Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 20, 1872, Image 2

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iuito Ann momiimn.
Tho rolcLrutcd Dins ton Sow works,
in ryfeululpliiu, worn destroyed by
flro on tlio 15lh.' Loss over $150,000.
Hon. John G. Frociio, mombcr of
th Constitutional Convention from
Columbia countj. litis rcsiinod his
"scat in that body, and Hon. Clinrlos
H. Bucknlow has been nppointod to
iflll tho vacancy.
Chanok of Habe. -Tlio Constltn.
tionnl Oofireiilion has agreed to hold
its ewiona in PliiludolphU, aftor the
Jht of January Tho Ilarris
, burgers arc n liltlo wroth at this (lank
movement. .
Hon. W. M. Moreditli, of riiilndol
phia, is the President of tho Constitu
tional Convention. Ho, Judgo Wood-1
word, Mr. Darlington, of West Clios
tor, nnd Mr.Turvianco, of Duller, tiro
tho only members vrhofwero members
' of tho Convention of 1838.
, Behind. It appuar from tho oli'C
. tion retiiriig that lliero aro quito a
largo number of Kopublioans who
. were an much opposod to "eating
crow" as tho Domoorats. Forten, tho
nogro doctor on tho Grant ticket,
runs fur behind tho rct of the ticket
Jo .every county in tho Stato.
The ClearlMd tfrueiiirria (Democratic) of mat
week l!tod thai (bo pereonnl liberty of patriot
required the rote of Peonivlrauia to be given to
ureeiey. ninoe u oai gone me omer way. will
: brother Goodlander prove hlineelf a patriot he
going to Jail alonco, or will he take it back?
Alhtoma Tnbnikt.
Hold on McCrum. Tern you, wait
until Grant gels through with us. If
he bchavos himself like other Presi
dents, wo will lako it back at tho
close of his next torm (if we ore about),
but not before.
tlllTS AND ASLACK. " 1 llofO IB nO
accounting for tasiaa." Wo notico by
an exchano tbo following ticket was
tfoBiitl w tho box at tho poll in Spring
!3fld township, Mercer comity, on tho
Fut Prviidcnt of the United Staloe,
VitToniA C. Wnoinfi.L,
Of Ludlow Street Jail, N. V., (white oonui )
For Vloe Prriidrnt ef the Coiled Stato,
FrI. DornLAOK,
iolored, of New York.
I i -No eleolora needed.
Yes. Our Radical czchangos all
give the following: "Tho official pub
lio dobt elatoment for tbo month of
October, shows a reduction ui 6,ooo,
417.32. In September it was much
larger, excecding?10.000,000." y08,
and bad not tho other fivo minion
'boon rrpont in l,con8ylviima,,Ohio and
Indiana to the Dembcrntio
nominees 'in October, tho reduction of
tthe yifblic debt would have boon as
great in October as September.
RiYAts. Tho Peofle't Monthly,
Pittsburg, Pa., and Woodhull ami
Clafliix't Weekly, are just now pub
lishing likonoRscs of Rev. Henry Ward
fioechcr. As tho Weeidy is in jail we
svppofes Ukj Monthly is ahead, of
courso, for cxccllenco. Tbo Wood
hull story about lioccttcr is about a
fair offset to Heoelior's sister's (Mrs.
Slowo) romanco about Lord Byron,
iioecher'a salary, which is now $12,
000, should bo doubled next year by
' ins Aristocratic congregation.
IIuiidcos. Governor Geary has
written c lottor declining to bo a can
diduto for United Slates Senator.
60 has ColCix, of Indiana. Neither
bad tho least chunco of success. Those
places had boon purchased with dol
lars, by Cameron, and Morton, and
nobody cite could got them without
refunding tho money. Neither Geary
nor Collux havo money enough to
ring in with those two corrupt lead
ers. Ilonco their letter are very
cheap shystering and vory unbecom
ing in a Chief Magistrate and Vico
Tfo Important election will take plaee In Penn
sylvania until that of Uovernor, three yoart from
This it a mihtuko. Tbo most im
portant election ever held in tho State
comes off next fall. Tho issuo will bo
a square ono, betweon tho pooplo on
tho ono dido and tlio TreaHiiry thieves
on tho oilier, for tho election of a
Btuto Troasuror, in nccordanco with
1I16 amendment to tho Constitution,
ndopled in October. Tbo issue will
bo between honest men nnd the
irogtios of thn ring. There will bo no
J'rosidont, Uovornor or Unitod Stntos
:taonnlor to prop up and assist tho cor
ruption ring in thoir raid upon tho
jieopl.o's money.
.'nsAr Dkjnitt. Lft"t Octobor the
votciu of Pennsylvania oloctcd tho
vory beet members of both p:irllcs
'.members of a Constitutional Conven
tion, which is now in session at llar-
dslurg. Tho dignity of tho body is
fully sustained by tho election of Mr.
Icrodilli ae Prcsidont, but disgraced
toy tho cheap material out ol which
the subordinato officers are mado.
Tbo chief clork and scrgoant-at-arms
wo havo known for fifteen years
7boy aro of the political wharf rat
..pocles, and of the vory lowest typo
M that, while tlio assistant is a nc;;ro
WUetbor the darkey is omployod by
,1b 0 fc'tato to wait en Onslow whon
ovnraome by langlofoot, or to rondor
more dignity to tho position, wo
know cot. Put this wo do know,
(ot npij;ber are fjt for the pluco. j
Pennsylvania omctal.
The following it the offlolal rote
oast for Governor and Prosldont at
the lato olootlona i
uovaimon. r nr.
; J f
AHeme - oai aiiii aiHUj
Allegheny IfttttO J577I DlleS JiHtd
Aruutrong... im 4IM ,p.s ,:n7
Roarer jssj nisi ms 14 1 7
Bedford IU77 1UT3 lllli Will
Krrk J Hil 1 7 tua luatll 7741
Hlair 1244 43(1.1 iH 4UI 4J34 T4I.1 i 7461
Hnokl 1(bi 7J7I- (414 6WIS
Butler... 3410 IHW6 S53I 40IJ
1'ainbrla.. , SilUj JNJ.1 1647 S.H4I
Cameron A.I I Hi S40 464
Carhon li.i.i 1441 1W40 1141
I'entre am aiua 2CU4 9111
Chollcr- e.,10 IIUNO SSUJ Villi
Clarion. aim 1727 1.SU4 7448
Clenrnuld 113 IVUi liUll II170
'lintun linn jolts 1768 Juos
Colombia.. S2o 21 III 8001 10UV
Crawford .. M;j 7131 ,847 0:i8
Omnbcrlnnd 4tl 1 4 170 J647 Jlf6
Dauphin.. eii 7440 8.t:n (I1154
DriewniT 23h 4.iu linn 42S1
K,k 1 1 WJ flit 74.1 7V
Krle 4271 74(17 STH7 7i2
Ki.TulIu 4i;;; jujt 100.4 aM
tomt (40 418 U4 180
Krnnklln 4181 4404 1148 4.IUI
Kullun... 1126 77 8118 7:17
Unx. 1)40 176 28111 1811
llmitingdua lift) 3L4 ISM low
Indiana IHfl 4472 1201) 4.1HJ
Jfflon 1247 1107 llif 1243
Juulnta 173 V 1.101 1211. 13414
Lanoantor 13774 7li 1428,4
Lanrriwo 17H4 3426 l: 1120
l.vl.unoo .,. 1824 4284 1078 4171
Ihigh (I8U5 4144 4fl2S 5841
Lutorno 11433 12841 IOII114 1 211(16
Lycoming 6040, 4MU SS37 4I2.T
M'Kran... 040 1024 018 1U40
Mireor. 4408 S47J 1411 S4I7
M'IHiu 1784 17N0 1127 J84
Monroe 230 S4S 1206 787
MunlKomer.v 8183 S444 (11,1 8080
Montour 102J U7K 1333 1.184
Norlliampton.. S1JI 480 0166 4.441
Nurlliumlerland..... 4 363! 4314 1368 4271
I'"'.' 161 4 42 1744 J:.63
Philadelphia......... 4k.1I 21)07 0(7112
I'ik" 1164 148 707 J3II
J'olix 1041 14B J,i4 14(3
Sc'uojikill 377i B1180 'J83 8067
Snyder 1371 Ivor (J6 180.1
8..incrot 18J J4J(i i.mj 3405
Hullivan 714 4.11 ATI 440
Sueqiuhanna. 4383 2J07 46.18
Tl;e 1378; 6604 1777 6730
t'n'",- - 1374, lOGt. e 101)7
Venango- 4416 6ir7 1 1B 4780
'"" 1333 1176 1Mh novo
Washington 4V92 4291 8221 61.14
Z" '"'' 3152 1183
Wcilmorcland 6475 6681 4710 6412
Wyoming 1791 &6 1 1399 1562
fork. 8388 mo 0763 6299
T0"1 517700,363387 2119(11 S490H
M'joritir I 14627 1187728
Tht.Ytxt Test.
We clip tho following excellent ar
tielo from tbo Philadelphia Prtts,
wiiiuii re m its 10 an xnportout subjoct,
in which ovory honest mun should
Uvko an interest. Head it:
VIkj world's historv is full r.f r
am pies of bravo men struggling to ro-
ijui uijuniice ana correct wrong, and
howevor defeat moy come to thorn,
thoir battles nevor coaso until thoir
onjccis uavo been nccomplished. A
reform onco begun nevor goes back
ward. It may bo impodod, doeatcd
temporarily, but this only tends to
purify those struggling from its suc
cess and intooify their viVor for its
final triumph. Thus with the men of
lennsyivnnm who havo started out
to remedy the evils of a foul nnlitionl
rule, and whoso firt battlo was fought
in Octobor last. Those heroes aro re.
solved nevor to closo thoir warf.irn
until thoy havo attained that lor
which they fight. The October clue.
tion in this SUlo was a vindication ul'l
all that was alleged against tho foul-'
because the developments already
mado in this city clearly show that
the bad mon then arraigned resorted
to far wTToa fraud than thoso of which
they woro charged to chcupo tho ron-
ally of their justly-deserved defeat.
Tho next great test will bo on "the
election of a Stato Troasuror by tbe
poppie, wucn we wnul to sec Goncrnl
Cameron nlivo nnd nblo onco more
to lead his satellites in a strtigglo for
power. Whon tho timo comes to
elect h Treasurer thoro will be "noth
ing behind it;" the contest will bo en
tirely on its own merits, and tho vir
tuos, integrity, nnd capacity of the
mon involved in it. Thoro will be no
national election to secure or moro
partisan discipline to maintain. As a
maltor of courso, tbo Treasury Hing
will havo its way, beenuso the dark
corners in tho vaults of that depart
ment cannot bo swept tip, thoir foul
ness purifiod, nnd their records ar
ranged to tho satisfaction of tho poo
plo in one your. Tho Hing must con
trol that cfilco or becomo bankrupt.
Ilonco we look to tho election of a
State Treasurer by the people with a
lively interest, and trust wo may live
to tako part in it. The Geld is now
an open cno 01, all theso great texts.
To-day tho woik of reform will com-
monoe in tho Constitutional Conven
tion, and in tho moat.timo let tho
press all over tho Stato continuo tho
bold denunciation of wrong in politics
wiiercovcrthey discover it. .Lei fraud
bo oxposed in all its shapes, and oren-
tunlly tho wrong-doors will bo brought
to justice.
Pardons Tbo Pittsburg rost of
tho 14th says: Yesterday morning a
mooting 01 tho Allegheny County
Prison Society was bold at tho Young
Mens Chritian AsMjcintton Itooms,
Sixth streot. Among tlio matters up
for consideration was the pardoning
power which has bocomoso subjoct to
nbtiso os to inviiko the indignation of
all t lasses, and parties. It was sug
gested ns a remedy that tho pardon
ing power bo tnlton out of tho hands
of tho (iovernor. As tho mnltor
stands at present nil that is required
to outitin a pnrflon lor tho vilost crim-
nul is a littlo lobbying which can bo
purchased at all times "at markot
rates." Anothor ovil sought to be
remcdiod is wliAt might bo upnrnnri-
atoly termed "(Jearyism" that ii ro-
11-iimng pnrHMiKurn kit political pur
poses on tho ovo of elections. Furth
er and fuller discussions on this sub
ject was dofered until tho noxt moot
Elkctors. Many pcoplo would pro-
fur voting directly for Prosidont and
Vico President, instead of voting for
electors by States. If this was tho
law, tho Philadelphia and Pittsburg
Roughs would count out vote enough
to overbalance the rest of tho Union.
Hence thoro would bo no use of hold
ing nn olection outsido of theso two
christiun citios.
Tho negroes claim to havo one of
their own color appointed to a placo in
tho Cabinet, and they name Langston
(or Attorney Oonerat. We do not see
how Grant can rofuso this modost ro
quost, inasmuch as ho would have no
party in thirteon Statos without tho
darkey, A nogro In the Cabinet, wo
ear, woiiiu necessuaie an annual ap
propriation -for disinfectants tp 60
used at Cabiaet.dinners
Takt a nack Sent
There is stir in the colored camp
which bids fair to become a brooie.
Mr. Lantrston a uromiuout oolorod
orator who savod tbo nogro vote to
urnnt, by donounoing humnor and
(J roe ley as traitors to the oauso, is pot
forward by Frod Douglas and others
for a plaoe in tho cabinet. If Grant
was loft to himsoll he might oonsider
his case, as bo always dovolopod a
strong liking (o maroon oolorod akin.
and kept upon bis stair In tlio army,
and carried Into tho Whlto House, ono
ol the noblo rod mon of tho lorost,
named Parkor, who unfortunately got
arunK mo night no was to nuvo been
marnoJ, and foil from grace. J.nngs
ton la about tho same color, but hi
hair has tho Ethiopian twist, and
wouldn't suit the ludies of tho cabinet
ministers. Thov mnst alwavs bo con
suited in these matters. Jlow they
would turn up thoir protty noses at
Mrs. uinnii tit a stato dinner, and
maintain a rospectlul distance at nn
evening reception. Oh I it would
nover do, and Mr. Grant will soon bo
1 von to understand that society for
ids such miscegenation. But let
Langston strike high, ho may lulto
Washburn's plnco 111 Franco, but ho
novor will havo an opportunity to put
his legs under pkociiuvo tnanognny
Wo may suite with trull), that with'
out the nogro voto Grant would havo
beon In tlio minority ol tlio uopulur
voto at least half a million, but thut is
a thing of the past. lttsburjh Pott
i'rtnUUnl for Thlrly-uix tlourt,
A correspondent of tho Kansas Cit
Times recently interviewed David I
Atchison, who, upon the death of Wm
Ii. King, a month after his innugura
tion as Vieo-President in 1S53, suo
coeded to the Yice-Prooidoncy, when
the lollowtng strange and iH-uelton
fact in American history was brought
to mind that Atchison was legally
President of tho Unitod Statos for
about thirty-six hours. Wo extract
as follows :
Reporter You woro President of
the United States for about thirty-six
hours, wcro you not ? '
General Yes j you see Mr. Pierco's
term expired at midnight Saturday,
and this being a Christian country, of
courso nouiiug was oim 041 ban day
Mr. ilueluinan was inaugurated at
noon on Monday. Therefore, as Presi
dent of tho Sonato, I succeeded to the
i'rctndency whon Mr. Pierce's torm
wna out, laughingly; but I bad no
realization or my high position until
about ten o'clock Sunday morning.
We bad been hard at work in the
Sonate finishing up business, and hav
ing lust much sleep I would probably
havo slept all day bad I not been
wakened np by some personal friends
who tamo to congratulate mo and
securo positions for certain parties.
In order to do everything in propor
Biyte, i appointed a lull cubinet, and
it is said tout my administration was
tlio most successful and popular ono
ever known, thcro not being a remov
al or appointment during my wbolo
Juwii Black. Budical authority
has it thut a Democrat mot Judire
Black a few days after tho defeat, and
asked "what bo thought of the elec
tion 1" Jerry answered with oetorv.
to the following effect: "Whon White-
field was in America bo bad a nogro
servant, whoso admiration for tho
great ovangelist was very great, lie
ictl linu pri UAV Dm vr ,-.-..
citomont whenever bo happened to
hoar tho moving tones. On ono oc
casion niiiicueiu was announced to
preach in a barn; and the negro, henr-
ug nun, iiuRiciicu tu viijiiy iiiu elo
quent exhortation. Passing over the
manuro pilo tho ravinhing sounds met
his ear, and he full down nnd rolled
over and over in an ccstacy of delight.
In a low moments a man coming from
tho barn asked CulTco 'what ho meant
by wallowing in the filth?' 'Oh.Mnssa,'
he answored, 'I nehcr can hoar Mnssa
Whitefield's voice bull must git right
down nnd shout wid glory.' 'Why,
you fool unswerod tho man, 'that was
not Whilefiold. Ho couldn't bo hero
and sent another man to preach.'
CulToe lookod at his soiled clothes
ruefully for a moment, nnd feelingly
broko forth, 'Then 1 havo all this dirt
tor nothing !' and that is what I
think of tho election," snid the Judge.
Maonaminitv. Forney, moro mng
naniiuousin tho hour of victory than
most of tho Granlitos thus speaks of
tloriico dreeley since tho election :
What thcro was of honesty of pur
pose and sincerity of motive in tho
Cincinnati movement, he represented
as much as ho did bis own ideas. Ho
entered into Its spirit nnd became its
leader, not because, like too many of
its ndhorcnts, ho desired an occasion
to revengo a porsonnl halo, but' bo
cuuso ho saw an opportunity to engraft
oortain reforms upon tho administra
tion of affairs.
With n hcaxt wider than mnst other
moil's, to has f.lwavs advocated re
conciliation. Tlio ono term principle
has beon tbe controlling political idea
of his lifo, and civit-servioe reform U10
host thought of his matured wisdom.
By his groat sorviocs to humanity bo
has won tho love nnd admiration of
this pcoplo, nnd tho memory of tho
f;ood that ho has dono will survivo
ong after tho halos nnd passions of
this campaign shall havo been forgot
ten. Ironical and Cai stic. Tho Cin
cinnati Commercial, a Republican jour
nal, is disposed to bo sarcasliu at the
good pooplo of Pennsylvania, who
certified that Haiti anfl was an hon
est man. Just listen to it: "Cam
eron is a practical old gentleman, and
greatly belovod on his notlvo soil.
His euro, when Secretary of War, to
givo his sons horso contracts is ap
proved by every fond nnd patriotic
parent in his proud and prosircroiis
Slate, llarlranft is a practical man
his violation of a technicality of tbo
law in tho effort to umoi a compe
tency for himself by circulating public
money was nn cntcrpiiso that touched
tho hearts of tho pcoplo of the politic
old Commonwealth. The proof that
ho violated his trust as npublic ofllcor
In behalf of his privalo fortune, gave
him popular sympathy and promotion.
It is fit that Harlriiiifl should be
Governor of Pennsylvania, and wo
uro suro tho gruciotis pooplo of that
goodly old Stale, wilt join us In toss
ing oil a cup of cold wator to tho health
nnd long life of Simon Cameron tho
moat gorgeous old rascal in practical
Thoro hnvo been elected to tho
South Carolina Senate eight Demo
crats and twenty-one Radicals, a Dom
ocralio gain of throo. The Democrats
havo also gninod in tho Low or House.
When tho Domocrnts can gain in such
a Stato as South Carolina, they need
not despair In prbpr parts of tho Unitod
States. -
Dtiptralt attempt.
George Grant, a nogro, who mur
dored his aunt and was convicted
thereof, made a bold attempt to escape
from the wosi unosior l'nson a lew
davs before bis cxociitlon. About
o'clock, as suppar was bolng sent to
the prisoners, the kooper, Mr. B. F.
Uoinos, entorod Grant's coll, bolieving
he imcllod something burning, when
the wrotch assullod him, striking him
on the bead with a lung-shot, mado
of a stone weighing one ami a hulf
pounds, in a stocking, knocking him
prostrate and senseless, cutting a fear
ful gash in his' heud, following tbo
blow with anothor of loss sovority,
when ho mado his escapo from bis coll
over tho prontralo, blooding body of
. I. I. - !..... I. - . " ' .
vita Keeper, nitu mo t uorriuor, aU
rusnod lor tuo outer gnio, whon no
encountorod one of the guard who bad
no tiro arms, but a billy ot suitable di
munsions for such occasions, which he
used frooloy on him until tho arrival
of tho underkoopor, who emptied tl
contents of four barrels of bis rovblvor
at him, whon Grant rolroatod to his
coll. Two of the inspectors wcro soon
in attendance, also llov. Mr Eyana,
ins spiritual advisor, who. through th
gato, used all thoir pursuasivo powers
to caim uiiu, uut wiuioat avail. Tho
ou'.or door of his eoli was thou olused
for tho night. The wounds of lb
keeper are serious, but, it is honed
not Intnl. Tho boat modical aid was
Immediately at Ins sido, and cxpressod
a uopo 01 uih recovery, inooxciio-
mont, on tho spreading of tho bows
was very intense. Mr. Haines Is ono
of our most estimable oitiaens, and lb
prison was surrounded by hundreds
of sympathising friends moro thn
could gain admission to tho outer hall
Ibis morning bhcrilT Gill had Gran
handcuffed. Grant is still vory sav
age and swoars ho will sell bis Ufo
dearly. It apnoars that bo hud nad
dod bimsolf with his blaukot, andthc
balls from tbe pistol did not penetrate
ins uooy. names, the kooper, is n a
critical condition, and fears aro ontor-
tainod for Ins life.
Tho culprit bat since boon hnnrod
..,.1 j 1,. L ,..,.. ; - r T .
uiiu nviui ia (uvuvuilllg irtllll Ul
Orunt'M frnom.
Tho Pittsburgh Post of the 7th savs
Tho President has dono a good many
silly things in his day, but tho most
supromolv childish of all his doings is
published in yesterday s Uazette,
it appears laat a "Itoady-mado
clothier in this city tuloeruphed to
Li rani, onuring mm a present ot a now
suit ot clothos. That Grant should
decline the offer will be surprising to
all who are aware of bis vast receptive
qualities; but that "The President Of
the United Slates' should renuost
ti . . . ,
noraco roricr, 111s privalo secretary
w loiegrapn to tno onibusiastic lailo
thut ' ho will havo, and very reluo
inntiy too, to ooenno your concrous
offer of ono of your best suits, to bo
worn at bis inaugural noxt March;
not but that ho believes they ore the
oest cioinoe maue, out were ho to no
copt senators Humnor, Ncbure. Trum
bull and others vorv ionlous
and would, no doubt, domand suits for
tlietnfwrlves, and if refused would ask
fornn Investigating Committco. thore.
by costing the Government thousands
of dollurs with usual results," is almost
too rod iou Ions for belief.
Grant's venom thus spat unon tho
throo distinguished Seuatnrs, will do
brity. The election news mnst have
addled what little brains tho man baa.
A Philadelphia correspondent of tbe
rulsbarg Leader undcrlnkos to toll
why so very few of the femalo we
beg pardon, lady lecturers are mar
ried. J tear tlio ungallant lollow
"It socma slrango to us that somo
ardent youth, or to speak in tho
plural, somo ardent youths, with hiirli
daring written on their foreheads, do
not rush from the lower intellectual
ranks of tho common run of girls, nnd,
ascending the giddy height of genius,
Homo ono ol those 'talented angels and
beat her olf to tho flowery groves tf
matrimony, vt hy is it they tarry so
ong In tlx) htnglo-heeled path of mind
enhood T Who would not like to hare
walking edition of Webster's l'n-
abridged,,or Applaton's Kncyelopo:bi,
n cull, around the house r Imagine,
f yon can, the bliss of being 'jsw.iti'
by a fomalo who ran handle all lie
difficult parts of speech with the s o
ease that Mace manipulates tbo In
dian clubs. An ordinary worm
wuiioui. any gut, can just maKO Vir
hair stand on end whon she g
steam up; end what could An
Dickinson or Cady Stanton do if th
ul thoir best foot foremost?
rop a curtain over tho sickonioir
Fatal Accident. Another fail
shooting accident through cnrelei
noss. On Thursday morning last Cn.
A. J. Fulton, of Slownrtilown, Y01
county, nccompaniod two other girl
tlomcn on a gunning cxpiditlon. tji
tho afternoon the throo mot in a
grove, and Col. Fulton, having shotp
bird In their absonco, stepped on t
log nnd pointed to tho game, at lie
samo timo resting tbo butt end uf Ik
11 u on the piooo ol timber on whi b
0 was standing. While occupviil
this position, his fowling pieco sniff
dunly slipped from thn lun, th ham
mer sinking tho wood, and tho barrel
discharged its contents into his body,
killing him Instantly. Col. Fulton com
manded the 100th Pennsylvania regi
ment during tho wor and subsequent-
acted ns United Mates assessor of
tho York, Ctimberlar-d and Perry dis
trict. Ho was aged about forty-five
years and leaves a wife and throo
Govr.NMKNT RoTAi.Tr. Wo are In
formed, snys tho World, for tho first
lime in tbe history of the country the
Unitod htalos wore assessed to carry
Pennsylvania, nnd that now that Uioir
sonlributions bare assisted in winning
a victory thero, n prompoiisly-woi'ded
circular has beon dispatched by Secre
tary Robeson, as the "noxt," friend wo
presumo.of tho Stat 0 department, to our
irelgn reproscntalives congratulating
thoin on tho success of tho candidates
favorod by the government," it seem-
ng to bo the idoa that this circular is
lo bo prosontod, perhars unofficially,
at foreign courts.
A True Test. Simon Cameron
mado a speech In Jlarrishurg just bo-
fore tho Presidential election, in which
ho urgod the Republicans to cast as
large a vote for Grant as thoy did for
Ilurtranft, declaring that any loss
winch might occur in tho voto would
bo attributed to fraud practiced at the
State election. Tho Radical loss In
Dauphin county oxocoded 600, and wo
prosumo it is fair, on Cameron's own
theory, to claim that frauds to that
extent wcro practiced at tbo Stato
Huntingdon Is to have a steam fire
onglno, with 2,000 foot of hose. It
will oost 97,000.
At tbe samo timo thai Horaoo Graa
lov returns to the editorship of the
Tribune, Manlon Marblo, with restored
hoalth, goos back to tbe World.
Tbe New York 3Vi'6un lakos the
dofoat like a philosopher and Journal
ist, and thinks "tlio Liboral triumph
is postponed." In our eyes it looks
vory much this wsy.
Noxt to spirits and murdorors Chi
cago is troubled by tho problem of
what shall be dono with her dorricks
whon tho city Is onliroly robuilt.
Half a million of Domoorats failed
to voto for Prosidont, and still Horace
Groeloy has a majority of tho white
voters 01 the country.
Susan D. Anthony has at last an
immodiuto prospect oP'ronohlng man 1
estate.", A Ktidical reformer in tin
West has promised to give bcr bis
wnoio properly.
A despatch from Fort Gurry to tho
icronto uiotie gives a report that th
Boundary Line Commission havo
found a Canadian custom houso on
Pembina to be on tho American sido
of the lino, which is said to bo run
between tho custom-bouso and the
Hudson Bay Company's post.
ino i rest snys: "11 thoro Is any
tiling 01 which Uonoral Grant lias
horror it is cheating in elections." If
wo wore to admit this for tbo sake of
bis argument, wo should be obliged to
say Vliut sonioof his bosom companions
have not tho samo "horror" of this
puslimo. "Pis a pity tho master can
not rotorm his followers.
Tbo Moxican Congressmen, in imi
union ot ours, havo takon to rocoivin
railroad stock and olhor gifts. Thoso
Mexicans are not so stupid, after all
Reports from Washington say, in the
arrangement of the Senate commit
tee, at the Opening of the noxt session
of Congress, Senators Trumbull, Tip
ton, Scbori, Rico and Ponton are to
be classed with tho Democrats and
deprived of their chairmanships.
lorkes "came out" (of tbo neniton
tiary) for Uartranft, and lie wont it
strong for Grant. Let it nover be
said that some men bavo no gratitude
The State Journal says a gonlloman
from Siddonstown, York coanty, whom
wo root on tbo streets, yesterday, in
formed us that he shot since the first
Of A U trust to tho nrnsnnt tiina. 875.
squirrels most of them groy squirrels
averaging over ISO per month.
A peddler has been arrosted in New
lorn lor stealing a ballet eirl's ward
robe. Tho Boston Post suggosts that
tins is tno smallest then on record.
"Uartranft ran ahead of his ticket
at home," says the Grant organs. Of
course he did. Sodidllnrrv Allen
So did Sam Josephs. 80 used to Boss
Tweed. 80 probably would Yerkes.
This has boon a irood rear for all that
cisss 01 iciiows. seoondrols ran ex
ceedingly well this year of our Lord.
Miss Ida Grcoloy, daughter of Hor
ace Greeley, is doubly afflicted. Wbile
watching over tho corpse of ber be
loved mother, tho sad news camo to
bor of tho loss of bor betrolhod hus
band, Purser Hompstead, of tbe steam
ship Missouri.
The business of a reporter ofton
brings him into odd places. In a re
port of a New Orioans wedding, we
wad that the onae wor silk etnbrokl
d eiocmiiirs.
i'l.inbwrg w 0? -o piuue ror rtt-
uuiistio WoddinL'S. A turn strunrr
, 1- .... n . o
i-uiiiiio niTii uy visucq ail 1110 J'HUSCO-
pm viiurcnr m toe city lor the pur
pose of gelling married with all the
modern embellishments, and finally
unci 10 lane it plain.
IIHTRAY-Cane twpnilr, on Iheprenlree
J of tbe eabeerlDer, a Ke4 arlfer self. Taa
oaner II rrqueitrd t eoue forward, prove pmp-
'v. Ym7 n-. nn 1. awaj, etnerwiae 11
win ne uiapoe-a 01 aeo"rilinj to law.
nivju .1t.p1. JACOUDUTIIA
I MI'M AVr-Came treHauin( ou the prrailne
J of tbo inhacriUr in I)r.j townthip, on the
Jih of Srntr-mhor In it, rej II ILL, ahou! three
Tearl olii. 1 lie owner ll rrqnelleU to eoine for
ward, prove property, pay chareee. and take him
awa, or be will be dlipoeed of al the law direatl.
ISTIX X. Wrayod from the premlaei of the
J gharri ber, en Nee. M, en larre reel Cow
w.a a bell oa, with white enot oa forehead and a
few white epoti oa ber body) one black and
white ipotted Cow, with bell on 1 ane red Heifer,
two yean eld 1 one red and white ipetted Heifer,
two yoare eld. Any iiereoa harltx the anwre de-
erilwd eaitle oa their preniin or haow therr
whr-realsiuta, will pleeae notify the nndertl(ned
at Walliae(ent who will pay a reeaenable reward.
oowu iipu. r JACOll lllTBA.
. n 1 1 mmii are nereny warnea
VV agwlaet trading for or dlenoanting a oeneia
s-w a UTin ir a ii . , . .
promieeory Bote given hy me, payable to Joha
naenuurn, dated about ine I4ik day or uetooer,
1872. ealHng fur one hundred and fifty duller
payawm nine montlia after dale, ae I am deter
miaed aot to pay the eaid noto unleei eompelled
by law, al 1 have received a.i value therefor.
t'Uhvllle, Nov. 10-l.pd.
li hereby given that letter! of admtnill ration
ou the eetata of HANI KL CAtiEY, deoeaned, late
Penn townehta. Clearnold oiiunly. Pcnn a.,
avlng been duly granted In the nnderilgned, all
pemiiti iudebted to aaid oatate will pleaee make
Irnmediete payment, and tboee having claitni or
demaaue will ppaeent them properly authenticated
for lettlcueat without delay.
novJO.dt.o Admlniatratuf
I.tXi-X'llTOIi'H NO rit'l-- Notice Ii here
j be 'aivrn that IcUen teilatnentar havtaa
been granled In the eaneeriner ou tno onnie ci
liAVIt) MII.LK1I, decoaacd, l.ito of Iwrenee
Uiwaehlp, CleerDrld county, Penaiylvania, all
pcraini indebted to laid eitata are raqaeeted to
mea immediate pavmeni. ana move naving
elalu agaimt theaame will present them duly
aaliiilietcd for Mttlement.
KeSeeeher !, ISTt-Stipd. Kieeutnr.
Manofnoturttr of
k guaranloed In glre aalltfaetlon. Prieea
liable, (live ma a oall. Shop In (Irahami
Market Ureal. nnvlll.ft.
A meeting of the itockholderl of the Ihw.
ftdge Co. waa held at the office of W. I), llig-
q, oa Thureiley evenltig, rJovcnili
ier 14ih.
g omcerl were elected for the year
PreeliknL W. II, BlUl.KUl Treanurcr, 0,
11. H Kt.f. : nireclon, J. II. WALTERS,
A llatemcnt woe fornifhrd by the Treaeurer of
the llrldgn Co, ihowing 111 present Snandal eon
diti t, and the following reeolutioni were ananl
mondy adopted :
naoleea, That Ihe Treasurer ha aulhnrlaed te
tah luoh moaenrea aa he may deem neeeeeary to
aolHt all unpaid halaneee dua from lubanribera
to die original llnek nf laid oompany, aad that
ao Mch lubecrihar lhall have the right to nee the
d-l,le free of toll unlil he lhall bare fully paid
ala lbiertplien.
lifolnd, That after January I't, 173, no oer
tiiolee he leeued for the hauling ef atone, wood,
eoal, or lumber, or any other heavy hauling, or
the running of malt wagoni, omnibueel, or hackl.
A II raeh nee of tbe brldg to bo paid for at the
gate of Ihe bridge, hy the trip.
IVrMrred, That all perenni deilrtng eertlScalee
of loll mut aieki their applicolia 10 lie Treaa
arer ea or befare Ihe let til January In each year. (
Oiherwiea they will be charged full ratee at the
gate, aad ao deduotiom made hy veaena of loeb
payment!, If Ihey ihould lift their eertlfloatee
A acw form of eerllSeata wai adopted.
ov)0 J. B. WALTBlts, Secretary. I
8w QfotttlttMuti.
CAUTIOHKotloe Ii htrehv flren thai my
wife, KLI2A1IKTM, haa left sir bed and
hoard without an; Jut oauee at prwooaUea.
Thli Ii la eantlon all perermi from barborinf or
trailing er oa mj aeeoant, ti I aai determined:
Ui pay no bllli of hair eeulraotlng aaleei eeniniUed
by law. JyuK KlCIIAaUH.
loriO llp.l.
DIUMOLUTIOR Rotlae Is hereby (Iran
thai the partnerehlp lately enbilillie ha
Iweea 1. K. i'.ead and L. J. Uorj-aa, of WaTlaee
ton, under the aane and Srin of "J. R. Head A
Co," wal dieaulved la Jaauary, 1ST I, by ejutoal
eonaent, Tbe booki of the late Ann have been
planed la the hanili of Henry A. Hhlwiel, ttq
who ia vuiy antnoriteu to erltle all deble due
and by the oompany.
J. K. RF.AD.
Wallaoelon, Pa, Nor. If, 1871-Jt.
X United nlatea, for the Weitera Dlitrtol of
f.oniylvaaia. . u. Mecaiiy, a bankrupt under
ine act 01 uonKroea 01 eaarun 111. IS07, harlni
applied for a dl.charee from all hie dehte. and
other elalul provable under laid aot, by order of
ine voun, notiee 11 aereiiy given, to all perioni
who have proved their debte, and other perioni
uinrviw-u, w pwur we ine vin lay 01 lieremlier,
171, at i o'clock, l. SI., befure S. E. Wood roll,
Kiq, Hegletor, at hti oniee In Krle, Pi., to ihow
eauw, If any Ihty have, why a dlachargo ihould
not he granted tolheiald bankrupt. And further,
notice Ii hereby given, that the leennd and third
ueetlnri of eredllorl of the laid hankrunl. re.
qulrod by the i7lh enil isth leetiona of eaid aot,
will be held before the laid Het;litrr, at tho laae
lime and plaee. 8. C. MeCANULKSH,
Bovlo-st. Clerk.
111 uanoaeter neraiy inlrill-rnoer la oniur
naiMd ae a family Joaraal. Kuual in liae to any
paper puouenru in t'enniylvanla, earn Ireue eon
taim a varied etora of Llleraiy. I'oliiical and
Scli-ntifle mailer, together with all the newi of
the week. Ite agricultural department alone
worth more thnn the price of the papor. It
tbe oldeat Ormorrntle Journal in Pernaylvania,
having been rilablxhed in 1 7 1 I, and all political
queitioni are freely and fairly dieeuievd la III
oolaiuni. lie large elreulailou makea It a very
ratuaMe ailrc-rtiring medium.
Iriiva. Slngli ooplet, $3 a year. To elul.i af
tea or more, H.eO a year. Xpermra eoiu'ee Ave.
Tbe Dn.r ITkl.Llrai ia ii publleaed every
aay, pumlMye eae.-pteil. friee j a year. It
one of tbe beat advrrtirlng medium!. Addreii
II. II. HM1TII A CO, Laneaiter. Ia.
J November Term, A. U. IS7,(ld Muaday.)
euiau WKtR.
W. 8. DiekerBiearla
Kd. Conprr.....Clearlel
J. Cooper
8. Byere. ,
Wm. Lord
II. W. Park
It. Hreae fraeete
J. I. W'illiame..Fergueoo
Ueo. C'auflmaa......Dell
J. I.. nara.....irb
A. 11. Croai B'rg
I). W. Maiai..lHradrord
1. Woolridgr... "
A. Orarhart.... "
T. H. Foratm....
W. II. HoyU...Haeton
ti. Cooowey.
B. Oweni. Lawrenee
I. W. Laakhart...Urady
Jul. Waleon...
r. Soliitav
A. Moyer, ir Morril
1. C. Barrett
J. II' era
J. M. Dillon
4. SevMervillenurniidi
J. II. Oortnont..Covingit A. Koeee
1). K. Ful.-rtua-Clear'ld;P. D.ilrr
H. K. sh.w - iThunai Wall..
Jno. Oullrh iJno. Ilunlap..
J. L. Ievy. - I f. Uraekhank.,
... I'nlon
in. an rr.
Coooiel ............ vi F.u4.
lalt.. ....... VI Shew.
!........ ee Poller.
K aarelt VI Heud.
I'uey vi llnd.
Mork vi Mr.Uullea.
MoCerdv .. e Ullllgaa.
FlinnM..M h VI Ai.nlc.
Gee .. re VtaAert.
Nea..M.M..MWWM- vi ttrenarmaa.
!lirbw va tlerd.
Leler ee llererty.
Tarnpikc Co....-.. at Bueaae,
Pavli....H....anMWW ei Long,
HulloabaaU vi Hn-nacr.
Alhcnltlter- ta SreiUt.
i'onowey et al ve Oalee.
t oriww. ., .. ,. ,w VI Uraaam.
Afhr4.lclter..w... va Corlry.
Begw,,..HH..M... vi Albert Broe.
Throat mid IriiiiKs.
ll U frtllfyinc t to inform Iho pablia that
Dr. L. Q. C. Wlibarfi Pino Tree Tar Cordial, for
Throat aad Lang Dleeaeee, baa gained as enria
hle reputation from Ibe Atlantla lo the Pacific
cowl, and from ihcnre to eorae of the frit rami
liei of Europe, not through tbe aren alone, hut
hy pereoai Ihrougboat the Sulci aetaully bene-
ttod aad eurod al hli offioa. While he publtibci
ku, to lay our reporter!, ho li unable la lupply
the demand. It gaini and hold, lu reputation
FiriL Not by Hopping eough, bat by looiea-
Ing and milling nature la throw eg tbe 00
hoalthy matUir collected a beat taw throat aad
bronchial tubee, mkick ewaaee m'4aetea.
BeeoaiL It remove the eaeie at I rr! I alien
which produooa eough) ef the aeoaaaaombeaae
and broach ial tabee, aaaiui the rung! to act and
throw af the uhoalthv inrilliua. aad ri
the blood.
Third. Il la free from equllli, lobelia, ipeoaa
and opium, of which ot throat and lung raaao
diea aro eompoeed, which allay oough only, and
diaorgasiie the itumach. It kai a aootbing affoot
on tho etomaoh, acli on tho llrer aad hidaeya,
aad lymphalle and nervoui regiuni, thai reaching
to every part of Ihe ayitem, and in iti Invigor
ating and purifying effeote It haa gained a repu
tation which It muit hold above all otheri Is the
Being ander my Immediate direction, they lhall
not loee Iheir oarativa aualitlri hy tho uie of
cheap and impure arlleloa.
Dr. L. Q- 0. Wlnhart'i OHIco Parloro aro opea
nn Mundaya, Tneidayi and Wedneidayi from
A. M. to t P. M., for ooniullatloa hy Dr. Wm. T.
Mngce. With him are aaeoclated two oomulliug
phyiieiani of acknowledged ability, Thia oppor
tunity li not offered by any other Inititntion ia
tho oity.
All latter mut bo addroeeed to
L. Q- C. WISHART, M. D .,
Nt. 831 NORTH BF. O&P STUGfiT,
Seeoad llreet, seit door to Pint National Dank,
aovt'U ClearSeld, Pa.
Jrutja ana lrUrhua.
To their new building on ftecond Street, nearly
oppeine ino luire 01 vr eaver at jsetll,
Wbora thsjy will contiDue to tujiplv their old and
mm muj hw cu turners UKJ OVUlC. II tit.
(laoluding all new romediee,)
Patent Medlelnoa, Pelnti aad Oils Ohn aad
rally, bchool Booka, Stationery, rapef,
Ae.; alao, a full line of lrug
glita' Rundrtee, Hair
Coimetlei, Perfamerial, Toilet Article!, Brothel,
Toilet Soape, Pocket Buoka, Ao, all of
the belt quality.
for ncdieal tl awcrtvmental pmrpnmM om)jt
Pun Whit Uftd, Grtort of all kinds Rw od
rolled Lrntwil Oil. VaroiihtM, Tarpoa
tin, CtfU Oil. Painl A Varniih
Crutbr, Flaroriaf
CoiifeotfanerUi, Bird fiord, (rnanti and
an groan a, oi all kinds.
WHI tad oar itoek of Chewing
and Smoking Tobacco, Imported and lie-
meet ie Clgan, Sunt and Fine-cut to bo of the
very boat aranda la the market,
. 1
All kind! of OLAR8 WARE.
aad Muiieal Trimming! of ovory variety,
Hiving a long eiperienee In Iho huiineea, and
an eitenaive and well aeleeted atoek of medicinca.
we are enabled 10 III rheilelaai' nreaerictioai at
the ehortoet aotiee aad oa the moil reaaonable
terme, diy and ntLL. . .... - .
CJoeraeid, Pa, Maj 11, ISIl-tf.
P. T. I.
"For thy Stomach's Sake and thine
other Lifirmitiea.'' St. Paul.
Aaafe, para, fdeaMnl and Boaltb-givlngToaio
etrtctly vgf table, and aaanufaetared from
the molt pure and ehoito material! il aot a fptrit
drink nor nbitltuto for whliky, hut s leientino
oompoand, for the proteetion of tho lyilem and
the euro of dlaeaie, mado from ehemieally pare
apirtti, entirely free from fuel! ail or other irrita
ting pmpertlea, aad will not dieagree or offend Ibe
moil delicate ilomach. A long privalo oipvri-
Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies.
No Bitten al prevent offered to the public
contain! ao much medicinal virtue, and yet ao rafe
and pleannt to take. Iti nee ll to cure dieeaae,
and It will wet create aa appetite for epirilnoui
liquor, but will eun tho effect! of dinlpalioa.
To Inereaao Iho Appetite,
Te promote Digeitton,
To ouro Pyipepila,
To care Fever and Ague,
To lure nilliournem,
To cure Conitipatien, .
To cere Chronic Dlarrbrra,
To euro Hcart-bom,
To euro Flntntebea,
Ta cure Aeid Bractatlooja,
To euro Nervoui Debility,
To ouro ilyduchondrla,
t'SE IT.
t'PE IT.
t'SE IT.
1'SB IT.
tiSB IT.
use rr.
l!SB IT.
To euro Sallowneu of Complexion, V8B IT.
To euro Pimplei and Dlotchea, VSE IT.
For flenoral ProiLration of tho
Phyiloal poweri, VJSE IT,
and it will euro you.
Sold every where, al fl.ol per boMlo, Manu
factured eieluiivrly by
I. 3 II A W,
Who olTcri liberal induoeracnta to the trade.
Oct. r, is(i:tr.
WHOI.F.Al.E ;HO( l.ltH.
No. 130 North. Third Plroot, aomer ef Chrrry.
Philadolpbiav. ;
Have in itora nnd oHVr fur lala at th lowaat
narbet pHrva. nnd on tbo moat minonatilo tvrma,
a larfra and wall aelaotad a tuck of Uiwwriaa. Toaa.
Bpltwa, Fiah. Chcraa, Ae.t aolaotail In thia. Naw
York nnd Haltimora narkMa, ta which nttrntlon
of aodntrjr donlsra ia particularly rvKjuettrd.
The llnuee and lit on Ihe miraerof Mar
ket aad Fifth itreela, ClearAelri, Pa., Ii for aale.
The lot eoalaini nearly an acre of gronad. The
hooee Ii a large double frame, containing nine
room a. For terme and other Information aunly
to the lubierlber, al Ihe Poat Ottloo,
aovIX I'. A. UAUL1H.
Jail rtoeleed and for aalo hy
April oa, JTh BIOLE 00.
I ll (ale jj tale omeo.
gial d 9tM( tix Jali.
The underin ii ul IItr. LU Houhmh 1
for rale, limited on alrw I, l,un J '
and 1 lit I, ,..., I la,- 4'OTvugh of
The l.U'lliug Ii a Iwo eUry-L-pl,,, ,
home, well bl.i.ho.1, loft llV h tlc l
milhuildinn, and tho li t i in a eoJ ,i,u.'"'
tlvilion. Por term and e'dition.
drirrM , IIIKMY KIB!.W;i
-'"" - . Cl.ara.-M, ffc
Tbe un-leieigiied .tion at prime u- tu Li
lowing real re ami "''
A l.olr CrouHd. .Iiuitr la ihe .iii.j
Newburg, fheit town.hlp, enalilaing uu .i
hair acni, and having a Urge two .to,, 11' '
and good Italilo ere.te.1 thereon. Thil
ia .unable b,r a Hotel or Dwelling. T
- A MO, A Farm, of 40 rM, ovli.itnln. .l,
town of Newharg, having o, ii .c,...u1,J;
aul under culiivotiun, with a good log hem!
burn and bearing orchard of choice fruit thereaT
A rein of excellent ami uudorlien the UaetT
AIJ?0, KM) Acre, of Land, on Wil
in Cheat towmhip, wilfain two and a hall a,j!j
t'he.t Creak, ll il well ttli.bereil with pB, rJJ
and ll wlock, and underlaid with eoal. '
Partiea wi.hing any further Information v I
oall on Mn. Margaret Aran, at N'euburr
Mit ClearSeld, fv
"Lay down tho Shovel ant) the Hoo?
Thli inpe'iilon- nirwkiii-, fw whiffa a putt-m W
junt bwn itrutd, it i Mti4;n4lj Hkted mn,
ncride all olbcrt im u-f or (jfvrat, l ibr fculU
U ttJ tOOatfaKloMl Ml tht II 14,,,, ,
Rfiw at a tnuf at rqual diilaartamt. both ta
dropiilD)- foir, fire ar ilx graiia i aaelt fain,'tt
the murhtr mf determine bafara aoianfq.
eoviitag ika aura wlit'i droftpMl. aamtbiar dcti
ita ymn fwrra aad laaviBR lb f-roaaii ttu
It ia . ituvlf caaiplata ttifworltima .,M
reairiif mo birad uitatajica aod duing tit w
hattrr aod wilb jraater irularitj aad prMin
tliiwi M eumld poaaibl b duac bjr basif i bit
tlinB uHt-taittU tb UImmt.
AnykuU van Uritrwiih thn rrt.'tf
gu iai a (tttd (irrrrl Air turn tbmm.Any
ainl eev lea tu fittern art diUJjr. it aaywit;
Mas liarirl obi hj .JWferra a Irrna cib h
$VmiAy (lnvin. It b i coaatrnatrd tbai wr
it j-lnat.aK ur ii turhiag at tliarad af tbe far.
m, ly a tdirra tvcMi ti ia rait d f tbe fonir;
thrvwa tmi uf Haraad Murra Wsba.rd ur Im
ward, w fur; yoa wajr want tl. wilkaut drajin
tbe eirt ur tuticliiajf tht ravrtb.
rrrti(hil.j It ijaoira mtn. bx-ii and pluwiii
eta I'ltuitifig. aaU u.aba tbut wbiuh btui bfttt.
for Kt ia banl labur a Mr bartimo fur a traj,
about braithjr csrce (of a laiy Ban.
IoffvttoR of tbw PlaDtrr euMtrucfnl hj tb)
pat ratf avrdialy toliciteU, a&d Omuuity, State ur
individual rigbU for tala.nt low ratei, to extta
ita ftttrudutMifiD.
Addr-M KKl'llIiS nACKMAlV.PaleBtM,
aojS-Sm Clearfield, Pa.
Suooeeeor to
llet AHCII bT.
Middle of the block, he
Tin A 8th South tik,
mroBTKB ao VAacrit-.
ti bib ae
ro taniEi' a cuiiraare
V'hulctale and Ketail.-,
Having iu;,orlul a very large and ralcailiil u
oitnx utid ail the dilterenl ktndi et e lhsftta.
Drat l.andi In Karupe, would roepeetfully iivK
tbe rraderi of thn paper to oall aad exiiaine Ik.
anortiaeat of fancy Pure. I am determined .
eel at tbe loweet oaah priooa. A hi Pun wamvl.
ed. Ko mierepreeeautioao to effeoi ealei.
r-Hemcmber Ihe etore, T18 Arch St. 1'hilaJV.
ttcioiier So, ts;j.-Jm
The hlendv eonteet between Prance and Pranii .
il at an end for Ihe nreeeut. 00 far aa the ilaerk.
tering of men and the deitruetioa of nmnertv il
eoneerned. Tho HoyalJugglen ao duubt prior
themaeiree and rejoioa over the reiult, hut hoe
iniignilleaut il their work when oompared with
the humane and ohriitian efforu of
who haa nnderUkcn to inppljr all tbe eitiarm is
the lowrr and of tbr envnty with food and raiment
at xoeHintj low rat eg from hii tuamaoLb itort ia
Ml'LKONHUHO. whrp h can nlwayt be foind
rradj to wait upon ail era and fuj'plj then wits
Dry Goods of nil Kinds,
Such ai flolhi, Satinetti, Canimeree, lla.liu,
Velainei, Linen, I'rillingi, Calieoea,
Trimminga, Ribbona, Laee,
Ready-made Clothing, Boot! and Fhoea. Oati .nJ
Capi all of the beet material and made to order.
Uom, Socki, Otovei, Mitleaa, Laoet,,
Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rico, Molaaeee, Fur,, i!t,
fore, bineeed un, riih Uil, Carbon Oil.
Banlware, Queeniware, Tinware, Calling.. Plori
and Plow Calling!, Nail., Spikei, Corn Culiiva
tore, Cider Preaeee, and all kladi of Aaea.
Perfumery, Palnti, Varui.h, Olan, and a gmeral
aa.ortta.nt 01 Matioaery, -
LIQUORS, inch at Rrandy, Wine. Uin. Whiiky,
Jaync 1 tellctnei, lloitetter I and
llooflind'l Bittera.
14)01 noundi of Wool wanted for which the
bigheit price will Be paia. LloreTeeeu oa aaea
and for late at the loweit market price.
Alio, Agent for Rtrattonville aad Carweairillc
Throihing Maohinea.
t-BL.Call and one for yoereelree. Toa will dud
everything aiually kept In a retail lloro.
Frencbville P0.ltL lll
Mrs. S. S. LlDDKLL,
Having engaged In the Marblo burineea, litlrr
to inform her friend! and the publlo that the in
aow and will keep constantly on hand a '.argt
well irteclol ilook of ITALIAN t(T) VEBMOSI
MAR11I.E, and la jircpar, , (,,,,1 t0 .Her
Curho at INntl for Oemetery Ijota, vVinde
Sitli and Capi, aim,
TOPS, Ae, Ao.
.Varl ok Reed llreel, soar tho R, R
ClrarOeld, . JfVL.
At tho New Tohaoeo nod Cigar Store ef
H. If. SH.f H
Between Shaw lloaaol Mamioa Ilouir.Cleartrl!
Conitantly oa hand a Una aiiorlmrat of "")
Congreei, Cavondiih, Cable, Spunrelt,
Michigan and Cenlury Fine-eat
Chewing Tobacco, Ao.
Alto, a huge aad well .elected Hock of Import
aad nomeilir Clgare, Smoking Tohaceoe,
Meereehaum and Briar Pipe.
Pipe Ixluree, Tohaoeo
Boiei, Cigar HoMora, and everything
round in a well regulaled Cigar and
Tobaeeo Store. '
ja-tr-Remember Ihe plieoi Markel tn
I ween Shaw llouie and Manalou Houm,
neld. Pa. FjLi" -
1 18(17 and IK foe aale l the Vnl
pre. IS 00 atl. Mailed J (,1) addroei,
a. "7 .