Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 27, 1872, Image 3

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, onus a rwraiiTu.
Hon. M. M. Diinmick, mom her or
Congress from this State from 1848 to
1852, died at Manvb Chunk, on tbe
21st. . .
"Qoodtaadar It fool enough lo repent the
"Know-Nolbiog (ton about Uoa. Henry Wileoa,
al lata lata 4.- Journal.
The gentloraan (!) who pennod the
above claim, to be Christian I lie
does great deal of preying anyhow
The Northpmberland Presbytery
net at Willianinport last week, for Iho
trial of Rov. W. A. Korr, who it ap
pears follows the Woodhull-Baecher
tribe in bia intercourse with tbe sis-
Aenof hischuruh.
A Good Idea. The Constitutional
Convention talks of extending the
term of Governor to four rears, after
tbe next election, and prohibiting
Senators, members of tbe Assembly
and Judges from accepting passes over
railroad, and authorizing juries to
render verdicts by the assent of two-
Glbefcl. Our Radical co tempo
raries crow lustily over the accidental
reduction of tho Democratic majority
in this county at the late election, ol.
.dhougb Grant had four votes more in
1867 than be baa now. The enfran
chised negroes should havo snt him
ahead if some whitos did back off.
We oan see no crow for them in the
stand still prosperity of tbe limit, in
this county.
A Chanoi. The Tyrone Blade, a
Radical organ of a high moral tone, is
dead. The establishment has been
purchased by George Stroop, who now
tissues tbe Tyrone Democrat, a hand
some seven column journal, from tbe
same establishment. This is a move
ment in the right direction, and must
inure to the moral, social and firmn
cial benefit of our Tyrone neighbors.
m ' a
Ovcb rot. the Present. The groat
Radical sensation in Huntingdon lost
week, terminated in the of
the prosecutor, A. L. Guts, Principal
oftheCasaville Orphans' School. Tbe
case was that of libel, and the defend
ant one Wharton. Guss claimed that
Wharton wrote, bad printed and cir
culated during the recent campaign
circulars in tbe highest degroo derog
atory to bib, Guss', moral status The
not, seemingly, relieve Guss to any
alarming extent. Kev. Guss and Col.
Wharton were both Radical candi
dates ior congress, out tbey were
most handsomely Speor-ed at the late
election, and beautifully exposod at
tbe late terra of Court. Guss, it
seems, belongs to the Beecher-Wood-holl
porsuasioo in morals, and is
tbereforo a fit teacher of 'moral ideas.'
Tai Cbnten rial. We publish to
day an address by the Centennial
Commission to the people of the
United States. The Commiason looks
to the people at largo for tho moans
to make tho Centenary of the nation's
birth tbe grandest anniversary the
world boa ever seon. The address
urges the formation in every State
and Territory of Centennial Associa
tions, which are to see that county
organizations are also formed so as to
distribute the work which is essential
to eocceas. It is a bard matter to get
Americans actively at work at any
thing which is a long way off, but this
enterprise is one that roust be pre
pared for years in advance, and the
tbreeyears yet remaining will be found
too short a time, rathor than too long.
The Pittsburg Post says that oity ia
afflicted with a greater evil than tho
Episodic Gambling is spreading lo
an alarming extent. Toting men
spend moat of their time and all their
money in playing "Keno," "Faro"
and "Pokor," to the great detriment
of morals and business.
There aro many smaller plitces than
Pittsburg where this evil is growing
to be a giant, and if tho evil continues
to spread for ton moro, as it has for
the past ten years, it will breed more
crime and squalid misery throughout
the country than any other singlo
Pays and weeks of time, and thou
sands of dollars, are squandered every
month, in every village and city of
the Union. Clearfield is no better
than Tyrone, Altoona and other fast
Young man, stop I Gambling is as,
great a crimo as borse stealing, and
ar more demoralising in its effect. .
Wild Duck Mr. James K. Gsli
ef the Arm of Gets k Grim, wholesale,
groeers, spent two days this week at
hooting wild ducks on the Husque
banna river, near Bainbridge a point
between Columbia and llarriaburg.
lie returned to this city witb 19 ducks,
among which were mallards, wbiHtlora,
butter ducks, wood ducks, black ducks,
and several other varieties. . Tbe mal
lards weighed about 0) I be, a pair
He shot from a box sunk In the mid
dle or tbe river, with the top nearly
level with tbe surfaoe of the water.
The box was 28 inches deep, 82 inches
square at the top and 16 inches square
at the bottom, with a rim 2 feet wide
at tit top, upon which were loaded
stones and (Trass to sink and keen the
bos down. Sixteen stuffed ducks
flTf IN4 at fte4wy4.fitea.t4 Safit
"TJh Oorrromntf" thtad.
Tbe Radical politicians in Philadel
phia for sevoral weeks labored under
great excitement. The postmaster,
II. H. Bingham, was elected, or
counted In clerk of tbe orphans' oourt,
and of coursb a vacancy ocrurod In
the poetoflice. The ring candidate
for the position was George Truoman,
a true Cumeronite, while the decent
members of the party presonted the
name of George Fairmon, a clerk in
the postoftloo. To force the appoint
ment of Trueman, Cameron gathered
up the Mayor, Sheriff, three of the
members of Congress, the Register
and all the loading members of the
corruption rinc, numbering about
sixty, and potted for Washington, in
order to force his appointment. "The
government" (Grant) was mulish, and
refused to toll tbe finer committee
what he would do. Last week how
ever he appointed Fairman, to the
utter amusement and discomfiture of
Cameron and his corrupt ring. Tho
difference in the names of tbe two
candidates was Immaterial 7Vuman
and Fairtain but tho difference in
the backers was very (treat. Tbe
honest elemont in the Radical party
in Philadelphia baa triumphed in this
instance over roughs and corruption'
isti, muoh lo the surprise of tho latter,
and especially to Cameron, who but
few weeks previous, in a epoecb in
Lancaster, boasted of his influence
over the Presidont.
Although the Winnebago Chief has
paid for another six years' term In the
Sonate, by tho election of Hartranft
and Allen, he may yet bo turned over
board, if integrity and statesmanship'
is made a test in the choice of Initcd
Stales Senator by our members of tbe
Presidential Election. The fol
lowing table shows the result by ma
jorities, and eloctorul votes, according
to tho latest returns :
Stat. (Irani. Greeley. Eleol'l.
Alabama. MOO ......... 10 ...
Arkanlea 4S30 6 ...
California. ( ...
Connect ioat. 4S71 I ...
Delaware..... IIOS ......... 1 ...
Florida. i0 4 ...
Georgia U00O ... II
Illinoia. ami ......... II ...
Indiana. 2 'WOO IS ...
lowa. SUMO n . ...
Kinni S3000 a ...
Kentucky.. I WHO ... II
Louisiana 6700 ... ' 6
Main 30131 T ...
Maryland 107J ... I
Mnttacbaietta. 74400 IS ...
Michigan t0ua ......... 11 ...
Minneeola JUDOS a ...
MiMiuippI SiOOO S ...
Miteoarl 3.102 1 ... 14
Nevada.. 1I0 ........ I ...
New Hampihire... 2000 ......... J ...
New Jerrey 4711 i ...
New York 1-1447 " S ...
North Carolina. Mil 14 ...
Nebraika lium 10 ...
Ohio 42OD0 Ii ,.,
Orcgn 400 ...
Penniylvania 13777 1 ...
Rhode Iiland S.1.11 4 ...
South Carolina. 400VO 7 ...
Tonnesice. 82 IS ... 13
Teiee .. ISOtiO ... S
Veiraont 30440 e ...
Virginia- 17 11 ...
Weit Virginia 1400 t ...
Witooniia. 14000 10 ...
Total.. ...TMSII MOOT Ml 71
Orant'i popular majority .......... 6fl7a06
" i " i ..... u
rno Faf the ionftt
j relation to the payuionl of coals.
we find the following in a late number
or tho Marrmbug ratnot, which may
prove interesting lo our readers:
A every term ol Court speculation
is indulged as to "who pays the costs"
in actions at law. Tbe following will
give tbe desired information.
in tbe following oases tbe county is
not liable to coats :
1. If tbo grand jury return a bill
ignoramus" in a case other than fel
ony, and order Ibe prosecutor to pay
me cost, nnu me prosecutor having
Dee ii senicnoou uy me court lo pay
thorn, in committed, and then discarded
acenruing 10 law, witnoul nnvmg paid
mem, me county is not untile to costs
'l. iNor is the county Iiublo if a bit
be found "a true bill," and the defen
dant having been tried and acquitted,
auu orueruu oy me petit jury lo pay
thorn, and is com ml tied and discharg
ed according to law, the coats not bo
ng paiu.
a. A or if tbo defendant is acauiltod
and prosecutor ordered by the potit
jury to pay tho cost, who, after being
sentenced by Ibe court to pay them,
is committed and discharged accord
ing to law, the costs being unpaid.
. nere a uetonuaut indicted for
misdemeanor is acnuitted br the
petit jury, and the jury docs not de
termine whether the county, the pros
ecutor or the defendant shall pay the
cobIs of prosecution, an they ate re-
uired to do by tho act ol 8th of J lo
co m bo r, 1804, the coals are not to be
paid by the county.
0. Where an indictment lias boon
returned "a true bill" tho proreruliiii;
attorney cannot enter nollo prosequi
willmnl tbe consent of the court and
charge tho county witb the com of
me prosecution.
In the following cases Ihe couutv s
ablo to pay the costs :
I. bore a defendant is convicted
by a jury and is legally discharged
without having pnid tho coats.
I. bon in canes ol surety of the
pouoe the court dirocts the county to
par the coats.
8. When the grand iurv iirnoro a
ill and direct the county to par the
oosts, and when the petit jury acquit
lue aeienaani and direct Ibe county
to pay tbe cos'.s.
4. In cases of felony, when the
grand jury ingnre the bill, and when
the detendai.t is acquitted by tho potit
6. In all canes when the dofendant
Is found guilty and sontoncod lo tnv
a fine and cosls of prosecution or give
security lo pay tbe same within ton
days or go lo jail, and defendant goos
to jail and comes out under tiie bond
act, the county is liable.
Mossy. President Grant recently
received the following dispatch i
"Wahrknton, Va., November 7.
President Grant I Virginia casts her
vote for Grant, peace and reconcilia
tion. (Signod) Jonif S. Mokbt."
The John S. Moaby whose name Is
signed to the telegram k no other
than the guerrilla thiol whew bands
were sleeped in the blood of more
Union soldiers, killed in the most
cowardly manner, than any other con
federate bfllcer. The dispatch shows
ihe frioodhbip existing between him
and President Grant, and proven bis
support of tho latter at tbe late sloctlon.
f bin, it will be remembered, was de
nied by Orant mon bout here before
tb e'-eetlou.
efifcTi-r bu the V, H. Vtnltnnlal
To itu Pitoi-i.E oki iie United States :
The Congress of the United Stales
bus euautvd that the completion of
tho Une Hundredth x ear of American
Independence shall be celebrated by
an International Exhibition of the
Arts, Manufactures, and Products of
the soil and mine, to be held at I'hil-
ndolphla, In 1371), and has appointed a
1'omniiHnion, consisting ol representa
tives from each Stato and 'lorritory,
to conduct tho celebration.
Originating under tho ausplcea of
tna I'ouorui Liogmiature, controlled by
a National Commission, nud dosignvd
ft" it ia to "Commemorate tbe first
Contury of our cxistonco, by an Ex
hibition of the Natural resources of
tho Country and Ihoir development,
and nf our progress in those Arts
which bonofit mankind, in comparison
with those of old Nations," it is to
tho people at largo that Iho Commis
sion look fur tho uid which is noccs
sury to muko Ihe Centennial Coloura
tion the grandost anniversary the
world has ever seon. .
That tho completion of the first
oentury of our exintence should be
marked by some imposing demonstra
tion is, we bolievo, the pulriolio wish
of the people of the whole country.
The Congress of the United Slules
has wisely decided that the birth day
of tho Great Republic can be most fit
tingly celebrated by the universal col
lodion and display of all tbo trophies
of its progress. It is designed to bring
together, within a building covoring
fitly sores, not only tha varied pro
ductions of our mines and of the soil,
but types of nil tho intellectual tri
umphs of our ciliaons, speoiinons ol
everything that Amorica can tarnish,
whether trom tho brains or tho hands
of bur childron, and thus make evident
lo the world the advancement of
which a self governed people is capa
In the "Celebration" all nations will
be invited to participate; its charac
ter being International, Europe will
dinplay bor arts and manufactures,
India hor curious fabrics, while nnwlv
opened China and Japan will lay baro
the treasures which for centuries their
ingenious people kavo been perfecting.
Euch land will compote in generous
rivalry for Iho palm of suporior excel
lence. To this grand gathering every tone
will contribute its fruits and cereals.
No mineral shall be wanting; for
what the East lacks tho West will sup
ply. Under one roof will tho South
dicplay in rich luxuriance bcr growing
i kiiimi, onu me .Minu in miniature,
the ceaseless machinery of her mill
converting that cotton into cloth.
Each section oi the globe will send its
beet offerings to thin exhibition, and
each State of the Union, as a member
of ono united body politic, will show
to bur sister states and to the world,
how much she can add to the great
ness of the nation of which she is a
harmonious part.
To maUo tbo Cohtohnia! Celebra
tion such a success as the patriotism
ana ino pride oi every American dc
nanus win require mo co oper al ion oi
tho people of tho country. Tho United
States Centennial Commission has ro
coireu no uovernmoni aid, such as
England extended to her World's Fair
and t ranee to her Lnivcrsul Kxtmsi
lion, yet the labor and responsibility
imposed upon the Commission Is as
nrg.' VtWrVffTrataVh'mon-Wlmlfilfs
of will bo required, and this
sum Congress has provided shall be
raised bv stock subscription, and that
vne poopio snail nave tho onnortuniiv
of subscribing in proportion to the pop-
uiniiyu vi mo renpeviive o i alee and
The Commission looks to the unfnil
ing patriotism of the people in every
section, to see that each contributes
its share to the expenses, and receives
us snare ol tho benefits of an enter
prise in which all aro so dcenlv inter.
csted. It would further earnestly
nrge the formation in each Stato and
Territory of a centennial organisation
wnicu snail in time see that couniv
associations are formed, so that whan
tho nations aro gathered together ir.
175 each Commonwealth can yinw
ith pndo the contributions she has
mado to tho national glor
Confidently rolying on tho seal and
patriotism evor displayed bv our noo
jhu in ever uniionai uniloi lulling, we
pledge and prophecy, that the Cen
tennial .,clebrution will worthily sbo
how greatnons, wealth and intelligence.
can bo fostered by such Institution! as
those which have for one hundred
years blessed the people of the Unilod
JOSF.rn R. HAW LET. Tros't.
Lewis Wal.i Smith, Temp. Soc'y.
Alaliaaa, William M. ntrd, J,mM j fw,,,
A.I.... Ui.i i r u . . . . ...
n,l,u"p iH-"Bro i.. an ortnioR, aolin w nrfon.
Aikanrw, B. W. U.nll, Mexnadtr M'pnneM.
California, John Panbar Crflirh. John Mi.lrfi..
Colorado, J. Marthall panl, N. C. Meokar.
Contirotiuiit. JoaMth it. IUwIkv. Wllii.n. lhihn.
Pakoia, Ororf A. lUtebrMer, Noloman L.
IMaware, William T. HmkI, John II. Hodner.
biilrict o' Columbia, K. teller. Law.
rrnre A. Onkrlsht.
Florid. John r). Adman. J. T. Bernard.
Oiwrirta, Tboiaaa llardoman, Jr., Lewie Wain
Idaho, Tbomae Donableon. Jarnee g, ItoTnul.le.
lllinoie, Frederick I.. Matinewe, Laorrnee
Indiana, John L. Camilrll, Per 1. 1 M. 1itJ, Jr.
l iw i, Kubort l.owrr, r.iUr K. 1 larkion.
Kennai, John A. Mrlin, llonrire A. Crawford.
Krnlorkj, Hubert Mllorr. rimiib M.
Lnuitiana, John I.J nub, Thonian O. Andrreon.
Maine, Joaline Nve, ( liarlae P. Kiwi. If.
alni7liind, John W. Pan.
MeeMuiiiurtti, Ucorge 11. Lorinj, William B.
Micbinen, Jamre rlirnr)i. Clftudiue R. Oranl.
Micneeola, J. Fietrber Williame, W. Fol.
Miiilnlnpl, 0. C. Froneh.
.MImoui'I, John MeNell, Kamurl fl.i;. ne, Wllhaa, II. CeReit, P.lrl. k A. I.araj.
Nebraeka, llrnrr 8. Moodjr, R. W. Farnae.
Nevada, Wia. Wirt McCoy.
New llampihire, Kaerkiel A. Straw, Ai f. fate.
New Jereoy, OrerleeC'lereland, Jobs U.rlteroiK.
New Alcaico, Kl.ln.lire W. Little,
New Vuik, Joliu V. L. I'rnjn, Charlce II.
rbill. North Carolina, Alfred Pockrrj, Joaattiaa W.
Oliio, Alfred T. (lonhorn, Wll.ou W. (Irilllih.
On .m, Jenire W, Virtue, Andrew J. Piilur.
I'emierlvania, Panl. l J. Morrell.Aea Pecker.
Kboda lelaa.l, Uea. 11. Corliii, Samuel Powrll.
South Carolina, Jaiaee L. Orr, Archibald Cam.
TeaneeeM, Thot. II. Coldwjll, William t. Proi
aar. Taiai, William llrnjj Paraoni.
I'lah, John II. Wicklier, (lew Q. N.wrer.
errnont, John N. Baxter, llenerr Cbaee.
Mrlnla, Waller W. Wood.
Waahlaa-foD Terrilorr, El wood Krana. Aleina.
der S. Aharaeth.
Weet Virginia, Aleiandor R. Botolrr, Andrew
Wiaeoaila, Parid At wood, Bdward D. Lallan,
Wjomlnf, U. Letkam, Hubert 11. Lantliora. .
Uioiilv ljpoaTAST.Tbe Tyrone
Democrat says i "U. Jlucher Swtmpe,
U. 8. District Attorney for the West
ern District of Pennsylvania is again
at hie post hie branoh offlue at the
Eastern Penitentiary has been cloaod
until the rait esmpsign npens."
C'OMpotl .iri.
Tho dlptheria prevails qiiilo serious
ly in Duld Luglo township, Clinton
Jesse Morrill, of Luck Haven, has
been appointed a notary public by
The latest swindle developed is that
of Congressmen wbo are accused ot
franking the wedding cards oi their
It is not at all surprising that the
English journals generally express
satisfaction al Grant's re-election. It
is natural for tho Bull press lo sym
puthiso with the bull pups. .
The Stroudsbnrg Democrat chroni
cles the death of Benjamin Van why,
in the 60 ih year of bis ago, wbo
leaves a wife and 10 children to mourn
his loss
Hon. Goo. W. Woodward is the
tallest member of the cuiislilutional
convention His height is about six
loot lour inches. Hon. W. M. iloro
dilh is tho oldest. '
A California man tiod one end of a
lariat around his waist and laaaood a
cow witb tho other. He thought
.. .i i l.j .1- t . . .. .
mat ue nau mo cow, oui ai mo end
of the first halt milo he begau to sus
pect that the cow bad him.
The returns so far received from nil
the States, show thai Grant's popular
majority is ue,nun. as mere are
800,000 negroes who voted for him
it is easily demonstrated that he is a
minority President, so far at Hie
white vote of Iho country is concerned
Tho tons of the adtnltiislratlon'ur
gana, headed by the New York Timet,
indicato that tbey are quite uneasy,
and foar that General Grant la about
to return to his first love of sound
Democratic principles ; or, in other
words, that tho Democracy are about
to capture the President, f boy are in
deed unhappy.
It is reported that tho forthcoming
report of Postmaster General Cress
well, will show an increaso of expn
dilurc in that department over that of
last year, of two and a quarter tiiil
linns of dollars. This l one of Grant's
economical nets of the past year. '
There havo beon sovcral Presiden
tial candidates worse defeated in tbo
number of Electoral votes than Gree
ley. In 1S32 Henry Clay only tud
49 votes. In 1840 Martin Van Utiren
running for re-election as President,
had but AO votes. In 1852 General
Scott had 42 votes. In 1KG4 General
McClollun had but 21 votes, and n
1888 Horatio Soymour had 80 votes'
In 18G8 the popular while voto I
President Stood as follows :
Majorllr for Orant. J7.i
At Ihe lato election Ibis majority ef
373,005 on tho white vote has been
changed into a majority against bin.
Ihe gain is nearly hull a million. Let
all remember this facl Cincinnati
Got). James Shields, formerly ol
Illinois, subsequently of Minnesota,
mCr recently of California, and now
of Missouri, is favorably natilfd ns a
candidate, for the United States Sen
ate Gen. Shields was elected lo Ci ti
gress two years ago, but was chcatod
out of his seal by tho prevailing
practice of the day.
What agonies must that poet hare
endured who, writing lo hi
who, writing lo his awedt-
lieuit, assarted in his manuscript thai,'""1'
no "kissed
her under U.e silent siar.,Mr!'.t?KU,
.... .... v tAOl able lieiilert I'rV.f I iv u Tf '
I to make him say that he Sir'Kw, Vm'' r-.iV iL.'Kfft?". Sr.-
lype so as
"kicked her under the cellar stars
Tbe curronl of air created bt the
flames in tho Boalon firs was V (rest
in a i iragmvnts ot pnjinr were carried
sixteen miles away. Leaves of theck
books and lodgers were fount at
Quincy, Hanover, and East Vcy
mouth. Cinders fell in Abinjloii,
Hanover, and Pembroke. . A chivrcd
50 nolo was picked up at Kant A ling
Ion. The glare of the conflagration
was seen at Concord, N. II , and the
light was distinctly visiblu niiety
milos at sea, and was also notice! off
the Isle of Shoals.
Morton. Ihe most contemntible. as
well as most audacious and dungo-ous
political trickster of the Cadicol pirty,
na rocoived tho uniiniinona en mm
nomination for ro election lo die
United Stales Semite by tho Legda-
luro ofllndinnA. This is fitting tail
i a victory scnieved oy lorce, IrtihU,
and tho unstinted use of tho mil lie
..t ! . . . . . . O. .
money.'- Cameron, tho unwrupuntii
counterpart of Morton, will ceio
next, with an endorsement of i
Pennsylvania railroad.
The ofllcial count of the vote
Now York shows that the neirro F
I)ouglns ran largely behind the rt
01 ino urnnt electoral ticket.
Tapier is the name of a colored e
tleinnn who has been elected lo Ci-
grcs in Alabama; after being r
years i is its State Prison.
Judgo Bond, of Xorth Carolina, i
sued tho Wilmington Journal for o
ing him a senuudrel, und wants
editor put under bond not to do
any more.
Jaytiouldwasarrestod in New Yik
yesterday, on affidavits charging Mm
with unlawfully appropriating to lis
own une, while' in control of iho Krfo
llHllrond, fD.OOO.OOO beloniinir to lio
stoekhnldor of tliil road. Ho gso
buil in1.0(IO,OW.
Judgo Him k and Woodward and
ex-tiovernor (.'iii tin wcro among those
iiimvti vy jir. iiiereuun, ino rrebi
denl ol IhoConstitulionulCnnvention,
in a private consultation regarding
tho appointmonl ol committees and
other matters.
Texas is again a Mono stur." Thcv
elected a rull Domot ralic delegation lo
Congress, and her Legislature, is
largely Democratic W.o udviso Iiomo
ciutio young men, who denign emigra
tion, to go to Texas. Asido from
its politics, it it a better countrv. snv.
ow, than many of tho Western
States, for emigrants.
rrod Douglass frulv savs that
urunt would have been boutun with-
out the negroes, Ihvrefoio llio negro
element uiusl be rouogniiod and re
guided. There are ninetv-five lawyers in
ihe Constitutional Convention and
only one editor, our amiable, good
looking bachelor friend Harry (j.
Smith, of tbo Lancastor Intelligencer,
being the ono who is playing it alone.
As Harry is utod lo going It alono,
howovor, we preaumo Tie don't mind
H mucU.
In the thanksgiving proclamation
of Gov. Edwin McCook, of Colorado,
one nf the causes enumerated why tho
whole people of the Territory should
glvo thanks lo tbe Almighty God is
the fact that "the people have vouch
safed to ns anothor four yeare Of Ro.
publicari;govornmont." MoCooklasure
of bis Governorship for on IpdcCnite
period '
The Courts and Ihe Pre:
Lust week, the Supremo Court of
i ois, uy ono majority, lined tbo
proprietor, and managing editor, of the
Chicago Journal, one hundred dollars
each lor contempt the "contempt"
consisting or a little paragraph, saying
that tha Suprome Court would grant
the murderer KufTorty a new trial, be
causo 91,600 had been raised by Raf
ferty'a friends to employ counsel. Mr.
Wilson, the propriotor, and Mr. Shu
man, the managing editor, both testi
fiod that they never noticed the para
graph, and that thoy hud no dosiro to
make any disrespoctful remarks about
the Court; but it was no avail
Chief Justice Lawrence had "bis back
up," and wanted the fine. The In
dications, are, however, thai ho will
regret bis loolish and silly exhibition
of spite. Away in tho dead pust, it
was customary for lumpspf pomposity
with powdered wigs, to'nrrogato to
thomselovs tho right to sit as judgos
upon public opinion: but tbo tomb
stones npon tlieso poor specimons of
Humanity are covered with lichens,
dog grass and moss, and grey lizards
"these heirs of desolation and of ruin"
abound In tho vlolnity. .("Ai'rmrira
( Wis.) Herald. r TV
Saw Mill Destroyed. About 12:40
yesterday morning flumos were dis
covered issuing from the largo steam
auw mill ol Messrs. Ktter, Siyle k Car
many, Middlotown, and the mulerial
being of an inflammable chaructor tho
tire spread with great rapidity and
consumed the building and con touts
in ory abort time. The light cre
ated by the conflagration was plainly
visible in the heavens from this city.
Tho loss is estimated at about 115,000,
on which there is an insurance of $(!,.
000 in the North Amorica ($1,000),
Ponn, ($1,500), Franklin ($2,000) and
Lycoming (.1,000). The saw mill
was located at tho point whore the
Pennsylvania railroad crosses the can
al, betwoen tho bridge spanning the
cunal and tho Swatar creek bridge.
Hut for the fuel that the formor struc
ture is of iron it would also have been
destroyed. The origin of tbe fire is
uiiknowo. Patriot 'ioth.
A Sad Wauninu. A young man in
Buffalo, belonging by tbe wav. to one
of Ibe first families of the cily, has
me. wiin a strange auiiction by being
about a borso sick with ibe disease
that lias provailt,d so extonsiroly.
Tho young man was at his horse's
head, when tho horao snorted and a
speck of tho virus flew into his eye.
As a consequence he hue not only lost
that eye, but is about to loso tho other
also, being thus rendored lolally blind!
This, should be a warning to all who
havo to do with horses alibis timo
Elmira Gasette. .
Editing a newspaper is very much
like raking a fire every ono thinks
he can pcrlorm tho operation better
than the man who holds the poker.
$fw dt'crtiiSf mr nt.
Court Houee, in Iheborouijh of Clearfield, com
menciif on .n ,ojt, Ueormhor li, 17J, and
;'cnnr oa Fridar, DreeraUr ta. Tearbere,
Aobool Direetora d all frirnu of education are
oordiallj iarited lo attend. fAlUolcnl hae
been obtained frota a dietaa. and alto fruo our
awa coaotT, ta make tbia meatlnf a eouree of
(real improrecaent lo Ihe loarhere abo war be
preeeut. law lereiwa durine; the dr aaeeioni
win coaxial principally or olaee-drillt
araocaee tauant la oar common
taugbl In ur common Mbolt, luturt
nuuibw of public roadinirt. Preparation! bora
.. . mono, not a inetramaatal
aad eooal. ll.rdmg will be girea at Hotel, for
II per day, and al Prirale Boarding Huueae for
, ,,, dteooing tna Intlilula. Par
t nn inera win oa a tpollieg aoatetl,
when a number ef raluahle prlaal will be awarded
to tha heat ej.cll-re. It It aarneetly he pel i1M
.. ranuvre or uiractore of our aounty
will aheeat tbataaeliai from tbe meeting, but that
ait will come prepared ta work together aad make
tblt another meeting f our County Inttitute a
e,.n.i eocoete. JPfO. A. UKfcillOHx,
Coanty buperinleadant.
l.t-itil.l Ilim.-Ilt, partnership herelo-
mw lore eii.tioe. between rhorlciH. llentilaad
latid C. Ilentll. la tha Betrherinr i.
the borough of Orcein, wat dieeolrcd br mutual
content t.n lha In dar of U.nt.o.lwr i?9
Darid C. llenell It aatho'rlted to eel tie all .1.1..
aaa actoualt, aad pay all Ilia dchtt of tba Sria.
I HAKl.hS II. IlKNetL.
Bmlih't Milla, Kor. 2f, lil?2-St.
"INTR A Y Came treip..log an Uiepreaieet
I J of Ihe eul.ecnber, a lied boifer eelf. Tbe
awner ll reueiie-l to e forward, prora prop
ly, Pr rhargct, aad lake It away, otbernlaa it
will bedirpoted ofaaoordiag to law.
ovS0-5i pd. JACOB Dl'TRA.
ISl H A V. Came IreepMiincon Iheprrmleee
j of the tubMriber in llrady towntliip, on the
iitlh of September lelt, a red III aboat three
yeart old. The owner la requested to eotno for
ward, prava properly, pay ebargae, aad take him
away, or he will bo diil'oted of Ibe law dirretl.
CAI TION. All perrom are hereby warned
rfgaintl trading for or Jieoountlng a oerlain
promiMory note given hy mo, payable to John
naehburn, dated aboat the I tin day of October,
1XJJ, railing for one hundred and (lfly ddlare
payable nine muntht after deto, ar 1 am df tor
mined not to pay lha raid nolo iinlera oompelled
by law, at I bare receives no raloe therefor.
1'i.lKH ltlLL.
t'tahTilla, Nor. 211 St p J.
1 M I N I XT H A 1 0 H M N I T I K.1 N ut loo
tr hereby ctven lhal Inter, ..f adminitlration
on the oeH'e of PANfKL CASKV, deoea.e.1, late
of I'enn tuwntHip, Clearfield onunlr. Penn'a..
baring been duly aruntrd to lha nndenirned. ell
pereooe iiidebtrd to eaid etlete will ploaet make
i.iioieuiHie peymeni, antt mota naeing el el ore or
d mendt will preeent them uroiierly authenticated
for li moment wlthoat delay.
norl0IJi Almiuliiratiir.
MnBurtwtttrr of
Work guaranteed to giro lal lefaottoa. Prioet
inehie. Uiramaaoall. Shun la (rraham'i
U'f, Market nrrct. nor2i),?2.
IMITIOJI. Nollce It hereby glean thai my
wile, M.liAlil.i ll, hat i, n my bed and
l without any Jntt rauta or prnvoeatlen.
ii to aauUon all partoni from harboring or
ing heron my account, at I am determined
My no billi of her oonti acting uolrrr compelled
A meeting of Ihe etoekboldere of tbe Low
ridge Co. waa held at the offlca of W. ll. Ilia
Kill., on Ttniri.lav ercnina. November Ulli.
following oWcart were elected for the your
t Prciid. nL W, 1). Ulttl.KHi Treaturer. O.
IMllll;i.l.. Illmlnre -I It Wtl.TKllS.
JM'll, MITIUKI.U Ctpl. M. OIlllKN.
Klatrinent wni furnirhed by tha Treatnrar ef
Irldga Co., allowing itt preeent financial aon
di inn, and Ihe following rcmlutluoi were uiiaul
m ly adopted :
;d, That lite Trraearer la tnlborited to
lnt.4 tueh laeaturae at ha may doom neeeetary to
uolleut all anpaid balance! dun from ittberribera
to lha original etock of raid eorapeny, and thai
oc fuoh lubterlhar ehall hare the right to nee the
bridge free of toll mill ho iball bars fully paid
hi' luheoription.
Ihlvtd, That after January Itt, Is 3, na aer
lifi lei ha ittued for the haulln; of none. wood.
ooal, nr lumbar, or any other huary hauling, of
inr running oi man wagoul, omnibutei, or be.
All luoh uea of tha bri.lra ta ba tiald fur at tba
gale of tha bridge, by lha trip.
rVeeefee-t, Thot all penoni dctlrlog ooHlllratae
af toll mutt make tbelr applioatioae la tbe Treoe
nrer on or before the l of Janaary Is aaeb year.
Olbeiwit they will ba abarged luU ralea at lha
gale, aad no deduction! made by reaeea of luab, l luiy ibovld llrt their oartianatea
A new form ot ocrttfleate wtt a.tpicd.
s' J, t. WALTER?, Beoratnry.
3w SPvfrtls.nunt.
JHTH A V. Htrayed from the preraliea of Ibe
j eubeerlber, eu Nor. Id, one laraa red Cow
with a hell on, with while epot oa forehead and a
lew wutte apote oa her body ana black and
while apolted Cow, with bell on l one red Heifer,
two jeara aid one red and wblte e.polle.1 Heifer,
two yeare aid. Any pernio hariuf tha abova da.
earthed cattle on their premli.e. or know their
wnmealioutl, will pleaee notify tba anilertlt tied
ai naiiacetan, wna win pay a reaaonahie reward.
aori-tl Itpd. JACOB PI THA.
T?XKCUTOR' NOTICii-Notloe Ii bere-
Jl J by flren that leltere tetlamenlary having
"mo araiiien to me eui.eeriner on me eetala of
DAVIU MII.LBK, deoaaeed, lata of Lawreoee
toantlilp, CIcarHeld aounty, Penneyleanla, all
periona Indebted lo (aid eilate are requeued to
make Immediate payment, and thoaa baring
o.eioie KNinif ma une win preeant. mem duly
aulhupticated for tottletaent.
Norambor 20, . KlecuUir.
TAIHHOLITIOrJNnlla. I. hereby (lean
X I that Iho partnerablp lately aabeiillng be
tween J. h. Head and L. J. Morgue, of Wallace
ton, ander tbo aame aad Ira of "J. K. Head A
Co.," wal diitolred la January, 1872, hy mutual
ooneent, Tha book! of the lata Orm bare bean
placed la the hauda of Ueary A. rlbimel, Heo.,
who Ii duly au! honied lo iellle all debt! duo lo
aad by the eorapaay.
Wallacelon, Fa., Not. II, la7Mt.
1'enneyleania. It. U. MeCully, a bankrupt under
me ma Ol uuninJM oi jnarcn 2U, IS07, narln
applied for a dierharga from all hit debit, an
other elalmt proeable under eaid aol, hy order of
i ne vouri, noiioa it nerebr gleea, to all pereont
wbo hare proeed their debu, and other penoni
intereeted, ta appear on tbe Vtb day of December.
IN' J, all o'clock. V. M., before S. K. Woodreff,
n1i rnieier, oie omce in Brla, Pa., to ihow
oauea, II any Ih.y bare, why a dlecharge ehoald
nolbegranled lolhetaid bankrupt. And further,
notice it hereby gieou, that tbe teonnd aad third
medinal of ere llme or the eald bankrupt, ra-
uireu uy me znu ana IMU leeliont of eaid act,
will be held before tha told Keiiiter. at the tame n. C. M.CANPLK1H.
m.rSO-31. j Clark.
Throat nud Lungst.
It It f ra:ify!ng lo at to Inform Ibe pablla that
Dr. L. Q. C. Wlrbart'a Pita Tree Tar al, for
Throat aad Lang PUeaeer, bai gained an envia
ble reputation from tba Atlantic Is Ibe I'eclBc
eoeet, and from thence to tuuir of tbe firtl faiai
lict of Euro) e. But through lie ptaea aloae, but
by pr.u ibrougbuat Ihe Htaiet actually bena
tllad luj aurrd at Lie oXre. Wb.le be publithee
Ittt, in lay our rrpurtetl, be ! enable to lupply
tba demand.' It gaiai and h.dde ill rcpatation
K.-M Nvt ly 'u j.iog cough, but by looran
ag and atiitting uaturt ta throw of the aa
beelthy matter aollected about tba tbroal and
broncbiul lubee, mkitk eoaere irrilalimm.
Second. It n morea tbe caurr of irritatloa
(wbieh pro.lueee aough) of the wncoiii meuihrane
and bronchial lubaa, aaittt tba luagt to act aad
throw of tha oohcul hy teeretloat, and purlller
the lived.
Third. It it free from to, a i lit, lobelia, Ipeeee
and t'pluot, of whieb moil tbroat and lung reme
died era eoupoerd, ab.cli aliay eough aaly, and
dliorganize the itjmath. Jl bai a lontbing effect
oa tba etumach, acu an tbe liter and kidneyi,
aad brmi.h.ti mmA .... nm ,g;e, tboa reaching
ta aeiwe waea mi Ih. eewi, own 1. Ii.1,n
aling and purifying eJectt It bat gaiaad rep a
tatioa which It mutt hold abore all albert la thi
Being ander my Immediate dlrerlloa, tbey iball
sot Iota their curatire qaallilei by tba ata of
cheap aad impure artielea.
Dr. L. Q. C. Wiihart'l Oflca Parlora are open
on Mondayl, Tueadaya and JVednoidaya from
A. M. to I P. M., for eonrullation by Dr. Wta. T.
Megce. Witb hla are aetoeiated two aoatulling
phyticiautof acknowledged ability. Thli oppor
tunity ii not eland by any ether Iniiitutioa Ia
the ellr.
All Irttere muat be addmerd ta
yiioli:ai.l: choci-:hv
ita. Ul Ronh Third Btrnt, toroer af VLir7,
i h.iaCitiphio.
Harfl Ik itoro and offer far at the lowott
market pria, aod oa tho urn it ratonablt ternn,
a laiir and wn afieatril tlock or MroMrl. Teaa.
ilaea, F.rh, Chcrea, lo., aeltvtad ta thia. New
ork and lUltiaiuro narkata, ta which atientioa
of eoiintry dralara ta partioalarl trquealad.
The un lenlgneii would reipectfully give no.
lioe la tba olllicni of Scocarla townihlp and lur-
ronnding roantry, that ba bai pnrjhaeed tha
lleooaria Plourlng Milla snd pat everything In
oomplete unler, aad li mannfaetutinj t flnt-alaii
quality of Flour,
and Flour ia auantlty eonttanfly oa hand for rale.
alwayi en band snd for aelo wboleeele ar retail.
OS l( l plllNl.l WANTKD
iOl Wllleiehanga Flour and Chop for 20
neb r-hlngiee, er win pay part money, u araued.
("t A U TIO N- A 1 1 paraoni are hereby nawt ioned
; agaiait purehaalng sr is any way aed..lling
with two twn-year old helfere. left la tha poeift
iloa af Andrew Holt, of Farpuaoa Inwnihip, a.
Ibe aame belong to me, aad an left with him tub-
yael to tur erdara,
JiniflS and IHfilirtius.
To their sew building oa Second Street, nearly
oppoiile tha More of Wearer liettr,
Where they will eoallnue ta mpply their old i
aa many aew eaatomen aa may aoma, with
(Inolading all new remediea,)
Patent Uedieinaa, PeiuU aad Olla, Olall and
Polly, Hchool Ilookl, Hlatioaery, Papal,
Ac; alio, a full Hit of Drug,
gltu' Sundriee, Half
Coemetlca, Petfumcrlee, Toilet Arliclel, Brothel,
Toilet boape. PoekH D.K.kt, Ac, all af
tba beet quality.
for -Btdieal isVtrBiCDtftl porpntPi owyt
Pur Whit. lad. Color ef all kind. Raw and
BoiM Lintoi-ti Oil, Vrnihi, TurpcQo
tin,, ol Oil, Pw.ii k Varrnih
Uranbti. lrUforiB(
CoBfetIoDr.i, Bird Bctd, Ppip-, ground od
ii(rouBd( of M kind.
Will (nd our ttoek af Chewing
and Smoking Tobacco, Imported and Da
meetii Cigart. uuS and Fiue-out to ba of tbe
rery bait brandi In tha market.
AU kindi of GLASS WARE,
and Muiical Trimmingi af arary rariety.
Tiering a long experience In tbe bneincet, and
an axteutire and well eelected etock of medicinee,
wa are enabled to Sll Pbyticiana' preacriptiont at
tha iborteet notiea and aa the moil reaionable
term l, day and night.
' cioarneia, Pa., May 11, 19H-tL
P. T. I.
"For thy Stomach'. Sake and thine
othor Infirmities." St. Paul.
Aaafe, pare, plraaent and heallh-glrtng Tonlo
trictly rrgeiable, and mauufacturad from
Ihe moel pun aad ehoiae materially ii not a eplrlt
drink nor labttituta for whiiky, hut a acientitc
compound, for tba proteetioa of tha eyitem aad
the cure of ditrato, maila from ehemlcally pure
ipittta, entirely free from fuiil ail or other Irrita
ting properties, and will aol ditagraa or offend the
moet delleata ilomach. A loag private eiperi
epca hai attettod lu
Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies.
No Bitten at preicnt offered to tba public
eontaiui to much medicinal virtue, and yet to aafe
end plcatant to take. It! ale it to cure dilcaee,
and it will not ornate an appetite for plrituoai'
liqnora, but will aura the affoete of diuipetioa.
To Increaea the Appetlta, CEI IT.
Ta promote Dlgretion, l'8I IT.
To aura Dyepepela, - CSB IT.
To care Fever nd Ague, ('SB IT.
To eura Billiouenan, I'EB IT.
To care Conetlpallon,' ' ' C8K IT.
To aura Chronie Diarrhma, . I'St IT.
To cure Heart born, - CSK IT.
" To oure Flatulenea, VSB IT.
To oure Aald Bructatioai, I'SB IT.
Ta eura Netvoui Debility, I'SB IT.
To eura llydoehondrla, t'SK IT.
To eura Sallowneta af Compliilen, USE IT.
Ta eura Pimplet and BloUhai, I'SB IT.
For General Proilratios of lha
Fhyitoa! powara, CSI IT,
and II will aura you.
Sold everywhere, at tl.SS per beetle, Maai
faetnred eietuileely by
A. ,1.; SHAW,
' UruKeK
Wha olfera liberal Inducement! to tha trade.
Oct. J7, lS9:lf.
The Linaaatrr Weekly Intelligeneer It unaur
oaieed a. a family Juuraal. Kn.l ia liie ta any
paper publitbed. ia Panaeylrania, each laeua eon
telni a varied More nf Literary. Poliiioal aad
SciealiSe milter, together with all tba aawi of
Ihe weeb. Ita egrtoulleral department alene ii
worth mora than the prloe of lha paper. It I.
tha okleat Demooratia journal Is Peonaylvania.
having been ettahlithad la U, and all poliiioal
oueitlonj ara freely and fairly diecui.ed ia He
aolumni. Ita large airaulatloa makaa tt s vary
rtluahle ad.vcrtiing nedium.
Team. Kinile ooplei, $1 s year. Ta olabi af
ten or mora, Sl.rO a j-ear. .Syecinea eopiee .m.
Tba Daiit letai.i.ieaeraa ll published every
day, Sundaya aaoepted. Prtoe Sa year. It Ii
ana of the hart edrerttrlog mediama. Addre.
U. O. SMITH A CO., lawoaeter, Fa.
SeeoaJ Ureal, sett loot lo Fint Natioaal Bank,
t?.; . t .... .. ,
fnl Vmt tot lair.
The andertlanet oferi hll lleme.,j'i
for roK elliuted on Lornel llrort, between V
and lilth Hteetr, in tba Urwu.h or ful!!."'
Tha building la a loo eiory L" abm" J.'1'
bout... well Snlehed, logrlher with th. .L
oulhalldlnge, and Ibe lot it In a good ..?;u7
ti.ation. Pur lermi and son J, lion, .1L'.',,,i
addnee n IN uw t. 7 "i er
nuiik tm
Clearnria, pv
Tbi nnJerrtguad olferi al prirel. ,t, ,k fcL
lowing rtai ett a1 l "a an.
A t o: r firouud. tita.t. (, lk, Tl
Newburg, ('beet towa.hip, eontaiaiug oae aed
half ace., ..d baring a huge Iwe itory .
and good liable arreted thereon. Tht, nree!!
li euitable for s Haul or Dwelling. P "
ALSO A s.rm. .fas molli
town of Newbarg, baring over j aire, elaaral
and under eulliratlon, with a good log luieaj
bum aod bearing orehnrd ofcSoioe fralt tbereoa!
A rein of eiccllenl eoal nnderlill tbe tract,
ALSO, IOO Arrei of l.nd. on Wll, R
In i Iheit town. hi),, wlibln two and a half milet.
Carat Creek. It ll well timbered with P,, 0J
aad 11 r in lock, and nnderlald with ooal.
Part lei i wlihlng aay Turtber Infornaliea ail
wall oa Mre. Margarel Ann, et Newburg, area
. CleerHeld, Pa.
"Lsy down lbs Bliol snd Hie Uos."
uickmaV's com plamer,
Tbit Ingenloue machine, for which
Jail hern itrued, It It eontdently bcliera.1 will .
nerK.le all oi ban la arc or oSered le ibe puMw
It ie eonttrucle'l. eu that it funoni, plaatt ut
eowt al a time, at cqnel dlllancet epart. both
dropping f or. re orm graine ia each hill, m
tha worker may determine belore eocmcaciee
oovering the o..rn when dropped, imoolbing die,
itl am furrow aad leaving lha ground ia betler
aunditioa than before plaaimg.
It It in Hielf a complete ie(arriiifB.eciai.
requiring no hired aiilitance and doing the werk
belter and with greater regularity and preeiiiea
than It eauld poeeihly U done by hud, at lm
than one. tenth tbe labor.
Anvboly thai con drire, wllb tbll Planter Ml.
go late a ield prtpand for eora and lirrow, dree
and corer trn lo lillren aeret daily, itt eapecift
being limi'ed only by tha diitanca a teen eea b
teadily driven. It it to oonttraeted tbat akea
sot plaatiag ar is taming at therad of tha fir
row, hy a mere tauch ll ie raited of tha grtnul,.
tbrowo out of gear and moved baokwerd erfer-.
ward, where you may want It, witkoat dreiia.w
tha eora or touching Ihe aarlh.
Practically it ignore! men, hoei and plewi ,
eo-a v.Uating, and make! ihat which bat heme.
fora been bird labor a mere nattime for a
about healthy exereite for a iaty maa.
lnrpeetion of tba I'lnalcr aunetrueled by III
pat enter onrdialy aolicitad, and eoualy, State er
ladiridual righle for Hie, at low rater, to oipcdiw
ita introdoctiuo.
Addrrti I1EI SEN DACE MAN, Patentee.
anglH-Su Clorleld. Pa.
Buoceieor ta
l A KI M T
Middle of tbe block, bet.
Tib A 0th ett., South Eida,
laroRTaa aan Mxai-rti.
rraea er
rOR LAIIU k CBILtiaira'i
3 mil.
'jr Wtudtmlt and
lUriof; importvrj a rtry Urfro and fpUnditl m
orttoftit of all thod.flmnt kindi of r l Kb iVva
firtl bandi ia K nrofx, rotild rpecttulJjr iiritt
the traders of tht. lo call aod ciaunov tat
MartmDt of Fancy Furi. I atn detr raise, ta
rll at the low ett eaub pnref. All Fun warratt
ed. No Hjiirpff-w-BUUftnt to tlfiet nairt.
Ft'RS AL IKS Kli ANi RkPlNl.
r-Rrvemner the iton, TU Arch u FhiJada..
IMo.ier X9, IS7i.-2m
Tho bloodr ooo teat breo Franca and fraiiia
ta at an aod for tbo prcMie, an far aa tha iiaugtv
taring of men aod the dettructioa of property it
ooDoprned. Tho Rnral JuKjjra no dnutt pr;a
thrmaeWea and rHoiea over tha ronilt, bat kca
inairuiacaat ia thir work when compared atlb
tba bojaana and enrmian en -in a 01
who baa ondertakna to anpple ail tb rititeaiia
tbo lower and of the coontT witb food and raiutftt
at eireedinr lw rarea frim bia mttinmotb aturt ia
MULtSONBt'HU. whfi ba ean alwayi ba foanl
ready to wait opu aallera and apulj tban witk
Dry Goods of all Kinds,
Such aa Clotba, atinett, Cailftntrei, Matllalt
Dclainoa, Linan, Drilling, Calieoei,
Trirominxa, Kilboi, Lac.
Raavdj-iirada Cloihinic Boota and fihof i, Hats and
Cd a" vf the beat material aod oade to nrrirr
Uoaa. 8oka, Ulovoa. Mittenii. Laeap Kibboa,Ac
Colfeo, Tea, Pucnf, Hire. MolaaM, Finb. SalW
J'ork, Linaord Oil. fiab UiL, Uarbo Uil.
Hardware, Qnarnawans Tin warn. Caitinga. Ploa
and Plow Caatinfa, Naila, Cf'tkea. fora tmma
tore. Cider P reaeea, and all ktndri of Ai.
FarfuinerT, Palnta VamUh. Qlaaa. aod a jwral
aaaorttttent or MauoDcry.
Of different branda. alwaja on band aol will W
old at tho lo wait poaaiblo bgfurea.
LIQUORS, aach aa Brandy, Win, Otn, Whit.?,
Jayoaa .Votltrinna, MuoUUari aod
HtKfUod'a K itt era.
ftPOw soanda of Wool waa ted for wbirk tba
bighoet prioa wilt ba paid. CWrereeed oa kand
and for aata at tbe loweat acarket prica.
Also, A cent for PtrattunviUe aad Carwaairilla
Tbreahiug Urwhinra.
fetfc-Call and are for yuraclTa. Tot will Ina
avarylbiof aaaallj kept in a retail at ere.
Franchrllle P. Q. Mawh I, IHTI.
I lUvlng engaged la lha M.vMe baelae deetra)
to inform her frieoda and the pablia that ahi bat
now and will beep aonttaaily on band a large and'
well acleeied atoch of ITALIAN AND VERMONT
MARBLE, and Ii prepared la fur u lib to irder
Carbi and Poll! for Cemetery Lota, rTiiJe
Bill! aud Capi, alio,
TOPS, Ac, Ac
BSvYard oa Read etnel, near the R. R IT"1.
CTrarfield. Pa. ifLIL.
At the New Tobacco anil Cigar Stent ef
R. li. 811 J
Between Shaw Muaee A htaaaiea Bau.a.Ceu'"'
Comtantly oa hand s toe aiaurlairal ef
Coagreta, Cevendl.a, Cable, Spunnlb
Mlchigaa aad Centary Fine-tut
Chewing Tohacoa, e.
Alto, a laiga aad well aeleeted etook of Imp"
Bad Dometlta Clgari, Smoking TokanM,
UaerK'haum sal Briar Fipah
Flpa litaraa, Tobeoco
Beuee, Cigar noldera, aad aretythtng eHn?
found l well teguWed Cigar aod
Tnbaoaa Hlara.
Mr-rteinercher lha pltcet Mirbet "If
twecn Shew Uuuta and Maniioa H
beld.J p, tjil
IboJ and Md for eaie at tbe Paa) 0"
cevts-f; RHT.ITaiT,
srte IS M rl. I'ai'a !
' "f;. t--.M.'
ari tLlra