Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 04, 1872, Image 1

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    , THE
rtnutnio avast idjiidat, it
i.Ji.', i - , . . , ,;uivi
I Urgent Circulation of any Ncwipaper
: la North Ceutral Peuuejlvaula.
Tenniof Subscription. '...'
'.aid la adranoe. er within t mmlhl....'J 00
14 after I and before I monthe
Id altar Um oipiratloa oft month!
a oo
"r Bates ot Advertising, ; ';i
aoUal ndverUeoaeuti, par eqaara of 10 linator
a, Umai r la- """l
, eeMbeneeqoenliaAertloe......,...,. M
aiaietneWra' aad aUeoulorl' lotloe.. t M
iHara' notleee..
aioai aad Ketraya,,uM...-.." 1 S
elation notlooe 1 00
nntoaal Oerdt, llat ar leet.l Ji. 4 00
ai aolieae, per line...... ., i- 30
oare.. 13 00 I i ooluain.$38 00
caret- IS 00 i o.)lumn...,H 41 00
anret . .10 00 t column-.....,. SO 00
.i - Job Work.
; ' " ' BLANKH.
k iilra.:.'.'...tx J o,ulret,pr.qulre,tl 71
trM, pr, quirt, I OH j Qrer t, par ojulro, ISO
ot, 19 or feu, 11 SOI tiheet,torleae,$t 00
at, 15 or lata, 1 00 1 aheet, li or lesa.10 00
15 of each of above at proportionate ratal.
M a. a'aiULLT.'
ihiu w. a'ciaur.
Clearfield. Pa.
VLal bvilnraa attradad to proaiptljr with
IT. Office on Seooid itreet, auora tha Flrtt
mX Bank. .
riAiw niLBina.
Ulcarield. Pi. . -
P-Leteal Vnllaaai of all klnda attalldad to
BTomptRan aad Idelitr. OSca In mtdMoa
fHiam A. Wallace. ' - i . )al:7l
noRNtr and Counselor at Law,
clbarpirld, pa.
atlnjt reelgned hil JudgeiiHp, hu nanraad
praatte of tea law la hii aid oOoa at Clear
t, Pa. Will altond the ooorti of Juffonon and
( ooaotlaa when apeoialljr letained la aonnectioi
k raaldaat eoaaael. ' 3:14:71
; T.'.H.-M U RR A Y, :
Hompi attention' glren to all legal bnelneM
mated to hi. care in Clear Sold and adjoining
arlea. OAca oa Market it, oiniUi Nangle'a
OMlry Itora, OlearOeld, Pa. ' Jell'tl
A.'W. WALTE R8,r
- ,' Clearfleld, Pa.
.OSoa la tha Coart Hoaaa. : (daol-lj
. H. W. smith;
1:1:71 ' I 1 riearlaU. Pa, i" . I
laa at Baaoad fit., Clearteld, Pa. aorlll
', , r, Claarflold. Pa. .
n-0oa la tha Ooart Hoaaa. U Jyll,'7
t ClearSlld, Pa. " '
laa oa Markat St., ar Joiaph Bhowera'
rooarjr itora. ' Jan.,tH71.
loa. i. a-'conovon. " ", . a'orjLLonoit.
' ClearMrld, Pa. " '
" OBlea an Tjomiat atrert, nearlr oppoillo tha raa
lanoo of Dr. R. V. Wilaoti. - Wa hara la out of
M oao of Hieaeok Bro'a U'It Ira and har
Mr proof aafaa, for tha proteetion of hooka, deeda,
4 other Taluable papara placed In our charge.
and Heal Eatate Afrent, Clearfleld, Pa.
f OBoa oa Third atraat, aot.Charrjr A Walnnt.
! M-RMpactfullJ cleri hli .etrice.ln aHIIng
tad buying landa In ClearOeld and adjoining
leuntlea ( and with aa axporienooof ovartwantT
faara aa a nrreror, latUra hlmaelf that ha eaa
wndar aatlifMtloB. . i .... . Fob. 8;3:tf,
AUt ptl W
Saw Iog anl Climber,
I .. clkarpibld, pa. ' '
Ofiaa la afaeoalo Building, Room No. 1. !:
J . J. LINQI c
Ml Oar
Vlaarfleld Ca Pa. - y:pd
Willaretoa, Clearfleld Countr. Penu'a.
f fflavAH legal auaiaeni promptlj attended to.
I ; Dj.L, KREB8,if
I Buooaaanr to II. B. Bwoopa,
! Law and Collection Office,
Pdtl.l'fl CLBARPIKLt), PA.
iaha U. Orria. , i . i .- C. T. Alexander.
- llrlltfeote, Pa. aeptlIJ ,
r - nelleltollte. ffa. .....
f III practice In Clearteld and all of the Courta of
aa Xdta jaaiotu aieinoK. new vrihi vmDn
e4 aollaotioa of elalma aaa.ia ipecialllM. nl'7
t DR. T. J. BOYER, ;
b fjOoo oa If arkel Street, ClearAcId, Pa.
V-Plo Rn: I t It a. , and 1 to I p. m.
R. K. M. 8CII EUR Kit, ' ( jr
Ofloo la Maaeala BaUdwg, 'J i
April 14, 1171.. .-, i . ClenrHeld, Pa.
!t DR. W. A. MEANS,
Ill attend profoMlonal ealli promptly. aug10'70
I LI ll 0.4 r
i. n . rv l.1 i a t, m. w . ,
TAVINU located at Pennteld, Pa., offera hla
l prnfeational .trrioM to the nenplo of that
eaandaarroandiugeuuntry. Allcalla promptly
Med to, . . Oct. U u.
'".r,eon of the 8Jd Rc'mant, Panntylranla
daauari, baring raturnad from lha Army,
bra hla profeeelonal a err lot I to thaeltiieni
OUarS.ldcogaty, ...
BProferilonalelia promptly al ten led to,
0 II Steo&d atraat. fnrmerlroeenrjlad h
ooda. . , , ,., raBt4.'t-ll
UAVOHKr AC(l.'l ,
Bccood Btreal,' ,..'" '
aya on haal, Freeh. Oyalari, fee Cream,
wnie, i.raoaera, lenee, uigara, louaooo,
d Frnlti, Urangea, Lemaaa, aad all kindi
"I In leaaon. , .,
ruiLLlARD ROOM oi tmoad Doer.
i a 7 o k t t it i a ur
VOL. 46-WHOLE NO 2298.
TTAVINO located at Oaeaola, Pa.,o(Tra hb
XI pnfoialonal aarrloaa to tha poopla of that
laea and larrounaing oouniry.
tAll oallt nronptlr atUldod to. Offlsa
aad raildanoa oa Cartin t, (ormarlj occupied
aj Dr. Klina. J, i: y
j. noLLOwiuia
Blank Book Manufacturers,
2IS Market St:, Philadelphia.
teeVPaper Flour Saoki and Baga, Joel.cap,
Mtur. Hot, wrapping".
rnrlain and W)
JaittM of tlit Feoe. Burrojor ftnd CoDveyanotr,
LulhcmburiT, ru .....
'in I,a.I.m tntrtiailavl In hint will ha ntomntlT
will An mm tn arivft him at nail, u he flatter?
himself that h can nmlor fatiifiutioii. Deedi of
.....nA arH lnla nf airrfaimnnt. and all lOaTaJ
pRprf, promptly ami neatly neted. tI6marTI
Jhitloo of tha Peaoa and Lloenaad ConroTanoer,
Lutheraburc;. Clearfleld Co., Pa.
er-rnilctln. A renlttanoot pronntlr nada.
and all hlnda of legal initrumenta oxacuted oa
abort notice. ,.,, . aiajr,70l
Lutheraburc;, Pa.
Tilt rnbaorlbor offera hla aerrleel to tna patuia
In tha onpacltjr of Bcrlrener and Barrejor.
aii ..II. for aurreTlnc nromntly attended to, and
tha making or drafta, daeda and other legal Inatru.
menu of writing, executed without delay, and
warranted to he correct or no aharga. ll 2:71
Claim and Collection Ofllce,
OSCEOLA, Olaarteld Co., Pa. ;"
r-ConTneln and all legal papera drawn
with aocuracr and dl.pateh. Dtafl. on and paa-
aga tickcti to and from any point in huropa
proourcd. ; . , , , , octj'70 tin .
F. K. ARNOLD . Co.,
. , BANKERS, ., , ,. ,
I.tithercburg, Clearfield county. Pi.
Money lonnad at reaaonhble ratn: exchange
bought and aoldj depoilta roeeired, and a gen-earl-banking
bullnoal will ha oarried on at tha
abora place. ; .4:12:71 :tf
. Juitiaa of tha Peace and Soriraner,
Curweiiarllle, Pa.
VavCollectloni made and money promptly
paid aver. -. : fehJTTUI
E. A. . W. D. IRVIN,
MALtaa i!
Real Estate, Square Timber, Logs
AND LUMBER. ,,".".
nu "-jjVSn.rilia, ra.
oao. Atai:T....Bnn junt.l....... AH""
If anafMtureri A eitcneive liaalcrt in
Sawed Lumber; Square Timber, ito.,
WOOVLAHti, rn i-
tarOrJtri aollclted. Bllla tiled on iliort notice
r j 1,1.
' Addraai Woodland P. 0., Clearteld Co P
Prenebvllle. Clearfield County, Pa.
Kecpa eonrlanlly on hand a full aenortinont of
Dry tiooai, jiarowarw, .iuwim. ...... .
uiuallr kenl tn a retail atore, wUion will no aoiu,
for eaeh, aa cheap aa elaewbore in tha oounty.
Fronchrille, June n, imi-iy.
TH O MAS H . F q R C E E,
Alio, extenflra manufacturer and dealer In Rquara
Timber and bawea ijnmoeroi an ainue.
' JWOrderi wllcited ind all Will promptly
tilid. " - ' ' f jyitvra
. - ' Clearfleld,-Pa.
TTAVINfl rented Mr. Bntrna- Brewery be
M kn.. hr atrial attantioa to ki.ainoai and
ik mftnnfutara of a anienor article oi
BJk 1 ' .... ........
to receive the patronage of all the old and many
new ouitomera. .-..augi.
" Market Street, Clearteld, Pa..
NEOATIVRB made la eloady aa well aa in
olaar weather. OoaltMitly on hand a good
ataortment of r KAMr.n,;urn.o ana
8TERKOSCOPIC VIEWS. Frame., fro:n any
ityleof moulding, made to order. - - aprii tt
J,23l, PA, ti
House and Sign Painter and Paper
11 ; " ' hanger,1' .-
Ii:':'- Clearfleld. Pona'a. T
- kJL.WiIl executo ioha la hit Hue promptly and
in a workmanlike wiannor. a, m ,oi
"henry riblinq',
Clearfleld, Peuu'a.
.. Tha freacolng and painting of ohnrohea and
oilier publio buildinga will raeetre particular
attention, aa well aa the painting of earriagea and
aleicha. Ulldiaa dono-la the aaalaat ilylea. All
work warranted. Shop on Fourth itreet, formerly
occupied by Kequlre Ehugnrt. ' Oct 1 1 It
jr-ey-Pumpi always on hand aad made to order
on ihort notice. Pine herod on ren.onable terma.
All work warranted to render aallifaFlion, and
dcHrered tf dratred. mylAiiypd
"P Ll II A B M A Jf,
" ; ', . r 1-t'TnKn?i!tjiin, pa." ! ."
Agent for tha A uerloan Doulilo Turbine Water
TVbeol and Andrewi A Kalbach Wheel. . Can fur-
pith Portable u'ri it MIIU on aliort loUaa. JylJ ll
T e. A. BIGLER & CO.,
i. ., ...... DlALaaa is , ....
, and manufacturer! f ,
ALL tilNDff OF 1!A1Vr.! LVMBB-,
1771 ' TtBABMBtn, PRNX'A. - .
Dealer In ill Mndt of I
lt..b.t Kf fh! .
t :ar ..'- - ' , .a. , .
una uoor oatt foil timet,
CLKAiiriKLn, rA.
n t X .?, I
1 i i
1 .lU.'i'!
. A c ULiBiAlU' iJSAAU, TA. ' J V
n. . ' - ' .
a:l . i
r 'Taraalltllc, toft ind plalntlre, t, ,v
Mellow, murmuring lute,
To wbioh I oft attune my roica
When oartk and air are mulei ' h
And though the plodding, buay wor!4.
Caret not to hear the atrain,
I make my mntlo ro mytelf
A aolaoa to my pain.
. : X reck not though none bear me,
. -, n . More than the aigbtingaia,. . i
iu.JBr lark baoaaik law morning etoud,-'"ir7"
iw' High pelted above the rale,
, , , , But ling for lore of aong, .
At I do in the wildemett
When tummer dayi grow long.
Pcrohaooo a patting itranger,
That loitert on bit way,
tiny hear the diatant eohoea
" ,' Of my rejoliiag lay,- : ; : ' ;
' And blett the uiiaren tioger,
Embowered amid lha oopto,
Or lotting, tinging, toarllig
Abora tho mountain topa 1
Perhapt who knowtf a mourner
l ;i i. '' piaol grief, or paat, , v ,. ; ,
May bear my hopeful muaio
. ,. Upon the wild windloatt, I ' )
.i , And to take heart and courage . it .
To wander leea forlorn, . ,. ,
And turn from oreaing thadowt ' ..
, , . Totunligbtof tha mora.
1 Tho ttarl rcjoioo In ihlnlng, ': ' '"
V" And I rejoice to ting,
For tnka of love, for take of tong, ' '
' And not (br praiae 'twill bring.
Dctpito mo if It pleate yon,
Ye tradort of the mart !
- Kt all your gold oould porchato 1 , ',
. Tho freihneei of my heart ! t t f
TUo lifo and minforlunot or tliia mun
nt least acrro to illuotruto tho bomoly
old laj-ing, tlist fool and I, In monj
are eoon parted. Ho wa the j ourigor
son of an' nncicnt and tomowhttt
wealttijr Irihh fnmily, of tUo county of
Ucrry; though ho hiinsill was born
in England, whilo his purcnlrj woto
viniVing a friond in lliut country, in
1765. After attending tho usual po
riod at Wustmintter ochool, in Lon
don, and at Trinity collego, Dublin,
hc,waput to the study of law, tod
in JT'JU, when ha was twenty-five
year of igc, he wai admitted to tho
Irish kar, as a barriiter.
lie never practiced his profusnion :
fur he had no sooner completed his
logul aludics than the duath of It is
eldor brotkwr mtrdw Mir. the tielr w tl
settling down to a lifetime of horora-
bio labor, bo put money in bis purao,
and fcUi'lcd lu innku'tho tour of Eu
rope. He bnniionod to arrive at Paris
about tbe lime when lha French peo-
plo were in tho early delirium of their
revolution, and ha was prosenl at tbe
first annual celebration o( tho destruc
tion of the Biwlile, when firo hundred
thousand Frenchmen, assembled ' in
ono rait amphitheatre, look the oath
of fidelity to tho Nation, to tho Con
stitution, and to tho'King. Ue re
turned to I rolu lid full of those dreams
and fuiicios which characterized tbe
light-beadod libera! ofthe period. He
was a Republican; and, toeing no
prospect of tho emancipation of his
native land ) he dotormined to sell off
his ca'Bton, and rcmovo to tbo Repub
lic on tho oilier sido of tho Atlantic,
ovor which Gcnerul Washington was
presiding with so much eclat and dig
nity, .i His Irish property yielded bim
twenty thousand pounds; which small
as it sounds to our ears, was, fur tbat
day. really a baiidsuma fortune. : It
was probubly equivolent, in purchas
ing powor and in tbe impor'.anco it
gayo to Its possessor, to moro than
quarter of a million of our present
dollars. Jj-AUJAV
r While making bis arrangomonls to
remove, he full in love with a young
lady, M'ss Agncw, tho child of a dis
tinguished military family, She whs
of a romantic turn of mind, nnd
thought ll delightful td marry an rich
republican whoso sister wis an Irish
pcoroes, and to euilirulo. with bim to
mo wilderness of America. On tho
first of August 17H0, whon Blcnner-
hansel was lliirly-onc years of ago,
they landed in New York;' whero, it
seems, tho mosquito ailackod thum
with " such, nnrolonting pertinacity,
that they , wore glud to go into - tho
country for a few weeks until tho hot
weather was over.
His first lettor from .Now York
gives a curious account of the fury of
speculation then prcvnilii.g - among
businoss moo ; which bo thought was
the cause of the extravagant prices of
ovcrytliinir and the hiL'h rates of
wages. , Mon servants, ho said, re
ceived twulvo shillings a day, and a
good bousn was two hundred pounds
a year. There was a perfect innniu
for apecululiou in real , osUto for
tunes made and lost cvory day by
buying and soiling lots and lands. He
saw ill most everything In a favorable
light. Willie hi -description of
Nvwark, nino uiilus from the city of
Now York : ' , ;' ' .'.
' "Newark i porhnpslhe handsomest
vlllago tn tho world. Of a tent, noar
ly throe miles ; It Is seated In a plain
cloar and level us a parlor floor, on
tho banks of tho Passalo, in an am
phlthoatro environed by gonllo swolL
inir bills. , Its oeaaomy, couri nounu,
and-twa neat biiHding for publio
worship, added to niae aUgot, which
bcaldos an Jn.finliy f wdgons cvory
dnv iiMl Ihrouffh It .botweon Xcw
fl-fi'-l I, Vi!MS. v.UtMit
f''li v!-iit )
.iii!l '
.'a mi-
h.i. -li.ill
York and Philadelphia, givos an r of
business and gaiety to the place. i It
is also tho residenoe of many private
families of rcspeotoblllty." ",' ''' w ; j
' It is only very old' inhabitants of
Newark, which , is now grown ,jk S
great nianufuoturing oily of ono ban
drod thousand iahabitants,- who will
realise tho truth rof Blennorhassel's
p!ctor-!.,. "; ;;;:! i.;.'n
uur. romantio adventurers were
bound westward for tho far west
whioh : was then tho shores, of tbe
Ohio River, botweon .Piuburg jand Of Ctnijlopati! -Tho next
winter found thorn at iluriotta, in
Olilu, wliunce he miido excursions iuto
tbe universal wildomess in quest of
suitable land upon which td establish
himself." Near the village is un cini
nenoe of some elovation, from the
summit of which an extensive view is
afforded of the river and the surround
ing country'. No si to could have boon
more inconvenient; but, as in tho old
world many pivturevque height was
crowned by a picturcsquo enstle, the
rclioof barbarous times, the Blonnor-
bassots thought It would be a fine
thing to place upon this hoight the
mansion, they , iulendod to build.
Abandoning this ' absurdity,- they
plunged Into anolhor still more ridicu
lous. ' , ;';''' , ,
. Near Muriolta, thore is a low island
in Ibe Ohio river, about throe miles
long and perhaps one hundred yards
wide. It lies flat upon the scrfaco of
tbo water, bonding with tho bend of
the stream, like a. longgreon anako,
tbe lofty bank of the Ohio humming
t in on evory side, like two rungns of
wood-covered mountains. ' The river
s so narrow tburo, that a ouin upon
the shore of tbe Island, and on
standing upon the main land con con-
verso together without any great in-
convenience ' It was upon this island
that Blennerhansol bought a farm of
ono bundrod and seventy acros, for
four thousand and fivo hundred dol
lars,' and look up his abodo upon It
In a small block house, with his nrctlr
and romantio young wife. lie pro
ceeded forthwith to erect a curious
nd remarkable ogly house, with
harns," out houses,' and various other
structures, at a cost of thirty thousand
Uullaio, . hi- lha
ll- Ll.
nlnltud, IIO
had expended about half hli capital.
From tbo picture of ibis house which
is now before me, 1 should supposa it
miruvie of inconvenience and absur
dity ; it resombloa nothing to much as
those temporary i woodon barracks,
which are somotinies orccled, in limo
of peaoe, outside of fortified plucc. ,
What noxtf If this houso wa un-
comfortublo nnd Inelegant, bis cslab-
lishmont wa lurgo and oxponaivo;
nd he was no moro capable of ex
tracting n livelihood from bis farm
than child. " A child Indeed he wat
In everything but years. ' Ho triod to
experiment in chemistry ; ho played
tho violin ho bought electrical appa
ratus; he oollootod bockt; and ho
evon tried, short-sighted as he was,
to shout g.'tmo. " In this lust ainuco
mont ho was assislod frequently by
hi wife, who aimed the gun nt the
bird, and told him whon to Gre. He
was so much afraid of lightning, that
when a thunderstorm was coining up
be would shut tho doors and windows,
and get into bod. In short, he was
ono of the most foolish, Incompetent,
unpractical mon that ever squandorod
foituno and brought a fumily to
beggary, , And bis wife, in her way,
wa not much wiaor than himself, al
though abundantly compote tit, if sho
had romuinud at home, to shino In the
sphoro in which sho wus burn.
So passod 1 eight yenrS.i In 1805,
Aaron Burr set on foot his famous ex
pedition for tho conquest of Mexico,
and on his wny lo the west to uiako
prepuratiou and to beat up recruits',
bo became acquainted with tbo Bleu
norha'sois. Already they woro cm-
bnrrassod' for money and wnro more
anxious to sell their estate tliiin they
bad cvor boon to acquiro it. Burr
fciod bi.nftsliare,inhisdu2li.ig on
terpriaejand probably conveyed inl,cjUvo I found somo mch porson at
some way, to the eager and credulous Jonglh, and succeeded in leaving the
Irishman, that whon the pi iso had
boon won, It was ho who should rop-
resent tho empire of Aaron I, at tho
Court of St. Jornos. So far as we
i n , j.,t
.. . r .. ,, 1 .
upon him t tor tt there was a man in
tho world who mors sntiroly bolievod
In tho feasibility of his Mexican on-
lerpriso than ony cthor mnn, it wus
i n ii ir '
Auron Burr himself. ,. , .
( llcfora Ibetchcmc as well organ-
laud, as ull tho world knows, Prosl-
dent Jefferson shattered it to piocos
with a bolt no more formidablo than
a proclamation. Burr was arrostod
. , i ".' I,- l 1 . " .i- i
and taken lo Richmond for tMal.
lllonnorhassot, charged with compll-
cilv with him. was. ulso oonvovod to
Ricbmond nprisonor. Ilis Island waBiary societies, formed ny vno ituiwuin,
overrun by wild Ohio militia) bis
gnrdons trampled Into ruin j his out
house destroyed, and his mansion
defaced. After ft detention In Rich
moud of many tedious and -oxpinmvo
months, bo wa tllsMiurgod, and re
joined bio family at Natchez.
Ho tlieu gathered the remains of
his property, and bought cotton
plantation of a tlioinnnirncrcs In Mis
.fir-All' Kiitl TMIMItjA
V-Jtrnu,: I''"! "" '..- "!
'I. ti1 . V . . . .
"iMk -V fl M 11
K irn ir
.1 I
siteippi ; and upon it he placed ft few
shues.- An able man oould bav made
a fortune upon that virgin soil, In that
early day of tho cotton culture: as,
indeed, many of' his noighborg did,
wh bad never' soon an eleotricql-ma-otiije
and knew not a note Of music,
ft wus Mr. ISlennerhutWt who mnn
agod hb plantation,' so fur as tt wus
maiaged., It was she who, at . tbe
dawn, mounted her . borso and mid
that tho labors of the day wore begun.
H exertions, howovor, ' wore not
udprjiiute to-Abb situation', and the
straggle: waajuiauccessrui. .
lurs. bving clamorous, he allured lilt
plantation and twonty-two negroes
for said, after be had hold them about
seven 'yours, and realized, enough to
pay bis dubln, and leuvo a small sum
ovpr for investment. l,i ;
tn 1819, bolng fifty-four years of
Ofie, but moro worn by misfortune
than years, ho removed so Montreal,
took, a partner,. and tried to got into
the practice of tbe law, . The attempt
not succeeding, he sailed (or Ireland,
whore he mado k futilo attempt to ro-
cover some eslatoi to which ho fan
clei be hud a legal title.. Then bo
directed bis energio to gotting a
place under gqvornment. ' Some of his
old Westminster school-follows were
now ministers, genorals, lords and
dukes, and to them ho addressed let
ters asking their interest in promoting
hi object ; to which they uniformly
unlit polite replies of refusal. In 1325
hi returned to Canada, but only to
cone up hi atfuir in Amurtoa, and
Uking with him hi wife and children,
I thro forever a continent in which he
ltd experienced littlo but unhappi
acfi. A maiden sister who lived in
Ingland hud o.Toro 1 him ft share of
lor cotlngo, which was not very spa-
fious, una ti suhsidtcncc upon her in
omo, whicli was not very Inrgo, . In
Uns last reluge ho li'tl six jours, and
there he died, 1831, in bis sixty-third
ymr. ' '" ' , ,
In aflor years, Mrs. Blcnncrbassut,
wilb an invalid son. and herself al
most exhausted with anxiety and toil,
oam to isew lorlc and anked Uon
grcss tn mnko good tho damage done
to her island abodo by troops in tbo
employment of tbo United Statos in
riuTu Mr' C1" fr"rrilu(1 bajr.mejmo-
"Jlrs. Blonnorhossot," he wrolo; "is
now in New York, residing in very
hum bio circumstunces, bestowing her
caret-, on a sou, who, by long poverty
and sickness, i reduced to utter ira-
bccilty, both of body and mind ; un-
able o assist hor, or provido for hi
own wants.,, Jn her pictont dostitule
situiiUon, tho smslltit amount of re
lief iron I (I be thitiikfully. received by
her. filer tiondition is one of absolute
-',' nnd she has but a nhort time
to rrijoy any bolter fortune in this
' It it snppnsed that nn appropriution
fir rief would have beon made if she
had lvcd long enough for tho' lardy
aothn of Congroas.i She diod in e843,
ih a mean nbodo in tho eily f New
Yorl,l oilendod in her lust moments
by Miters of Charily. Her son Btir
vivel, her eleven yours, during which
lie was utterly unublo to help himself;
and onld bav starved to death bat
for lBo clmrity of a fuw person who
knovj hi situation, and knew, too,
the meluiicholy lule of his father'
ruin I Occasionally a paragraph in a
new-paper would mnko known hi
wans' to the public,' when emull sum
wout be sent in for bis benefit. 1
was myself o bearer to him of one of
thcs'lnewspnpor collection, Amount
ing lo twcnly-flvo dollars, ft few
mon ! is before his death in 1854. , lie
sul t lent in a- inifi rablo mom .near
St. ,hn' squaro an elderly gontle
man in ftn extremely shabby suit of
blaclj with ,B palid, cxprcswonlcss
fuco j I explained to him the object of
my visit ami handed him tho money,
lfo Kutod vacantly at tt, Lut did not
.hold out Ins hand to Lilto it, ana ovi-
iluntly hud not understood a word
Lthut I had said. I therefore laid the
of-h"'"" "P" " IJ )lu'8t; n,,J "at
. , hliv. of i
noney 0 that it wouia oe expenuea
or his benefit. -- -
, Plundkuinu ths Umivibsiti. The
grand jury of Orango qonnly, North
Laru ina. have miido a rcpoil, in
which they presont tho condition of
.. . ... iT..iv,.ritr of
,0riU Caroliuu, founded In 1770, in
which they say; ' '
I ' Only ono member of the faculty,
the President, remains, nnd lliut the
Z ol tho collego'ls being badly
punu(.rc,t aml U,p college cmn;-s,iino
Jf ,. , beautiful in tho United
States,' is depredated ujion, and that
catllo wander through the college
boilings, nnd thV the chapel, whero
ItSravor and div uo acrvico were wont
f " " it m,w 0rlc scd s. a
l8Ce for lll0 vilvst ptirpoon. The
Iilivni-!,.n. boliinitud to the liler-
aro often Invaded and valuable books" , Tho lioloii'li bcMtnri
eiiuuiurutet among the trusUios miller
whoso , direction Iho spoliation bus
beon made, nn ox-momber of Congress,
now So employes Of tho Lnitod Statos
Sennlo, ft Rw,iwU Slate Judgfa, thp OX
of Gov. lluldun, J.
C. Abboltvlutft claiming a scat l the
United States Psnata, and other light"
of the .Tcoonitruulpd govoruineut of
North Cnrolinn, , ' ' '. '
fc. ....... . i
II ' fa II
:-;;i;;:;.!j;;i;:;t; TERM3-7$2 per annum ! in Advance"''.
m j.i. . AlBaoe andLorraine. '
, Tho Now York llerotd of the 80tb
ultimo say : We print thi morning
a loiter from our staff of correspond
ent In Alsace and Lorraine, giving
an exact narrative of singular event
now transpiring in that renowned and
interesting country-- Our Jtiller, or
rather ' report, is a condensation of
many reports gathered by correspond
ents In different parts of the territory,
reserving so much of the narrative as
might be interesting toAmoricun read
ers, and presenting it in a nurrativo
Snd historical form. -imi vtn-m.rnty
few chapters in the marvellous history
of this romantic contury will bo read
with tbo interest which niUches to
the -story of thexodu from Alsuoo
and Lorruino. '
, It would be folly lo approach a ques
tion of this moment with any of those
sentimental fooling which many of
out stalosmcn apply lo foreign poli
tics, and oapcciully to the relations
botweon Franco and. Germany, "..We
may denounce tb Gorman as tyrants
and ridicule the French as an effemi-
nata and dying face. We should be
unjust tn either judgmont. The Ger
man Dalion cannot bo dismissed wilb
tbe sentence wo should pass upon tho
Romans who burned Jerusalem, or the
Turk who destroyed the Library of
Alexandria. Nor cun we call a nation
that has shown the activity and finan
cial strength of Franco an, cflomiuato
race. The Germans are astonishing
Eorope by their skill in war, tholr en
terprise in peace, just as France has
again and again astonished Europo in
moro ouspiuious epochs of hor history.
The American peoplo have walchod
with solicitudo and gratification tho
,noi,n ni.-j.s vy n,cn tno uouse ot
Ilohcuzollern hu made Prussia ono of
the great Powers vt tho world and
bound around its throne all the cle-
menu oi me iuinerinnu. i no patienco,
the courago, the verucily, tho fore
sight,- the prudence, tho inexorable
and widely -reaching discipline and
drill, the sagacity to adopt every
moana of soionce, experience and art,
tho wisdom to insist upon universal
education aa the only sure foundation
of a nation's atrengih all of theso
cnnlit lpi urn h.w, ! .U I
of Prussia ainco tho time oi the treat
rrsdoru-k. It is only fitting ;but tboy
should have achieved the astounding
success which culminated at ."cdan,
and ttialincy should Have given us in
Princo Bismarck tbo largest historical
figure tbo world has icen since the full
of Napoleon. ' : 1 ' " ?
We aro not, therefore, surprised to
co, a is so clearly explained in our
letter from Nancy, that there under
lies tho annexation of Alsuee and Lor
raine on the part of Germany profound
principles of statesmanship. Wo bavo
all along known that the annexation
of Mcts wns a strutegic measure, and
that considerations of military pru
doneo led to the reservation of Thiun-
villo and the country bordering on
Luxemburg. We have hoard with in
terest, but without pnying mnch at
tention, the rhapsodies and flue poetic
forror about Alsaeo and Lorruino re
turning lo tho arm of bereaved Gor-
mania, who hss monrnod for them so
long. But a still higher consideration
corns to have actuated Princo Bis-
murek.. Ho has left ontimcnt lo tho
Journals nnd poets. His plans now
show tho unfolding of a scheme lliat.beeu given lo the tradition, Uncuings
ha long been a favorilo measure of and idea of tho age the age of uui
Prussian diplomney-the creation of, v.ur,,tt,1. suffrage, , oinancipal.c-.i and na-
, .i v .i. a tionulilies and il may be that Prince
German route from the North Sea BiMnlin.k hus paid loo great a price
to the Adriatic and the severance ior ,m , hus gained May-not
of Franco from any commor- and j these provinces bo a wouknos latlier
domination over Soulhorn Germa- than a strength, an unhealthy, ulcer-
ny.- Considering the importance of
the overland rotito to the East an
unportnnco that Increases every duy ,
wo soo that to acquire such a route
independent of Fiance is lo strike a
blow at the commercial supromucy of
that nation more lerrime man mo in-
demnlly or 'the military rosults of the
campaign of 1870. Pi inco Bismarck
has incceoilcd in doing this. By tho
annexation of Alsnco he bus direct
communication with Antwerp and Os-
tend. ','.' Ho win compole with Franco,
in all carrying trado. Ho puts bis
bund upon Englund'S route to India.
And when the St. Gothard tunnel
through tho Alps Is finished Ihn iu
prrmacy of. Mont (?enis tunnel will be
at an end, and be can travel from the
North Sen to the Adrlalio without
soolng I ho Fronch flog. Add to this
the unchallenged control of (bd Rhino,
and il will bo seen that Holland be
comes to Gwriuaiiy . hut Louisiana
before President Jefferson's timo was
to the United States. ThcMi'ssMppi
was River wa an American stream,
and yet France, a foioign nation, hold
its mouth. We contended that ibis
should not bo, nnd obtained Control of
tho river by purchase. Tbo Rhino isj
a German river, and Holland holds its
mouth. Prussian statesmanship will
seek ft way to overcome this, and well
will it bo fbi peaeo If ll can bo dono
by jiti i(-Ii uso-' j By tho building ot this
tunnel Bismarck com on Is the Prussian
alliance with-Italy and rondora un
necessary the traditional dopendonoo
of that interesting kingdom on Franco
With Belgium on the north, behind
wi ifh is the power of England ; Spain
I ti:l" II . . U Jl 1
... .. . -!(.!..
...J ..Ii4mn y ...jr....
on lie South, under a Prince of tbe
Houie of Savoy Germany on. her
frontior and Italy, ft Savoy kingdom
under Gorman prolociion, Franco will
be isolated from poliiicul at, woll
oominorcial influonco iu Europe.
We recognize tbo supreme wisdom
of the statesmanship which has at
tained thosb rosults. And yet it is
not withaut pain that we read this
story or the' annexation of Alsnco and
.Lorraine. 'It is not too'ipuch to say
tbat tho civilized world looks on in
grief nnd amazement at the scenes
now ultitig placo'in that unhappy
land. Tho rtid, unrelenting course
of Prussia wus to bo expected... Prus
sia is even moro sov'ero lo hor own
peoplo than to the Alsatian.'' But no
ono expected and from a
people as feeble and trifling as'the
Fronch are said to bo such an extra
ordinary manifestation of patriotism.
Fields abandoned places of biiHiueos
closed; workshops idle; fumilies turn
ing thoir household goods into money
and swarming over tho frontier ) fa
thers of families leaving borne that
they and their ancestors bav occupied
for centuries; resisting temptations,
blandishment, kindness, offers of aid
and security fleeing from tbe (way
of mighty and triumphant Germany
lo essl their lot with dishonored and
beaten France.. ' This ia not the first
exodus history records. Mon bavo
loft their homes for tho sake of liberty
of conscience, and crossed tho angry,
pitiless, mid-Winter seus"for freedom
to worship God in their own way.
Men have been driven from their homos
by persecution, or to avoid threatened
persecution. Mon have gono forlh in
a sjiirit of advonturo, or, as they come
to Amcriou, to find c-isicr nicuns of
livelihood. Hut buro ure men flying country which is strong to a
country w,,u.h , weak . from eomfort
all inilumlt ahj p10tcclion under
ono ruler to cxilo and uncertainly un
der another ; giving up homo and busi
noss and prosjierity for the Insecurity
of emigration. 'Within the last throe
months two hundred thousand persona
have left Alsace, and it is not too much
to say that but few of them succocdud
in having without making sacrifices
that may cmbittefand harden their
------ n vj ru. iitv." nui uu evw
tee thnt llm titrmtni hava ivon thorn
any motive for leaving, beyond the
fact they are conqnerors of the tcrri-
torv. it is nut thnt tlinv lm inn nrl
the Germans tyrants, but that their
heart and home are with Franco,
It is impossible not to be moved by
tho spectacle of this patriotic devotion
to Franco. And there must be some
thing in French rule, that it can tako
a provinco tbut.twu bundrod years
ago was German and in many parts
of which even now Germun Is only
sjinken, and make it as French as
Normandy .or Champagne. No one
who loves bis country can hesitate to
honor this love of country, and we aro
not surprised to learn that it has cre
ated profound emotion throughout
Germany. Prince Bismarck has pross
od on tu tho achievement of high ends
the consummate master of tho policy
of "blood and Iron." We readily con-
ccdo that the political and com me r-
eial result ultamod by this annexation
re worthy of bis gonius and toll,
worthy of the exlrnordinay effort
'and sacrifice of Gorhiany. But we
cannot overlook tho hhoek which has
our member, draining me irom uie
body ol tho Empire and giving no re
turn f And i il not pot-siblo thul
Princo Bismarck, or mora likely bis
successor, muy find that what be
fondly regards as the crowing slono
td his nuglity l'.inpiro may, in tbo
btiur of Uerm.n alromity, )rvvw a
b , ,.iuV0Ug l0 Uo homo f-A'.
y. Ji,ralJ. . . i
Go Home, Boys.
Boys.don't bang around thocornurs
of the struct. It you have anything
to do, do it promptly, right oil', then
go homo. Home is the right place
lor boy. About tbe street
the stables, they louro to woar, to
moke, and to do many other thing
which they ought not to do.
Do your business, and then go home,
If your bumncBS Is jiluv, play, and
make a businoss of ll. I like to see
boys play good, active, earnest,
healthy irnmos. If I was the town, I
would givo tho boy a gsd spiciou
playground.- Jt should liavo plenty ol
soft green grass, and U''-s nd foun
tains and broad spaco to run and jump,
and to play any suitable games I
would make it as pleasant, as lovely
at il could ho, and I would tell them
lo co homo. - ii i I-
. For when boys bang around the
street timers nnd tbo-"tables, they
get ilonchy and listless. Of ull things
tilial.kna islleasooy oruiri. i wouiu
have a hundred boys like ft hundred
yachts with every spur strnlght. aud
every rope tanl, the duck and tidca
Ulcan, llio rigging an in oritur, miiu
tivorylhing reaily to slip, the cable and
fly before the wind when the word
Come go. But thi cannot be if you
loungo about the tret(ts and lonf
about the corners, ami Idlo yonr time
awn y at tbe tlablas and at the saloons.
, Whon yon aro from home, have
sorne business and altond to it, Ihen
"Go homo." ' '
, ... .1,1; y . . iu
..The Constitutional OonveutiofftT'
Ml, M I V -l iti
Last week we published ' an alplm
betical lit-t of (ho members br the Con
vention and .their party designation.
Boloiv will bo found a correct ' list of
eximmitrea as arranged by tbe Presi
dent, Mr. Meredith, whose lion parti
ieuship icsiablinhfd by the appoint
Inont of such prominent Dcmoorftts as
Judge Black and Woodward nd
Messrs. Buckslow and Gowau to the
headf important committees, lr.
Finney, the member from- our county,
it will he noticed is the chairman of
the Committee on Agrioultbro, Mining,
MnnufNclun) and Commeroo, and with
Mr. Hull ts on the 'Commit tee on Leg
IshtlonMr. Iluil is nlso oii the Com
mittoo on Education, nnd Mr. Augheri.
baugh, the' other member ''from '"this
Sunatoriul district, baa a place on tb
Committeu on Ijosislalure and) Indus
trial Interest and Labor. - , u.lii
President Meredith announced tbe
standing committees hs follows. The
first-named person on cncb'coiiimrttop
. , . -' ' - i I. . .. -. 1. ,i t
is tho chuii man :
On Legislature--Messrs. MucVeiigh,.
tJojikins, David K". Wbito,' Gilpin,
Niles, Aughenbavgh, John Price Woth.
Vrill. Dallas, nnd Horton. ' ' "
On Legislation Messrs' 'Harry
White, J. S. Bluck,Diramick,Purman,
Mann, Corbett, Finnry, John R. JJoed,
Ewing, S, n. Reynold, Hnnno, UM,
Carry, Thomas, II. B. Patterson, and
Andrews. ,V .
u On Executivo Department Mcstrs.
A, ,;G. Curlin, John , N... Parvianoe,
Churlc, A.. Block, Walker, Biddle,
r oil, Lumberlon, Armstrong,and Bow
man. -- t l ' 1 -' i T Ll U
On Judiciary Messrs. -Armstong,
Woodwnrd, Rtisacl!, Coyler, B.s
Purviance, Shurpe, MaoVeagh, K.aioe,
Jumea L. Reynolds, Dallas, Broomafl,
Boyd, Craig, Wright, and Bartholo
mew. 1 - - ,'. ' - x i- -
On Suffrage, Election, and Repre
sentationMessrs. McAllister, Bncka-
lew, Fulton, Brown, Simpson, Elliott,
Lilly, Ellis, J. W. F. White, MoMur-
ray, Rooke,Cassidy, Carter, Campbell,
and Ainey, - i , ; , . .. j. : !
On Imcacbment and Removal from
Office Messrs. Riddle, Andrews, Gib
son, Harry White, and Davis.'
; Ou Commissions, Ofllce, Oath of
Ofllce, and Incompetency of Office
Messrs. Kane, Baker, Boyd, H. W.
Palmer, John M. Bailey, Stewart, Me-
Cloan, Boebe, and Struthers. ' '
On Edurntion Messrs. Darlington,
Cha. A. Black,' Stanton, ' Wherry,
Rutick, Landis, Lear, Hall, and Minor.
On Cilic and City Charters-Messrs.
Wulkor, Gulbrio, Littleton, Mctzgor,
Jus. L. Reynolds, ' Alricks, Pugbe,
Honry W. Smith,' and John Price
Wotbcrill. ' .
On Counties, Towoships, snd Bor-
oughs -Msssn. Lawronce, Lambert
ton, Darlington, Henry W. Smith,
TTntrtirrf.. HrndheadStruther,Landls, .
and Parsons. . .
On County, Township, and Borough
Oflioer Mosr.: S. A. Pnrvianee,
Gowen, Curry, Elliott, Lear, Brown
Uunlon, Andrew Road, and Ranck. ,
On Militia' Messrs. Porter, Hay,
Lilly, H. W. Palmer, and Stanton.--
On Public and Municipal Debt and
Sinking Fund Messrs. Buckalew,
Amcy, Gnthrio, Addicks, Dh France,
Parsons, Temple, Littlcton, and Van
Kcod. - ; . '. . )
; On Stale Institution and Buildinga
Messrs. Turrell, Molt, McConoell,
WorralL, J, W. F. Wbito, Temple, and
MuCullougb. , .. . ,; , , . -.
; On Uoligiou and Charitable Corpor
ations and Societies Messrs. Mana,
Alricks,., Minor,. Hunsivker, .Carter,
Worrall, ond Collins . ,.. . ,
On Ruilroid and Canftbj Mossrs.
Cochran, Curlin, Baer, Horton, T- H.
B.. Patterson, McAllister, . Sharpe,
Iiooko, Beebo, Howard, Campbell, Uo
Culluugh, Hemphill, Joseph Baily.and
Funk. '
On Private Corporations, Foreign
and Domesllo, other than Railroads,
Canals, and Religious and Charitable
Corporations and Societies Messrs.
Woodward, Turrell, Dodd, Collins,
U ovor in, Dimmick, Clark, Corson,
Barclay, Stewart, Baer, J. W. F. WbiU.
Harvey , Baker, and Simpson.'""
On Declaration of Rights Messrs.
Hopkins, M'Connoll, Wright, Corsoti,
Clark,' l'.dwards, Gibson, ' Lawrenoe,
and Newlin. ' ." ' ""
On Futnro Amendments Messrs.
Ftthk, Cassidy, Davis, Brodhead.'knd
Bannnn. " ' ' '' " t
J. S. Black, Bowman, Croomiller,
Bannan, De Franco, Pprlor;- Addick,
Hunsickcr, and Bardaley. , .
On Schedule Messrs. Barllrolomow,
Curbctt, Manton, G. W. Palmer, D.
W. rallcraon, Gilpin, Banna, Barclay,.,
and Hazzard.
On Revision and Adjustment
Mossrs. Gowen, Knight,' Church, D.
W, Patterson, Sod 11. W, Palmer.
On Aocounls and Expenditures pf
tho Convoiition--Messr. Hay, Cocb
ran, Patton, John M. rurvisnco, and
Jos. Baity. j
On Trinling and Binding Messrs.
Kowlin, W. U. Smith,, Russell, II. G.
Smith, Cochran, Cuyler, and David N.
White. - . ' i -. ''.
On Industrial Intoreils and Labor
.Means. Cary, Long, Fell, M eCa ra
mi t, Pngho, Andrew lleod, Edwards,
Avjlienliaugh, and Fulton. : . I
On Agricnliuro, Mining, Manufac
luros, and Cimmerco-Messrs. ffin
Rry.J.M. Wetherill,, Knight, W, II.'
Sinilh,Ctirry, Dunning, Hiuxurdott,
and l-rnig. -:. .. i v it--
: On Revenue, Taxation, and Financo
t-Messrs, Broomall, (Jhniiuh, : Nilos,
Van Roexl, lluidnley, 1'urniun, Ewing,
Ross, and John M. Bailey. . i- w
"Tho donrost spot on earth" has at
last been located. ThoAe winhlng to
find that "spot" will find it at tho
store Hull l i-'V not n Iverii '' !
1 V. .WJ AlHMfal A IV