THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY MORNINQ, HOT.1T.W1. Tsrmi of Subscrlotlon tfpald (a ilnm, wltkla tkraa thi...M BaiwafUrlhmMdkforurtimoBlh..... If paid affcr tbe aiplrallo at in aeatbt... I RELIGIOUS HOTICWU 10-1 march. Rer. A. D, Tecon, Paatar.-Publle "' bB, Sabbath 8oliool at I A. H. U .i.. mwmr ThundaT. It P. M CoManloa BerTe.,lr.t Sabbath af wry ;u4MW''t,tilireh-.Epl!.pl-Il.. - u...i Public Serviee bander moraing at II '"lock. and at H Sunday Soboolal I p. M. Prayer steeling hhmj a T o'olock. Freebytarlaa Cbwreh Re. H. 8. BrTiaa. FrB0hlBg e.eree "Wy "I ! Buaday School at 1 p. m. ... Prayer Meeting o Wednesday t It . m Rtkl.riaae M flatunlae at 7 B Bl eu vrnilii Church Cktliolle R. T J. McMaar. Maaa t 10 o'eloek A. ., aa tk ooad ud foarlk Saadaya of tub month. Latharaa t'harclb Bt. A. J. Hianaek Preaching erery Sabbath, morning aid araaing. Sabbath School at I a. m. Prayer awtting arary Wedaoeday erasing. Th looml of lb) Brookvllle Jtfftno- nla la abuaing tha pavementl la tkat borough, betauee tky lock bit leg and throw Urn dowa eeatloaally. Coimf . Tb third weok of tha Revemecr tana la la eeeelou tkia wk. Bit lonor, Jadga Doaa, of UuBtiagdoa, eecupiee tka aaat af Jadga Meyer. , Sickhm. Glen Hope and vicinity teeaee to aa aBleted Jual bow wltn lypuoia mar. Bealdea a number of othar cltiient, who ara in a preeerloue aoeditien, Mr. Lard loat thro dough tara lt woak, aal U dowa hiatelf. ' Joint Tlistikagivinp services will be bald la tka Praakylariaa church la this plan on Tknraday mora log, and than will ba preaching ia tka Lutharaa akarak In tha evening We had a pop call Lut week from that itarling youag Democrat, O. U. Keigherd, Eaq,., of Wllllamtport, who wu "doing" oar town. lir. Raigbard la bairmaa af tka Demoeretu eaaty committee of Lyaoailag, and it oaa of tha riaiag yoong man of tkat county. Emporium. The ' Cameron Prat ayi 1 lliebaal Conry, a lad akoat 10 yaan af aga, aMidealally ihot himeelf in tba hand, wkila kaadliag a rerolrer tbe ball antarlng tha kaart af kit kaad and ouialag out abore tha writt, Lo . aal Itaaia ara aoaree. Wa could 111 our papar with aaoounU of Ighta la oar atraatt. It hat ba- aoaia aa rry-dy ooeurreaeo to aaa two maa ly ing ia a guttar 'akawing' aach othar. Tkara ia a aa ia jail aow witk oaa oar and part of a tngar bit of." No waador Emporlana want to itrong far (J rant. Lika produoaa like. 8cddcn Dcatb. Edward Ilaviland, tka arahitaat of our naw priaon, aipirod ia tha aart aa tka Slat laaL, whila palling front kit kama ia York to Pkiladalpkia. 11a kaa baaa in ' faabla koaltk for ivaa lima, and about a monik aga loat kit wifa, wbiak afliatioa aa doubt haatan ad kit damiia. At aa arekitaot ka had a national xapatatioa, at kad alao kit fatkar. Thay wara tka daltgaart of aaarly all tka Irat tlaat panitan tlarlaa, prltont ud alma kouaaa in tha Vaion. Ba had an tapariar at a pritoa arckitoot, and at a draugktaajaa ka rankad among tka bait, karing kald tkat aoaltiea la tka Palont OBoa for many yaan. IaiPioviwQ . The local editor of '. tka Braokrllla AifnnUit-Carlila waa arldaat : ly at Saaday Stkool lataly, at wa iafar from tka " faUawiag: A laaday lakoal laaakir ia tkit plaea, la kar ; lama laat Sunday, apoka to kar aoholara af tka 1 adaaataga af aaparlasaa ta U Mitnai. aaTinc that ; wkiak waa aaquirad by aiparianaa waa bum for gottaa, aad than, turning to ona of kar kaararl, ' iaqairad: Mliara you orar baan taught a laaaaa ky atpariaaaa, which, although It may hara ra tal lad ta yoar diaadraataga at tka tima, waa of kanalt to yaa orar aftorwardf "You bat," waa tka irroaamat raply. "Laat Buaday aftarnooa it aatt ana tka tan aaata tka old maa gara aia ia tka aaaraiwg to giaa to tka kaathaa, all any awrblrl, aad tao toataaiaat I got laat auiaaiar for laaraia' aaraaa, to lud out tkat tkraa of a kiad doa'l boat a iaak, aad yaa aaa Jaat bat tka laat faatbar ia yaar konnat that I waat go aiaah oa a proil agaia." that taaehar'a laaaoa for aaat Sunday it aaliOad "lolal Uaprarity." , Al.'t aptnaaa at laaraiag ia agaia fully aatab liikad, Oaly aaa day at Buaday Bakool, aad ka 4aataa aard tarau a profnaoly at aa old pukar ? . . . T K. E. JPARaoNAOi The fol- lawing aaaaaataatloa waa kaadad aa laat waak, kat too lata far tkat aditroa. Hanoi wa Baka raaa far it tkil waak 1 kta. Sairaai floato aaatkt aga Mr. Joaatkaa layatoa prapoaod to giro tka Matkoditl akurch af tkit plana a koala, raload at akoat t,00, for tka lam af IM, tha konaa ta ka aaad for a paraon aga. Tka board of truitaa airy promptly at laptod tka afar, aapraniag tkair tkaakl la rtl- alatiaa ardarad ta ba llad ia tka arahlrat of tka akarak. Oa laat Wadaaaday araaing, a tka ia aitaiiaa of Mr. Boyataa, tka UutUat Bat at tka J araonaga, wkara aftar anjoyiag a aaat axoallant auppar, praridad by kit Bayaloa, Bowutaloa wat farsally glraa, and tka aaad plaoad la tka kaadt If tka aaante? af tka beard. Tha pnaanutioa tpaaak oa tka part af Mr. Doyatoa wu uaaf aatad aad Boat affaitlag, aad tba raipoata oa tha part af tka truttoat ky Jadga MaKnally mott kappy. Mr. Bayatoa, kowoaor, wai not aloni ditpoaad to plaaaa,but la rarprita.. It waa not aa imply haaaa wkiak ka pruaantad ta tba okarah, kat ana Bait aoaplataly aad aaafortably furniikad, ka karing appropriatad ta tkat purpota tha (SOO pro f idad ky tha thurtb. Tka trattoN wara happy la roaairiaf and Mr. Bojntoa kappy In giring, aad at I kwkad at tka buoarol.nt faoa of tka lat Ur, I tkoagkt H toaUtad to tka truthfalaaai of tho daalamiaa, "it It aara klataad to giro than to ttn." Aay aoBpliaoaUry pkraaaa, I aa aoaidaat, Mr. Doyatoa would proaouoa nnnaoat ary aad aat af Laat. I tkarafora aroid tkan, awirod kowarar tkat wkaraaor tka gift it known it will ha aaodlaai to tpaak a word ia konor af tka Tba tNI tofarrad ta aboaa wai raally far about SUM amth af aarpotlag, faraitara aad othar aoMkaUfloada Jt. PllUraoMO JOURNAL SAriROI. Oa Tkanday af laat waak, J. R. MtCord, ia tha Play of J. 0. Maaoa, akiddad lit logi ia ona iny with an pair af konaa. If any oaa kai a day't wark ta boat Ikla, wa waat ta hear from kia. "a kaa aat kad long to wait fur a raoponto from Mankall Oobara, wko aa Friday, tha Int iattaat, paalod witk a aaa aiAly-two logi. Tkli 'U raair aaaa akarp work oa tka part of paol n wko waat to boat It. Mr. Cobara poalad aa 'firagata af lag logi la tkraa dayi 40 oaa day, ' aaatkar, aad oa tka third 82. Nut I Tha Wfimn aoapbtiat tkat tka iprlag which appliot BoUafoaUwttk wator ii appropriatad by laaaa, daaki aad atkot ao,uaUa fowl, wklab dia ait tkiianltaa ta Ita llapid daptha, and oath npaa Ua propar aathorlliat to daatda whothar it ta ba tar tka aitlaatta boaatl of tho tka stbar klpoal wk pay watar ratal. On Tuaaday. a yoaag aaa aaaod Skarwaad, iployad aa tka) aoaatnartloa traia af tba T. A 0. , Railraad, wu aaagkt by a daroaading bar of rail iaud Iron, wkiak aratkod oaa log, fro a tka tklgk t aard, aa badly that It la faarad aaputatloa i "1U fwad a ary. Tbaaaaiaaat tiraadarad I "tia aoliUra ky tka naaat daatb of tka yaang '"t'ay! " "7 Ukn plaoa f Ika laaaf .VaJlaikaaaaa Waaakbaraall "Ptadad. tka ataan karla, aaa. aat aa Ika " ' Ikarafaaal af oparaton to glo aa !?" ' " par toa nralalng. Tka lT " lay. Tka apatmton 4 at Ualuad to yald aad Ik Bin an ara tra In aoaaaapd tkat wark aay rt. tm Ika aaaatry aaa illy af. S . waiaa wui aa lap "Tayway. Court pRoogDiNo. nolow will ka found a Hit af tha oauiat whlob wara althar triad, aattlad or eonlinuod, during tha Brit and aebond waak of NuTambar tana, Flatcbar Colamaa at. Ilanry B. Baitk at al. Ma. fl Marah tara, 1871. Partition. Ntam. kar 11, 1871, tauaa raaahad aad triad aad jury lad forplatatlf. Jurat M. Laoaard ti. Qao. R. Cllloa, John Daalt and othara. No. TS Nor. Una 1888. Ca mint aa) ratpaaaTaMuai. noraabar 13, aauta raaekad aad triad aad Jury Bnd for tha plaintiff agalaat Joka Par la, tka ni of JJ3.1. Mary MoClura at. Jokn Patton ud othara, No, 38 Bapt. torn 1810. Tranpau. Norombir 1, aauaa raaahad ud triad ud Jury Sad for plaintiff the turn of f 1M. Jam Wkita ti. Joka V. Hailat. No. M Jan. tana 1800. Ejootaaat. Noromhtr 11, altaok aaat allowad and iituod for J. Nawooinar; oaute aoatiauod aad writ returned Noveubar IS. Qaorga D. Morgan and oikera ti. William h. Drana ud Joha Oon, Br. Mo. 1 Marah term, 188a. Norenber 1), eauta rraohed and tried and Jury find for defenuut by tba olaim of tho itatuta of liuiration. A. C. Tata, ateeutor, i. Robert Liti. No. Marah term, ISM. Ejectment. Norember 14, aauaa reached ud tried aad Jury Ind for the plaintiff. - Clerk Towaikip Bakool Piitrlel at. Emanuel Hlldabrand ud otherl. No. 48 March term, 18, Aetioa of debt Settled ky the partial. J. W. Raueh aaa of A. Cuitard, rt. Thomai White. No. 47 Marah term, 1886. Attioa of debt. Bottled by the partita. John I'attoa ate of L. J. llurd ti. Chait Town ikia School Diilriot. No. lOi Sept. term, 1868. Caea on promiaa. Settled by the partial. W. W. Parkkaa and olhrrl ti. Ueorge llagarty aad othara. No. Itf Juaa Urm, 1867. Attack- menL Continued. Uenry II, Reed and other! ti. Ooorgo Hagerty and atheri. Attachment. Continued. A. Montgomery, Aaaignae of T. Counter, Ta. 8, W. Thompton and othcre. No. 68 8ept. term, 1867. Cate on premite. Battled. M. O. Rtirh an of Martin Watt Tl Jokn C, lergueon. No. 84 January term, 1H68. Capiat ad rupondtmdum. Judgment eonfeeerd Oetober 18, 1873. Jokn Boaaler ti Jokn J. T. Ttiempaea at al. No. 13 January term, 18(8. Ejectment. Con tinued at eoatt of DefradauU. W. A. Wallace ti Jamel Forreat. Xjaetment. Settled by the partial. Samuel llagerty, executor, ra 8utanna Bramt aad othara. Bjaetment. Settled. F. P. HurnUII ti Thomaa Whila. Seirtatiai to RTirt, Ac. Off the Hat ; referred to arbitrator!. Same at aame. Same action. Jul. T. Leeward and otkerj ti. Pat Oallagher. Caaa oa promiia. Continued. Jared F. Irwin VI John 8. Snider. Jctreanae to revlTe, Aa. Continued. , Angolino Fereey at Darld Forery and othera. Troaipaai q. e. f. Settled and defendant paid off. Michael Yingling and otherl ti In. Rrothrra. Ejectmtat. Cauta reached aad tried and jury tod for dafeadul. Motel Robiaoa ti Aodraw Shoff. Action of debt. Cauaa reached and tried and Jury And for the plaintiff the turn of 86I-33. 8. P. Bennett and otherl ti Wn. J. Smith aad othara. Call on proBiio. Cauaa reached, tried ud jury find for the defendant Thomai Riley rl Corneliul Owenl. Ejectment. Settled by the partial, by the plaintiff paying tho defeudaat the turn of 2J0. Cbarlee Wheatland ti Silal Byrne and othera. Caaa upon pruwiael. Cauaa reached and tried and Jury And the plaintiff lufferl a non luit. David lloiit ti Silat Byrne and Jothert. Caaa upon proaiaei. Cauaa aettled, defendant to pay plaintiff 870 ud docket caita. Andrew Ponta, Sr., ti Wm. Corlay aad othera. RJeetmeat. Caaaa reached and triad and Jury 8nd for plaintiff. Joha Millar TI Joha Mooaakarger. KjootmenL Settled by tke partial. Itaae Uaint ua of ti John B. Miehaeli. Caaa on promiael. Judgment for plaintiff for 7,0.76. Henry Schmidt ti John J. Read. Caaa npoa promitei. Cauaa reached ud tried and Jury and for the defendant. Auguttut Lnoount ti Leua M. Coudriet. Tret- paaa a,. 0. f. Caaaa reached and triad and jury tad for the plaintiff the aum of t9M, treble dam, aga. Philip Haiiard ti Coaaty National Buk of Clearfield. Caaa upoa promieea. Continued and ordered at the kaad of lilt for January term, 1873. lea McKee at Samuel Robiaoa. Treapaal q c f. Continued. Tha Sokool Diatrict of Buraiide Townehip ti Williaa C Irria. Caaa npoa promitei. Cauaa continued by content. Joaeph Blrcbaald aaa af Wa. Porter ti Benja ia Spackmaa and athen. Scirt facia to re- TiTa, Ac Cauaa reached and tried and Jury Ond far the plaintiff in tka aum of 8cM. Thomaa Uaadenoa ti Samuel E. Eniwortk, Atlacbmeat under act of Marek, 1869. Jury Bnd for plaintiff the tarn of $226.23. Lewii J. Hurd ti Terrah Baker. Ejeetatnt. Continued. . B. C. Ritbel and otherl ti Ilarrlaoa Paatmora aad otherl. EjaetaenU Coatiaaad by enntent. Jaaei T. Leonard ti E. M. Jeaei. Cate la debt. Continued by the court. Edward II. Parker ti Wa. n. Wagoner aad othirt. Can aa protniee. Continued by tha oeurL Fred Shield! ti William J. Long. Car an promiaa. ' Continued by th efturt. Jaaei McOeehan aad elhAra ti Loreaaa Rloott. Caaa apan proaite. Judgmrat eonfeeed for 1100. Joaephln O. Raymond, and other at Lewii Planed. Ejectment. Settled by partial Judg ment to b uttered la faror of plaintiff for lud. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving day and court It ia ooiiiou. It lookt a little blue, ao far a w ara eonflerned. Work but no turkey. A Rci.isn We are tndubted to John W. llowe, a riaing nlwrod of tbii borough, for a good big meat af Toniaon, tka tirloia of a yearling, th beet that rum la the wood. John generally kit what ke aiini at. Sudden Death. The Huntingdon Monitor af laat work tayt 1 Saturday lail a work, whila leading eornfoddar in a field, Require Joer-pk McCoy, of McConneli. town, tbii eounty, full dead. Squire McCoy wai not only the tailed mania tha county (atanding la f hrMtae; WUt WU OBI or thO Ottelt ud beat of our tfUltene. Cp to the kour of bit daatk ka wa la good heallk, apparently, and bad by kil iob'i kelp loaded a wagia af fodder being la tke aat of forking tke laat ikeaf wbaa ke fell ud expired, lie I revet a aery large oirela of friendi wk wilt long hriak kit memory and hit good qualities of both bead aad keart will aot toon bo forgotten. ifeoHieecaf in pwee. BpttUltt. Rurmen, Thoae wh are troubled wl'k thla malady would do wall to call oa Dr. Dunn, who will be at tbe Leonard llouto, tbii borough, on Sunday and Monday next- the lit and Id of De cember, when be will be prepare! to treat patieatl who iue aoieoraieii aiaeiio J ruta, iio eoarge will ke made for adrlee. Dr. Dana it the agent for tbi Elattii Trutt Co., Ifl llroadway, N. Y. nor. 2; pa. PimarBaa Fibalb Colliu. We ara pleat ed to wara that the preeent term of thia itarling InatitatioB Ii among tba boh proaperuui in ill hitlory. A larger aombar of kuardera are In at tendance tbu at any time linea the war. Indeed th Bomber it limited aaly by the capacity to eoterteia them. Though tka winter term will aot begin aatil the llth of Dooember, there are already aearly twenty application! from naw pu P'1 " admiaalon ai twdut, Thoee of our reader wk drelr admttiloB anal make early application, or they tannot be reoeired. At tka aoaaeBoeaent of tkia term twenty, three toaoher were employees Aa additional auaii teacher waa aerated a few weekt una. lea taeenera In the Boric department and twenty fear taaaken la elk Thee facta ipeak Tolumea IB faror of tba eieellet aaaagemant ud tupeiriur fallltiat of thil leading inititutioa of our State for tka aduoatloa of young ladiea. If roe want a aatalogu tend to Rot. I. C. Perihina. D. II.. Fituhtugk, Pa. Pimbnrfk Cnmnnial. A fall Ua af Heaeehold Ooadt, Japuaed Wara. A, for aak) by H. F. Bigler A Co. Bawa-Dlatu'aCinaa.eut Saw. Qraat iBadu. Saw, koyatea't Llgklalat Saw, al ' aria u, r. JIIBLBB a U'. Tirpar-Aaox Oitt, Onio, Not. 16. 1871. P. L. IltHUiaoa, Kq. Hm 1 At a Beating of ina ooara ot r-'inoatinn, 01 tne I ippeoanoe Die tnet Bcbitol, bvld thia day, you ware appoioted nuperinteeiioni 01 aia oeaooi,to une eleot Janu ary lat, 1S7J. Very mpectfully, J. U. II0RTON, , Boo rotary, Ci.atariau Pa., Not. S3, 1871 Tka board of Trtuteei of tbe ClearBeld acad amy mat at tka uffloa of tbe SocreUrr. J. U M'Bnally. Tka object of the meeting being made kpown, tke following reevlutloa wa aauiaou ly addepted: Wneain, Rar. P. L. Ilarriion hit laid be fore the board of Trutteea of ClearBeld Aoadema hit Rilgnatioa u Principal of the Aeadeay, look lag to tke acoeptue al the euptrlntendcnoy af the "Graded School ia Tinpeeauoe City, Ohio. loereiore u 11 iiteoieea, inal wa requeat aim to withdraw kit retire atioa, ud continue in ika poailioa ke hae ao long ud ably filled. JNO. F. WEAVER, Preaidanb J. B. McENALLY, Secretary. A. Waixaci, G. L. It ran. A. M. IliLU. Riiaaan Motaor. Tbe teachen of the Inatitut diatrlot lompotad of Pike, Penn, Bloom, LuinbarCity and Curwena Tllle ackool dutrict will hold their aecond meeting at Peoarille oa Saturday, December,?, 1871. It ia hoped that there will be a large attenduee of leaehcri,llireotore and cltieint. JNO. A. URKblORT, Co. Supt, Fnui Onotian Plabtbr. Reoeired at Corner Store by car load and for aala by E. A. A W. D. Inwta, CurweaiTillc, Marck 13, 1871. Jutt reoeired, a large lot f aoa-axploilre t.ampt aoa Uaolerot at 8 30-71 n. F. Bislbb A Co't. To Ilorukiapxai. All kindi of Fruit Cam, manufactured of the beat tin and witk all tba modern improvement!, at wtll aa putty and oa- meat, for eai la large quulitiee by aug7ti II. F. Uiblu A Co. Noticb to Waoou ANDCAUiiiAea MABRaa. We BaTe jutt reoeired a general aaaortment of Wagon and Carriage Woodt, alto a full line of tepttngi ud Axle, wbtoB we oner enenn ror eaen. II. r. Bioi.ta A C. FaaaH AbbitalI A large attorlment of Horaa Blankete, all atyiea and firioea. Alto. large aaaortiaent nf Lap Ruga. Wa bare for eele a few eelected Indian-tan whole Buffalo Robea. aor4-2a. II. F. IlioLaa A Co. COUOHi AND COLDS. There are few peraona who ar aware of th lin forunco of attending to a oougb or a cold at itt rtt appearanoa. The tbomand who die annualle of oontumptlon, ware Brut attacked with a "alight' cough or cold, which they thought would aeon "wear" ittelf off. and therefore neglected lo ute tbe proper remediei nntil they bee am e incurable. Erery dar that a eouirh,oold, or aoy lung dia eaaa ia neglected, makea tha ebeneea of a oure mora uncertain. W would recommend all cuffer- ing from aoydiaeaeeof the Lunga wbatcTer, to ute UAtaon'i ConrarwD Stbup r Tab. It nerer faili in curing the worat eae, of oougbl, eoldt, boartnaat, torn throat, catarrh and asthma. It il u infallible renieitr for Whooping Coujrh; be ing prraoribed by tome of the leading phyticiani in the Northern and Southern Statca, and being prepared under the Immediate lupervmoB of graduate of the PenntTlvanin Medical Colleee. Tbe proprietora beg leare to Inform all that it la ao "Quack" preparation, but merle atrictly in ao- eordanee wltn tlie adrueed prlnriplea and theory of medicine. Price oO centt per bottle. RUSPKLL A LA NDl 3, Pronrietori, Philadel phia. Sold by A. I. SLaw, Clearfield, Pa., aad by all Vrnggita. octl 6-3m - - FREE Of CHARGE. Call at C. D. Walaon'i ClearBeld, aad get a aampla bottle of Dr. A. liocebce'a tier maa Syrup, 'rat af C karat. It baa lately been introduced in thia country frt'tn Uermaiir, and for any peraun luffering with a levere eoecb, hearr cold aattltd on the brraat, oonrumption or any oiaeaaa 01 tbe throat and lunga It baa no equal jn tha world. Our regular tiio boltlrl Ii eentl. In all eaaea money will be promptly returned if per fect aatitfaotion ii not giran. Two doaet will re litre any caaa. 'fry it. L. M. Obbrm, Proprie tor, Woodbury, N. J, oe!2J om Bird Cage a large aaaortiaent at B. F. Bif- ler A Co. 1. Paiati, Oil! aad Varnlsbel for inle br IL F. Bigler A Co. II. F. Bigler A Co. bave Keen tnakinr eitentir addition! to their atock of Hardware tbe latt few dayi. Ererythiag new in Kbelf Hardware. Sad dlara' Ilardwara. Faruera Hardware, Boildert' Hardware, and llnrdwareof all kindt.ean be eaen at their More. May 21. Axca. Serenty-firo doaan ClearBtld Wood ekoppen Axea at jtat.ix. u. F. BKil.Krl a Ce l. Calclaed Plailer for aala by 11. F. Bigler A Co. RECAPITULATION. Bird Cecal. , Wood and Willow Ware, lioueehetd Oeoda. All klnda of Hardware. Japanned Ware. Peint, Oila, Varniaka. . Calcined Platter. Wagoa and Carriage Maker' luppliea. All of the enore for tale at the mammoth Hard ware Store of II. F. Bigler A Co., Seeoad ilreet, ClearBeld. Pa. 3 married. On NnrainUr 7th, 172, by D. B. Rm. Erq., Mr. A. M. TIIUMI'SON to Mill NAN.N1B KQO ZER, all of Clearfteld aauuty. On Oetober Hit, 17S. In Oteeola, 7.T Rer. ,f. Foarrn Hbi.l, Mr. THOMAS 811 rTTI.KWORTll to Mill MA11TUA CO.X, both of Iioutuiale. On Norember 17th, 171. at Oweole. Iy Rer. J. Foaran 8m, Mr. WII.U.S KKI'llART teMial LAI KA WK.STUROOK, Utb of Otceola. On Norember Silt, ha per. J. Foatxa Hxt.l., Mr. DAVID HEMPLE to Mm AMANDA ROOT, all of ClearBeld county. On VoremW 4th, 1871, by Rer. J. S. Mii.t-tn, Mr. WM. MrCAI.M, or Philadelphia to Miaa 8ADIK K. HOOVER, of Ctearfiild. Clearfield Markets. Corrected weekly by RirRjtnn Moiiop, Wholeeale and Retail Dealer ia Dry lloodt, irocerlei, Pro TllioBt, Ac Market ilreet, ClearBeld, Pa. CLBAnriBt.0, Pa., NaT. S6, IJ71. Applet. green, 00((J 60 llogl, dreieed I Dried, 74 8) 10 llidct, green.. 7 Applebuttor.ygal, 40 llamt ......00(a) 20 Butter. 00(d) 3 rthoulJeri....l)0l- 1)) Beam 80 00(u) S 25 Bidet.. 0(a 130 Buckwheat 1 01 l.ard 110 Buckwheat lour tb, 4 Men pork.V bbl...20 06 Beef, dried. 21 "at 66 Beef, froth (i) lO Oniont 160 Board!, M 13 10(g) 14 00 Polatoet 60(d) 60 Coro,lhalted 1 00 ' Pearhet, dried, lb.. 11 Corn, ear 00(a) 60 l'lit r, V bbl S (0 Corn meal, J aack, 1 30 Ky 1 IS Chop, IflcwtS 10(jj S 10 Ragt, TA m 1 Cloreueed 7 00 Salt, ck S 60 Cheetc. So Hhinglet,l8 ln.4M6 06 Cbtrriei, tt. 10(6 12 Hhinglai,36 Inl0(jj 16 00 Cblekeni, drtd, lb, 16 Timothy eead...M 4 06 Kggl 20; Tallow 12, Flurteed !"' "u rionr.... 0 oorojio 00 Wool 60 Hay 00 00(430 Ol Wood, V cord..-.. S 60 lenii4jl van In Rnilrontl TVRONK 4"cTEARFrETB BltANCU. ON aad alter Monday, OCT. lth, 187S, the Paatenger Train! will rua dally (aicrpt Sua dayt) batwaea Tyrone and ClearBeld, at followa: - t'IJiARPIKLIMAIL. LBAVB SOI' IH. LEAVK N'OIlTU. Clearfield .1.20. r. a., ,.4.13, I .4.40, ' .6.06, " Tyrone - ..10,a.. 0eaola.. 10 60, Philipburg...ll.7, " Clearfield ...... 11.10," Pbihptburg.., Oteola Trron CLRAKFIELD EXTRKSH. LBAVB HOl'TII. LEAVE NORTH. Clearfield 6.40 A. n. Tyrone 6.66 r. a. Intorteotion.,.7.fiS " Oleaola .16 " Phllipharg,..S.6S " Clearfield, ar....16 " 1.43 " Oiceula 7.0 " Intararetloa.. 8 07 " Tyron 6.20 " FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Bellefonte, Pa tl ti Middleiown 5 00 Luck ilaren. ....... S 70 WillUmtport. S 60 Marietta 6 60 Laneatter ,H 6 66 Huntlngdoa ....... 1 60. PUll.ADELPUIA 7 6 l,ewiatownn, S 06 Alloona I 66 Merr"llla....... 4 60 Jobnitown. S 60 HARRISBURM ... t 71 PITTHBIiRlU 6 16 Clote onnctiona Bade ky all Iraint at Trron and Lack Harefl. GKOROI C. WfLKIRS, mr17-tf. Saperinrewdewl. I Blitaaaraia. a. Brauaia. REIZENSTEIN & BERLINER, (Suanaaon ta D. Oani A Co.,) - wholeiale dealer! la GETS FIRMSIIHG GOODS, Ii, Lltpenard ttreet, ketweea Charek itreet aad weet Broadway, Kew lark lty. Jy61'7S TLAHK roBTARrEf MICI FOR Jiartlivarf, Siuivari. ttt. H. F. BIGLER & CO., ' DBAtaai ia HARDWARE, Alto, Maaafacturartof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, PA. LOT OF SADDLES, BRIDLES, Haraeat, Callan, t., for aal ky H. F. BIGLER A CO. pALMEft'8 TATKNT UNLOAD lag Hay Forki.for ial ky H. F. BIOI.ER 4 CO. (IL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS, r Halli, at., for ial by II. F. BIGLER 4 CO. H AliNESS TRIMMINGS & SHOE , 1 Flndlagi, for lele by H. F. BIQLER 4 CO. QUNS, PISTOLS, SWORAD CNES For ial ky M. F. BIOLER 4 CO. gTOVKS, OF ALL SORTS AND Slice, for aala ky H. F. BIQLER 4 CO. fRONI IRON I IRON I IRON I For ial ky Q. F, BIOLER 4 CO. IJORSE SHOES & HORSE SHOE KAILS, for tale ky H. F. BIOLER 4 CO pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And bell Meaafactar, far aal ky H. F. BIOLER k CO. T HIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, for taUky H. F. BIOLER 4 CO. RODDER CUTTERS for tal by ch30-"0 II. F. BIOLER 4 CO. (durational. MISS H. S. SWAN'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS CLEARFIELD, PA. TUB FALL TKRM of fourleea weeka. will ooinmeace Moaday, September ii, IK72. . TERMS OF TIITION. Reading, 6rthoa;rebT, Writing, Object Let- toni. rrimarj Arttataetio and rrimarT Ueocranhy ti eO It Iliatory. Ical and rleacrilitire tiaoffraphy I wltb Map Ltrawrag, tiramraar, MeBtal and Wriltea Arithotetie f 00 Atrchra and tbe Seiencet II 00 IniinietioBlBlnitraainulaiutl0....HM.... 10 00 Oil painting, 14 leitoot. 11 00 Wai work.... 00 For full particulara aend for Circular. ClearBeld, Sept. 1, I87 Ijpd. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. A Male mud Vemale CUulral High School. Each Department Hcparate IUtlft and Conpiau in ltMir IIIR fholntl8 T?ar of tbii Ioatltnt la dlfl- I ded idIo two flt-niMoni (n Arc montbi (twenty ou weki) paeh. Tb Qrit MMioa oonranDoti oa tha fir it Momlajr In Snptfobir tba attoood, on tba Qrit Monday in Febraary. Jhe 00a ma of tnnroetion ainhraraa trary taint naoPt aary to a thorough, ttraotioal and aoeoaipluh- d edaoatina of both mim. FaitiU will ba admitted at any tit aad charrrd from date of entrance ta tha oIom of tba (on. No dedootion will ba made for anicnca, aietpt ia eaatM of catnma and protract4 tllnwa. ntudirntt from a diartanoa eaa bo aMoaimodatad with board ai low rate. For narltcalan, aond for eireulari, or adlraci Ht. P. L. HARHIriON, A. M., July 36, lA71-tf. PrinelpaL JECOKSTHUCTED. DANIEL STEWART k SON FlavinK parcbatecl the Cbftap Clothing II on na of Isaoa L. Koiientteia, hart tha largMt and lit aitortaiant of Maeafactaml Uooil ia tba scanty, and oaa aatt tbtir t HEADY MADE CLOTHING, for Mfn, Boyi aad Cbildran, tO PCn CENT. CHEAPER Than iny otbar boaaa la tha ronnty. Tby will alwayi keep oa band a larca ana tl egint Miortmant of GEN TV FURSlsmXG OOODS, COLLARS, TIES, IRfSKS, VALISES, Ac.,Ar. OF THE LATEST STYLUS AND PATTERNS. If yoa want to get good aod itylitk Clotklujt, at low Brurtr, do not tall to call at their aatab lithraeat before 'pending your money eUtwbcre, me plane. aii7 IJ LANIRI. STEWART A SON. rp m e SB WING MACHINE! The " BLEES l" Patant Link Motion. A 1 mott no 1st lei machina. 1 lont fail to eiamina tt beforo f urc hu ll. ( tlHwhare, H. URIl), MKRCHART TAILOR, CLEARFIELD, Tk Agent for Claarllald eeuuty. ftrUeal Atentt wanted la erery lawn in tht county, lo whom liberal lernia will la girea. lion I rail to eiemlne It and aatmy yourtelf. C'learlleld, Pa., Kcb. 7, 171 If. 11; F. BIGLHU k CO. kar for aal MMUAu'f A WACO) HOODS, I: SHAFTS ANUrOIiKB, nuns.SrOKES.EELLOES.Ac 1 Carrlare and Waco. Maker tkeuld Biake a not of Ult aad tall and alanine Iken Tbey will ke eold at fair price. aiayll 71 1 ''O BLACKSMITHS I The andarele-ned noVra for tale, In Ike keronib f Clearfteld, a Blaekeattk Skep, eei ft teen d Ureal, ontalning three fnrgat and two full aatt of inolt. A Irat elaaa botineii. Aa eietllent akaoea far a good BjeebBBla, Apply I , Wo desire to call tho attention of tho citizens' or Clearfield county to the Tact that have opened a MUSIC STORE IN CLEARFIELD, VVhcro we intend to constantly keep on hand a full supply of PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL RAVEN & COMPANY'S , Wo aro prepared at all times to furnish any of the cheaper makoi of Pianos to order on the most favorable terms as to prices and terms of payment. ; Our stock of ORG ANS will consist of the new and popular RYNDER ORGAN, (with Ryndcr's Knee Tremolo and downward Octave Coupler,) . ... Ilie SMI NEW HAVEN MELODBON CO.'S JUBILEE, TEMPLE Besides those we furnish to order Organs from any factory desired. Wo sell on every plan known to tho trade, cither CHEAP FOR CASH, ON NOTES, or on the I fa A ir TTkl a .T . ' POrULAK AND EASY l.tVfViU, rLiAIN, On our easy terms every one amount will tend so much lo ' . DCTWe shnll bo glad to have , oct23-'72-yl Jrj &oo&5, Crorrirs, dtt. SI f. WIATaftl, -f. W. ITTI. IVEAVKK A IIETT.S CLEARFIELD, TA., Are efcrinf , al tke eld tUaJ of 8. L. Read A Co., tbelr clock of foodt, eotiaiitinf f frpv ! UK ' GOODS, GROCERIES, D00TS A SIIOKri, HATS A CAPS, IIAHDWARR, QIEENSTARK, IXOUH, FEED, SALT, &o., Sto., Al tbe aioat reaaoaakla ratal for CASU or la . . oiekange for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY TROOCCB. -AdTaeeee Bade lo Iboaa engaged la gel. ting eat aouar timber oa Ik mott adTantageout trntaj ' pdlljanTl ED. W. GRAHAM, HIAI.KR IX GENERAL MEECHANDISE, SUlAItE TIMBER & LIMBER, CLEARFIELD, PA., Ra aat epoaed, al tbe KKTST0.1B STORE, a a ecBiplete ttock of trie sooni, of erery datcriptiua. UR-" OOODS. : ' 1 1 1 0ROCERIK.1. HARDWARE, B0CT8 AND SUOKS. CLOTniXO,tr.,ffl., IN GREAT VAHIETY. r FLOt'R, MEAT, BA LT, RYE, ' OATS. COR.V, ALVA TS O.V HAKD A.D FOR ilLEATA SMALL ADVAS'CE FLOU 11 ft .4 i red by tho aar load, and told at a mall " ' tkj avaor. 4 lupply of R0TI ooattaotlj on band. special (ndtieemeoti offered to thott gatttnf tat Square Timber and hogt, aa wa deal largely In lambermeo'R BuppllM. and ara pro pared al all timet to purehaat tim ber and lumber. k n. nv o n a ii a n, "KEYSTONE STORE," . . Btcoud Hireet, CLEARFIELD, PA. Oct. 13, IH72. EYRE & tANDELL, - nt - nTtr awn inril BTRRKTB PUTT 'A FOIRTIT A I'D ARCH STRKKTS, PHIL A, ara optaing a taa atock of DRY. GOODS, tat Ika Fall of 17 1, eoralttlag of fILKS, BRAWLS, MERINOH, VTINTKR RTiITlHofl, FILL LIRE GOOD. AIM, Beat Weftrlag BLACK SILKS, l'kilkdalphia, Oct. , UTJ. ftl - A UENTS WANTEn. We roaraulae Jx. employment for all, eliker aal, al W a day, or M OOD er more a raai. Maw work ky Mra. II. B.STOlVI,aodelaara. Supork 1'raaiwaM flran away. Money nau nwhtly Bad aaaily at wark far a. Wrlle and ee. I'arllrwlata free. tTORTBIKOTON. DISTIM A 0. M A R K E T.-rS IKE E CLKAItFIELI), PE3f TS-Vlw. . ::o:: Our stock of PIANOS will consist PIANOS, STEINVVAY tfc SONS' PIANOS, HAINES BROTHERS' lit AWbKlUAW UKUAJN LU'N MASON & can have a good instrument, MAKE HUMIS HAPPY. you call and see us, whether you desire to purchase or not. ItYHfIElt'8 MUSIC HTOItE. 5rj floods, 4f. 1872. 1872. FALL & WINTER GOODS AT J. M. KRATZER'S. Immrnnt Stork of t!ood$ oftrrry dt$crlplion. Woolen Gooda, tame priee at kefere tke ad raaoa Ib wool. Mutllnt at reduced price. Drew Ooodl la grtaUtt raritty. Sloarning Qooda af all kind. Black Alpaca, at all price. Black Silkt, rry ekeep. Waterprcofr, TelTeteena, Plaid and plain Flan nel t, Shirting Flannala, Ao. Table Linen and Napklna, Irlth Lineal, 104 Sheeting and Pillow Uualln. Ottoman Rep Skawlt and Scarf., Striped Shawlt at all prlcet, raitley Shawla, aingle aad doable, 3 to i0. Tkreta TrlMmli. W.l-., a , . at.. kont, Velrcteena, Aa. Fall line af tha aelebreted "Jnlepkiaa Beam- lata" Rid Olorrt, Kid Oloree from l Bp. Lediea' .N.rk Tiet, Collara, Rufflinr, Hair Braidt aad Switcbtl. ... Ladiet' aad Children' Merino Cader-wear. Uadame Foy'a, Tketnpeeaa, Olore-Filting Hip Oere end other CoraaU. Alto, Hoop Sblrte, Paaier, Ac . Large ttock af Carpet aad Wall Paper. Shoea and U titer!, lame quality at keretofor. Tke ket ar tbt ehctpett," , Balmoral and other knitting yarn, and ether article, too namcrom to mtntioa. Parcbattrt will And a Breater TarletT of aoodt thia la uaually foaud ia ona tture. I all and eiamine. Clearfield, Sept. II, 187 J. rM. REED, Saoeettor to Rted Bret. If ARRET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., TILL epea thla week aa laimeaee ttock of an .eeeriptioDt er DRY GOODS, NOTION'S, . ,. TRIMMINGS, MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS, FURS, LADIES', MISSES' and CHILDREN'S SHOES, Ic, ke., Ao., Ao. Baying my goodt ia Naw Terk, tke leae of the aaaraei; keeping a reliabl elan of gooda; tall, ing gooda at eioao eatk flgurel, and eonduollng butineat ia a thorough butinata manner, t hnpe merit the confidence of CASH BCVERS throughnut the eounty. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. i Cell and eiamina my itoek and ka eeoilnttJ of the Irulh of ray attertloa. api!J WM. REED. H. F. NAUGLE, WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, and dealer I , Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and riatcd Ware, &c, J.19 73 CLEARFIELD, PA., EXF.t'UTOFI'ri "OTICR Netlcell here by glren thai LetUr TeetameatarT baring bora granted to the auheoriber, oa tbe Relate of JOHN PETERS, Jr., deceased, lata af Bradford townahip, Clearfteld county, HenntylTanla. all per Miaa laiMited to aatd Kttate ara raautarad to oka Immediate peymeat, aad thoee karing clalmi agalaat the aame wtll preeent them duly BBMenueataa lor eetuement. A BAH PRTERS. ' T , we MERCHANDISE. of PIANOS. UKUANS, HAMLIN'S ORGANS, and the and CHURCH ORGANS. , and no other investment of liko IloggNTowiiMliIp Awake 0RKAT EXCITEMENT AT THOMAS BEERS'SI Jj'VERTBODT trying to gat there Oral, for fear J of being erowded oat Into the told. II yoa want good Shoeing done, go t. Baaa If yoa want your Sleda Ironed right, goto Baaaa. If yoa waat good Mill Iron, go to Bitat If yea want your wtgon ironed la tke ketl tyle and worknanthip, go to Baaa. Bibb maket tke kett Stump Machine In tbt Si.le, and dutt all kindaof BLACKS.VIT11INO aa ebeep at can ba dona In tha county for Caah. My I'ott OOce eddreit la Clearfield, Pa. THOMAS BEERS. Bocg Tp., Die. 1, mor-tr. Cheap Furniture. JOHN GULICn DESIRES I Inform hi aid friendt and cat tomtra, that harlnc anlaraad hie abni, tncreaaed kit facllltlei for manaiactaring, ha It aow prepared to make to order aach Furniture at may ka deaired, la good at jle and at ekeap rale, for CASH. He generally baa aa kand. at hi. Furniture roomt, a eariad aeaortmant of ready, made furaltaro, amoag whiek ara BUUEAUS AND SIDE-BOARDS Warurobeiand Hook -Ca let; Centre, Sofa. Parlor, breakfaat aad Dialog Eitenaioa Tablet, Co.. moB. FreBck pomCottageJenny-Llnd aad other lledite.d. , Bnfaa of all kindi, H ork-iiaada, HaUraeka, Watk-ttaada t Rocking aad Arm Cbaira ; aprlng-teat, eena bottom, parlor, com mon and other Chain Lookiog-Uleeeet ar erery dearrlptloa oa kand ) and sew glaetee for old framea, which will k put la on eery reaaonabl tarma on ahortett notice. Be alee keepa kaad or farutahea to order, Cara-kaak, Hair aad Cot. toa-top Mattretie. CorriNS of Kvxrt Kind Mad lo .rdar, and funeral, attendtd witk . neerte wu euerer aeilred. All ike aboro and manr other artlelea a a... aitked to cattnmert ckeap for Caaa or aicbaaged -kk"- awuniry pnwaci. unerrT. Meple. Poplar. Llnwood and othar Lumbar "lt.hi. r-. Cabinet verb, takea Ib . zckan.e for rurnlue taT-Rememher tke ahow la oa Market CleaiOeld, re, and aearly oppotitotbe'-OldJew Star." JOHN Ql'LICH. Nortabtr :, lSdl y Itivery Ntnblc. TUB andcrtigncd begt leare to Inform tht pab lic that he it now fully prepared to acoom mo dale all In the way of furnithing lionet, Hugglea, Saddlea and Harnett, on tha notice and on rraaonahle ttrtnt. Retidence on Locutt ttreet, between Third and Fourth. OKO. W. GBARIIABT. 'ilaarneH. April 11. 1H7. SAWS I SAWS J SAWS! PISTAN S CROPS CUT, MILL, PRAO AND CIRCULAR SAWS. Boynton's Lightning Cross-cut Saw. ALSO, PATENT PERFORATED A ELECTRIC IAWS, For aala ky eetll,7 H. F. BIOLER A CO. Allenllon, Lumbermen ! "VETO r ow mneulaotnrlng onr IMPROVED y HTERL. SOCKET DHIVIKO CANT HOOKS, tiiperlor to any other In ute, W hv Ite iu itoek a large quantity of Canthuoka tulia bla fur railing purpntet, which we are ctling cheap forrai-h. AMOK A R. KKNNARD. Clrarlirld, Pa., March II, 1K7J. A Notorious Fact I THERE ar mora people troubled with Lung llltea.ra in thil town than any ntherplaea a itt lite ia tba Hteta. One of the great caiiaea of thil la. the nae nf aa Impure article of Coal, largely miied with aulphur. Now, why not arold all ttiia. end preeerre your Mere, by Bttng only iliimphrei'e t'.lrbratctf Coal, free from all Impuritiet. Ordere left at tha ttorea of Richard M.ittop and J a inn B. O rah am A font will receive prompt atttatloB. ABRAHAM ni'MPHRET. CUarOtld, Norember 80, 1H7 tf. Luthorsbiirg Marble Yard! T'HK inbterlber reapectfnlly tnaouncei to Ikll community nnd the public generally that he it now eilemlvely engaged In the manufacture of Monument!, Head and Foot Stone, Stand, TaMe and Bureau Tope, ate. No higher tribute eaa be paid to a deccaaed relelWa or friend then the ereo lioa of an enduring ilab aa a witneea to unbora generation! where they have laid him or her. . 1 have ongnged Mr. Jchn W. Uahngan aa my agent to till, and to whnee workmanship and akill many ran bear witneu. Order! aollcited and promptly filled. Work dellvrtt wherererdrtlrf d. R. II. MOORE. Lutheraburg, Normber It, 1170. UTtlRS. JmrE.-Nolieelibere. VJ ky gi girea that lettere te.lamenlary havinf been granted to the nnderaigned on the eltate of UOPFHKV Ell.LIOX, deoeaee.1, lata f Brady townahip, Clearleld enuatr, PennirlTania, ail peraoai ladehted to raid eltate ar reqaeated to make Immediate percent, and tkoaa harlng alaima againat tha in will promt then duly authenticated, for eetlleoient. 1IKNRT EILI.IOX, HENRY WKAVKR, Ksremeer I, 1171. -It Eieewtora, $rt Tf) OOA Pr lay I Ageata wanted ! O eJaVU All claiiet of working people, of either tea. young or old, mak were money al work fnr a in tbrlr tpare momaate, er all tha time, than at annhln. elae, Partleulart fre. Aildrtaa a. Sncaow A Co., Pnnlaad, Maine, octlo'TJTl JVHTICER' dk 0OwfABI.B' rtRS We baaa prlatd large aum bar tl th at FBI BILL, aad wtll aa tba receipt af twanlr. 5otls. SHAW BOUSE (Cor. of Market A Front itreete.T CLEARFIELD, FA. -Thla magnHoent llatel la (atirely aow, aaav pleu la all It appolatmewM, aad eonreeieol u the Court Heat, m free Omatbaa re no ta aad' from tba Depot aa tha antral and departure af aaoktraia. MBS. kVO. CLEMENTS, April 10, 1171. Ftoprtetrea. A SUING JON HOUSE. NtlW WABIItNUTOrT, PA. Thia new aad well faralabed koara ha hew takea by the eiAereigned. II feel eonddenl af being able to reader aallafactloa to thoee wko bay faror him with a call. May , H7. 0. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. REVERB DOUSE; BCBNSIDE, PA. Tao tubierlber baring built anew Heul, witk all madera impraramenl, b prepared to reoeire guettt. Tht table will be tnpplied witk tba beat la tba marketi the bar with Ike okooteeat liouera. ttood ttabliag attached. aprS-iy A, M. SCBASFFEl, Prop'r. THE ALLEGHENY HOTEL MARRET St., CLEARFIELD, Pa. TfllS large a err comuodiou sew holef ta been opened for tbe aocommodatioa of tha public, where Ik proprietor will be glad ta meet hit eld friend, aad metre a there af public pa ronage. By atriet pereonae attention t tha da tailt of bit aoiineat, ke kopes to b ahle to render ratiefaetiua ta kia patrona. Tke TABLE wtll alwaya ba bountifully aupplled witk the beat tbat can ka procured la tbe aiarket, aad the BAR will contain a full ttock of LIQUORS, BEER, A flood ttabling attacked. CAPPER LEIPOLDT, Clearfteld, Marek S, IMO-ly Proprieto. THE MANSION HOUSE, Ooraerof HMODdknd MarkvlStmtsv C LEAK FIELD. PA. TITIS old id eottiiodioii HoUl u, tlarliiff Ibt pMC yr. bK fnlirgtd U donbU itt formtr epvcity for th ntrUUBMBl oi ttna- . grt and diu. Tht wbolt but)Jif bm bf rfuroiifad. and th proyrivtor will fr bo p&lni to rtodvr bii fnoiU toalorublo hll fuyloir with Mm. p4t-Th9 'Min.lon Hovio' OmolVni nut t nd from tho Ip9t on tho arrtTol and of nth train. JOUM DOUOHEKTX, aprO -70 t Propriotor. ST. CHARLES IIOTEL, (Oppotfle R. R. Depot t CLEAKPIBLD. PElfat'l, Tho vader. pied, baviof boooai proprietor of thil hoow, i now readj to entertain itrangcro and trarnlani, and theTrforeauItrKi tojenrmrt to friro bim a call. IH Tablo will b nppHod with tbe brat tho market affurdt, aad tola Bar will con tain the ehoiceit of winei and liquori Exteaiivo itahlinc ti attached. ' Charge! umderito. janl0'7S JAME8 McLAUGflLTN. WESTERN HOTEL Oppoait the Court Hooee CLEARFIELD, TtHJt'A. Aooommodatloai firtt-alaeeead akarge modaratB. aaU JOH5.F. TOFK0, Proprietor. OX TOUR DOVIE, Oppoalt tht Court Bouw, ' LOCK IT AT E if, P E.5 1" A. ' ' JeU'Jl HACBBAL A EROM, Prop. jnocKEKnoFP iiocse, BELLEFONTE, PA, . JOBNST0N A BON 9, etW71 PropTietara, RAILROAD HOUSE, Mai Hirecr, PRILIP91ICRO, PESN'A. . The underrrgned keepa conatantty ob hand the kett af Lienor. Hie table la alwaya aupplled with the beet th market afford. Tha traraliBg public wifl do well to ctre bim a call Brl,'e. ROBERT LL0TD. SUSQUELTANXA HOUSE, Cl'RWKNSVILLK, Oearneld eounty, Peaa'a. Tbit old aad well eetalililhrd Hotel, beautU'ully aituated oa the bankt of the Soaquehanna, in the borough of Curwentrille, haa beta leaaed for a term ol yoara by the andcrtigncd. It ba keen entirely reDtted. and la now open to the pabli gorally and tbe traveling eummuatty la par. ticular. No paint will he tpared to render goeet oomforteble while tarrying at thia kouae. Ample Stabling room for the aoeemnaudalio. af aaamt. Cbargea moderate. Srpt. S, 1870-tf. ELI BLOOM. TJOOT A5D SHOE MAKING. St PBILIP WE4VER, oa Markt rtreeL la Shaw'. Raw, Clearaeld. ft., h.tjn.t reaeiTid a Ina tt af French Calf Skiaa aad Kipa, tha hatt lath market, enc la now prrpared Is aaaa afactnre arerything la hi line, be will wer raal kil wark la he at repreeBted. Th elilttai of Clearleld aad eicinlty are retpeotfally Inrfted to gir him a call. Work done at ahort nmie. 1:11 Tly EV BOOT AM) SHOE SHOP, EDWARD MACK, Ooa. MARKET A 1 St., CLEARFIELD, Pi. THE proprietor hat entered lata tbt BO0TAV SHOE kueieer at tke bVot ttand, aad la determined aot to ke owtdoaa altherla qaal Ity or price for kit work. Special atteatloa will bo peld to manufacturing Sewed work. Ua hat oa hand a larg lot of Branch Kip and Calf Bklna, of tka aery bait quality. The elll aaa af Ciemrktld aad elelalty ar rctpoetfally Inrlted to gtre him trial. P charge for call, aort,' if ISAAC JOHNSON k SONS, . '. ,. Manifacturer aad Daalan Ib Boots find Shoe! Ladle', htiitet' aad ChiHren't Otiltr, kin Boyi' and Womaa'a Heary Boota, aad Broganl, A., A. Store and abep oa Second afreet, nearly appa IU i. F. Bigler A Co.' hardware atom, Fak. , K7My CLEARFIELD, PA. IHiSfftlanfous. HOUSE AND LOT FOB SALE I The Houte and Lot oa the eoraerof Mar ket and Fifih ttreeta. Clearneld. I'a., ia for ial. The lot conttiot nearly aa acre of ground. Tba heuea I a large doubl from, containing nin moral. For terme tail othar faformatloa apply ta Ike lubeoribtr, at the Pott Oflio, U P. A. Q ACLIlf. D. J. CROWELL Manufaclurir ef Ike D. It. Ball Bolting llaekla. and th BIDS-CUT SHINGLE MACHINE, to eut from II ta I Inehet, and lleeaard ander Ererat'a patent, Joiolera, Dree Saw Marhlnea and tianeral Mill Work, SianauaboBiDg, Camer on eounty, Pa. Repairing of Machinal and general Cuttoa Work done t order. angHy Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. THE aaderilgned, karing .itabliakel a Hoi ary aa tke 'Pike, about kalf way baiwee Clearleld and Curweatrllli, It pre pored t far Blah all kiadi af FRUIT TRKES,(ataadardaad dwarf,) Xrargreena, Skrahbery, Grape Via, Oomeberriai, Lawloa Blackberry, Strawberry, aad Raabarry Viae. Aim, PlberlaB Crab Tm, galnee, and tarty tearlat hhubarb, .i.Ordri promptly aiteadad to. Addreti, i. D. WRIOnT. epll.ll-y CarWeaiTllla, t Miss E. A. P. Rynder, A.BBT fOB CklckeringV Stalnway ' and Emarinn't Pltnot i Saitk', Mateo A llamlla't and Paloukefa Orgam aad Melodeona, aad O rover A Baker'i Sawing Meeblae. aian taacaea o. Plane, Qultar, Organ, Harmaay and Vocal Ha. la. Ra pupil takea for lea tka kalf a term. flaf-Roomr Oalicb'i Furniture Star. Clearleld, May ft, IKItl tf. Lime Tor Sale I THR uwdoralgned, hM1b( naw Ik. dapol kaa mad oamplat arrwngementi with Iba Rarnera ran at the mountain, wheeei . i ' JTr hM ta keep oaiaatly oa kand .uv , ,, r U K 15 T. l K W i . , whirl, ha otrW . , . . A . nnovn emit. vAH . A, ,k. .i.i& hm a. ?' r tM t eall, er eddrM me bj Inttor, lya. 19 lW.1. II.. an-ajniBiBBj mwr iinjay, Craa-wiW, P,.wel. IW . al ... .... rtnfiM, K ar?tf S't 1 am I e..a. a est itrw-aret