i . ... . ..... .m.-rvMm awvrTaetMaa.waa.-y e?r. Mfi-- etineaw p..aep'j. - i - - - ' . THE REPUBLICAN. ' CLKAKFlKLA), PA. rVEPHKSDAt m)RNra. NOV. 17, ml. A BTOGESTIOBr,1 - .1.1 M I.: .. i . f j1 It bctig' In onir for the Pres to ftdVlfto upon vne cnangoi! in the con illation, we would be out of the fuab- ion of the- rtay did we .Datum from vtnM.in:? In at wrtrrl. . It seems to tie thai ins very import ant object whioh the Convention ihoultl endeavor to attain, would be todovioe eome' means bv which to logger the Influence of tho United Slates govern ment npoa tbo eleotiorja of all officers nndor the State government. The Government of the Dti.Hed Stntes hie become eo powerful, and appears so much disposed to absorb all power ovef the States, that tbo quicker It i curbed in all its illegitimate outreach Jng, the better for the people ; and a J... i t,n. nlitnA liKni-ItT mnA indepsndonoe, which is the motto of rennsyivaniajwouia appear 10 rorjuire efficient action in that direction. A provision disfranchising all United finite office-holders, and milking it a i -n r r . 1 i . L . . ponm ouoiibo tur any ui mi'iii iu tiiiur fure is any way In any election bold under the laws oi the State, would be a move in the right direction. The people of Pennsylvania a little more than a month ego, met in their several election districts to choote three high State oflioors as woll as mombors of the State Ijeglslutnro, and also to cleot twenty-seven persons to represent tho State in the Congress ol the United Statos. Tho chief organ izer of one of the two parties In that tate content is, and has boon for about twelve yearn, an office-holder of the gen oral government; too most industrious as well as probably tho most unscrupulous public Bpcakor on that side was another ponsioner opon ,tbo general government. These two Instances arc montioncd, not because (they are singular but because, they aro familiar; there was not in all the Slate a solitary office-holder tinder the United Slates, who (Jul not spend most of his time in electioneering for the administration, save pcrhnpsafow holders of obscure post-offices, tho whole annnal salary of which did not equal tho tax assessed upon them for the Radical election fund. Such conduct is simply disgraceful ; and tho time was when the. hired ser vants of tho government would not bate dared to set themselves up as in structors of the pooplo. Tbo peoplo in former days would have pelted the mercenary crew witb tbe vory bread and butler tbey were toiling to pro serve; but they don't becomo indig nant now at exhibitions of party sub serviency; the political virtue of half a century ao has been so wonderfully diluted of Into years, that it requires an adept in political choinistry to dis oover tho morest trace of that valua ble substAnce in tho office-holders of the present day ; and nothing short of some such aclion as has been above suggested will presorvo the liborty of the peoplo or tho indopedooco of the States. A good deal has been said in refer ence to other queslions which are likely to engago tho attention of the Convention, but we know of nothing bearing more immediately upon tho well being of the State than the pres ervation of its entire independence from the monoy, tbe patronage, and the military power of too general gov ernment. The introduction of tho Marines into the election in Philadel phia in 1871, suggosts tho propriety of a provision denouncing exemplary punishment to any offioer, eoldior, or sailor, in the United Slates Army or Kavy, who shall apponr armed wilbin .any part of the State upon tbe day of election; suroiy i ennsyianm ran pre serve pence wilhin her own borders wilhout the aid of the mercenaries of t the general Government. If she can not, the Governor if tho leeislaturo is not in session, ran cull for asoistnnce after tbo State authority has been proved to bo ineffectual. To tho Radical members of the . Convention it will readily occur, that although tbe party witb which they affiliate may bold the power for the ' present, theso things will ebango and do change. Their party has not tho strength tho democratic party hs'l tn 1852. Another sot of men may rulo in Washington, if not In the near tu ture, yet at some time; and makersof Constitutions should build for the Iu- , lure. The principle we aro pressing would be admitted to bo a correct one by every Radical mcmbor of that body, if a Democrat was President ' and tbe Domocratio party hold pos session of tho two bouses ol Congress In that contingency, there is not one ot thorn wbo would not bo as earnest to preserve Pennsylvania from dicta, lion as we aro to-day. If the princi. pie is a sound one lot it be placed as a ' protection to tho peoplo In our Organic law. rmsourgn l'ott. Two PiCTUB.s. Pictures Ihcmselves have sometimes a curious history. The story ol iho two pictures at Flor ence ia old, but not worn out. An artist at Home saw often, ploying in tho street hear his window, a child of exqnisito beauty, with golden hair and chorub luce. Mrucic witb the. lovolt. nces of the boy, he painted a picture of him and bung it up In tho studio. In the saddest hours that sweet, gen. . tlo fuco looked down upon him like an angel of light. Its presenco tilled tho tout with gladnoss and longings for heaven, which its parity symbol ized. "If ever I And," said he, "a per fect contrast to this boaulious luce, 1 will paint that also, and hang it on iho opposito wall, and the one I shall call heaven ana tno otner neu." '' Years passed. At longtb, in aiinth er nart of Italy, in a prison ho visited, looting in through tho grated door of a cell, lio saw the mosi mucous onjcci , that ovor mot his sight a fiorce, hag gard fiend, with glaring eyes and cheeks deeply marked with tbo lines of lust and crimo. 1 ho artist remom. bered tho promise ho had madu him. ' golf, and immediately paintod a pic. turo of this lothsome culprit, to hang over against tho portrait or tho lovely boy. , The contrast was perfect) the two polo of the moral onivsrse were bofore him. Then tho mystory of the . human soul imined anothor Illustra tion. He bad two pioturts, but thoy tvero llkenosses of one and tho same . nerson. To his ereat surprise, on in . quiring Into the history of this horrid wretch, he learned that ho was no other than tho sweot child with golden rlnirlole whom be once know so well ' and saw so often playing In the streets or norne. - . . , , Vihy Is a hoo immortal ? Uor son ?vr lots. Sru Goods, GntttUt, (fit. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COtmSH TUB CHEAPEST I A Proclamation against High Prices I WK at now opening tip lot or tho twit nJ moit enainnahla Uooda Mid Ware, ever offered In thll market, mil at price, that remind one or the good old day! or ehoap thlnge. Thoee wbo lack faith upon thll point, or deeui our nil. gntlona loperauuui, neea nut CALL MT OIH STOKE, Comer Front and Market Mroete, t'km thnv nan aee. fool, hear and know tor them irlvoa. To fully understand what ere ehoap gooda. tbil mnat be done. We do not aeem i aeomiwrj to enumerate and ItemiH our Hook. It ll enough for ua to etata that We havo Everything that is Needed and eonrumul la thll market, and at firloei that aatoniah both old and young. deo30 JUriKHII BI1AW a SON. r. a. nun A. a. row ill. MILLER & POWELL, W1I0LFSALB RETAIL ' i -..::;. ' MERCHANT, Qrahara'i Row, Market RU, CLEARFIELD, PA. We wonld moat reepeetfuttj Inform cu frtenda, ouitoracra, and the publie generally, that wt are ow baek In oar old quartan, whleb hire boon remodeled and Improved, and wo are now pre pared to acoommodat all who may raror na by calling. N E W G 0 O D S ! W hve Jut raoeirtxl on of the largcit Itocki of all kindi of Merohaotliu trtr brought to CImt flolj eount. which wo intend to Mil t iBtih flg araf u will tnak it an otjoct for ll pvrnoni to purchaM from a a, Famtliea lnying ia winter appllci of Qrooeriea. Dry Ooodn. do., ihould lot fail to girt a a oll, aa we (Vol oonfident our pricoi and niperior quality of goodi will amply eatlffy all. Our atock of GUOOERIES constat! or Coffcca or the beat qnalityToaa, Su gar or all klnda, Molaaaee, Fiah, Salt, Cheoae, Dried Fruit, Spioea, rroriaiona, Flour and Feed, la., So. Our a took ot , DRY GOODS ia Urge and raried, and wt will juat any we oan eupply any article In that lino, without ruu mar ling. HEADY-MADE CLOTHING We hare a large etori or ready-ma.le Clothing rr Moa and Goya' wear, which wt will dlapom of at a vary ami!! ad ranee on coat. . Boot and Shoea, Hate and Cnpa, Hardware, Qucenswara, IVoad and Willow War, rfuliona, Fancy Gooda, Carpeta, Oilclotha, Wall Pupcra, Window Shadea, 4c, Sc. cTDeing tittnrivoly engaged In the Lumber bueiDoea, we art ablo to olTcr auperior induoomenta tt jubbwa. SIIM.KH 1'OWKLL. Clearfield, Pa., Jan. , 1ST I. JJAN1EL GOODLANDER, i LCTUSRSDt'RO, PA, ' Dealer In ' DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, , . UOSIERY k GLOVES, HATS k CAPS and BOOTS k SHOES. Tobawo. Oroerlet and Trhf KaHn, Hardware, Voeotiiwar and Ulamiwmre. Mn t ao Boyj' Clothing, Drag. Paintc. Oil, Hrbool lioi.ki, t a largo lot of Patent alodioinca. Cudica, Nata k Driod Fruit, Hidcm and Crack- era. nock ana Rifle Powder, Flour, Grain and Potatoes, , Clover and Timothy 3ti, , . Sole Leather, Morooooa, Linlnjrn, Bindlnge and 1 bread. nor man era' Tool a and Khoe Pindinga. No greater variety of roods In any it ore In th county. AH for wile Try low for eah or eountry produce at the (Jaoap torner. , Jlpril 10, lHiX R E AD TUISI FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I The attention of the eltiirna of Clearfield and riVlnity ia directed to the fnot that UuodlYllow k rion are the ajrenta of M. N'ieoe k Co.. and have juit rwoivM Baf doacn oar loadi of Flour and feed, winch they offer at Ibe loweat pomble flg yea, A large atoek of FLOUR, CORN MEAL, CHOP, BUCKWHEAT F LOU It, DBAS,, , , Potatoes, Shollcd Corn, Cora In ear, do., Ac Particular attention la called to M. Kicee A Co. 'a hrand or Familjr Flour, which ia tht boat in tht inurket. , .... . : ' 1 I . ' -I ' ' ' Flour and Feed oaa and will be told cheaper than It can be obtained oletwhera tn Clcartold toanly. Rtore on Market atroet, next door to Hon. Alciaoder Irvln'a rotldrnot. OOODFBLLOW A BOS, Janldir AgentarorM. Nice A Co. ERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept oonatanlly on hand. STOXE AiTvRTiii - WARE OF IVERT DBHCRIPTIONI - fcROCKS! rOTS! CROCKSI Plalier'a Patent Airtight Ckilf . Heillnp; Km It Cant I BtlTTKR UKOCKU, with llde, CREAM CRdCKrt, MILK CROCKS, APPLE - BUTTER CHOCKH, PICKLE CROCKS, FLOWER POTS, PIE D16IIES, STEW POTS, And a groat many other thinga too numeroua to mention, to bo had at .. FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE TOTTERY, Corner ol Cherry and Third AtraeU, CLKAUFIKl.D, PA. augl The Lightning Tamer. rpHI nnderilgaed art tht loll Agent! la thla I ooanty for the "North American Ualvenlerd LIUHTNINO KoDS." Theaearetheonltt.fi rrda now la aao, aid aro eo dor led by ail thi adenine Don In the aenntry. Wt htrobv aotlfv the citiaeni or the eonntt that wt will put there ap a better rod, and for leai money, than It charged ny tni ro reign gonta who annnally travtrai tht count and carry iff oar Utile caah, aevev to return. ENCOURAGE HOME LABOR. Thoao wlihlag Lightalng Roaa erecUd aa their billdlnga acid hut addreai ia by letter, or tall tn ptraoa, Wo will pat them anrwkere ia thtcoaaty, aad warrant thona, Tht Hodeaod riiMrn oaa ko ana at any time y calling ai areton. H. F. UlOLhk o3 Cleait.ld, Marek , l7.tr SarAtwty Stawnrf, tt. THE IE0NSIDE3 TIN AND STOVE STORE G. S. FLEGAL, PMllpsturc, Contro County, Fa. Till undenlgoad reapeotfnlly annoineea to tht public that he baa on hand cart-rully-aelcettd and well aaaorted atock or ... STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, f - HOLLOW . y ARE ! f - j. TIN, COPrER AND SHEET-IRON - WAIlEl l., .' ., - WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! Dla atock or Cooking Stovta eonalat, or inE CELEBRATED f R0NSIDE8, Which have never railed to bring react and prosperity Into faiatllci wbtrt It la uaed, : : ti . Diamond fltate, Farmer, Herald. Charm, Speare' California Cook Htovt, Hpeara' Antl-Diat, Uaa-Turning CookinK tltnvea, Vlotor, . . Ktllanet tad t nion Raata, ; ' , Bpeara'Cookinx Kanjea, ' Ac, io. ' . 1 I - I fc.The Tin and Sheet Iron wart (Ivtnwlth tt blovta la made or the fetav'eal and beat material, and warranted 10 five perfaot aalla- faclion, HiB Stock of Parlor & Boating StoveB : , . It larger, bitUr and cheaper that area before tiblbiua to ui puone eoniiitinf or - Speare' Revolving Light Illuminating Slove, bpeara Anu-vuai uaa-uurning rarior Move, gpeara' Orbicular Oaa Burning Parlor ' Hiova,Sptara' Oaa-Duri.lng Parlor 1 4 Stove, Voqnet, Pearl, (Jem, Ida, ' Sun. Troplo, Nevada, ., Ae Ac . r Vulcan, Kim and Victor lleatera, Fptart' Rt- vtiving bigni ucatera. , . I . - i ' ' He la alao prepared to furnlth a complete aeaortmont or ; Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Woodon and Willow Ware, &c, ! , I. Wholcaalt or retail, Banufaclnrtd neatly and with tht tola view to atrviot, from tht beat ma terial In tht market PLOWS A PLOW POINT, COPPEK, BRASS. PORCELAIN, TIN LINED, SPUN A COMMON IRON KETTLES, Or tvtry deteriptloa constantly ol kand. ORDERS FUU SrOUTilsO, KOOKiXti And other work belonging to hie bnalneaa will be promptly tiled by tipcritnetd and akitllul 'orkmta. CRASS, COrrER. OLD METAL, BAGS AND CASH. Takea la exchange for gooda. oW-lie taptrlally Invitee tht attenrloa of Hercbanta wtaBIng to purcnaee at wnoieealt, aa they will Bad It to their advantage to tzamlat h la atock before puronaaing tiatwaert. Look out lor tht Big Sign nppoaltt tht real- deact or lira. Dr. Foctcr. All Ooona WimariD ai RiraaaiKvan. G. 8. tLEGAL. Pblllpakarg, Juat I, 1HT0. aug S gACKETT & SCURYVER, naaLiaa i SHELF HARDWARE, aad manufacture ra or !'. ' ! f ' ' Tln.Coppor & Sheet Iron M ore, Seoond Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. Carpenter! and Buildere will do well to nam- tne our atock or BUILDING HARDWAKE & TOOLS. DTSTON'8 SAWS Dlaton'a Croai cut, Hand, Hip, Tenant and Uent a awe. , BOYNTON'S LIGHTNING SAWS Smroth PUnei. M-(ch Plni, Jik IManoi, Plumt-i k Levels. Fora 1'Udo. Steel Square, Jointer, f . ( , , Ac Firmrr an4 Frumlnjf Cliiil, Corner Chlicli, Carjivnun filkki, ltrwoi tvnd llitti. Baring MaebiDO, Ao. , Grindstones and Grindstone Fixtures. Smoky Flaw ara effootunlly euntd hj using Rlab- ar-li' Tatcnk GOTHIC I I.lE TOPS, tor which wt hnr tb igeticy. No cure, no pay, rhilajt lpliia C-rrinjce BolU, Rllroa Lanterni, A Una MiorUninl af POCKET & TABLE CUTLEKY, STOVES ! 8TOVE3 ! Th Timfi Conk, tha bent In thenmrWti aim, the Moiirh, Helmnre, and Ua. 10 Iron hiirst Kiryner'i I'urUbla J 1 cater, aoi iloatlng, Parlur an J Hall HKivihi. Roofing, B niating anil Jnh Work dona on reamnalile term a. All orilcra will rvcwlra prnmpt mention. July a, l7J s TONE'S SAW GUMMERS AND SAW UPSETS., Wt hava raralrad (ha agency for the above and will mi I them at manalatMurer prwea. Hall and eifimlna inem. I hey are tha brit. jrlO-71 II. F. HIULKR A CO. WATCHES I WATCHES I I haro a lirrc alnck or AHKMCAN 9. Jj '-Vl and 8WI88 WATCIIR3, or tho diffir r A en. gradea, la from tw.to ehlonnot oaata, I offer theat for aali LOW, ind guarantee them to give entire aatlafactloa. - JEWELRY ! JEWELRY I A oajl au.irtmctit Af TJIai' and (lul'l Jewelry oT the lattat atyleal Alwaya getting aoiatiuing aiwl , ' ' ,'i 1 would aak Lumberman and athara ha In. lead pirchaelng vTatchel to tall and let my aluok baton folna? to lha cllUa. aa T an r aura I aaa tall Warekta aa tow at tbey oaa be acugnt, aoeldoa tho dlffiriati la dliUnce la wt event 01 til good, proving defcotlvi. ' All kladaor BtPAIRINQ la my Una arooptly attoadid to at the atora oa 8ieoad itraet, oppo alto lha Court Houee. For your liberal rapport a ui pnat aa vary thankful. ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE QHEAT REDUCTION OF PRICES I .BY tt ItHTi:H HIIA1V, I). I). B. IMFOHTANT TlttlTIIfli ll,iln umwadod in letting a lighter tariff oa tentorial, benoo the o and wmarole charge for partial and full Ml' of Teeth. I uae lha bcit manufacture of tooth and other material. All oporntiona riglitcrod and warranted to give ier viot tnd aatlafaction. Fricnda, redact that my ohergoi rnr tin lmr. lion or artiflolat and the caving of tht nalural let Hi era now themoatrtanonablaln Hennaylvniila. I'rwu rva your teeth and you proaervo your health, l'ulllna of the nalural teoln In a healthy, i,ra- arrvativoand un ful conilitlurTla madt a apoclulty. Diaoaaea and mulforinatlt,naconimiin to the niouth, law and aaeoclale parla, are treated and corrected with ralr aucccaa. ciauiinauoua ana oonaultn Uona runt. . .... It would be tell tot patltnta from I dlitanra to let ini know by wall a frw dtja bvforo oonilng to tho oflico. It la very Important that children between the aget or all and twelve ycara ahould haro their tcvth examined. Anu'ilhi'tloi aro adinlniatarcd and Tvcth re moved wiih,ut pain. , Uiapoailluna and lharaetcr arc Judged hj all tbo world by the oxpreaalona or tha lace, hunov how very diaaatroua may It therefore bo for par eona to indulge an oaprvaalun ofdlatortod featuroa, even apart from a hygicuio view. Nuw, to eojoy natural (nut artinolal) oomforta and plcaanrca, roapeot aud obey aatural aiiiinlicitloa and imtinot. ci. 1'iiitir.n niiAir, u. u.a. Office In New Maeonle Dullding, Heoond atraat, Clearfield, I'a. I.UIH DENT AL CARD. ' 1 Pr. a, hi. urr,L3 ( - Wuuld fay to hlf pattrnta und tha pub lic generally, thai, baring diteolvrd pnrtnerihip with Dr. fUtw, be ii now tha entire work of bit o$ce hiiiiflrlf, io that pHtlentf ned not far being pat aaorr the nna or any aiht-r operator. I'leartieM, Mirrti zu, it7Z-pt.'(imcl.7a) ; J. M. STEWART, D. D. S., Oflloa over Irwln'a Drug, Store, t CURWENSVILLB, PA. ' All dental operation... eltbr In the roevhanlaft) or nperatlra branch, promptly attended to aid atiilaction guaranteed. Kpeoial attuatioa aald to tha treatment of dtaeanei of tha natural teeth, game aad moath. Irregularity of tbe teeth iue oeeel'uDy corrected. Teeth enlntotrd without peln by the ute of Kther, and artificial teeth interM af the beat material and warranted to render oi-t-lernrtion. rril2'"'?l:W J ! K 0 0 K S W1IICU DAVI ALWAYS GIVEN 8ATISFACT ON DKRKTOFORE, WILL Bi DISPOSED OF IX 8CCII A W AY AS 10 PLRASS 0 laiE!D8 AED CIS T0MER8. " j JUST RECEIVED I THE FINEST ASSORTMENT Of HOLIDAY ' ' OOODS-8U0H AS :x , BOOKS j AND OTUER STATIONERY ARTICLES, EVER OFFERED'TO THE CITIZENS , I i. ; . ! ! '.tii. ft i OF THIS PLACE I NOW 05 KXIliniTION AND FOR SAll AT H'DLISIIKRB' A HANVFACTUREt , , j P BICES, AT TUB POSTOFFICE. Clearteld, boo. 14, 1. II ATS k CAPS! BOOTS & SHOES GENT'S FUHN1SIIIN0 GOO Call at T.EVKR FLKO AL'S now BtoretoTif nlta Rx tiovernor Lttgier i reeidenoe, an Heonnd Clearfield, Pa., and examine bta fine atock Hats and Caps, Boots and She FuruUMiiff Gooda, eVr Of which he ii eonntantly receiving a large mnr ment of lha eery lateit and beat itytea, wlh be will diiiione af at aatoninhiualy low nrioei. LAD1KS, I have on band k larga anil well elerted itock of thote ealebnilrd handf weil MOKOCCU and LASTINU OAlTKltrt. wit-h I ean safely reooinrnend to ba tha buat in th foar- ket. Call and eaemine them. 4 (.knt's FURNIHMIN(1 Gooiw OKNTIaKMKN, ray ito- lt of Fumlehinff4 adi in eompleta. 1 hart all the noreltira In M-urf. Tie. Crarale, Ianuerrhlerr, Undurwt A Sue- pendera, Collnre, tllovce, )loiiory, Ao., t -ther with a complete aaeortmcnt of White anil Hbirta. 1 hart on hand a largo and well r loth -oted atock or Data and Cape of the very Intent rlna, Alao, Trunk, Vellaea, Railroad l'ega, lmlollu, Canoa, and tnnny utner anlrira, tioiti UKerf and ornamental, which will be told at fair ratee. ' I iff Tli. citiarna ol Clearfield and vicinity are roicctfulty invited to call and oaaailno my gooda bciure puronaaing tieewaero. I.KVKR FLEGAL, Clearfield, Pa., Kov. II, ldtl. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS & STATIONERY. Market Ht CUarflold, (al lha foal Old re. rpilK underalgned bega leave tt announce t 1. thi clllaana or Clearteld and vicinity, tha ho baa fitted np a room and baa juat returner from the ally with a large amount or reading eaatter, ronaiating In part or BibloB and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Account and Paa, Booka or tvtry da aorlptloa f Paper and Envelope,, French preaac aud plain i Pent and Pencilat Blank, Lege I'ipera, beeda, Mortgagee) Jidgmtat, Eicaip tloa and Prooalaeory notea White and I'arcb ment Brier, Legal Cap. Record Cap, aad Bill Cap. Sheet, Muatt for either Piano, Hut or Vloll eonatantly on hand. Any booka or atailoner: dcelred that I may not havo on hand, will bt or ordered by, Brit olfraaf, and ttld at ahtlelali ot retail to' eult 'coatnmera. I will alao kce periodical literature, inch a Magaalnea, Newi papcra, Ac. P, A. UAULIN. Claarlleld May T, !SnS-tf E W STOKE IN JIOUTZDALE! P. OALLAnHKR having Juat returned from the oaat with aa tntin pew and eomplrta aaeort ment of Merohandl.ae, anllublt for Winter and Spring trade, whlah baa Been aeleolrd with groat care and bought at low relet, It prepared M IUf niah tht eltlsena of lloutedalo and vicinity with go.de at a very light advance on am mat fot aah." Country Prodnct and Shlnalae i.k.o .1 market nrlco. Pall and eierolhe niy ttook before purchaalng eteewheri. Jiru' 5oeaj, fimttt$, (Hit. E.A.&AV.D.IRVIN DEALERS IN GENERAL SQUARE TIMBER, . LOGS & LUMBER . . CIIK'VKNelVIM.F., PA., ' V- 'j ? ARK offering, at their new Flora Ilonea,'a complete cluck of MEW UOODH, of all duaoriptiona. t , , , ' r I Dry Goods and Groceries, t , UA Uf) WAKE, , BOOTS at- SHOES, CLOTH JNO, Ac. i IN LAROE VARIETY. ! flour, Itye, Oats, Corn, Alwaya on band and for aalt at a email advanoa. .i l ' , , ROPE, In large qnanllllea, aold low by toll t alao, PULLEY IILOCKS, SMALL KOI'B - - aad CANT1IO0K8. . Ont hundred taact or . ATWATE1VS ELM IRA BOOTS, fr aali by the cut at wbolcaale ratra, i r Received by ea load i IWSTWaDON FLOUR, and told at aaall advaaoa. HARNESS, oT all kind), HORSE COLLARS aod 11AMES, 110RRB BLANEETB, BUFFALO ROBES, Ac ,. - t - f Alao, on late Brat claaa two horao WAOONP, , . TWIN SLEDS, LOO SLEDS, aad FLKIUIIfl. Rnoolal Inducrmenta offered to tboac getting out Squara Timber and l.og, aa wo deal largely la LaBBbarooea'a HappUea, and aro prepared at all timet to pvrohaaa Tinhor, Lcga and Lumber. Curwcnevlllo, November IS, 1B71. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD . ' Oaggago Damn, Warehvuao Truck a, Copying . . Frcaeea. Impruvcd Money Drawer, Ac, . rua at 1.1 ar , II. F. BIOLEU k CO., Itealrri Iu llirdwarc, mch30:7 tr Second Rtreet, Clearlcld, Pa. LAM) AM) LIMBER COMPAW OFFER IXDrCEJIEXTS -TO- Purchasers of Choice Goads AT THEIR MAMMOTH STORE -IX- 0 SOE OLA. w C'aliliict ! MOSHANNON LAND AND LUMBER COM PANY olTcr for aalc Town Lola tn tbe bor ough or Oat-cola, Clearfield county, I'a., and alao lota to emt nurchaacre outaNe tbo nniita oi aaia borough. Oaccola la aituated on the Moahannon Creek, In tht rlcheal portion of tha county of Clcarneld, on tha line of the Tyrone A Clearfield Railroad, where tbe Morhannoa and Bravcrton branch rnada Intoraect. It ia alao in the heart of tho Moahannon coal baaln, and largo boiliea of white pine, hemlock, oak, and other timber cur round It. One of the larg-al lnmhv manufactur ing tataliliahmcnta In the State le located In the town, while there art many other lumber and ahinglc milla aronnd It. The town la hut avon yeare old, and containa a population of one thtu- aand inhatillanta. irfr-Por rurthcr Infarmatloa apply it tne cmoe ol tnc a aonvi oompany. JOHN LAVrpHr5.r General Saperinlendent. M:TO NOSHANNON LAND & LUMBER CO., OSCEOLA BTRAM MILLS, aAarrorraal hiUMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS. H. II. SHILLINOFOHD, Praaldcnt, OHlco Foreat Place, No. IU 8. 4th aL, l'tillV JOHN LAWSUIT, Oeneral Sup't. Oacoola Milla, Cleardald ooanty, Pa. "VftmCIV Having purchand tho Intercut of 11 J. A. Illattenberger, Krq., In tno buiincaa herotofora oarricl oa under the Urtn name of J. A. Illattenhsra?rr A Co.. the aame will he conducted hereafter under the name of Moabannon Land and Lumber Companv, (Htorc.) II. II. SIIILLINOKORD, JOHN LAWSBR, myiatf Preeidrnt. Hcncral Hup t O. J. ( si "rimnM to biy my DRY flOODS, flRO- oerica, Oueenairare, Ulaaawaar, Kruge and Notlnne, C'nnfcottnacrlee, Ac, ibrap for caab. The cuhaerlher bega Irav, u Inform bla old and new oaatoniore that ho baa epead A VARIETY STORE . . , IN OLBH HOPE, PA. And will acll gooda at nrlcea to tuil tht tltnea. A liberal reduction will bo atado to euatomeri buy ing at wkoleaalo. Call and aiamtm my atock befora purchialnr olaowhara. A liberal ahare of pnbltt patronagu la aulloilmL . , , . 0. J. KEAflf. Olca Hop,, Pa., June lt,le7l, ' B I.ANK COMflTApLU'll MALUJ FuR tait ai idii iUisrclt.uuous. Ra R R BADWAY'S READY 'RELIEF ' CUB KM TUB WUUHT PAINM In from On to Twenty Mlnuto. NOT OUt HOUR ilW tmif Jtii imiv i'i tu.111.11i i-ytl Mir o H'MIIiUtVlV Kfrrni MADWAYf bKADY n.l,inr la A CURB FOB TTih Only lnln lliemody ttml iiiavlNHtlr n4 vuiriiaUUiiK illtrn liiiUniiiiiaiuiw, a.L-1 turM Cotiyaivtliiiit, wliulJitr o( Uva Limit-, hititiikrli, iiowwli. or utia ciiuiti wr ornit, t owli.t.lltwll'-n, 1 IN HU)4 ONI TO TWENTY H1NUTX.1, iin iinttfir li.-w vloluiil or t inrucljutiia lit ii Utl Ultial MATIU, Wk rl.htfit, i-r.(l, rrlmtUrl, WtmMAi. Aamalalo. w unMtnutl wuti oimhw car aulttf, aRADWAY'8 RtADY RELIEF IKVLaUU n n. 1, r riMIII INhl An r KAJ,. t IsVl.AVrfATIulJ ItV ilifc tl LADDER IMrLAMMATIUN tK tug IKHVI.l.s rtlMIKHI'ION IIIKHil'lll.T gong TIIIIOAT. KIKnct'l.T in i.k rltjt t.UNQg. niivA- rfli.it 1 a 1 inn UN tIK na- Tiia ukibv 1 in I r 1 1 ILIIIA. caTahiui, lrnacgniA. 1IEADACI1R, TOOTnAfllK, MCI! II AtIt A, BllKl'iUTIem. coin rmtxa, AtniM t'lifi.t.c . TliaaDi.llMl'aiorihe Hoada Hell of tolhanarioa pvH urdtr. the p4a or iljfluultr aauta oul affimi ean aixi cctiiri.rt. Tw.i,t)r amtw In half a IraiiMar ef water wilt In a raw roiH..r.,l. ,1,,, tJUAUIH, hPAnHH.ailUH HTtiMAl'll, lir.AHTIll'ftJf, fill K IIKAIlAI UK. IlUltlilllCA liVngNTHtr, tl. 1(1, WINU IN THB ItUWIUA and all 1K1KKNAL I'A 1KB. 1W.-i.-r; iiiiiiiil alvrara canv a bottlaof Ttnrlwav'a lb-arty Ht-lll Witt, Ilium. A frw doia In wuUi lll poivuiif ,.4bwa av aohia (rem ch.naa of water, ll la Uilar ILuu KiwiiiU Hnuiiiy or IlllUn a. a atluuiaut. rKVI'.lt A KII Afit'R. FKVETl AMI Alt If E irurwtl for nnv cenla. Tnoro la C'4 a rrwaduu aK,,l,t B (Ll world thut will eum.K.v.r ad Aaor, ano .11 othfv MMarlxua, llllltmo. Hrul.t, Tv 1.I.. IJ, Vrllow. udothrr t ..vur. l.l.l.d lr ItAlrVV AY'lt 1-1 l.t J m qnl.k u UAliWAV's IIKAUY HiLlgr. flttr eauU per bolUa. guld by Praijuta. HEALTH !BEAUTY ! ! STrtoNo Asr pt-rr ir iii.(orrrrticASE (If KI.Kail AMI WKIilllf -OI.KAH KKIM AM) bKAU lit UL UnUl'LkA IUN blkCUUKLi IU ALL. DR. RAD WAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT Bar maik tiix aumT ahtonikiiino rungnt Every Day n lnftra In Pleth and Weight Is 8een and Pelt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Fvry mp of Um HAHKArA Hi I.MAN KKHoLV KNT onimunloaU tbrotixti Ui lllxod, Aw mi, Orio. imi matir nuHta auiu "i in" wt am ui tfiT Ol iritv (irr It iMtrt Ui wulrw (if lh brxl r with nuw auirt tvvmxl iw vnm uit vifur or iirtv tnulmid. aHcnfuU, 4aUU. LVinaTUiiillfi, (.Iminlul dltwkaw, Vkn Id tliei ThroM, M"uth, Ttiiuura, NxJ.- in ti UIhimI mvA otUr ukiit ft th tr-tn, Hon Ky, MntmoHa lirh.T(it h-itn tb lUri, tWid Utt Wnr( i.iTjTMTn, rmt nnrm, 9Hl t ActttaUlaVA uirin In llmi fiLaota. Worro In lta rlrii, Tumr-n, Cau.t Wninh, ftm) kit wptklnc ixd Mlnful ilm Um ftm) lt wpkln ud palnrul tllinlirf, Ntnljt fhrMlAL lafji of AiMi-m. Mill ftfl WaUtf tol lha (fa brr.ti. pi, oni .iirtn Um curu nuf ui it I wouilftr of Mud till ChwDllaVr. tUtd ft (Vw flyt' 01 Will prUYt tO aUlf tviN ueiitg it for 1lliMr of Umm knm of tliwtwt IU putviit puwtr to curt .batn. 1 tim patlvnt, dUy bormi!ni rtxlaeod by th rut ftrrtl tlcimirftll(i(i tti4 1 oontlnoajly ptjrrvMtnc tno MaW In ftrrMtlnir lha widvloa, aul nitln U tamo ltA mw otaUrkai li) I"nt bsltli tltHtrl mi iUL Ut CAkSA PA Iin.lTl A N wOlwadd.iiiitcurT ftJI Lumwri fwmevligU t-iiU In Lie cuxa of ( 'IiruuLr p. Uju. (JuntfUiitluoaJ, v4&tlo dlaeiWMf biu U U Ua uttv poftlliT nn fur Kidney A II ladder ComplnlnMt t'Hnrr, ud Wnmb dlwtM, OrtwL ftltbtl, Dmpiif Kt'ntT 4 Waur, Ineutitlnataotof UrliML Hrtuht'i Ila mm, AibvmlaurtaV bd ta 411 Bavaea whara thart an brltk du dfrotilia, or Iht araOor Ii Ihlck, cloudy, alan4 with ritrfUiaf! ilka Ue whit a of m cm, tbna.b Uka whlia um. or Ultra la a Biorlird, omk, lililritu appaarani whtta bona d'il dttxialll, ftnrl wbm ihora U a br bnrnlnt MiaMhwi whan ratuatna watat. and OtSft a brirkln. r, and paJn In lha tWrai .f th Ittvr-fe aotJ aakt liM LoUaB. Prtea, $ix . WORMS.-Th oalr katwa d Tumor of 19 Yean' CirowfJ. Curcd by Radway'i ReaolTcuu taTBax. Haaav, Jalf W, I Ma. TH. V. A tVW IT I I aatV aVtal OwtabS TrMgiot la alTVVM aaa nw.1. All te rVaawtn m4 - ! W fcftp fa W." I Irtawl erwejry tVlaaj Ikat WM laagnwaawa.a' ; Wt aw4lff Wlpad , I mm J- lUawl'onl, ue4 lla-Mtf t I miU try U : fajl 14 mm faith la H, . I toa farvrl lor tarwlw, wvarv imA atK WitU f liet) IWJraai, mi m n M rtanUiv'g nilf.aa.4 Hr M- tiw mf wMt RtaaAdl UIU I Bvi fblrr I. afl a tr of laWMI W mwm m fctt, aanl 1 faaj kwHtar, wrnm, ari'- taV-a I aa far two Ira ioava, Ttw wl taro. m ta tb UO tial -t ia ali, tha t4a. I artiu law w m aw faa aaaaak af atkart. ! at pim a. at yaa aaaoaa. UAKNAI1 f. tNAFT. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS. parfrcllf (artftlfaa, altrartlf tftiM arftb twtwt fOTn, TKiruiaaaj, innij, anui-ia, ani airuriDin. rwvo owukA, UMara, rrrtrOQ. UraPt( ua, VUlonmNai. liilkMM Ftr, Inflaniniai loa of tba B.irela. IHhd all IermJ.TrontacifUir lulcmaj Va fara. WaiTaritad to afrVri a (entittTfrura. Inrvly Vtf- Mi, coniAiriiria no mrrviivT, mpnerrwa, err Qriru-rHnii n niw. iar uuawrra in a puioa-inc aiapucoa WMHUig mm lavroVrt of tba UtaTewll'a OrrMMii CwMUpaU-M, ImwtaM niM, r-tllB af tha Blfal ta iha Ilaai, tali.! of W-tATt.. Ik Bt.aj.i.a, fVxt, fatA.it, ttahtaf a flsliexliawM Ua TO f lav Moamaw-.. "otaftBlnx u4 tkat HaAdt. larrM atl IHthrall rwefclrjf, natwrtrif ml tVHtatrt. nin TrUlufalfag lUfi aali neat rnKaat la a l.itnf taoieue. IMoiamh of !, 'f Uft kej. -r. tk, f w agrf Dull la la W Haaal, naaVgy (af ISrofW, TewUarxaa wt law Ut ao4 tim fmt m ttw Akto, I I. I lull ill tmMm nmmhm af W-M, Wraliag la tht Fl-ab. A aWwoVvfeeaof BAD WAT'S 1TI.UI wlfl ff th tf. tarn from all tht arrnva-rmnvf) rtwotdtra. iVtca, as eauu faej bnau tHLU 1)Y 1'I.LtiUIMTia, RRaT) "FAIK ANI M K71 rVttd en Irtt-r PtaVnptoHADWAY CO., N.71MonUn,NaW- H. B. TAYLOR'S ' LIME AND COAL YARD, (N'ew tha Rallrotd Depot.) CI.EIRFIK1.D, PKNM'A. - IEMHIIACR thla asuhoal of informing tht public, tbal I hara ninrt mp yard for tb ale of wood or wal-bnrnt LIMB snj Aathrtvcit CO AI-, tn th bortmgh of Ckmrfteltt, Hid hart nmplrtrd RfranHBrnt with a-vi!n 4talm by whioh I ran kry a full npplt eonaUfttlywn bftorl, which will be tli-poard of At rrhJonaMo nitfia, by th tun, hu9hel or ear lund, to aalt pan-bAwrt. Tho at a difUoc ran aHtlriai tn by letter, ard oblaia all ntattury tuformation bf rttarn nail. H. B. TAVL01L Cltwflfld Pa., Fab. U, lH6tf T w L U M II K It M K M I FERFECTIOH IN GANTHOOKS1 Tht ClcarlJi Excelilor Canihook will Dot wear out or break, being eooatractei with ont olid band from oltp to poiat It la pronoincotl by all praetloal lnmbtrmea who have elaminc-1 tt to bt tbt moat perfeot Oanthouk ovtr Invent -J. Amos Kennard, Patentee. AlanofaolaiTU by A not Kitean A Co., at CLEARFIELD, PA. -All onler, pronptly alien Icl to. bSJ'TO DREXEL & CO., No. a I Houth Thlnl Htroct. IMiilaJcluhla And Dealers in Government Securities. AfpHentinn by mall will reeeivo prompt atten. linn, and all Information oheerfully furnlabed, Onlara eolleeid. April ll-tf. 15 (IMNI.U O UTl UT SOT B URN E D.U PI HKI.L'8 Rl'N WOOLK.S FACTORY, Pcnn townaliip, ClearKold Co., Pa, The aubaorlher, are, at great ojprnat, rebnlld In and In a frw ilaya will have ennipleted, I neltfhr-orho(.d nrroaily, In the troetion of a llret elnaa Woolen Mnnnfni-iory, with all tho modnra improvemenla attarheil, and are prrpaird " mnke all b.nila nf Clntha, raaaimarea, Salinotta, Ulan kela, Flanncla, An. Plenty of g..mla oa hand It eupply ail ourold and a thoueend new oualomera, whom we nak to ootna aod examine our atoek. The boalnraa of CARDING AND Fl'LLINtl will receive eapeelal atlvntion. Our new mill will ht ready by wool oanling aeaaon, thertloro Ihort need be no heaitallen on that arore. Proper arrangtmenla will be made to receive end di liver Wool, to ault oualomera. All work warranted aad done upon the ahorteat notioe, and by atriot ,tten tlon to luaineaa we hope toreallao a liberal ahart of pulilia pittronage. III.IMMI POUNDS WOOL WANTKDt ' Wt will pay the hlghral martlei prleo ft.r Wool and aril our manufactured gooda aa low aa aimilar gooda ean hebnngtit In the ooanty, and whenevor w fall to render reaaonaMe anllefaottnn wt ean alweva b lirand al hoint ready t wiaki pmfor aplanatloa, either In iieraon er by ratter. - . JAMKS JOIINdON A HONS, aprlliHtf llraiaplaa llilla P. C1UEAP GllOCKIUICSt - -j LVMiinn cm-, PA. Tbt inderrlgnoil anr.ounora ta bla old frlende and paln.na that 'ua haa opened I good lint of OIKlI KIUKfl A frlOVIKKiNN at the old at and of KlrU 4 Dtrtnoor, for whirh he eoliaiia a liberal pntrr.age. . II. W. aPUNCKll. Lumber city, l a, uaroh Ju-U. ---rt-e- BAItGAlNS IN MUSICAL IN TKl MKNTHI Organ,, both new and enoond hand, at tho Mualo Hton. oppoaite Ualloh'a t'liriiturr Htora. -.All peraone Uitereeiwl are iarl ImI In null and examine a new atyle of Orgnl of on tihlhllinn. Kbaet Mualo and Mnale Konka foBrttutlTinhand. .. . ilx4-?Itf oundru ' and aMttu , ilious. BIGLER, "YOUNG & CO., 'Soooeiiori to Uoynton k Young,) ' . i- . i; f. tt . , , i FOUNDERS &. MACHINISTS - . llanufaoturera of ... , POETABLE & STATIONABy" STEA1NI ENGINES 4 Corner or Fourth and Pine Street,, ' CLEAaicliaU, PA." " tn.. jt tu ' j; ! ., TTAVINO engaged in the manufacture or flrat- i A. elaai MACI1INKUY, wt reapeolfully Inform th, publio that we an now prepared to All all ordera aa cheaply and aa promptly can bt done Is any or tbt oitiei. W, manufacture and dual ii Malay and Circular Saw-Mills Head Rlooka, Water Wheel,, Shafting Pulleya, (Iiftord a Injector, Bteam flaogri, 8bm Wh l.t lea, Oilera, Tallow Cupa, Oil Cupa, Uauge Co-ka, Air Coeka, Ulobt ralrea, Cberk Valrea, wrought Irot Pipoa, 8. earn Pumpa, Holler Foed Pump., Anti- rriotiun Metrea,Koap fltono Packing, Hum Pack ing, aud all kiuda or MILL WORK j together with Plowa, Bled Solra, COOK ASD PA ItLOR STO FES, and other CASTINGS of ,11 klnda. -OrJcra ,ollrlted and Blind at oily prim All lettcra of inquiry with reference to machinert of our manufacture prompt! aniwered, b atdrei. ing na at Clearfield, Pa. dreirro tr bkilek, younq a co. . . . IXTiTPinrj ' U. L. Kted. , IV M I I I . f . Wb. Pwe!l. A POWELL . C L E A II F I n L D , PLANING MILL ALL right: flHK proprlMV.rarpcotully inform thetitiunr -a. or Clearfield oooaly, that they havo antirel) refitted thla oeUhliahmentwitbtheUtawtimproved wood-working maohinary, aad art Bow prrpared to execute all ordera ia thoir line of bnalneaa. I hey will give trpeoial aiitatiua to tht auuiafao- turt of material for houee building, nek aa FLOORING, WEATHEr-BOARDING, BASH, DOORS, BLINDS, nn.icKETs .voi Lm.rcs, Of ALL ITTLBO, Wt alwaya hart oa hand a large atock of DRT LI! U H e a, mA t-t " . .ii .i ! a - One-and-a-hair Inoh panel atuff preferred. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or ixehangod, to nit ouatoatra. Ordera aollcltwl, and Laraher rurnlahed ol ahort botloe and on rt-aaonable terma. ! REED A row ELL, ' Cltarleld, March 8, Id? I pdlljan73 CjmW'H IMPKOVEI) COXPITlOlf O P0WDRH8. Vnefvl In ot.i,tt man of UinUtoiivpf, CoMoha, OolJa, tiota, Farev. Ootiire- n?sa, hutagbuwi. of (ha fikin, and tStoppaga of Water. Urmif, Pwrllfrl Lga and IuflurnuiMi b relirrad, and mmelimN cured, by th naa of tbcM Howdera. Thj trill ol interim wUN tha daily work f tha liorae, aod oaa ba ftvco U cat. tie with equal ad rant ate. Put op by A. I. tHAn. Drucirlat aod Atotha aarr. Clrarftpld, P. ISoTeMntwr ft, l!7l. Sold aTcrvajbara, LA n G E S T ASSORTMENT OF NTOVESJ TO YES ! ever hmught to the countr, are being rroeivrd at the Hardware E.tabliahment of II. F. II I CI. KM Ai CO., conipriaing tbt following Cook dtoveat SrKAB'8 CALORIFIC, 1 - ' : SUsyUEHANKA, KKGULATOR. . . ... , . NOBLE. EXCELSIOR, TRlUilrll.. i r QOV.m'5. KKADINO, NATIONAL RANGE, AC. AC. Alio, tht fallowing Keating Sloven . SPEAR'S ANTl CLINKKR, - SPRAK'S ANT1VTJST. - -; ' PrEAR'S ORRICCLAR, . steak's fa kloii cook, . ,. mornino light, on ton, , " . , .' GirSEY, j , ., VULCAN, : ' , SUN BEAU,",.,, t. RU3Y' DAUPHIN E(io, , . CHESTER Etia, , , ,' ' -VOLCANO, :". . " phoenix, " ' " HEAVY BAR ROOSf AND STORE ROOM SluVhS, AC. Clearteld, H.pt, J, 1PT1. ' ' ; ' "" TUP: GLli.UiKI KLD - i . ...,- . - WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! Mamfaelored laperlally f.r ' ' - , WE CLEARFIELD TlUtE,. ma . ir mg.tT' TT. t. BTUt.fR CO. I hare ad.lrd In aiy extenrivt varilljr of LA MPS and TAltl.K ULAtiSWARh. . . Motto Cupa and fiaueera, Motto Muga, and Toy Tea Sella, In great variety, Alro, Va.ia and fancy Toilet rella, or tne naniiome.i or.inp. . ),. ml. I have Imaorted Itroeilr from Ru rope, and my prlcot an at lew aa aay importer oan aell tht aamo H la ollher thla eity or New York . .-. ... ... A. A. WnlllBAbaa.. -i No. IS, Soelb Seceed aad 0 Btrawbatrvtta .. J, . l t Philadelphia, fa. . 1. B.-MTttocknrCnA'DKLIKHS,eaptclaU Iv'I.Inrrted to ohnrckei, la vry .urge. Ji.'-H n irawlnga. ahowlng tha ritaignof each rhaiidelltr andbraokot,wiUkiKnlonnojUtet. noViV'.Iu ''''.'iJ.JptaidMi. .'!' r aitiT-T iiM.,n!1.,vi .fid. AMU In U . tk...a 111,. h at. Auacuuaa, and raoum leg anaetl. nrw Uicir bone, aie aol deatroved by mineral noieon ova ' meane. and tha vital rui wu,m( k.. .l. '' of fapair. DyaiMwalaovIiidtareatloa. Headad Ist In Hi. Slnnldera. U,!! ,!,!.,, of ,1 CI,..' i,f aiaaa. b;.ur Kruct.hona of lha Slomieh, Rm 2 In the Month, llilloua Aniclta, P.I,uik 7 Heart. Intlawtaation of th. 1 .. j of tin K.d.,.rt, and , hundred other pjinful ., are tht orT.pnniia of Dy.iaiwa. In ll.. am i' " ail ao aqual, and one botue win prove r letie, P anlee of it. merit, than a lenathy idvartavmn, 1 " For Veaiala Complialwla, ta yxvtn or aurmd ar atnila, at U ita af wotxaiAiofui , . lam ut lira. lUaa Tunic bitten diapl-iy u iict .'T1 4. iKfluaaca tUta purked unproniacnt Ii torn p-- ,' llWo. For Inflammatory aaChawkte Hla-. matlam aad 11, HUkmn, Kamtuairi ui JL Mitmt Ktvti. Diaaa. Ua UatMtU, Umt. KZ, and Bladder, theaa n.ittr. hive do erioal. Suet auu ate oiuied by Vtt.ated HloM, wh.rk h ttrti proHucd by oVninnmtnt af tfw Ifntrf (Hvaatve. ' Thar lira a OirnUc nrf(aUra aa w. ii M m Tonic, poaataainir. aiaa tlae .wcutav atartt 1(lrtf aa a powarrati mmi in raiuwinR CmiKtaga rrr ll4 matioooi th iiver and Viaceral Oki. aid ia r T 7 Uiwaw, J ' a , , ' Vor Skin I I , Empiiorn, Tettti Khfum. bl'JiLlica, bUa, Piniplt, Puatulct, Jioili f-j. bunclaa, Rinir-woiiiia. Scild-IIeid, Sort Era 'f.,r kpclaa, ftc. Scarfa, Ilacoloriiioaa af law Sbn, H n aaa uiaaaaa M im aautt, ruHcver name or r i are literal; due up and carried tni of tht apteai n x abort tima by in ua al lhaaa Btiiara Grattarul Thomandi Mocuum Vimwvai f- Tiat iha mou wonAuial iiivigMint t)it rnr asfAUey tha linkint tyaitm. 1 WALKER, PmpV. R.ll. WeDOVALDtCO. Droncuai and Oan. Aana, Saa V raactaca, Cal, ' aDdcar.oi' WavhiHKm and Charlton S( , NeV rV SOLD UY ALL. DRUGGISTS AND LAljry Jim 5, 187J. ' HAYES, COULTER & CO,, fuoceaav-ra to W. A. Arnuid, . (i 1 ' ar .iirariTMRa or Heaters, Fuingcs, Low Craiw, ani MAH3EI.IZED SLATE MAXTi'L? r,l ajrenta lor tbe eeU-braoad CUIL60X COOKlJJtr BASUK ff"Soi for Ca.ali jjufi, Ko. U0& Chaataot Streai. June 5 Urn PHILADELI'RM. Clearfield County Bark. rpiiE Cleailield Concty taok q lr v-1 X lonitif .on hnr gov out of axift tho inrranHerftf Iff ehartar, Uar I? n Alt iti atork ia owned by tha labribir, at? anil ooQiinuf th Binklnj bofcluciii at (l-aia IiUri. plfat Ciskari, aitdar tba tt l i oi (ha 'CIrflald Uovaty Bank.1 m r aponaibta for tbo debt ol tha Ka&k, ad t, pk) ita notea on datnasd at tha eonniar. i-a reoflrrd and in tor cat aid whan a-oBey 1 ff fti s fiied! lima. Paper dfaoetntad at li ffBi aa btrefftfora. Onr ' rrtoaal raattwn it ptw tw 11 VafoilU reedff aad trantteted. A eontinnauea or tbt liBfnl a ronife of tha b oil neat aaan f tht maKtut ipectfult lolleifed. At Prefldvt, Cir tr n officer of iha lata Clearfield Coant7Brrk.1t require tht notaa of sail Bank to bt for radempt.oB. JAS. T. LROXAUD, RICHARD FH., WM. FORTEU, JAB. D. RA1JA3(, A. K. WRIonT, " 0. L. RKF.I. ' WX. A. WALLACE. Tha hoitnata of fba Bank will btfotdoH .t Joho M' Aduwt.g ).. aj Caahitr. 'A 1 TI County National Bank," " ' i lai.CtR'TCr.n "pa: ' 1 ROOM In Ma'onic BuiMIng, one door a ii' C. I. Wiitann, Pk rttore.' ' raaa.se Tieaeta to and from Liverpool, Qoeeii town, lijjiagow, Londi.n, Pari, and Copt.ra Alao, llramrnrtnleonthertoraj Ben a el man aid Imperial Bank of l.oadoa. . , - JAMKti T. LEONARD, Prl W. M. SHAW, Ca.hrer. llft J. P: M'Otrk. Rdward Parti. BANKING & COLLECTION H0T2 OF . McGIRK & PERKS. 1 Batooaetr, t Foeter, l'erka, A Co. I'hlllabarg;, Contra Caaaty, Pi. "f Ul.bg all tho baainaai of a-Ban king I 11 will 00 traneac bed nruaaiiUy and aw l moat tavoraole terma. war. u V-EW6T0UE iD NEW GO 01 JUS. SHAW & SON,. - " '' Itiva juit raried A ' Nitr Ptoh. on Main 8t., Cvtairmn, f. iatel't occupied j Wm. T. IB WIS. Tbair (took oonsiali of . ,. ODlXi'Cr CJ- CD CD Gnoriita of tbo bat rjnalit."' Quf.ensware, Boots and hhet 1 .... i , -;';... a v- aod vrry artiolo oeceaaarv . , . . ... : . . - ' , , ;i , ooa'g oomforU . , .. Call ond aiaiuiriaoBr atoot t'efqic tt: ehaaing elimberej. Kay 9. ISO " DAVID YOUNG,-- Stone-Cutter and Stoiie-Mar oratt arioM aad la 1 1K.ST-t UAI r- . ' ArcUtcct vural' Oinaiiicnti , , ALL aTVLKii. btoai Droa.iag el"" .lr,inn Bn4 .11 t.ln.1. of mason nrt- trarted Ibr In or out nf Ibe c onnty. AtiJ r " ' wlablng Kt have vtavwatabli an ' ' ... .1 - .n u tr. .ir iJler HVHe.lllU, -IV. V, Wl, SHW wm - . to call upon nit I would alro Inform He that I can deliver any qaaatlty er t j; atom dealred, at I am tbt owner or a , FLRST-CI4SS STOXE 'QUaK''- Ordon for wart aaa bt iddreeord Ii; ' ,. , , , .... v VAMV ;X01V ...Beale's 'Embrocation. r i .a - an w ILL1!.) For all dlaoieoi Iwrtdenl ta Hr. '' . . iluaaa f aaab, roi-lrtag aoe -- . uttraal aralioaltoa. ' " , TH. tn.V,.! waa itanalrell the QovernBitat during tni war. For tat f ll.rt.wtek A JJV Jottab H. Irwla, Carweaiwtllt. , aider. I.iiheraburg, . - T l w. iiavih. of M".'' l , la mv authorlaed Agent for lie Wolcott'a l'aln I'aint. tht onljf In" ' rermanent enre nf all Itin.la of Palo. n tutt'i Antribllatir fnfthi -aadonldiiallaobea.1.. ', s a.?ViJ . ll t'bllhaiu Hoare."- House Lot for Sale or p mrl ndor.lrfod offVra t.rr 'iv X vea.rtwanie tovwiet i" Zadai'' ad elablr, la Btanartngaiif tonus go ai;iijl w.. m ,M-r- ' . Jnnnar" T)f K, wHixa a Kr e.-r a., a. f jjf r'" I i j j