GEORGE II. GOODLANDEll, . . ai'lntn and Mourner". , CLKAKFIELD, Pa. MFDKERDAY MUUN1NO. NOV. IS, Wt. The lletult. After tin immonae flco of mor al Ami money, Grant linn Ujjnln been elected lYeaidetil. of the UiiUed Suios. Tho penitentiary conncl iod with Die tlorgy to bring about the result. ' Nearly every clergyman la tle city of New York prencliod an election cr mon tbo Sunday beibro election duy, except tbone of the Catholic and Epis copal persuasion, who alono adhored totMrancrod vows, In Philitdelpliia 1 the otitlnisiusra took a it other turn. There, although thousand of Republi cans remained away from the pulls on election day, the vote was ran op by personating tho absentees and by re peaters who voted ''early and oflon." If but 5,000 decent citizens hud gono to the pulls the '-Ring" had it so ar ranged that the count would have been all right anyhow. Tho romilt of an election In that city depends upon counting rather than voting. Tho Age, in referring to the reeult, says : ''In this community, Radical ism, emboldened by huc'chs and im punity, will now cast off ull prudence and decency. But, at least, ono po lit'cal excuse for the tolerance of crime and corruption is nuw gono. It is no longer necessary to wliito wah and wink at thorn in order to elect Grant. That aim, to which many well-meaning persons subordi nated everything else, is attained at lust. Now communities must, as they bent can, piirry the effect of that elec tion. Soll-proBcrvatioti will now stim ulate the efforts which parlinunship has suppressed. "Tho only hnpo for tho redemption of this State and city lies in tho Demo cratic parly, reinforced by the true Liberals and Reformers who have the public good ut heart. The Radical polilicul organization is wholly in tho hands of its most corrupt element. Tho adrniiiixtrutiot. of justico, the cos tody of the publio money, all tho great public offices and trusts arc given over to men destitute nliko ol character and principle. To them, reform is suicide. If this city is not to bo gutted and pillaged it must be saved by tho prompt renewal of .the struggle that failed yosterduy through transient causes which cannot continuo, ir decent, civilized socioty is to continuo among as. Lot every Democrat do his duly to reiuviiro- o rate and sustain the principles ol ' his party, tho principles that so under lie the whole structure of tho Ameri can government thut when tlicy are filially uprooted, the wholo edefice must tumble, about our ears. That day will cot come while any true American parly maintains tho fight with unduunlcd spirit, though it sus tain reverses and meet obstacles over which it must finally triumph. Abovo all, let us still adhere to the gioat Democratic tost for office luid down . by the irreat Domocruliu President I'll run as Jefferson. Let us try all candidates, not by any artificial stand ard of character or manners or sup posed availubilily, but by the truo old test 'Is he honest, is lie capable, Is he faithful to the Constitution V In that Democratic doctrino lies the only security for the people, the only hope ot reform." ttotloH In Huln I 1 The Chicago disaster bus bean re peated, in the city of Boston. A fire broke out in a large five story granite building, No. 87-91, on the cornor of Summer and Kingston streets, at 7:15 i . ML, on Sututduy, the 9th, and oontin tied to rage until about 2 o'clock on Sunday afternoon, when tho flumes were somewhat checked by the blow ing up of several blocks of buildings by powder; but the firemen were compelled to work until 10 o'clock on Sunday night. Tho fire rngod for twenty-seven hours, and a high wind provuiling most "of the lime. The burnt district extends about three qnartors of a mile In length and half tt milo In width, In the midst ol the business portion of ibo city. Twenty or thirty lives il is reportod woro lost, and the destruction of properly is es- ti mated at tveo hundred millions of Jul. (art. A Good AanoLg. Rowell's Print ' Gazette, of the 4lh, contained ono of the bost articles on the "Cost of Type" we ever read. It is our twelve year's experience exactly. The type founders havo literally robbed us )rintors of about 20 per cent, on every bill of typo we have purchased from them for nino years. And yet, Jike fools, wo havo allowed the rob- i .. .. wry 10 continue, without one word of tiWnt, until the foundry men think we "don t see It." Rowell is right. An "Infusion of Scotch or English typo" Into every printing office would bring our domestic aristocrats to thoir senses. Tho ten nnd twenty per cent thot country printers aro giving to typo founders just keeps tho founders' family at a watering place all sum mer, ensiles thorn to make a tour of Europe, or both, and keeps our "noso la the grindstone.". We will publish the article as soon as we can find room nnd wo hope all printers will road, and they must profit by It, unless they I art an Inlrrftt In typo foundry, Tht VoH mn Morality Part. No party in this country has over assumed to run its frionds on so high a moral key as tho ono headed by the Grant, Itutler, Cameron and Evans families, j V . will therefore apply only ono test furnished by the ofllccrs belonging to those families, who con trol tho l'ollce Poparlmont of, Phila delphia as well as tho elections. Tho Mayor of thut godly oily pub lishes his return of arrests for crimo mado In that city during October. Wo will thercforo givo the result in tho following wards i w. or annuit. , wn onaxT. Third ...... M - US Fourth 10 l.'O Bill).. Hi ' - - nevenih.. 211 I.4UJ Tib : J t,m hlrrenlh HI . . !? Nineteenth Ul MOO Twentieth........ .149 2.H70 Twcntr-ireoudu VA l,.TM Twcntjr-third.,.. ill . . . 1,0 It will bo observed that in tho wurds where Grant's majorities are large the monthly arrests aro equally lurgo, and the ward in which tho arrests are few Grant received quite small ma jorities. , This seems to indicate that Granlism and Rowdyism run together io Philadelphia. . ..... . Ueury U'llion'i Oalh. ' We never wero an artificial Know Nothing, and .therefore do not know what kind of oaths the officer of that pestiferous organization did adminis ter to its members. But the follow ing is given as the ono Henry Wilson, Vice-President elect, look : ' la tilt nreeenee of tho I rut nod overliving do I, and oa Itu lacred Scripture. Mil holy word, 1 do declare that I will truly fulfill all niy obligalioua toward my brethren of tbo Ordor ol know-Xolb-ing., and that 1 will keep laored oil the ign, tukena, rati and degree word, gripe, euiblrmt aud proceeding io. And 1 further declare and eult-iuuly iwer lbat will aol knowingly vote fur, appoint, or elect any perloa of foreign birth or Kuinan Catholic to any oeVe in the local or gene ral adminletmlioa of the American Uovermiicnt. And 1 furthor declare and Iwenr (hat I will ase all the nieani in bit power to ouunleraot and de etroy the influence of fureiguere and Roman Catholic in the administration of the Uovern meul of the United Klatei, and in any and all jartl thereof, local and general To all tin, a re. and voluntary obligation on my part, without veeervalioa, I pray lh.t I may ever be able to re- mala true and ateartlaat, eo nelp me Una. JNow, how Mr. ilenry Wilson, or any othor man who has any regard for an oath, can tako tho abovo and then take another to support the Constitution of tho United Stales,, which says that religion shall never bo made a qualification or test for office, and get through without per juring themselves, wo cannot compre hend. Perhaps some of those patent Know Nothings who havo gone through tho mill can toll how it goes to swear that you trtVi one day and tho next turn around and swear thut you tfon'f Constitutional Convention.. This body assembled st Uurrisburg yester day, and is of course organized by this time and ready for business. In what particular the orjiunic law of tho Slate will bo changed, no ono is able to con jecture al this lime. A reform is needed, all admit, but to what extent, uud whether in tho executive, legisla tive or Judicial branches, or all, no one is prepared to say. The major portion of tho delegates urc among the best men in the Slate, and will rtn doubtcdly bring about bo mo reform in the legislative branch at least, which has become nothing but a corrupt ring (or tho personal aggrandizement of a set of political buzzurdt, whocaro no more for the Stulo than tho Devil docs for a saint. ,.. No Ukpobt. It is officially an nouneed that Gen. Sherman, the Com inaiider-in-Chief of our army, will not furnish an olUuiul roort of the army this year. Having aponl nino months of tbo year in Europe exhibiting Lieut. Fred. Grant to the crowned heads, he of course knows nothing about what happeuod at Long Brunch or anywhere else in this country the past year. liy does not Gen. Dent or Gen. Porter fill the vacancy f A Rimob. Il is announced that 51. S. fuay, of Beaver county, will bo appointed Secretary of State by Gov ernor Ilurtranft. If li ko produces like, then Quay is the man. No more corrupt politician ranges the Siato. Inltrtting to Jl'ationat Hankt. That the excraaivo und illegal rules charged by nearly all our bunking in solutions is bunkruplirg our commer cial interests throughout the country, is evident on evwy band. The Balii more Sun says, as tho Into hall' dozen ot suspended mercantile firms of thai city come to bo more fully understood, il is found thut tho aggregate amount of liabilities exceeds greatly lliu Ural estimnloa. It is known now lo be over five millions of dollars. Three id tho leading houses have gono into vol untary bunkrtiplcy and trustees were appointed. Fur two of tho (Iritis the sumo trusters woro appointed. For tho third, one of the trustees wit se lected, (a Mr Brooks), the Hun learns, for the reason that ho hud experience in such tiusts, and hud been very sue. cossful a few yenrs ago, reulizing for the creditors a very considerable ad- j dition lo tho assets by claiming and recovering frm bunkinir institutions and others, chiefly national bunks, a lurgo amount that hud been exacted in excoasivo interest on lonns. Such claim is set up and made by the re cent failing firms. Under the Nation al Currency act tho national hanks uro privileged lo charge only such rule d interest as is allowed by the laws of tho Hi ale or Territory whore lo cated, nnd 7 por cent, whero no local ruto has been established by law) and as 6 per cent, is the rate for Interest on money fixed by the Constitution and law of Maryland, every churgo in vA,--nn ,ii 1.1111b hi ui uourno Illegal. Tho Philadelphia Ledger, in allud ing lo this question, also says : It Is alleged as a fuel that a largo numb, r of tho national bnnks seldom or novor discount at tho legal rate, If the cir cumslunces aro such ns to enable lliin lo exuel a higher ono. Il is not eur prising, tl.oreforo, to learn thut in connection with tho winding np of uiu moon ot mo inrge mercantile firms snaponded in Ihnt city, somo or the leading creditors are looking to what may bo recovered from nulionul banks who havo charged cxeessivo rates of Interest to add to tho assets of the Ikhisc for llnnl distribution I llote Crttltv Taktt ait Defeat. Throughout the Presidential cam paign, Horace Greeley displayed the utmost good sonso, and an ability and jtidgmont as a publio spoaker, that was romarkabla. . This country has precious few men In It, who could havo mude as many addresses as Mr. Gree ley did with the sume degree of "wis dom in oach. lie must stand ihlglior in tho ostimation of nil American!, whoso opinion is worth having, than if he had not been a candidato fbr tho Presidency. All his utterances were wise, noblo and patriotic. He accepts defeat with an unrulUud temper, quiet ly returns lo his position al iho head of tho Tribune, and is greeted by the press of tho country, without party distinction, as confessedly the foremost editor in America. Under an arlielo headed, "Crumbs of Comfort," Mr. Greeley congratulates himself upon his os capo from the importunities of onice-noiiicrs, in mo loiiowlng pleas ant, mnnncr. . . i There has beon no lime, until now, within tho lust twelvo years, when The Tribune wus not supposed to keep, for the benefit of the idle and Incuptt bio, n sort of Federal employment agency, established lo get pluoos antler government for those who woro indis posed lo work for their living. Any man who had ever voted the Republi can ticket believed that it was tho duly and the privilego of the editor of this pnpar lo gel luin a place in the Custom house. Every red-nosed pol itician who hud cheated at the caucus uud fought" t the polls looked to tho editor u( 7'A Tribune to secure hia ap- fiointmenl as ganger, or us army chap, ui n, or as minister to Franco. Every campaign orator camo upon us after tho battle was over for a recommen dation us Secretary of tho Treasury or the loan of half a dollar. If one of our party had un interest ponding al Washington, the editor of The Trib une was telegraphed in (ramie haste to como to Iho cupilol, savo this bill, crush that one, proinotootio projector slop another. IIo was to bo every body's friend, with nothing to do but to tuke euro ol other folks' business, sign papers, writo letters, and osk favors for then), and lo get no thanks for it either. Four fifths of these poo plo wore sent away without whul they wanted, only lo become straightway abusive onemios; it was the worry of life to try to gratify one demand in a dozen for the other fifth. "The man with two wooden legs congratulated himself that he could never be troubled with cold feet, it is a source of profound satisfaction to us thut offico seekers will keep ulonf from a defeated cnudidiilo who has not Influence enough at Washington or Albany to gel a sweeper appointed under the Svrgeant-ul-Arms, ore dep. uly stib-assialunt temporary clerk into tho pusle pot section of iho folding room. A l last we shall bo let uloiiu to mind our own uffairs and mumigo our own newspuper, without being culled asido every hour to help lazy people whom we don't knsw and lo spend our strength in efforts that only bene fit people who don't deservo assistance. At Inst wo shall keep our offleo clour ol blutherskites and .political beggtirs, und go about our duily work with iho satisluclion of knowing ihut not the most credulous of place-hunlers will suspect us of having any credit with Iho appointing powers. That is one ot the results of Tuesduy's election lor which wo own ourselves profoundly gniu-ful." The Het ti oFhrointlrtit t ! Within a fuw years pust, says tho Lycoming Standard, a young Phila-1 delphia luffiun who is a Under of his cltiss in thut city Hugh Mara by nume drove up lo a liquor cslublish ment, quietly walked in and without a word drew a pistol from his packet and shot down a Revenue Dulociieo on business there. The officer linger ed bulwcen life and death for days but finally recovered. Mura was appre hended, convicted, and sent lo the Poniientiiiry. In a short time Gover nor Geary pardoned him. What valid reason could exist for Iho sreedy par don of the hired assassin (lor such bo ccrt-iinly was) is solely left to the im agination, for none was ever given lo Iho publio or suspected of existence. Alderman M'Mullun accomplished the feat of having him pardoned, assisted by M ma's counsel, YVilllun It. Munn, iho notorious manager of election frauds in Philudrlphia. A fuw months ago, Mura shot Al dermen McMullen, (or a trivial cause, tho ball striking tho victim in the breast, nearly opposite tho heart. McMullen wns exacted lo dio, but most surpislngly recovered, though tho bull wus never found. . Mura was brottuht to triul a few days ugo, with hia former counsel ns prosecutor und U. S. District Attorney Swoopo as his defender 1 Between tho twoaitornies, the almost euro was taken lhat no tell tale evidence wus given. Mura was convioied ol "assault und buttery followed by a motion for a now trial, and will be again pardoned if ever seniitnced! Ordinarily peoplo could not bnlievo such a slate ol fai ls. But when they aro informed that Mara knows secrets thut would bo terribly damaging to influential politicians in Philadelphia and else hero, especially to tho per onugos concerned principally in por petruliug government frauds at elec tions to cover these, then tho whole subject is explained ! No Kpkcib Payment. Th Phila delphia vyrr understands that the V S. Mint ut thut city is now cm ployed in melting t.p ono million ono dollar piece, for tho purpoao ol con verting the product into pieces of lurgo denominations, principally into double cuL'Ici. It ja reported that twenty millions of these smallest gold coins aro to bo melted up. This is an indication most unfavorable In a ro. turn to coin circulation. Tho double oaglcs to bo mudo aro to be used as counters for the exchange of large asms between bankers und bullion dealers They would scurcely at nil enter into circulation, oven if paper was at par with coin. The movement nt I l.o Mini ia ono directly away from a rcsmplion of specie impetus u Wr.M, Pit A rot em pa ry thus takes the government down : i'hanKa givingjiroclamstions, now. a days, uro , like a resolution of Congress, of which aomclxKly said: "It lias a slump speech in its belly." General (ram. just after the Pennsylvania election, canea on us to to ihnnklnl lor tho civil liberty that wo enjoy j and now (iunry tells us that wo should bo "es pecially thankful Unit equal and ex act justice is vouchsafed to all." To this proclamation is signed tho same name thut figures on tho pardon of Mura, aut numerous other scoundrels who have csmiiod "eousl and exact jtistlco" by the corrupt exercise of lbs Prdoniig power by Gpycrnpr John j ' ' Death of Central Jlttattt. ' The many frionds of Major Gonoral Gooruo Gordon Moude will be Dsined to hear of his death, which took plate at his residence in Philadelphia on the tun mat. iroin pneumonia. General Muude was a Mujor General In the Uuiied Slates army. Uo was born at Cudix, Spain, in 1810, graduated at West Point July 1, 18U3 i entered the regular urtny es second lieutenant of the third armiory; served in the Florida war nguinst the Seminole In dians in 1SU5-U ; resigned his commis sion in October, 18MU, nnd lived in ro lirement for six years. 1. wa9 ar) pointed second lieutenant of lopngiuph icol engineers May 1U, 18 12, and in lhat capacity sorvod in the Mexican war, during winch lie distinguished himscll at the battles of Palo Alto and Mon- tory, and afler passing through tho intermediate grades nltulned Iho rank of major in Juno, 1852, and that of Brigadier General of volunteers in August, 1808. General Meade took part in the battle of Mechnnicavillo, June 20 1 ol LiamoB Mills, June 2": fuw duy s after which he was wounded, but nut dungerously: of Anlielam, Scpieinbcr 17, in which ho was iigalu slightly wounded aud had two horses killed under dim; and or Fredericks burg, In Jteooinber, 1802, when' the Union fircos under Gonoral Burnsidu, wero tleleated Willi, mucb sluuidiier. Two days after this disastrous repulse ho superseded General BulteruVId In the command o( the fifth army toriiN; ha was appointed Cominui.der-in C'liiel' ol the nrmy of tho I'otomuo June 2H, 1803, and July 1-8, 1KU3, fought tho buttle ot Gettysburg, tor which, on Junuary 2, 1N0U, ho received tho thanks of Congress. On July 8, 1808, he was raised to tho rank of Brigadier Goncrul in the regular army, lie took Dart in tho eniuieinunt at It ri low Stution, October 14, 1G3, and many less important conflicts of the same year, including tho operations at Mino Jain, -November 20 to Decern. ber 8. . During the Richmond cam paign, as commander of Iho army of the Potomac, ho signally distinguished himself, Inking a prnmfnc nt pari in th battles of the Wilderness, May 6-0; Spottsylvania, May 8-20; North Anno, .viuy za-zu ; cold Harbor, May ill uud Juno 1 ; and the assault on Petersburg, Juno 10-18. On August 19 ISlH, he wus made, Jlajor tieneral in the rcu.. lur army, and in July, the following year he wus assigned lo the command of the military division of the Allan- liu, and in 1801 to that of the Kust, with heudquarlors al Philadelphia tioncrnl jUeutlo Itus been a member el the historical society of Pennsylvania sinco 1805. The decree o( 1.L 1). was conferred upon him by Hun ford College, Massachusetts, in 10G5.-4-Tho announcement of his death will cause sincere regret thiotighout iho country. The i'htloxopher - m the Editorial Chair. Mr. Greeley promptly returns lo ihe pluco winch ho temporally abandoned as editor-in-chief of tho Tribune; nnd in a card announces tho welcome fuel lo his many readers. "A Card Tho undersigned resumes the editorship or tho tribune, which lie relinquished on embarking in an other line of business six months ago. As heretofore, il shall be hia endeavor to make this a thoroughly iiidepoisi ent journal, treating ull parties aid political movements with judicial fair ness and candor, but courting the favor aim uriirvi-aiinj me wriia ui orio, "If lie can hereafter suy anything that will tend to heartily unite the wholo American peoplo on the broad platform of universal amnesty and impartial sutfrugo he will gladly do so. For the present, however, ha can best command Ihut consummation ty si lencu and forbearance. The victors in our lute struggle can hardly li il to tuko Iho whole subject of SonlWrn rights and wrongs into early and earn est consideration, and to them for the present ha remits it. Since he will never again bo a cundidule for any othVo, ami is not in full nt-enrd kith either of the urcut parlies winch have hitherto dividod the country, ho will bo able and will endeavor ' give a widor and steadier regard lo :io pro gress of science, industry ant! the use lul arts than n partixun journal con do, and ho will not bo provok d to in dulgence in those bitter per jialities w hich aro the recognized banf jour nalism. . ".Sustained by a generous pi will do his besl lo make the 'li pi lic, he 'li ibune a power In the broader field it ift con templates, as when human riccdom was in peril, il wits in the itcna of political parlizunship. IJoHAI F. GRltl.F.r Now ork, Nov. (I, 1872 Tiir. Black List. The Tribune says sharply: 'I'llO Came nil Grant p.tpeis are publishing a ' bluet list" of Republicans in Pennsylvania. 4ho are to bo forever excluded from tic pure folds of tho "party." the names nru tho billowing ; A.I. Cur tin, A. K. McCluro, K. Joy 'Morris. Slircr, T. M. Marshall, J. lj Moor bond, Galusghn A. Grow, Titian J. Coffey, Esais Billinglelt, Job I Hick man, und many others, itriciiiled ilh all that is honorable anil note, worthy in '.bo history ol tho Republi can put ty In thu'. Stalo. It iatt sorry day (or Pennsylvania when she tan afford to throw over such men as these for V'erkes, llarlrunli and Cam eron. Look ul the two lists and tin how admirably tho first rf preset Is truo Republicanism, while the scco none tho less poifvctly represoi Gruiilisin." Asking Too Mien or Grant. Ti Now York Herald insists upon it tl .it Grunt ahull no do something to aim Unit ho is Ut to be ('resident. It wants him to make a complete elrir in his cabinet, and to inaugurate v merous reforms which uro imperial ly deninnded by the heal interests tho country. It says "he should n turn ut Something higher limn il r inn policy ol pcueo with foroiin nations at uny price, and at suniV tiling better than Mr. lloutwell's giinie of bin IT n iih the gamblers of Widl street." Wo think iho Herald is nuk ing entirely too much of Grunt. Why lax him thus Wnv not lei him li ter on for the four vcurs In mm an he lias done through the four which are fast passing away 1 Why Inter rupt tho eternal puffing of his endless cigur. ' 1.1 lilMtio. Those two slrumpels, Victoria, Wnodhull and Tentoe 0. Clnllin. In New York, rosuscltatrd their Weekly a fow dnys ago. It eon liiined matter so indecent and scand alous as to necessitate its suppression and Iho arrest of theso two disciples of free lovuism. They now occupy cells in Ludlow street jail and over-hane-ing thoir heads aro Sfvnrnl lihsl OUSR AND LOT FOR SALE I The House sad os the aurner of Mar ket and Fifth atreela, ClearSald, I'a., It for aale. Tba lot eoaiala nearly an aero of greasd. The aouae I a large double fraiaa, enalalnlaf alee roocna. ror teruia and other information apply le the lubeortber, al the I'ott OBoe. soelS , f. A. flAI'l.lN. ft AUTION A II uereoai are hereby eaullnned J aitainit purchasing or la any nay BMddllaf witu two two-year old heirere, len in lua poe ion of Andrew Holt, of 'er;ueus lowavblp, aa the law belung to me, and are left with bits lub- jecl to aty orders. novll-Ii i - JOHN T. BTKAW. s. L. KIRK, SON k CO., iWIIOl.FJsAI.Il CiRt)tliU, . Ko. 131) North Third Hlreet, corner of Cherry, i-niiaacipma. Mere la Hon and for lata at the luael market price, anil vo tho moat reaauaablo Irrm, a large and well eeleoted atuok of lirwerie. Teas, Spinel, Pieh, Cbecee, Ae, selected la thla, New lurk aad liallluiore market, te which atleatioa of eouatry draleri II particularly returned, itvll-ly -I r USJIIUK. The aaderilrned will Ml at V Public Sale, al hi reiidonce oa the farm of Jolia A. Head, la Lawrenee townthlp, on TUES DAY, November IV, IS7J. Ibe following perioaal properly, to wilt One learn of young horse, cow, loer, heifer, t fat hngi. lwo bora wagon, timber tied, long llrd, iteigh aad ro'ic, eel llngte bar. nei, nt double barneai, hay by the Ion, ournfod der by lb load, tuS huahela corn, buckwheat and Calotl by tbo buahel, scape of beel and the hnlitr, plow, barrow, cultlralore. cable chala, hatt ehaiua, lingletreua, uew eaddle sad bridle, rake and fork, fraia eradle, Ac. Vale ta ooiniuence at I o'olock, p. m., wbra the term, waica win be littoral, will be mule known. not I a J, u. HOWLKB WISH ART'S PINE TREE TAR fcOltDIAL, .VATl'RE'S ORKAT REMEUV FOR THE Throat mid Tiiii. It II gtaufvlng to a to Inform lb public thai Dr. L. Q. C. Willi. rf Tine Tree Tar C.rdial, for Throat aad Lung lliacaat-, has gained aa carta. blc reputatloa from the Atlantic to the Pacific emit, and from thence la eome of Ibe (rat fauil Ilea of Europe, sot through the pine alone, but by perreaa Ihranghoat the Sialre actually bene, sued aad cared at fal office. Wbile he publlahea lee, ec ny eur r porter, he II unable lo "pp'j Ibe demand. Il aiaa aud hulda lie reputation Pirat. Not by Hopping cough, but by looaea lag and aiilallng nature to throw off Ibe un healthy mailer collet led about the Ihroal aad beonebial tab, tfiieA eiiate frrVraliea, SMuad. It removea Ibe caac of irritatloa (which produce cough) of the muceao memln-ane and bronchial lalieKaeiti Ihe luag to act and threw elf lb unhealthy accretion, and perifie the blood. Third. Il il free from maiHl, lobelia, Ipecac and opiam, ef which moal throat and lung rema die arc composed wbuih allay cough only, and diaorgaaiae the elomach. It baa a soothing effect oa th itomaeh, aot aa lb liter aad kidueya, aad lymphatic aad aervoue regieaa, tbua reaching lo every part of Ibe ytrm, aad ia it lavigor aliag aad purifying affecta It baa gaiaed a repa tatioa which il muat hold above all otben ia Ihe market. THE I'ISK TKEU TAB CORDIAI, OnEAT AMERICAN DYSl'KI'tilA P1I.LS", AND MOIIM KUliAR DltOPj Deiag andrr aiy Immrdiaic direciioa, they aball aot loaa iheir curailv qualitie by tba aac of ebeep and iwpara arliclee. ; UE.VRY R. WIII ART, Proprietor. FREE OF CHARGE. Dr. I- Q. C. Wi.hart' Offl,-c Parlon arc open oa Mondavi, Tuosdaya aad Wedaridayi from t A. N. to P. M for cuiKuliatlon by Dr. ti n. T. Mngre. With him are aaaoeieicd two cnnrnlting phyaiciaui of arkaowlcdged ability. Tbiaoppor tunily I not alien d by any other Inatltution ia Ihe city. All letter mat be addrcaard to L. q C. WISH ART, MD, Nit. 3J SOIITII KEIOII) HTIIl.l.T. 11:13 r;iiLAi'Ki.pniA. pa. SCI1UI.KU, m L KW, BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER, 8fn.I nrM t, xl dvor lo Flnt Nitunl bank. ADJOrUMU) VlMIMTHAToH'rt NU.r,-In poriu- no of id order of Ihi Orphri' Cuuii of tutstrflvlil etiniT, tiie urtivrinnri, iulniintirtir of lb taiftte of Vm. Luionrfuc, dwcnpnl, will snll nblic Mr, tt (Jsiri IIacj-ii. Iu I IM riff III, Vl KSIAY, Novcmlwr I'.'ih, lM;i, 1 o'ctnrk p. nt., ihf following fipwrihci rti eiin(r,l iitucte tit UofKS ttmBihifi. t lot rile J a eonnly, twjpn niiiff t Hon cornor lo lino of Jaimft Wilvonorsin, III euro by Uml of A. Vmm' t at f, It f rcrl couriw and Htlaotrta, 178 4 -I wrcb, thrnn hy laoai uf Julio t'oolirr HI nnrrbcf ; Ibrnco bj Uoii of I. A da tn Ull wrehi to (wtwptttoi Ilionpc rait by pike 7J prrrbra; tbnfl wrul hy lanrl of Mra. ((- 6 8 10 tirrrhra; thenm rait ty Mrr. CrM I ft 10 prrt'ora) thrno aorth fta avvral oonrart and ili.anri br land tf Mra. Oom HI J-10 p'trbea to toiioa in lino of Jamro W UMMiori.ft Ibroi by tarn 0 4 U poroboa to plaM of begin nlng, ccitlaininn 40 aerta and 90 pervbi and al tawnutMi, tod having about 16 aerra alrarrd, a frame hnuar, fiainoharn aod largrbraring orchard llirpn Irrhiop B.u.fl.Oirt-lhird la tiaml, 1m Un In twn rqinil aiiDoal payment, with tnlereft.lo bf icfltirfd by bond and mnrtjrnga na tha prrmla, novo It A. C. TAT K, Administrator. STR A V i;i. From tha raildonoa of It un dtraifned. oa I'ppar Mr)t'tn Hun, In Woot ward townitii, . IJitphur loth, a ainall ow, I It rar year! old, of a pitta rod aolnr, lha awltch ol tin? tnil while and the hind kga while up to iho hnpm, with apitta of red In Ihe whit, and tome while alurut Ik uddr. U r hnrai are iniail and tamed up, and ho hai a hell nn her aeolt. hhe la anppnatd to have gone towarda Oieoiila. Tho Ondtr will oonfer a grpai favor on tho owner hj Informliij him of her whereithouta. oei.10 It H ARKhN K. PAKSMtiRR. Va:T" V AHTi;lMiWi ftnarai.tM employment fr all, either era, at f i a dav, or 2,fl00 or nrnte a year. New wnrki hj Mr. H. B. 8TUWIS, and othera, 8uprb Pn-miuraa fivon away, Mont y made rapidly and eiuily at word for ai. Write and are. rarifeular freo. WURT1I1NUTON, blVriN A Co.. p!6(Oio Uartrord, Cfnnectleul. CU'TItJN. All peraoniara barahy warned fain at diieonnlin or trading fnr a certain pnimUanry milo tfrvu by mo to Pler Mirra,Hate.d Oetotrer 9tb, 1473 Itajabla ia tnonlha afor dnt, ailing for one hundred and fifty tfnllaia, aa I havo never received ralua for tho eaioo and am detcrai.Qod not Vo par it anleaa ontnpellod nv law ir iw. Segal dvfrtlrafnti IIHT OV PETIT JHHORH MiAn'N FOR J November Term. A. D. I7i, (2d M und ay.) aCURD WBCKc Wb. IIo1loo...Beoearlatf. Tale.u...,.,.u6uihca Ueorgo J,aitaior....Bolr B. W.lll.mi Bradlurd, K. larca Win. Uoover.H " , F, Arnold ,.Brady Uan'l K Utiel " W.T. Hamilton,'. " O.J. Wvaiover..Uurnalde Jai. lowler.,. L. Klllian. Cheat K. B. t'leiaon " J. T. Lennard...t'learf'ld W. K.Wrlglej W. W. Italia... " II. 11. Thouipion...Cur'lle D. A. HurkettecUetiatur Aad. Kephart... T. Head.., J. A. Marty....,,, J. P. Bloonk.......(lulioh Jnos Molowll.,Unihaui 11, Dpauhnun ,,, Illram firaar., Jordan J. R. Johnfton., 41 J 0,lhl. nd K or haul Tboi, Wblte A. Humphrey.. Lawrcnoo Al. M. iiruwu,. W, H pack man Henry Hoover.,.. Morria A. P. llloon Pike N.Karwell J. P. Ki(terM M, Henry Hatley,,,,,.l'uon THIRD wil l. W. 0 DiaJwyBeaoarlaiKd. Cooper-.., ClearteU J Cooper..,.,.,. . " .11. W. JVIi... (V Dyer....,.... '!. ftoeo,.,vM...Dioator Wm. Lord J.H. WilhanHPeruanD Uro. CauflinNO.. Bell J. h. Ward Urubain A.Jl. Cr"ia docdiIT. II. Joreee M I). W. Maiuea..Bradford W. II. Huvt....IIu.ton J. Woolridge... " H. Cononay.M.... A. Ut'ftrbart..,. " jK. Oaeua Lawruo J. W. Lankbart.1irady Jot. Wataoo... " P. Holiday I A. Mover, Jr Murrla J. C. Barrett J. Beam J. Hunworvtll..HHrnaldiJ. M. Hillon...... ' " J. B. UormooUCovlng n A. Hfe....,, it, n. ruiit'rion.,t;ienr (a r, Lfaiu v ...,rena H. a. t-baw ' IThctnaa Wall Jnu. Oulicb iJiio. TVuiilap iko J. JLk. Uavy.,.. r. JJrwokbanb.,,..,! mon rpitlAL l.WT FOR NOVEMBER TCKM A, J. 1. I7J. ECO.'.P WKCX. - .' vi Pnyder A Hyjne. ft Koydr A Brnv. va Curley. ,, va Mooabarger. . ',. va Miebatdt. t i Ked. Vf Ciiuteret. a, va lit N. Bank. , , va H .bkion. va Irrin. vi Hpackuao, va MarJi. VI Albert. U rally. , M u-ombcr. va litMWurtL, V lUker. , a P f inure. i ri Junef. vi Wagoner. ri PehiHuovr. V Long. va r'aJJwvB. va BlioiA. va PluW!l. vin. a Faut. va tsbw, vi Potter. va Keod. ti va Mt Mullen. ta t lli-au. ia Apple. va Krplutrt. re Brcoai mao. ta Itrt-d. Wheat land-... H .iat Peiilt Miller Oalnei .). ftohtuidt leoiilo. Haarard Hurnalde. Porter,,.,.,..,,,, Rwarli.. Boat Peott Brn'rrn Heitderavti ...... Kurd Hl-heL Leonard M Parker Hnvder...... hieldi Fine Mali ben-.,, llayuiuaJ Con nee 1 tialr ,... ... rttam Haueell ...... Piifey M ' k Moi.ardrM Flinn Uuaa NilT. Ilir..b.. Lu!hrn Turnpike Co.,.. , lavt Uullowbuoli Ai-ufelicr- Ctioiaway et al...b Aatfltft ltrV N . va IUgrty. vi Booaau. va l-unjf. t kin navr. ta rmttii. va Oaiia. ta On. bam. t a Coriey. re Albert Bn 1IIB RiXTAHIA FLOURING MILLS. Tlie aa lerilgieei woalj reif ectfully give no tier lo lleoeltiieai of Rsearta t'twnibip an I i jr roanding eouotry, that be )tx purjLaied tba Rcccaria Tlonring Milla and j ot everything la m up Me order, and li aianufeeittrlng a dr.t-claef qoatliy of Flour. CUSTOM WOIMv DONE, Floor ia quantity eonilant.'y oa hand roi'iaTe. chop, cons meal, bran, ic, ta. alwaya oa bead aad for fale wboltiale or retail. illi:l.r.a wNTr:n. o-O" 1 Will e I eielianre Klonr and (.'Imp fnr 21. a .-hiaele. or will par part rannee, il areiieil, I0:J. if EinNAtlAS A KM TRuNll. ED.W.GUAIIAM, DC AI.BR IS 0ENER1L MERCHANDISE, SQUARE T HIRER & LIMBER, CLKAKFIKl.D, PA., Ilea juat the KKTSTONE BTOliK, a auaiuleto llocn of ,v e ic noons, of rrj vleacriptioa. DUY GOODS. OROCEUIKS, JIAUDWAUE niXITS AND RIIOF.S, fLOTIllXO. dv.iSv., IX GRIIAT VAHIETY. FLOUR. MEAT, SALT, J(YE. OATS, CORN, ALWAYS Off II A KD A XV FOK HALE AT A SMALL AL-YAXCF. FLOUR Iteeelvad by tb r 't4, Kittl at a I mail adtaacc. A "p p'y of HOPE oonitantly oa band, special IndiTtenenti offered to (hole getting out Hifuare Tinter and I.ogr, al na deal largely ta Luatbortuaa'a 8uppliea, and art pre pared at all timii to purehoao ttai ber aad luaibcr. ' Ml), n. (SRAII AM, "KEYSfOXE STORE," Henmd Utroelp CLEAIi FIELD, I'A. Oct , TOBACCO AND CIGARS I "wholesale and ketail, Al Iko'ew T"bc aad C ifax Stura of n. ii. si i. iir, Drtween Hliaw Hiae A Memioa llnie,Clearllelil. Ciinatantl na bnJ a On, aaortnral of Nrv, Cnnfre, Cvendlh, fehle. Panroll, Mlrhlgaa and rentnrjr Fine-eat CU.nlni Tol aoeo, Ac. Alio, a )t, and ell electel tcli of Imporlrd and IontlcCi(ar, Hmuking Tobacco, Heeraohaual aad Hriar Plpel, TijiC flgtarel, Toliacoo Boaci, Clitar Hvlder. and everYtkln( (eacrallv foaad in aretl regalated Cigar and inhawa Hlore. jMr-Rremher the vjlacei Market lret, K. tweea Shw llua, and Mamiun lloaae, r1".' (eld, Pi. pd tolan.a TI milB I 1 HUT ljrOi 1IIR ftBMOOIlATIO ALMANAC for IM and tana rr lata at Ik. Pen cor. nti. Mailt! to tnj ar"f Jirugs ana rdidnr. rj ii is LATIilT NOVEI I . it. THE LATEST MOVE! HARTSWICK L IRWIN'S DRUG STORE,' To their new bnildlnff on Fecond Street, nearlv . ojjpoille II,, itore of Weaver A Belt, CLEARFIELD, PA., Where they will eoatlaae to auppty lltelr old aad aa mmj umm oucionera ai may eoine with rum; drugs! CJIEMICALS! PUAftMACEDTICAL PKI'ARATIOX3, (Inelading all acw rvnedlea,) Patent Medieinea, Patnta aad 0i!i, Olaai and Putty, Hrhottl Btvika. 8iiionery, Paper, Ao4 alio, a full line of Irug 1 , glata' Huadriri, JJair " ' Tuoiea, Coimrtioa, Perfumeriei, Toilet Artielae, Bmihri, Toilet 5oap. Pucket, le . all of tbe bait qnatltj, TURE WISES AXD LIQUORS, for medical A aaerauie nta! parpoaea only, Pure White Lead. Color rf all Und. Raw and lloilid Lini-red Oil. Vamiihea, Tarpea- tine, Cool Oil, paint A Varniih Ilrnchei, FloTuriog Ki tract I, ' V Confcet'onertei, Plrd Peed, Ppiee, grown d and angroand. of all kindi. SMOKERS AND CIIEWEHS Will find nor atock of Cbewlnr and Smnkine; Tnhaeeo, Imported and De meitie Cljrari. fnoff and I'ioe cot to bo of tbe rery bet bran la In the market. LAMPS ANI CHIMXKT3, All kinda of OLA PS WARK, GARI'KN BKED3, NfSICAL lySTRt'MKXTS and Mmieal Triiarainga of arery tarlcty. Ilaviog a long experience In the bakinei'i, and an e it-hft re and well aoleeted stock of m'lieinee, we are enabled le fill pbyaieiana' preaeriplioii at the ah'irieft notice and on tbe mut rwacmnbie tenna. day and nijht, 1IARTWr('lt A lllWIJf.' Clearfield, Pa., May SI, 1871 tf. P. T. I. "For thy Stomacli'a Sako and thine other Infirmities, "-St. Panl. DIt. lUrYl'I.H WEST BRANCH BITTERS. AMfe, aare, ilcaanl aad lieullb-fririoy, Tunlc Irlctlr rejrclalilc. and aianaraetnred from Itie moal Jiure and choice malrriala nut a eiilrit drink air ,n!tiUil. fur vhikr, Itut a eoienlilio cnninnund, fur tho nrotretioa of tlie iv.trm and the cure of dieraee, amde from eheinw-allv pure aplrll. entirelv free frorn ftaail oil or ottu-r Inila- linc prniertiea. and will aot di.agree or offend the onont delionte if mach. A long private evperi cooe haa altoalud il Superiority over all Ordinary Remedies. No flitter al prrecnt offered to ihe public oonlain lo atah aterlleinal virtue, and y rt ao rafr and pli-aaant to take. It uee ia to rare diarec. and It aill not create aa appetite fur cjilriiuau. liqmrr, hot wi'.! care the rffi-ot of ili,lpi..n. To inereaao the Appetite, To promote !' itin. To imro I'yipei, To cure fever anl Ague, To euro HitJiytpiiiF, To iflire Cenrtipai.anv To en re Chronic Diarrhma. To ewe ll-wrvturni To euro Flatolenej, To earn Acid Eraotatlaaa, To core Neirom Dehltlty, " To cure nydchori.iria, rss iv. I SK IT. I" SB IT. USE IT. I'M IT. ISBIT- i;pb it. nan IT. rsE it. t'SK IT. l'8K IT. ISK IT. To cure 9allunrneaa of Complexion, l'R IT. To cure Pfmplri and Hlotehca,' C?R IT. Por 0 en era! Proitratlun of tbo Divntcal powert, ISE IT, aud It will cure you. Bold orerywhero. at I.M per uoUle, Mana- fact a red eieluiitely by Af I. SUA CI.F.ARF1K1.U, PA., W1h offeri liberal indiietinenti to the trade. OoU 27. ISrtV tf. puorosALs for .stable. To lluililrrs and Mechanics. CutoiMnxiKBa' (Irru a, CLaaariPtn, Pa.. Ool. SI, 1871, ( fealtMl prpoaali writ be reoeivi-d at ibia office on hi Pilday. tha laib da of November neat, lur Ihe erwhoo and aumplelioa of a aubla im tha aew priana Inf. ftida aan he handed ta at any tluio. Plana and peetitcitions oan bo aoen at thia offtoe, Pmporala for tbe entire work only will ba eoa lid on d. i F. W. CnrTRTRT, U. B. aoopi.AHri, - J, D. TIIOMfHON, CKt. CMiwaainonera. 1 H) BL KSMITI1SI fh anlrreianed alfern f"V aale. In Ihe hneoneh of Cltarfleld, a Hlrkmiih Fhop, on Hecund alriwi, rntainlng Ihr. tOrgo and lwi full f ina.a. A ttrat claee buaiai'ta. An .xaulleut oh inc. 101 a g'.od aiwlianit. . Apply I" Ural Estate (or Jatr. ' II OUSK AND LOT FOH balT , Ti e un lor-igned ofdii for ..l u., ' tnrv frntiiH riwrllinti Itt.uu iml I... . . JiHirlli ir.el, la UleaiBrU, Pa. lb. i... . . JtiO fru oitaa tern li.ry frame dll, . iT" Ik n'lin, Ida'ia feel, an I a on J" areoU'd, ea atlechad, w i It. a irud ae:l of ,i,r rorurui ol ale call ou Ji.o. U. lullurj t r the und .ralaned. ' l. . .J.0ilKLlL 8TJV EXBOX. Hocsk an'i lot tor s7. The nn.l-r.lejied nffrr hia llouaeanii for vale. tluuli'.l on Lueal alre.1. lMierehe and Fifth r.mtt. In ihe l.oroo..H or n...?".' Tbo'il, la a lero 't-rv "I. ' ,,l.k , honar. II ilin4ie l, l....IU itiill,n.ill!! outiioll.'liv.. and the M i. in a ,oi tts7 tivalieii, i'vt It-ris und eoad u, i.,,i,, addr..a 11 1. I y mi:;.Vu " "i-" ,, Cliaill.lj, VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE AT PHIVAIH The aaderalgned offer! at prirata aalc tb, ti lowing roal date i A l ot of f.ronud. aliaata ia the villa,, J .. ..hi Kl iu.aini), cuniaiDina; one ti half acri'a. and having, a large lao etory fion, and ond rlal.le creeled thereon. Thianroivi, i. .ullal.l. r,.r llnl.l ... lllli... r " w. - AI.8, A Farm, of 46 aerra, adl..laiar iu '""''At oavuill over J aor. euM and nndtr ealliv.liiin, eeitb a (od ug ho.Ku oeru biiu winn, orenira 01 eoulce fruit tbn A Vi la uf eicellcnt c-al nnderlie the tract, Al.fO, IOO Acrca or I and. on il, in In t'heel to.nahip, wilbin two ai.d a half aik,, C'h".l t'reek. It I well timbered allh fln,,oJ ' iniova, ... BD'ieriam wirn coal, Tartlri wiahlna aac further Informaliea call ua lire. Margarer Anfa, at Nrwhurr.nnt n 11.1.1 a .vi ti L hKR, octKtf ClrarBild, Ii Wisrrllatircius. "Luy duu n llie Sl.ovt-1 and the II UlCKMAS'S C0R PUSTEl Tbil IntTBiooi maebine, for wlijb a piOfitt jnt he a if'ued, it ii confidently b liereti 0,11 rerttde all oiterr in ore or ottered to I hi 1 la copfliuutrd iv tbaf it furtowei, i-lnnt u ef al a liute, at count difeneaipit. UiLtt, dr'i.pnr wur, fire or aix tmn in ea-h kill Ihe noikir mr determine be Jure eflmnt&ttt. eovenn tbe ern niien dntppt'd, ainuoiti,i dtt iti on lurruw ana 11 a ing iuc frnuaa ia betti' cun-iiduo 1041. ntiwre puniihtr. It If In lf a C'Uip'tXi, i if W'trkt'tty mtl reqo.rin j au birr ryitance and doing tbt nn Metier and i' (freeter refculariiy anil prm,. 1 una ri .vhu )tipiij uuni; vj uhuu, ti tb in utlv.Uulb tbe laboe. Arty bo ty tbat oaa drire, whb tliie Planter eat fo in a beld prepared tut firn anl turroe,.r nJ covtr ta tu til fee n acree daily, ifscipinti brine limited only ly ibe distance a tenia en 1 atea-lily driven. It ia ro eon. (meted tan wt aot planting or in turning at the end uf tbt f n, by a mere touch It ia railed off tbr prrom thrown out ui (far aad mored backward ward, where you may want It, without droif me flnrn or (.uu-oinej e earin. Practieally it iit nroa men. hoet and nluet eora pleating, and tuak.i that abich kuktrot- Ittre iim ban! Ianr a mere pur time lur a w aruut healthy exeruive fur a Uiy man. Inauvction of the IMantcr enn-troated hi pat cnlee eordia)) aolictted, aad eountr, Siit ln tirittual riph'i fur low rate, to etpiib iu Ad lnta HKL DKN IlACKMAX, Paietiiw. ao'i-i-am Clearlela, Pi TTOLLIIMY GOODS. 1,1 I hare added to my exienrHa reriitf LA M t'P and TA1H.K U I.AriSW A II K. Motto Cupa and tSaaoera. Motto lluri. u TJ Tea Set la. In great rariety. AIo, Vatetik Itiny Ti'lkt Ktt ol the tiamUouieit dmgu 1 he g Foda I here iraprtei direct!; fra I; r'pe. and w prlcea are aa low aa an? Itni can evil the umut joodi in either f hie eur r 5ft rk A.J. U kill taVel, No. toiitb Second aad 2V tStraiem J'biladeiptiia.l't, X. Fl.-Mv atoek of Til A.NDKUEUS.fiVfa. ly a.lap d to rburL'hoa. ia rery liue. B'-ki drowmca, hn inf tbo deaiffti of eat h ct,iffJt; and bracket, will be ernt on reqoeel. oe;3a EVfELSlOa FIR EM MRU J. ISAAC-), Sne?eiiitor to john mm tilt AHIH T, Middle of Ihe Ilh It Elh 11.. Soalb SA PlIIHbl.l.l'HH, lupoarca axa aarrw. TL-BRR nr FANCY FURS, roa i.anna' a cmLMti nata, .J r Wholeaaleand Iteal lla inj itnpnrted a very larfe and tplea-tHi u fonnient of all tbe different kinda ol Fl KSfnt Urat lianda in K(irie, wmiid re pec Call? the readera of thte pjyr to call and ei;wt avaonineot ot raoey rura. 1 am deieranate aell at tbe lowent '.aib pneea. All Fare eirru: ed Kn nitrpreiarnUii;r to eft.-ol t. FritS AMH11KU ASJ KKl'AlKtU. y?ffU-member the atom, 718 ArciveSt. Pkilai Oetolr XU, isTi.-Vin GREAT EXCITEMENT IN FRENCHVILLE I Tl;e Wrtodr e.ntet Helween Pmnee ni Tw I le at nn end fr li e preaent. an far a thr tw Ivnttfr or mn aetl toe liitrnetion or prnrrn eoneerned. Tlie KhvrI JurfX-em nn Hnabi r them-elvei nrt-l rfjii',e orrr Ihe rerall, het't j ineisnifitieut la their wnrk when mmparei L. M. COUDRIET, who baa aiidrrtnkea to iaiplr all the cl'ii'V I the lower end of theeownty wilb fo4l aniriar 1 at pxptline l' W rutea mini hti mnnttnli i Mri.StNrrnt;. where be can alwavieefW n-a-ly to Wait upon fallen and eupplr taeo Cry (iotids of nil kinds So?h aa Clulln, Pntinett. Caafmerea, Mui" lielainea, l.inea, jrittiiiK, Caliroea, Triinminfta. Kiblnina. Lace, Iteady ma te Clothing. Rooia and Shei. ll.t'" Cap" all vf Ihe heat m iterial nnd made toaree lloee, eiK'its tllovee, 11 i Mr nit, Lacei, Itiblwwi GHOCKRIKR OF ALL K'NPS. Coffee. Tra. Pnfnr. Rire. Mo I a Me. Fiab. Pork, Linseed Oil, Fih Oil, C-U(b Oil Hardware, Qncenaware, Tinware, Cantirtjt. rV and flow CaMinffa, Jjfnile, Hpikea. rm ''''" ton, Cider Praaoao.Mi atorta of AIM. Perfumery, Palnta, VeroUh, (llaf, acdr amortment of Stationery, OOO D FLOUR, Of different brands, alwayi on hard, anf', ald at the lowrat ponlhle niraaV l.lQrORR, aneh ai H randy, W ine, Oia, Jiiync'a Meilicinea, lloatetier'i aal IttMifland'a Bitten 5006 pnnnd of Woql fanted ftir hifheit prlee will he paid. Cloreraeed aa and lor aa.e at la lowest aiarkei price- Alio, ktvr.t Tor PlrattoBtille and Carwitr Tlirenhina; Maehinra. Call and ene tnr enuraolres. everything nanally kept ia a relalt llor. Frenehellle P. 0., March J.IHI.. M VUBLK" AM) ' STOU V KD Mr i. S. S. LIDDKLL. Having engaged la tha MarUe hclee".-" to inform her Mend and ihe poMiv '" now aad will keep eonalnmly on hn.ll, well Kleeted at.wkor ITALIAN AND 11 and il prepay to fnraiak I0JIUST0NK8, BOX AND CRADLE T0MI jansrHeS1 .. W'S' Carh aad Poell for Cemetery U"". " Bill and Tap., alfs Bl'RKAU, TARI.K AM 8T' TOPS. Ac. V.Tar.Un Beed aireei.nearthi a. rii.ii Id. P. ' - T : V II I ? k TI-J -Th- , . r.M.'nr. .1 llin'or r- w'-n r t . ( pM.V ll,iC rMMOM. ' IU i a . e ihech ul uid .oaatli p 'j' Apply io u L O tjH.r 0 9iV tlrHild, Ta.