rawatem. iaMamiaaiia naai in . ii. aaaanniw. r(aaurtlWrfTflWSWPTOJaJaj THE REPUBLICAN. 1 CLE AE FIELD, PA. WEDNHkTlAY MOKNI.NO. NOV. 10, 1871. Twine, by Jove. Tba Paoiflo Express train on tho Pan-bnd)o railroad left tho Colmnbns depot on Friday evening lust, undor tha charge of Conductor Drury. Nothing truipired to disturb tlio monotony of tho conductor's call on drowsy passengers for "tickets, gen tlemen," until the train was botwecn Donoieon and Stoubenvillo. Thon ho was notified that a lady passenger de sired his prewiice. lie found the lady evidently in somo troublo and nibarrassuient. To his affirmative response to tho query whotherhe was married, the ludy stuicd that she was on her way from Cincinnati to meet hor husband in Now York, any tbat a crisis was impending, involving the oppearanoe of an additional ptscnger. This startled tho conductor, of courso but with a heart as big as an clophunt he set to work to uiako tbo ludy com fortable. Tbo passengers were hastily baffled Into another car, and such fomalo assixtanco us could bo procured on the train was brought into requisi tion. In a brief time tho liilloslrtiHgor a fine bouncing girl is (lie pbraso put in appearance, and the conductor congratulated himself on bis happy escape from adilomma. With a heart overwhelming with sympathy, ho ar ranged an impromptu wardrobe for tho very young lady from his own anderclothing. It was not exactly in style of those "infmit-out-6l8" adver tised in tho Mow York papers, yet it soj-vod a good purposo, But this is not all. Tbo truin left Stubcnville on time, and was soon thundering through and around tho hills of West Virginia, whon tho conductor roccived anolhor shock. This timo it wua "a fino bouncing boy." Twins, by jove! One a Buckeye and the other a Pun haailcr. Tho remainder of Drury's linen went to start the little follow on his journey through tho world. Then for fear of what might happen, tho train was hurried up; in due timo it reached PilUburg, and tbo ludy aud the two ur. ticketed -passengers wore tenderly conveyed to comfortable quarters at tho Union-depot hotel, when a telegram win forwarded to the husband in New York, which proba bly lifted him out of bis boots. At lust advices the mother and thiklrco were doing well. The twins certainly -commenced life undor extraordinary 'Circumstances. Born on a fast-going Pucitio train, the oiio in Ohio and the other in West Virginia, it is info to promise they will be reasonably fast young people. Xlio mutucr la icju- sented us a most estimable lady, but cot given to the study of almanacs. Columbia Statetmen. Baooaob Smashers. A Now York correspondent of the Chicago Tribune treats somewhat facetiously a matter which, to a good many people, is a acrioui one. Hero is tho extract: Iowa is a noble State, and prosenls wonderful evidences of steady im provements; but they do smash bag gage horribly and needlessly at Coun cil Bluffs. I will make it the only ob ject of ray cxistanco to acquire un bounded wealth, and come buck to in dulge In the luxury of rovengo. 1 will bring a trunk containing nothing but a well charged torpedo, and at Council Bluffs I will ait mo down in tho distance and watch the operations of tbo baggngo Bonds in silent oxpoc tation. vYnon the big trunk is nicely poised on tbo one edge of the car, and then, sent, like a bomb from a mortar, to tbo platform below, to strike exact ly upon tho corner and burst in a thousand fragments, how will I laugh to aee the would-be dostroyors of my pror-eny flfiog io sl.reds Ibrongb U air nere a wg, ana mere a neaa, ana not so mucb left of any one as would enablo his mother to rccogniza the re mains at th inquest ! Gentle youths, you Lave your fun to-day j but beware! it is my next dual, und, as soon as 1 am alio to pay for a jury, you will bear from me lluncefortb, politics, and tho dollars you have wrung from uufortunuto travellers for cording up their shatleroJ trunks, will bo nothing to you. Good Workmanship. Solomon's tomple waa built without noine of hammer, or chiiel, or any tool in Jeru alum. All tho work of shaping and fitting waa done at tho quarries and shops far away. Tho New York Cus tom House is built after a similar fashion. It is a curious, fact that lb six hun dred tien who are employed In culling granite at Dix Island, He., for tho New York I'osl-OfUce, cannot prepare material fust enough for the two men who are employed to tut tho blocks. Each block of granite is cut, trimmod, facud, and accurately numborod ac cording to the working plans. When it arrive at tho site of tbo building only two men aro required to sot it, aidud as they aro by steam hoisting apparatus. Evoiy atono is mado to fit exactly in the spaco intended for It. Bo accurate aro the plans of tho supervising arcliitcot, that it is sUlcd thai tho superintendent of tho Post Office building has only been obliged to order oiio stone during tbe entire work thus far, and the foreman at Dix Island insiets that the missing one was sent, but was lost In the trans portation. What is the difference bclwoon a bill and a pill f One Is soraotlmos hard to get up, and tho other is bard to get down. A sign in a Western oily announoee 'BooM raeked Inside," grjw Woods, (Oromlfs, aft. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST AllRIVAL AND OP COURSE TUB CHEAPEST I A Proclamation against High Prices I "VTB art now opening up a lot of the bait tod V T moit avaaonablo Uooda and Wart ever oil i-red In Urn market, and at priori that remind one of the good old daya of tkeap thingi. Thoie who lark faith upon this polut, or deem our alle gation! luperDuoue, need but C.ILt .T OIH STORE, Corner Front and Market ifreett, Where they enn aee, feel, hear and know for them elrea. To fully undrmtand nhat re cheap foodi. toil must Ite done.' Wo do not dneu It neoeiaarT to enumerate and itemise our itoek. It li enough for ui to ttate tbat We have Everything that is Needed and eontiimed In thin market, and at prloei thai atiomnn ootn 014 and jounr. dril JUtJKi'll 6UAW k SON.. r. . MILLER, A. . 10 WELL. MILLER & POWELL, WUOLESALK I ItKTAIL M E R C II A N T s, ' 0 reborn 'i Row, Market St., CLKAHF1ELD, PA, We would moat rorpeetfullj Inform our friend., curtomcra, and the publie fn rally, that we art now baek In our old quarter, which have boon remodeled and Improved, and we are now pre pared to accommodate nil who may farerm by oallioj. NEWGOODSI Wt hare Juit received on. of th. larger! itecki uf til krndi ef Merchandise ever brought to Clear. eld oeunty, which we Intend to nil a Med fig urei ai will miko It an object for all pcrioni to purchaie from lit. Familial laving In winter aappliel of Groceries, llry Oooda, Ao., thould not fail to giva ui a call, ai wo feci confident oar price aad auporior quality of goodi will amply latiefj alt. Our Hack of GKOCER1KS oouilatl of Colfax of tba Wit quality, Teal, flu gan of all kinds, Molaiaei, I'irh, Salt, Carole, Dried Fruit, Splcei, Provliionr, Flour and Fead, Ac, Ac. Our itoek of DRY GOODS: il large and varied, aod we wiH juit lay we eaa ewpply any article In tbat line, without en u mer it ng. 1. E A I) Y M A D E CLOTHING We bare a large ilock of ready-made Clothing for Men and Doyi' wear, which wa will diipoie of at a very .mall advance on eoit. Uootl and Shoe,, Ilatl and Capl, llirdware, Quceniwore, Wood and Willow Ware, Noitooi, Fancy Goeds, Ci-jieti, Oilcloth, Wall Fiperi, Wiaduw Shudas, Ac, Ac. THeing eilen.ivcly engaged ia the Lumber buaine..., wa are al,le to offer inperiorindutemrn'.i to jobbcri. M ILLc.lt A POWLLL. Clearfield. fa,. Jan. J, Wl. J) AN I EL GOODLANDER, ll'TllF.RSIU'RO, FA, Dealer In DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY k GLOVES,' 1IAT3 A CAPS and BOOT A SHOES, Tohaono, (Ironericj and Fill), Nnili, Hardware, (Juooniware and llliuwan, Men a aud iiuya' Clotbiug, Dru, Paint), Oil., Hrhnol ll.iok,, a large lot of Patent Medici Din, Can llei, Kuti A Drird Frulli, Chiwio and Crack en, Hock and Rifia Powder, I'lour, Grain and Potatoes, Clorer and Timothy .teed, Fole Loatber, Morooooa, Li uing, Biodingi and Thread, Sboeaiakerl1 i looli and phoa 1 indluga. Ko greater rarlety of foodi in a atnre In th county. All for iale rmry low for raah or oouniry produoo at the Cheap Corner. April IV, I H71, It EAD THIS! FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I The attention of the eitiieni of Cleardeld and rirlnitr il directed to the fai-t that UikkIIfIIow A 8on arc the arenti of M. Meoe A Co., and bare MSJ? Lt0 urea. A large itock or FLOUR, CORN MEAL, CHOP, Bl'CKn'IlEAT FLOl'll, 11 It AN, Potatoei, Sbollcd Corn, Cora In ear, do., Ae. Particular attention li called to 11. Niece A Co.'i brand of Family Flour, which la the beet in be market. Floor and Feed eaa and will be eold eheaner than it can be obtained olrewbere In ClcarQeld eoonty. M4T Store on Markot irraet. neat door to Hon. Aleaender Irvine rrideucl. OOODFEI.t.OW A fiO), Agenti for M. Niece A Co. JenlOtf pRRA COTTA STANDING VASES, IIANGirsG VASES, Stove Lining nnd Fire Brick, kept eomtantly oa hand. ST0.E AD EARTHEN -M AKE OF EVEBT MiSC'BirTIONI CROCKS! POTS! CHOCKS! I'lfclirr'i Patent Airtight Keif Healing trull e. aiiai M'TTl:R CHUCKS, wild ll.li, CllKAM CHOCKS, MII.K CIIOCKR, API'liK - Bl'TTEH CHOCKS, I'll Kl.K CROCKH. rLowKit roTf, tie tusjiKS, BTKW POTS. Anil a great many nthrr thlni loo Bumeroai tn mention, to be had at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY. Corner ol Cht'rry and Third Slreell, CLICAUni:Ll). 1'A. em J The Lightning Tamer. mm underelined are the lole Agenti In Ihli I enuntf furtbe'North Amerlean Ualranlied UUDTNINU RODS." Thaie are the nly rate rode now la nee, and are endoried b au tae lolentlfio anea In the eauntr. We hereby aotlfr the eltlieni of the aeunt? that we will rat then ua a better rod. and tor leia money, than ia charged bjt tba foreiga agent who annnallj trareree the eountjr ana wry ea our tittle eain, nerar te tetara. ENCOURAGE 110MR LABOR. Thou wlrtlng tlgtilalng Redi ereeted ea tkU bulldlagi aeed bat addren aa hj latter, or eall la sereea). We will net taeaa n anywhere In Ibeeeaatg, aad warrant then, Tbe Hodeaad natural eaa hi teea at any llml by ealllng t earetare. U. F. UltiLKS A 00. flew'iM, March H, U7f-t( Sinhi'arf, Slnuarr, (?tr. THE X&0NSZ82S TIN AND STOVE STORE I G. S. FLEGAL, Phlllpaourff, Coatr. County, r. TIIE underilgnad rlipiolfutly anaeaacei to tk publlo that ha kai on band a eere-fully-ielaotod and well aaaortod Hook of STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, , HOLLOW WARE ! , i . TIN, COPPER AND SUKKT-IRON WARE! , WOOD AND WILLOW WARE1 Bit itook of Cooking BteToi evaititl of , HIE CELEBRATED IHONSIDES, Which kare nerer failed to bring poaoo aad proiparity Into familial where It la and, Diamond citato, Farmer, Herald. Charm, Rpean' California Cook Store, r) pearl' Ami. Dull, (Jai Uurning Cooking tjtorei, Vlotor, Rellaneo aod t'nion Kansas, Bpeari' Cooking Kugei, . A., : tetvTha Tin and Shoot Iron ware glron with tbo Hlorea ie made of lha hearliit and bait material, and warranted to giro perfect iati. faetloa. HiB Stock of Parlor & Heating Stores Il larger, batter aad cheaper thai over before eiuinttoii to Mi puniio oomiitlng of Spaan' Revnlrlng Light Illuminating Store, Bpeari' Anti-Dual (lea-Burning Parlor Store, Bpeare' Orbicular Ue-Burning Parlor tHore, Spara' Uaa-Burr.tog Parlor Hlore, Boqaet, Pearl, Oani, Ida, &ua, Tropio, Rerada, Aov Ae. Vulcan, Elm aad Victor Heateri, t pean' Re rolring Light Ueatera, He il alio prepared to fiuniik s eoarplete anortment or Tin, Copper, Shoet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, &c, Wholeiale or retail, maanfartured neatly and with the eole rlow to eereice, frum the but ma terial in tba market. PLOWS A PLOW POINTS, COPrER, BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN LINED, SPUN A COMMON IRON KETTLES, . Of erery dtieriptloa eoatantly oa hand. ORDERS FUR SPOUTING, ItOOFINU And olharwork belonging to bl builneei will be promptly II led by oiperleneed aad ikllllul workmea. r.r.Ass. corrER, olu metal, rags AND CASH Taken la exchange fur goodi. gflli eepectaily lnrltei thi ettentlon of Merehanti wishing to pnrohaee atwboleiale.ei they will Ind it to their adrantage to exaaiiM kla itook before pnrchaiing elaewkare.' Lookout (or tba Big Sign opaoilta the reel deaee of 11 n. Dr. ruilrr. All Oooni ffinnim tt RiraaaaxtiD. a. n. Phllipibnrg, June I, 1B70. PLlCUAaV lug I 68 gACKETT & SCI1RYVEU, . Mil.BHI ! SHELF HARDWARE, and minufoctarori of Tln.Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, Soooad fltrwt, CLEARPIIiLU, PA CrptntM and Buildorr will do noil to oitm (no our Hock of B17ILDIH0 HAKEWARE & TOOLS DfSTOK'8 PAWrl-IM.tnn't Crow cot, Hand, Hip, Toaant aod Unl t Mawo. BOYNTON'B LIGHTNING SAWS . Fmortth Plan, .Tai'lr PUnoo, s Foro PlftDcif loin ten. Match PlaaM. Plumtifl A Lorflf, Btwl Rijitam, Klrmor aod P rum in nc CitinoiP, Curor Chiioli, Carpentrr H1L IrkR, Ilraooi and Uitta. lloring Macbiiief. io. Grindstones and Grindstone Hxturrs, Bmnkj Kluei aro ttttttumf oured by mlng Rich anli' Patrnt c.oTiitc i rui: topr. for utilch wo hava tbo Agfncj, No euro, no paj PbUadttlpbla Cnrrtnrto PnHa, Railroad Lantorai, w oodsn n are, te A fino awortaBoot of l'OCKET 4 TAHLE CUTLEKY STOVES! STOVES I Tba Tlmai Cnok, the beat In the market! alio, the Monarch, Heliancc, autl No, 10 Iron Wirt krvrrr a 1'urtahle llrater, and Heating, Partur and Hart Slum. uRooring, Ppnuting and Jnh Wnrk done nn eouable tcrtnl. All orderl will receive iimmpt attention. July i, 1871. S TONE'S SAW tiUMUERS AND SAW UPSETS. We haro race 1 red Iho atrrnpy fur tho a'oatid will dell theu at manufacturer! nrlcre. Call and examine them. They are the beat. j-II. K. IlKlLER A CO. WATCHES 1 WATCHES! I bare a large ilook of AMKRICAN and SWISS WAT0UE8, of the dlter en gradei, In from two to eight ounce oaiea. 1 offer rbeie for rale LOW, and guarantee then, te giro intiri latlifaotlea. JEWELEY I JEWELEY I A good aieortmenl of Ladlei' and Oaat'i Jewelry of tbe lateit Ityln! Alwajl getting Kiiaethlng aew I I wonld aik Lomb.rin.a aad itken who la tend pnrehaelng Walehei to eall and lei mj ateck before golrg to the iltlii, aa I am erj are I eaa aell Watehu ai low al the eaa be bought, beitdei the dlffereaee l dl.Unce la tbe erent of the goeda pretiag delbeUre. Alt klndiof REPAIRISO In my lju. promptly alien d.d to al the itore ea Seoond itreet, oppo Ite Ike Ooort lloaw. for yoar liberal eapport a lh f aet I am eirj thankful. I. I. SRTDER. 5!ntlstrii. ANiN'OUNC'EllKNT OF THE OMiAT REDUCTION OF PRICES I BY PORTCH Mil AW, 1). IK R. IMPORTANT TUCTIISt Hvtit ueatMaed In l-tttof llgbur tariff oq matoriavl, hnoa lh Urn anil iw'wl eharga fur partial and full wli of Taaib. 1 um tiit bit maiittlnciure or tfetb sou other maoriai. Ail ftp-rMtoni mfliteratl fttiii waraoUd to lvt hr- i and Mil. lam Inn. Kririid. radmit that my otiarni for tb tnaar- lion of art I Acta, aod tba aavlng of tho natural taotb an now Ua wuitraonablein Ponmylvanla. rreawrvo your tvtu and you reiervo your baaltu. Fut tint or tho natural tcetn in a malt by. pro rrvaltra and uioftil oomlltlon tf uiatlo a ipevialty. UlaonMi and inalfuruiatiousouBiuiun hi tho mouth, aw and tfinoiato parti, ar troatvd and ourrvted wiin lair iuooi, jkxauiinauoni on a ouniuitn tioni rBRi. It would be wotl for rat lend from ft diatanno Id lei mo know by lunil a few day before coming to tbo office. It li very Important that children between (he agoa of itx and twelve yeari ibould bare their p-eth eiatniiieq. AnaMbfiiot are adwinliterd and TetlbN-o- mo red without paio. lJlnpotiUoni aud etiartwtr ere Juiced by all tbo World by tho exprotrlfini of tho faoe, bono) bow Tory dltsvitn-ua may It tnorelvre ho tor per om to iuilul,toD ejtpreafiuo of diitorted feat urea, even atiart iron a bygtcute new. flow, to enjoy natural (not arttnuial) eotnrurti and plranurci. roepeot aud obey natural aimplicltio and initlnot. o. fUttlf.H Hit AW, U. U. H. Office in Now Maeunlo Xluilding, fieoond itrcet. vivarneia. ra. lam t ti DENT AL CARD. Da. A. M. II ILLS Would lay te bli nallentf end the nub. no rniivraiiT, inai. oaring ailioivea iiarlnerelill with Dr. Shaw, he li now doing the entire worl of bil ofliee biuieelf, eu that iatienU need nut fear being put umier the nan,l m any ellier oiterator. vieamciu, maron su, iou-pu20lnen73 , J. M. STEWAET, D. D. S., OSoe erer Irwln'l Drug Store, CDRWEKSVILLK, PA. All dental oneratiom. eilber la the BerhanW) ornieraUre bnuwh, promptly attenaVd Is aad latiefaotiua guaranteed, hpeulal attentiea paid io IB. irreiinrni el (Itieaaei ot Uie aatliral trolb gnml and mouth. Irregularity of the teeth i oeaelully onrreetrd. Trrtb eatrarted wilhoert pais by tbe me of Kthar, and artjueial teeth ineerted of the beet material and warranted to render eat. Ilfaotinn. HtZA'71 It UlsrfU.iufous. BOORS VII CM II AVI ALWAT3 G 1 V K X SATISPACT ON. IIEH KTOPOHB, WILL Bat DISPOSED OP IN SUCli A W A Y AS TO PLEAS R 0 11 VRIEND9 AND CCS T0MER8. JUST KtUtlVLUI TnK FINEST ASSORTMENT OP IIOLIDAT OOOD9 SL'CU AS BOOKS AND OTUER STATIONERY ARTICLES, EVER OFFERED'TO TOE CITIZENS OP THIS PLACE! NOW ON EXHIBITION AND V0R SALE AT Pt BLISHERS' A KANUPACTl'RERS' PRICES, AT TUB POSTOFFICE. Cleirleld, Dee II, 1170. II ATS & CAPS! BOOTS & SHOE SI GENT'S FUKN1S11I.XG GOODS Call at LEVER Ft.EO At'fl orw flloro.oppo'.fr Ritlovornor Uifclfr'i ixtudrnoo, on Sect rod $tf'4, LloarOelti, t'a.. axu oiamino hit ano otock of Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, I'uri.M.li.g (aiioda, Ar., Of will eh ho li conntantly rocr Ivf rt(t a Jar)(i atf mrnt f tho very litteit nnd beat my In, whicL will diRpoMi of at aatonifliioKlr low tiricm. LA DI li.S, I havo on hand a laro and IU r1(-ctfid n too k of llifi pclchritti-il liaiid-ra)l MoltOCCO and LASTINU tJAlTKUH, wbli A I win intrly rcpotniiHitid to to the u-.il in the on hole Call and rt'tmluo (lionj. (i knt's I'mtMhiiiNO Goons. GKNTM.MKX, n.r mock of Kurmthint Ofdl. i ooaipkto. 1 havo all tho novrliin in Tiea, Cramti, Kamlktrchlefi, I mttirwinr. f iondrrat CulUrUg Olurifi, lioviory, Ac, toilet with a om)t:e aMortiuaut f tVtiiia and t'lh Swirl. I tiTfi on hand a .srqe and wrll i'wtl Canri, and many othi.r ariiolct, tnth nrcful aud ornamMitiU. wbhh will l in Id at fair ratal. JfMT'Thn citifrni ol Clearfield and Tlctntty are rcfjipcifully InvUed to call and flam hie my goodi uclor pun'lraBltig elturwheie. Cloarfleld, Pa., Nor. H, U72. READING FOR ALLI BOOKS d- STA T I OS Eli Y. Market Hi., Clcal'flt'lit, (at (lie Poat nitlrd.) 'IMIE andereigned hege lean loannonnoete JL theoltlieni of Clearfleld and rlolnlty, tbat be hai Sited up a room and baa jmt rammed from tbeeliy wilh a large amount of reading matter, conilitlng In part of . Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank. Aoeonnt and Pan Book! of erert do- criminal Paper aad Enrelnuai, Prenoh nreeied and plain rem and renotlll uiana, begai Ptperi, lleodi, Morlgagi Judgment, Hie mo tion and Prominory nolei U bile and I'archi mant Brief, Legal Cap, Recorder., end Bill Tap, Hhoot, Mmie for either I'lano, Huie or Violin eoneuntly on hand. Any beoki or atatlonery de.irad that I may not bare oa hand, will be or. ordered by flret eipreei, and lold at wbolerali or retail to ault enitomert. I will alee ke.n periodical literature, lueb aa Magaiinei, nrwe. papere. Ae. P. A. UAUL1M. CliarSeld May t, ISM-tf B W STOKE IN IIOUTZDALEI I', OALI.Af! JHirt baring Juit returned (rem tbe eait with eg entire aew and eomplele aerort. ment of Merohandlir, lultehle for winter and Bering trade, which ha. been eelected with great earo aud bought at low ratal, 1. prepared to fur. ol.h the elliwna of lloulidale and vloinlly with goodi at a eery light adrenee oa Sret enat Tin eath. Country Prodaee and Shingleo taken al market prbie. Call aad eaemlne my itoek before puehailnf elaawhera. . . i . . . t Pl OALLAflHr.1. B'tiiJaie, ri . rb. r, ur:iii Jirj) PmAz, (htoxtxUt, (ft. iU.&W.D.IltYIN bEAi.i:ns in GENERAL SQUARE TIMBER, LOGS & LUMBER CURHENVILLE, FA., ARE olTrriBK, at thtlr tiw Ft or TToum1, a oowplcto itooli of MW (JUODH, of all drMrtjitiona. Dry Goods and Groceries, HARDWARE, BOOTS it SHOES, CLOTH IX Q, Sc. IN LARUK VARIETT. Flour, llyr, Oatt, Corn AIwiti ea band and for iale at imall adranee. ROPE, la large inanttlei, aold low by eoll ; alto, Pl'LLET BLOCKS, SMALL ROPE and CANT1I0OK8. One handred eaeei of ATWATER'S ELMIRA BOOTS, ' for iale by tbe eaai at wholeiale ratal. ReoeiTod by ear load l HUST1XGDOX FLOUR, and aold at eavall adranae. lUflKW, af all klndi, HOUSE COLLARS and HAMKS, HORSE IILANEETS, BITPALO ROBES, Ac Alee, oa aale Irit elan two koree WAOONS, TWIN SLEDS, LOO SLCDS, and SI.EIOH. BeMaUl - ,,,, out Pquaro Timber and Lom, at wo deal larjffly la Lumbcrmen'i Suppli., aod ar prepared at all tioiei to iurobaio Timber, IjOjti aad Lumber, CurweofTllle, Nuremher 14, 1871. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD N C A L i: H, or all. until I Daggage Barrcwl, Werehoaee Trucka, Copying Preeeee, Improred Money Drawer, Ae. roa lata ir II. F. BIGLEU it CO., Dealers lu Hardware, meli.10:7t tf Seeond Street, ClearAeld, Pa. I OS II AX OX LAD AM) UMBER (OMPAW OFFER INIUKMi:XTN -TO- Purchasers or Choice Goods AT THEIR MAMMOTH ST011E -I!- OSCEOLA. New l abiiH t ! MOBHANNON LAND AND H'MBER COM PANY filer for eale Town Lola in the Ivor uih of llitnli, I'lrarneld eounly, Pa., and alio ble to lull pnrrhaicn onleide the limili of laid borough, Onerola il lituated en tbe Mo.hmfton frock, in the rirheit portion of Ihe county r,f Clearfir-ld, na the line of tlio Tyrone A t'lrartirbl Railrniul, wbrro tlio Monhannon nnd llcerertuo braneh roadi inleneet. It il aleo in Ilia heart ol the Mo.hannon ooal baein, aud large boiliea nf while pin., hemlock, oat, and oilier timber tur round it. One of lb. largret lumber mauillatlur ing eilaMiehinenti In Ihe State li located in the town, while there ore niauy other lumber anil hingle milli around it. The town li but i -rn yeare old, and oonlaiui a papulation ol oue thju- pur- For furiher iaronaaun apply at tne omoi of the aliore company, j JOnN LAWS1IR. i4:70 Oeneral Huperintentleiit. -t zr IVPSHANNON LANU 6i LUIWUtK W., OSCEOLA STEAM WILLS, Anrrarrrnai MJiEIl, ATH, AND TICKETS. II. II. 6I1ILLI.NOF0RD, Preiid.nt, OBee-forei! l'lace, Ko. 125 8. 4th it., ThD'a, JOHN LAWSIIP, Omeral Sup't. Oiceola Milli, Cloarlleld county, Pa. TITICIla llevine purrhaaid Ilia ililerrit nr jfr J, A. lllatlenheriter, Em)., In Ihe bualiieai laelofore earrird on under the Ann natneol J . A. Ipillaiiberei'r A Co., the lam. will Ire eomltielrd laealliir under tho name of Muahanoon Land and mlier Conip.ny, (More.) H.HIIILLIKUKIiHH, JOHN LAWHini, kyjilf Prnidrnt. Ueneral Hup't 0. I. c. rilEHE to l.uy my tnY GOODS, CI10 I nerloa. Ouecnaw.ro, Ulaaawara, lrull and Kctloni, Confeolionoriee, Ac., cheap lor earn. The iiilnerllier bejra lrara to Inform bn old and new euilomen .hat hi hai opened A VARIETT TOn IN OLHN HOPE, PA. And will ..II rood, al nrleri to mlt the timel. liberal reduction will be made to ouatomeri buy It. tl wholeiale. Call and eiamine mr itoek before putvli.alnf elaewhrre. A liberal ihara of public palronafe ia enllolled. 0. i. KKAIIY (Ilea Hope, Pa., June 14, 1ST1. DtitKK COTIIM!1l HM FOB JJ lell at tail eBrl, rc. r, n. mm s mi belief Cl'HKet VHB WOHBT TALStt In from One to 1 wo my Minutes. HOT ONE HOUR afltr nusiiiriA thi v.iii.Frfiuii t-uu any eoo h(jfu:u with rMH. tUDWATt KeVAOY KKLIhK 10 A CURE FOB KVKKY I'AIN. It U lllf fllll atrul la) Ti. Only J mIii Kcmrdy thu itiMnirtlr Mopt (be BMit ficntrlulur jms, i017t IiiflwtniiiaMlmia, and euro VwgMtiont, wlitiltcr uf lite ,ULf tMoUtaUa, ieUWlll, Uf blW ftiaaMU Of WrfftAU, tf IN fhu4 ONB TO TWEftTT MINUTKA, no rtiettl how vloleTit nr ticrueuuiiin trt puiu t)e KlfKI'MATK), Hnl nd.l.-n. luflmt, 4 rlpl1, Stivowv eNauraUyts, tar pruMiBti-ti wiih dieM amy uflcr, .RADWAY'S READY RCLIEP WILL APFiinil l.taTANT tAhE. Ib-rLAklUaTlUN nt TIIK HI'NKVH. INHLAMMATloX pr THE IILADDEU IitrLAUMA'tluK nr I'll It fioWKI.lt. t'ONliCHIIilN nr TIIK UtNOS. SOUS Til 110 AT. lillKH'I'l.T lillKA IHIMl, rALI'ITATHiN OK TIIK HEART. nrsTtnics, chuli', uii'imtF.iuA. ATAUKII, lMrLl'EXIA. HEADACHE, TOOTtlArMK. . . NKI IIAlOIA. IIUEOUATISU. cnt.D rnri.i.a, ahue viiii.i.h. TT Rtiplitiiiluii of Ui. Keaey Hellef totlie part or pvu lirre (be MUB or llnhbuil)- UM. will affutd e&N and onlnfurt. Tw.etr drop. In lmlf a lumtiler of witcr wltl In a frw ttionieliu rill. (JUAUl'M ht'ARMH, Hiilit fiTOIA'H. lir.AKTIH'HN, BK'K HI AIIAI'IIE. MAHIIIIFA, IjYMlNI KttV, COUt'. UlMi IX TkK UUWLLS, lud ull 1NTKI1NAL PAINS. Trerclrnj Minnld w.va larry a Imrtt. ef Raitwavl Redy Heltof wita them. A diot. in wlU tivveiii 4nr. or Pttln. from thing, ut wat.r. tt it 4.( lima Frnich Bimdr or OttUraiuaMiuioUbU FEVER AND ACll'IC. FEVFP. AMI Alil'S currd nir Ally cm.ii. Thmli antarvmwiiHi M.it la thl. wurld tlut wtil cure F.vaf at,d A.U., .nd all Miliar alal.ii'iua. ltllk.ua. ft.arM, Tl iliul.1, Yellow, and olbci i.i.ni.Mril Lr 'ItAliWAi'S I'll. till ao qulca aa UAllWAYa kKAUY KtUi-F. guty oaau per iMAtla, avid lr DruuAa. HEALTH llEAUTY ! ! strom and rvnr. yticM Bi.otm-rNrRr.AKr UF F1.H AMI WKIHIIT-CI.EAH MilN A.MJ UK AC Tli T L COMFL a' 11 ION bkX L UUU TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MAIlK THE MOHT AtlTONlhll I SO CURES till yi'll'K, Ko ItAI'IU AICK TIIK IIIAM.E4 THE ll't FMililloor.tt lMik.lt TIIK IX. ri.UKNi K i TUIU TKl'Lf ttOMlUtTCL JILUICINE, THAT Every Day an Increase in Flesh nd Weight Is Been and Felt. THE CREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. E'T dtoe of tb. SA KhA I'A KII.LIA N Rt-ol.V E?(T romniuiileat. thnrnah th. III.Hid, SwaM, L'rlne, and uAbai lulda nbA ak r th. .rat.m lha vie of HO. fiir It repeli. th. .aalmif tha Ualj Willi new and fc.ond tnataruu. Pkr.ifule, Hv,tillla, Cii'iauliit.lli-I,, tilandular dtaaaa. rWf. la tk. Throat, Muuta, Tinnon, Hir la tb. Olabda and other oaru t tba arali'Oi, rkr. gra atruBMiu lilacharr-a from lb. Kaia. and th. wnirat rorm. of Skin dhx-aa. Eruption., Vrrrr nr!, av-akj Mllti II AlllitL. I hM-rtli. aVTld mil W 14 1-1 taf til) lift tf t)a. avrc wilhtD thi curmtlvt ntn us tuli wuntlcr m Mud. era ChemMrr. a'tU a few ttnyt' um will jinv to mnf aervott uatnK It for elihr of UeeMa fume of dleoaoe tte ptrirnt xm to cunt tbrn. If th TwilvBt, Onllr bwailnr rtMlticet. try the waatH tnd d4cotrii.inttl()t, tbat ta foetlnutlly Pitalng, tuc-exl- la suri-Mti) Oir vislti, and rttmn Ur mtn, wrth aw mAltUl miuJt frrm hrtthr kl -' itrl tale Um BARriAl'AltlLLIAN will and Oumttcur. NtM Otllf tVrM III (aPAltl.LIR RsaMLTsTrr tTr all known ranitydUl iftnu la lit rura of ('h rui.tr, Kcrtrfu Voul, L'uhHulOIUal, ebUd Ckln dUtkBC ( built it UkC Obif poaluve cere for Hldnojr Sc Bladder Complalnti, rrtaarf, and W'kaib Mmfwmt, OrmvvL TttAlH, Proptr. Itofiaij of Wtvlct, lrxxrntli.4eiof rrtite. Itrittil't Dllv vu. AllmlnuriA. wid In all caas-i whtre ibvr ar brick dust d-M-o4iB. tsr tlit water U thick, d-m-lv, ailard with 4Wtrt4avikrM Ilk tba wbltn of an tf, or tbrnita Ilk whlU Uk. or tbnt Ua morbid, dsvrk, Mil". aprarFr, aad whit bot-dtiat dtonalta, and wbrn .Lara la a prick Uf, bvn.nff aanaalloa wbrn paawtn watar, and pain la Ue Sail fifth U:kaiadaktaUMLUiA Prlet. tim, VVORMS.-Tha fir kaowa aod oare Rsnedy for Hot ,,J in, J apt, tic. Tumor of V2 'namf Growth Cured hf Kudnay'i ItcnolvfDt, VtiBau-v, Msasi., Jl ia. law. !. wUawsr i-f bava bad Orartea Tnn,r la tbe erariaa aad WwaU. All lb Ihartnrt mM "Htm was aa bilflw II." I Msel ai tbibg tbal was immantted ; aul ai taiag hi Ipeaf I taw f Rawolrril, ae) Ihetafht I WHslej lr- Il . tl hast a fatlb ta H, exwit i bftd s.r.rejtl fur lartln fi. 1 lask sta Wulat t Use HakaralvewiC aaJ -we) lwt af IU4m Ptlli, aat two h.4 llam aaf R-mJ Helbef , aad I ken ti ai a ir mi lataBMrr (a ha aaea a? Ml, anal 1 tm heXtet, smart and l ( let Ibaa bata ' fray lrala ytwua. Tkaf Wwrat lKM au hi lie Ufl siaVt Ot tka b-Mwala, Una frm. I rlu U.I to tea few leM hiasOl atimewa. las aaa MtUkd, R If aa --. W ANN AH f. KM ATP. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, pcrfactrf tavfttrkem, H'cantlT cnwtrd with twaH fin, purr, reeilAla, milfv, cieanae. an I ftranrthrn. Itsd tty I Pill, fur tht? curt of all dieoidrra ft tlsa Mcnac., L.ar. Huwata, KldtieT-, lilartilrr, Nirrrrua Dlaaaara. jieafaiWJia. rrbl4ipM.un, I'llrrWM, llHlkjrrVttOI), l,a't la, p lUiuaai-tA PiII'-vm Fcrer, I nlani.iBllia or tba (VrWWa ritcajsMMl all riiirne'irtaf thr lirtrmal Vh eara. WartAfdUrffaxiaHa.titnre. lrHr Vrfta Ut. rontalnlnit ut tuurcury, nih-fj-alt.ur dclHtri.iutdni.-i, af ObrcM Oia IWiiiwln rrrxotua raaulUiaf Crua Plwrdcraof tit Diftla Uifaiaat CoTatlpavihea. Ifitraid rilat. railaaM f ttia Knot ta tbe He, Ar-WH af the Ateeiiayh, Nteasa. llarlfrt.t lotapist f fA, rlt ear VVeithi ta the fetoksat-a, PV-ar lv-utalMw. ftiakiatat FiatMrtftral Um 111 at tha Stonrairb. rWtwa.ix.dt T lb Heaal, a iil.w.i'if ( VMe.aa. Jet ar W eht la-lbta lb. I. ret ana pall fata ia Um Head. Otnsaty af l.-lra'. VeJUwaiM ti tk. eh. aad lym, l-aa ta Ike Aida, (.hel, Uatha. aad aaddsa nstabaa af Uawai. Maiaej ka taa Flewh. A IVt dtmm of RAlWATH will fra Iho tre- trm fronajl tha dlx -nafisd d'M nJrra. IVMc, CauU art i-a. at.tt HI I'lf ( tT 8. lltAD 1 FAlt ASH Tni't'; Smd nne rVfr t.M. w a r.w a V a as-, a. aaa.. a... n--. wt. LJoraaiku worth UiouatxtJa wui U w R. 15. TAYLOR'S LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near the Railroad Depot,) I'LUtHhlKU), PKNM'A IEMRRArE thll mathotl of Infurmlna the fulilie, that I nare oenel rip a yarrl fur tbe aale of wood er enel-hnrnl IA l L anil AntKraclte CilAI.. In the borouih of ClearfiuM, and bare eomplrle'l arranfrmnit. wilh eaitera dealer! by aliii-h I enn kepa full lupplyounatantly on hand, whirb will lie dl.peerd of at reaaonahle ratel, by the tun, buabel or ear load, to luit purebaarn. Tboee at a diitanoa can aditrea nc by letter, and obtain all neeeaaary liifortnation br return mail. K. B. TAVLOH. ClearSeld Pa., Feb.14. MoV tr a 11 O LUMni!RMi:xi 1'ERFIvCTION' IS CANTHO.OKSI Tba Clearneld Eaeelilor Cintheok will ant wear out er break, being eouftrneted with one 1'itid band freia clip to point. It ll proaonneed by all praetlea lnmberraf1a who have eiaminrd It to be tbe aaot perfect Canthook ever Inrenled. Amos Kennard, Patentee. Mauufactarrd by Anal Kaianias A Co., at Cl.F.ARl'IKLD, PA. ttT-All orderi promptly attended te. aU'70 DREXEL & CO., No. 31 HouU. Tltlnl fitnet, PhUtrlcIiihU And Dealers in Government Securities. Ai'oleaiie'ft br nail will nwolre prompt atten tins, nni all information cltrcrfuSlj furninhfj, (Ir.tP.-a als Aanllllf. u R N K II o ti T I trt any BURNED UPI BELL S RIS WOOLEN FACTORY, Pina townahip, Cloarlicld Co., Pa. The lulnerilieri are, at rrat etti.nie, rbnlld- InR, and In a fi w daji will have oonpleied, a neijflll'orliood niceifi'v, in the erection of a Ural elaae Wnolen Mnnnfaelory, wilh all tha modern lieprotemcnta allai hrd, and are prepared to make .11 kin. la nf Clothe. CuiMmei-ve, Patinrlle, lllan- kela, Klanntli, Ao. Plt-nty of eiodi oo land to iiipply all our old and a tboueaod new ouitomin, niii-tn we aaa io cvw t.v.i. The hualneii of CAnillNQ AND 11LLIN0 will rereiee e.nedal attention. Our new mill ill be reaiy by winil onrdine evaeon, therefore there need he no hnaitatlnn on that li'ore. P'oncr irran;r-mrn(i will U made Io receive and delirer Wool, to lull niiitorueri. All work warranted and dune upon Ihe lliortret tiotico, and by atrict Mien Hon to bitilne.i we hope to rvallte a liberal rlinre of puiille patroiia?n. io.tMM roi Nus vaoL wanted i We will pay tho hljhrit market price for 'ool and lell our manufactured Rood, aa low ai limilar roo.la can be bounht In the eoanty. aud wheneier we fall to render rcaeonahle lalilfaeliun we eaa alwayi lie found at home ready to make proper eiplanation, either In pcrann or by letter. JAMKS JOHNSOU A 80NS, aj'rllJiltf Iframpian 1 1 tile P. 0. CHEAP GltOCEIUKS! 1,1'MBKR CITY, PA. The underalitned announce! te hie eld friendl and pnlnina lliat he hai opened a Rood line of UIMH KRIKH PKHVIHIONH at the old Hand of Kirk A 8neneur, for which he nilleiti a liberal patrrnanc. II. W. IJPKNCEU. Lumlier Clly, Pa., March 2d.tr, BARGAINS IN MUSICAL 1N rtTRI'MKNTS ! Org.n., both new and eeoond band, al tbe Mu.ie ttiore, oppoalt- ttulleh'a furniture HI or.. All p.reona Intercited are Invi te 1 to call and eiamine a aew ityie nf Organ now oo eihihltioa. bbeet Mueie aaw Mnilo llooki er-iriiw bind, rr12t tl f founflru ami tnarfclM Uc VS- BIGLER, YOUNG ri. CO OUNDEKS ti MACHINIST.1- Maaufattturrre ol POET ABLE & STATIONARY STEAINI EN(iINES Corner of Fourth and Tine Strocti. CLKARLFIELI. PA. n A VINO enxaEed In tha manofeetore ef firit. elaai M ACfUNEP.Y. we rerjtfully inform tiie publie that we are bow prepared to flit all ordcri aa ehe.ply and aa promptly ai ean Ire done In any of tha eitlaa We manufacture and deal in Malay and Circular Saw-Millg Head Bloelii, Water VTIieeli. guanine Puller. Qinord'1 Injeetor, Steam Oeutfei, Steam Whiitlea, Oileri, Tallow Cupi, Oil Cupa, Oaure Tocki, Air Coelcl, Olobe Valrai, Chenlt Valvee, wrought Iron Plp.a, fi.eara Purnpa, Boiler I'ead Pumpi, Anll Frlclir.n Metre., Boap glone Pankinr. (lorn Pa. k inj, and all klndi of MILL WORKi to(elher with Plow., Bled Pole., COOK AND rA RLOR STO l'ES. and other CASTINGS of all kinda. a-Ordrre eollciled and Iliad at otty prirei All letter, of inquiry with referenoe to machineri ef our manufacture prompt ly anawered, by addre inf m at Clearfield, Pa. dtM-JTTO tf BlilLER. VOCKO A CO. 0. L. Reed. J JvJOTI CE. a- Pow,l e "V ' CLEAHFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT! prrt ritoreri.Mtfntliutorto tiie oi-Unp of ClearfilJ eonnry, that thry harr nttirf'T rfttLtet) thii eitaMihmnt with the iateitiuiprotctt wuoj-wnrkitic o.jjtliiDrT, anil aro cow prepared to e i route all UrHire in (heir line of Lttiineae Thev will giro ep ial attentiua to (tie uanofitr turo of material fur houro buiMine;, inch aa FLOORING, WEATHER - BOARJNG, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, Utt.1t K.KTS eY .1JOI LIr.t f.S. OP ALL STYLES, -ere wrwayi Hare on land a larje ftuok of 1KY Lt'MUKR, and will payoaih for all clear Lumber. One-and a-half idrb panel UlIT preftrrej. Lumber Manufactured to Ordsr, Or eirhaneed, to luit euilonnn. X. Ordtn .-Jicited, and Lumber furniiked on hort notiee and on re.tionable lirrnil. RKFII A POWELL. Clearfield, Marcb I. 1 87 1 -dt IjnD 73 Before takine I owJera. Alter taking Powderi. OIIAWH MIPKUVEII 1()M)ITI() kj roWPEUS. teeful In obalinate caac. uf tli.tctniier, t ourlia. Cold., Uota. 1 artir. Co.tiv.. neaa, ltouKhncal of the Pain, and Htupliagn of Water. Urcaae, 8wcllrd Lcri and Inllurnra ean he relieved, and enractiwiea cured, by the aae of irieae ruwilrrl. 1 hey will not interfere w th the doily work of tbe llurre, and can be given to cat- ear who eoual advantarc. Put up by A. I. tll.wr. Drucrltt aod Anoihe. cary, I'learielil, Pa. novcwlHri S, 1S7I. Paid evrrrwhere. rpiIE LARGEST AribUB.ijiB.Tr. vT NTOVEN ! STOVES ! ever bronchi ttt the eonnly, are being rreelred at the Hardware Ctlblilbtnent of II K. lilt: 1. 1 . H da CO., eomprialug tbe following Cook buv.i : srE it's CAt.ni!; nr. SUSQUEHANNA. HEOl'I.ATOR. . .NOBLE EXCELSIOR. Tl; If Mf If. oo v. rE.sy. HEADING. NATIONAL RANGE, AC. AC. Alee, tba following Heating fltorelt orr-A aa 1 1 CI.I5K fcK, RPKAR'S ANTI rrrnr. fPKAH'S URRICUI.AR, 8PEA R'S PARLOR COOK, MOUNINO LIGHT, HON TON, oirsEY, Vl'LCAN, SUNBEAM. RL'DY' da urn is Eaa. CHESTER KfiG, VOLCANO, rilOENIX. HEAVY RAR ROOM AND STORK 1MOU SIOVT.S, 40. ClearBeld, F.pt. S5, IS72. THE CLEARFIELD WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE! aUanufaol.tTad tppcitil for THE CLEAlinKLf) TRADE, rna liti sr augl'tn II. P. BKILI R A CO. Tl OLLIDAY (.OOPS. JLJ. I barn ariilrl to m fttrnWt Tar let y of LA" nin.l IAHI.I. ti liftPSWA n K. M't'ttr Cniin ami Paunrrt. Motto Mora, an Tii Toa Hflta, In (rtrat rarirtv. Aln, Vaar aod Fancy Tnllrt Hflta, of tho hanrlnotnrrt dfnifnu. Thri eootli I liar luihorlf-l .tlraotlj fnm Ka rofa, trnd my frini tire a low a any Importrr oan sell lha aauti gooda in trior thli rltr or Ntw York A.J. M'KIHKNER. No. 38, Poatk PwaoDd aad 29 Htrawlwrry Rtf., t'Bliatlcitila, Pa, V, B.-Mr itoek of ClIANPELIERfl. na?.a. It adn)itH) to oburrkaa, U rcrj larga. hook of a raw 1 1.(11, ahowini tba di(n or omi ehandAitor and fcrK.it, wtil tf i irpfft. tw" ha aril 1 - " ' - - 1 M e S. rat... .u l ,i, m. .nw,;i n, lirK.i, and r. , b, mineral poi o, wh their txmea an not deMree. tuted beyeaid the aZ mtutt, and the vital orsanl . -ra.P... ,Md.,..t .wa ta lha M.ou.dtrt, Coulie, 1 p-ite -tomewb. Ud T nutaa. So.ir tnKtAiioi.e of lha t pintM-on nf tk! in Hie Month, biltoue Amcka, Vrn JIl; Heart, Fnnanisnation of llaaj l.mnt, fa tymptMitJ of tlw K 'dueft, and huiidred oiber ' cwiiplaia art the orTt.prnti of Dyerrit. In thn ' oiler ias It hat no equal, and on bottl arlll rwwvt a I aa ariiaof ita mnt ihata a leiittlijr aljatnK u Kwr FciNalo ComplutHt, ta vW m!: mifJ or Mi.t, at tiie dawn of womanhood, t,, T( tern of life. ilte Tonic Rittm diap'jy to decided . influauce that a naiked impnrwMo tt eooo percej tib'r. for Inflammatory artel Ch rente Rhote tatatta aaa atrd tioui, UMtrua, Rciiuiteut aud luitr. mutant ravea, Diaeaiee of l)a li-ood, l.ivrr, Kidntvi and Bladder, tb (I'ltart have no Cfjnt.. Such Dn. oaatta ara cauacd by Vitutad b otxU mti.ch it aili atxlbc4 bv aWtTtirejejaaenii af tha Uifaauaw Otwawa. Th' Mr Oentle lnrKillto aa well M 1'onlOf tiwaawiaMng alao Ine xu!iir iwtrrtt of act tag aa a powerful ut, i;i nMtfvntf Cmieetioa or Ihflin in anon of the Livet tod Viacerai OrgAiu, and in UiIkhm triacaxa. For ftk.tit Dla.eoo, trttPtiona, Tetttr, Salt kliaum, H ottrhaa, &Mia, Pimp'ea, Ftaatol!. bnui, Car bunclca, Ktnc-amrnia, bcald-Hed, Sm Evea, tra. Btpataa, Itch, Scurta, IifWaiKmof lite Skta, Hututwe and Diaaaaaa of lt Skin, uf whatever nam or naturt, ' arc liierall due p and cart tad mtt of tbe itihn ia a hnrt time Lrv tn iiac of inat Bitten OrMtoftil Tbouaaiifta proclaim Vinmai Dit Tkt ttt nvMl wosidenul Invijtorant that ever MitAuuad tba tinknHr aytteta. tWALKLK, Froti'r. R. II. 4rTM5 ALD at CO., rv.rjr.iata end Gen. Acta-. San Frajbcttco, til. and cor. of WaUiinKioo and Chirrton xa , Nw York. SOLD BV ALL DRUGOIS1H AND iJiALkRJ. June 6, 1X72. HAYES, COULTER & CO., ifocraiHira to W. A. Arc old, AnrrcTtaBt or Healers, Kunges, Low Grates. and MAnBEI.I7.ni SI.ATK MASTlfU Folc agenti for tba celvbrated t'HILSOX fOOKINU R vN'iK jHeTcnd fur CAtat' guee. Kj l"i Cbcrnal .-t.eet. JenitSm CHi ' '.kKIJ-ftU Clearfield County Bank. rti Clearleld Com t 1 ei.K a, an te.nr i X ted InrtituMon ka. roi.a oat offline..-. ti e an-renderof lt chariot, ea May ll, lln All it. aiuca ia oeaed by tbe lueeeritaar., abi will ountinul tb. hantlrc katinra. at the a olr..a. prtrati vtsr.hrr. ander tbe Sna aani ol the "IMeartleld Cont.ly Beak." Wear, n .poneililerer the deblael Ik. Bank, aad tl ie, tu notei en deuand ai the eeaster. ltepiein' receircd and interrit paid wbea aeaey Ii left iii a Ilea lleaa. Faper eieoftaaled at III per veil aa bereteore ur f'rioaal reapoaatetlrry pledged fer all l)ej oiiu received and Verii.u Irani etcd. A conliaaance of thl libiral pay ronaga ef the bn.tae.a Btea ef the eouaty U rr ri,actrullr iclieited. Al Prelideat, Oaabtir aid odieeri of tbe Iale Clearleld Coanty Bank, ei require tb. aoi ai of laid Uaa Ie be pr.ie.tei fir redemption. rn. a. lir.i'na.v, nivenav c on " , WM l'OKTKR. JAS. B. OR A HAM. a. k. vrr.ioiiT. e. L. keep. WV. A. WALLACK. Tbe buileaii of the Bank will be connected iy Joaa M- Ad. ma., Kaq., u Ca.bl.r. ( tl-l tt County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, FA. ROOM In Maaonie Building, one doer aortk at C. D. Wlt.on'l Drug Store. Pa.aage Tielieti Io aad from Liverpool, QeerM towo, ttla.gow, London. I'arla and Copcnbnra. A lm, larart. for aal. on Ike Royal Beak of Irelaaf aud Imperial Rank of London JAMKS T. LE'-'ft AUir, rrMt. W. M. Bil AW, Caabier. tl:l:Tl J. D. M O Irk. Kdward Perki. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE or McGIRK & PERKS. , Ituccvatori io F Qatar, Parka, A Co Plttllpaburg, I'tntrc Co-tuty, Pa. TT-HHK all the buatnKi of a Bankiny Bout wtM oa traottactad proinptlj and ipoi tb taoi t faroraolo tcriua. MarT-tf JJEW V3T01JU AN'i' NEW GOODS JUS. SHAW 01 DOll Ht's juit oiDd s Niw Sroir, oa Haiti Bt.. CLCaarmb, Pi InlfW occupied by Wm. F. IRWIK Theli ittxJi Cajaiiati. o, Qaorraisi nf lb beat quality, Qi'K.t.NswABC, Boota nprj ht", and rrrtj srtiels oetveian for ons's eomforl. - i;il ana laniiur- ur , cliaaing eluwdere. Hay 9. lH06-if DAVID YOUNG, Stonc-Cuttcr and Stone-Mason J ILL execute all work la Hi line at irate prim and In HRST-CLASS lU ' Architectural OrnameDU la ALL (STYLUS, Stone Droning if -"1 deierli'lion, and all kinda of Baaoanerkeea tract. d for in or oat of tbe eoanty. Any nrrfe" wiabiog to have reapceiable maaoo work ' tone-cutting done, will tnd 11 to Ibeir UM"'' to eall upon me I wonld aire Inform tk. P1 lie that I eaa d.llv.r any qnantlty er ileal ' atone doalred, ai I am tbe owner of a FIRST-CLASS STONE QUAflKY Orderi fcr work can be addreurd ta DAV1U YOl'N". BirlS.TO . Cleartlld ri Beale's Embrocation, (1ATI POW ILL'S,) er all dliearea tneideat to Honei, CilUM"' Uaaiaa Fle.h, retiring tbi an el al ailernal appllcaiion. . ., Tbll Emhroeatloa wai extenilfil l Itii unvernmeai during ine war. , . for iale by Hartawlek A Irwlt, ciea" i k a. . ' i. c ..ill.. Uanl.l t" ander. Lutbersburg. . - T'V."l Vvi!. wf CImT Hop. rt'): l ,' Il aT eulborlird Agent for Wolcnit'i Pain rami, tbe only innaa. permanent cure ol ail linni oi i - p... eotl'l Annlhilator for the radical M ri r and enld. I. the head. H. L. WOLCMTt el.S Sta I HI Chatham Pqeare, M - Housed; Lot for Sale or Bcpf TIIR undcralgned offeri lor aale or ,. rcnionahle term., a two Hory d"?1'"1', end llahle, la Bloowington, JMk. t"""t'L temta, Ao.. apply to LKWW I. Wt" January .l, IMTI tf. - laa- TkINK, WHITS a KOAn nun" - I Jell rec.lv.e aae ior -y . n April t, UTS. H.r.B10l,Bf