Ik ft THERfiPUBLICANJ ;., V CLfiAnFIELD, PA, K WIDaEBDAT iMOIIIIIWU. NOV. U. H.1 I L.I L WIqm Tnro is it to laugh tfow?i For noma year pat, Mi Anna Dickirmon hat boon lh particular favorite of Radical lectnr K'ert. Hor appoBmnco was lway the ignl for crowded house, and the wn bailod by ardent Radical a tn modern , "Joan of Arc" Her spiteful dentin fiiitiona of Demooralio leaders and Bownpapors were just In the rein to . .' ' . .. TJ .1 1 t , not a anil ' aatisty me avemgw iwuilhi wherever she went ovations erected . L Who that has attended her loo- tares doss not remember the delight with which onr Radicals dwolt upon her talents and virtues? Well, the 4itia Anna" has changed. From being of Radicals most Radical, she i has become a warm ana uniernucu 1 itvui-nl Kha has tn.de a speech in Now York last week, In which she ' .nt f..r "iliat man Grant" with all I th. hiitarneaa of hor nature She said something, too, of Pennsylvania nolitios. whiuh is worth copying, uoonaiderins the source." And this is what it was : .... - 'I noma fron. Pennsvlvania. ' I am sorry to aay it lust now. Applause I nnmi from Pennsylvania. It has elocted a Governor by 85.000 mj -nty. Who and what in this Governor T; A man who, as Auditor Goncral of tho ' State, connived at, if not actively en gaged in, the robbing of the Slate Treasury, and the uao of tho bonds of ' tho sinking fund for the purposes of rambling. Who and what is lbin 1 Governor and how is be eleoted f Hand-in-glove, arm-in-arm with men serving out tboir time in our Slate Prison. Who and what is this Gov ernor over whom tho AdminiHtrntion journals are rejoicing with his 85,000 f Out of a cell ot the Slate Penitentiary at Cherry Hill, frush-clad in Mie trin ot a convict, comes his old friund and companion to sny, "I en dorse this man," and before the word are cold on his lips, Oen. Uranl steps to tho front and any: "I doairo the election of this man." The two pil lars of support that have borne np in . the place of Governor of Pennsylvania this man, are a Slate's convict on tho one hand and the President of tho United Slates on the other. Ap rilause l One may as well say in all humility, and with one's mouth in the dust, 'God save the Republio V Ap plause. Items. In the Green Mountain State they call an elopement suicide. He sued and she sighed. A chap in Iowa lately stole a home and traded it off for two Bible and $10 in greenbacks. A cook advertises for a situation, and adds : "No objection to dressing chililren. Horrible I Young ladios who laco themselves too tighily when dressing for dinner evidently porter grace botore meat. Would you rather go through a Kiddy wall with a pretty cirl or go through a prolty waltx with a gid dy girl T "Poor Joel Ilia hosd in level nni, if it never was before," i the inscnp tion on a tombstone in an Iowa grave. yard. Engagement bracelets, with locks have taken the pluce of rings in east ern cities, and the accepted lover curries the key himsoll. A Kichiitnn man of sixty lately celo lira tod bis wedding and dropped dead from heurtdiscose alow minutes uficr the crremoqy "Ilcro, you young rascal, walk np and give an account of yourself. Where have you been r "Alter Hie gins father." "Did you evor know mo to . do so when I was a boy ".No, sir Jjut mother did. Economy Is wouUh. A well-regu lated Newark family ale hash lor breakfast in 805 different styles last year, and the mo)hcr is, iu conse quence, enabled to display a COO laco bundkerchief. "Mamma," said a litllo tlireo year old, "when you and pupa wore court - in if, did you evor think about mo 7" "I can't say that we did." "I waa too liltlo then," was tho questioner's reply, The editor of one of our bemi relig jiuis paper exclaims : "Suvc me from a God who damns 1" and another knight of the quill replies : "Would like to do it, my boy, but the tiling is impossible," P O. Orders The following is a list of the reduced rates of commission on money orders issued ry the Post office Dopsrtmenlof tho United Slates: Orders from II to (10, five cunts; or ders not exceeding $.'0, ton cent; over tiD and under 1 .1), Sheen cents , over $:J0 and not exceeding S 10, twenty cents over $10 and not exceeding (50, twenty-live cents. The Postmaster General has rovised his tormer decision as to tho class of postul niuller in which engravings, -tironios,&o.,li()iil(l properly boplnued lleroiiflcr all such matter may bo sont by mail at the rate of one cent lor each two ounces, and in packuges weighing less thun four pounds. J I will be remembered that the former decision was to the effect that tho art publications wore not "printed mut ter" within the meaning of the stuluto. 2'ho reversal of the former opinion was procured by the' joint efforts of the art dealers ol Boston, New York and Philadelphia, but the largost share of the benefit will be reaped by. the small Healers who order by mail, and tho thousands of country purchasers alio receive popular art publications in the samo wny. Thb Constitutional Convention. Tho gentlemen elected delegates at the lute election to tho Convention to revise and amend our Slate Constitu tion, will assomblo ut Hnrrisburg on 1ho 12th of November next, to enter upon thb discharge of their duties Tho Convention will be composed of Vi'i members ; SH of whom 14 of end, political party were elected at large, ii at large in Philadelphia, and 8 in each Senatorial district. From the returns received at Hnrrisliurg it ap uonn that the Hcpubliesns have a ma jority of 6 in iho convention. Many able men, from both parties have boon -tioon delegates, so that we hnve a right to expect a constitution much Improved on our iirosont ono, as many Jmrls of that has become almost ohso ete. After setting nnlil tho holidnys, it is geneially supposed thst the Con vention will movo to Philadelphia and !irc comj.lelo Us labors. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AKD OP COURflB THIS CIUAPESTf A Proclamation against frligh prices I TI ar now oriental an a lot of th beel and W most senaonable Hoods snd Ware ver offered In this market, snd at prleee last remind ... . .na nl.l dava of ihMD things. Thow who lack faith npon this point, or dwia our til gallons superfluous, need but . , , , ( cvff.it. "jt ovn Bronx, Comer Frost sod Market streets, Wher thev ean see, fool, hear and anow for ,"m' rives. To full? understand what ereeheap -ods, thli mart be don-. W do not doom It neceeearv u, enumerate snd Iternlee ear etnek. It ! noulk for to iltt that We have Everything that 1b Needed and eonmmad In this market, and at ptleoi that artonxh inlb aid sod ,.uig. . ' . d20' 1 v a. - j. JOMtl'U 8IIAW 1 SON. f. S. MILLSR. A. a. rowan. MILLER & POWELL wnOLKSAt.B A RETAIL 1 1 M E R C II A N T S, ' Orakam'a How, Market Ft.,' '' CLEARFIELD, PA. W would moil rojxrtnillY Inform our frlaada, ouilnrnura, and tbt pubfl fMifralty, Ibat wt ara now baak In our old nunrtcrt, wblfb kava bn rrmodtlrd and ImproTed) and wa sra now pr. pared to accommodate all who may f.for ui bj oalltof. , NEW GOODSI We bare juit received one of the lergeet atooki of all kind! of Merchandise (iter brought to Clear. Held count)., which wo Intend to Kll St noh if area ai will make It an object for all pcruna to purchase from ua. FamiHea laying in winter applies of Orocerlea, Dry flood., Ac, should act fall to giro ns s call, as we feel oonfl.Wol ear pricee and tuperlor quality of goods will amply satisfy all. Our stock of GROCERIES eonaltts of CorTees of the best quality, Teal, Be gara of all kindi, Molusre, Flih, Bait, Chene, Dried Fruit, Spices, Provisions, Flour aad Feed, Ac, Ac Our stock of DRY GOODS Is large end vnr'rd, and we will Jnt lay ws can supply any article in lh.il tue, wilhout eoumer ling. U E A D Y- M A D E C 1, 0 T H I X G V hart lait ftocb of rvRilx-niiilt Ctotbinj for Men tail Dnyi wnr. which ill dUpoM f at m very tiniM svlt.inc ob eott. BfMiti sad Plio, Usif nj Cp, Hnnlwart, Qucasart Vooii aatl Wiltow Wart. Notions fancy Uuotls, C'atia 0-lclotha, Wall Vri, WId-Iuw Sh4ilt ic, Ac. Bclug txtcDiUvlj engaged U the Lambvr batinraa, w art) abla to offtr ayparior InduMmaots to jobbert. MILLER A I'UWELU Clrarfirld. Pa.. Jaa. I, 172. 1Q AN I EL GOODLANDEK, Dtalor ta DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY & GLOVES, HATS A CAPS and BOOTS A SHOE.", Tobacco, tlroocrirs and Fih, Nails, Hardware, (Juecn.wuro and Oluvswarc, Men's and Uoya' Clothing, Drug, Paints, Oila, School ll.K.ks, n large lot ol Patent Medicines, Candles, Nun A Drivd Fruit., rboeas and Crack en, Hock and Kite Powder, Flonr, Grain and Potatoi-s, " Clover and Timothy Seed, Solo Leather, Morocco, Linings, Bindings nod lhread, hhuctiiakcra loots and Hb'c Kiuilinga. No greater variety of goods in any it ore In tb county. All for aale very low for ca.h er eonntr produce at the Cheap Corner. April 10, 1S7L It EAD THIS! FLOUR & FEED DEPOT I Tha at (ant ion of tha eitlimf of ClrarfiaM and Ticiniiy ii dirrctcd to tbo f.u t that Utlklluit h Son ara tha agnntii of M. Niw k Co., and liarc jual rmii-id a half dugen nar luada of Flour and ifiml, which thvjr unrr at tha lowet poajibfa Og ura. A Urg tttjck of FLOUR, COUX MEAL, CHOP, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. BRAN, rotatoe, Sh filed Corn, Corn In aar, to., 4o. Particular aUrntlon Ii eallrd to M. Nicra k Co.' hrAnd of Fain 11 Fluur, uliiob il tha bat in tha murkeU Flour and Fe4 can and will b aold fhnpr inAti u oaa ua olttaiucd altfabera in t-learftJd aouoty. ORtoro nn Market ft reel, noxt door lo Hon. Alexander rTviifi rci. Irnca. UOONKKKLOW A ROlf, JanlOtf ARr.nu for M Nloea A Co. ERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, 1IANU1NO VASHS, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kept eunatunlly on linnd. STOVE AMI iTllTHOwWARE 0P EVERY HESCRIPTIOXl CROCKS! I'OTSI CltOCKSI I'laher'n Pnlent Airtight llolf . Kcalliijf Fruit ( anal BI'TTER CHOCKS, with lids, CREAM I'HOCKH, MII.K CROCKS, AI'PI.K-IIUTTKR CltllCKH, I'lL'Ki.K C1UICKH, FLOWER POTH, PIB DISIIHrl, 8TEV7 POTH, And a great many other thlnga too numerous to mention, to be had ai FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE TOTTERY, Corner ol Cherry and Third Streets, U.KAHUKl.D, PA. . nugt The Lightning Tamer. 'pHE nndenlgned are the sol Agents In this X nntv for the "North American Oalvanlard LltlllTNINO RODH." Thee are the only a.f. rds now In an, and are endoraed by nil the srtvntino men In the country, V hereby noilfr the cltlsens ef tb oonty that we will rut them np n hotter rod. and tor less money, than Is charged by th foreign agents who annually trf.r,e Iho county and carry oft our little caah, never ta return. EN'COTJKAGE HOME LABOR. Those wishing Lightning Rods erected thole buildings nred but address ns kv latter, or call In person. W will put them up anywhere In thecnunty, and warrant them. The Hud, aad natures aan be seen at any tint by ealllna- al onr store. K. UIOLKH A (JO. CLonleld, Mnrrn S. IT pi " THE X IRONSIDES TIN AND STOVE STORE I IT I G. S. FLEGAL, niilipaburj, Contro County, Ta. ...t' :., rpHK uderelgned Mspeoifttlly snaomeoa la i Ibe public that ae Has on nana a woe fully -selected and well assorted iloeli of ..) V.. ' i'.' . STOVES. HEATERS, UAfiuna, UOXJPK- WARE !, TIN, COPPER AND SHEET-IRON WAKEl WOOD AND WILLOW WARE! Ills stock of Cooking Stoves eunslsu of TUE CELEBRATED IRONSIDES, Which have never failed le hrlaa: mmi snd prosperity Into lamlllet wnere 11 is aeo. p,MMj aa. n.l. Ohwrwi, Sweat1 California uooa move, npean nnii-uue, Uai Burning Cooking Btwvea. Victor, Reliance ind t'nion Han as, 1 , Bpenrs' Cooking Ranges, ' , ' . ., Ao., we. , f waTka Tin and Sheet Iron warn given will the stoves le made of the aeev'eet and beat material, ana wnrrnnieu 10 give peneot eam fnaiioa. : ! ' ' : 1 His Stock of Parlor dc Heating Stoves Ta larger, hotter sad cheaper than aver before aznmttea in in pueue easisuug i Rn.era' Revolving Light Illnmlnntlag Stove Spearo'Anll-Duit Oaa Burning Parlor Stove, . Spears' Orbicular tlaa Burning Parlor Htova, Speara' Uaa-Bur. log Parlor 8 tore. Boquet, Pearl. Hem, Ida, Bun, Tropic Nevada, Ac, At. Vnlena, Elm and Victor Renter. Spears' Re VOIViag bigot neaivre. tie le alio prepared to furniih a wnplete msortmsnt of Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron, Wooden and Willow Ware, &6., VTholeaal or retail, maanractured naally aad with the sol view I servloe, from IBs nest na isrtal in tb market. PLOWS A PLOW POINTS, COPPER, BRASS, PORCELAIN, TIN LINED, SPUN A COMMON IRON KETTLES, Of svsry drecrlptl eouiUatly kind t)UIER8 FUR 8roUTI0, KOOFINO And atkarwork belonging In kls besioeai will be nmmvtly tiled by iperlsoced and akill'sl workasen. BRASS. COrrER. OLD METAL, RAGS AND CASH . Takes In eiekaege for goods. Merchants wiahing to pnrehs:e at whclenle thay will Ind II in their ndvanta: ta iamia kls stock before parcnastng euewaere. Look tut for tb Big Big oppoalt th reel dene of Mrs. lr. Foster. Alt Ooodi WisaaaTan as Rnraistwvin. O. H. I'LKfiAI, Phlllpsharg, June I, l70. ng ta gACKKTT k SCURYVER, alALin l SHELF HARDWARE, and reanufaeturan of Tin.C opner & Shed Iron Ware, Second Street, CLE4HPIEI.il, PA. Carfnira and Baildtrp will do wall to txam tne our Hock of BUILDINO HAEDWAHE ft TOOLS. DI.-TONS SAWS Dlatnn's Cross-cut, Hand, Hip, Tenant and Gent's Snot. IJOYXTONS LIGHTNING SAWS Smooth Planes, Match Planes, Jneh Planes, l'lums A Levels, Pore Planes, Htrel Squares, Jointers, Ac, Ao. Firmer snd Framing Chisels, Corner Chisels, Carpenter' Mlrka, llraees and Uitts, Buritig Machines, Ao. Grimlftonet and Orimhlone Fixture. Smoky Flues ure cffertunlly currd by using Rich arils' Patent . GOTHIC H.I'U TOPH, for which w have the agency. No cure, n pay, Philadtlphla Cirrlags flnlts, Railroad Lanterns, n ouurn n are, o. A fine aesorltusnt f roCKKT & TABLE CUTLERY. STOVES I STOVES! Tho Tlinra CiKik, tha hat In tha markoti alan, tho .Monnroh, Itelinnoa, and No. 10 Iron ffiaVn; Kvvftrr'a Portalila llrutfrt and Healing, Parlor and Haft Storci. -iL.Hoofinc, Spoofing and Job Work dona on rran.oahla trmi. All ordrra will recti iimmpt ailrntion. July 3, 1871. gTON'ES RAW GU MM Klt.S AND SAW UPSETS. Wt tiara pawtirari tho agrncj for tha almvaand will aril them at manurarruror'a nrloai. Call and txamlna U.rtn. Jh-v are tho hrit. jel 7J H. F. lilULKR CO, WATCHES I ' WATCHES I I have a large stock of AMKHtCAN and SWISS WATCHES, of lb dlfrr n grades. In from two to eight onae cases. I offer these for vale LOW, and guarantee them la glvs snllre satisfaction. JEWELRY I JEWELRY ! A good assortment af Ladles' nad Oem's Jewelry of th lalsst sly lea I Alwayt getting something new I I would nek Lomh.rmsa aad (then wt in- lead purchasing Welches ta (all and see my stock b.for going t th ettlea. at I m very ore I esn sell Watches at low ns they tan be bought, besides the difference In distance In lb event of th goods proving defective. All kinds of REP AIRINO In my line promptly ntlen.ltd to nl th elre on Second stress, oppo site th Conn lions. For yonr liberal support th past I am very thankful. B. I. SNYDER. April , lfj. ANNOUNCEMENT . OF TUB QRRAT 1 REDUCTION OF PRICES! .r m enDTI'U kill A W. D. I. . r n "i i ' ' k 1. a 1 r IMPORTANT TRUTHS i if.ln. nnadf.d In (eitlns n lialiter tari on material, hence the ! and ..o'trwe charge for urllal and full sets of Teolh. 1 naa the bc.l manulautura ul icein t.u. w.m...,. am itreltonl.iiKiMrrea an warranwo give ler ami aatialMlloa. v,i..nJ.. r.fl.ot that mr charges for the Inter. lion of nrliOclal and the saving of the natural taalb are now the must reasonable in I'enmylvanla. Preserve your teeth and you preserve your nealta. Pulling of the natural levin in a healthy, pr. eervativeand uwful condition Is made a peuulty. Dlxaiee and nalforuutt..aiMinMHi ta ine uitNith. aw and associate parte, are treateu and corrected with talr aucceee. rjiainiBa..MM .. uumui. tions man. Il would be wall for rliw Krnn a a wanes to lot ma knot) hy tnnll a, If pya br mloj to the oOocI r ... Il is very Important that cntiuren notween the aget of ell and twelve years should have thoir ecth eaaoiloetl. Anmsiheiles are ndiulntiteroii an.i reels re moved without pain Depositions and ehamctra are judged l,y nil the world hy tho etprceelens of the laoe, kencc how very dlladroui may II then-lore be for per sons to indulge an eipri-siloo of distorted fraiuree, even apart from a hygienic view How, to injo.v natun J (not artiDclal) comr..rls ana ptea.urot. rcipaflt an mdolMy natural imiiliritiea ana in.tlnel. 8. PtlHTKM KHAW. D. 1) 8. Office In New Mumnlo llullding, rkcond i roet, Clearteld. Pa. - fehll'TJ . DENTAL CARD. I dr. a. m nir.r, Would say lo Hi patients and he pub llv. that, hnvint dissolved p irtnerahl wlh Dr. rhew. he Is now doing the entire worl of his i.Cioe hlmarlf, so that pat ent! need not fear being put uti'ter tin hami, ol sny umrr operator. CicarncM, March i. Uf-V'l'.'0nK-h;3 J. M. STEWAET, D. D. S., ODIce over Irwin's Drug Store, CURWENSVILLK, PA. All dental otieratiooe either in the mechanical or operative brand, promptly attended lo aad saltafaetion cuaranteed. Special eltoulioB paid t Ibc treatment of diseases of the natural teeth, auais and mouth Irregularity of the teetk sue- eeaal ul I y corrected. Teeth ellracled without pain by Ibe nee of Httier, ano: arlinctai teem meeneu of the beat material and warranted to rentier si isfselinn. prlHn'TI;ly Ui$rrUnnrou0. 1 O 0 K S Wllicn IIAVI ALWAYS G 1 V E N 8ATI8PACT OR IIERCTOPOP.I, WILL Bl DISPOSED OP IN 8UCII A W A Y AS TO PLEASE O B PRIEN08 AND CVS TONERS. JUST RECEIVED THE PIXEST ASSORTMENT OP HOLIOAY t O00DS-SUCII AS BOOKS AND OTHER STATIONERY ARTICLE EVER OFPERED TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS PLACE! NOW OS EXHIBITION AND FOR SALE Ai PUBLISHERS' A MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, AT THE rOSTOFFICE. Clearueld. Dee. 14, I T0. II ATS CAPS! BOOTS & SHOES GENT'S FURNISHING GOOI Call al I.EVRR FI.Kt1AL'flnewSiore,nplte E tlorurnor Uigler's realdrneo, on Hceond .fVet, Clearflehl, Pa., and eiamlne bis fine stock rI Hats and Caps, Boots and Shot FarnUliliig (iooda, Vr i Of which he'ls constantly receiving n large rf mrnt of Ibe very loteat and nest styles, wk he will dispute of at astonishingly low prieen, I . LA OIKS, I have on band a large and well selected stuck of tho. celehrnt.-d hand wwctl MlllUK l'O and LASTI.Vll UAITKRil, wl.th I can safely rceontntend to b the bvst In theSar-heU- Call and examinu tbsm. 1 (itNT S) Kl'KNIMIIMI GiXtlMJ. j (IKNTI.K.MKN, my stock of Furniahlog lale.ls il complete. I have all tlia novelties in r)rfs Ties, Crsiala, llandkvrehier., t'nderwoor, ff ua. pendent, Collars, tl loves, Hosiery, Ac, toef Iter with n complete aseortinent of White end $lh Hliirts. I have on bnnd a largtand well eelled stn k of Hats and Caps of tho veiy Isteat a'tlrs. Also, Trunks, Valises, Railroad I'ags, ruihnllaa, Canes, aud many other articles, both useful and ornamental, wbu-h will lie sold at fair ratee, tr-Tas aitiaens ot L'ltarHeld and vicinity are reapecilully invited locall and examine my gooda before purchasing elsewhere. l.rVER FI.EOAL. Clcnrneld, Pa., Nov. It, IBJ1. READING FOR ALL! I BOOKS & STATIQSER 1 Market Ht.. Mcnrfleld. (at the Toal OHIra.) 'IMIK nadorilgnad bag leara to annnanoa ta 1 tho itliona of Claarfiald and vklnity, ifani ha hoa litad no a mom and haa Juat rolnrnitd from tha ally wild n larga aaouot of raadinc attar, ontliting In part of BibloB and Mificellaneoua Books, Blank. Acrnnnt and Pan Bouka of tvarT da trlptt" f aitar and Entelopaa, Pronek prraaad and plain i l'o and renr.li! (Hank, ttgal Ptpara, l-trdi, Morigagri Jii'tgtnanl, Kieaip. tion and I'romlnory notoa j Whita and I'arrbf aant Rrlaf, Lfgal Cap, ftfoord Cap, and II ill Cap, oftnai, nuiit fr aitnor riano, r iota or vtoim eomunil on hand. Any booki or ttarlonory dealrod that I may not bava on hand, nil) ba or. ordtrad by Brat aipron, and aold at hnlf-j or ratull to anlt euatnmara. I will alio htfp parlodleal lliaratnra, aueb ai Uagaiinaa, Now. ppar, o r. A. tl A ULI M. oiarnia Mat t, inna.tr j" e w BTOBK IN IIOUTZDALEI P. faALLAOIII'R having Just returned from the enet with o eiitir new and complete escort ment of Merehendise, suitable fnr Winter nnd Hpring trade, which has been selected with great care and bought nl low rales, is prepared to fur. nish the oilist-ns of llniiti-ialo nnd vicinity wllb goods at very light advance on Aral eoat rot cash. Country Produce and Khliiglea tahen al market price. Call and saemlno my slock before purchasing slsewbera. n,,MN.1iv..,t!V.l5U0SE- grj (Sooilj, rrfrlrs, (ft(. E.A.&W.D.1RVIN IiEALEUS IN a G NERAL SQUARE TIMBER, LOGS & LUMBER ClIltHKNWVII.I.R, PA., a HE offer Ine. at their new mure rl'.U'e, A complete .lock of NKW UO0U8, of all ilvacripttons. Dry Goods and Groceries , II A R D WAKE, HOOTS SHOES, CLOTH IS O, dc IS LARGE VARIETY. ilour, Steal, Itye, OalK, torn. Always on hand and for sale at small advance. R0PH, In large quantities, sold low by or.ll; 1m, PILLEY BLOCKS, SMALL ROPE aud CASTHOOKS. One handred cases of AT WATERS ELM IRA BOOTS, fur sals hy Ibe ease at wholesale rales. Received by ear load : JIVXTISODOX FZOUIt, and solj at smsll advance. flARNKftH. f all hinds, ItOrtRR COLLAR? and IIAMKS, IIDHKE ULANKETS, Bl'FFALO ROUE?, Ac. Also, a sale trst claae two horse WAGON TWIN 8I.EDS. LOO 6I.KDS, and SLEtailS. Special Jnducemente offered le Iboe getting a. Mr Timber and Lots, as we deal lergcly in Lambermen's Muntilies, and arc prepared at all times la parehae Timber, tags and Lumber. Carwensville. Novrmher Is, l7l. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD kci is i: s , op All gtvnai Dsggaga Darrvws, Warehouse Trucks, Copying Prcires, Improved Monejr Drawer, Ae. roe aLa ar II. F. BIOLEU 4 CO., Dealer In Hardware). rh.lt If Second Slrret, Clearteld, Pa. itSIIAXXtfX LAND AM) Ll'MDER C0MPAW OFFER I X I U K 31 E X T S TO- Purchasers of Choice Goods AT TIIKIK" MAMMOTH STORE -IN- OSCEOLA. Xeiv Cabinet ! M0PIUNNON LAND AND LUMBER COM PAN V "flr f"r Town Lma in tbo bnr oviHh of Ottrcola CloarArld county, F and aim Iota lo foil porrhoarr tiutat.l tha Hmita of aaid bnrttui;h. tii-rrola ta altuatd nn tho Muvliannon Crotk, In tho rirhoat portion of the county ut rioarncM, on Iho lino of i lie Tyrone A Clrarnold KailnuMt, nhera the Minanitn and H-orortun branrh mad Intrrncft. It i alio in tha hnrt ol tho Mnpibannon h-I bjin, and largo bodioa of white pin, hrmltwk, onh, and other tiinttfr iur rnvhd It Ona of the loriM luinlr moniifnotur injr, tiMinhnifnti in the Htate la looatrd in the town, while there are nianr idhrr lumber and ahinKle niilli amnnd It. The twn ta but ao ro yearn old, and eonlaina a population of one th.u- aanu inhaimania. twr-For furiht-r Information apply at the offiot of tbo abora aompaity. JOHN LAWHIIR. 1:4-701 Ooof-ral Suporintendrnt. MOSHANNON LAND L LUMBER CO., OSCEOLA STEAM MILLS, , snrrACTrnnt UMBER, LATH, AND TICKETS. II. II. 811 1 LLI NO FORD, President, 0oe Forest Place, No, Hi 8. tth at., Phil'. JOHN LAYYPIir:, General gup't. Osceola Mills, Cloartsld county, Pa. IsTllTlt'K Having purcha ll J. A. Illattenberger, Kaq., need the Interest nl In the buaincea iretofore earned on under the Arm name uf J. A. attenhertfrr A Co., tbo same will be conducted arreaOer under the name of Aloshannon lind and Ainiher Compsnr. (Store.) II. MIILLI.MIlOHP, JUII. Hlfllli, mlita' ('reeiclent. tleneral Kup't O. 1. c. fIIERR t W my DRY flOODS, aRO. Sot ion Con li-oti oner lea, Aot cheap fur oantu Tha aubarrlber laro to Inform bia old and r.fW cuatomera that he hat ojrnrd A VARIETY BTORB IN OLF.N HOI K, PA. And will wll fnodi at priori In anil the Mmea, A tiiieral iriluctlun will be made to euftomrra buy ing at wholeiale. Call and examine my etork before pnrohaslnu elvrhar. A liberal an ara of pnblie pelrooofe It aolieitC'L C. J. KRAGY. Giro ITopr, Fa,, Jane 14, "1)1. AN 14 4 OHttTAIlfl,!.' F I f I fan? t tbif otlt M ?OR ; R. R. R. RABWAY S-P.EADY RELIEF - :UUty THB WUttsiT PAIMI In from On to Twanty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR sfterrofeliii if MlsJlliKlli'Plavlllevli.llMwW- , i 1-OkKKU Wl'JH l'AI.N. ri KKAMY HKI.ILK in A CCI.C FOB ttADWA nrr.ni rnin, It waa Hi irn . ' The Only J'ulii llomMty that iim mil It am,., iho numt lertirtavtina pin, Mvn li.aMiskiM, ikJ riirm i'uuaAim, wliMtrtrr of tU l.iinw, Hiiftievi:li, tiimmm iW $fuA er MfvuA, by no in.il..r ! vlisiont or utrticamlhia Ida i.io the JlllKl MAT tO, Heed-ntblfii. l- flnh, i riilrl, Mwivuiiav iai wlgiQ. ur riiej4ralvl witb tliwratw ntety n'lfftif, .RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Wll.l. AFMIKil INHTANT P.AnK. OTLAMalATHi"! nl- TIIK hliiNKYn INM.AIIMATIHN OK TIIK HI.APDIlt IXrLAJIIIATlu! or TIIK HOWKI.H. i-oxciKBiiiiA' iik iur, i.tmat. snnnitw. cwur. 'a'IVkui'i'Anpu'knli. ur,AiAcii8. woiy Mr, IUIKUlI4Twl,. COLD rillM AHUK UIIII.I.H. TlieaLMIciluiiurtlie IteeJy llcllcf tottis pert or pirta (ii-re Uio plu or UimuuKy ikia will alfonl saaa null Minirurl. . ..... Twenl ilmna In lijvlf a tionWrr ef wiler will le a frw mni.i.M.n,,, l at AM IU, rPAHHx, Ki'lIH mutt Al'll, (lEARTIII'llN, HK'K IIKAIIAI IIK, HI Allltll I A, bvcKN'IKItr. tol.lf. WINII isl TIIK IXJtvt.Ui, aiut ell IM laiNAU I'AINn. , , , Trav. i- .a Ii...i1lI al i, carry a bottle of ftaimat's Heady Hehef Willi Ihem. A far iho) a la ai id pf.-t.at M-hin-M oal.ia fioni tlun.se t alrr. It U be tvl tuMI r'W'ch Bteiuly ur U.lUr ta a atiluuUbl. I'EVHIl A'VD Alii K. TTEI'ltlt AN I) AOt'll e.ire.1 for any r.-i.la. Tlirla Wi4 a rviiMKluil Maul In ItiUe orlrl ll.al wt.l niea S .,r a J Aaur Mnl all r.lli'-r Hi'rl'H llllloua, tkari.f i.. ? MK M 'tt-r J i-i .r. I.I.M l.v t A I W A Vsl 1-LI. u qol.-k UAIlU'AY'n KKAUt HtUS-lf. t ill cata pir UA4la. BuM l.f llnmim. HEALTH ! BEAUTY ! ! rrrtoMi anii ri BK Hu rl mHin-iiriiKA"; IIK H.KU AMI WKplllT -I'l.t All hKIN AMI LEAL'TlltLCoUl I.KXIUShU LUKti TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT nJ IfkTW VtWifOTrtVSiTKi ru'KM'K of th... TrulV UO.MJtlirtl. ' MUMCIMK, TtlAT Every Day an Inerease In Flesh and Weight la Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Y.fftf ttmp of the HAKHAI'AKIM.IA RKU.V KX T tx-jt.Oiunlcett-t. Itmxiitli th Ht-l, Kl, t'rt, Riii otUr Hit il mi'I In i ti E-ttviii Ui vitj.ir ct lira, tm It rpo-hloi the wt ( the boil? lih hrw nr1 nietdjtlavf. Jwrr-ifulAv, Kvnl.llinV, Ttiritniotloti, Ola'Kiiiinr aiipuc rioitw In tlii Tin", M'Kitti. Tmi'uriv Nihv im Ilia utwifta Ami eihrr iMria trf th Miml K"m kr, ftlruruout libelisrtj. a iiuin the far, Mul the wp4 ifnts of Shi dtnYMe-t, Kiufitioipj, Krvrr Itsrra, rW-id 1tMl, Itinf Wtrrni, Hull lUiroui, Krv1clu, Arm, Hutfc KtpiHtL Worm! In tltsj Klh. Tnnmnt, l't.iitni In tta Wiimb. nUid Bit (sYMkctni wict Mtnfol 11m ItsWAtiA Nlnt fWv.l, IaAMOf Hseafm, Mid ftJ! StM Of I It lift) ITIItCt- pla, -f villi In Hi cuntlvt) rmnflt of ti.li woMtrof M'd ere rhsjtuitnry, e f ut will mvti o u.r jwrt-vtka uwina n for 'ihr of hrt (uiiut U difwM ua ixstrni powrr xn run thrm. If the pIWnt, tl-iilr bejctrrtilnf rr4w4 f tV wutre erxl iWftjnttMiedtliHi ttitvl I toi.tlfiuivllY nltit, tAi In mrrrmiig thaw wevsIm. wul rrfairt Qit -.n t with nvw mlt'tl nttrte frnfn hnHlir oiuud-4i(4 Utit lAO tARAt'AltfU.I AN will andilusWHiiir. vi ntil) tVH Hi HAMrA-iLUA KtaoiwatrT trit aft ktviwn rtfmtwtlil HuffnU In it.-cun of l lmmie, ttrri.fu. Wu,('onSfU'ltllit, aVltal bkVk wlkWOlM i till U U Utavbiy fVMiiiiYt cure fur Kidney V Bladder Complalnta, T rinarr, W"mb dlnmare, Hnirt, littvl-tM, Irpr. IM'ippewtP of Wtetw, Itit.mllp.fin? of (' rltic. irltit'i l)itv cvaax. AUimiviuriwy ona m Oil wnrrr i iwr mrw vn f dut dwXs-i, Of Uio ktr Ht thick, cla-itslT, U-lAwd with e'lttwttvimti Ilk the while uf wi tgr. ot tliritvA IU white tulk tw thr tee oi'rtM. dnrk. bllloa eMisPwrBiir, Whttt iK'tte-diia wWfKaeiit, ktiI whtm then k a tirkklB. eurnliic wWMieoa whtt istwlna watvr.enit In u. feUiinvll 'rf thr Hace dU tbmg lit Luim, Price, ao. WORMS.-Tht orir koown a&4 aere &adf for Hor nJ tn, 7'uikt, tc. Tumor of I Year' Growth Currd by Radvray'a Retolirnt htliii, M ., tmiy it. tm. P. Rawwat r I 1m tvad Ovwwnw Twmwt la iW vrtM oavtl kMik All th- l-tr Ui "Utt WAV s kwlklMH." I tnejel vwV twlwef thai WM ww4p4 t wajt MsatklMf Wife M. I M. wanaV ltnWlMt. tWal Ik iva(wt I WmU try k I tml kmd t Mth Im It ! I avava etna ejnl fc 11 r vi. 1 k ua WilU at tkw liMnlireMt, aaut saM t f kadwav fllk, Mt4 a-s ttM af rvw Rt-Mtt RolaW 1 aal W to M 4fn af UwM t awj (Mai a eVll, aant J fe4 WU, aeawkrUv, aut bafalat Uu f.r ira vesjva, TSa wuttt Iwm wa Im it Wt mhU af tie biwwia, tW (- I writ Ik to to tm tftx kWMM ml DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, psftlr tMeWee, etfferillr tfOelnl with aw-M rnm, UT, rwfiilavU, (nirlfY, rirwMsf, en' alflhsti. ltevd wr rilla, for tb run of oil dLHsroVn of lit tfutrO. bivrr. Bowek. Kiduavt, BtasUrr, Ktrrme I) ipa , wderbe. rrmattrklKin, I'uJlvftWwi. ltrrliaalki, Ii at U, BileWU-aafM. KHUmm Prvcr, naimnwlH of tkc bowpbi. PltowwWid ill Iswi.wrmfiUtfUtv- Jtitortiau Vie rm. WartmnlMt to Httr Mitlve cote. furtU Yrta bl. "rttalnt -f ik nisTrfiirr, nliirnKwd'lttsnrwaiii(t. tW Otaarrva th f4kwlht ar RiptSCBt mvuiUBe ftuOl, CimHtmUm, tawvd niM. FaUaM af flw ttlW 10 tin ltai, Ai-v4.It asf (a etsmiri, Kuum. Hrtkera. .araH af laW( iallMM ot VYMehl tot Um 4sne4, fVjr r.rsx talsef . akiaf ta rWUMVSkf M ten Pit raf tae MeMrt, awtaawltkl - Um M-aat, Hn4 Mat lhlr-njlt arMihlnc, tlaltaritaf 4 la I latVrt , f ' w leasj W JaasOtwsfHf aatlH Hvta B a Ll lrJ fwMn, Ie.e. J ViaWwa IK.W . M tM WtVara W ' W4 rail l,B UM Hwast. ttV-naarw mt TtrAm, TrllwM af iW ftkiaj aa4 I vx fw ttv, fUvla, tt-Mi, UaW, ead laataia llaaAvai af Meal, kwarataf hi Um tlatb. A fr oom of BAI)VTAT8 TW.IA win ftwo the ere. twtn tnm evil lis - nw rA rtl artier. IViAM, 0uU prrhoi. tVH.I- tl V Itftrt.UtSTS. ItfCAf) -rA.K AM TRl'E " fUnd ooe trtr. etafnp ! KAt'H AT CO . No 9t Mahlrn I ttit, Ntv otk. .ufwwUA.tk.0 WtfrU) tlwa-eiwU wt.l lc arnt ua. R. 15. TAYLORS LIME AND COAL YARD, (Near the Rail rood Itrput,) (ir.iitnr.i.i), pr.Kxu I EMI. RACK thli. nethod of inf.r ifnn thf pobtif, that I haro oponetl up a ,Trl for Ibe lt (f wttotl or Pool-burnt MM K and Anthntrite CO A I., lo the boroura of CleorflcM, and htir ptiuipUttd aironponnit with esfrrn tilrrs j ehirb I mn kp- a lull anijl) rofiilantlron bantt, which IH dc dn-poprd of at rooioinalile rolra. Iit the tun. btiethel or ear loa-l, Ia auit nurcboaere. Thoe at a d intent" mo aildroea no ot Irtler, ntl obtain all nervr'ar iufurtiinttitn be rvtum tnatl. K. B. TAV LOR. Clearfield Pa., Feb. 34. 1 fiftvt-tf T i. u i n i: it m i: s I rKnrECTios is CANT HOOK SI The OearftrM EfInior Cantl.ok will not wrar out or brek, briny; rumtrurtfd with one ltd band from clip to point. It Ii prononnrod hy all practical lumbermen who haro eiamined It to bo tha moat pcrfrot Canthotik arar InTojitrd. Amos Kennardj Patentee. Manurnclarrd by A no a Kki-jard k Co., at CLEARFIFIiD, PA. Vr-AM order pnaill attended to. a23'7f DREXEL & CO., So. 31 Hiiuth Third Mtreot, Plilla lclillla it.i.mr.ns. And Dealers in Government Securities. Applieatinn tir mnil will reeeire prompt atten tion, anil all tnr.irmation cheerfully furnished. Orders snlietrd. April II U. . 1J UHNR l t) t) T 1 i t nor BURNED UPI HELL'S KUK WOOLEX FACTORY, Penn townb'p. Cloarlleld Co., Pa, Tb an 1 -iter inert are, at (treat expense, trbulld In. and In a few dnyi will have oninpletetl. a niah)orhood ntooavoilr, In Iho entstinn of a flret- cl Wwulen Manulactury, with all the motern itnpftiremmifotta.'hcd, and are prrparrd to make all bind' of 1,'lotha, Canfimrre, .SMtinetta. Ulan kola, Klnnnrln, Ae. Plenty of koU on hend to aiiplity all our old and a ihuiand new etminmera, whittu we nek in ootuo anil exainina our a toe a. The buiitheM of - CA III I NO AND FlLMNd will receive efpeolal aitrntlon. Our new in ill will bo roaly by wool cordine; araMn, Ihcioluro Ibera toed be no hreitatiun on that acur. Pmpor arrnnjtctnenta will te made lo reoeiv and dvlivrr Wool, lo euil ruatnnie ra. All work warranted and done uph the shortcut notice, and by alriet alien dn rn bufineea wo hope lo reallae a liberal ihare of public palronnKo. KMNNI POUNH.S WOOL WANTED! W will pay tho hijrhcM market price fnr nol . . and tell our manufnclurotl Ruode ai lw a pimilar I frond can be bought in the county, and nbenrvrr w fail to render reaiunablr MtifTatsnn a con a) wny be found at home reatly to ntoko proper aiplmiatiuii, either in pen-on r t letter. JAMKS JOHNSON k HONS, aprll?rttf Urompten IlillP. 0. CHEAP GROCER! KM! LIT.MTIKR TtTT, PA. Th untlfimipned annnnnoea to hi old frlrndj and petmna that he but opened a t'od Una of tnUK KHIKS PHlVIStNA at ibooldatand of Kirk k Ht.cn of r, ftir which he -.heitp a liberal p.trrn.ffe II. W. M'KSCJCR. LumUr City. Pa., March SMf. BAROAINS IM MUSICAL IN 8TRI MKNTH ! Orfsns, helli new ani) ectir.it haii.l. at the Mnaie Htore, n-piiaite tlull.-h'e furniture Slnre. All nersnna InlererlrH are Invl te.l in enll and examine a new style ef Organ nw nn eshiMtlnn. Hhiet Must and slaaie rl.ii.ks eretantlvn liaeiil s(H 71'f .foundry and 1 jfltucltlnf ". Ahcps. DIG LER, YOUNG & CO.. (taouuairf to llnvnton A Vitif..f FOUNDKUS k MACHINIST.'- , ,.t , Uaiiuf-vtilurnr ut PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENC.INES Corner of Fourth and Pine tnii. CI.AKKII.I I), FA. n A VINO etiftifffd tn tho mantifcture of flrat elau MAIIIN'Eltr. we rriipeotfullTiriri.ro tho publle that wo ore now firrpared to OH et order aa oha)lT and at ttrnmfstlvai ean ho Amu in any of tha oltlna Wa motmrnoture and droHt Mulftj nnd Circular Saw-Mills Had Uloi-fci, Wa'or Wheola. Pbininjf Pulley; (JilTord't Injrctor. Strum ftimrr. Ftrmn Wliiftte Oilertv, Tallow Cupi. Oil fuju. .oiiff oche, Ai' porkt Ol'dw Volt-ca, rbck Ve!va, wroofht ir.n P.jm, 9 earn Pntnpa, HoiVr F'd Pumpi, Ao'l- Friction Mctrci.lSoup Stone Ptrkirrj Onta Park ag, and alt kindi of MILL WOKKi t-gnh-r with Plowa. Pled Mra, COOK ASD PA RLOIi STO VES. and other CASTIXliS of all kind. TOrdi-ra anlicttid and filled at city prieo All letter vf imtulry with rfren'.e to aiocbincri of our vtotiufavture pmnipily niworel, by addr inn u at Cleai field, Pa. dttSnu If BHiLKIl, Y0I NH k CO. ...r.Rapd. NOTICE. Jw.Pti C L E A R F I F. ID PLANING MILT, ALL RIGHT! rPHK proprietors rtMTtrn!l) infi.rm tbecttir n 1 of Cleortield ouoty, that they havr ealirT!.i rofittrtl tbt retabUfbtoPiit with the lalretimpmTr.1 wood working wtachiitor, and arw now pn?pr4 lo exot'utp alt ordere la their lino of buiine Tbe.r will giie evp-vlal attent&ow to tbo anannlof tnro -if matrrial f.r hof bailifin. tueh a FLOORING, WEATHER- BOAR J NT., SASH, doors, blinds, Mt.tCKKTS K .VOI I.IH.VOS. or ALL STYLE , We always bar on bun. I a lnrr stuelt ..f Ml V J.UUUKIL.4vM1 pevewsb em-atl cIMr tiwvnber One-sti'l a half Ineh panel sluf preferreil. Lumber Manufactured to Order, Or etclienKe.1, tu suit customers. VwVOi Jers salicitnl, and Lutuuer furniahcA on sbnrt nutiee anil en reeannal.le terms. r.v.r.n a rotrcLU ClearCclil. M.irrh t. 1T I i IjnnTS U"fire Inking I ow lcr. Attt-r afcin(r IVwrfi-n. SIU IMPImTvU (IMITU l'OW IT ItS. l hi tul in ohtfittale entvra nl Utftt mper, CiUrbv Cold. IMn. Farry, CoPtire nrta, Jiti'tlni-e- of the lkm, and Hioppnc of att r. tinac, Swi-llrd Lea an I liMlnt ncit ean tie rehrril, and aometitnef cured by tbc n.e ut tbene Puwdi.ru. Thry will not intcifrra with Ih- itauy woik or thr 1 1 (free, nni ran te grn to cat tle with rqual advntitnjir. Put up U A. f. .SHAW, Dni)r!..t and Apxba cart, cu-aiftild. Pa. N-nrmti.T 8, (S.itd every where. ji:LllM. OFF AT COftTl FOR C A 8 11 1 Tbc lorrat atotk of F IT 11 X I T II R E arer ofrrtd in CLE ARF1ELD ? At Ibe STEAM f AOINKT ?HOP, corner Market and Fifth Sirrna, CI.RARFIKIJt, PA. Tb nndcrtignrd wnnld annonnc ti ttie publc Ibat be ha t o band an I i nnw olTfrlnc cheap fur rah, the Urteat etivrk of Furniture eeor In aUire in tbii ecu ut;, coniiMing of rpliolnleird Pirlor Saitt, Chamber ?c:tn, Estenilen Tablra, becrctarira. Book Caacf, Itrditoado, Pprlng Itcdi and Mattreeira, IwOMnge and Benchee, Plain k Marble T p Table A Ruroaua. Wanhtand, Cane Peat and Common Chnira. Rivdflnjr, Cbalra, Look in f flltitca, Window Shndra, Picture Fratnea, Curd and Tartelt, Ao. tie al'o manufaolarai nd kfii on hand Pat ent 8prlnn Htnli, the beat errr Inrented. No tAmiir tmu)4 bo Withont thru. Any kind of oU not on band nan bo had on iliort ootioa. l'phttlierln)( and ropatring Dtatlv tircuted. COFFINS, of all lir, ean be had on a half hour' n til ice, and at the lowenl price, A deduc tion of Jo per cent, made for cmh. METALLIC CAStf.or RtMrwond, Wnlnnt and Chrrry Coffin , with f ! or wood t"pi, funii'hcd on Ave houra' notice. Pcrtonnl allrndance With bear, nn fnnornl orrarluni, and carnagca furuiihoil bitn dciirt-d. Thanking the puMio for ta-t favor, and by atrict peraonal attention to butinrM, I hpa to rcceire a continuance ot the aamo. Remember the plaoe the Si cam Cabinet Poop, corner of Market aud Fitib Strovla. DAXIEI, rtCNNRn. TIIK CLKAHi'lKLI) WOOD-CHOPPERS' AXE I Manufactured eaprclall; fv THE CLEARFIELD TRADE, roa mai a it ancftTf U F. HKU.KR k ff House & Lot for Side or Kent ! rUR nnilee.irnei offers lor sale or rent, ui.on I reiiaonalile tetma, a two atoiv ilwil'in,:, lot an.l stalile, in RliHitnltigton. Pike towoahlii. Kur ' terras. Ao.. anplv In LEW IS I. UI.OO.M , Jannarv I I. IKTt If. ! 1tNK. WHIT A IKUM I.IM1H (SKIMS- i .fual eeeelv. anil for sole k. i Avrll . l.ie. (I. r. BIULIR A X. I MciHrlius till fftlaiia Wst . UwJIxi - M II M4,,-i4. tua lo diret-titrti. and retiutin H ui.rl, rnvi.usj their boii ate not tlrtitoynd liy mi'i-nl jviwon n, Mletf mtaitfA, ittd lit vuJ orgm waaied Ujinid Ut pm of repair. l epepeta or f ntllReetloil lrearaclkt, Pa In Hi Slioii'iie tw- CibUi, 1 i.litiict iff i'.ii t. '',(. )),,. IHirM, b('" fc.iiKUhf.ua ul the ijtoni.v'i, !jdTM in the loiilh, pilmne AMtcli, p:i'; iiMioo of HfM, tiiAjtminaiNvii ot tit l-im-, I'mi hi tiititiH Of K i"f v. Mini a liiiiulrfl vUlfr i I.. I tynipiinni, art tltt ofTtni ii llt 'it ma. lit l!. " t pUinti il la no tqt'l. and one bit.': w a I iif tu. an let-ttf in ntanil tlma N Itm-tliv nlr.. ftm, fur KeitiMlo CoHipln lli't, h v- r or eM, aiaind tst it: I, al ilia ttiwn t.f w,.s,imii -ui(p or i tiini tt lifr. ilie 'I nn1c II r .r A i f tUt,n!(l Inflitcitct iIiai a marked iniurociuvi;i ii uhm uitft,. tiblr far luflawinintorr Mini brnla niiee Mollein aod Intnl. lii nn', Ki "ii i and Initt. niilieni Kfve-a. l)itaot ll Il mul, l.ver, K.dittrt and H!)ltlrr. lliptc ll iict li i t n t - -). Such (Jf eaaei are ru-! bv Viinii-rt 11 o. t, rh U ttitit.i prnrtiicrrt by rterrmt'tmet t of lite l:vM.re rrr. They tare M tirnlle 1uhi ie ua well a ft Totate itmainK ala ilis -ci!i..r ntci I of artiM aaa parfi arnl in ir ifvin-t I mnst,. n it IkA. oiaiMm of tlie L-ver and ViKtrnl O'iana. ard ta titlmt LtiawsM. Vtr Kklil Ileoaeat Erupt-ma, Tcttw, Sal Rliettm, II ic)irt, S ola, Pmii.W, pnani , l!..ii,taf. Owncla, kmi-wonit, ScM Ht-!, S"fj tvf, kry fje aa, lull, StUtU, tisCt.tfalOirif Us Skid, Huntfai and Diteaav of ilia Stilt, f tt-hatevrr nn ' natiwja, are Itteralt dni tip and ctrnod mil uf tla ayaUtu ta artful time t.v iliv nt tti Hillf't Ornterill liiotiaomta pit ,m Viiweota Tia-. Ilxi innat w on tic i Cut luvi'iram ilui ever utUiutv tit WTikint nwalem. i WALK kfl, P.m'V R. H. MfDni tf.li CO., Dnixt'iw.ta and Cstn. A-ti., Stn Franctfttrot (.al.. and cm. at WatiinxlH and CltarU"., i , New York. SOLD BV ALL UKUUOtb to AND I'k U.LKi all. HAYES, CQULTEE & CJ... ittoHOra l' W, A. Aruoldj, v hi rarrrcKRi op Heaters, Kiinqcs, Low Grates, snl MAr.UEI.IZfl) HI. ATE MANTKL8. Pole asute for the nel.Va'ed CIIli.SON COOIvINii RlN'iK. ;.if--in 1 i .i rr ii Sji.. N.i l.no Clieituut fi.Mi, Jube 1 nm I'll I I.A IH'.l.l'h I . Clearndd County Bank. -IMiK Clearfielit Cout tt I ai l. at at ii.crrn X ft to-tntjiii a ba aob out of ibon Vj or ru'rinder ot lit charier, oa ViT J. Ml tt tturh tr omd b) the aiibacriln tt ! i riinil'iaf Ibv riabklnp bofnt a at il mt tdaf-.e piitet' 1t irk r or-def the trm m d the 'M'lcorfld CoaMy bank." w'e ar r lnilr for tbo dtbuet th Hank, an J wil i; it ftot- nm deaiatid a the eoanior. lrp,iti ri-civfd and Inh-rtai (aid when Bar) ii left let Bard time. Paper aiarnanted it tts prtral. ta h rr"fire Our roal rponikiltt) k rivigri tot all liMfoeir reirfved aarf ban tran eted. A coariaoaBoa of tb liberal pit ronare of the bnaine'r wen of the eoanty it r . pvcttuHv eolicited. A Prraidcnt, Carbittai. ..ffcorj of th fate rlfarfield Comity l'aik. vt require the -otra of laid Bank tw k pmttrnl fr r temrttifo. I AS. T I.KONAKD, RTCI!AR1 tflAW, VM FORTFR. J A8. B. ORAIUH, 4. K. WRIGHT, H. h. RFED, WM. A. WAL1.ACK. Tb builnoia ef th Bank will be eoatterted -i John M- Adawia., Eq.. at Ca-hier. il I Tl County National Bank, OF CLE APFIELP, PA. KrtV in MniiiM" nildinj. one door aortk ef C. 1. Weiai.ri'e Urn Slure. Pnawi. Tivlti-t. inin'l fnm Liremool. Onmt tf.wn, CinKit'-w, Lmdun, Parts and Copohr. Alait. Ilrlla fttr aale fin thr Roval Bank of Irtlatf and Imprrial Hank of l.nndtiir JAMhs I- laf.UA A nil, rrcft. W. M. SHAW, Ca-blcr. il:l:TI ... . , ,,.., ..... J. I). M l. irk. Fdward Perki. BANKING & COLLECTION HOUSE McGirk & perks. Sueceannra lo Fnatcr, Perka, k Co., riiUIiat)iirg. Ichiro Count), Pa. T ,.KKC All tbo tu fin cea of a Itankm; Ntb I' oc trainf Inl pr-mipily aud upua ib mdsl favora.ilt- terms nisiT-tt j. L. iiFtir iTO' it. ar"Lti- REIZtNSTEIN & BERLINER, (Suv-ai'iora to l. tlana k Co.,) whnlritala deVr in GEMS' IlKMSIinC fjOODS, Lial rneril stttet, lietween t'bun-h s'rerl ssl West llruaJwny, N,-w York eitj. jvll 't K W KTO K K A N D K E W GCX 1 1 JUS. SHAW A: M). llavit just openeil a Navr Snini, nn Main St.. Ciiaai iild. ft latelv ocrut.ied by Wm F IIIVMN The Ir atm-k etmsiatn at Okpcmii of Iho bet quality, QiiEF.Nsw.Re, I'nols nnd Klines. and frr rtllf) newaanrv fnv on ' comfora. Cnll ititl pxnmin our ttook beloi f lilnsi waawhire. Mav 9 A DAVID YOUNG. Stone-f utter ami Stonr-Wasnn (IT II I. ...,,. .11 m,,.k In kls litis " tt rst. .ne,-s an. In msT-fLA"'" Arcbitoctural OrnamenU In A 1.1. HTYI.Rw, Hl.m lrs.ln nl ever aeseri.tl..n. anil all kln.ls nf mesne .nrk treeteri f,.r In ir imt i.f ihe nunrv. Aa per"1 wlahlnf tn ksve reapeelaMe mason rk " stone enll In done, will "nil II to fair is""" tn eall upon m I woalol aire Intern, ike r lie in. I I ean deliver an qiiai.Hl r rle- atnne d-alreo). ns I am the owner ef s KNOT-CLASS STONE Qt'Altl Oriiere fur work nan he ailiteoaa-il to DA V I It VlH " marJJ.TO ClenrleM Beale's Embrocation, (Uati puwmt'n.) or all diseases iaeldent I" Horeos, fs'H Hainan elesh. ren 'rinn ike use l aa asternal anptleatioa. This Rmnn.esln wa. elieanvelj aire ihe II ear otenl duriat the wee. for aale h H.rla.lrk A Irw.l. ''"'. J..a..h H. Ir.in. t'.r.ensvllle '' andee l.ufherahnrs; T .. ! iv i.r Ji'n nop- f'l" . la ntv eoth.Ml, i Aeol f-r ' " , Ho coil s Pa.n Pa n. the onti iaaiant e-'-iirmai.nt eure of ell kms of Psie. U"lt s Aliinliila'or f r tlie raj eel ra""1' le..M.itl,ek...l. K; r. ' ""'a seJ du. 1H1 tkaiLam Cllt -'