THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. , WKDNERDAT MORNINO. DUO. 4,1111. Termi of Subscription, If paid In idiM,or within three montha ...12 00 It paid after three and before six Month...,. I 40 11 uaid after the XDirMlim of til mnathe... 00 7 BKLIIJIOU". SOTsCF.S. t.tfcnll.t ttnlacnnal fharr:n-Ksv. A. 1 Yoorn. Pastor. I'ubllo Service every Sabbath at 1 01 A. M,'IIP. M. . .. 5. Sabbath Helioel l t A. i ' . . hh. u.tine mti Tharedev, at "I P. M Communion Service, Orrt Sabbath ef every month, at 1 A. M. ut, Andrear'a Cfcurch F.plCnnnl.-Rev Qaoaea IUi.i..PBbllo Service Sunday morning a II o'clock, and nt T P. M. Seaday School et I p, M Prever Meeting Wednesday evening at 7 clock. - , - Prwebvlerlaa Cbareh Rev. II. S. BurLBn Preaching om tho Lard's day et li ud 7 o'oluea. , . Buudey School at I p. m. ,". Prove Meeting day et 7j p. m, Peitoc'a DibleCleea a Saturday el M en. HI. Krancls' Churrh Cethollc Hev. T. J. McMiKi Xu at 10J o'clock A. M., a the seeoed end fourth Sundays of cook month. Lathere Ckarclu Rer. A. J. IIiirimi- Treeohing every Babbalb, morning end evening, Sabbath School it 1 1. . Proper mooting every Wednesday evening. , The Pbilibup Journal nyt thnl saarried vromea Bombarded ft daaelng party too I otkor night. , ;. I Mr. KreU, wite of Chaa X. Kretz, of the Amerloaa Ilouae, Broohvillo, Pa., died oo Tuesday imk, after a loaf ipoll of tutoring. i The Presidential tlev-tors moot In . the State Capitol oa tko Iret Wednesday of De- comber, (li dij), to east their rett for Frealdeat. J Postponed. -Wo understand thnt ( the ConBty Commietioaert bare concluded to postpone theeroetlea of a ttablo oa tko sow prle- ob lot BBtll spring, aad have wisely adopted brick ,f aJ tho materiel. - - . - GuiLTT Hickey, who killed Rittor at 8aow Bhoe, laat tumner, was triad at Bellefonte last ok, aad at found guilty of order In Iho aeeoad degree aad toBtoneed to tko penitentiary for otvea yoaro aad oil taoatht. . . ; Aa will be noticed by card pub. Uohod iB ta-daj'l papor, tho floret of tbio plaeo will aJB olaoa ob Ckrlatmai tho merchant! and tkeUr olorki dulrlBg to haro a day of real aod on Joemoat. Oar ooaatry ooatioi will make a note wf thia. Ko baok doora will bo ope a. j The Clinton Democrat myi t The Kartkaal Coal aad Lumber Company an making arrangement! to build a tteam law will oa Drury'l Una. about one mile from tho month of thtitrea Mr. W. . IliggiBi baa taken- tko contract to tiulld tko dam, and will commence the work at noo. ' . On Tuesday morninir a weak. Mr. J. W. Chnpmaa, a promiaoat eititcB, died at hil reiidoBca la Lock llaeoa, after a kriof lllaeii, of mental aad phiieal proitration, inperiodueed be long and unremitting attention to' Mrs. Chapmaa, who haa keoa lying for eororal weoki in a Tory eiritioal coaditlon from oomumptioa. Church Dcdication. Rov. J. P. Bell giro notice tkat tha M. K church at llouti dala, baring boon re-built, will bo dedicated to tbe worship of Ood oa Sunday, l)ooombr Sth, Preach ing morning, afternoon and Bigkt. ' Rev? i. 8. hUMurray, P. B., and Bar. W. H. Dill, of Clear teld, will bo pretent and conduct the eiercim. A cordial wolcomo to all. Found. The mysterious dinnppcar- aoea of II r. Ooorgo N. Celbnrn from Tyroae, two week l age, It w fully elplelned. He wai found wandering la the woodi near Water Street, after three day 'l aipoaura. Ilia feet and bandi ara fro ten, from wkicb ka la eutferiog oatreaee ptla. He li lying at Williamikurg, Blair county, whera ha ia rooairing the necoaiary medical treat ment. Hi la mfferlng from mental derangement, BerortheleM ka made cat to keep all kil moaey about him, amounting to nearly $4,000. DtccMBfR Election The ojipruach- ing oloetien will be ono of tko mott Important In iti raaulU, locally, erer held la the county. Tha licence cueaUoo la to be decided for throe ycara, aad borough aad towaehip treaeuren arc to be olaetod for the Urit time, who ihall bold their of toe br two yean. Beildee, all other borougli and towniblp ofleert arc elected in tkii county on the name day. Tho election ia ob the laat Friday, the 17th of December. It la tha duty of conitablaa to adrartisa thia election at leaat ten daya before the day of ollctloB. Vick's Floral Guidc for 1872 Tba Ouide la now published (uartcrly. 25 ccnta payc for tba year, four numbers, wbioh is not half tha coat. Those who afterwards send money to the amount cf cbb doUar ar mora for Seeda may also order twenty-nro ccntt worth titra the price paid for tba Ouide. Tbe January number is beautiful, girlng plant for making rural homes, Designs for Dining Table Decoration, Window Hardens, Ac., nad containing a mass of informa tion taraluable to the lorer of lowers. One hundred aad fifty pages, on flno tinted paper, soma firs hundred engravings and a superb col ored plate aad chroma cover. Tha trst edition cf two hundred thousand just printed in English and German, and ready to send out, Janes Vklt, Kochatter, W. Y. TsAOnnts' Institute. The ndvor- tisement of County Superintendent Gregory, for holding a County Institute, commencing on Mon day, tbe lOtb. of Ibis moath, will be found In another column, to whioh we call tbe particular attention cf diraotora aad teachers. Among the eminent school men, who have a State and Xa 'onat raoutation. ajfae have nrouiaed to be nres- Professor Barlow, of Lafayette College el eeioa, rofMK)r ghoeoiaker cf Pbiladejphi. ,j Professors blvjkl 4 Mtl of Ln,.,ter. Than nii repreeentatw, frera whom directors r-e .racoon iho.ltf be e- to take lessons la eucl afairs. We believe It would be good poll. y for directors to grant teachers a furlough during te attend. ' ' The Institute meets In the Court Room, where everybody can be comfortable. Lot tba turnout be general both en the part of cltlieni and school Hoere. ' ; IIovrt ProctrDiftas Tha third wseh ef November term ef court did not anoint te mack. Below will befottad a ayncpait cf tbe .trial list ; , J. ft. Stem and C. Btam vs. Jot. rotter. Case In assumpsit. Continnsd by consent defendant's witnesses la attendance to be paiil by Plaintiff. Jacob Mock ve. Barak McMullen and others. Kjectment. pefendantt confess Judgment for premises; plaintiff to pay the snm of (010 with interest i plaintiff file deed according to contract, thirty days before payment. Rebecca i. McCully and others ve. Wm. Oille. gsa and etheee. Ejectment. Continued. Pat Fllnn Ta. T. M. Apple. Caaaon promisee. B.ttled by parties. Adam Ooss vs. II. U. KepharL Case on promlese, ConUmnd. Prank Neff and others vs. Jacob Hrennemaa I- "here. Case la debt, reuse reashed and fied aad Jury Ind fbrplelnttr the turn of Mi.35. Abraham Ilirah and others vs. Willi am Reed. fse oa promises. Cense rracked and Jury find er pleiatlff the tarn of 240.2. t . Lather re. Jaiae. A. llagerty. Case oa ""last. Ccntlnncd by consent. PkUipabarg aad Suaouehaann Turnpike Co. vt. W. W. Bowman. Appeal by defendant. Iiefend. v",tn" Judgment to plaintiff and the C bavlt va. Thomat Long. Cats oa prom- Centlaoii. n.ho.bk . Vtnj ti JoMrb c tmMi "-rai ny drfendanL Sell led. J.a Alhco;Vltcr an4 Ailt. c n oi,i. filbert. Ji,.Ptmeno. Continued by consent t-,''0''iy and (.there ve. Riel.ard Oatct eiocfs. lueoliaiuL I: J I,. ... I Wrlm,.1''", ',' ?r :","' ,ni ';'njtnl. laiiav; V eeaarnt. I Edward IIavuand, Esq. We ro ferred to the sudden death of thia gentleman laat week. The York Caartls, published at the home of the deceased, la alluding 10 him, says t ' air. Haviland was an architect of considerable reputation, the aon of John Haviland, Kiq., of Philadelphia, who was architect of the Eastern penitentiary. Tha plan of this building waa an tlrely original with Mr. Haviland, tha elder, for the purpose ef solitary eonOucment of prlsonsrs under what waa known as tha Pennsylvania system. ,, Kdward studied law and waa admitted to the Bar of Philadelphia soon after ha became of age. He practised his profession but a short lime, On the breaking out or the war with Meiloo be en listed in Col. Wynooop's regiment of Penn'a Vol nnteers and served through the war. On his return from the military service he did not resume the practice of the law, but eutcred into the more congenial profession of architecture. Taking for his specially the plans of prisons originated by his father, he soon was sngaged In the erection, In several parts of lbs Slate, of ooenty prisons. Ths prisons at Carllsls and York were erected under bis plans nnd supervision about 1S4J-J. ... ' , Boon after this Mr. Haviland removed te Chi cago, where, however, be leaialned but a abort time. Returning to York be resumed bis profes sion, aad was engaged for several years in the erection of public buildings in different localities. Among Ihesa were the First Reformed Charch of York, Dr. Onrlcy's Presbyterian Church at nasbmgtoa, the High School building at York, the county prisons at Kaston, ClearAeld, Williams port, Mauch Chunk, Ebcnsburg, Coudersport and Reading, a Presbytariaa Church at UolliUaysburg and aa almshouse at Reading, and at'the lime ef hia death he waa engaged In building very band, some residences at York for Hon. J. S. Dlack and B. O. Smyser, Beer. In tho full tide of profcaaional shcoess and In creasing reputation, hit health became affected, and It waa while on his way to Philadelphia for medical treatment that his doath occurred. Mr. Haviland was a man of Sne physique, being alt feet six inches high; dnd well proportioned. He waa possessed of more than ordinary Intellect, aa. eompUahod as a scholar, a lover ofeeleutine in auiryi rfud few gentlemen were aa thoroughly versed in all branches of literature. He had aa. quired much .general information, and bis varied reading and fine conversational powers rendered bim aa antorlaining and agreeable companion. Mr. Haviland wai married in early life to Mary, daughter of Commodore Henry, U. ft. N., who died but a few weeks before her husbabd. Hi leaves two daughters. He waa born la 1893, at Philadelphia, and was it years of age at his Tub IIorsb Diheasb The horse diaeaae, or horae influenaa, baa almost spent itself bore, at least so far as tbe acute or first stages ara eoooernrd, aad a great many of the horaea are at work again. We do not know of a aingle horse that baa escaped the disease, and we doubt whether it is possible for any te oecapo. Wa hare the au thority from a competent medical practlUouer, who has given tbe lubjeot close attention, for say ing that tba disease is eertainly irmotic at It proved by the great mortality now going en in any places, showing the poisoned and depraved condition cf tbe blood. The Idea that the swel ling la dropsy Is certainly erroneous. Ia conse quenca or the blood poiaon tbe coats of the voeseli become aoftcned and tba aerum escapss and infil trates tha liirnes. ' None of the recent poat mor- terns bava developed any collection of water In any of the large cavities. This is ono of the meay diseases In which the horse owners can do great njuvy by injudicious attempts at treatment. Tbe animal wants no medicine, from the fact that none it needed, and for tbe bettor reason that nothing can be done to check Infiuensa. It will levari. bly run Its course. The system will eliminate or throw off tbe morbid poison lo from' ten days to tbrea weeks, provided the borao is In good condi tion when attacked and baa proper care and atten tion shown bim. 'The great mortality earned In the large cities waa mostly among horaea whole blood was in a bad order previous to taking the disease. Ho race that are perfectly healthy prerl- ous and are liven entire rest kert wsU blanket ed, with light, nourishing food hare nothing to fear. If the medicine. giving habit cannot be overcome as la often the oase with aorsc doctors srasll doses of sulphate of Iron (copperas) alter nate with sulphals cf lime or soda, In doles cf about one dram of the former or about two drama of tho latter, may in the second or declining atages assist in eliminating tbe poison. But good care, rest, warm stables, food and water, are the proper remedies. Communicated. Ljwbikci TcwKtnir, Nov. 35, 1872. Ha. Biutori Please give one of your patrons space In year valuable paper for tha purpose of making a few auggestionsooncerning tbe approaoh- ng election. The State and National elections are over and lost. The casual obierrer, ia review- g the reeult, must come to the conclusion that corruption, reuality and general incapacity are at a premium In tbia country. In our own State the highest intellect aad the most honorable record fur honoaty and capacity haa been morifieed to what? Why, to the corrupting qualifi'allona of "addition, division and silence." Dot, to my ob ject. The past year has been one full of com plaints in regard to the doings of township as well as State officers, and perhaps, in many eases, not without good cause. Now, Mr. Editor, where duee the fault lie, in the officers or in tbuee who cieot them f If we would turn to the pure days of our republic, wo would find that then the only pre requisites to position were "is hs honret?ishe capable 7" And If those tests had been applied in our Commonwealth, a certain General would have been loft out in tha cold. Let the people turn out and elect their vary best men te fill the offices, from Justice down to Township Treasurer, regard less of rings or location. I know we have plenty of men la our county Who do not need that the doors of tbe State Prison be thrown open to bring out convicts to certify te (our jMd character. I say we have plenty of competent i honest men among ut. Ther:.'orc, let nt eleot tnoh at our ap ?''!:'.Bf election, and then I will guarantee that complaints will cease. Watciisx. NoTicg To CcsTOMEns. We, tho undaraignrd merchantt of the borough of Clear field, wiahing la give our elarkt a holiday, do agree to eloae cur reapeetire plaora of buainess en Christmas of which our customer! will please II. F. lligler A Co., ; Kratser A Lvtle, J. S. Hooters, tl.l). Ooodfellow A Son, Wm. Iteed, Hacketl A Schryvar, K. W. (Iraham, Kolwrl Mitchell, 1. Johnson A Sons, ' Miller A Powell, Joseph lysart, L. Klegal, J. M. Kratier, D. Stewart A Son, J. Adams, Wearer lletta, Richard Mosaop, Wrliiht A ltro. List of loiters remaining uncluimod In the Poitofflce at Clearfield, for tho week endint inncniurr .a, in, si Covert, Miss Llssie. Morse, William II. Campbell, John U. (3) Moore, Mrs. William. Dinnan, William. Neville, Philip. Diftcuderfrr, U. Richardson, Hubbard C. Ileever, Harvey, . Stovene, Charles, dates, Hugh. Smith, John. (3) Koosrr, Mrs. Llnle. Watkis, li. & Lawhead, Harvey. P. A. OAILI.V, P. M, II- Enowi. Tho local of the Wil- Ilsmspnrt StamHnrd volunteers the following ad vice i "Never earry your matches, powder and whisky all In ens pocket. You mie-lit acoldant. ally etrike off the Melchee and then what would orcome oi tne r Hprctali. Be aura lo read Cnolc Charlie Watscn't adver- iiecmeni in to-day s paper. 1 1 -. i Ho I roa ?n IIoi.iiati A. I. Shaw haa Just returned from the Ka.l, where he haa spent the last tea daya in selecting the Bnr.t stork of lloli- oay uoous ever onrrert in Ulearneld. Ilo will hare evervthlnc tkat ia nice and deslrhi. k. be palleut, and await the grand openingi then go and make an Ivpeeilon, end you eaunot fail te be pleaeed. J net received another lot of Bnrrall'a Iron Cora libeller, at (ll-3i) StrxavT A Staavvau t, St.amwa roe Hilb. A. I. Nbaw kaa a eni,u of arst elsN lale style Sleighs, which he will sell at a bargain. Call and look at them. dt I.o.-k ont for the oronil oneninff at llnt;.. floods at Sbaw's neat week. His store will bu necked full. Arnn.,n,f..whol,(,0Wl.,J.p,( r , j'or salt by If I . pi' A Paaan AnnivALl A Urge assortment of Horse Ulankcts, all styles and prions. Also, a large assortment of Lap Rugs. We have for sale a lew selected ladina-tau whole Buffalo Hobea. novO-Jin. H. P. Diuiaa A Co, 8aw Distan's Cross-cut Saw, Qreat Amorlosn saw, uoynion s biguintng Daw, at C-I3-7I it P. UlflLBB A Co's, A ica. Seventy-live dosoa Cloarfleld Wood- choppers Axet at i3:TI. II. ? BIULKR A Co'a. n. t. Blgler A Co; have been making ettenalve addltiona to their atook ef Hardware the last few days. Kverytbing new in b'tiolf Hardware, Sad dlers' Hardware, farmers' Uardwars, Uuilders' Hardware, and Hardware of all kinds, tan bsseen ai tnair store. May 22, Juit rccetrnil, Urge lot of Don-exptoilr i4in.pi du aVftDitrni ai 9-1.5-7:1 n. p. uiulir x co'i. Wood ttn4 Willow Wr of all d.forljjllont for bj it, r, uigiar ue. Frbsi Gnoii-D P la it i u. -Revived tt Coroor Stoi by r lotd and fur ) by K. A. 4 W. D. Iitwii. CurweniTllle. March 13, )Ti. To IIa)t:iBKHi'Ei. All klndi of Fruit Cani, manufactured of th beat tin ant) with all tbo modern .uprovenenU, ai well ai'puttj aod co rn tot, for aan la largo quant Uiei by aug7tf II. P. U loi.oa A Co. Kotici to Waqox axd Ctanuoi Makriiii. Wo havo juit rooaivod a lentral MforUuant of Warm, and Carriage Wooda. alao a full Hot of Splint! and a i lea, wo loo wo oner oilcan ror oaan. ii. k. mono co. Dlrd Cagoa a lVf. tuortiaant at II. I. Blg ler A Co.'!. Paint, Olli and Varnlihai for lalo by U. P. Dlglor A Co.. , ,. , Caloinod Plaator II. P. Biglor A Co, RKCAIMTULAT10H. ' '"H.iCagei. Wood and Willow Waro. ' Ilouarhold Gooda. All kiuda of Hardwart. Japanned Ware. l'a.nto. Oila, Varnlibta. . Calcined Platter. Wacon aod Carriara Maktro' oupnHea. All of tbo abort for pal at tba mam mot b Hard waro Htore af II. P. Biglor A Co., beaond alreot. UlearBeld. ra. COUQH9 AND COLDS. Thoro ara few pereoni tbo aro awara of lb itn portaoc of atttndlti to a eough or a ld at tta nrai appoaranoOe I ne toouaaua wdu oi annunii of oonaumption. wer drat attacked witk a "aliitbt1 ooucb or ooltl. kib tkmr tttwuicUt would aoon wear ' Uaelf on, ana ia(r- nrrieotod lo bio the nmuor remedica until tnejr birrauie incurable, t,f our mat a n, eia, or aor lung ou- aao ia neglected, nakea the cuaneta or a euro mora uoucrtaiD. Wo would reeoniuiend all aufler inr from any dim a of tbe Lunira whatever, to u IIabm-i's Con ror wo grarr or Tab. It oarer faili in ouring the worat eaaea of ooujrbe, eold boarfneaf. ar throat, catarrh and ethme. It la aa infallible reutaMijr for Whooping Cough be ing ) men bed bj lotne or the leedtng phyaieiana in the North era aad fviiuthern Statue, aod beinc preparfo nntirr tne iiiimeatinte iiipervttiton or graduate of the FcnnirlranU Medical Culler. Tho proprietor beg lraro to Inform all that it ta juaek preparation, hut made itriotlr ia ao- ordano with the advance! prineiplcr and thuor of medicine. Price .SO einta per bottle. KU1S8KLL A LANDIS. Proprietor, Pbtladel- nbla. Hold br A. I.Skatr, Clearfield, Pa., and bjr all Druggita. ooIU-Sm FREE OF CHARGE. Call at C. I. Wj.t4in'a Orur Store. Id Clearfield, and KM a ram pi bottle of lr A. lloaehee'i Oer man Hrrop, .? Vknry. It baa lately boti iutrudured in tbia count rjr front iJurman.T, and for anr perann autTcrtug with 'a aerra enugb. boarj oold acttled on the breact, ennintnptin ut any diaeaae of the throat and lunga it haa no equal in tbe World. Our regular aiie buttlea onta. In all caica mouoy will b prumptlr returned ff per feet aaliataotioo la not given. Two duee will re lieve any eaee. Try it. L. M. Uric, Proprie tor, Woodbury, N. J, oot'J3 61a On Vovamticr 24th, )&;. hv A. llf .raa. Ren.. "Mr. UKOHlIB IIAHUDULLAH lo Mis Bl'HAX C A T IU K I N K P H A K R, liol h of M orrl. p. i;n nuveoioer zist, is, a, oy nor. iv.ta. Ht-ncH- nai.n. Mr. JIIIIN f. JljllNHO.N to Miss LAtHA K 1.1. US McCIIACKES, bath of Peon Uwnahip. On 5ovemW 7th, 1072, at tho reeldonea of Adam Minith, in r.iooinington, lv It. It. Rati, Kiq . Mr. A. M. TIIIIVI'lioN I. laiaa NANMIC LOOlkt, U w Uh.ral4 Htv. On November 24th, 172, atl tha reaideoca of Hilton Heed, in Pike town.hip, by I). II. Haan. Eeti., Mr. STI'AKT S. ASKKV to Miea HAH Rlkl WILLIAMS, both of Clearfield county. ,. 0a Kowmber 11th, 1871, at the reerdence ef the bride's parents, in llloomiagton, by Her. li s. S., Mr. SAMTKL K. Fl.KilAL lo .Miss SAUA1I Q. UOON, all of Clearfield cOuaty. On November 17th, 1S72, hv Jon II. Knwijia. Mr. HARDMAV IlKITZhNRATIIKIl lo Mra. ANN KINO, both of Penn town.hip. Warbrts. Clearfield Markets. Corrected weekly by nicHann Hoaaop, Wholesale and Ketail Dealer ta Dry ueoda, urocenea, Pro viaiona, Ac., Market atreet, Clearfield, Pa. Ct.nAarm.n, Pa., Ieo. S, 17?. Apples. green,00( it Dried, VI lb 10 Annie butter, utt-al. 40 lings, dressed...... . Hidss, grace 1 Hams 00 (J 30 Shouldora.....00(4 124 Sides.. tOtpt 120 Lard 11(a) Mees pork,V bbl...20 00 Oat ii Onions 1 60 Potatoea 00(a) 60 Poaohea, dried, !.. 12 Plaster, V bbl 00 Ry . 1 12 ;, V It) J Halt, aack I 60 Rhinglea.llHn.Stro 00 rlhinclee.2inlO(aVl4 00 Butter. 00(a) 3i Deans $0 00( t Ji Buckwheat.. 1 Of Buckwheat flourtb, 4 Beof. dried 22 Beef, fre.h ($ 10 Board), M 12 00(14 00 Corn, shelled.. I CO Corn, ear 00(a) 60 Onrn meal. W sack. 1 30 Chop, y ewl2 10 I 10 Cloveraaed. 7 Cheese. 0 Cherries, lb. I0r$ 12 Chickens, drsd, tt, 16 Timothy need 00 Baas - - 20 Tallow II Wheat. 00 Wool MM 10 Wood, V cord to Flaxseed 00 Flour t 00(410 00 Hay 00 00 (rt.1v 00 lViinlvaiiInltnllroi TYROSI A CI.vrvVli:.ri unAvrit f, .aa after Monday, OCT. 2Sth, 1873, the raaNenger Traina will run daily (eaeept Sua daya) between Tyrone end Clearfield, as lollows CLKAKP1 KLD MAIL. LKAVE SOUTH. LEAVK NORTH. Clearfield 1.30, t. u Phiiipsburg 4.23, M Osceola 4.40, " Tyrone (.00, " Tyrone SO.A.U. Oieeole.. 10 60, " l's.liu.torg...ll 07, " Clearfield 13.10, " ' CLEAKF1KLU KXPRKSSV .VI SOUTH. I.EAVB NOHf II. Clearfield Philip. hurg. Osceola lntorcectlonH Tyrone 6.40 a. 4 43 " T.oo " g.OT " . " Tyrone i.6i p. Intersection. ..7.0" " Osceola S.ll " Pbilipeharg....3I " Clearfield, ar....M " FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Bellefonte, Pa (3 01 Mlddlctown fi 00 .Marietta 6 60 Lancaster . , Bt Lock Uaren 2 70 Williamsnort. I 00 Huntingdon 1 o PUILAOLLPUIA 7 Hi Lowistown. 1 00 Altoona 1 tb Marysvllle 4 60 Jnhn.lnwn 110 BARRISBURU ... 4 lilPITTSBCIlU I 16 Cloea oonoeotlons meda by all traina at Tyrone and Lock Haven. OEOItOE C. WILKINS, mr17 If. Woperlntendent. pLOUR, FEED, AC. THE HLCCARIA FLOURING MILLS. The anilersigned would respcetfuTly give no tice to thetitisene of Beccsria township and sur mandlng country, that he haa parohased the Becearla Flourlug Mills and put everything In complete erder, aad It meaufaotarlng a trst-clast quality of Flour. CUSTOM WORK DONE, and Flour ia auantlly constantly on hand for sals. cnor, cortjf meal, bran, ao, ac. always en hand and for tale wholesale or retail. ;) TNH IIIW4;l.tJI WAMTF.Is. .U- I Will eielianee Flour and Cbon for 16. inch ejhinglet. or will pay part monty, II drtited. IKI If BAnKAU4S AR)g,E0KO. gariliwf, Uinnarf, &(. II. F, BIGLER & CO., DaALiat ta II All 1 WARE, Also, Manufacturertof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLXABntLl), PA LOT OF SADDLES, BKIDLES, Harnaas, Collars, etc., for sale by II. F. BIQLER A CO. pALMBR'S P4TKNT UNLOAD- Ing Hay Forks, for tale fcy ' " ,,,,,, 1L R BI0I.ER CO ti - 4 . -. .. aST 0IL' PAINT, PUTTY, GUSS, Nails, etc., for tale by II. F. BIQLER A CO. JJARNESS TRIMMINGS k SHOE Findings, for salt, Vy ' II. F. BIQLER & CO. GUNS,PI8TOLS,SWORADCilES : ' '' Fortalehy '' v . .. ,i II. F. BIGLER A CO.-' CTOVES, OF ALL SORTS .AS D ataea, for sal by ., ;'j,i . II. F. BIOLER A CU?" I RON I IRON! IRON! IRON-! For tilt by . , t II. F. BIOLER A CO. II ORSK SHOES A HORSE SHOE .'I . v NAJL8, for tale by II. F BIOLER A CO pULLEV RLOCKS, ALL SIZES Aad hast asanufaetura, for lale by II. F. BIOLER A CO. T THIMBLE SKEINS AND PlfF. BOXKB, far sals by H. F. BIOLER A CO. pODDER CUTTERS-for gale by cu30 -70 II. F. BIOLER A CO. ? durational. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLBAItFIRLD, PA. Till FALL TKKM or fourteeB weeks, eouinenoe Mondey, eWptcniber Id, IS73. TKRMS Of TUITION. ReaJinf, Ortkotrspby.Wrltlnl.Or.jeot Les- , aona, l'riuiary Antbmalie ana frtasery ' Oeoeranby. 17 III History, Leoal end descriptive Oeofrapby I with Map Drawing, Uraniniar, AtenUI I aad Written Arithmetic.... t CO Algebra and tbe Sciences M If 00 Instruction In instrumental music 10 00 Oil painting, 14 lessons 11 00 Wat work 1 00 For fell particulars send for Circular. Clearfield, Sept. 1, lS70-lypaj. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. A Male anti Fvaiala Claulcal High AehoaU Kt. UrpaHaicnl ItcparaU. IUOt mn4 VeMfal4etj A llMlfc TUB tebolMt.o 7ar f this Inn I it alio ia dM ded into two aritiooi of It aunt hi (twenty oo wetka) acb. Tb fir it iiion oomatesen on. th nrit MondtiT in Bent em Mr; thtiteond.OBtht I rut Monday in Pcbrwry. '. ThtcourM of initrtifltH toibraoaa trery thiof nccrrtmrt t a thoruab, prMticavl nd tweovpliib d tluokllon of both vexrf. Pupili will b adnittpd at any tint and rhargd from data of tntran(t ta tba aloia of tba MSftoua No dfdaction will ba taade for abaaum, aitpt in eai of extraina and prutractrd Hlnata. HtndentJ from a ditttanea can ba accoainiodatad witb board at low rataa. For partiaalara, aad for cirautara, or add rail KtiT. I. L. HAHRI80N, A. M.. July 30, I'Hnoipal. JECOSTUUCTED. DANIEL STEWART.' SON llavlnf pnrchawd tba Chaap ClotMnj Ilouttaof Iiaaa L. Haiivnatain. barn tha lara;aat and bt aaaortmant of Mannfaotared Booda ) ihaaounty, and can acll thair READY MADE CLOTHING, for Men, Beya and Cblldrtn, 30 Tell CEKT. CUP.VPEe Than n ulli.r bones In l, aenals. alley will always kp oa band a large and el- Cf am a.eriii,' wi ' OESTif FURXismsa GOODS, COLLARS, TIBS, . " THCNKS, VALISES, Ac, Ac. OF TnE LATE8T 8TTLSS AND PATTERNS. If von want te net good and etyltib Clolbing, at low Bfturee, do nol fail lo call al Ibeir eslab. Remember the place. " ' " aucT 72 UANIIL PTKWART A BOH. T HIE IEW SEWING MACHINE! The " BLEESI" Patent Link Motion. Almost noiseless machine Don't fail te eiemlne it before parehaa ing eieewbere. H. rhii;k. merchant tailor, CLKAI1FIKLD, FA4 Agent for Clearfield county. ptt-Local Agenta wanted la every Iowa ta th( eouBty, lo whom liberel terma will la gives. lon I fail lo alanine it and aatiafy yourself, tkarfielj, Pa., Feb. 7, U7-tf. II. 1 BIGLEIt A CO. have for tele CARRIAGE & Vktm WOODS, SHAFTS AND rOLJCS. HUIW, SPOKES, FELLOKS, Ac. Carrlafe aad Wagoa Makers teoald make a nnio oi snia aaa ecu ana oaamtae taeea. Tbay ill b. told al fair prlc mayil 11 1 X UL4CK8MITD3I The unlrrsiened oatees foe sola, ta lk krA.,b ef Clearnsld, a Blaoksmilb Chop, en Hecocd Itreet, eonUlnlng three forgot an 4 two tail sets of tools. A Ir.t class business. sieellrnt cUnts for a good mechanic. Apply lo 7 AMOS VKKRARD, , -,, Usailald, ft. : . ' 4. ' t. LEI ) We desiro to cull 7 . WUSIC STORE IN CLEARFIELD, : Where we intend to constantly keep on hand a full supply of "' ,"' ' PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. RAVEN & COMPANY'S ; .' - : HAINES BROTHERS' PIANOS. ' : ' . 's' . . : :. .j .'. .Wo arc prepnrcd at all times to furnish any of the cheaper makes of Pinnos to order on tho most fuVOfahlo tenn Ha to prices niiJ larma of payment. '-" "' : -' ' ' ' . v, tv " 'Our stock of ORGANS will consist of (lie new nnd popular (tVNDER ORGAN, (with Rynder's Kneo Tremolo nnd downward Octave Coupler,) The SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S ORGANS, 1 " w MASON it HAMLIN'S ORGANS,' nnd the I NEW HAVEN MELODEON CO.'S JUBILEE, TEMPLE and CHURCH ORGANS. j . Besides these we furnish to order Organs from any factory desired. We sell on every plan known to the trade, cither CHEAP FOR CASH, ON NOTES, or on the POrul-AR AND CAST l.hAStt, 1XAN. . , , .... .: . - , On our easy lerms everyone enn have a good instrument, amount will tend so much to MAKE HOME HAPPY. vvb sunn ihj giau 10 nave ocl23.'72-yl ' . .. T T r -- 5rj) Coods, tSrarrlrj, t?tf. r. wasvsa.... w. sr. lim 1VEA.VEII A BKTTM CLEARFIELD, PA., Are ejerlnf, al tba eld stand cf 9. L. Reed A Co tbclr iteek ef (eeda, eoaslitlnf ef DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, DO0TS A SHOKS, RATS A CAPS, DARDWAAI, - . .,. tJCKIKSTTARB, ilOlJE, FEED, SALT. 4o., tfco., A4. tne aieci reeeeaable ratea far CASH er la " eiebange for . Sqiare Timber, Boards, Shingles, I OR COCHTST PRODUC1. nTAc)veacei aade to those engaged la get tla0vA asjuare limber ea tte aaeal advaalageoua tana, pdlljant ED. W. GRAHAM, 1 DEALIR IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, SQUARE TIMBER & LIMBER, iJ CLEARFIELD, TA., i -'". naijait opened, at tbe KIT8T0HR HTORE, a a complete stock of Lrc ir c o o o b. ef eviry dnrlptloa. ' 'bit .j OROCERIKS, IIAKDWAUK, AND 8HOES. CLOTH I NO, Ac., etc., B01T N GREAT VARIETY. FIQUU. MEAT, SALT, : II YE, I OATS, CORN, AlfAYS ON HASD ASD FOR .... Uj KALE AT A SMALL AVVAXCB. u' I? T. O IT TI i ft seelied by tbe car load, aad told al a tmall l. - advaaee. ' A tapply of R0PI cca.lantl; ea hand. fyectal iBducemaatt offered te Ibeae getting ant Square Timber and Logs, as wo deal largely ' la Lumbermea'i Buppliee, and are pre pared at til timet te parehaae lim ber aad lumber, E D. W. Q R A H A M, "KEYSTONE STORE," Secuad Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. Oct. S3, 1TS. S. L. KIRK, SON A CO., WHOLEIALR UROCKRK, Ne. t3l North Third Street, aorner ef Cherry, Philadelphia. .... Hate la store aad offer for sale at the lowest market nrices. end eo the most reasonable terms. a large end well selected stock of firooorles. Teas, Apiece, Fi.b, Cbeese, Ac, selected in this. New tork and Baltimore merkets, te which atteulioB ofoeuatrv deelerl is pertleularly recjaested. ,.vla Ir (lAIITIONr-Nullee Is hereby glvea that my J wife, KLIZAIIKTII, has left my bed and board ahayl acy just cause or provocation. Tbia It to caulks U rsrtnat from harboring or trusting her en my acbouai, at I am determined to pey no billt of ber contracting unlet, compelled bylaw. JOllit RICH A H J. aovM.Jtpd. A DMIluiBTRATOftta' NOTICF (loiloe la herebv clven that letters of administration en tha estate of DANIEL CAHBY deoead, late of Penn townnblp, Clearleld eonnty, Penn'a., baring been duly granted to Ibe undersigned, all persons Indebted to said estate will pteasa mehe immedlsle payment, and thoaa having claims tl demands .ill present Ihem properly eutbeftUoajea) tor MUlsdent without delay. ' . V- B- BAFFRRTV, terjt tt.e Adataiirrttci. MiA.B K E.Tj.S T R Ji:E It r I E L D, v k A) the attention of tho citizens of Clearfield : iiavo opened a Our stock of PIANOS will consist PIANOS, STEINWAY 6t SONS' PIANOS, you can ana sec us, wnetlicr you desire to purchaso or not. ; - ' BYNlEirS MUSIC NTOUE. gry Goods, 4r. 1872. 1872. FALL & WINTER GOODS , AT J. M. KRATZER'S. immtnM Hlotk of t'oosfi mf entry trarrijWiiota. oo lea Goods, same price ac before tbe ad vance la wool. :,'M tfuiliat al redaeed priest. Dress Goods 1b greatest variety. Mourning Goods ef all kinds. Black Alpaeat, at all prices., . Black 6ilks, very cbeap. WaUrpreefa, TelveteeBa, Putld aad plala Plaa. aalt, Sblrtlaf Plaanala, As. Ttble Linen and Napkias,Irlsb Linens, 10 4 Sbeeliag aad Pillow aluslla. ( Ottoman Rap Bbawl. aad Bearfa, Striped Sbawla al all prieee. Paisley Sbawla, slagle aad doable, Bt u $10, ariose znaieiiug., rnnget, ueoei, a civet rue- boos, Velveteeat, Ac. Fait tine cf the eelebraled "Joecpbiee Seam- less" Kid U loves, Kid U loves from tl a p. Ladies' Keek Ties. Collart, Rolling, flair Braids aad Switches. Ladies' and Childrsn's Merino Vnder-weer. Madeiae Foy'e, Tbeeepsoe's, Glove-Fitting Ilip.tiore and etber Cortett. Also, Hoop Skirts, Peniers, Ac Large atoek of Carpels end Wall Papers. Sboes aad U altars, tame quality at keretafore. "Tba brtl art Ibe cheapest," , Balmoral aad other kalttlag yaraa, aad ether articlea, too aamerous to meatioa. Purchase n will lad a creator varletv ef mods Ibea is usaally found la obc elere. , 4. all ana szamiae. Clearteld, Sept. II, lit!. ,fM, .REED, Baeceiser te Reed Bres. MARKBT STRUT, CLEARFIELD, PA., "1 IT ILL cpea Ibis weak an Issmeaee slock ef 1 T ail mecrlplione er DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, ... MILLINERY nd , FANCY GOODS, FDRS, . . , LADIES', , MISSES' and ' CHILDREN'S SHOES, lo, Ac, Ac, Ao. Beylng my goods la New Yerk, the Aead f tbe merest keeping a reliebte elaes of goods j sell ing goods at atose eash Igurcs, and conducting buaiaeat 1b a thorough busiuess manner, I hope te merit the conldeeee of CASH Bl'VEKS throughout the county. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. Cell and eiamina my stock aad ho eeavloeed of the truth cf my assertions. sept2e WM. MEED. H. F, N AUQLE, WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, and dealer la Watches, Clocks, Jewolrv, Silver rjiid I'latcd Worn, Ac, e4tri CLBABFIRLD, PA., IXEIUTOBJB MOTU'li-Hetleelabere- lj oy girt mat bottere Tesumentary girta that Letters Tesumentary having been Rrauled to the en grauied M tba eaheerilier, ob the Estate ef JtlllN-rHTKHH, ir daoeaaeil. lale of Brmdford tewnshiis Clearleld county, Penn.ylvania, all persoas iadebied lo si4 Estate are reqoosted aa mnbe Immediate peymyit, aad those hattae) eiasiwc agahwt the same will present them duly attthantioateel far aattfemaai. .. KARAH PETERS, . Oct, If, m;.l,4 fctaaaiix. i i : ii ..'(.v i i. . w ,T,1 iv x 'a: ;;.v:;:,;: i ritv if County to tho fuct that wo I ' ' '- '' of " , and no other investment of like SrtisrrUanrous. IloggMTonutililp Awake ' OREAT EXCITEMENT AT ' THOMAS BEERS'SI JVBRYBODT trying te gel there Irst.fer fens J ef being crowded oat into the cold. If yea want good Shoeing done, ge to Beta If yon want yom Sleds ironedright, go to Baana If yoa want good Mill Irons, go ta Bit at. If yen want year wagon style aad workmanship, go to Btsat Baaae makea Ibe beat (lien Maehln t. State, aad doec all kindaof BLAOKSMITHINO as eheap as can be done la tbe eoeaty for Cash. y rosi umcc aoorasa la ciaarlald, Pa. TUOMAS BEERS, Bogga Tp., Dae. It. Id7-tf. Cheap Furniture. jonN GULICU rvtSlRBS te Inform hit eld friends an 4 mr temen, met havlnc en creed hi. .k ..j laerceaed hit facilltiet for maaaiaetarlBg, he U bow praoared to make te order such FuruiUre as may be deaired, la good ttyle and at sheep rates for CASH. Be generally haa .a band, at his raratture rooms, a varied assortment of read. Mad fu. !.. - . V. 1 -L ...,.,,,.m.u wuiva ore BUREAUS ASD SIDE-BOARDS. Wardrobes and Book-Ceeee, Centre, Sofa, Parlor. Breakfaat and Dinint Elteasioa n . j , , . ' ' aad ether oeu.nao. , oeiaa oi an BlaOs, Work stsnds, Hal-racks, Wesh-sUndti Roobln. ..a aJT! Chairs aprlni-eeat, eane-hottem, parlor, com mon and other Chairs i Lookina-Ulu... .r... dearription ea hand aad asw glaaaes far eld frame., which will be pat In en very reaeoaeble torsi, oa saortssi aoiiee. ne also keeps ea bend er feral. hes to erder, Corn. husk. Hair and Cot-toa-top Mattresses. Coffins or Evert Ki.xd Made to order, aad funerals attended with a Htaraa wheaever deaired. All tbe above aad mane ether ertM.. ... e... alihsd te customers cheap lor Caea or aickanged for approved country produce, Cherry, Maple, Pooler, Lin wood and ether Lam ber callable for Cabiaet weik, ukea la .ickange fur furniture stay-Remember the ahep la ea Marts! street, Clearleld, Pa., aad aearly epporlte the "Old Jew Star.." JOUH OUL1CH. M.vemhertl, lilt y 'Hi andcrsigned begs leave te Inform the pub 1. lie that be is now fully prepared to aocomuio date all in the way of furnishing Horses, Buggies. Seddles and Harness, ob tho shortest aetioe and en reasonable terms. Recidenoe on Locust itreet, oeiween 1 BU a ana rcurttj. HKO. W. OIABUART. OleerfUld, April 11, U7. 8AW8! SAWS! SAWS! DUTAK-8 CROCS CUT, MILL, PR10 AVD CIRCULAR SAWS. Boynton's Lightning Cross-cut Saw, ALSO, PATENT PERFORATED A ELBCTRIC SAWS, For tale by eetU.TO II. F. BlflLBR A CO. Attention, Lumbermen ! "lfB bow miniifivtrinf our IMPBOVKD W (STEEL - fiOCKKT DRIVING CANT HOOKS, tuptrior to ay other In , Wt bv ftlio in itock UriFqasntilT of Cnthooki tnitkt te for rnin turpoie, which wt rnt illio(t onip Tor run. amii- at n. k b n n A h v. JiMrnaioi, Pk,, Murch 1 175. A Notorious Fact I F1AIIKRB ire more people troubled witb Lung X Diseases In this town than any ether place ile aise in the State. Ooe of the greet eaases ef this is, the useer an Impure arlioleef Coal, largely mised with autphur. Now, why not avoid all this, and preserve yeur lives, hy asieg CBly Humphrey's 4 elrbrated t ool, rree from all impurillea. Orders left al the cloret cf Richard Momop and Jaraea B. Or ahem A Boat will reed re prompt attentioa. ABRAHAM RCMPBRET. Clearleld, November 10, 1(170 tf. ., u niiiaatraia. . taauaaa. REIZENSTEIN & BERLINER, (8uccsori to D. Utni A Co.,) wboletoto tlmltrt Ik GEMS' riRMSIIIVG tOODH, Ii, Ll.penard street, between Church street and west nroaeway, new ion city. (Jy.ll ,J F.STERLI50, . Manufacturer af SADDLES & HARNESS CLEARFIELD, PA. Work gearaBteed to gira tellifectlca. Prieee reasenebie. UivemeaealL Bbop la Uraham'a Row, Market street. nol0,7J. JXECJT4RI4 MOTICll,-Nol!ealihere. A by given tbet letUre teeUnieataiy Savior Oeen aranlod to tbe nndersixnrd oa the e.tele of utu'racr iii.i.iua, aeoeeeei, late of llredy lewn.blp, Clearfield eonnty, Pennsylvania, all persons indebted to teid estate are requested te aits Immediate payment, and those hsvlng claims against tbe same will present Ibem duly aetheaticaud (br Settlement. ilKXKT r.u.i.itu, IEKRY WEAVER, Mania ber I, UTI.-Itt Siecuters. 15 tOA per dab Agenta wanted ! TO Vvv Allaiaseetof working peepia. ef either tci, yocag er eld, make asra moaey l worh for us in their .pare momeiila, at all taesssae, then al anything elee. Particulars free A, 14 roes C Srirton c, f ortlead, Maiat. cotJd'tlyl -LLiL CHAW HOUSK, O (Cer. ef Market A Front tercels,)' CLBAKFIXLU, PA. Thia nege4tuanl Hotel la entirely new, com plete la ell Ita appolntaoeaM, Bud cuavimb-Bt tie the Court lloaae. . A free Oatnlhet raaa to an from the Depot oa the arrival aad departure cf each train. MKd B. O. I LUMKBTH, AprtU0,U71. . .'m I'roprletreet. WASHINGTON HOUSE, NEW WASlll.NOTOiV, PA. Tbia arw aad ardl furnished b'raeu lies bcoa taken riy tbe naierslgned. Ill feels evnldesit of heuag able as resHtor aetisfadlwi te theac the sea favor bim with a ealL May I, IWt. fl. W. fAVIB, sVcf'r. J ' REVERE HOUSE,- " . it r xi i n i, pa: '. The subscriber having built e at Hoed, tilth all modern iaiproveaterita, aa f rr-,arMl to receive gueett. The table win be cnj pllideltLlhe best la the market tlm bar arlth the cbootocct liquera, Uood tlabllng atlacV.i r). 1 apr-y A. U. SCUAlirFr.n, tVcf'r. ) THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL . MAUIEI St, CLEARFIELD, F. THIS large aad eommodleas ne betel nam heea epened for the eacemmodattoa ef the Labile, where the proprietor will be gled twasee It old friends, and receive a there of pablle pet rooage. Br elrlet personal nitentioa to the do. taila of his beeitieee, he honet te he eble te rwader satisfaction to hit patrons. The TABLK will always be bnaatlfully supplied erlih the beat that eaa he procured ia the market, aod the BAR. will eontalB a full atoek of LlUL'OBS, BKEK, 4o Uood ItabllBg attached. :' . I - OAHI'EO. LKIPOLDZ, 'I Clearleld, March I, ll0-ly 1'roprietea THE MANSION HOUSE; - Corner of aecoDdendMeshtteHreeta ' CLEARPIKLU, A. : ' ,. TBII eld aad commodious Dolel kss, during the past yeer. heea salaried to deeble Its former cereal ty for the eatcrtelnmeat of straa. gera and gueeu. The whole hallJing bae heea referalthid, aod the proprietor will spare ac. paiat u reader kit ga.tle comfortable while atayiog witb him. , The 'Mansloa Meate" Om albas ruat te. aad from the Depot .a Ibe arrival aad dspsa-tar ef each trala. U11H VUUUHKRIT, aprl ft If Proprieeafv ST. CHARLES HOTEL, ,' . (Onposlte R. R. IenoUi CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. Tbe Baderaianed. havinc heaoma 'avitirtas. cf thia houac, ia aow ready lo enterule atnangera aad traveler, and therefore aurietta tojeaanaaate give him a call. Ilia Table will be canplied vsrth the beet the market affords, aad his Bar wia) sea tain the choloeal ef wince and llqaesa. Eiteaalre atabllnc Is'attaehed.rCberm laoaerata. JaalS JJ JAJtEd McLAUOBLIN. WESTERN MOTEL Opposite the Court Hbuev C LI A RFI ELD, F f IT Jf. ' Aoaommedatloni tret-eleM aad) eharget moderate.. eeti J0H5.r TOtSO, Pteprletor. ' JJOSTOBR BO USB, , , typpotlM Ut Court Hoeee,, LOOK IITIil, ri'A. JsU Tl ' TIACSIAL A KROU, Prop's. JROCKERHOFP BOUSE. BKLLBFOXTB, PA, ' A. JOHNSTON A 0!ffr' eetH FroprleUre, RAILROAD HOUSE, ' ' Main Stseet, PBILIPSbCRii, BENN'A.. The aadarstencd kerna eonstaatlr oo hand th beet er Llcaors, ills tabic It alwayt supplied with the best the market affords. The traveling public will da well to give him a call Bovl.'ts. .. ,, . BOBERT LLOYD. , CUSQUEHANNA nOUSE, O ClRvlESHVILLB, ,: ClearAeld coontr, Penn'a. Tbia eld aad well eataWilh, d lloiel, boeutifolly. situated ea the bauke oi the Susquehauoa, lo the borough ef Curwensvllie, has besa leased for a imm aI .mm br tba anaUeaigeed. It haa been, entirely reaued, and is aow ope a to the public generally and tbo traveliog community ia par tlealar. No peine will be spared to reader gueeU comfortable while tarry tog al thia aouec Ample Stabling room for tha accommodation cf teams,. Chargee moderate. . Sept. II. l70-tr. ELI BLOOM. M -. ., .r-m T)OOT AND SHOE MAEINO. AJ PHILIP WEAVER, oa Market otrect, la Ehew't Row, Clearleld.' Pa., hu je.t receired, a Ine lot of French Calf Skint aad Kips, the. best la the market, end ia aow prepared tamea afaoture crervthiac la hit lint. Mo will wet rant hit work to he as rcpreeented. The cltlaena ef Clearleld aad vlclally are respectfully Invited te give him a call. ' Work done at short notice. Itll'Tly BOOT AND SHOE H0P, : EDWARD MACK, Cca. MARKET A 3t Sri., CLEARFIELD, Fa, rpiIK proprietor has intered Inte Ike BOOT at 1. 81I0B haalacat at the above stand, aad is determtaed a ol ta be oaldoac Atbar ta ooal. Ity or price for hit work, bpeeiel atteattcB will ae pale to maneiaeianng nawea vera, lie hea oa head a large lot of Ereaek Kip aad Calfskins, of the very heal quality. The eltl teat ef Clearleld eed vicinity ere respectolly Invited te give hist a trial. No elarge far cetla. aevt,' 0 tf J8AAC JOHNSON k 60X3, Maaafaetareti and Detkata la -. Boots and Shoeit Ledlee', Mlrees' an J Children's O.IUrt, ' Men's, BeyS' aed omen's Bsavy L'oote; tad Brogana, Ac, Ac Store ead ahop on Second street, nearly oppo site H. F. Bigter A Cc't hardware store, Feb. IS, lllMy ' CLEARFIELD, PA. HftiSffllanfous. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALK I The Ucute aad Lot oa the ccraer cf Mar ket end Fifth atrecta, Clearleld, Pa,, is for sale. The lot contains nearly a B acre of ground. The house is a large double frame, containing alae roe, res. Fur terms and other information apply te the scbschbar, at tbe Feat OSce. . aovU P. A. 0ACt.I!f. D. J: CROWELL- Maoefectarer ef the D. H. Ball Bolting Machlee - . end the - SIDE CUT StIINllI.K MACH1MIL , ta cut from II te to laobes', and llceaaed aaaVr Kveret't patafit. Join lore. Drag Haw Machinee and Oeneral Mill Work, Bianemahc'ntg, Cauar ea coenty, Pa. Repairing ef Machines and teoerel Cuilena Wcrk done te erder. aagUre Clearfield Nursery. KNCUUKAGK HOME 1NDUJSTKY. THE BBiierslgned, hartag cttahlishcd a Rut eery ea the 'Pike, eboet halfway batweea ClrerMd and Curwensvllie, la prepared to fur bish all kiada of FRUIT TRKKS, (siaadard end dwarf,) Evergreens, bbrul-bi-ry, tlrat-c Vines, Qooseberrfea, l.awton Blacklerry, bu-awberry. and Raaberry Vines. Also, ftiherlsa Crab Treei, (juiaea, and early acarlct Rhnbarb, da. Ordert promptly etltadad te. Address, at. D. WRIGHT, aepll ll y . , Carwensvills, Ta Mis E. A,. P. Rynder, . . sessv rot Chlckerleg'e. Stelaway'a aad Emertoa'i Fieaet Bmlth a, Maaon A Hamlla't and Pelcaker, Organs aed Melodeons, and Orerer A Baber'a Sawing Machines, alio vsacasa or Plane', Salter, Organ, Harmony and Vocal Ma. sic. No puplt lehsn for leei then helf e term, nayxooms tlullek'i FuraiUia Store. Clearleld, May I, lttlto tf. Lime tor Sale I Till undersigned, residing netsr the depot bet made complete arraneeuiants with Lime homers cast or (he mountain, whereby he Is sue bled at kees eeasteatly ea head a large CjimctUy af PUBB LIMEJ . which he offers lo farmers and baildert al a trl.'e asw aoat. Thoae la aead of the article weuld da wIJ le give) tne a cell, er address ax by latter, hc- roas acgoiiaiiria ifeir time. Hi If) C. PASS MORI. Cleerleld, fa., June a, list.