through thi prtn alone, but by ptrioni throughout the Statal actually beoei lltted and cured at hli ollico. While ht publiah k-a. 10 lay ndr reporteri, ht la unable lo iuj tha demand. It aaini and holdl lia reputation- Fint. Not by itopplag tough, but by looaen ing and aaalitlog nature tt throw off tho aa koaltby matter aolltfitrd about iho throat till bronchial tubal, lieA oaaaat frrfMttaa axail. It rcao'll tha eauaa of amiaates t wbleh nroduoai aourh of tha maoona mambaana ,. ,, . , , . 1 , and bronchial iubol, aailitl the lungi to act mad tiirow on int nanesnay teereiioni, ana pvnnei the blood. ' ' I Third. It ll fret from iCjuilli, lobelia, licac and opiam, of which molt throat and lung vaiio diei aia eouipoacj, which allay tough tnly ud dtnrganlaa tht itomach. It hai a loothiiig i?t on the itomach, acU os tht livtr aad kld4y, and lymphatio aad nervoul regiona, tbui rralfc:ig trvoui regiona, tbui rra'lc:ig avatrm, and in i;i inv ..r. Jlttti i liaa gatocd a, 1 u- to every part of tht ting aad partfyiag allien latioa which it i market. mit hold abort alt other! li .;a" (..-vi I i .t THE PINE TREK TAR CORDIAL, . ' s -. GREAT AMERICAN DYSPEPSIA PI AND WORM SUGAR DROPS .8, Relng under my Immediate dirtctioa, they Jail not loat their euaatlvt qualilici by tht it) of tu.ap abd lujpar. article!. II EK It Y R. nihil ART, -.,-. r . j .! : Propria. FREE OF CHARGE. Dr. L. Q. C. Wilhart'i Office Parlor! ara .tn on Mondnye, Turadavi and Welneidayi f- m 9 A. M. to A P. M., for tomultation hy Dr. V i. T. Mageo. With him are aaatiiatcd twotoniitlug phyaitiamof aeknowkxlgi'd ability. Thin- or tanity li not ofTen-d by any other ioititut. ti ta the elty. ;;;;') All letlera miut ba addrcaaod to , L. QC. WISH ART, M.D, ko. g.K Kon rii m.t o.m uviHii.T, 1111 PHILADELPHIA, PA. 6m 8 T O II B IN IIOUTZDALEl P. OALtAOIIER having Jolt relumed from Iho eait with an entire tew and enmplcte inenrt ment of Merebaridiee, euilabla for Winter and Hpring trade, whirh baa been anlaoled with great care and hounht lit low rater, la prenared to fur. olllaeninf lloilliilale and vicinity wMa niah the g.i'.'la at a very light afvanet on nni coat lot oaah. Country Proilnre and Hhinglel taken at market prlno. Call ind examine my lloek before pun-baaing tlaewhcrt. - ' P. OALLAUIIBR. Iliintailala, Pa., Feb. 2ft, 171-1 v O. I. c. "rilRHB In any my MlY II00P.1, flUO oarlaa, Quecnaware, ti laaaware, llrtifra and Nortona, Uoareetlonerler, aeN tbeftp for ea.U. Tha ruharrllivr t"ft; leave to Inform bit old and new euatotneri that lie ha 0ienod , 7 a yAp.iiii;r stohu And will U itoodi at liberal mluiAtinii will U4 ft wbuleialw, , rleea to mil the timet. A mado lo eutoinvri iniy- Cnti and examine mv trtivk before parahnilrg aNewhrn. A liberal ahare of pabllo patronnre la oiioilod. . . ' til, it IT , June 11, ";d. jDrS! OiOfiflU, (ftroffvtfU, f?tr. lio'A.&w.D.inYiN , DEALERS IN . f . i .. ,7 tr.f. tr.'i y, GENKRAL, JIKItCJIANJIlSE, SQUARE TIMBER, LOGS & LUMBER tURWIiNSVILI.E, PA., .is iw it i -; -. .-. A RE olfcrlng, at their nrw Slure Iluunt, a . complete itock of NEW UOODS, of all deaortptlotia. Dry Goods and Groceries, . il A H 1) W A K , BOOTH & SJIOEX, " ' ' CLOTMSa, dc. IN LARGE VARIETY. Flour, Jleat, "ye, Oattt, Corn, Alwevi on hand aad for iale at a imall . advance. ROPR. in large quantities, told low by toil; alu, PULLEY IILOCKR, SMALL ROTE ' v' ' and CAKTH00K8. One hundred eaioa of , - - - - i- AT WATKRS'ELM I RA LOOTS, for iale by the can at whokwile ralci. . , : ixoeoivoq uy ear luaai - UVNTISCiDON FLOUR, and told at luiall a.lmn,.o. HARNESS, of all klnda, IIOR.'iR COLLARS and IIAME.S, HORSE BLA5KETS, BUFFALO ROUES, Ac. Alt, os aV InVclaai -two:kirio VTAOONJ, TWIN SLEDS, LOO SLEDS, and "' " ' FLF.tuns. ' ' - Sutcial loducrmentl offrrtd lo thoet gelling oat Square Timber tnd Logf, aa we deal laritrly 1 hi Luwihermen'aSuppliet, and are prepared at all . . . . J. . . . . . ' umci lo pureua.e Iimurr, lABa ann t.nuiiicr. Curwusavllla, Niivember li. 1871. FAIRBANKS' , STANDARD H ' A Ti Vj H. m or all nvnij ' EKICff Barrewa, WarrhauM Travha, Copying ... Proaraa, laiprovrd Mny Drawrr, At. rda ' " II. F. BIOLKR k CO.j Pcalcri Iu Hart) war, mih.10:0 tf r-ccond Flwt, Cliarteld. Pa. mi) A iiMBsa imm OFFER INUK3fIKNTK TO- ruri'fciuscrs or Choice ' Goods AT THEIR MAMMOTH STOKE IN 030E0LA. New Ciililnct! MORHANNON LAND AND Lt'MBUR COM PANV ullur fur aale Towa Lola In the bor ongh of Uacriila. CloarAi-ld county, Pa., and alaa loll to lutt purcbaaen outatdo tlie limn ai tatu lrirough. Oattcola ll altualed on Hie Moahanooa Creek, in the ricbrat portion of the eounly of Clearneld, on tht liaa at tba Tyrone A ClearBcId Rnilruad, vthcro the Mua'ia.m. ii and Di-avcrtua branch made Inlareect. It il alao In the heart of the Murhannon coal baain, and large bodlei ol wliitt pine, hemlock, oak, and other timber aur rnund it Ont ot the larger! Iulnlr mnniifactHr ing tatuliliahmenli in the Stata li located in Ihr ti.wn, while tbera are many other lumber and ahlligle milll aroand It. Tho teun la but aa nn yean aid, and oonuini a popalalion of ont thou- "V-rir'fufl'ffiir Inr.irmatloa apply at tht oilier of'tht ahova aoaipany. 1:4:70 Oenrral Suprriob adcut.' M0SHANN0N LAND Si LUMBER CO., OKCK0LA BTKAM MILLS,. MAIlrACTVRa .UMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS H. II. SIIII.L1NOF0RD, Proaidtnt, OITict Forral Plnoe, No. 135 S. 4th it., Phll'a. JOHN LAWRHH, General Pup'L , Oaeeolt Mi I la, Cloarlleld eounly, Pa. Having jnifrlia(rt lb Intcrcrt of Mibarn-r. ;a.. in tno uuii)Pm Earrtnfura oarricd on undr tha linn nam of J. A pii,,!.,,,,.,,, j Co., the aame will be eonducted tnft,, ullacr Ibe nauiaof Mulhanaoa Land and h.omlier t'limiianv, future.) UI. II. KIULUNUFOKH, JOIIV T.AWSHR, ylStf I'realdrnt. nrnerniMipi READING FOR ALL! I BOOKS A 8 TA TIONER f. Market Ht , (irarunlil, (ut Mm I"t Ofllrr.) B a. .iinod btpa li-ave It anaauaea to L tBi eltlarni uf Clearfield and vlclnlly, thai he hil mud up a room and hai J'nt returned from tht ally with large amount of readlnf natter, conalatlng In part uf Bibles and Miscellaneous Boots, Blank, Atcuual aad Pan Booka af every dt eerl nl leal 1'an.r aarl Unr.l.M, Freurh nreaied 'mlplalai Fen a and I'enrlll 1 lllaah, Ural IH OLKM iMVl'.i TA. i ',l"r'' Utaalt, alornrnna Judainent, Raeap ' 'Hon and I'mnlaaerv not. a 1 Vt kite and farrhi ment llilef, l.rral Cp,ltroord Cap, and Hill Cap, fibet, Mua.e fur alther IMano, J-'lute or lolio BOimUntly on band. Any booki or itatloaerj dri'red thai I ma; nut hava on band, will be or ordered hy Aril aipreii, and sold at wbuleabie or retail to lull etielontera. I will alio kMp perfodlraj Itteraturo, aoob. Mar"-. Newi paper,4o. 1'- A- UAUUN., 1 ChrncUMjT(fM-M ' ' " li; P' " : In from One to 1 wtinty WllnutOC, kot o;iti acvn ifliTrf. M'!-4 i ,it i i atijr ana aCFi-I.H WtTH f AI .Me ' n . UAuw.tVa 111-Ait if liKi.iKK j a cuius r;n, . M'l.l.Y . AiV. T lln Iri-t hiuI l T! C):il.v I'ailik KtncMl V S'l .t .1w4ui,dr awM" '' l''l t At 'HnJ.liil.g IM, J !!) .titii I..' it, a il fiicj Cu' lli'in, wfu'llier nr tun .itiicw, ft'iMiiiiia, iuanit,or W (XUbil wjtiuMt If " i'Jlio'il OKI! TO TWBNTT VtffFTKS, 'i-r nn).i I ..w i,i ! ftp i-m ntiuiiitttif tii in. lit Iro ..li U.I' alA'l In, Iurf rl-a-l'h, It It itt), t'r '.fl'd. luVfn.a A..UI ', .'a, '-r 1, tl , It lll-J.- Ihiii t Iffi r, r:Ar)'.vAY'3 hiaoy reliep ' V. III. AH'illtli I.SHI.VNT I.A-.K.. , !XF..AJI.,vro: oh Ti'K llt.KfY.i, VH.TI IN IK TIIK lll.ADDCr. )N!T.AlljlAi.uJi OK TliK lmi.l.M. riiM:l.hl IciN iriE I.fXr.3. aor.5 7i;:.0AT, ihi-i'hti.t iiuka-iiiimi, PAI.fllATIli.M HI' Tilt UKAUT. .. vt CAlAllllil, IHH.rKXl.t. 1"VT)V"IIE Ti.IIAI'IIK. C?-.il!i.u.''ilJsVv 'i?; a.jrta, fan.v.Ui.-1'u P-Ki J liitMH, ' ow eaai 'I n.-.-iji v (l '..;1ii In)' a tnntl.Vr cf oilflrwj"! " i Aja ri'.-iii-i-ril. I'tlAMIM, M'Ainj.H.t It hl"(f.l ru llHArl TIiI'KN, Mi K llaAHAi lll lil.lllllilKA. l.iiiw rr-tv, ii.i7i. v iu it tub ituvu-t, i..t aw IKVI IINAI. PAIki). Tr.u.l :...-l olwava iarry a V4tli 1 1 Hatvav. II -Oily ttrlliT .lli tl'i iil. A f il i . In. mc i ll I,, vpiif -i . ,.. ir enl'm IVoai rl.wtru irwftlrr, ll u u 11 tMi 1- rai.uli nmiHiri'i liil- r. n atli:iuUl.l. . I r.VI'TT ASI0 ACt n. r?:VniI AMi AILK mn ,! I n U,l. ibls, Tll-ff la I '.i -t n ,1., -1i il ajr. t In llii wwl.l tli ,l wl.l ir K, v, r a .d AKiir, wid all filhar alalBiUta. Illlkrua. ak.lH, 1 I'll.li) u iU. u imiWAVH I'KADY ItliLlLt'. ' i .uy v.-bta pir Ut'la. Kola hy lirucitMa. HEALTH fBEMJTY ! ! STrnMi ami rrrtu, nini KUMin-iNritiiAa-it hi- n.isii ami Kii.iir-(:i. i.Att aKiN a.u t a-CU'Tll H. l,uMl-l.li.'i KliM btrUUMJ I'll ALL. Dn. RAD WAY'S CARSAPAHILLIAN RESOLVENT ' b lifU'K. ft KAI'IH ACi: 1K ('11 f. Mil. 1 ;-;r. mmf i xiKii.or-. i-numi thk i;. M I,KM K f'K"'IUJ VUMJUlKLL JaiKUlflSB. 'ill AT Cvory Pry tr !r.crca' In ricch r.nd Wolfn la Sr. nd F'-lt. THE GREAT OLOOD F UP.FIEE3. F-. r-y iln erf llt h ll-A VA HII.T.IA .M I.KS'iJ.V r.T r.ni RiimltaUt) llnt.it. ((. ll'.-ml. Ktw1 MUrr ItiikiU tu Juto 1 f Um vtvlilin Lii vtaj... nl hfi fur ll rriKtlra Mm vt ruatt uf lliu Unly w Hli i. w ui tl avnn.il insloHnf, Mf-nifiiin, Hm'IiII' (''iiilii-H'vi, uifiMtnhr tTkfrlt lue TIhimiI, Jalnutli. Tii'INir. Nti,t lat t (ilft'H i i.ii-l ti1i.fr (art it 11. e ByMtia, frftt k.w Wfiitnouii lH-Aj'iirn hum ltii iK.trit. Utli tl.t wiir fil till Of Hktltl ll.H.uifc-1, KlIljrtloM, l-,V(3f Hot, hcnld HfaVl, Ittlil WUTttl, h.t ItltriOil, KFTtlptaavB, A h. liliuk ft.!.. Wflrmi In tli Kltli, Tuiud. '.t'ie;r- In ll. Wm rkiiii ail vrok'-i.lR t1 ptrrfiil it be ! itm, Nljtht tf-TtMtt, IjirtWIII rtlMTlW, Mid wall WMftlt-ll Of I if lif It ll.ll- , a.t" !iiiti Ui- cnralUf) riirtt of ll.U wmi'lrr of Mini rm 'lttiiitrv, ai.tl m tvw df.iV a-au will print t ny u.iiaf It f.ir f.tlit-f u U,ut Utmm of tltiwaw kta fulfill MiWlT ll 'M t II tlis- iifttl -nl, dvtlly 14-f-tnlti TffTtirH rrf iVp wnilM a4 thritHi wUitint tdnt If fNtlllUHll IJf brta.-re Mil ifL, 4Tla- ittflilii twartiuji 1lir waMt-w, ).! i.airiU.- .tii. vtltli ii.-w mrifii.il hi . to fni hfnil'.lia; hlfxtl .utd XLii tha tt AKAl Altll,l,l AfS will jiitdi ,um nt'iiT. J.t Hilly ikaUa ttt tAaW4rAlLl.l A M li RntTl.TKwTT tfrl ftll ktiiWi. r-in "II tl lafi t,u lifcuw ,ft -lF-.il, :r, rVn.f". t.rii', i rvtinl Hutto'iaJ, wmI bin. dltrut ; UU U I lite in. If - -4f4ll- CaU f.jf Kftfncy V Kladdrr C'omplaK; w, Vmtrr. trl f-tniti tttawtuM', Oiw!, !la)iHt, Dr. jawy, tt yyjtft- of Vi JvT, i.i nlii nf i; rt lie. UrtcM'. --, Alt'-rpln'ir, not) ! s'l tx-t-tt nrliirt- tlifrw am brick d'i1 drv'i,.ar ilitt il'-r I IhU-a. ct tlr. hilni hhi tylUlurfi Uxtt tits wHUofim if, or tlirt'.lti llkt) wl,lt i!k. or tin r l a iiturt 1 1, l.rk. l !llu t icarai ri, mid 1t lilt kNPHtr-ftrTMt dt'fnutl, m mU 11tTw U a ptlill.r. If ill.f aVl-ka'K-rn M Maw Itif 1T, i-ltfj -llll It. Uaa) ti n .11 r Vc Hi;U aiiU lUuiii Uio LoIi. i'llcc, fto. VOtr?lwiS.-T;e f !y Idoh infl nn TlcmtAy rW uo- n.t-j;n. Top, ftf. Tumor of Tl Yrnr C3rowi7j t'urrcl by Unt.wuy UcHolvrnt, r.trvir. V . ;T !, im. XHt Rr"tt- Vt1tf1 layMM In UtvcvfkiiM fan el fW.Ii, All h lhmr aiU " ll. tTM tv Wli (at li." I UW-I .-rj t ill" wf Us l aval w-i.rt.i"w'1r"l ; I nt . 'lit., f., lra-4 mt ( mm rmr rWvvrit, tVHl tkoa!.t I nM Irj It i Ivat tnaal ftl't l l. laraViM I akaal Mltrtl f.tt !! ) Uii HI avUIM ml thw it-.lvtil, f l ! rrf R-wlwa 'i rilt. ii4 ttr. kwl. Ila of yr kavvt. Itaalawf ( md ihm ti M4 m ttt-n. at Uv.r ta way , Md ot l.ll, aaa4 f.l brttrl, IttuarKf, tUHt i i.(Mt ll-oa I hat ft tvlrt. Tltal nl tnvtaa1 N thai aevt) tM lf OnwalS - rr- I Uh f M ta lW laMtal l ( ikfvM, la C4M3 Ui.Llk.4 tt l j.m cti- tar. OH. RADV AY'S FETtFcCT FiiRGATIVE FILLS, I-tVtt ta4ik, rsviW cnatfd wtth f tm. tur-r-. t 't 'U', ,nirifv( ."n i'.f, nn ' lrtii:Ui'iiI lC-t4 tw !; fm th n.ricf dianiifc i of tiC (t'un-.rh, 5.t-r, Hows'i, K.iit-ifcta, IV.(VJer, Nrnmw Ditw, ulnrh-, uii:t'U, C't-J: wwa, Im! Lj:v KUi. vn !, Till, i i..-a, liillmr K.-t ,-r, l-"t -uiti.M !..n l(at,tnr' V "'t ,- n :,! tf.i r',"ft I't- ln:) 'tm U wialiM UttUlUailMUtHtlUI. lull rcrlAV. H, "rftlnti I g nd Bfrrtin-, clsirrfi1, nrrh'-Hd't-xttion p, ffflK-ravvr ll.- f VHll luuw ITiuit.ii fiuti Ix.ifni tf it hifvMNiv Kj-.m i Cnn1ttlU, inura. 'I, to t- tf t V.i4 tft tVa ITntal, ArMur of 'Sv Ht-irtwll, NatMr. Mrt- TH, 1 aajtul irf fail ' Wrij'.l i fie t-'TUw. fuMir Kntrlatl'iaa. lalit f n ' 'M"-it tlx 111 of IJ t-mih-a, ffl nlii v4 (It 11 Ilaii at t Itttttli Trtatyv. VuiN-rMatial (lv -, ! :nar iJr Mif iJ w . ahfa Ir a I - l'-c f ("- l'ui-i oi V1' 1 iHibM Writa ha..HW llw P'rit, Fvw atMl lull hli la ' Ox Hnvl. lOrtmrrr t IrTlrltuj, t'lr-.war- IW Kkt a..H , I'vn n iW CitMt, LlMba, MmI iwUa V.mhm f Hd. ISn -vr fa tt - ri-V Afrwd'Maar B AO WAV fll.Tq will -V, ,a rf Ifrn ft rwii i.ll tha ) , ti- 1 1" itl ifl-iti!-t. riica. K cciU towH-.a. mh my niir-HiKr. l;KAl ' FAJAIC AM TUI K" fVirl mt Hlar n i; f. I-M'VlAT X Ct) . -t" nj Jtfiv. n I v. New. V. l--TMMHm wwrUi UfoUMi.Ji wtibaatan ot. It. B. TAYLOIl'S LIME 'AND 'COAL YARD, (Nr the Bailroa Pp(t,) T KJIHRACC (hi nlhotl of Inf.rjiln the X public, tlt I Liav ofianrd up yard for tjjo uUa of nooil ar ooa-burut L1AIK anil Anihrucilt CO A I, in Ibe t.iroiiph nf Clrarfleltl. ard barf e-1 in (lifted arrnngfOHUitji irith eaf.era U idlers by whioh I ran kwp a lull uyyly oudhUuiIjob hand, wbieh will tiiiwK4 o( at tiT,Abl rti', hy tba tun, buihel or oar I"01, to ruit purchatwrR. Thoac at a dinUnec o.m Btidrrw uc bjr letlcr, aiirl ullaiu ail Duott-tarj infuriDi4i a hi rrtitrn mnil. II. B. TAYLOR. CUarfiuld Pa., Fab. S4, !S.:9 If rjio I. U M H U R M E K I 1'i.HFKCTIOH IS CANT HOOK SI Tba Claarfield Ettwlfior Canlhook wall aot wrar out ar break, faing oonatrofltad with n ailid band from et!p to puint. It li promt an (tad hy all praniral Inntborraw wbo hr examlt.rd It to bo the tnott parfpet Can tli 00k ever InronU-d. . Amos Kcnnard," Patentee, ; Manufasturnd hy A" Krx4RO A C,, Ml , CLKAUF1KLD, TA. , ... All onlrrt prompily attandrd tu. nSS'iO DREXEL i CO., o. 31 Houlh Third Ktrvrt. 1'lilla.ielplila tij.riiLns, And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mall will receive prompt atten tion, and all Information theefully formatted. Or.la mlimm. - April 1 1 -tf. 1 v at ar u o t' r 1 BURNED UP! ', BELL'S Jll'X WOOLEN FAfTORT, I l'cuu towarhip, Clcarfiold Ca., Ta. The itilncrllu'ri are, at grral cjponn, rihjlld- j lux. and tn a ft' i1' w'" DATe onipMr,l, a nrif-lil"rliCKid nrecaaitjr, In the erection of a flrit claaa YYnulen Wajiufaelovy. with all the in.nli-ra lliiprori-mcnta atlarhrd, and are pn pared Ui make all ennill of Clotlia, t'aaaiuierea, t-iitinetta, ltliiu kcli, Flanneli, do. l'leniy of nooda ua hand to eupply ail our old aad a thuuaaud uaw ouatouiara, uhnnl we aifc to oomt tnd txaiuiut our Itook. The buainvaa of CAKP1NQ AND Fl'LLINQ 1 will rarelve eapeelal atlcntion. Our new mill will be rra ly hy wool canlint; aeaann, thereloro Jlicrt need ho no hr.ll:ition on that arnre. I'rnper arratiKrinonti will he made tn reovive and deliver Wool, to aoit oualomrra. All work warranted and don. op'a the llinrte.1 notice, and by llrlet .itt. n llou h Inviunaa wn bnp. torualll k liberal lliart nf pulitie patroonge. io,(km rovKitf; wool wantkui V.'e will nav the Mirhell Innrkrt .ri"i fur 'Void and aril our inanufanlarrd i;noil low aa limllar Kneda ean ht bnuihl In tho eounty, am wntuevev we f.il lo render rraannnulo aatialaellnn wa ean alwavl l,e found at Imire rrn Iv to mike proper :iplanntii, either ia peraon or by l.tler. aprllJCtf Hrai.pian HIIU l'LQ. tUKAl' CHOCEUIKS! , LLMI'.Kll rtTV, PA. The nn-lercij;ned annonnori lo 1iia old frlrnda ait.1 pnir-ira that lie hit. "peii'-d a good lim of UIKll'l ." I i I !:.- A rlttlVIKIDNH at lll.old rlaod at Kirk k Ppeneor, for Whieh ho ioli.il a liberal patrt-nnc. II. W. M'KNCKlt. Luuil'or t.'ily, l'a., .Manh 2(i-tf. BAUUA1NS IN MUSICAL 1N riTIU'.MKNT! llrana, hoth new and noiid land, al the Mtnie Hrort. npp-''vlr 'villch'r Kuriilture Htora. All peranna inter tel aro Invi ted to call and riaiutne a nrw ti vlaot iirainnow nn eihihitiou. kifirol Muayt and Aliine ll.Hika ron.'tintly on band, tpl.l l:f f duuflv'u and rlitnt iUps. biglerV you ncTxo., ! 1 . t . . ...... I.".. FOUNDEUS k MAClIINi.ST.S ' ' ! - ' i i . Maiiufrtiireri of " 1 POET ABLE dt GTATIONAEY . STMM.MGINES Cornor of Fourth anil I'iua Street!, LM0AHI I I.I.I), A. tolfokj-iaaa-'U a .' "1 ' .:.-4 , i iv. -. 'i y.ia-J ..-Kjpaiatr t . nAVIKfl cn (pt cod In tha Bttnafaatnra of flrat clui WACHINEHV,wrMi.aotfulllDrona tht pubflo tbat mm ara now prparit lo fill all or dm ai clieajilj and ai proinptl.raa oan ba dona to an; of the ciUed. We manufacture and dealtn Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills Uead Illocka, Waler VTheell, gkaftiag Pulleyl, IlilTurd'a Iujeetor, glean Gauiia, Hteain U'hiaUei, Ollera, Tallow Copi, Oil tiupa, Guafre Cook a, Air Cucka, Uluhe Valraa, Ckeok Valval, wrought iron I'lpei, S'.naiu Pumpi, Roller Tied i'umi.a, Anti Frietiua Mctrra,Sp BUana Pn kinf, (iuiu Paek inK. and all kindi uf MILL WOKK; together with I'lowi, Sled Eulet, , COOKAXD PA RLOR STO VES, and tlher CAtjTl.N'US of tl! klnda. 1 , Sft-Orderi lolieitetl and tiled at ally print. All l.ttarl of inquiry with nferaate to maekintry of our manufacture promptly anawartd, by addrea Injr ui at Clearfield, Pa.' drctrto-ff Btni.FR, Torvo co. Oi L.'Beed. NOTICEa K' RKI.1) & POWELL CLEARFIELD i .. .. PLANING MILL A LL RIGHT!' HIIE pni.rietoMrerpcctrullyii.firrin thealtitani -i- of C1n.ri.cM county, tbut thy hara antiralj n-Cttc l lata es!aJjlibini;nt with tho laUt.timi.rovttd rood w or kii. ji unchincrt and ara now prqurad lo exocuta all orcert in the if Lna of buxiaa&at TLej will five especial attaatiun to Ilia iwuiufaf lura of material fur Uoute baUaim, aarh aa FLOORING, WEATHER -BOARDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Bit.tVKETs h .yfoi i.ni.rcs, OF ALL 6TTLE8, - W. ala k k4 ur rtk ft DRV Ll MRKR.and will pay park for all clear Lumber. One-eod-a half Inch panel ituf prrferred. Lumber Manufactured lo Order, Or eiclieiif-J, to tuit turtouera. ft.Or,ler .Hoited, and I.umtirr furnlahej on aliort notiet and on ravonal-.le tertnl. ' Ht'i;i) k POWELL.' Clerdd, Maroh . IMM ,dt l innTA Uefore taking Towd-.ri. After taking Powderr. C"H"''' 1 M Pit OVIJI) rOMllTK'N 11 I'OU ll .UM. liriful In atiatlnata eiana ot liatcnipcr. Ceuirha, Cotiia, Uola, Farey, Ooeti..- nra, lioiigbueai nf the r'kin, and Htojipago of vl aler. (ireaiie, rvelli'd In-frf ami inltunua ean It. rellerl. and aometlmei run-l, by tho uae .f lh.o Pondera. They will not interfert with the daily cork of the llorre, and can he given to cat tle with raiiel advnntage. Put up by A. I. Kll AW, Druggiat and Apothe cary, Clearfield, I'a. Noveaulwl , 1S71. Fold everywhere. rV ll R L A G K S T J. ArirOKTME-SI OF STOVIIM I fTOYR ! ever hrotiirht to thp enunlr. are helng reived at the Hardware Kalnhluhrnent of 11. K. ltlt;l,I.H da Ctl.a couiprieing tha following Cook riivvta : SPEAR S CALORIFIC.-'' . . . aUkQUEHANXA. HKG11LATOR, NOHt.E. KXCELSK'II. . 'J'HlUMril. . ... - .' . OOV. TENS. NATIONAL RANGE, AC. AC. Aifo, the foHonir.g lltntinf fitoven Di'EAlV-J AI1TT-TrrrtiT--ww SrEAR'S ANTI DUST, ppBAirsonnicuLAii, ,. SFKAR'S FA CLOU CtiOK, MonSUNO LIGHT, HON TON, : ; GIPSEY." vt'LCAN, 1 " '- ; ', , srNIF.AVI, . ; ; . nuBY' ' - jiAcrniN tno, ' , CHESTER eho, VOLCANO, ' I , 1 FI10KNIX, HEAVY PAR" ROOM ANT) STOKE UK)iI SIllVKS, iC. Cleardidd, 8.pt. JA, U7. - THE CLKAKFIELD " WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE I Manufactured cafchlly for , t TIIK VLEAItrikLfi m.WK,' I . rou t.iui r i,,.v; 11. V. BIUl.Kll A CO. I roLl.IDAY (iOOlXS. I 1. I have ad.lr.l In mv evir-nive vari.!y of I.AMI'OandTAIU.K l,A.- nit. Mut'o t'upl and fanerra. Mollo Mopt, a el Tiiy T.'" Pell", In fjrvat lariety. Alan, Veea and r iini'V T.M'et rieMn, ol tit" nan'i.mfri iirpiuiir. The, eaorla I hnve Irrporled dlm llj from Kn- rope, ami niv prleea are aa low a a any Importer can aell tht lame aooda In either Ihla ollv or NiW V,k A.J. WKIHHNKK, Nu. , loulh Ceoond rail 2 Strauherrv PH., l-hiladilphla, I'a. V. n.-Mvllovkof CIIAM'l'.I.IKItH.rap-.elrl Iv a l,mted lo churohoi, li- very larie. Hooka of diawinna, rhowinj the draijn of ei ih ch.i di'lior and lrarkrl, will he af til o rifjiic t. oc-.H'nj r 1, ..j ....... . ... "wnacss.'surs r ' ' "nun I'liitB aan uii iai utilcra A- itift lo dirrtiKiiit, and remain lui unwell, providtd , their bone art- not itrttroyt-d hy in inert I pt-on wt Mhtrr mexna, and tlte vital orRant waaiad ar6ad Um pairji , ef reiatr. . .. UapeiMlaor lHitMaru Headatlw, I'.l- in UN Sbwu-dcra, Caikia, 1 ij;)iliiei uf live CUal, l)ii aineat, .Sour KrnrtAiian of llie fflnmiiih, Hsd ''m In the klnulh, bilimit Altka, Fali-HM frf fif-art, InHammaltmi mi lh Liwiffa, Pia ta Va tmgit ! of ibt Kiiiavs, auda ItiimJrwl ailtfr i ittul ajin.:. are lh vtNpmiKa rTitmia. hi llieae C(niil!.,1mi it hai nn equal, and one IX'Hk mil V"v a l-t"er jm,. attire o iiameiita than a lenprtirnrtirertiwiiwajt. For FeiMAl Cvaaiplnaaalaa an ymir or n-H. mtiatl atfRie, it Hat Uaua of rmaanloi, ot " turn at Ult, tWat Jomt liaicf riitiv to iLw-.'.-1 m Ninueiue tint a tnuk.4 iuiftovcntcdt it toon itf Uble, 1 ' for aUflamitialarT bhI Cbrtl llhaaw lUia!laiit and (awat, BitMus, kaiumani aiitl mitient r?' lteiaa ml lUa iltouil. K.diic and Huulder ,beaa liitrera mv no Kml, Sucli D i aaiH ar.rJ..a.i'U Vltlilted BIOOll. Wll.Ht f rMMTtllhl , piwlucd by dcranfcmen: lrfaii ' , a nr y are a itrniia utt nwrm mm wttU 1'uulca imuiiij( aim ihc jm-iulai iwh o( .k.h-j Tiation of ilw Liter aad V taweal ud .a liaum iiaeJMl. For Rklii Dlwuei, Eraptintia. Tetier, fUN Rlieiualhivi(.liei, S.m.Ia, f'tninV. Puftilet !ii, t1P. bunelei, Mintf-woTiiia, hr.ld -tted. Sore kymw. iiwiaa, luh, ixur, tham orAiioiianl ll.e tiliiu, llunvai ai.d I.s-aei of the nkw, if lMtaet nai.te or natuit, are Uteially due up mu4 eaeheJ nut td the evMeaa ia aJiott time by tlx- uaa U ti buun Grutcful TboNiead pticn.m Vwigab Bit. Tai tlie moat wrmdertui ItrriKoraM that at aaatatucd the aitikiin ayfiia. J WAI.Kr-K, Pmp'r. H.II. M i DOM V ( 0 Pmrtriata and Gen. Agti., l;itt FranHtto, tt.. 1 anflcnr.of WaAmffffWi anrK'hartttm Ste , New Ynrtu SOLD BY ALL UkUOUlHitf AN1 l It A La. Si. ' June 3, 1?t. HAYES, C0ULTEE & CO., 7 r' " Puct.n (o W. A. ATt.oW,',, . . MAJI'JraCTIIIIKM 0 . , Healers, Eaugcs, low Crates, and MAKHELIZED ELATE MANTELS. "5ole a)pntl forllie tllehrated ' CIJ I LSOJf COOKING RANGE. , Sci Lt CaUlogutt.'" " - . . .. Ko. MM Chtetuulglreat, , June 5 (Ira ' - ' PniLADKLVHIi.. Clearfield County Bank; 'llllg Cl.aiB.ld Coaaty Lank aa aa iaeeriata X ted inatituth n haa gonetutofeiiiuiK.il the rurrrudcrof Itai charter, on May 11, IMi, All iti itock il owned by tbt luhicriheri, via will continue tht flunking hmineia at tba aai p!.r.,ei private Baakera, aader tatnrwiaaa el th. "Claarueld County Bank." We art n ipomlhleftr tha d.httal tha Bank, aad till pi) iu aotei aa dercand at tht counter. Dapaaiu rerolved and interrit paid when money U left far lllldrlmt. Paper diaoouuud at ill rrn. .. haretorar. Our pavavmal laapotwibilirj la pledged for all Ilapotita recoived and buailaw trani'cted. A eminence of the liberal ii). ronage of tht hnain.li UM ef the county h apertfally aollcited . A t Preiidewl, Caahirr al oflctnof U-t lalt Clareld CouatyBaak.n reqnire iht aotri af laid Bank It ht areaiitat for redemption. JAS. T. IRuKARD, RICMARD snAW, VTM PORTER, . JAS. B. I1RABAV, A. K. WRIGHT, O. L. BIKD, WK. k. WALLACE. The hoalneaaof the Bank will bt etadaeted It Joha II- Adam.., aa Caibiar, . tl l TJ - County National Bank, ' OF CLEARFIELD; TA." ' UftflM In raoe -ftuiMin j. one door nnrtail C. J. Wateon'i Drug ttHf. -faaaaga Tiekrtr toabd trna Liv.rpoo.1. Qmiii town, ti lueg.iw, London, l'aria and Copi-ntufti. Alao, Prale f,r aaiawnliia) ItoyaBank of Irelaal an-l Imprrial Bnok of Linli'n. ' JAJIE8 T. LE0XABI), Prwt. W. M. PHAff( ra.hl.-r. tl:1;r J. D, M'rtlrk. iv"-: " Bdwird Perav. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE : Kccmk & perks. pucciMor. tu Fuater, Parka, A Co.. I'hUlpaburff, CuUa County, Pa. "1 T ii KB K all tha huiin.it of a Baakini lea t f will ve WauaacUrd propiutly and uk let moa l ravora.i.a lertua mari-u TCEW KTOUE VND NEW GO0PS JOS. SIIAW & SON : . - Ha jual ei-vnoU -Sew Sioat, on Mairi St,,Ci.tJkniio, h Jtilcly eocupld bj Wta. T. 1RWIM. - Tli.ir atock oonriali of ' LO 1X1 VT aa-03DLD ' 0rcii! of tba quaJihi.. QoKE.NSWARt, Roots nnd .Slioci. and wcr? urticle neocanr Tof 1 ' ooo'i comfort. ' Coll and tismine our itock tefort p"''! clmsing nleiwliere. May 9, 1868-lf., DAVID YOUNG. Stonc-Cutter ana Stone-Mason ILL eteeurtal! work In hli Hat aial . a w aratt priori aad In FIHal-l lamw- Architoctural Ornaments la ALL 6TY1.K', Stint Drcaalnf of . . .... -ii li. i. -r M..An aarl C" I uoarrilHion, auu on am... v, - - . a traetrd for In nruutnf the comity, '''rv.il wlahlnit to hava rtapaetahlt raaioa wart I . ... i . . j i . a thir lltwV" I aion.-euiiiug auea, win . " a to call upon me 1 would alro Inform n'r.t He that I can deliver any quantity. eiaa I itont awiria, av i am ine owaer - FIRST-CLASS STONE Qt'ARR' L L. .Jj.uJ I - vrueri lor vera tan aw . 1IAV1U OlSi " n"ts'u ci'it Beale's Embrocation, i. .ma . A II- V I I. 'l.l J ..Jklia rva-- .a ror .11 dlaeaiea lncld.nl (o Han I Bnuiaa Haah, rat;- !ria iae eiternal appilcaiiea. ,j m.. , n i i .- -. .. relv Itra 1 liua a.i ---- - j the (lovtr- went during the war. n-r)il Juat0 li. Irwin, i utwbi'" Ahil.ir. t.u!harilupj. T V. IIAVIr. nf lf . lj, 1 jiprmapiM. (iir or H tiinila ' , M fart mitt AnnlhUMnr fr tiif W'lw' ' ,,TT, f.ni.)MtiothhM.I. H. I- W'" Yolt House ALoi for fialf or Kfjl rpilK ui,d,.rainrd offer lor rale or i I re .Mr. Im., a two .;T " and alaJ.lo, In tliiwimin, hL,Kia lirma. Ae., .pplj to l.hMl.1 t' J.Hiliirj M. IU!! tf. ... . ,, . i lUIKI) i P K, IUIU " " " i.hv i ...,r.,,l ail for aale K Tl